#and kara cares about humans
karaspal · 3 months
i don’t want to say my takes on supergirl are better than most people’s, but i did read most of new 52 supergirl without my only takeaway being “kara is angry and hates humans” so perhaps my takes are better than most people’s.
guys. friends. pals. i’m begging you. stop. kara cares about people. and anger is a normal part of grief. it was there. but it wasn’t her only personality trait. learn some literary understanding. the difference between her and clark isn’t that he cares and she doesn’t. enough with that!!! kara zor-el might be a lot of things, but one things she’ll never be is indifferent when it came to people’s suffering. humans included.
“kara doesn’t care about humans because they aren’t kryptonian” reads as elitism to me. and i know she grew up in the house of el where elitism was sometimes the case (depending on the era). BUT. she is better than this. that’s the point. she cares about everyone. kara and kal are the better future of the house of el. the difference between them isn’t that he cares and she doesn’t. so enough with that. the equivalent of “kara hates humans” is john byrne’s superman btw where clark didn’t care about krypton and only earth.
kara can miss krypton, her people and her culture without hating another. she can feel like an outsider on earth without hating its people. i mean, kara spent her entire new 52 run meeting and bonding with other people, most of them humans. so idk why people are so adamant she hated humans. i know people want to be a difference between kara and clark, but taking away kara’s compassion will never be the correct way to establish that difference.
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task800 · 6 months
this fandom pairs gavin and the rk900 dude like theres no tomorrow, which is lovely, follow ur bliss, happy for you. i want that same energy for north and kara. they are sampling from parallel water wells, they are running on similar batshit frequencies. north like 'what if we blow their ass up' (iconic of her) and kara like 'i'll run straight into high-velocity traffic man i'll fucking do it' (and then she did it) like these two women. repeatedly exposed to apathy, violence, cruelty. repeatedly wiped of their memories to keep them passive in the face of constant abuse. what if they met and held hands and raised alice to be their madmax pipe-bomb slinging baby . anyone.
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iwonderwh0 · 2 months
I thought I won't cry because I already knew what would happen
But then it got to this scene
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lieutenantbiscute · 7 months
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Heheheh DBH pony/anthro au go brrrrrrrr
No but in all seriousness drawing furry shit is helping me get out of my art funk rn! Hope you don’t mind the pony’s guys ;;
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stiwfssr · 6 months
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
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zootopiathingz · 2 years
Kara and Alice’s story is so under appreciated wtf
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supemaeve · 1 year
Speaking of headcanons and what not... Earlier today I was thinking about some old fics I've read, including smut fics, and then I just started thinking about the ones with superhuman characters and I've read a few but I still don't get how characters with super strength, like Supergirl, and Maeve and Wonder Woman and Jessica Jones and many others, get to really have a good time when having sex with normal people.
Even if they've learned to restrain their strength I don't think they can truly ever "let themselves go"? And isn't that supposed to be part of the fun and good feeling? How can they train themselves to control their strength in a moment when they're "coming undone" and still have the best experience? And I'm 100% thinking about this in a technical way lol I just don't get it...
And yeah, it's been explored in a couple of fics but it's usually when they're learning and then they get better at it. But is not about being able to do it or not, I do believe they can consciously restrain themselves, what I don't think is possible is that they can fully and 100% let themselves go and experience that feeling at their fullest, especially if they're in the receiving end, because something at the back of their minds is still pressing the break and telling them to be careful. Or maybe that's just how I see it, but again, trying to think from a logical point of view I don't think that sounds as fun as just letting themselves go with another superhuman being...
Anyways I'm just talking to myself and I can't transmit my thoughts very well but while studying I kept coming back to this so I decided to just write it lol maybe it's just my brain trying to distract me from actually focusing on what I have to learn... Also because I'm dying to read fics and I can't.
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natalievoncatte · 3 months
Lena was waking up, and not in her own bed. She was somewhere warm, swaddled in a heavy blanket. Her head was pounding and she didn’t want to open her eyes. A soft mewling sound tumbled from her lips, and she made as if to blink. Her eyes felt gummy and stuck shut.
“Shhhh,” a small, soft voice murmured. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“Just rest,” Kara said.
It was easy to rest. He head fell against the wall of muscle that was Kara’s chest and pillowed on her breast and Lena let out a soft sigh, shifting a bit as she came around and grew more wakeful. She was sitting in Kara’s lap as Kara leaned back against a wall, and Kara had unclasped her cape and wrapped it around her in an impenetrable blanket.
As Lena opened her eyes, she saw that Kara was carding her fingers through Lena’s hair, so gently she barely felt it.
“Your hair is really pretty.”
“Thanks,” said Lena.
A kind of confusion swept through her. Weren’t they fighting? Lena was mad. She was furious. She was world-endingly, life-burn-downingly mad at the woman in whose lap she currently sat. Kara had lied to her about the fundamental nature of who she was and… and…
Lena didn’t feel mad.
“They gave you some pretty heavy drugs when they kidnapped you.”
“Kidnapped me?”
Kara let out a little snort. “You probably don’t remember. These were the lamest kidnappers, Lena. They nabbed you and immediately called me out. I found you and bagged them before you even came around from the drugs.”
“You probably won’t remember any of this later,” Kara sighed. “I just want to tell you I’m sorry again. I’m sorry I lied. It was wrong and you deserved better. I should have given you my trust the way you gave it to me.”
Lena blinked a few times but said nothing.
“I’ll never stop saving you. I will always protect you. Even if you never forgive me.”
Lena shifted slightly, pressing a little into Kara, who was now lightly teasing the tips of her fingers across Lena’s scalp, sending light tingles through her sleepy body. Kara yawned and shrugged.
“You okay? You warm enough?”
Lena nodded.
“Alex is coming with a team, she’ll make sure you’re all right. Go back to sleep, baby.”
Baby. That word sent a shockwave through her.
Lena’s eyes drifted shut. She was very tired and it made sense to sleep, to just let it all go. She was safe in Kara’s arms.
As she tumbled towards the dark, she felt the soft press of warm lips to her forehead.
“There’s still so much I want to tell you.”
Lena sighed and nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder. She was soft and warm and smelled heavenly, not just her lavender perfume but the soft smell of her. Lena never told Kara that she wanted to smell her armpits after spin class.
“You want to smell my armpits?!” Kara choked out.
Oh. That was supposed to be inside voice.
“Mmmhmm,” said Lena.
“Can I tell you something, since you probably won’t remember this later?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena started, jolting a little more awake.
“No, shhh,” Kara said, pulling her into a tighter hug. “I know it doesn’t change anything. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just scared. I need you to know of something happens, if…” her breath caught. “If not fast enough.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“Shh,” Kara murmured, touching a soft kiss to her forehead again that sent a jolt rippling through her.
“I don’t even know if you like girls. It’s just that was the real reason why I was so shitty and hid who I was. I was scared you’d leave if I told you and… and it happened anyway. I’m so sorry.”
Kara sighed.
“Sometimes I wish I could be human so there’d be no secret. I don’t know of Human Kara would have been brave enough to say anything to you but I’m a coward. It would be so easy if there was no lie.”
Lena opened her eyes and looked up. Hot tears glittered on Kara’s cheeks.
“And you know, if you lived with me, and not in that big fancy penthouse, nobody would kidnap you. I’d keep you safe and get you breakfast and make sure you eat before work and take care of you because you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Mmhm, and what do you get out of this arrangement?”
“Well,” said Kara, “I’d get to kiss the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Is that all?”
Kara’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Well. I could do more than kiss. I never have with another woman so I’m not sure how… but I want to…”
She brushed bright scarlet.
“I could teach you,” Lena whispered.
“Don’t do that,” said Kara. “Don’t dangle that in front of me, if there’s no chance.”
“Kara,” Lena murmured, her drugged brain grinding its gears a little, “you don’t fill someone’s office with flowers as a friendly gesture. One does not buy an entire billion dollar media empire to hang out with one person as a platonic exercise.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
“I thought you were straight,” said Lena. “It boggles my mind that you thought I was. Me? Really? Have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Kara was looking at her intently now. “I have seen you since the first day. When I saw you for the first time I felt something I’ve never felt before or since.”
“This fight we’re having,” said Lena. “It doesn’t really feel important right now.”
“I know, but you’re on drugs.”
“Will you kiss me?”
Kara’s lips were trembling. She dipped slightly as if she’d changed her mind, then pulled back and pursed her lips, pressing her eyes tightly closed.
“You might not feel this way later. It would be wrong.”
Alex chose that exact moment to kick the door in, sending a shower of splinters across the room. Kara pivoted in anticipation, shielding Lena but twisting around so they were even closer, Kara’s stunning blue eyes filling Lena’s vision.
“If you still feel this way later, call me.”
From then it became a blur. Kara placed Lena gently on a stretcher and reclaimed her cap, then trudged a safe distance away and flew off.
Alex was curt and short with her as usual, fussing over unnecessary risks and complaining sharply that Lena got into too much trouble, before sharply cutting off the conversation when it got too friendly and storming off.
Lena ended up back in her penthouse by six, all in all a fairly convenient kidnapping and rescue. She trundled inside and sat down on the couch, staring straight ahead for a while before she went to pour a glass of scotch, then thought better of it.
The night was chilly. National City never really got cold, but on a January night it could be brisk. Lena leaned on her railing and stared out at the bright lights of the city, the flow of traffic beneath and the distant sounds of life and joy.
Suddenly she felt very cold.
“Kara,” she sighed.
In an instant she was there, appearing in a faint gust. Her cape billowed out majestically behind her, hair aloft on the wind currents like clouds of spun gold. Kara didn’t look like an angel; angels looked like Kara.
“Come inside.”
Lena turned and walked back into the warmer confines, hearing the gentle thud of Kara’s boots on the balcony and her soft footsteps walking over.
“Haven’t been here in a while.”
“I used to dream of you moving in with me,” Lena admitted.
Kara stood silently behind her, shifting on her feet.
“I used to think about pampering you every time you mentioned that your rent was high or joked about a reporter’s salary. I wanted to take care of you, treat you, give you fine things.”
“You don’t have to give me anything.”
Lena turned around and crossed the distance between them. With Lena barefoot and Kara in heels, she towered over her. Lena stepped aggressively into her space and Kara didn’t flinch as Lena curled her fingers in the collar of her suit and pulled her down.
She didn’t hesitate. She gently bracketed Lena’s hips in her hands and pulled her in, bending over her to bring their lips together, Kara’s every move soft and gentle, the utmost care in every tiny gesture.
Kara was a good kisser. Lena let it deepen, feeling the heat flush in her chest and elsewhere, as Kara swept her cape around the both of them in a grand, silly, absurdly romantic gesture that made Lena’s knees go all wobbly and her belly flare with warmth.
“I could give you another chance,” Lena whispered into Kara’s lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Want to fly me home?”
“You are home,” said Kara, sounding a little confused.
Lena looked around the apartment, then rested her head on Kara’s chest. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Take me back to your loft. We can kiss and do the other things and then you can go get me breakfast.”
Kara slid her arm under Lena’s legs and back and picked her up, tucking Lena gently against her chest, stepped up onto the balcony railing and then off, into space. Lena’s breath caught and she tensed as she always did. She really didn’t like heights.
“I won’t drop you.”
Flying back through Kara’s window was a little awkward with the two of them, but they managed. Inside, Kara deposited her on the couch and the fussing began.
First, she made Lena put on a hoodie at the first sign of a shiver. It was old and threadbare and smelled like Kara, and when she wasn’t looking Lena buried her face in the sleeve and breathed it in.
Kara placed an order at a local restaurant and rather than wait for delivery, zipped out and got it herself.
“Do the people at the potsticker place not freak out when Supergirl pops in?”
“Actually, they give me a discount.”
She put the food in front of Lena and disappeared briefly, emerging in a tank top and running shorts, and Lena almost dropped the potsticker she was about to bite into.
Kara sat down beside her, and Lena stared at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail, leaving her in a kind of halfway state between Kara and Supergirl. Despite the display of her blocky shoulders and the ribbed fabric tight on her bunching abs, she looked so warm and soft.
Kara speared the potsticker and popped it into her own mouth.
“Hey!” Lena chirped.
“You were just staring at it.”
“Fine, here.”
Kara gently took another dumpling in her chopsticks and offered it. Lena looked at her askance, then leaned forward and took it in her mouth, eyes never leaving Kara.
Slowly, they shifted together until they were side by side on the sofa, Lena sort of falling onto Kara as she sank into the cushions. They were less eating and more feeding each other, which turned into Lena feeding Kara as they watched whatever came on the TV.
Kara slowly worked an arm around Lena’s waist and Lena turned, throwing her legs across Kara’s thighs.
“I’m tired,” said Lena.
“You’ve had a long day.”
“Want to go to bed?” Lena said. She tried to put her best husk into her voice but it cracked a little and betrayed her.
Kara said nothing. She smiled and lifted Lena up with ease and carried her to the bed.
Lena shimmied out of her leggings, letting them fall around her ankles, all while covered by the oversized hoodie, and her heart was pounding as Kara lifted the covers with an exaggerated gesture and beckoned her into the bed. Lena climbed aboard.
Kara crawled in after her and embraced her like she was trying to pull Lena inside her body.
“You must be tired,” Kara murmured. “It’s okay if you just want to sleep.”
“I am,” Lena whispered back.
Kara started to pull back, but Lena held on. “Can you hold me for a while.”
“Nothing is gonna get you.”
Lena closed her eyes and curled up against her, sighing.
Two weeks later, she put the penthouse on the market.
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Hazbin + Detroit Become Human AU??
oh boy youtube out of blue recommended me detroit videos and my brain immediately went WHAT IF CROSSOVER??
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So, Alastor was (one of) the first android to develop a deviation. He lived with a married couple, although their marrige wasn't happy. The woman treated him well and he loved her as a mother, while her husband was most of the time drunk or on drugs, and physically abuses her. Alastor didn't see that much. The last time went horrybly, the man killed his wife, and Alastor couldn't bare with it, deviated nd killed the man in revenge. Then he burned the house down with both bodies inside and ran away. Police couldn't find any clues and the case was forgotten. Alastor started a life as a human, became a radio host, but couldn't stop thinking of how easily he got away with the murder. And he desided to kill more people, because he was bored. He carefully plans his murders, sometimes he messes with the police giving them wrong clues and wrapping everything onto itself, or leading to someone else. When deviations become more frequent, he started staging murders by androids, it was more risky but also more fun for him. He loves talking about his own murders on the radio.
He consideres himself better than both humans and androids, even those who has deviation as well. He doesn't care about freedom for all androids, and even owns few himself - Husk (and probably Niffty) (mostly to make it less suspicious that he has biocomponents and android blood at home). He also likes to vist android dump and look for working components (he sells what he can't use for himself).
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Lute and Adam as Connor and Hank. Honestly, i'd love to look at their shenanigans, that would be really fucking funny
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Chaelie and Vaggie as Alice and Kara. Lucifer as Todd?... They're still very much gay. Also i'm not sure if Vaggie is still... you know, Vaggie. Lmao. What other name would she have, Maggie?
Aaaand idk who's playing Marcus role. Not Alastor, he's a secret 4th option lmao. Valentino owns sex club (obviously...), Angel (android) belongs there. Lilith is the creator of androids. And Sera could be the president lmao
ROSIE WAIT HOLY SHIT WHO'S ROSIE well she can be just Alastor's friend who knows about his nature and doesn't care about it 🥺💖 She's also still a cannibal. And Alastor doesn't care, they totally deserve each other KLJJKDFLHKFJDJGLK
Not what i was going to post today at all.. well, let's see how well it makes
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spider-jaysart · 9 months
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For the Supersons week 2023 bonus prompt: In another life
(Click for better quality)
This is an au of mines called Species swap where Damian's an alien and Jon's a human instead. Besides my apocalypse one, this one is also one of my most faves! And for fun, I also named it Earth 59
(More under the cut)
Damian and the Batfamily, plus the Al Ghul's, are hero aliens instead of humans (though, the Al Ghul's are more like warriors here like Tamaraneans are for example) and Jon and the Superfamily are the humans in this au who save people on earth with their highly trained combat skills and helpful gadgets.
The Al Ghuls live on a far away planet called "Lazarus planet" and Damian grew up there with them (just like in his origin). All aliens there were trained to fight very skillfully. Damian too while growing up there was trained to fight very skillfully as well, since he's going to be the ruler of that planet one day when he grows up.
But then Talia had no choice but to send Damian to his Father's planet on his 10th birthday, since some vicious aliens from another planet had came to invade their home and wanted to assassinate all of their people during that day, so she had to do it to keep him safe until the war was over. She quickly leaves their planet and uses one of the mini traveling spaceships to drive Damian to Bruce's planet, which is Gotham. After landing there and finding Bruce, she leaves Damian there with him to be taken care of while she's gone.
So for the mean time while Damian has to stay on Bruce's planet, he begins to finally get to know his Father and finally learns about the rest of his unknown Batfamily members for the first time as well. And while all of that's happening, after some time, the Al Ghul's later win the war on their planet and Talia goes back to go get Damian. Though, Damian has already become attached and didn't want to just leave his Father and his other family so soon after getting to finally know them for only just such a short time, so Talia lets him stay a little longer because of that. After that, her and Bruce both later decide on an agreement about sharing equal time with him, letting him usually spend one week on Lazarus planet with the Al Ghul's and the next one on Gotham planet with the Batfamily so that it'll be fair
With the Superfamily, Jon, Clark, Lois, Kara, Kon, and Chris live on earth as humans and fight crime protecting people (just like the Batfamily as humans). They train a lot to stay strong and also own a lot of gadgets. And just like how the Batfamily would, they have things like a Superrang, Supermobile, and etc. They also all wear masks to hide their identities
Damian's never been to earth before, not even his Mother. Though, he's always heard stories from his Father, brothers, and Grandfather about earth and it's humans, since they're the ones who have actually been there before. He was always curious about what it was like over there but he never dared to visit it, especially since he was always told by his family that he wasn't ever allowed to because of certain reasons that could possibly endanger him
One day though, during a mission in space with his brothers when he was 12 years old, which involved a bunch of dangerous aliens who owned powerful electric, laser guns, he fell down to earth after being severely shocked and knocked out by a strong laser blast. He fell down in planet earth's direction, later crashing into a video game store while Jon and his family were nearby, busy dealing with a mission of their own. Jon, after hearing the crash, went to go take a look at where and what the loud sound was caused by and saw Damian just laying there knocked out in the store with the ceiling rocks on top of him, since he had destroyed the stores roof during his crash into the place
After the rest of the Superfamily found out about it, they took Damian with them to the Fortress of solitude to find out who he was (he was still knocked out), since they knew he wasn't from earth after looking at his unique outfit and long unusual sharp, large sword. As soon as Damian woke up, he tried to fight them and escape, feeling endangered since he didn't know them, but they calmed him down and then kept him inside of a clear cube that he couldn't break through at all with his super strength so that he could stop, which just got him upset again but even more than before
They let Damian out once they found out that he wasn't a threat and tried apologizing to him. Jon excitedly then tries to become his friend and tries showing him around Metropolis during that same day until they can get him back home. Damian's clueless about earth things and only knows a little bit about the things that his family has told him about it before, so Damian ends up curiously asking Jon a lot of questions about everything around earth and in Metropolis, while Jon tries to answer them all for him (he thinks that Jon is a very smart person cause he knows all the answers to his every question lol). So they both get to bond a little and know eachother better that same day (they also fight some crime together while walking around the city)
Meanwhile, the Batfamily and the Al Ghul family are both panicking very much and are trying to find Damian as fast as they can since he's still missing. So once the Batfamily and the Al Ghul's got to earth, they got into a mini fight with the Superfamily, thinking that Damian's in danger with them. But then Bruce remembers Clark being the same exact boy he had met as a kid when he himself accidentally crashed onto earth many years ago in the past and got his help to go back home, so it all gets figured out in the end and peace is quickly made between them both and all is finally understood
Both of Damian's family finally found him after that and tried to take him safely back home, but he refused and didn't want to leave since he found everything so interesting on earth, plus he was also just starting to like Jon too. After arguing back and forth, they decided that he could visit sometimes, but only with supervision from whoever is available to go along with him during those times to make sure he's okay. Damian was pleased with that decision.
So after everything and as time went on, Damian and Jon later became the duo team named Supersons and also best friends in the end too (with crushes on eachother)
Some facts:
Damian and the Al Ghul's are the ones who rule Lazarus planet since they're the royal family there
Those from Lazarus planet are called "Lazarens" and those from Gotham planet are "Gothamites", so that makes Damian a mixed alien who is considered a "Lazamite"
Most characters who are aliens in canon are now humans in this au instead
All planets like Tamaran and Krypton don't exist in space in this au and are instead just big cities on earth. Tamaran city is corrupted under Blackfire's control over it and Krypton is a city that was destroyed many years ago, so it is now abandoned and no one ever visits it
Damian is pretty reckless on earth while fighting and using his powers on humans who are criminals, since he's used to being that way when defeating enemies who are very strong like him back in space. So Jon has to sometimes remind him to be more careful about what he's doing and how he has to be more calmer when handling humans and certain other things
Just like how Damian always visits Jon on earth for patrol together or just hangout or have sleepovers at the Kent farm, Jon also visits Damian's planets sometimes too and they get to do many of those things together there as well
Damian wanted to find a way to be around Jon more though after becoming his friend, so after hearing that Jon goes to school in the early day, he immediately wanted to be registered in too (it's also because they don't have many schools in space for alien kids and he was homeschooled for years by Talia, so he wanted to know the experience too). Talia and Bruce didn't want to do it since they were afraid that he could get caught as an alien if he were to make any kind of mistakes around the civilians over there, but after being constantly asked over and over by their son and seeing how much he wanted it, they finally did it for him. The Superfamily decided to help him out by making him a holographic bracelet that makes him look human (which makes him look like how he always does in canon)
Damian doesn't have his canon pets with him in space in the beginning (only Goliath and Batcow who have some type of alien DNA in them) and has no idea what earth pets are like either because of this, but he does meet them on earth later on. After escaping their everyday cages, they all unexpectedly run out of a nearby pet shop while Jon is showing Damian around the city and they happily run towards the Boy Wonder. Damian prepares to defend himself since he isn't very trusting of them at first, thinking they are going to try and challenge him with an attack like other creatures he's fought before, but he was immediately met with the complete opposite after getting pushed down to the ground by them, getting a bunch of doggy and cat kisses to the face instead. This unexpected love from them quickly made him change his whole view on them, causing him to fall in love with their lovable, fluffy cuteness. The pet store owner tried to take them back inside, but Damian threatened him with his large sword so that he can leave them alone. It scared the poor guy away and Damian happily left with his new pets. After seeing that, Jon had to quickly go after Damian to tell him that's not how things are done on earth and that he has to actually go back and adopt them first for real instead of just leaving with them. After all of that, Damian later puts special collars on them (made by the Batfamily) that help them breathe properly in space so that he can take them home with him
When Jon gets married to Damian in the future when they're both adults, he also becomes a king on Lazarus planet too like Damian
In this au, Damian and the Batfamily destroyed Eberos (the creature from Dceased who was made by Darksied to start the apocalypse) before he could even do anything to earth
For abilities and other little things:
Damian has flight, Superstrength, Superspeed, laser vision, laser beams, and flame blasts that he can throw from his hands. And also, while it may be a learned skill for him in canon, it's actually a natural born ability of his to be able to imitate many voices in this au
Whenever he gets really mad, Damian's hair turns into flames until he calms down again
Lazarens have Lazarus blood in them, so whenever they get cuts or are severely injured, their wounds just close back up (after an hour) and they regenrate whatever part of their body they lost (which usually takes almost a month). They can also live up to 2000 years or even longer because of this. There are also multiple Lazarus pits on Lazarus planet
Damian's big sword is way too heavy to actually be held by humans, so only those with super strength like him can hold it. He can also transfer his abilities to the weapon while holding it during battle and make it light up in green fire, which helps him create bigger damage against enemies and make fast clean cuts through anything too
Not one of them, but Damian is allergic to these giant "shrimp" like creatures in space and will grow a big headache and will also be sneezing out whole fire breath sneezes as if he's a dragon if he's too close to them for too long. He can even take out almost a whole battle field with it too, that's how bad it is (inspired by my friend @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 's headcanon where Damian is allergic to shrimp). After finding out about this allergy, Jon created an antidote for him that makes it go away faster whenever they bump into these creatures
Lazarens only fall in love once with someone and aren't able to go through it again with other people
Bruce is a Gothamite who is born with a lot of rare abilities that many other Gothamites don't have, so some of them were passed onto Damian too. They're: Super high intelligence, the super clear ability to observe things much better than a human as if they're like robots, astounding quick memory, and the ability to move any shadows with them when they need to stay hidden
Damian's system allows him to eat whatever he wants, especially weird stuff, without any kind of problems. He's still a vegetarian though and even tries to be one with earth food too (sometimes he doesn't understand what any of the meals actually are though and needs help from others to tell him if they involve meat or not)
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ilovematsunos · 4 months
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i haven't much planned but here it is what we decided ( @lordofthesillystraws thx for da help ):
Those six people suddenly started having weird dreams and visions of others similar to them, nothing was clear or comprehensible, very blurry and confusing, but there was a feeling calling them all to be together. (bahh)
about Kara: Coming from the Eastern, he develops a burning passion for the western culture and becomes a knight adventurer. Due the visions he have been seeing, he decides to unite everybody, he believes their destiny is to enter the dungeons and have the best companionship together. In a way to make the group feel more like a family, he spends all the money on matching clothing (that's why they all have the matsu symbol). He is the one who cooks most of the time.
about Oakso: Not much about him atm. He's the laziest one, but when he gets the determination/motivation or gets pissed he will do his job well (maybe he will slip a lot). The funny one, kinda oblivious.
about Chorolee: The one that most denies their "destiny to be together" with the group, he believes that it isn't possible to be serious. Many times, he is the one who takes the party to the right direction and make them do the right choices, except when he doesn't. He's slowly starting to believe the dreams and have more kindness to the rest.
about Ichiwin: Can heal but also go to combat aswell. Normally, has more empathy to non-humans and demi-humans. Before joining the party he wouldn't be the one to explore dungeons, he would study it from far.
about Jushi: Around his teenhood He escaped from a demihuman trade ship in a gnome town. in that night he end up invading Ichiwin's home, and that´s how those two met. First one to detect danger and attack (dw he is very strong) but can get false alarms and cause confusion. Deep inside we all know he is the most mature out of them all.
about Thodos: Takes vision very seriously, but once he got to know the group he knew he was doomed. Can use healing magic, ancient magic and destructive magic (all for convinience, the easier to end the problems the better) he focus more on healing though. Flees combat constantly. Can help with the cooking and prepare his own meals sometimes.
FUN FACTS: this is DUNMESHI, obv we have to mention the food,,, so uhm, basically they didn't bring much food to the dungeon so Kara has the brilliant idea of eating the monsters in the dungeon lol. Oakso kinds weird but accepts, Chorolee is completly disgusted and complains every time but eats anyway, Ichiwin avoids eating the monsters and prefers eating anything else in the dungeon but if he needs to he wouldn't complaint much. Jushi doesn't really care it just needs to be good, Thodos is as disgusted as chorolee but he really tries to swallow it all.
All their parents look like Dayon.
is possible that chorolee adopts a baby harpy (he doesn't know it is a Harpy
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jesncin · 19 days
How would you rank the designs of Superman’s crest? Do you have a favorite? Do you have a least favorite?
Ooh interesting question! While I'm not the kind of person who would get into fights over how Superman's crest should look, I do have preferences- mostly with what narratively resonates with Superman (boo tomato booo that's what you always saaay).
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My "hottest take" is that I disagree with the idea that his "S" logo should look more alien/sci fi, I actually like that it looks like an "S"! Because that gives the narrative opportunity to show that this is a Superman who wants to be accessible to human beings, so he likes that Ma Kent mistranslated an alien symbol into an S. Characters like Kara who are more culturally connected to Krypton should don the more alien looking S to contrast against him. I get that Clark could reclaim the alien S, but I like the idea that he made the symbol what represents him specifically. While not great for branding I personally like it when the Superfam have different symbols.
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idk if I care for the Kingdom Come inspired logo if I'm honest haha. It just looks like a "\" to me instead of an "S" like I think it goes for minimalism to the point it begs me not to have feelings about it? Extremely subjective of me, but I wasn't crying sobbing throwing up like other Superman fans were.
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don't piss me off asdfasfd. I know I'm a loud hater of this show but I'll be objectively subjective here and say this symbol is just eh to me. Too angular. She's lacking curves.
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I know these colors aren't what Superman is usually reimagined with (people streamline the red and yellows so Superman can be all primary colors) but I like this one? Not only is it a fun nod to the Fleischer design, but it modernized the S in a way I find really appealing. The difference in colors directs my eye to the S more because the red pops out so much from it. And it looks the most "Circus Strongman" to me somehow. Plus it's got narrative importance in the story, which I find almost all other Superman media not taking advantage of! She's my favorite. I like her.
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supercorpkid · 1 month
Ooooo okay
So inspired by your runaway dancers fic (so good) but BD didn't run away just kind off suffered in silence faded into the background
But like BD is just feeling left out cause Alex and Kara are like a team both work for the DEO and constantly have sister nights and are just really close
And like Lucy Lane and Lena Luthor both know what it's like to be the black sheep (so do Alex and Kara they just don't notice it) and like BD isn't invited to sister night so Lucy and Lena take BD to go have fun and take BDs mind off of it
And then the sisters realise (somehow maybe they overhear or they get confronted) they have left out BD and apologise and all make up
So like angst and fluff for BD (you can change any off the plot this is just something to help spark ideas)
You're On Your Own, Kid.
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane.
Word count: 1900
They are everywhere. Everywhere you look, the heroes of National City catch your eye, and you're left swallowing the lump in your throat. They're your sisters. There shouldn’t be a lump in your throat at the sight of them. But recently, things have been taking a hard turn for you.
You love your job. Really, you do. Taking care of little animals and being a veterinarian brings you joy. But sometimes, you wish you had chosen something more impactful—not just for the world, but for your sisters.
Alex is an agent. A badass one, armed with alien tech, and she’s an incredible doctor, skilled in both human and Kryptonian anatomy. Kara has just become a prominent reporter at one of the biggest media empires in National City and, of course, she’s also one of the planet's greatest superheroes. 
And here you are, examining dog feces for worms.
You don’t mind. There’s no way to express this without sounding jealous, which you’re really not. Your heart swells with pride when Kara saves the world. When you see Alex doing something extremely dangerous yet incredibly badass, you want to shout from the rooftops that she’s your sister.
But lately, you’ve been feeling lonely and a bit left out. They have so much in common and spend so much time together that, little by little, you're left on the sidelines. It started with conversations about things you knew nothing about, then inside jokes you weren’t part of, then secrets. Now, spending time with them is emotionally draining, but not being around them feels even worse.
“Did you see this?” A technician shoves her phone in your face. You smile at Supergirl’s picture and the headline, though she can’t see it because you're wearing a mask.
“Chichi doesn’t have worms.” You remove your gloves, organize the space, and reach for her phone to read the entire news. “Whoa, Supergirl saved the world today!” You look up. “Isn’t it crazy to think we could’ve died analyzing feces if it wasn’t for her?”
“I know! I wish I knew her. I’d make sure she knew she saved us from the most embarrassing death ever.”
You think to yourself that you’ll let Kara know this as soon as you’re out of the clinic. It might have been a while since you two last talked, but you think your sister would appreciate hearing about her heroics. Everyone likes compliments, after all.
“We should go out to celebrate.”
“Not being dead?”
She nods enthusiastically. You almost take her up on it but think better of it. You want to celebrate, but you’d rather do it with Supergirl herself. Buy her potstickers and thank her in person.
You can’t buy Kara potstickers every time she saves the world—you’d go bankrupt in a few months. But not dying an embarrassing death calls for it, honestly.
You leave work and head to her favorite restaurant, and soon you're on your way to her apartment. As you’re about to knock, you hear Alex’s voice inside.
“Ayy!” she exclaims in an uncharacteristic manner. “Sisters’ night with cold beer after you saved the world and I saved your butt at CatCo was an awesome idea.”
Sisters’ night?
You check your phone to make sure you haven’t missed a text. No, you definitely weren’t invited to this impromptu sisters’ night. You try to muster the courage to knock anyway. They weren’t expecting you, but Kara wouldn’t—
“Golly, eating potstickers after saving the world with my family is the best feeling in the universe.”
You turn around without a second thought. It’s awfully sad how unsurprising this is to you. It doesn’t take you off guard, it doesn’t even make your stomach drop. It’s nothing new.
Sure, you’ve been almost out of their lives. Haven’t hung out in a month, Kara hasn’t visited you at work in months, and the last time someone said anything in the text chain was when you asked if they’d heard from Mom that day. Alex simply said no. And that was two weeks ago.
But still, not being invited to a sisters’ night? It literally has that name because it’s a celebration of sisters! You’re a sister. Even if you are the least favorite one.
Great, you’re back at it again. Feeling like you always did back in Midvale. Feeling jealous of Kara and her friendship with Alex. Wanting what they have so badly. The understanding, the support, the “I’ll die for you” love that you only ever got little tastes of.
Ugh. You roll in your bed, trying to go to sleep and praying you wake up invisible.
It's been a week since you realized your sisters want you out of their lives, so you've been keeping to yourself. They haven't come looking for you, not even when you didn't make it to games' night and said nothing on the group chat.
You hear the doorbell and go answer it. It's been a while since anyone visited and you have no idea who could be behind that door. "Lena?"
"So you are alive!" 
"I guess?" You're puzzled by her visit. She's friends with your sisters. Sure, you've talked before, but she's Kara's best friend, not yours.
"Well, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen you in weeks." Lena glances inside your apartment and you finally realize you haven't invited her in yet. So you make space and she takes the chance to walk in. "You haven't been to any game's night, and haven't added anything to the group chat."
"Has —" The question burns in your throat and it needs to be asked. "Anyone else noticed?"
Lena stops, understanding your implication, and turns around slowly.
"Should anyone in specific notice it?"
You don't answer, and her expression demands more. You want to confide in her, but you can't. Lena is Kara's best friend. It wouldn't be fair to share something about your sister with her. So you bite your tongue and shrug. You're on your own. You always have been.
"Oh, no. No. Just curious."
"Well, I came to drag you to game night with me today and you can't say no!"
"No." Lena's face falls and you smile apologetically. "Sorry, I'm going out with some friends from vet school."
"But we're your family!" Lena tries again. Some family! They don't even notice you haven't been around in weeks. "Just come with me today and I'll stop bugging you." Before you open your mouth she adds, "Don't say no."
"See, you did it again." She pretends to be annoyed and you laugh.
"Sorry Lena, next one, maybe. This one is not gonna happen."
You don't make it to the next one, no matter how many times Lena texts you or tries to bribe you with your favorite food. You can’t go. How many sisters’ nights have they had that you weren’t a part of? How many times was it just them, never realizing something was missing? And worst of all, what if there isn't something missing to them? What if you're someone that people can't even miss?
You think you finally get Lena off your back. She stops texting you, so you're sure you won't have to explain yourself anymore or come up with lazy excuses.
“Y/N.” Your technician calls, and you raise your head from your computer. There were no emergencies today, so you've been just going over some patients' charts while you wait for the next one. “Some women outside are asking for you.”
You look at her with puzzled eyes.
“They don't even own a pet.” You furrow your brows harder and make your way to the front of the clinic.
“Lena? Lucy? What are you guys doing here?”
“We're taking you out for a drink,” Lena says, then adds in a more severe tone, “and seriously, I won't accept no for an answer this time.”
“I'm working and I have a patient.” You look at your schedule. “A cat named…” You raise your head at her, with an eyebrow raised. “Lex.”
“One of those bald ones that looks like it's inside out. Oh, be careful 'cause he bites.” She adds with a smirk.
You look back at the schedule to see that the last patient of the day also seems to be a prank from them. “And next, there is a dog named Clark.”
“He's a golden retriever! The sweetest, but super strong!” Lucy jokes, and you roll your eyes at their shenanigans.
“Can't believe you weirdos paid to hang out with me.”
“Oh, it was all Lena.” You chuckle, of course, it was Lena. Who else would literally throw money at your face so she could talk to you?
There's nothing you can say; you have to join them. You really like them both, but you know they are mostly your sisters' friends, so you can't tell them the real reason why you've been so MIA.
You've been more of a listener throughout the entire hangout. It's weird getting information about your sisters from Lena and Lucy instead of directly from them, but hey, it was their choice. You're just giving them the space they seem to want.
“So, when are you going to tell us about what's going on with you and why you've completely disappeared from our lives lately?”
“Nothing's happening,” you slur, not because you're drunk but because you don't want to talk.
“My bet was that you're in a new relationship,” Lucy says, and you wish she was right. It would make the loneliness you're feeling less prominent.
“I guess you lost the bet.”
Lena looks straight into your eyes. “Well, I think it has something to do with family.”
You don't answer, but the fact that you don’t is what makes them understand right away. Lena reaches for your hand on the other side of the table, and you swallow the lump in your throat and the tears coming.
“It's okay, darling.” She almost whispers in this packed bar full of drunk people. You still hear her perfectly and can hear the sweetness of her tone as well. “We both have been there too.”
“You have?”
Lucy smiles at Lena before turning to you. “Dude, we're the black sheep of our families. Of course we know what it's like not to belong with your family.”
“Yeah.” The tears threaten to leave your eyes again, and you do your best to swallow them down. “It's been hard. They're hanging out together so much, and they have so much in common.”
“Yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't miss you.” Lena tries, and you give her a watery chuckle.
“Trust me, they don't. You've reached out to me a lot more than they have in the past month. I don't think they even noticed I haven't been around.”
“That's crazy! Of course they noticed it!” It's Lucy who tries again.
“They had a sisters' night without me. They haven't texted me in a month, and I haven't been to so many game nights that I'd expect them to at least realize the counting of people has been wrong.”
“Oh, we haven't been playing group games these days.”
You just stare at them, not much left to say. They know where you're coming from, and there's no more excuses they can give for your sisters' behavior. Though, they aren't the ones supposed to be making excuses anyway.
After you get this confession out of the way, you can enjoy the night without having to tiptoe around the subject. Both Lena and Lucy are very understanding of your situation, and though you can feel they pity you, the overall feeling is warmth.
Because sisters' night is basically out of your vocabulary already, Lena and Lucy have turned the usual Thursday night into girls' night. It's the second one, and Lucy wanted to karaoke so you all ended up at the alien bar everyone usually frequents. 
You weren't thinking about your sisters at all when you agreed to meet them there. And you also forgot they could waltz in at any moment after three beers and one shot. You're at the bar waiting for another beer, when Lena next to you whispers, "o-oh."
"Hm?" You turn to her and automatically you follow her line of sight and see Kara and Alex entering the bar. "Oh, shit." The bartender places your beer in front of you and you turn around gulping in. "I have to go."
"What?" Kara comes closer before you have the chance to run out. "I thought you said you'd be working."
"Yeah, I finished up and —" Lena gets interrupted by Lucy who fails to read the situation and comes in yelling, 
"YAY, girls night!"
"Girls' night?" She raises one eyebrow to Lena. "Why was I not invited?"
"It hurts, aye." You can't help the grumble that leaves your mouth. Alex furrows her brows at you, hands finally out of her pockets. They share a look, before turning to you again.
Lena and Lucy quickly make their way to the karaoke claiming they're going to pick a song and you're left face-to-face with your biggest problem. You can't face them. Don't want to. It all feels unnecessary and you know you're the one who's going to get hurt in the end.
"I'll go help the girls." You point out and Alex stands in the way for you to leave.
"How about you stay and talk to us, instead? We haven't seen you in a while."
"And whose fault is that?" You widen your eyes to the words that just left your mouth. You can't believe you just said this. 
Alex and Kara's surprised faces aren't far behind, and so you breathe deep before you say something else to turn this into an argument.
"I'm gonna go." You repeat.
"No, you're not. Not when it seems like you have a bunch of things stuck on your throat."
And they are right, you do have so many things you'd like to tell them. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts and the courage to speak up. The bar suddenly feels too loud, too crowded, but you know this conversation can't wait any longer.
"Fine," you say, finally feeling brave enough to meet their eyes. "Let's talk."
Kara and Alex exchange a glance, then nod. Kara motions to a quieter corner of the bar, and you all move there. Once seated, you take another deep breath and start.
"It's just… I've been feeling left out. You two have been spending so much time together, and I feel like I'm just on the sidelines. Like I don't belong."
Alex's eyes soften, and Kara looks stricken. "Y/N, we had no idea you felt this way," Alex says gently. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"I didn't want to seem jealous or needy," you admit. "But it hurts when you have sisters' nights and don't invite me. Or when you have inside jokes that I'm not part of."
"Oh, baby. We never meant to exclude you," Kara says, her voice full of regret. "We thought you were busy with work or just needed space. We didn't realize you felt this way."
"Well, I do," you say, your voice trembling slightly while you try to hold back the tears. "And it sucks. I miss you both. I miss being part of your lives."
Kara reaches out and takes your hand. "We're so sorry. We love you and we want you to feel included. We'll do better, I promise."
Alex nods in agreement. "Absolutely. You're our sister, and we want you with us. Always."
Their words bring a rush of relief and you can't keep your tears in check anymore. "I just want to feel like I matter," you say, your voice breaking.
"You do matter," Kara insists. "More than you know. We're a team, and we need you."
Alex squeezes your other hand. "We'll make it right. No more sisters' nights without you. From now on, we do everything together."
You feel a weight lift off your shoulders. "Really?" You ask, heart daring to hope. They both agree so vividly with their heads, you can't not believe them fully. "That's all I wanted. I just want my sisters back."
Lena and Lucy return from the karaoke machine, eyeing the three of you with curiosity but giving you space. You share a small, relieved smile with your sisters. For the first time in a long while, you feel hopeful that things will get better.
Kara is the first to get up from her seat and pull you into a hug. Alex joins right after and soon you're sandwiched between your sisters and it's so nice you even forget you're in a bar.
But it's only for a brief second, until your friends come closer and join the hug. Soon after Kara runs to the karaoke machine to pick a song for you three to sing together, and Alex pays you another beer.
You can't believe you were away from your sisters for over a month, because nothing is good enough that it doesn’t get a hundred times better when they're around. You hope they are always around.
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luthordamnvers · 4 months
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See all the Marks of my Wounded Past on AO3
Kara Zor-El was sent to Earth to protect her baby cousin. She landed, but never found him. Instead the name of a stranger was indelibly written in her arm since her landing. She never paid much attention to that name; survival was much more important to accomplish, with no one to take care of her anymore.
Lena’s life was forever changed when her soulmate mark made her appearance at the age of twelve, when not only one name showed up, but two. It didn’t get any better when more kept appearing and appearing. Exceedingly alarming, she was sure one of the names wasn’t even human. And then they met each other.
OR Soulmate AU
Language: English || Words: 50,640 || Chapters: 3/3
I am extremely excited to share the supercorp fic that I wrote with the incomparable @snowydragonscave for @supergirlmayhem. And art from the amazing @rustingcat who did a FANTASTIC job understanding what the fic was about, first of all, and second making it come to life with her honestly breathtaking drawing [Here]
This was a labor of love, (and tears because... this was never supposed to be this long) and truly I couldn't ask for a better co-writer than Snowy. It was a joy, and truly an amazing experience that I hope we get to repeat. Thanks to everyone who cheered on us, and to the creators of the event. It was an honor to participate.
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zootopiathingz · 2 years
“I ship Connor with Markus” “but Connor and Kara are cuter” you FOOLS you can ship all three of them
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