#and in the end. the devil machine escaped with the prisoner
mysticarcanum · 2 years
auuuugh. top 10 d&d sessions that almost made me shit my pants .
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kingofdesert · 3 months
Watch a man in times of adversity to discover what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off. — Titus Lucretius Carus
He was no longer a cohesive machine of blood and bone. By now, even his mind sojourned in planes beyond his existence; clinging to dulcet memories of his egregious mistake. A smile he had never been able to decipher, words uttered against lips, the taste of whisky and cigars, tangled sheets and golden skin, laughter, golden hues and eternal promises, bloodstained wings veiling the night sky… Reality blended with fiction, truth got lost in lies. Anything to keep the mind from shattering as the cracks rapidly spread.
The heart of it struck him in an instant, while chained to a wall, bruised, battered, barely alive. There had never been a mask; he had always been genuine—genuine chaos which he had embraced and wielded as his greatest weapon. Signs and subtle hints were ignored precisely because the darkness inside was real. To deceive his enemies, he had first deceived his allies. Crocodile trusted him even when it went against everything he stood for. He had trusted them both, to make matters even worse.
“Knavish fiend,” the grunt echoed off the walls, pounding in his head with hammer-like strikes. Shallow breaths, neither painful nor pleasurable, trapped his mind in a looped cycle of the events that had transpired. From the first moment their paths had crossed, to the current one where nothing but doom awaited. A sudden jolt of pain left him panting, intensifying the more he dwelt on it. Sweat ran down his cheeks, his teeth clenched, wishing they were biting into flesh—a visceral thought fuelled by rancour, yet so deep and real it confirmed his existence—or what was left of it.
Was there anything left at all?
Broken bones and derisive numbness affirmed there was a perception of sensation, a testimony of one’s physical presence. It was painful to exist in those restless hours. Sleep never came when summoned, and when it did, it was his own mind that kept him awake. Eventually, someone would open the doors of his current prison. That someone was more likely a foe than a friend, yet even then, Crocodile wanted to properly greet them as the quintessence of wrath. He wanted to beshrew their existence, but mostly his. Of that son of a bitch who had brought nothing but destruction with him.
His mouth ran dry, his chest throbbed from the impact of the knife embedded in his heart, and his body quivered vehemently from the sheer surge of emotions. His pride refused to let them escape. His teeth bit into his lower lip to remind him of the physical pain, yet his eyes remained defiant, misting over reality. The image before him was ephemeral, but it was more than enough to break him.
How did it all end up like this?
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It was the type of city that drew people toward it. Those seeking very small yet very large miracles, adventurers longing for a new thrill, those hoping for the beginning of a new story, and those wishing for nothing to begin at all. A place to find oneself and a place to lose oneself completely. A place to evolve and a place to be devoured. A place to seek an ordinary life and a place to search for the extraordinary. A place of blinding lights and fastidious darkness. A city of wonders, lies, hopes, troubles, joy, and despair—a symbol of abnormality.
The city’s charisma and double-sided allure were why Crocodile came. It was a chance to start anew, to forget the past and the demons he had left behind, and to create something empyreal. Over ten years had passed since he had made that choice, and over eight since he had started building his underground empire. Baroque Works was a criminal organization, one of many in this city, which owed its rapid growth to its devil fruit users, Crocodile being one of them
No one was certain why people were born with unique abilities, but it was no surprise when governments took an interest. These abilities became a person's most important secret. Once awakened, some kept their powers hidden even from their families. Those who couldn’t were presented with two options: a life as the government's product or a life as a criminal. Interestingly enough, these two factions weren’t at war with each other, even if they sometimes stood in each other's way. They lived in a parasitic symbiosis, constantly feeding off each other. At times they were partners, at others they were enemies. What had become clear early on, much to Crocodile's expectations, was that no one was to be trusted. In an ever-changing city with swarms of ever-changing faces, offering trust meant immediate death.
[9:32] All done, Mr. Zero.
The text message came from his secretary, Miss All Sunday. A short, concise report on the last shipment of weapons to the Ganmi group, just as he was used to. The Ganmi group was a relatively new presence in the city, having appeared two years ago, but they were loyal customers. Calling them a "group" was generous—they were more of a local gang battling other small fries in their neighbourhoods. Normally, he wouldn’t care much about them, but he knew how useful connections could be when most needed. Even if Crocodile never intended to ask for anything in return for his services (other than money), he planned to use the Ganmi group as required. A neutral group with no specific ties to bigger organizations in the city was always useful if a distraction was necessary.
He didn’t respond to the message, merely left it as read. Miss All Sunday was accustomed to his lack of communication through the phone. She knew his paranoia, his habits, and his preferences. She had been by his side for seven years, and despite everything they had been through, Crocodile still believed she would eventually betray him. She was a lot like him, after all, and that was possibly why they made such good partners.
[10:03] Mr. Five’s task?
A hit job requested two weeks ago, another service his organization offered. Depending on the severity and importance of the job, Crocodile would sometimes send his elite officers to the front lines. Each of them excelled in specific areas, and so far, they hadn't performed below his expectations.
[10:05] Being worked on. [10:06] Results will be in in a week.
That was adequate. He preferred clean jobs with no strings attached. Hasty kills brought too many questions; protracted kills erased their significance and meaning. A balance was necessary, and his elite operated according to the balance he dictated. Those under them were sent out for insignificant hits meant only to bring in more money.
Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. He had been in the city long enough to develop a sixth sense for impending trouble. The other organizations had kept a low profile for the past few months, performing their services and patrolling their turfs out of habit, merely keeping up appearances. Even the brats who often got caught up in the city's whirlwind were unusually quiet. Sometimes there were street brawls between gangs; other times, the kids were simply enjoying their youth and school days while they lasted. But they were always loud and noticeable. Even the police weren’t as active, likely in response to the other side’s subdued behavior.
He didn’t like it.
It felt as if everyone was waiting for something. It almost seemed as if the city itself had altered its abnormal lifestyle. Or perhaps it was just about to begin. Crocodile’s hand reached for the tin with cigars and the guillotine cutter. He took a cold taste after cutting the tip, and once satisfied, he lit it evenly, rotating the cigar and taking the first puff of smoke. The mild flavor graced his taste buds, lightheadedness crept up as it always did with tobacco, and for a moment, he was able to relax his nerves and forget about his worries.
“I’ve just arrived at Calm Belt. I’m not in a rush, so take your time.” The man took a seat at the nearby table with his back turned to Crocodile, still engrossed in his conversation. Usually, he didn’t care about the lives of others, and normally, he wouldn’t have paid attention to this man either, if it weren’t for his laughter, which was simply too boisterous for Crocodile’s taste. “So, you lost her again? Fwahahahahahahahaha! I thought you were going together—”
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Golden eyes lifted to judge the man behind his back. A fairly tall individual, young, white-haired, tanned skin, dressed in comfortable yet expensive clothing, with a loud, continuous laugh and an aura of arrogance that reminded Crocodile of a certain blond.
As he took another puff of smoke, Crocodile knew his perfect morning had come to an end. The unease he felt had found its source. According to Mr. Three, Doflamingo had returned to Spain to sort out personal matters. He would be back soon. / @umbrx
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demonictragedy · 23 days
🏝🎀🫂❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🤑🐕🍓🎮🚻🧠⭐️👑🃏🤓💅😔♾️ - totally not adauchi
HI BRO !!! 🔥🔥
this actually made me laugh more than i expected dhjshdgsj,, but really, i'm really happy to anwser
it's gonna be a bit long, also cw for suicide because. yeah.
(🏝) where did you live?
easy answer is the Flame World, i mean, i was born there and lived there my entire life. more detailed answer is the different places of the Flame World, that place was really big, though most of the area was a deserted wasteland. i was born in a town that was basically falling apart and filled with criminal activity, i have no idea what we called the place but i know it was just after the prison we see in game. it's like the building watched over us, as a reminder of where we would go eventually. i mean, there was no other option for people born there, we had to turn to crime if we didn't want to die, even kids, especially orphans like me. that place got raided by the military constantly, that's how i met the Devil to begin with. i was around 13 when he came over with the rest of his army, probably looking for the ones who were against his reign and plotting to take him down (that was a common belief to have), and found me. i barely have memories of that, but my guess is that he took pity on me along with realizing i wasn't part of his hate group and decided to take me in as a subordinate. Ivlis was... kinda weird. i don't know where i lived after that, really, but when i was around 16/17, i lived in the main town we see in the game, the one closer to the palace. that place was like, for important people, most people in the army lived there. i don't think i bought the house myself or paid rent, but i also have no memory of it being something really special. maybe everyone in the army just got a house and that was it, like, one of the benefits of working for the Devil. it was a pretty small house, no living room, kitchen with small table, my bedroom could fit a bed, a small karaoke machine and a trunk to put my clothes on. it was comfortable though... better than living on the streets like i used to, i had a bed to sleep on, food, what else could i really need? i lived there until the day i died, never felt like it wasn't enough.
this kinda turned into a backstory huh...
(🎀) what kind of clothes did you wear?
my vibe was pretty similar to what i wore in-game. if anything, it was more toned down, more boring. not to talk down on myself but i was generally uninspiring. lot's of blacks and reds, leather, stuff you would usually see flame demons wearing. ok maybe more leather than the rest but otherwise not very distinguished. most of my shirts were wrinkled or dirty. had a hard time keeping them clean, but i tried not to go out smelling bad. one thing i know for sure is that i wanted to dress better and experiment more, but i didn't have the confidence or the energy to try, so i'd end up wearing the same thing every day. shirt, jeans, jacket, necklace, glasses... sometimes a choker, if i had the energy to put it on. my clothes didn't really have a pattern on them, just solid colors, the point of interest was mostly the textures. i know for a fact that my clothes weren't really expensive or anything, probably got them second hand. i used adauchi as an inspiration for fashion a lot of the time, i liked the way he dressed, he looked hot cool but a lot of the times i tried to do something similar and ended up not liking it... so maybe i just liked the way he looked in general and it was more of a me being gay thing
about my shades, i used to wear them for multiple reasons. first, i hated looking people in the eye, it made me anxious, like a prey animal or something, it felt like everyone else was trying to kill me. shades were an easy escape from that. i only started wearing them when i worked for Ivlis though... so yeah, maybe people were in fact trying to kill me and i just developed this anxiety about eyes in general. i was an easy victim anyway. and if it wasn't for that, my eyes usually distracted other people, in the sense that they wouldn't take me seriously. they were a different color from canon, less orange/amber and more golden, similar to Ivlis. why didn't they take seriously for having golden eyes? i have no fucking idea, but it did happen. maybe it was just an extra for me being generally vulnerable.
(🫂) who were you closest with?
easy answer, adauchi and poemi. i mean, who else? they might actually be the only people i was ever close with. like sure, i was somewhat close to Ivlis but he was still my boss and scared the shit out of me. i surely respected him more than the game, along with being way more cowardly. rieta wasn't really present in my life, so she was more of a friendly coworker
adauchi was my first friend, i have no real memory of how we met, but it was only after Ivlis took me in. i admired him so much, and it's weird because i have this feeling of admiring him from afar even though we were close. i guess i never believed myself to be worthy of his friendship, no matter how much he proved me wrong... and oh, he did, constantly. he was the first person to treat me as an equal, all while being the Devils son, and he tried to make me feel better about myself in every situation. he'd never let me talk bad about myself, or shame me, no matter what i did. i guess it's not a surprise that i felt in love with him, he treated me like a person, unlike everyone else. flame demons can be pretty brutal, and he was when the situation called for it, but he was also the kindest person i've ever met. this contrast just made me fall even harder. even then, i don't think i meant as much to him as he did to me. so silly.
and poemi. oh, sweet poemi. sweet is a strong word but i love her dearly. i can't help but be sad when i think about my poemi, since i left her so abruptly. i don't have many memories of her, our dynamic eludes me. i know for a fact we got really close after the gray world invasion. Ivlis became really busy, even more neglectful than before, so i took it upon myself to take care of her. we were friends before, but that's when she became my best friend at the time. i watched her grow up, i guess that's one of the reasons it gets me so much. we were the only ones who missed adauchi, if not the only ones, the ones who missed him the most. never once the Devil mentioned him, so i wouldn't know. when my mental health started to get worse, she was the only thing keeping me going. i had to be there for her, i had to take care of her, no one else would if it wasn't for me. i guess, as she got older, and more independent, that didn't kept me going for too long. she was a princess, but for most of the time, we only really had each other.
(❤️) what is one of your favorite memories of a person you loved?
maybe not my favorite, but it's the one i think about the most, just randomly. besides... well... i'll talk more about it later
adauchi n i were walking on the street, though i don't remember where we were going, if we were even going somewhere. he was talking about something as he led the way, and i walked just behind him, listening to him, sometimes answering. suddenly, he stopped walking, turning back and looking at me. he asked why i always did that, and i didn't get it immediately, so he continued by saying i always walked behind him, as if i was following him. i remember being a bit surprised, as i didn't even put much thought into that... i just did. i told him that i was just used to that, walking behind people and never by their side. it wasn't really a place i deserverd, no one would want me walking by their side anyway. adauchi immediately called bullshit, grabbing me closer and basically forcing me to walk by his side.
i think we weren't as close here, as if we were in the beginning of our friendship. that's probably the case. we were closer to being adults than being kids, like 17/18? the timeline of this is kinda wonky, but the age seems right.
this is a very special moment to me because... i felt remarkably human. it registered that, hey, maybe this guy sees me as a person... i think i like it
(👨‍👩‍👧‍👦) who did you consider your family?
when i look back at it now? adauchi, poemi and to some extent Ivlis. found family kinda stuff. but when i was there? no one.
it's sad to think about it this way, i'm aware. but when mixing all of my problems and life history, it does make sense. not only did i have an extremely pessimistic view of my own life, i also had problems trusting people. i mean, of couse i did.
i was an orphan who grew up on the streets, being used and bullied by everyone around me, just waiting for my inevitable incarceration. suddenly meeting the Devil was never something i expected. in a way, he was my savior, but he was never someone i could rely on, neglectful, violent, terrifying. adauchi was the one who made me feel worthy of something for the first time in my life, but there was something i could never tell him, out of fear that he'd never want to look at me ever again. i was hiding so much from him, i never felt like myself truly, i was a liar and a fraud. and poemi, i cared for her like my own sister, but ultimately, i made her life worse by getting close to her. for the last person who cared about me, i gave the most terrible fate... and she was still young, too.
so, altough they were my family, i was never able to consider them to be.
(🤑) did you have a job, and if so, what was it?
i did have a job. what did my job consist of? that's another question, one that i'm not so sure of the answer. i worked for Ivlis, that's what i know, but that's also a broad title. as far as i'm concerned, i could've been doing anything under his command, be it leading the army or sweeping the throne room. actually, i definitely wasn't leading the army. my position wasn't that important. i did help him during the gray world invasion, with poemi, but things were a bit different as poemi n i didn't go back to the flame world to officially initiate the invasion (i think?). i don't have memories of like, actually working or following orders, but the vibes i'm getting are 'intern tasked with fetching coffee for everyone'. those are just vibes tho,, and considering the lowly view of myself i used to have, i might've been more important than that
this is... probably one of the subjects i know the least about, which is ironic, considering that my job was the thing that changed the entire trajectory of my life
(🐕) did you have any pets?
didn't have like... Pet, pets, y'know. in-game, i have familiars, be it the dragon (yes, the monster in the darkness is a dragon, there are dragons in the flame world, i don't take criticism, i mean we literally have dragon claws) or some bats. but in my canon, there wasn't such a thing.
however, i did care for wild bats. i had, just outside my bedroom window, a bat feeder. it was like a bird feeder, but for bats instead of birds. i don't remember quite well what i used to feed them, but my house was a hot spot for bats because of it. i really liked it, they were probably my favorite animal, and sometimes, when i felt like shit, their chirping would lighten up my mood a bit. i remember sleeping with the fire crackling outside, and the wild bats by my window. unrelated to that, i sometimes still put fire sounds to fall asleep.
(🍓) what was a food you liked?
hey, haha.... well.. ada... you're gonna kill me for this, but... i'm 99% sure my favorite food was pizza. the italian flame demon agenda is real, i hate it here /lh
other than that, i really liked crunchy food, preferably really salty and somewhat meaty (?). i'm thinking barbecue flavored chips or something like that. there's the moment where versions of me start splitting and multiplying, because in my canon i don't remember eating sweets at all, but for everything else i write about myself, i like sweet things. it's weird to think about, but my sense of self has a history of being a bit loose, so having alternate versions of myself doesn't bother me.
one thing i know for sure is that i Did Not have a balanced diet
(🎮) what did you do in your spare time?
depends on which part of my life is being analyzed, really. during my childhood, spare time was kind of a weird concept, i don't think i ever really had free time. i mean, you could argue all my time was free because i didn't have any sort of obligations but also, i was using everything i had just to survive. so, i'm guessing any type of free time i had was used resting, but only if i could affort to turn myself off for the moment, it could lead to dire consequences if i didn't find somewhere safe to do so. also didn't have much free time when i first got into the army, only after i "graduated", if that makes sense. i don't think i mentioned it having a small training period... also don't think i did too well there, barely enough to pass. after that, everything is a blank until adauchi appeared in my life. then, during this time, pratically all of my free time was spent with him, just following him around like a lost puppy. we didn't do anything specific, except going to karaoke sometimes, but that was a small portion of our time together,, still good moments nonetheless. when he left, my time was eaten up by poemi and taking care of her, so again, during my spare time i'd just rest, sleep, or at least try to. i'd go through periods of sleeping way too much and unbeareable insomnia. as poemi got older and i no longer needed to take care of her, not receiving any other orders from the Devil, i had a lot of spare time on my hands. still, i would just lie in bed and do nothing. it was the time my depression just kept getting worse, so i barely had the energy to exist. again, i'd sleep when i was able to, but when the insomnia got me, i'd spend days staring at the ceiling and thinking way too much about my life being miserable.
(🚻) what was your gender and sexuality?
cis guy, nothing really interesting regarding that. but oh. i was so gay. so. fucking gay. painfully gay. i liked men (adauchi) so much it's not even funny, i swear. i mean i did find other men attractive and all but... adauchi. agh.
i say this because he was the one who made me realize i was gay. because of him i started to notice the difference, like, you're actually supposed to feel something when you're attracted to people. i never thought too hard about it because i'd shut it down every time it crossed my mind, i wasn't supposed to think about this kind of stuff anyway. but when interacting with adauchi, i couldn't stop myself from conjuring these images in my head, and feel very very flustered about it. if it wasn't for him i would've taken even longer to notice, or i wouldn't even have discovered this about myself. i'd spend years trying to date women. sounds like a nightmare (sorry women i think you're neat but it would be a disservice to do this to you)
(🧠) what is a memory that's on your mind right now?
this memory is very vague, so much that i have a hard time remembering it. i only have litte glimpses of it in my mind, very straightfoward, the context behind it is a mystery.
adauchi n i were sitting in my bed, in my house, i don't remember what we were doing before that, if he questioned me, if i just decided to say... but i finally told him i liked men, not women. it was really hard to get this out of my chest, my hands were shaking and i had to stop myself from crying. thinking back at it now, i most definitely experienced homophobia growing up, not directed at me but it got to me either way. it's funny, since in the funaverse (is this a thing) everyone is canonicaly bi unless steted otherwise. apparently, that was not a thing in my canon and homophobia was very real. either way, adauchi noticed that my hands were shaking and placed his own hands on top of mine, saying something along the lines of "it doesn't change anything." needless to say, i got really emotional over it and had to stop myself from crying way more than before. did shed a tear or two but i don't think he ever noticed. adauchi patted me in the back and squeezed my shoulder though, so i was probably not looking confident either way. i mean when did i ever.
he never asked how i discovered that, i'm glad. how was i supposed to say it was him? no way, i'd never. but i'm glad he showed me support, i genuinely thought he'd never want to look in my direction ever again. my perception at the time was that he was straight, which.. sounds like a criminal offense. when i think about it now, he was probably aroace, as i never saw him talk about people he was interested in, instead telling me no one interested him in general.
(⭐️) what is your favorite memory?
oh hey it's the memory that made me realize i was gay to begin with. i'm so fucking insane about this one i even have the date this flashed into my mind for the first time. december 23, 2020. fucking christmas adam. i've never been normal after that. (was i ever?)
this all came to me while listening to social climb by idkhow btw. i am humbly asking you to listen to it so you can really picture the situation this . thing. put me in. i'm sorry in advance .
it was my favorite song at the time even though it didn't really match my style of music, and i was wondering why. why did i like that song so much? in my train of thought, analizing it, i realized that the reason why i liked it so much... it's because it sounds just like adauchi singing. and in the same second, i had this flash, the clearest flashback of my entire life.
we were in a karaoke booth, we had been there for a while now. i was a bit tired (?) so i sat down for a moment and let adauchi take the spotlight for himself. he was probably tired too, seeing as he was sweating, so he chose something calm, but still very adauchi. cue, social climb. next thing i know, i'm watching him sing.
his voice was smooth, it carried a certain heat in it. he had a relaxed yet seductive on his face, eyelids half open and faint smile, staring at the lyrics on the screen as if he was gently teasing someone. i could see his pointy teeth sticking out a bit as he pronounced the words, moving his lips at the perfect mix of monotone and expressive. if he'd looked at me like that i would've died right there. i kept watched his expression attentively as the air started to leave my lungs, noticing the minuscule details of his face, how much his demeanor changed from what i was used to, how much he got into the song, how much it felt like he was singing to someone. i wanted it to be me. he had me on the palm of his hand, unknowingly, i was only his. with the spotlights on him, it was as if adauchi's body was glowing, sweaty, humid. i was unable to blink, pratically panting. when he took a break to clear his throat mid song, i watched him swallow, his throat moving while he did it, and i could only stare and hold my breath as he did it. then it hit me. i never wanted someone as much as i wanted him. i didn't just want him, i needed him. i needed to get on my knees and worship him like a god, have him hold me, be under his control. i felt insane but it was true. and these thoughts were going to haunt me forever.
god, this got.. horny.. and i'm posting it to tumblr. isn't that great. it didn't take me almost an hour to write because i kept remembering it and having to catch my breath, not at all. can you imagine lol
well. that's the story of how i realized i liked men, anyway. like i kinda knew before but uh. yeah. it was undeniable after experiencing this. i guess being in love with your best friend is the catch-all gay experience.
i will absolutely write fanfic about this one day and it's going to be so much hornier i'm sorry
(👑) what's something you remember that's close to or the same as canon?
taking a break from homosexuality for a minute.
i don't have clear memories of the gray world invasion, so i could be completely wrong, but i think most of it was pretty similar to the game....? i feel a bit insecure saying that so let me think of something else
i wasn't completely uncanon, but all the things and details i remember have enough differences that i feel like it's not really similar. the structure of the flame world, me, the people i knew, the things that happened.. either i have no idea or they were not really the same. the more i think about it, the more i think my canon was actually very distinct from the game and the universe as a whole
unsatisfying answer but i'm gonna say the general vibes of the flame world were the same, this kinda trashy place that no one's really happy to be in, but it's all they have
(🃏) what's something you remember that's different from canon?
i feel like i myself was a very different person from canon. like, out of everything i listed when talking about the differences between the game and my canon, i was the most different. either that or most of my memories relate to myself, so i feel more different. canon emalf was still a wet cat left in a cardboard box, but he was also much cooler than i was. that or he was waaay better at pretending, i mean, you take all of the most pathetic parts of him and multiply it by 10, and boom, you have me. i was weaker, less respected, my self esteem issues were much more noticeble, and to top it off, i mostly acted like adauchi and poemi's dog, following them like they had me on a leash. the least intimidating and most self concious guy to ever exist.
when i look at tgg emalf, i envy him. maybe if i was more similar to my in-game self, i wouldn't have died.
(🤓) what's something you remember being good at?
is.. is nothing an option...
sorry to be self-deprecating again, but it's true. back then, i didn't have any remarkable talents. or at least i don't remember any, my memories only have the things i wasn't good at. the one i was the best at, i suppose, is singing, but i wasn't extraordinary by any means. my voice cracked a lot, and it wasn't even all that pretty. but it's still something i was better at than everything else.
(💅) how do you remember yourself looking?
as i stated before, my eyes were less amber and more golden, like the Devil's. along with that, my hair was also way more red than canon. some people see it as pink, some people see it as brown, it's very ashy in general, but my hair color was dark red mixed... kinda like the hair color my body has now, when i dye it. so, if light brown hair was dyed deep red. i for sure wasn't paper white like in the game, i had at least a human skin color. also, my body type was a bit chubbier than other people, and a lot in comparison to funa's drawings. you'd think i was stronger for having a bigger body, but no, still weak. again, strength level is similar to what i have today, which is... not a lot. i wasn't like really tall or anything, i'd say avagare height for the other demons in the flame world, around 174cm? a bit taler than canon but i think everyone was
(😔) what's one thing you regret?
there is an obvious answer, and it's gonna weight the mood, but it's true.
the one thing i regret is ending my own life. i won't go into details because i don't like thinking about it, even though i do it constantly. the only reason i regret it is because poemi was the one to find my dead body. how do i know that? i was dead already, i shouldn't know. but i do. and that information is devastating. i don't regret it for myself, just for her. i wish i didn't make her go through that, i was so blinded by self hatred i thought she wouldn't miss me, but i was so, so wrong. it was impulsive, violent, something coming directly from the place i grew up on. makes me think that yes, i did belong there, even if there was a change in the tragectory of my life, that town was forever ingrained into my being.
i wish i stayed alive, just for her.
(♾️) summarize your memories in one sentence!
the most pathetic depressed gay you'll see in your lifetime is probably an unreliable narrator
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finitepeace · 11 months
september reads: hannigram
Fortune’s Fool by CoraWritesThings | 25k words, WIP last updated 2022 | In Louisiana, a serial killer dubbed “The Grimm Reaper” has murdered three people and left their corpses in twisted versions of fairytales. Jack Crawford sends Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter to follow the case’s leads, and their investigation leads them to the carnival, where an encounter with a mysterious fortune teller leaves Will shaken. Now, it seems as though her predictions for Will are coming true...and that isn’t exactly great news, considering that they include deceit, death, and a deep, soulmate-like connection with Hannibal that holds the potential to be more destructive than everything else combined.
Once More, With Feeling by FourthAxis | 10k words, last updated 2017 | Hannibal sat up, groggy from sleep and confused as he looked around. He was not in a hospital bed, nor the narrow cot of his prison. Or any prison for that matter. The bed was familiar, as was the room, because once they belonged to him before the machine of time and unfortunate events turned it into a walk-in museum for curious tourists. Or -- After taking a tumble off the cliff, Hannibal wakes up to a world several years in the past, his memories intact, and the fateful first meeting with Will just about to happen. This time around his priorities are a bit different.
through a glass by amare | 46k words, M | Will wakes up in a universe where he and Hannibal are dating
les bois du cerf by Breakmybones (CarterReid) | 24k words | Will was different, that was obvious. He dreamed of killers, darkness and flames devouring feathers - things that no normal person would ever think of. But he wasn't normal. And neither was his soul-mark.
He Who Holds the Devil by astramaxima (shotgunsinlace) | 53k Words, WIP | A missing persons case turned homicide sends the FBI overseas, to a grisly scene at the foothills of a medieval castle. A decades old mystery slowly unravels into a complicated web of things best considered unreal, and left untouched. At the center of it, Will Graham bears the burden of madness and suspicion when all roads lead, inexplicably, back to him.
Mischief Nights: A Romantic Comedy for Serial Killers by astramaxima (shotgunsinlace) | 28k words | He’s supposed to be the lure, but somewhere down the line he lost complete control of the situation. It starts with a social worker inside a horse, followed by his psychiatrist driving an hour to the middle of nowhere to bring him homemade pumpkin spice coffee, and ends with an invitation to a dinner party on Halloween. The week can only get so much weirder.
More Myself Than I Am by StratsWrites | 9k words | Everyone has a soulmate. Someone they will connect with on such an intimate level that they are like one mind in two bodies. It comes on the cusp of adulthood, a shared link between two minds. It will start with feelings, emotions shared across the connection. Some people claim senses; smell and sound. Those who are thoroughly, intensely intertwined can claim to send their very thoughts towards each other, although it’s generally considered bad luck to use the connection to find each other sooner than you are meant to. It is a wonderful thing, to know that no matter who you are or what you’ve done, somebody out there will understand you. Or at least, it’s supposed to be.
The Borderland State by nekosmuse | T, 42k words | Three years after Hannibal's arrest, Will Graham stands on the front porch of his Georgian seaside home and watches twin headlights navigate the winding stretch of his lane. There is only one reason Jack Crawford would travel all this way, in the rain: Hannibal Lecter has escaped from prison, and no one knows where he is.
How To Save A Life (The Cannibal-Friendly Handbook) by Kittendiamore | T, 3k words | Will tries to jump off a bridge but ends up offering himself up to a cannibalistic serial killer
radon and its daughters by chaparral_crown | 59k words | Hobbs doesn't go away after he dies. Neither does his daughter, or Will's desire to keep her and any that are like her, or Hannibal's insistence that he must, no matter how ill-suited Will thinks he is to be a parent. Season 1 AU.
The Way A Knife Loves A Heart by Linpatootie | 23k words | Will Graham is unprecedented in Hannibal Lecter’s life and he falls for him with a kind of messy violence. This doesn’t bode too well for our Will, but he may not object to it as much as one might expect.
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afhamhoney · 5 months
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Freak Show
Summary: Her life was never simple or peacful. She was used to steel glimpses of happiness here and there. Yet she still was able to save him first
Chapter 1
Goosebumps travelled all over my body when he I heard his voice. For seconds, life stopped around and I wished for it to stay that way. I squezed my eyes shut for a second and turned my body towards his voice, afraid to open them believing that if I don't see him then he is not actually here.
Forcing my eyes to open, I saw his tall figure walking steadily on the theater floor and heading towards me. My heart thumped so loudly in my chest that I was almost sure that i have lost my hearing. Seconds later he was at the bottom of the stage with a look that hints of what my night will look like.
"I guess Sadie is now living in the theater, doesn't she?" James saracastically questioned as he was eyeing the place around us.
" You told me that you were having a girl's night with Sadie in her house but turns out you are here instead."
"James, please, I will explain. Sadie had got us tickets and she kept nagging me to come here and I really wanted to do so. I swear it is no big deal. WE were leaving already. I'm sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean to come here without your permission." I was hyperventilating at this point. To anyone outside the conversation, I would look crazy and overreacting to what he is doing and saying; but I was the only who knew his true colors and how he actually is when no one is watching.
After our parents' passing six years ago, it became only me and him. He very well played the role of the big and protective brother that had to carry the weight of responsibility on his shoulders after our parents' accident. The one brother who loves his little sister and does all he can to protect the only family he has left; but it was all for the show.
Inside our house, James would turn a full on monster, a control freak that could not be controlled. He was older than me with five years with a degree and a stable job, meaning he had all the financial control over me. My parents were not fully trusting of their little girl, so they signed everything off to him and to his name, thinking that he will take care of everything for me including my living expenses and my colledge funds.
James did the complete opposite. He refused to give me my money, forced me to work not only one job but two and three sometimes just so I can afford to pay of the rest of my student loan. He made my life a living hell, a prison that I've been trying to escape everyday for the past six years and I've been failing over and over again. I was stronger, with more will power to free myself from James. But, the more I fought, the angrier her gets. The more I oppose him, the more vicious he gets. All of this was one thing but it got even more worse when started to put his hands on me. The very first times were subtle, a slap here and there when he gets mad at my stubbornness. Then, things got more violent and brutual every time. Nowadays I made peace with the idea that I became his personal punching bag. I no longer was able to detect when will it happen or how violent he will get. Yet, right now I can see it in his eyes. The blazing red in his puiples tells me that the night will be long and painful. I can already see the bruises and the regret of even stepping a foor outside my room has alreadt filled me to the brim.
"No need to panic, Grace. Step down and let's get you home safe first and then we can sit and talk about what happened." He said to me while tilting his head towards the stage stairs, ushering me to get down. I knew better than to let him wait more or to even say anything else. I started to head towards the stairs. My knees were almost giving out by the time I reached him. No one spoke another word to the other as we let the silence fill the air around leaving it full of anticipation from his end and dread from mine. He placed a hand over my shoulder usering me to head start walking outside the theater. To the people this might seem like a warm and protective sheild over his sister but I swear I had felt his hand leaving burn marks over my shoulder.
Almost completely out of the theater, I heard heavy footsteps coming towards. We both turned our heads to find an old man in his late seventies, trying to reach us before we leave.
"We truly apologize about the delay of tonight's show. You came to our theater for a show and you found nothing. We never want to disappoint our audiance and we want to truly apologize about ruinig your eveining young lady. Please if you don't mind, visit us again tomorrow and you will get the show you that you came here for." The man procceeds to give us both a two tickets similar that the one me and Sadie bought.
I extended my hand to take the tickets from the old man but James was faster than me. He took the two peices of paper and shoved them in the pockets of his jacket." We very much appreciate your offer but I am really sorry. We will not be able to make it tomorrow. My little sister has a college degree to get and I have dutites to fullfill in the station so it will be difficult for us to make it tomorrow. Good luck on your performance though" James replied with a voice dries than the Sahara desert.
"We just wish for you to accept our apology and we want nothing but gracing us with your presence tomorrow night for and we swear we will not disappoint." The old man said while his eye never leaving mine. "Please young lady". His pleas were werid as it was just a show that was never important in the first place.
"Thank you for the invitation, will see what can we do." James cut the conversation sternly and started walking outside the theater ushering me with him. I took another quick look at the old man who was still standing there with pleading eyes as if his life depends on me coming to the show tomorrow night. For some reason, I took another quick glance at the statue of the man in the chair on stage and I felt a strange need to see him again.
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doctor-who-binge · 2 years
First Doctor Serials & Episodes
** = Missing episode
The ones I listed as "Audio" aren't available on BritBox even if some of the episodes in the serial are no longer missing. The non-missing ones in those serials seem to be available on BBC iPlayer, while some missing ones are animated and available.
Audio Collections refers to "Doctor Who: The Lost TV Episodes Collection"
An Unearthly Child
An Unearthly Child
The Cave of Skulls
The Forest of Fear
The Firemaker
The Daleks
The Dead Planet
The Survivors
The Escape 
The Ambush
The Expedition 
The Ordeal
The Rescue
The Edge of Destruction
The Edge of Destruction
The Brink of Disaster 
Marco Polo (Audio Collection 1) 
The Roof of the World **
The Singing Sands **
Five Hundred Eyes **
The Wall of Lies **
Rider from Shang-Tu **
Mighty Kublai Khan **
Assassin at Peking **
The Keys of Marinus
The Sea of Death
The Velvet Web
The Screaming Jungle
The Snows of Terror 
Sentence of Death 
The Keys of Marinus 
The Aztecs
The Temple of Evil
The Warrior of Death
The Bride of Sacrifice
The Day of Darkness
The Sensorites
Strangers in Space
The Unwilling Warrior
Hidden Danger
A race Against Death
A Desperate Venture
The Reign of Terror (Audio Collection 1) 
A Land of Fear
Guests of Madame Guillotine 
A Change of Identity 
The Tyrant of France **
A Bargain of Necessity **
Prisoners of Conciergerie
Planet of Giants
Planet of Giants
Dangerous Journey 
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Worlds End
The Daleks 
Day of Reckoning
The End of Tomorrow 
The Waking Ally 
The Rescue
The Powerful Enemy 
Desperate Measures 
The Romans
The Slave Traders
All Roads Lead to Rome
The Web Planet
The Web Planet 
The Zarbi
Escape to Danger
Creator of Needles
The Centre 
The Crusade (Audio Collection 1)
The Lion
The Knight of Jaffa **
The Wheel of Fortune 
The Warlords **
The Space Museum 
The Space Museum 
The Dimensions of Time
The Search 
The Final Phase
The Chase
The Executioners 
The Death of Time
Flight Through Eternity 
Journey into Terror
The Death of Doctor Who
The Planet of Decision
The Time Meddler
The Watcher
The Meddling Monk
A Battle of Wits
Galaxy 4 (Audio Collection 1) 
Four Hundred Dawns **
Trap of Steel **
Air Lock
The Exploding Planet **
Mission to the Unknown (Audio Collection 2)
The Myth Makers (Audio Collection 1) 
Temples of Secrets **
Small Prophet Quick Return **
Death of a Spy **
Horse of Destruction **
The Daleks’ Master Plan (Audio Collection 2)
The Nightmare Begins **
Day of Armageddon 
Devil’s Planet **
The Traitors **
Counter Plot  
Coronas of the Sun **
The Feast of Steven **
Volcano **
Golden Death **
Escape Switch
The Abandoned Planet **
Destruction of Time **
The Massacre (Audio Collection 2)
War of God **
The Sea of Beggar **
Priest of Death **
Bell of Doom **
The Ark
The Steel Sky 
The Plague
The Return 
The Boom
The Celestial Toymaker (Audio Collection 2)
The Celestial Toyroom **
The Hall of Dolls **
The Dancing Floor **
The Final Test
The Gunfighters 
A Holiday for the Doctor 
Don’t Shoot the Pianist 
Johnny Ringo
The OK Corral
The Savages (Audio Collection 2)
1 **
2 **
3 **
4 **
The War Machines 
The Smugglers (Audio Collection 3) 
1 **
2 **
3 **
4 **
The Tenth Planet (Audio Collection 3) 
4 **
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emeraldwtfreal · 2 years
What would you do if you found a chicken nugget and ate it but it was actually a pipe bomb and that pipe bomb exploded and your bloody pieces scattered across the universe and Mickey mouse from Mickey mouse had to go find them but he gave up so you decided to call Saul and arrest sonic the hedgehog for inventing chicken nuggets that turn into pipe bombs when you eat them and you ended up in prison because it turns out you were sonic the hedgehog the whole time and you summon the devil and he broke you out of prison but you had to give him your soul but it turns out that you left your soul in the bathroom when you were crying on the toilet earlier and the devil sent you to hell and then you offered spiderman a chicken nugget and he says no and throws you to the fucking moon and you find a machine that makes clones so you clone your chicken nuggets and steal the machine and use it to clone more chicken nuggets so you can sell them to aliens who also happen to be furries who do weird erotic roleplay for fun and after you sell the chicken nuggets you have wiped out the population and now the machine is breaking and you are trying to fix it and you realize that it can only clone one more thing before it explodes and makes a new machine in a random location so you clone yourself and black out for four hours straight and wake up and you lose all of your memories and you are in a large flat island and you look for any signs of life and find a nice man who brings you to his house and takes care of you until you are able to realize that he is actually a robot from heaven who is trying to fine you for commiting several crimes against humanity and you kill him and run away and you somehow run into the void and a bunch of disgusting void monsters try to kill you but you kill them because they are incredibly racist and homophobic and transphobic and British and you leave the void and go to heaven to fight Jesus Christ and he wins and sends you to Ohio where you have to fight off a bunch of Friday night Funkin boyfriends and kill a bunch of random homeless kids who havent eaten in 3 weeks then you go to jail again and you summon the devil again and he refuses to help you and you send some dude named John instead and he busts you out of Ohio prison and he becomes cheese and flies away and then you realize that you were now in Minecraft and you do all of the regular Minecraft things and then you become the sun and fly into the moon and create a new planet known as Florida and it's full of crazy people who kill people and you find a bunch of exploded body parts but ignore that for now and focus on finding something super cool and epic and Chad and you climb the Ohio mountain and you walk into a cave and you destroy the Florida planet and you go to Brazil and start going on a hunt for ducks who are blind and deaf and completely paralyzed from the neck down and put all of them in a giant meat grinder and cook them in a giant oven and set the oven to 69420 degrees and wait for 46 hours and spend that time watching the worst Netflix show to ever exist and the oven fucking explodes and you are all depressed and shit and you go to the park and act all emo and sad and depressed and shit and kick a bunch of kids off of the playground and look down and see a dog and the dog turns out to be a furry who likes erotic roleplay and you fucking murder it and hide it's corpse in the chicken nugget factory and the chicken nugget factory explodes and you barely escape alive and find a chicken nugget?
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Daredevil (vol. 1) #117: Mind Tap!
Read Date: June 14, 2023 Cover Date: January 1975 ● Writer: Chris Claremont ◦ Steve Gerber ● Penciler: William Robert Brown ● Inker: Vince Colletta ● Colorist: Petra Goldberg ● Letterer: Dave Hunt ● Editor: Roy Thomas ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● attagirl ● ok, who is this silhouetted stranger who just kicked Natasha’s ass?
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● Shanna! ● but Tasha, you spent your fortune on that house for you and Matt to live in (and it ended up being a rental??) so Matt owes you ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: With Daredevil and the Black Widow as his prisoners, the Owl is planning on stealing Daredevil's mind. Explaining it to the Black Widow, the Owl is hooking up Daredevil to an absorption machine that will drain Daredevil's mind leaving him a mindless husk. The Black Widow manages to break free of her restraints and blasts the machines with a widows bite, destroying it and saving Daredevil's life.
As Natasha fights off an army of the Owl's men she holds her own until the Owl threatens to kill Daredevil unless she surrenders. With no other choice the Black Widow stops fighting and agrees to do the Owl's bidding in order to his bidding. He promises to let Daredevil go if she carries out a single task for him. As the Owl is briefing the Widow on her mission Ivan goes to police headquarters and speaks with Paul Carson to see if he has heard anything about Natasha recently. Paul agrees to go along with Ivan to look for the Black Widow.
That night the Black Widow carries out the Owl plot to kidnap a woman from a nearby condo, the identity and reasons of which the Black Widow has not been told. Attempting to capture the woman, Natasha finds herself up for quite the fight, when the lights are turned on she is shocked to find that the woman she has been sent to kidnap is none other than Shanna the She-Devil.
While in New York, Candace Nelson is excited that the government is opening in inquiry into the Sallis Papers and that she has been named a star witness. Foggy is less than impressed because she broke the law and got away with it, and despite her good intentions he feels that nobody is above the law.
Back in San Francisco, Ivan and Paul spot Black Widow swinging across the city with Shanna and decide to follow them. The two women are working together to free Daredevil, so when they arrive at the Owl's laid, Shanna pretends to be knocked out while the Black Widow brings her in. The Owl does not suspect this, nor is he aware of how Shanna recently gained super-human abilities since he recently got out of prison. So when Shanna springs an attack the Owl is caught off guard.
Although they free Daredevil, the Owl unleashes a blinding gas, which naturally has no effect on Daredevil because he is already blind. He attacks the Owl head on, however the crook attempts to make an escape, leaving Daredevil to defeat him on the streets with relative ease, even without his Billy-Club.
After having a new Billy-Club built for him by Ivan, Daredevil and Black Widow meet on the Golden Gate Bridge, where Daredevil asks Black Widow to come back with him to New York. She declines his offer, wanting to be able to make her own and not wanting to have to rely on him to support her. Daredevil accepts this and the two depart with a kiss.
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Fan Art: Black Widow and Daredevil by RichardCox
Accompanying Podcast: ● Joshua and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 19
0 notes
darkness amongst purest white
twinkling stars stored in a galaxy of dust all the stars are projectors, yeah, projecting down to this planet everyone wants a double feature
prism of white laser lightshow, prisoner’s dilemma tickers stored in clockers, clockwork of waveforms
“I thought I had found the Connektor, it was just a Reflektor”
will we escape on little silver discs, our love is plastic and you break it to bits
let me enter into your dawn, the Door opens the candle snuffs before it begins lit
holder of the light
a low way to goal, clone appeals encanto di infernos a sonia, es pliése vi dormio.   everyone seems to be asleep and forever machine, far in between, human lines the tennis court, where infinite games, of never-ending pawns, all clockwork cogs, bricks in walls and turning doorknobs Crystal Computers, Machines of Light, Photograph Information, With all their Kills. Lensed along fiber-alleles, genetic fiction Transmogrify data on the fly, performing tasks, With the Wink of an Eye. Computer Foetus Transmodify Data, Sculpt Bodies Quantum Parallelism, Hauntological Phantoms of Energy, at the fairy fountain fluid setoff, Enabling calculations, So quick and fine. Special Hyper-Fluid from Far Out Places the Outer-Spaces and their infinite Devil Processor, the pretty hatred machine Modernism Rainbow they Laugh in Sexologic-Heiroglyphic
In kisses way Grips wait, computing Cybernetic, computerized Terror, Crystallized <>
we are beyond blurred fiction, and reality post-post-postmodernism, where are the ages of mankind stamped reifications, drifting, bleeding, ending dynamite, lasers, defects, and mountains, fervor, graces methods to encode and crime, decrime, faith and heresy a low type of storage, a new age order, aquarium of life could come into sight, pico-pinot noire eon, genesis of sin hyper textual eliminations; bubblegum chewed, lapsed fevers clocker-tick storage, stopwatch grind coffee stain bound, moths dead in the summer grains could be all becoming of time, push credential so fine, High Capacity, durable after they are done with eternity: we pray, for Crystal Pharaoh was watching eternally
0 notes
emeraldwtf · 2 years
What would you do if you found a chicken nugget and ate it but it was actually a pipe bomb and that pipe bomb exploded and your bloody pieces scattered across the universe and Mickey mouse from Mickey mouse had to go find them but he gave up so you decided to call Saul and arrest sonic the hedgehog for inventing chicken nuggets that turn into pipe bombs when you eat them and you ended up in prison because it turns out you were sonic the hedgehog the whole time and you summon the devil and he broke you out of prison but you had to give him your soul but it turns out that you left your soul in the bathroom when you were crying on the toilet earlier and the devil sent you to hell and then you offered spiderman a chicken nugget and he says no and throws you to the fucking moon and you find a machine that makes clones so you clone your chicken nuggets and steal the machine and use it to clone more chicken nuggets so you can sell them to aliens who also happen to be furries who do weird erotic roleplay for fun and after you sell the chicken nuggets you have wiped out the population and now the machine is breaking and you are trying to fix it and you realize that it can only clone one more thing before it explodes and makes a new machine in a random location so you clone yourself and black out for four hours straight and wake up and you lose all of your memories and you are in a large flat island and you look for any signs of life and find a nice man who brings you to his house and takes care of you until you are able to realize that he is actually a robot from heaven who is trying to fine you for commiting several crimes against humanity and you kill him and run away and you somehow run into the void and a bunch of disgusting void monsters try to kill you but you kill them because they are incredibly racist and homophobic and transphobic and British and you leave the void and go to heaven to fight Jesus Christ and he wins and sends you to Ohio where you have to fight off a bunch of Friday night Funkin boyfriends and kill a bunch of random homeless kids who havent eaten in 3 weeks then you go to jail again and you summon the devil again and he refuses to help you and you send some dude named John instead and he busts you out of Ohio prison and he becomes cheese and flies away and then you realize that you were now in Minecraft and you do all of the regular Minecraft things and then you become the sun and fly into the moon and create a new planet known as Florida and it's full of crazy people who kill people and you find a bunch of exploded body parts but ignore that for now and focus on finding something super cool and epic and Chad and you climb the Ohio mountain and you walk into a cave and you destroy the Florida planet and you go to Brazil and start going on a hunt for ducks who are blind and deaf and completely paralyzed from the neck down and put all of them in a giant meat grinder and cook them in a giant oven and set the oven to 69420 degrees and wait for 46 hours and spend that time watching the worst Netflix show to ever exist and the oven fucking explodes and you are all depressed and shit and you go to the park and act all emo and sad and depressed and shit and kick a bunch of kids off of the playground and look down and see a dog and the dog turns out to be a furry who likes erotic roleplay and you fucking murder it and hide it's corpse in the chicken nugget factory and the chicken nugget factory explodes and you barely escape alive and find a chicken nugget?
0 notes
crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
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good-enemy · 3 years
Them <3
alpha dog - fall out boy // renegade - big red machine & taylor swift // strange - gabrielle aplin // blue jeans - lana del rey // wilson (expensive mistakes) - fall out boy // star - loona // getaway car - taylor swift // traitor - olivia rodrigo // is it just me? - emily burns // coming home - gabrielle aplin // you belong with me - taylor swift // starring role - marina // hold me tight or don't - fall out boy // the house we never built - gabrielle aplin // disloyal order of water buffaloes - fall out boy // hoax - taylor swift // you're my best friend - queen // the last of the real ones - fall out boy // shoulder to shoulder - rebecca ferguson // w.a.m.s. - fall out boy // done for me - charlie puth & kehlani // teach me how to be loved - rebecca ferguson // l-o-v-e - nat king cole // follow you - bring me the horizon // i wanna be your slave - måneskin // don't blame me - taylor swift // the end. - my chemical romance // l'amour fait ce qu'il veut - mika // i want to know what love is - foreigner // head & heart - joel corry & mnek // last young renegade - all time low // the lakes - taylor swift // immortal - marina // don't start now - dua lipa // tous les mêmes - stromae // every breath you take - the police // obsessions - marina // trust - christina perri // time after time - cyndi lauper // prisoner - miley cyrus & dua lipa // what did you do? - gabrielle aplin // save yourself, i'll hold them back - my chemical romance // my love will never die - hozier // out of the woods - taylor swift // the (shipped) gold standard - fall out boy // feelings - hayley kiyoko // slip away - gabrielle aplin // favourite crime - olivia rodrigo // old wounds - pvris // the sweet escape - gwen stefani & akon // supercut - lorde // the only exception - paramore // mirrorball - taylor swift // the one that got away - katy perry // too good to lose - rebecca ferguson // oh love - green day // beggin' - måneskin // false god - taylor swift // don't speak- no doubt // team - lorde // unconditionally - katy perry // only love - pvris // you've got the love - florence and the machine // oh girl you're the devil - mika // shine - years and years // love on top - beyoncé // lay all your love on me - abba //me! - taylor swift & brendon urie // the sound - the 1975 // rewrite the stars - zac efron & zendaya // mr bright eyes - rebecca ferguson // one and only - adele // death by a thousand cuts - taylor swift // lucky - jason mraz & colbie caillat // feels like love - mika // count on me - bruno mars // a thousand years - christina perri // it's nice to have a friend - taylor swift // i won't say i'm in love - susan egan, cheryl freeman, vaneese thomas, lachanze & lillias white // backtrack - rebecca ferguson // coming down - halsey // cardigan - taylor swift // to be alone - hozier // the archer - taylor swift // the only hope for me is you - my chemical romance // you've got a friend in me - randy newman // lost without you - freya ridings // king of my heart - taylor swift // this is how i disappear - my chemical romance // ready to question - gabrielle aplin // all we know - paramore // peace - taylor swift // misery business - paramore // long story short - taylor swift // how do you feel today? - gabrielle aplin // delicate - taylor swift // go your own way - fleetwood mac // willow - taylor swift // dear happy - gabrielle aplin // i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers - fall out boy
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marypsue · 3 years
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prairie gods
or; brothers in blood and the end of the world. transplanted, translated, rewritten. bond, and betrayal, and pride, and regret. the weight of history on the living, and the weight of salvation on the would-be-saved. two liars, both afraid of a truth. this town is home and a prison, and there are only two ways out.
love, and blood, and everything in between.
(yes, this pretentious long fucking playlist opens with an Ed Sheeran song. I never claimed to have taste.)
[cover is a detail from The Fall, by Alan Stephens Foster (1892-1969).]
listen on 8tracks
track listing below the cut:
Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran
Sam’s Town - The Killers
This Place Is A Prison - The Postal Service
Surrounded - Delta Rae
Bloody Shirt (feat. Bastille) - To Kill A King 
Midnight Sun - The City Streets 
Young God - Halsey 
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
Grapevine Fires - Death Cab for Cutie
Nos da Cariad - David Gray 
Vulcan, AB - The Rural Alberta Advantage 
Forest Fire - Astronautalis 
Siren Song - Bat for Lashes 
Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford & Sons 
No Room In Frame - Death Cab for Cutie 
Separator - Noah Gundersen
I’m Not Calling You A Liar - Florence + the Machine 
Blood of Angels - Brown Bird 
Suburban War - Arcade Fire 
Okay, I Feel Better Now - AFI 
The Driver - Bastille
Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine
Lies Greed Misery - Linkin Park
One More Day - Lydia
Friendly Fires - Silversun Pickups
We’ll Find Out - Timber Timbre
Hardly a Man of My Word - Brown Bird
Burning House - Cam
Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars
Love Is Not Enough - The Wealthy West
Still - Daughter
The Balancer’s Eye - Lord Huron
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
Always Gold - Radical Face
The Calling - The Killers
This Town - Niall Horan
Making Due - Arkells
Old Fashioned - Panic! at the Disco
I’m Not Done - Fever Ray
20 Years - The Civil Wars
The Rainmakers - Astronautalis & Rickolus
Ledges - Noah Gundersen
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers
Road to Hell II - Hadestown Original Off-Broadway Cast
Old School - Hedley
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Blood Brothers - Bruce Springsteen
Chains - Radical Face
+bonus: this was the alternate possible cover
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aion-rsa · 3 years
HBO Max New Releases: August 2021
Back when WarnerMedia (which technically no longer exists in the same form) announced that it would be premiering its entire slate of 2021 films on HBO Max, this is the kind of month they likely had in mind. For HBO Max’s list of new releases in August 2021 is highlighted by an honest-to-goodness blockbuster.
The Suicide Squad is set to premiere Aug. 5 on HBO Max. This film featuring some of DC Comics’ most curious villains borrows its name, format, and many of its characters from the David Ayers-directed 2016 film Suicide Squad. This time around, the rogues gallery is directing by James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) and his colorful disposition. In addition to The Suicide Squad, August sees the arrival of the Hugh Jackman-starring Reminiscence on Aug. 20.
Read more
The Suicide Squad First Reactions Are In
By John Saavedra
How The Suicide Squad is Different from Guardians of the Galaxy
By Mike Cecchini
It’s a good month for movies overall on HBO Max. Many intriguing library titles arrive on Aug. 1, including Collateral, The Fugitive (1993), The Shawshank Redemption, and Spawn. The Jurassic Park trilogy (Aug. 14), and Godzilla v. Kong (Aug. 17) make their return to the Warner streaming service a little later on.
HBO Max’s original TV offerings can’t compete with The Suicide Squad in August 2021, but there is still plenty to enjoy. The third season of erstwhile DC Universe series Titans premieres on Aug. 12. That will be followed by the second season of former Comedy Central delight The Other Two.
HBO Max New Releases – August 2021
August 1 2 Days in the Valley, 1996 (HBO) 9/11: Fifteen Years Later, 2016 A Mighty Wind, 2003 (HBO) A Walk Among the Tombstones, 2014 (HBO) The Accidental Spy, 2002 (HBO) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, 2005 (HBO) Americano, 2017 (HBO) Anna to the Infinite Power, 1982 (HBO) Backtrack, 2016 (HBO) Basic Instinct, 1992 (HBO) Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction, 2006 (HBO) (Extended Version) Best in Show, 2000 (HBO) Betrayal at Attica, 2021 The Betrayed, 2008 (HBO) The Birdcage, 1996 (HBO) Black Death, 2010 (HBO) Blue Ruin, 2014 (HBO) Brown Sugar, 2002 (HBO) Changeling, 2008 (HBO) Chasing Mavericks, 2012 (HBO) Collateral, 2004 (HBO) Constantine, 2005 Deep Cover, 1992 (HBO) The Devil’s Double, 2011 (HBO) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, 1988 (HBO) Dolphin Tale, 2011 (HBO) The Double, 2014 (HBO) Empire of the Sun, 1987 The End, 1978 (HBO) Envy, 2004 (HBO) Epic, 2013 (HBO) Extranjero (aka Foreigner), 2018 (HBO) For Your Consideration, 2006 (HBO) Freejack, 1992 (HBO) The Fugitive, 1993 Ghosts of Mississippi, 1996 The Great Gatsby, 1974 (HBO) The Great Gatsby, 2013 (HBO) Gun Shy, 2017 (HBO) Hangman, 2017 (HBO) Heaven Can Wait, 1978 (HBO) Hitchcock, 2012 (HBO) Horror of Dracula, 1958 How to Deal, 2003 (HBO) Hudson Hawk, 1991 Humpday, 2009 (HBO) Imperium, 2016 (HBO) Inception, 2010 Joe, 2014 (HBO) Johnny English Reborn, 2011 (HBO) Julia, 2009 (HBO) Last Action Hero, 1993 The Lincoln Lawyer, 2011 Malcolm X, 1992 Man Down, 2016 (HBO) The Man in the Iron Mask, 1998 (HBO) Mean Streets, 1973 Mr. Soul!, 2018 New in Town, 2009 (HBO) Nobody Walks, 2012 (HBO) Nurse 3D, 2013 (HBO) One Hour Photo, 2002 (HBO) The Out-of-Towners, 1999 (HBO) Popeye, 1980 (HBO) The Pope of Greenwich Village, 1984 (HBO) The Prince, 2014 (HBO) The Reader, 2008 (HBO) Red, 2008 (HBO) Red Riding Hood, 2011 Requiem for a Dream, 2000 Scary Movie, 2000 The Score, 2001 (HBO) Sex and the City, 2008 Sex and the City 2, 2010 The Shawshank Redemption, 1994 Spawn, 1997 The Spirit, 2008 (HBO) The Square, 2017 (HBO) Stand and Deliver, 1988 (HBO) Tango & Cash, 1989 Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, 2006 Thirteen Ghosts, 2001 Vice, 2015 (HBO) War, 2007 (HBO) Woodstock (Director’s Cut), 1994 You’ve Got Mail, 1998
August 2 Small Town News: KPVM Pahrump, Documentary Series Finale (HBO)
August 3 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, 1993 Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union, Documentary Premiere (HBO)
August 5 Furry Friends Forever: Elmo Gets A Puppy, Max Original Special Premiere The Suicide Squad, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021 (Available in 4K UHD, HDR10, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos in English Only on supported devices)
August 6 Sin Aliento (aka Breathless), 2020 (HBO)
August 7 All My Life, 2020 (HBO)
August 8 A Different World
August 10 Hard Knocks ’21: Dallas Cowboys, Sports-Based Reality Series Premiere (HBO)
August 12 FBOY Island, Max Original Season Finale The Hype, Max Original Series Premiere Titans, Max Original Season 3 Premiere
August 14 Jurassic Park, 1993 (HBO) Jurassic Park III, 2001 (HBO) The Lost World: Jurassic Park, 1997 (HBO)
August 15 The White Lotus, Limited Series Finale (HBO)
August 16 Hard, Season 3 Premiere (HBO) Top Gear, Season 29
August 17 Godzilla vs. Kong, 2021 (HBO) (Available in 4K UHD, HDR10, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos in English Only on supported devices)
August 19 Eyes on the Prize: Hallowed Ground, Max Original Documentary Special Premiere Looney Tunes Cartoons Back to School Special, Max Original Special Premiere Marlon Wayans: You Know What It Is, Max Original Special Premiere Sweet Life: Los Angeles, Max Original Series Premiere
August 20 Half Brothers, 2020 (HBO) Reefa, 2021 (HBO) Reminiscence, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021 (Available in 4K UHD, HDR10, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos in English Only on supported devices)
August 22 100 Foot Wave, Documentary Series Finale (HBO) San Andreas, 2015
August 24 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO) Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy, 2021
August 25 Lincoln: Divided We Stand, 2021
August 26 The Other Two, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
August 28 Magic Mike XXL, 2015 (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – August 2021  
August 5 The Windsors: Inside the Royal Dynasty, 2019
August 11 A Mermaid’s Tale, 2017 Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti, 2016 Against The Wild, 2014 Alpha & Omega 5: Family Vacation, 2015 Alpha & Omega: Dino Digs, 2016 Blue Valentine, 2010 Earth Girls Are Easy, 1989 The Escape Artist, 1982 Hecho En Mexico, 2012 Jennifer Lopez Dance Again, 2016 La Mujer de Mi Hermano, 2005 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers, 2015 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Counting on Lemonade, 2014 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: The Letter Machine Rescue Team, 2014 Love and Sex, 2000 Mistress, 1992 Mother’s Day, 2012 Tender Mercies, 1983 The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009 Turtle Tale, 2018
August 14 Leapfrog: Numberland, 2012 Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans, 2019
August 15 Joker, 2019 (HBO) Space Jam: A New Legacy, 2021
August 27 Dead Silence, 2007 (HBO) White Noise, 2005 (HBO)
August 29 Assault on Precinct 13, 2005 (HBO)
August 30 Serendipity, 2001
August 31 54: The Director’s Cut, 1998 (HBO) 40 Days and 40 Nights, 2002, (HBO) A Cinderella Story, 2004 A Cinderella Story: If The Shoe Fits, 2016 A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song, 2011 Alpha and Omega: The Great Wolf Games, 2014 (HBO) The American President, 1995 Another Cinderella Story, 2008 Astro Boy, 2009 (HBO) August Rush, 2007 Babe, 1995 (HBO) Babe: Pig in the City, 1998 (HBO) The Barkleys of Broadway, 1949 Barnyard, 2006 (HBO) Barry Lyndon, 1975 Battle for Terra, 2009 (HBO) The Bay, 2012 (HBO) Be Cool, 2005 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop, 1984 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop II, 1987 (HBO) Beverly Hills Cop III, 1994 (HBO) Beyond the Sea, 2004 (HBO) Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, 1991 (HBO) Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, 1989 (HBO) Billy Elliot, 2000 (HBO) Black Hawk Down, 2001 Blade, 1998 Blade Runner: The Final Cut, 2007 Blow, 2001 The Bonfire of the Vanities, 1990 Bright Young Things, 2004 (HBO) Butter, 2012 (HBO) Cannery Row, 1982 Capricorn One, 1978 (HBO) Carefree, 1938 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 City of God, 2003 (HBO) City Slickers, 1991 (HBO) City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold, 1994 Clifford, 1994 (HBO) Closer, 2004 Code 46, 2004 (HBO) Cold Creek Manor, 2003 (HBO) Cold Mountain, 2003 Countdown, 1968 The Crow, 1994 (HBO) The Crow: City of Angels, 1996 (HBO) The Crow: Wicked Prayer, 2006 (HBO) Daddy Day Care, 2003 Dave, 1993 The Dirty Dozen, 1967 Dream House, 2011 (HBO) Eight Legged Freaks, 2002 El Chata (aka The Sparring Partner), 2019 (HBO) Freddy vs. Jason, 2003 Free Willy, 1993 Free Willy: The Adventure Home, 1995 Free Willy: Escape from Pirate’s Cove, 2010 Free Willy 3: The Great Rescue, 1997 Frequency, 2000 Get Shorty, 1995 (HBO) Gone, 2012 (HBO) The Hard Way, 1991 (HBO) Harry and the Hendersons, 1987 (HBO) Heidi, 2005 The High Note, 2020 (HBO) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012 Home Alone 4, 2002 (HBO) Home Alone: The Holiday Heist, 2012 (HBO) Hudson Hawk, 1991 The Hundred-Foot Journey, 2014 (HBO) Innerspace, 1987 Inside Moves, 1980 (HBO) The Interview, 2014 Jack The Giant Slayer, 2013 Jackie Brown, 1997 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, 2011 (HBO) The Last Exorcism, 2012 (Extended Version) (HBO) Lay the Favorite, 2012 (HBO) Let’s Go to Prison, 2006 (HBO) Life is Beautiful, 1998 (HBO) Live by Night, 2016 (HBO) Logan’s Run, 1976 Lolita, 1962 Look Who’s Talking, 1989 Malice, 1993 (HBO) Man on a Ledge, 2012 (HBO) Menace II Society, 1993 Miss Congeniality, 2000 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, 2005 Monkey Trouble, 1994 Mr. Nanny, 1993 National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, 1989 National Lampoon’s European Vacation, 1985 National Lampoon’s Vacation, 1983 No Eres Tu Soy Yo, 2011 Ocean’s 11, 1960 The Omega Man, 1971 On Golden Pond, 1981 (HBO) On Moonlight Bay, 1951 Osmosis Jones, 2001 Our Brand Is Crisis, 2015 (HBO) Over the Hedge, 2006 (HBO) Parental Guidance, 2012 (HBO) Pathfinder, 2007 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) The People vs. Larry Flynt, 1996 Pinocchio, 2012 Point Blank, 1967 Popstar, 2005 Prometheus, 2012 (HBO) PT 109, 1963 Replicas, 2019 (HBO) Running on Empty, 1988 Ruta Viva, 2018 (HBO) Saw, 2004 (Extended Version) (HBO) Saw II, 2005 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Saw III, 2006 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Saw IV, 2007 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Saw V, 2008 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Saw VI, (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Saw: The Final Chapter, 2010 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Shall We Dance, 1937 Sherlock Holmes, 2009 Sinbad: Beyond the Veils of Mist, 2000 (HBO) Sling Blade, 1996 (HBO) Some Came Running, 1958 South Central, 1992 Spies Like Us, 1985 Spooky Buddies, 2011 (HBO) Steel, 1997 Still of the Night, 1982 (HBO) Striptease, 1996 Stuart Little, 1999 Stuart Little 2, 2002 The Stunt Man, 1979 (HBO) Summer Catch, 2001 Sweet November, 2001 Swimfan, 2002 (HBO) The Tank, 2017 (HBO) This Must Be The Place, 2012 (HBO) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, 2005 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948 Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, 1997 (HBO) Twister, 1996 Un 4to de Josue, 2018 (HBO) Unforgettable, 2017 (HBO) Unlocking the Cage, 2017 (HBO) Vegas Vacation, 1997 Wanderlust, 2012 (HBO) Wedding Crashers, 2005 Within, 2016 (HBO) Wolves at the Door, 2017 (HBO) The Year of Living Dangerously, 1983
The post HBO Max New Releases: August 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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241 songs bangers for any occasion
1.MASTODON - Blood and Thunder 03:48 2.RED FANG - Wires 05:43 3.DYING FETUS - Second Skin 04:42 4.OBITUARY - Sentence Day 02:49 5.DEATH - Pull The Plug 04:26 6.AMORPHIS - Black Winter Day 03:50 7.MYRKUR - Leaves of Yggdrasil 04:00 8.NOTHING - Say Less 04:15 9.TORCHE - Admission 04:00 10.BARONESS - March to the Sea 03:11 11.THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - 43% Burnt 04:31 12.PIG DESTROYER - Trojan Whore 01:34 13.NASUM - Scoop 02:21 14.NILE - Cast Down The Heretic 05:45 15.SUFFOCATION - Catatonia 03:55 16.INCANTATION - Entrails of the Hag Queen 04:33 17.NEUROSIS - Through Silver In Blood 12:11 18.HIGH ON FIRE - Blessed Black Wings 07:43 19.YOB - Ablaze 10:13 20.WINDHAND - Diablerie 05:20 21.MONOLORD - THE LAST LEAF 05:14 22.BONGZILLA - Amerijuanican 06:46 23.GATECREEPER - From The Ashes 03:59 24.EXHUMED - Ravenous Cadavers 01:49 25.FULL OF HELL - Burning Myrrh 02:12 26.INTEGRITY - Hymn, For The Children of the Black Flame 02:16 27.GISM - Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter 03:46 28.CONTROL DENIED - Expect The Unexpected 07:16 29.NECROPHAGIST - Only Ash Remains 04:11 30.OBSCURA - The Anticosmic Overload 04:16 31.REVOCATION - The Grip Tightens 04:10 32.GRUESOME - A Waste of Life 06:00 33.ZOMBI - Breakthrough & Conquer 03:46 34.GENGHIS TRON - Board Up The House 05:54 35.SURVIVE - A.H.B. 04:25 36.THE ALBUM LEAF - Ambo 04:53 37.CEREMONY - Turn Away The Bad Thing 04:02 38.BORIS WITH MERZBOW - Away From You 07:35 39.ROYAL THUNDER - Parsonz Curse 06:57 40.KING WOMAN - Hierophant 07:59 41.CLOAKROOM - Seedless Star 07:37 42.AUTHOR & PUNISHER - The Speaker Is Systematically Broken 04:14 43.DISFEAR - Deadweight 02:52 44.IRON REAGAN - A Dying World 02:24 45.TOXIC HOLOCAUST - Nuke The Cross 02:47 46.CANDY - Super-Stare 04:01 47.RINGWORM - Death Becomes My Voice 05:19 48.INTER ARMA - Citadel 06:40 49.PRIMITIVE MAN - Menacing 08:00 50.UNEARTHLY TRANCE - Famine 06:14 51.LYCUS - Solar Chamber 10:41 52.DEVOURMENT - Cognitive Sedation Butchery 04:53 53.SKINLESS - The Optimist 05:42 54.DEVIL MASTER - Black Flame Candle 02:46 55.OUTER HEAVEN - Bloodspire 04:15 56.GENOCIDE PACT - Conquered and Disposed 04:37 57.COFFINS - Hour of Execution 04:55 58.MAMMOTH GRINDER - Superior Firepower 02:38 59.LIVING GATE - Heaven Ablaze 03:35 60.REPULSION - Maggots In Your Coffin 01:45 61.AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED - Agorapocalypse Now 02:25 62.MISERY INDEX - Fed To The Wolves 03:47 63.MORTICIAN - Rabid 02:01 64.BRUTAL TRUTH - Sugardaddy 02:36 65.HUMAN REMAINS - Rote 03:31 66.-(16)- - Me and the Dog Die Together 03:05 67.ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY - Motor-Ready 04:21 68.ASG - Avalanche 04:17 69.CEPHALIC CARNAGE - Endless Cycle Of Violence 04:14 70.CHERUBS - Sooey Pig 04:44 71.COUGH - Haunter of the Dark 07:50 72.CRIPPLE BASTARDS - Non Coinvolto 02:04 73.DISEMBOWELMENT - Your Prophetic Throne Of Ivory 07:40 74.EX EYE - Opposition/Perihelion; The Coil 12:29 75.GADGET - Pillars Of Filth 01:20 76.GRAVES AT SEA - The Curse That Is 11:14 77.HAEMORRHAGE - WE ARE THE GORE 02:15 78.HORSEBACK - Mithras 05:04 79.ILSA - SHIBBOLETH 02:39 80.INDIAN - The Impetus Bleeds 06:40 81.INVERLOCH - Distance Collapsed (In Rubble) 08:39 82.IRON MONKEY - Crown of Electrodes 04:21 83.JOHN FRUM - Presage of Emptiness 04:47 84.LOCRIAN - Arc of Extinction 07:16 85.MARUTA - Hope Smasher 02:19 86.MIRACLE - Light Mind 04:49 87.THE OBSESSED - Sodden Jackal 04:23 88.PINKISH BLACK - Concept Unification 05:13 89.PUBLICIST UK - Slow Dancing To This Bitter Earth 03:36 90.RWAKE - Leviticus 07:17 91.SUMERLANDS - The Seventh Seal 03:46 92.TERMINAL BLISS - Clean Bill of Wealth 00:51 93.TRAPPIST - Victims Of A Bomber Raid 01:38 94.TRUE WIDOW - Four Teeth 06:16 95.WEEKEND NACHOS - Jock Powerviolence 01:23 96.WRONG - Culminate 02:33 97.USNEA - Lathe of Heaven 09:44 98.VICTIMS - The Horse And Sparrow Theory 03:41 99.ZEKE - Two Lane Blacktop 01:37 100.ZONAL - System Error -ft. Moor Mother 04:06 101.ARCADEA - Infinite End 03:28 102.BLACK SALVATION - In A Casket's Ride 07:03 103.BRAIN TENTACLES - Fruitcake 02:35 104.ABSCESS - Naked Freak Show 01:15 105.ABYSMAL DAWN - Inanimate 04:15 106.AGENDA OF SWINE - Gethsemane 01:08 107.ANAL CUNT - Radio Hit 01:11 108.ANATOMY OF HABIT - Radiate and Recede 20:11 109.ANTIGAMA - Pursuit 01:16 110.ATRIARCH - Entropy 05:53 111.BEDEMON - Child Of Darkness 04:12 112.BENUMB - Once And Never Again 01:00 113.BIRDS OF PREY - Hustling the Coroner To Overlook the Strychnine 03:27 114.BLACK ANVIL - May Her Wrath Be Just 04:25 115.BLACK TUSK - Bring Me Darkness 03:05 116.BLOOD DUSTER - Porn Store Stiffi 01:33 117.BLOODIEST - BROKEN TEETH 07:31 118.BRIAN POSEHN - Cuddling 03:55 119.BROUGHTON'S RULES - Reversers 03:50 120.BURIED INSIDE - IV 06:07 121.BURNT BY THE SUN - Soundtrack To The Worst Movie Ever 02:32 122.BURST - Where The Wave Broke 03:36 123.BUZZOVEN - Mainline 05:30 124.CALL OF THE VOID - Bottom Feeder 01:42 125.CAR BOMB - Gum Under The Table 03:27 126.CHRIS CONNELLY - Wait For Amateur 02:05 127.CIRCLE OF ANIMALS - No Faith 04:21 128.CHRISTIAN MISTRESS - Over & Over 02:41 129.COALESCE - Have Patience 03:11 130.COLDWORKER - The Interloper 02:38 131.COLISEUM - Defeater 02:01 132.COLUMNS - Mudfucker 01:18 133.CRETIN - Ghost of Teeth and Hair 03:54 134.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER - Lowlife 02:32 135.CULTED - BROODING HEX 19:13 136.DAVIE ALLAN - Buzz Saw Effect 02:36 137.DAYLIGHT DIES - Four Corners 08:11 138.DEAD WORLD - The Machine 08:06 139.DEATH BREATH - Death Breath 02:55 140.DEKAPITATOR - The Storm Before the Calm 06:39 141.DISRUPT - Domestic Prison 02:00 142.DON CABALLERO - Railroad Cancellation 05:16 143.DUKATALON - ZX 06:23 144.DYSRHYTHMIA - Appeared at First 03:06 145.EAST WEST BLAST TEST - Magnetic Field 00:51 146.ECSTATIC VISION - Don't Kill The Vibe 05:00 147.EMBALMER - There Was Blood Everywhere 01:51 148.ENEMY SOIL - Sentencing 01:39 149.EXIT-13 - When I Get Low, I Get High 02:36 150.EXPULSION - Altar of Slaughter 01:43 151.FACEDOWNINSHIT - NPON 04:19 152.FATHER BEFOULED - Sacrilegious Defilement of Deranged Salvation 03:20 153.FLESH PARADE - Backstabber 01:14 154.FUCK THE FACTS - The Wrecking 04:39 155.GENERAL SURGERY - Slithering Maceration Of Ulcerous Facial Tissue 01:11 156.GENOCIDE SUPERSTARS - Hatestomp 03:08 157.GOD MACABRE - Lost 04:01 158.GOBLIN REBIRTH - Requiem for X 04:16 159.GRAVES OF VALOR - Suffocation of the Last King 03:45 160.HAIL! HORNET - Beast Of Bourbon 03:11 161.HARVEY MILK - The Anvil Will Fall 07:34 162.HALO - Buried In Light 04:37 163.HEMDALE - Delicious Gory Fun 01:11 164.HERO DESTROYED - That's An Axe 03:27 165.HOODED MENACE - Elysium Of Dripping Death 11:33 166.HOPE DRONE - Riverbeds Hewn in Marrow 10:39 167.HOWL - Horns Of Steel 03:26 168.HUMAN REMAINS - Weeding Out The Thorns 02:37 169.INEVITABLE END - The Severed Inception 04:04 170.JOEL GRIND - The Invisible Landscape 02:12 171.JUCIFER - Blackpowder 02:16 172.KARABOUDJAN - Den Svarta Ön 07:32 173.KILL THE CLIENT - Vicious Slaughter 01:06 174.KINGDOM OF SORROW - Enlightened To Extinction 03:47 175.KRIEG - CIRCLE OF GUILT 05:20 176.LENG TCH'E - The Fist of the Leng Tch'e 01:50 177.LIBERTEER - Build No System 01:34 178.LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER - Tapias De Cementerio 02:07 179.LORD DYING - POISONED ALTARS 03:47 180.LULL - Moment 1 01:08 181.MAGRUDERGRIND - Sacrificial Hire 01:32 182.MAN MUST DIE - Kill It Skin It Wear It 04:18 183.MANTAS - Evil Dead (Death By Metal Demo) 03:22 184.MERZBOW - Woodpecker No. 1 06:43 185.MINDROT - Anguish 07:11 186.MINSK - Within And Without 07:57 187.MORGION - The Serpentine Scrolls 10:33 188.MORTA SKULD - Sacrificial Rite 03:26 189.MOSE GIGANTICUS - The Left Path 04:13 190.MUMAKIL - Brothers in Slavery 01:20 191.MURDER CONSTRUCT - Compelled by Mediocrity 02:44 192.N2K2 - Mourning 03:54 193.NOISEAR - Inevitable Extinction 01:00 194.NUM SKULL - Ritually Abused 04:27 195.NUX VOMICA - Sanity Is For The Passive 12:40 196.OBLITERATION - Goat Skull Crown 04:40 197.OPPROBRIUM - Voices From The Grave 03:23 198.ORIGIN - Finite 03:08 199.PAN.THY.MONIUM - The Battle Of Geeheeb 11:55 200.PENTAGRAM - Forever My Queen 02:25 201.PHOBIA - Rehashed 01:05 202.POISON BLOOD - The Scourge and the Gestalt 03:40 203.PRIMATE - Draw Back A Stump 01:26 204.PUTRID PILE - The Satisfying Dead 02:50 205.PYRRHON - Balkanized 04:46 206.RABBITS - A Tale Of Tales 04:44 207.RAZOR - Hypertension 03:19 208.REGURGITATE - Putrid Serenity 01:44 209.ROTTEN SOUND - Superior 01:28 210.RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER - Grab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury) 04:51 211.SATAN'S SATYRS - Succubus 03:40 212.SAYYADINA - Their Control 01:04 213.SCOTT HULL - Il funerale di Bonnie 03:47 214.SACRILEGE - Shadow From Mordor 04:50 215.SERPENTINE PATH - Essence Of Heresy 03:47 216.SOILENT GREEN - It Was Just An Accident 04:12 217.SPAWN OF POSSESSION - Apparition 08:24 218.STEVE MOORE - It's Complicated 02:41 219.SUBARACHNOID SPACE - A 09:16 220.TERMINAL SOUND SYSTEM - Silt 06:43 221.THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS - Morgagnic Anatomics 04:14 222.THE END - Throwing Stones 03:29 223.THE GREAT TYRANT - Closing In 07:42 224.THE HIGH CONFESSIONS - Chlorine And Crystal 09:35 225.TITAN - Wooded Altar Beyond The Wander 08:00 226.TOMBS - Merrimack 03:56 227.TRIAL OF THE BOW - Father of the Flower 04:07 228.TRIBES OF NEUROT - Primordial Uncarved Block 06:24 229.ULCERATE - ABROGATION 05:50 230.ULTRAMANTIS BLACK - Prescription Culture 01:04 231.UNKIND - Vihan Lapset 02:45 232.UPHILL BATTLE - Ripped Off Face 03:29 233.VVEREVVOLF GREHV - Audio Processor 04:45 234.VIDNA OBMANA - The Insane Brightness 05:33 235.VIRAL LOAD - Methlab Machete Massacre 03:07 236.VOIVOD - God Phones 05:07 237.WEAPON - Vanguard Of The Morning Star 04:19 238.WOLVSERPENT - Within the Light of Fire 16:24 239.BASTARD NOISE, SICKNESS - Death's Door 16:09 240.PSYWARFARE - Au Regal Des Voraces 20:02 241.THE SOUL REBELLION ORCHESTRA - DOLEMITE 03:01
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corkcitylibraries · 3 years
Cork History | The First Hot Air Balloon in Cork
by Michael Lenihan
The first hot air balloon which was named Aerostat Reveillon was launched on September 1783. The passengers comprised of one sheep, one rooster and one duck and the balloon remained airborne for a grand total of fifteen minutes before crashing to earth. King Louis XVI of France had originally decreed that condemned prisoners were to be used as guinea pigs for these pioneering experiments but this was later rescinded. The first manned attempt was on November of that same year when Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier flew their hot air balloon over Paris for nearly twenty minutes.
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Image 1:   19th January 1785 - Richard Crosbie ascended in his hot air balloon from Ranelagh Gardens in Dublin and flew as far as Clontarf, drawing a crowd of 35,000 spectators. Courtesy N.L.I.
Only five months after the first successful launch the balloonists turned their attention to Cork. One can only assume that the geographical location and weather conditions of Cork were ideal for this new form of transport. On the 27March 1784 the hot air balloon ascended near the Mardyke at approximately four o’clock much to the curiosity of the huge crowd of spectators who had gathered for the event. This successful airborne adventure finished at six o’clock when the balloon descended at Cooper’s Hill after covering a total distance of eighteen miles.
 Before its descent it was observed by John Moynihan, a curious resident of the district who saw this bizarre apparatus floating high up in the sky.  He was quite convinced that it was the work of the devil, however his interest made him follow it to its landing spot. He had never heard of these wonderful flying objects before and when he saw flames coming from the tube at the end of the balloon he was quite convinced that it was Lucifer himself about to land. Shortly afterwards he observed that the so called demon had landed between two rocks and had been secured by strong ropes as if it were a prisoner.
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Image 2: London Illustrated News 1860s a fanciful sketch of a hot air balloon in difficulty.
The airmen brought it home and the neighbours having heard of this weird flying machine gathered in numbers nearby. Unfortunately, a spark subsequently landed near the inflated balloon causing the flammable gases to explode making a sound louder than thunder and a man and a woman were badly burned. There was complete consternation, and people ran everywhere desperate to escape this fiery monster. Several women fainted and those that ran to safety were convinced that they had escaped from the fires of hell. Fortunately the first ascent of a hot air balloon flying over Cork had ended successfully for its brave Aeronauts.
 Images: Image 1. 19th January 1785 - Richard Crosbie ascended in his hot air balloon from Ranelagh Gardens in Dublin and flew as far as Clontarf, drawing a crowd of 35,000 spectators. Courtesy N.L.I.
Image 2. London Illustrated News 1860s a fanciful sketch of a hot air balloon in difficulty. Courtesy Michael Lenihan
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