#and isnt completely crunched
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wizards-and-tea · 11 months ago
fuck it. yozora angel with a shotgun amv.
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fisherrprince · 3 months ago
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im-still-a-robot · 3 months ago
Okay. Normal again
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pandagyaru · 2 years ago
"Jasper, don't you think this is a little risky? And high?" You ask, clutching onto his shirt. Your finger nails catching onto the fibers. He grabs your hand, taking it off his shirt and into his own.
"Would I ever put you in a situation where you get hurt?" He asks, nuzzling into you. You look below you, at the ground covered in sparkling layers of snow. From up there in the trees it looks quite pretty, you stare at it for a short while; contemplating what you're going to say. (Completely not getting blinded by it)
"No, but I don't see how jumping from tree to tree is supposed to be fun for me" You deadpan, looking up at him and falsely glaring; a puff of air coming out of your mouth. His gold eyes watching as it disappears.
"You'll see pumpkin" He declares, grabbing your waist with one arm and jumping to the next set of trees with the other.
"You do realize if you DROP me. I won't just get up and walk it off like you would, right?" You whimper to him, grabbing him tighter as not to perish in the snow below.
"Well good news, we're where I wanted to go" He brushes branches out of the way to reveal a beautifully reserved clearing, which you assumed would have flowers covering it fully if it weren't for the snow. Jasper turns to tell you something but he stops at the sight of you staring in awe at a deer. It slowly walks into view, sniffing the ground as it looks for a place to just lay down and relax.
"Jasper! Look at it! Isnt it cute!?" You whisper to him, watching to make sure the deer doesn't hear you. He's still looking at you, a smile appearing on his face.
"Yeah it is" He whispers back. You turn to look at him and sees he's staring right back at you. Your face burns from the contrast of the cold air and your now warm face.
"The deer! Not me!!" You hit him on the arm. He chuckles and tightens his grip on you so he can jump down from the tree. The sound of his feet hitting the snow scares away the deer, causing you to pout. He sets you down.
"You scared it away!" You yell at him, walking into the clearing and just plop yourself down in the snow. The crunching of newly laid snow fills the silence. (You ever see people write "a pregnant pause" motherfucker what?!) You lay back and put your hands out above you, the sky is a cloudy grey color compared to the white on the ground and trees.
"Looks like it's about to snow again sugar" Jasper states, coming to lay next to you. You turn your head to make eye contact with him. (I hate eye contact 😭😭)
"Hey wait. Since your body temp is cold, do you not get cold from the snow?" You ask, starting to flail your arms about in a snow angel formation.
"Not really. Doesn't mean I won't bundle up in blankets tho" He tells you, turning on his side and propping his head up with his arm. You stop making snow angels and just stare at him. The beauty of his sparkly skin with the sparkling white snow, you wish you had brought your phone. (Wait, I know like non twilight vampires can't show up in pictures, is it the same for twilight vampires?? If it is the same, shhhhh)
"Should we be heading back? You're shivering" He asks, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him.
"Maybe, I can already not feel my fingers" You muttered, blowing hot air onto your hands. He chuckles.
"Let's go home then beloved"
At home
"Ahhhhh" you sighed out as Jasper wrapped another blanket around you. He stands up and looks over you.
"You warm?"
"Like a damn burrito" You joke, sticking your hand out of the blanket and reaching for him.
"Are you sure you need me up against you?"
"I always need you up against me" You tease, grabbing him. He rolls his eyes but then he smiles.
"You're dirty"
"Yeah but you like it"
It's kinda short but I have no idea how to write for this man. LOVE YA
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strwbrychffoncke · 8 months ago
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"take me home,, 4.9k words synopsis: in which the crusaders take care of you while you're sick! contains: completely self-indulgent. fluffy sick comfort ,slight crack ,ooc chara(?) dunno ,reader is jotaro's sister (jotaro is referred to as older but wrote w the idea of them being twins (at least 18)/similar in age... minimal phys desc. so reader can also be seen as adopted LOL) ,heavy polnareff x reader coded ,clingy!sick reader LOL ,reader is short (lol) ,some japanese terms used (written in eng) ,french terms of endearment ,light cursing... i think thats everything lol.. :X note: i also realized a lil too late iggy isnt in here but i promise u he's in another draft for something else i started i could never forget him!!!!
'why me?'
you crack your eyes open to the sun peeking through the inn's room window. you immediately notice your throat feeling sore, sniffling nose uncomfortably stuffy, and fatigue enveloping your entire body.
why was it so hot?
you kick off the covers, finding your strength to roll over in an attempt to get out a bed, only pausing when you feel a looming headache clouding your senses.
you sit on the edge of the bed, holding your head in your hands for a few minutes in an attempt to seize the pain, even if only slightly. when nothing seems to change, you get up, stumbling a bit from sudden dizziness before deciding to get yourself ready for the day.
should i go wake jotaro to let him know i'm not feeling well?
the thought leaves you quickly, all too aware of the time crunch you all were on, and you weren't about to slow down the journey in favor of you getting better. who knows how long that might take?
so, despite the way you have to hold onto the bedframe to keep your balance as you change, the way your skin feels like its bursting into flames, wincing in pain every time you swallow and the way your head is throbbing in the worst way possible: you persevere.
does the inn sell medicine anywhere? maybe i can buy some before anyone sees me, and then meet up with them in the dining room later. i'm usually one of the last ones, so it shouldn't be too strange...
with this plan in mind, you check yourself one last time in the mirror before stumbling out of your room, shutting the door with a click.
"ah, bonjour, mademoiselle! what a coincidence we're up at the same time, huh?"
polnareff felt so lucky.
were the gods smiling down at him today? had he done something incredibly noteworthy? it didn't look like any of the others were around yet, either.
polnareff getting to spend the morning alone with you????
on the other hand....
you freeze.
'of all times-!'
considering your soft spot for the sweet french man (despite never admitting it, convinced it was one-sided), you hardly wished for him to see you in your current state.
however, you weren't about to turn him away (anyway, its not like you two got much one-on-one time on this hectic journey), and so you decide to face him before mustering up a small smile and a wave.
with or without realizing it, polnareff is absolutely beaming at you, eyes practically filled with hearts and his cheeks flushing a light pink, just from a little greeting? you didn't even speak!
he thinks you look so beautiful, like always, and he's thanking the heavens above for being the first one to see you like this today.
he quickly regains his senses before closing the short distance, standing before you.
his smile is dazzling, and he looks as attractive as always today... you hope your appearance looks presentable enough in this state.
"i was just about to make my way to the dining room, i'm starving! care to accompany me, mon mignon?"
you feel your heart race, as it usually does when he casually calls you by names like that. you still aren't sure why he does, but the crusaders always shoot you a knowing look: when you ask, they don't say anything.
realistically, you could probably say no, sneak away to search for that medicine, and then make your way back to find polnareff in the dining room, munching away at whatever suit his cravings before joining him.
on the other hand, polnareff was strangely attentive to you (something that the other crusaders pointed out more times than not, and that polnareff never once denied but rather avoided the accusation), leaving the possibility of him insisting to accompany you wherever you wished to go, no matter how hungry he might be.
indeed, he'd follow you to the ends of the earth if that was your wish, but you didn't need to know that yet.
so, you're left with simply giving him a small nod, following him sluggishly to the elevator as you allow him to talk your ear off about anything that comes to mind as you try to think of another moment to slip away to attain some medicine.
since it was still early, the elevator was occupied by only you two. polnareff filled the silence as he continued recalling the last enemy stand fight, and how they were "no match" for his chariot.
polnareff was so animated in his storytelling. he hoped he might impress you with recalling how strong his stand was and, by extension, him.
though, he did think you seemed a little quieter than usual today, but chalked it up to you simply still being tired.
you nodded along as he spoke, smiling at his dramatics when the elevator shook slightly. it didn't help your dizzy state, easily losing your balance and falling right into the man in front of you.
without any struggle, he caught you with ease.
"woah! mon ange, are you alright? i didn't expect you to stumble into me like that!" polnareff was holding you so securely yet gently, one hand on your upper left arm just below your shoulders, the other gently against your waist, looking down at you to quickly scan your face.
he couldn't help but take in the details of your face at this proximity, noticing the dazed look in your droopy-looking eyes, your shallow breaths, your flushed face, and was your skin warmer than usual?
your eyes shift up to meet his, bashful at the proximity before giving a curt nod. "sorry.." you mutter, shifting your gaze away from his dazzling eyes, unable to handle the intense eye contact for much longer.
"chérie, are you-"
polnareff is interrupted by the elevator doors as they open for you both.
he quickly releases you, muttering a short apology in his native tongue before stepping out first, turning back to make sure you're following close behind.
still feeling the dizziness, you stumble out after him, subconsciously gripping onto his shirt to keep your balance.
'he's so warm...'
you miss the way the silver-haired man's face practically bursts into flames, red hue matching that of his earrings.
"sorry.. i'm still a little dizzy.... don't leave me behind, you walk too fast.."
. . .
'how can someone be this cute?!?!??!'
aside from the fact that polnareff's heart feels like its about to burst, he can't help but notice the fact that 1) he wasn't walking any faster than he normally did, it was actually you that seemed to be walking slower, and 2) he couldn't tell from the brief responses you gave before, but now, he was sure your voice sounded different than usual.
(additionally, he thought, there was no way in hell he'd ever leave you behind anywhere, accident or not. was that really something you were worried about?)
somehow, he slips the hand that was gripping his top into his own, giving it a firm squeeze before offering a triumphant look back to you.
"i-in that case, don't you think this is better, mon ange? th-this way, there's no way you'll be separated from me on the way to the dining room, right?"
you hum, satisfied. his hand is so warm.
he turns towards the direction of the dining room, hiding his red face, hoping his hand doesn't start to sweat as he begins to guide you.
"w-well then, let's go get some food!"
no sooner than later, you both arrived to the dining room, finding a table for six to wait at until the rest of the crusaders came down to join you.
"hmmm, it looks like the others aren't down yet. ah, let me get that for you, mon cœur."
polnareff releases your hand in favor of pulling out your chair for you, pushing it in once you're comfortable before taking the seat to your left.
he orders waters for you both to start before you have his full attention.
even the short trip from the room a couple of stories up to the dining room felt tiring, and you took this moment to momentarily shut your eyes and rest in your seat.
polnareff notices your head hanging slightly, as if it's too heavy for you to hold up yourself.
"here, y-you can rest on me," he practically whispers.
he scoots his chair closer to yours, reaching out a hand behind your head, hesitating for a moment in case you decide to pull away before gently leaning you onto his shoulder.
"are you feeling alright today, mon mignon?"
his voice comes out much softer than his usual loud tone that you almost think you only imagined his concern.
you crack open your eyes to meet his, polnareff's face holding pure concern for you.
"mhm," you nod with a hum.
polnareff gives you a hard look, obviously unconvinced. you quickly grow shy under his stare, gaze shifting to your lap.
"you know, you're a pretty bad liar, m'amour~"
despite his words, he says this fondly, resting his chin in his hand, his gaze never leaving you.
you don't answer, fidgeting with your hands.
"let's see.."
he begins reaching the back of his hand out towards your forehead in an attempt to check your temperature when a voice interrupts the moment.
"goodmorning polnareff, y/n-san."
polnareff recoils his hand as kakyoin makes his way to join you two at the table.
damn.. he thought you two would have some more time together.
you look up, smiling at kakyoin, sparing a small wave before closing your eyes once again.
kakyoin takes the seat to your right, raising an eyebrow at your arrangement before shooting a smirk towards the now-blushing french man.
"oh? polnareff... didn't expect you to be so bold."
"a-ah! kakyoin," his gaze shoots around the room, quickly thinking up an excuse at kakyoin's knowing stare. "doesn't the mademoiselle seem out of it today?"
despite the bluntness of polnareff's words, upon closer inspection, kakyoin concludes that you do seem to be less energetic than usual, as you're visibly very fatigued.
"is y/n-chan not just tired? it is quite early for them, isn't it?"
polnareff is quick to refute, having taken a closer look at you himself.
"goodmorning you three, you're up early!"
joseph's voice rings out to you three, avdol and jotaro in tow behind him.
kakyoin gestures at you with his eyes before shifting them to the group and back, silently telling polnareff to do something before jotaro or joseph see.
polnareff is quick to gently move your head from his shoulder to the back of your chair, seemingly before anyone else sees.
avdol and jotaro greet you three before they take their seats while joseph comes up behind your chair, beaming down at you before beginning to pat your head.
you wince at the unexpected contact before realizing who it was, quickly sinking into the familiar feeling.
"goodmorning my beautiful granddaughter! did you sleep well? you're up early today, aren't you?"
without opening your eyes, you greet him back with a short "morning, jii-san," still feeling dazed.
"did you order anything yet? you can get anything you like, however much you like, you know?"
his favoritism is really showing.... was the shared thought between the crusaders at joseph's usual cooing.
"sit down already, old man," jotaro scolds, arms folded across his chest.
joseph huffs out a breath before he retracts his hand, making his way to the last seat between kakyoin and jotaro.
polnareff opens his mouth to speak only to be interrupted once more by a waitress coming by to take everyone's orders.
maybe it's best to bring it up later.. i'll just keep an eye on her for now polnareff thought to himself.
once she leaves, everyone engages in small talk, occasionally asking you something or trying to bring you into the conversation.
as much as you usually enjoy chatting with everyone, you're much too distracted. your skin is hot to the touch, yet the dining room is somehow so cold, you keep taking sips of your water in hopes of it soothing your throat, and your head is throbbing, entire body almost begging you to just get back into bed.
because of this, your answers come out short, or you seem to space out of the conversations.
this isn't something that the crusaders don't take notice to, but most chalk it up to you still being sleepy, and simply decide to leave you be.
'she doesn't seem to be looking any better...' polnareff frowns at your state, fighting an internal battle trying to decide if he should inquire about your health here and now, or if he was simply overthinking it.
as you're resting, you unconsciously shiver, something your brother jotaro doesn't fail to notice amongst the chatter and laughter at the table.
he mutters his signature "good grief" before standing up to toss his jacket over you before promptly returning to his seat.
you jump at the sudden weight, looking straight across the table at your brother right as he retakes his seat.
you mouth a quick "thank you, nii-chan" readjusting the oversized jacket comfortably, only now realizing how you were shivering.
jotaro only clicks his tongue in return.
despite this, he keeps his attention on you, having sensed something being off with you from the moment he saw you.
(not to mention polnareff's inability to keep his eyes off of you for ten seconds at a time. even if that was the usual case with him, something was different about it this time, like he was concerned about something. as your big brother, he decided to watch you for the time being).
polnareff watched the exchange, wishing he had a jacket that he could wrap around you. he would've loved to wrap his arms around you instead, but no way was he about to do that in front of everyone, much less in front of joseph and jotaro, lest he be restrained by hermit purple and pummeled half to death by star platinum.
. . .
yeah, absolutely not.
just as he shudders at the thought the meals arrive.
"ah, that looks good! bon appetit~"
you nod, picking up your utensils, hoping that having something in your system will improve your state in some way.
"y/n-chan, are you not feeling hungry today?"
avdol's inquiry catches the crusader's attention, everyone's eyes shifting to your half-full plate.
you take a peek at everyone else's plates, either empty or almost there, before shaking your head, reaching for your water cup to down the rest of it.
you couldn't bring yourself to eat much more than a couple of bites, only trying for more as to not worry everyone (though, you usually loved to eat to your heart's content, so even seeing you only eat so much has them concerned, something you didn't consider. who knew they were so attentive towards you?)
you pull jotaro's jacket tighter around you. all you want is to lie down in the thick comforter of the inn bed once more, go back to sleep, and hope that that's the remedy for your annoying sickness.
speaking of, even after eating, you don't feel any better. your headache is still ongoing, dizziness lingering so much so that the room is lightly spinning, your throat hurts no matter how much water you've had, and despite your brother's jacket, you still feel so damn cold!
unbeknownst to you, jotaro and polnareff give you a concerned look, noting how cold you seem to be despite being wrapped in such a large jacket. were you breaking out in a cold sweat?
joseph stares at your unfinished plate for a few lingering moments, humming in thought before speaking up.
"well, if everyone's finished, let's get going shall we?"
as everyone begins to get up from their seats, polnareff is quick to get your chair for you again, holding a hand out for you to take.
"allow me, mademoiselle~"
you crack a smile at his antics, standing up before the lingering dizziness takes over completely. the noise around you begins to merge until it fades to nothing at all, and the next thing you know, you're flush against something warm, your consciousness slowly slipping away.
"woah! y-y/n? Y/N! hey, she passed out!!!!"
even through his panic, polnareff acts quickly, catching your now limp body, cradling you securely against his chest.
at polnareff's cries, the rest of the crusaders quickly shift their attention to you two, everyone quickly growing alarmed at your sudden unconscious state.
"damn! you really were... you idiot..." mutters jotaro as he quickly makes his way over.
"OH MY GOD-! is she okay??? what happened?? was it something she ate? why didn't she say anything?!??"
no one can keep up with joseph's questions as he checks over you for himself, frustrated and panicked at the same time.
polnareff shifts you in his hold, bringing the back of his hand up to your forehead.
"damn, she's burning up! she really is sick..."
"what should we do, joestar-san? is there anyway i can help?" kakyoin is quick to offer his services in whatever way he can.
"jotaro, kakyoin, go find some place to get medicine for her. avdol, polnareff, take her back to one of the rooms, there's still time until we have to check out. i'll try to get ahold of one of the doctor's to ensure it's nothing serious."
"right. let's go, kakyoin," jotaro gestured to said man, walking off in the direction of the pharmacy.
"we'll be back soon!" kakyoin called, following right beside him.
"come on polnareff, we should get her into bed as soon as possible so she may rest."
"take care of her... she's my precious granddaughter!"
even though joseph meant this in a serious way, it still somehow managed to come out in a sulking manner.
"we promise we will, joestar-san," avdol assured. "let's go, polnareff!"
"i swear i will," polnareff nodded, serious expression on his face before he made his way to the elevator with avdol.
polnareff kept hold of you close to his chest, heart pounding in anticipation for the elevator to arrive at the correct floor.
"did she tell you she wasn't feeling well, polnareff?" avdol broke the silence.
polnareff looked up, a guilty expression on his face. "she didn't.. but she did seem off today. i guessed she maybe wasn't feeling well at the table, but i didn't say anything..." he trailed off, regretful.
"perhaps she did not want us to worry, though, her actions were in vain, considering how everyone is scattered like rats now," avdol offered a smile to polnareff.
"so don't beat yourself up over it. i doubt she wanted to look weak, especially in front of you."
polnareff's face tinted pink, eyebrows raising in surprise. "hey, what do you mea-"
"come now, let's get her to the room, shall we?"
avdol steps out first, polnareff following close after, sparing a look at you in his arms.
'please be okay, y/n....'
"..doesn't seem to be serious.... weather change...."
"what a relief......"
"joestar-san, we found medicine!"
"hey, dont wake her-!"
"good grief..."
you stirred from your slumber, cracking your eyes open to see polnareff's worried expression focused on you.
he stood from where he was sat beside the bed, expression immediately brightening.
"hey, she's awake!"
you sit up slightly in your spot, taking a look around the room to see the rest of the crusaders seated around the bed you're resting in.
"ahhh, goodmorning again! it really was too early of a morning for you, hm?" joseph jokes, reaching a hand out to pat your head once more.
jotaro adjusted his hat, giving you a pointed look.
"geez, you're such a troublemaker, you know that? why didn't you just say something... dumbass."
"jotaro! be nice to your sister!"
"i'm sorry for worrying you all-" a short coughing fit interrupts your words, causing polnareff to gently pat your back to help you until it stops.
"i didn't want to hold us back, and i thought it wasn't that serious. i'm really sorry..."
the apology comes out as almost a whisper considering your sore throat, but it's enough to melt everyone's hearts as they're quick to forgive you.
"good grief..." jotaro mutters.
"don't listen to him, he was the most worried, you know?" joseph teases, continuing his patting.
"says you, old man. you're the one that was barking out demands at everyone, pestering the doctor just trying to do their job."
joseph retracts his hand in favor of pointing it at jotaro.
"why you-!"
you laugh at their bickering before kakyoin intervenes, attention completely on you.
"y/n-chan, it's such a relief you're alright. here, we have some medicine for you. it's supposed to work quite quick, and since you've already eaten something, i recommend you take it right away!"
you nod, thanking him sincerely.
you just begin to realize that you're no longer in jotaro's jacket (as he's wearing it once again), but that you're still incredibly warm before avdol quickly pipes up.
"are you warm enough? i had magician's red warm the blankets for you since you were shivering so much in your sleep."
you nod, thanking him too, before shifting your attention back to polnareff, who had retaken his seat: the one closest to you.
"you really worried me, you know? of course, it's a knight's job to protect the princess, but i didn't expect you to collapse into my arms like that! give a guy a warning next time, will you??"
despite his teasing, his eyes are darting around, and you can see what you think is a hint of a blush covering his cheeks- you're sure your own face is flushed by his words.
you're not sure if it's because of his heartfelt words, his bashful expression, or your sick-dazen state (maybe all of the above) but you reach out your arms to hug his left arm that's closest to you.
"Y-Y/N- wha- that's-"
"'m sorry, jean.... didn't mean to scare you so much..." you mutter, practically nuzzling into his arm, disregarding the others in the room.
his heart feels like its running a hundred miles a minute, and he doesn't think he'll ever get over how his name sounds spoken from your lips (even with your cracked voice).
as much as he loves you clinging to him like this, he can't help but fear for his life when jotaro and joseph are in the same room with him.
"h-he-hey! you must reaaaally be out of it. ka-kakyoin give her- hey, quit laughing! gi-give her the medicine, will you??!"
kakyoin stifles his laughter, quickly handing him a small plastic cup with the orange liquid at the correct measurement.
"here, i've already filled it up for you, y/n-chan. you just have to take it now."
your nose wrinkles at the smell alone, quickly tucking your head back into polnareff's arm and away from the medicine in kakyoin's outstretched hand.
"jeez, you're such a child," jotaro rolls his eyes at your reluctance. "i'll make you drink it if i have to."
joseph takes the cup with a proud "watch this, this always worked on my holly!" before holding it out to you.
"y/n~ if you drink this for jii-san, i'll buy you anything you like, okay?"
you turn back, give the medicine in his hand one single glance before shaking your head, hugging polnareff's arm closer to your chest.
joseph's triumphant smile quickly drops.
"that sure worked like a charm," jotaro jokes.
"hey polnareff, why don't you try offering it to her?"
avdol suggests this with a playful smile on his face, almost as if he knew that it would work, but simply framed the tactic as a suggestion.
polnareff, still flustered, only nods, taking the medicine cup from a (pouting) joseph before lightly shaking his left arm to get your attention.
"come mon ange, i know this medicine doesn't ever taste good, but it's the only way to help you get better," he whispers.
you give a slow nod, and he's confident that he's got you.
"oui oui, that's it. i'll even..." he takes a side glance to the rest of the crusaders, eyes all locked on you two.
"i'll even help you. ready?"
you pick up your head, raising your lips to the small cup. polnareff tilts the liquid into your anticipating mouth, and you squeeze your eyes shut once the flavor hits your tongue.
in no time at all, the cup is empty, and you're reaching for a cup of water that was left at your bedside (something that polnareff left for you when you woke up, ready to ensure you'd be hydrated) which polnareff gets for you, trickling the water into your mouth slowly to ensure nothing would spill.
when you gestured you had enough, polnareff retracted the cup, swiping a thumb over your lips to dry them before placing the cup back on the bedside table.
". . ."
the crusaders almost felt like they had intruded on something that they shouldn't have.
the first one to say something was joseph, who was gawking at the entire exchange.
polnareff jumped at joseph's cry.
"joestar-san, quiet down, she may still have a headache!" kakyoin gently scolds.
"calm down, old man," jotaro states plainly. "she took the medicine, right?"
avdol couldn't hold in his laughter, sending a wink towards polnareff, who quickly looked down at you, seemingly unbothered by your grandfather's antics.
you watch the chaos unfold, grateful to have everyone by your side like this.
"how long are we staying here?" you piped up, causing the commotion to momentarily seize.
joseph checked his watch before speaking up.
"hmm, we still have a couple of hours until we need to check out. take that time to rest up all that you can. by the time we leave, you'll have to take more medicine. if you're still too weak, one of us will have to carry you, alright?"
you nodded, "ok, jii-san."
"oooh that's it. now, you just be a good girl and rest up for the time being, ok?"
you nod again before looking back to polnareff.
"you're going to stay here, right?"
polnareff has always been weak to your charms, but something about you asking him to stay with that wide-eyed dazed look, your cute flushed face, your pursed pink lips-
it makes him almost completely fall at your mercy.
"of c-"
"hmm? will you, polnareff? are you sure you don't have anything more important to do? i'm completely capable of-"
"oh shut it, old man. she wants him to stay, he'll stay. i'll drag you out of here myself if i have to."
"JOTARO! you can't be serious!!! you're really okay with this???!"
"it doesn't matter to me," he trails off.
"but jotaro-!"
you're still looking up at polnareff expectantly, and he can't bare the thought of saying no to you.
"o-of course i'll stay. if that's what you want..." he replies bashfully.
he looks back to see both joseph and jotaro giving him a hard look.
did he say something wrong?!??!
"no funny business, yeah? she's sick-"
"what do you take me for?!??!"
"just make sure she's okay... let us know of any changes," jotaro says, giving polnareff a stern look. "that's my sister, ya know? wouldn't want anything unfortunate happening to the brat."
"of course, i'll let you know right away!" polnareff says a little louder than intended, hoping to earn both men's trust.
why do you have to have such scary relatives, mon coeur?!?!?
joseph lets out one last grunt before he steps out of the room, jotaro following after him.
"we'll be taking our leave to. i'll come back to check on her later, but if you need anything, i'll get it for you."
"kakyoin! you're the best, i appreciate it, really!"
kakyoin smiles before stepping out, back to his and jotaro's shared room.
avdol smiles knowingly at polnareff before speaking up.
"i almost thought i was watching a romance movie, with the way you fed her there."
he chuckles, standing up and making his way out of the room.
"if she's cold again, let me know, and i'll bring out magician's red again. though, she seems... quite cozy for now, so i'm not too sure that will be necessary," he winks.
"see you lovebirds later," he waves before closing the door.
polnareff let's out a sigh, looking down at you, already having dozed off, still clutching onto his arm.
'what am i going to do with you, mon trésor?'
later, when it's finally time to check out, you're lightly shaken awake to get your next dose of medicine before polnareff offers you a ride on his back, gently settling you before you rest once more. because of this, you miss the way he's blushing hard, all too aware of your soft, warm body so close to his, and you miss the looks that your brother and joseph shoot at him, ensuring that he's holding you securely. the crusaders talk about their next stop while polnareff is lost in his thoughts.
he decides that, once you're feeling better, he ought to be honest with you and confess his feelings properly. for now, he'll continue to do everything that he can to help you feel better, and to keep you extra safe until then.
a/n: omg i actually wrote something lol.... wanted to write something w polnareff for awhile n i was sick recently so in that state i wrote this up LOL.... feel like i don't see a surplus off jjba x reader on here ,so i also wanted to write something myself hehe... hopefully it came out well? i was originally just gonna do short hc's but then this happened.... editing this drove me insane LOL. tbh im only on pt4 of jojos ,but still hoping to write more in the future :P my only concern is the french petnames.... i searched up a list for ideas but from my memory, i remember the mon/ma but the list i found only had "mon" for some pet names n both options for the other ,so that's why there's both. otherwise, i hope it came out well n if anyone reads it ,thanks lol~
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puhpandas · 2 years ago
So for a writing prompt,
Vanessa meeting an ex gf/bf (whatever u want) at a supermarket. While Gregory and Freddy just listen to the tea or have shenanigans around the supermarket.
(915 words)
"Can I have some gushers?"
Vanessa clicks her tongue. "You already have captain crunch in the buggie."
Gregory frowns, and looks longingly at the the package when they pass the shelf it's on. "But..."
Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Why dont you get some broccoli or something? Brussel sprouts?"
Gregory pauses, and gives her a long, hard stare.
"Alright then." She says simply. "Shouldnt you want to eat healthily? You didnt exactly have a very good diet on the streets."
"Isnt that exactly why I should get to have the gushers?" Gregory counters when Vanessa picks off some tortilla chips and cheese dip off of the shelf. "I deserve them!"
Vanessa sighs, and turns to see Gregory using his unnaturally big eyes to his advantage.
"Surely Gregory should be able to have a special treat or two, Vanessa." Freddy says from behind Gregory, muffled by his backpack.
Vanessa sputters. "You're on his side?"
Freddy hums. "I just think that Gregory has a point, that is all."
Vanessa rolls her eyes, and turns the buggie back around with a sigh. "Shouldn't you of all people be advocating for eating your veggies?" She points out.
"Eating some sugary gummies does not equal not eating your vegetables, Vanessa. As long as you keep a balanced diet, indulging in unhealthy snacks is no issue--"
"Yeah, yeah." She cuts him off, and rolls the buggie to a stop in front of some fruit snacks.
"You can have some fruit gummies." She says, and points at a two-pack box of Welch's fruit snacks. "Not the gushers. You can have those next time, when you haven't already picked out an unhealthy snack."
Gregory huffs, but he takes the box anyway and puts it in the buggie.
"Better than nothing." Gregory says, then smiles. "Thanks."
Vanessa smiles back, and leans on the buggie. At least those are healthier than sugary fruit gushers. And Gregory seems happy. Maybe she isnt so crap at this.
The pleasant moment is cut off by a familiar voice behind her.
"Vanessa?" A woman asks, and Vanessa jumps, turning around. "Is that you?"
Oh. Vanessa thinks when she realizes who it is. Oh, no.
"So it really is you." Olivia says, voice unimpressed. "You really had me worried, Vanessa, I mean, what was I supposed to think?"
Gregory is silent beside her, watching the exchange with wide eyes. Vanessa sputters, avoiding eye contact.
"I-- Um-- Listen Olivia I--"
"Dont." Olivia says. "I dont want an apology. I just wish that you would have just told me you weren't interested instead of ghosting me."
Gregory makes a face beside her, eyes wide and mouth open in a small O, and he looks way too into it.
"I--" Vanessa tries, but she cuts herself off. 'I'm sorry, Olivia. I really was interested in you, but a crazy robot using the face of a decades old serial killer took over my mind and forced me to cut off any contact with all other people to complete his evil deeds!' Is what she wants to say, but being seen as a bitch seems like a better option than being seen as an insane freak.
So she just stays silent, and Olivia scoffs, looking insulted.
"Nothing to say to that, huh?" Olivia says, a sour look on her face. "Fine, see if I care. I just hope the next girl to start talking to you doesn't get far enough to be heartbroken like I was."
And with that, Olivia turns and walks briskly away, her brown hair flipping sassily over her shoulder and trailing behind her like a tailcoat.
Its completely silent except for the general milling about of people around them and beeps from self checkout scanners for a moment. Then, she finally tears her eyes away from the spot Olivia walked away from her and looks down when she sees movement.
Gregory looks like something hilarious just occured, and he looks up at her gleefully when she makes eye contact with him.
She rolls her eyes when he starts laughing, and she huffs, eyes dead set in front of her as she tries to push the buggie to get away from him.
"Who was that, Vanessa?" Freddy asks from behind Gregory, who's clumsily following behind her and almost bumping into people and their carts from how hard hes laughing. Vanessa tries not to let her mood sour too much.
"Olivia." She answers. "She was my..." She tries to find the right words. "...we were talking, and were about to start dating, but then..."
She trails off, and Freddy hums and looks at her sympathetically from Gregory's backpack. "I understand, Vanessa. You do not have to continue."
"That was awesome." Gregory finally refills his lungs after almost busting one laughing too hard at her relationship failure. "The drama. It was too good!"
"I'm glad you like my misery, brat." She says, rolling her eyes.
He just has another short burst of laughs, and then tries to quiet down. "I did like it. Very much. Why cant that happen <i>all</i> the time?"
"Because usually," Vanessa says. "I dont ghost people because I had my brain hijacked."
Gregory giggles. "Oh man, i knew people were obsessed with drama but i never knew it was this funny." He says, then tugs on Vanessa's shirt. "Hey, you gotta start a reality show with me soon, alright?"
Vanessa rolls her eyes, but she just ruffles Gregory's hair, and a small smile appears on her face.
"Sure, squirt. Whatever you say."
ao3 link
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thisonehere · 1 month ago
can you write a fluffy, romantic sfw ashrah/reptile? maybe they horseback ride to somewhere secluded for a date or something, or you can have complete free reign over the plot if that idea isnt interesting to you
A Moment Away
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Angelscales fic
A/n: Of Course! I love the idea, it's so cute!!! 🥺
Tags: Request, MK1, SFW, Fluff, Drabble, One-Shot, Unicorns, Syzoth is a horse-girly and none of you can convince me otherwise!!!
C/W: none
"Are you sure it's necessary for me to wear this" Ashrah asked.
"You don't have to," Syzoth felt his face burn red with blush as he looked at the blindfold. "I just heard Earthrealmers do this for-you know-surprises." It was noon at the Wu Shi Academy, and the sun had already begun to set. Ashrah had planned to turn in for the night, perhaps do some light reading. That was until Syzoth came. She had thought she wouldn't see him for another month, his duties with the Empress kept him busy like that. She was so happy to see him. She greeted him with a smile, and he greeted her with a blindfold, saying he had a surprise.
"We could try it I suppose." She gently takes the blindfold from Syzoth. "Do I just..." She looks at it unsure. "Um, yeah. Here, let me just-'" he takes back the cloth and goes behind her. The cloth is a random ripped piece of fabric he found. Syzoth didn't think much of it at first, but now that he was about to use it on Ashrah, he felt bad. He should have gotten her something nicer to use maybe the Empress would've given him some silk. This occasion isn't that big, but perhaps she deserves something nicer, or that would be too much, Syzoth didn't know at the moment.  "It's not too tight, right?" an anxious Syzoth softly whispers into her ear. "No," Ashrah returns his question with just as soft a voice. "It's just fine."
"What now?" The world was dark for Ashrah now, she felt the cool breeze tickle her skin. "Now,"  She feels Syzoth's hand takes her. "Now you just follow me." For a moment, they stand there holding hands, the warm sensation of his hands, as they touch her, brings a smile to Ashrah's face, what a strange feeling, Ashrah if she likes the feeling or hates it. When he felt she was ready, Syzoth began to lead Ashrah away. He took great care in leading her, making sure not to get too fast, not too slow, being cautious where he had her step as he guided her up and down stairs and courtyards. "What exactly is this Surprise, Syzoth? Surely it can't be worth all of this."
"Oh, but it is, and If I told you, then it'd ruin the Surprise." If she could see Syzoth, she'd see a giant grin on his face, a face filled with so much excitement that you'd think it'd burst. "It's just a little further." He muses as he is careful through the Academy. a while later they find their way nearly outside the Wu Shi at its gates. A second later, Ashrah can feel the satisfying crunch of grass and leaves as they continue to trudge along. The familiar scent of pine trees and the sound of birds told Ashrah that they were in the woods now. Just where is he taking me? Ashrah thinks to herself, she couldn't lie that the anticipation was eating at her.
"Are we almost there?" She asks after a few more minutes of what feels like neverending walking. Syzoth remains silent for a second, then she feels his hand slip out of hers. "Yes, we're here. Uh, just a second." She hears him quickly shuffle around something as if he's fixing something. Then there's a quiet shushing noise like he's shushing something. "Alright, you can take it off."
Gently, Ashrah took off the blindfold and she was met with two dark eyes like hers, a main of white hair, and a glistened iridescent horn at the centre of the forehead. "Syzoth," Ashrah gasped. The Unicorn tilted its head at Ashrah. She took a single step forward, the beautiful creature nearly took her breath away. "She's beautiful." She sighed, a her face lit up with awe, it made Syzoth smile.
Her white mane was decorated with wildflowers Syzoth picked from a nearby meadow. Soft Blues, pinks, reds and yellows as well as some violets complimented the stead's white coat well, making it all the more enchanting to look upon.
Ashrah took another careful step forward. "Where did you find her?" Ashrah stared into the unicorn's black eyes, she was entranced with the mare. She stood there unsure what to do. Syzoth took Ashrah's hand and he gently guided her hand to the neck of the unicorn and he showed her how to pet her. The Unicorn didn't protest this, she gave a low knicker as it felt Ashrah's hand caress her neck. "I didn't, she found me. I was on my journey back to meet with the Empress, she followed me all the way to the palace." Syzoth beamed at the unicorn as he continued to guide Ashrah's hand.
The unicorn's mane was soft, so soft. Ashrah wondered if this was what the clouds of heaven felt like to be touched, an elated laugh escaped her mouth, and the smile on her face got wider. "Shall we?" Syzoth tenderly whispered to his demon. "Shall we what?" Her ears twitched as she looked over to him. "Mount her, I have something else I'd like to show you." Syzoth's voice is warm and low. "Another surprise?" She mutters as she eyes the lack of the second horse, they would have to ride together.
"Allow me." He takes her hand and guides her to the side of Lo. His hands are tender as he places them on her hips. He lifts her up and places her onto the back of the horse, surprising himself with how smoothly he did it. Once Ashrah is situated, Syzoth pulls himself up and places himself on the horse's loin.
“Where to?" Ashrah strokes the neck of the mare with care, still amazed by the fact that she is in its presence. Its rainbow horn glows softly in the rays of the evening that breaks through the trees, it mesmerizes Ashrah, and she pauses for a moment to admire it. "Actually, Lo knows where to go. She’ll take us there.” Ashrah stops caressing the unicorn and sits upright. “You named her 'Lo'?" Ashrah asked surprised. "It's...a long story..." A sheepish smile finds its way onto Syzoth's face, he lovingly pats Lo with a chuckle as a brief memory flashes before his eyes.
"Shall we?" Immediately, Lo springs into a trot, causing Ashrah to gasp and grip the mane a little too tight. The most riding Ashrah has ever done were demonic stead's of the NetheRealm, they had curling horns like rams and a vicious attitude, not a long flowing mane with rainbows spilling out of it. This felt like a whole new experience. She feels the warmth of one of Syzoth's arms draped around her in a protective embrace while the free arm grips Lo's mane.
"I'm a demon from NetheRealm, Syzoth. There's no need for that." Ashrah insisted. Despite this, Syzoth didn't stop holding him. Frankly, it inspired him to squeeze a little harder Lo navigated through giant twisting trees and their large tree roots sitting through the ground. "That won't stop me. I care quite a great deal about your safety."
"I hadn't noticed." Ashrah lets go of the mane, her hands rest themselves onto Syzoth's arm as she leans back into him.
Lo gets more confident as she picks up her pace ever so slightly. After a few more moments of winding in between trees and leaping over low-hanging vines, she makes her way to a clear. Before them now are miles and miles of lush green grass with tall and proud trees standing on either side providing shade. Lo slowed her gallops to a relaxed amble.
It was evening time and the sky above showed it. The clouds were dyed soft pinks and oranges as they drifted through the sky. The evening light painted the tips of the trees a similar colour to the sky, giving Ashrah and Syzoth quite a lot to admire as they rode. Especially Ashrah. Syzoth had lived most of his life on the surface with his circus family. He has seen thousands of sunsets just like these. Ashrah was just now given that luxury. When she was younger, when looked up to the skies all she saw was darkness and cinder. Now she sees the blue sky as it slowly fades to purple behind pinks and oranges.
She closes her eyes and takes in the scent of cool, fresh air seasoned with pine. This beat the scent of sulfur, brimstone mixed with the blood of the tortured damned by a long shot.
Ashrah enjoyed the scent of fresh air, but Syzoth enjoyed the scent of Ashrah. It had been so long since he last saw her, too long. It's been too long since he enjoyed a moment of peace. It is an honour to serve Empress Mileena, but it can be quite a troubling task. It often feels like he has to be in 100 places at once. He leans his head back and savours the silence, he enjoys the chance to be alone, and he loves the fact that gets the chance to hold Ashrah so close.
The ride carries on for what feels like almost an hour. The path Lo follows twists and turns, the trees sometimes cover the road completely with shade and other times recede giving way to the evening sun. Ashrah thought they'd be going on this path longer until she saw something in the distance, the path ended before a curtain of low-hanging tree branches.
Syzoth's eyes lit up at the sight of it. "We're here!" He lets go of Ashrah and jumps off the unicorn. He turns to Ashrah and gives her a hand to help her down. "I'm guessing beyond those branches is my surprise?" She says as she takes his hand and slides down off Lo. "Will I have to again wear the blindfold?" Syzoth just laughs as he guides her to the branches. He reaches out and part then opens, enough so Ashrah can pass through.
What meets her as she gets to the other side nearly takes her breath away. In a lake, the sun's light bounces off causing it to shimmer and shine. Just before the lake is what looks to be a small, abandoned temple that overlooks the lake. Perhaps it was made by the monks and then they forget about it. Ashrah walks towards the temple, once inside, she gasps when she finds it. "D-Do you like it?" Syzoth asked as he caught back up to her. "I didn't remember which one was your favourite...or if you even have a favourite, so I got as many as I could."
Before Ashrah, on the temple floor, was a picnic basket and loads upon loads of bouquets. Roses, lilies, marigolds, and even some collections from Outworld. Ashrah admired the rainbow of flowers, she remembered when she first escaped the Netherealm a flower was one of the first things she saw. But when reached out to touch it, it burst into flames the moment she got near it. "I-I love them!" She hesitantly picks up a bouquet from Outworld, she breathes into them and devours in their sweet scent.
As she enjoyed the flower Syzoth quickly went to work setting the picnic up, he laid down the blanket and went to prepare the food. He got the chefs of the palace to make the finest meals imaginable for this occasion. Unfortunately, he didn't know what the finest meals were so he looked at foods dumbfounded as he took them out of the basket. He didn't know what half these things were, he didn't even know if they were food, he was pretty sure they were moving. Syzoth just forced. A smile on his face as he pretended he knew what they were in hopes of impressing Ashrah with how refined he had become.
Ashrah's face was buried in a bundle of Datura when Syzoth looked over to her. "If you enjoy that, just wait until you try...um...this." he gestured to the food, trying to look as proud as possible. Ashrah looked down at the meal, and she gave a questionable look to Syzoth. She walked over to him and sat across from her. She laid the bouquet on her lap and went to work scanning the food hesitantly. "Is this what you eat when you dine with the Empress?" Ashrah asked as she poked at the food, she could've sworn she saw one of them move.
Syzoth blush, "I-It is...? And it's amazing!" I think, he wanted to complete the sentence. He takes a spoon and dips it into...whatever the stuff on the plates is, and he offers to feed it to her. Ashrah obliged, she leaned forward and let Syzoth feed her the spoon. "Hm..." Ashrah gave a blank look in response to tasting the food. "What do you think" he asked anxiously waiting for her to respond. "It's...alright I suppose. I don't think I have much of a taste for....whatever this is.
The pair began trying each of the dishes to varying results. Some they thought were okay, others they thought were terrible. But they both agreed the grey stuff was delicious. It all was a nice laugh though, Syzoth did his best to restrain a laugh whenever Ashrah scrunched her face in disgust at whatever he fed her and Ashrah liked to return the favour by purposely feeding him the worst dishes. "By the Elder Gods, that is foul!" Syzoth said as he spat out what Ashrah fed him, it looked like an animal egg embryo delicately covered with a line of sauce.
Ashrah laughed uncontrollably as Syzoth spewed it out onto a napkin. "The Empress eats this filth!?" Syzoth stared in disbelief at the food. "I suppose we just aren't suited for the cuisine of Outworld nobility." Ashrah took the food and dumped it back into the basket.
Syzoth shook his head in disbelief as he stared at the basket ashamed and disappointed. "I'm so sorry, Ashrah, I wanted this to be special...and I ruined it."  Syzoth wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again with how embarrassed he felt. "Don't be silly, this was special." Syzoth felt the brush of Ashrah's hand as she squeezed his shoulder. "How so?"
"I got to see you again?"
At that second, Syzoth could feel his face become red. He turned to look out at the view to avoid Ashrah's eyes. It was much later now, the sky fully transitioned to a soft purple and then darkness and the clouds slowly were replaced with stars. The moonlight now glowed onto the lake causing it to shimmer white. Syzoth had taken out candles to give them some extra light, as well as to set the mood. He looked back at Ashrah, her face glowed from the candle it illuminated her smile even more. She looked beautiful.
"Did you really enjoy yourself?" He asked softly. Ashrah took his hand and guided him to his feet. "Of course I did. Being alone with you, getting to feel your hand in mind, that is a greater feeling than any unicorn or dinner could ever grant me." She took his other hand and smiled into his eyes. Syzoth lowered his head in hopes of hiding how hard he was blushing.
"Now, I believe it is a customary tradition to end a date with a kiss. Would you do me the honour, Syzoth?" A warm smile found its way onto Syzoth's face. He squeezed her hand tighter and stared into her eyes. "Certainly, it would be my highest honour. "
The kiss was short. Not a wild passionate one. But it was everything it needed to be. He held him against hers. He pressed his lips against her and held her close for a second, Ashrah did much the same and she kissed him back. Their lips felt electric for a brief moment. They pulled away but the buzz of the other lips was still warm. He can't take his eyes from hers, there's something so magical in them. "Ashrah, I lo-Whao!" Before Syzoth could finish, he lost his balance and fell into the lake with a hard splash.
"Syzoth!" Ashrah gasped as she looked down at him. He eventually resurfaced, spitting water out of his mouth. Okay, now he wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. Maybe Lo can help him find a nice one? "Are you alright?" He heard Ashrah call. Even from there, he could sense the laugh she was trying to suppress. "I'm fine, just help me back up." He stretches out his hand for her to help. Ashrah gets on her knees and takes his hand, but before she can help pull him, he pulls her down with all his might. "Syzoth, wai-!" She cried as she slammed into the water with another hard splash. should go, Lo is probably waiting for us.
Ashrah erupts out of the water, whipping her hair out of her face. Syzoth's stomach hurts with how much he laughs. "Ugh, Elder Gods damn you!" Ashrah frowns as she splashes him. He splashes her back. The two soon go into combat, Water Kombat to be exact as they begin splashing each other with as much water as they could gather. Ashrah tries to pretend she's upset, but she breaks down and begins laughing alongside him.
"We should get going, Lo's probably waiting for us," Syzoth said as he walked out of the water and onto dry land. He looked down at his wet clothes, he'll have to wear a different set of clothes until these dried. He wondered how he'd look in an orange monk attire. Another laugh for him and Ashrah to share.
"About that, why do you call her Lo?" Ashrah stood bent over the lake as she wrung her hair out. "Lo was the name of an Earthrealm man she trampled to death," Syzoth said as he dumped out the water from his boots. Ashrah stopped ringing out her hair as she spun on her heels to face him. "She did what?!"
"I'm joking!" Syzoth out his hand defensively. "She merely broke his legs, almost tore them off had I not stopped her." Ashrah shook her head and took a heavy breath. "We'll have to address that...just not tonight though." She went back to the temple and grabbed a bouquet, the one that looked like the first flower she ever saw. She took in the sweet scent as she walked back to Syzoth.
His eyes stay on her as she walks ahead to the branches. He held the basket firm in his hand, this date didn't turn out quite as he initially hoped., but Ashrah was right. Getting together was better than anything else he could've done... he's still going to have a word with the chefs when he gets back to Outworld.
"Syzoth..." Ashrah stopped in her tracks, she looked back at him with an anxious look. "I wanted to say I lo..." She freezes for a second. She looks even more nervous. "...you too." She finally said. "I-I love you too" and with that, she quickly disappeared into the branches.
His eyes fall to the ground for a second as he thinks about that. He groped the basket tighter as a grin drifted onto his face. With a newfound energy, he chased after her.
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hapfish · 8 months ago
Hey! I'm making a F!Leo cosplay and I was wondering if you have any advice for how to do the shell? The plastron, specifically. Yours was amazing! Ty xx
Yeah of course!!! Luckily the rise plastrons are very geometric so its pretty easy to make a pattern from it! I dont have pictures of early steps so pls bear with me <3 info n pictures below the cut
First thing i did was make a pattern of my torso with plastic wrap and tape so i could see the curve of my stomach and chest. Cant say this helped a TON, but i cant imagine things in my head, so it helped me conceptualize the size and dimensions i would need the front panels to be to cover my torso.
Next i started sketching small patterns for what the cut outs may look like. DEFINITELY make a paper pattern, this took a lot of trial and error and you dont want to waste too much foam. I cannot for the life of me find my paper patterns unfortunately, but hopefully you can see part of where im coming from with the detailed pictures of the plastron!! I made patters for 1/2 of the plastron, and flipped the patters over to make the other half mirrored and symetrical.
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Now the cutting. I used .7mm foam (i think?? I got it from micheals. Joann fabrics has some but only small sheets. If you want less seams you should get the bigger ones, or buy massive sheets online. EVA foam isnt too hard to find, but make sure your density and width is appropriate for what youre making. When actually cutting the pieces out, some cuts will be flat while others may work best at an angle. I used mostly 90* and 45* angles to make clean edges and corners.
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Bear with me bc the pictures in this next part are kinda uglie </3 ill explain why later.
For matching the curve of the body, i used a fresh blade and made shallow triangle cuts on the backside of the foam as can be seen here:
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It would have worked better if the chest pieces were also vurved by i was on a time crunch and didnt have the time to make a 3rd or fourth plastron (yes this was a second fully completed attempt orz). Im also a bigger dude so it may be easier if your torso is smaller. I also had the benefit of making my pants from scratch (using a demon slayer uniform pattern that i altered) so i made the waistband big enough to tuck the shell into, which helped with keeping it curved around my body.
(This but only applies to future leo and i did post gluing the pieces together, but for his Top Surgery Scars™️ i cut into the chest at a 45*angle, then glued those pieces back onto the back side to seal the cut)
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For gluing, i tried a whole lot of types but jothing worked as well as cement glue. It is toxic tho so make sure you do it outside or with good ventilation, and wear gloves/a mask. I did two layers on each edge then stuck the edges together, 3 if i noticed the foam absorbing it to much. Make sure you take the gluing slow and really put pressure on the pieces to lock them together. Follow the instructions and youll do fine.
For painting, i did 2 layers of modge podge, 1-2 priming layers (depends on if foam is white or black to start), and then whatever layers you need for a smooth coat of color. I topped it off with modgepodge again to seal it, but that may not have been the best idea for the following reasons....
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Well. It didnt always. Turns out when youre wearing approx 3 laters in the summer then cover your body with insulating foam, the heat and moisture makes the modgepodge MELT. and like i said before, this bottom portion was tucked into my pants so it did not breathe. I have yet to even try to find a solution but just keep it in mind when making your cosplay (and if you find a solution PLEASE LET ME KNOW! My one idea was tryna find a sealant that wont melt (obv) but idk what that would be)
And FINALLY. how to secure it to the body suit!! I used snaps!! So easy and nice (besides the melting issue but thats a different thing entirely.) They never came off or gave me problems (minus the melting) and made the shells easy to transfer/travel with and put on.
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(Heres a pic of them on the suit sewn in by hand, and above you can see them on the shell itself.)
All in all, The plastron was so so hard and im honestly still not happy with it, planning to remake it before i wear him again. Please show me your cosplay when you finish it, id love to see!! Please lemme know if you have any other questions!! 🐢💙
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lae-zels · 1 year ago
Hello! I just completed the 5some scene witb Halsin and Astarion and I dont really have anyone to comment this with I hope you dont mind me dropping here real quick to say [SPOILERS]
So... he just dissociates no matter what? I completed Astarion's quest and I could swear that meant he wouldnt dissociate in the scene. But I think what bothers me the most isnt even the dissociating itself but the lack of response from the Player Character. I just LET him?? I dont comfort him, I dont stop the whole thing in its tracks??
And its the only way to get Halsin's backstory?? Am I doing something wrong? I feel so conflicted about the whole thing. Opinions? Thanks for reading this far if you have, sorry for any inconvenience!
I don't claim to be the best source on Astarion lore or on his storyline consistencies/inconsistencies since we're like a bitter divorced couple, I can't talk about him without getting slightly annoyed. But,
I got that exact same scene (5some) after Astarion's story conclusion. To me it makes sense that he's still distant - we fixed his Cazador situation but we didnt fix his sexual abuse issue because he never brought up the trauma. I'm assuming you didnt romance Astarion ang got this scene? For me, a non-Astarionmancer it made sense, since he never told me about his intimacy issues in the first place. But if that happened to you, and you romanced him, then I can still understand him being distant in that moment. He's not that into sex with other people and you just asked him to perform in front of 4 others. I can see how he would default to an auto-pilot. But that's assuming you did romance him. If you didn't then there's not much to be surprised about. He's tired of performing seduction.
To me, it's not that big of a deal that the PlayerCharacter doesn't respond to catching Astarion drift away. Without romancing him and learning about his baggage PC at best can only assume that Astarion is not into sex due to his past of sleeping with his victims and that possibly bringing up bad memories. Since the narraror line about him being distant during the encounter was only a brief mention (narrator mentions PC and Astarion catching eyes for a moment, any further descriptions of his performative behaviour are a general description of the scene since nothing is visible, not necessarly describing what the PC is seeing).
What! I! Fully! Agree! With! You! Is how Halsin's mega traumatic backstory is only ever accessible through a hidden option (i wouldn't even call it a mission, just a random NPC conversation) in Act 3. That conversation could have been naturally implemented into the (currently bare-bone) Halsin romance route. This is why I'm still screaming about letting the players have access to Halsin as a companion in Act 1 already, so that he can go with the PC to the Underdark. That could lead to him having some flashbacks to his time there, and perhaps slipping in some titbits during idk the exploration of the wizard tower in the underdark and him seeing the chain mounted to a wall and that bringing up some nasty memories?? Like the story writes itself, it's all there but I'm guessing the devs had better things to do then flesh out their fanservice and fan demands. Like adding Halsin as a romance options SHOULD HAVE BEEN a post release thing !!!
My opinions are more or less summed up here. It's ass that an abuse victim such as Astarion gets all the special treatment and a catharsis while Halsin, who also went through a traumatic experience doesn't. He actually laughs it off. But that's okay, people cope differently. So why not have us explore his backstory more? Well, it's crunch of course. The devs had no time to put love and care into Halsin even tho him being a romance option/companion (so those conversations about his past wouldn't come up) wasn't even on their initial goal list, just something a few discord people suggested.
I feel like the writers had too much on their plates and too little time to make sure inconsistencies in character motivations/ reactions, backstories don't occur. But we should all be happy Astarion got all the attention he deserved. Oh, you're saying there are other companions in this game too? Since when?
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ranidspace · 1 year ago
[1] The basic explanation is that: the laws of physics are wrong, everything wants to go to their lowest state of energy, however what we think the lowest state of energy might not actually be the lowest. a vacuum of nothing isnt truely nothing, and if the true nothingness shows up (tunneling), that new "lowest energy state" spreads out at the speed of light, destroying the current universe and leaving a new one, with different laws of physics in its place. (definitely an oversimplification, and probably wrong)
[2] The speed of light/causality is finite and the expansion of the universe is faster at far enough distances, with false vacuums and universe ending bombs, it's physically impossible for it to destroy the WHOLE universe, even at infinitely large timescales, just a significant part of it. it does however, destroy parts of it, so i guess you could vote say two, one for inside, and one for the outside
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blueskyportrait · 1 year ago
hi hi, posting an ask to clarify a few things: apparently the budgets for v9 and the JL league were separate and the real reason for v9's delay was the transition to working at home at covid. i dont like spreading misinformation (good lord the rwby fanbase has enough of it already) so i think this was fair to bring up. while i dont doubt the validity of the animators who worked on v9 and the JL cross over, i can't help but to feel weary due to the fact that this is freaking roosterteeth. a company notorious for their abuse of animators to the point of disability, how their shows are produced on slave labour, how they abuse their starry eye fans for cheap labour, how the higher ups of the company are very much either incompetent or rotten to the core. how can i in good conscious give this company the benefit of the doubt that the JL crossover didnt went through the same crunch or workplace issues? sure the animators got more worked, but were you guys properly paid for it? arianna fillipini's twitlonger details the MASSIVE amount of crunch (50 hr/weeks), how the pay was still below industry standard, how the leadership in v9 didnt help the animators, how everyone got laid off cus RT taking away full time employment, and this was all during VOLUME 9. something produced in 2020-2021, not 5 years ago. im glad the animators got a year of work, im glad they had an opportunity to network with other artists. im not upset that the JL happened, im worried that the same crunch and workplace abuse from v9 was carried over as a consequences of these crossovers being developed in house. while its really dumb to knowingly spread misinformation of RWBY's budget and production, i cant help feel this uneasiness towards every rwby fan on twitter just taking their word that the JL was 'totally a good thing!!!' and anyone upset by how they assumed that the JL took away resources for v9 (because it happened to v6 with gray smuggling money for gen:lock) are 'stupid little haters who use the poor animators at cudgels to flame roosterteeth!!!' am i supposed to trust the notion that suddenly all of the decades workplace abuse and mistreatment that persisted to it's latest season all went away? that suddenly the animators were given enough time and compensation for their work? that suddenly management became leagues better? suddenly all of our concerns towards the production of RT's shows and RT as a company are nonsensical? idk, the entire thing is really weird and the uneasiness i have towards CRWBY's production isnt exactly alleviated by the fact that the JL had a seperate budget :P at least we got to see the beacon designs again 🥃
@unovaslankiite your concerns are completely valid and you're not wrong feeling this way. Even if the budgets for vol 9 and JL were separate, that doesn't make what the animators revelaed just last year what they've been through all go away. Ar*yn Tr*che (who I personally belive is an RT shill so they can keep their job) should not be treated as the only source of info. Their words mean nothing to me. Like, ok, the JL and vol 9 budgets were separate. That doesn't excuse the animation department having to work double time during covid. Yeah you want to ensure they got work, and yet they were snubbed of their overtime pay.
And you're right, why should any of us believe Rooster Teeth? They've been proven over and over again to be liars, and it really isn't hard to notice the patterns of behavior over the years. They said crunch issues in production have been resolved and that was a fucking lie. The cuts to vol 9 and the production of the JL movie sound very similar to what happened to vol 5 when Gen Lock was being made. So people are right to assume the crossover movie affected vol 9.
Pointing all of this out doesn't make you "a bad faith rwby critic" or "wanting to pin blame on crwby" as some stans like to accuse others of. People like you and I are not content with just taking Ar*yn and K*rry's words at face value so they can continue to bury the truth. The stans who try to convince themselves that MKEK and the vas of crwby are separate from RT just want to ease their guilty conscious in wanting to continue to consume rwby content.
That's why they spam #greenlightvol10 on every rwby related post they make. It's a sign of sheer copium.
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berryblu-ocs · 7 months ago
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@youjustfeelthemforever hello dear friend who is holding me at gunpoint <3
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also ok, not a ship, THEY'RE FAMILY!!! but i need to inflict a bit of Blake lore on you now
so Blake is a Diamond, diamonds are a special category of guardians of which there are only 4 at a time (hence the ♦️diamond symbol lol)
they stand in "tecnically immortal" territory, they dont die of old age* , but theres definitely been diamond deaths before, at which point a new one comes into existence somewhere on earth, growing up as normal until the horrors start acting up <3
*i mean they *could* die of old age but theyre yet to find that one out lmao
Blake grows up as an only child to a commoner family in the Time´s end era (so a couple centuries behind modern time), after a particularly bad encounter with a Void, he decides he's getting away from them and only coming back when he knows how to handle himself and protect them.
problem is so many things happen after this, that what was *supposed* to be a short journey gets overshadowed by the mass memory wipe and world rearrangement (fun!) so he never got to properly say goodbye *or* come back home since he´s a Diamond and deffo on the list of things theyre trying to sweep under the rug and away from the general public at that point
he (illegally) visits them often though! always with fake identities and never staying for too long or getting too close. subtly helping wherever he can, food, money, supplies... he finds out they had another son a while later, he always wanted a little brother...
(And this is where the OC brainrot demons took over agdhsgdhgs)
it´s a sunny, breezy spring afternoon. Over half a lifetime has passed since he first left home, his brother already married and had children of his own.
The family is together today, no one dares say why, but Blake knows, he´s sure everyone knows. His mother´s health hasn´t been the best for years now, but it´s really been on a nosedive these last couple weeks. From this distance, he can tell theres a freshly made rhubarb pie on the table, his mother´s favorite, and a vegetable stew brewing in the fireplace. it´s a little different, the ratios are probably off and he´s sure they´ve added a new ingredient, squash, maybe?
Anyways he always hated that stew, he´s sure a little change won´t be able to fix that, the carrots were always a little undercooked and the potatoes were always too big, and whatever spices his mother added always came with the threat of dirt crunching on your teeth, they'd always have to bribe him with a trip to the library and-
He finally registers the tears streaming down his face and hastily wipes them away. Its a miracle no one's noticed him yet, he's been stood here for way too long.
That night, he sneaks his way into her room, he doesnt care if he´s getting an earful and a half from Sage and Gwen later, this is more important, he'll take whatever consequence he has to.
His Dad isnt there, he´s in the living room placating one of his precious grandchildren, whos kicking up a fuss over the creaky sounds of the woods sounding like "big scary monsters with sticks", whatever that means...
Blake stands before his mother, sleeping peacefully aside from her shallow breaths.
It´s the first time he´s seen her up close in several decades. Her once dark brown hair now almost completely white, her face as beautiful as ever but now adorned with the blatantly obvious signs of age, the way she always smiled permanently etched into the wrinkles of her face even while resting. Her once strong and firm hands, fit for a hard worker, now wrinkled and frail, yet still bearing the scar from that nasty injury she got while protecting him from the Void, the reason he left home in the first place.
Blake takes her hand without thinking (just like he used to when he was a small child, when he´d had a nightmare and was scared of the dark) (Just like he did after they´d been attacked bu the Void then drew it away covered in blood)
He holds on a little tighter, kneeling at the side of her bed. If he wasnt crying before he definitely is now. He has so much to say even if she won't hear it. But he can´t seem to get anything but choked sobs out.
"Blake...?" He´s snapped right out of his thoughts, feeling as if time has slowed down
"Mom?" He replies, barely in a whisper. Blake's heart breaks a little, if the memory spell is wearing off it means her energy is dangerously weak, this is it.
"Oh honey did you have another nightmare?" She weakly outstreches her other hand, gesturing for a hug "Come here"
"Yeah, a nightmare" Blake sinks into her side, holding on as tight as he can without hurting her "I'm okay thought".
"Of course you are, my big, brave boy!"
They stay in silence, aside from his muffled sniffles and sobs. He tries to carve everything from this moment permanently into his brain. Like a heartfelt inscription on a gravestone.
"I'm sorry I took so long" he sobs "I'm so so so sorry"
"You have nothing to be sorry for" She smiles that radiant smile at him, the one that told him everything was going to be okay "you're here" She ruffles his hair sootingly "you're home"
"I missed you so much mom, I love you, i-"
"It's okay, shh it's okay, we love you too"
Before he can say anything else, he hears footsteps outside the door, with a turn of the knob soon it creaks open, Blake sinks into the shadows before he can be spotted.
Later, when Sage finds him, culrled up near a tree with a broken swing just outside of town, Blake expects him to berate him, ban him from the entire town or maybe turn him over to the Ensata clan.
He does catch a hint of anger in his expression, but it's quickly replaced with something else, pity? Guilt? Empathy? He doesn't look at him long enough to figure it out
they sit in silence in the cold of the night for hours, until sunlight starts peeking through the tree tops. Then Sage finally speaks up "I should get home, they'll be looking for us soon"
Blake is the first to stand up "lets go then" he dusts himself off, giving one last wipe to his puffy, tear stained mess of a face " no use worrying them over nothing" Blake offers his hand
Sage frowns but still takes his hand.
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minecraft-fanfiction-house · 5 months ago
Gore' Over Minecraft
Goretober Prompts By @cartexcreationsart & Oc-tober writing prompts from kharmio_’s
The Gore over Fic, play on words of Go Over of going over something or reading{or gore all over Minecraft hehe}. Might not be completing, wich is exactly why I told myself to write atleast 200 words. But hey 1696 seems like, a fine number to be <3
The Poacher's Curse
Summeray, not as poacher oc focused <3
TW & Warning
- Gutspilling - Rotting
- Character introduction
This isnt beta-read and not good pacing... but I did get to write my oc and brainstorm what a ravaged werewolf priest would look like, but their aren't that good of detailed scenes.. I mean I dont have to warn about that, I can be as bad as i want I'm only warming up to november.
but i cant help but overexplain know can I- Hah! <3 Thank you for reading, and yknow what yeah sure criticise the obvious be the beta-reader I never asked to read over before I post Haha! oh if you want, my friends are gonna hype me over my writing{Ive yapping to long on my tumblr than my ao3 notes}
Staring blankly at the stars, losing my mind, and spacing out. My neck crunches, like I was a creeper dried over the seasons.
Clutching my journal with a Ravager icon, I posture myself to clutch it with both arms and hang it over my robe. My brain slowly seeps out what I was losing my head about as I move like a statue.
Looking at the path, going away to the rotting frog spiked by an anti-herbivore branch, being eaten alive by butterflies. 
The cliff might be a nice way to catch the wind, but oh do I love the leaves, the breeze dodging trees and hitting me. My shoes clopped onto the stones that bloom from my view, my tail curling like a flame the fireflies making stary hues, the wind grazing my horns to ice, and my tusk tasting like bones with the smell of a sweet candle. 
As any teeth taste like.
I remember getting those candles from a while ago for my church. The circular granite building on the other side of the cliff sees the ocean horizon of trees. It’s a swampy mangrove, so there is a lot more ocean for the mangroves.
I clank on the steps inside the church, sliding my feet elegantly to the side of my shoe. The jewelled fireflies that go down my robe, flicker up with light. \\as if they were still alive, but hey they're appreciated. Are these taxidermy with cotton? I never asked as much as I forget.
Clopping my way in I see the stage, or one slabbed stage with a cobblestone book holder. With moss coated like glitter mold, pretty.
“Good stature nurse’s apprentice, I'm glad if you seem to get it as a habit.”
I nod with a smile and greeting.
An Evoker doctor needs some spirits to help in sickness to soothe in death. A bit like Vex nurses from those novels; A vex playing gently with a telescope from movies, and another vex holding an axe for happy amputations.
Usual mansions aren't that organized and even the evokers know just how to raid. Which would make them sound stupid, but oh well.
“What are you laughing about?” 
“What an answer.” Priest clapped sarcastically, clasping their hands together in their priest wear. Simple and modesty to the swamps royal purple. 
European rulers hated us. {Elizabeth}
“Well let's get to work.” Preistest chirped, “I have some task for you to help out in medical research, I told you during the Eclipse funeral festival.” 
Some people refer to it as a peekaboo festival during the day people thought the sun died, and the religion was separated in interpretations of whether necromancy was ok.
“Right” If I could remember from yesterday in church, that one thing he might've told me over the music before jazzing…
‘The life, and uniqueness from the dark abstraction that light gives. Let the firefly guide your power in your worth and uniqueness.’...‘There is peace to being hidden with the shade the sun gives us, as its creature we see in the dark that glows that guide us.’
It was a great festival, that's all I remember with all the food.
I follow down the triangular top-cut sandwich steps. With two moons I bet it can have glasses. Or would that be a werewolf and some random werefox? Are werefoxs moon or astroid adjacent, or would that be another mammal? Would it be wrong to use two cobblestone rocks as sunglasses? {with the deities of the moon in mind…}
Twirling a round to the first portrait, and some candles. I sometimes sit there in an abandoned church stairwell. But I haven't been hanging out with coffin-eyes for some time, abroad in all. Not that I lived by her place.
With each step, I hardly pass a glance at the stained glass window, but the sun rises seeping the stairs like pink blazes for the next stained window. 
We pass each one, more contrast, more cold, more warm. Nature, Sea, Deserts, Mobs in rays.
My legs hurt. If I haven't been doing this for a while- Ayooo! 
Hehe, I'm sounding like the witch Covetouss… Is that a title like the Head of a coven leader? 
We're here, lovely wood and the moist air of moss. Closed? This is the first time I've even been this far, and I've only ever seen this door from the outside.
“Come along now” The priest calls me over.
Tailing behind the priest, they seemed farther along, looking behind me I gave a small wave.
Ok, I take it back my calves are just aching.
Oh The Red Stained sun, overseeing poacher’s weapons and hunter’s weapons.
My shoe touched a small water puddle, that sticks a little to my shoes. They don't stick on the walls, but it is probably the lighting. 
I lower my head, glancing at the window. Staring at it, blankly, would I ever have to deal with one?
The door creaks open, only hear an echo of my mentor's boots with the metal shackle clanking only so quietly. We did pass the cobblestone gate fence with a lock, I didn't think I'd have to go down for more steps. 
Nor did I think how spacious it sounded, this isn't a cave, and from the outside by the stained glass… This way was invisible. 
Best be moving. I hear the slow footsteps up the stairs, It's probably the janitor with the way they usually take each of their steps and the bucket clanking with water.
The cut and clean cobblestone embedded with dirt in between the cracks of the cellar, I wonder if there’s wine.
Speed walking by the priest, I re-adjusted my book, only tailing behind the priest. Their tails swish more like water, or one of a snake.
 Why have I been smelling iron so strongly? 
I can see the end of the tunnel, outside in peace. Two rugged men crouching down to the perched horned man.
“The cold makes it burn.”
Ah, they're here because they need help adjusting to being a Graveager. Being blessed into a Graveager after a Ravager’s isn't for everyone, cause why enjoy grieving? I mean there are solemn holidays and moments. 
I’m not one to know.
Being born one might be natural, with some slight adjusting to turning into just an illager. I was too lazy to figure that out until I was convicted. {-Convention AbuDhabi in April * If you don't see a illager cardboard head(InJireiKei), I just failed <3}
I gaze lower to see their clothes; a simple light grey that contrasts his gray skin. The belt is buttoned with a skull button with crossing shovels.
A Mourge’s worker. Not an unusual pick, I guess that would make sense. I just don’t particularly know a lot of morgues workers
I look at the priest, with the sun-shaded light scruffing the opening of the gate, butterflies tasting rotting leg. shacklet up, and under a sheet of fabric.
They looked up at me, the green eyes looked dull, with dry cheeks, if only for the priest to want to see that man cry, but butterfly demons tempt one to enjoy blood.
It seems you're feeding the butterflies well. ‘They seem more like parasites now’ would be a great response… If they knew Gibberish, as some foreigners would say. 
My tail touches a stick, clanking with the metal spike at its head. I look back... Straight to the chained illager.
Their hand looks bruised, and the rope in the side of the room's open cell is scratched up and bloodied.
Harpoons are usually used for a whale modded into the ocean.
The cell, raw stone with moss eats the blood on the dirt floor.
The bony ribcage was broken, it looked like the aftermath of a falling ceiling filled with slimy bloodied worms spilled over the dust of rocks. Or at least their broken bones.
My nose has been scrunching from the smell, I don't know the spell that makes someone withstand rotting alive. You have to be a zombie for that.
And they have horns, a bitten-off tail, and tusks. Their clothes were slightly ripped and tightened around their body. Making their blood from small scratches pulse out unless it became puss. Did they fall in a thorn patch?
The priest decides to answer.
“Poachers deserve to suffer, it's a curse sometimes.” They rummage through their sleeve, “Well unless they mess with someone who curses. Then what are you going to do.”
Exp fell to the ground to my shined shoes. My shoulders flinch up dropping my book on the exp. I quickly picked it up and slid on the smooth stone back. 
The fireflies on my robe brightened, as I rubbed off the exp on my robe. Holding the book on my side.
This was a little more terrifying and better than letting foreign doctors and archeologists have our ancestor's bones to keep.
The priest got out a small journal. Pulling their sleeves string, closing it back again with water books that don't seem to poke out. Comfortable sleeves that seemed cushion thats for sure.
It hurts a little, that I still hear panting. The breathy and tired voice easily reached the small enclosed space. If I were a priest, I’d never have the control to use an undying totem for torture, if only the Evokers worry that they'd be a slightly different person.
“So Ghost Nurse, could you remove the stomach guts thing”
… I looked around, and just placed my book by the harpoon.
I yanked the organs, It was so warm.
“...I feel like the witch would've told you even basic of wearing a glo- I'll get the gloves,”
The priest sighed, and left to get it for me, I think. I don’t trust my assumptions. On what they said, forgetting it like a mist spritz in the nether.
Staring blankly, cracking the top back of my neck to the cellmate… The groaning sound not coming from this poacher.
 I continue to lay out the guts. It's so much more squashed inside a person. Through the iron bars, I saw The morgue worker clutching their stomach.
-1696 Words {it did change depending on wich fanfiction site I used}
It was supposed to be more than 200... Not more than 1222!Idk how I did this over one day of school, but I kept on placing pacing scenes. I had more fun when we reached into the tunnels.So for my own critique of not being able to do well using an oc introduction prompt. I should've started passing by the red stained glass, and gutspill scene... and organized the guts n all. They are an oc that came out of a cosplay in an illager head with jerai kei dress i just adore {the robe one sold out so cute skirt it is}
… Is it bad i wanna ship the gravedigger with the poacher as long as I give the poacher some complex sad story? XD
Honestly, when writing the mourge worker I thought. What if they were connected, in some way? And the dudes got some soul-connected thing with him, they both might've died and the undying totem was used at the same time. HAh!  You can you have your own interpretations <3
Trick Or Treat
{: Which chapters are delightful or wich are dreadful:}
Bitten candy
Frozen music
Or bloodspill-filled pie
The blood might be dirty from being scooped out of the ground
{Warning: Titles may be misleading and arnt promised}
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marmett · 2 years ago
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except thats not what happened. an indie developer (who has no stake in this, bc of being an indie developer) got bodied on twitter for raising concerns abt ppl needing the BIGGEST GAME EVER at every new release and how it isnt sustainable for the workforce. u cant say we need less crunch and then say every game needs to be baldurs gate 3. if it were solely abt microtransactions and a feature complete game w/ no roadmap at launch, thats different games never need those, but the twitter stuff wasnt abt that and it wasnt whiny triple a developers, it was an indie dev who got harassed.
like, remember when pentiment, a beautiful and creative game got review bombed bc its a 2d story driven game and not a huge fuck off open world? yeah so not every game has to be bg3 my god.
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ohtobearandomftblog · 2 years ago
been thinking about this but how do you think rogue would confess to the person he has a crush on? i feel like he would probably get awkward and beat around the bush but also be such a soft! boy (confusing shit tbh)
oh hes absolutely gonna be awkward but to the point where he wouldnt say anything. it goes for all the slayers, really. awkward to the point of silence.
like what are they gonna say that wouldnt be creepy to a regular person??? 'the scent of your body wash clashes with your shampoo so much it made me spend most of my time with you smelling the air but i never hugged you to check' 'the little bit of sauce in the corner of your lips that one day tasted like the exact same one i like and no we didnt kiss' 'that jacket you wore once on a rainy day two months ago felt really nice and i bought one for me so we can match and be comfy together and im sad you havent worn it since no we didnt hug we didnt even talk that day' 'the way your heart beats louder and quicker when you talk about something you love and how it slows yet thrums when you talk about something you hate and how it calms yet stays strong when youre comfortable was incredibly helpful in remembering what you love and hate and no i dont remember you telling me about this specific fact because i was too busy hearing your heart soar please tell it to me again for the eighth time'
like he likes how your face shines in the moonlight bleeding past the window curtain when you sleep. he likes how your teeth crunch through apples or pears or chips/crisps or bone. he likes how soft some parts of your skin are compared to the scratchy and more calloused parts. he likes how your voice bounces around the guildhall of whatever guild youre in, and how your laughter seems to fill the space to a nearly uncomfortable degree. he likes the color of your earrings or necklace or bracelets or rings or bags or eyes or hair or nails. he never looks for these near you, for he probably wont be able to see or feel or hear or smell or taste anything of you. but the shadows speak of wonders he can only truly imagine, and he loves it.
they would never tell a mage/non-mage about the crush because theyd look all confused and weirded out because you dont just taste sauce on the corner of someones lips without kissing them what the fuck are you on about??? only once they have an s/o that doesnt mind their more nonhuman ways of liking someone will they talk to about it. they will of course tell each other and gush and praise and be embarrassing and a bit annoying and since theyre all fucking dorks they would Absolutely tell someone's crush about the crush. in front of the slayer.
like assuming rogue's crush was a sabertooth member or from a guild nearby then after like three months of dealing with rogue's shenanigans hed drag him to his crush, sit them both down, crouch in front of the crush, say rogue liked them as way more than a friend have you seen the fuckign hatchling eyes he makes at you every single time you look in his direction or even turn away like his eyes Suck and yet he knows where you are at all times thats some fuckin dedication, then just walk away so he can still hear whats being said which yknow isnt that far and rogue's so embarrassed bc not only was he just Outed but sting doesnt even have the decency to leave entirely they can still clearly see him you PRICK
if his crush was on a fairy tail member or a guild close by then wendy would try to keep everyone in check so they wouldnt completely out him to anyone related to his crush but. the boys can be smart sometimes. so laxus natsu and gajeel would leave """"subtle"""" hints to the crush ('oh you want to go shopping? i heard rogue knows a good store for that why dont you go ask him im not good with that kinda thing' 'oh you want some food? rogue knows a good place im not good with food' 'hey have you spoken to rogue recently he misses talkin to you keeps harpin on about how your voice soothes him better than rain'). until laxus or erik get sick of his shit, sit him and the crush down, and walk away until rogue can only know theyre there without seeing them but knows for a fact theyre glaring at him waiting for him to stumble through a confession or risk Big Brother Confrontation
if rogue was made to confess like that hed really be stumbling. hed slip somewhat into the shadows, realize nearly immediately because hes so focused on anything other than you in the moment, then try and yank himself out of them because hes so embarrassed and scared hed tried to fuse fully with them. hed think hed need evidence and reasons why he liked you and would say things that a normal person would like and slowly spill into the more slayer reasons without realizing it because gosh he cant help but praise your very being for simply existing. hed spend hours going on about you if he could but then he becomes hyperaware again because his shadows had started to creep up you physically and oh no hes just embarrassing himself again he doesnt even know if you like him and hes already ruining his chance and he spent all this time talking and didnt even let you get a word in maybe youre creeped out maybe youre angry maybe youre scared because how does he know all of this was he stalking you and no he swears he would never the shadows speak to him and he cannot be deaf to them for they are one but he himself would never and oh. oh. you were smiling. your mouth was full of shadows and the shadows are telling him youre smiling even though his eyes are full of tears. his shadow would linger on your body and seep through your clothes onto your skin and he would try not to be distracted by how it tells him about all the textures and dips and any curves it could have because now is not the time and he doesnt even know if your smile is pity or relief or something else, even.
if his crush reciprocates, then great! you get six slayers who will follow your every move and make sure you dont make rogue feel bad without reason and they Will glare daggers at you when nearby so rogue cant tell. if his crush denies,,,, well then you have six slayers ready to kick your fucking ass because hes so precious what the fuck do you mean??? give a good damn reason or save them from carrying you and just go to the infirmary yourself
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axemetaphor · 2 years ago
my dad got his hands on a copy of Sonic 06 for the xbox and asked me to be his play-tester after having a lot of trouble with that speed level right at the beginning (catching up to Eggman's ship on the beach) and i got as far as the Silver battle before giving up, so here's my notes
DISCLAIMER this isnt an invitation to dunk on the game in the notes of this post alright we've seen enough of that. i dont hate the game. no, really, i dont. i respect everything it tried to be and feel bad for literally everyone working on it because, from what i gather, they were green and facing extreme crunch time. sucks for everyone involved. anyway:
the load times on xbox were VASTLY better, which makes a lot of sense, given from what i know the ps3 has a ... strange way of storing/retrieving/loading data, but they were still pretty long and a little too frequent for my liking. still, probably not anyone's fault, tbqh. i'll have to see if the emulator my dad's working on getting on his PC (finally, he's been trying to do that for years now lmao,) has the same issue to figure out if it's a programming problem or hardware. personally im pretty sure it's just hardware.
it's much easier to steer sonic if you use the camera and his movement, but the camera will still fuck you over. this isnt 06 specific though game cameras are Always hard to wrangle lmao
the animations for this game are so strange... i dont say this as a negative whatsoever. it looks like they were mocapped, which is fascinating to me, translating human proportions onto sonic--it doesnt always work, and i personally wouldn't've made the choice to do that, but it makes me want to study it lmao
the voice acting as well is strange, at least in english; im not knocking anyone's work, whatsoever. i still really love the performances. but i think back to this one tweet i made about silver's intro dialogue where i mentioned that i loved the performance, but the poor guy sounded like he'd done a hundred takes of the audio and was losing grasp of Words themselves (As happens to everybody) and Silver's english VA not only liked the tweet but started following me because of it. this was during the trend of not actually giving VAs context for their dialogue, and not really.. respecting them at all, and it makes me sad to think that maybe they did stick everyone in a box, hand them lists of lines, and make them say them over and over until the director got whatever they wanted--or, on the opposite end, were only given enough time for a single take out of the inherent disrespect for VAs that's present in Many fields
the environments are fucking gorgeous and i was genuinely surprised by how many things i could interact with in the levels. granted, i did get stuck on them sometimes, but i doubt the poor devs got any chance to fix that shit. i liked especially ramming Eggman's Cerberus into a statue instead of the wall and watching the statue completely shatter, that's genuinely pretty cool, they couldve just had it be like the walls, static and unreacting. i also liked how the Cerberus decimated those pillars, but thats mostly because the camera kept getting stuck on them
there's very little active direction in the game, save for the floating (?)s, which can sometimes be wordy enough that ive already fucked up and died before theyre done talking. that's probably on my dumbass though.
collision physics in this game ... sure is. i cant remember if all games from the 2000s were like this given i have more experience with older games (pre-00's) + brand fucken new ones so someone else weigh in on this s'il vous plait.
the pre-rendered cutscenes are still fucking gorgeous. delightful.
so much of this game is such a lovely awkward development-stage kind of thing, like awkward teen years. the homing-attack mechanics make me grateful for the auto-targeting of later games. the way he goes from 0 to 100 is in character but hard to play (unwieldy) and makes me glad for the more measured sliding scale of other games. the sprint parts of the game, where youre just steering him, are so fucking cool but i am so fucking bad at them and im glad that in future games the sensitivity of the controls was turned down. it took me some lives to get into a proper rhythm with it, get a sense of just how much of a hair trigger the directional changes were. tails' attacks in this game definitely felt like they could've been much better (throwing the bombs is So difficult to aim, thanks to the camera and how long the animation for it is) and i'm glad they're different in other games--the bombs is a cool idea, just needed to be implemented differently imo
if you knwo more about the development n shit of this game id love to hear it, all i know is they had serious crunch time to release the game alongside the ps3 as its flagship game and had to cut a lot of steps from the process/cut a lot of corners. i attribute a lot of its flaws (and "flaws") to that tbqh. sonic 06 is not a bad game, it's a game that was failed by its circumstances. i dont know fully, im just an animator, i have never in my life made a proper video game.
also this may just be me but i have a theory that this game was meant to be like the Shadow the Hedgehog game, and not rated E for Everyone after all. the darker storybeats (sonic's murder, elise's death, silver's future etc) all feel like they'd have been better-executed at a level closer to that. it feels To Me like they were developing the beginnings of this game (script, designs) in tandem with the endtail development of ShTH, and when it received pushback for the guns, swearing, and violence, they panicked and had to neuter the story. i have a lot of respect for what the game COULD have been.
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