arielllli · 2 years
This single handedly knocked the straight®️ back into me
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Art nouveau poster inspired 😊
A step by step of this will be available at my Patreon on august 1st!
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arielllli · 2 years
God damn
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💀 💀 💀
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arielllli · 4 years
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The mask is complete
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arielllli · 4 years
Y’all just hear me out:
A Fire Force x ATLA crossover where Zuko and Azula enter the Fireforce world and they had to work together to survive because they’ve been labeled as infernals. Azula gets her redemption arc and Zuko learns about the reason why Azula was going insane. Then they prove themselves safe and sane to the special fire force and become members. They’d be the strongest ones on the force ngl
I mean Arthur has a straight up lightsaber in CANON nothing’s impossible in that anime
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arielllli · 4 years
Me during the last 10 minuets of The Old Guard: on god if they make Andy and Booker kiss I’m gonna sue Netflix.
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arielllli · 4 years
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[π] person of interest quarantine rewatch ➥ 2x15 booked solid
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arielllli · 4 years
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• Just a few Rexsoka WIP that were seeping on my computer for like a million years. I ’ll finish them one day but not before a long time so…
In order of appearance
A scene from commandertano fanfic http://rexsoka.tumblr.com/post/34499277473/imagine-your-otp-bathing-together-person-a-is
an imagineyour OTP watching their favourite show with their kids•
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arielllli · 4 years
“The Jedi are cats,” Is the opening sentence of the video clicked in a random holo cafe on Coruscant but it instantly catches the attention of the entire cafe and suddenly the toydarian, who had been on a five hour UsTube binge and gotten into a smaller section of the holo net, is overwhelmed with people peeking at their screen as the video plays.
The image showed, with title cards over each of the knights, master and padawans, a group of Jedi sleeping in a pile, some snoring and others just quietly sleeping. “They often end up sleeping in piles should there be many enough for it, just as cats often do.” The voice narrated happily.
As if they weren’t taking a galaxy of impressions and beliefs about Jedi and shattering them and as the hour long video continued, all Jedi and troopers who showed up, got a title card with rank a name appearing over them, to inform the watcher who was who.
It was utterly fascinating and several people were looking up the video on their own terminals to get a better look, others sending the link to their friends or family.
And as they did, the video continued further on to explain how Jedi were just like cats.
“Contrary to popular belief, the Jedi are highly paternal just as cats are,” That was cued with a shot of what looked like Master Billaba as she scolded her young padawan, kneeling in front of him while scrubbing what looked like clay off his cheek, the young man whining as a trooper stood there, holding a bowl of water for the Jedi with an amused look on his face. “This parental emotion will include their adult sprog, as Jedi consider their padawan’s for dumbasses most of the time unless they prove other wise and must therefore care for them.” The shot changed to Master Kenobi of all people, shoving Knight Skywalker into a seat, ranting about hair care and hygiene as he grabbed a brush and attacked the curls which apparently had a lot of branches stuck in it somehow.
Skywalker himself was loudly complaining that it wasn’t his fault that there were so many trees on the way to the camp.
“As cats, Jedi are also assholes towards each other at random, because this is instinct to them and apparently they find it hilarious, or so is the assumption.” Another voice, most likely a trooper too, took over and the image changed to Master Windu standing at a cliff, observing something in the distance with squinted eyes as Master Nu walked by, seemingly observed in her report pad.
Only when she got up behind him, she suddenly reached out and pushed hard at his back.
Windu let out a huge yelp and then fell off the cliff at a rather alarming pace from a sizable height and meanwhile, Master Nu just continued walking.
A small, smug smile was lurking on her lips as Windu started to curse loudly from wherever he landed, the man suddenly appearing on the cliff again after what must have been quite a jump, the master glaring after his fellow Jedi before suddenly shaking himself and turning back to watching, both ignoring what had just happened.
As if it hadn’t happened.
And if there wasn’t footage of it, most wouldn’t believe it.
“Mimicking this behavior however, gets a distress response from the Jedi that witness it.” The new narrator continued, much to the belief of those who heard it though that was also turned on its head as two troopers in white with maroon paint symbols on them were working on a rather huge shuttle wing, both looking consumed in their work before one of them suddenly jerked to and then pushed the other off the wing, one clearly cackling and the other yelling the entire way down.
Instantly Master Fisto appeared in the line of vision for the recording, clearly making what amounted to low distressed noises as he slowed the descent of the trooper for the last few meters even though the trooper hit the ground rather hard.
Before they were even sitting up, Fisto was there, fussing over the trooper before helping them up despite not being needed to and fussing them away towards a medical check.
“The Jedi are also highly interested in grooming and respond to it favorably or give those they care for grooming sessions, perhaps a bonding experiance for them,” The shot changed to Master Yoda, sitting on Kenobi’s shoulder, running his long claws through the others copper hair as the man tried to focus on the display and was clearly loosing. “Also, General Kenobi is a sucker for hair pettings and groomings and General Skywalker knows and abuses this privilege.” The scene cut to another where Kenobi sitting on a supply crate and was clearly trying to do work only for Skywalker to tug him closer and run his flesh fingers through the man’s hair, talking slowly and soothingly until the redhead’s cheek was settled on Skywalker’s shoulder.
Most likely for the best, even in the holo they could see the black rings around the Jedi’s eyes.
“In summary, the Jedi are catty, chaos assholes to each other who eat like they’ve never been feed but are wholly protective of their family at the same time as their asshole behavior does not harm anyone and any indication of injury will lead to distress responses as witnessed by General Fisto.”
The video finally concluded.
Leaving a lot of very stunned people who were sharing the video.
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arielllli · 4 years
Ahsoka: *sees pretty girl* *flexes* *trips over own feet*
Fives: *finger guns*
Echo: if i could rearrange the alphabet, you’d fall from heaven- wait, no-
Hardcase: gives them flowers, immediately followed by the worst pun he can think of
Anakin: starts out with “are you an angel” and everything goes downhill from there
Rex: you… shoot…. good
Cody: You shoot good. I like that in a person. Let’s make out.
Obi-wan: HelloOOO there!
Wolffe: *glares*
Kix: I’m a medic, but the only thing I can’t heal… is my heart
Dogma: uuuuuuhhhhh *bluescreen*
Quinlan Vos: finger guns, but he somehow makes it work
Kit Fisto: *removes shirt*
Bly: *heart eyes* *vacant smile at General Secura, not listening to a word she’s saying*
Aayla Secura: Bly, I think you are very pretty. Bly. BLY. ARE YOU LISTENING-
Commander Fox: *cheeky grin* what’s a pretty guy like you doing in a place like this? are you authorized to be here? show me your ID! This is a serious breach of security *starts crying* oh my god i’m so fucking stressed
Plo Koon: *opens wallet to reveal 3 miles of pictures of his troops* let me show you my kids!
Palpatine: have you ever heard the tale of *sinister side-eye* my dick
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arielllli · 4 years
He’s so gorgeousssssssss😭
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shrugs???? Hot Fish Man
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arielllli · 4 years
Jedi? In relationships? Having attachments? God, who knew!
Anakin and padme:The entire Senete is basically in one big betting pool about it. Lets be clear, this isn't on if their together, it's for how long. Chuchi, Satine and Bail amoung others are hevily betting on married since before the war. There are even fan pages about them.
Obi Wan and Satine: Hottest topic of gossip amoung the Padawans. They saw the beard stroke on the landing pad, dont think they didn't. Most Masters are in denial and the knight's are pretty close to starting a betting pool on when they'll hook up. Again.
Obi Wan and Cody: Ok so I might have lied with every one thinking Satine and Obi Wan are a thing, a good 50% of the temple think CodyWan are basically married. Cody litrally carries this man to bed. This is the biggest Ship war in the temple to date!
Jokes on them, Obi Wan has two hands.
Kit, Aalya and Bly. They think there relationship ninjas but they have the subtlety of Padme and Anakin. The flirting and eye sex between Aalya and Bly is driving the Star Core MAD! And they do it in war briefings. Mace Windu is right their, Yoda is right their, we are right hear, stop acting like you want to peg the commander on the consol! And it gets twelve times worse when Kit is there. He knows what that smile dose to them! He knows!
Shaak Ti and Plo Koon: Now their not together, but they are co-parenting about six billion kids which means they get weird calls in the middle of council sessions. Like they try to explaine them away while muttering where Yue left his sock, no Dan you can't borrow your brothers blaster, yes they will come and help them with homework when finished and fine you can use her lightsaber if Nahla Sei said that about your brother. No one wants to know what will happen if you cross Shaak and Plo on their kids, and everyone likes living to much to find out.
Mace Windu: Denial isn't just a river on Terra. Mace likes to think he is above attachment. He is not. Everyone with two eyes can see this, the way he hovers around his injured troops, the hugs he'll never admit giving to Depa and sometimes Caleb, and the fact he looks at Pond's like he's hung the star's in the sky. Yes, Mace Windu has a gigantic crush on Commander Pond's but he's so emotionally repressed he doesn't know he has one. And yes, it's just as infuriating for everyone as you think it would be.
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arielllli · 4 years
The Jedi code: No attachment! No romantic partners! No family!
Anakin sneeking off to meet up with Padme after a night out with the 501st, whilst hiding adoption papers for Ashoka: What attachments? No attachments hear!
Obi Wan sat on Cody's lap whilst waiting for a message from Satine: Be mindful of the code padawan.
Aayla removing herself from Bly's face for 0.5 seconds: What did you say?
Kit Fisto waiting to call Aayla and Bly so they can meet up for date night: You must listen to master Yoda, attachments are dangerous.
Ploo koon and Shaak Ti surrounded by clone younglins as they fill out adoption forms for the entire army: Emotions are not the Jedi way.
Depa Billap tucking Caleb into bed: You must learn to let go of your feelings.
Quinlan Vos in the middle of checking in with Aayla and having given Bly the shovel talk: Listen to Obi Wan, he's usually right.
Mace Windu sitting worriedly at medical waiting for news on his injured men: As Jedi it is are duty to follow the code.
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arielllli · 4 years
Gfhkfdjixbb This killed me😭
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arielllli · 5 years
What Your Favorite Star Wars Ship Says About You
Transcription below the cut
Keep reading
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arielllli · 5 years
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arielllli · 5 years
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arielllli · 5 years
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