#and let’s not forget about Monty in all this either
Charles was sitting on the kitchen floor in Esther’s house for at least two hours — while we don’t know when The Boys were taken, it was daylight originally, and by the time Niko and Crystal enter the house it is dark outside.
Depending upon location and time of year sunset is at least an hour and then true darkness can be (in northern US) up to two hours which would be roughly three total but to account for unknown variables… two hours minimum.
How Charles managed to hold it together for approximately two hours and not completely lose it (anger, terror, grief) while Edwin was being tortured in the other room; Charles having to hear it all…
There’s a lot of talk/focus about Edwin’s trauma in this scene (of which there is a lot), but this is a huge multi-faceted trauma for Charles, too, and (I feel) it goes relatively undiscussed (even in the show).
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flightyalrighty · 2 months
Only one character could possibly survive infested. Mr Rogers in a blood stained sweater
Only Mr. Rogers??
What about Old Godzilla hopping around Tokyo city like a big playground? Or Batman with his bat grenades? Or Shaq who can open up a can of Shaq-Fu, or Aaron Carter coming out of the blue? Maybe Abraham Lincoln popping out of his grave? He's got that AK-47 under his hat, y'know. Plus there's Optimus Prime, too. Don't forget about Scruff McGruff, either, or Indiana Jones or Jackie Chan or The Care Bears? Not Chuck Norris though, he'd be dead in an instant.
But like. Let's also not forget Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight, and Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie and Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi The Genie, Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader, Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan.
Wouldn't you say they all had a pretty good chance of surviving Infested?
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skayafair · 4 months
Ep 1 Rewatch Notes
So I'm rewatching the 3rd time and want to note a few things I didn't realize before:
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where Edwin seemed so sure he won't need these self-defence techniques is followed by this ↓ the very same episode. No wonder it ends not well. Should have listened to ur mate, Edwin!
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Edwin identifies the era Emma is from by her hairstyle and details of clothing and purse. Someone's been studying historical fashion huh~
When the boys banish the demon from Crystal in the underground, Charles looks mostly alright despite taking the most damage (apparently ghosts can very well feel things inflicted by other supernatural beings and forget that material hindrances like floor or a wall or a door shouldn't be an issue for them), while Edwin seems to be alarmed and breathes fast as if trying to calm down from panic. I guess it's not "as if".
Table soccer line on the wall is such a cute detail reminding they are still teenagers.
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I didn't understand the bridge scene with "Like, I'm being mean to you. - What? Am I supposed to get mad?" properly before. I do now though. Chaaaarles 😭 I believe it's a mixed bag of him keeping up his "sunny" facade, being able to communicate to another teenager who's alive (as a connection to being alive and regret that he's dead) and liking Crystal. Damn, that's too sad(((
Charles knows Edwin sooooo well. I can't with this huge smile after "You're really gonna let a little american girl die?". He was 1000% sure Edwin would cave in.
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"Edwin this woman has a big cleaver-" WHY are you asking Edwin about it Charles?! 🤦😂
Ooooh no oh no oh no. The first case they take is a missing girl one. Crystal is crying while reading the mother's mind. Of course the woman can think only of her lost daughter. And THEN we learn that Crystal's own mother didn't give a damn. DIdn't even know her daughter was missing. My turn to cry 😭
Wow Edwin looked like he was on the verge of tears when Crystal confessed she let David in willingly. Heavy stuff.
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Gods the whole "our deaths didn't matter" scene is. Idk how it can hit harder the 3rd time - maybe because I'm paying more attention to the details and have already processed some of their meanings - but it does. A moment of involuntary vulnerability, a true connection, reluctant as it was, and. Edwin is not collected in the slightest. It's not just that his emotions blew up - he just can't control them at all. This whole case with David the Demon became a very strong trigger and Edwin simply could not handle it at all. Crystal can't handle it either, she has her own trauma in full bloom. It's such a fragile moment between them when they decide to set this issue aside, even though it's very much urgent for Crystal. And poor Charles who's used to being a fixer is so lost the whole time because his words don't work and he has no idea what to do. Say what you want but the 1st episode is CHARGED with emotionally strong scenes.
Charles had a beef with Monty from episode one I just can't- 😂
"Keep mocking me, crow. I'll make you my friend eventually. Everyone likes me". Oh well, he sort of succeeded!
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jaysbraindump · 2 months
Dead Boy Detectives characters as Sleeping At Last songs: a very long post
Edwin – Nine
Who am I to say what any of this means I have been sleepwalking Since I was fourteen Now as I write my song I retrace my steps Honestly, it’s easier To let myself forget Still, I check my vital signs Choked up, I realize I’ve been less than half myself For more than half my life
Wake up Fall in love again Wage war on gravity There’s so much worth fighting for you’ll see Another domino falls Either way It looks like empathy To understand all sides But I’m just trying to find myself Through someone else’s eyes So show me what to do To restart this heart of mine How do I forgive myself For losing so much time?
Charles – Eight
I wanna break these bones 'til they're better I wanna break them right and feel alive You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect too Now I'm a broken mirror But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
Here I am, pry me open What do you wanna know? I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut And bury my innocence But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel I'm all in, palms out, I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough To let you in
Crystal – Smell
Is this the part where the brain scan shows where memories reside? Some ambiguous shape in me, suddenly producing light Triggered like a trip wire every time I breathe it in Isn't it strange that a lilac tree is what unlocks where I've been? Like a time machine rebuilds the past My memories return Like remembering the ashes before they burn It is the friction that lights a match Desperate attempts that make it last So I hold my breath for as long as I can But before long, the wind swells in I started a fight I could never win But I will hold on as long as I can
Niko – Some Kind of Heaven
I'm having trouble sleeping Keep thinking my phone's ringing I wake in a panic, what's wrong now? Nervous system's acting up I'm worried it's forever messed up Now being awake feels unsafe Please, help me remember The voice of my mother Reminding me everything's okay
She deeply believed it
Just a little longer Everything will make sensе Broken things will be remadе But what about the meantime? How do I ignore the signs That one day, everything I love will fade?
Monty – Wave After Wave
Wave after wave, I'm more afraid It's been a hard year, it's been a high tide I can make it make sense, but my body decides I keep telling myself again and again It's been a hard year, healing takes time Routine test results, I'm probably fine I know better I know better But it doesn't really matter My body decides One part at a time I am the sail, the plank The mast that breaks and gets replaced I am remade, repaired, reshaped But somehow still the same Even after every cell in my body changed I know my name
Jenny – Homesick
You spend your whole life Just to remember the sound When the world was brighter Before we learned to dim it down Call it survival Call it the freedom of wills; Where breath is borrowed Our compass needle stands still Our resignation only comes on beaten paths
When the world was flat We dreamt of its edges… If love’s elastic, then were we born to test its reach? Is it buried treasure Or just a single puzzle piece
The Cat King – To Be Enchanted
I see longing in its eyes I can't quite put my finger on it There's just something about its face That makes me sad It's as much afraid as it's haunted I've never related more To anything or anyone before I can't explain it Politely, I asked, "Are you real?" It said, "Here, let me prove it" It placed its hand in my hand And neither one of us could feel it "Don't kill the messenger", it begged "You're alive, quit acting like you're dead" Like a mirror, it spoke so clear "Don't you recognize the reason why you're here?"
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puppiesareperfect · 1 month
I would love your thoughts on Vanessa-2.
As well as how Vanessa’s relationship with her father in each demensson affects his goodness level b
Somehow I just saw this ask but yes!! I'd love to talk about this. Some of this is headcanoning considering we barely got to see 2nd dimension Vanessa. Also this will probably be long because I have much to ramble about (it is the English major in me lol)
But let's look at what we do see of her:
-In the first movie, there is a brief scene where she mentions 2D-Doofenshmirtz banishing one her boyfriends
-In Tales from The Resistance, she helps her parents escape after being cornered by the resistance and also reveals she un-banished a boyfriend or friend.
So there's a couple things this implies. The first is pretty important for her relationship with Doof in this dimension. 2D-Doofenshmirtz is far more controlling over Vanessa than "our" Doof. Obviously there are some episodes where 1D-Doofenshmirtz disapproves of who Vanessa is dating. But the thing is: the Doofenshmirtz we know would never even think to interfere with his daughter's relationships. It's also worth noting that for 1D-Doof, his feelings are based on concern rather than control. He doesn't disapprove because he wants to control his daughter's life, but because he has a genuine worry that the boy Vanessa is with may not being treating her with the respect she deserves. And he ends up being right about this, leading Vanessa to date Monty who she forms a great relationship with.
But what about Vanessa's perspective on all this, in both dimensions? Well, in the 1st dimension, Vanessa & Doof's discussion about her former bf is actually pretty loving. It comes up because Doof notices Vanessa is upset, leading them to talk. While Doofenshmirtz does say he's unsure of the "bad boy" types Vanessa dates, at no point does he get mad or ask her to break up with her boyfriend. Hell, Vanessa's response to his comment is to hug him and remind Doof that he is also evil. For a disagreement, it's a pretty loving moment between the two. To me it’s pretty clear Vanessa’s reaction comes from the fact she trusts her dad. She knows that even though he disagrees with her, he’s not going to punish her or get angry. She also tries to make him understand her POV, which kind of implies she knows she can have open discussions with her father. That’s pretty important. With 2D-Vanessa it’s different. She confronts 2D-Doofenshmirtz about her boyfriend’s banishment, but she’s almost immediately dismissed by him. I also remember her sounding somewhat exasperated about the whole ordeal. It’s like this is something she has to deal with often. She’s tired of it.
2D-Vanessa probably has a complicated dynamic with her family. She helps them escape and Charlene at least doesn't seem to mind the idea of Vanessa having boyfriends. We don't really know much about what it's like with her & Doof aside from what I've listed. My guess is that either he's a lot more focused on work than 1st-D Doofensmirtz and does not put as much time aside for birthdays/trips/Vanessa's interests as the Doofensmirtz we know. In other words it's possible he's distant. It could also be that he handles everything in her life like he does her boyfriends. She gets a bad grade in school? The teacher is fed to a monster. It's her birthday? He orders every person in the tri-state area to attend or else they will be fed to monsters. She needs new clothes? He forces people to make them for her. Basically everything he does that he claims is supportive involves doing evil stuff. And a lot of it is, again, based on control (either of Vanessa or the situations she finds herself in). The thing I can't see is him just...being a dad the way he is in the first dimension. Aside from Charlene he also has like...no connections with other people in this dimension. He seems to forget that the Normbots have personalities half the time, just kind of sending them to do tasks. He never really has conversations with them. He brainwashed Perry and kind of just uses him like a solider or guard. We don't really see any of the other love muffin people.
Either way, if 2D-Vanessa comes back I'd love to see the show explore her feelings on...everything. Considering she helped her parents escape, she probably at least think she wants to be evil. I could see her realizing that she doesn't actually like the evil stuff, and has just kind of been expected to do it. (Kind of like a parallel to 2D-Candace ahaha). Could also have her reflect on how she feels towards her parents. Her current design is really similar to normal Vanessa, but maybe she could get a new look as she figures herself out? I kind of wonder if she would want to wear more color than what we're used to, considering how grey Doofensmirtz forced the world to be. Probably nothing super bright but maybe dark blues? A subtle streak of some color in her hair? Who knows. It would also be nice to see her reconnect with more old friends who were banished. Speaking of friends, what's her dynamic with Perry? I like to think they were bros before all of this and also get to reconnect. I think all of this would be more interesting than her also being evil. We already had that twist with Charlene--let there be ONE good member of the Doofensmirtz family in this dimension. Also there's so so much potential there.
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SAMS & MAFS Incorrect quotes because... I don't know at this point
Old Moon: cocks gun and points it at Sun Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Old Moon: You spent money on THIS?? Old Sun, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Earth: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Moon: Eyy, homie! Eclipse: But then there's cootie… Monty: Die.
Harvest: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated! Bloody: Killed without hesitation.
Lunar: Kinda sad* Are you a cuddler? Bloody: We a machine of death and destruction. Lunar: Harvest: …Yeah, we cuddle.
Harvest: What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave, and her name was Mozzarella? Bloody: Don't ever speak to me again.
Puppet: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!! Lunar: What makes you think I read?
Earth: Are you coming to bed? Monty: I can't. This is important. Earth: What? Monty: Someone is wrong on the internet.
Harvest: Bloody! This soup is flaccid! Bloody: LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?!
Lunar: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?! Eclipse: It's kind of complicated, but Monty- Lunar: Got it. Forget I asked.
Sun: About to do something incredibly stupid Moon: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Monty: What if mayonnaise came in cans? Foxy: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal. Lunar: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
Sun: Well Moon, I have to say, I'm really disappointed. Moon: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
Earth: We’re all in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall. Nobody is expendable on this team. Harvest: Sounds fake but ok.
Foxy: Good morning! Sun: Is it? Is it really?
Harvest: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it. Harvest: Everything will be fine. You have no choice. Sun: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that? Harvest: Ominous positivity.
Eclipse: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
KC, pointing a camera at Rays: There they are, our sweet baby. Rays, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
Eclipse: Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Bloody: is throwing stones at KC's window KC: You have a phone for a reason, Bloody! THUD KC: DID YOU JUST THROW YOUR PHONE AT MY WINDOW?!
Rays: Where are you going? Monty: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Lunar: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Old Moon: Literally or figuratively? Lunar: I have to specify?
Lunar: working in a flower shop and minding their own business Bloody, storming into the store and slapping $20 on the counter: HOW DO I PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVELY SAY “FUCK YOU” IN FLOWER???
KC: Answers phone. Hello? Moon: It's Moon. KC: What did they do this time? Moon: No, it's me, KC. It's actually me. KC: What did you do this time?
Lunar: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- (translation: I'M SORRY) Sun: What's that? Lunar: Remorse code. Sun: I'm even angrier now.
Harvest: Next time I'm at the pet store, I'm gonna take a hamster and drop it in the scorpion cage. I wanna see what a hamster's face looks like when it goes, "oh, fuck."
Moon, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks. KC: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
Monty: Dom or sub? Sun: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
Foxy, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Sun: Yeah, sure. A few minutes later Sun: Here you go. Foxy: Sun: Monty: Why am I here?
Sun: is effectively running on 5% battery* Is the pink panther a lion? Moon: Say that again but slower. Sun: I don’t get it. Moon: He’s a PANTHER. Sun: Is that a type of lion? Moon: No, it’s a fucking panther. Sun: googles panther They aren’t pink? Moon: AND LIONS ARE?!
Sun: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Earth: Several traffic violations. Lunar: Three counts of resisting arrest. Monty: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Moon: Also, that’s not our car.
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Okay no joke if I was Yves I’d be mad as hell too, like you chose this sloppy, forgetful man over HIM??? the same man that literally has your genetic sequence down to the allele by heart?? Knows all of your genetic information so well that it would put 23 and me to shame!! Not only that but like I think there was an ask about how an anon believes that Monty would’ve honestly attached himself to anyone who was just there at the right time meanwhile Yves’ love for his darling is entirely unique and under any circumstances he never feel this way for anyone else. Like UGH with Yves it’s literally all or nothing, if it’s no you, he doesn’t want it. But with Montgomery, if another person showed up he would’ve been acting the same with that person and not you!! Like his love isn’t “unique” I guess in a way.
Ooo I’d be so upset too. I wonder like has he ever at least THOUGHT about trying to do some technological fuckery to end the relationship between his darling and Montgomery? Like perhaps, doctor some text messages, do voice impersonations or create a voice impersonator so that he could make it seem like Monty was cheating on his darling, causing her to run into his arms. It would b EUREKA 💡 as f because he wouldn’t have to kill Monty bc he actually didn’t do it, and she’s no long with him. But RATS he probably wouldn’t want to bring that sort of pain onto his darling especially with the harsh feeling of betrayal, that can mentally scar someone for years, a feeling that Yves probably is quite familiar with :(.
Buttt at the same time we do have instances (such as if the reader was really old or suffering from terminal health issues) where he would lean more towards being selfish as long as you stay with him, so in certain circumstances he is selfish enough to let you go through pain as long as you’re with him. But dang now that I’m typing this, I’m like that’s probably not that good of a comparison, one’s a relationship and the other is your life.
Also he probably wouldn’t want to take away any of his darlings happiness either, but dang like what if it was something more subliminal maybe like you unconsciously hearing subliminal messages telling you to leave Monty and that all you need is Yves because he’s the only one that can make you truly happy Mann I don’t know 😔.
But at the same time I’m ngl!! I can kinda see why some of y’all like Monty. I think it was Chapter 39?? When he busted through the door of the house and essentially mollywhopped everyone. I was like wait,,, why is he kinda,,, I guess like some of the guilt of not being there for the reader coupled with what he heard was just enough to make him snap and go into a rage. And some people are probably more comfortable around someone who’s like Monty as compared to Yves.
But also like really quick! Does Monty have the same level of unconditional love as Yves? Like I think I remember reading somewhere that you could essentially try anything you want and Yves will NOT leave you, like he has permanently cemented himself to your side literally FOREVER like it’s almost cosmic in a way. I wonder if Monty has that same level of patience but in his own way.
Zhats enough of my unintelligible ramblings and questions, your last post really did it 4 me ooo I wanted to bite my phone!! Love your work!!!!!
the other ask in question
Holy fuckin shit anon thank u so much for ur thoughts i would love to hear moar feel free to ramble more in my asks!!1 these are the types of stuff that also keeps me going with my writing
also i got like newest installation where yves interacts with yan older bro
naw YVes wouldnt like paint monty as a cheater because the pain fuckin HURTS man, he would rather be cucked like indefinitely than let you go through the horrors of recovering from such betrayal, plus there is a chance that you get so hurt that you didn't want to be in a relationship anymore or even ASSOCIATED with men anymore, so Yves just shot himself in the foot
He's only selfish when it comes to keeping you with him, so too bad if you are facing horrors of the mind, you are getting revived
Yves is defnitely using the subliminal messages to his advantage. you would probably be all like "ewww" to Monty after the first few days, weeks if you're particularly into sad, dirty men. but true love can really work past that and there really isn't much he could do without devastating you
Oh yeah Monty's love is fr unconditional, if you are abusive to him, he will take it. Altho he would cry in secret, praying to god that you will one day change your ways and stop abusing him, he will never leave even if everyone around him tells him to. He would stay until he's dead or police actually caught you beating him into a pulp, but even then, he would say it was his fault for provoking you -- he would try everything in his power to get you out of trouble.
He isn't like YVes in a sense that he tries to change you, he will just beg pathetically and get fucked over and over without learning his lesson.
If you're dead, he's dead. Simple as. Nothing will get in the way of Monty's quest to be by your side as soon as possible.
thanx 4 reading my stuff anon ur analysis really made my day i love reading yalls thoughts
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scottssteve · 5 months
intro post
hello!!! my name’s monty, i’m 20 years old n im looking for fellow 18+ marvel roleplayers. here are some facts/details abt me and what i roleplay!!! interact w this post or shoot me a dm and ill get back to you :)
i live in the EST time zone and i work part-time, so my hours can be a bit all over the place. i also have ADHD so i can be quite forgetful, but i do my best to respond as quickly as im able to!!
i try my best to match the length of my roleplaying partner, but i can go a little overboard sometimes so please don’t feel obligated to match me when i ramble on in a response lol
i’m a okay with smut as long as we discuss it beforehand and everything. i’m also okay with some darker themes, but again, i would like to discuss it beforehand— we’ll play it by ear!!!
i can be very chatty ooc so don’t be afraid to talk to me! :) i’ll talk your ear off if you’ll let me
(i’m pretty open to playing various characters and various ships. i will not roleplay anything incestual or involving a minor.)
steve x bucky
steve x tony
thor x bruce
scott x steve (personal favourite!!!!!! pls rp scottsteve with me ill love you forever)
bucky x tony
thor x steve
steve x bucky x tony
tony x loki
peter quill x thor
tony x thor
tony x stephen strange
peter parker (college era, ps4 spiderman ish) x harry osborn (also college era)
peter parker (see above ^^) x johnny storm (comics)
im pretty open to other ships, so don’t be afraid to suggest any you’ve been into!!! i prefer m x m pairings :) i’m also open to oc x canon pairings (me as either)
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childofgabriel · 9 months
i know i don't talk much about her either, but it does make me sad to see how much harper is excluded from spacekru. she's so often just forgotten, when she's a member of the family just as much as the others! i remember a moment in s5 when bellamy and clarke talked for the first time again "raven, murphy...?" "monty, echo, emori, they're all safe." (something like that) JUST COMPLETELY FORGETTING HARPER?? ngl i feel like that was the writers' fault.
she's part of the family too! we really don't know much about what happened on the ring, but we do know she kept up the algae farm together with monty. she's such a kind yet strong soul, i know she gave emotional support to the others in tough times. let's start talking more about this girlie!
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atlantis-just-drowned · 3 months
hiya! do you have any hurt // comfort headcanons for pluto x reader? or really just anything pluto x reader. i have to keep going to your post since there is NO pluto content out there. thank you!
A/N: Hi Anon, hope you'll like this, because I had so much fun writing it!! Thank you so much for your ask, I always love receiving new requests from you guys! Don't hesitate to drop some more ideas in my askbox :] Also this small story has barely been edited so I hope it's not too wonky! I might come back to make some small changes later. This can be read as romantic or platonic I think? Anyway, TW for anxiety/panic attack, slight PTSD symptoms, and also this man has little to no self-esteem.
"Who did this to you?"
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Thinking about where Pluto went after discovering what Monty has done to his best friend. The way this asshole threw away the few belongings Duke has taken into death, like he has never – not even for a second – seen the magician as a human being. Who deserved respect. Dignity. And was now trapped somewhere, out of the black-haired boy’s reach.
Pluto was unable to get to his friend. All of the efforts he could put on would always be useless. He was defeated. Confronted to Montresor’s absolute hatred of others. Something he could never even fight.
And he has nowhere to hide either, because even his room was shared with one of Annabel’s arrogant little puppets. Where could he go now that his best friend was surely doomed to die again while he was standing there, a weak, helpless, wandering soul, his sore eye bringing up to his mind fuzzy, almost unintelligible words from a past he wish he could forget when he barely remembered it.
His sight was blurry, he was barely able to see the corridors he walked in. It took him far longer than it normally would, before he was finally knocking at your door. He realized only after that he has no idea what to tell you. But it was too late; before he could turn back and hobble away, your door opened, and the abstract form of a face was in front of him.
He wouldn’t have been able to recognize you if it wasn’t for your voice. Your tone was laced with a surprise and concern he couldn’t see on your face, but still made his heart tighten. You were worried for him.
What a pathetic thing.
His physical state was probably pitiful enough to give away how beaten up, broken and exhausted he felt, and he hated it. For a second, Pluto would have preferred you to be the one deprived from sight, so he wouldn’t have to be feeling your troubled gaze piercing him. He held himself tighter, and tried to give you a wobbly smile in reassurance.
“H-h-hi…!” he mumbled, and his voice came out so much more broken than he meant it to. He looked down, body trembling, humiliated and wishing he could vaporise in the air rather than stay here.
Right now was too much, he couldn’t handle any more of it. He was going to crumble down any minute.
“Can I… C-Can I come in please?” was all he could stutter out through a tight throat. The mere thought of his breathing being restricted sending alarms in his brain that only succeed in making him panic more.
“Y-yeah of course!”
You sounded shocked, almost. More than just concerned by this point. But he couldn’t even see clearly and your voice was the last thing he could anchor himself to. So he would take it.
The door opened wider and Pluto practically burst into your room before his legs could get a chance to give up on him. Resting his back against the wall next to you, he let himself slide down until he sat on the floor. Legs bent and arms wrapped around them. His head down, forehead pressed against his knees, face hidden in his small, curled up form.
He couldn’t breath. No matter how much he tried, oxygen went in and out of his lungs chaotically, too fast, occasionally missing and choking him up even more as he tried and tried and tried but his efforts were vain and he couldn’t do anything couldn’t think clearly couldn’t stop choking couldn’t stop wishing for it to stop just stop.
Thoughts were swirling in his head so fast he couldn’t catch up on them, the feeling of being small and helpless and in danger at the forefront of his mind, and a distant voice telling him Duke was surely dead and he would probably follow soon enough along with the others and everyone else who wasn’t cruel enough because they were doomed they had been since the moment they had all passed those gates when this unfair wicked stupid painful game has started and now he wanted to get out he just wanted it to stop all he has ever asked for was something to live for a hope for a better future for someone to tell him he would be okay in the end for the world to be brighter he wished it could stop he just wanted-
His head shot up and he looked at your figure, barely distinguishable in the blur of nonsensical colours. He hasn’t registered you had kneeled down to his level. Or that you’d been calling him. Or that he has been crying.
“Pluto, can you see me?”
He opened his mouth to answer you, but not even a sound could go past the lump in his throat. So he closed it and shook his head no.
“Okay… Okay.” Your voice sounded like a headlight in the middle of a storm for the shaking mess he was.
“Is it alright if I touch you?”
He didn’t respond right away. Not because he had to think about the answer, but because he struggled to make sense of your distant words, in the chaos howling inside his skull.
Ultimately, he nodded with a slight hesitation.
You didn’t need any more confirmation. Your form moved closer to him, before Pluto felt the palm of your hands on his shoulders gently pulling him forward, until he sat on his knees and his head laid against your chest.
The moment he felt you arms cradle him in a warm embrace, he let out a small, choked up sob. Like a sort of tension has just been released from his body. Before his hands found purchase in the back of your shirt and he almost mechanically clung to you. As if you were a lifeline. Or something warmer. Perhaps a safe haven. A place where he could rest.
His face buried into your chest, he could hear your breathing. Calm. Tranquil. The kind words you were repeating to him like a mantra created a constant melody he could feel behind your ribcage; and he finally allowed himself to get lost into your soothing presence.
Tense muscles relaxed, loosening his tight grip on you. The shaking of his body finally finally subsiding while his breathing calmed down enough to let him get the oxygen he so desperately needed.
The debilitating fog of constant anxious thoughts clouding his brain replaced by you. Your warmth. Your voice. Your kindness. Your fingers running through his hair.
Oh, this was heaven.
He wished he could simply never open his eye again.
For now, he wouldn’t have to.
“I’m… sorry.” he said, his throat no longer as tight as before but still leaving him with a raspy, drained voice.
He listened to you breathing in and out peacefully, before you answered him.
“You don’t have to be. You did nothing wrong.”
Another day, Pluto might have argued that he was still sorry nonetheless. That he felt bad for annoying you this way. But he was too tired to argue, so instead, he tried to give some credit to your words.
It was hard. But if he didn’t unclench his jaw, he would probably get a headache soon enough, and he didn’t want to deal with that now. So he told himself that what you said was true, and pretended to believe it.
Your chest moved up in a deep inhale, and then you sighed. Maybe somewhere, deep down inside of you you knew he didn’t completely think you were right. But if you were aware, you didn’t bring it up.
Instead, you caressed his hair some more before cupping his face and bringing it up and away from your chest to observe him better. Pluto took one more moment to enjoy the relaxing darkness of his closed eyelid, and then his right eye fluttered open again, with a sting, to an abstract blur of colours. So close to you, he could make out a few details – the ways your eyes darted across his face, and the displeased frown on your lips.
“Who did this to you?” You asked softly, carefully approaching a thumb to the blackening outline of his eye, getting a hiss and a withdrawal reflex from him when you brushed the skin there.
You knew the dark-haired boy has spent most of the afternoon searching for his friend. He has asked you for help, and seeing his panicked state, you hadn’t been able to say anything else but “yes”. Sadly, none of the people you had spoken to knew anything about the French magician’s disappearance. But this new bruise told you some more things might have happened since you last saw the one-eyed man a few hours ago.
Replacing his cheek against the palm of your hand, Pluto looked away, a distant, annoyed expression on his face as he grumbled “Monty. Who else?”
You scoffed at his answer. Now that he mentioned it, Montresor has definitely been shooting you some of his annoying, oh-so-punchable self-sufficient glares while you searched for someone who might have seen Duke. You could easily imagine at least a dozen reasons why Pluto and him would have gotten into an argument.
Though, for now, it would probably be better not to ask for any further explanation. Instead, you brought his face closer to yours and pressed a kiss to his forehead, before leading him to lay back against your chest.
He needed comfort. This, at least, was obvious. You’d do your best with the very few informations you had.
“Whatever happened, I’m sure Lenore will find a way to solve this when she comes back.” You spoke softly, holding him tightly against you.
“Right.” He groaned back tiredly, seemingly trying to let your warmth sip through him to make him forget about his day. Sighing, he paused before repeating your words, more to reassure himself than anything else. “Right. Let’s wait for her. She’ll come back. She’ll have a plan.”
“I’m sure she will.” You emphasized his point to help him calm down, while you stroked his back, getting another sigh out of him.
There was a moment of silence, where the two of you simply held each others, allowing yourselves to relax a bit, especially after the events of today. And then, after some time…
“Thank you.”
Pluto’s whisper almost startled you. Opening your eyes in surprise, you looked down at his resting figure, before repositioning your arms a little tighter around him with a sigh, and whispering back.
“You’ll always be welcome.”
Speaking of being welcomed... You remembered about his roommate. The fuss his argument might have caused. And another idea flashed in your head.
“If you want to, you can stay here for tonight.”
The proposition stayed suspended between the two of you for a moment. You couldn’t really tell if Pluto was simply reflecting on his options, or if he was fighting some sort of inner demon telling him he would be a burden.
Knowing him, there might have been a bit of both.
“I… I think I’d like that, actually.”
You’d be a liar if you said you weren’t a bit exited to have him with you tonight. The thought of spending more time with him always brought a smile to your lips. Holding him tight, you buried your face in his hair in contentment.
“Well I like that too. So it’s decided, I’m kidnapping you for the night.”
And when you heard him laugh at your words – timidly, for no longer than a second, but a laugh nonetheless –, you felt prouder of yourself than you had ever been.
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flownwrong · 7 months
9 People To Get To Know Better (tag game)
Not sure I did one of these before—or maybe I have, but my memory is shot to shit. Tagged by @rightspocko, who already knows me surprisingly well for the short amount of time we've been buddies.
3 ships you like: let's omit the obvious ones (wincest, Fraser/Kowalski, Rust/Marty—see what i just did?) and throw a blind dart into my rolodex of faves. Say, Aubrey/Maturin, Childermass/Segundus and Crozier/Jopson (we all love fitzier, but this is another fave). Wow, an accidental historical trio.
First ship ever: uhhh fuck I always forget what came first so it was either Kim Possible/Shego or the Sailor Moon lesbians.
Last song you heard: Magic Missile by Dermabrasion (the whole record is fire!)
Favorite childhood book: Tove Jansson's work. The Fillyjonk Who Believed in Disasters was my absolute favourite story.
Currently reading: aubreyad, it's always aubreyad, I'm just a very slow and inconsistent reader these days :')
Currently watching: back to Monty Python's Flying Circus. I missed it so much!
Currently consuming: way too much nicotine
Currently craving: extra courage to carry out The Giant Decision I made recently but keep freaking out over every single day
Jesus, I feel like every single one of you already did this. How about @cascadella @preetsramblings @mortmere @spacetimeconundrum @spaceradars @thepunkpanther @dirtyzucchini @stroyent @flashbulb-memory? Pretty sure most of you already did this though, sorry!
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blvckqwz · 9 months
3. Every Man For Himself
The excitement about the new world was quick to die, replaced instead by new problems. Evelyn didn’t want to go anywhere near the rest of the delinquents as she was pretty sure that they would jump her the second they saw her.
It was complicated.
She wasn’t like Clarke or Wells, because they were stuck up assholes, but she wasn’t like those other beasts either. She just decided to keep for herself until the rest of the Ark came down.
And then what?
She was supposed to be dead in a week, and now there she was, on Earth. All by herself. Footsteps’ sound came from behind her as the girl raised her head from the ground where she had sat, bored out of her mind.
“Something tells me that there is bad news behind the corner, isn't there?” Evelyn asked as she eyed the pair coming towards her. “Yes, there is.” Clarke replied, looking worried “We landed here, and Mount Weather is there.” The blonde started to point somewhere behind the forest, “So we need to make our way there if we want to get that food. It’s probably going to take all day to hike there.” She explained. 
Evelyn stayed quiet, the little excitement left from before vanished before she could even enjoy it.
“The communication system is also dead. I went to the roof, heat fried the wires.” Wells added.
Great, just fucking great.
"Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather.” The blonde stated, not missing the confused glance the brunette beside her shot her, “ See?” She crouched down on the floor to draw something on a map Evelyn didn’t care enough to look at, “Look. This is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive." Clarke replied while shooting an annoyed look at the boy. Wells obviously missed it, but Evelyn surely didn't.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Wells asked, as if he couldn’t make the situation anymore tense. 
Clarke coughed and shifted on her feets awkwardly.
”Your father…” He realized. Wells looked like he wanted to say something else but Evelyn pipped in, while glaring at him. 
“What does this stuff have to do to me? In case you missed it I left the magic wand at home.” She said, getting up and wiping her dirty hands on her discolored jeans, “And sure as hell not hiking in a radioactive forest.”  
“We need the supplies.” Clarke sounded annoyed, which made the other girl roll her eyes, “Then let’s go hunting, or the hell I don’t know, let’s go fucking picking berries.” Evelyn shot back. “Half of us didn’t even pass basic Earth Skills’s class.” Wells objected.
“Us?” Evelyn chuckled, “There is not us. These people wouldn’t spit on you even if you were on fire, trust me, as soon as something goes wrong they will blame us.” She spat, “Is every man for himself Jaha, it has always been.” 
Wells's face contorted in a mask of worry as he eyed the girl next to him. But Clarke’s eyes were fixed on Evelyn with an unreadable expression. 
“Hey” a voice called. 
Evelyn shot one last glance to the pair before swiveling around and saw Jasper walking towards her alongside Monty. “I just wanted to say that what you did to that guard was cool.” He said 
“Thanks.” She replied. His blood was still stuck on her hand, now dried and peeling off. He thought it was cool, not gross. Sometimes Evelyn tended to forget that not everyone came from the Phoenix, where a thing like that would simply be insane. “Hey, cool, a map.” he continued, trying to flirt with Clarke. “They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you two ladies a beer.” he smirked, leaving Clarke flustered. Evelyn thought it was funny but Wells clearly didn’t agree. “You mind?” He snarled to Jasper, grabbing his arm. Evelyn knew the feelings Wells held for the blonde a bit too well, so she understood his reaction, as idiotic as it was, but before her or Clarke could stop him another boy jumped in the conversation, followed by a lot of other delinquents. 
“Hey, hey, hey, hands off him. He's with us.” He barked at Wells. 
Mop of brown hair with blue eyes. Crooked nose. Not give half a fuck attitude. Evelyn instantly recognized John Murphy, much to her annoyment. Their cells were on the same floor, so she often heard him fighting with the guards for whatever reason. Her father floated his a few years back for something Evelyn was too young to remember. 
He hated her. The feeling was very much reciprocated.
“Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are." Wells replied, trying to sound calm. But Evelyn noticed how his eyes flickered to look at the crowd that was forming around them. He was scared. The girl sighed, knowing damn well that if it came down to a fight she would have his back. Every man for himself was just an utopia. "We're on the ground. That is not good enough for you?" Bellamy said from afar, making his way with Octavia towards the crowd. "Thanks captain obvious but I don't think that's what Wells ment." Evelyn replied, annoyed. Why couldn't anyone just mind their own fucking bussines, she thought. "Exactly." Wells responded, giving Evelyn a silent thank you which made her roll her eyes, "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." He announced.
Great, now that Jaha was brought into the conversation they were going to get beaten up for sure. Evelyn had read enough history books to know what happens to the aristocrats in the middle of riots. The crowd started whispering, worried that they weren't going to survive. What a bunch of sheeps. "Screw your father." Octavia retorted. "What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little Princesses?" Here comes another idiot, Evelyn thought. She had enough of this bullshit, "No one fucking cares about who is in charge. We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be." She replied before she could even realize what she was saying. "Evelyn is right. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now." Clarke added, shooting the brunette a confused expression. "I got a better idea. You three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Bellamy said, causing Evelyn to roll her eyes. That boy was seriously starting to get on her nerves. "You're not listening. We all need to go." Wells basically begged. The girl was tired of this dumb argument. It was her first day on Earth, she wasn't going to spend it with a group of imbeciles. But just as she was going away, someone pushed Wells from behind. 
"Look at this, everybody… The Chancellor of Earth." Murphy said.
As if her day couldn’t get even brighter.
The crowd immediately started cheering, clearly wanting the two of them to fight. Evelyn wasted no time jumping in the middle of the people, shoving a few guys that weren’t smart enough to let her pass away. 
“You think that's funny?” Wells spat as the other boy circled him.
Murphy pushed Wells, causing him to fall and twist his ankle. But he immediately got up, even though he was clearly hurt.
“No, but that was.” He said as he came closer to the stumbling boy.
“What kind of coward are you, jumping a single boy while you are what? Ten people?” Evelyn spat as she finally broke free from the crowd squeezing her, “Even a neanderthal like you should know that it isn’t right.” 
“No way, we even got the Vice. Did I miss the council memo?” Murphy barked, the crowd around him chuckling. 
“Step away.” The girl stood her ground, crossing her arms, “Or it will be two against ten, and I promise that I don't go easy.” 
The crowd started cheering and clapping. Evelyn caught a glimpse of Clarke’s disappointed expression among them. She had to fight the urge to scoff. The little princess could be as disappointed as she wanted, but it was Evelyn who stepped up to help a limping boy, not her. 
The promise of a good fight was just a bonus.
"Kid's got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?" Another boy jumped in, getting between Wells and the delinquent. Evelyn recognized him as the spacewalker who wasted a month's worth of oxygen. 
A thick silence shifted on the crowd but she didn't care. She shot Murphy a death glare and hurried by Wells’s side, trying to help him get away from the fight.
“C’mon, we don’t have all day.” The brunette hurried in a whisper as Wells stumbled behind her.
“Why did you do that?” He asked once they were far enough from the crowd.
“Survival. Now you owe me.” She explained with a stern tone as she looked around, “Sit.” She ordered once she saw a fallen log near them.
Wells wordlessy obeyed, “You’ll come with us to Mount Weather?” He asked once he had sitten down. 
“Absolutely no. That would be stupid.” Evelyn replied. 
“Why not? You even have a knife, most of us don’t.” He questioned.
“What?” Her brows furrowed in confusion, “I don’t have a knife.” 
“You do, it’s in your pocket I think. I could feel it while you dragged me away.” He explained with a shrug, “Hey I don’t care that you have it, y’know? It’s good.” But Evelyn wasn’t listening to him rambling, instead she reached her pocket and pulled out a shiny cold steel knife. Not one of those rusty boot knives she saw when she worked at the Walden, no, that was an expensive knife for sure. 
Evelyn was surprised that it didn’t impale her while she was on the drop ship. But how did it end up there? She was sure that she would have known if she was carrying around a knife. 
“Lyn!” A high pitched voice called from afar, snapping the brunette from her thoughts. Her head shot up to look at the source of the noise. A shot, scrawny girl was running towards her. Her hair was a light blonde collected in a ponytail with the usual braid in them. Evelyn was the one to teach her how to do it, because the rich girls in the Phoenix carried their hair like that. But while on their hair it looked elegant, in the girl’s crazy hair it just made her look even more juvenile. 
“Charlie!” Evelyn shouted as she got up, tucking her knife in her waistband and hiding it with her jacket. She turned out to look at Wells, her expression cold again as she brought her finger to her lips in a shushing motion. “You owe me.” She mouthed to him, making him nod.
The blonde had now reached them, her big blue eyes looking up at Evelyn as she held her in a crushing hug, “I thought they had floated you.” 
“Nah, they knew better.” The older girl shook her head as she looked down at her old roommate.
She didn’t know what having a sister meant, no one from the Ark except for the Blakes knew, but Charlie was her sister. Their bond was stronger than blood.
Suddenly everything shifted. It couldn’t be everyman for himself, because Charlie was there, which made her Evelyn’s responsibility. She was too young, too inexperienced to be out there with those brutus. Too naive, too kind. 
Evelyn pulled away to study her face, holding it in her fingers. There was a nasty cut on her forehead, probably due the abrupt landing, and she still looked sick. Her pale skin was sweaty and dark bags stood under her big eyes.
“We are okay now, we are together.” Evelyn reassured the young girl. 
Her eyes fell on Wells, who was watching her with a surprised expression. It must be weird to see that caring side of the Kane girl, she thought as she turned to him, “This is Charlie, she was in the same cell as me for a while.” She explained, “This is Wells, Jaha’s son.” She introduced to the young girl. 
“Hi.” The girl shyly waved from behind Evelyn as she blushed. A smirk grew on the brunette’s face as she shook her head.
Evelyn felt Charlie pulling her sleeve, and when she looked around to ask her what was wrong she noticed her pointing towards a figure coming towards them. Clarke.
“It’s okay, it’s just Clarke.” Evelyn assured the young girl. She didn’t handle crowds well, so it was quite a surprise how easily she bonded with the older girl.
“Hey.” Clarke greeted, “How’s your ankle?” She asked Wells.
Right, Evelyn thought, she had completely forgotten about his injury.
“Better.” Wells nodded, “So Mount Weather. When do we leave?" 
"Right now. We'll be back tomorrow with food." Clarke replied.
"Do you think you can stand up?" Evelyn asked Wells. 
Wells was like her brother before she got locked up, and even though they weren’t friends anymore she still worried for him sometimes.
"Yeah yeah, don't worry, I've got this." Wells said, giving her a small smile.
"Don't even think about it. You aren't coming." Clarke instructed, then turned to Evelyn, “Changed your mind?” The girl glanced at Charlie behind her. She could hunt for two, and Charlie was really smart, they didn’t need the Ark’s food, not anymore. 
“No, we are staying here, where it is safe.” She stated. 
“Safe? Have you seen those guys?” Finn nodded towards Bellamy’s pack, who was also eyeing them.
“You should really come, we need as many arms as we can.” Clarke ignored Finn’s comment, “We have to stick together.” 
“I think that we are both capable of making our decisions for ourselves, thank you." Evelyn replied and she felt Charlie shift on her feet behind her. If there was one thing that Evelyn definitely didn't need was following someone else's orders. "We'll need more people." Clarke said, ignoring Evelyn’s comment. 
She knew that her and the brunette weren't exactly friends anymore, but she didn't expect her to be so hostile. It hurted a bit, but Evelyn wasn’t nice to anyone so Clarke didn’t take it too personally. 
Finn grabbed Monty and Jasper and turned back to Clarke "Four of us. Can we go now?"
"Sounds like a party. Make it five." Octavia said as she got close to the group. 
Great, Evelyn thought, now what was next? The other Blake?
“Hey, what the hell do you think you are doing?” 
Speak of the devil…
“Going for a walk.” Octavia shrugged.
Evelyn had to admit that she liked her style, if only she wasn’t Bellamy’s sister she would actually find her tolerable.
“Hey, were you trying to take this off?” Clarke’s voice snapped her back from the siblings’ discussion. 
“Yeah, so?” Finn asked as he fidgeted with the wristband on his arm. A piece of metal was missing and there were a few scratches on it.
Evelyn didn’t think anything about it. Maybe it was to locate them or something, but she doubted that the people up there cared enough to know where their dear lab rats went.
“So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead.” Clarke replied.
Of course, that was why. They needed data to go on with their little experiment. An idea came in the back of Evelyn’s mind. She also had a wristband. And a knife. And an asshole father that was for sure watching those monitors.
“Should I care?” Finn asked. 
“Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying.” The blonde replied one last time before turning her back at him and focussing on Wells’s ankle one last time.
Would her father care if she died? Evelyn doubted it. He probably had an expensive bottle of liquor hidden somewhere for when she finally decided to snuff it. 
"Ok then let's go." Clarke said.
“Wait.” A voice called from behind her, “I want to come too.” Charlie spoke for the first time.
Evelyn turned around to face the young girl, “No you don’t.” 
“I do.” Charlie’s voice didn’t quiver as she raised her chin, “I want to go. I want to be useful.” 
“You are already useful.” The brunette insisted, “You can’t go there, what if…” She lowered her voice, “What if you have another crisis?” She whispered so that only the other girl could hear her.
“I don’t want to sit here and wait for the Ark to save us, knowing that I didn’t help.” Charlie said, “I don’t want to be like that for my whole life. Afraid.” 
Evelyn studied the girl for a few moments, but she knew deep down that there was no way she could convince her. It wouldn’t be fair. This was also her space odyssey, she deserved to see the world.
“Be careful.” She said as she placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.” The blonde threw herself in the older girl’s arms, “Thank you.” She mumbled.
Evelyn just nodded, “Don’t trust anyone. Stay with Clarke. Don’t be a hero. Eat what they eat.” She whispered as she held the girl close, “Your life is more worthy than theirs. Come back alive. Whatever it takes.”
She could feel Charlie shake a bit in her arms, but Evelyn had to let her know those things. If she was there she would put her and Charlie’s lifes first, even if it meant letting the others fend for themself.
So she watched the group disappear in the woods, biting her lip. Clarke turned around for one second to glance at the brunette, and for a second she thought that she smiled, but it was probably her imagination.
The last thing she felt was another pair of eyes fixed on her as she made her way back to the dropship. She glanced towards the margin of the forest and her eyes met Bellamy’s curious ones. He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes before completely disappearing inside the ship. 
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
considering how chaotic things get when the animatronics play UNO (cause bonnie never plays fair), do things get just as salty when they play monopoly?
Oh for sure.
Bonnie is banned from being the banker. The banker is always Roxy if she's playing because even if she's losing horribly, she just outright refuses to cheat. There's just no temptation to do it for her so she's always the banker and she prefers it this way. She can make sure no one cheats way easier if the box of monopoly money is right next to her. When she's not playing though, yeah Bonnie is banned from that. No banker role for him. He played banker once and they never let him do it again. Freddy is also not allowed to be the banker. Mostly because Bonnie gets mad about it and unlike Roxy, Freddy would at least be tempted to cheat a little if he suspects Bonnie is. As such, the banker role is usually a toss up with Monty, Chica, Sunny, Moon or Vanessa if they've managed to rope her into it. She's almost as solid a banker as Roxy is so if she's playing and Roxy isn't, she is immediately begged into being the banker.
In the case of who always wins, that would be either Monty or Foxy. They're great at it. They normally end up bankrupting everyone else and owning half the board each, just waiting for the other to land on that one property they've stacked everything on. They never do and the winner is determined by who can whittle the other's funds down to 0 first or who gives up. They end up really close games unless Sunny in particular is playing. Honestly, they forget Sunny is playing sometimes. He owns the electric company or something and thats it. And yet somehow he's always in it right until the last few turns. His luck at Uno carries over to Monopoly too, he just keeps dodging everyone's properties like magic, only to lose as he lands on Mayfair with a hotel on it and loses everything lmao
Moon is just as quiet when playing but he typically owns random properties here and there and will never fucking trade for shit so no one can get a monopoly unless they get him out the game. Or unless it's Roxy. Roxy also never trades with anyone but Moon. These two will hold the whole game hostage for as long as physically possible. They trade with each other so they can both stay in the game and keep as many people from possible from getting a Monopoly. They choose who gets the power in this game. They hold all the cards. They have tormented Monty and Chica so much in a game that they traded all their properties for one before. Roxy won a game purely because she had that one green property that Foxy had been trying to trade her for all game and she finally traded that one green for half the fucking board. Roxy suddenly had all the Monopolies and hotels everywhere and wiped out the whole game. Moon does the same but he primarily pisses off Bonnie and Monty. They are the last resorts. Freddy has never traded with Roxy except for the one time he took a huge risk and lost the game to her. This is how they win they are both infuriating.
Chica is abysmal at Monopoly. She has won maybe once ever and it was because both Monty and Roxy were working together to make sure she did to piss Bonnie off after he was caught cheating. She spends most of the game in jail, only completing her first lap of the board near the end of the game. She's normally the first out and likes to dramatically be like "when I die, when the end comes for me... Roxy can have all I own." when she owns literally nothing. Why Roxy? So she can hold the game hostage even more lmao Chica thinks its hilarious
Freddy is actually the smart guy about this and yet he's always losing because he's stupid unlucky with where he lands. He'll have houses and hotels everywhere but keep landing on fucking luxury tax and everyone else's properties. He likes to create a minefield across one side of the board where he owns the whole thing and keeps building houses and hotels on them so making it through unharmed is like trying to fight a pride of hungry lions with a bouncy ball. The fact Sunny just flies through that section of the board and lands on none of his properties grinds his gears how is he so fucking lucky what the fuck-
Vanessa is actually good at this. She tends to try and get all the railways and utilities, and has a few monopolies with houses on spread out over the board pretty evenly. She's pretty lucky when it comes to landing on community chests and getting good things from them, which is a double edged sword when she's trying to buy property. Like, she'll land on a community chest or chance space literally the space before the property she needs and if it happens enough times she'll just yell "STORY OF MY FUCKING LIFE" while the others laugh at her misery. She normally pulls off a massive comeback at the end to steal a victory right under Monty's nose too it's great. Chica loves playing with her too because she always takes pity on her in jail all the time and gives her 'get out of jail free' cards whenever she can. The others do too, just not as often since they usually don't get many.
Oh yeah and every time someone ends up in jail with Chica she starts acting like 'hey. So what are you in for? Fraud? Oh not me. I'm more of a murder person myself.' and she plays the bit out for the majority of the game it's great fun
Yeah game nights in the Plex are fun.
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Virago 36. Fry Her
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 09.23.2022
Word count: 3k
Based off: 03x11 “Nevermore”
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
100 Master List
You all head back to the cave to gather your stuff before heading back to Arkadia. 
“I don’t understand it either. Something about those chips,” Monty says as you nod in agreement.
“We’ll know soon enough. Be ready,” Sinclair replies.
“O, wait. You can’t just leave,” Bellamy says as the two of you notice Octavia packing up.
“Watch me,” She replies.
“You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia is not safe,” Bellamy replies back.
“What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike’s gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead,” Octavia says.
“I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?” Bellamy says.
“You don’t get to ask me that,” Octavia snaps.
“What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?” Bellamy asks.
“Bring Lincoln back. Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong. ” O responds.
“The Grounders were starving us out,” Bellamy states.
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us,” You interrupt.
“That army could have attacked us at any time, and you both know that,” Bellamy says, turning his attention to you.
“But they didn’t attack. You did that,” You say.
“You were hurting, and you lashed out. Because that’s what you do. There are consequences, Bel. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe’s dead. Lincoln is dead,” Octavia adds before walking away. Bellamy goes to follow O out of the cave, and you hear the noise of an approaching rover.
“They’re here,” You hear Miller say from outside the cave. You walk out of the cave and see Clarke get out of the rover.
“Need your help! We have to get her inside before she wakes up!” You hear Jasper yell and look to see him carrying Raven.
“Were you followed?” Bellamy asks.
“Maybe. I don’t know.,” Jasper responds.
“Get to the ridge. Radio if you spot anyone following. Harper will stay here on watch,” Miller says.
“Octavia, come one. We need you,” Clarke says as you all head into the cave.
“What the hell happened to her?” Sinclair asks.
“I told you on the radio, Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are. Jaha has been chipping everyone,” Jasper explains.
“Jasper’s right. I’ve seen it with my own eyes,” Clarke confirms.
“I don’t need your help, all right?” Jasper snaps.
“Just take it easy and explain,” You say calmly.
“Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it, and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, Alie. Only she’s not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get her out of her head. I was trying to help her but –,” Jasper explains.
“Okay, so let’s help her now. Did she say how?” Sinclair interrupts.
“She was working on building something. She needed one of her old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them,” Jasper says.
“Wait a second,” Clarke says before pulling out a little item of some sort. “Does it look like this?” Clarke says.
“Not exactly,” Jasper says. 
Suddenly, you notice Raven running away, and you all chase after her, “Don’t let her get away,” Clarke yells.
“It’s just woods. I can’t see anything,” Raven says as everyone goes to restrain her.
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will Alie. She’ll come for her,” Jasper says before sticking something in her neck.
“We have to go,” Clarke says.
“Why? Alie doesn’t know where we are,” Bellamy questions.
“Because I know where we can get a wristband,” Clarke says. You pack everything up and head to some outpost Clarke tells you about.
“I’ll talk to her,” Clarke says.
“I’ll go with you,” You say and get out of the rover. 
“I thought you said she was a friend,” Octavia says after noticing the blade the woman is holding.
“We’ll handle it. Just stay here,” Clarke says.
“Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda,” The woman says as you approach.
“Niylah, what’s wrong?” Clarke asks the woman.
“She’s waking up. Hurry! Let’s get her inside,” You hear Sinclair.
“Is your father here?” Clarke asks.
“My father’s dead. Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you,” Niylah says.
“Niylah, please.” Clarke asks.
“I said no,” She responds.
“We haven’t got time for this. Move! Move!” Bellamy says, coming up with his gun ready. “Get her in there,” Bellamy says.
“I told you my mom was here. If she was chipped, Alie would know,” Monty states.
“That’s why we’re putting her in the back, through there,” Clarke says. “Tie her to the bed,” Clarke says, tossing you some rope.
Raven begins to struggle and takes off her blindfold, “Where the hell am I?” She yells.
“Hold her,” Sinclair says. As she struggles, you all begin to tie her to the bed. She punches you in the face as she fights everyone to find out where she is.
“Hold her hands! Fight it!” Bellamy says as you all are finally able to get her hands and feet restrained.
“Let me go!” She yells as you all watch her. 
You walk out from the back with Clarke, Monty, and Sinclair to talk about a game plan. “How the hell do we get that thing out of her head?” You ask.
“Working on it,” Monty replies before Clarke talks to Niylah.
Bellamy walks back to you, “ You okay?” He asks, noticing you rub your face.
“Yeh. You?” You respond.
“Fine,” He responds. 
You all file into a different room to figure out how Raven wanted to use the old wristband. “Niylah said we can work in here. So how do we do this?” Clarke says.
“We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant,” Sinclair explains as Monty inspects it.
“Meaning what?” Bellamy asks.
“A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chip’s circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven’s own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input, and attach a battery,” Sinclair further explains.
“But what would that do to her?” You ask.
“EMPs don’t affect our bodies. But I don’t know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain,” Sinclair says.
“This was Raven’s plan. She wouldn’t do it if it was gonna destroy her brain,” Bellamy says.
“Depends how bad she wanted it out,” Octavia says, coming into the room.
“Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk,” Sinclair says.
“Where do we get one?” You ask.
“The Ark. Every station had a pulsed inductive thruster for maneuvering,” Sinclair says.
“Arkadia’s out of the question. It’s too dangerous, you heard them,” Bellamy states.
“We use the dropship. It has PI thrusters just like the Ark,” Monty says.
“That’s good. Okay. I’ll go salvage the magnet,” Sinclair says. 
“Uhh no. You should stay with Raven and figure out how this thing works. I’ll take the rover. Be back by the time you finish the device,” Monty says.
“I’ll go with you,” Octavia says.
“Guys!” You hear Jasper yell from the other room. You get into the room and see Raven trying to get her ties off and Jasper standing there and doing nothing.
“Stop her!” You urge.
“Jasper, get that side,” Bellamy says.
“She’s reopened her wounds. She’s gonna bleed to death. I need bandages.” Clarke says. 
“Raven, stop fighting us,” You say as Clarke tries to clean up her wounds.
“Alie. Alie. Alie! Look at me. I know you can hear this. Why are you doing this to her? Let her go,” Jasper says.
“I’ll let her go when you give me what I want. The technology that Clarke carries, it belongs to me,” Raven says in a voice that's not hers.
“No way,” Clarke says.
“Clarke, just give it to her. Clarke!” Jasper says.
“If you let Raven die, you’ll never get it,” Clarke responds. All of a sudden, Raven stops struggling. “Untie her wrist. Hold her steady,” Clarke says and then works on fixing Raven’s shoulder.
“Clarke. She’s never gonna stop trying to get away. We can’t let her hurt herself again. Someone has to stay with her,” You state.
“I’ll be first watch. We’ll take turns,” Clarke says.
“You don't give the orders, Clarke,” Jasper erupts.
“Guess he doesn’t forgive you for murdering his girlfriend,” Raven says.
“Jasper, take a break,” You say before walking back into the front of the outpost.
“Hey, you good?” You hear Bellamy say from behind you.
“Just peachy,” You respond sarcastically. “You?” 
“Could be better,” Bellamy says. “You sure you’re good?” He asks, rubbing where Raven punched you. 
“Yeh. Just a little scratch,” You say and move his hand from your face. 
“I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way,” He says.
“Sorry? You massacred an army that wouldn’t have attacked if it weren’t for you and Pike. Maybe we could’ve avoided this chaos if you stopped him,” You say.
“I understand what I did was wrong, but –” Bellamy starts before you hear Clarke yelling from inside the tradepost. The both of you rush in and pull Clarke out of the room. 
“I’ll take next watch,” You say and head into the room with Raven. “Don’t even think about it, Alie, “ You say, knowing that she’ll try to get into your head too. Bellamy and Jasper come in to join you a few moments later, taking the seats on the other side of the table. 
“Look at your united front,” Raven says. “Tell me, why do you give Bellamy a pass for murdering your girlfriend? What was her name?” Raven asks.
“Don’t talk about Maya, “ Jasper says under his breath.
“You don’t have to listen to this,” You say.
“Let’s protect Jasper. Jasper’s so sensitive. Jasper’s lost someone. Everyone cater to his feelings. We’ve all lost someone. You don’t see us falling apart. You don’t see us getting wasted. Being useless,” Raven taunts.
“No, you took a pill to take your pain away. You gave up your memories,” Jasper responds.
“But then, why should we expect anything more? You used to get high off people’s medicine. Being a selfish loser was your only move,” Raven says.
“Stop,” Jasper says.
“That’s all we see when we look at you. A coward. A waste of breath. Why do you even bother living? You’re weak. Pathetic. You can’t save me. You can’t even save yourself. You couldn’t save whats-her name,” Raven continues.
“You know her name!” Jasper bursts out.
“Jasper, think. It’s not Raven talking. And you’re giving her what she wants. Go, “You say to Jasper. He thinks a little bit before walking out of the room, realizing you were right.
“And then there were two. The two that couldn’t even save their own parents. Did you know that you two shared that? That you both killed your own parents? You,” Raven taunts, turning her head towards you. “You killed all those guards and yet still failed at saving him. In fact, you killed both of your parents. Even after stealing all that medicine, your mom still didn’t survive her sickness,” Raven says.
“You don’t know me or have a right to speak about my life,” You say.
“And now, you’re trying to run away from that life, the life of a comfortable, privileged, little girl with parents on the Council. You have been ever since you were locked up. Making sure no one knew who you used to be. Pretending to be someone who didn’t have the privileges that you did,” Raven continues.
“What makes you think that?” I question.
“And you,” Raven says, turning her head to Bellamy. “Does it bother you that you don’t get any credit for the genocide at Mount Weather? Clarke gets to be the Commander of Death, but you murdered all these people, too, and you’re just forgotten. Then again…you didn’t get any credit for the culling on the Ark, either. How many people suffocated when you threw away my radio? You know, at least Clarke was saving her own people. You were just saving your own ass. Of course, that’s nothing… compared to killing your own mom. Just. Like. Y/N. You just had to take little sister to her first dance. You might as well have just shoved Aurora out the airlock yourself. Do you think she would be proud of you now? For the kind of leader, you’ve become? Or would she see the truth, like the rest of us do?  That you're a follower. Clarke’s been back one day, and you’re already taking orders. Too bad you were never that devoted to Gina,” raven says.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bellamy says back.
“Don’t worry. Gina was already dead when mount weather blew up. And you avenged her, right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us. That had nothing to do with blowing sweet Gina to bits. But, hey, a grounders a grounder, right?” Raven says as Niylah enters the room.
“My father… you killed him,” Niylah says and slaps Bellamy.
“Niylah. Niylah. You can’t be in here,” Clarke says as she tries to drag her out.
“It’s too late. Raven’s already seen her. Alie knows we’re here,” jasper says, upset. 
You follow Bellamy outside and watch as he kicks a barrel over. Knowing he’s upset. He starts to punch something, and you run towards him. “Bell, Bell. Hey,” You say, taking his hand into yours. “She’s getting into your head, trying to rile you up. Just like she’s done to the rest of us. You know what she said isn’t true,” You say.
“Yes, it is,” He responds.
“Look, yes. Some of the facts are right, but Alie. She doesn’t know the real you,” You say. 
He sighs, “Are you ok? I mean the things–,” He starts.
“I’m fine,” You say as you hear a rover approach.
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” He asks.
“I’m fine,” You say and kiss his cheek. Luckily it was Monty and Octavia.
“What happened?” You ask as Monty just walks past both of you. You all make it back to the room Ravenn is in as Sinclair starts to explain when needs to be done.
“All we have to do is connect her and activate the electromagnet,” Sinclair says. You all start to work on getting everything set up, but Raven struggles and then begins banging her head on the back of the bed. 
“She’s trying to kill herself,” Bellamy realizes. You all struggle to restrain her, but it's no use.
“Stop, and I’ll give you this,” Clarke says as she holds up the Flame. Raven immediately stops, and you quickly grab the wristband and put it on Raven.
“No, you lied! You lied! No. No, please, don’t. The MEP will give me brain damage. You know it will. Please, don’t do this,” Raven pleads. 
“Don’t listen to her,” Octavia says.
“Please. You know it will! Sinclair, stop! Sinclair, no. No!” Raven continues to plead.
“We’ve only got one shot at this. EMP will fry the wristband, too,” Sinclair says.
“Do it,” Bellamy says. Once everything was ready, Sinclair quickly works to start the EMP. 
“What’s happening?” You ask as it seemed like nothing had happened. 
“Nothing. We need more power. The battery’s not strong enough,” Sinclair says.
“Well, then get one, that is,” Clarke says.
“The rover,” Monty responds. Monty and Bellamy go to grab the battery from the rover and switch it out for the other battery. Sinclair activates the EMP, and Raven screams out in pain before her body finally relaxes.
“She’s breathing,” You say as you feel her pulse.
“Raven? Come on, Raven. Hey. Come on, wake up,” Clarke says, shaking her.
“What are you doing?” Clarke says as Jasper hastily moves to the other side of the room.
“Don’t move!,” He says, placing the box with the Flame in it on the table.
“No. You can’t. No. Give it back,” Clarke says.
“Alie did that to Raven. She’s never gonna get this!” Jasper says as he gets ready to smash the Flame.
“Don’t! Stop. it’s Lexa. part of her is still in there. I saw them cut it out of her head. I’m not…” Clarke says before stopping herself.
“What is it?” Bellamy asks. 
“Both the AIs were made by the same person. Both tap into human consciousness. They must work similarly, right?” Clarke asks.
“Well, there’s probably only one pathway to consciousness, so it’s possible, yeah,” Sinclair says.
“What does this have to do with anything?” Octavia asks.
“I’ve seen an AI get removed before. Help me get her on her side,” Clarke says, and you all work to move Raven. “Get that med kit from my bag,” Clarke requests and cuts into the back of Raven’s neck. Soon enough, a gross goo comes out of her neck.
“What is that?” You ask.
“It must be whatever’s left of the chip,” Sinclair says. Soon enough, Raven starts to wake up.
“I never thought i’d be so happy to see someone in pain,” Octavia says, noticing how stiff Raven is from all of the pain she put herself in.
“I could’ve saved my mom,” Monty says. Making you realize that his mom had died when they went to the Dropship. He walks out of the room before anyone could say anything. 
“Alie knows we're here. We gotta move,” Bellamy says, and you all begin to pack up.
You go to wrap some cloth around the hand that Bellamy injured, “You’ll recover,” You say.
“Will I?” He responds. “What do you do when you realize…you might not be the good guy?” He questions.
“Maybe there are no good guys,” You respond. You start to walk off to help load the rover, but Bellamy grabs your arm.
“Hey. Are you sure you’re alright? You don’t want to tal–” Bellamy says.
“We need to go,” You say, pushing him off and going to load the rover.
“Hey. there’s one thing I don’t understand. Why did Alie want you to kill yourself?” Clarke asks Raven.
“Because I know why she wants a second AI,” Raven says.
“Why?” Bellamy questions.
“It’s the only thing that can stop her,” Raven reveals.
“Then let’s stop her. We survive together,” Octavia says, and you all get into the rover.
A/N: Welcome back to the world of the 100. Sorry for the hiatus, and thanks for reading.
🏷: @misfortunatem00n  | @mystic-writings​​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @wintrfld​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @hurricane-abigail​ | @how-does-this-work​ | @lizlil​ | @vxidnik​ | @hh0n3yppie
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ikamigami · 1 year
So... I feel slightly better.. and I watched the latest episode... and all I can say is that I've always knew that's how Sun feels about himself.
My thoughts may disturb some of y'all so I decided to put them under the cut.
Believe me when I say that Sun trying to reason with his dark thoughts won't change anything... trust me.. I was there so many f-ing times... so many... You just keep fighting with those thoughts and feelings.. but you can't win this battle... No matter how hard you try...
I know that I've said that many times already.. but I can see my past-self in Sun... The only difference is the killing part and psychosis... and maybe the cleaning stuff cause I don't have an OCD and I wasn't coping with cleaning etc. For me it was always listening to music, playing with my siblings, watching movies or some funny dumb shit on YT.. or I was just creating some fictional stories to forget about how I feel about myself...
And I can relate not only to self doubt and hate.. but also the urges... All these intrusive thoughts.. they don't make you a bad person.. but you truly think that you're bad for having those thoughts... If you've never dealt with intrusive thoughts you don't know how hard is to let go of them.. to accept the fact that they're just thoughts.. and you're not truly like that...
That's why.. all those comments saying that Sun is truly bad.. hurt me like hell... Or when I saw that people tried to put Sun's angry or rude moments together with how toxic Old Moon was or with how awful Eclipse is to the one bag... irked me so much... "Oh they all suck blah blah blah", no. Sun always tried his best and always thought about others well-being and their feelings.
Sun also made mistakes but you can't put it in the same bag with what Old Moon, Eclipse, Bloodmoon and KC did... You can't and shouldn't...
And like I said.. Sun won't open up about his problems. This is how this works. Either someone will see that and help Sun.. or it'll end up badly... But not that Sun will turn evil because he'll snap!! For the love of all that exist, Sun is suffering!! He might hurt someone, yes.. but not intentionally!! And I fear that this time he'll harm himself...
He still has hallucinations because it was only a month more or less after he had psychotic episode. He still suffers the aftermath of that. And I'm really afraid that he'll have another psychotic episode during July. And when you have psychotic episodes you're not fully responsible for what you did because you act on your delusions and act accordingly to your hallucinations.
Sun is suffering.. and no one knows about it... I wish that computer would help Sun.. but I doubt that cause he doesn't care about Sun... It's either that or Eclipse is using computer to make Sun suffer more.
People think that the person who followed Sun at the end of the video is either Lunar's ghost or KC or creator's bot.. but I think that might be Eclipse cause we saw that low camera before when Eclipse disappeared after he talked with Monty in their spaceship. I assumed that Eclipse was observing Monty and he knows that Lunar will be revived.
I really believe that Eclipse is driving Sun more crazy and.. I wouldn't put that past Eclipse to try to make Sun feel so guilty and miserable that he would consider taking his own life... I really wouldn't put that past Eclipse to try to drive Sun into su*c*de...
Because Eclipse truly hates Sun and would do anything to cause Sun pain.
I've always knew that Sun feels su*c*dal... because I saw all those signs... and I also felt like that and I also considered to take my own life but that's beside the point hdjdnxbsksbsbzjsnnz
I'm scared for Sun... cause I don't know what showrunners will do next... How they'll screw with Sun next time... Ksvskdbskjsjsbsjskhxv
I hope that someone will see what's going on with Sun and will finally give the help Sun needs...
And sorry for my poor English...
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miafi · 1 year
Lovely @caromitpunkt tagged me to list 9 of my favourite shows in no particular order.
Now, I haven't watched a show in a loooong time, so let's see if I can think of nine shows in general 😅
1. The Simpsons: ultimate comfort show. I watch reruns in TV when I'm at my parents. I think I've seen every episode (till season 20) about ten times each.
2. IT Crowd: another comfort show. It makes me laugh every. Single. Time.
FIRE, exclamation mark, FIRE, exclamation mark, HELP ME, exclamation mark. 123 Carrendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. All the best, Maurice Moss.
3. Black Books: look, I have a lot of comfort shows that I keep watching over and over, don't judge me. And Bernard doing his tax returns lives in my head rent free.
4. Monty Python's Flying Circus: this show has shaped my sense of humour. Either you find Monty Python's humour funny or you can't be helped. I'm happy I'm in the first groups. I remember way too many quotes from the show instead of important things. But I don't care.
The. Larch.
5. Derry Girls: one of newer shows that have the comfort show potential. I haven't watched the last season yet. But hey, as a fan of Take That, I LOVED the episode when they went to the show.
6. Skam: I think this is the only show that I binge watched. I don't do binge watching because of my attention span and there's always something that has to be done and you can't spend the whole evening, night and morning watching a TV show, but Skam (and Druck) did it.
7. Gilmore Girls: the older I get, the more annoying I find both Lorelei and Rory and I wish I could forget the clusterfuck that was Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. But this show was a too big part of my life to not mention it. (And Rory jumping with Logan from that scaffolding with umbrellas? Poetic cinema.)
8. Doctor Who: I haven't watched all episodes, it is a show I keep telling myself "when you have the time, you'll catch up with the rest of the episodes" but it's hard to find the time with a full time job, a life AND multiple hours of cycling to watch every day 😅 I find some of the companions annoying (cough Amy cough), but the comedic genius duo that was David Tennant and Catherine Tate is iconic.
Don't blink.
9. Mistresses: (the UK version PLEASE) look, I'm gay. And there's Sarah Parish and Orla Brady in this show. There are few moments that make me want to climb the walls (in a good way). Too many 'we shouldn't be doing this' that I enjoy way too much. Another sort of comfort show. Did I mention Sarah Parish is in this? 😍
Now, my least favourite part, tagging 🫣 @1337wtfomgbbq @snark--maiden @catsanyesz @mwrites666 @missanathea @paris-roubaix @sunflowersofme @stylesbandshirts @emsails and anyone who wants to chime in and share their fave shows. No pressure, of course!
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