#and like toy story however many and a frozen something
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comas-are-for-sleeping · 1 year ago
the most beautiful thing about stories is that they end
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beechaotic · 1 year ago
So, I don’t talk about my stories on here much. Maybe about different characters in passing, but nothing too in-depth. However, I wanted to share a story I wrote outlining how one of the main characters for my Sci-Fi story met her best friend (an alien) for a contest. I wanted to share it here to see if you guys like it, because I’m kind of proud of it.
Title: The Monster Who Saved Her
Word Count: 1,684 words
She was young, when she was taken.
She hardly remembers anything about Earth. Sure, she remembers bits and pieces of her language, her culture, things she learned; but she only remembers little things.
She doesn’t remember what different flowers were called, but she remembered that her favorite ones were multicolored (and likely genetically modified) with layering petals that curved around the center. She can’t remember any concrete or important words, but she does know how to say “Are you here to help me?” (because she said it too much on those ships; too many times she’d beg for help from anyone who would listen. They never helped). She also remembers the word “A-May”. She doesn’t remember her mother’s face, but she knows that her mother always sang to her when she had a nightmare. She had a beautiful voice. She doesn’t remember any common names from her homeworld, but she does remember that there was a girl she considered her best friend who was named “Estée”, which she said meant “Star”. She also remembered thinking it was fitting for the girl, as she had shown brightly and was always happy to shine light her on someone’s dark day. But she didn’t remember anything important about her life, her culture, her language.
She still remembers the night she was taken to the first ship.
She had been in her room, listening to her parents argue (she remembers that they did that often; that her father usually came home smelling gross and being clumsy, and that her mother would be mad every time). She couldn’t sleep because of the shouts and the banging of fists hitting counters. She curled up closer to her beloved toy, a little stuffed cat that her father had given her once when he wasn’t stumbling and his mood was light. She had named it Sarr-u, a suggestion from her mother. She remembered her parents joking that this was her first child, and that they would give all their money to the toy when they were gone.
She remembered hearing something break, and how footsteps echoed in the apartment. She remembered hearing her father shout in surprise, before hearing what she now knows as the shot of a High-Powered Plasma Shooter. Then, she heard her mother scream. She hid her head under the thin blanket. She stayed huddled there while she heard voices speak in an unfamiliar tongue. A tongue that she now speaks, that she knows better than her Homeworld’s.
She remembers hearing them slam her bedroom door open with such ferocity that she shuddered and tried to meld with Sarr-u. They ripped off her blanket, and she saw the horrors that had killed her parents.
She doesn’t remember what Humans look like, just vague features and skin tones; but she remembers knowing that these were not Humans. She remembers thinking that they were monsters, come to eat her soul and feed her bones to whatever monstrosities they called pets. She remembers screaming and clinging to Sarr-u as they picked her up roughly, how she squirmed and writhed in a vain attempt to get free. The monsters didn’t even react to her struggles beyond grumbling in their language. She remembers them taking her outside, where they were rounding up other children she knew from the apartment building. She remembers playing with them, their parents taking turns on who would watch the children each day. She remembers how they would all laugh and just be free.
Some of the children were crying, some were also fighting, but most were frozen in terror. She could tell now which ones had been with their parents when the “monsters” had barged in, which ones had watched the fatal blow. Those were the children that looked empty, like they weren’t even alive anymore. Like they were floating out of their body, far away from what was happening, where everything was safe.
The “monster” shoved them into cells with clear doors. She remembers trying to touch the barrier, only to get a jolt of pain through her hand. She remembers how she had pulled it away only to find charred flesh where limb had met with barrier. She remembers sitting in the corner of her cell and crying in fear. She remembers screaming for her “A-May” over and over again.
They were in those cells for what felt like decades, though it probably was no more than a year. The older kids would try to reassure the others by saying that they would make sure nothing bad would happen, that they would all get back home soon. She remembers believing them. That this would all end with a heroic soldier coming in and opening their cell doors, killing all of the “monsters” in their wake. The monsters always came back, usually bringing strange food with them. The food tasted like nothing and was always dry. It was also never enough to fully satiate them. And the water that they got was always warm, and they could only drink small mouthfuls at a time to save it. They never knew when they would next be fed.
Then, the monsters came back, not with food, but with cages. They began opening cells and loading children into the cages, even as the older ones screamed at them and the little ones cried in fear. Some of the older children even tried ramming themselves into the invisible barrier, and she watched as their skin and clothes got charred like her palm had been.
When they got to her, she didn’t fight back. She tried to hide away, to make herself too small to be seen. But it didn’t work, because they grabbed her anyway and shoved her into a tight cage without remorse.
When everyone was loaded into their cages, the monsters began to walk them out of the ship. They were put into a dark area where they couldn’t see. Some of the children cried, while others whispered reassurances. One even began to sing, soon joined by the other children held captive there. She remembers the song they sung vividly, how the childlike voices made it more haunting with the fear etched in every word.
“What do we do when we’re half-starved and mad?
We fight till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead
What do we do when our enemies hound us?
We fight ‘till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead
What do we do when the mob surrounds us?
We fight ‘till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead!”
Now, whenever she hears someone singing a tune vaguely similar, she gets a jolt of peace. It was the only moment of true safety she would feel for a long time. Yes, she was in a cage and shrouded by darkness, but she also had people with her that she considered to be her friends. Estée was there, too. She kept trying to make everyone laugh, just like she used to.
She wondered sometimes where Estée was, and if she was safe. Was she still on one of the ships? Was Estée being tortured, like she had been? She could only hope that she was on one of the ships that actually care about Humans.
One by one, the cages were grabbed and taken into another room. As they were taken, the younger children would scream and wail, and the older children would try and shout platitudes. Eventually, she was taken into the room.
The room was a stage, with thousands of monsters staring at it from the stands. Her cage was roughly placed on the ground, and the monster at the podium she had glimpsed began talking. Monsters began shouting and raising their appendages. And with a chill, she realized that this was an auction. She was being sold.
She had heard of Humans doing this to other Humans in the past, but she never expected it to happen to her. She curled in on herself, desperate to disappear.
She was dragged onto a new ship, to a new cell. She was tortured and experimented on day in and day out. Eventually, they got bored of her, and sold her to another ship. This happened over and over again, until she became numb to the process.
Then, one day, after a long session of pain, she heard blaring alarms go off on the ship. Pounding resounded through the halls, along with the inhuman language she had grown accustomed to. Shots rang out from their weird guns, and she heard bodies hit the floor as shrieks filled the air. Soon, a new monster appeared at her cell door.
He was tall and very heavy-set. Not with hulking muscles, but with a broad body that years of hard labor would give you. But that wasn’t what caught her attention; no, it was that he looked like a pig.
Even then, her memories of Earth had begun to fade. But she remembers distinctly thinking “Wow, it’s like a pig on two feet”. He looked at her for a moment, before clicking some buttons on the keypad. The door opened, and he stepped inside. Weakly, she growled (a sound she had heard the monsters make to scare her), but he didn’t move away. Instead, he just held up his-hands? Hooves?-in a placating way. In a way that was so achingly Human, she couldn’t help but pause for a moment. He stepped closer, and she began to growl weakly again, curling around Sarr-u for comfort.
He kept his hands slightly raised as he approached, always in her view. He kept his movements slow and predictable, so as to not startle her. Slowly, he knelt down in front of her. Her growls petered out as she took in the kindness his eyes held. He made a strange cough-like noise, probably to try and calm her. Surprisingly, it worked.
He took her to his ship and showed her a room she could stay in. He taught her Galactic Common. And when the time came, he asked for her name.
She looked at him, her protector, her savior.
“My name is Burma, thank you for saving me.”
There you go, the story of a future Spaceship Captain, Burma! She actually has a stutter, but I imagine that that happens due to a head injury after she meets this guy.
Also, I have no idea what to name her alien friend. You guys have any suggestions? I would rather have non-European names, because in the Lore of this world, the aliens used to occasionally come to Earth and teach/talk to Humans. His species settled in like, the Caribbean. Don’t ask me what island, I haven’t thought that far ahead. However, I think it would be somewhere like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, or Haiti. So they picked up pieces of each other’s cultures.
Also, yes, Burma’s family is from Burma. However, she isn’t. She was born in America, since her family immigrated there before she was born. That’s why she said some things in Burmese, rather than in English. Like Sarr-u. It’s the Latin Alphabet version of the Burmese word for “First Born”. (Y’know how I put in the jokes her parents made? That was why).
Side note, I wanted to imply that her father was an alcoholic without directly saying it. I hope that came across in the text.
Anyway, yeah, that’s the origin story for my Ship Captain Burma! She learns Galactic Common AND her friend’s native language, which is comprised of grunts and chuffs.
Tell me what you think!!
Ps: I made up the song they sing, and I imagine it to a similar tune as “What should we do with a drunken sailor?” Because the contest wouldn’t let me use preexisting songs and I still wanted to show them singing.
PPS: None of the characters are white!! I didn’t decide the races/ethnicities for most of them, except for Burma and her best friend from Earth, Esteé. Esteé is Haitian and is very much not white. I imagine her having a VERY dark complexion. Not like those influencers social media pushes on you, darker than that. Like, Oh-Fuck-I-Can’t-Find-Makeup-In-The-Right-Shade-That’s-In-My-Budget kind of dark. Why did I come up with all this information about her AND MORE? Because I have no life. 🙃
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tekras-iszovh · 5 months ago
how old are you tekras? youvplayed sburb? where are your teammatea? what was your planet like? denizen? consorts?
"= oh, good questions. it's like my own opportunity. to lore dump. and gladly. ="
"= so, age, can be distorted by multiple factors. (i have had a torrentially bad history with experiences inside robotic selves, fake death, at one point i was frozen in place for who knows how many sweeps- long story, but i'm still here so i can tell it.) but i am late into my thirteenth sweep at this point. when measured by the standard 'life experienced' metric - physically, it froze upon godtiering, which i unlocked about a half sweep ago, but was toying with earlier. ="
"= the game was played, i was eleven sweeps aged at the time, although by the name sgrub, and we had a specific version of it tailored to the unique nature of longer-distance gaming - space, and all - we were all long off planet. aha. i was stationed on a ship headed by the armourer, who was also involved heavily in my raising and training. old man, ancient fuckin seadweller, haha, but i would not change that. ="
"= so as such, the game was not too ready to deliver an apocalypse, so the game kind of just pulled our cabins out of the ships and caused minor breaches, from what i can tell. it was all recoverable, as it is with the impermeable security of the empire, said with heavy heavy tones of sarcasm. my teammates had the same happen. however, as far as i know, of the eight of us, four of them died in a wild mashup of violent outbursts, misplaying and generally attempting to pull eachother down due to a misinterpretation of how this game was meant to be played. ="
"= the other four of us had to relink a couple things and push forwards. but the sabotaging remained, which is why i broke off from them, eventually. i realised, hm, that my given path could end up being something very, very powerful, if i pushed the right buttons. perhaps, ones that were not intended to be modified at all. ="
"= denizens, honestly, most of them are probably still alive and lingering in their planets. mine made for great knowledge, although i am not sure if it was scared of what would have happened, if i did not do it. i still don't know if it wanted us to win or not - all i know is that i am sure that the initial fate of it all was that we were to lose, and perhaps 'reload' our session or even universe, but i decided against it. ="
"= either way, long, tall, big snake, thing looks like it could choke you out. is yours similar? i didn't go to see anyone else's. as for the consorts, uh. ="
"= i don't think i saw any. i heard good things about their little- uh, side quests, but i kind of meant real high intensity pusher beatrate fast-paced bruteforcey business, and that's that. wherever they were, i must have ran right past it on my personal quest, to hm, kind of break into the backend a little bit, which is how i made a lot more progress. ="
"= but yes, i've "played" the game, in a perjorative sense. it has been 'played', for an idiot. i'm sitting on the reward, and now that i have it i have no clue what to do with it. i will not spoil you, though, and i'm sure everyone's is different - maybe mine is fucked, considering i brute forced it, hah, who knows. ="
"= as for the remaining three teammates, one of them fucked up the godtiering process or didn't do it right, one, hm. might still be in there, or he used one of the return portals to fuck off back to the universe before it ever happened, etc. shit, it could not be, but i do not keep track anymore - and the third, he was quite important to me, but fundamentally i think he has such a different role to me in the wider scheme of things, that we cannot interrupt eachother. one who has vast ability to see into the future, cannot interact much with someone who has an ability- or trait - that can shift the bearings, the plan of said future en-masse, we kind of completely twist eachother's pans up, fuck, ha. ="
"= okay, that is your bisweeply tekras word-dump about machinations of sgrub extraplanetary edition v4.a alpha session. it's free of charge, but it costed you time thinking, with your pan, reading it. so, was it worth it - maybe - send me ten million caegars, or else. ="
"= jk. it all looks like a lot here, but it took two and a half sweeps. plus a stretch of time which was a little dilated. so add a bit. ="
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sayoskyy · 1 year ago
Something Came Alive - A FNaF Inspired Short Story
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It took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust to the new scenery I found myself in. The room was filled to the brim with arcade machines, toys, and other attractions. While this must have been a place many would've considered their childhood, I never got to visit one as a kid. And yet... Something about this room felt incredibly nostalgic to me.
It's exactly what I pictured an arcade to look like based on the movies I've watched and the stories I've been told. As if I was being led on a trail, my eyes went from one arcade machine to the other, trying to identify any details I could. I couldn't quite recognize any of them until I noticed the side of one of the cabinets. It had the art of a cartoon character I used to adore when I was growing up.
As I walked towards the machine, my excitement went through the roof. I don't usually get that excited about anything, but this had a grip on my mind. I had to play the game. However, when I finally inserted a coin, nothing happened. I tried everything I could think of, putting in more coins, rustling the machine back and forth, and I was still met with a blank screen.
I was as devastated as a little kid being told it can't go on one of the rides in the amusement park. Just as I was starting to tear up, I realized how silly I was acting. I'm a grown woman now, why am I crying over this crappy arcade game not working? As soon as that thought came, it quickly got replaced with another.
The only exit out of this room was a comically grand and whimsical door, like the entrance to a palace. Once I pushed it open, I was disappointed, to say the least. A huge door like that felt like it would promise as equally huge of a room on the other side. In contrast to the overstuffed arcade, this room was completely empty.
I suppose it was meant to be some sort of main lobby, judging by the fact the only thing it contained was a bunch of doors with labels on them. I tried reading them, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. It was gibberish to me. I picked a door at random and went inside.
Wires, metal, and various tools — it seemed to be some sort of storage room. What really caught my attention was all the robotic parts laying around. They all looked like they came from different robots, but I could see the consistency in their design. I picked up everything I could find and started trying to assemble them, like putting together a puzzle, with the difference that there were five different sets mixed together.
I must have zoned out while building it because it was ready before I even knew it. In a way, my creation was rather creepy-looking. No face besides its lower jaw, crooked bunny ears, one singular arm, an endoskeleton leg with every part of it being a different color. However, I felt more sympathetic towards it than scared.
The scrap it was made with was very worn down, and it looked at least 20 years old. Just as I was getting ready to move onto something else, I heard a faint hum coming from my robot. The hum then turned to whirring. Painful whirring and clanging. I watched as the mismatched machine tried sitting up straight on the table.
It was like an animal trying to pilot a human body. Jittering, shaking, and making nonsensical movements. The sight was too much for me to just gawk at and do nothing about, so I helped it stand up. I was taken aback by just how tall it was; like a child staring down an adult, as tall as a tower. For a long moment, it observed me, tilting its head left and right.
The ticking that came from inside the machine as it watched was dreadful. I wanted to run, but my body was frozen solid. I had no clue what it would do once it gathered enough data.
"Input your name," the bot spoke to me. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Everything that had happened made no sense. Wouldn’t this thing need some sort of power source to move, let alone talk to me?
"Input your name," it repeated. I imagined a far more friendly voice from what seemed to be an entertainer, but it was monotone and robotic. Only a hint of humanity could be heard through it.
"Julie. My name is Julie." Once I replied, there was a couple of seconds of relief... Until it quickly came crashing down with fear. Two red lights beamed through the robot's darkened face, or rather lack thereof. I was like a deer in headlights; I was stunned. I didn’t know what to make out of the situation.
"I remember. How could I not?" As it talked to me, I could hear its voice becoming more lively. Like it gained some sort of consciousness. Was it confusing me for someone else? This was the first time I’ve ever been in the presence of an animatronic, and I’ve certainly never been in this place before. “Where am I even? How did I end up here?” I thought to myself.
"You did this to me. And you get to live without a single worry. Nobody knows. But I always will." With every word it spoke, it took another step towards me. I couldn’t let this go on any further. I took a run for it, pushing onwards to any door or hallway I could find. Every new room I entered was stranger than the last, but I couldn’t linger on it for too long. I could hear the machine speeding up, every step sounding more powerful than the last. This maze of a building seemed endless, and I didn’t know how much longer I could keep up. My head was getting dizzy; I felt like I would throw up at any second.
After what felt like forever, I hit a dead end. I couldn’t quite tell where I was, but my best guess would be an office. There was one large desk with an assortment of monitors, plush toys, and stacks upon stacks of papers. What may have been my saving grace, however, was a row of empty mascot suits sitting limp behind the desk. If I hid in one of them, maybe it wouldn’t find me. I picked the bear mascot, who sat on the far left. I tried my best to hide as deep inside of it as I possibly could.
It’s inside. I held my breath and put my hands on my eyes. I’m not particularly a religious person, but at that moment, I had found an excuse to pray for the first time in my life. I begged God to make this thing go away.
One by one, I could hear it snatching the costumes, throwing them across the room once it identified whether I was there or not. As its glowing red eyes focused on the bear suit, I knew what was coming.
It reached inside and grabbed me by the neck. I tried to loosen its grip, but it was far too powerful. After some struggling, it finally pulled me out.
"I will do what you did to me all those years ago. You’ll find out how it feels to slowly get the life drained out of you while you hopelessly fight for survival. You can’t ignore me forever, Julie." Before it could finish, the dim light in the room went out. First there was silence, then there was relief, and finally — panic.
As I laid in bed, my entire body was paralyzed from what I had just experienced. This was the most vivid nightmare I’ve had in a long time. Usually, I forget them shortly after waking up, but this one really stuck with me. It's been 10 years since the incident; why is my brain reminding me of it now? I thought I had moved on; I thought I had put the past behind me. Before long, I tried to forget about it and calmed myself down. It wasn’t something worth being hung up over.
My clothes were drenched with sweat, so I decided to get up and change. I drank some water and got ready to go back to sleep. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I could hear someone walking outside my room. As it got closer, I could feel my entire room shake. I pinched myself, but this wasn’t another dream. Someone or something was approaching my room. After a prolonged sense of anticipation, a subtle creak signaled the gradual opening of my door. Emerging from the shadowy void, a pair of crimson lights cast a glow upon me.
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greetings-inferiors · 1 year ago
You mentioned KH asks?
What’s your hot take on something KH related?
My hottest kingdom hearts take is probably that kh3 is better than kh2 in nearly every way. Both of them are incredible games and in my top 3 (with the original too), but to me I think kh3 is much better.
To me the only things that kh2 even has a chance at beating kh3 at are the combat (which is fucking excellent) and the story (but it has some caveats I’ll get to)
First, the combat: it’s flawless, I won’t even lie. My only complaints are that in critical the early game is wayyyy more difficult than the rest of the game. Yes I know that I’m complaining about the hardest difficulty being too difficult, but what I mean is that before you get enough options and get going Sora’s kind of a sitting duck to every enemy except literal shadows. Every single thing one shots or two shots him, and enemies are difficult because you don’t have to proper abilities to crowd control or do single target damage yet. But once you get going then the combat is excellent. The other problem is that it doesn’t explain summons, and to a lesser extent limits, very well. I think almost every casual player has this same problem, being they hardly use limits and summons and mainly only use drive forms, which are much more intuitive. Once you know how to use them they’re insane, but still.
Kh3, however, ALSO has excellent combat. It basically does all that kh2 does well, with drive forms being replaced by formchanges (which while maybe not as fun are definitely more balanced, they’re still really fun though), summons being replaced by links (which I personally prefer, apart from like Ralph they seem more intuitive), and the long combos are back. The only problem I have is that kh3 doesn’t have as many reaction commands. They’re still there, but they’re fewer and far between compared to kh2 where most enemies and practically every single boss had a reaction command, with most of them being unique.
So if kh3 does better the one thing that kh2 unquestionably does perfectly (which is my opinion, apparently Sora feels too “floaty” in kh3 and honestly I don’t even know what that means he feels great to control to me, my favourite combos in kh2 were the ones were sora takes an enemy to the skies, I enjoyed grinding mushroom no.8), how does the other boon of kh2, the story, fare?
Well let me just say that the beginning, middle, and end are ALL incredible. The Roxas prologue might be the best opening to any game ever, the battle of a thousand heartless will never stop being awesome, and the ending is just *chef’s kiss*. But a story has more to it, you can’t have a banger opening then go missing for ten to twenty hours then come back then go missing again for another ten hours. You have to be there throughout. I’m obviously referring to the Disney worlds. They’re honestly chain of memories in terms of story, they’re just lucky that they have incredible combat to back it up. Kh2 started the trend of “just do the movie with sora Donald and goofy in the background” and it’s particularly heinous. Either the original or revisit is just the movie’s plot, and the one I enjoyed more is ALWAYS the one which tells a new story. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but 99% of the time a unique scenario is better.
To use kh3 as an example, we have two worlds whose stories are just “movie but with sdg”, and that’s arendelle and kingdom of corona. In arendelle yeah it’s awful but in kingdom of corona the tangled story is actually really fun I think it’s the 1% that get it right imo. And the toy box and monstropolis scenarios are so cool that it’s actually possible to say that they are canon TO THE MOVIES because they work so well. Also, ALL worlds tie into the game’s plot and they ALL tell you how they relate to the themes of the game. And if you think that Arendelle is just frozen but with sdg if you agree with game theory (which I do) there’s evidence that the story was going to be an original one, about Elsa being tempted by the organisation into being a villain, but sdg convince her not to and that her powers don’t make her evil. But Frozen 2 was coming out soon and disney probably just made them do the first movie almost as a promotion. Anyway, kh3 also puts a little bit of story inbetween each Disney world, so even if you didn’t enjoy the Disney world’s story, you get some story as a reward every time you finish one! A lot of people have problems with the story but personally I don’t see it, I think a lot of that either stems from not being familiar with every game so they have no idea what’s happening, or just not being keen on the cheesy dialogue (newsflash it’s always been this cheesy). Personally I love Kh3’s story and feel it’s a great wrap up on the dark seeker saga, and a great Segway into the lost masters arc.
Now, the biggest thing that kh2 does poorly is world design. It’s been said a million times but kh2 is essentially a bunch of flat corridors between fights. Which is all well and good since the game’s combat is so damn good, but compared to kh1 and kh3 it’s honestly quite sad. Kh1 does it the best, it almost feels like a 3D metroidvania, and you can interact with everything, and kh3 is similarly packed with interactions, but on a massive scale. Kh2 is small scale and you can hardly do anything. Chests are just placed around with little thought to hide them in interesting or hard to reach places, and the only reason to EVER use your movement options outside of combat and getting places faster is to collect puzzle pieces, which umm suck sorry not sorry.
Anyway now time for small things - the gummi ship in kh3 is the only time I don’t want to die while playing the gummi ship, the magic feels SO GOOD in kh3 whereas unless you’re in a drive form it just feels clunky and stiff in kh2, the chemistry between Sora Donald and Goofy feels so much better in kh3 than in kh2, switching between three keyblades is the best thing ever honestly it’s so cool and works really well with formchanges, the three arrows building up to give you formchanges or magical finishers or whatever is way better than the drive gauge, shotlocks are really cool and really fun to use (my only problem is that focus is really hard to build up), flowmotion is so fun to traverse with and can be used to extend combos, the game is just more charming, aaand that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
Honestly I literally just finished kh2 and haven’t played kh3 in a year or two, but still. I really really like kh2 but I just think that kh3 does everything it does badly well and everything it does well at least good or sometimes even better. My personal ranking of the games is 312, but idk it’s so close between all of them. I probably had more fun with kh2, but 1 and 3 was more fun at all times, y’know?
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MAN IN BLACK 1 : Aaah!! What the hell!? How is this guy so strong? MAN IN BLACK 2 : No! Please forgive us! CROW : Phew! Looks like I'm on a roll! That'll teach you to ambush me and beat me up! MAN IN BLACK 3 : We're the ones getting beat up here! KAI : Okay, calm down Crow, it looks like you already broke some bones. If you keep hitting 'em, you're gonna wind up in jail. MEN IN BLACK : Just leave us alone!
ITSUKI : Then talk. Why did you target us? MAN IN BLACK 1 : We're agents of a family called the Kingsleys. They're rivals of the Bloody Lady. CROW : The Bloody Lady!? MAN IN BLACK 2 : We heard that the Bloody Lady has been smuggling in all sorts of weird, illegal shit, and so we're trying to find out what it is. MAN IN BLACK 3 : We thought you mighta been related to them. NOAH : Fools. MAN IN BLACK 1 : Damn it, and we were doing so good until the attack on the courier. Seriously, what was that shit in the bag? It's making our people crazy! KAI : Crazy, how? MAN IN BLACK 3 : One of our men who got hit with that shit is in really bad shape. He's been flailing around and moaning. It's like he's possessed by something. NOAH : Possessed? CROW : Hey, it didn't happen to be a weirdly shaped gun, did it? MAN IN BLACK 3 : A gun? No. It was black powder. ITSUKI : Black powder? MAN IN BLACK 2 : That's right. The more you breathe in, the more fucked up you get. MAN IN BLACK 3 : Okay, we told you everything, now let us go! KAI : Wait. Take us to them.
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SEVEN : ………… EMMA : Seven! What are you doing here? SEVEN : What am I doing? What are you doing? EMMA : I was just thinking… SEVEN : I see. Well, I prefer meat over fish. But, whatever you think is fine. EMMA : Hmm? Oh, no, Seven, I wasn't thinking about dinner. SEVEN : By the way, is the study down this hallway? EMMA : The study? I was told that there is only a storeroom for supplies. SEVEN : Thanks… EMMA : No, Seven! That's not the way! Ignoring me, Seven headed down the hallway toward the storeroom. EMMA : (What should I do? Should I go after him?)
EMMA : (I thought Seven headed this way…) As I headed down the long hallway, the hustle and bustle from the main floor got quieter and quieter. Eventually, all I could hear was the sound of my own footsteps echoing eerily off the walls. EMMA : (I should go back and check. I don't want to be separated from the others for long.) NAVI : Hey, master~ EMMA : N-Navi! I told you to stay in the key! NAVI : Look over there!
When I looked in the direction Navi had pointed, I saw a half-open door swinging back and forth. Making a squeaking noise. EMMA : (Is that the supply room? I wonder if Seven went in there…) EMMA : Navi, go back in the key. NAVI : I don't wanna! EMMA : Then at least stay here and hide. Please. Leaving the reluctant Navi behind, I swallow hard and bit my lip, taking a step toward the door and grabbing the handle. EMMA : Seven? I hesitantly push the door open. Feeling my heart hammering painfully in my chest. Hand shaking from fear. But, there is no sign of Seven inside.
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However, the dimly lit room is full of items that did not belong in a normal casino. There were a great number of weapons, bundles of dirty banknotes, machine parts, medicines, bandages, and other things that looked like they didn't belong here. NAVI : Wow! So many fun toys to play with! HIMMEL : It stinks in here. It's the smell of misery. NAVI : Haha! My master is frozen with her eyes wide open! EMMA : (There are a lot of guns in here…Why would a casino need these…? Could they belong to the Bloody Lady? Hm…They don't look like the same kind of guns that shoot Black Fairies.) I reach for the weapons in order to examine them a little more closely when… ?? : Don't move.
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missblissy · 3 years ago
hi!! how are you??
if you are still accepting applications, I could ask you for a headcanon for Alastor x fem! reader, where the reader is the daughter of another capital sin (similar to what Charlie is), she may be the daughter of satan, but she is calm, kind and even a little shy but still knows how to defend herself. maybe he meets her when she goes to visit Charlie at the hotel, she doesn't believe in redemption, but she knows there are people who can be kind and still be sent to hell, please?? 👋👋
((Not a problem Nonny!! Sorry for the wait :') This one took me a little longer than the others to do. Thank you for asking, and I hope you enjoy!!))
Not many people knew your name, nor that you even existed. You preferred to keep it that way. It made it easier to mingle amongst the rest of hell without them fearing you. At some point, anyone would get tired of people running from them in fear. Sure it was funny at first. Now it was just a little sad. But thankfully, with time, people forgot anything about you. Which was foolish on their part really, because who would forget about the daughter of Satan himself? Sure, you were daddy's little princess, the precious hell child born from the blood of angels.
But you had one friend, a childhood friend that spanned back hundreds of years. Charlie was an odd one but she amused you with her quirky personality. It was hard for you to visit though, you lived in the frozen wastelands in the center of hell, trapped by miles of mountains encasing your father's castle in the hunk of ice that prevented him from leaving. Little did he let you leave either seeing as how important you were to his legacy. However, when you had the chance to leave, you would.
And that's how you found yourself in a much different version of hell than you remembered. Pride had changed a lot in the last few decades since you were there. You heard a rumor that Charlie had moved back into the dank old hotel that her parents use to run ages ago. Something about reforming sinners into redemption, whatever it was it sounded stupidly impossible and not worth the effort. You wouldn't tell her that though, you'd just support her in whatever crazy idea she had this time.
You found the hotel eventually. The second you walked in the door you were already met with chaos. Tenants scattered the halls and others filled a bar you didn't remember being there before. Some people argued with one another over little things, others passed the time by watching the argument.
"Why Hello~!" You spun around and saw a man standing behind you. His demonic smile gave of a faint glow as he grinned at you, "I don't think I've ever seen you here before? Come for some cheap pseudo-science and false redemption attempts as well?”
The way he asked made you giggle behind your hand. What an odd way to ask such a question, "No," You chuckled, and toyed with the idea of excitement that this poor fool didn't know who you were, "I just came for a visit." You told him.
The man stared at you, gazing at you up and down. From your shoes to the way your hair curled above your head, "You aren't from around here, are you?" He asked, but before you could answer he asked again, "You must have recently died, I'm guessing?"
Again you laughed at his lack of knowledge as to just exactly who you were. You were going to tell him but you were interrupted by a yell. You both turned your gaze across the hotel lobby. Across the way was Charlie, with stars in her eyes and waving her hands like a freak.
"(Y/n)!!" She cheered before rushing over. The next words out of Charlie's mouth were enough to make the grin of this man fall so low that you could barely call it a smile, "I can't believe you made it out of The Frozen Lake! How long did it take you to get here all the way from the center of Hell?"
First, you laughed at the shock on his face, then gracefully giggled and said nonchalantly, "It only took a few days. You know how my father is, though. I had to put up a strong fight to convince him to let me leave for a while."
Charlie noticed who you were standing with, and smiled, "Oh! You've met Alastor!" Then she dramatically gasped, "Oh!!" She exclaimed again, "You haven't been here for... what? A hundred years, right?" You nodded your head, "Then you haven't been around to meet Al then!"
There was a sudden silence that fell over the three of you. Charlie was mostly oblivious to it, but you felt a sinister joy and let a horrid grin grow on your face as you watched Alastor connect the dots and do the math in his head. The realization that he was talking to the daughter of Satan nearly blew him over. He had to plaster a new stronger smile on his face to replace the stunned one.
You held your hand out to Alastor, "The Radio Demon, right?" You've heard stories of him before. He cleared his throat and did a little fix-up of his bowtie. He took your hand soon after and firmly gave it a shake, "I prefer Alastor, these days." He gave a firm dig of his claws before he let go of your hand. You ignored his microaggressions and smirked at him, knowing you were superior to him no matter what he thought.
"Oh, yes I remember," You teased, "I heard you were retired now,, right?" You could practically see the glass shatter in his eyes. You had gotten deeply under his skin in a matter of seconds. It was obvious that you were jabbing at his ego.
Charlie let out a weak laugh and shyly chuckled out, "Ahaha--..uuhhh... W-why don't I give you a tour, (Y-Y/n)!" You took this as a chance to leave Alastor there. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction to defend himself or to egg him on any further. You made it very clear that you were above him at this point, and that he was nothing but dirt at your feet. As you walked away, you gave a little glance over your shoulder, peering at Alastor with that frustrated and forced smirk on his lips. Oh, how you thought to yourself, you were going to enjoy visiting this silly little hotel.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 4 years ago
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: (picks up S.O. turning into a cat fanfics) I just think they’re neat. Shinobu might not like it, but it's better than those toy-story-looking-baby-head-spiders from Natagumo Mountain, am I right? Word Count: 7,999
Shinobu had a choice variety of things she’d have liked to say in that moment. Many were colorful, but few could be said in polite company. Still, Shinobu let the words fly free, for she knew it didn’t matter what she yelled out to the universe. Not unless someone could translate the pitiful meows that fell from her whiskered maw.
Yes, Shinobu knew that demon she had destroyed the night prior had done something strange to her with its blood art, but she had prepared herself for every probable poison or venom that had entered her skin. She wasn’t careless, there just wasn’t an antidote she had that could cure the ailment that had befallen her as she slept.
When she had awoken in the unfamiliar surroundings of the inn she was boarding, she didn’t notice an immediate difference. She stretched groggily, yawned, exhaled... but when went to muss up her hair to scratch an itch tickling at her scalp, she caught sight of a little black paw instead of her hand.
She darted backward, getting caught in the sea of covers and clothing, ensnaring herself like a roll of fish and rice encased in seaweed. She struggled for a moment, groaning to herself. At least, it was supposed to be a groan. The sound that met Shinobu’s ears sounded more like the warning sound of an agitated alley cat. She ceased her wiggling immediately, frozen. She tentatively opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again.
No. Oh no, that was not at all what Shinobu had wanted to say. She tried again.
Different, but no less depressing.
Now that just sounded down right pitiful.
Shinobu wiggled against the weight of the fabrics around her lithe body, somehow managing to, quite literally, claw her way free.
She took a look at her surroundings. Her haori was draped over the hanging rack near the room’s desk. On the desk sat her uniform, neatly folded with her butterfly hairpin sitting on top and her nichirin blade propped up against the worn, wooden chair. Below her she saw the yukata she had worn to bed crumpled in the sheets of the futon and the little black paw she had seen before had been joined by another just beside it.
Shinobu skittered back a meter, dismayed when the paws followed the action. She spun around on the futon and caught a glimpse of a fluffy black tail and blanched. Well, as best she could in her current predicament.
‘No, no, no...’ Shinobu thought to herself as she clumsily made her way to the desk. She recalled a small hand mirror she had seen the night before. Surely that would clear this whole thing up, right? She shimmied, preparing herself for the first jump, making it to the chair. She cringed at the sound of her blade clattering to the ground before jumping again to the flat surface of the desk. Shinobu spotted the hand mirror and cautiously pawed towards it. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply before leaning over the glass. Then she cracked an eye open, peering down.
Purple, yes, that was familiar. Those were her eyes, but she certainly didn’t have shiny, black fur and whiskers and little black, triangle shaped ears on the top of her head and—
“Mowww!” Shinobu cursed aloud, finding some strange feeling of satisfaction in knocking the hand mirror to the floor below. Yet that was quickly doused by the sense of dread that hung over her.
She, Kochou Shinobu, had been turned into a detestable, furry little creature. A cat.
“Is everything alright in there miss? I heard a couple loud thumps coming from here.”
There was no human reply of course, but Shinobu leapt off of the desk and padded towards the door, pawing at it, hoping the innkeeper’s daughter would let her curiosity get the better of her and open the door.
“Miss? Are you well?”
No, Shinobu certainly was not well. But if the girl could let her out of this room she could see herself feeling just a small fraction better. She clawed at the wooden frame. If she had to pay for the damages so be it.
“Miss, I’m coming in. Pardon the intrusion...”
The door finally slid to the side and the innkeeper’s daughter peered inside.
The girl startled, her head snapped down to her feet. Shinobu sat in front of her expectantly, waiting for what she wasn’t sure.
“Tou-san?” The girl called down the hallway, stepping back from the cat, “Tou-san, the woman who checked in last night is gone. She left all her stuff and, and there’s a cat in here!”
“What are you saying child? Huh.” The innkeeper appeared in the doorway and blinked before frowning deeply. “I didn’t discuss lodgings for a pet with her. Was she trying to shorthand me?”
Shinobu’s tail twitched at the insinuation.
“Well, looks like she’s long gone now. Nothing to do about it now.” The innkeeper sighed.
“But, her clothes are still here and her katana... I can’t imagine she left them there on purpose.”
“Well, we have her address in the book. We’ll have someone take her belongings there and get the money we’re owed for their safe return... and the money for any damages this animal may have caused,” he reached out to pet Shinobu, but understandably the Hashira turned cat batted the hand away. “I’ll get Daisuke on it, that boy’s been getting too comfortable anyway. Gather up all her belongings will you, Hibari.”
“Yes, father.”
The innkeeper nodded then continued on down the hall. Hibari cautiously made her way past the threshold of the room and Shinobu eyed her warily from the doorway as the young girl, probably around Aoi’s age, gathered her belongings and folded them all together with care before setting them into a travel bag. Shinobu was pleased that her privacy was kept largely intact. The only thing the young girl openly scrutinized was her nichirin blade.
“This is so cool.” Hibari mumbled to herself before laying the blade across the opening of the bag. She then turned to Shinobu, couching to the floor with the bag outstretched in front of her. “Here kitty kitty, want to go for a ride?”
Shinobu’s eyes narrowed, she didn’t much appreciate how the girl cooed at her like she was a child. She stayed in place, her nose upturned.
“Oh don’t be like that. I’m sure it’ll be a long journey home. I’d sit in the bag if I were you.”
Shinobu stood firm. If she had to have four legs, she was going to use them. Hibari sighed and stood with the bag over her shoulder.
“Alright, suit yourself,” Hibari made to exit the room, “come on, little kitty.”
Shinobu resented that, yet she pawed after the girl. They exited the inn and found a young man stretched out in the grass.
“Daisuke-nii, here are all the traveler’s belongings. Tou-san gave you the address, right?” Hibari asked.
Daisuke groaned and sat up with his hand outstretched to take the bag, “yeah,” he noticed Shinobu sitting near his sister’s feet and sneered, “do I really need to take that thing with me too?”
Shinobu’s tail swished, agitated.
“Don’t be mean. The poor thing is probably homesick,” Hibari pouted, “I can’t believe that lady would just leave her here.”
Homesick, yes, Shinobu had been off on missions for the better part of three weeks. She was finally meant to go home today but like this, as a cat of all things, was not how she wanted to do it. She just wanted to walk home like a normal person, hug all her girls and catch up with the goings on at the estate, and spend some much needed alone time with her (Y/n). Was that so much to ask for?
“Whatever, it’s just a cat Hibari.” Daisuke groused. “If it decides to run off before I get to the place, I’m not taking responsibility for it. I’m just gonna drop this off, and get our money.”
“You better take good care of this cat, Nii-chan!” Hibari frowned, crossing her arms, “I’ll never forgive you if something bad happens to her! Just look at how sweet she is.”
Daisuke looked into Shinobu’s eyes and found his distaste for the feline mirrored back at him.
“There is nothing sweet looking about that thing.” Daisuke grunted as he stood to his full height, bag slung over his shoulder.
“Just try to be nice, okay?” Hibari asked.
“Sure, yeah, yeah, come on vermin. The sooner we leave, the sooner I can get home.” Daisuke made to scoop up Shinobu, but she side stepped away, slapping his hand for good measure.
“Ow! You mangy little—“
“Daisuke!” Hibari warned, giving him a pointed look.
“Fine! Just don’t slow me down. I’m leaving.” Daisuke rubbed his hand and turned to start his journey. A journey Shinobu had no intention of sticking around for.
Shinobu was surely faster than the ornery young man. She was not particularly fond of his presence either. She decided she would go off ahead of him. If he tried to do anything funny with her belongings she would easily find them again and give them all hell. The sooner she got home, the sooner she could figure out how to revert to her true body.
“Ah. Good riddance.” She heard Daisuke say snidely as she hopped ahead and into the brush once they made it to the edge of town.
‘I could say the same about you.’ Shinobu thought to herself, ‘if anything happens to that haori especially, the problems you have now will be child’s play to what I’ll put you through.’
Though she traveled faster, leaving the innkeeper’s son behind her, Shinobu still had plenty of ground to cover. She was already tired from weeks of duty, not to mention she wasn’t used to traveling on four paws. However despite these difficulties, Shinobu managed to reach her estate’s beautiful gardens  just before dinner. Her little paws ached, but she was home.
She walked through the garden, admiring the blooms and foliage as she steadily made her way to the engawa. The weather was fair, so hopefully she’d find an open door somewhere.
Then the flowers ahead of her started to shake and she stiffened momentarily before relaxing as the voices of Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho registered in her ears.
“And then— oh! A kitty!” Kiyo interrupted herself, awestruck as she and the other two girls made their way to the end of the garden where the vegetables were grown. Sumi and Naho were quick to join in, cooing at Shinobu causing her light embarrassment.
“How did you get here, little one? Are you lost?” Naho smiled, presenting her hand for Shinobu to sniff. Obviously, Shinobu didn’t go for it.
“Mow.” Shinobu shook her head, trying to show the girls she was no ordinary cat. They didn’t seem to catch on unfortunately.
“It’s so cute! Do you think we could keep it?” Sumi asked.
“Shinobu-sama would never let us. She thinks furry animals are messy.” Naho replied dejectedly.
“You’re right.” Sumi pouted.
“Well...” Kiyo spoke up after a moment of silence. “Shinobu-sama isn’t back yet. What if we could get (Y/n)-sama to agree to let us keep it?”
“Good idea!” Sumi jumped a bit with excitement, “Even if Shinobu-sama doesn’t like the idea, she’ll accept it if (Y/n)-sama said it was okay.”
‘My my, Kiyo, Sumi. I did not think you would try using my own lover against me in such a way.’ Shinobu thought to herself, begrudgingly allowing herself to be picked up by Sumi as the other two gathered at her sides, gently stroking her fur.
“I don’t know, aren’t you two worried it might strain their relationship if they don’t make the decision together?”  Naho asked nervously, though she eagerly patted the top of Shinobu’s head.
“No way. They love each other too much to let one cat get in the way of all that.” Kiyo shook her head, “Besides, we’ll take care of it. Shinobu-sama won’t even have to see the kitten if she doesn’t want to.”
‘My, what schemers these girls are growing into.’
“Girls? Is everything going alright out there?”
Shinobu’s ears perked up and she wiggled in Sumi’s arms to peer over her shoulder, absorbing the sight of (Y/n) standing on the engawa with her hand acting as a visor to shield her eyes from the setting sun as she squinted at the garden. Shinobu thought it was a crime that she couldn’t perceive colors as she could when she was human. She was sure the light of the setting sun bathed (Y/n)’s figure in a heavenly way. Oh how she had missed her.
“(Y/n)-sama!” The three girls cheered rushing towards the young woman standing on the engawa. Shinobu winced at the jaunty gait, the pace Sumi had set was throwing her around more than she would have liked.
“Oh dear,” (Y/n) smiled warmly, turning Shinobu’s heart into mush, “that doesn’t look like a vegetable.”
“(Y/n)-sama, can we keep her? Can we keep her please?” The girls pleaded. “We promise we’ll take good care of her. It will be like she’s not even here. Just give us a chance!”
“I have no doubt you three could take good care of a cat. You’re all very responsible, but you know Shinobu wouldn’t be happy living with a sheddy cat under her roof.” (Y/n) said, her smile becoming more sympathetic as she stared down at the youngest residents of the Butterfly Estate.
“Please, (Y/n)-sama. Shinobu-sama doesn’t even have to know. It can be our secret.” Sumi whispered conspiratorially.
“I’m sorry girls, but I’m just not comfortable making such a big decision without consulting with Shinobu first.” (Y/n) shook her head.
Upon seeing the dejected looks of the three girls before her, (Y/n) sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “You can come in and fix something for her to eat, but she can’t come inside, okay?”
Shinobu would have been very pleased with (Y/n)’s decision, except she needed to be the exception to the verdict. She needed to get inside and get to her lab, not live out the rest of her days as a garden cat getting fed scraps while she watched all her loved ones mourn her sudden disappearance.
“Don’t forget to pull out some fresh veggies. Aoi and Kanao are waiting too—ah!”
Shinobu had wiggled free from Sumi’s arms and flung herself into the air, catching on the fabric of (Y/n)’s clothes and scrambling up to her chest as surprised arms moved on instinct to hold Shinobu up.
‘I could charm you as a human, I can do it in this form too, (Y/n).’
Shinobu butted her head against (Y/n)’s chin, her cheeks, wherever she could reach. She felt a rumble start to build at the back of her throat and realized she had begun to purr. (Y/n)’s scent seemed to be all encompassing, so much stronger than what Shinobu’s human nose could smell. It made her press harder, realizing just how much she had missed that scent, how she craved the familiarity.
“Oh, hello there. You sure are friendly, huh?” (Y/n) scratched behind Shinobu’s ear, Shinobu purred louder.
“Aw, she must really like you, (Y/n)-sama. You have to let her stay now!” Naho spoke, watching the cute scene with unrestrained joy.
“Naho, you know we can’t.” (Y/n) shook her head, now trying to dodge Shinobu’s bumps of affection while also trying to loosen Shinobu’s claws from her front so she could put her back down.
‘Come now, (Y/n). Don’t start playing hard to get now.’ Shinobu continued working her charm as best as she could, continuing her nudges and purrs, gently lapping (Y/n)’s knuckles with her tongue when her hands attempted to push her away.
“Affectionate little thing, aren’t you?” (Y/n)’s smile twitched, a bead of sweat roll down her cheek as she tried to pull the cat away from her body only to have her clothes pulled with her, the cat’s claws were secured and unyielding.
‘Only for you.’ Shinobu’s eyes glinted. She could see (Y/n) was wavering, if she could keep this up, she’d let her stay in no time.
(Y/n) looked down into the cat’s eyes. They felt strangely familiar. The way the cat stared back up at her made her feel small, not in a negative sense, more like they eyes reminded her of the vastness of the universe. Maybe they made her feel safe, unconditionally loved... (Y/n) shook her head, blood buzzed faintly through her cheeks and the tips of her ears. This was a cat. She really needed to pull herself together. She hoped Shinobu’s letter detailing her imminent return home was accurate.
“Mew, mow.” Shinobu mewed sweetly, the sound, paired with the sweet kitten licks penetrated deep into (Y/n)’s heart, making her sigh and slump her shoulders in defeat.
“Yay!” The trio cheered, bouncing around (Y/n) as she held onto a pleased Shinobu with a guilty expression on her face.
“But!” She added quickly, “I’m not promising anything. When Shinobu comes back we’ll come to a final decision together. Don’t get your hopes up too high, alright?”
“Okay, (Y/n)-sama.” The girls were a little more subdued, but no less excited that the cat could stay with them, if just for a short time.
As soon as (Y/n) crossed the threshold into the estate, Shinobu loosened her kitty death grip and jumped out of (Y/n)’s arms to pad off to the kitchen. Though she was yelling at herself to go to the lab to try to fix herself first, hunger seemed to be driving her body in the direction of the aroma coming from the opposite side of the building.
“Look at you. You walk around as if you own the place.” (Y/n) spoke, a sound of amusement preceding her observation.
‘Because I do. Hopefully you’ll realize that soon enough.’
“What took so long, (Y/n)-sama?” Aoi asked, a small frown of concentration shaped her lips as she carefully prepared the food. Kanao turned to stare at (Y/n) and the sleek little shadow trailing behind her with a puzzled expression.
“Sorry. Um, Sumi, Naho and Kiyo had made a new friend in the garden who’ll be staying the night.”
“I see, shall I start preparing a room?” Aoi asked, not yet looking up from her cooking.
“I don’t think that will be necessary...”
“What do you mean, oh.” Aoi caught a dark movement at (Y/n)’s feet, the seeing the cat for the first time. Although she found it undoubtedly cute, her respect for Shinobu was not so easily swayed. “(Y/n)-sama, you can’t keep a cat in here!”
“I know,” (Y/n) pressed her hands together, “it’s only for a short while, I promise.”
“I can’t believe you let yourself get manipulated so easily. What would Shinobu-sama say?”
‘That (Y/n) trying to resist me would be like someone trying to stop an oncoming train with their bare hands. It’s just not plausible.’ Shinobu silently answered with a purr, sliding past (Y/n)’s ankles.
“I know, I tried, honestly! I really did.” (Y/n) swore.
“Fine. Remove it from the kitchen please at the very least. It’s unsanitary.” Aoi said, turning back to what she was doing.
“Right, sorry. The girls should be back from the garden soon. I’ll be back in a minute to help.”
(Y/n) scooped up Shinobu and took her out of the kitchen just as Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho were coming in with their basket from the garden.
“Great timing. Could you three take care of the cat while I help Kanao and Aoi finish up dinner?”
“You can count on us!”
“Here little kitty!”
Shinobu tried to latch onto (Y/n), but was quickly plucked from her arms by Kiyo. After Naho handed (Y/n) the basket, they ran off down the hall with (Y/n) calling after them.
“Be back in twenty minutes! Everything should be done by then.”
Shinobu sat on the tatami floor, watching with amusement as the girls tried to get her to play with the crudely tied together cloth on a wooden pole. They even went as far as to demonstrate what they expected her to do with the device, pawing at it and rolling around on the floor.
“Come on, kitty. You can do it!” Sumi encouraged.
‘I love you children, but there is nothing you could say or do that would make me act so foolishly.’ Shinobu turned her nose away from the flopping cloth and made to leave the room, hoping (Y/n) and the others would have dinner ready by now.
Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho followed after her talking amongst themselves. Occasionally asking the black cat where she was going with such purpose.
When they made it to the dining area, (Y/n), Kanao and Aoi were already there. (Y/n) had only just knelt down at her spot at the table when Shinobu claimed the space in her lap, causing (Y/n) to jump in surprise at the sudden dark flash that rushed at her.
“Wow, she must really, really like you, (Y/n)-sama.” Naho observed.
“Yeah, we just followed her here. It’s like she knew exactly where to go.” Sumi spoke with awe.
“I see...” (Y/n) smiled down at the black blob curled in her lap, it’s intelligent purple eyes looked back up at her. “I bet you’re hungry, hm?”
‘Yes, I haven’t eaten all day.’ Shinobu sighed to herself.
“(Y/n)-sama, we shouldn’t feed animals at the table.” Aoi pouted. “What would Shinobu-sama say?”
‘I’d say let’s make an exception just this once. Please, I’m starving.’
“Just this once, Aoi, please,” (Y/n) asked, setting up a little bowl of cat safe food before setting the bowl beside her on the floor. “More likely than not the cat will have to go when Shinobu comes back. Try not to let it bother you too much.”
Shinobu wiggled out of (Y/n)’s lap to the bowl of food next to her whilst Aoi released a resigned sigh, and waited for everyone to get situated.
Everyone blinked and turned to the cat. Shinobu stared back, unblinking, waiting for someone to realize she was no ordinary cat.
Kanao tilted her head, flipped her coin, and shrugged slightly before turning back to her food. Aoi was mildly impressed but made no comment. She thought perhaps it had just been a coincidence that the feline happened to meow as they thanked each other for the work that had gone into making dinner tonight. The youngest girls made sure to voice their amazement, praising Shinobu for being such a smart kitty. (Y/n) let out a surprised giggle, calling the moment unbelievably cute before returning her attention to her food as well.
If Shinobu could adequately roll her eyes, she would. Instead she sucked it up and ate the food in the bowl (Y/n) had provided for her. She felt silly and unrefined eating in such a manner, face first in the ceramic, but the food was good and filling, making her feel much better.
After dinner was finished and everything was cleaned up, Shinobu ignored the younger girls’ pleads to come back to their rooms and trotted behind (Y/n) to their wing of the estate.
“You’re making me out to be some kind of villain, cat,” (Y/n) spoke to Shinobu as she waved sympathetically to the younger girls pouting at the opposite end of the hall, “Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho would really like to spend more time with you.”
‘As would I, but I need to be in the lab tonight if I’m ever going to figure out how to reverse this.’
As they approached Shinobu’s lab, she was pleased, but also annoyed to find that the door was already partially open. Making a mental note to find out who had been rustling around in her sanctuary, she made to enter the room only for the door to be slid shut in front of her.
“Sorry little kitty,” (Y/n) smiled down at Shinobu, “Shinobu would be less than pleased with me for not only letting a cat into the estate, but for also letting it have free reign of her lab. Can’t have you breaking any vials or toppling plants.”
“Mowww.” Shinobu moaned pitifully, pawing at the door. She looked up at (Y/n) with hope that she’d let her in. ‘You don’t understand, (Y/n). It’s me!’
“Aw, sorry buddy. That room is off limits.” (Y/n) then continued to walk around the corner.
Shinobu looked between her lab door and the corner (Y/n) disappeared behind a few times, her tail twitched in agitation.
‘Alright, no work is getting done tonight. I suppose it will feel nice to sleep in a familiar location with the warmth and comfort I’ve missed so dearly, even if she is actively blocking my progress with her good intentions.’ Shinobu quickly followed (Y/n) to their room and made to enter the space but was blocked by (Y/n)’s foot.
“No no, see? This is why you should have followed the other girls. I share this space with Shinobu, I can’t let you get fur all over the place and gods forbid anything happen to the goldfish. You’re a smart kitty, I’m sure you can figure out where to go.”
“Mowww, mew!”
“Goodnight, little kitty.” (Y/n) slid the door shut and Shinobu slumped against the floor, pathetically pawing at the edge of the door.
‘Why must you be so responsible and considerate?’ Shinobu meowed again, ‘I would kill to cuddle you right now. I would sit in a room full of writhing balls of sentient fuzz just for my welcome home kiss.’
Shinobu did not move from her spot, continuously clawing at the door, trying to hook a claw in the crack to nudge it open. Her persistence paid off and she managed to wiggle through the small opening she created and slip into the darkened room.
Shinobu was a bit embarrassed, had she tried to get into her lab as hard as she tried to get into her own bedroom, she might actually have gotten somewhere with an antidote. But now she was tired, and all she wanted to do was lay in that perfect space she saw between the curl of (Y/n)’s arm and her face.
‘It looks like I’m not the only one who misses someone.’ Shinobu simpered inwardly, noticing how (Y/n) was sleeping on the side of the futon that Shinobu usually slept in. Shinobu purred, walking across (Y/n)’s side and eliciting a sleepy laugh from the girl without waking her. She slid into the space she had staked claim of and curled up, rubbing her face against (Y/n)’s cheek. She couldn’t help but purr louder as (Y/n) unconsciously pulled Shinobu closer and buried her face in her furry side.
“Shinobu... be safe.” (Y/n) mumbled before stilling once more.
‘I’m safe, I’m right here with you. I hope you realize it soon.’
The next morning Shinobu woke earlier than (Y/n). She didn’t want to make (Y/n) worry about the cat somehow getting into the room so she gave her a few quick kitten licks before slipping out of the room. If she had to be a cat for an indeterminate amount of time, she didn’t want (Y/n) trying to find a better way to keep her out of their room.
She trotted around the corner to begin working her lab door open again but was quickly thwarted by Kanao who had happened to be walking by. The quiet girl had picked her up by the pits of Shinobu’s front legs and held her out in front of her with her head tilted to the side as if searching for something.
‘Yes, Kanao. You can tell can’t you? You can tell that I’m your sister and not some common stray.’
The young Tsuguko put Shinobu in a more comfortable hold and continued to walk away from the lab until she happened upon Nezuko and Tanjirou. The Kamado siblings coddled Shinobu. Nezuko was particularly entranced and hummed happily as she patted Shinobu’s soft head. The Hashira was rather tired of all the touching, but with the firm hold Kanao had on her small body, escape was not an option. At least Inosuke and Zenitsu were out on missions. She didn’t think she’d be able to handle them in this state.
Within the next hour, the rest of the butterfly girls joined in and they moved the little get together outside. Even Aoi gave a tentative scratch behind Shinobu’s ear as they all enjoyed the warmth of the day under the shade of the engawa. That is, until they heard (Y/n) speaking to someone near the estate entrance sounding very distressed. Kanao and Tanjirou went to investigate while the others stayed behind.
Shinobu had been passed off to Aoi, but she wriggled out of her arms to sprint in (Y/n)’s direction to give whoever was making her so upset a taste of her claws. She slowed to stand just behind (Y/n) when she realized that the person she was talking to was the boy from the inn with her belongings.
‘Took him long enough.’ Shinobu thought.
“What do you mean you don’t know where she went? You just saw all her belongings sitting there and thought it was perfectly normal for someone to disappear without warning?” (Y/n) spoke, yelling more out of worry than anger as she pressed the bag to her chest.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger okay?” Daisuke asked, a lazy smile on his face. His eyes wandered over (Y/n)’s figure in a way that made Shinobu furious. “People come and go all the time. Though I gotta say, it’s a real shame she left you hanging. I would never keep a pretty girl like you waiting.”
“Shinobu isn’t like that!” (Y/n) shot back, her eyebrows knit and jaw set. “Did you not even think about contacting the local authorities, anything?”
“Listen, sweetheart,” Daisuke took a couple steps forward, looming over (Y/n), “Unfortunately, it’s my dad who calls the shots and he sent me here to return these belongings and retrieve a lump sum of yen for the service. Now, on the subject of payment... I wouldn’t mind turning a blind eye for a night on the town. What do you say?” He reached out, presumably to tilt (Y/n)’s chin up, but his hand quickly dropped and he shouted in pain. He and (Y/n) looked down at their feet to witness Shinobu biting the ever loving shit out of Daisuke’s ankle.
Daisuke hopped around from one foot to the other, trying to dislodge the cat from his feet. It was like Shinobu was a liquid shadow of teeth and sharp little claws like knives. When Daisuke reached for her, she scrambled to the other leg to give it the same treatment.
(Y/n), now fully joined by Kanao and Tanjirou, watched in stunned silence as the small terror weaved through the young man’s legs.
“Sh... should we stop it?” Tanjirou asked hesitantly.
Kanao shrugged and (Y/n) let out an exasperated sigh.
“Little kitty, please stop!” (Y/n) asked half heartedly, it was a cat after all. It’s not like it would stop just because she— oh, it stopped.
Shinobu batted the man one last time with her claws before sitting before (Y/n). The little shimmy of her hind legs and tail were enough of a sign for (Y/n) too quickly pass the bag off to Kanao so she could catch nightmarish feline who now seemed as docile as a lamb, purring up a storm and lapping at (Y/n)’s jaw.
“What the hell?!” Daisuke hissed, applying pressure to a particularly nasty scratch on the back of his ankle.
“Sorry, I’ll have someone patch you up right away.” (Y/n) said, adjusting her hold on Shinobu so her sandpaper kisses wouldn’t rub the delicate skin of her face raw, “Tanjirou, could you find a kakushi for me? Tell them to bring water, bandages, and disinfectant. Kanao, take Shinobu’s belongings to our room, then come straight back. We need to figure out what happened and where she could be.”
‘I’m here, (Y/n). Please don’t look so worried.’
“Wait a minute,” Daisuke had moved to sit fully on the ground to hold his cuts and shredded pants. He squinted up at the cat in (Y/n)’s arms, “I know that scrawny little— I thought you would have gotten eaten by a hawk by now you mangy pain in the ass!”
“You know this cat?” (Y/n) asked.
“Yeah, it’s yours, isn’t it?” Daisuke spat. “Your little lady friend left it at the inn with the rest of her shit.”
“That can’t possibly be true, Shinobu dislikes furry animals. She wouldn’t travel with a cat.” (Y/n) shook her head, not even allowing the notion Daisuke brought forward to fully process in her mind because of how ridiculous it sounded.
“My lady, you called for assistance?” The kakushi called as they made their approach, Tanjirou still following.
“Yes, please see to this man’s injuries,” (Y/n) balanced Shinobu over her shoulder so she could take out her money pouch. She counted out the yen, adding a bit extra for the physical damages and presented it to the innkeeper’s son, “After they have taken care of you, please leave the premises immediately.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Daisuke growled, roughly snatching the money out of (Y/n)’s hand. Shinobu glared at him, an unhappy noise gurgled at the back of her throat that made the young man flinch and cower.
Once (Y/n) was sure the kakushi had everything under control, she headed back to the engawa with Tanjirou just as Kanao re-emerged. The other girls who had been sitting and watching from a far questioned (Y/n) with worried expressions.
“Is it true? Is Shinobu-sama missing, (Y/n)-sama?” Kiyo asked.
“Yes,” (Y/n)’s voice wavered, yet she kept a brave face, “we need to prepare a search party immediately.”
“Nezuko and I will help in any way we can. I have a good grasp on Shinobu-san’s scent. I’ll find out if Inosuke and Zenitsu are close enough to help too.” Tanjirou offered, ever helpful. Nezuko hummed in agreement with her brother.
‘What, I don’t even smell the same like this?’ Shinobu signed.
“Just leave it to us.” Kanao spoke up, she patted (Y/n)’s arm, trying to comfort the older girl.
“Just be careful.” (Y/n) replied, cradling Shinobu in one arm so she could give Kanao a hug with the other. “If you need any extra assistance, supplies... we’re just a crow away.”
“We will find her.” Kanao spoke softly but no less seriously, giving (Y/n) a slight nod of determination.
Tanjirou loaded Nezuko into her box and Kanao prepared some supplies and they headed out, leaving the rest of the girls to finish chores and tend to the infirmary. Worry over what fate had befallen Shinobu hung heavily in the air. If only they knew that she was right there at their feet.
The rest of the day was eerily quiet. (Y/n) did her best to keep everyone’s spirits up. When night fell, all the girls held in a little tighter when they came to give (Y/n) a hug good night. Even Aoi, who often wouldn’t participate in the little bedtime ritual, came looking for a bit of comfort before heading to bed.
Shinobu had tried all afternoon to give some sign that she was the silky black cat, but to no avail. At bedtime she was much more desperate to get into her lab. She tried to work the door open, but found in was much more sturdy, heavy, than the door to her bedroom.
Just as Shinobu was starting to give up, she heard muffled sniffling coming from around the corner and her heart twinged. She quickly turned the corner and began working the corner of the bedroom door, her sharp ears caught every devastating sound (Y/n) made.
“Oh Shinobu, where are you?”
‘I’m here! Please don’t cry!’
Another pull of her claw edged the door open just enough for Shinobu to slip inside. The scene before her broke her heart.
(Y/n) was curled up on Shinobu’s side of the futon, now with Shinobu’s haori draped over her as she tried to keep her tears and shuddering, hitched breathing to herself.
Shinobu wasted no time hopping into the bed. She butted her head against (Y/n)’s hands, willing her to remove them from her face. (Y/n) startled, taking in a particularly loud breath of air before sliding her hands down her face to look at her intruder. Her eyes closed momentarily when Shinobu bumped heads with her again, bopping her forehead and the bridge of her nose.
“H-how did you get in here, huh?” (Y/n) sat up, rubbing the tears from her eyes. She tried to regain even breaths but it wasn’t coming easily.
“Mrroowww.” Shinobu whined, trying to form sounds that her vocal chords could not create. She circled around the arm (Y/n) was using to prop herself up, wishing she could just hold her and tell her everything was alright.
“I just love her so much. If only I was a demon slayer too, then I could—“ (Y/n)’s back racked as more tears squeezed passed her eyelids. “I’m so weak— ah!”
Shinobu bit (Y/n)’s wrist, not hard, but with enough pressure to stop her lover from continuing her spiral. She soothed the small indents she left in (Y/n)’s skin with a few rough licks, looking up at her with pained, purple irises.
(Y/n) didn’t kick Shinobu out of the room and the Hashira did her best to soothe her. Eventually (Y/n) laid back down and fell into a restless sleep, her tear stained face shone in the moonlight that cascaded through the window. As she slept, Shinobu’s mind raced for a solution to this puzzle. She absolutely refused to allow this to carry on through another night.
Shinobu sat protectively curled around (Y/n)’s head. Her ears twitched with every little sniffle and shaky sigh that came from the unconscious girl. Shinobu scanned the room as she pressed her mind. How could she get their attention?
Her eyes wandered over to the desk near the door. (Y/n) had insisted it be put there after Shinobu had spent consecutive nights in her office or her lab writing reports or doing research. She had told Shinobu if she wanted to read and write all night, she could do it in their bedroom so (Y/n) at least had the illusion that Shinobu would come to bed when she was finished.
Ah, Shinobu had teased her about that for days afterward. It turned out to be a great idea though in Shinobu’s book. Whenever she got frustrated with her materials she would simply turn to watch the object of her affections sleep for a moment and a peaceful smile would claim her lips. Then she’d get back to her correspondences or research notes until her hands hurt and her fingers were smudged with ink. She recalled one all nighter in particular when she had flopped into bed around dawn and was awoken three hours later to (Y/n) scolding her for getting ink all over her.
Shinobu’s eyes flickered across the desk, settling on the ink bottle tucked neatly in the corner. Yes, why hadn’t she thought of this before? Careful not to jostle (Y/n), Shinobu padded passed her little goldfish aquarium and leapt onto her desk, rustling a few papers but largely without incident.
Shinobu sighed inwardly at what she would have to do next. She walked up to the ink bottle and batted it to the floor, it’s contents spilling and staining the matted floor below.
‘I’ll need to replace this floor when I’m done here, won’t I?’
When (Y/n) woke up early the next morning, it was to a wet, slimy pressure on her cheek. She had initially tried to bat it away, but the force came back down on her lips and she turned away and spluttered, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
She looked down, her mouth fell open with surprise as she processed the black, sticky smudge that stuck to her skin.
(Y/n) turned back around and gasped. Initially, you wouldn’t have been able to tell anything was out of place, but on closer inspection (Y/n) saw how the black cat’s fur appeared matted and wet on its front legs and if that wasn’t enough, the little black paw prints that littered the white sheets was certainly a give away.
“Oh my... bad kitty! Very, very, very bad kitty!” (Y/n) huffed, trying to roll out of the bedding without getting too much ink on herself.
Shinobu smirked inwardly, if she could laugh she would have. Despite the situation that led up to this moment, it was amusing to hear (Y/n) try to scold her. It was not at all her forte it would seem.
“Such a bad kitty! I’m going to punish you for this... ah! How do you even punish a cat?” (Y/n) fumed, taking in the extent of the damage.
Satisfied that (Y/n) was up, Shinobu made her way back to the desk, little black paw prints followed in her wake.
“That’s quite enough! I’d like to not have to replace the whole floor if I can help it, you little...” (Y/n) followed after Shinobu and scooped her up, she happened to glance at the floor near the base of the desk and the words died on her tongue. At first, she thought it was just the scene of the crime where all went wrong, but after a second glance, she noticed swoops and slashes that looked suspiciously like hiragana characters. (Y/n)’s lips fell open as she finally took the whole scene in.
‘Demon blood cat poison. I’m Shinobu.’ Was painstakingly written on the floor.
“Shinobu...?” (Y/n) stared down at the cat in her arms with manic eyes scanning over every inch of the small cat.
Shinobu blinked slowly and nodded.
“Shinobu!” (Y/n) cried, holding the cat closer to herself, uncaring of the inky paws that pressed into her yukata. “I was so worried! I’m glad you’re alright!”
“You need to get in the lab, don’t you? I’ll get you whatever you need, dear.” (Y/n) carried Shinobu to the lab and slid the door open. Closing the door behind her, she set Shinobu down on a clear table and nervously wrung her hands. “Okay, what do you need?”
Shinobu took a moment to ponder. Really it couldn’t be much different than the antidote she created for the slayers who had been turned to spiders on Natagumo Mountain. She walked to the edge of the table and pointed a paw in the direction of one of her medicine cabinets and (Y/n) opened it, pointing at every vial until Shinobu nodded at the one she wanted. After an hour more of awkward directing, they had a few new solutions to try. (Y/n) prepared the first syringe and looked at Shinobu with concern.
“Are you sure about this?” (Y/n) asked.
Shinobu held out her front paw in reply.
There was no immediate change, but after a few minutes, the small cat began to grow and bubble. The fur melted away and before long what remained on the table now was a naked young woman with severe bed head covered in sticky, partially dried ink.
Shinobu fell forward, exhausted by the change, but (Y/n) caught her and straightened her back into an upright position and hugged her tightly.
“Shinobu!” (Y/n) cheered, she couldn’t help the tears that came to her eyes and she sobbed into Shinobu’s neck.
Shinobu smiled tiredly, her voice sounded like it would when she woke up first thing in the morning as she chuckled and pulled (Y/n) closer to herself, “I’m sorry I worried you. I’m okay. Please don’t cry, you know I hate it when you do.”
“I’m trying,” (Y/n) hiccuped, “I just missed you so much!”
“I missed you too.” Shinobu said, kissing the top of (Y/n)’s head.
They stayed there in each other’s arms for a few minutes quietly swaying before (Y/n) pulled back a bit, remembering how everyone was worried sick and needed to know that Shinobu was alright.
“I’ve got to send word to Kanao and the others that you’re okay! We have to tell everyone! Oh, but you should put on some clothes first.” (Y/n) added sheepishly, seemingly only just noticing Shinobu’s current state of undress. Shinobu giggled.
“I’d prefer to wash off this ink before putting anything on. Wouldn’t want to ruin anything.”
“You certainly did enough of that.” (Y/n) laughed, recalling the mess Shinobu made of the floor and their sheets. “But the bath is much too far to try to get by undetected. We’d have much better luck running around the corner to our room.”
“Mm, I suppose you have a point.” Shinobu slid off the table and stood on slightly wobbly legs, cupping (Y/n)’s face with her stained hands. “But before we go, can I have my welcome home kiss? I’ve been dying to receive it.”
(Y/n) smiled, interlacing her hands behind Shinobu’s neck and pulled her in. The first couple seconds were great, but when the kiss got more involved, both girls broke apart with small grimaces. The taste of ink on their tongues was not at all pleasant.
(Y/n) peeked around the corner and down the hall and after a moment she nodded at Shinobu, signaling her forward. They slipped out of the lab and quickly shot into their bedroom. As Shinobu got dressed, (Y/n) prepared a crow to deliver the good news to Kanao that she and the others could return home. Then the couple left their room to visit the younger girls.
“You don’t think the girls will be too disappointed to realize they don’t have a cat anymore, do you?” Shinobu asked.
“To have you back? They’ll be ecstatic.” (Y/n) grinned, bumping sides with Shinobu.
And true to (Y/n)’s word, upon seeing Shinobu, Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho jumped at her and smothered her with hugs and relieved tears. After they had calmed down and learned the story, the youngest three started to giggle.
“(Y/n)-sama, you have a paw print on your cheek.” Sumi pointed out, gleefully.
“And your mouth has ink smeared over it too, like Shinobu-sama.” Naho added.
“How did that happen?” Kiyo wondered.
“I’ll give you three guesses.” Aoi rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as (Y/n) and Shinobu laughed.
After they caught up with the girls, (Y/n) and Shinobu veered off to the bath, washing off the ink as best they could from their bodies.
Just before nightfall, the search party returned with the added bonus of Inosuke and Zenitsu being as rambunctious as ever.
“I can’t believe you got turned into a cat! Dumb Shinobu! The Great Inosuke would never!” Inosuke cackled, abruptly stopping only when a dark aura swirled around Shinobu, a plastic smile on her lips daring Inosuke to continue.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Kanao spoke quietly, allowing herself to relax as Shinobu pulled her in for a tender hug.
After such an emotionally exhausting day, everyone returned to their rooms prepared for a much better night’s sleep than the last.
“No paperwork tonight?” (Y/n) teased as Shinobu practically dove I to the fresh bedding with a tired moan.
“Come here so I can cuddle you properly tonight.” Shinobu said, motioning (Y/n) over.
When (Y/n) was settled in Shinobu’s arms both girls blinked at each other as the sound of purrs permeated the air. Shinobu touched her throat, feeling the flesh rumble below her fingers.
“Lingering side effect?” (Y/n) tilted her head.
“I suppose... hopefully this doesn’t persist for long.”
“I think it’s cute.” (Y/n) smiled, kissing Shinobu’s cheek.
Before long the couple fell asleep to the quiet rumblings that resonated from Shinobu’s throat, happily tangled in each other’s limbs at last.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years ago
Please yandere v! All might or aizawa as a spooky Christmas ghost?
Christmas Nightmare: Yandere! Ghost Shouta Aizawa
Hey there! Thank you so much for requesting! I had fun writing this. Hope you guys like it! :)
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere! Ghost Shouta Aizawa:
It was 2 days before Christmas. You were on your way home from Home Depot. You had gotten your Christmas tree and decorations. And since you decided to buy it so late, you had to drive out of city to get the tree as those in the city were all sold out. But hey, at least you got a good deal!
Since it was a long drive back home, you had decided to do your grocery shopping too. As you were driving, munching on some chips, you noticed it had started snowing. The snow was covering the trees that were on either side of the road. It was getting dark, and only the lights from your car were illuminating the road.
Of course your old car had to break down. And that too in the middle of nowhere, where there was no cell service either. And you don't remember seeing any cars on your way either. As you were trying to get a signal, you almost didn't see the wooden cabin that was a bit hidden by the trees.
Now you've watched tons of horror movies to know that you should not go there. But it was getting cold, and now you could either die by hypothermia, or you could go there and hope that there is not a serial killer inside.
You chose the latter option. You went to the cabin and knocked a few times. When no one answered, you pushed the heavy wooden door open. In the dark, your hands looked for a light switch. When you found one and switched it on, you looked around the cabin. You appeared to be standing in the living room, there was little furniture, dust had accumulated everywhere. You found the fireplace and fortunately there was still some wooden logs and a matchbox there. You lit the fireplace up and decided to look around. You were surprised to see that the cabin was actually quite big. And it looked like it used to be inhabited by a family; you found some furniture, a few toys and some other stuff. It looked like that the cabin had been abandoned for a quite some time. You looked in the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat, but you found nothing. It was a good idea that you had some snacks to get you to get you by.
You went back to the living room, sitting near the fire. As you were warming up, you looked out the window. It was snowing heavily now. You took your phone out and to your surprise you found a single service bar. You called for help, but the signal kept breaking up, and they managed to tell you that they wouldn't be able to get there as it was snowing too hard; the roads were blocked. Plus, it was Christmas time, nobody is going to want to help you now anyways. You hoped that help or anyone would drive by in the morning.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you heard the sound of someone walking. Heavy footsteps. There's someone inside the cabin.
You sat frozen, waiting for the serial killer to come. However, a few more minutes passed, but no one appeared. Curious, you decided to see who was there. You hoped it would be an animal. But after you had searched the entire cabin, you found no one. Neither an animal, nor a person.
Hm, maybe its a ghost. You thought to yourself. But I should've been able to see one due to my quirk.
Your quirk: Dead Eye, helped you see the dead. You had seen a lot of ghosts, most of them were harmless, and the bad ones usually just wanted to be left alone. That's why you weren't scared of ghosts anymore. People are far scarier really.
Maybe this ghost was just passing by. Or maybe your mind's just playing tricks on you. You were getting tired, so you decided to sleep on the old couch near the fireplace. The warmth lulled you to sleep, not knowing that someone was watching you.
When you woke up the next morning, the fire was almost dying out. You checked your phone a signal, call, message, anything. You looked outside the window, there was snow everywhere. You couldn't even see the road. It didn't look like you were getting out of here today. Or tomorrow. No one is gonna come on Christmas to help you. Which meant you were going to spend Christmas here in the cabin, alone.
Deciding to make the best out of your situation, you got the tree and the decorations out of your car. After you had brought the tree inside, you went to look for some cleaning supplies and cleaned the place up a bit. Once you had done that, you decorated the tree up. You kept on checking if someone was driving by or if you got some service, but you unfortunately didn't. As you were making yourself some dinner, you heard footsteps again. You also heard a door open and shut. And you felt someone creeping up on you. You whipped around and you finally saw the culprit.
"Do you need something?" you asked the pale man with red eyes and black hair. He looked a bit surprised hearing your question. "Well?" you pushed, your own heart pounding. "You can see me?"he asked, confused. "Oh you're a ghost! Yeah, I can see the dead due to my quirk." The man was even more surprised as you introduced yourself to him, not scared at all. "I'm...Aizawa. What are you doing here?" You explained your situation to him, and how you'll be out of his hair the day after Christmas hopefully. You both apologised and thanked him for letting you into his home.
The more you talked the more Aizawa felt happy? It had been so long since he had any sort of conversation, even though it was mostly you talking. It had been too long since he felt happy.
Aizawa apologised too for trying to scare you. He just wanted to be alone, no meddling humans to disturb him from his sleep.
You both kept on talking, you telling some stories and just rambling on, Aizawa just humming and sometimes gave a small smile. You're so adorable. So nice. And warm too.
He loved how you cleaned up his place and decorated the tree. He remembered the good times back when he was alive. And even though he was a villian, he still remembers the cozy days of Christmas he used to spend with his family. Family. The family the betrayed him. The same family he used to do break the law for. The same family that went to the cops to tell on him when they found out what he had been doing to provide for them.
Of course he killed them. He did not regret it one bit. What he did regret though was killing himself after that, thinking that he'd never be able to find love again. When in reality, he was looking right at it. You. Its you. You'll be his love again.
When you woke up on Christmas morning, you went to check your phone but you couldn't find it. You were sure you had it on you. As you were looking around, Aizawa came and wished you a Merry Christmas. You smiled and wished him as well.
Aizawa had brought you some eggs from a nearby bird's nest. You didn't want be rude, so you made them and had your breakfast. You made some small talk, telling him about the world, how advance it has become. But he was really just interested in your life. What do you do for a living? What are your hobbies? How many people know that you're here?
His questions were weird. But you thought that he's just an old ghost, and also has no company; he's just bored.
You were still talking when you heard the sound of a car. You whipped your head to the window and saw a car slowly driving by. Finally. You thought. I'm getting out of here now.
As you went towards the door, hoping that the driver will see you and help you, you suddenly felt something hit your head before you blacked out.
When you woke up, you found yourself in of the bedrooms. Few rays of the moonlight were escaping the boarded window, indicating it was night time. What happened? As events of the morning came rushing back to you, you realised you were in grave danger. You tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge even though there was no lock.
Suddenly, you were thrown to the bed, the mattress squeaking under you. Aizawa stood at the foot of the bed, his red eyes glowing in the dark. You tried to get of the bed, but it was like something was holding you down. You looked at him bewildered.
Aizawa started to explain "I've become attached to you. No. I've fallen in love with you. I know you're not in love with me right now but you will be." He walked towards you "you don't need to worry. I'll figure out a way for us to be together when I kill you. Then we can live here happily ever after." He stroked your hair. You went to kick him but he caught your leg in a tight, painful grip. He gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. "Now, now. Don't do something you'll regret. You don't wanna be on the naughty list now, do you?"
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Hope you guys liked this one! Requests are still open! :)
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fallstreakfeathers · 4 years ago
[More] Obey Me Headcanons
[ I didn’t edit this at all, really, but I have around 30 headcanons so far that I’m using for my fic and would like several backups- so, I’m posting it here.) 
The ‘Devildom’ is a planet that is larger than ours. ‘Hell’ refers to a part of each territory the Avatar’s govern that is reserved for retaining and torturing human souls. These areas are actually quite small compared to the rest of the land. Each environment is unique, with its own native flora, fauna, land formations, climates, and dangers.
The Devildom resides on a tall, mountain-ringed plateau that towers over the lands around it. It is not the tallest point in the demon world.
Demons have elemental affinities that also define certain weaknesses. A demon that’s used to the heat and gasses of flowing magma would have difficulties in the colder parts of the world, or fighting against a demon or creature who uses a lot of freezing attacks.
There are many places in their realm that even Demons refrain from going, or simply cannot. One such area is a vast frozen land in the far northeast that drops to temperatures low enough that even demons that are developed for icy area’s cannot survive without magical assistance. However, this also makes the area a great place for criminals and the exiled to live should they be able to fight the cold. Demons and such that failed to pass the test of the cold are frequently found encased in the tall, pointed ice spires that jut from the ground- trapped in an unending preservation until the end of days.
There’s a massive crater in one part of the world, in the land Mammon governs, that’s referred to as the ‘Fear Pit’. It’s the aftermath of a massive battle between two demons, and the entire area is cursed with illusions that prey on your fears. It gets worse the closer you are to the bottom. Demons occasionally travel to test their own resolve, though few ever make it to the center- usually opting to turn back before their fear drives them mad.
Beelzebub dislikes thunder because it sounds similar to some sounds he heard in the war
Demon’s are immortal only in that time cannot destroy them, They can still die from wounds and even disease.
Not all demons can speak human languages. There’s plenty in the Devildom/Hell who’ve never set foot in the human realm and have never bothered to learn the realms languages.
On that note, there are more than a few specific demonic dialects spoken in the devildom. The Avatars and most high nobility are required to be fluent in the most common 3 demonic languages.
Demons who came to the Devildom by falling from the Celestial Realm are not considered ‘true demons’, and many have challenged the Avatars solely because of their origins
Demons may have pacts with multiple humans. If a demon who has more than one pact is ordered to do something by multiple pact holders, the demon will obey whoever has the strongest bond with them OR the orders will cancel each other out.
Many species found in the Devildom/Hell and the Celestial Realm are not exclusive to one or the other- dragons and unicorns are found in both, for example, but with different traits and personalities. Dragons in the Devildom are ugly things that spit an acidic venom, while those in the Celestial Realm are sleek and able to shoot blasts of fire from their throats. Some creatures remain the same in each realm, but are referred to by different names. Many mythic creatures from every human culture can be found in both the Devildom and Celestial realm
Though their human forms look rather perfect, everyone who fought in the Celestial War bears a great number of physical scars, some of which affect their human guise as well
Belphegor's right eye is completely blind in all his forms. He tends to hide it in his human appearance because it’s sometimes seen as a weakness by other demons who might try to challenge him. He has the most trouble with demon’s attempting to fight him because he’s often seen as the weakest Avatar due to his sleeping habits and general outward appearance. This is, of course, a massive mistake.
Belphegor frequently wraps his tail around himself (like a hug) for comfort- particularly when he’s alone
Belphegor’s horseshoe was broken during a fight with a demon who wanted to challenge his title/status.
Demons don't usually bury their dead because many simply disappear upon death. How they disappear depends on their primary sin (Wrath erupts in a blast of fire)
Leviathan changes the order of the smiley pins on his clothes depending on his mood (green for happy/content, yellow for neutral, red for angry/upset)
Satan dislikes chocolate
Demons are practically infertile. Children born naturally (human standard) are extremely rare. As such, all demon children are cherished and protected by modern demonic societies as a whole, and intending to harm one is punished harshly.
Lucifer may have birthed Satan from rage, but a demon can create another being from any emotion so long as it’s powerful enough (love, envy, etc). This is much more common than the physical way of creating children. The offspring will generally exhibit whatever emotion spawned them and will behave accordingly to whoever the emotion was directed at. After their birth, they grow very fast until they appear 10-15 years old, and their growth slows immensely.
A specific ritual is required for a demon( or angel) and human to crossbreed with each other, as they are completely different species. It would be like trying to cross a dog with a giraffe. These births are always extremely dangerous for the human mother. There are a few exceptions to this, such as Incubi/Succubi but successful crossbreeding is still extremely rare.
The older a demon is, the more horrific their true forms are. Anyone who has existed before the Celestial War is referred to as an ‘Ancient/Old World’ demon. Those born after and those who fell are considered ‘New Age/Modern’ demons. There are a handful of creatures referred to as ‘Primordials’. These beings are neither demons nor angels, but are immensely powerful and are very secretive. Not much is known about any of them, and they rarely show themselves. They also rarely partake in the social/political conflicts of the three realms. They did not have a presence in the Celestial War.
These titles have no bearing on how civilised someone may be.
There are technically four realms known. The Celestial, Devildom, and Human realms are commonly spoken about but the fourth realm is known as ‘Oblivion’ and isn’t so much a world as it is multitudes of platforms floating throughout a nebula. It’s useless overall but is used as a prison and punishment for the worst of demonkind. Few have ever made it out, but those that have come back a blubbering, maddened shell of who they were. Diavolo and Barbatos both are capable of opening a portal to it.
All demons/Fallen have the capability to return to a monstrous form, but Ancient demons have a particularly difficult time making themselves look human again (some Ancient’s are incapable of returning at all). New Age demons are able to transform much more freely, but if the transformation is brought on by strong negative emotion (rage, fear, or a physical reaction such as pain), it takes much longer to change back
The final stage of demonic courtship involves seeing each other's truest self. This display is a form of trust in the highest regard, the goal being total acceptance of each other. It should never be taken lightly. Not every couple goes through this, but those that do form a deeply personal and permanent bond.
A demon in full form is rare outside battle, though some choose to remain in their appearance as a way of showing off.
Some demons (nobility and such) have several forms outside of their human/humanoid guises
Demons are compelled to chew on things. There are several businesses specializing in ‘demon chew toys’. Gnawing on these can release both stress and anxiety and also helps maintain healthy teeth.
Demons shed their horns, scales, teeth and fur, and will often use these shed materials in their own clothing, jewelry, and other such items. Shedding season differs for every demon- it happens to some every half year, year, couple years, or even centuries. Being given an item made from a demon’s shed is considered a personal gift
Demons can tell the basic emotional state of any human they have a pact with. Whether they react to it or care is another story.
Despite the common opinion that the Devildom doesn’t have a sun, the sky brightens every 3 human world days thanks to the passing of a dwarf star. However, it would be a mistake to believe that the demon world is devoid of light without it! There are plenty of natural light sources that provide the lands with a way to see (for those without night vision), such as glowing crystals and mushrooms, magma, etc.
The Devildom’s planet’s core burns hotter than ours, which counteracts how cold it would be otherwise (though it’s still quite chilly in many parts of the planet)
When Diavolo ordered that no human be harmed in the Devildom again, he also banned all media portraying humans as prey. These books, videos, and movies are now sold on the black markets and hoarded by those who disagree with Diavolo
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cuddles-and-kisses · 4 years ago
So The Cat's Out Of The Bag,,,
Another fanfic for Agapito (an OC that belongs to @yandereaffections) The story starts under the cut. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,908 Trigger Warnings: Subtle yandereness, I can't think of any others
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It’s 11 pm. I’ve been avoiding schoolwork all day and I’m in no rush to fix it. I've been writing fanfiction, of sorts, for the past 3 hours. On the bright side, the first draft is done! My back hurts from sitting so long while my butt hurts because I’ve sat on a wooden stool this long. I need to take a break but what to do? Oh, what to do? My weekly planner is wide open on a bookstand to my right. I could be productive, or I could keep avoiding them... So the planner is closed now. I’ve reorganized pens in a pen cup for the seventh time. Is there a limit to how many times a person can adjust a desk lamp before going insane? There has to be something else to do but what? As if on cue, my phone lights up with a text from my Baby. We’ve been official for 6 months so our dates are a lot more casual nowadays.
“Angel, I want attention. Unlock the back door” I’m aware it doesn’t seem like it but this is how he asks to come over. He won’t come over until I respond giving the green light. “Bold of you to assume I’m home and not partying at a random frat house” We both know I’m not doing jack at 11 pm on a Friday. Nonetheless, it’s fun to pretend I have a flourishing social life. “That’s cute. Back door please” Alright, now to get up and- ow, fuck, ouchie, ok, hold on. *POP* There we go!
I should probably pick my room up real quick. I made my bed earlier today so that’s not a problem. The svallerup rug from Ikea collects dirt a lot faster than I expected. Although would he really notice? It’s not bright in here. My dresser by the door looks fine. The futon is in couch mode, so there’s not much left I don’t have to clean up for him. In reality, I’m not cleaning for him, I just like having a clean room. The last thing I do is turn on the fairy lights above my head then light a vanilla candle. I know he’s coming over to cuddle or really do anything involving him getting affection. I might as well make my bedroom reflect that, right?
I half-jog upstairs to unlock our back door. Why the back door? It’s not because I love Jesus. Let me explain. The living room floor creaks way too loud. Also, my parent’s bedroom is right next to that door. The side door alerts our dogs to start pitching a fit. How can they hear it from the opposite side of our house? I may never be able to understand. Moonlight drifts halfway across the backroom. Sparse nightlights cover the remaining needed light. I flick on the backdoor lights followed by opening a few blinds to let more light in. Their orange glow overpowers the moonlight near the backdoor.
For whatever reason, the moon is far brighter tonight. Or my pupils are hella dilated because I’m thinking about my Baby. Either way, moonlight dusts over parts of the backroom and kitchen ahead of me. One last light to turn on. An LED light above our kitchen sink smashes through most surrounding darkness, making it almost impossible to see into the living room. White cabinets outline our kitchen. None of the cabinets match each other in this house. It’s as if this house was built in parts instead of planned out from the start. The counter is occupied with things you’d expect; a bread box, knife set, fruit basket, coffee pot, and an air fryer. Yet, there's evidence real people live here. Crumbs from a snack, mail by the fruit basket, half-empty coffee pot, as well as children’s toys forgotten all about
Everyone else is snuggled up in warm beds, sleeping. I can pick out each person’s snoring pattern when they poke through tonight’s ambiance. There are moments where quiet feels like serenity, others where it feels like emptiness. I can’t decide which one I’m feeling because I realize I’m about to have a visitor. A cup of coffee sounds like the perfect way to waste a few minutes while waiting for my lover.
Coffee cup out of the overhead cabinet. A coffee spoon from beside the coffee pot. Fake sugar off the shelves. Room temperature coffee in the pot from this morning. French vanilla coffee creamer out of the fridge. And just like that, a proper cup of coffee is served. Light reflects off the glossy coating painted over our pale coffee cups. Mom considers it a priority to have everything match or look cohesive. Appearing put together is a source of pride for her. A cup is a cup however matching cups make her happy. My ears perk up at hearing his tires pulling into the driveway. My coffee creamer swirls in the cup as he walks up the driveway. The coffee spoon clings against the inside of my coffee cup simultaneously with the creak of our back gate. All that’s left is to wash off this week’s coffee spoon then put it back. I have only a few more seconds until my Love is with me again. I’m a sappy and hopeful romantic for him, get off my back. He’s learned how to silently open the back door and if I didn’t have good peripheral vision, I would’ve yelped.
Intimate hands snake around my hips as a tender kiss is pressed against my neck. I can feel the tender smile tugging at his lips after the kiss, he had a really good day? His body is pressed against mine as he murmurs “Honey, I’m home~” behind my ear; earning a soft chuckle from me. I turn to face him, wrap my arms around his neck, and greet him with a deep kiss. This time on the lips. “Welcome home, my Love.” He’s so close to me, I can smell the cigarette he had on his way over here. The absence of alcohol or weed stench affirms he didn’t have a bad day at work. I can’t wait until these interactions become a daily occurrence. This man is breathtaking under normal circumstances; but, under the glimmer of moonlight,,, I can’t form a single thought while looking at him. The raw admiration and love this man holds in his eyes? Who could stand a chance against him? Not me. Wrong choice.
His hands linger along the sides of my hips. I hold his arms in an attempt to keep him close to me, just a little longer. “I brought you a few things. I’ll go set them on your desk.” He knows gifts aren’t my thing in spite of that he claims I deserve the entire universe. I breathed out, “Ok, I’ll be down in a minute,” then started moving to get my coffee cup, as well as a few snacks to bring downstairs. He starts heading downstairs content with how flustered I am. WAIT A FLUFFING MINUTE THE FANFICTION IS ABOUT HIM!! I whisper yell ‘Baby’ until his head pops back around the corner. I threaten him to not touch or look at my laptop. It was a pathetic attempt considering what he does for a living. In my defense, I tried. I forgot he’s in essence an overgrown teenager who will do the exact opposite of what he’s told. Wanna know what he does? Grin. I’m so fucked.
Agapito dashes downstairs and leaves me in unadulterated fear. I’m frozen in place, trying to come to terms with my fate as his footsteps fade. It’s not smut or anything, just a simple night and morning routine imagining that we lived together. This is going to be so embarrassing. Please spare me this treacherous fate and undying embarrassment. Deep breaths, just take deep breaths. Get your coffee then snacks then, simply, accept what’s just happened.
With arms full of snacks, I shut my bedroom door as gingerly as I can. Setting the cup on the dresser right by the door to make this a little easier. He’s standing at my computer, reading through the last page. Oh hey, he brought me Rolo’s as well as 3 Musketeers. Nice! Oh wait, he’s done reading. His shoulders aren’t tense; his breathing hasn’t changed; all the same, he’s just standing there. “Why did you write this out instead of doing it?” That’s a good question tbh. My Baby’s voice sounds hurt, despite that, he’s trying to hide it. Ok, he needs a hug. Now to throw the snack on the bed. He needs a rib-crushing hug and you bet your butt I’ll be the one to deliver. I tug at his elbow so he’ll face me then pull him into me. His shoulders are right under my chin when we’re facing each other. I bury my face in his neck while my arms hug him as tight as I can. Except why is he upset about this?
His love for me is nothing to scoff at. He loves me the same way he wanted to be loved when he was younger. We’ve figured out he’s catching up from his pre-teen years and onward. So about 13 years without a stable romantic relationship. When he was trying to court me I had to call him out all the time for manipulation. I know he’s terrified I’ll think he’s not good enough. He has episodes of frantic attempts to meet all of my needs, even if it’s not asked for or needed. What is going through his head? Does he feel like he’s not good enough? That he’s not loving me enough so I have to turn to a fictional version of him? Does he think he’s not good enough for me to do this stuff with him? None of those are true, obviously. I explicitly stated that in the story he just read. It doesn’t mean he won’t get stuck inside his head. I need to tell him the truth. Even if I wanted to lie, I couldn’t, he’s a finely-tuned human lie detector. One more deep breath. Squeeze him a little tighter. Look him in his eyes and come clean.
“The reason I didn’t just act these out is because, I didn’t know how to ask for it.” His expression shifts from confused hurt to understanding. I start rambling, “I want to have these experiences with you. I’d give anything to have that life with you but we've only been dating for 6 months and I just, wasn’t sure, how to phrase it.” I’m choking on my own pulse from emotions. I realize I was shifting my weight left to right when he pulls me in for another hug and kisses my forehead. We stand there in each other’s embrace for a few moments before he suggests I come to his house tomorrow night. We both know what he’s suggesting. I can’t help but adamantly agree. Excitement zips through my body thinking about tomorrow night. A smile pulls at my lips as I ask, “Do you mind if I wear this shirt tomorrow night?”
Tonight is about Netflix, snacks, and rediscovering the curves and contours of each other’s bodies. Though, not before I mess up his hair while calling him a butthead. It’s evident his insecurities are still tugging at him. Funny enough, his insecurities forgot they’re fighting against me for his attention.
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oh-boy-me · 4 years ago
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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sparetimeimagines · 4 years ago
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Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Part 2 of Habits
Tags; soft core, smut, fluff, Soft Tsuki
“Go home, Tsukishima.”
It had been weeks since you’ve seen him.
No text messages.
No phone calls.
You felt yourself being played.
He finally got what he wanted, for you to confess to him once again that he was right.
Condescending asshole.
Why does this keep happening to me? You thought as though this time around things were supposed to change.
However, this time it felt different. This time, you felt him picking at the stitches he swore he wasn’t going to play with.
And now you feel stupid.
You feel stupid for driving all the way up there at two in the morning.
You feel stupid for believing he meant what he said and falling for every word of it.
“I broke my phone. I swear. I swear I wasn’t blowing you off. I had exams and my phone was broken. I didn’t have time to come down and see you. I promise you I wasn’t going to fuck this up again. God, you have to believe me.”
“Go home, Tsukishima.”
“No. Not until you let me explain.”
He shows up with flowers and you slam the door in his face.
“Baby, please.” You hear him through the door. “Open up.”
“No fuck you, Tsukishima.”
“Don’t be like that, Y/n.”
He had to manipulate you. You thought as long as you cut off everyone else, everything would work out right.
Some fool you are.
He can’t stay out there for long. Eventually he’ll have to go away, go home and leave you alone.
You open the door hours later to walk your dog; the same one he bought you for your birthday a year ago.
“I figured you’d still be here.” Unamused, you stare at the blond who waits with his elbows resting on his knees.
“Just let me explain.”
You sigh, letting him tag along.
“You can walk with us. She needs to go out.”
“What about the flowers?”
“Hold them. Toss them. I don’t care.”
He holds them the entire walk, them wilting in the process.
“She’s gotten big.”
“I can’t believe you still have her.” He watches the fluffy black dog sniff around a tree.
“Her dad fucked up. Not her.”
“I know.” He frowns pushing his glasses up by the bridge. “I’m doing that a lot lately.”
You pay attention to him from the corner of your eye with nothing to counter him with, so you remain silent.
“You should have called.” Ten minutes have passed and he’s like a kid waiting to be lectured; quiet and focusing on anything to keep his attention. In this case, it’s the rocks he kicks from under his shoe.
“How could I have called if I didn’t know your number?”
“Find a way!” Your outburst catches you by surprise as you turn to him. “You could have found a way.” You turn away from him hiding your face. You didn’t mean to get emotional. It was supposed be quiet.
“Y/n.” He sighs, the tips of his ears growing red. “I had no way of getting to you. It was finals. What was I supposed to do?”
You had no intentions of letting him know how badly he hurt you.
You thought better of him.
You thought he knew that.
“I don’t know. You could have tried.” You sniffle trying to hold back tears, looking at the sky.
Are you crying because you’re sensitive? Are your feelings hurt? Are you upset with him? Why now? Why not earlier when he was locked outside of your apartment.
“I did try.”
You turn to him with a stray falling from your eye. “I trusted you, Kei. You made me feel safe. Then you tarnished that.”
You focus on his face, red like yours.
“Do you know how that made me feel, Tsuki? Of course not. Because you only think about yourself.”
You point your finger at him, he remaining silent. Simultaneously, the four legged creature decided to run after a squirrel. The leash splits from your hand and instantly Kei starts chasing her.
You follow after them, he much faster than you. Following the duo on unstable ground, you step in a dip rolling your ankle.
Beside you, you welcome the bouquet of flowers Tsuki dropped chasing after your dog.
Minutes later he comes back with your dog on the leash and you sitting on the ground with an ankle starting to bruise.
“You’ve always been clumsy.” He chuckles looking over your ankle. “Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t walk on it. Here let me help you.” He extends his hand to you but you whisk it away instead.
“I got it, Tsuki.”
You attempt to collect your ground, instantly failing when it came to applying any pressure to your ankle.
“See. Bad liar.” He scoffs.
“Shut up, Tsuki.”
He extends his hand once more, those long fingers wrapping around your wrist. “Just let me help you.”
“Fine. Fine.” You give up. “Don’t you dare drop me.”
He hands you the dog leash, scooping you into his arms.
“You’re making it really hard not to.”
Inside the home, he lays you on the couch letting the dog free.
“I try to make things right and you end up hurting yourself.” He groans giving you the side eye.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Well it’s your fault.”
“Whatever Tsuki. You’re so full of shit.” You roll your eyes throwing an arm over your face.
“Aww she’s sorry.”
You look out from your arm seeing Kei laughing at your pup dropping toys on your stomach.
“Yeah acts just like her dad.” You throw the ball with slight frustration while he watches amused.
He loves her. Always had. She always listened better to him too.
The pup brings her toy to Tsuki this time, begging for someone to play with her. He leaves out of your sight and returns with something frozen wrapped in a towel. He lifts your leg with ease and sets it in his lap.
“Now. Since there was so much to talk about. You know, from you ghosting me after I confessed to you, again, to how you rejected me, again. Explain yourself. And it better be good because I’m hurting really bad right now.”
He presses the cold compress hard against your skin making you jump, hissing in reaction.
“Tsukiiii.... shit.” You hiss throwing your head back.
“Mmm that’s not the first time I heard that.” He smirks watching you. “Besides woman, how many times do I need to explain this to you. I. BROKE. MY. PHONE.” He glares running his hand along your leg. “Take it or leave it. That’s my story.”
You return his glare and sigh.
“I hate you, Tsukishima Kei.” You groan with your eyes sealing shut.
“That’s not what you said last time.” His deadpan eyes were audible.
“Well, I take it back.” You allow your ears to guide you, his touch secondary to your hearing.
“You can’t just that it back.”
“Watch me.” You fold your arms across your chest, not bothering to look at him. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be in this position right now.”
“So it’s my fault.” He scoffs as you feel his eyes watching you.
“Yes, its your fault.” You sigh scooting closer to him.
“So I see.” He says. “How’s your ankle feeling?”
“I’m hurting so bad right now.”
He lifts the ice pack exposing your purple ankle.
“It’s going to hurt a lot more when you have my kids.”
That caught you off guard. Not that you haven’t mentioned having a family more than once in the time you dated...
“Your kids?” You sit up on your elbows watching him watch you.
It’s just been awhile.
“I’m six feet tall. Did you think they were going to be bite size like you?”
“There’s a chance. Besides, who said I’m still having your kids? Maybe I want someone else’s.”
Tsukishima bursts out laughing. “There’s no one in this world who’s going to put up with you. You’re whiney.”
“And you’re an ass.”
“And yet you sound surprised.”
“I’d kick you right now.” You roll your hips further in the couch, simultaneously closer to Tsuki. “You’re a jerk and I hate you.”
“Again with the catch phrase. News flash. You don’t mean it.” He sighs running a hand over your foot.
“Does that hurt?”
“How about here?”
He’s trying to massage your ankle, kisses on it, working up to your core.
“No. Tsuki, what are you doing?”
“Good. I think I should inspect this area a little longer.” He completely ignores your question. “You know, just to be on the safe side.”
His long fingers brush against the edge of your shorts, him receiving a moan as his lips touch your skin.
“Tsuki no, I’m hurting.” You moan, your mouth disagreeing with your body.
“I’ll be gentle.” His voice, soft and reassuring, matches the look in his eyes, those caramel irises rolling to you in a daze. He takes his glasses off placing them on the coffee table nearby. His fingers trace up your leg, delicate gestures along the curve of your body, feeling the tension building from the inside.
Those eyes reconnect with yours, he crawling on top of you with a leg on each side, straddling your waist but it’s obvious he’s holding back. His fingers trace along your jawline, guiding your lips into his.
This toxic, mesmerizing affect he has on you leaves you obedient and purring.
“Will you forgive me?” He hums into your neck leaving soft kisses in trail to your breast where he takes your shirt off.
“I’ve always loved your body.” He runs the back of his hand across your skin. “You’re so beautiful.”
His lips pepper you to your nipples, one hand caressing your skin in circles, the other massaging the free breast.
“Maybe this will distract you some. You know. From the pain.” He moans between the light bites.
The separate hand travels south to your navel, the backside painfully slow until he meets your shorts.
“Is this ok? I’m not hurting you right?” He stops, eyeing you as you exhale with a long relaxed moan. “I just want to make you feel good.”
You nod generously, your eyes closing ready to relax.
He slides your shorts off your hips.
“I never get tired of seeing this.” He moans leaving open mouth kisses on your hip bones. “You’re beautiful.”
His cold fingers trace along the exterior of your lips watching how you react. His hot breath teases your heat as he slides down into his stomach, wrapping an arm around your thigh pulling you closer.
“Mmm Kei.”
“Yeah? Baby girl you like this?”
“You said you were going to be nice.”
“No, no I said gentle. Purr for me.” He smirks exposing his teeth in glee.
“Tsukiii.” You pout arching your hips into him.
“Patience Baby.” He runs his index along your slit. “We have no where to be.”
“Kei, you know I’m impatient.”
“Yes, Baby Girl.” He slides the finger along the outside. “But I also know you’ve been neglected, and I need to fix that.” He spreads your lips. “And I am truly sorry.”
He slides his tongue over your clit, watching your eyes roll back in your head. Your body trembles preparing for him.
He brings the same finger from earlier to your entrance slowly stretching your needy hole.
“Fuck Tsuki.”
“Shhh Shh. Baby Girl.” He counters your long exaggerated moan. “I just want you to feel good.” Kei releases his finger from your core, watching your eyes open in distaste.
“Relax. I’m just tasting you.” Sliding his finger in his mouth, he keeps your eyes locked, sliding it back inside your ravishing flower. “You taste so good.” He moans feeling himself grow hard. “So damn good.”
Pumping your core, he slides a second finger into you adding more tension.
“I love you so much.” He mumbles, his insecurities exposing him.
You smile running your fingers through his curls as he lean in closer, licking your folds.
His left hand finally releases your breast, sliding to your adjacent thigh, barricade himself into your core.
He laps your slit too many times to count, the ecstasy overwhelming you as you buck your hips against his hold.
“Tsuki.” You moan while he pins your hips down.
“Patience Baby. This is all for you.”
“I need you. You have this control over me. And I hate it.” You pant with needy eyes. He stops what he’s doing, pulling out of your lubed heat, leaning over your body.
Chest to chest, nose to nose.
You grab his neck pulling him into you. Your taste on his lips, your tongue attacking his with needy lust.
Your fingers trace his face, cupping a cheek and you moan into his mouth.
“You drive me crazy.”
You break, turning to his neck licking the sweat from his skin.
“Can I have you?” You shutter, your words caught in your throat.
“Baby Girl, you can have whatever you want.” He hums kissing your lips tenderly.
“I want to feel you inside me.”
“Baby... you’re hurt.”
“I just want to feel you. Tsuki please. I want this.” He sighs and sits up.
“Somewhere else. I don’t have enough room on this couch. I’ll hurt you.” He eyes your bedroom door and back to you.
“Please, Kei.” You moan rolling your hips against his clothed bottoms.
He relocates you to the bedroom taking off his shirt. You stop to admire his chiseled body from volleyball, releasing a painful moan, sliding your fingers over your clit.
“Fuck... baby girl that’s my job.” He dives down in between your legs clasping his hands over yours, pinning them to the side, continuing laps from before.
“You feel so good Tsuki.” You moan as he sits up.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“You’re saying this like it’s my first time.” You smirk with a giggle.
“Look, Baby Girl. I really don’t want to hurt you. I can get... distracted.”
“I’m fine Kei. I promise you I’ll let you know if it’s too much, ok?”
He leans over your body, kissing your lips, your breast, your core and sits up, losing his bottoms.
“I promise Kei.” You smile feeling him line up with you.
It was different this time. The lust was different. His touch is sensitive. He runs his hand along your thigh as he presses into you.
“Oh, Baby Girl.” He moans with his head thrown back. “You’re perfect.” You feel your breath hitch inside you with the new found pressure. He leans forward, slowly rolling his hips into yours again. His runs his fingers in your hair as he begins thrusting slowly.
Open mouth kisses, he hears your breath getting caught in your throat.
“Are you ok? Is this fine?” He asks and you nod.
“You’re just big. Give me time.” You adjust your hips and he slows his pace. “No... Kei. Keep going.”
He bottoms inside you scraping your cervix and causing you to gasp.
“Oh my.” You catch yourself and he pulls himself out halfway.
“Are you ok?” He watches your eyes and you nod with an embarrassed giggle.
“Oh my goodness, Kei. Just go. I’m fine.” You laugh frustrated while he smirks.
“Ok ok.” He kisses you and sets a steady tempo.
Are you ready to trust him again? Your heart races in your ears as thousands of things run through your head.
He’s feels amazing.
I want to trust him again.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
But can you trust him?
He leans into your neck leaving kisses too many to count.
“I’ve missed you.” His groan, so low you could have ignored it, sends chills down your spine. Your core tightens and he notices.
The cocky blond leans down and places his lips to yours. His thrusts are clean and he pulls you in. “I don’t ever want to be without you again.” He’s breathy and his body gives under pressure, collapsing as he finishes inside you.
His broad shoulders cover your body while he leaves kisses across your skin to your lips.
“Then don’t leave, Kei.” You bury your head into his chest as he kisses your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere, Baby Girl.”
Tag List:
Hopefully it’s something you will enjoy ☺️
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youarejesting · 4 years ago
Even the Cake is in tiers
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Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Namjoon  Jin x Reader Genre: fluff, angst, drama, slice of life, almost wedding day.  Words: 4k
Summary: About to marry the man of your dreams in less than one week. 90 guests invited. Venue booked. Family overwhelming yet appeased. Nothing could go wrong... unless you count your soon to be mother in law slipping you a cursed present, and inviting your fiances high school sweetheart. The Kim family is full of secrets. 92 Plates set.
[Request] @insfirebunny​ - I strayed a little from your ask I am sorry. I went with cursed instead of demon. I had a lot of fun with the puns, I love Jin just breaking all the awkward silences with a pun, and the reader slowly warming up to them.
This was the most important week of your life, your family and your soon-to-be husband's family were coming together for one week in a huge country club. You were on edge, your fiance was a brilliant businessman, he was a genius, and the kindest man you had the pleasure of meeting. In a week this brilliant, kind, and clumsy young man would be your husband till death do you part.
You met Kim Namjoon in your senior year, you were in a similar department. As a business major yourself there were a lot of opportunities to cross paths. Between the projects and the department dinners, the two of you naturally grew closer. Coffee and studying became dinner and movies as you proudly courted Namjoon like a proper lady. 
Insisting to pay And spoil the young man was the best way to spoil him. Normally he was too shy to speak up about what he wanted, but you were very perceptive. Always noticing the way his eyes would repeatedly glance towards the item or shop. With a small curious lift of his eyebrows, he would press his lips firmly together with a face he made when he read or saw something interesting in a book or movie and a dead giveaway to his interests and desires.
You first made the connection when passing an arcade, Namjoon’s eyes lit up sparkling as he spotted the small blue Koala stuffed toy. He walked closer to the claw machine and you watched his features change into the very same curious expression.
It felt like a rush of satisfaction when you had successfully retrieved the soft plush from the crane and presented it to the beautiful man. It warmed your heart to know that you could make this magnificent guy smile and so you made it your hobby and pastime. You couldn’t be more in love with him and you knew he was in love with you.
The only problem lied with his mother, who was upset that he wanted to marry someone who wasn’t from South Korea. This was understandable, the idea that different was scary was ingrained into most people, you tried to be respectful and always show your best qualities. 
Honestly, you were just hoping that you could keep both sides of the family happy for one week. ONE WEEK. Then you would be married and you could live your lives together. The Country club was full of life, filled with distant relatives from each party and young children running around the grounds pulling pranks on their cousins.
With a polite bow and well-behaved mannerisms, you were on the road to charming Namjoon’s parents. It surprised you how civil they were and how his mother had yet to say something against you. The ladies were enjoying high tea when your mother-in-law presented you with a gift.
A small wooden jewelry box, engraved with strange symbols some you swore felt a little sinister. She gave you instructions to open it later that night when you were alone. Taking her words seriously you were going to fulfill her request hoping not to offend anyone’s traditions.
Leaving the dining hall early with the box in hand you were wondering what could possibly be inside. It was so nice that Namjoon’s mother was so accepting of you, taking the time to get you a gift. 
Shutting the door behind you, you glanced at the garment bag, which housed your wedding dress. It took a while to find the perfect dress but you knew it was the one when it fit everyone's expectations. It was the perfect amount of beautiful and conservative as well as sexy and fun.
Sitting on the large bed you missed cuddling with Namjoon, the two of you had been waiting for marriage and to be honest it wasn’t a big deal. You both were more interested in intertwining your lives than your bodies. Opening the wooden box, the weight increased until it collapsed onto the floor salt spilling onto the floor. You saw footprints in the salt and as they appeared across the floor soon followed ankles, calves, and knees. 
Mesmerized by the man materializing in front of your eyes, at least you believed he was a man. The smirk and the god-tier features on a flawless face. Who was this man and what was he doing in your room? He pulled his plump lips into a pointed grin, his eyes flashing as they landed on your frozen form. His gaze didn’t linger for long before your vision faded.
What a strange dream you had, you had heard that brides often had horrible dreams leading up to their wedding but this felt so real. Sitting up from the soft fluffy blankets you squealed when you saw the handsome young man sitting on the beautiful chaise by the window.
“I don’t know how you got into my room, but you need to leave?” Your voice held no authority and no strength, your lips shaking with every breath, tears prickling behind your eyes. “Are you from the Kim Family, I can help you find your room?”
“I am from the Kim family, but I can’t leave your side. You opened the box in which I was captured many years ago.” He said simply enjoying fruit in the sun, you noticed he was wearing traditional Korean clothes and had longer hair. There was something about the way he looked that made him look so ethereal and out of place. 
“Who are you?” You said, sure now that this was some sort of prank being played by the Kim family so you decided to play along.
“Kim Seokjin,” He grinned looking at the door as someone knocked.
“Hello dear, are you coming down for breakfast,” Namjoon’s voice broke you from the daze you fell in when admiring Seokjin’s face?
Running to the door you opened it and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “I will be down soon, let me get dressed.”
Walking to the dining hall Seokjin followed you around, it seemed no matter what turn you took, you couldn’t run away. He had however changed his appearance which scared you beyond belief. His long hair was cut short and a fine suit that mirrored the one on the cover of a magazine strewn on the coffee table. Stepping into the dining hall you saw Namjoon’s mother smiling wickedly in the corner as Namjoon was hugging a young woman, the two grinning and talking adamantly.
“Hey Joonie, I am here.” You smiled trying to gain his attention again, you didn’t have to worry, this would be his relative of some kind and you were to be his wife so you had nothing to worry about. Right?
“Hey, Y/n this is my old high school friend Bom, we have been best friends since we were young, I didn’t even know she was coming but mum said it was a surprise. Isn’t that great my soulmate at my wedding?”
Oof that hurt. You knew he didn’t mean it to sound the way it did and you were happy as long as he was happy. Having in fact heard of this friend on multiple occasions from him. She was beautiful and everything you knew Namjoon’s mother wanted in her son’s bride. The leading factor being she was Korean.
“Namjoon tells me so much about you,” You smiled and she shook your hand and grinned. 
“Let me tell you somethings about him then to even the playing field,” Her smile was genuine and she sat at breakfast Seokjin silently taking a seat at the table. She was quick to refuse some food by the waiter, “I can't, I am allergic to seafood.”
“That must be a bit of a hassle.” You didn’t know what to say and the silence was getting awkward. Seokjin chuckled reaching for an apple from the center fruit bowl. “I am glad you are getting your apple-y ever after.”
That did it. Chuckles all around and a small knowing smirk from Namjoon’s mother, Seokjin lied saying his name was Taejin and that he preferred just Jin. 
After breakfast that you pulled Namjoon aside, “Hey Joonie?” you asked
“Yes dear, what is it?”
“Who is Kim Seokjin, your mother was talking about him last night?” The question had been burning in your mind all morning and now that you two were alone you felt safe enough to ask him.
“Haha, did my mother tell you that old story? She is a superstitious woman,” Namjoon was laughing to himself before he gathered himself enough to answer your question seriously. “Back in the day, when Korea was still ruled by monarchs, the Kim family had different uh factions, the noblemen and the servants. One of the Kim Noblemen was supposed to marry the most beautiful young woman in town. But on the day of the wedding a young man named Kim Seokjin, part of the servants of the family, was throwing petals with the other servants and caught the bride's attention.”
“What happened then?” You pressed further watching said man from behind your fiance’s shoulder. As he listened watching the small television in the corner playing a murder mystery K-Drama.
“Well, it was said that Kim Seokjin charmed the woman and stole her from the wedding, stealing her away crying. It was said that when he found his bride he locked Seokjin in an ornate box, a family heirloom passed down through generations.” Namjoon smiled, kissing your cheek enthusiastically. “I have to go, Bom says she is going to challenge me today in golf.”
“I heard you stole someone's bride and were trapped in a box,” you muttered
“Ah is that what they believe, it’s funny how stories change over time. I didn’t steal anyone, she tried to call off the wedding before it even began and in a fit of jealousy I was almost beheaded but was cursed into the box.” Seokjin laughed, “I am not someone who steals someone’s lover.”
“But she looks like she would,” Seokjin muttered while leaning over the balcony, looking down over the side you could see Namjoon laughing at Bom hanging off his arm. Jealousy felt like sickness in the depths of your stomach. A queasy feeling that burnt its way up to your throat.
“Namjoon isn’t like that,” you defended your fiance, he was a sweet bean who only knew how to love with his whole heart, “He is a nice guy who wouldn’t dream of cheating on anyone.”
There was a small pause as your thoughts wandered to what-ifs, you trusted Namjoon but could you trust her. “Look if you trust him that’s great but I know a thing or two about the Kim family and when they find something they want, nothing can stop them or stand in their way until they get it. So he might want you now but what if these days leading up to the wedding he changes his mind?”
“Why are you doing this to me? Why am I letting you get inside my head?”
“I assure you I am not trying to make you doubt your future husband, I am trying to help you secure him,” Seokjin said, pulling out a rather fancy dress, it was a little more revealing than what you had been wearing around Namjoon’s mother, you were unsure why you had packed the dress in the first place. “Now put on this outfit and go to him, you need to impress him. Be like a beer, pitcher perfect” 
“Haha.” Your laugh was dry, but you had to hand it to him, he had a quick wit and you liked that a lot, “I don’t need to impress him, I am his fiance and we are getting married.”
“Listen I will distract her and if the situation calls for it, sabotage her plans of stealing your fiance, the last thing I need right now is to be cursed back into a box thank you very much.” He threw the dress at your face pushing you into the bathroom. You turned to give him an offended look and he leaned down so his face was level with yours a condescending smile. “For butter or worse, I want to toast the lovely bride and groom, I need you both happy then you can all leave me alone. ”
Seokjin’s plans weren’t working. The dress made Namjoon send you back to the country club to get changed as he thought it was a little too indecent for golf. To make matters worse, when Seokjin tried to interfere and push Bom into the lake, Namjoon jumped in after her. As if things couldn’t get worse, Namjoon gave her his jacket and escorted her back while you dragged your feet back to your room. 
It was at this point you fell into Seokjin’s ideas, the two of you trying to conjure up situations where you looked superior to Bom and stole the spotlight. Seokjin critiqued your outfits and told you how to act charming and attract Namjoon’s attention. 
“So should I wear my hair up or down?” You asked him, curiously whilst standing in front of the mirror, tonight was the night before the big day and you were feeling downhearted. Namjoon was spending the majority of his time joking and talking with Bom and all your attempts only made them grow closer.
“You look beautiful either way, when your hair is up it shows off your slim jaw and long neck but down makes you look more feminine and beautiful.” Seokjin’s voice traveled through the bathroom door, but you could hear the truth in the words he spoke. There was no hesitation, he replied as if you had asked him about the weather.
“Oh,” Your cheeks looked so red, in the mirror, you had never seen yourself flushed before. It was kind of a romantic look, you hoped tomorrow you could look just as beautiful walking down the aisle. “No one has ever really said that to me before.”
“What about the Kim?”
“Namjoon doesn’t really talk about looks, which I appreciate he says he prefers personality over appearances,” You opened the door and stepped out, he stood up from the couch slowly, his jaw slack.
“You are very pretty,” For some reason, the confidence in his voice died away and he sounded so shaken and breathless. He offered his hand, which you gratefully took, “We should get you done to the party, you are getting married in the morning.”
“Why are you more excited than I am?”
“I love weddings, I find them so... Engaging” He looked at you with a serious expression pausing for effect and you slapped his arm with a grown
“I hate you and your puns.” struggling to control your features, you couldn’t admit he was funny.
The party was just beginning and the music was soft, Seokjin politely pulled you onto the dance floor and began leading you around. “I will try to distract Bom tonight, focus on having fun, okay?”
“Okay,” You smiled, gripping his broad shoulder, you tried to let all your worries disappear and it helped that Seokjin spun you around until you were dizzy and then demanded that you spin him too. In fits of giggles, you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
“Do you mind if I cut in?” Namjoon asked eyeing Seokjin.
“Of course, she is all yours”
Namjoon took your waist and began leading you albeit clumsily through a slow dance, “I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.”
“It has been hard to see you when you were hanging out with your friend but I understand, you haven’t seen each other in a long time and we have been together for a really long time.” You admitted trying to settle the uncertainties in your mind.
“Yeah, I feel like we just get each other and sometimes we lose track of the time.” He whispered.
You both heard Bom and Seokjin laughing together, they looked happy but you felt sick, Namjoon didn’t ease your insecurities and the one person you had been confiding in was also laughing with the other girl.
“I know he said he was a Kim but I have no idea who that guy is?”
“Your mum invited him, she said he is a distant relative,” deciding not to say his name in hopes Namjoon guessed he was the Seokjin from the legend.
“Ah must be very distant.”
You two were talking and you felt some form of reassurance that Namjoon still loved you and wanted to marry you. It was silly how worried you had gotten because his best friend had crashed the wedding.
Turning you saw Seokjin looking horrified as Bom was in anaphylactic shock, racing over you watched as your fiance saved her and you dragged Seokjin away. “What was that, that wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I didn’t mean to, we were talking and I offered her what I thought was a chicken sandwich. It was incorrectly labeled and I didn’t know it was crab until she hit the floor.”
“She was supposed to be removed from the wedding, I didn’t want her to be killed”
“Look, either way, this works out, maybe this is a better plan. She will be in the hospital while you are getting married. This plan is better.”
“Plan?” A voice said behind Seokjin and he stepped aside revealing a confused and hurt Namjoon. 
“I didn’t ask or want or plan for something like this to happen, I just wanted to spend some time with you before the wedding cause I hadn’t seen you all week.” You attempted some form of explanation when Namjoon raised his hand effectively silencing you.
“I wanted the same thing and I am disappointed you resorted to these jealous and petty tricks that almost cost someone their life. I am going to the hospital, and I will see you tomorrow at the altar.” Namjoon turned, briskly walking away, chasing him with tears rolling down your cheeks. You begged him not to go. “I am disappointed that you were doubting me this whole time, it’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
The rest of the night you spent getting drunk in your hotel room passing out after crying yourself to sleep, you woke the next day with a headache. The hairstylist and the makeup artists were polite and didn’t mention the puffiness of your eyes and did their absolute best to make you look like a picture-perfect bride.
You looked in the mirror feeling alone, you hadn’t seen Namjoon or Seokjin since last night and you were unsure if you could face Namjoon but you were longing for Seokjin. He knew exactly what to say to cheer you up. He knew exactly how to make your problems disappear. If he was here you knew you could get through this day.
There was a knock and Seokjin smiled at the door, “You look truly beautiful, a blushing bride indeed, can I escort you down to the hall?”
“Of course,” You breathed, taking his hand. He led you downstairs and to the doors of the hall. You stopped and hugged him, his broad shoulders keeping you grounded and you took a few deep breaths.
“Hey no matter what happens, I am here okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He smiled softly. You thought for a moment he was going to kiss you and at that moment you wished he would, it was like something had taken over you. 
“I am so nervous, I think I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Well, you better go now, or forever hold your pees." The softest laugh seemed to shake as he stepped back letting his hands fall to his sides.
The music started playing and Seokjin walked away out of sight and the doors opened. Clutching the bouquet tightly you began walking down the aisle, your eyes met Namjoon’s and he gave you a smile that told you everything was forgiven. 
Needless to say, the tears started flowing, you were supposed to be happy but instead it felt like you were being married off to a stranger, someone who loved who you pretended to be not who you were. Namjoon liked the you that took care of him diligently and bought him his favorite things and was that really you.
You reached the altar and turned to face him and as he took your hands you noticed Jin slip into the back row of the hall.
“I knew you were the one when you took care of me, in other relationships I was expected to buy gifts, to provide, and yet with you I was the one being cared for and provided for. You cleaned up my messes when I was clumsy and you always made my favorite foods, you're so independent and wonderful and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
“That’s, That’s not me,” you interrupted me, “I liked winning you a prize at the arcade but then you sang my praises and I became the one buying you gifts, which made me happy because you were happy but you didn’t return that love, you know you have never called me beautiful.”
“You push for me to be independent which I love but would it kill you to show me affection. I know we are all about equality and letting me get the bill but how is that equal if you have never offered to cook clean or pay for dinner. I haven’t been your partner in any of this, definitely not your girlfriend. I have been your mother.” 
“Speaking of your mother, your mother gave me an ornate box which you explained held the Seokjin Curse so thanks for trying to have me stolen away before the wedding. She invited your best friend from school because she wants Bom to be your wife, someone who knows the culture and background”
“And honestly it hurt this whole week trying to get your attention and you always turned to her, what happened last night was unfortunate and I am glad Bom has recovered so quickly, my friend told me the chicken and the crab sandwiches had been mislabeled. But the most important part is I saw you Namjoon. You were so loving this week, but not with me, with Bom.”
Taking off your viel you put it on Bom and lead her up to the altar and join their hands. “I am sorry, I am sorry that you never got to see the real me, I am sorry I played along with the image of me you created in your mind. I want to be friends but I cannot marry you Namjoon.”
He was crying, “I think you are right,” He hugged you kissing your cheek, “I loved you a lot and I am sorry I never told you how beautiful you were, I wish I could have allowed you to be yourself.”
“I have to go.” You whispered before walking out of the hall awkwardly with your head down. Namjoon escorted you out and everyone followed you to the dining room where the DJ and Namjoon’s close friend got on the mic.
“Let’s not waste a party.” You gave him a thumbs up and headed upstairs and changed quickly into the dress Seokjin had picked out for you earlier that week. It was a little revealing but you didn’t care, it’s not like you had anyone to impress anymore.
It was three drinks in and sixteen songs that the cake was brought out, the cake topper removed and you grinned as the song ‘Not Today’ filled the room. You were dancing wildly and Namjoon and Bom were having a blast.
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean for you to feel like I stole Namjoon, I was honestly really excited for you too,” she admitted and you grinned.
“He has known you since you two were little and I realized when I met you that his ideal type was you and he was projecting that image onto me, it’s better off this way.” A hand wrapped around your wrist and spun you until you landed against a strong broad chest.
“I liked the whole wedding, but it was the reception that really took the cake.” Seokjin grinned leaving you in hysterics.
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dingdongitsbees · 4 years ago
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Chapter 13: Rinse and Repeat
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Tw: PTSD, implied suicidal ideation, alcoholism
WC: 5.4k Ao3 link Ask to be added to the taglist! It will be updated weekly on Saturdays
First person version can be found here
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“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful, it was always just red.” – Kait Rokowski
It had been a few years since your world had gotten simultaneously a million times better and also gone to shit. It hadn’t really hit you two until you had spent a few days back in the homes that had been provided for you. You each had your own house as per usual for victors, but you didn’t need a second. You had spent your life together in a borderline shack, it would feel weird to have the other sleep across the street. But it had been in that gifted house that it finally came crashing down.
All you could see was their faces, all you could feel was that knife in your hand, all you could hear was that goddamn canon. You were sitting on a velvet couch paid for in blood. Now having more than enough food on the table was exchanged for lives. Being able to still exist in the world meant twenty-two people had been ripped from the world.
Levi had been next to you, so he just held you, his shoulders shuddering just as bad as yours, and you cried. You just cried. There’s nothing you can do or say or think to make anything like that better. Only time can help, and to be honest it isn’t very good at its job.
The trip to each district took what was left out of you two. Combined you had killed tributes of five districts out of the other eleven. Almost fucking half. Most of their families just glared at you on their platforms as their child’s face was displayed behind them as you recited propaganda scripts.
District Ten was hard for you. They had surprised you to be honest, neither of Sasha’s nor Connie’s family looked at you with any disdain. All you could feel was pity radiating off of them, especially from Sasha’s father. She told you how he had taught her how to shoot, you almost deviated off script to say how you learnt vicariously through his daughter, how kind she and funny she was.
Connie’s siblings hurt to look at. They looked at you with such big eyes. They should have hated you, they really fucking should have. Their brother died in one of the most horrific ways possible yet they stared at you as if you were one of their sisters. The normal people in front of the stage only copied their looks, none of them hated you for taking away two souls. It didn’t make any fucking sense. It would have been better if they had just heckled you. Just yelled at you and screamed at you, taking the brunt of their words was the least you could do for exchanging your life for one their own.
District Eleven wasn’t so kind to Levi. Kaya’s family looked like they were two seconds from breaking on to the main stage and choking him to death right there. He might have let them. Niccolo’s family was confusing. There was obviously no forgiveness for how Levi killed their son, a wild animal in a spree of rage, but they didn’t look angry. Levi had told you he had just said a few words over Niccolo before coming back, maybe those words were enough remorse for them to not want his head on a spike.
However, the civilians in the crowd didn’t agree. They had to be restrained from climbing up, yelling threats and taunts, about how he could kill a little girl without a second glance, how he took pleasure in killing Niccolo. Levi kept his head down, his undercut blinding his view, but his hand shook in yours. You did the speech on behalf of the both of you.
The districts from Nine to Five didn’t give two shits about you, maybe only some had mild curiosity. Their glazed-over eyes just stared, clearly bored as you were from the fuckery spilling from your lips. Some of the families glared only because their child wasn’t standing up there instead of you, but you couldn’t blame them for that.
One was…weird to say the least. Neither of you had many interactions with either Annie or Bertolt, but you two lead them to their deaths. Levi may have killed Annie directly but Bertolt’s murder was just cruel, you knew that, but you had thrown that rock anyway. Both of their families just looked devoid of any emotion, the crowd didn’t seem to care, that’s One for you, but their parents just looked empty. The speech went smoothly.
Three was strange as well, you never met nor saw their girl, but Falco you certainly had, but you also hadn’t killed him, in reality your relationship him was positive. They didn’t seem to hate you, quite the opposite really, they seemed to be happy you were there. Three was no stranger to careers betraying and killing their tributes so they were probably just happy Reiner didn’t win and it had been because of your own hands. Still, it was strange. Falco’s older brother, the one you had seen in the reaping recording, had looked on the brink of tears but he stayed strong, his back straight and head up high. They probably wouldn’t have looked at you the same if Falco had gone with you. Someone would have needed to kill him at some point anyway, it just so happened it wasn’t you.
Two was painful. Instead of two separate families standing on their respective platforms it was just one. There was confliction in their eyes for sure, you were surprised they could even stand to be around each other, their sister or bother’s son killing their child. But they stood together. Staring at you with a mix of hate and affection. Levi had to do the speech that time.
Four was hard once again, but only because of one person, specifically Marcel’s younger brother. He flew daggers from his eyes, pure fury ran through his veins. He probably would have killed you both if he had the chance, probably would have been good at it too. You could only begin to imagine the anger he had stored up since you had sliced his brother’s throat.
You recognised him in the reaping for the next game.
He used his anger well.
At the end of the trip you had to go to the Capitol once again for the Presidents party. You nearly preferred the arena.
Floch was sweating buckets under Zeke’s gaze the entire time and drank himself into a stupor, avoiding you both at every turn which you were glad for. People reached for you like you were statues, brushing your hair and clothes and bodies like you were pets. Nick was the only thing stopping you from cursing everyone in the vicinity, Levi came close. Zeke watched from his balcony, eyes narrowed and sipping on champagne waiting for one of you to misstep so he could order a bullet into your heads.
When you got home you two didn’t know what to do. You both fucked around for a year, bought anything that caught your eyes at the hub no matter if it was an ugly piece of pottery or a toy. You bought a lot of liquor too and drank most in one go. The burning in your throats let you forget the inferno in your brains. A small price to pay for some peace and quiet between neurons.
You two were rarely sober for the first few months. You’d wake up and have whiskey for breakfast, you’d walk around town, maybe sneak through the fence, and have some gin, and if it was a particularly bad day you’d opt for tequila as your bedtime stories.
People in the streets knew to leave you alone, just to let you wallow a bit, they hadn’t seen many victors, but they could guess that starting up conversations with people on the knife’s edge was a good way to get punched. Hannes talked to you two occasionally, usually at the hub, cheering your bottles with his flask. He didn’t ask about the game, he saw enough anyway, he just pretended you were those troublemaker kids you had been when you left.
It was Hanji of all people that got you out of it, though she wasn’t one to talk when it came to the number of empty bottles in your living room, but she at least cut the number down a bit or swapped out the drinks for something weaker much to your slurred complaints.
The months after that were hard, letting the built-up trauma hit you like a train. You both started getting nightmares.
One of you would wake up already screaming or crying or be entirely frozen still and unable to move as their body quaked. The other would hold on to them until their tremors ceased and their breath evened again. Then you’d just rinse and repeat the next night.
Rinse and repeat.
Flinch at a raised voice, go numb at the sight of blood, start hyperventilating when you were sure you had seen another tribute in the crowd.
Try not to let yourself die.
Rinse and repeat.
Then the next game came around. You both offered to go as mentors, to let Hanji take a backseat from the role after her isolating years, she came to make sure you didn’t say something stupid, but she just got to hang around without much of a care.
The two kids that you got weren’t good. You knew the second that their names were called that they were goners. Wouldn’t make it in the bloodbath, and even if they ran, they probably wouldn’t live past the first day. You learnt to push their names away. It didn’t help any to hang on to them.
The kids weren’t dumb, they knew that too.
There was a little bit of hope when they looked at you however, a hope that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Porco had sliced both of their throats open within the first minute. Porco won the title of victor in only three days with a kill count of eight. They never had a chance.
You think that was the last time you cried.
When mentors go to the Capitol and watch the feed, they sit in a room together connected to an ongoing party that never stops until the games do, infested with sponsors and government officials. Only mentors are allowed in that room, not even titan servants. You just needed a room to be in to be able to grieve only with people that understood.
They always looked after the new mentors, it didn’t matter the districts or even if their tribute killed yours, they’d hold you, get you a glass of water or usually something stronger, just let you get everything out and topped up makeup on your red rimmed eyes before you got ambushed by press outside the door. Sometimes the career districts were prickly, but only the ones that truly cared about the kids became mentors anyway, so they weren’t ones to give you shit.
It just sort of numbed you after that. You’re not sure if you could even remember all the kids you sent to their deaths. No, you definitely couldn’t, and you didn���t plan to.
Without fail every year they always got killed in the bloodbath, and every year without fail you’d drill into them to just run away, but they just wouldn’t listen, or the careers just didn’t let them leave. You both spent most of your time in the Capitol just flicking off the tops of third bottles and taking quiet bets on who was going to win or who’d kill who. Levi was always right.
It was actually Erwin’s idea to do something back at Twelve, to find something to pour yourselves into. So, after the 70th Hunger Games you went back and pushed your ludicrous amount of money to builders to create an orphanage. The one on your side of Twelve was shit and didn’t have the funding nor space, it was the reason you two had never gone to it yourselves, so you gave them some of your load too so they could get food on the table for once.
Kids started trickling in, you didn’t run the place yourselves, you didn’t have the emotional range to do something like that anymore and you’d probably do more harm than good as their caretakers, they didn’t need a pair of fucked up twenty-year-olds to lead them through life. But you visited, making sure everything was up to scratch and there was no complaints or concerns from the kids about the people you had employed or the quality of their beds and food or if they needed some more toys to play with.
Levi always made sure the place was meticulous, and it was kinda funny how he used cleaning as his way to bond with the kids. They always complained but they never said no when he asked for their help. You helped kids with schoolwork and funded whatever type of skill they wanted to learn.
“You wanna paint? Here’s an easel and some paints from the Capitol that my designer friend sent over.”
It was hard to smile but at least you could help them to.
One day, when you two had dropped in to visit before you went to stock up on vodka, a boy came up to you with big emerald eyes, with a black-haired girl trailing after him. He asked a question that got everyone surrounding you looking up from their sandwiches.
“Can you teach us how to fight?”
And so you did. Twelve had always been at a disadvantage, nothing in your district aided you for the Games, the closet you’d had was learning about mines and explosions or having the physical strength to lift a pickaxe but that was only available when you worked in the mineshafts at eighteen, the last year qualifying for the reaping, and eighteen-years-olds were never picked.
So usually any kid that went in was utterly fucked.
Unless you tried changing that.
You started small. Learning how to throw a proper punch or kick, things you had learnt on the streets stirring up trouble. How to balance yourself in a proper stance so a gust of wind or a shove from a career wouldn’t send you stumbling.
You taught them the things you learnt in the Capitol and in the training room; what foods were safe, how to set a trap, how to treat a wound, how to conduct an interview, how to form an alliance, who to avoid.
It was a long time before you held a blade again.
They had begged you for months to just teach them how to knife fight, but the idea still shook you. You hadn’t held a throwing knife in your hand for years, but it still melded uncomfortably comfortable into your palm. You could still throw it and hit it dead on centre. You knew if the throw was hard enough to go through someone’s skull. You knew how long it would take for their body to hit the ground if it were a clean shot, and how long it would take if it wasn’t. You knew how many milliseconds it would take for the canon to fire.
Picking up a knife again, only if to teach, was a torturous process, but you didn’t let them know that. You would just drink a little more that night.
“Eren keep your arms up! Try and copy Mikasa’s form!” you barked.
They all stood in a line, throwing knives into hay bales, some making it, most missing. Mikasa was unsurprisingly the former, Eren was unsurprisingly the latter. The two were always the hardest at work though it seemed it was usually driven by Eren’s ambition. The kid wasn’t gifted with natural talent but he was stubborn enough to try and make up for it. They had come to the orphanage after Mikasa’s parents were murdered over some debt they couldn’t pay and Eren lost his mum to a mine explosion and then his father caught something bad from his own patient.
It was always them begging you (well Eren at least, Mikasa would just ask nicely) for more lessons and whatever advice they could squeeze out of you. It frightened you a little, Eren’s enthusiasm, you had seen that face before.
It was an unspoken truth that they were your favourites of the bunch, the others didn’t take offence to it, it was just those two were always coming up to you two whenever they got the chance, though you were scared it was because they reminded you of an overconfident kid and the one trying to take care of them. You tried to pretend you didn’t see Gabi and Falco when you looked at them.
“I’m trying but my arm’s starting to feel heavy!” Eren said, not even bothering to turn his head.
“You brats don’t have time to get tired when you’re in there so just get used to it,” Levi replied.
He walked behind them, arms crossed as he analysed each of them, you tried not to make a joke that Eren and Mikasa were taller than him now. He muttered out tips to those who needed it, and compliments to those who deserved it, you had tried to get him to coddle them just a little bit but then he said overestimating yourself just gets your killed and you couldn’t say anything to that. When he got to the end of the line of kids, he wandered back over to you and you gave a crooked smile.
He bumped his shoulder into yours before turning around and standing next to you, you both falling into your usual silence as you just watched.
“There’s more of them than usual,” Levi noted and you nodded absentmindedly.
“It’s today, it makes them nervous.”
“Zeke never picks them though.”
That was true, when you had first started up the orphanage, you had expected Zeke to jump at the opportunity, there was no way he wasn’t privy to your every movement let alone something that required legal documents to be signed, so how he hadn’t rigged the reaping to pull one of your kids was honestly getting a little unnerving.
But each year a pair of kids were picked that you didn’t recognise, and you’d breathe a sigh of relief; it’s much easier to forget strangers.
You realised that the games were rigged at the 71st games, you had noticed that all the slips of paper you could see, even though they were folded in half, would all start with the same letter, it peeking out, and then the name called out would match. You asked Hanji afterwards, cause there was no way she hadn’t noticed, and she just laughed in your face.
“It’s a show, of course they choose their cast.”
You leant your head on his shoulder as you watched, he leant his head too. His arms untangled themselves from each other and he let one fall, letting his pinkie interlock with your waiting one. You both still being there was a constant surprise and an unspoken threat, because someday, when Zeke got tired, or you did something to piss him off, that fact might not be so true anymore.
But Levi’s there now, maybe not tomorrow, but today at least, and you could only hope that the trend remained.
“Cut it out dude!”
You both whipped your heads around, finding two kids wrestling on the ground. They panted as they tried to get the advantage, dust billowing around them as the other kids stared. Neither of you could be bothered to move. Eventually one straddled the other, pinning him to the dirt.
Levi’s pinkie tightened.
The boy on the ground whined while the other grinned in victory before joining his empty hands together and sending them down onto the boy’s chest.
Levi stiffened beneath you and alarm bells blared in your head.
The boy started pretending to stab him.
“Die! Die! Die!”
The kids around them laughed.
The boy beneath told him to stop.
Levi’s breath shortened.
You were at the kids in a second, pulling them off one another.
“That’s enough.”
They went silent, the boys looking down to the ground in shame, though they didn’t know why you were trying so hard not to glare.
“Time to pack up anyway, you guys need to get ready for the reaping,” you said, you were just greeted with whinges, “Put the knives in the tub you lot. Now.”
They instantly shut up, knowing that tone of yours was not to be messed with under any circumstances. They all shuffled off, throwing the knives in, you always counted them all in case one of them took one, but they were good kids.
Levi nodded at them as they filed back inside the building, jaw still tight. As soon as they were all gone, Eren and Mikasa waving goodbye at the end of the line, you sprinted back over, running your hands through his hair as you brought his face to your shoulder.
“Shh it’s okay it’s okay.”
A shudder whipped through him.
You kissed his temple. “You’re not in the arena, you’re in Twelve. I’m not about to die and neither are you. No one is dying and no one is going to. Just breathe, just focus on my voice and breathe.”
Eventually he stilled again, air flowing through his lungs like normal. It didn’t happen as much anymore, but it still happened. It probably didn’t help that he was about to meet two dead kids.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
He nodded into your shoulder before finally raising his head, sliding over his façade again. You two of all people had to be the strong ones today, you couldn’t show fear, you weren’t allowed to anymore.
The walk home was silent, most people were inside or rushing home to get ready. You dropped past the hub quickly and you bought some bottles from your usual, Levi didn’t say a word, just stared into space. You passed the town square, the camera crews were nearly all set up, the barriers were getting placed. Hannes was testing the mic on the stage, he sent you a nod that you sent back.
The Victor’s village was always weird to see, after passing smog polluted houses with windows that are barely transparent anymore with walls that are starting to tilt, you come to a pristine gate. The separation pissed you off like it was saying you were better than them, but Nick would have your head if you even suggested taking it down. The houses were beautiful too. Maybe it was just an average house for a Capitol citizen, maybe a little nicer, but it looked like a goddamn king’s estate compared to everywhere else in Twelve.
People would say you deserved it, to have a nice home. It made you want to puke.
You could see Hanji through her window, lounging on a couch, bottle of whiskey in hand. Seemed like a plan.
You squeezed Levi’s hand as you unlocked the door and led him inside. You shed your jackets and shoes and put away your bottles, leaving one out. You glanced to him, he was still sort of out of it, he needed quietness, maybe a bath. Yeah a bath would do, those always calmed him down.
You trekked up the stairs, on the landing you let yourself take a little run up and slide across the wooden floorboards on your socks towards the bathroom door. Silly shit helped sometimes.
You reached out and grabbed the handle and turned it, pushing forward on the door. It let out an ungodly and far too familiar screech.
You gasped and slammed your back into the wall.
Your breath was getting quicker, not letting your lungs get enough oxygen before taking another gulp.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You crouched down, elbows on your knees as you pressed your palms into your eyes at a sad attempt to get your brain to stop.
You could only see him, or in more exact terms, you could only see his melted remains.
Rapid thumps came from the stairwell, you didn’t look up as arms enveloped you.
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m fine.”
He didn’t say anything, just kissed your head before holding you tighter. Your need to talk to communicate was even less than it used to be ever since the Games. There were things you two didn’t need to speak about, you just acted on, knowing exactly what to do.
Though there were moments you didn’t want to talk about, and you didn’t plan to talk about them either. He didn’t mention finding you sobbing on the bathroom floor surrounded by spilled sleeping pills and you didn’t mention waking up alone in bed and finding him completely out of it on the roof of the orphanage. You didn’t talk about it, but you held each other a little tighter just as you did both of those nights.
“I’ll get some oil for it when we get back,” Levi whispered.
You nodded into his chest.
“Bath?” he asked.
You nodded again.
Warm water has magical powers you swore, it really shouldn’t be able to make someone feel so good, to be able to relax and almost drift away forgetting about the possibility of drowning. What a lame way to go out, though it was much nicer than the ways you’d seen.
You laid on Levi’s chest as the water rippled around your little movements. He played with your pruned fingers, touching the fingertips with his own like it was an interactive museum exhibit. You watched, fascinated by his fascination, blinking slowly as the bath bled out all of your stress.
Moments like that were nice, but it had to be broken today. You couldn’t stay in that warm heaven forever, though it was quite tempting, you wouldn’t exactly be missing out on the adventure of a lifetime.
You ruffled the towel through your hair as you sipped the vodka. The burn and taste were barely noticeable, even the effect had begun to wear off or maybe you had just gotten better at being under the influence.
You threw the bottle to Levi on the couch who caught it without a second glance, immediately taking a few gulps of it himself.
“Hello you two.”
You both looked to the door, sending tight smiles to your usual guest, though to be honest your home was hers and hers was yours at that point.
She walked behind Levi’s couch and took the bottle that he already had extended to her, taking a gulp before placing it on a side table.
“Ready to send children to die?”
The reaping went as usual. Hanji welcomed everyone to the 74th Hunger Games, two kids got reaped, one fifteen-year-old and one thirteen-year-old, you couldn’t remember which was which. You waited in the train, neither of them came up to talk to you and just ate up all the food they could before passing out on the nicest bed they would ever sleep in. You didn’t bother them, one look and you knew they were a lost cause.
The process went on.
Neither were that charismatic, they were only memorable because they were last and that was pushing it as is. They both got low scores, a four and a six. The thirteen-year-old cried himself to sleep the night before, or he might have, you wouldn’t know, you slept through it.
That morning you went up to the roof with them, got in the mentor’s hovercraft and just twiddled your thumbs, wondering who was going to win that year or what the arena was going to look like. You went in, sitting in the back of a cart, going through the maze of corridors beneath the grand stage, not bothering to focus in your eyes to see your surroundings. It was just grey walls anyway.
You yawned when you got to the centre, scratching the back of your neck as you tried to find your tributes amongst all of the shaking teenagers.
A finger tapped you on the shoulder. You spun around to see the girl from…Seven? She grinned, her eyes crinkling.
“I just wanted to say I think you’re really cool, I really admire what you and Levi did in your games.”
You blinked.
“Oh, is that so? Good luck then I guess.”
She smiled even wider before running off with a wave. You dragged a hand over your face before heading over to your tribute waiting for you.
It was a forest arena, nothing too special.
The games had long since started when you got back to main city of the Capitol and went into the sponsor party, both of you immediately beelined for the mentor room. You watched as replays showed one getting killed in the bloodbath the other getting hunted down by none other than the careers. You just stared at their slow-mo screaming faces and sighed.
You didn’t cry, you didn’t even blink. You did the first time but after that it’s just been shut away. Thankfully there was no new mentors that year, you didn’t have to deal with sobbing messes. You were too exhausted to care for someone anymore. Compassion doesn’t come cheap.
The mentor room was filled with pain as always, most were just trying to unlearn two names as quickly as possible, drowning their neurons in liquor so they could pretend that two faces weren’t burnt into their brains. It won’t be enough, it never is. You knew that too now.
Some of the others in the room weren’t mentors but they were victors all the same, having just grabbed a free trip to the Capitol so they could bum off some high-class booze. Couldn’t blame them. They were lucky though, the other districts, having more than three victors meant they had the option of just staying home and just ignoring the screen. They didn’t have to know the kids.
You two spent the rest of your time in silence, going back up to the penthouse to sleep before coming back, hoping the whole ordeal would be over soon.
The girl that talked to you before it started, a girl from Eight you had learned, was still alive though, and you couldn’t help but cheer for her a little bit. She started an alliance with a girl from Six, both doing well against the attempted threats on their lives by the careers. Soon they had made it to the last few with only a few scratches to show the world, much better than your leg to say the least. It still ached every once in a while.
But you were still surprised when her little duo alliance were the last ones left. Their mentors were on the edges of their seats, hands covering their noses and mouths like a prayer, eyes glued to the screen.
Then the girl from Eight did something fucking stupid, something that made everyone’s breath hitch around the country.
She brought out some poisonous berries. They had killed a career with them, not needing to get into a fight, but then they held grenades in the form of blueberries in their blood-stained hands.
They brought it to their mouths as the room cursed in unison, people rose from their seats, you could hear people yelling outside the door. They both hesitated for a second as they counted down but plopped them in their mouths anyway.
Two canons fired in quick succession.
The transmission was as silent as the room. No one knew what to do. You stared at the screen with two dead kids. There wasn’t going to be a victor. There wasn’t going to be a victor because they copied you.
“I really admire what you and Levi did in your games.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
The room slowly turned to you two as your heart hammered in your chest, Levi’s hand fumbled for yours.
You were fucked. Completely and utterly fucked.
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a/n: sorry this chapter was late! this was mainly just summary but we’ll really get into it next chapter
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years ago
Betrothed - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Chapter 3: Blood
Summary: While treating Illumi’s wounds, you learn something about his past.
Warnings: Well...blood. Mentions of past abuse. Choking.
Words: ~1800
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“You could at least try to relax when you’re at home, Lumi.”
As usual, every muscle on Illumi’s body was tensed as he shifted around on the small wooden chair, his upper half completely bare.
Running your hands over his delicate skin, you couldn’t help but humming happily while opening the first-aid-kit.
That nickname wasn’t really creative, you had to admit. Yet there were still many thoughts connected to it.
How it sounded a lot like ‘Luna’, for example - the latin word for ‘moon’. Illumi pretty much had a moon face anyway.
A wet and warm feeling on your fingertips got you down to earth again - it was your husbands blood, steadily running down his whole back. Quickly, you got a gauze pad to absorb it and started working.
Had it come to you fancying him that much that you already lost yourself in daydreams?
The deep cut on his shoulder would most likely leave a scar, no matter how well you’d treat it. Yet what bothered you more was the fact that he had acutally tried to hold the gap together with his way too big needles.
“Sorry...” you whispered as you tugged them out of his flesh, but he wouldn’t even flinch.
He insisted it was fine, and you knew that he was used to the pain. But he could still feel it, even if his face remained as cold and calm as always.
God knows what’s going on in his head...your husband was very hard to read, actually.
But you knew he wasn’t just a puppet for his family. Illumi had some thoughts of his own, and you burned to get through to him.
The flesh wound was still bleeding, and since it hadn’t been properly closed in hours, you needed to clean it first. “I’m so sorry” you repeated, pouring some disinfectant into the cut.
“Stop apologizing.” The way he emphasized the words made him almost sound irritated.
“B-But I-”
“You’re assisting me as I demanded, so there’s no rational reason for you to say something like that.” It were moments like this that made you think Illumi actually tried to calm you down - the best he knew how. Through choosing his words wisely.
After the bleeding stopped, you began stitching up the wound while your husband was still sitting as if frozen in place.
“I-I just don’t want you to feel more pain than necessary...” He was used to way worse. You were well aware of that fact, and yet-
“Y/N.” Hearing your name escaping his lips, you immediately got attentive. “Is that the reason you’re holding back while sparring with me?”
For a long while, the room fell completely silent.
Because both of you knew he was right.
“I see.” Before you could even think of an answer, Illumi jumped up from his chair, running his hand over your handiwork. “Thanks for the bandage.”
Oh god, he was preparing to leave again. Maybe forever this time.
Soon, he’ll tell his parents you were unfit for an assassin’s spouse - too soft and weak.
Death was a bearable punishment for your shortcomings, but simply being thrown out like a toy one has grown tired of?
How pathetic, being afraid of conseqences you now only imagined. Knowing very well that empathy was considered futile in this environment.
And yet you were shocked it came that way, only because of you speaking your mind.
“Illumi, wai-”
He cut you off right there, turning around with his hand reaching for your neck.
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Illumi’s aura had always been intense, laced with a bloodlust that seemed like it was imprinted on him at his very birth.
You’ll never get used to seeing him like this.
“Are you scared?” he asked just before his fingers wrapped around your throat, repeating the question at your lack of reaction. “Are you afraid of me?”
Slowly but increasingly, the pressure on your neck began to become discomforting, making you wince a little.
Yet your look wouldn’t falter, rather decided taking on a staring contest with him.
“I’m afraid of you leaving me.”
Just like that, he retracted his hand.
The look in your eye gave it away. Every word, every syllable you spoke was true. 
Even Illumi could tell just how much genuine affection they held - and he wasn’t immune to it either.
You cleared your throat and he only now realized just how much force he had used on you. Yet instead of apologizing as would be appropriate, he decided on continuing his interrogation.
“Why?” Illumi croaked, sounding a little bit broken. Hewasn’t able to speak any more, still baffled at your statement.
To ever think you could caught him off guard with such a simple sentence - but even through his poker face, you could feel his mind racing.
You sighed quietly, nervously tapping with your foot. “Do I really need to repeat that? It’s embarassing...”
No answer. Instead he stared you down even more intense.
“I like you, Lumi. This is my home, and I feel happy when I’m with you. Simple as that.”
Finally, he gave in to his exhaustion and took a seat on the sofa, with you following him closely after.
No matter what might follow, right now he needed some time. That much was obviously. So you just try to share your calming aura in silence.
You knew that puzzled expression way too well.
He’d put it on whenever something went past his comprehension, like when you once asked him about thinks he enjoyed or his dreams for the future.
“You look so sad...” you had once commented at an old photo of his. If you had to guess, he was about 4 years old at the time it was taken.
“Dunno” he tried to avoid further conversation back then, “Can’t remember.”
Just how often did you want to tell him that it was wrong? That his parents - no, his whole family - was full of sociopaths, and that they had stained his innocence through their wrongdoings and overeagerness?
And yet you had always kept quiet in the end.
Because you knew what it meant to him. The last bit of his sanity would probably break down if he knew all of the pain he had endured was wrong and abnormal.
Yes, their bonds were sure strange ones: They manipulated and harmed each other, all for the sake of the greater goal and the continuation of their bloodline.
That was probably how criminals beyond redemption desperately try to cling to their last bit of humanity - through the only people they can trust and be close to: Other murderers.
But at least you wanted to make him learn how to feele truly loved: For what he really was, and not only his obedience or achievements.
Right now, however, his elbows were resting on his knees, he was bent over and holding his chin with his hands. That position made it even harder for you to read him.
“I trust you with my life” you said without the slightest hint of hesitation in your voice. “It belongs to you ever since the day we married.”
Illumi cocked his head upwards, empty orbs staring holes into you. 
“They think I’m a monster.”
Usually, Illumi isn’t really a man of many words. That fact should change tonight.
“I heared them talk” he began explaining as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “About regretting training me so harshly. I was their first child, more like an experiment at how to raise an even more powerful assassin.”
You nodded in silence, trying to signalize him that you were listening - and that you cared.
So he kept on. “I’m the reason my brothers were allowed more freedom. Having the right to feel and think on their own. And now Killua has left us. If I hadn’t been a failure, they would’ve trained him stricter.”
He blamed himself, thinking he was responsible for being a failed experiment.
Dear god.
“Mother said she’s afraid of me. I was 10. Everyone else at the family at least bear certain, acceptable emotions. She said I’m dead on the inside and it freaked her out.”
Every single word of him shot needles into your heart, tears already filling the rim of your eyes. You grabbed the fabric tight, trying to hold yourself together for your sake. 
You knew from the very second that many things were haunting that poor man’s conscience - but what he had just confided was just hard to bear.
In an attempt to comfort him, you instinctively shuffled closer until there was no gap between the two of you. It was an awkward closeness, but soothing nonetheless.
“It’s okay” he spoke in a tone that was unfamiliar soft for his standarts. “I understand how you all feel. I may not be able to emphasize with any feelings, but I can intelectually comprehend them.”
“Now cut it out!” This time it was you disrupting him, through a soft poke on his already injured shoulder.
"That’s bullshit and you know it. No person is absent of all emotions. You just shoved them into the back of your head and tried to surpress them. With your kind of childhood that was probably the only way to survive without completely losing it.”
His eyes shifted between your face and the place where your shoulders would touch, soaking every word like a dry sponge.
“And you do care about your family, right?” Well, how couldn’t he? It was the only way of mimicking normalcy he could pretend to have. “You’d do anything to keep them safe.”
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“I just don’t get it” he murmured as you softly caressed his hand. “My allies are usually also mass murderers and psychopaths. But you are almost perfectly normal.”
Normal? You were an assassin too, goddamn it!
“Most would describe you as a very kind and sympathetic person. You should despise or at least fear me. They all do.”
“Not everything has to be logical, Lumi. I don’t think it makes sense either, but I also doubt that you’re a bad person. You’re much more of a victim.”
“Is that so...” That question sounded more like he was highly doubting it.
Just now you were realizing how slumped he was leaning back on the couch. That whole conversation had probably drained his energy reserves more than any mission ever could.
“Rest now, dear.” Carefully, without alerting him, you wrapped your arm around Illumi’s head and gently led him to your lap. “We can talk later.”
Much to your surprise, your husband would slowly close his eyes, swiftly drifting into sleep at hearing the steady beating of your heart.
“I’m sorry for frightening you, Y/N” he whispered those last words barely audible, fingers squeezing the flesh of your thigh ever so slightly.
“You didn’t. You never do.”
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