huewrite · 7 hours
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So I kinda hate doing this but.... Artist husband is doing coms for folks. Because our car decided to be expensive to fix. He's made some awesome stuff including the covers for my novel. He can also make logos and will help make ebook covers and such. Shoot us an email if you are interested. Thanks.
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huewrite · 1 day
...I'm boring I guess? It's my son and husband. But that's not so bad. We can keep each other entertained and play games as a family on our phones.
You are trapped in an elevator with the person on your lockscreen. Who is it?
Reblog with who you get stuck with~
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huewrite · 1 day
Fan art!
There is a place I share snippets and someone drew a fast doodle for me it ask if this was what I was showing.
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When I tell you I wanted to cry getting this I am not being over the top.
Please know that 999999 times out of 1000000 creators love getting fan art. Even lil doodles.
Make them. Do the art.
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huewrite · 2 days
Giant Bees
Look, I'm going to admit. I don't know what sort of ecosystem needs giant bees. But I put them in my fantasy world because I did not want my character to have to convince elves who already don't trust her to give up frames and frames of holy honey.
When then meant mentally I had to go why so much? Why so big?
Well because the elves need more due to size (they are 8 1/2 ft to 9 ft tall) and their population size so they can have the very nice life increasing health increasing honey.
I mean they turn it all to mead but that's besides the point. I just imagine the elves didn't figure out farming very quickly because the gods kinda babied them for reasons.
Maybe if this gets some comments and likes I'll ramble on more about the elves, their booze, dnd bardlike ways, and their glamors. In the mean time? Maybe peek at the novel.
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huewrite · 2 days
Enoki and I approve. Also:
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Easily my prettiest boiled eggies.
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@huewrite look! I'm cooking!
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huewrite · 6 days
It's ok to go at a pace that isn't as fast as your peers. Take your time, do it well. Take that dream down.
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follow your dreams at a sustainable pace
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huewrite · 6 days
Trust but don't
Sometimes we trust someone because we have to but know something is up. And honestly I'm not sure how much of this is really put into fantasy stories anymore. I mean you kinda have no choice but to depend on the kindness of others but sometimes it feels like the protagonist forgets folks want them gone or won't trust them at all. So I decided to play with that a bit in today's update.
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huewrite · 8 days
BISH! I DID! (with my husband)
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huewrite · 9 days
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Isekai don't show how a mind would wander in the quiet moments back to the things they miss. The things that they want to make happen.
The focus on the adventure and how much better things are, etc. Unless wanting to go home is the plot point.
But when the person does want to save the day or help somehow? It's ignored. But I feel like it'd shape the person so much.
I should do a tag game about that but I feel weird since I'm sharing today's update.
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huewrite · 13 days
A lil toasted
So with the elves in my story, I decided to make it so they were kinda the party animals. This means they have all kinds of booze and throw big parties. I'm hoping to dive into this at some point more but it's still fun how I can play with it at this point as well.
Same thing with Enoki and how ze is trying to handle everything.
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Which does involve making sure one actually eats.
By the way. Did you eat today? Go eat something! Maybe read the story while you are at it.
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huewrite · 16 days
Pancakes and Enemies
So far in "The Reincarnated Shapeshifter's Godly Feast", Enoki's enemies are either not coming after hir, or are born from misunderstandings coming from a good place (imo).
Now we have Lady Ul'ta. Who seems to just had a grudge from the start. I'm expecting everyone to not like her. Just watch as someone does anyway.
At least there is a pancake and compote recipe at the bottom for the update.
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Too bad I can't send it to Enoki.
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huewrite · 16 days
Kids point out stuff...
I love my son. He is amazing and wonderful. But with the NB L of "The Reincarnated Shapeshifter's Godly Feast" he pointed out something.
Enoki's hair... is colored... Like a burger.
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Patty. Ketchup. Cheese. Bun.
I can't unsee it.
Anyone else deal with this sorta thing?
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huewrite · 19 days
Old Joke New World
Ok. I might be lame. But I love having a character do an old joke in a new world. And even having characters know just enough to be like "oh god they are being cringe". It's fun and I love it.
Like this bit:
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By the way. That's the Orc. The orc that wasn't supposed to show up for like two more arcs. And then not until the end of the elf arc. And now he's here. And he's gonna stick around. Because reasons.
Check out today's update to see which reasons.
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huewrite · 20 days
I know that feeling. I might have accidentally made elves basically how we joke DND bards are and make all the good wine. And this one is a priestess trained in the making of make wines.
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and orcs are soft farmer boys but this one had to become a bandit because sad things.
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And they are traveling around with this NB bundle of cooking chaos to save the world.
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....Oh and the orc for sure flirts with the NB but ze doesn't have time for that until the world has been saved.
one day, someone is going to simp for my favourite oc harder than me, and i will no longer be a one-woman act in this fanclub
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huewrite · 21 days
I'm pretty good at writing with a "folklore feel", writing a comedy apparently, and I am pretty good at learning new things!
@simplesh29 @ominous-feychild @ominous-feychild-writes @foxgloves-garden
Fuck self modesty! Tell me something you know you're great at! I'll start. I'm a great cook.
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huewrite · 22 days
Elves are weird
Ok they aren't weird but everyone always makes them perfect things that are too stiff. And with my story I'm tweaking a lot of the various stuff about them to make them more interesting. So they still have:
Serious face when needed
Live super long
The pointy ears
They seem perfect
So what did I do?
They are the bards of races. They party hard with booze that smelling it can make a human drunk. For Months. They will be with anyone they think is interesting and are the main reason everyone thought no one can interbreed
They live a long time because they got magic god fruits. And another small thing
Their ears move like cat ears and turn a bit towards sounds
It's a glamor, that thing they have that keeps them long lived? They are basically part eldritch horrors. Don't look at them with no glamor.
When I say tall I mean 8 1/2 ft. The oddly tall elf Enoki meets is at least 9 ft.
So as always here is my quote for this update and the link. I hope you check them out.
Meanwhile what are some fun things you have done with fantasy races in your stories?
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huewrite · 23 days
Believe in good things happening
I'm not saying they will always happen. Life sucks sometimes. But sometimes? Life is like "BOOM".
Like today, my kid went to the store with his dad because I feel sick and need stuff for congee. Kiddo was allowed to get a treat cause he's been helping out a lot. And the store has a Pokemon card vending machine. He paid for this pack.
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He had really wanted one of the bigger things but like... we aren't that kinda in the money. The vending machine finishes he is able to reach in, and his dad pulls out that pack... and this thing.
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Officially making this the best day he's had in a while. We can't treat him to things like that. He has to spend months saving up his allowance. And then he gets something super cool. Maybe the machine messed up. Maybe it's a random lucky thing. Maybe some person bought it and left it there to make someone all excited later.
I don't know. But my son is happy.
So I guess the point here is, yes. It's ok to be frustrated with the world. It's fine to be prepared for the bad stuff. Because that's all valid.
But I think it's worth keeping your heart open for the idea maybe something nice will happen, just because. And when those things do happen, you should enjoy it because you deserve it.
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