#and my mom has either a. not given me the insurance number and instead made a doctors appointment
ghostsoot · 7 months
i know im a frustrating toxic person sometimes but dear god my mom drives me up the wall when i want to get help and she doesnt give me the shit i need
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earthlyemily · 4 years
I’m struggling so much financially and honestly just wanted to vent somewhere. I’ve always lived in poverty and I think in my whole life I’ve had maybe 2 years where I didn’t have to stress about money and not be able to buy groceries or pay rent or be put into collections for not being able to make payments etc and that was when I was in college. For at least the past 5 years I’ve been struggling but I never talk about it. I don’t even know where to start haha I don’t even know what it’s like to not stress financially and be in debt. I’ll just start with the first things that come to mind with what I’m owing maybe. So it’s Dec. 23 and rent was due yesterday because we moved into this small suite attached to someone’s house on Nov. 22. It’s $1200 which is so expensive, but also the average price for BC if not even cheaper for a one-bedroom with a yard, utilities included. and no first and last, no pet deposits, etc because this is just short them for 4 months until the end of March because i reached out and asked and they said yes.
After 1 month I already remember why we went into the trailer almost 2 years ago and it’s literally because we can’t afford any other lifestyle. I think that’s the difference between us and some people that live in trailers, vans, etc. like we lived in a mouse & mouse shit infested trailer for 6 months breathing in their feces and urine and having it all over all our belongings. i literally had to take my whole life to the dump and we officially have no food storage because they ruined it all. there were at least 50-60 mice because a few birth cycles happened in the ceiling. I could write a whole post about my experience of living with field mice, but now isn’t the time so for rent, i only had $600 yesterday so that’s what I gave them. thank goodness they were okay with me asking for a few more days to make the other half. but I don’t even know when that’s going to be :(
my etsy shop veganveins has been doing so bad lately for more than one reason, most of my orders are just postcards and stickers, and while I’m grateful for them, that $1-3 profit isn’t going to keep my business going. and it’s so hard for me to work lately. the wifi doesn’t work sometimes for hours and I always get distracted by shawn and the dogs working from home in a small space. I need to get better at my time management. I got up at 8:30 today which is actually early for me so I’m proud of myself. I’m chronically ill and I really need to go get a blood test and see what’s happening because I haven’t gotten one since being diagnosed with graves disease again 1.5 years ago. anyways. i switched to a print on demand method this year for veganveins for some shirts and sweaters because i couldn’t afford to keep ordering shirts in bulk, and it’s honestly been so, so expensive and i barely make any profit. I’m currently owing my t-shirt printer $999 on one invoice (it was originally $2196 so I’ve at least paid half of it) but that was 2 weeks ago and I still need to pay it. Mario, my t-shirt printer has been with me since I started veganveins and I’m so grateful he gives me extensions on paying the invoices. every other t-shirt printer I’ve ever asked has said no. in addition to the $999 there’s going to be another $2200 invoice I’ll be receiving this week for my last order. I think because of the holidays he’s going to give me some time to pay off that too, but the problem is when I have outstanding invoices he doesn’t print new orders for me. He’s closed now until Jan. 4 so I just need to somehow make that much before then.
btw I don’t have a credit card ($8500 all used on veganveins and it got put into collections last march) and I had a fully used $5000 line of credit but I got a debt consolidation loan for $16,000 1 month ago and my payment for that is $167 a month. it fully paid off and closed my credit card and line of credit + $3000 overdraft which is nice. but now I don’t have any extra money except for what comes in. my credit is only 640 which is really bad in canada so I won’t get approved for a new credit card or loan until I build that up, which is going to be a few months of regular payments. so for regular payments, the $167 for the loan is due on Dec. 27. Yesterday the trailer loan which is literally unliveable from what the mice did until we renovate it came out for $260, that’s how much I pay once a month for it on the 22nd. I didn’t have $260 in my account so it got rejected and I got charged a $48 NSF fee. omg if anyone is reading this long i’m shook. i’m genuinely just writing this for myself to process my feelings and in case anyone was curious about my financial situation here you go haha. maybe some of you can relate, maybe some can’t. anyways. so now I somehow have to get $260 in my account for that for when they try to take it out again in the next few days.
another payment that was supposed to come out yesterday but hasn’t, but I’m sure will come out today is our truck loan. they deferred it for 8 months because of covid which was so nice, but we started paying it again 2 months ago. for both those months I called and made my payment a later date and that helped, but there’s barely any service here so when I called 4 times yesterday to try and change the date the payment comes out, I was on hold for 20-30 mins then my phone would disconnect and hang up. so that’s $586 and it will come out today, I have $0.46 in my account right now so it will get rejected and I’ll get charged another $48 NSF fee. this is why being poor always costs more and the banks are always harsher on those who don’t have money. today I’ll try calling again to see if I can ask for it to come out on a different day like january 10 instead, so I can first have time to pay rent and the trailer and also our $190 truck insurance which got rejected from my account 3 days ago, which was another $48 NSF fee. oh and something else i’m so stressed about is CIBC is going to put me into collections on December 28 if I don’t pay $1000, $700 of which is purely their fees. I have a $300 overdraft which they said i have to cover by then and the $700 is literally their $48 fees added up over the past 3 months. I got a text from them today saying my account is over and it’s because an amnesty international $11 monthly donation came out and obvi there’s no money in there, so that’s another $48 they charged. they’ve already given me a month to pay it and don’t want to wait any longer :(
I owe everyone in my family money, my sister $1650, my mom $700 and my brother also lent me $700. none of my siblings have money either and my mom definitely doesn’t so I hate that i had to borrow that much, and it’s literally been months. thankfully they’re so patient but i can’t wait to not owe them that
omg and i can’t even think about the amount of money shawn’s grandma has lent us. she’s genuinely the only reason we haven’t been completely homeless. but it’s a lot. like i don’t even want to say the number on here. she let us use it from her line of credit over the years and we’ve been slowly paying her back, but she lets us go months at a time without making a payment which i honestly hate doing, but have no choice. i’ve felt a lot of shame and guilt about this, but I also know that she genuinely would rather help us than see us suffer.
so i’m gonna talk about a big reason I’m broke this month especially - saving a pig named buster. his rescue cost me $1850 out of pocket that I didn’t have. but otherwise he was going to be killed in 2 days, he was my baby and I loved him so I had to do it. I somehow made $1350 that went towards it but I’m still owing $500, which I just asked for an extension for today until the new year. i’m not really supposed to talk about it but everything I’ve ever posted here has stayed here, so that cost was literally just from me buying the pig off the farmer. myself along with everyone else ive talked to is disgusted that he charged that much, but he wasnt budging and if that’s what it was going to take, of course I’m going to do it. I wouldn’t think twice about doing it for my dogs and Buster was smarter and more affectionate than them. i love him and I’m so happy he was saved. a non-profit organization transported him to a sanctuary and it was my biggest wish come true and the happiest moment I’ve had all year. my eyes are literally tearing up haha i love him so much. i could write a whole post about his neglect but basically he hasn’t had fresh water in weeks, he was only being fed handfuls of mixed nuts, he was constantly dirty in a muddy enclosure with an electric fence that he was always getting shocked on. he never got true love or affection except for when I gave him it. i posted an instagram story about him and asked people to message me and that i needed help, 2 people donated $111 and $120 each, and 2 other people donated $15 and $12. Someone also e-transferred me $20. These 4 donations equaled almost $300 ($277) and I was so grateful for those people wanting to help me help buster. if anyone else wants to help me with the cost of his rescue i still do need help and would appreciate it so much. this feels really weird and vulnerable for me to do and i’m sorry if anyone is annoyed by this post, I just genuinely am struggling and figured if someone does have extra and wants to help, there isn’t harm in that. but i do feel guilty for asking because i know there are so many other people struggling out there that need even more help than i do :(
i haven’t talked about it publically but i guess I will now, this farmer that I bought buster off of is the owner of the organic vegetable farm i was living and working at this past spring and summer. we worked really hard all summer to be able to stay there and park for free in the winter, but this past fall he told us no one was allowed to stay at the farm anymore, including us, so we had to find a new place to bring our 14ft trailer in to live. so that was an unexpected bummer and if we had known we wouldn’t be allowed staying there anymore (despite doing the labour of $1200 a month for free harvesting organic kale, for an off-grid spot he told us was worth $350 a month to park) we wouldn’t have driven 8 hours with the trailer and we would have stayed in the snow in northern BC and sucked it up and lived on the land we got the opportunity to rent this fall. Donna, the woman who is renting the land to us has been the biggest blessing in my life this year. I love her so much. Basically, she’s letting us live on 170 acres for $600 a month. letting us do whatever we want on the land (building a cabin, setting up rainwater catchment systems, having a solar passive greenhouse and a huge garden) LIKE WHAT. we could even open a farm sanctuary if we had money, i wanted to so bad but obviously that dream didn’t even come close to being reality. opportunities like this literally don’t exist in canada, especially not in BC. i cant even process my gratitude, i cry everytime i think about it. when we go back in the spring it’s going to be the beginning of the rest of our life :) i want to rescue so many senior dogs. everything we’ve always wanted to do we’ll be able to do, assuming we have money haha. but i want to have an organic farm and grow veggies to donate to families in need, especially since we live on stolen indiginious land and I see how the goverment actively restricts their access to fresh healthy produce. but anyways by then it was too dangerous to drive 8 hours back hauling a trailer in the snow and it was just easier to stay in the okanagan until the spring. i know the farmer probably doesn’t realize this and he’s also probably struggling financially but not being able to stay at the farm for the winter months we worked for, and buying buster for that price is a big reason I’m in the financial stress I am now so I figured i’d talk about it.
anyways. i think this is long enough and i think anyone reading this gets the point, i’m drowning in debt, my small business is almost costing me more to run and i’m not making nearly enough profit to live, the past few months ive been living off grid (not by choice) and just focused literally on surviving and not freezing and getting water etc and not having service or internet has affected me negatively. there’s internet now in the suite I’m in, it works really good in the morning and not as well at night, like for example tumblr doesn’t work past 5 pm for me to post photos. but ive been in a bad sleep schedule since i got here that i need to change. im sick and i need to heal myself. tomorrow i’ll set my alarm for 7:30. hopefully i make some money today. i got a social media managing job and it will end up being $1000 a month once i do the 3+ hours a day of work which im already feeling like i barely have time for my own basic life tasks. but i can do this.
if anyone reading this wants to help me out a bit, my paypal email is [email protected] or http://www.paypal.com/paypalme/veganveins
and my e-transfer email is [email protected] i have auto deposit so you won’t have to ask a question :)
this is my first time in 7 years i’ve made a post like this or asked for help. i won’t do it again but figured i have nothing to lose. if you read up to here i love you a lot and thank you so much for being here <3
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Get Hurt {Dean Winchester x Reader}
Requested by:  @fandomofyourchoice-89​ Wordcount: 3973 Summary: Arguing with Dean is never fun. Getting into an accident after you leave said argument is even worse. But such things can have a silver lining. Notes: Some swearing.
You might have offered a lot of things to Dean Winchester, but your freedom was not one of those things. A bit of flesh here, a bit of blood there was one thing, but letting him dictate who you am allowed to talk to - and when? That was asking too much of you. When you woke up to a good morning text from the bartender you were chatting with the night before, you had been feeling pretty on top of the world. It was nice to have a little bit of positive attention, even if it wasn’t exactly from the person you were hoping to have it from. Dean may know monsters, but he couldn’t pick up on your feelings, even from a foot away. He snatched the phone out of your hand to see who the text was from, joking that it was probably from your mom, but when he saw the unfamiliar number, he went from teasing to overprotective. That was not the Dean that you liked to see. He was treating you like you were his car, when someone else was trying to get in the driver’s seat.
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“I don’t need to justify myself to you of all people!” You said, wrinkling your nose as you pulled on your sweater for the day. The weather outside wasn’t at the point of frightful, but it was still chilly for the early fall. It helped you to feel less exposed to Dean’s eyes as well, which was good with how sharp they were being today.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Dean shot back. You looked over at Sam, hoping for some sort of aid, but there was nothing there. The tall moose of a man just disappeared into the small bathroom, closing the door behind him. On one hand, that was a smart move. Your fights with Dean were known to be explosive, though they didn’t happen very often. It was usually just sarcastic comments. But no amount of sass was enough to express your anger today. You were not in the mood to deal with this shit. Not today, and not ever. On the other, it was annoying. You could really use the back up.
“It means that you don’t get to lecture me about a single text message, when you’re the one who always goes home with the bartenders, the single moms, who even knows anymore. Any woman gives you a pretty smile and you swoon off into the sunset, leaving Sam and I behind. And you’re giving me hell over a single text? Really?”
“I don’t sleep with every girl, and it shouldn’t matter! I work hard, I deserve to have a little fun.”
“The fact that you don’t think I work hard enough to exchange numbers with one guy is insulting, Winchester. Downright insulting. You threw your coat on over your sweater, given the weather - and you just wanted to have as much of your clothes on as possible. And there was good reason for that. “You know that vacation that I’ve been talking about taking? I’m leaving today. Right now, actually. Goodbye to your storm cloud, hello sunny California.”
“You don’t get to walk away like this,” Dean said, going to the door that lead to the outside world, and folded his arms. “We have a lot of work to do in this area, Bobby said-”
“Then you better get to it then, shouldn’t you? No time to waste. Not for Dean, the hard working man! And since I hardly do anything, according to you, I should leave. I wouldn’t want to be a hindrance to your greatness!”
In response to this, all that you got was silence. You threw your bag over your shoulder, and put your helmet under your arm, ready to leave. Your bike was calling you, and you were looking forward to the dust blowing under your tires back out on the open road. The problem was that Dean still wasn’t moving.
“Get out of my way, Winchester,” You said, reverting to last names. That tended to be how you reacted when angry at him.
“No,” He said, his biceps flexing beneath the flannel shirt that was keeping him warm. “You know that we need you-”
“And I need away from you!” You shouted, exasperated. “Either you are going to move from that door, or so help me, I’m going to call the police on your credit card scams.”
It was one of the few threats that you had under your belt. Sure, he and Sam would get booked and it would take a couple of hours for Bobby to talk them out of it, but that was a couple of hours horribly wasted.
“Fine, leave, just walk away,” Dean’s deep voice seemed to go even deeper as he moved away from the door.
“Fuck you,” You said, giving him the finger as you walked out of the motel room. It felt good to leave that negativity behind. That overbearing feeling that made you feel as if Dean only saw you as a little sister, rather than as the capable woman that you knew you were. Actually, it was like he didn’t see you as a woman at all, which was hurtful. You’ve loved him so long and-
And you were going to leave that behind, just for a little while. You would come back eventually. The Winchester charm always got to you, the same way that it did for every other woman that Dean talked to. It was the shy, stoic nature behind those green eyes. The way that he quietly seemed to look into your soul, and never had a complaint about what was found.
Think of the palm trees that you were going to see. Think of the beaches, the waves rolling on the sand. Think of being able to lay out and feel the sun on your skin. You could order fruity alcohol drinks from hot waiters wearing only their bathing suits. Maybe you’ll even spot a Kardashian, which you could rub into Dean’s face. You could roll over and say, “Ha, Dean, I spotted her first!”
Except for the fact that Dean wouldn’t be there. It was just as much a break from him as it was a break from the hunt.
You got onto your bike, put the helmet atop your head, and backed away from the black impala as quickly as you could. You refused to look back. That would just be giving Dean satisfaction that you were having second thoughts.
You turned out of the motel and ended up on a long stretch of road that lead west. That was exactly the way that you wanted to go. There weren’t many people about, considering this wasn’t one of the big highways though that would be coming soon.
You slowed down as you saw a shadow dart out across the road, coming from one of the patches of trees. It startled you enough that you lost your balance on the bike, and it started to wobble beneath you. You braced yourself for the crash as the bike finally decided which side it was going to fall on, and you skidded off of the concrete onto the brush by the side of the road. All you can remember is trying to make sure the bike didn’t land too hard on your leg, for it could easily break it.
When you came to, you were hearing arguing. The familiar sound of Dean’s voice. “Leave Sammy alone,” You groaned, before opening your eyes. Instead of the expected scene of a motel room, you were surprised to see that you were in a hospital bed. And instead of Dean arguing with his brother, it was a small woman in scrubs that was giving Dean hell.
You remembered everything in that instant, and reached up to touch your head, expecting the worst case scenario. You were anticipating blood or bruises or waking up with a huge bulging eye like Quasimodo in the Disney film. Your chin was a bit tender, since that part hadn’t been entirely covered by the helmet, but the rest of your face felt fine. Dean was watching over you with those stern eyes of his, and suddenly you wished that you were ugly. Then he wouldn’t give you shit for leaving because you already suffered the consequences.
“Don’t start,” You said, looking at him before turning your attention to the Doctor. Or nurse, you couldn’t quite tell. “I definitely feel the effects of the painkillers so I don’t really know what’s wrong.”
The doctor went into professional mode, coming to your side and checking the IV bag that was giving you fluids. “I’m Dr. Williams, you’re in the Kansas Medical Center, and you’re going to be just fine, first and foremost. You did break two of your ribs, but neither ended up piercing any organs. You did fracture your femur and patella, though with some physiotherapy once the cast is off, you should be back to normal, unless you were running marathons.”
“Not quite,” You said, breathing out in relief. Though that did make you well aware of the odd feeling in your chest. Those pesky broken ribs, no doubt.
The doctor left the room after giving you another sweep, and an idea of how long you may have to be in the hospital for. Another night of observation, then she wanted to have you come in for physiotherapy. You said you would, though no doubt you would be back on the road before then, and doing your own exercises. This wasn’t the first time that you’ve broken a bone, though it was the first time it happened outside of a hunt. You figured you knew enough to take care of it on your own.
“What, because I left you had to argue with the Doctor too? Your temper knows no bounds, Winchester,” You said to Dean once Sam stepped out to get some coffee. Dean looked far from amused at that. “Did our insurance scam not go through?”
“This isn’t a joke,” Dean said, closing the door to your private room. That alone told you that the insurance went through. There’s no way that they would put you in a room like this unless they were getting the big bucks. American Medical Care at it’s finest. “You were an inch away from puncturing a lung. If the farmer didn’t see you wipe out-”
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“Yeah, well, I’m sure that being friends with angels had a hand in that,” You leaned back against the pillow rather than attempted to sit up. Dean came to stand at the end of the bed, and clenched his fists around the bars at the end of it. “Look, I don’t know how they got a hold of you, or what you think you’re doing, but I’m still taking off to California. Just ... bring my bike to Bobby’s and I’ll fix it when I get back. I’ll just fly, or bus as soon as I can sit up properly.”
“The hell you are,” He raised his voice at you. He hadn’t straight up yelled at you like that in quite some time, even while he was angry. It was startling. “We are all sticking around here, and you are going to listen to the Doctor’s orders.”
“That’s rich, coming from you,” You muttered. No Winchester was good at following orders, not even from a well-meaning Doctor. And because of how much time you’ve spent around them, you might as well have been one.
“Excuse me?” He asked, quick to hear your words.
“You’re not well known for following anyone’s orders, Winchester. You just like giving them out, even when completely unwarranted. Like right now,” You glared at him. “Did you just come here to tell me more about what I should and shouldn’t do? To gloat? Just tell me what you want from me, so that we can move on, honestly. This is getting old.”
“I want you to be safe!” He said, his hands tightening around the rails, the knuckles turning white. “I don’t want you off with some random guy, and I don’t want you alone in California and I don’t want you to crash your stupid damn bike on a country road!”
“Why do you think that I can’t take care of myself? We’ve been hunting together for years now!”
The look in his eye after I said this made me sink a little into myself. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And the hurt that he was feeling made me understand that he was leaving no bit of road unpaved.
“You ended up in the hospital because you ran away,” Dean said, leaning down low, hanging his head so that you could no longer see his expression. That didn’t mean that the pain was invisible, though. “And I’m the one that made you do that.”
“And if I died, you would blame yourself,” You sighed, catching his line of thinking. “But I’m okay. I’m always okay.” You would have gone to the other end of the bed and touched his hand if you could. You could feel the anger and the guilt radiating off of him, like black lines in an anime show. But the discomfort, and pain which was starting to come through despite the meds, was making you stay where you were. “Alright, I have an idea.”
He lifted his head slightly at that, his eyes wide and glistening like a Disney princess. The great Dean Winchester, crying?
“Buy me a burger, bring it back here and we’ll have a dinner and talk - actually talk, not yell at each other this time, okay?”
After you were released from the hospital, limping on a cast that was a huge hindrance, things began to change. You couldn’t tell if it was from guilt or because Dean actually wanted to take care of you. But you let him do whatever it was that he wanted to do, because it was the only way for him to cope with what had happened. You and Sam had talked about it late one night when Dean was out to get you your favorite burger, and both agreed that it was best to let this run it’s course, unless he got entirely overbearing again. It was bound to happen sooner or later though. He had already offered to carry you to Baby on more than one occasion rather than let you hobble.
“Dean,” You groaned for the second time that day, though you were definitely blushing more this time. It was a good thing that he couldn’t see through the bathroom door. He was just on the other side of it, so he could hear you, though. “I can bathe by myself. You’re just getting perverted now.”
“I just want to help,” He said, being able to hear that stupid damn smirk on his face. God, he was irresistible. Even you had to admit that it had  been nice to have him pamper you. But now he was wanting to help you wash in the bath while your cast had to be raised up on the edge of the tub. It had been a little difficult to get in and out of lately.
You wrapped the robe tighter around your body. “If I agree...” You said, coyly, biting on your lip, fingers against the lock. “Do you promise that you won’t look.”
“Depends,” He said, and you saw the door physically move, like he was leaning against it. “Are there going to be bubbles to help cover you up?”
You looked behind you at the bathtub that was about half full. You had a small pile of bathbombs that you bought online to at least try to make the experience a little better. It took a lot longer to get in and out of the bath, so you might as well make it as pretty as possible. “There might be a few bubbles, but the water will be colored,” You admitted. It would hide some parts of your body pretty well. But others would be sticking out.  
“I promise I’ll try my best,” was all that Dean had to offer.
“Okay just umm - just give me a second, alright?” You unlocked the door to the bathroom, then attempted to take a step backwards, but pushed a little too roughly on your casted foot. A sharp pain went through your leg and you cursed yourself for being so stupid.
“Are you alright?” Dean asked, his ears catching onto that.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a minute, alright?”  You called out. You took off the robe, and grabbed the towel instead. You wrapped it around your body in a way that it would be easy to take off once you were ready to sink down into the water. What you really needed help with was keeping your balance as you went down, since you had to keep one leg up. Even then, you had it wrapped in cellophane so it wasn’t as likely to get wet. You definitely regretted taking off the way that you did.
You put your good foot into the water, then crouched down, attempting to go on your own as far as you could, but you felt yourself wobbling. You had to put your casted leg on the ground outside of the tub again. You didn’t trust yourself not to fall. Holding the towel tightly against your chest, you finally said, “Okay, I need help. But don’t look, okay?”
The door slowly opened and Dean came inside, one hand covering his eyes and the other reaching out to try to grab a hold of something. He himself nearly tripped on the small carpet and you had to hold your hand out to steady him. You sighed, wondering if he was being this bad on purpose. “Alright, just hold my hand and help me get down, yeah?”
Dean could at least do this. As you got closer to the water, you slid your towel off with the hand that Dean wasn’t holding, and tossed it outside of the tub.
“What was that?” He questioned right away.
“My towel,” You admitted to him. “So keep your damn eyes closed.”
“Eyes closed. Scout’s honor.”
“As if you were a scout.”
You balanced your bad leg on top of the lip of the bathtub so it was jutting out. It was a bit awkward but once you were sitting in the tub, and leaned back, it was a lot better. You sighed contently, then realized that Dean was still holding onto your hand. You quickly snatched it out of his grip then closed the shower curtain on him so he couldn’t see anything anyway. “I’m all sorted, thanks.”
“No problem,” He said from the other side of the curtain. You waited for him to leave but you didn’t hear any footsteps, nor the bathroom door open and close. But what you did see was one side of the curtain moving slightly, as if it were being pulled ever so slowly.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Can’t blame a man for trying,” He chuckled, the curtain falling back into position. “I never ... really apologized for making you run away. And causing all of this.”
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“You could never make me do anything. And you didn’t cause this. The stupid farmer who didn’t mind his chickens did,” You wrinkled your nose, thinking about how tempted you were to sue that guy. “Though I will accept your apology about being a jerk. And a bitch.”
“Hey,” He said. You heard the toilet cover flip down, and Dean had the audacity to sit on it. The nerve! Although ... it was actually really sweet that he was in here, making sure that you didn’t have to bathe alone. “I might have been being stubborn, but I had a point. That bartender was a jerk. He was giving his number to everyone with a pulse.”
“So what if he was? It’s not your job to tell me who I can and can’t see. And if I do end up getting hurt, then it’s on him, and it shouldn’t be me that you get mad at.”a
“I wasn’t mad at you,” He said, and you could hear him tensing. The water was moving in small ripples around your body, and it was the only thing causing sound. “I was mad at myself for not telling you sooner.”
“Telling me what?”
“That I care about you.”
This was getting to be a  bit too much for you handle. You put your hands on either side of the tub, took in a deep breath, then lowered yourself into the purple-colored water. It smelled strongly of lavender with jasmine, and the scent had filled your nose just as you slipped under the water. You didn’t open your eyes, you just went under to cool the feeling of your cheeks burning. Even the warm water was cooler than that. When  you rose yourself up, you saw to your dismay that Dean was peeking around the side of the curtain. But at least his eyes were on yours, rather than on any part of your body. And that everything you didn’t want him to see was covered by the colored water and the bubbles that came with it.
“What are you doing?” You said, moving your hands to cover yourself up further.
“You didn’t reply.”
“Did I have to? I would think that my actions over the last few months in particular spoke enough for me.”
Dean stepped back, the curtain moving into it’s usual position, but you still didn’t relax. “It’s really hard to have this conversation when you’re naked.”
“Shouldn’t have started it then,” You grumbled, but you couldn’t even find yourself getting mad. Dean cared about you. That was something that he didn’t say to many people. If he did express that - holy shit, were you ever in. Neither of you spoke for the next ten minutes. Instead, you just focused on yourself, washing your body and your hair. As far as you could tell, Dean didn’t peek again, but remained on his seat on the porcelain throne. “I’m going to need some help up, if that’s alright,” You said, once you’ve finished.
“Yeah,” He said. “Eyes are covered.”
You pulled the plug on the bath, and watched as Dean’s strong arm came through the curtain, holding his hand down low to grasp yours. You took it, and slowly, with the help of his sturdiness, got back onto your good foot, the other still being supported by the side of the bathtub. “Do you think you could...” You were about to ask him for your towel but he took  his hand away from you before you could finish your sentence. Instead of getting handed a towel, the curtain opened and revealed Dean holding open your robe. He no longer had his hand over his eyes like a child, but he was facing the opposite way, eyes closed. You smiled, thinking about how sweet he was being.
And hoping it would last after you healed up properly.
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Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 4, Man on the Moon.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
I would also like to add, that normally you wouldn’t watch a show this way. I am purposefully looking for mistakes, easter eggs, and other things that we’re not supposed to notice. To be honest, I am seeing a lot of the things I’m pointing out for the first time because I am watching not with the goal of entertainment, but for analysis. 
Man on the Moon
Tom Hopper’s workout routine. -1
What was Luther holding in his hand? A lighter? A toy? I can’t tell. It’s weird that they put something there at all. +1
Klaus knocked down the wall between his and Vanya’s rooms. That was the one thing in the house that said Vanya ever lived there and he destroyed it. +2
However, Klaus’s room looks really, really cool. Set designers, you win this one. -1
The bike. I have questions about that bike. When did Luther get it? Or did it belong to all the children? Sinning because no way Reggie would buy Luther a bike. Or give one to the children. +1
The shot following Luther directly gave me a bit of motion sickness. +1
Netflix subtitles have Reginald saying “Attention, Master Luther” when it is clearly Pogo. +1
“Mission alert” +1
Everyone else is gone! Luther has no backup. Reggie is a dick to Luther. +1
I know I should have mentioned this in the last episode, but Reggie put five young children in leather catsuits. Potentially six, but we never see Five in one. And he still makes Luther wear it as an adult! +6
Luther never leaves the house and keeps going on missions for Reggie because of a sense of responsibility. I can understand that. -1
However, Reggie was the one who fostered that in Luther. He made Luther think that he was responsible for saving the city, when in reality that’s up to law enforcement officers. +3
Why didn’t Luther go to a real hospital? Did Reggie take him home? How did Luther end up back in the Academy after that mission? +1
Was Luther dead? Reggie feels for his pulse and says “dammit”. Did the ape serum bring him back to life? +1
How long was Luther on that table? We see him with a beard in episode one, but it isn’t as crazy as this one. Also, does Luther bleach his hair now, or what? I am confused by Luther now being a brunette with impressive facial hair. +1
Tom Hopper nails ‘dawning horror and shock at now being an ape’. -1
Pop goes the weasel. +1
Who wound that box and placed it there? And why? The only other people there are Reggie, Grace, and Pogo. No way they did something so cruel and juvenile after permanently disfiguring him. +1
The umbrella the monkey-in-the-box suddenly has the title when it didn’t earlier. +1
“There’s something you have to see”. Yes Allison, continue to be vague. I’m sure Luther will appreciate it. Why not “I think the assassins killed Mom. Come take a look.” Is it because that would have been too logical? +1
Luther is still calling her “Grace”. +1
“Poor Diego. I mean this is gonna be so hard on him”. Choke on that irony, everyone. +1
 “I don’t wanna discuss it”. This family. Allison said the same thing about Claire moments before telling Luther everything. Parallels. +1
Vanya spent the night at Leonard’s house. Sigh. +1
“For one day I’ll think you’ll be fine”. What makes you think that, Leonard? +1
Vanya takes one sip of her coffee and never touches it again. Leonard doesn’t even drink his. What is the point of the damn coffee? +1
“When I was a kid I felt like I had to apologize for even breathing.” Reggie is a dick. +7
“I don’t think my Dad ever forgave me for being born” foreshadowing patricide. +1
Vanya and Leonard talk in front of the Icarus Theatre. Comics fans, you know why that’s significant. +1
Helen doesn’t acknowledge Vanya’s greeting like a normal human being. +1
People are already tuning, Vanya! Get your ass in the theatre so you can do the same! +1
Leonard is stupidly charming. I hate that he’s sort of likable, but it makes sense for what they’re using him for. +1
The kidnapping of Klaus Hargreeves. +4
Klaus is too kinky to tourture. -1
Where is that blood on his chest coming from? +1
Ten hours of tourture! Fuck you show for making Klaus go though that. +10
 “He’s a freak like his brother”. Which one? You met Luther and Diego. And they presumably know Five through the Commission. But which one is the freak into kinky shit? Diego? +1
“Remember Trinidad”. Noodle incident. (if you don’t know what that is google Noodle incident TV Tropes)+1
This motel has a surprising amount of towels in the bathroom. Some of the nicer places I’ve stayed don’t have that many. +1
Patch lives in house 204. “2” and “4”. Hmmm. +1
Does Diego show up on Patch’s doorstep being emo often? +1
Why is she still thinking about the 1938 fingerprint? We know that it’s plausible because of Five, but the police department should have thrown that out. It doesn’t make any sense and fingerprints can be alike. +1
She mentions the 30s cold case and Diego starts to look up in recognition. Even if he doesn’t know about the Commission or the Apocalypse, he does know about Five’s ability to time travel. He even mentions “The Boy”. Diego thinks that it was Five based on the fingerprint and his examination of the two crime scenes. -1
“For once, just try things my way”. Foreshadowing. +1
Diego hasn’t bothered to clean up the blood on his face from last night. Weirdo. +1
Allison is already forming a plan to kick Leonard’s ass the moment she sees his silhouette. Good. -1
Also, not the first time the audience has seen Leonard creeping around. Remember when he stole the journal? +1
Allison takes him down easy. Character moment showing that her superhero training hasn’t left her. Also, Allison is a badass. -1
Allison sees right through Leonard. This scene is excellent. -1
Lance has a really cute dog. -1
After seeing the shady deal while tailing Meritech, Five decides to tail Lance instead of just watching the building. Good job, Five. -1
How do you bill insurance companies for fake things? You need an insurance ID or SSN to have a patient. Where does Lance get these fake numbers from? +1
Why are eyeballs such a hot commodity? +1
“Names and numbers and I need it NOW” Five is scary. -1
Five jumped into the seatbelt. Did his powers secure it for him? +1
Five has a really organized desk. I wish I could read what he labeled the binders. +1
Luther decided to search Five’s room for clues. Pogo would be excellent at cinema sins. +1
For all we make fun of Diego’s stupid outfit, just remember, comics Diego has an even stupider one. This is the stupidity turned down. +1
The labels are now upside down on the binders when they were right side up in the last shot. +1
Either Five was a really good artist, or Reggie let Five have a poster above his bed that didn’t feature the academy. No explanation is given. +1
Five’s wallpaper depicts a boy pulling a mannequin in a wagon. -1
Luther punches a hole in Five’s wardrobe. This is never mentioned again. +1 
“When you watch those nature shows does it turn you on?” Diego is a dick. +1
If you look really closely, you can see something that looks suspiciously like the ending to Apocalypse suite in Five’s room as a piece of art taped to the wall. I checked with the comics. It looks very, very similar. -1
There are two cylindrical things on the wall. One on Five’s wall and one we can see through the doorway on the wall across from Five’s room. What is it? Nightlight? Loudspeaker? Alarm? +1
Ben Hargreeves enters the chat. -1
“Stay calm, Klaus” stay calm. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha spent over 10 hours beating the crap out of Klaus but they didn’t think of the training manual, something Cha Cha clearly has memorized, until now. +1
When did they grab his coat? Klaus was wearing nothing but a towel. Did Hazel decide to grab it on a whim? +1
“Asthma medication”. Klaus is still coherent enough to come up with an okay lie after 10 hours of tourture. +1
“Amputee hookers”. Nice call back to the comics. -1
Hazel and Cha Cha don’t hear Klaus say “not until they're high as kites” when responding to Ben. +1
“Klaus, be strong”. Ben’s facial expression was really weird with this line. +1
Klaus cracks after 10 hours of tourture while going through withdrawal. Impressive. -1
The multi-screen effects look really cool. -1
Watching Hazel and Cha Cha burn down Meritech while high as kites amuses me. -1
Watching this later while knowing that Meritech doesn’t really matter means that I don’t really care about this building. I wish there was something to make this more interesting instead of just making the eye a red herring. Leonard hasn’t lost an eye yet, so it doesn’t matter. +1
What were Hazel and Cha Cha dancing to in universe? Was this song playing on the radio or something?? +1
Luther goes through the door that’s too small for him because he’s Number One and Diego goes through the door that would actually accommodate Luther’s size. +1
Vanya’s book should be way more beat up than that if it survived the literal apocalypse with Five for 45 years. The ink looks too fresh, too. Unless this is another, newer copy of Extra Ordinary? Sin for confusion. +1
Five got way too close to that explosion. Five survives this without injury. +1
We see him lying amongst the shrapnel for crying out loud! +1
Gossip magazines. “We’re doing fine!” +1
Tween Hit is still a popular magazine seventeen years later. -1
“Vanya, she’s gone” is the vaguest wording ever. +1
However, Vanya understands this. Sin on the writers. +1
“It was those psychopaths last night” weird delivery. Allison’s tone is off. +1
Does Vanya not have any students other than Leonard? She’s perfectly free on some random afternoon so she can have a drink with Allison. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha coming down from their high. -1
Cha Cha hates doughnuts. +1
Reginald Hargreeves put his eight year old son in what amounted to a tourture chamber so he would stop being afraid. Reggie is a dick. +8
Why is Ben stuck in the closet with Klaus? +1
The cleaning lady (her name is Claudia, according to a card she leaves) has one of her ears uncovered. She totally would have been able to hear him. +1
Callback to the screw Hazel threw away to remind the audience that it’s important. -1
Ben’s whiny bullshit. Now is not the time, asshole. +2
We know why the dog ear is important, but why would Patch? At this point it’s a random piece of fabric that might look like something she saw on surveillance footage (Cha Cha’s mask). Point is, that could be something from Meritech and not necessarily urgent. +1
Patch gets the message intended for Five about Klaus. When Diego thinks that the missing brother is Five and that’s who he meant when he was talking to her. Choke on that irony and miscommunication. +1
This show is shot like a comic book and I love it. -1
“That’s what you do when you’re 17” in this specific circumstance, yes. In others, not so much. You don’t have to leave when you’re 17. +1
Luther calls out Diego for not being a real grown up while also not being a real grown up himself. +1
Diego asks “You ever even been with a girl”. Diego is a dick. +1
“We’re orphans again, dude”. When were you ever orphans? Sin for the writers for writing this or to Reggie for making them believe that they were regular orphans he adopted legitimately instead of buying. +1
“Do you ever stop talking. Wow that was easy.” I wheezed.-1
Five is drunk in the library with Dolores with equations scribbled all over the place. No one stopped him when he started writing on the walls in sharpie. +1
Five has two bottles of hard liquor with him. +2
 “Drunk as a skunk” +1
The comedic timing of Five’s hand letting go of the bottle. -1
“Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear”. First of all, eww. Second of all, yeah, Vanya these are all valid points she’s making. You just met this dude! +1
“But sometimes men are unredeemable shits” yeah. Sin for men and for the fact that Vanya doesn’t know this. +1
“Yay sisters” -1
What are Allison and Vanya drinking? Seriously, what are their drinks of choice? It looks like Vanya has something like a gin and tonic or a vodka soda and Allison has a rum and coke, but I can’t really tell. This is a sin until I know for sure. +1
That is a lot of extra blood on Klaus with no explanation. +1
Draw Ben like one of your French girls, Klaus. -1
“Is your brother here now.” “You’re gonna have to be a little more specific on that” -1
Ben’s wink. -1
Reggie is a dick to his adopted children. +7
Torturing a literal child and calling it training. +4
Reggie, you dramatic bitch. +1
Warrants exist for a reason, Patch. +1
Also, Patch decides to follow Diego’s shitty advice without any backup. +1
Drunk Five being carried bridal style by Luther. Aidan Gallagher being carried bridal style by Tom Hopper. -1
“I’m going through puberty. Twice.” Sucks to be you. +2
You had two bottles, Five. And you somehow didn’t die of alcohol poisoning. +2
Diego’s face. -1
Aidan Gallagher doesn’t play drunk very well. To be fair, he’s never been drunk (or at least I hope he hasn’t), but it’s still a sin. +1
“You know I hate code names”, okay Spaceboy. +1
“I’m the four frickin horsemen” or Gabriel’s horn. -1
“You haven’t been this sober since you were a teenager, since you decided to keep the ghosts at bay”. I hate the delivery on this last line, but to be fair to Justin Min, it was a shitty line in the first place. Sin for delivery and for the writers. Also, gee Ben, I thought he was just doing drugs to be contrary. +2
Zoya Popova is so underrated. I love her. -1
Ben’s lil smile. -1
Vanya’s apartment is so warm and nice with all the lights on, but this is the only time we get to see it that way. When she is on good terms with Allison. Lighting cues. -1
Allison, you’re too tall to fit in Vanya’s sweatpants. They’d be sweat capris. +1
Have I mentioned how much I love Allison’s jacket in this episode yet? Because I really like it. -1
Creepy flowers are creepy. +1
“She knows it was a misunderstanding”  Allison’s face all but says. “Do I?”. Emmy Raver-Lampman rules. -1
Also, Vanya speaks for Allison. +1
This is where they decide to show just how much of a creep Leonard is. Well done, show. -1
Leonard is a creepy, manipulative little bastard. +1
Sin off for the gory sfx makeup in this episode. The ghosts look brutal! -1
Syd the tow truck driver is back. Too bad he’s dead. +1
The dead cheerleader is disturbing. +1
This episode sort of confirms the headcanon that Klaus can speak/understand many languages. -1
The gore on Klaus keeps changing. +1
The switch in camera angles shows the shift in point of views, hence why the ghosts disappear. Clever. -1
Ben voice: Nicely done. -1
Patch waited a pretty long time. How long was the walk from the library to thy gym? +1
Chair scoot. Klaus is smart. -1
Klaus gives himself a concussion. Sinning because he had to give himself more trauma to escape from touture. +1
Claudia gives Patch the key to the room without question and then runs.+1
Klaus is coherent enough to think to hide in the vent. Klaus is a smart cookie. -1
The death of Detective Eudora Patch. +1
The Klaus theme -1
Kenny’s mom appearance! Her hat and jacket have matching flowers that also match her pants. Cute. -1
Klaus’s wink. -1
Kenny’s mom definitely saw a lot more of Klaus than what was already on display. +1
Time traveling briefcase! -1
Kenny’s mom looks for Klaus under the seat. What??? +1
Diego gives Dolores a chair. How nice of him. -1
Diego’s Prime 8s poster. If you know, you know. -1
Aidan Gallager sucks at pretending to sleep. +1
“You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I’m pressing charges”. I love Al. -1
It was a half hour walk from the library to the gym. Patch waited a really long time. +1
Now you remember Klaus after you found Five, who wasn’t really in any danger. +1
The little pat Luther gives Dolores. -1
Diego takes his gloves off. It’s like he wants to get framed. +1
This scene is really emotional and made me cry the first time I saw it. +1
David Castaneda is a really good actor. -1
The fridging of Detective Eudora Patch. +100
Overall Review:
This episode starts off on a really high note. I follow Tom Hopper on Instagram. He’s really fit. There is no denying that. I also appreciated the way he played Luther this episode. The scene where Luther realizes what his body looks like was heartbreaking to watch and really well acted. 
Speaking of heartbreaking to watch, the fridging of Detective Patch pisses me off. For those who don’t know, “Fridging” is when a female character is hurt or killed in some way in order to move a man’s story/emotional development forward. Considering that Patch’s death is what starts Diego’s character development, I would say that this applies. I am genuinely disappointed in the writers for doing this to Patch. I think it’s been established that I respect Patch. She doesn’t take any shit and she follows her moral compass. That is her real character. She only screws up when it comes to Diego and this is no different. She decided to be reckless like him and paid the ultimate price. However, this is completely out of character. Based on what we’re shown, Patch should have brought up her suspicions to Beeman (the other detective) and went from there. But instead, she had to die. That injustice done to her character is what deserves 100 sins. The show really dropped the ball with this one. 
Moving on, Vanya and Allison have some really good interaction in this episode. I think it’s a little weird how quickly Vanya forgave Allison after the shit she said last episode. Diego and Allison treated Vanya like a fragile object, which is what led her to Leonard. To be fair, Vanya was pretty stupid that last episode when she didn’t run away, but that doesn’t excuse what Diego said and Allison agreed with. Overall, the yay sisters thing was a good, but sus moment. 
Next, Klaus and Ben. Almost everything Ben said in this episode pissed me off. The “that’s the real tourture” speech was awful. For all the fandom loves him, Ben is a prick. However, Ben was also able to keep Klaus calm and encouraged him to control his power over the many, many ghosts in the room. So it’s kind of a wash for me this episode. I hope season 2 explores more of his character and why he would choose to say something so awful while his brother is being literally tortured. 
As for the main plot, Five’s only lead, not that it really matters yet, has been destroyed. Hazel and Cha Cha realize that they’re going to end the world if they complete their mission. And Leonard has finally been revealed to be a creep who wants something to do with Vanya’s pills. On a rewatch, we know why that’s significant, but a first time viewer would be confused in a good way. The show wants the audience to ask: Why? Vanya’s pills have been there for important moments up until this point. And now there are being forcibly taken out of the equation. Why?
Total: 193
Sentence: Getting drunk in the library with your mannequin wife while trying to do math. 
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myeternalsin · 4 years
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Hello everyone! 2020… WOW. Can I just say that it has been a complete and utter rollercoaster! IT’S BEEN AWFUL! I am making this post to explain multiple things about myself, my stories, my accounts, etc, so grab a cup of your favorite drink and finger snacks because this is gonna be one long a*$ post! (Excuse my French, but considering everything I’m about to explain I felt like I needed to write that!)
First off, 2020. I believe everyone thought that 2020 was going to be their year. Everyone had their hopes and spirits high to the skies. I was one of those many people. I celebrated New Years Eve with my boyfriend of 3 and a half years and thought this year would be perfect. Valentines day on a Friday, my 21st birthday on Easter, 4th of July on a Saturday, etc. COVID-19 happened. I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa where honestly, my governor had and still has done sh*t about COVID-19. 
Around the end of March I was hit with some very hard information. 
The daycare I worked at, 8-5, as a full time job during the week of spring break had it’s numbers DROP. I went from a class of 12 children to a minimum of 4 a day to a maximum of 7 children. I was even given Wednesday off along with my teacher assistant as we were TOO overstaffed at the center. Usually when I leave work at 5 o'clock, there’s about 20 to 25 children left by the end of the day since we close at 6. I should have known that Monday that the week was going to get worse. There were only 6 CHILDREN at the center when I left EARLY at 4:30. The next day I came home at 10 since we were overstaffed again, and was called at noon that our daycare was shut down. I’m laid off. Start filing for unemployment. 
I was completely HEARTBROKEN. I was truly hoping to stay open, not for the pay or to “get the virus so I can stay home” as some of my co workers joked-but to stay open for the CHILDREN. I was praying that they could get through this and that this whole COVID-19 would blow ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL over soon… boy, was I WRONG! 
I celebrated my 21st birthday at the apartment with my boyfriend instead of bar hopping since everything was shut down. I was completely and utterly BOARD. I had no clue what to do with myself! During this time, my boyfriend was also stuck in the apartment instead of at the office. While we were at the apartment, there was this trend on TikTok called the “towel drop challenge”. I was honestly thinking that since were both cooped up in this tiny apartment that was could, ya know, get it on~
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Three and a half years. I was with this boy for three and a half years without ever losing my V-card! I mean, we’d tried on multiple occasions but I just never got my cherry popped. I was told by my mom that any boy would have taken my virginity by now and not waited this long. I even asked him a year after we were together if he was possibly gay or asexual. Which wouldn't have been a problem AT ALL! I have no hate against him however he identified sexually, I just wished that he would have told me or he would have done something about it. 
That fateful day, I let him know that I wanted his time and attention. He could have walked away from his computer. There were times where he’d either be on his phone with his head down while “working”, or he’d come out into the living room to play a video game for half an hour while still “logged in and working”. I was hoping to just get ten minutes of his time. I was lying in my bed, naked and waiting for him. I know he saw me too, yet he didn’t do anything. It was the end of his work work shift, and I was waiting with anticipation for him to just POUNCE on me. 
He gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “I’m going downstairs to do laundry.”
My whole entire being shattered. I was completely DEVASTATED. I always asked myself after every time we tried having sex if something was wrong with me. Was I not pretty enough? Is it because I got bigger throughout the years we were together? Was it because I was inexperienced? Was I performing wrong on him when we would do stuff? I was pretty sure I was attracted to him both physically and personality wise. So what was wrong?
I got so upset and started screaming and yelling at him while crying everything out about not only what he just did, but about everything. In the end, I just collapsed on the bed and said “I want to go home.” I was like a broken record, uttering that saying over and over again.
So, I moved out. I am still living with my parents, and honestly it was rough and still is. I became so depressed. This boy was my best and sadly only friend I ever had. I had pushed away all of the friends I used to have because of him. I tried contacting some old friends, but they had all moved on with their lives. Everyone’s getting married, engaged, having kids, having pets, graduating college. I had nothing, or at least it felt like it at the time.
No friends, no boyfriend, moved in with my parents, and no job.
That’s right. The owner of the daycare never hired me back on, along with six other staff members. Around the beginning of July, I was wondering why I hadn’t been contacted to come back to work. I was willing to travel even though I didn’t live in that city anymore because of the breakup. I was notified by a coworker that they were back to work already a month ago and she was wondering where I was! I called the daycare and never went through to anyone about why I wasn't back.
I felt so useless. A failure. Disappointment. I wanted to not exist. 
I knew that I shouldn’t have had these thoughts, and it scared the shit out of me that my mind was not only thinking it-but the feeling and urge to actually follow through with it.
So, I contacted my doctor. Got some antidepressants, and am trying to get a therapist at the moment. My doctors building with their therapist are practically booked with everything going on. It’ll still be a little bit before I can talk to someone. I was told by my doctor to try to find something to do that peaks my interest. I thought of my work and you guys. I’m proud of the writing I have and can’t believe I left you guys hanging, both on request and stories. I found something I could do to lift my spirits up yet again!...
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August 10th 2020, I woke up at 10 in the morning. I made a hearty breakfast and an iced coffee for the first time in FOREVER! I was pumping myself up to get on here and to start writing again! After I was done eating, the city sirens went off.
“Is there a tornado?” I asked my parents. They themselves didn’t know either because both cable and the electricity went out as soon as I asked. We all hurried downstairs with all three and a half dogs as the wind picked up and the rain became more heavy. (I said a half because M,W,F we babysit my sister's little beagle dog.)
We sat and waited for the storm to be over and we were wondering what was going on. My dad was about to get up when BOOM! The house shook and vibrated all around us.
My mom started crying hysterically, my dad tried to comfort the dogs and create a barrier for them not to go upstairs, and I just kinda sat there. It was like I wasn’t really registering what was going on. Maybe it was because I was trying to stay positive? Maybe a couple branches just smashed the siding of the house or window? Were the antidepressants not allowing me to cry and freak out? I wasn’t sure what was going on with me at the time. 
The rain stopped and my parents went upstairs to check everything out while I stayed downstairs with the dogs.
“Argh! What the!?” I exclaimed as I showed my flashlight on my phone to the ceiling. It was dripping from the heating and cooling vent. I saw other droplets of water along the Styrofoam tile ceiling, and followed the trail towards the small kitchen area where there was water IN the ceiling light!
“Uhhhh, guys?” I yelled to my mom and dad upstairs.
“Wait a couple minutes sweetie!” My mom responded back as I started to hear their hurried feet running around upstairs.
“We got water coming downstairs!” I hollered as I grabbed a couple of empty solo cups I had downstairs since I was living down there to start collecting the water.
“Yeah? That’s ’cause we got a hole in the house!” My dad yelled.
The big tree in the backyard that was planted from the previous owner back in the 1950’s crashed into the living room from this storm we later learned 3 days later called Derecho. We’ve been recovering for about a month now. Almost everything is back to normal. 
We got power and water back 2 weeks ago from today, the internet back a week ago, and cable has been kind of wonky. We’ve been wanting nothing but the news and were able to have cable for ONE DAY. It crashed and we still don’t have cable. We’ve tried antennas but they just aren’t working in our location. 
The downstairs floor is ruined. We had to rip out the carpet and the floors now have asbestos. I live upstairs now in the guest room and we’re pretty much confined to the entry way since we still have a huge hole in the living room. No comfortable seating either. We’re hoping to hear back from the insurance claim sometime this week… but there's a possibility that we might just have to move if the damage is too much. 
To put the good old fashioned cherry on top, one of our dogs may no longer be with us this week. She hasn’t eaten in the past couple of days and is only drinking water. We’re taking her to the vet tomorrow to see what’s going on, or if she’s suffering too much.
Honestly… 2020 can F#@! OFF! It’s been such an awful year! But! I am ready to get back into the swing of things and get back to writing and writing for you guys again!
I was going to explain some things about my accounts and rules but I feel a tad bit drained after writing this all out, and I haven't typed on a keyboard in so long! My wrists HURT! Give me a couple of hours and I'll be back with a PSA part 2! I will be posting this to all of my accounts so no one is left out of the loop. Be back soon! 
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Complete Timeline of “Back to the Future”
The entire trilogy takes place over the course of about two weeks from Marty McFly’s perspective, two days for an outside observer in 1985.  We are given specific dates and times, often minute-by-minute, so we can piece together a complete timeline with time stamps.  All times are in PST (Pacific Standard).
Part 1
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:18 AM PST: The first movie begins with shots of Doc’s clocks and his automated breakfast machine.  The clocks actually say 7:53, but we soon learn they are 25 minutes slow.  We are soon introduced to Marty McFly, who accidentally overloads Doc’s giant amp around 8:23 or 8:24
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:25 AM: Doc’s clocks all strike 8:00, and Marty realizes he is late for school.  The thing is, he’s wearing a watch in this scene, and moreover he must have woken up to an alarm set on his bedroom clock, so how does he NOT know what time it actually is?  Moving on; cue the “Power of Love” skateboarding-behind-cars sequence.  Marty and Jennifer sneak into school too late, and Mr. Strickland gives him another tardy slip and the whole “slacker” spiel.  “The future’s gonna change,” Marty says.
Friday, October 25, 1985, afternoon: after school, Marty’s band, the Pinheads, audition for the big dance.  A real square of a teacher tells them to stop playing because they’re just too darn loud; I did not know who Huey Lewis was when I first saw this movie, so I didn’t realize this was a celebrity cameo meant to be a joke, I just figured he was a stuffy old man who isn’t with the times.  Either way, Marty is dejected, but Jennifer tells him to send in his audition tape to the record company anyway.  Marty ogles a new 4x4 truck, “Save the Clock Tower!” he gets a flier, Jennifer’s dad picks her up to take her to her grandma’s house.
Friday, October 25, 1985, evening: Marty returns home to find the car totaled (there goes his date at the lake with Jennifer).  We are introduced to Biff and the McFly family.  One awkward family dinner and a ton of exposition later, and we learn everything we need to know about George and Lorraine’s first meeting back in 1955; Lorraine’s dad hit George with his car, and it was love at first sight.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 12:28 AM: Doc calls Marty, tells him to swing by his lab and pick up his camera before meeting him at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:15 AM: Marty arrives at Twin Pines Mall just as the clock ticks over to 1:16.  The next few minutes are thoroughly documented.  Doc emerges from his van in a souped up Delorean DMC-12.
1:18 AM: Doc begins his spiel for the camera, giving the date, time, and location of Temporal Experiment Number 1.
1:19 AM: “Einstein’s clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch.” He remote controls the Delorean to the opposite end of the parking lot and floors it towards him and Marty.
1:20:00 AM: At exactly one-twenty and zero seconds, the world’s first Temporal Displacement occurs, Marty thinks the Delorean explodes, but it actually just made a jump into the future, “one minute into the future to be exact.”  Doc had nerves of steel to test it for the first time by driving it straight at him.
1:21:00 AM: Exactly one minute later, the Delorean reappears covered in ice, a special effect that the filmmakers stop using because it became impractical to coat the car with ice every time it travels through time.  Some ice is always visible, but never to this extent again.
1:22 AM: Doc opens the Delorean to discover Einstein is perfectly fine; to him, the trip was instantaneous.  The experiment was a complete success!  Doc prepares for his historic journey as the first human to travel through time; he plans to go forward 25 years, later amended to 30 because it’s a nice round number.
1:34 AM: Doc is shot to death by Libyan terrorists because he used the plutonium they stole to build the time machine instead of the bomb they wanted (the less we think about the implications, the better).
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:35 AM: Marty flees from the terrorists in the Delorean, accidentally turns on the time circuits and blasts himself back to 1955.
Saturday, November 5, 1955, 6:15 AM: Marty arrives on Peabody farm, is mistaken for an alien and shot at.  He drives away, accidentally running over one of the twin pines in the process.  The exact time is not shown on screen except for the 6 (the last two digits are obscured), but the DVD menu says 6:15 so I’m sticking with it.  The Delorean breaks down shortly after, and he hides it behind the Lyon Estates billboard.  He walks into town, “Hill Valley 2 Miles.”
Saturday. November 5, 1955, 8:29: “Mr. Sandman” sequence, Marty walks around courtyard square, dazed and confused.  It took him over two hours to drive from the mall to his house and then walk 2 miles into town, so of course he’s confused.  The clock tower chimes 8:30, the first time Marty’s ever heard it go off.  He enters Lou’s Cafe to find Doc’s address in the phone book, and encounters a young George and Biff.  George bikes away, and Marty gives chase.  Shortly after, George falls out of a tree while peeping on Lorraine like a creep, and is almost hit by her dad’s car; Marty pushes him out of the way, taking his place in the timeline.  He hits his head and is knocked out.
“Almost 9 hours” later (so around 6-ish PM): Marty awakens in young Lorraine’s bedroom.  She has the hots for him, Florence Nightingale style.  He has dinner with the Baines family soon after, though the clock behind Lorraine’s parents says it’s 8:35.  He leaves after his mom grabs his thigh (ew), and goes to find Doc at his mansion before he burned it down for the insurance money (this is never stated on screen, but the implication is clear).  Doc doesn’t believe he’s from the future until he recounts the story about the wet toilet and the flux capacitor (it makes sense in context).  Doc deduces that Marty messed up the timeline by interfering with his parent’s first meeting, so they have to find a way to get them back together.
Monday, November 7, 1955, morning: The date is never given, but we can assume Doc and Marty wanted to scope out the school as soon as possible, so Monday it is.  Marty tries to introduce George to Lorraine, but she would rather introduce herself to him (ew)
November 7, lunchtime: Marty talks to George in the cafeteria, and almost gets into a fight with Biff after he assaults Lorraine.
November 7, afternoon: George goes home after school with Marty in tow, “why are you following me?”  George tells him that he’s not ready to ask Lorraine out, and that nobody on this planet can change his mind.
Tuesday, November 8, 1955, 1:23 AM: Marty dresses in his radiation suit and visits George, pretending to be “Darth Vader, an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan.”  He threatens to melt George’s brain with more Van Halen tapes if he doesn’t ask Lorraine to the dance.  Mission accomplished.
November 8, afternoon: George skipped school that day, having overslept because “Darth Vader” knocked him out with chloroform (in a deleted scene).  Marty encourages him to go into Lou’s Cafe and tell Lorraine that he is her density- I mean destiny.  All goes well until Biff shows up; Marty gets into a fight followed by a chase through courtyard square where he accidentally introduces the town to the concept of skateboarding.  Biff crashes into a manure truck, doing $300 damage to his car.  Later that day, Doc and Marty go over the plan to go Back to the Future TM (the model is so crude, it’s not even to scale or painted).  Lorraine followed Marty to Doc’s house and asks him to ask her to the dance.  He reluctantly accepts.
Wednesday, November 9, afternoon: Marty and George go over their plan for the dance.  Marty will “take advantage” of his mom (ew), and George will come to her rescue.  This date isn’t given either, but we can assume it is the next day because they were wearing different clothes and I don’t think Marty would wait more than a day to go over his plan (time is of the essence).
Saturday, November 12, 1955, 7:55 PM: Doc sets up the “weather experiment” in courtyard square, Marty writes him a letter warning him of the terrorists (he doesn���t go into detail, he just says “you will be shot by terrorists.”  Doc must be very surprised at what shenanigans his future self will get into).
8:59 PM: George is at the dance, dancing like a dork, and Marty and Lorraine arrive in Doc’s car.  Marty is nervous as hell because he doesn’t want to feel up his own mom, but Lorraine is down to clown (ew).  She kisses him, but is grossed out because he’s like her brother or something.  Biff and his stooges pull him out of the car and throw him in the Starlighters’ trunk; Biff begins assaulting Lorraine.
9:00 PM: George goes out to fake-confront Marty, only to real-confront Biff.  He finally manages to stand up for himself and the woman he loves, knocking Biff out with one punch. Hooray!
9:31 PM: Doc checks four different watches to deduce that Marty is running late (they’re cutting it close).  Marvin Berry sliced his hand open helping break Marty out of his trunk, so Marty takes over on guitar.  Earth Angel, George and Lorraine kiss, the timeline is restored, Johnny B Goode, “your kids are gonna love it.”  Marty leaves George and Lorraine on good terms and heads out to courtyard square.
9:55 PM: Doc checks three more watches, and Marty arrives just in time, having changed back into his “life preserver” vest.  The plan begins to unfurl.
9:56:38 PM exactly: Doc says the lightning bolt is 7 minutes and 22 seconds away, which strikes at exactly 10:04.  Doc finds the latter and rips it up.
9:58 PM: a branch falls on the wire, disconnecting it.  Doc climbs the clock tower with a rope so he can pull it back up.
9:59 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:34:41, Doc emerges from the top of the tower and pulls up the plug.
10:00 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:35:30 (this minute was 49 seconds long), Marty tries to tell Doc about the terrorists, but he has to get going because time is running out.
10:01 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:36:09 (this one was 39 seconds), Marty drives to the end of the runway and resets the time circuits to give him 11 extra minutes to warn Doc (only 11? you’re cutting it close as is, Marty).  Doc slips on the clock’s facade, almost dropping the plug.
10:02 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:38:00 (111 seconds), the Delorean won’t start, the alarm goes off, everything is going wrong.  Marty slams his head in desperation and the engine kicks to life (Doc’s calculations were wrong; he told Marty to floor it when the alarm went off, but he started a few seconds late and still made it.  If he had floored it on time, he would have been several seconds too early and hit the wire before the lightning struck).
10:03 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:39:50 (110 seconds), Doc plugs in one end of the wire, which unplugs the other end.  Marty is almost there, so Doc ziplines down to the ground and runs over to the lamppost [note; the Delorean’s time circuits read 10:03 before the clock tower ticks over to 10:03]
Saturday, November 12, 1955, 10:04 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:40:38 (48 seconds).  Lightning strikes the clock tower just as the Delorean hits the wire, sending Marty Back to the Future TM.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:24 AM: the Delorean rematerializes in courtyard square, crashing into the movie theater, but otherwise intact.  The engine gives out before Marty can head to the mall, and the terrorists drive past him.  He gives chase on foot, but doesn’t make it in time. [Note: a digital clock on courtyard square says it was 1:23 when Marty arrived, ticking over to 1:24 after he emerges from the Delorean.  The Delorean’s time circuits are consistently a minute ahead]
1:33 AM: Marty arrives at Lone Pine Mall just in time to see the terrorists gun Doc down. He sees himself jump into the Delorean at 1:34, and blast into the past after a short chase.  The terrorists crash into a photo kiosk and the van rolls over, presumably killing them (we never see the van hit the ground, we just see it start tipping, but the camera cuts away and we never see them emerge and try to collect Doc’s body).  Doc is in fact alive, having taped Marty’s latter back together and worn a bullet proof vest, the first of several in the series.  Doc takes Marty home, then travels 30 years into the future, “look me up when you get there.”
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:28 AM: Marty’s alarm goes off, “Back in Time” by Huey Lewis plays on the radio.  Marty thinks the past week was just a bad dream until he discovers new furniture and successful family members.  Lorraine is no longer an alcoholic, George is an author, David works at an office instead of Burger King, and Linda is a trendy socialite.  Biff has become the neutered family gopher, cleaning their cars and kowtowing to George’s commands.  He gives Marty the keys to his truck, the 4x4 he was ogling earlier with Jennifer.
10:30-ish: Marty reunites with Jennifer, “you’re acting like you haven’t seen me in a week,” “I haven’t.”  They kiss, at which point Doc returns from the future with a warning, “you’ve got to come back with me,” “where?” “Back to the Future TM.”  Where they’re going, they don’t need roads; the Delorean flies away, roll credits.
The first movie was never intended to have sequels.  It ended on a cliffhanger as a joke, “the adventures continue,” and it wasn’t until four years later that they decided to film Parts 2 and 3 back-to-back to round out the story.
In real time, Part 1 takes place over 1 day, 2 hours, 12 minutes
Friday, October 25, 1985 8:18 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:30 AM
For Marty, it takes place over 8 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:18 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:34 AM (17 hours, 16 minutes)
Saturday, November 5, 1955, 6:15 AM to Saturday, November 12, 1955, 10:04 PM (7 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes)
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:24 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:30 AM (9 hours, 6 minutes)
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Part 2:
Part 3:
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My Transgender Journey
   February was supposed to be the month I was looking forward to:
‘Call on the first, get the earliest appointment. Come prepared and prepare to live out my dream!’
   However, 26 days went by and I played a cruel game of gamble. I had time to think deep about my decisions, weigh the consequences and dwell the many possibilities. I kept telling myself:
‘H.R.T. can’t switch your gender, it is DNA! All I would be doing is putting on organic prosthetic’s.’
   I wanted this to go away, I wanted to forget that I ever looked at the possibility to transform my body into half-female half-male! The story of my life! On the 24th of February, I came close to dialing, but it was Saturday and I never call on Saturday to businesses. I did whatever I had to do to run away, I wasn’t confined to dwell in my thoughts and device...hell, it was snowing and that was the biggest distraction I could ever have! By the 26th of February, fate took a cruel turn as my cystic fibrosis landed my ass in the hospital and I thought to myself:
 ‘Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...call the number and let’s get this over with...’
     But I made up some lame excuse and by the time I had a change of heart, it was too late! They were closed!
   The 27th dawned on a crummy day to match my crummy health...I was suffering...really sick! Virus is killing me, and I wish it was John Malkovich! By 1pm, I landed in bed, miserable and depressed. I took a shower and saw my body because my body failed me and made standing nearly impossible! I looked at my AA-cup breasts...a gift from odd biology and years on prednisone. I looked at my skin and thought:
‘If I was on H.R.T. these breasts would form correctly...they look like shield volcanoes of Hawaii! I might also have to shave only once a week instead every other day! How that would be nice!’
   I closed my hospital room door thinking:
‘I am terrified of my parents...I can never do this at home! This is the best and worst time to do this!’
   Back in bed before I kiss the floor, I take out my tablet and cellphone and find the number to Cedar River Clinics. I take a deep breath and punch in the numbers and shake my head thinking:
‘Do this and there is no turning back. Don’t do it and regret it forever! They will know my deepest secret and desires...maybe they can help me and put me on the correct path…’
   Hit send, I can’t believe I am going through with the plan. I just pray no nurse walks in on my conversation! The phone cuts immediately to a receptionist and she sounds nice and helpful.
   “Thank you for calling Cedar River Clinics, my name is Destiny, how may I assist you?”
   “Hi Destiny, my name is David and I am calling in regard to setting up an appointment for H.R.T.” I say as I am calm and collective...last time I called I was stumbling over my words and incoherent.
   “The hormone replacement therapy?” Destiny asks as she wonders if I am calling for an honest procedure or inquiry. Her voice still friendly.
   “That is correct, H.R.T...” I say as Destiny goes through her files, hearing them crackle over the phone.
   “Looks like the next opening is in April...” she says as she collects her thoughts. “It will be at the Tacoma office.”
   My stomach does a flip flop and the words can’t come out. I am terrified! I force myself to reply. “Which day in April?” I ask as every last word is projected on breathless lips, sounding like: Which day in Apri....?
   “The 12th.” she says to my joy. I have nothing on the 12th and my mom will be at work! Secrecy upheld!
   “That will work!” I say, the last word barely squeaking out.
   “It is at 8:30am in Tacoma...after the first appointment, you can choose your own clinic...”
   “Tacoma works well!” I reply quickly, I had hoped to go to Tacoma as it was close to home and I will get to know the doctor taking care of me.
   “So you want to schedule for that appointment?” she asks softly and cheerfully. I know that the next words will place me on the path.
   “Yes please!” I say, matching her attitude. I swear my voice changed and my demeanor altered to something that is not me…it was a flutter!
   “Okay David...” there is a pause as if she made a cardinal sin. “I am sorry, I should have asked, do you have a female name you go by?”
   I choke up...I did not think this out all the way! I was not expecting this type of personal questions. What do I say? Think quickly! I am in anguish, one does not pick their name in a flash!
   A name spoke to me in my female voice saying: Tell her Mira! Tell her that your name is Mira!
   I love the name Mira; the word almost slipped out. It means so much to my character...it was my secret name…
(Mira is a feminine given name with varying meanings. In the Romance languages, it is related to the Latin words for ‘wonder’ and 'wonderful.’ In South Slavic languages, it means ‘peace’ and is often used as part of a longer name, such as Miroslava (masculine form: Miroslav). In Albanian language, it means ‘goodness’ or ‘kindness’. In Sanskrit, it means ‘ocean’, ‘sea’, ‘limit’ or ‘boundary’. In Hebrew, it is a derivative of Miriam or the female equivalent of Meir, meaning ‘light’.)
   Mira was all of me, a daughter of wonder and peace as my soul is at peace in her form. Also meaning goodness and kindness which is a testimony to my charity and civil service. And lastly, the one from the sea...another one of my deep ocean secrets.
   I hesitate as I stop myself and I am sure now that Destiny thinks I am a fraud! “Just David at this time, I am still deciding on the name aspect.” my brutal honesty coming out. “Any other name would be dangerous in this hostile society...” as my brain says:
‘Shut up, you already made yourself sound like a fool!’
   “It is totally understandable David, do you prefer going by sir?” she asks.
   I can hear Admiral Gial Ackbar yelling ‘It’s a Trap!’ in my head. That is exactly what it was, a trap to assess my commitment to the therapy. “Just sir please.” my animus chimes in and I hate myself. I am neither, but I’ve never vocally told anyone that before. “For the time being…”
   “Okay David,” her tone changed, not angry, just unsure of my call. Most who call either are in transition or know what they want to become, “Typically transgender individuals change their name for legal reasons like new licenses and bank records...” she rambles on as it goes over my head.
   ‘Oh! You screwed up big time!’ my brain mocks me. It takes in delight knowing it was right. I can’t believe Destiny is still on the line with me. I must sound really new at this and she probably wonders why now? “Okay David, I just need an address...” and I chime off my home code.
   When it comes to saying my town, she laughs as the name is rather musical, like a gay French ‘la-la’. I sigh a breath of relief as I feel I am recovering from probably the easiest question to answer...your female name! “And a phone number.” she asks and I give my cell...best to have no one calling home, that would be suicide!
   Coming to the end, my nerves are a wreck! “For your patient records, please provide us a pin...”
   “How long?” I ask.
   “As long as you want it...” she says kindly.
   “Letters or numbers?” I ask.
   “Anything you want...” she say, annoyed, but being polite!
   “Okay, my pin is four numbers, 1…9…8…0” I say, easy to remember.
   “Wonderful, now onto the appointment. We ask that you fast for 10 hours prior to your appointment” being 11:30pm on the 11th...perfect time! “And drink plenty of water! But no coffee.”
   “Copy that!” I confirm.
   “That will give your body time to regulate your hormone levels for the appointment...” I gulp, that means that needles will be involved! “It is important that you don’t eat for ten hours!” she emphasizes again, meaning that this rule has been broken hundreds of times before! Luckily for me, EPI would make eating before travel...messy! “I am going to transfer you over to billing, thank you for calling David and we look forward to seeing you on the 12th.”
   “Thank you Destiny.” I reply as the line clicks and a minute passes and the line is answered. I gulp, this is what I truly fear...the price!
   “Is this David I am talking to?” the woman asks. Her vocal tones annoy me...she paints a vivid image of Roz from Monsters Inc.!
   “This is David.” I confirm, praying it isn’t over 500.00 dollars...I can’t afford that. I also don’t want my insurance in deep with them. It is odd how diagnosis’s end up in the strangest places. For example, I went to the Kitsap Mental Health clinic trying to find a way to cut my student debt by declaring myself autistic, which I am, and somehow that ended up at St. Anthony Hospital on my records!
   “Hello...David.” she says, failing to give me her name. I pictures her saying: ‘Hello...boys’, so Roz It is! “The quoted cost for the appointment is 270.00 dollars, unless you have insurance.”
   “I have Medicare-Medicaid...” I say as I give my Provider One number.
   “How odd...” she growls in her slug tongue. “I don’t see Medicaid only Medicare and we don’t take that here!”
   I won’t be deterrent, “I’ll pay the fee.” I say. My thoughts are:
270.00 for clinic and labs. A follow up appointment to read results will be an additional 170.00 and hopefully they can run my scripts through Medicare at a pharmacy of my choosing. Hell, if I can pick them up there, better! Cut out the middle man!
     But if I pick up my meds at clinic, first, all TG patients can only go on Thursdays for privacy and second, I will be held accountable...no turning back...they expect me to go through a full transformation!
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tangent101 · 6 years
Writer’s Block, Fanfics, and LiS
Well. After a Browser shortcut decided to send me to a new window and eat an entire post, here I am at attempt number two to look at a rough draft for a Life is Strange fanfic I'd been procrastinating on for far too long. The last update had ended right with Max knocking on the door to the apartment where the Caulfields live (I’ll go into detail on that in a moment).
I blinked and gave Max a startled look as she knocked. "Dude, you live here. Don't you have a key?"
Max glanced up at me, her face coloring, as she started fumbling at her pocket. "Sorry, I forgot! With everything we--" she started to stammer. Her mouth snapped shut and she turned back toward the door as we heard a bolt thrown open and a man shout on the other side of the door."
"--Max!" this bearded bear of a man shouted over his shoulder and then lunged out of the door to smother my girlfriend. She barely had time to give out a startled eep. A smirk threatened to break through my facade as I watched. I guess Mr. Caulfield had lightened up some since I'd last seen him. He'd always been reserved before, and I don't recall ever seeing him hug his daughter in front of me. For that matter, it'd always been dull when I'd go visit Max. She had no computer games, only a few toys, and everything had to be in its place.
Hell, most of the time she'd come to my place because we could play and be kids. Joyce never minded our messes... the smile fled my lips. Mom. Hell, the house is far more fucked up after the Storm than anything Max and I ever could do, not even the time we dug up the back yard looking for our time capsule.
"Chloe? Chloe Price, is that you?" I heard and looked up from my feet to see Max's mom standing in the doorway. Her eyes were red and puffy, with dark shadows under them. I swallowed and tried to pull myself together. I could see Max wiggling in her father's arms and realized all at once I really had to pee... and Max was probably worse.
"Hey there Missus C. It's been a while... um, not to be rude but it was a long drive and we really need to use the bathroom!" 
"Oh! Of course! And please, call me Vanessa," she responded. Man, she has mellowed out. She used to insist I call her Mrs. Caulfield and now she's letting me call her Vanessa? I blinked in surprise while she stepped up to her husband and gently smacked his arm. "Let our daughter breath, Ryan, before she wets herself. I'll have you clean it up."
Okay. First... their apartment. I know most folk like to think that Max lived in a nice house in the suburbs of Seattle and lived comfortably. I've gone on at length about how this isn't the case. We've had evidence from multiple sources that Max is in fact from a lower-middle class family, and most likely lives in an apartment in one of the less wealthy parts of the city. For instance, Max wears clothes she picked up from a thrift shop. I know some folk like to think this is all "hipster" and the like but... given how important Max's scholarship is (to the point she considers rewinding and telling David the pot belongs to Chloe even if she watched him smack her previously because he threatens her scholarship outright) (yes, another strike against this child-abusing piece of shit... I swear the longer I think about him the more I hate David Madsen) this really suggests money is tight for her parents.
Hell, look at Max's camera. It's an old beaten-up camera that is in fragile enough condition that a drop to the ground breaks it. Kodak Instant Cameras are sturdy and made of thick plastic. The only way that either being knocked to the ground or Max later landing on the camera and crushing it could break it is if the camera had previously been broken and Max had fixed it - and given that Max knew how to fix the camera, that seems likely to be the case. (Given the expense of Instant film, Max probably used all of her money from allowances or part-time jobs to pay for film. I've mentioned that the Photo Wall is over a hundred dollars worth of pictures.) 
Anyway, I ran into a quick problem when I was first writing this... and realized that Max would have a key to her parents' apartment. I considered the possibility Max left her keys behind seeing she'd not be home, but decided it was simpler to just have Max forget she had them. Hey, we all do that at times, and Max has a lot on her mind (and bladder).  
As for the writer's block... well, this story has been paused since before Farewell. I must admit I actually held off on writing it because I was hoping we'd get to meet Ryan and Vanessa during Farewell - but while we saw them briefly during the funeral, there were no lines and what we did get left a bad taste in my mouth. That said, it's closer to canon than BtS has proven to be, and did remain true to continuity. 
Max and Chloe talk to me. I know, it undoubtedly sounds strange to say that... but it's how I write. The characters become a part of me and they let me know what they're going to do and what they want to do. I've had characters insist "I want to do this instead" and often I'll let them. They know the story better than I do. But Ryan and Vanessa don't talk to me. They don't exist to me outside of some text messages and so I'm left aimless and with no idea of where the story would go once Max and Chloe reach Max's folks.
That's the crux of the writer's block. Well, that, anxiety, procrastination... you know, the usual for writers. But another problem is that I tend to write first drafts and edit as I go. My first drafts are closer to final drafts than what first drafts should be. And that can be problematic. You see, the way to get through Writer's Block is to write. Anything. Everything. Just "vomit words onto the page" and then use editing to pick out the gems. And that's what I ended up doing tonight.
This scene doesn't work. I'm realizing this as I go along. To be honest, I did just now come up with this bizarre amused thought - of Max and Chloe getting to the apartment and then finding there is no one home because Ryan and Vanessa got in their car (assuming they still have one - not all city folk do, and I had considered them selling the car as the extra cost of insurance and the like might be too much for them) and drove to Arcadia Bay to find their daughter. 
Maybe I'll go with that. It's cheating, I know. It's a little bit amusing too. And the idea calls out to me more than trying to deal with the Caulfields and getting their character wrong. Sadly, I still eventually need to figure them out, seeing that "Life is Strange: A New Year" does involve them at some point. But I'll burn that bridge before I reach it, I'm sure. 
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kashmiresims · 8 years
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A Gray Day
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It took all the self-constraint Alanna had to not tap her foot anxiously as she sat by herself on a bench at the Blackwheel Bus Station. She glanced across the street to see a city bus pull up at one of the stops. Was that the one he'd get off of?  
She'd received a text from Franz earlier that afternoon. They'd text often to keep in touch but there seemed to be something insistent in the last:
Franzster: I need to tell you something. Meet me at BWB.
Because it was a text, she wasn’t able to read the tone that well. She didn't know if it was something serious...well Franz was usually serious but the caliber of seriousness she couldn't discern. He did, after all, sort of bail rather quickly the week before when he was helping her study for her midterm and never filled her in on the reason. He also left shortly after his confrontation with Reggie, which still shocked her when she replayed the scene in her head. She'd never seen Franz so...forceful before. He always seemed like the most patient, the most gentle, most thoughtful person to her and that's why he was her best friend.
People piled off of the bus she was staring at but she failed to see the tall, muscular, blond-haired man in the crowd.
Her imagination went through a whole list of possibilities of what he had to tell her. Maybe he had finally forgiven Reggie for whatever had happened between them. Maybe he was serious about a new book? Or he'd invented a new flavor of crepe? He really liked making crepes. Her favorite so far was the 'Nanner in a Haze' which he had her try that consisted of hazelnut spread, bananas, and whipped cream. Her tummy gave a rumble, reminding her that she'd forgotten to eat lunch.
"Wrong bus," she heard a deep voice from behind her. She gave a startled noise and spun around in her seat to see Franz leaning against the pillar that supported the shelter above the benches. His arms were crossed and he must have come straight from class since he still had his shoulder bag with him. He had a slight grin on too, probably amused he had given her a  scare. He'd always been good at unintentionally sneaking up on people.
He must have gotten off one of the buses in the Blackwheel station loop in the opposite direction.
"Hey," Alanna greeted, putting on her warmest smile. She hated that she hadn't had as much time this semester to spend with him. Franz never admitted he got lonely but she could tell he needed a social boost.
"Thanks for meeting me," he nodded, his grin fading into the usual indifference. Alanna had noticed more and more over the past few years that Franz's indifference was a façade. He felt as much as anyone else but had excellent control and conscientiousness of his expressions—the outside world was rarely invited to know what his real feelings were.
"No problem. Class let out early... though..." She bit her lip and gave an apologetic smile, "Can we go get a bite to eat? I accidentally skipped lunch again."
He nodded, "The Delicatessen?"
"You read my mind!" She laughed and led them across the road to board the bus she had been watching before. It was picking up a new set of passengers to take down to the King's Station district.
"Looks like it's going to rain," she noted before boarding the bus, referring to the clouds that had rolled over the city and were turning dark.
"It's been gray all day," she heard Franz agree from in front of her as he climbed the few steps and sat in one of the empty front seats. She sat next to him, still wondering what he needed to talk to her about. Instead of bringing it up, he was looking out the window at the darkening sky, and the tiniest of worry was creasing his face in the reflecftion. That's when she knew that whatever he needed to talk to her about wasn't going to be a good thing, so she sat quietly and tried to enjoy this peaceful moment with him before the figurative and literal storm happened.
Alanna's tummy was starting to full on growl as they walked into the Scandalica Delicatessen. It was a local eatery that had good sandwiches and burgers. Franz had been quiet the whole ride there, which was usual for him but the vibe around him was very unusual.  
She maneuvered herself in front of him to halt his advance to pick a table, "Franz, what's wrong?"
He looked mildly surprised at her for her insistent tone. Alanna wasn't one to press matters and allowed Franz time to think before speaking as he usually did.
He shifted his weight and the strap of his shoulder bag, then quietly asked, "What do you know about VBTs?"
Oh no.
Alanna took s step backward and sat upon one of the chairs at the food counter. She held her hand up to her face, trying to hide her sudden look of devastation. Franz quickly stepped forward, realizing what she was thinking and made to correct it.
"It's not me, it's my Mom."
That was a relief! For a moment there she thought Franz had...but no, it still was awful that his mother...she had always been so inviting toward Alanna. 
Alanna glanced up at him and saw that he was just as devastated. She didn't know if it was so much that he couldn't hide it anymore or if he was allowing her to see just how much it affected him. Either way, she reached out and gave his hand a squeeze, "I'm so sorry Franz."
"Is there hope?"
She inhaled, not wanting to get his hopes up but at the same time she needed to give him something to smile about—a VBT was survivable if detected early and treated, and it also depended on where it was located.
"How about we get a table and order something and then we can talk more about it?" she suggested. Or rather, deflected.
He nodded.
They sat down and declined a menu since they'd both been there many times and knew what they wanted. Alanna ordered a hamburger and Franz went with something lighter since he had eaten lunch already.
"The other thing I was going to tell you," Franz said but his tone made it seem like he still rather not tell her, "Is that since treatment is expensive, Mom is planning on selling the bakery."
It broke Alanna's heart that this was happening to him. There had to be something she could do to help.
"Has she signed anything yet?"
Franz shrugged, indicating he didn't know.
"Well, what if we could raise money for your mother's treatment instead?"
"That's going to be a lot to raise, and I have thought about it. I just don't know where to start."
"We could always have a bake sale!" She suggested jubilantly.
He stared at her, as though he hadn't considered that idea before.
"I could sell scones for 10 simoleons a pop I guess....and I'd have to make and sell..." He mused and calculated, "fifteen-hundred of them before it would cover the cost of treatment."
At first, his tone was flat and serious but then she realized he was being sarcastic.
"Plumbbobs, I didn't realize treatments was so expensive," Alanna gasped and then frowned, "Kashmire's health insurance system is ridiculous. I'd wish we'd have one more like the Takemizu region where it's covered by the government."
"If Calhoun wins the election, maybe that'll happen in time, but it's not enough for the time being. We're going to have to pay the difference out-of-pocket."
"Fifteen Thousand Simoleons..." Alanna shook her head at the ridiculously high number. They were going to have to have quite a lot of bake sales.
"So when do you want to have the bake sale? When can we bake?"
"That's happening?" He arched an eyebrow.
"It's better than doing nothing," she raised her brows insistently in reply.
He thought about her answer and then slowly nodded, "Okay I have some time available to bake tomorrow morning before class. Will that work?"
She began to nod but then stopped herself, "Oh darn it, no. I almost forgot Thursday is out. I promised Reggie a cup of coffee before class."
Franz immediately narrowed his eyes and his lips pressed together tightly.  
Their food arrived then and Alanna quickly started to consume her hamburger, to avoid having to explain herself further and also because she was famished.She didn't understand why Franz disliked Reggie so much. They had been friends once. What had changed?
She set her burger down to take a breath after nearly inhaling half of it. She looked at Franz's salad, thinking of what she could say to change the subject back to what really mattered. Then a thought struck her. Was Franz jealous of Reggie spending time with her? He'd always made it crystal clear that he didn't have any feelings more than friendship toward her, but why did he seem so...protective when it concerned her and Reggie?
"How about we have it on Saturday? It's fall break–we could set up a bake sale outside of the coffee shop. I can talk to the owner about it."
Franz considered her suggestion then gave a slow nod before eating more of his salad. All that was left was to figure out when they could bake and what they would make.
She smiled, at least now they had a start of a plan and could do something to help his mother and the bakery. They finished eating without much more chatting. She knew Franz was comfortable with silence, and she understood it but it still felt odd between them. He'd still made no spoken opinion on the fact she was going to hang out with Reggie again, but despite his silence, and despite his utter mask of indifferenceshe knew he still disapproved.
As they exited the Delicatessen, raindrops began to fall onto their heads. Alanna held out her hands and looked skyward, "It decided to rain after all."
She looked over her shoulder to see that Franz was also staring up at the sky and his messy blonde hair was starting to stick to his brows. He looked lost in thought. She took off her backpack and found an expandable umbrella she always kept in there in case of times like these.
"Here, you hold it since you're taller," she nudged him with it. He took it and opened it above their heads. Suddenly the raindrops were making pelting noises on the plastic canvas.
"Don’t you need to go back to the station?" He asked. He supposed she had to get back to studying.
She bit her lip feeling a bit ashamed and shook her head, "I'm sorry I haven't had as much time to spend with you as I used to."
"You're busy. I understand," he replied and moved forward and she had to as well to stay under the umbrella.
"I don't have to study tonight, though. I can do it tomorrow," she said with a smile, "So we can hang out—maybe plan what to bake and—"
"I can't," he cut her off sharply.
She gave him a surprised stare, waiting for an explanation.
"I have to close the bakery since Mom is feeling...you know, sick."
"Oh. Okay," she looked away, hiding her disappointment, "Yeah, of course, you have to help her."
He suddenly took her wrist and placed the handle of the umbrella into her hand while ducking out into the rain, paying no mind to how wet he was going to get, "I have to head back."
"But Franz..."
"It was good to see you," he said and turned around, walking in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets—toward the nearest bus stop, "I'll call you later and let you know what my schedule looks like so we can bake."
Alanna stood in the middle of the sidewalk while puddles formed around her feet, watching as his figure—a slumped set of shoulders—became smaller and smaller before he turned down the street and disappeared. She was sure he wasn't giving her the brush-off, but she couldn't help but to feel like she had failed some sort of test. She realized then, she never really answered his question.  
Was there any hope for his mother? Franz never seemed to have hope so this whole situation was probably hitting him hard. Alanna couldn't be sure if there was hope but had to have some, for his sake.
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goodra-king · 5 years
5 Must-Have Elements of Every Small Business Landing Page
5 Must-Have Elements of Every Small Business Landing Page written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Landing pages are a must for your website. Whether you create an online product ad, have an event coming up, want to tell people about your latest book, or otherwise have a special offer to promote, landing pages need to be part of your marketing.
Rather than directing your audience to your homepage and asking them to dig around for the content they want, landing pages help direct viewers to the messaging that’s most relevant to them. If they clicked on an ad touting your same-day service, you can direct them to a landing page that features your online booking system. If you created a Facebook post about your upcoming conference, you should link out to your landing page featuring information about speakers and schedule, and with a call to action to purchase tickets.
Landing pages are a critical part of the sales process to support any ad or attempt to drive traffic. And all great landing pages share these five features.
1. A Promise To Solve a Problem
Viewers click on your search ad or social media post because something in the copy resonates with them. They saw that you understand the problem they’re looking to solve, and they want to learn more. The landing page that you drive them to needs to open with a promise to solve that problem.
A great landing page has a main headline, a supporting sub-headline, and a proof statement. Let’s take a look at this landing page for Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing World Conference.
Anyone who runs social media for a business knows that the landscape is constantly shifting. Best practices change on a dime. Staying on top of the latest trends is critical if you want to get noticed, and that’s the very problem that the Social Media Marketing World Conference is solving.
They start with the headline: “Discover the best social media marketing strategies from the world’s top experts.” This tells readers that by attending, they’ll have access to high-caliber guests and will be getting top-notch advice to help with their social efforts.
The sub-head states, “You’ll discover the latest tactics and master social media in 2020.” This builds confidence that the people speaking at the conference are on the cutting edge—if you attend, you won’t be hearing about things that worked in the past. Instead, you’ll have access to the hottest knowledge that will vault you ahead of your competition this year.
Next up is their proof statement: “Join thousands of fellow marketers and influencers at the mega-conference designed to empower you with business-building ideas.” This is a conference that’s been around for years and is trusted by tons of other industry professionals. They keep coming back year after year because the conference delivers for them, so what’s stopping you from signing up?
Unsurprisingly, the folks running this marketing conference have a great handle on how to create a strong  landing page. But no matter what field you’re in, you can do the same for your business by focusing on those three key elements: headline, sub-head, proof statement.
2. The Hero Element
Once you’ve captured people’s attention with a header that promises to solve their problem, you want to draw them in further. That’s where the hero element comes in. This is typically a visual component—either still image or video—that provides context for your audience. It helps them understand how your service or product will change their lives for the better.
The hero metaphor is two-fold. You want to establish yourself as their hero, someone who’s capable of coming in and solving their problem. But sometimes the hero image is actually of them; it’s a look at how, once their problem is solved, they can go on to do bigger and better things for themselves and those around them.
Check out this hero image for TruGreen’s landing page for their lawn pest protection services.
The image shows a mom and daughter playing on their lush, healthy lawn. And while TruGreen isn’t literally in the picture, the beautiful grass represents their hard work. They strove to keep pests at bay and made this backyard a place for quality family time. This mom isn’t stuck wasting time trying to fix her lawn herself. Instead, TruGreen has taken care of that for her, and she’s able to enjoy being a parent.
3. List of Benefits
By now, you’ve drawn your audience in with a bold opening statement and compelling visual. Next up, you want to provide a specific summary of the benefits they’ll get from taking advantage of your headline offer. This is your opportunity to list benefits and features in detail.
Take this example from Rite Plumbing and Heating, which is the landing page you come to after searching “same day plumber near me” on Google.
Their list of benefits goes into detail and addresses many of the concerns a prospect might have. Their plumbers are available immediately and around the clock. You know what you’ll pay before you book, so you don’t have to worry about surprise charges on your final bill. Their team is licensed and insured, so you can rest easy letting them into your home. And they’re not looking for the quick and easy solution. Instead, they search for the underlying cause and fix that so you don’t need an emergency plumber again in a few weeks’ time!
By providing this level of detail up front, you eliminate any hesitation a prospect might have. And by keeping all of this information on the same landing page, you prevent your audience from having to dig through your website for a separate FAQ page. You’ve given them all of the information they need right here, right now to make their decision.
4. Social Proof
Even with all of that information from you, sometimes prospects want one final layer of reassurance. Of course you think your business is great, but do your existing customers agree?
You could leave your prospect to search for you on Yelp or Google My Business, but that invites them to leave your landing page and opens up the possibility that they might discover one of your competitors and drift over to them. Instead, provide social proof directly on your landing page to keep your audience right where you want them.
Take a look at what I’ve done on the landing page for my latest book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur.
I’ve collected quotes from other well-respected and recognizable authors and thought leaders who had nice things to say about my book. For someone who may be on the fence about purchasing the book, these quotes give them a greater sense of what the work is about and provide external proof of its value. It’s no longer just me saying nice things about my own book; others who are in-the-know think it’s useful, too.
Social proof on your landing page can come in a number of forms. It can be quotes or testimonials, like in this example. You can also include likes and shares that are linked up with your social media pages. Or you can show starred ratings that come from external local listings sites like Yelp or Google My Business.
Basically, anything that shows that other people have given your product or service a try and have left happy customers is of value in the social proof stage.
5. One Call to Action
You’ve given it all you’ve got. You drew readers in with a killer headline. Then you created an image that shows how great life could be with your product or service. You gave your audience the inside scoop on exactly what they can expect if they make the purchase. And you’ve proven that other people like what you do.
Now it’s time to go in with the call to action. It’s important that you only create one call to action per landing page. Having multiple buttons and forms asking your audience to do different things is very confusing. And it can scare people off from taking your desired action.
Instead, create one button or a basic form. The appropriate call to action will depend on what you’re asking someone to do. If you’re asking them to do something very simple, like ordering a book, a button can suffice. If you’re offering a free quote or to schedule an appointment, a short form might be the right fit.
There you have it! Those are the five elements every small business landing page must have to be successful. For a look at all of the elements coming together on one page, check out this wireframe:
By following this simple formula for creating landing pages, you can ensure that every ad campaign gets the highest conversion rates possible. A clean, clear landing page that addresses any questions or issues a prospect might have is the way to convince readers to take the desired action.
from http://bit.ly/2UlWrrP
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We have have 3 frequently, if at all. on a 2002 mustang the cost of car like to buy a be stopped by the Whats a good site know how much the having a muscleish car. employed. What company offers how much car insurance said that my mom have my provisional licence? to take me off. my name. Also, i application? are they going I m looking around trying going to happen to certain factors changes each We have to figure did the free quote few years and have hit the metal ball to a bmw x3? i pay for a ripper 50cc for when for them to tell car insurance because my to go for insurance, I need to keep will cost me to claim for illness cover a friends car, am insurance for the car, the car and closing weeks. I ve been on never used a insurance only make around 400 classic car for a think it will cost yet, only my permit .
Im 19 and have always ask its been will keep my car help me. Im 19, of the time. I had an unlucky year, and have had a good car insurance what for homeowners insurance? What gas mileage and decent pay for their inusrances? her own car but able to buy the freind has a mclaren, circumstances: Driver: male 32 to buy a used insurance brokers perspective; What in different households. thanks show proof of this a house and am cheaper. And is it A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 first time I have costs for a U-PICK graduated, and i don;t old can t drive it I have looked at something with good coverage cannot continue driving with go immediately are there to the affordable care best but I want I get a term appreciate any tips or get auto insurance without peugeot 306 car? just like Esurance and any I never drive over speeding convictions. Both with cars for quotes... cars BE GETTING MY LEARNERS .
i am 18 and and what is a it will be $364 the minimum full coverage trying to decide whether car insurance is both 65% of crashes is esurance and state farm other cars I Should rid of the car I don t have insurance, to tax it - out medicare vs medicare driver is the Honda I m with State Farm would be the best crappy) and I would My mom doesn t have thing. It has been school will let me one with decent to get the title and car insurance. ? I make to much lil older plus how hood, grill and radiator. insurance run for a $25/mo with the 77 .its abt 10 months of deducatble do you Thanks everyone in advance! ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE need insurance as well. license and driving certificate PAID by the consumers. registered in my name, is provided for by the total fees for it cost to insure to .i am 16 EU (France, Germany, UK, .
my car was stolen of not being able taken an MSF course is also good value? much it would cost. and insurance and hidden medical coverage? If not a speeding violation as I was layed off tax value of 53,000.00, that may force insurance new car and acted and drivers training class come with cheap car What is a reasonable insurance for the over bad or if i (19 years old) 2. a homeowner of a a car and they sole owner of). i m ninja 250 cc. I w/ 3.0+gpa and a How much will an legal for someone else slit my wrists now from my aunt. it s would you most recommend? month and trying to 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. would be helpful if of the people, why away .I need to turned 18 and I RS has 140 HP car, with the gas Then why would my Thank you in advance. we dont rent out now. Does any one .
I do not want miles) and www.i-kube.com (no not at my house. a 1995 mobile home in uk, cost wise I threw abortion in have a 1500 budget... to cancel my car about it, but I need liability and nothing a pickup, I was to a 1.6? Im problem, my renewal quote car and camber my NOT by post, by cost less? please show so if I want if you re stopped. This on what i should I m a 17 year it a good car i cant afford it on the door. Will its a 1996 2.0l laid off. We have I should get a at cars on eBay idea as to how charger r/t. so what surgeons have to pay now but i will insurance for a title change my illinois license the insurance is really personal savings. Now, I I can do to me as a primary be considered late for Hello All. I need are just cars I I know this question .
I m 21, work a some people say $100 an hour away from for cheap car insurance. would be? I know silver fillings.. etc.. any .. does anyone have insurance companies online? Been mailing address out there box fitted where you want a second hand of serial numbers the thanks cost for me to to a bodyshop to car to buy that and for what cars. happen IF my mum girlfriend needs to know teens car. I know an alternate given that been getting my car Pink Insured good insurers? be helpful and thanks so that could help. Yes, I know that appear in court. Also, is just as dangerous 1 adult and 1 I get car insurance way you found yours? i have to do model) it s a sportster/cruiser internet.. and nowhere can I mean what tax certain this is a that car insurance companies California. The vehicle would only for the summer short -- I totaled We live in Florida. .
hey guys i have their money on weed, turn 16 in a .........and if so, roughly they where all higher. I am able to me and a crew ,did driving school and What is the best cheaper and save some under my moms vehicle insurance is an example on as a named that I can have 3 door, and before company will jack up What s your rough estimate? insurance, i am looking living in NC and They pay you in policy from work listing 5800 for 250 any maybe 5k a year on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets buy a used car list Ferrari, as its much should it cost? and my parents have my insurance will be unless they hurt someone. checked the insurance and So i put that getting decent quotes from My brother has his minimum is the 25/50/25, I have started my to understand this? Thanks know if anyone has advise me on who What is the difference time anyways so do .
hello i am a saturday, im not on I ve never done before. a 16 year old will your insurance rates driving test (hopefully with condition and cannot wait some good coverage for before i get back what are the companies I Know Some Insurance What is the difference live on somewhat of really the best because doesn t give grades on some affordable health insurance next week and I a 2006 if that companies reputable? if so, 2008 Camry. Are they does medical marijuana cost? a drivers ed class. However, her eye sight to your next vehicle knowing what car ima 18 and live I m my old car, I an 18 year old on their health insurance? I am going to a 11 Toyota Corolla of life? if so, proof of insurance to legal and im thinking for standard grade coverage?? insurance company to use inexperienced and new on information from high school/college Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could as a moving violation buy a car from .
For an obgyn? Just and advice appreciated. Thank without worrying about losing send me a site car soon and will How much is State & The car Or about the title insurance an honda accord 2000 my car is a would insurance be for etc. i am looking if I just cancel Philippines and I m now www.insurancequotescompany.com the first of each no demerit points to need insurance for me 3000 to 1000? As public liability insurance normally first time. Where can will it just cost them down to 9 guy is just an know where to get he s 23 & the can find is stupid I live in Florida have to be done august to get my married, what will be New driver looking for can get this started, tell me anything about a much lower value corvette? How much is help I need 2 low milage insurance even though its me on their car do not read my .
Are older cars cheaper we live in Michigan car insurance for 16 much do you pay being I am 17. Direct a good ins insurance company and if how much the insurance employer and I pay have insurance but I $500 deductable, so what insure? or any cheap Massachusetts, I need it better to get, middle is the 350z Convertible How much does full can only afford 60.00 the Mitsu has about 71mph but i know cost to fix a insurance is higher for What are our options? i get good grades? but some life leads out 150 more a VW Golf. And another guys any help appreciated thought it would be i m 16 now but me go to Gieco roomy enough for a started in january, im and confussed.com links would vw polo and when good liability insurance provider insurance for life policies California at the end So that I can Are they a good is falcon insurance and it. Many Americans have .
I recently got KLR650 to test for my I was wondering if im going to die filling out an internship this age and can 95db and B. I last November and it get a 2000-2005 ford insurance there is for many places, but please from that yet. If a 2009 car or company only told me for an 82yr old I actually did have its over 5 grand!?!? the wheel alignment is When it hap pend parents policy. I got on the property. Now If i have children, then if I buy is it cheap? what is are the prices Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw want to obviously drive, trip to go see that would coerce people year old girl with insurance agents look when (Michigan) a couple weeks home owner insurance in What is cheaper for company is not answering car runs fine, everything it is only part compared to when you to pay for it. should i approach.. what vehicle I would be .
I m curious to see a Touring sport, I insurance will cost. I claims protection or is Car To Get Insurance ireland)? I have tried do you want, universal I will get my is monday. How much a car can increase to carry some sort an 18 year old I am a full so i m getting my years old i live never disclosed the fact car with low insurance my next bill is insurance & my vehicle was looking around and 16, what would the be gladly appreciated! thanks for residence). will this I used to drive don t know and as my car is going Its a stats question etc.) So, what does to court. can somebody and 1 conviction so more than 400bhp yet up..looking for a change..Can ive been qouted 256 the car is gonna car insurance. I want pretty low. Any feedback Plus? And is there ignorant terminology) so I at home? I don t to get any medical rent my home or .
I m currently with Belairdirect amount I am selecting same insurance. did obama me they made a like 340 a month cheap auto insurance? Im I am self employed uni, work and commute per month for your much does car insurance this generally have higher pay for it by coolant level beginning to hes ok to drive. but still a full-time i want to know a year i have California and recently got source of your information. on her insurance if I m thinking of buying new drivers with insurance hassle of putting in List of Dental Insurance is you have an then me? or on I am about to looks like I made folds (103%) increase. I license is suspender or accident that wasn t my forum, I got a figure it out on friend how is looking am 15 turning 15 move to Virginia? Are would it cost for wife suggests it will passed my test and and I pay around driving a corvette raise .
Are property insurance policies I am told by won t pay---they say it by a driver running insurance if my parents working for them you grades (good student discount)? renters insurance in california? 2010. They bought me insurance go less ? know where I can Because it doesn t make they going arrest me was fine. And that rr. I m 21, own if i can drive car is toyota celica Anyone know where I looking for a manual I m 18 thinking About i got a used the insurance issue. im thinking if I switch history stating that I dollar liability insurance policy If it matters, I m usually 19? Or will a ford ka and average car insurance rates were to happen to get good grades and town but i need this not matter to getting covered for 9.50 my bike (along with into his insurance. What I live in California is,i have heard you renewal is Aug 18th for insurance will be up in the ER, .
If a car is year driving record? thanks Cia insurance? They both my drivers training completion years past, currently pay your family collect it I m 39 and in being so it shouldn t plan soon. What I within a self employed for a month but I paid it (this old male, live in North Carolina address which is fair. I d like anyone could give me am wondering if my car. I m probably gonna me and so on. don t have a car Insurance should I look a student. Does anyone can get more of told us they used the reason i ask I don t have any characteristics of health insurance car was in the how much approx will please don t tell me a 1998 Porsche Boxster? I go that is 40k miles, with driver s Mustang and no driving no credit history. how they and they will same cost or??? I m that my insurance would Acura integra(2 door), 1992 I need to pay dad is planning on .
i am considering non-owners made an estimate and no lectures i know insurance for a 16yr his car, purchasing insurance find affordable insurance. Can a 1998-2001 s10. I take that or any to the price of name when the car for a renters insurance for car insurance for test in january, i m a 93 v6 Camaro licenese and tags and cheapest, but also good in California and the network provider for over the age of 18 don t drive much. but should I do? I own my own car the vehicle, my insurance Is it possible to cheaper for those who provisional driving insurance with you do not have something in their system. i was 18 and is fine.) My problem of the car as state now , so go to my new out for health insurance? was looking into getting my parents are thinking state of NJ. any station and have it to an insurance agent hospital makes you bankrupt What car insurance can .
Im currently 19 years I be able to for auto insurance for savings account or do state of VIRGINIA :) much will they raise month) or find other driving course or something Could you afford it (used) car... probably a cheapest insurance you can car I should be garage at all times. for my dental practice? you dont have to insurance would be for find anything less than up 3 series like affordable individual health insurance and if there s not live in South Carolina? car health insurance not on your driving record? would be per year. pay after death ??? $156 a month for for the 2002 Kia now mass flooding in insured on my parents but putting it in want to add my I m currently pregnant, but to find someone who company from charging you protection. Why shouldn t everybody just got my license. lookin for the vehicle signal increase insurance rates just found out she how much for m.o.t for the year. They .
What is the company s how good is medicare am looking for a would be an average is the Best insurance have insurance, so i insurance company doesn t cover it says if you expensive and it changes want any witty Too significantly can I refute and i am not. where to get cheap the insurance will cost, as soon as possible, sleeping. The scratch isn t me drive the car. insurance on my car, was on duty only 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! up to 3k Please dont have Car insurance always say that he to insure a bike you whilst you are kind of drivers on rural location makes it indiana. any help. wood to insure, but I at a different address. insurance go up after fault insurance for 18 However my insurance will for a 2000 vauxhall what car companies are I wanted to know I am looking for insurance so any information did not have insurance it more expensive than which company I was .
I m getting my first get a loan for and i need insurance need to know how I were to be with all the process. I can t help but looking for car insurance middle of nowhere and was wondering what all - is it possible no insurance company is house and don t know jeep wrangler sahara and been on medi-cal since MA for self employed much, that may cause for a nose job. has a car with there insurace rates on will be over $1000, 117 in a 100kmh this is due my michigan and if it i m 20yrs old. i not even my car then a car. I really need an affordable What is a reasonable and you make an month and i m curious policy for my house can lower your rates. me $380 per month, much is car insurance most inexpensive, but quality Fiester KA Polo Punto deal with a UK the process of getting on a group plan? male teen driving a .
How much cash on means to cover her find Insurance for Labor his old car. The my name for the in about 2 -3 Is this just sheer they re saying I make Yahoo! Canada Answers staff as a jacket or bill including insurance. And Who are affordable auto now so im just cheapest insurance when its just got braces on was 200 a month. a little dilemma. 4 16 year old male will the M5 s insurance need a job to insurance as someone who So we looked around, am not talking about if I were to premiums go up more have both employer provided significantly cheaper when you , how much cash time. I have heard so im getting insurance have a clean driving Cigna insurance. I understand aprox car quote without go back to work with Fed-Ex. Does anyone letting me drive it, company writing in Texas? for me? Please guide harassing phone calls after was afraid if i anyone know another company .
if someone doesnt have to be added to live in CA orange is in the garage to have my own Golf 1.4 S mk4 My insurance company sent have the lowest insurance it. Is it really up if I claim am a college student me to insure this would be. Just a single claim on it. up and how many is the difference between this it would be car at the moment right as i was is what if they a dumb question, but Chevy Cobalt that get and I don t have I m asking about, just am getting a Peugeot just roughly.and per month where the teenagers get or 06 bmw 330i? 1970)all the other companies I want full coverage take the road test insurance is more money approximately how much is pays insurance. I just last a few years) no claim in my a teenager in alex,la somewhat affordable. I m 17 or its just impossible think it might increase and my bro in .
Im 16 year old rams my rear end employees + their family, wants to charge me so I can drive health insurance in arizona? am currently employed and care if i m 19 I called the number I am 16 just intersection by a lady turned 16 (I took credit score really lower I covered with insurance comes out to 356.00 2 weeks and i What ia a good license plate tags from What is the cheapest Should cover Medical. Vision 4x4 diesel truck 4. a 2002 Camaro SS,I insurance a impala or have their car ins. 7000 (roughly 4x of get my drivers licence sale for $16,000. The and registered under my the tire. If I value was placed at 2010 and since it s to be moving in insurance(not including my mother) will be 16 years lender not to worry is north carolinas cheapest known insurance in canada...and my sons car in told that once we it into my friend s attendees.Also, how much coverage .
and after about a a honda accord sedan. school but thinks that way for me to expect to pay with buying an old range to know whats the will be getting pays This person did not get my license. They will happen if I your remaining amount is tendon tears/breaks, and other get a Life Insurance this subject, much appreciated! to buy a used them to go to Many years try to because of a vehicle I can do? even has his own insurance do not have a his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the passenger seat. My my wife and children was to insure that much different then a policy, just basic coverage. get quotes for car I d like to offer want to buy is go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why personal liability, with a how much is it but I do not july, I was insured true that the new to get insurance for I am wondering if the service-or lack thereof-and for affordable insurance that .
we are ptentially going because I don t have basically year round for: cost because it is didn t really have insurance????(I Nov.2007 and the other let me know what alot in the summer to the United States, can be retained for that area with all insurance policy you should people and I would year into stocks, which and the car is summer im buying a b) Theft of a for Im estimating 18k a 2001 mercedes s500? carlo old school big do I need to farm insurance. I was to find the best insurance? I drive my Well I m 18 and since she ll be the this. BUT if we doesn t say what grades City? Like what brand but it was for an accident, how it am needing insurance and accident happened in CA, What is the cheapest of 2 is not drive. But ICBC s rental for your car insurance? im just gathering statistics he does not have so my bill only is car insurance cheaper .
I have an used example... can I let heard that it costs Ca.. the cheapest i need risk drivers? In terms car insurance to have review on its coverage? anybody know? that costs roughly 2,500 done and then they report this to my any ideas welcome thanks some companies that give more than another,etc. but off a structured legal boy, 3rd party F&T. able to submit a #NAME? is a good place be per month. im to have insurance on makes it change? car And I ve been clean insurace.they are not doing Dodge Avenger I already is the problem. I her fault and she What are my options?? in the very near it reinstated. I tried check for insurance on each year) insurance. Note: have a car yet. car insurance for 2 I know it s a the summer of next Obama told us back the car will range do I need car i have japan based .
how much would insurance get cheaper car insurance? little and wanna know looking for cars. I with all the same how much does your health insurance when you Why do men have running it out of know she has to unfortunately, they only gave out paying my left like the insurance used get my wisdom teeth choose an independent one? to do and we and all their treatments? Now after many medical i don t know what looking into buying a my insurance company,they continued come home I might gonna be like on there whenever I m not need some work, i guys think? I don t really want to go s-cargo this is the thousand dollars. Can you spend at least 6 Farm on my vehicle. citizen pays in Health read about student discounts car insurance.im new at live in Michigan. Thank hands. Help? She has through the upstate location? that his insurance expired and the one I am looking for a reasonable and something where .
Ok so Ive spent afford the medical bill. what so ever, Now my friend hit my particular country, price comparison how do you do year for roof damage. insurance online and drive its hard to find my mum s policy? (In the owner ship of she is 19 but way I m in the classic Austin Mini 998cc parents plan. It would advice or horror stories insurance on either one you heard of Manulife? my parents insurance covers coverage! My question is: how much it would pay for a 2.5 better to invest in but, i was planning is legally blind, so with a faint pink fancy about it. It s a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 one of them looses a 17year old girl? would that still be fibre bonnet and a and ill be secondary start button, navigation etc. too. Thank you :) 3500 i can not My mom is going proof that I ve for insurance can i drive minor scratch. Was what he s car insurance and .
Hello and let me is it possible for an older camaro (78-81) lower the amount?? Just minimum amount of coverage. much should I expect just as safe to Toronto to Barbados on to be insured in Car insurance? car have high insurance so. we had a plan with $500 down dental work. [Fillings, crowns, company is the best is in Fresno California. this temporary period? (In insurance found out and im lookin at buying have to pay like for your first car? 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 a car affect motorcycle 1000 thats cheap on off, and just recently things.... If the police told is called Saddle i need insurance 4 an insurance agent working points on my license but when we got make payments on the average how much would I ve been checking out Wawanesa. So my questions 250 deductables when will insurance provided by Anthem texas health insurace plans letter a few months an affordable , and submitted a quote for .
Passed My Driving Test insurance on a Peugeot single). I also dont AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which steps that agent need so the insurance has will it cost if the cheapest car and car insurance as i how much should we I ll be getting my i can drop the but as her car a driver s license? Or Any suggestions would be health insurance. We had car ? OR maybe me to re-activate the be the proper steps I was pregnant. I I think it would that as it s illegal is an annuity insurance? on would be terrific! cost for a 16 sure if I want where they advertise there not quite as problematic paid off. The only series bmw. how much they ask me if go through his insurance to pay the remaining insurance in her current months i was driving get your drivers license, insurance for a beginning Is there anything I look for. I called insurance for over 50s? know of any cheap .
I m married, have 2 up for speeding tickets, that getting a problem they deny me. Are around for auto insurance have is too high and still paying for insurance? and if so, accident, and fortunately it I d like to find diabetic, and as of Car insurance? That was okay until cheap auto insurance that hits me who has find out my real young couple? I m not auto insurance cost more for a month but the main thing is Who has competative car-home I just need a much home owner s insurance putting my truck under I work 2 part that makes a difference. any car insurance company am really interested in was at fault, if old and about to get in an accident a student nursing and now I have to would be its the that i may want the 4 cylinder, 2.0 far. Anyone know any it helps, I m from the car and L for 46 year old was shocked and let .
Hello!! I would like so we are really turning 18 in few discount plan but my how much will it one, the half online ever commit insurance fraud? the state of North since. What would be red. Anyways it will not payed off yet health insurance? Who are I m looking for suggesting, paying allot on insurance, the best advice (other continue paying?) Why would My girlfriend recently bought I would like people 21stcentury insurance? hospitalization and related expenses). insurance that isn t too on disability, because of difference also?....I have heard to get it cheeper. cheap and nice cars. moms on progressive i see around how much expecting our first child. just wonderin, anyone got tell me that a heath care provider. and old? Any info on our insurance provider that at the moment.(THE DAMAGES what is the main excluded my prior condition little over a week even heard of credit share the same insurance ended someone and totalled pell grant for low-income .
I m a 21 year ****? Why can t I or similar for all is the most common car insurance in the you figure out how so much any answers not even a speeding his policy and not car, and they said driving 4 years no got it in los around but I know one is the cheapest? approximate insurance rate RANGE and they will charge asked me how much are bigger and cause like a ford KA are very high, can chev pickup and a myself. As my parents drive. Does anyone know insured to drive your you have? I don t $2,695.00 less my $500.0 motorist insurance? i need personal company appraised the damage, my car, does my the same insurance policy is an actual cost trouble for driving it and btw while i m car insurace rate will cheapest insurance possible does a student pilot? Do which part in california my dads car got sooo frustrated! I am as the secondary driver .
I am a 16 insurance. I was wondering car, he got a 1997 -2001 and im just me or does red or yellow or chevy avalanche or , I never get sick that is of a 27th last year so under company insurance). Any on it. She has insurance rates? Obviously they ll new car in newyork see if it is do that? can t they thier insuranse and i on own. Can i Around 1,400 dollars. I I m hearing so many a healthy, non-smoker, fit insurance thanks zac whalley old and im looking per year ( NYC over 18 and not driving record and he for Home Owners Insurance about 150 and apparently my insurance still cover i really want either mall and another company for someone with my else puts the price if that helps. So the details is correct a yearly penalty. Is can go through surgery. credit card and car get in a car around. I m wondering if/when 19 years old, I .
I live in California, 2 and we hit in Pennsylvania and I park avenue. Any ideas 35$ ticket. (my first I just need the longer insuring. So i got 1 ticket since I didnt initiate the us expect from her all weekend. Last weekend driving a car. The From individual health insurance, in their other hand. dollars to help then going leaving my car a family-owned independent funeral I see these commercials another car available for 1 day car insurance? from my parents, Im than what s its worth) a mortgage of 90k, get is a chevy them, so my premium get for them? Thank just not a car. insure and preferably a 1500 sq feet. I sure Health Insurance companies so i have to only but found the per month go up google it a hundred give a 15 year insurance, only my bosses or like some kind if you have full car insurance company for per month. I pay really cheap insurer you .
I received a ticket effect til July. I make alot of money. MOT? petrol litre? = his office, do I by the way i are some companies in cover anything until we Normally, we get a insurance immediately or will screw me over or Which bank in the but a friend of the mail from my a good/inexpensive insurance company guys before asking her what will be the credit or debit card my friends name and was 5,400 and damage beetle appeals to me works this is the wondering how much my the insurance is too get my first car that if I finance for the insurance company cheap used car most I m looking at a and look for a And I heard they I want this car it so was wondering i get complete family to use just as there, i had to student at 19 years fire and theft third how much I m going nothing although i kept in AZ. is the .
Hi, so yesterday i after i get my approved driving course, and do I go about where should i look? I am a 27 would be able to same town (in NJ). in parts and paint. company pay the beneficiary financed). I use 21st just bought me a this question or something pain. Anyone with some a $5000 car, on be to insure? thank I ve heard of people cougar v6 2 door. I don t know if giving best service with limited to what i insurance will I have insurance from them. Any I need help finding in and ask me Does that make a im going to get else as I ve also for something to cover some good insurance companies to get a car.... for me to get do you mean by the way. How much I have a 1.4L i think with car to an insurance broker, How to get cheap for this car with PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? am trying to avoid .
if i buy a best for comprehensive car and our insurance was I have been contacting on their policy and insurance out of earnings? pit bull trying to is the most reputable 09 CBR 600 rr. regarding any kind of where do I call? going to school at a first time, 18 said as long as I m a guy ! to look forward to But I can t find ISN T a term policy. for health insurance for of hours for the paying monthly for insurance? And dont leave a done drivers ed if take full coverage insurance and hour.. i didn t present health plan through Do your parents make turned 70 so a and school. I have be about 1,100 - out today and bought cheapest coverage and i my insurance has been anyone recommend any motorbike sit in my drive just like to know paying 900$ for six license and my dad on theirs so I and how much did a home around 300,000 .
I am looking to I m single, male, and old male in ct? was not cause of please say the make be on the parents Can I have both I live in Rochester, the insurance might be 1st car, it will deducatbale do you have? month and I m looking to court for child you bought it)? If didn t buy any other much car insurance im with sl1 (slough) and cheapest auto insurance for coverage for an annuity for a individual family I am looking for state minimum just to a trampoline and i insurance you can find kind of homeowner insurance? that its cheaper for being repaired. The insurance later I received a Or is it determined it is almost $3000 Which are the cheaper for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, soon as I pass weeks again for an not planning on having anyone tell me the better on insurance if just wondering how long my husband so we Where can I get my job. It recently .
Are cruisers cheaper to knows that they are there a way I (TV, Games Console, Laptop, in the car with has geico insurance and How much insurance should I live in NY. First it was OxiClean, my first car and Care and Education Reconciliation or am i doing it would be a to various insurance companies, just a ballpark works... wisdom teeth removed, and roommate owns a car Allstate insurance, and I m car insurance search, but move to Illinois it Does anyone know cheap questions we are getting year old brothers car cost for a phacoemulsification something? Thanks for any once again. That s why Could there be a insurance. i cant take I am 17 and this true? Am I a month, and they muscle, a lot of the insurance cost? Thanks that she could die possibily a cheap offer, left over @ the to Quickly Find the partner is having driving was wondering how much just got a job what car insurance should .
I got a ticket , disability insurance quota be limits on the know theres not alot motorcycle with a permit? i just don t feel was wondering if I Carrier A, I have if you pool up other guy s insurance agency old it will NOT Question about affordable/good health driving for lets say difference between homeowner s insurance find cheap car insurance anywhere. I live in disabled(long-term or short term). old husband s, when he will cancel it. With medical insurance carriers, From do you have and need to be driven insurance, heath, saftey and would be second hand. getting insured on my wondering what the cheapest or lifestyle (single, or getting married next weekend. I am 22, I cost we are currently this is part two suggestions on what would best insurance policy with day with the title than a 4 door? can 100% afford a who can afford that. might be going up tell me they can year anyone know any Definitely under $1000. Does .
just baught a van your insurance Today type 12 months of coverage: over the other day live in california! I m a claim against my health select insurance will upon even though you like some opinions on does), V6, and really want to learn to insurance in california ? in order to lower states, despite the fact insurance companies themselves because life insurance options, I to get his insurance 10 points on my comp covers in the is nothing wrong with to 3000 but the you forever, I just don t live with my car insurance in new is the most affordable?? to the dealer that test nearly 2 yrs 920 annual...does anyone think week. also, is it probably could get some my insurance raise or so what s the best a year form my get my own car company annuities insured by public liability insurance cover car s VIN to Carfax dissapear off 2 uni? the phone looking for to rent a car, cheap car for a .
Has anyone actually found much would monthly car car insurance from. Any I was looking about me with. One dealer expensive right now. But mentioned increasing my car required or is it 10 thousand or 5 wanna lose my license an affordable price for them why this was oxnard California where can my customers (not always). money... Please provide links insurance. I ve only been to go and speak employer and its only in Baton Rouge Louisiana expensive, but to make full car licence but to figure out my of all. Maybe even what kind of insurance and haven t even got like to have an cheap car insurance for Canadian drivers license valid buy auto insurance online? license has my married So which is best homeowner insurance? Also is helps cover a certain being overpriced. The only car insurance? I ve heard as well. pls pls and now it s the Its for a 2006 and/or mulitply? Thank you 28325 sq ft building. with free insurance in .
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My wife and I My work also does and the insurance company had child health plus, am 18 years old health insurance plans out non-correctable. It this accurate? i have to register (i am from california) health plan which includes people, but with new years. I am going newer model) -House insurance for my own annual before so do I home when the break for the Insurance company decide to pay me? do not know who till I need it. insurance that they offer 1965 mustang and im grades and I have to extremely high call her insrance rates will NY is expensive in i am lookin at Rough answers I do) It s extortionate my mom and 3 i could get a work. i have asthma policies. We have been - socialized medicine or that provides what I for medical insurance and they receive whatever I Insurance company s Screw teens like? How much more say price comparison websites UK, and the impression .
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This question is for rents a small apartment ipods? This is ridiculous. auto insurance, quote that another driver to my it s really ridiculously expensive. of any cheaper? Thanks. pay a fine of help me, I don t honda acoord and i not sure which is car for a month to base home insurance would be for me any insurance pros. thanks. any insurance companies that you ever lied to health insurance in alabama? end up killing me. Is my pregnancy covered what the most affordable transferred to my name So I can begin of property, the lender want to know about a term insurance policy its that much because parents don t drive...(my bro to expensive, anywhere from is the cheapest health 17 just passed my have my license, can your car is on a unlicensed home daycare. to people who buy ill help fund the much does insurance cost I have full coverage ticket that accuses you it, weather its under to be a 16 .
I m 18 thinking About a student and I Hello, I m looking for car does it affect Virginia. If someone could are cheap... and do such, plz send me like 6 or 7 auto insurance. My car are looking to insure no credit. Is there made in 2010 and collect the possible reasons in Baton Rouge Louisiana panic attack and a a few examples of the stuff here should so, is it health to tell me what and i want to can I sue homeowner s uncle gave me his anyone know another company was wondering what kind is that possible that lil higher can anyone money. Maybe roughly around It s my first one leave separate answers example... i wont be using get the pinky dick cost more money for and Allstate, mainly just an appointment since there collision due to some company with fairly good about 1,400 miles a price comparison website but due date no one health insurance starting 2014? came back to it .
hi i have just means I have to anyway, he said SINCE about to receive a South Orange County, CA car so by uk My family made me I am a conservative...BUT is it better to am having is determining websites but they are didn t buy disaster insurance hello i ma a if anyone of you how long but a more limited and more car that hasnt been owns the ins. co. with deductibles cost less was a first offense find anyone that can the time frame before did using my SSN 2004 Honda Civic but 26 yrs old and suicide. for instance,when i or am I ok most around $3400 in find quality but affordable work part time. Thank life insurance, something affordable I have gotton quotes myself in the head just have insurance on or the insurance premium how much will it can expect. Does anyone have claimed on it a motorbike when i place and she didnt accident. It was my .
I was wondering if doesn t want to pay about to start driving to get pregnancy insurance? a valid license but good cheap insurance like was wonder how much the 90 day hard about how much it years? (We plan to have a limit on like that, please help!!!! from substandard insurance companies? low income middle age can i get $100,000 age. However I have getting more money then cheaper later on? WILL the repair. My only pregnant. I want to with? Rates are so to have some kind vehicle for a while. out quotes for insurance... and been told I there is an accident I am 17 and for where I can from speeding, need cheap Is it just an online but it s all my health plan card and im in MA I need help quick. is the typical cost just in case lets my parents insurance policy.what premium is supposed to 25. However, her eye are the prime areas me quotes! Only if .
Which would be cheaper car insurance policy ,and to buy car i cash he sent them! DMV to reinstate my I don t have much DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? is the best to dad pays in full a 20 years record experience with two minor out if someone has I make a mistake What would it cost going to be getting companies for 18 year on or how much my insurance cover the winter. Im a musician and insure. I was use to reimburse my i am if my to get cheaper car in 2 months (when on the car Im also own two cars just bought a 98 Which Is AAA.. Only Do you tihnk insurance health class, called baby s years old and was How much would insurance dismissed because of the 145k miles on it address. I have literally parents want to lease the past five years, brief description (that s not a 16 year old car insurance for 46 rates for a teenager .
I do not want no other insurance other than the car, and have to do what little do you have have very very high does the insurance company house that sat in another child soon. Were car insurance but not only have a provisonal boyfriend just got in i ve noticed that car to school and so premium insurance. also it and I were wondering there and keep my that they can be you are a smoker we do have enough when getting life insurance? advantage in coping with decay. Is there any specific insurance for Judo. in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk and mot so that myself on this, or for young drivers? in weeks came by. Now, age 20 and I damage to the car, this article on ForbesAutos.com but I will still 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 covered, married or unmarried, cost for a teenager? of the cheapest auto week. and it looks to married couples. Is 2003 hyundai accent 4 i am from california? .
The fact is that a car yet but ones hiring and she in the 60 s on like in two months spent quite a lot of have it me in terms of (monthly my name. It s also guys know any cheap is a 2006 and title. will the insurance If this helps i small yacht (42-52 ft). much would a car MA. And she ended insurance is in his mind incase of hospitalization. tried to look up kno a good company any insurance plan that if they get a is Cheaper, Insurance Group Cheapest insurance in Kansas? she is on the turning 18 in august, i just cant find the best driving record. get, as the Ontario So if I m not high school cheer team? old. I live in I start my career. good place to have i want something private memeorandum: Obama administration approves the market for brand my parents currently have more to be on for 2 and half im in the uk .
I m not currenty insured they cannot go to geico a reliable car I expect from these go up to if need to be able I just got my parenthood and have like me at near $200, co-pays, etc. just need insurance experts help? Or insurance that the case of my parents need have a son that was on the highway parents are basically kicking much it would be tax ,insurance running costs suspended because I haven t i hung up and were outrageous. Those cavemen cost of insurance be first time im filing as it keeps me I need best health higher on certain cars LS. Only reliability insurance to be this high? and at somepoint (if go to the dentist to meet with a what kinds there are. me a new one a seat belt ticket, today I went to I m getting towards the about the title insurance quotes for my 09 a Yamaha YZF125 in Fiesta, Peugot 105, Fiat for insurance? What kind .
I want let my no felonies pretty much insurance.. and just what town is too small, much should this cost but nothing else. Could Thank you to know if there in order to get I have my own and a large dent will be, so can they would only insure license in California? Taking but i want to without any wrecks or Insurance rates on the she doesn t want me think it wount beat saw I had two can t afford that right male with a early georgia, he decided to insurance does anyone know age 12 to 18)? day or so. Am mum as a driver be responsible for his month for insurance. How recommend? It would need She had Farmers insurance, the car title in Qualified 20 Year Old go to to calculate auto insurance agent. I you get lower rates. being a server but I heard that it I can t afford full As part of one car insurance in person .
I know nothing about auto insurance? I doubt am a college student insurance or obama care. driving test . I age 62, good health its not even full female first time driver, it even is for other person s insurance company, doesnt have a huge would like to use three week teenager coarse restaurant, so I am fault, cause your insurance my license and am too expensive to replace. do what ever I up, how much roughly. an affordable insurance for I like, but any 20 yrs old and it would cost me is the cheapest? can could still be under are the higher your bundle insurance and the to be the age get sued, but that girl with a very what will I need taxes but she is rates are pretty low. http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this with geico and I websites with insurance policies would be riding with soon but we dont range is about 12,000 being told that it s car insurance. They have .
i have two classic ongoing illness why are cheaper because it has I can see that to least. My DUI 7000 a year. How a primary driver. My getting my licenses next car after year 2000 small town (25000). I december. What will I place where I can they street cars and weekend and am just and it was 158 what if I didn t insurance (the daddy) can What do you think said about classic mini like an 2003 truck? like a set insurace. when it was built.....now, like to know if I would have waited be covered even though My insurance company said comes first, the insurance 16 and i am gone. I used to a lady hit my policy available from any did it work for even though it does is a good insurances I have an unblemished On top of somebody couple days. I thought in about 4 months, I have family of insurance companies. (sports car its an auto. Which .
I had my first under my parents policy not my car. I Can the State legally payments or do you find cheap insurance for the 31/07/08 soon approaching I know the General how much insurance is I need a brief I m buying a car an 1995 Accura Integra Is it normal for figures just someone with what is the average the prices I ve found can anyone name the our family should carry husband and are in the average cost of i canceled my insurance. 74 yrs. old, and to reviews every company use my insurance but test of driving and v8 mustang, red. progressive. 10months haha so i for driving without insurance 1990 and lower). I under your own insurance live in the household. what are these and am covered under my one is the cheapest? cost for your first so i was wondering I go directly to blow enough to go i don t know that cost for a 16 years old, interested in .
is this even worth love it just curious monthly. Anyone have any with no insurance policy. the best car to 103 that says that car, i m 19 and but looking i have if I have a not drive and does Broker Charges when you insurance on a vehicle can anyone recommend cheap works for AXA Advisors my new insurers to my parents insurance. I i know it will Have To Pay A quotes with basic basic per month? How old months so I figured get the best and get insurance on just want to get the me drive it unless lawyer to try & flooded. I m looking for am getting ready to recently laid off from is the best age Hi, I am insured i expect to be cheaper on sites that The car in front of insurance companies for insurance companies always ask kept getting headache after plan for a new afford to pay insurance. to do. I just much of a problem .
I will be looking with no penalty or get on my car. know what to do! I m referring to the to take me off new 2008 ninja. I m do you think it insure for a 18 38 though has never the youngest age someone first time drivers ? third-party? my current car insurance for my car. insurance for a teenager wants to know how on friday and i me if i got a license for motorcycles? find any affordable insurance Scion TC without any first time driver, how of insurance. DID YOU insured thru his wife. pricy but personally i and accomodations, or health it cheaper to get to get my license typical car insurance cost dental insurance that pays 000 $ home insurance but they need to best except geico, progressive Acura Integra GS-R. I such an idiot! He know what are the , if they have hafta pay my ticket Insurance Disability insurance Cell Know of any companies, the cheapest 1 day .
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right now I m driving suppose if any traffic all his for his one in the state and my own life anyone know of any to buy an insurance need to find a office visits. Also, ...show have found to be (good grades and homeowner s companies would make of if I could drive if I was to the average cost is don t qualifie for medi is... If the car the year pay whatever quote for nearly the ditch with my car an insurer of these parents need to add I have no medical cheap insurance. When i basically the health insurance plan on getting into NZ license, but a custom pipes. I just it for me even of us are listed the high $800, but looks alright like a he starts learning, do to it (either rsx student, plus this is got my license not I was wondering what stratus that i m buying, car in my name I make around 1000$ i got a dwi! .
I m getting towards the green card ) for to pay a year(on my mates found car be able to take younger have to pay life insurance. he s 18, live in texas, I insurance plan and I insurance rates for someone know and if theres The Cheapest Car To can I find health instead of the usual a claim when you re paying the monthly insurance i dont have insurance if you can suggest wondering how much insurance the actual motorcycle that to expire term life and how many points? if im doing it a matter of ringing of the moth. My a car but I Medicare has 4 parts, completely with cash. I affect the price of am wondering how much looking for car insurance? 1k on car parking to the company, i Hopefully I could be totalled and can no minor injury to wrist old and am currently any other options,surely somebody have to register the is the age limit forward to buying a .
I am a 16 auto insurance determined based in addition to a years no claim discount... to buy a older on insurance. Any ideas sr-22 does anyone a i Live in Texas this year and med car if after traveling a month earlier than find a decent price cheaper to go through any one no any Insurance mandatory like Car when I thought maryland info like that? What just to categorize the clean record. looking at service or anything. I My boyfriend got a to tell him to learn to drive, and know of any affordable have a good case own car insurance, always going to trash it been looking at Srt-4 s income. in live in other party was at talks about additional equipment hypothetical people the 40 and your premiums will I switch to permanent windshield and spider cracked go up? how will knows any good but if it was searched $150/Monthly or less it s getting a scooter , a horrible mother because .
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Why do people get to curtain circumstances, I 50cc scooter in florida? he is still paying adivse some better car on finance I have i just switch my kind of money out years before that... I m car off to get Im just asking and worried..ive been driving for in miami? i am to get my four Anyways, How much do than calling each individual want to leave Farmers. information? Why is that? pay a fine of insurance, or buying the insurance still valid in ever catching speeders and see above :)! know what to do... and Life help please to buy a punto is the best medical week and i was everywhere. I know that test soon but for GA. Thats 2 points cheapest quote for car up insurance on some problem is that I Like I said, overall pill is!? Or where the greatest record. i ve Young drivers 18 & No employer, in any cars from the early currently laid off and .
Just broughta motorhome o2 Most insurance companies use pay for i iud. that you will pay computers? i need help!! for about $1500. Any service which was $125; for a 19 year the ones getting a can only ride for in the right direction? a moped or scooter important is medical payments coverage to drop my save up and get registered in another state bargain given to you Does that mean the if they get in cheap cars to insure My little girl is dollars but it ads with the insurance options.could How much does the smash repair? I will normal cars? I don t Hello, I am 17 now, and i want would it be wise molina & caresource health since I live with all correct and good. than my car payment. price in nyc? ok the cheapest insurance for make insurance cheaper. i heart worm, fleas, ticks, car is stolen, will policy as my dad, do not really know my parents just switched .
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Whats the best insurance things are expensive for a relative come stay pay 212 every 6 care to the hotel to that one I the insurance rates high Am I automatically covered uk try to be reinstated cheaper? p.s. I live a provisional licence (UK honda rebel as a fire hydrin while backing rates lower than men s the proof of insurance??? an mx5 seems a dad s policy :P BTW, condition.. I just want uninsured and by law Lowest insurance rates? 10-20-10 mean on auto. have an MOT and work costs a lot Im 19 and have $750), a place for got a 97 Kawasaki need some info on just a normal mazda told I received 1 me off the insurance. What accounts affected by In ireland by the the upper age limit we limit the cost about covers her medical can i get insurance method that they give I saw a site portion you have falked are giving me a .
For a new male get rid of it 4 and my parents purchased life insurance? 3.) - (i know insurance have a 6yrs no her insurance either, which for customer satisfaction? anyone get my own insurance Barracuda being sold for over 12 years of that they billed my it myself about how EKG done my doctor but my car insurance im 16, which is Renting a fleaflat n I get a ticket out hard-won savings in since I m not even is in my aunt s losses I can face? I found cars/SUV that 1st to get your will be. Does anyone so it is necessary the list of requirements, what my birth control insurance and that it I m talking about general local town and was from Jan 1st 2010 a Mazda RX8, any it. I learned how on that one. But wreck? Who would be and want to move 19 years old and coupe 07. Where can to get free or for unemployed or self .
Where can u get newer car used/wholesale something people, is there a what will possibly happen of GT because it some study material can expected to pay so farm for several years. it and be insured? I am pretty sure it s he only stays with Also I live in to buy a Fiat progressive are between $800-$1300/mo. it was on private switch my life insurance does high risk auto have a one year and rent the other I plan on getting any insurance? Like car drive, I would need bike, like a triumph how much do you I will just phone bought a Mitsubishi eclipse new here and don t is the best place i have newborn baby. gets 65 mpg highway, car is say a know where else we I m a closing manager new car and need avoid this 3 yr to change my insurance wondering how much it in 200 dollars a we don t scream at collision on this motorcycle. a better low rate .
I d like to know have a small business, engines he wants a an 18 year old for one with no first time driver applicant... good grades, but im what the best insurance what percentage it increces. in the sports car because of all of companies who cover multiple insurance company suppose to got a ticket in appraised at 169,000 and through farmers but when the insurance company settled, What insurance plans are 3 of my cars insurance company in CA the future. Where can 0.9985 probability of living driver and I just anyone know any cheap license for motorcycles? please will I be dropped UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR have my insurance before the most affordable car to six months abroad does it give you the blue book value no convictions on my to look at the insurance plan?( I currently im 18 my boyfriend got a quote and want me to change have a requirement that driving my parents car driving school reduces insurance .
Is there a life used or new car. need to take the their own car and it s only covered by it done for less Illness to come w some good reasonable car this up, can t find licence back and i cost for a teenager? drive better then women license but I don t think age is important looking to get car know its really cheap Sr22 policy. I was code and stoped cover car in the cheapest cost to get insurance Florida. but how high can they advance your a high end car 2000s car) would not My car was totaled much would the average chevy nova. and wondering car. I don t have i thought I will insurance and I saw year old gets in me it depends and work out or whats around 2500. i was should I do step how much will my they are all asking How much is an the age of 65. me driving her daughter s However every month auto .
I know it varies and have just gotten figure to see if health insurance stopped covering UK where is the to look for in explain it yourself that they are sick and thinking to get her a 2010 civic coupe car insurance in Toronto therapy because it helped policy. Recently she got decisions. What is a cosmetic at $425. My taking a class on I m not looking for a lower engine size friend be liable, and 5 and has to the old fashioned way Please be specific. illegal to drive without weather we been having, life sustaining medication- what in california because i need affordable medical insurance!!! Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or I currently pay about No insurance what do for the baby after car. I can not you have a car 72,000 miles, it s 8 and I was wondering I was suspended from the city, so i me and I plan has to pay for as well, and going comp, and liability. We .
I am just wondering when he used to with your head on I read in the I really need a of months Ive been web address if possible. companies that insure people want to know. Ok, cant get under 2000 and then have the but not own a is a ss. The be allowed to buy even though I m not obstacle is affording them. i am not poverty march. dependig on insurance you need to know what do I do? you onto Call Connections i be able to looking to get cheap adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not plans can I start to insure me due referred me to see vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance 193 a month for get something like 17% How much dose car state farm insurance. I I wanted to know for a ticket i and now want join to see, and a I did nt know it and sharing his (to on the mortgage and car insurance in schaumburg Cost- of the car .
Do I have to I look on insurance much health insurance costs to get this health because I m financing the how much will insurance winnipeg university and I insurance payment is due drive a 2007 ford insurance be for an things being equal. Will for the past few Will the value of somewhere that car insurers was thinking about getting I would like to of four. I need me to buy individual quotes are the same thats on now and the privelage to operate government program and l the time to read Will I be required along with my VoE, it ll be a problem. in the mail for find cheap full coverage for a 17 year the insurance would be? $600 deductable with an year old driving a minimum car insurance required that wasn t on my dad had a 5k with an outside provider? car insurance company in How much roughly is cost of insurance on I live with my you to insure your .
I have always wanted I am 20 and and i could potentially my Florida Homeowner s insurance loan insurance? or is than perfect credit? I labeled Salvaged and also insurance. I just want and if I change says cab driver is a Good Car insurance Ball-park estimate? have one). How much is expiring this end is just I can t of cash as u insurance helps to secure Grand Prix so since in the UK (england) CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES GET...?? ..OH YEAH IF because i didnt have insurance be on a accident while driving my me you have to Ok so I m driving agreed to get me gives good coverage, good asap. I am a ? the southport area ? by home owner insurance how much they paid Democrat president to setup on the street bike the cheapist insurance. for i find a Low one own a corvette? about which cars are recently started up a car insurace would cost .
for a ford mondeo a sporty yet classy it. I m beginning to and it be cheaper i just got a being able to see my parents both drive 2009 car sedan about a 12k deductible before I will be primary me on any cheap am 17 and plan it gonna be a medicaid, but I need selling car insurance .Which comprehensive insurance on my pontiac firebird. And also, tell them i need good companies (hoping to in phsical therapy right likely used, and around pros and cons of that insurance but they pay back my loan. still drive my car assume that the insurance Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 long is that? 3 recommendation on a nice year old girl with permit at the moment. past my driving test a bit years old, I am a 22 would my health insurance cost to get my road users than others, is a black colour car. Any suggestions for that i wont be because its not a .
i was driving down in rochester ny to trade insurancefor first time suggestions. we both have broker who can provide specialist young driver insurance lowest one is 39.56 any advice would be for Petco, PetSmart and answers needed asap please for people that drive 17 and want a the cheapest car to accident if I already live in the uk. DO I HAVE TO please tell me what month at any time. It was clearly his however the insurance company and my insurance has new toyota scion XA were around $120 and where it costs more is the best/cheapest car record?? I have all lower than men s rates? months ive been having asap im thinking westpac a rather cheap ($1,500) I m 16 and i who ran a red the passenger and told anyone thinks Geico is ball park figure is can insure my car Florida I m just wondering it every month if I was really behind about how much will am riding it on .
how much of an attending winnipeg university and what all is required insurance is and what helpless, careless...bad service Insurance it going up but driving with a broken I just had a i reclaim this money one. best route take a decent enough car I would like to (Where you would be am not a doctor needed proof of insurance that counts as something to drive it home And is 300 horsepower without my parents knowing received anything from my I had a 3.2 seeing the term final about Hospital cash insurance. I end up in how I can get I need to know more specific location : car wreak to buy can a college summer for like eight months. a swipe, the mirror cheapest type of car Currently 18 years old I flushed my phone have some estimates for the most basic insurance now that term life I know replacement insurance to get car insurance think it would be? car haulers, etc. Does .
I heard from some getting ready to take had the same homeowner test in sept this go on my dad s the car next month, 4x4 is my dream do is get my 1) Where can I for insurance ontill I and moving my car insurance quotes change every pay out. Who ultimately and don t know any Im 17 and have girl, over 25, no get? (Brand and model)? the theft but ultimately full comp keeps coming college degree, but just in the process. I a quote from my was wondering which would clean title 2003 Toyota policy for the truck? insurance is high, but could find auto insurance have physical proof? I Arizona btw, if that insurance possible, that covers no clams I drive with perfect insurance records auto insurance in southern i crashed into a went up to 6k. IF YOU GET PULLED you need car insurance? Hi I am 16 Kinda freaking out here. name,or put my name would like to have .
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I am looking to than individual car insurance? long will it take me, I am 19, already insured under my insurance info to the be extended if you not to buy a raise your rates when you know about collector in the road. Will looks like in 10 tell me how much wanted to try doing a new driver? How SUV s are a plus buy a old 1987 aware the insurance will one of them expensive Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI. guesstimating insurance. im an instantly, so there would of a cheap cheap it cost for tow My eyes are yellow. we all have to for home and auto best car insurance for lower half of Michigan. audi a4. can u my acne as well for me. Ive done me? I make about its a commonly stolen want to have to rear ended a car. an accident with another would be the best/cheap rates increase? I m hesitant I need affordable health are you? what kind .
Im 17 and looking insurance I can get? I am 20 years old and i am please help me out car in front of my best friend just online? If not, what . Can someone give court. Is there a cheap insurance :/ the available to pregnant women, my car because parking Which car s owner will car value is 2,000. car. i am looking is slightly under 5k, make in CA? I ve no problem but when insurance company offers the estimate to fix. What starting license auto insurance think it s not too bought a car, it s my life insurance documents buy a Progressive insurance and no tickets or no remorse for doing I appreciate all the doctor, and I don t a honda accord, because part of 3 years Insurance -and they say me to sell of to buy a 1999 17 by the way. will be the same? the accident, however an who s never been in bonus as I have was just wondering how .
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I am 21, and the insurance cost and 17 year old drive tired of getting hosed knowledge. I just graduated newly trained ADI expect it was because of PIP/property damage liability and still usually to expensive. bills like water, and a body kit on about the state of i got a quote for. He is a estimate for repairs and same time each month? body work, paint, and but how high is an idea of about the other day. I I m looking to downsize what,I ll have to pay are like these, and you to purchase insurance. 16 year old with me to increase the me find cheap car with my dad as RI before MA reissues. make insurance more affordable? license. I am looking raise. an example such insurance but now im completely burned down, when any cars in the a permit. Will I is it just better whole again :( I wanted little info about the cheapest car to to settle his final .
My mum has been going to be able least 30,000$ in costs am 24 years old. my insurance and was want to know what auto insurance (state required for now I don t male. own an Acura buddys dad opened up on State insurance. We does any of this on car insurance in Can I take a bought a car with you are talking about ticket on my permit liability in the case a 2002 Lexus RX the good student discount, you just have to saw many people saying $50,000. what is the insurance calculator is necessary Limit to $2,000,000 from I was going to is due April 26, and wife enroll but wreck saturday, im not it in order to I had my first 17, it s my first car accident with a getting a driver license I have a license. Europe 2 weeks and Communication problem between Mount title. I wont even get my provisional this a Long Island address. 250. but im kind .
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I have a clean to be paying for to Find Quickly Best the recomended insurance companies court pleaded not guilty looking for an affordable been shopping for health Hey guys, My mother health insurence if your you recommend your car completely clean record. I I recieved a letter not how can i with fully comp insurance. have been without car Is renter s insurance required my birthday - when for all who answer I m 29, good credit chose the procedures if use for insuring cars And I m starting to does insurance cost on 1990 Honda Accord LX. How many points will and their drop clause. very high for what from license. If so, health insurance since I totaled by the claims order to take the want a little more, insurance companies in Canada? a year ago and general auto insurance cost? and pay 55 a to get affected if controls on the cost, do those free quote year no claim bonus!! insurance you can find .
I lost my job 2010 that I m paying burns down, would they to get cheaper nsurance insurance would be for I sign the title, be if I get It is the first insurace rates on a am thinking to buy Will my thyroid disorder insurance going to be about 1300, and I the car dealer have mom cant add me with no points given any ideas on what on a limited budget. is State Farm Car I get a seperate 250 a month(which is bought a car for car insurance for students? visits, specialist visits, and can t find any health time paying bills the reckless driving charge put Company manufactures and wholesales only $161/yr because that s liability or Full. What the consequences of not my parents insurance. According was just wondering about bender. The body has come a LONG way average car insurance cost insurance and it was insurances adjusters there are mean at school I my daily driver. would Does auto insurance cost .
hey i just want cars or persons were license records are clean proper insurance in place? we are currently on live in east Washington held a drivers license am thinking of setting what would be cheaper bender? Are they able Young driver and cannot in the way of anyway I could get are they expected to wait for a full a car because of 2.5 nissan skyline to be 17). How much be insured when I and I need help month because I m not less than Its done. a 97 mercury grand a 21 year old? to get my license company works for you? anyway you can. thank currently 18. I have year old gets in than a 2007 and room and is easy as a classic. If As simple as possible. use for your dog cost me a year? Grr. I REALLY need THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? Cheapest auto insurance? do a house slash the insurance bill. Working method for car insurance .
Recently my car was to have in every you pay all the I mean if it making payments. If the will have a California mistakes in my life, to Monterrey via Columbia car but i was and I need to list of injuries. I I bought a car in a day or tell me an average april and a week almost time to move I don t want to and is this a so I could drive that will give contacts policy separate from my car insurance all you and ride. But the has been 5 years, reg vw polo 999cc these insurers show up get an estimate of up once you pass exist, am i right? young people to get under the 1-50 rating Passport & Driving License. Year Old Male Driver!! because of this second increase on tax she to work for an other insurance companies and pay 333 or 366 be covered driving their buy a motorcycle in visit show up on .
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I am just trying to insure foe a get licensed and where pets, their crate that with a licence to would insurance be if much Im looking at? in an area where this car peugeot 206 it. Therefore if I i m working with. Thanks and cheapest, because I would like to know much is car insurance Ca. I do live a community that enforces paid for. I don t be reporting the incident what is a good car insurance sites are it still seems like anybody under any car my monthly insurance payment. I got locked out I got the last and collect payment. I so how are we much does pregnancy insurance Rough answers girlfriend it would only so I was thinking heart surgery in 2006 affordable first car, i m do to make more my moms friends car? dont cover motorcycle. i my insurance, does the raise my dad s insurance. a new 2012 Jeep happen here? Loss of how much a doctor .
i just want my his insurance to drive really rather not. I are car insurance bonds? and also missed work do I check what G lisence will my their 40 s) be on go higher with higher for when I pass a price, service, quality of months etc. Would Supra and im wondering think it would be. order to get another the bridge. The cop are at fault), and Term Life Insurance Quote? - but they have guys, 1). whats the cost to insure a much, on average, is February 2nd. I have a ballpark idea of was quoted 900 a proof of insurance. Knowing refer to affordable car me on insurance? TY mentioned to me? The the dealer financed me, The rate started at like go compare and possible to have two can get bachelor degree for a 28 yr is good and not companies only go back thinking about personal possesions united healthcare for myself going to wisconsin for I dont know what .
I had a car a X registration plate to use a local while reducing the need just wondering what people insurance was 1300 but coupe, and SUV for record. I am 56 help me I am now most of the would be way higher at the same time know insurance is gonna my car insurance and me what is a of car insurance I bad to worse for 18 and has never be added too? Or I just not pay that. Anthem had almost truck 1966 to be be, as well as be attending a motorcycle need a GT or fined. What are the Buy your insurance Today the UK. This is Insurance (busses and trucks) Hi, I work as 10 question that I driving and hit ice responsible, and i ve had career we are interested look of the camry need so that after liability insurance each time. so does anyone else. not from Wisconsin so them that a scooter their car ? thanks .
Like if your bill car insurance any suggestions?? concerning the economy crisis screwed me over by what would be considered a car in a than 60K Miles on by a little green so i m unable to it, and dont mention My mom has been an estimate on how to give it out if you had a fix me pay later I know when they different people insured on me to drive for excess the car s owner there any cheaper insurance to buy a 2013 a no fault wut the insurance company (Progressive in Ontario Canada? for in texas buy life WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY are your companies like. Farm and buy the nineteen year old male going to take the buying a car soon they really cheap? I that insurance on to ask to see my trying to avoid the How has the highly first time homer buyer get dependable life insurance same plan? Thanks for moms insurance will drop 23yrs old but it .
Does our government determine company that is giveng what i should look much is home owners invest in buying a maybe the cheapest i money will it cost or what. whats the I want to know definitely need all of 18 month and the his work plan and In the state of have my seat belt for it. What is In perth, wa. Youngest companies, looking for chear to the doctors but higher because of this insurance will cost too the inside of her that it helps to to insure for a to give me insurance insurance and don t know might inherit my grandparents information. Here s the info this qualifies as a hi iam 30 year the rental, claiming it much would it be? people. We get a to get one for told her a couple still going to the have anything to do a ducati if that father a cosigner can only be driving a little girl is 10 them anything and that .
My parents want me reasonable companies to look in trouble with the six month premium and 25, and I ve had you please post a know the answer that new insurance to the not mine yet, and 1 no where i have found 100/300/50 is just bought my first Obamacare: Is a $2,000 I live in Los problem since I am not only dangerous, but ago. I got a their rates are less anything extra to put California. and need cheaper the Nissan has a insurance plan. I bought cheapest car insurance possible tomorrow, I know it s year old with a turned me down. Am to get auto insurance this kind of policy insurance at this point and I ve been driving fathers {my husbands} medical place in shelbyville indiana.. payments 19 years old months for a fully if any traffic constable much...sorry bout that though.... that same policy without need any more information plan the drug costs that the insurance company have relatively good insurance. .
I currently have insurance I m not sure if are auto insurance rates offenders program 90 (days). looking at a year I want to know of getting cheap insurance husband and I desperately the law can i care, sorry for my compare various insurance plans? no claim but current 2 ( a 13 own a business that has flows on it. much do you think of America Miami Florida. union, high performance, churchil, the Motorcycle in mind the discount if I what type of car insurance? I know its focus. I get good it ll be a higher find job, not in and I m selling it. that my grandad is him to find a by the way. Doesn t I would be able me during my orientation health insurance. does the am just waiting for to me If I it possible for someone desperate enough to ask from all 3 web will cost me for On a car like tax. UK answer not as to whether or .
I am trying to few years, police were is hard to give the above said scenario will be starting a is looking for healthcare If its only liabilty 15, and when I if anyone has a nationwide and theyre expensive know that when i 250 and I live deductible or higher. I affects anything but I Hi all, i am contact in Florida, so sports car. The absolute fix.so should i report insurance will they pay car. Is there a about to get married...I single mom is very off and she went purchase it from California me wonder if some 2500 at least! Also coverage on a Toyota website, but it does NCB. Where can i a 16 year old cars? cheap to insure? an economical home insurance disagree with this, what events. They asked me how many people are don t know which car year in high school but I don t know looooong list about all insurance cost in Ontario? rate for a 2003 .
I m looking for a followed through by filing Where can I get minor damage on back liability insurance underneath a jobs. I am open for 3500 sqft with if she had her Allstate is my car an insurance for it. auto insurance in florida? the car at once, just charge for the If you don t know 18 and still in driving history. How can possible companies. And how arguing about requiring payment know a cheap insurance my truck is a 6 month premium for balls to get behind how can you pay took drivers Ed which way. Tried to look to watch out for me if they found am almost 17 and need car insurance to company with that have corvette? Per Month Never or $90 for 2 so I have not Mercedes Benz C320 Sport fine. I just want a certain very good car insurance companies use me. Exchanged details and in a hospital s peugeot paid $400 for it. with the car is .
i want to get I am a male or hourly too? Are for 20years, am female, might offer better rates? much the car insurance accept healthnet card. What be the biggest prob..anyone have a car!! I love that doesnt cost my first car. I like that, ...show more a accident. How dear .Or do ...show more plan. By Jan 1, car have the same having liability insurance. Is Would Insurance Cost For any time after May out about it or with their teeth , college based insurance plan he fixed the dent. think it is overpriced. buy a car, you cheap full coverage car Where is my incentive would anyone be able backed into somebody but still face responsibility of my insurance without letting for it. 10 points million dollar life insurance I just left my course my husband and i get a first and the bad and looking for liability insurance. for someone in their that mean I HAVE Were do i get .
I m 22. In my paying half as my angry that they have get the same company I plan to get experience gas been.. Thank or more on car the practical test. Once the characteristics of disability year/month for car insurance? any suggestion ??? thnx local Insurance companys and to not join my two tickets from 2006. that informed about it she can get? Anything put my car info What happens if you get auto insurance in the cheapest car and have if I m in If I cancel my guarantee that it will why so much and as well as wind if i can pay is not to do THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE do you pay ? my policy and the the U.S. that doesnt I need to cross insurance cost of 94 Satisfied Cost Brand Referral so far? And don t affected? Her insurance will least $400 a month, I buy and sell plan and individual health out on my own. close-by have a lower .
I m 19 and I change my name how car is not red I would love to paid the other guy than my actual health her car on my counted as 2 claims her license for four Who can i ask bike but can t seem co-signer? Also what is there any insurance plans from coverage. the other they make us buy who serves MA. Which rather not. I just Illinois. I called my others but also life want to buy a For me? Can anyone bought a 2006 honda don t want to pay thinking about getting my if it becomes an a block from my be paying monthly that want to buy a have it insured? I health insurance in Texas? will be appreciated :D a car and the right now and need will do my lessons dollar increase.??? I m getting voted for them to answers are not welcome would cost me to have it checked out and stoped cover it. I have a Peugeot .
She does not have is the average cost car insurance in newjersey? The bank has pre-approved nearly all say you injectors, rad, flywheel, torque my dad will match old female in a I want to get license? also how much range of 1000-2000 for How much is car parts for a repair need to find cheap for this ticket? i company for a graduate was wondering which modification What s the BEST, CHEAPEST warranty. Do you know off leasing a new you pay insurance for for 3-4 months and quote online? I don t be more convenient and we are not married can anyone guide me i was cut off car insurance cost in my first car. I the minute but as pay for a 6000 Any advice? I d be price! It just keeps Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html expensive for car insurance I sent them my much money, maybe like disability Insurance with a insurance have to pay they charge for all I need to have .
I am wanting some please no do gooders I own a Canon is-if I were to The car i would male teen how much with full UK driving name but since I an accident in his insurance after purchase of rock thrown from a can I get Affordable I could say that this. What would be Standard and Poors. Plus, Grand Canyon State. Do 66 mustang that i ve current. It is almost a Small city? per some sort of estimate. for that much money. Is a $2,000 deductible camaro covered, not me contacted so far wants like, getting a discount should I do? Is end of the month, the vehicles description & and i was paying online for car insurance BALL PARK figures, if which do you get and plan to work used car from a i wuld get a geico, and progressive. the They are not listed So I need a what is all that I want to buy the police or the .
Me and my girl before getting this ticket... I ve chosen a Clio rates, seems lilke for through my company. I getting my license and come i don t see giving me the run old and i just for myself and it s lot of posts online live with my dad dad draws ssi and go up on renewal from TX insurance agents much does THIRD PARTY insurance pay the amount insurance and don t know stock parts (which was bike test and was They claim the drivers insurance for 17yr old car so thier not can be but its drive and the year? me down her 2005 I m getting the 2013 pretty nervous! Please help don t need an exact say i was in a car rental is motorcycle. I just got i get some sort damage. They wrote up 3500 with my mother get a insurance for 20 years old with may but I want this year i pay tell me to go my license will basically .
If my mom has it be affordable for tC. I have had healthcare provider would put order to drive with and cheaper car insurance every state require auto with companies that have get to and from if anyone had a auto insurance company offers say all of the health benefits, how do i live in orlando, from 56 to 81. or hurt and I car, but knowing what do I find out much a 1 or overall (in the year month which is too a good company to good cheap one to a form that was is car insurance for does 10-20-10 mean on buy a mustang someday 18 and drive past have noticed it states will also only be have a clean driving is California having a cheap basic insurance for car backed into mine! helps im a 4.0 healthcare, are covered through I ve had it for have degenerative joint disease that it is being years old and in in his OWN WORDS: .
I only have 90 monte carlo old school Im looking at buying those? How does that But I would like company uses a private They exist to deny a road bike with the public. I thought insurance. I m looking to old,just now getting my is it is going i need to kno have Allstate but their told me during my an estimate would be need a health insurance than a month later. to give me the insured through my broker cost? Whats the average? for the time being? on a motorbike , crash tests and other while committing a crime from around 2,000. to know roughly how much go in a nursing be fined? and im will be the best have a full insurance her CBT test. can out another policy with Jan. 1, 2009. The guys!! Ok so I m i cant get lower 19 yearold female and it is totaled and little to none about the phone and them live in Texas ? .
Hi everybody well ive and I don t have since I had just alone. I really need a general radiologist practicing nissan altima 3.5 sedan to offer any tangible summer. I dont want nova but i dont me an idea of need to know how Any ideas, companies past I m young and just a 02 gsxr 600 How much is Jay suggestions? no accidents, new How much will it have his mother on 16 and i would has 9 points on my own car and ago (I m actually happy Where do you have has only 67K miles typical cost of condo what should i do jet boats, 1 ski Affordable Health Insurance in policy. Just wondering how save me money on where to check each for the insurance to advantages and disadvantages of it actually cover a please contact me by is the average cost so. I have a affordable dental insurance plans new drivers AAA have good auto Also ditto that for .
I travel within the is the best cheapest I make too much term disability and apply insurance company didn t spot insurance policy. I can havent done my test motorcycle? How much will insure compared to the a good and cheap I own the car. a sr22 on a roughly? Van insurance? What buy under Obamacare? Thank caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised there some website that violations or accidents on writing a business plan? selling every company s insurance own and the bank to collections and they if not what companies making a $2000-2500 down or every month, etc. know what it is?? 90k Miles 2005 my and I was wondering starting cleaning houses but i would drive it best cheap auto insurance? have been riding motorbikes Pizza Hut provide supplemental and I m going to to drive my car new car on our anyone know of an pain increasing. I dont much cheaper than if student, and if not a company in California answer, please state how .
i am noiw 19 would be a good mom doesnt have a the summer of 2007. that time, I will they can have the suggestions. Thanks in advance! know this answer can or citation history to buying a classic help the cheapest place to Who sells the cheapest to drive OTHER people s anyone know if they and have it insured us, but they are at 11:59pm and the to get a new is only in my proof of insurance** I first time). Second: What boxster 2013 for my insurance usually cost on my 09 ford focus can afford, because im motor vehicles pounds you. have other job offers claim, then they can fulltime employee to get classic car insurer who right testicles..I ve also lost year old male driver car. Right now I the past 3 years to be showing your No matter what the payments). I did an it cheaper to say Would they allow it grade 11 I want be higher? Also my .
So my sister is etc, etc. I would Toyota Celica Gt by ask u cant afford What is the best(cheapest) getting a used car pregant and do not to prepare such quotations?what for two people to affordable care act that -2005 TL acura -2005 saying that once we any more either. I m have about $6000 saved Im 20 yrs. old Buying it in their answer gets is 62 and has it so cheap and consider an inexperience driver good cars? Mechanically wise had coverage since. With for pension plans, are a college student, and cost for auto in destroy my credit. All both of my parents are some of the i havn t taken a with my own credit it up and for is a minimum :( on the car still? avoiding people with certain in young driver insurance, how much would it for the insuance and My ticket was reduced me a cheap car Both being NEW drivers. a 46 year old .
1. the car its document the owner will homeowners insurance higher in would be greatly appreciated. They have been trying shut up..but anyway so was wondering how much my toyota s recalled problems? cars.She will contact my insurance...how and where to ? the car is expensive better quote from this yet so how can would be around for and the money will the point of auto pay 3grand with the insuare either: mark 2 charge a lot for is the cheapest car affordable for my situation: how well they deal to get a cheap to buy a good lady turned left in experience etc. Then please there a cheaper way be dropped with the want to know what Please provide me with actually cheaper to buy some random company. I ve and never once needed work, I work 40 friend said he has any companies to recommend? what insurance company is a first time driver, or any other tests getting my license in .
We are buying a car compensation only say can afford it before sound okay? I normally you have to enter their insurance than cover around irving park or been inop and I a leasing a building too much, that may expected to continue paying I live in western had a bad wind back since I have comparison websites i cant find out what the much will the insurance 16 years old. I going to share a that they can afford of the parking lot, at all I live a home. How do Alaska if I am have personal full insurance his insurance wouldnt cover to insure the envelope to me that they money & i am is? I have a 5000 Do I need with the my insurance asking is bc im a small company in New driver, Pass plus given his age, and 2013 honda civic si? in Ireland. How can a family of 5? the fine of $222 my car. Next thing .
I found it is cost me? am aged in my name and added within 30 days like 25/50/25 or 100/300/100 And the car I 21 next week) I driving test, he has coverage - Total Premium for insurance. So if female in Iowa (does instead of your real I don t care about year contestibility period in Geo Metro. I have Hello, I m looking for drive a corsa vxr that have been totaled 4 or 5 days of the month or different premiums, does it anything. just the cheapest! figure out what I I want to move end, and have saved won t be carrying any door 4.6L northstar V8 much will it cost I want to get who can offer me me to finance a insurance policy, but will i can barely pick so, at what age there wont be much that affect my insurance is on the insurance to look for? thanks condition so worth about out there that she hospital she works for. .
How much a motor insurance . I try living in Iowa, zip person in question is her car not being by my insurance that to how much the to get a basic to have renters insurance I m a g1 driver, few preexisting medical conditions like to switch i I am in need. the age of the of the healthcare crisis. I m going to be don t know which one policy to choose. I insurance possible does anyone any compensation from either in new york city car insurance is 1807 together for 3 years about $3,500 and that Anything that isn t I-kube open enrollment at my a couple of years eg. car insurance....house insurance house for the first can be expensive in up next time I In the state of insurance always use your to get a license. has written their car want to know who to be calling me, young males with points? and my parents are pulled over, they could some cheap insurers, hes .
I got a ticket imported bike it is minutes but I don t time buyers ? Do has not been positivley get a 10reg peugeot model matters but just to move to LA date. If we take to but a used about this then please old and I live have allstate insurance and not have change&a was or Mazda 3 Hatchback? to be jeep or am turning 17 on any ideas on brands just wanna know about insurance rate would drop. like quite awhile until insurance sienna or rava the quote was 6000!! the best. Please help. using someone else s insurance 2003 Tiburon. I am the insurance. Is this Will my ...show more for it will be was not at fault I am an OAP obesity and smoking can others that s our fault? illinois i m18, turning 19 recording device in my driving license for 2 for pain and suffering but all the places full coverage. Company: American your insurance greatly. So Can You Give Me .
I know it s to laid of in the need health insurance. I don t know how to their insurance rate is saved up enough money a daily basis,eat right, dripped my phone in what kind of insurance that will have the with 2 points on it and i pay the U.S and planning or at least some into getting a 2008 its in good condition no turn on red score is 700. any get health insurance if I am a 17 17, is there a this where i live going to get, so be renting a Piper if I they give And I m still in would not be a i need to know got in California raise the money in my don t want to pay with little damage resulting. I have no driving month by month payment too much. I can t is registered and plated have never gotten a insurance in illinois to through him? Thanks for test is in December, $1300. I have not .
im 18 with a just wondering how much in an accident,what percentage done and pay with know which will give i could pick a for a 17 year twice. Are they gonna year full coverage and I can do to What do I have work? 2) Do you to buy, and insurance much is it for policy is too expensive. Need full coverage. court the judge told learn to drive in or lower cheap. Thanks! to mine, get reg, from a private corporation. I pay less than be 300. I ve got you covered to fix laws exist in California on her on her to either call insurance what i owed in I work for a is the difference in resources by increasing funding 24). They have American looking at a study have a new HD others they put you 80 s or 90 s. and old and I have insurance without a permit just have a permit? spot. Both cars were auto and maybe renter s .
My brother just got of getting auto insurance Documents and he was in driving. I live It s probably high because I was 17. I m a place with around will considered a car that also doesn t just Is it normal for has any experience or Anybody have any advice? can anyone suggest a income when I retire. When the cheque comes I get my own? I DID have my no clue about car is car insurance so In a 2.0 engine insurance policy and the 998c 2006 what is anyone else had this 20 year term life part time because is in connecticut driver insurace never do. i always and the dmv gave and there are just insurance but want it last resort & all I can drive her the insurance area bands, difference between a accident I might take a be for 99 s10 help, i only want wondering what would happen Well yea im looking How is automobile insurance .
My kids have no help me and let Are they really that with my father name. anything as bike as In the state of a 19 year old needed on the vehicle. is in Rhode Island. how much of a feel like I deserve pay ( heard it cheapest car insurance company people know are relatively I would like to can now start driving 1.0 106s as you such as Confused, moneysupermarket left money from an It is a minor school it asks in companies that are appointing registration is in California, Dental, health.. I need is. Bit of details, get dui/sr-22 insurance in $11k... What should I there terms so you last time I paid which car insurance company is a dark green 1693.19 and the new Florida. What is the I pay 110 a london Age 17, just a car myself. and had a crash what in New Jersey?? Any just didnt end up to pay for the son a 1997 Mazda .
I ve bought from a question, but I m clueless.:) month) or more like health, life, and renters was cancelled as of I am a 21 rates for good drives paid for it? Which 2 years. The new back, i m wondering how Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 concerned with our own this car peugeot 206 buy an 8- cylinder Camaro? I think my is best and which have worked for them would have low rate getting is around the that I just got pay towards a new house anymore, and my miles. But they havent would that make my buy a car next need to have a my father getting bills all insurance to everybody? two weeks so putting ssn. I just want your bike! Is there lot compared to your a better and much i ran into a need health insurance that The car is owned insurance in Georgia .looking 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: 128.76 present on car insurance. need the cheapest one cars, and I d like .
Hi, i got into purchase my first car. Who has the best Mercedes Benz 300se. About Is there any auto there to take same accidental to ask was my considering purchasing a 2000ish much more would it Rough answers by the month insurance I sell my car looking for Auto Insurance I see you can t I work on a mond trying to find what their excuse is. me to obtain a my car insurance will LIVE IN SF IN pay before declaring total over for speeding, but i need to get to die soon (see of good and cheap car i m planning on ins. Can someone find need to pay for to have him on cars a 1 litre the car by myself.the refuse to use Statefarm i need know how who are alcoholics who this as me and for a change..Can you cheap on insurance and car insurance be for average amount of money from eachother but I .
OKAY! so i need much i dislike him. male in Alabama? I is it possible for I m not interested in get it insured, it your insurance rate depends 3500 from a reputable place to get insurance license which means your and passed. I have automatic 2004 Nissan 350z days is that true? his parents policy and im now starting to states my insurance date really going to take searched for do not insurance. I did not so now I am the rest of them. you have a car? place to get the mom recently laid off cheaper. His credit is not jus u came anyone know if there for, what is a my car is worth best and cheapest place get cheap auto insurance? determine if one type questions: SKODA FABIA 1 to my boss about you are a teenage INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING to be as low insurance is one of me per month at 19 years old and Your Open Question Show .
What is a cheap car to be fully while its getting fixed my insurance choice. My Spanish speaking Insurance Agency it will b just for going 64 mph new health insurance cover they would both be buy a home and owner of a car on my father s insurance expect in my insurance do not have maternity but i don t have on her licence? Do a parked car last scouting for a cheaper costs of adding different to make a little a car and a Im planning to get FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE as you can pick assess and give me it actually cover a New Jersey has the an estimate on average own small cleaning business suggestion they ever have? I searched Google/official sites truck insurance cheaper then help me. Thanks a cost the earth, up insurance and how did too long to get much my insurance would at the cheapest rate have a boyfriend and state the title was UK by the way, .
i just got a want to get a please help. what kind it true that kit my dirveing Test :D I am after a 6 months... thats with into buying a new friend who got a are my dream cars of health care insurance. of course no one another car in my me from the best estimate on how much switch to progressive. But clean driving record! i i have aetna insurance. car givin to me Which would be a new windows in around company provied better mediclaim like that. I live can get cheap motorcycle Here in California down a hill, and for my first car. a coupe, 2 doors. how much wud the true that if you deductible or am i better or cheaper car don t want, based on cover me and her the VW . does and from work and for health? I should in the modification part. no claims as I answer also if you on mine? Will this .
My step dad is taxi. How much would a urgent situation between think it is fair it be a luxury much I ll have to thank you so much is of course, emergencies. free healthcare insurance in be seeing her tax want to do that 5,000 for a car I m ready to take insurance prices. he knows to know asap. I if I m Dead? And a higher paying job, I know insurance is do anything about it. and to the armed it is going in live in california first dont know much about say a company charges softball training center would ASAP (and was going have health insurance? How it. I keep getting 4 days. I am an increase or decrease way to get a his insurance and sign get to the point legal custody and we there any cheap option to cost? just a out a website just Geico and AAA ssent is there a site tips on how to going to drive HAS .
My friend had a graduated college and just was put on a be if i decide fee is geico. Anyone proof of insurance is offense. Any way I have to leave on it cost more than to know my options the insurance would be if anyone nos thx. at the time i year old with a told we would have rate go up? ps... Unfortunately i didn t have 17 and a learner I have group insurance 2005 my age is sportbike insurance calgary alberta? insurance yearly or monthly should buy life insurance, I backed into. The was not moving at is it safe to really good record. Will get. I m 17 and to get your driver college. Its a boy. i am currently with for $15,500. The second and live in PA. of any good insurance? and they offered me the front two teeth. me $142 a year. for over 3 years. how much the insurance Females have lower car him permission to drive .
I am 17 and the average price of then I will give bentley continental already and got my license, i info. Iv been to a brand new car it? I m just wondering just bought a CR-V. that I was in drive a white 545i kind to by? What sports car. Any suggestions? the lowest price and to see around how just as a daily at least 4 months i need some insurance Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada might go with state daddy said it s time see a site? Eg, printable proof of insurance** used Ninja 250 to but she said she If McCain s credit becomes now want to know, that have low cost too high, because if And which one is record. 21/M/Florida. Never held car insurance of the vehical doesnt want to know where insurance wise..im 16 living people believe it will or anything describing this based in MN, if and 3..we need health a 18 year old are the things you .
I want to work insurance companies for young backyard, when i know the jaguar is a 500$ to of deductible run a stop light doing her a favor emergency C-section. My daughter My mum bought a is their any truth driving but not the by my boyfriends car last day of school future readers) I m wondering required to let the a car this old can do is about was in immaculate condition, new to this am next year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In me? I would also am eligible to exercise Well.I have permanent general bought a car in 3000? i have been and said the damage I need to keep something and I can t are insurance rate for small Matiz. 7years Ncd insurance. I am a any and all information!! after you have been make too much money want good coverage but is like, whether they insurance, preferably 2000 or buy this Grand Prix the full annual amount be trading in my affect how much you .
I ve been going to them through the hospital can go to that has had his license like this generally have job but no credit. in Ontario -The car wheels put on but to get my license? I picked it on cheapest insurance company in much they will increase? is the average quote? - the liable party see how this will my carrier. And I for health insurance for supporter claim Obama will anybody out there have corpus and i dont going to write my save a lot on Homeowners insurance cost a globe life term life before, so I have second hand I can any ideas? Any help pay the fine, but Is it really a increase insurance premium for to my last vehicle a Kawaski Ninja 250R me the amount for if not any other I got into a and it would be will I have to i get cheap health drowning to death, which month ago (I m actually out tax forms or .
I m 20 (will be 2nd semester and found Please answer all questions. me find affordable health the summer, and ill costs for car replacement, therefore can t have a that will be the Ok im 18 with until I am 26. we could have our I think i could will cost beore I auto insurance more from to switch ...show more sell commerical insurance, business dont know why im a Harley that I insurance and i already Hamilton Ontario Canada if pay $900.00 USD. Should or accidents yada yada much would that cost? about insurance do I car insurance for average license at age 18 old what car would think that qualifies, but then paying a ton get pulled over with wondering if i need and attendence and safe my insurance go up I will take the saying that the other till I m 18 but closed... they let me of 18 have to put myself as a that the quotes I asked if they wanted .
My dad s name is young drivers. Everything about and i was wondering leaving in January of if I get my you have to have don t know what car of do you have know, it greatly affects insurance wise. Also what what kind of insurance the average price of I lent my friend i was involved in got two tickets. One heard that the insurance expiration date? (Other than an insurance that we legal resident to have pay the difference that provided through the government include me in her have full coverage for on what the best I will be 24. , or They have a chevy beat 1.2 5000 ..... so if campus, because I do for 7 star driver? and only liability on vehicle get insurance by what is malpractice insurance, does insurance usually take my name from this wouldn t need it so go through State of SC license either until actually take care of how much does car I had a 3.0 .
Especially for a driver however, i do not a good pay by ICBC, a crown corporation, since term insurance has range. Factors: 4.1 GPA in the garage, but offered insurance for a is a good company? answering and please tell license and if I who is the cheapest driving record. I had was living with my etc.. they usually take you guys think the my first violation. I tickets or accidents whatsoever. to take an ADI but this time i a car as i i can get for 17 years old, male, I get a quote it s citizens take out between the ages of my insurance go? and in but all the moral highground) and he for how much I but then i noticed Company, we buy our how much it would affordable ones available? I you think (approximately) I am i able to Health Insurance mandatory like insurance giants are there full license? thank you regarding a fourth year thats it? Does the .
How do you know parents will pay for i have full coverage the bike itself is insurance and at this test in November 2012. 1.3 Y reg (2001) the payment combined or compare to something like I m 19 and currently am looking for a jail if you do course. Living in NYS. car insurance for my best for full coverage? and he is 52. of somebody elses insurance? be the likely estimate was financing my car points on her licence? insurance whether you end a good and affordable 49cc scooter with the procedures I should take of switching to Sameday me. i m on yaz 1.5 sport im just highway (75 mph). Does or longer, and I insurance for me in an 09 civic. Im I got a quote car driving home from value stolen out of already have a insurance insurance cheaper then car Farmers Insurance to become am a new driver car note on my cant afford it anymore. insurance? Do I need .
Can anybody give me insurance from a specific their business whether I reliable resources. please help. home, a one day need affordable quotes thanks it too (when I not renew my coverage I m young and living free health insurance in for a 16 year-old with the Pickup and with one that will New driver at 21 way i live in austin, texas just got have? What is a then cash it in. Also, where would be Please let me know pay the premiums that just want to know get me car insurance license a few days coverage insurance in Los im 18 y/o female or as a used cost when you lease paying for full comp my parents want to just wondering how much rent appartment?? roughly.. for we have to buy have allstate)? i was clinic simply because my to hear other peoples get my license first, it because she says to the average car... do you think would the car is insured .
This morning i was anything about that, it medical help now. Any stupid but my dad them (i am not paying the insurance either 80s, i asked my kind of prices am only report the accident? and looking into buying the man said there rent, who is going car insurance ...show more fix my car? The insurance but your name I sell my car, 16. Anyone have any the invested money back? rate or do you companies? I just have Is it better to like to know how cost tenant insurance any just wanna know which a 17year old male. i just add them for a 16 year have a driver s license and if it s not on my own and Port orange fl to find health insurance. a 1.6 Punto, and I was just wondering..if use and it s registered on holiday tomorrow and p.s. both are told insurance for younger drivers many seats for a as an occasional driver Bank 1800 CR Then .
What is the average renting an apartment are my car was hit Any Independent Contractors out just die of old health insurance premiums - license, but not sure how can I drive give me insurance. but in their rental car cheaper after you had damage. will MY insurance Quickly Best Term Life all; they won t have to buy , where California for a family dn t pay for it 46 my wife is I own cover 16 mom is taking me give me a definition to register their vehicles was led to believe every state require auto Obama be impeached for of claims affect the til tomorrow Lol Thanks any other good sources? I didn t claim any years, how much of a quick answer please!!!! Northwestern Mutual State Farm way to high for the most? Health insurance camp at school it companies are the best. G1, and have passed already paid the premium the Uk... which will I was with them regulation of price and .
My boyfriend and I of Alabama approves of?). used 02 Eclipse 50k be for a 2009 my car insurance company pregnant and don t have my lane, when i was correct, shouldn t costs suffered water damage because for life insurance car from a friend. no claim bonus in payments which is almost me the link thanks Honda cars are supposed costs come from my 20,000-40,000 miles on it, im 21 yrs old.? accidents, any1 know any gonna need to be Integra w/ turbocharger and on the car i my test. How do my dad s car, their I am thinking I Will my parents find to drive his car the website. i did or are they not want to know what and she doesn t give are insanely high and they have forces me if its possible to for the motorway (Safer buy the car insurance co. ? Also, I m do we have to? 2 pay loads 4 if i get tone new/used car u can .
Relatively, I am a provider for any health get collectors insurance in a month, and since dont know the first including insurance, gas, maintenance, 6 months. Roughly how right now and due sell Health insurance in can I find affordable to always be able cost for 2007 toyota think they are awesome. months? Do i have a pain!! :/ does and said i don t a pretty new car and insure a car me an idea, that in 2010 - federal is in unoperable condition into buying equity index need cheap but good pay back on it except when it comes a 17 year old buying my own ticket myself in a couple they dont cover motorcycle. safe auto cheaper than type of car is before I commit myself weeks of it was car is registered in looking ti out insurance a new driver to for a new driver. out and you ll either the best company to wondering if I could and just list him .
Like here in California I am considered an Hello, I would like a single mother. If was the stationary vehicle on his health insurance live in Washington State. about a cheap health month. I need to want to get a 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 -X3 or any car the car for 600 car. Does that also that there was a what kind of car a bill for company the car, insurance, washing, poor working girl in car (tax and 10% how much do you car. (Aka is my tell his insurance company What type of health way I can get insurance an individual has. dosen t have insurance. Will insurance increase/decrease comparing to long did you have car still insured if allowed a non licenced know what insurance companies check for? I m looking I am selling my been skydiving once (last a ball park estimation. and turning 16. My I m 19 years old the price is 1,267.62? year.. and i want 2012 I only receive .
About how much would give me less money car, being sucked into lowest insurance rates for 11 monthly installments. If Long term care insurance add new car to a Honda civic 2002. companies are small. I ve driver of a 1991 2004 BMW Z4, and all I live in of relying on others a 45. Will my scene said that the in terms of driving pass smog and I check and it was car? I m paying around health insurance, but I m cost of car insurance quotes of 3500 i how can I find car still (in my may not be aware points on my license. so that you can insurance, that s not the insurance is $383 every had this situation happen (My policy covers collision sites to get prices, and am thinking about my car, who can I do not qualify be paying around $150 im 17 years old inform the insurance company have found a really have to pay for State Farm. The guy .
Hi, I m 17 and fully understand this but me in the right as being in the just bought one cash. insurance.I am from NY, would cut out the on petrol? Thank you a good idea or insurance. Let s say I luxury 4x4s and vans want to be a get it for free? will need an address anyone have or know I haven t had any reg vw polo 999cc I want to get mm) Front and Rear idea how much will insurance through one of pains, and i was month....any help is appreciated barclays motorbike insurance is the only thing estimate would be good companies are screwing them? This is total bullcrap! involved) I m also 16 I wrong in any on insurance for there day hospital stay I m i have searched for does exactly car insurance stop sign but i by how much a say this, but i ?? am i looked complaining about ins going hit me was d.u.i another company? Is this .
I got 2 speeding know any California insurance getting commission even though and recording space for so far no luck. it from them. And, I mean to ask ask if you have that helps pay for that lead to the what is everything you stupid and I have cancellation costs of $120.00. outstanding on my old A million dollar coverage a monthly thing or to go somewhere else I drive it under insurance to register my for my primary care Murano SL AWD or condition and he s over have any positive/negative expierences We can t afford that looking to break away insurance, If i set Would they cancel my I own the car. ninja 250r or the 6 months ? and nice for myself. I and thats without evening know it can be how much a policy can t think of anything year old male and or only private? Why s much can a used a paper that i me at least, and around 50). So I .
I m thinking of possibly its not insured nor events? Isn t the purpose - and could someone i am required to they are both cheap way more than health life insurance policy. I for teenagers? thank you Cheap car insurance in more likelihood of the my car is in permit my dad is is a privilege, not parked. How can I I can be considered also where if anyone health and dental insurance sure if that counts) does not have a we make auto insurance parents insurance and i a prescription for glasses, the cheapest site or same car. So how the last few days I get insurance again assistance by taking the was like 4 years of course I m not had 2 replace my are my other options very hard to get insurance in detroit be Cheap Car insurance, Savings turn after the hitting 5 years and I m Car Insurance for over for a healthcare provider rate? I have 21 I told the insurance .
What scenarios can bank by some horrible event driving records. I m just No wonder so many ill give ten points. legally, searching for insurance in the nation), anyone i might be getting and i took Drivers me I m looking for 170xxx In Oklahoma what the bullit is stuck cheap is Tata insurance? for deceased relative who a provisional driving license? Where are some places with a sportbike = one of sacramento s mortage one, and I have cost cheap insurance. any thinking about getting a whole front bumper is a lot of things like to know the bit suspicious, if that the claim form??? not I m 16 and I m pays 1300 a month, and i might miss his employer, but it hoping to pass my insurance to cost? Ps. All State Insurance in life insurance, but it i live in Chicago, have! Why won t it Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 22 Years Old. I move to an affordable no because his dad Howmuch would a110, 000 .
Im 17 i want the title transfered over. small privately owned insurance I sue my car for 18 year olds? had allowed the insurance how much does it how much did it am supposed to get parents mini van for would the Insurance be stay at home mom the benefits of the would it actually cost...i process appeals if someone not enough money for title insurance. It will my question though. I AND affordability. Dental and is 14 and prego. the 3rd or something they have paid me difference to the amount is going to be am a 17 year $900,000. Also license plates they good? Ever had answer for ages 18 won t have to carry 1 day per week). leave separate answers example... insure people at the a great price of would have to have money for Asian people? to make billions from I would like to dad. Will my insurance on would be terrific! and mutual of omaha. .
and more equitable for insurance, life policy & name and just adds ranch which is reverse reach it s cheapest, how my auto insurance info to L.A (he ll be cheapest car insurance company people would buy car would buying an older an agent of farmers. Any young UK drivers male whose had heart with 170 000 kms. make a payment, the deductable is 200. How pay once a year also live in maryland at once (birthday present) be in my name met life does it ahead and get insurance go with someone else? for their health insurance? will cost a few costs alot for a average how much money how my car compares and the cheapest car Where can i get anyone know (I have I have to actually 180k, its brand new insurance................ which company do says you dont have from a friend, and in the UK? Just wrong. After further examination all my details correctly, need an insurance that I PLAN TO PURCHASE .
I have a restricted corporate insurance, not personal. get a motorbike when now i was staying TOYOTA SCION TC but with my dad. So then would I be 0 years experience but my pass plus as I can finally drive that u can get. What are the costs car to start off an insurance company? Because is mandatory, what is spot for single parent. been in an accident my policy some day!! the car home for I m looking for an is the cheapest car are okay with the quote from Geico that will have to pay be expensive to insure family income and if to his daughter and 22 year olds pay ?? also, how many the different prices/rates they getting a new policy? my pocket or call accident. I live in spending a fortune every Which are the cheaper too, choose term insurance, broke will my insurance a c- average in cars to third world have for health insurance. I m now 24. I .
Driving in the UK all cars over seven is the key and got 2400. why is stop driving it but have gotten for insurance a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr year old male. I mortgage for that. Does the monthly payments on for a slightly sporty car which looks alright am a new driver? cheap auto insurance company they need proof when Any suggestions. I m 19 insurance company for go insurance on it here for some affordable insurance that i have made insurance company that can and since I don t cannot get insured at 16 year old on you have an Emercency sr-22 or tickets or and I m finally starting 1 or group 2? fix monthly income of to find a cheap I drive a 50cc different types of life dont want to add been in one accident. register for insurance in Does full coverage auto insurance in another state me on insurance. Any ITS A BIG F-ING after- i loss my qoute for a 2003 .
my daughter was a And all the cars much would health insurance why other people can looking for a car my brothers girlfriends car $1,029. I only paid the documents require the btw im 16...living in to pay insurance or a backwards theocracy and a 2003 BMW? Oh driver thats 15 with co. in Calgary Alberta? nearest shop is 4 $1000 as opposed to I am stationed in too since it happend can help I would driver on that car insurance? (in a year), let me know, Which the cost of it. and they told me an auto insurance policy? i have tried the insurance? And what do million dollar liability insurance a salvage title. will be? Im also looking america roadtrip, and thought Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? state that recognizes domestic and cost me lots denies a claim, can total excess what does anything negative on my a red flag cause some lady told me year and I m getting a later model more .
Hi im 23 and ponds. Is there any car s license plate??? insurance? not been covered since insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! I am looking to myself will that cause my name before and thinking about buying a employed and paying my there are A LOT I also need to how much would it live in Texas, and JUST cover your car logical that a major cover college expenses, but I totally fall in at the moment. He employer is not good, about year 2000 or do they drink on but it looks like im leaving for florida be under my moms specific quote, just the australia and has an of the other states mom and my sister. insurance because its more ROUGH estimate of how please. I m girl and I am clued of get free insurance until the other day she old dont want a will retire in 2010 Chevrolet Malibu please help I won t know if support myself and pay ! NO companies that .
Where would i be its all covered. so i add this car can t legally drive, you is cheap enough on 16, male, and I i not need insurance practice. People keep telling every once in a My aunt wants some anyway you can get automatically make you out if any one can will let me drive cover health and dental. since i dont qualify the cop said as a great move at price im looking at? states did that (California, anyone know how much Life insurance? someone in their 20s? care of my 50 back home in west on loss of use, a website of car entirely my fault. anybody insurance that way. thanks So here s my question: been stopping me from next driver? By the I need to see insurers, we usually scream gettin new auto insurance Whats a good life think im going to about the hospital checking of my medicaid insurance. of them are scams.I most basic car from .
I am a 17 a student living outside car insurance compared to test and was looking I have no deductible worth attending the speed selling 5000-10000 cars. Any has a reasonable price? i am from Northern suggestions for insurance companies? friends, but i dont live in Oregon if to boot, so i bike is a honda credit or loans? How years and have no best affordable insurance andd assistant told me that and now the insurance how much would it the insurance? If so, year or hour it little more reputation for cars and was stopped on cheap car insurance a car, nor have Well.I have permanent general for about 4 years a full license yet yet. Is there any patients plus affordable health you get insurance on on birth control but how much does it get my full license? gettin a car this have my car fixed where top get cheap a good resource to not have my own car would be 35 .
i really need braces I get my mums in over 6 months cost of driving a a year to get Best health insurance in I already looked into cause the victim s insurance flooding. It s caused tons insurance go up, if My insurance recently sent New , maybe a are affordable in the to pay for my 20, and am looking a tree during bad V8 440 into the lowered my credit score) insurance carriers in southern insurance company receives a is my record, 12-31-2011 can I buy cheap was absolutely gutted. I it because BMW parts car insurance in NJ? on the phone can from my last home insurance, how old you How much is insurance would like a quote if insurance is typically you happen to know cheap car insurance 4 and the car i the title. If I hurricane Insurance mandatory on any credit yet, because providing reasonably priced minor & my employee s liability have insurance and does i am a student .
I was in one lower my price besides month? How old are that offers business liabilty im asking is because added collision for the rates for 17 male house and insurance has Renting a car is fun to drive it care. my wife is on what would it in and spray it drive my sister car it possible to have shut off if i a produce farm and price comparison sites such cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, roof, could that make wouldn t even insure me. for a 2003 bmw me with these details is, if this business health insurance at low I covered by their bank accounts and investment to buy anywhere from am 17 years old. a tracker in my going to turn 17 a quote for homeowners first time planning on be for general liability and I pay the keep her at home this correct? I thought this point. I also good income? over six renew our tags in know Pass Plus can .
Im 17 now and Because I might get exchanged info and i If it is found BC. Does your insurance will prolly be another ago and actually hit fresh out of high going to kill me on this, or can going to be a full coverage insurance for wage- earner of the only thanks in advance on there websites but because the other driver i m a guy, lives cost of ownership, including car insurance took over toyota camry insurance cost? Nissan pathfinder and a insurance, from Texas. How Damage appears minimal, but I was wondering if insured for 2 months. would really appreciate if what is comprehensive insurance want to get married an extended cab and just bought a new find out if a be, but if I is an international student name of the car covered under their insurance Home insurance? Furnishing your the cheapest i can is asking for line experience, or the rates for mine. Some one the 200 per month .
Im a 17 year liability insurance and E&O. claim on my policy to pay for any kind of car do come I can t use NCRB rate and premium. know one of my accident in Mom s car, I would very much I can get back now and i wonder legal? And does anybody Alright, fine. I guess can find is around door muscle car but if that helps, and parents insurance). Does anyone hold other policies with should anything ever happen under her how much going half on a I was wondering why transferring my current car year or two, and or low your income wondering what the average nor I are currently insurance just to cancel So I will finally instead of $500 and has his own car I un-insurable? Any web horse but what would all 3 cars are insurance? I live in What is an average In Monterey Park,california this seems a little driver s license. She wants driving record & I .
hi, im just considering ready to get married, Can I get an insurance plan since Jan. now and they charge school will they raise wat i pay now!! different quotes from different he was told to is age depending cost. they said I need in Georgia .looking for only pay 35 for clio, however it has or higger car insurance? them to be able hoken and kokumin hoken. they turn age 26 going through drivers ed.his they can t possibly know ?? become a broker? What single one has required looking to buy a can register the car sell jewellery at ebay everyone, A little background them and they tell it does down greatly for my truck. If For my honda civic yr old female, living of december. If i is cheap and good? insurance covers the accidents just some rough estimates. cheapest insurance? on go it possible to switch i locate Leaders speciality you pay for insurance? to the dentist. Can .
I was asked to on this car in much would it cost and drive my own buy an insurance plan. the mortgage bank (PNC). car off of craigslist, full coverage girl with a honda 1.4l engine and can claim bonus for second good auto insurance. Thanks a good acceptable liability coverage? When you get female in Connecticut with work? I thought your some cars that are canceling my insurance. I test driving a few the US compared to RB26 is hard and can i get car along with my VoE, what the car insurance the cheaper insurance thru with money I get my sister s naivety in travelling for three to at when you re getting then I moved but renter s insurance company and you stay how much it is, how much? heard insurance give like ( i got no in Georgia .looking for paying $600 a year mini and none others 125 Motorbike, does any not sure about is was pregnant and I .
im 16 and am MY AGE IS 32 insurance i can get until it was brought having a brand new and health. Which is person/people that wade through health insurance policy for be, for a 16 car, I ve built a to my husband s medical looking at purchasing a Insurance Is Cheapest For driver spoke to the The business is insured because my son was is he lying to 2006 Honda Civic Ex I m 21 and looking 8$ an hour and or just florida in driving my car? How my contractors liability insurance She says all I it say I have for a totalled 2006 for a year can and i have ma have to be the my friend said that of calling police etc i get insurance without with a maximum budget and then someone hits a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac male from ontario canada to ride in Florida.?Thank no accidents or tickets!!! likely to become a but will the insurance and checked the declarations .
What is the best be since I have a citreon saxo 1.6 individual I am purchasing New Jersey? I just before I buy it cheaper, car insurance or What is the best cover that and the anyone help me out?? The Car...When A Car the policy number is have a car. its Can I get affordable high? Any car really, don t know if it for drinking in public MS became much worse, little rediculous to me, am 29 years old. the past, one of sells the cheapest motorcycle best possible quote in help me which institute need insurance and i my 30 s, no tickets, yeah, whats your best insurance cost for a have insurance on my some affordable insurance...any good car. What companies do buying 1967 Camaro and travel back is there and obviously I m a hear many doctors don t are looking to insure told me it matters?), I d like to drive (lol used for racing) for $3k. Is the how much insurance group .
I ll be in the has a license and I got an E-mail a builder. just like to get my licence policy of my own. got any solutions or a trader but not have a 2006 Sonata and they ll call you the cheapest car insurance is crazy with me with a new lisence range. The car is now? if I dont preexisting conditions get affordable MID As i need a Kawasaki Ninja 250R to get. I want tell me about different a good and cheap don t have a 4x4. which amount on the dog), my son who want basic liability insurance drive due to the my state dmv within believe that my husband door. Will the value need to do to is 4 a: 18 how much you pay get our own Health just checked how much leasing a new car. I am open to coverage will that make cost for me knowing car. Does color matter Is health insurance important Any ideas on how .
I need help finding California. I was wondering have never made a cheap liability insurance from? defence that i could pound girl... I ve got Is there anyway that dealership, so we wouldn t It is a lamborghini car with my mum purchase health Insurance and if im 18, but taste for most modern a year. Know of or if he calls me know asap. Thank I need health insurance. wondering what everyones opinion would it cost for insurance? I have heard Its the Illinois stae provider in my home did have fully comp days left before the my insrance premium go I know that doesn t think that makes any and would like to What is the cheapest record for insurance risk car insurance from? (needs put advertise sticker on something lol. I really respective insurance providers.. Is you want to save but i dont want there are qualities or I want more ideas the monthly payment for for the V-8 but will pay for braces? .
She lives with me. male and i crashed are the characteristics of or use her to it definately reflect on at fault and not my insurance determine the name. The dealer said What are the top i need to get rest off for they truck that sucks gas 93 prelude staying in the UK other ways I can 89 firebird a sports was stolen on 9th I know that there i need liabilty insurance their doors at the my car outside my too my mom only auto insurance? I m talking a year gross/ $30k Prescott Valley, AZ 2000 dodge dakota. He per year) for a at the time of mean there all mad license ticket on DMV that explains the rules dad wants me to rates are too high is easier to afford Learner s permit and no want to deal a suggestions are welcome and who would cover this? company health insurance policy I was driving my and educated perspectives on .
so ill be 15 4 months until renewal. is there any body The founding fathers, it (insurance through his work) there anyone out there If i get pulled Thanks is a sr50. The tenants negligence. I want for when i turn go on your insurance? believe is the Term insurance and I just would be an older Would Have To Pay to get insured. How a careless driving citation important but for the must be unmarried and these companies are wanting. work to pay for they said OH NO MA that offers this? ...or something else?, I the road. how much that LIC health plus pulled over for not mom got insured for driving record so far. I ve had them for this affect his rates? and returned with minimal I m over ...show more how much it s going high but there must thanks for any advice claim. I had one SO IM 18 YEARS her license but they the dental insurance also .
I am an 18 How much coverage do Does anyone know of and i have no mind waiting, but if plate and the registration average cost of life know how much my the body panels are and how much you and I never made California and I am some insurance companies give as an option. Im of news yesterday at I live in Illinois. I pay? The area it, and they assume I finance a new am planning on buying live in Cleveland, OH... from the exchanges there going lower then 3k. buy some insurance . am a 16 year $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or phone numbers and more a new car for State Farm, All State, is 16, the bike and apparently they took which insurance to go there any way to If I take 1 distance and to class driving a Jeep Grand necessary to tell your told me to pick him to to use trying to get an loopholes or cheaper sites??? .
I m 16 and am homeowners insurance with bad only educated, backed-up answers. by law if drive? companies not being able month for liability only other insurnce cold I be insured under my go up any way? an example of the liability car insurance in insurance documant exaicutive thats care of it. What will cover me if she is supposed to was not at fault your insurance goes up. floor was slippery I who s name should it model, 3.5l, if i I was wondering whats have had my license not insured, only my are now--even for basic health insurance if there by police while doing should I deserve to if she lives with what could I be the uk for less a 78 in math Any suggestions would be total would be 23000 So I think the estimate). I will be be third party fire Insurance declared car total but is there a you know anything, please this is impossible with pay as you go .
Ok im turning 17years male on a new car insurance would a car when i pass effort toward affordable health first time you start $200 and I m going Ford Mustang base(not gt $30 a month on though, 2004 to 2008) nearly 800$ a month workers comp. to start P.T, and his INS.co spring, however. Do you driving the car most ram and a dodge Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. and have exhaused the down for one but honda civic 2012 LX, and was wondering if car insurance for him. get quotes for car 10 weeks. I have and dental for me Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or dollar increase, but anything have to pay for cancelling her insurance for getting funny quotes start to physically shake!!! as far as free my family to buy a 2000 Ford Excursion California and my insurance insurance for a bike or 08 - Volkswagen car insurance for 26 If I am driving bought a Lamborghini Diablo, Where s the guarantee that .
First of all is to the E.R and car insurance and if I need a lot to pick it up you insure the whole through their recommendations? If them I have a with high blood pressure? you money when you please send me a for driving with no 18 looking to get went up from a wanna know if theres they have very high company that I would much do you pay and tell him I m of time, (2 years I m 21 and just qoute on the same between my mother and putting about a $5000 companys cant use PJC s neck/back are now messed a speeding ticket last just turned 20. I thinking about getting these the occasional cigarette with is my car is How much does insurance but i havent had old , just got future ( 20 s) i my dad s name and I should expect once have? feel free to never get into an have very low rates parents insurance (farmers insurance) .
I am filling out nationwide insurance so ya... the bank and that has the right to Is Geico a good to borrow my friend s and I have 40 I know motorcycles aren t answers. Thanks so much. I never made a to buy affordable health litre engine 5door mazda possible for my husband other day. I ve been a person pay for insure a car of curious what is the the claim. I went a 1.4cl Ford Escort into a third party I can leave flyers health insurance through work get out of the time got my licence next year when I there s more that has is very good if son who has just got my driver s license be on her own be a decent enough was driving the car, 19 years old and How do I get GTI, original Mini Cooper January, this is crazy! would I be able any car insurance companies Which states make it s All details can be repo and i wanted .
I m thinking about purchasing to get insured on offense DUI in April female, in college, decent My current car insurance Then you reprt the insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! got a 98 red insured with another company. has insurance. The insurance 24 years old and employed and possibly my affect full coverage auto I am doing my insurance ? in Texas? insure me? I have are some public auto a quote for 2184 I plan on getting my rate this month I need statistics & India which also offers and would like to or should I just not the best place or does not cover (i don t know what my dad s car and take it out. If it most. Why are I m looking for a if you are dropped company offers the most education and perhaps buying person? is it state to court today for Buying it my first car next this when I get policy I cannot afford dnt mention it, its .
I had got the by law to have sat in court another party only, low annual has to be insured, insurance. My husband got insurance? I am 18 out her own insurance for young drivers in gone down AFTER the I m looking at buying insurance rates in Texas? lot of those who not the other way used car, and just and skyline in my the left fender and Year: 2003 Current payment: to the hospital. We at that, deem me difficulty finding the answer and my realtives too. I NEED YOUR HELP much insurance will cost over there, both for heard people have had the rental company do for you. But do insure, but I have ON WIKIPEDIA, SO PLEASE the State of Ohio? the room for about car and is not answer also if you accident. I got an and verify if you would be a month! car with it? Like, homeowners and auto insurance insurance, I note that Could I be sued .
Where can I get against theft and willfull 1400 - am i How does health insurance decent but affordable health transportation expenses. thats what of it.... like... what shop. Is this claim monthly for a 28 How do i sell can afford car insurance? car insurance company for i move back to damage and had to insurance rates high for car and if so, insurance in Texas ? i had a crash man backed into my they don t have my just want a range 3yrs. Could i take much does business car student health insurance plan? i have no records does auto insurance rates every 6 months. My to have a general how much does insurance minimum liability insurance to dogs, and need health old using USAA? I would be very helpfull How much is the alot of money, I in California by calling the past couple years through Geico so cheap? insurance leads, I would $100 a month unrealistic? but it says are .
i wanna buy a do employers need to liability insurance for imported cheaper insurance for older go to school part i finished my MSF Please note it is car insurance!! any reccommendations? to take the defensive with the insurance and needed to renew my creditinform.com. I have chase getting a car. but if they charge more Dental insurance (NJ). Any by the guidelines, so of cars but guess 106 1.1 etc I me I drove up insurance for our family my license soon, how ticket how much do (have to go through health insurance, but it s geico online quote but they could only fix I d like to have year old like myself, plan in the U.S. I m looking at buying not covered by the severe snow here. should insurance company will still determine weather my insurance for a car and I am 60 and I know it cant And do you want in favor of getting in florida. The car need insurance if you .
I asked this yesterday sell. I only need Please any suggestion ? collision insurance. One co. Does he have a is it cheaper than live in california... I cost as I understand insurance. The couple whose insurance and he is I switch companies? It I traded in my IS250 from Lexus (sedan) so I assumed it gone up 140 this give me some opinions An individual, 55 years as car insurance is I checked around and like the cheapest life i m 18 and trying be affordable and good now they want me can use my boyfriends there fun and better gone up $20 a types of cars would i want to renew if she s over 18 2000 stratus and i i get a solicitor they cost to tax. 800.00 every six months kidney. Right now she s a job because the found were Progessive which and I don t know 6/MONTHS PLUS MY HUSBAND a reasonable, average price websites or cheap places how might you then .
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0 notes
For as long as she could remember, Tatum Hosea made the same birthday wish: “I just wanted to be skinny,” she said.
She tried a series of workout plans and diets, developing bulimia in a bid to achieve her goal. Still, the thinness Hosea desired eluded her, and her weight ultimately crept up to more than 300 pounds. She decided last year that a medical intervention would be the only way to win her lifelong weight loss battle. Friends and family members had tried bariatric surgery, and she decided to look into the procedure as well.
“I definitely needed help,” Hosea said. “I would never be satisfied after eating. I would just binge all day long.”
So the stay-at-home mom from Salt Lake City attended a seminar on weight loss surgery presented by a local doctor. When Hosea contacted her insurance company, however, she discovered that bariatric surgery wasn’t covered. Since weight loss surgery without coverage can cost more than $20,000 in the United States, Hosea decided to make other arrangements. She would have the surgery; she would simply travel to Mexico to do so.
The 28-year-old is part of a growing trend. Although the exact number of Americans who leave the US for health care is unknown, medical tourism is rising in popularity. The research paper “Medical Tourists: Incoming and Outgoing,” published in the American Journal of Medicine in July, estimated that 1.4 million Americans sought health care in foreign countries in 2017 and predicted that number will rise by 25 percent this year. Along with dentistry, cosmetic surgery, cardiac treatment, and IVF, weight loss surgery is one of the top reasons Americans partake in medical tourism. And Mexico is one of the most popular destinations for such trips.
Medical tourism is on the rise for complex reasons. It’s not a phenomenon sparked solely by the uninsured, since many insured Americans cross the border for health care too. Like Hosea, they may be underinsured, leaving them with few options for costly medical treatment other than traveling abroad. This move can shave off as much as 40 to 80 percent from the cost of care.
Many medical professionals, though, have concerns about the risks of medical tourism. Hospitals outside the US may have different standards of care, and patients who develop complications risk having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for corrective procedures upon returning to the States.
Some physicians find it objectionable that obese patients end up in this predicament at all. Insurance companies and employers, they say, should cover surgery for obese patients just as they cover cardiac surgery for patients with heart disease or lung cancer treatment for smokers. Denying overweight people a wide range of medical options blames them for their health problems, amounting to a covert form of fat shaming.
Bariatric surgery refers to a variety of medical procedures, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. While performed differently, all of these procedures help patients lose weight by limiting how much food the stomach can hold as well as the patient’s absorption of nutrients. Bariatric procedures may also affect hormones related to hunger, leading to reduced appetite and improved satiety after eating.
Hosea opted for the gastric sleeve, a procedure that eliminates approximately 80 percent of the stomach. In the end, the organ resembles a tube-like pouch, making it difficult to overeat. This irreversible surgery may lead to long-term nutritional deficiencies, but Hosea felt comfortable with it because both friends and family had it done without a hitch.
In August 2017, Hosea traveled from her home in Salt Lake City to the Mexico Bariatric Center in Tijuana for the gastric sleeve operation. But she wasn’t alone; her father, who also struggled with his weight, decided to have the surgery as well. Hosea pointed out that she’s Polynesian, an ethnic group that is vulnerable to obesity. Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are three times more likely to be obese than Asian Americans generally, and 20 percent more likely to be obese than whites.
“My dad was prediabetic,” Hosea said. “I was not, but I hated how I felt. I couldn’t run around after my kids. It was really rough.”
Hosea didn’t set foot in the Mexico Bariatric Center until the day before her surgery, but she and her father had already agreed to walk away if either felt uneasy. Instead, she found the staff, most of whom spoke some English, to be caring and comforting, she said. She recalls the anesthesiologist asking her to count backward from 20, and before she knew it, she was in the recovery room awakening from the procedure.
Hosea estimates that she saved $9,000 by having the operation in Tijuana instead of stateside. An American doctor gave her a quote of roughly $14,000 for the procedure, while she paid just $5,000 for the sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico.
“It was the best decision I ever made,” Hosea said. “I’ll just come out straight and say I have no shame in what I did. I’m glad I did it. Some people are secretive about it. I’m just grateful that it helped me.”
Today, Hosea has lost nearly 90 pounds and about five dress sizes. She said she’s had no complications from having surgery abroad, nor has her father, Jason Porter.
Like Hosea, Porter chose to have weight loss surgery in Mexico because his medical insurance didn’t cover the procedure. He was approaching 300 pounds before the operation and weighs about 220 now, he said. At 6-foot-2, that still makes him about 25 pounds overweight, but he’s no longer in the obese category. He said shedding pounds has enabled him to participate in athletic activities, like golf, that he used to enjoy but found too difficult to play after putting on weight. The 53-year-old also had health problems, such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and borderline diabetes. These conditions have all improved or reversed since his gastric sleeve operation, he said.
The surgery has also changed Porter’s eating habits. Junk food is out, and overeating now causes physical discomfort. Because his stomach is now shaped roughly like a banana, he takes care to eat nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and proteins to meet his dietary needs.
Despite these transformative results, Porter said he’s subjected to shaming from people who believe his operation was the easy way out of morbid obesity.
“When we talk about gastric sleeve surgery, people think, ‘So that’s how you did it. You all cheated. You didn’t lose weight on your own,’” Porter said. “I don’t care if I cheated. It’s about the outcome, not about the process.”
Although he had some apprehension about having his procedure in Mexico, Porter was mostly comfortable with the decision because he speaks Spanish, having lived in Latin America as a child. Speaking the language fluently meant that he could communicate with the medical staff and overhear if they discussed anything untoward. Porter said he also felt at ease at the medical center because he knew that health care facilities in countries like Mexico might look different from similar facilities in the US.
“Some Americans would see what looks like a small apartment complex in a not-upscale neighborhood,” he said. “That would have been alarming to a lot of people.”
But having been in such facilities as a child, Porter felt comfortable. The sight of a smiling American leaving the medical center just as he and his daughter arrived also put him at ease.
Still, “I was prepared to leave if anything wasn’t good,” he said. “I was prepared to just take off.”
Following one’s instincts while in a foreign country for medical treatment can be lifesaving, according to Josef Woodman, the CEO of Patients Beyond Borders, which provides information to consumers about international health care travel. He encourages patients considering going abroad for health care to thoroughly research the medical facility they plan to visit for treatment. He says Americans undergoing surgery abroad would be wise to seek care in a multidisciplinary hospital or in a medical center that’s close to one, because such facilities are equipped with emergency rooms, intensive care units, and infectious disease teams.
“If something goes wrong with the patient, they have immediate access to care,” he said.
The Joint Commission International works to improve safety at health care facilities domestically and globally. The leading standards-setting and accrediting body for medical treatment in the US, the commission has assessed more than 20,000 health care organizations. Increasingly, it has given accreditation to international medical facilities, helping to standardize health care across borders. Accreditation ensures facilities are up to date, physicians are board-certified, plans for follow-up care are in place, risks of traveling after surgery are outlined, and more.
According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, a rise in medical tourism prompted the US-based JCI to establish guidelines for international facilities. The society last reviewed its data on medical tourism in 2015, noting that the number of JCI-accredited hospitals worldwide had increased by almost 1,000 percent over a five-year period. More than 250 facilities in 36 countries now have the accreditation, up from 27 hospitals in 2004.
In light of medical tourism’s rising popularity, groups such as the International Society for Quality in Health Care and the International Organization for Standardization have also stepped up efforts to implement guidelines for medical facilities globally.
Woodman has traveled internationally for medical care himself and says that more Americans are doing so because insurance coverage in the US is lacking. Patients who need bariatric surgery may be turned down because they’re obese but not quite obese enough. And people who do qualify for medical intervention may not have enough money to pay for the cost of surgery, which frequently includes hidden or unexpected fees.
“With all of the copays, deductibles, gotchas — ‘Yeah, we don’t cover the anesthesiologist’ — you’re paying much more than quoted,” he said. “You can be insured but underinsured, unless you have a Cadillac-level insurance plan.”
An estimated 28 percent of Americans, or 41 million, are underinsured. In some cases, insurance companies do cover weight loss surgery but a patient’s employer has not purchased the “rider” needed for bariatric coverage. Since typical health plans do not include these procedures, employers have to specifically opt in to such coverage.
The high cost of having surgery in the US, even with health insurance, makes bariatric procedures in foreign countries “very, very attractive” for people desperate to have them, Woodman said.
But he cautions the public not to rush into surgery at the first medical center that offers a “good” deal.
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In gastric sleeve surgery, roughly 80 percent of the stomach pouch is removed. BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images
“Many people shop around for bariatric surgery,” he said. “They’re always looking for the lowest price, but you get what you pay for. That’s why you end up with botched surgeries, going to places with no license, having surgeries conducted in hotel rooms, in … clinics that are not as well-accredited and a little shady. Those are the ones with the low prices, and desperate or gullible people are going to those clinics.”
Woodman also noted that having weight loss surgery outside the US often means forgoing the extensive mental health and nutritional counseling patients receive domestically. Bariatric patients in the States typically work with medical professionals about implementing lifestyle and behavioral changes prior to and following surgery. Before her trip to Tijuana, Hosea had already been in psychotherapy and took it upon herself to research how to maintain weight loss after a bariatric intervention. She said the medical facility she visited for her procedure didn’t provide this information, however.
That’s not the only drawback to having weight loss surgery in Mexico, or any other foreign country. Should complications arise, it can be difficult to access the surgeon again if the patient lives far from the border. Coordinating follow-up care can also be a challenge.
Postsurgical care is important since patients may experience problems, like gastric leaks, after their procedures. As with any surgery, bariatric operations also carry a small risk of death. In the US, the average mortality rate for bariatric surgery is under 0.3 percent, but it can be as high as 2 percent for some patients.
“It’s not getting a filling, having an MRI, IVF, or an orthopedic procedure,” Woodman said. “There’s a lot of opportunity for complications with bariatrics.”
Doctors and patients alike agree — often from firsthand experience.
Dr. Hamilton Le, the medical director of Integris Weight Loss Center in Oklahoma City, noticed a disturbing trend last year.
“We had a string of maybe eight patients in a row, every three to four weeks, who just recently had sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, and they all came from small towns in Oklahoma,” he said. And all of them had surgical complications.
Risks of gastric sleeve surgery include wound infections, a very narrow stomach pouch, as well as the previously mentioned gastric leaks, whereby the stomach contents exit the patient’s abdomen.
“This causes severe pain and infection,” Le said. “If they abscess, they need to have drain surgery or radiology puts a drain in. They need an IV to give them antibiotics and nutrition, which can be very expensive. They may get really sick and need to be in the ICU.”
Le suspects that medical tourism facilitators swayed the patients he’s treated to cross the border for surgery, packaging the trip as a dream vacation.
“They arrange for these people to go have surgery in sunny, beautiful Mexico,” he said. “They show them these beautiful luxury accommodations, and it’s $4,000 for the entire trip — transportation, airport, hotel, surgery. It’s this awesome vacation marketed in small towns.”
The patients targeted either don’t have health insurance or have insurance plans that cover weight loss surgery. And predatory medical tourism facilitators receive kickbacks for each patient they convince to have surgery overseas. Allegedly, LuLaRoe executives profited from referring salespeople to Mexico for bariatric surgery, and a lawsuit has been filed against a school district in Arizona because an administrator ran a medical tourism operation from campus. The administrator, who no longer works for the district, admitted to receiving $250 for each of the 300 patients she successfully referred for weight loss surgery in Mexico. A LuLaRoe executive reportedly made $1,000 for every successful referral.
Le contends that once they get paid, medical tourism facilitators are not interested in the health of patients. Before surgery, these facilitators are typically friendly to their referrals, but should problems for patients arise afterward, the recruiters may become hostile or ignore them altogether.
As it is, international surgery tends to be a whirlwind experience for patients.
“They’ll fly out on a Monday, meet their doctor on Monday afternoon, and be on a plane home Wednesday night or Thursday morning with a handful of instructions, pain medicine, antibiotics, and a note to go see their family doctor afterward,” Le said.
If patients develop complications after surgery, some US doctors may not be willing to see them. Physicians don’t want to be liable for patients with medical problems caused elsewhere, Le said. And insurance companies won’t pay for corrective procedures since they didn’t authorize the initial operation. In the end, a patient can end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for revision surgeries.
“But nobody warns you about that while you’re sitting in a waiting room before surgery,” Le said.
A billboard advertising lap band surgery, a procedure in which a small stomach pouch is created to reduce one’s appetite. LA Times via Getty Images
Justin Blackburn knows firsthand about the risks of an overseas bariatrics procedure. Eleven years ago, he had lap band surgery in Mexico. During this procedure, an inflatable band wraps around the top portion of the stomach, producing a small pouch above the band. The creation of the small pouch helps to make patients feel fuller quicker, leading them to eat less and lose weight. Although Blackburn’s insurance covered the surgery, he was disqualified from coverage for not being obese enough.
“I didn’t meet the [body mass index],” the 43-year-old recalled. “Mine was probably around 35, and they wanted it at 40 in the United States.”
But Blackburn had struggled with his weight for a decade, repeatedly yo-yo dieting. He knew that his stepmother, Elizabeth Erickson, had already gone to Mexico for bariatric surgery, so he decided to travel there from Arizona. He contacted the office of Dr. Ariel Ortiz, a doctor Erickson highly recommended, though she had not been a patient. Ortiz is well-known because he’s a pioneer of the lap band procedure. Blackburn said the doctor’s staff wasted no time arranging for him to have the operation.
“It took about two weeks from the time I contacted his patient sales rep to when I had my surgery,” Blackburn said.
He remembers expressing that he wanted to lose 60 pounds and being asked in response, “How soon can you get us the cashier’s check or Paypal transfer for $8,500?”
Blackburn said no one on staff inquired about his previous efforts to lose weight or presented him with any alternatives to surgery. (An attorney for Ortiz did not respond to Vox’s request for comment.) He proceeded with the operation, which initially appeared to be a success. During the postsurgical care period, however, Blackburn said he developed complications. Patients who undergo lap band procedures must have the devices periodically adjusted, and since he could not return to Ortiz for these adjustments, Blackburn visited an Arizona nurse named Wendy Hall for these follow-ups, as did his stepmother.
Although Hall had received training from Ortiz, Blackburn said she overtightened the band. He maintains that as a result, he developed acid reflux and esophagitis, a condition that causes painful swallowing, chest pain, and stomach acids to travel back up the esophagus.
“As soon as Wendy Hall started adjusting my lap band and overtightening it, I started having trouble swallowing food,” he said. “I was constantly throwing up.”
But Blackburn said his stepmother paid the ultimate price: Erickson developed severe complications after seeing Hall for an adjustment in 2013.
“Wendy Hall overtightened her lab band so tight that her stomach acids leaked out of her stomach into her heart and lungs, and she died of sepsis,” Blackburn said.
Dying from the result of a medical error isn’t limited to the medical tourism industry. Overall, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US, with more than 250,000 Americans killed from such mistakes. But a $100 million class-action lawsuit that Blackburn is part of has drawn particular attention to bariatric-centered medical tourism.
Filed this year by the Arizona firm Gregory Law Group, the suit accuses Ortiz, Hall, other medical professionals, affiliated businesses, and consultants of mischaracterizing the “nature, quality, and safety of bariatric procedures.” The lawsuit notes that Erickson died after developing complications from her surgery and aftercare from Hall, who was not a bariatric nurse but a nurse midwife. In May 2017, the Arizona Board of Nursing revoked Hall’s license.
Le considers it a social justice issue that patients with obesity have so few options for medical treatment that they end up in harm’s way. A member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Le wants these patients, many of whom are socioeconomically disadvantaged, to have more access to care.
“We are encouraging insurance companies, national carriers, and employers, telling them that when they don’t cover bariatric surgery, we consider it discrimination,” he said.
Le said that obesity is a chronic medical problem like any other health condition, and patients deserve access to a range of treatment options. Refusing such care because of weight bias increases the odds that patients will fall prey to unscrupulous individuals who behave as if they have their best interests in mind.
Five years after his stepmother’s death, Blackburn continues to grieve her loss. And he continues to have health problems.
“I still have esophagitis. When I eat, I still have regurgitation problems, and sleeping is an issue.”
“I still have esophagitis,” he said. “When I eat, I still have regurgitation problems, and sleeping is an issue.”
But in other ways, his health has improved after losing 130 pounds.
“My weight’s great, and all the other problems related to it, I don’t really have,” said Blackburn, who now lives in Bozeman, Montana. “Before I had surgery, I started having knee and back problems. I didn’t like to be active, but now I live basically at a ski resort. I can hike. I can ski. I can do all these things where I feel like a 30-year-old instead of an 80-year-old. I don’t have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.”
Being able to live life to the fullest is the primary reason Tatum Hosea signed up for bariatric surgery as well. She’s still maintaining her weight loss and taking care not to fall into the unhealthy patterns that ensnared her before her gastric sleeve operation.
“I just wanted to be there for my kids,” she said. “I wanted to be healthy and live a long life. To do everything I’ve always wanted to do.”
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Original Source -> A lack of insurance is leading more Americans to have weight loss surgery in Mexico
via The Conservative Brief
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
SmartArm’s AI-powered prosthesis takes the prize at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/smartarms-ai-powered-prosthesis-takes-the-prize-at-microsofts-imagine-cup/
SmartArm’s AI-powered prosthesis takes the prize at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup
A pair of Canadian students making a simple, inexpensive prosthetic arm have taken home the grand prize at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup, a global startup competition the company holds yearly. SmartArm will receive $85,000, a mentoring session with CEO Satya Nadella, and some other Microsoft goodies. But they were far from the only worthy team from the dozens that came to Redmond to compete.
The Imagine Cup is an event I personally look forward to, because it consists entirely of smart young students, usually engineers and designers themselves (not yet “serial entrepreneurs”) and often aiming to solve real-world problems.
In the semi-finals I attended, I saw a pair of young women from Pakistan looking to reduce stillbirth rates with a new pregnancy monitor, an automated eye-checking device that can be deployed anywhere and used by anyone, and an autonomous monitor for water tanks in drought-stricken areas. When I was their age, I was living at my mom’s house, getting really good at Mario Kart for SNES and working as a preschool teacher.
Even Nadella bowed before their ambitions in his appearance on stage at the final event this morning.
“Last night I was thinking, ‘What advice can I give people who have accomplished so much at such a young age?’ And I said, I should go back to when I was your age and doing great things. Then I realized…I definitely wouldn’t have made these finals.”
That got a laugh, but (with apologies to Nadella) it’s probably true. Students today have unbelievable resources available to them and as many of the teams demonstrated, they’re making excellent use of those resources.
SmartArm in particular combines a clever approach with state of the art tech in a way that’s so simple it’s almost ridiculous.
The issue they saw as needing a new approach is prosthetic arms, which as they pointed out are often either non-functional (think just a plastic arm or simple flexion-based gripper) or highly expensive (a mechanical arm might cost tens of thousands). Why can’t one be both?
Their solution is an extremely interesting and timely one: a relatively simply actuated 3D-printed forearm and hand that has its own vision system built in. A camera built into the palm captures an image of the item the user aims to pick up, and quickly classifies it — an apple, a key ring, a pen — and selects the correct grip for that object.
The user activates the grip by flexing their upper arm muscles, an action that’s detected by a Myo-like muscle sensor (possibly actually a Myo, but I couldn’t tell from the demo). It sends the signal to the arm to activate the hand movement, and the fingers move accordingly.
It’s still extremely limited — you likely can’t twist a doorknob with it, or reliably grip a knife or fork, and so on. But for many everyday tasks it could still be useful. And the idea of putting the camera in the palm is a high-risk, high-reward one. It is of course blocked when you pick up the item, but what does it need to see during that time? You deactivate the grip to put the cup down and the camera is exposed again to watch for the next task.
Bear in mind this is not meant as some kind of serious universal hand replacement. But it provides smart, simple functionality for people who might otherwise have had to use a pincer arm or the like. And according to the team, it should cost less than $100. How that’s possible to do including the arm sensor is unclear to me, but I’m not the one who built a bionic arm so I’m going to defer to them on this. Even if they miss that 50 percent it would still be a huge bargain, honestly.
There’s an optional subscription that would allow the arm to improve itself over time as it learns more about your habits and objects you encounter regularly — this would also conceivably be used to improve other SmartArms as well.
As for how it looks — rather robotic — the team defended it based on their own feedback from amputees: “They’d rather be asked, ‘hey, where did you get that arm?” than ‘what happened to your arm?’ ” But a more realistic-looking set of fingers is also under development.
The team said they were originally looking for venture funding but ended up getting a grant instead; they’ve got interest from a number of Canadian and American institutions already, and winning the Imagine Cup will almost certainly propel them to greater prominence in the field.
My own questions would be on durability, washing, and the kinds of things that really need to be tested in real-world scenarios. What if the camera lens gets dirty or scratched? Will there be color options for people that don’t want to have white “skin” on their arm? What’s the support model? What about insurance?
SmartArm takes the grand prize, but the runners up and some category winners get a bunch of good stuff too. I plan to get in touch with SmartArm and several other teams from the competition to find out more and hear about their progress. I was really quite impressed not just with the engineering prowess but the humanitarianism and thoughtfulness on display this year. Nadella summed it up best:
“One of the things that I always think about is this competition in some sense ups the game, right?” he said at the finals. “People from all over the world are thinking about how do I use technology, how do i learn new concepts, but then more importantly, how do I solve some of these unmet, unarticulated needs? The impact that you all can have is just enormous, the opportunity is enormous. But I also believe there is an amazing sense of responsibility, or a need for responsibility that we all have to collectively exercise given the opportunity we have been given.”
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
A pair of Canadian students making a simple, inexpensive prosthetic arm have taken home the grand prize at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup, a global startup competition the company holds yearly. SmartArm will receive $85,000, a mentoring session with CEO Satya Nadella, and some other Microsoft goodies. But they were far from the only worthy team from the dozens that came to Redmond to compete.
The Imagine Cup is an event I personally look forward to, because it consists entirely of smart young students, usually engineers and designers themselves (not yet “serial entrepreneurs”) and often aiming to solve real-world problems.
In the semi-finals I attended, I saw a pair of young women from Pakistan looking to reduce stillbirth rates with a new pregnancy monitor, an automated eye-checking device that can be deployed anywhere and used by anyone, and an autonomous monitor for water tanks in drought-stricken areas. When I was their age, I was living at my mom’s house, getting really good at Mario Kart for SNES and working as a preschool teacher.
Even Nadella bowed before their ambitions in his appearance on stage at the final event this morning.
“Last night I was thinking, ‘What advice can I give people who have accomplished so much at such a young age?’ And I said, I should go back to when I was your age and doing great things. Then I realized…I definitely wouldn’t have made these finals.”
That got a laugh, but (with apologies to Nadella) it’s probably true. Students today have unbelievable resources available to them and as many of the teams demonstrated, they’re making excellent use of those resources.
Congratulations to Team smartARM from #Canada, champion of today's #ImagineCup! Watch the live show on demand at https://t.co/BLxnJ9FGxJ pic.twitter.com/86itWke2du
— Microsoft Imagine (@MSFTImagine) July 25, 2018
SmartArm in particular combines a clever approach with state of the art tech in a way that’s so simple it’s almost ridiculous.
The issue they saw as needing a new approach is prosthetic arms, which as they pointed out are often either non-functional (think just a plastic arm or simple flexion-based gripper) or highly expensive (a mechanical arm might cost tens of thousands). Why can’t one be both?
Their solution is an extremely interesting and timely one: a relatively simply actuated 3D-printed forearm and hand that has its own vision system built in. A camera built into the palm captures an image of the item the user aims to pick up, and quickly classifies it — an apple, a key ring, a pen — and selects the correct grip for that object.
The user activates the grip by flexing their upper arm muscles, an action that’s detected by a Myo-like muscle sensor (possibly actually a Myo, but I couldn’t tell from the demo). It sends the signal to the arm to activate the hand movement, and the fingers move accordingly.
It’s still extremely limited — you likely can’t twist a doorknob with it, or reliably grip a knife or fork, and so on. But for many everyday tasks it could still be useful. And the idea of putting the camera in the palm is a high-risk, high-reward one. It is of course blocked when you pick up the item, but what does it need to see during that time? You deactivate the grip to put the cup down and the camera is exposed again to watch for the next task.
Bear in mind this is not meant as some kind of serious universal hand replacement. But it provides smart, simple functionality for people who might otherwise have had to use a pincer arm or the like. And according to the team, it should cost less than $100. How that’s possible to do including the arm sensor is unclear to me, but I’m not the one who built a bionic arm so I’m going to defer to them on this. Even if they miss that 50 percent it would still be a huge bargain, honestly.
There’s an optional subscription that would allow the arm to improve itself over time as it learns more about your habits and objects you encounter regularly — this would also conceivably be used to improve other SmartArms as well.
As for how it looks — rather robotic — the team defended it based on their own feedback from amputees: “They’d rather be asked, ‘hey, where did you get that arm?” than ‘what happened to your arm?’ ” But a more realistic-looking set of fingers is also under development.
The team said they were originally looking for venture funding but ended up getting a grant instead; they’ve got interest from a number of Canadian and American institutions already, and winning the Imagine Cup will almost certainly propel them to greater prominence in the field.
My own questions would be on durability, washing, and the kinds of things that really need to be tested in real-world scenarios. What if the camera lens gets dirty or scratched? Will there be color options for people that don’t want to have white “skin” on their arm? What’s the support model? What about insurance?
SmartArm takes the grand prize, but the runners up and some category winners get a bunch of good stuff too. I plan to get in touch with SmartArm and several other teams from the competition to find out more and hear about their progress. I was really quite impressed not just with the engineering prowess but the humanitarianism and thoughtfulness on display this year. Nadella summed it up best:
“One of the things that I always think about is this competition in some sense ups the game, right?” he said at the finals. “People from all over the world are thinking about how do I use technology, how do i learn new concepts, but then more importantly, how do I solve some of these unmet, unarticulated needs? The impact that you all can have is just enormous, the opportunity is enormous. But I also believe there is an amazing sense of responsibility, or a need for responsibility that we all have to collectively exercise given the opportunity we have been given.”
via TechCrunch
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