#and it shows even in silly things like videogames
itsthatmff · 1 year
Watching a Horror Movie with their S/O
Included: Genos, Saitama, King, Garou, Metal bat, Zombieman
Some longer headcanons for you guys~
This turned out more chaotic than I had envisioned it, enjoy !
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Genos(with a s/o who isn’t scared at all)
Genos was the one to suggest on watching a horror movie together because he wanted to do “Social activities” with you. He once read during his daily web browsing, that watching horror movies with people that are important to you is a nice thing to do in your free time.
You both got Popcorn, snacks and blankets that day and watched “The ring” together at your apartment.
You honestly didn’t really feel like watching a movie, especially since you already watched that movie twice.
But Genos seemed so excited to spend time with you that you just couldn’t say no.
It began pretty chill, you both were looking at the screen while eating your snacks. Genos talked about how he never watched a Horror movie because he didn’t see the point in them.
Later, when the first jumpscare popped up, you weren’t really surprised. Genos on the other hand looked very much confused.
“I do not understand, Why did she jump up to the screen?”
“So that you get scared, silly”
Later, he started asking more questions and you answered them instead of paying attention to the movie. And after a while the “movie night” turned into more of a chit chat since you both lost interest to watch the movie.
“Y/N, I must admit that listening to your soothing voice is better than watching a horror movie. My suggestion wasn’t that good after all”
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Saitama (with an S/O who’s scared shitless)
Ever since Saitama got promoted onto rank B, you finally had some time to spend together as he didn’t have to patrol every day.
You decided that watching a movie at theaters would be great and left the ticket purchasing to Saitama as you bought the popcorn and nachos for both of you.
Little did you know that Saitama had gotten tickets for a horror movie. And little did he know that you were frightened by them.
You didn’t realize that the movie you had entered in was a horror movie way until 10 minutes into screening.
Sitting down on the comfortable armchair and munching on your popcorn, the sudden eerie music and the creepy hall made you halt.
“Saitama..what kind of movie is this..?”
“A horror movie.”
Saitama casually continued eating his nachos when he suddenly felt you grab onto his arm. He looked at you confused.
“No way, are you scared?”
All you could do was nodd as you were closing your eyes.
Saitama felt kind of proud on one hand to have you cling onto him like that, but he set his ego aside.
“We can leave if you want to, I heard this movie is shit anyways.”
You didn’t wanna ruin your movie date like this, but you really couldn’t stand being here for another second.
Once you guys had left the theaters you apologized to him, but all he did was take your hand and give you a small smile.
“It’s fine, cmon. The fact that we left earlier means we can still catch the sale going on at the supermarket.”
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King (with a s/o who loves horror movies)
King already shits his pants when seeing a monster, So I guess he Ain’t a big fan of horror movies either.
You asked him once after playing videogames if he wanted to watch a Movie with you and he agreed, not expecting anything.
At that night you both sat down and you decided to watch IT. It hadn’t even gone through your mind that the movie wasn’t watchable because it really wasn’t that scary in your opinion.
And King on the other hand couldn’t say no to watching a horror movie because he would’t want to upset you by showing his weaknesses.
When the movie began he already was shaking inside, and you didn’t notice until the first jumpscare popped up and he began sweating like hell.
“I’ll go to the toilet real quick Y/N”
A good 10 minutes had passed and he still hadn’t returned, which made you realize that he probably had gotten scared.
It was not too long after that he returned, ready to face the next gruesome 2 hours of his life, but there was no horror movie to be found.
Instead, he saw his favorite game playing on the screen, with you laying on your stomach and holding the controller.
“Y/N..what’s this?”
“I didn’t feel like watching the movie anymore. Playing video games is much more fun.”
A little smile crept upon him, he was very grateful to have such an understanding S/O.
“Sure, but don’t complain if you loose for the 2000th Time.”
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Garou (with an overdramatic S/O)
You loved to tease Garou any chance you could take.
It was always fun to see him react to situations he’s never experienced before.
That day you begged Bang at the dojo if Garou could take off one day of his training to have a sleep over at yours.
At first he was skeptical, he knew how reckless the youth of today could be.
But you reassured him that it would be a movie night and no more.
With his approval you had your plan rolling.
Garou was never the overprotective type when it came to trivial things, he thought it was too cheesy and knew you were independent enough.
Once at your apartment, you put on the first horror movie you could see on netflix.
Garou made himself comfortable on the couch, spreading his legs and tilting his head back.
You sat next to him, just waiting for the first creepy thing to happen.
You know sometimes in the movie when theres this tension just to turn out that nothing happened? Like when they turn on a light and theres nothing in the room.
At such a moment you decided to go all out, cling your arms onto his waist and close your eyes.
Garou was cleaning his ear when he looked from the tv screen down to you in confusion.
“What the fuck are you doing Y/N. Nothing even happened.”
“It looked like a jump scare..”
He knew damn well you were being overdramatic on purpose again.
“I swear to god if this is one of your stupid games.”
Despite saying that, he still wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
In some scenes where even he got startled a little, he tightened his grip around you.
The plan had worked. And you had to hold back your grin to save your life.
“It wasn’t even that scary- hey, what the hell are you grinning for? You did this on purpose didn’t you?”
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Badd (with an S/O who tries to act tough)
It was after school when Metal bat decided to take you out to the movies.
Everyone at school was talking about this new Horror movie that aired and of course as a good boyfriend he would want to spoil you and let you watch the movie so you could feel included at school.
You were indifferent with horror movies, they aren’t your favorites and you didn’t watch them often, but they certainly weren’t ‘too scary’ for you to watch.
As you both took your seats and the movie started, metal bat was already uninterested in what was going on in the movie. He was way more excited to be spending time with you. His gaze stuck on to you, he could see in what moments your eyes widened, when you flinched, when you laughed and when you felt scared.
It seemed like this movie was more scary than usual and it seemed that badd noticed your uneasiness.
His head rested on your shoulder,
“It’s just a movie.”
“I know.”
You knew, and still you felt uneasy. Though Badd’s assurance helped a lot. You combed through his hair as the movie progressed.
In the end, it did feel like the tension was worth it, as the ending of the movie turned out to be really good.
But that wasn’t the end of your date at all. Your boyfriend still had to spoil you rotten.
“Y/N, let’s grab food and go to karaoke afterwards, ya hear me?”
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Zombieman (with a S/O who loves Horror Movie marathons)
Watching horror movies with Zombieman was a usual thing for you two to do.
Especially since you two loved the old Halloween franchise. You’d both be on the couch at his crib, him smoking his usual cigarettes, a good whiskey on the table as you two watched and discussed the movie.
It was a nice activity you two shared. And it was obvious Michael myers was Zombieman’s favorite.
The smell of cologne, cigarettes and whiskey, the dim lit living room and the screams coming from the tv. Thats what you liked to call a romantic evening.
Its only when the room is filled with smoke and he sees your drowsy eyes that he decided to finally end tonights marathon.
He put his last cigarette on the ashtray and turned off the tv.
“We’ve watched enough, haven’t we?”
That deep raspy voice could immediately send you to sleep.
“You’re surely different to please, Y/N. But that’s what I like about you.”
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
Imagine if reader was a big fan of this series/movie/show or smth, that they'd see and be an absolutely die hard fan about the whole thing about it whether the chars, plot, the story's style, you get the gist yknow
So ofc along with being die hard fan mode is obv indulging in its book, movie, musical, heck, even fanfics lmaoo
Andddd when there recently was play adaptation of the story showing, reader would absolutely go fan girl mode for the starring actor/s about them and their performance/portrayal of their favorite character/s
so I'm wondering how a certain actor would react to this..
Yandere! Theatre actor x gn! Technical team! reader
What if: Reader is an otaku?
Oh god. I don't know a show that well to be that obsessed. Videogames, sure, but shows or books? Uh... Have a manhwa, I guess? Beware of the Villainess go.
SINCE the ending of the main fic had darling kidnapped, we'll change this one to where Ignatius hasn't done that yet.
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You were so intent on looking at your phone reading a chapter of your favorite manhwa, Beware of the Villainess. You heard it's going to have a play adaptation.
Sure, you don't know how that would work, but you know damn well you won't pass it for anything!
You don't really care for plays, but this is going to be an exception.
Especially as you pass by the panel where Nine, the male lead of the manhwa. You had a silly grin on your face as you looked at him.
A lot of people don't like the manhwa, cuz it's apparently boring, Melissa, the FL didn't have that much chemistry with Nine, etc.
You didn't care though. This is your comfort manhwa. So why would they care? You absolutely adore the characters, loved how strong Melissa is and is not a pushover, Yuri for breaking away from the stereotype of being a two faced bitch, and Nine for breaking away also from the stereotypical "cold and harsh" male lead.
This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's yours. And you're content.
As you read, your director painfully jabbed your side, making you sharply intake a breath.
"What the f... Oh." You flinched from your director's pointed look as he pointed at the stage where the actors are waiting for the lights to go out. "Sorry..."
The director rolled his eyes (unaware of somebody's gaze that was about to kill him on the spot) before berating you.
"Pay attention! We're literally on the last week of our rehearsals! You better keep your phone..." Your director grabbed your phone away from you, making you yelp in surprise. "... Away from you!"
You pouted, suddenly feeling sad before paying attention to the technicals in front of you, turning off the lights.
The scuttling of feet on the stage were heard as you put your chin on your hand, and your free hand on the lever to turn on the lights on a dim.
Hours later, when rehearsals are done, you stretched your body and snatched your phone away from the director.
Giddily hopping away, you got to one of the seats on the theater and snuggled up. For the next rehearsal set, you were not needed since all they had to practice was lines. So, more time for you to read.
As you scrolled down on a forum about the play for BOTV, you felt a presence beside you and you flinched again, not expecting company.
When you looked up, you were surprised to see the genius of the troupe.
"Oh, Ignatius." You were baffled. "Uh, hi."
Ignatius smiled calmly. His eyes didn't express that much, that's for sure. It was almost eerie how he's always so calculated. He's talented, and fools everyone with this main persona of his. But you know that he's more to it. That he's actually quite the--
"You got in trouble?" He asked in a light, amused tone. "That's new. What happened?"
You flushed red. "Ah, uh... Well, I was reading this."
You raised your phone, showing the forum you're reading.
"Well, there's this manhwa... I mean, like it's a webcomic? A Korean webcomic. It's named Beware of the Villainess and it's having like a play adaptation. It's like my favorite manhwa ever and it's so mindblowing that... Uh... Sorry."
You slowed down from babbling about BOTV when you realized you were rambling to Ignatius of all people.
But he looked like he didn't mind.
He really didn't. He knows all about your obsession with it after all. Even getting irrationally jealous of Nine.
"I know right! It's amazing. I've been reading it too! But it's kind of weird. I mean how are they going to do it? But it's quite nice to see such a cute manhwa getting a play adaptation of all things!" Ignatius started to ramble too, making you gasp in the sudden newfound camaraderie. "But it's in Broadway. It's really hard to get an audition..."
Ignatius jolted, realizing he let that slip out. "I mean.. I wasn't thinking of auditioning..."
You, in your buzzed high, held his hands tightly with a sparkle on your eye. "Yes! Audition please! You would do an amazing Nine!" You were practically beaming from the news.
Ever since you heard Ignatius being interested in the same thing as you do, you forgot that he's fake, and all you could think about is that you found a shared interest with the troupe's star.
Ignatius heart almost stopped. You were so close to the point that he can smell your scent. It smelled heavenly, and his shocked face almost cracked and slipped. His resolve dissolving as fast as salt on hot water.
"Y-yeah? You think so?" His voice, breathy and light, felt so distant from your happy ones.
"Yeah! I know you could! You're really insanely talented!" You grinned, before standing up to gush more. "You're like really handsome too, and has this air the same as Nine, so yeah! You will pass it!"
Ignatius, for the first time, clammed up from the compliments. And it's coming from you too.
"I-I will audition then! Sure, why not." Ignatius smiled, heart pounding. "I'll do it."
Then maybe you'll idolize me like those others.
He watches you gush and excitedly bounce in place.
Put your attention on me. More. More of it.
He clenches his fist.
He has to land that role. No matter what.
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sonicjustbecause · 7 months
About Sonic
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I never talked extensively about Sonic and what I think about him overall, despite him being my favourite (I see more Shadow as some mystical guy, alive certainly, yet somewhat more like a guide or a protector and Sonic's Shadow, but that's for another time as I talked about him a lot).
There is still this silly battle between Sonic fans on who is your favourite take of the character. The character has been inconsistent, in videogame too, even if we only take game/Japanese media (An example? Adventure Sonic is, at least the way I perceive him, mysterious and whimsical, joyful but slightly grumpy. Unleashed Sonic is calm, balanced, a bit quiet overall. The thing that remains consistent is that he is kind earthed and optimistic. Most of the time.
Even people who tell how Sonic is supposed to be interpret him very differently from each othes adn from the games, the way they make him talk or act in certain situation in their stories is not the same I see in videogames.
For Sonic unleashed I saw the whole cutscenes both in English and in Japanese, so...
Not that this bother me, as I previously said, since is a team who work on Sonic is normal different people have a different perception of the character, is based on our personal experiences. And in next years things will change over and over.
Let's talk about how is shown in various media, not necessarily Japanese since they influence each others (example the chili dogs).
SatAM, AoStH.
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Aosth/SatAM Sonic was most likely the most mischievous incarnation of the character, since he apparently took joy to make fun of Eggman but also to the french coyote, Antoine, who is a sort of 'Luigi' in this show. I remember him as being creative, impatient, bold and very self confident, but not evil.
I didn't watch Sonic underground. It was aired in Italy but I don't know when. I can say nothing
OAV Sonic
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Adventure Sonic and X Sonic traits start to appear here. This Sonic is aloof, whimsical and grumpy and not as joyful as we are used to see him. but is heart is ih the right place, of course.
Adventure Sonic
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If I saw Sonic OVA only in latest years, I can say I played the two Adventure games early in the '00s. This Sonic feels to me as whimsical, elusive, mysterious (especially in Adventure 2, it is perceived as such especially by Shadow "Tell me, who are you?" and Sonic's answer is rather enigmatic, is also there you start to realize you know nothing about Sonic, where he comes from etc... you know the others better), still a bit grumpy yet way more joyful than the one from the OVA, a happy guy I would say.
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In particular I loved the expressions in Sonic Adventure. Here come the folded ears you often see in Prime.
X Sonic
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The most quiet of all. Elusive, still a bit whimsical and grumpy if you don't take him the right way, but this doesn't mean you lost him. Socially awkward and unaware of this, I think sometimes he is leaning in the Asperger territory sometimes. Joyful, optimistic, gentle, sometimes melodramatic and funny but he can get very serious when needed.
Archie Sonic
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Archie Sonic is one I don't like much. He's self centered, most of his monologues tell how awesome he is, how good looking he is, how fast he is, well, 90% about himself and it go moldy soon. And can be a jerk toward his friends sometimes. Unlike other versions, he's never too serious.
Fleetway Sonic.
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Unlike other sonic incarnation, Fleetway Sonic is a jerk, a bully, he constantly makes offensive jokes toward his friends, including Tails (in other media he is more protective toward Tails). He seems to care or express nice though only when his friends are not around. Is hard to read those comics. So far the worst Sonic
IDW Sonic
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Not completely bad, not completely good. He got some traits from Archie Sonic. IDW Sonic seems to me the less sincere and less carefree of all. Like, Sonic we know is mostly feeling oriented. He can be thoughful when needed, but mostly he does what he feels is right rather than what he thinks is right. IDW Sonic is well known especially for his obsession of giving a second chance (and then a third, a four) to all his opponents. That is a thing Goku does and is fine because is true to himself. But Sonic is not like that. Sonic is not so merciful, he is a kind hearted character but there is still a red line and he tends to be wary toward those who don't deserve his trust, like Eggman. He forgives his enemies. After they show they're wort deserving forgiving, not before, unlike IDW Sonic. IDW Sonic is also cunning and can be manipulative, that's unique to this version. You can see the true sonic only when he is alone. Then he is more like himself, in his monologues about his friends, and how much he worries about them or appreciate them. Also his opinion of himself is not as high as the one we see in Archie comics. He is overall aloof.
Unleashed Sonic
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This one is among the most gentle and down to Earth Sonic I've ever seen. He is slightly quiet and never a jerk. Instead he is fully supportive and encouraging toward his new friend Chip who is clumsy, despite being a god.
Frontiers Sonic
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Sonic's personality changed again. He is still kind hearted, brave and strong. But compared tho before he is more mature, thoughful and slightly melancholic. He smiles less and I don't see his joyful exictment anymore. He just smiles when happy.
Boom Sonic
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Sonic is usually elusive. Not in Sonic Boom. I perceived this incarnation as very playful and carefree, although an attention seeker.
Movie Sonic
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Oh... this is one that goes through a character arc. He is shown to be a good hearted, hyperactive and lonely kid. He is very playful and talkative yet not gossipy. He talks alot just to not feel alone and took the bad habit. Once he found a family and some living being to talk with at times however, is shown he is not as sociable as you may assume by the way he lets his tongue run. He doesn't trust so easily people he meets the first time, as is shown with Tails and only later he feels more comfortable to have Tails around and opens up to him.
Prime Sonic
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Another that goes into a character arc. Here he got new traits, like clumsiness, low attention span, affectionateness. And old ones like elusiveness. This Sonic is particularly interesting for some of his traits that are hard to spot. He clearly appears to be this impulsive, talkative (yet not gossipy), overconfident kid who trips on his feet and is deemed annoying (I personally don't find him annoying). He loves his friends and is ready to protect them but, before the prism shattering, is shown (and suggested by a conversation between his friends) that he also likes to spend time alone, without people around (here one trait that not many notice). Sonic is aware of his flaws and during his experience in the shatterverse he gets in touch with all of them, either the counterpart of his friends tell him or he realize his mistakes by his own. On the outside he is cheerful, a bit dimwitted sometimes, friendly. But as the serie goes forward, he is more, gloomy and pensive and he fully opens up only to Shadow and only later to the rest of his friends in the shatterspace (including Nine, who first sees through him). In the end of the serie is shown he is more considerate toward his friends and he hold some of his energies back.
What else? This is all what I can think of, I haven't played all the games. I may mention Sonic Cronicles, but there Sonic is the way you want him to be.
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To me is hard to choose. As long as is not the one of Archie, IDW or Fleetway, I'm fine with all of them. My favourite might be Adventure Sonic and Prime Sonic.
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xotication · 4 months
i’m bored nd tired of videogames so here’s some more of what type of man i think kaneki is..
okay. when you & kaneki first meet, you have to break him into a LOT of things. one time you guys were texting nd he said something funny.. so you keysmashed & poor baby was CONFUSED.
“y/n are you okay..?”
having to explain it to him made the situation all the more funny but awkward at the same damn time. it’s a hassle having to explain gen z things to this man LMAO.
you had him download instagram, tiktok, even snapchat & learning how to use them was such a drag to him.
“why do you like this stuff anyway?” he says but a week later he’s sending you his entire fyp all like “HAGAHAHA BABE THIS IS SO FUNNY” like boyyy.. wasn’t you JUST talking shit?! at one point he even takes it upon himself to upload silly lil vids & they start to go VIRAL. he doesn’t understand why bc half the time he’s just talking about you & explaining diff things he doesn’t understand about girls.
“my girlfriend asks me really dumb questions all the time, i don’t get it.. how does your brain come up with that?? what on earth do you mean by ‘would you still love me if i was a worm’ like what?!” & then there’s just girls in the comments sending thoughts nd prayers for his poor soul.
basically, kaneki becomes a whole different person after dating you for just a couple months. he adapts damn near all your habits nd it’s the most endearing yet hilarious thing ever.
for example: say he’s talking about a girl or boy & you give him a nasty look bc.. why is he talking about OTHER PEOPLE?! eventually when you start having story times that include someone else, he gives you the MEANESSSTTTT side eye ever. it’s insane.
& don’t ever ask him about it either. “why’re you looking at me like that?”
“idk, why’re you conversing with people who aren’t me?”
“ken, i have to socializ-”
“says who?!”
not only that, but kaneki is airheaded when it comes to people. like if the man doesn’t like someone or something. it shows all over his face.
one time you guys were out eating, & he thought the waiter was being a lil too friendly.. manz was making the most uncomfy faces ever. 😭
“ken- fix your face?!”
“i’m sorry! i’m trying my best.” you guys both whisper yell.
ken gets a house kitty, & when you’re not home, he makes one of those, “gf isn’t home.. yk what that means.. OPTIMUS PRIME ON THE COUNTER” tiktok’s & thinks it’s so funny.
also, when you’re not home, this poor manchild is so bored.
he could read books upon books in a day & still be dying. it’s not until he hears that front door unlock that he feels freed from the shackles that are his boredom!
ken loves to annoy you, he loves to be around you, he loves to look at you, to touch you, any & everything to do with you- he loves.
not to mention.. he begs you to build legos with him. when you agreed, he made it a whole little picnic date & made sure that the weather would be perfect… he also made you swear to not leave the park until the whole lego set was completed.
kennie baby is soso cuteness.
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posting my drafts cuz my brain doesn’t wanna work nowadays. 😫😫😫
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For my own entertainment I wish the weird man to weird man mental communication in bnha was unhelpful, to the point it showed both Tomura and Deku the most useless but funny (maybe even the small and horrifying) memories they own.
I want to know the silly things. How lame Tomura was at first when he started playing video games. How many times Deku fell on his ass when he was training to control OFA. Want them to realize that they had the same favorite show when they were little kids. I want them to be the loser nerds they both are, for their feelings of inadequacy to mix 'til they can see their reflection in each other.
Mind sharing the big events is cool and all, but it's the little things that made them so similar, at least similar enough to understand where their paths changed along the way.
Deku gets glimpses of Tomura's teenage years and realizes he never ever talked to other people his age except from texting in videogame chats. You could say that Dabi and Toga were his first "friends" in around 15 years... Meanwhile, Tomura gets glimpses of how many times Deku was told to kill himself over the years 'cause he didn't have a quirk, how many times he went home rejected, forgotten, humiliated.
Kid Deku and teen Tomura watching the same All Might video in different pcs in different rooms and sitting on different chairs. Wondering why he was not enough to be saved / wondering when would it be his turn to save people and make them smile. Deku and Tomura walking the streets alone, one of them looking at the wonders of the world in the sky while the other keeps his eyes on the ground to mitigate the hatred of the world flowing in his veins. Deku and Tomura eating alone, researching alone, breaking down on a corner where no one can see it, because there's no one to listen to their burdens and no one to understand their hurt and no one who would see past the superficial, no one who would look at them and say "hey, this kid can do whatever he want to do in life, he was made for greatness!"
Kid Tomura playing with Nomus to not play alone. Kid Deku memorizing random facts in the hope to impress his peers, but they never talk to him. The last time Tomura was hugged at 5 years old. Deku in his almost-vigilante era, cold, lonely and tired of carrying the weight of the world in his shoulders at 17 years old. All the injuries Tomura got used to because he couldn't care less about the pain at that point in time. All the times Deku almost lost an arm trying to prove he belonged at UA with all the other future heroes. The anxiety of sitting in the backyard through the rain, watching how your family is dry and safe inside the house, not you; you have no place among them. The anxiety of a bedroom that no other kid visits, a collection of All Might toys to no one to play with, no one to share your joy or sadness, no one who cares 'bout you besides your mom.
I want them to share the little things, stupid and funny and joyful, depressing and heartbreaking. I want them to share all the moments no one else knows about— to peek behind the curtains that mark them as heroes and villains, but also behind the person they project to their friends and all the people on their side. Like I said before, I know that the big moments are important. It's just that for me, the details make it so much meaningful...
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
But if I could request again!!!! Once more, I'd like a FT.Foxy x Sleepy darling whom is sleepy all the time!!! They could just......lay on the ground on the floor and pass out. Right when he's preforming aswell!- *Just like me, I could sleep anywhere everywhere and im tired 24/7....*
All my love and adoration *And thank you's for not looking!!!*
Sleepytime anon!!! (Who could use a nap....)
~𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝔁𝔂 x Sleepy!Reader Headcanons~
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HELLOOO!! This is one of many requests I had a few months back before I took a break, so my apologies for getting these done so late LOL. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER I ALWAYS SAY!!
𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝔁𝔂
~Funtime Foxy wants you to be awake to see him perform!
~If you don't make it to his show, he'll bring the show to you.
~Will walk up to you and treat you like a child who fell asleep after a long day of eating pizza and playing at a birthday party, tapping on you to wake you up when it's closing time.
~Sometimes, while he's making his rounds, he'll just greet you loudly to playfully spook you stay awake
~He doesn't want any kids to see the sleeping adult and think "hey let's draw on that person over there" or something. You know how kids are.
~So not only is it bad for kids to decide it's funny to make fun of you while you're asleep, but it definitely effects your job. You can't be sleeping on the job all the time.
~He would have an absolute meltdown if you were fired.
~So he takes things into his own hands by purposely engaging you in activities!! Even trying to make you do things that aren't your job to do, or isn't your job to help with.
~Your job definitely becomes way more fun when you become a regular who the kids see having silly interactions with Funtime Foxy. The kids love you, and Funtime Foxy loves you. Win win!
THANK YOU FOR READING, LOVE!! I haven't written in quite a few months now, so my apologies for being juuuust a little bit rusty on writing for these characters!
Request Guidelines!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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lefluoritesys · 11 months
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So I, as an alter in a semiverbal system and therefore sermiverbal myself, will! :D
Welcome to ways our system communicates that are not voices!
Music. One of the first ways we learned to communicate was through music, songs, and beats! Sometimes certain melodies and lyrics help us communicate what we feel better than words do. Obvious enough, but when it comes to communicating through music, it's a bit more complicated than that. We have music channels with everybody who we talk to so we could "call each other out" or send songs to each other that we think others might relate to, which is our way of saying "we hear and see you." Our alters also associate with songs, and sometimes, when one of them is coming over, we can hear the song play in our head. Or sometimes even whole backstories and memories can be explained in songs and work the same! Our robots are, by far, the most interesting. Our co-host, also an alexithymia holder, has a feature "installed" in them that plays songs that explain their emotions since they can't do it on their own. Not out loud, only they can hear it, but it's effective and helpful for them to identify what they feel. We express whole stories and personalities through music.
Feelings. Easy one, or so it seems, but still needs to be explained to a lot of people as we figured it out. For us, it feels like feelings are being passed on, and as though you got the opportunity to, say... touch a ball with something inside, but there's a capsule that doesn't let you touch it or feel it on your hands. We're dissociated from the feeling and would forget it when it's taken away, but we won't forget the understanding that we got as to what it is. Sometimes, that capsule breaks, and we're covered in sticky emotions that are not ours, and it's hard to get it all off, especially since it breaks in so many pieces. Like pieces of slime that you keep finding all over the apartment and clothes after you drop it. Some of it may never go away, hidden in the darkest corners of your mind, but there nonetheless. A lot of the times, the feelings we get from other alters help us identify who's coming. Some of their energies feel cold, dark, and low for some reason, some are completely different. Those same energies, but mixed with feelings of excitement and satisfaction come when we're scrolling through same Tumblr and see something that alter likes. They basically go, "Reblog this! Save this one for me!!"
Images. The amount of times I was talking to someone in the system or outside of it and had images shoved into my head for one reason or another... I can't express just how much lmao. Whether it be memories or images of inner world places... sometimes, when one alter fronts, they ask for memories of what happened before they fronted and have them shoved in their head by the previous fronter. We don't communicate via images much. But there are definitely times when it's easier to just shove something in another alter's head than have to explain it, especially if you already explained it once.
Videogames. Don't even get me started on how much we used FNaF as a way to communicate and understand the world around us. It wasn't even about making others understand it as much as it was for us to understand ourselves. Explain the world around us to ourselves when nobody else seemed to be able to. We always felt different from others and had a different langauge than others, our favorite games, especially FNaF, became that language that helped us describe to ourselves the things we couldn't describe verbally. All those "silly made-up storylines" that typical people would enjoy as a show and move on, but that we would put in our own small world (which we now know as our language and our inner world).
Inner world sign language. Or just simple inner world language that is inaudible or impossible to translate to the outer world. We have our own sign language and regular made-up languages, and for both, we don't hear voices! Actually for the most part, we feel emotions, since our main inner world langauge is very much emotion-based. We can't hear what another alter is saying, but we understand them perfectly clear. It's an amazing way to communicate emotions. Same with sign-language, except we also have movements that we also may not see but understand. Many times, when I was mute in literally every way possible, somebody else would watch me sign and translate it for others around me. Some inner world (including ours) also have telepathy, which technically counts as voices since the perosn is making their voice known in your head, but some may count it as nonverbal communication.
Looks and body language. You know those action movies or books where the main character and their sidekick give each other those "special looks" and silently understand each other? Some of us who have spent a very long time around each other in the inner world do the same! It's probably only happening because we share a head, but it's really effective when you're talking to someone outside the system. I (host) could give our co-host The Look,a nd they'd know exactly what I want from or want to say to them.
Co-consciousness/co-fronting. The co-con feeling of sharing memories, feelings, and emotions (and others). That passive influence that you get from another perosn in co. That's also, at least for us, nonverbal communication! Cause when it does come to talking to someone outside the system, or even isnide, you may sometimes need to know the other person's boundaries or limits or memories. What best way to find that out than to aks that person to step in co and feel waht they're feeling or remember what they remember and better understand how to go about the situation or what to say, amr?
Continue if you have any more ideas!! I'd love to hear other's methods of communication that are not voices!! /g
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snap-oversteer · 17 days
Is there any things you recommend to start learning about cars? Especially from a complete beginner standpoint
hi hi hi anon!! first of all thank you so much for asking this question and second of all: I binge youtube, and go to car shows. And play videogames.
A little bit of (disclaimer?) info is that I was never really allowed to do anything in my life, and that included driving and working on anything mechanical. We're still in that phase of getting out this box and branching out, so in a sense, we're both beginners on this together :)
Youtube - So there's a lot of youtube channels out there that talk about cars (and of course other automotives) my picks are the really silly funny ones. I personally watch MartiniWorks, spearheaded by Alex Martini. This channel is mainly focused on history and drama and of course useless fun facts about cars I wish I can afford. He has builds like the junkyard Ferrari and racetrack S2000 that keeps blowing up in retaliation against the government - Hmm, not into the history aspect of things? Want something more hands-on? Still want it to be silly so it doesn't bore you to death? Look no further than Garbage Time ! This channel is focused on mainly restoring weird little creatures and the video lengths are not too terribly long to make you wish you were in math class instead. Things to expect: trying to run the engine with chocolate / WD40, replacing the coolant with Pepsi, and restoring weird goobers you've never seen in your life. - What if you have a car and want to work on it? Getting serious about it? Then I must introduce you to every car guy's holy grail, CHRISFIX. This channel is all about the specifics and step-by-steps on how to destroy modify your car. Or maybe you just like the guy. Or like knowing how people work on cars. Either way, ChrisFix is a wonderful channel if you're interested in actually working on cars! - "But I like experimental vehicles and racing and cool expensive builds!" We have a classic for you, then! TopGear showcases the latest and greatest of cars, from the Tuthill GT ONE road legal Le Mans race car to the Bentley Blower, if you're one to simply appreciate great pieces of work, or you're a history nerd with a knack for enjoying sarcastic commentary, you're looking at the right channel.
Car shows / meets - My first experience with cars was a car show I went to by myself. The show included supercars, built JDMs, local cars, bikes... pretty much everything you'd expect out of a car show. I even have a tumblr sideblog where I post my photography. My tip when going to shows is don't be afraid to ask around! Car guys are simple people. You can come up to them and say that you're just starting out and would like a little explanation on what's going on with the car in front of you, they'll be more than happy to entertain you! You'll even make friends along the way :) There's different things to expect when going to a show vs a meet, I recommend going to shows rather than meets because meets are more closed and most likely held just amongst people who own said cool cars.
Videogames - Videogames remain a great way to learn and be accustomed to cars, and there's a lot of titles out there like NFS, Burnout, Gran Turismo, etc... so which one is for you? - Most mainstream racing games like NFS and Forza Horizon focuses on the gaming aspect of things. If you're looking for something uncomplicated and fun, those games are the way to go. - Lets get a little bit technical. Wanna learn how to build an engine, but you don't want to ruin your own? Car Mechanic Simulator. I'll admit this isnt the most detailed, theres so many things going on with a car and so many different platforms and complications, but from a learning standpoint? Really great if you're just getting into it or want to learn names of different parts effectively! - Ohh. Maybe you're that type of person. Experimental tuning and racing person. Assetto Corsa / Competizione, iRacing, Gran Turismo is for you, buddy. There is a steep learning curve that will force you to learn about different specs and how they affect the car holistically, and if you're into that, then I don't see why not.
Honorable mentions - [HOONIGAN] for very insane car builds. - eletor for really cinematic drift vids. - Misha Charoudin if you want to know what it's like driving a performance vehicle around nurburgring.
And REMEMBER, have fun! Everyone develops a taste in cars differently, some like muscle, some like JDMs (like us). There is no right or wrong way to enjoy cars.
I've only been into them for about 2 years, let's go insane together.
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the-sky-queen · 6 months
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You have my full attention
We'll go in the order that I listed the spinoffs, even if that isn't the order we came up with them. (Spectrophobia was probably the first one I think.)
Dementophobia is the fear of going insane and it's the Psychonauts one. I hadn't heard of Psychonauts before this, so I'm still working my way towards watching the game cutscenes. I think I'm in the middle of Psychonauts 2 right now and then I'll be all caught up. If you're unaware, Psychonauts is a videogame where this kid named Raz has psychic powers and wants to become a Psychonaut, who are basically spies I think and also use their mind powers to help people get therapy.
So during Dementophobia, Niko accidentally comes into contact with the Warp Topaz (a common theme you'll see in a lot of these) and gets sent to the world of Psychonauts. He comes into contact with Raz who figures out something's up and decides to help him out. Raz goes into Niko's mind and very quickly realizes something is VERY WRONG HERE. (Also, Lily and I along with Lily's more Psychonauts knowledgeable friends have done a TON of worldbuilding around Niko's mind world and what happens there. It's so in depth and interesting and I LOVE IT SO MUCH) Anyway, Raz realizes that he's gonna need some backup here because Niko's mind is unlike pretty much anything he's ever seen before. It's that messed up. He takes Niko to his Psychonauts friends for help and that's when things really get going. Also Maple shows up at some point.
I could go on and on about what we have planned for Niko's mind world, but that might be a bit too spoiler-y. BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY IT'S SUPER COOL. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Alright, next up is Phobophobia which in all honesty is a silly joke AU that is really just here to have fun with. Here's what's up: Starline and Maple are married. Niko is their actual child. (Also Surge and Kit show up at some point, also being Starline's kids)
It sounds CRAZY (and it is) but it's really fun!! Niko's like 7 I think and there's not really a set plot to this one. It's just a collection of scenarios that this wacky family gets into. Also, there's like a subplot where Starline learns to be more caring and gets closer to Niko and it's kinda cute. This one got started before the Trauma Siblings became a thing, so they're not included, and I'm still wondering if I should put them in. That would put Starline and Maple at SIX kids though and I don't know if their marriage can handle that. XD
Next up is Decidiophobia, Fear of Decision making. This is the Stanley Parable crossover, another game that I hadn't heard of before this, but I'm now OBSESSED WITH. Quick rundown of The Stanley Parable: You play as Stanley, an ordinary guy with a job pressing buttons on a keyboard all day. Then one day, his co-workers all go missing and he sets out to try to find them and figure out what's up. The entire game is narrated by the Narrator, who even narrates your actions! However, what he says you're going to do isn't set in stone and you can go against what he says whenever you want. All this leads to different paths and storylines you can take, causing multiple different endings. After each one, the game resets and you start all over again.
SO HERE'S THE THING ABOUT THIS ONE. Instead of doing another dimensional yeet via the warp topaz, we decided that The Stanley Parable exists within the regular Sonic universe. How? Uhhh, I probably can't explain that because of spoilers, but let's just say . . .
The Narrator is vaguely connected to the Time Eater and also the Phantom Ruby is here. And GUN got involved too.
So Niko shows up in side The Parable™ and confuses the Narrator, because he's not Stanley. The Narrator tries to continue on as normal, but after a particularly disastrous ending, he realizes that Niko is AN ACTUAL CHILD and resolves to help him escape The Parable™. :D
Next: Autophobia, Fear of being Alone, otherwise known as the Miraculous Ladybug one. You know the drill by now. Warp Topaz, dimensional yeet, and it's all fun and games until Hawkmoth gets to Niko literally IMMEDIATELY. (Not gonna explain Miraculous because it's a lot. If you don't know about it already, just go watch the show.) So Niko gets akumatized into THE MOST TERRIFYING AND OVERPOWERED AKUMA IN EXISTENCE, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LITTLE ANGEL. He can make people fall (platonically) in love with him just by looking at him and it even works across BROADCAST. So like. Anyone who comes into contact with him is instantly obsessed with him. There's a bit more too it, but that's probably spoilers. :P
Anyway, Ladybug is compromised pretty much INSTANTLY. And shortly afterwards, the entire school falls to Little Angel's spell. Due to spoiler reasons, Chat Noir, Chloe, and Kagami, manage to escape his influence and start trying to find a way to fight back. (Oh also Little Angel is not a hedgehog, but he was turned into a small human child with animal ears, a halo, and wings. Yeah, he's called Angel for a reason.)
This is the only crossover we have where Niko very much does NOT get therapy. He's usually better off by the end of one of the crossovers but NOT THIS ONE. In fact, he actually gets WORSE because of this one. :D
AND FINALLY WE HAVE SPECTROPHOBIA, Fear of mirrors/your reflection. AKA THE ONE I ACTUALLY CAME UP WITH BY MYSELF. XD This one is interesting because SONIC shows up. Like, regular Sonic, untainted by Starline's influence, shows up in the facility. How? Let's just say that the 900th Adventure special didn't quite go as planned. >:) So he's able to find Starline and Niko in the facility right in the middle of a session. Sonic's like 'nah this is stopping right now,' rescues Niko, and escapes the facility! It's not as easy as it seems though because Niko freaks out as soon as he realizes Sonic's here and he took him away from Starline. I REALLY WANNA START POSTING THIS ONE. I PROBABLY COULD BUT I'VE BEEN PUTTING IT OFF. Also the Warp Topaz shenanigans are fun in this one and I've got an art I need to finish for it that no one but Lily will understand but will come up later on in the story. >:)
Kay, that's all the ones I mentioned in that post, but there's a few more. I won't talk about them though, because most of them are more Lily's expertise.
But aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa can you tell why I'm going insane now?
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Hlvrai kids au
Basic premise the crew go on a field trip to Black Mesa they stumble upon a secret experiment b-u557 and end up releasing him and Black Mesa security desperately tries to stop him
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 5
Comic 6
Comic 7
Comic 8
Comic 9
Comic 10
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Eatch kids character description below 👇
Tommy- is the oldest and is in 4th grade and is in a gifted class with darnold he has a huge collection of soda cans and stuffed animals his favorite thing to do is line them up in different patterns. Hes mainly happy and cheerful. him and benrey live together as brothers though there not biologically related he's not quite sure we're ben came from. Gman takes Tommy to black mesa a lot to show him different science experiments going on. Wants a dog so bad his toy dog is doing the job for now.
Gordon- he's in 3erd and is mainly a loner who doesn't fit in a chronic over-thinker he mainly likes to play videogames or read (mainly magazines about video games) he is a smart kid and maybe next year he'll be in the advanced science class. Anxious but loyal and can get easily annoyed. Him and benrey are frenemies both bonding over videogames and other nerdy things but benery is a bit to annoying to be a true friend (benery constantly taunts him by calling him feet man because when he was in kindergarten he stepped in peanut butter and ate it Gordon regrets telling him this) he carries a Gameboy wherever he goes.
Darnold- is one of the smartest kids in the 3erd grade but unfortunately the shortest which leads to constant taunts from forzen though not in the same grade him and Tommy are in the same gifted class and are very good friends. They enjoy making positions out of soda and doing all sorts of strange experiments.more shy and less confident than Tommy he still has a similar joyful attitude. Reads fantasy books and constantly has a new one every week.
Benery- in 3erd lives with Tommy and has no memory of how he got there but meh who cares loves to skate board and do tricks though no one knows how he holds onto it at all times seemingly appears and disappears at will. He wandered a lot and seems to forget things you just told him. You can't tell when he's joking or being serious. His helmet never comes off. Chill jokester who doesn't take a lot of things seriously and likes to hang around Gordon and annoy him. He is not allowed near black mesa.
B-u557- a top secret black mesa experiment to be the ultimate life form he was still brewing when the kids broke him out of his tube so he might have some defects mostly annoyed all the time but he is thrilled to be out of his tube and even more thrilled to finally be able to hear a scientist who has been visiting him.
Forzen- moved from France when he was around 3-4 his dad's in the military and he's a bit spoiled has had to move a lot because of his dad but he's been in the same neighborhood as the gang sense the end of 2ed grade. He's not truly one of the bullies of the school but is annoying to Gordon darnold and Tommy he quickly became friends with benery when he moved and benery taut him how to skate board.
Dr.coomer- a good friend of Tommy's dad but usually not taken very seriously by his coworkers. He is a little unusual and loud but is a very kind soul other scientists complaine that he talks to much. he works in many departments around black mesa but is most offensive seen in the robotics department is the founder of the black mesa boxing ring and has not lost his wife in the divorce yet. He likes to visit the secret experiment B-u557 to see how he's doing he does his rants to the experiment even though he knows he can't hear him. But b-u557 doesn't ever seem to be annoyed so he keeps visiting. Even if everyone else in black mesa tells him to stop.
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Credit: blinkees
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kar01an3-13wizz · 19 days
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Karolane's biography:
Name: Karolane
Full Name: Karolane June Lewis
Label: The Sweet and Chill Anime Girl
Nationality: French/British
Aliases: Karo, Karo-chan, Tori, Tori-chan
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16-17
Height: 4'11 (150 cm)
Species: Human
Subspecies: Neko/Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual
Appearence: Karolane has brown hair tied to a ponytail with a white ribbon, she has blue eyes, she has freckles on her face with a scar on her left eye, she wears a school uniform, a white sock with pink stripes on her right foot, and a rainbow sock shorter than the left sock, on the left foot. She also has black shoes.
In her demon form, she has the same outfit but she has light purple skin, with small black horns, with big bat wings, she also has a demon tail. She has claws, red glowing eyes and sharp teeths.
In Total Dramarama, Karolane's outfit is inspired by Hello Kitty, due to the small red ribbon.
In Total Drama Reunion, her outfit is inspired by Hatsune Miku. She has two long pigtails tied to blue ribbons, she has a small mic, she wears a sailor shirt with a blue bow, she has blue ribbons on her arms, she wears fishnet tights on her arms, she has a ring on her right middle finger, she also wears a black skirt witha blue belt, sha wears long blue striped socks, with black shoes and blue leggings.
In her swimsuit, she wears a rainbow patterned two-piece swimsuit, with pink and white laces, and with purple hearts on the top and on the bottom. Her swimsuit reveals her black-polished nails, and her three heart-shaped birthmarks on her thigh.
Mental disorders: She has ADHD, PTSD, arachnophobia, depression, athazagoraphobia, social anxiety, school phobia, obsessive love disorder, schizophrenia, autism, insomnia, dissociative syndrome, Peter Pan syndrome, hyperventilation, Balint syndrome and dementia.
Personnality: Karolane is a kind-hearted, sweet, kind of a cat personnality, tsundere, yandere girl. She's also very dumb and her brain never works.
Karolane's interests:
Likes: Animes, cats, drawing, videogames, eating, sleeping, cosplay, baby-doll style, Ezekiel, blood, horror movies, her adoptive dad aka Chef.
Dislikes: Her disorders, being forgotten
◾ Karolane's is Chef's adoptive daughter.
◾ Karolane's BFF is Euphoria (by @jovialeuphoria).
◾ When Karolane starts being insane, she's in her demon form, and red glitchy eyes.
◾ She's friends with everyone in the island, especially Scary Girl, Sadie and Katie.
◾ She doesn't know what's emotions.
◾ She naturally has a cat mouth.
◾ Her love interest is Ezekiel.
◾ The cat is her favorite animal.
◾ She has A LOT of cat plushies.
◾ She's a cosplayer.
◾ She's very popular due to her kindness and her cosplays.
◾ Karolane's bedroom only has Ezekiel images. There's a wall with Ezekiel's face, she has t-shirts of Ezekiel, she even has a BIG shrine of him. She also has his toothbrush, a photo of Ezekiel, an empty can of Ezekiel, and a lot more of him.
◾ Karolane's is 17 years old.
◾ In Total Drama Reunion, she's married to Ezekiel.
◾ She's homeschooled since more than 2 years, due to school phobia.
◾ Her birthday is the 4th of September.
◾ She's 4'11 tall.
◾ She's obssessed with Ezekiel.
◾ She's a tsundere and a yandere.
◾ She won all the TDi seasons.
◾ She has a lot of hallucinations.
◾ She can be really depressed a lot.
◾ When Ezekiel isn't here, she instantly cries.
◾ When Duncan makes jokes about Ezekiel "d3ad" or other jokes about Ezekiel, Karolane cries until and when Ezekiel come in, but sometimes, when Ezekiel is here, she's still crying.
◾ She can have horrible visions about Ezekiel, like seeing Ezekiel with another girl or other things like that.
◾ Her parents abandonned her when she was a baby, and she's now adopted by Chef.
◾ She's afraid of spiders.
◾ She's a sugar addict.
◾ Her favorite drink is bubble tea.
◾ She loves animes.
◾ She's not really human, she's a neko when in love or a demon when psycho or angry.
Powers/Abilities: Immortality, Telepathy, Flying, and more.
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canmom · 7 months
more baldur gate
I think I've gathered most of the party now. time to venture forth
we did find another warlock it turned out. they've got a spin on him as a kind of demon slaying folk hero, which is cute. what's weirder to me is when characters will just casually speak of game mechanical stuff like being a 'warlock'. like, oh yeah i made a pact with an eldritch entity beyond space and comprehension, but it's no biggie, you know? there's one in every neighbourhood. though that is something of the problem of Forgotten Realms, it's such a kitchen-sink setting that it's very hard to figure out any sort of coherent narrative thrust for any of it.
my character seems to be settling by default into the kind of default 'pragmatic, generally prosocial crpg hero' model. most of the other dialogue options just seem needlessly standoffish. they do have certain party members disapprove when you take plot hooks, but honestly that all feels a bit silly to take as a prodding to play a more selfish character because like. what do you want me to do, not engage with the game? occasionally you get to click a 'hey, look, I'm also from baldur's gate!' dialogue option, but it never adds up to much.
it's frustrating in a way, because this being so specifically D&D-based really calls attention to the difference between CRPGs and TTRPGs. at the tabletop, I can give my character a distinctive voice, motivation, general habitas - and other players can respond to that and react appropriately. of course, this is not possible in a CRPG to the same degree, except within the rails laid down by the game writers. since the main character is unvoiced and characters react to dialogue the instant you click it, she is even further diminished from the voiced characters.
something noticeable in this is that it has a similar line reading problem as a lot of Bioware RPGs. characters' lines will sometimes noticeably differ in how they're acted - intonation, force, etc. - and there's that ever-noticeable cut between individual lines of dialogue. it has the feeling that the lines were recorded separately in a studio without much in the way of context.
overall the NPC acting in this game is... well it's that classic modern AAA videogame problem right? the character models and rendering are very lifelike when they're still, but the way the characters move is a bit stiff, a bit broad, a bit unnatural. of course nobody has the money to individually hand-animate every single dialogue line in a CRPG of this sort of scale, so they're leaning on canned animations and procedural blending techniques, and it works sorta well enough. it's got that fuzz of videogame jank to it.
it looks like we're about to run into the Evil Races D&D Problem pretty soon, oh boy! the goblins are attacking the poor tiefling refugees. why? i'm sure it will be given a clear understandable motivation and not just that they're evil by nature, right? this is something that I'm pretty sure the game is inheriting from the OG Baldur's Gate games - I definitely remember venturing into a mine to fight gnolls or something. Minsc was there. I have no doubt Minsc will show up in BG3 as well - he's like the most iconic character in the series.
the contrived nature of the premise is classic D&D shit. "you all meet on a mind flayer spaceship, united by parasites in your brain" is definitely the sort of thing that a human DM would cook up as a campaign starting point. that said, it does feel a little weird that everyone on the mind flayer ship between them cover most of the player classes, each with their own colourful backstory and an identically sized tent that they can pitch in your mysterious extradimensional campsite. I think the fact that the introductions are spread out a bit makes it feel more artificial - I get why they didn't want to frontload it with every single character right at the beginning, but it's like, 'damn, this guy has a player character sort of vibe, i bet he was on the airship' and sure enough, he was...
(speaking of the immersion-breaking camp, the respec guy really seems kinda unnecessary as a diegetic element. just have a menu somewhere, trying to make this skeleton guy make narrative sense just raises way too many questions.)
but I mean I can't complain too much that a videogame is a videogame, right? as I recall, in BG1, the recruitable party members were just random adventurers who you'd run into here and there. this is more of a KotOR II-like scenario, where every character has a thing in common that pushes them together.
the Tactician difficulty level, combined with the squishiness of level 2 characters, is definitely pushing me a bit. I had a fight with some bandits. all of them had names and unique voices, interestingly - really applying the Apocalypse World principles. however they will not like, surrender or anything. don't ask me why I was fighting these people to the death, I don't think they did anything that really did any harm to my character, but I wanted to unlock the respec character and you have to get past them to do it. not that I knew that when I saw hostile characters.
anyway, it was a cool fight because it was a bit of party-vs-party - the enemies were using the same abilities I was, and using the environment to their advantage (read: blowing me up with exploding barrels, the nerve of it). Larian of course have their fancy fluid sim system from the Divinity series, which actually integrates rather well with certain D&D spells like Grease. there's a lot of potentially interesting tactical possibilities, although in the end, it came down to the familiar tactics of 'split them up', 'disable them with debuffs' and 'focus dps'. D&D combat is very swingy - once I took out a couple of that other party, the fight was pretty much decided, but when I'd taken a few downed party members, there wasn't really much reason not to just load the quicksave.
I decided to spec my 'lock as a bladelock - I'm playing a chainlock on tabletop so this seemed like a good way to mix it up. of course then it turned out that Wyll is also a bladelock, so he's probably not gonna get much time in the party ^^' but maybe I should bring him along and we can just be warlock buddies. that said... the 4-person party size is... I can see its necessity as a balancing measure, but it does feel like it pushes me towards the standard healer (shadowheart)/tank (lae'zel)/rogue (astarion)/me structure. since I need someone to unlock doors, I need someone to heal, and I need someone to stop the enemy beating up my poor squishy party members. but now I'm a bladelock, maybe I can take over from Lae'zel as the frontliner and free up a slot for one of the other guys. probably it's a big enough game that there will be room to mix and match parties over the course of it.
one thing I do kinda miss from Bioware's games is the intra-party dialogue triggers. the characters here mostly don't have random conversations, at least so far - maybe they will later in the game. that stuff did a whole lot to add life to your party members and make them feel more like characters.
honestly? this is making me want to go back to various isometric CRPGs like Tyranny. so far, despite spicy elements like the mindflayer thing, I'm not fully hooked by this story. but I will give this one a chance all the same.
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dangara2610 · 10 months
Hard to do Crossover
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Time to time, watching the lots of crossovers fans do about Varian with anything, I thought about one of the fandom I liked and spend lots of years in it
Does any of you knew about the Hetalia fandom ?
Humanized countries anime, before the creation of Countryballs and Country humans but after the old newspaper cartoons about each one nation spirit like "Uncle Sam" for the USA and "John Bull"for the UK?
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(My mind playing easy and silly after a whole day playing difficult xD)
Varian and Hugo cosplaying France and England because I can't decide which one fits better 🫠😎🤓
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Super silly draw ~ hahahhahahahah
(My mind playing difficult before that fanart)
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I tried to find who in the Hetalia cast would be fitting for a role swap with the Vat7k characters, but they are so different from each other , even the similar things between them have to be pushed xD
Long time ago, my favorite fanfics and fancomics were "Historical accurrate" focused, but most the content was about romance , so I endup becoming a big fan of:
FrUK : France x United Kingdom
USUK : United States x United Kingdom
Usually along with "FACE family" Dynamic, France and England as parents , Canada and America as adoptive sons
Then , I got a more deep liking for England , so I would get any England x (any other country) material
As well for USA x (any other country)
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Varian: From a germanic country, so we have some to pick between the very Germany, or Prussia, Austria, Switzerland, Lietchestein, Bravaria or Kugel Mugel, but most of them have a serious stoic attitude
Except Prussia, who likes to play funny, is clean and disciplinated , writing a lot for his journal so everyone can know about his amazing adventures and goals, high self esteem, able to play teacher/mother/father/older brother role to any who wants to take lessons from him or who needs him, during the manga pages (and anime chapters) about Industrial revolution, he and his lil bro showed great engineering skills and enthusiasm.
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Hey, when we think about Rapunzel, we were taught about her Germanic origins, then on the Tangled making, there was a mention about how the team wanted Germany as main influence and a few of Spain influence , and maybe not lots of you saw it, but there was a fanart about Prussia and Hungary cosplaying Eugene and Rapunzel that got re-posted on most old Facebook accounts about Hetalia
So feels like Prussia role was already taken at the Tangled cast, as well, Hungary on her cannon scenes, used a frying pan as weapon too.
Next pick for a fitting role for Varian, it may be , America? I don't know xD , joyful, friendly, strong, innovative, but doesn't knows how to measure his skills or social contact so he endups pushing everyone boundaries or ignoring safety codes, loves heroic tales and wants to be the hero of the situation at sigh, too bad he makes exaggerated bad takes due to his inexperience.
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England, either for Hugo or Varian
A tsundere who suffered social exclusion during his early existence, who fought all the way to stop being poor, forgotten and put aside to reach riches, glory and power, not losing contact with his magical paranormal friends, yet, having difficult times to accept friendship or love from others, facing betrayings as well, a little bit of low self esteem, trying to compensate with other things (as with aggression and search for more power), for innovation, he tried engineering but his ideas were too eccentric so he would end up laughed at for his impractical machines, yet, searching ways to improve.
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I need to make this shorter so I'll skip talking about France
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As well about China or any other asian country for Yong
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Sadly for Nuru , there are very few African or Oceanic based characters, most of them on a sole official videogame of the series with not enough screen time on the show, yet, nice to search around the fanbase
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Any way, find something for an "accurrate " role swap is difficult, maybe cosplaying would be the only thing I would fantasy about xDdDDDDdD
The only "legit" version for a Crossover of Hetalia and Tangled would be creating brand new OCs of each one of the locations in the map of this world, specially about the 7 kingdoms
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Bayangor looks kin to any country from Southeast Asia , so I would pick Indonesia (the series got a femenine character sketch, but then, changed it for a male one, either way, just for the manga and not the anime)
Galcrest and Nesdernia would certainly be about native american communities, sadly, most of them are drawn as OCs for the fandom, no actual cannon characters
Pittsford and Corona looks germanic enough, hehe, we could pick similarities with other European countries
The Dark Kingdom gave hints about Scotland , so it's easier
Ingvarr, according to some post, was supposed to be Persian/ Arabic influence, as well for Koto, African influence, but is vague, and both of them, reversing the role of colonization, looking like ... O dear, I have to go.
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And that's all, I have to go 🥭⛅🥭🌟🌳🌟🫧⛅🫧⛅🌳🌟🌀🌀🌻 thanks for reading 🪷🌠🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️
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baenyth · 4 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The Shanghai Special
Fun fact: I went to the real New York City in the gap between my reviews. I hated it more than the special. It was oversized and drab. Also, I decided: no more tagging stuff as salt! Salt is a symbol of deranged hatred, and I want to be a fair critic! I don't hate Marinette, I just hate how she practices stalking and gets away with it. Either way,
Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai; Hourai Hourai Hourai Hourai; FRANCO HOLLAND TIBET KYOTO LONDON RUSSIAN ORLEANS!
(Watch as I hate the special again, lmao.)
Alright, starting off with narmy dialogue, greed and tragedy, and a cool sacred cave.
Oooh, this girl! I don't remember her name, Fei Wu, right? But she's got a neat and detailed backstory!
"Everything was going well, until it wasn't."
Marinette, that's weird.
I heard she wanted to visit Shanghai not to learn about her roots, but to see more Adrien. It's even more disappointing to watch it happen, though.
Such sweet parents!
I think he wanted you to help cook, Marinette.
This is actual stalking. The crushing disappointment is growing worse.
I love Adrien's Dad. He's silly, he cares for Adrien, he loves action figures, and he's a person magnitudes better than Hawkmoth!
Gabriel's moving like he's in a videogame lmao
So is Fei Wu. Amazing. I love her and I'd watch an entire show about her.
Sticky fingers! Amazing!
Big fan of the talking bird too. What's his ordeal?
I love the artist method of talking. And the artist's struggle. Kinda odd Marinette's looking for her earrings rather than her phone. I mean I know they make her Ladybug and everything but wouldn't her phone be useful to tell the people you're staying with what's going on? Ladybug isn't very discrete either.
Oh right. The greedy prick again.
As always, Capitalism is the true villain.
Oooh, new transformation music!
Damn, Big News.
Oh god all the ironies going on. Fei is in a deep tar pit. It's like Seinfeld again.
Zamn. Girlie had a whole character arc back there.
Pfft the prodigious kwamis are giving tutorial guides while Fei's trying to survive
Oh. It's just a puff of smoke? Whatever. I love shapeshifters.
Holy hell. Hawkmoth akumatized the guardian, of all people? Is he even sapient? Can Hawkmoth akumatize, like, dogs and cats?
"I'm not worthy of this!" Neither is the guardian. Bro is disintegrating people left and right.
Oh right. He got possessed and isn't in his right mind.
Another plan where Marinette gets swallowed.
Mmmf. Good "what have I done?" thing. I like it.
So he's also a Kwami? Can Hawkmoth akumatize kwamis?
Pfft the excuses
Hey, that wasn't too bad! I really liked Fei's story here, although the whole revenge thing felt forced and crude. Someone who is understandably pissed about someone ruining their father's dojo and eventually life for greed and having to steal to survive (girl is practically homeless, let's be real. At some point she had to use that pawn shop cash for food or clothes that aren't rags.) has to learn about humility and everything while a girl that went to Shanghai to see the boy she has a crush on there gets off not really scot-free, but without having consequences directly for her actions. No matter. It was better than the cheating nonsense in the New York Special.
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remremsies · 3 months
Gang I’ve been gone for a while again I’m so sorry😔
I decided to come back and show y’all my OC who I’ll use while playing Our life now&forever!
Soo first I should warn you that there will be mild mentions of mental health issues and SH‼️ If these things trigger you, please skip my STEP 2 text or do not read this at all. It isn’t anything big, but I don’t want anyone to feel anxious while reading this🫶
Here it starts (I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
Her name is Rosemary Salmonbay and some might say her surname is silly, but it’s a literal translation of my own surname! I love it, hehe. So, Rosemary is heavily inspired of my own life and almost just me. I made Rosemary a long time ago to make little stories that were inspired of my life and just as a way to cope. But she’s not 100% me either, because that would make me feel uncomfortable lmao.
I used picrew‼️ This is Toon Me!
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Rosemary is an awkward, shy and silly kid. An outcast, kind of. She’s very into anime, games and drawing. At first not very talkative and finds new people scary, but once you get closer to her she becomes very loud and energetic.
Rosemary enjoys playing outside with dolls, especially Monster High dolls and even dressing up as these characters. She likes drawing them a lot and making new outfits for them. Usually her doll plays are enspired by the games and animes she enjoyed.
She liked games that many other kids didn’t back then, such as Ib. Animes she watched were Ouran High School Host Club and Death Note.
As you can notice from the picture, she didn’t have much fashion sense because she just wore whatever felt comfortable and looked cool. Shirts with Mickey Mouse, Youtube merch and galaxy print.
Rosemary has tried many sports to have at least one hobbie, but nothing really fit her. Football was her favorite though. Rosemary was more into videogames and YouTube.
Moving to a new place made her very nervous but hopeful that she would make friends who wouldn’t judge her too much.
Rosemary gets called Rose, Rosie, Roses, etc. So many different nicknames and sometimes it annoys her, but doesn’t really stop anyone. She’s a bit bigger than other kids, which always made her feel embarrassed. A bit taller than most kids and didn’t like her tummy:(
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These years were the hardest for Rosemary, because she was very lost, didn’t know who was her true friends and even has some issues with her mother. But mostly Rosemary battles with herself during this time.
Now, Rosemary tries her best to stay away from any spotlight and has only few close friends. She doesn’t want any conflicts, so she has a hard time choosing sides whenever a classmates would have drama.
Rosemary’s escape is music and dancing now. She’s very into K-pop and J-pop during this time and has kind of dropped her old gamer and anime loving self. Though, she still misses those times when it was okay for her to be ”cringe”.
Her mental health declines rather harshly, even making her harm herself in certain ways to relieve overwhelming emotions. She usually regrets doing it afterwards, because it’s hard to hide and it makes her vulnerable.
Even though Rosemary says that she isn’t trying to fit in and is genuinely herself, it’s most likely a lie. She indeed is just trying to somehow fit in and make others happy. Rosemary starts wearing clothes that show off her body more in hopes of making herself like the cool girls and tries to learn makeup.
Rosemary gets more into studying herself and understand that maybe, just maybe this isn’t truly her. So, in subtle ways she tries to show her true self (such as jewelry). Rosemary accepted herself as pansexual/romantic already when she was 12, but for a long while she questions her gender. Being a girl feels right but also empty, being a boy is too much for her and nonbinary isn’t right either. But, she tries to ignore it.
She’s still rather chubby and hates it. It causes her to wear more ’boring’ clothes, because she thinks they won’t show others her bigger body. Rosemary only accepts Rose nickname during this time.
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Everything kind of starts making sense now. Rosemary is gaining confidence and got professional help for her problems. She accepts her actual style and doesn’t wear ’boring’ clothes anymore.
She’s still awkward and kind of anti-social, but tries her best and is more laid-back now. Rosemary only goes with her kind of people now and won’t force herself to fit in.
They also got back into gaming, anime and even started cosplaying sometimes! They still sometimes listen to K-pop and J-pop but more for nostalgia and during rough times. They’re also into makeup and fashion now, especially fashion styles from Japan.
Did you notice how I used they pronoun for Rosemary? Well, they finally realized and accepted themself as a demigirl! Rosemary prefers she/they pronouns but doesn’t really care if anyone uses he.
Rosemary isn’t entirely happy with her body still and also feels kind of lost, but is slowly and surely getting better. She’s trying to live healthy now, not working out to lose weight but to love her body no matter how chubby she was.
A bit more confident in themself, but still has ways to go and a lot to learn. They aren’t 100% certain what they want to do in the future, but ha some ideas.
That was all I have for her now! I haven’t made one for Step 4 yet, but I’ll work on it. I’ll probably post more about her as well and maybe change some things. This is kind of like a first draft, but I doubt I’ll change anything drastically.
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c0smiccom3t · 10 months
tiny fun fact for you all.
Did you know i created a brand new sona on december 2nd? It's a little prize for myself after i turn 18. So... Allow me to introduce you to my new mascot (and sona.)
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Cosmodyte is a young silly dragon who likes gliding into the sky, space, science and most importantly.... art.
They are also somebody who idolizes cartoon villains a little too much, wanting to be like them despite showing a lot of kindness even though they have a temper.
Cosmodyte tries their best to become a bad guy one day if things dont work out, but if the opposite happens, they dream of becoming an animator in the indie industry (and in cartoony videogames, too.)
They're a mad scientist despite not being good at building stuff or make chemicals. However, what they can do, is create and redesign characters. They also take care of said characters, hospitalizing them and make sure they get all of their love and care. They're also plotting to build something that connects all dimensions both from videogames and cartoons they love into our world. though it's gonna take them awhile.
Not to mention, They might be thinking of making a gaming channel on twitch, buuuut... that'll take them a while because, how would they make a model so their human disguise doesnt act up? If that doesnt work out they might take robotic classes so they can start building robots to assist them to take over the world.
(fun fact: Cosmodyte's name comes from when me and my friend @/toonnytotal brainstormed a few names together for them. and 'Cosmodyte' (aka Cosmo) came right on top. I can't thank kill enough for it, once again Larry, thank you so much!!)
Anyway, ill make a ref sheet for Cosmo later, in the meantime, i gotta work on some stuff and study for an exam. Hope you ike them!
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