#and maybe thats because hes got a gay little crush whos to say
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box-dwelling · 1 year ago
Listen i know miracle day has a bad rep and while I like it I get why it does. But they cannot just do that to rex in the finale and then have the EU not expand on him at all. Come on! There are so many options! Hammering on the door of the BBC BEGGING for them to let me write EU material about him. Please!
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inside-lees-mind · 1 year ago
HII I saw your requests are open and you wanted um. Neji. Reqs. Hi. um.!! Could you write something of him with a reader thats not from a strong clan (They are well known but not for fighting or even field work) and doesn’t have a Kekkei Genkai or anything but is strong regardless,,, wields a sword and is great at fighting physically and all that. She teases him a lot and gets not his nerves but it’s all affectionate! She does get underestimated a lot though. I’ve had this idea sitting in my head ever since I watched naruto,, saw team guy and fell in love they are my roman empire
Neji With an S/O Who Isn’t From a Prominent Clan
Idk if i capitalize titles right tbh. I forget how it’s done honestly. I don’t remember if “With” gets capitalized.
Anyways, thank you so much for your request!
This is a little harsh in the beginning. So WARNING! For asshole genin Neji.
No gender specified, but “beautiful” is used
An uneven number of shinobi graduating from the academy was so oddly unheard of that at first, you ended up training alone with some jonin who took pity on you.
And at first, Neji had said something to his team about that just being the fate of people like you. Destined to be alone and a failure.
No need to give you some chance for a big break in life, this would happen any way you put it.
Neji didn’t ever figure he’d be willing to die for you one day. (Maybe he’s not the character to say this for…)
He dreaded when Gai Sensei introduced you as a new teammate of team 3.
Of course Gai would go through the trouble of taking pity on a wimp like you. He should have expected no less.
Tenten was excited that you wielded a weapon, however.
And Rock Lee was excited to have a new teammate! Not to mention, you were beautiful. He was just a little smitten…
Overtime, he watched you train. And as Tenten marveled over how well off you were in your skills with your ninjato! (A ninjato is a straight sword, if you don’t know. Sasuke uses one)
And in the same way he thinks Rock Lee or Naruto are destined to never make it anywhere, he thinks the same of you.
After the chunin exams and the Konoha crush, he begins to think differently of you. He thinks differently of himself, Rock Lee, and Naruto as well. Even Lady Hinata.
Overall, he becomes more pleasant to be around. And you both start to talk a bit more often.
Soon he fines Lee’s insistence on flirting with you so openly is annoying, and not just because he won’t shut up anymore, but now it’s that he’s jealous.
He’s jealous?
He’s jealous.
And when he watches you fight while on missions, he’s got a different way of looking at you.
Maybe somebody with no Kekkei Genkai and no prominent clan can really make it. Maybe you aren’t destined for failure. Maybe that challenge is just something you can overcome, become stronger.
And you have.
I think being with him would be a classic case of you fell first, he fell harder.
You didn’t fall immediately. You were very sweet, but anybody with a brain knew Neji was a total asshole. Even if you were rather nice to him, you didn’t have eyes for him beyond thinking he was pretty for a guy.
So once he starts to be nicer, you quickly realize he’s not just visually your type. You really like the guy.
It takes him a couple years to fully realize he fell for you.
And a bit longer to realize Lee, as much as he cares for him, is testing his patience asking you out. When will he give up?
So he realizes, if he keeps quiet, are you gonna give in and let Lee have a chance with your heart?
So he ends up asking you out on a date after pulling you off to the side. Making sure you were out of earshot from anybody, especially your team.
You both keep it silent from Tenten, Gai, and Lee. Anybody really. For a while.
He wonders how none of them notice the way you tease him more than the others. The way you’re just a bit too touchy with him. (Tenten noticed, but she keeps her mouth shut for a while)
The way you insist on braiding his hair or tying it up for him before training or something to get it out of his way.
Or just beg him to let you braid it for fun. No real reason.
Usually he rolls his eyes, groans, and says no. Firmly. But he’s not so firm with you.
He looks so pretty with his braided hair. Let’s just say that.
Until finally Neji snaps a little bit at Lee, “When will you realize, y/n has a boyfriend, Lee.”
Lee’s eyes go wide, and he’s visibly upset. But soon his brows just furrow a bit as he exclaims “WAIT, WHO??”
Neji realizes his mistake, but he’s not ashamed of you. So maybe it is time to say something. So he informs Lee, and the rest of the over enthusiastic team, that he is, in fact, your boyfriend.
He’s actually so proud of your skills.
He’s not the type to show you off by PDA, but he will smirk and look all smug when somebody compliments you or you do something awesome.
And when the clan’s branch system gets dismantled, eventually he starts figuring your name would sound real nice with Hyuga as a family name.
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mediawhatwiveswatch · 27 days ago
The Wives Watch: Supernatural S2 E11-E13
Passing the halfway point! Things are heating up at the Winchesters!
E11 - Stop demolishing pretty buildings
The house is so pretty who cares about the ghosts
Haunted dolls!!
Everytime the boys talk emotions we gotta break the meme back out
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Brits insulted, scooby doo mentioned, voodoo spotted, hotel trivago
So like everyone assumes their dating? It's like 2007 were people this chill about sharing beds?
"You look the type" - Gay or Antiquers? Basically the same thing. ('but antiquing is so fun!' 'we aren't breaking the stereotype')
Very pretty dress nailed to the wall. Thats not how decor works
Butler: "All my family has lived here and I'm very sad that I might have to leave" Dean: "I wonder who would want to do hoodoo to keep this place open"
Homophobe Dean vs Ally Sam. Who will win
The truest of sibling behaviour: Making up lies to embarrass your little bro
Who puts their grandma in the attic?? That is asking for evil spirits
On the ghost's side again, demolishing pretty house should be a crime
Every so often they swap Dean and Sam's opinions on whether dad is a dick. This time dean gets to right
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Sam sleeping on his front is the most evil thing he's done
Do people not like hearing old people tell stories? It's fun!
We went from secret evil twin to secret evil fake sibling
If we had a nickel for every time there was a haunted evil car on this show we'd have two nickels. That's one each
You don't get to call the boys insane after witnessing the most stereotypical haunting ever
Maggie is a Little Freak (derogatory)
This pool is so pretty!!!
This house is really well built?? Very strong glass??
None of these morons know to do CPR on a newly drowned girl
Good to know this little girl can dress normally when not being haunted by her evil great aunt who just murdered attic grandma
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E12 - Mandroids Play Among Us
Do we fear the FBI more than the demons? Yes
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Dean says ACABATJ (All Cops Are Bad At Their Jobs)
Ronnie boy knows whats up
Cybermen!! Doctor Who Reference!!
MANDROIDS?? Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis are playing copyright games
Poor Ronnie getting his dreams crushed
Sam too good at being a cop. He was made for this. Pre Law babyy
"I like him, he says okie dokie"
This hostage is a snitch. Let the guy keep his knife
Locked in a safe with a girl who's got a crush on your brother is Sam's idea of Hell
Free Goop! Yum!
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The boys once again run into amateur hunters and teaching them basics
The cops continue to be useless <3
Rip to Ronnie. He was built different
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Honestly feel bad for the Winchester assigned FBI agent. Must be a hard life
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NGL telling the hostage takers that you don't wanna be released and will just vibe in the vault is a powermove even if its because your a shapeshifting murderer
Its even more of a powermove when you aren't a shapeshifting murderer!!
Mr FBI agent giving FHJY Agent Clark Energy
NGL telling the hostage takers that you don't wanna be released and will just vibe in the vault is a powermove even if its because your a shapeshifting murderer
Its even more of a powermove when you aren't a shapreshifting murderer!!
Mr FBI agent giving FHJY Agent Clark Energy. He's on the hunt for the most elusive german shepard and will never win
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Sam and Dean said "Free disguises!"
E13 - Priests Fail To Understand Theology
Spent most of the time trying to guess if this is a Protestant thing or if they're just wrong
The Whole Episode:
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Televangelism is scary and we're right for saying it
Sam you are not a medical professional PLEASE STOP GIVING THERAPY
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The brothers can't get mad at being considered gay when their booking rooms together at sex hotels. You can afford separate rooms please!
Insane bed. Are those real??
Can you have demons without angels? Does Dean consider demons non-religious?
Love finding some fingernails in the walls. A great thing to happen in a murdered guys cellar
Supernatural implying that demons are front line workers and angels are line managers
Good Omens crossover continues
Is the B plot going to be about the sex bed??
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Hacker man Sam
All these guys went to church? How shocking!
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In todays episode we learn about being innocent until proven guilty
Hard turn into religion from Closet Christian Sam!
They have implied that Spongebob is holy
Dean really said only one person gets to murder strangers
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This priest didn't study. You ain't holy you just got shot. Men don't become angels, they get sainted, which you didn't
B Plot (C Plot?) of Dean getting to do a car chase!
Creep got final destinationed. Good.
In todays episode we learn about being innocent until proven guilty
Hard turn into religion from Closet Christian Sam!
They have implied that Spongebob is holy
Dean really said only one person gets to murder strangers
This priest didn't study. You ain't holy you just got shot. Men don't become angels, they get sainted, which you didn't
B Plot (C Plot?) of Dean getting to do a car chase!
Creep got final destinationed. Good.
{{11% through}}
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Spent way too long making that among meme. Paint crashed and had to redo it all. Deserves more respect
Looking forward to the boys getting FBI'd again soon
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number1jaymerrickhater · 4 months ago
So I'm going to see the terrible influence tour in november and even managed to snag gold tickets so I'm gonna get a meet and greet. This is amazing however whether due to anxiety or excitement I've been having weird dreams about it so I think I'll share some of them with tumblr.
1. Me and my best friend are waiting in line at the meet and greet, they suddnely announce they are tired of this and want to leave. We begin to fight because we are litterally in line to meet Dan and Phil. What do you mean you want to go now of all times??? Our fighting draws some attention and suddenly Dan and Phil appear, adopt us both on the spot and then drags us on stage to introduce us to the audience. We get booed off stage and start fighting over whos fault it is, Dan and Phil start fighting over where they went wrong raising us.
2. I am in the city where the show is being held and I realize that the show is today. I call my friend, and they say they're studying for midterms and can't go, but I should totally ride the train to see them. I ask them whats going on and they say to trust them. I go on the (several hour) train ride to see them and find out Dan and Phil are just casually in their dorm room helping them study. I pass out from shock and Phil tries to remove my apendix because "thats what you do when people pass out"
3. I go to the TIT and realize that the meet and great happened before the show, not after it. While Im sobbing about missing my chance to meet Dan and Phil they anounce that theres a part of the show where they need an audience member to come on stage. They call me and I get dragged on stage and have to cut Phils hair. I apologize profusly because I suck at cutting hair and he says "just cut it gay boy" so I get mad and shave him bald. I get a little jacket that says 'number 1 cutter' on the back and everyone leaves the show in tears. (Also they anounce they're in portland, which is several states away from me and I realize with relief that I didn't miss my meet and great, I just showed up to the wrong show.)
4. Dan and Phil loudly anounce on stage that they're not just bringing up their own secrets. They selected one lucky audience member to confess a secret to their 'maybe unrequided its complicated' gay crush. That lucky audience member happened to be me and I had to confess my feelings to my crush, who both didn't like me back and was also very confused how he was suddenly teleported onto the stage.
5. I asked Dan and Phil to sign my trans flag but they couldn't cuz there was nothing to lean against so Phil said "yk what, we'll just take this with us and then give it back to u later tonight after the show so we can sign it backstage" except they never gave it back they stole my trans flag. Months later after the tour they film a video with my trans flag hanging above a pile of random stuff and the video is titled something along the lines of "looking at all the stuff we stole from YOU haha loosers"
6. While taking pictures for the meet and greet Dan leaned over and whispered in my ear "me and Phil got a phivorice....no one will ever believe you" then I woke up immediately afterward.
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tossball-stick · 5 months ago
hii kicks my feet. twirls my hair. does a little spin. i wanted to write these out sooo much sooner but i got sick :(( luckily!! im here now!!!! so today ive decided to share some camp transition hcs. personally i dont actually think she would have the time to transition in the gang.. buuuuut its still nice 2 think about :) maybe later ill make a post about the domestic au ive got for her. smiles big and wide
sean is immediately supportive of her transition. this isnt really cause for suspiscion, sean is also trans of course. until his true intentions are revealed and hes simply staring at a womens fashion catalogue in the undergarments section holding it out to kieran and pointing, "i think youd look good in that one ;)"
eventually kieran is doing some of the ladies workload, she is one of them, after all (though i imagine her true role even post transition would be a little more mixed, like karen, who can be seen going on watch and such). of course this means grimshaw eventually coming by to nitpick her the same way she does for the rest of the women. chastised for not being ladylike enough, or being improper. i imagine susan and kieran get along pretty well, honestly, i can imagine kieran being a very effective little worker bee for her that goes along with whatever she says in an attempt to pass. susan clearly knows about being a woman. kieran wants to be a woman. its perfect!
you would think if i headcanoned bill as gay and kieran as a woman i would believe that bill eventually loses his crush on her. you would be wrong. very wrong. i think it maybe seems that way at first, but realistically bills manner of attraction has simply shifted. with men you can be rough and rowdy and awful and its expected, even when trying to court one, but trying to court a lady? now, thats a long process of wearing her down with charisma, wooing her, being a gentleman. things bill williamson sucks at. really badly. i think he would simply stop making moves on her because he just doesnt know how, but i dont think his actual feelings change even remotely
thusly, people start looking at bill weird the times he gets drunk and does dare to flirt with kieran. i imagine people would offer to have a talk with him about it, but she would just smile and shake her head, because bill stumbling over his words to drunkenly call her pretty was one of the best feelings shes ever had
i doubt hosea and dutch would care. really. i think either way they keep her stationed with the horses. it makes her happy and ultimately she is helping around camp more now. theres no loss of hands to complain about, they werent taking her on jobs anyway
her and molly!! i knowwww molly is saying some shit like "youre clearly just pretending, wearing that skirt with that lipstick" and it very quickly snowballs into convincing arthur to take them out on the town and buying kieran some clothes with at least a little class. maybe they kiss while out there. whos to say
look. all im saying is. if kieran goddamn duffy can become a woman then sadie adler can become a man. and sadie adler fucking haaaaaates that the start of his transition was watching an o'driscoll transition first. and i also think it would be really funny and i wanna torture that tboy some more.
grows her hair out for sure, i think in any other setting she would wear it down more than up, but due to the nature of her chores at camp, shes keeping the hair off the back of her neck
i can imagine mary-beth and her sitting together on a quiet night, kieran listening to her talk about whatever dime novel or bodice ripper she'd been able to get her hands on lately. its nice and all, but shes mostly just listening, shes not much of a reader, and mary-beth is clearly talking like she wants the man. until, out of nowhere, shes bringing up how the savior is always the men, and how, sometimes, it made her even more giddy to picture the "men" with long hair and even more identity protection, and thinking about them being women masquerading as men. seemingly, kieran is a lot more engaged now that mary-beth is talking about being saved by a woman that is stuck looking like a man for whatever reason. of course, mary-beth doesnt miss this little detail. theyre sharing drinks by the end of the night.
i think one of her first gender moments was getting her first skirt of course. but i think it only really hit her when she had to mount branwen sidesaddle for the first time, and get used to riding him like that. it was kinda like learning to ride a horse all over again. it gets branwen involved in her transition as well and i think thatd be crucial for her; bonding with her beloved horse in a new way, being a woman while doing it. even if he wasnt a part of such a big moment for her, i still think she would gush to him about all the womanly things she got to do that day. branwen is always the first to hear when a day goes by and she barely feels like a man the whole time.
i hope this was enough food to keep you and any other transfem kieran enthusiasts fed for a bit ^-^
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 8 months ago
Aaaaaah what a time to exist
my brain is so empty when it comes to making posts that people actually care about
i wanna change my maintag to something other than charlie rants.. but i’ve been using it for too long to do that…
i guess its cus most of my posts arent rants they are just nonsense that i am spouting to anyone who particularly pays attention to them (aka nobody,,) what even are these posts anymore
im gonna spout about life instead of other things!! Because… i suppose i should talk about my life more.. since i never do
and thats kinda what blogs are for, hm?
I… went to get froyo with my friend… it was fun but it was like 25 bucks for two people…
he has a crush on me, and i… dont know how i feel about him at all.
im not sure really what my sexuality is anymore… i feel like sometimes i’m massively gay because oh my god men… but then other times i think of ever being in a relationship and it grosses me out… so then i think maybe i’m aro…
i finished watching Madoka Magica Rebellion today!!
it was good… though they skipped over parts in the manga that i really liked… its okay though
it was worth 4 dollars to rent…
it’s almost my birthday…
i wonder if people got me what i asked for.?
hopefully somebody got me the Madoka cosplay i wanted…
i don’t think i’ll be able to afford it myself haha
my grandma has me in therapy right now. I don’t really feel like it’s helping me at all…
but she says i have to do it and she won’t let me go out of it until she thinks i’m ready. i don’t think i’m ever getting out of therapy, if that’s the case.
i don’t really like my family situation. I know compared to others, i have life pretty good. But sometimes i feel like all they care about is keeping me alive so that they dont get accused of bad parenting. Or forcing me to get good grades so that the teachers don’t have to talk to them about how awful i am at everything.
not because they care about my future or anything. because they DON’T care about my future. No matter how much they say they do. You can just sort of tell.
i got my Len Kagamine cosplay a little while ago… my grandma said it was an Amazon pick… but it’s not really as good as the one i picked out…
I’ve been thinking about @n3hmof1sh and @ffelix143 a lot lately!!
i talk about Nehmo and Felix constantly to anybody who listens..
or even if they don’t really listen…
my friends haven’t been responding to my texts. I think they’re ignoring me.
i think maybe i’m being too much of a burden on them… annoying them all the time…
i’m sure some of my friends on here understand what i mean… i don’t really do much outside of tumblr, to be honest
i sort of wish there was no real world, and i could live here in tumblr with the people that actually care… people that i would do anything to spend time with off of a screen..
i’ve gotten so attached to my stupid screens that i really don’t know what else to do without them. I’ve lost any sense of worth in real activities.
i think that’s a bad thing.
but that’s okay.
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daffodilsonaprettystring · 2 years ago
An Incomplete List: Things I need to be in the RWRB movie
(Including things we already know will be in it because god I’m so excited)
Basically this will just be me listing all my favorite parts of the book so I apologize in advance for how long this will be I’m brainrotting HARD rn)
1. The callback between Henry asking June (maybe Nora tho now) to waltz and then later telling Alex he hates waltzing at the V&A idk why but this is important to me
2. PLEASE a flashback of baby Alex seeing the picture of baby Henry in the J14 magazine I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT
3. Henry’s (and Alex’s) insomnia (because I am also an insomniac and it’s an important part of their characters I feel)
5. Star Wars including the Leia and Han references/mural and Henry’s favorite movie being Return of the Jedi because THATS MINE TOO❤��❤️ and also “bit short for a stormtrooper”
6. CORNBREAD AND STUFFING CORNBREAD KNOWS MY SINS HENRY buy a summer home in Majorca with the turkey Mr Wobbles and David picture from Henry and their cute little “we’ve obviously got crushes but we’re ignoring it” phone goodbye
8. Nora’s extrapolated data about Alex’s obvious crush lmao
10. “Fucking eyelashes” and also “good to know. I am very, very gay.”
11. The stupid titles they use in their emails like His Royal Horniness and Alex First Son of Off-Brand England
12. BABY and LOVE and SWEETHEART I normally hate pet names (minus love I adore that one always) but I am a SUCKER for Firstprince pet names specifically
13. I’d love to see a flashback to young Henry coming out to Bea even for just a second
14. I NEEDNEEDNEED a shot like this in the movie
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(Art by vkellyeart) but yes give me a shot like this where they’re on opposite ends of the world “two parentheses enclosing 3700 miles”
15. “Say good morning to your strumpet, Henry.”
16. So I know we won’t get the Hoe Dameron and Prince Buttercup kimonos anymore (sadness) but LET NICHOLAS GALITZINE BELT HIS HEART OUT TO QUEEN I BEG
17. Since we don’t get Cash wearing one SLAP A BRIGHT PINK FEATHER BOA ON AMY PLZ
18. Bea’s lime green drop-waist Wimbledon dress with gold honeybee Gucci sunglasses fight me Ellie Bamber would rock that look
19. So I know we know they don’t dance to Your Song in the V&A but I hope Henry still plays it on the piano or at least it plays somewhere in the movie cuz i love that song also JUST HENRY PLAYING PIANO IN GENERAL PLZ AND LET ALEX LOOK AT HIM WITH SEVERE HEART EYES and then Henry falling asleep on Alex and Alex just laying awake like Well Shit
20. “Most things are awful most of the time, but you’re good.”
21. Alex’s vocabulary apparently only being expletives when Zahra busts in on him and Henry lmao and “yes we can unpack the ironic symbolism later GO” and also “I thought you were getting into international relations or something” “I mean technically—“ “if you finish that sentence I’m gonna spend tonight in jail” 😂😂
22. THE POWERPOINTS HAHAHAH and “You need to figure out if you feel forever about him”
23. “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, you body comes back to me in dreams?” Speech and also the story about the prince with his heart outside his body that met the most dashingly gorgeous peasant boy who said absolutley ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years
24. “Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff” and “But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That’s the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
25. Dear Thisbe, I wish there weren’t a wall. Love, Pyramus
26. Obtuse fucking asshole and “I fucking love you, okay?” And “when have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?” And “I want you— then fucking have me— but I don’t want this” and ok basically you get it their whole goddamn rain-drenched love confession scene
27. The morning after, when Henry says that all the royal shit of “fine” isn’t good enough for him and tells Alex he wants him to help him try to be happy and the chance of a life? That’s one of my favorite scenes if not my absolute favorite and I don’t even know what I need out of it but I know I need it to be PERFECT, including Henry sayings he’s been in love with Alex since they met❤️❤️
28. Prince Consort Road picture plzzzz and everything that happens in the V&A but ESPECIALLY them dancing and “taking a picture of a national gay landmark and a statue”
29. “I want you to know, I’m sure. A thousand percent.” And “I completely fucking love you”
31. “You and me and history, remember? Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you.”
32. I want Ellen’s reaction to Alex being outed, and Zahra’s as well, with both of them being so supportive. But especially ��do you feel forever about him?” “Yeah, I do.”
33. “I won’t lie. Not about this. Not about you.”
34. The crowd outside the palace and the crowds around the world supporting Henry and Alex oh my god i just know imma cry there
35. “You are the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had” Alex’s speech “America: he is my choice.”
36. The suitor pictures
37. Henry’s yellow rose of Texas tie
38. Alex taking Henry to his childhood home is a very small wish but I’d still love to see that
39. Finally, I REALLY hope the movie gives us some kind of epilouge like I don’t even care what kind I just want a future thing where we see them happy in the future at a wedding or literally just sitting together I don’t even care I just want one❤️❤️
I am SO sorry this turned out a lot longer than I expected but goddamn I love this book and I’m so excited for the movie my brain needed something to do lmao
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hatchetfieldsports · 2 months ago
Max, Kyle, you're not that secretive. You bi's like eachother! I have proof! AHEM.
A) On OCT 28TH Kyle is seen being disappointed about Max seemingly not liking musicals, him having multiple tickets he could invite Max out on a date to see said musical. Maybe it was Workin' Girls who knows.
B) ALSO ON OCT 28TH Max said it'd be kinda gay to call Kyle his bestest fwendy wend. Instead, he is his CLOSEST COMRADE. THATS BASICALLY BOYFRIEND.
C) On NOV 2ND Max DENYED being gay, and Kyle claimed to be straight and having a crush on a girl. I call bullshit. I say it's a cover for his crush on Max ;] Also Max claimed to never ever have a gay thought and I quote "...why?? what?? I'm not gay, that's bullshit. I've never ever had a gay thought. Ever." He is insisting a little TOO much for him not to be gay or bi. Or pan. Or anything that's not straight.
D) NOV 3RD. Max is seen CARING about Kyle but denying it.
E) NOV 24TH. We see a drawing of Max and Kyle as FNAF characters with the caption "MALE." One of their shipnames. Max thinks it means he's manly but KYLE recognizes it's a ship name. I like Claugerman better though.
F) NOV 28TH. We see a updated drawing of FNAF Kyle, with his scars. Kyle doesn't remember when and isn't sure how he got it. Max pulls out a notebook that has when, where and how Kyle got all his scars. Pay attention to Kyle, much Max?
G) DEC 8TH. Max DENYS being gay and says if he liked boys that'd mean he likes Kyle. But WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT KYLE MAX? HMMMMM?
H) DEC 10TH. They get asked what would happen if Kyle caught Max, Max says at the end that he likes women. In caps "WOMEN." Kyle laughed awkwardly at the end of his and seemed flustered at the start.
H2) DEC 10TH PART 2. Max claims to use Kyle's name to hide a crush he has on a girl he wrote about in a notebook. I got my hands on the notebook, and it doesn't describe a girl! This is most DEFINITELY hin talking about Kyle. Kyle SAYS A DATE COULDNT HURT! WE'VE MADE A BREAKTHROUGH! Then, when the photos are mentioned Kyle says it's because Max is his role model. Quite a role model if there's a shrine... (like my tuth shrine)
I) DEC 11TH. They keep on denying being gaaaaaaaay. Also good for you Brenda GET STACY!
K) DEC 12TH. They DO STARE AT SEACHOTHER LONGINGLY! The Bi's need to kiss please.
L) DEC 13TH. SO UH THEY KISS KINDA? BECAUSE OF A FALL BUT ITS STILL A KISS! Then Max punches Kyle and runs. Poor Kyle, check on that nose later!
M) DEC 22ND. why is it your new favorite month? Did you finally kiss Max, Kyle? Max was most definitely thinking about Kyle. Just TRY to change my mind.
HONORABLE MENTIONS) NOV 14TH Max is seen CARING about Kyle but denying it. NOV 22ND a drawing is shown, Max replys saying the face reminds him of Kyle's. DEC 8TH. Max denys being gay again.
This took uhhhh 6 pages in my notebook app >:] anyways. I'm proud of my work. No I did not re read it.
Reminder that I'm always watching. 👁👁
oh fuck. yeah. uh. fuck. dont tell my dad about this please. - Max
ghouahergouiahwrdeuogfherudghuerdghafiuwdefghuwidgfuwdgfhuwedgfhuwdehgfuwoehgfouedhfo :3 - Kyle
OOC: You got them :D good job. if you're up to another task, maybe trying to get Brenda and Stacy together? also thank you for interacting with this blog so much. I really appreciate that you care about it!!!!
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fefairys · 1 year ago
now ive got quadrants on the brain specifically kismesissitude because i see the general attitude towards "do you use hs quadrants to label ur irl relationships?" as "i have a moirail/understand having a moirail but the black quadrants just dont work for humans, theyre for a fictional species" or "i have a kismesis but its like a joke" and im like lol. lmao even.
i guess it is my troll kinnie ass but the most common crush i get on people is a pitch one lmao.. my relationship with my fiance started as a kismesissitude and slowly morphed into kismoirailsprits over time, but like, we were a healthy kismesissitude and we still are partly kismesisses! idk if yall saw that gay little interaction we just had (scroll a few posts down on my blog lmao) but like we are still antagonistic towards each other a lot and our relationship started with us hating each other and was built around how much we annoyed each other.
its a very specific feeling and emotion to me! because i have dated people and NOT felt that way, too, so its not like "oh but everyones playfully antagonistic to their partners sometimes!" no no no this is so different. because when i was with my last girlfriend, yeah we would tease each other sometimes, but it wasn't the same feeling as Pitch Romance to me. it's a whole different feeling.
i very often get crushes on people where they annoy the hell out of me. i find them attractive, and even charming at times, but most of the time when they talk im like oh my god you are the most annoying person in the world. i want to make out with you about it. pitch feelings are about being ANGRY that you like you someone so much, to me. like "why the fuck do i like you so much when you're always getting on my nerves. why do i want to be around you all the time even though everything you say pisses me off. why do i want to kiss you." lmao. thats my experience at least! and also wanting to annoy them and rile them up in return. thats how i felt about juice at the start of our relationship, and i still have those feelings towards it now, though i also have other feelings like just plain and simple genuine Love and Affection without the annoyance as well. it fluctuates. depends on if we are annoying each other at the moment or not haha
i've told ppl this and they've been like "oh so its like tsundere" and im just like. I GUESS????? but to me it is so different like i feel like tsundere is when you like someone but cant admit it so you act like you hate them (maybe you even believe that you hate them, but truly, you like them) whereas kismesissitude is truly hating someone, finding them annoying and infuriating, but in an exhilarating way. i hate you and you hate me and its fun to annoy each other and watch each other get all mad.
the quadrant i'd personally never feel the need to be part of is the ashen one because its main purpose is to prevent cheating on ur kismesis and its like. well im polyamorous so. lol. i could see it being used in human relationships if its like, someone who functions as your moirail and helps mediate in arguments you have with other people where you/the other person are getting too angry with each other? i guess?
and also like. treating a moiraillegience as monogamous and something you can "cheat on" someone else with is definitely not the way to go imo. i mean im in a pale throuple rn. we call each other moirails because we trust each other more than anyone with talking about our feelings and stuff! but back in the day i remember people literally being like "he said *paps you* to my moirail what the fuck thats MY moirai only *i* can pap them!l" and its like alright calm down...
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 2 years ago
13 is funny right bc like. okay shes both tesla And byron. shes bumbling little awkward cuteboy inventor And uh "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection". that.
and heres the thing i wonder bc these are both like, archetypes girls like, right? it's like when i was 14 going if i were a companion i simply wouldnt fall in love with the doctor rip to rose but im different and then being 22 going oh no im not different, right? like these are,, the Types. this is why people went so fucking insane bonkers over 10 right? hes also both. obviously because hes the same character and also he looks the part. 12 also is the same guy but he doesnt look the part. he looks like,,, well idk like a sorta wannabe punk anarchist i guess
im being meandering bc im not sure what im trying to say but i have a Wonder bc like. basically i wonder if 13 does the same thing as 10 does. i mean like as a character not like their literal Actions i mean their Effect on their Audiences does it come from the same Thing
bc wait heres another thing that goes in here right bc like 10 was based on david tennant doing casanova right? i havent seen it, i have it downloaded but like, it's sort of in the name you can kinda see where,,,, it all comes from. and then 13 was based on adult life skills anna right? now i HAVE watched that and it's EXTREMELY 13 but is it a byronic hero no it is not. it is nonetheless extremely appealing to me in a fangirl big embarrassing crush kinda way. like in a 14 yo fangirling over david tennant kinda way. im assuming. like technically it's definitely a 25 yo fangirling over 13 kinda way but how different is that really
and thats actually i think exactly what im wondering. how different IS that really. is the thing that appeals abt 13 is that what people feel abt their wet men? im watching that video essay abt snapewives again btw maybe good context to have. bc theres this thing abt the wet men people like right? like, theres this aspect of wanting to like, save them? like youve got a wet sad prettyboy and you can cheer him up. or youve got a wet sad meanyboy and he only likes you. right? theres thoroughness & nuance im missing but thats what i understand. with my head bc with my heart ive never been close. unless 13 counts bc then im very close but im very much wondering if she counts and if she doesnt then why not
IS 13 a byronic hero in how we ('we' here defined as people who have a gay little crush on her) relate to her or is she NOT bc she doesnt look the part? like 12
another question: if 13 is not a byronic hero is that because she doesnt look the part or bc of other factors. are the other factors there BECAUSE she doesnt look the part? if thats the case i'd expect it to work the same with 12. does it? (i mean like, people's biases abt age and gender subconsciously affecting either/both which traits we highlight/notice in them?)
if 13 is NOT a byronic hero, ARE there women byronic heroes i could use to compare here? (kinda expecting like an woman in gideon the ninth series here which i still havent finished)
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edward-lygma-ballz · 2 years ago
The Batman Movie teir list
*to preface these are the movies I've seen which is most of the live action ones and a couple of the animated ones. This list will be in chronological order to the best of my abilities please don't blow a gasket if I fuck something up I'm doing this for shits and giggles*
Alright here we go
1943- Batman: Started it but never got to finish it so need to do that. From what I can remember I liked it, the summary honestly sounds like a blast I'm going to give it B tier for now since I barely remember the little bit of it I have seen.
1966- Batman The Movie: I'm just going to flat out say it, I'm a sucker for the 60s batman and little me had a huge crush on Robin in the series. The movie is ridiculous at times but thats what great about it. Honestly nothing negative to say about the movie it's self. In my humble opinion catwoman in this movie feels like Zoë Kravitz's girl boss catwoman just placed in the 60s and I will stand by this, overall the plot of The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin, and Catwoman all teaming up was carried out very well and I loved it. It worked in such a stupid way. I'm giving this movie A tier for the bat shark repellent, my old crush on Robin, and the ridiculous dialog.
1989- Batman: OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY I FUCKING LOVE THIS MOVIE TO THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. This was the first Batman Movie I was ever exposed to at the very mature age of 4. This movie gave me my love of Prince, Michael Keton, Jack Nicholson, and the joker. It was like a gateway drug that got me into the rest of Batman, comics and everything. I owe most of my personality to this movie and Batman Forever if I'm being honest. And if I'm going to get real with yall, Jack Nicholson's joker is to date the best live action joker, no diss to Heath Ledger's because by God do I fucking love his joker but Jack's is just better. Viki Vale is honestly the only female love interest I've been able to stand besides Zoe Kravitz's catwomen (but she's catwoman so it's different). Maybe it's cause she doesn't play the damsel in distrest way up the way Dr. Meridian does idk but Viki Vale is cool. Plot is great little me loved watching Jack Napier fall into the vat of acid after getting shot in the face. Love the museum scene literally the best scene in the movie, parade scene and dancing on the church rooftop are for sure head to head for second place. So many iconic lines like "You wanna get nuts?! COME ON LETS GET NUTS!!"(later referenced to in the Lego Batman Movie) "We're like beauty and the beast, of course if anyone else calls you beast... I'll rip thier lungs out" and, "And where is.. the batman?? Huh? HES AT HOME!! WASHING HIS TIGHTS!!" this movie is S tier.
1991- Batman Returns: AND SO DOES MICHAEL KETON! Secon Batman Movie ever exposed to so this one holds a special place in my heart as well. Batman and Batman returns were like the only two Batman movies I watched from ages 4-6. Love Danny Devto as the Penguin, LOVE LOVE LOVE Michelle Pfeiffer as catwoman but I heard somewhere they had to like shrink wrap her into the costume which sounds like absolutely horrible. I call this movie a Christmas movie around my family as an excuse to not watch Elf for the 500th time around the holidays so that's a plus. Nothing much else to say, A tier.
1995- Batman Forever: OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY I FUCKING LOVE THIS MOVIE TO THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART Pt2. Love Jim Carrey's riddler idfc what you guys say he is a gay icon who also has many iconic lines like "Joygasam!!" "Ya like the new sweater?? It keeps me safe.. when im... JOGGING at night." And "You were supposed to understand🥺.... I'll make you understand😡". But I HAted Val Kilmer as batman, he gives me the ick, never heard of him out side of this movie and he seems like a decent actor but he just couldn't do this. I will agree with yall on the fact that the writing is absolutely horrid but like with 66 batman is works sometimes but Val just doesn't make it work. Coming back to Chase Meridian, do not like her character, pointless besides love interest, points out the very obvious about two face and his coin. Not cool. For more info on two face in Batman Forever and a little glimpse at my feeling for Harvy Two-face in the dark night reffer to this meme.
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He is an alpha male bicon that's all, overall, A tier movie.
1997- Batman and Robin: 😐 D tier. Make it less sexual, idc if poison ivy's thing is manipulating people with love/plants other adaptations can do it I'm begging for it to be the norm. Batnips aren't cool, robin ain't it in this movie or batman forever. I also forget that bane is in this movie cause he ain't it either
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kaypeace21 · 4 years ago
"Rebel robin" easterggs
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- Robin's friend is a horror movie fan whos fav movie is evil dead (jonathan has a poster of it in his room)
- Robin's parent's car is the " dodge dart" a ref to Dustin's demodog-dart
-robin and her friends make analogies to zombies (like Will- the zombie boy).
- robin faints. And her friend milton says "blink once for yes twice for no". A ref to what Joyce said to Will in s1.
- robin's other friend has a little sister named el-ie who pretends to be a squirrel. A ref to el killing a squirrel in s2. This is also reminiscent of a scene from the st prequel novel ' suspicious minds' where young-kali pretended to be a tiger (the Hawkins school mascot) & a rabbit (Jonathan's hunting story).
- robin reminds me alot of the byers: she is into photography and rock like jonathan and even worked at the movie theatre like jonathan did in the og pilot. They both like David bowie and cook for their families. She also is poor and wears hand-me down clothes from relatives (like Will). She also is into existential philosophers. Which is also similar to jonathan who had a poster of the poet rimbaud in his room.
- robin is almost run over by a car by a bully while riding her bike: similar to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas in s2
- robin says the best accessory for a girl is her middle finger. Cue max giving the middle finger to billy in s2 XD
- robin (before Will dissapears) sees the quarry and gets uncomfortable and thinks of metaphorical monsters
- similar to how billy had baseball references (along with Will). Robin wears a baseball shirt
- her fav flavor of pie is cherry (like alexi and cherry slurpies). She also gets pissed at a guy sipping a cherry flavored drink- similar to hopper in s3 with alexi
- she cuts her hair and she describes it as looking like a lion. El and Will owned lion plushies in s1.
- robin refs Chicago (kali lives there) and NYC (hopper used to live there), and California (where max and billy used to live).
-tammy's fav song is total eclipse of the heart: the song Robin and Steve sang in s3. Tammy would often sing the song in robin and Steve's class.
- they make references to the hellfire club: she describes a time where she dresses like a cross between a nerd and a rebel. And a mom yells at her appearance saying she looks "goddless' . And another of Robin's friend (kate) is told ' what demon is possessing you, kate?" (hinting at the satanic panic). Meanwhile someone describes Mike and his friends as "hellions' as another hint to this. We also see how alot of parents got paranoid and a bit crazy when Will and barb dissappeared- prob foreshadowing the chaos that will happen if more kids dissappear in s4. Along with the satanic panic
-Robin is visiting her friend Kate at her house. Kate wanted to listen to Madonna together. Max and el listened to Madonna at el's.
- Robin's friend (kate) says "I dumped his ass" in reference to her cheating bf. A little nod to the m*leven breakup
- robin (like Will) felt excluded during the summer cause her friends kate and dash (Kate's now ex bf) were always making out . Sound familiar- cough m*leven
- robin annoyed says " makeouts, breakups and declarations of love all in the span of a week". Wow if that ain't a diss to certain pairing we know in s3 XD
- kate (like mike) says to Robin dating the opposite sex is a part of growing up . Which scares Robin (and Will in s3).
- robin has a nightmare of running down the school hallway with short hair (like el in s2 via the upsidedown)
- robin contemplates shaving her head (like el)
- robin says she likes to sometimes dress androgynous . And found a cool suit. Which we saw in s4 bts pics I assume.
- robin watches a music video where there are duplicate indianna joneses (could be a ref to all the billy duplicates in s3?)
- robin says " I stare at the ceiling. The ceiling stares back. I'm stuck and don't know what to do" a ref to the s3 song with robin called "the ceiling is beautiful"
- a character named Sheena reminds me a bit of Will or el . She is very quiet, queercoded, and is often bullied. And she finds mean notes and other things in her locker- placed there by bullies. A bit like how Will found the zombieboy note in his locker. But sheena can be another name for Jane so ...maybe foreshadowing of el/jane being bullied in highscool?
- when robin hears a hom*phobic comment on tv- she describes the anxiety like a ' thundercloud in a big open sky' and a "chill". Which reminds me of the mf being associated with clouds, thunder, and lightning. And the mf liking it cold.
- robin constantly describes the monster or shadow in her life- whether it be her talking about conformity or the problems of consumerism while she is poor (themes of s3).
- robin before realizing she was gay/crushing on tammy just says " I don't get crushes' which reminds me a bit of Will saying " I'm not going to fall in love" (as the lyrics are " love thats new to you, you open up the door')
-robin on her bike hears something (demogorgan) and runs back to her house , locks the door, and calls her friend- and the phone gets electrocuted. The next day Will is said to be missing. (Another Will paralllel).
- i was right about robin being in theatre. So we most likely will see robin in theatre in s4 (she also auditioned with a friend in the book). So for s4 my guess is she may be in the drama club with dustin- cause in s1 he had a drama shirt
- one of her friends is named milton. Since the documentary 'paradise lost' was on the s4 movie list. Its prob a ref to John milton who wrote the fictional 'paradise lost'. The character Sheena may be a ref to the 80s film/movies *where sheena (jane) was psychic
-Robin's gal pal (kate) and Robin eat m&ms and candies together. Kate jokes m&ms and candy bars are 'foods of the gods'. El ate m&ms in s3. They joke how talking about plural gods (instead of 1) would get them in trouble. In case you are unaware- kali (is the name of a Hindu goddess) and el (is the name of a cannanite god) .
-Robin also mentions hopper's car smells like eggos.
- robin tries running away (like el in s2, max in her novel, and jonathan also wrongfully assumed Will ranaway in s1 too).
-robin tries to get a job at Joyce's, than Bob's, and later gets a job where jonathan used to work
-bob newby describes the byers family as his "home" . Similar to how El describes the Hawkins gang as "home".
- robin says she was friends with barb before nancy. Suspiciously right after she says this- barb grabs Robin's hallpass that says ' glitch in the time space continuim. " the teacher who wrote this called robin a "glitch". Which makes me wonder if my did theory is right- but ...that certain powers at be may also alter memories or things so people assume said people have always been around.Mentioning it cause it seemed suspicious.
-not an eastegg but robin can't believe how nice Bob is. And Bob says the byers filled a hole in his life 😭 . She also felt an instant connection with Will and saw alot of herself in him.And asked if Joyce ever thought of moving like everyone suggested . One of the reasons Robin didn't like steve was because Steve never mentioned how Jonathan took innapropriate photos of Nancy. So everyone at school just knew jonathan as the quiet kid who takes pictures. So to everyone it just seemed like- wow you're bullying the quiet kid who's brother is missing and take away the one thing still left in his life that makes him happy. Which is why everyone assumes jonathan beat up steve later. Interesting to know how general Hawkins (not in the loop) viewed things
- the book referenced alot of previously mentioned movies on the s4 list or from prior duffer interviews...along with a few NEW movies ,books, plays, singers, and songs that I have to analyze for another day ...
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sidras-tak · 4 years ago
i have not watched a single episode of shameless post s5 that did not contain mickey so maybe i'm way off on this but i feel like there should be some more consequences for the gay jesus thing. not even serious ones, maybe just stupid ones. like, it's 2020 and ian's doing a soul-crushing job at amazon, bickering with his unemployed husband, and somewhere in the world, a quirky true crime podcaster is scraping the bottom of the ol' content barrel and thinks hey wait didn't i hear something a while ago about a dude in chicago who started a cult and blew up something? thats a crime. and so an episode about chicago's gay jesus gets made. and as happens in the podcast world, once one episode on a new topic is made, others follow, and suddenly some bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, chicago-based true crime podcaster is rocking up to the gallagher house with a recorder and then mickey has to threaten to do a little bit of murder, but like, the podcaster isn't even upset because she got some truly excellent new material in the form of gay jesus' husband describing step-by-step how he's going to eviscerate her if she "takes another goddamn step closer to my husband, and yeah, you can fucking quote me on that, here, i'll even say it into your shitty ass little microphone". the episode is a hit btw
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emofaggott · 3 years ago
Hi again, its me, best friends live sex celebration anon. ill cut to the chase and continue where I left off
After the show goes off air, oc fucks off somewhere (probably to complain about chuck and trent to kris, who has too much of a crush on orange to pay attention to what he is saying) both chuck and trent come to the realization that "hey maybe we should talk about how we wanna fuck the shit out of each over" so the go and sit in a closet and do the cliché "i've loved you forevesies and i wanna fuck you till you cant walk" and then trent goes "oh shit i have something to tell you" and chuck is like "ohfuckohshitohfuckfuckfuck" mentally but physically says "yeah man whats up?" and after about 15 seconds of slilence trent blurts out "i have a vagina"
chuck responds "yo thats sick" and then after a bit of other bullshit they leave the cupboard and immediately get summoned by TK because "hey why didnt you tell us you guys were in a relationship?" and they stammer out a response about homophobia and stuff and tony goes "its okay i got this" and tweets something about loving the gays idk
!!!! TIMESKIP !!!!!
its wednesday !!! you know what that means !!! (its dynamite) and BWOW BWOW BWOW BEST FRIENDS! the tag champs (feat oc shuffling along behind them) make their way to the ring doing the weird title hand gesture thingy and they talk about the journey theyve been on together and their whole lives have lead to them being best friends "aaaand a little more" chuck taylor exclaims before leaning over and kissing trent on the mouth (who kisses back) *cut to oc taking his glasses off staring into the middle distance with a singular tear of happiness rolling down his cheek*
come back for part three when im not exhausted and also i project the fact i have the hots for kris statlander onto oc and i finally write about the best friends having filthy, sloppy and raw sex
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me seeing live sex celebration anon in my askbox
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nico-no-talk · 4 years ago
I have decided to make more headcanons of the gang and maybe go more in depth to a particular one that we may all know of
As I said before, this boy can fit so much autistic symptoms
His parents are quiet close with their kids but it seems like they messed some things up like parents do: Mari is somewhat a perfectionist and Sunny may have undiagnosed autism
Quickly headcanoning Sunny's name might be Hikaru or any name that means light
ANYWAY, as he grew up, the more he verbally opened up to his friends and still uneasy with his family, except for Mari.
Sunny likes to play with toys like any other kid does but he only likes toys that he can role play with such as his stuffed toys and building blocks that he can make homes for
When he was in this 11th year of being alive, his parents got rid of his building blocks as a way to help him 'grow up' since what kind of 11-year old play with building blocks still? They didn't touch his stuffed toys since they knew he would kick and scream way more than with his blocks
Sunny was devastated when he learned his parents tossed his blocks and cried for weeks that his friends, his stuffed toys, didn't have homes anymore
Mari decided to earn money with Hero's help to get him a new set so he won't be sad anymore, and knew he liked the feeling of smooth wood against his skin
After his 12th birthday party, Mari asked to not toss this set out and just keep it for any kids that Mari and Sunny may have in the future. Even Mari wasn't sure if Sunny would want kids, but it was something that managed to convince their parents
Speaking of Sunny speaking, he is somewhat semi-verbal around his friends but he does talk most of the time with them since he felt like it doesn't hurt when talking to them unlike with the rest of his family.
Speaking of family again, Mari's name might be short for Mariko since the transition to the 'ko' may have been difficult for Sunny to pronounce but her name might actually be Mari since it is a Japanese name as it does mean 'real logic' if written in a certain way
Their parents may have gotten a speech therapist for Sunny to help him pronounce words better and so the other adults will stop saying things how strange he is
Stims includes, minor biting, finger snapping, whistles, finger tapping, hand flaps, and random noises. Why random noises? Because I do too
Post-canon, Sunny's mom decided to actually get him diagnose and help him out more so he can graduate in school quickly since he did drop out of middle school
He did managed to get back in school within his age-grade and goes to separate rooms during testing for his classes
For long weekends, he tries to visit his friends as often as he can, especially Kel since he likes the way Kel's hair feels and enjoys feeling the callousness on his hands
Mari Mari Mari
She is a perfectionist, even towards herself since he parents often compared Sunny to her, saying how Mari was able to do a lot of things when she was Sunny's age
Seeing how they made her a goal for Sunny, she tried to be the perfect image of what it is to be normal
Do after school activities, have hobbies, play music, have friends, fall in love, have long hair since she's a girl and he's a boy, only like boys and show him to only like girls, so on and so on
After the building block incident, thats when she realizes that Sunny will never be a 'normal' kid and go out of her way to make his life easier. She'll continue to be his role model but for a new and better reason
She bought him some of his stuffed toys since he liked the texture, picked out clothes that he liked but had to make the tough choice of getting him 'normal' looking clothes so he won't get bullied, eat any of the food he hates, continued to play the piano since he likes the sound, is happy that she stopped softball because he hated going out to her games because of how loud it is and it felt cramped to him, and so many other things
When hanging out with the gang, Mari allowed herself to relax and not focus on Sunny
Middle child syndrome screams
Despite it being just being him and Hero for the longest time, he was still an afterthought for his parents when it comes to Hero and Sally
He didn't mind. He thought thats how parents are with multiple kids. Sunny's parents were kind of the same as his so he thought he was right but Basil's didn't make any sense
Like everyone else, he has never met Basil's parents and thought they just worked all day and play with Basil at night
But Basil said it wasn't, so it confused him more but he stopped questioning it after thinking about it for a while
As Kel gotten older, the more he realizes that he sort of has 'jumpies' like Sunny does but it was different. It helped him feel less tighten-up and felt better
He asked Hero during on of his visits, Hero explained that Kel may have ADHD or ADD.
"Oh" it clicked
Kel wanted to do something 'smart' on his own for once and decided to research on his own about himself and Sunny
He learned lots of things and became more open minded about a lot of things: gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, polyamory relationships, religion, and many other things
Biggest Asexual with Mari as well
Only became an overachiever because he loved the praise he got from everyone
Honestly, I dont got much for Hero, sorry man
Bisexual energy
Her father made sure she was a perfect little girl: wears dresses and skirts, like pink, wears a bow all the time, keep herself neat, come home right after school and ask first if she wants to keep playing, not playing with boys especially the rough playing boys
After loosing her shoe and meeting everyone, she decided to stay around them and be herself: rough housing, wear blue, wear spare shorts that either Mari, Sunny, or Kel may have, take off her bow as often as possible, be out of the house as possible to be with her friends, and may have a crush on an older girl you see almost everyday
When her dad left, everything came down: mom gave up, money became tight, Mari is gone, no one is around with her, and start doing things she never done before because of obligated morals
She started dating Kim, hung out with the hooligans, wore 'less' clothing, rude, crude, tomboy, carried weapons, and dyed her hair
Post-canon, she stopped some of her bad habits: wore clothes that are modest whenever she felt like it, a little more polite but still a little rude, stopped carrying weapons, and kept the pink hair in memory of Mari. Still dating Kim since she loves her more than anything in the world
Who the fuck names their kid Basil? His name was probably Jermey and just he liked the word Basil so much that he said a lot instead of his birth name. He got the name Basil since it was the first thing he planted
For years, no one in the gang knew Basil was a nickname, just accepted that his name was Basil and his parents just liked plants, not realizing his parents are not around a lot
Bet you anything, since Basil vents to Sunny a lot, he may have talked to him about sexuality and gender a lot with him, coming out to him as gay and might be non-binary in some way, still wasn't sure
Sunny was the one he told that Basil was a nickname but he wants to be his actual name
"But, your name has always been Basil, hasn't it?" Sunny asked
Basil had vowed to protect Sunny at all costs since that day and also be proud of himself no matter what and to always introduce himself as Basil, no matter how scared he was
Post-canon, after being in the hospital and some for of mental hospital for some time, after being officially released, Basil came out to everyone else
"Wait, so Basil was a name you picked this whole time?! That is so cool!" Kel cheered as he lifts Basil up in the air in joy
No one dared to ask what his deadname was and use whatever pronouns he asks them to use: He/They but still struggles to respond to they/them pronouns since he never told anyone else other than Sunny
Annnnnnnd thats all I got. Feel free to ask more from me
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dinoswordsb · 3 years ago
what is their main beef with each other? is it all out of desperation/loneliness/attempt to stay grounded/not go crazy/Feel Something? is there an (for lack of better phrasing) Agenda somewhere deep in someone's psyche? where did Benjamin zone in? how long's he been about town before meeting Jennifer? how long does he "expect" to be in SH? what're Benjamin's reasons/excuses/logic behind how he treats Jennifer? (which is how, exactly? :o?)
oh boy i waited until i was home to answer this one bc i just knew i was gonna need a read more. so. -claps- lets fucking go
the funny thing about it is that they don't really have beef with each other perse. Not on Ben's end, at least; Jennifer is literally just a jackass lol. Jen acts the way he does, and they meet under terrible, awful circumstances(read: personal hell). ben so desperately wants to see the good in people so he gives him the benefit of the doubt in that its a terrible place, and he's just stressed. everyone's bound to snap in a situation like that and who knows how long he's been there before ben? plus his general rule is to trust people until they give you a reason not to, even though this mantra has inevitably gotten him hurt many, many times. despite that, he still sticks to it.
as for a general timeline that honestly hasnt really? been discussed nor is it solidified bc its not really a set in stone canon story(its mostly just the discord server tossing our guys in silent hill and having fun with it), but i personally imagine that the pacing of bens journey is similar to james' in that he meets everyone pretty early on and they tend to get separated and reconnect as time goes on :]
and then ben is prone to black and white thinking so. first impressions of people tend to stick, whether he wants them to or not.
So maybe you could say there was an agenda for ben, in that he just wants to help people, which goes way deep down into his own personal issues of putting people before himself and just taking bullshit like hes a punching bag when he really shouldn't. but after a point he starts connecting the dots. Bens more observant than people might take him for. he realizes that despite all of his nasty words, jen does not tend to stray away from the group when ben and a couple of other people(other discord ocs) do find each other and stick together for awhile, and really that in itself is kind of the nail on the head for him in that he recognizes that behavior, because when he was younger he coped with his loneliness the exact same way. and that is when he zones in.
also he has a crush on jen the entire time but doesnt realize it(he's been rewritten to be gay rather than bi, and hasnt really discovered it yet by this point) and mistakes his attraction for a general desire to be friends with/get to know him.
Circling back though. Ben realizing theyre so similar does kind of deepen that attraction but it also just. upsets him. because at the point he realizes it, hes already gone through hell(hes farther along in his journey, and has started to spiral about many things). He's got a lot of mixed feelings, but deep down, it just draws him to him more because ben has been very, very lonely his entire life, and has never had an experience of being seen like that, or feeling a connection like that, even if it isnt really there to anyone but himself. so you could say that ben does just want to Feel Something. Its ironic because one would think picking the meanest man he's ever come across would be setting himself up for failure, which is what happened when he rushed into marrying his ex wife, and his entire arc is about breaking the cycles he perpetuates. just a neat little teehee if you will
i guess thats where the beef starts because in a moment of desperation and sliding down a slippery slope to rock bottom, he directly calls jennifer out on lying and putting up a front, and shatters it not only in front of himself but other people. this upsets jen greatly, because he cannot lie his way out of it. And where it goes from there kind of has a few different routes and possibilities.
as a whole ben generally treats jen with kindness. He asks questions about him, he admits to caring about his wellbeing, and makes an effort to try to break through that shell(which is hard for him. he is very bad at approaching people). He talks about himself on the rare occasion jen asks, tries to extend that hand of friendship, and doesnt really take it personally when it isnt received. he isnt pushy, but he doesnt give up, either. his logic for all that is scattered in this^ mess i think but tldr; he is nice to him bc its in his nature and also because he feels something about him he doesn't quite understand yet.
oh! and upon arrival, bens plan was to live in silent hill and start over after his. episode. so he planned to be there for awhile but oops! that didn't work now did it so after he gets stuck he expects to be there as long as it takes him and the others to get out
in conclusion: oh baby you are so ill
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