#and im sure thats part of why he survives here
scribeoffate · 2 years
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zwolfgames · 6 months
|Mistakes|Platonic Yandere Alastor x fem!reader
Requested: /
Warnings: Alastor, condescending behavior (thats it for part 1)
Parts: Part 1 (you are here) , Part 2 , Part 3
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(Takes place before the Hazbin hotel and before Alastors dissapearance. + You have jellyfish features cuz demons have those extra animal things idk.)
(3rd person POV)
Here you were, Y/N L/N. Or well, thats what your mortal name had been.
After twenty harsh years in hell you had just stuck with only Y/N. Died at twenty four, how sad.
Tough thats not your problem at the moment, the real problem is your current situation.
Extermination day.
It had started half an hour ago.. Angels poured from the skies like dark birds, bad omens. Angels of death.
Angelic blasts and weapons rained down upon your neighbourhood. The appartement you had worked so hard for to get was in ruins. Your ceiling had fallen down and blocked you into your windowless kitchen...
Your whole appartment must be destroyed... Just you and your kitchen... If you were lucky, the angels wouldn't search for any sinners here...
And maybe... your unexpected guest would be of aid if they did.
You hadn't dare speak to him.
Alastor... Radio Demon. An overlord.
The red, deer-like demon had shown up in your kitchen when the ceiling crashed down... Why? You didn't dare ask.
Surely he could do some wicked magic nonsese to get out, unlike you and your absolute lack of impressive powers.
Maybe he just tought this would be a good hidey hole. Or he saw you as his next prey... One's clearly nicer then the other.
The tall overlord simply hums in his radio accented tone. Looking at his sharp fingers with that same grin on his face.
It hadn't changed since he came in here. Just kept on smiling.
"Lovely day today, wouldn't you say?"
He spoke... The overlord spoke to you! Shit- now what? Smile and wave! Fall over and die!
"Couldn't be better..." You sigh in clear sarcasm. You don't know what compelled you to play jokes with mister 'could kill you in a snap'. But perhaps you felt doomed enough to just go for it.
Alastor chuckled rather charmingly. Still smiling. His sharp yellow teeth looked... scary, to say the least.
"My my, what positivity. You must be a wonderfull sinner." Alastor grins and looks down at your seated form.
You were simply sitting on the kitchen floor, knees to your chest as you leaned against the wall.
You hum in acknowladgement.
Alastor had eyed your features... You weren't the most common animal he'd seen a sinner be manifested as.
Sure everyone had their human like parts... but.. jellyfish? He's never seen a jellyfish sinner before.
A big, seetrough cap on your head, like that of a jellyfish. It must be attached to your head... Long glossy tendrils hang from it. Practically coating you in a protective curtain.
Alastor wonders if you sting...
"I like your cap. You look more serene then most sinners." Alastor atempts at conversation once more.
"Thanks... I like your horns." You reply, albeit a lot more awkard then he was. Cmon, you can't blame yourself. Overlords are scary!
Alastor keeps smiling. Atleast you were polite enough to compliment back. Your awkardness was amusing.
The clear struggle for survival was evident in your eyes. He liked the look. What? He's a sadistic killer.
"Whats your name, jellyfish girl?" Alastor asked, maybe in a little bit of a belitteling manner... but he was showing intrest. Who's he kidding, he's just bored and he'd rather chat with this sinner then face angels outside.
"Name's Y/N. You- I mean.. I know you- sorry." You retsrain from hitting yourself multiple times.
Alastor chuckles again. Oh how fun, you're getting so nervous just from his presence. Better then the usual fear or fawning tough... he can work with this.
"Alastor, dear. How about some bevarages as we wait out this extermination? Mhh? Im sure your little kitchen has something." Alastor suggests. Oh- hanging out with the Radio demon on extermination day, yea sure, why not?
"Oh.. sure.. I've got... water and fruit juice..." You trail of solemly at your.. clear lack of good options.
"Why, no alchohol, dear? You're a rare creature." Alastor hums in amusement as he takes in your sad fridge. Money came slowly when you were in hell! Okay?! You're not into any shady buisiness... so.
"So thats a no to drinks...?" You ask awkardly.
"I'll take water." Alastor answers.
You nod and serve him a glass of water. Atleast your fridge still works, so it's cold.
Alastor gently takes the glass and takes a sip. He sits down next to you on the floor. Albeit at a respectfull distance. Maybe cuz he just doesn't like being close... or he wants you to feel safe. Wich, good try but you don't.
"So, Y/N. Those tendrils of yours. Do they sting?" Alastor asks with a broad smile.
"Yup. From what i've seen, really badly." You nod, getting just a tad bit more comfrotable now since you two were just talking about random things.
Alastor raised a brow, and he does the dumbest thing you have ever witnessed... wich seemed highly unlikely of an overlord.
He grabbed a tendril... What is this dude thinking?!
You saw the signature 'zap' sparkle trough the overlord. His hair fizzed up and he was out like a light.
Did he take your defences as a challange or something? What now? You've accidently killed lower sinners with your sting but... an overlord would be fine... right?
He's just.. sleepy...
You sigh and lay him down properly on the floor and try to find something to cushion his head with... Not a lot of good options in your kitchen... a bunch of towels it is then!
You managed to make the unconcious Radio Demon atleast a little comfy.
You awkardly try to get his hair flat again so he wouldn't... remember, maybe?
You were mid stroke when Alastors red eyes shot open. You flinch back immeadiatly as he gets up.
Tough instead of striking you, he laughs.
"A dangerous little thing you are, mhh?" Alastor chuckles and observes you.
"I suppose so.. sorry." You rub your neck, hoping he wouldn't oblivirate you for... well him touching your tendrils. It's defenitly his own fault, but that doesn't work like that with overlords.
"Don't be sorry dear. I should have believed you. Is that the full extent of your powers?" Alastor muses and looks at you closer.
Atleast you knew that if he were to physically try and attack you, he'd just get zapped like everyone else, good to know.
"I.. think so. It's like a protective little shield.." You answer with a nod. Alastor seems amused by the way that action makes your jellyfish cap bobble along.
"I can see that... don't like being touched, do you, dear?" Alastor asks with a toothy grin. You nod again.
"May I know why?" Alastor follows up.
"..No." You decide.
Alastor let's out a dramatic gasp.
"Oh deer, such attitude." He smirks and looks upon your messed up kitchen.
Deer puns... wow...
Oh a little mystery. How fun. You deem to be quite amusing.
Alastor keeps staring at you. It's making you feel a bit intimidated.
"... Music?" You suggest quietly. Looking up at him carefully. Holding out an earbud.
"From this... thing?" Alastor narrowed his red eyes.
You nod. "It's an earbud. Connected to my phone... my whole living room is in shambles so... no other means of music.. listening?" Your words were getting messed up as you were set under this demons scruntionizing gaze.
"Fine.." Alastor sighs in distaste. You notice you've messed up so your music choice had to be top notch!
He's from 19... 20? Something? Old. He's an old guy... old music... What does your downloaded list have to offer.
Frank Sinatra...
Who doesn't love that guy! Best guess. All or nothing.
As Alastor tries his best to put an earbud in his strange deer ears, you play the music.
It takes a couple seconds but the deer demon seems... content. A little sparkle in his eyes!
Yes, you guessed right! Take that, anxiety!
First mistake: Sharing good music.
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I really like splitting one shots into parts on here and then just upload just one whole thing on Wattpad, its just so cool to see feedback.
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ghoulysaphomet · 4 months
No Capes/ Monster hunter AU idea ft. Werewolf Jason, the YJ team being inhuman and Tim hiding Jay while trying to help him.
In my head the au is like dis;
There is no Batman, there's no superheroes. However, Bruce is a 'Hunter'. His parents was killed by a werewolf running rampant, but no-one believed him, thinking it was a wild animal that did it and that Bruce was lucky to have survived. Dick's parents died, unsure how, maybe vampires or somth? either way he's adopted by bruce who finds young dick in captivity and brought home. unsure of how he adopts jay, but he does. Tim is adopted early on bcs screw his parents, even if bruce isn't that much better lol.
at 15, jason is murdered by a man who calls himself Joker, a man who loves monsters and wants to create the perfect creature. instead of beating him with a crowbar he tries to sew other bodyparts (and fails) onto him or remove stuff. jay dies in pieces and is found by bruce too late.
he's revived by the league, a band of necromancers, specifically talia who wanted to do her beloved a favor, but also to have someone to help protect damian. However when jason sees that he's not even buried in the wayne family plot, that he's lost the 'wayne' part of his name, he's saddened and brought to despair, he feels a sense of loss and talia helps by offering training and more training.
then he finds out that despite bruce happily killing monsters, he didn't killl joker, who in jasons eyes, is the real monster.
and decides to return to gotham under an alias. he runs into tim who is flying solo despite what happened to jay and hes just so angry and doesnt understand why bruce would do this to him, to them, when he saw what happened to jason.
im unsure what rlly happens then but basically the joker is the one to turn jason.the joker forced the werewolf turn on him, and bruce had been on his way to the place bcs jason had goaded him there. disoriented from a sudden shift and new body, jason has no time to really figure out what to do before bruce is there, with joker gift-wrapped and a confused werewolf.
when he sees the warehouse, he sees joker, a human and thus can't be killed, and a werewolf, a monster with no thoughts or feelings just barely above an animal that's a danger to everyone. to him it's not even a question of who to go for
bruce doesn't react to joker aside from im calling the police, before going after jason who is so confused because that's his *dad* and why isn't he trying to hurt the joker who's a real monster why is he trying to hurt and kill jason??
and jason survives but he's so stressed that he doesn't really know what to do. im not sure how he gets out of there but he does. he tries to survive but he just *cant change back* and doesnt know what to do
and thats how tim finds him, tim who's been keeping an eye out on him bcs he's not fkn stupid and he's worried and jason is hurt, so so hurt and forced in wolf form and tim is just, angryand brings him to his friends, the friends bruce will never know about bcs bruce is so far up his own vengeance filled ass he'd kill them without thinking about the fact that they're tims friends
edit, wrote a small ficlet in this au::)
can be found here!
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loving-n0t-heyting · 4 months
Hi! So, seeing you in my notes reminded me that I meant to ask you about that Instrumentality poll. Being as I am tumblr user 人類補完計画, I have, asyoumightimagine, a lot of interest in the topic, and I'd be very curious to hear *your* thoughts on Shinji's choice - in part because you mentioned in the tags that you were wondering whether your take aligned with the consensus view, but also because I feel like you're among the most distinctive & intellectually honest philosophical voices I've encountered on here, and I do wonder how your faith, along with your overall view on things, influences your take(s) re:EoE.
I was going to wait until the poll finally closed but i think its been plateauing for a couple of days now anyway so i might as well. This is all going to be pretty vague and mysticism-y ofc, especially given the vagueness and mysticism of the source material itself, and im going off of memory on top of that (i am not putting myself thru the emotional hurdle of rewatching EoE just for a post, sorry)
So, first off, my interpretation of shinjis ultimate choice is to reject instrumentality for all of humanity, to retain our ATFs and our individuality. And i lean towards thinking this was a mistake, on his part. I sometimes see ppl suggest that he offered everyone a choice to either join or refuse instrumentality, but i tend to think this is just projection; idr anything in the text to clearly support this
Im not really sure how to go about arguing for this position directly, beyond rebutting objections. To the extent we are given a clear explanation of what an ATF is, it is smth like the secrecy of our own thoughts and desires and personality; ie, others ignorance of those things. Ignorance is a terrible thing, just generally, in itself! Like impotence. Its terrible in proportion to the importance/value of the things one is ignorant of, and ppl are about the most valuable things there are. Thats much of whats so bad about death, which is why it makes perfect sense the dead get to join in HI as well. So, putting it all together, the presence of ATFs is a terrible imposition, and their removal thru HI is a great blessing, maybe even the greatest possible blessing. And this shows itself in the end of strife and discord and the beginning of real unity of spirit and will, but its already present in the mere dissolution of interpersonal ignorance
The narrative itself frames this as an erasure of individuality, but im not sure how to understand this. Is the idea supposed to be that we would not survive the loss of our ATFs? Im not sure thats even intelligible: the loss of our ATFs is just the lifting of certain kinds of ignorance or, in other words, the instilling of certain kinds of knowledge. Knowledge in whom? In those undergoing human instrumentality. So clearly we survive HI, if it involves us coming into knowledge, and thus being around to know these things. Is this supposed to mean our distinctive contributions to the diversity of human experience etc would all be destroyed in favour of some uniform replacement? I dont see why that would be necessary; we can certainly imagine ways ppls varying idiosyncratic quirks can all "make it into" some sufficiently rich collaborative work. Why should HI not be the same? I suppose the fact it involves everyones bodies into a homogeneous sea of yellow goop speaks against this, but my inclination is to read this as a sort of pupal stage from which a mature instrumentalised humanity can emerge. Tho thats admittedly a bit of a reach
Theres yet another negative interpretation of the "destruction of individuality" i sometimes hear: that it would somehow rob us each of our agency and ability to shape the world in accord with our desires and beliefs. This goes along with a worry that the inauguration of HI would necessarily be a violation of consent and mental autonomy, which strikes me as misguided for much the same reason. Our ignorance of one another is not an individual condition of oneself in particular one can opt in or out of irrespective of the choices of others; if my not being able to retsin my ATF is a violation of my "autonomy", why is my retaining my ATF not in turn a violation of the autonomy of the others being thereby kept ignorant of my deepest self? Mutual ignorance of one anothers mental states (including that very ignorance) is in no interesting way reducible to the ignorant subjects each having certain "individual" or "intrinsic" or "internal" states that can individually and unilaterally be shifted without affecting those of the others; it is an "external" relation. So thinking about HI in terms of individual, unilaterally revocable consent is confused; the fact it is changing is irreducibly collective, and thus consent to it and only be given or refused collectively if at all. Hopefully thats not too opaque
This reply feeds into my answer to the worry about the dilution of ones agency and control over the world. This objection makes sense against a background view on which, for an agent A to control the answer to a question Q and a distinct agent A* to control the answer to a question Q*, Q and Q* must be modally independent: any answer to the latter must be compossible with any answer to the former. Or that, if this isnt true, this is bc As control over Q or A*s over Q* must be only "limited" or "partial" or w/e. My rejection of this assumption (which is i think what lies behind the last objection about autonomy) is probably my deepest, most abstract anti-liberal commitment. Its a conception of control or freedom that i think ultimately requires a debilitatingly narrow view of what full freedom could look like, or of what facts can amount to states of a person. (For example, i think it prolly requires you to say that knowing that the sun rises, a property entailing the "external" fact that the sun rises, is not actually a state of a person, in some important sense, rather than smth like a conjunction of a state of a person and a state of the horizon/sun.) But going all the way into this would probably take a lengthy book; mb i will try to work it out slightly more precisely at some point tho
You asked how my feeling about EoE connect with my faith, and broader view of the world. This illiberal assumption is close to the heart of it. I am always tempted in this context to quote marxs comments in the 1848 manuscripts about the whole of nature being the "inorganic body of man", and i dont think im alone in seeing connections between those passages and remarks like pauls about the mystical body of the church ("So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Now there is smth for mereologists to chew on!!) And this is a trend you see elsewhere in the Christian tradition, like dantes description of the celestial eagle in paradiso xviii-xx. I was surprised, when talking to an atheist friend about my tentative support for HI, that they said my christianity made sense of my disagreement with them about this point; not bc i dont think theres a connection but bc idt of these emphases on the unity of the mystical body as particularly prominent in outsiders impressions of Christian belief
Anyway, hopefully that was at least somewhat illuminating. Thx for the kind words ^^
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vhstown · 11 months
hi guys shower thoughts in word form what's new 💀
why miles g is the perfect foil to miles — a long post
disclaimer: i obviously do NOT know what will happen in btsv. some of this devolves into external information like from the art book (or even just my own headcanons). i am also not an analyst. this is not a proper analysis by any means. also quite rambly so bare with me 😭
also i will be referring to 1610!miles as miles and 42!miles as miles g.
just so we're sure: a foil in literature is defined as "a character who is presented as a contrast to a second character so as to point to or show to advantage some aspect of the second character" (via britannica)
essentially one character exposes the flaw(s) of another character (usually by being the opposite of said character)
i talked about miles' attachment to the superficial goal of "being Spider-Man" in a separate post (which is long n kind of irrelevant so im not linking it here) but essentially the point i want to bring back is that 1610 miles is obsessed with the idea and IDENTITY of being New York's Spider-Man and being a hero and that is the complete opposite to miles g, who is arguably the PERFECT foil — it's literally a parallel version of himself
but first a bit of ramble about the start of the movie under the cut! (open)
you can see it in the way miles falls perfectly into the typical witty, effortless and loved hero in the way he fights at the start of the movie. when he's fighting the spot you're thrown into this false sense of security that everything's going to be okay and it's just another "villain of the week" because that's what you expect of Spider-Man. he has his usual quips and carefree interactions with the spot and we have no idea that he's about to take apart the entire multiverse
the spot as a character is one of my favourite villains EVER because he directly challenges this notion of what it means to be Spider-Man — you always expect the good guys to win and when they lose again and again to the spot, that's when everything we know, and MILES knows, falls apart. the spot is a brutal exposition of how futile "heroism" as a concept is to the spiderverse.
as a character miles so badly wants to be in the spider society in the first place because he thinks that's where it's at — that's where he can finally BE a real spiderman and fit in
so when all of his beliefs are challenged and he's forced to fight to SURVIVE rather than to win that's the turning point of his character. in the grand scheme of things to put it lightly this whole "spiderman" identity is bull
and also id like to point out that hobie's line of "im not a hero, cause calling your self a hero makes you a self-mythologising narcissistic autocrat" is SUCH a gut-punch when you realise this. my boy KNEW but miles had to realise it for himself obviously so he pissed off when he had nothing else to add. I LOVE HOBIE BRO—
in my other post i talked about how he attributes his security to his home universe, family and friends and then that changes to wanting to be a part the spider society (so security in his identity), but when he's kicked out, his main goals focus around his home universe again — he needs to save his dad
putting him in earth 42 is the final sort of way for the movie to say "look at yourself miles" because to him, he can't give up that want to be spiderman so easily. a part of him hopes that he can just go back home and be spiderman like normal, that's why he tells his "mom" (earth 42 rio) that he's spiderman even though that probably won't help him at all — he is still stagnant in his old ways
and thats where miles g comes in — picture his exact universe but where's miles is the "villain" (to him at least, he doesn't know that the prowler is actually a vigilante)
to give you the basics, miles g has NO super powers, he's a vigilante who has to HIDE from the public, he's not "friendly" — nothing like miles' picture of spiderman. again, he fights to do good, but also for survival — the sinister six are attacking HIS neighbourhood and HIS home so HE has to do something about it
of course that's not to say that they're completely different. miles g has all his cool gear and aesthetics for a reason. maybe deep down he wants to be like the superheroes that he sees in comics (assuming hes anything like 1610 miles) and/or he wants to live up to, or exceed his uncle in being the prowler
but it's far less superficial than just that. he's been forced into this more practical and REAL mindset about what it means to be a "hero" from the start — and now 1610 miles is too
miles g doesn't necessarily have a greater sense of duty. he doesn't concern himself with miles' universe because it's HIS — ("our dad—" "your dad.") and thats the reality check that miles needs, at least in this moment, that he's alone and that he needs to get the HELL out of there and save his dad — not the multiverse.
of course this might be a point of character development for miles g he's obviously not a perfect character and has his own trauma and backwards beliefs to overcome but he's in many ways a product of his environment
it re-emphasises to miles the importance of saving his dad — protecting what he has left because he has nothing else (his only sense of security anymore). the multiverse is this far away thing now and i think this could be explored as a spiteful rejection in btsv which he has to overcome but im obviously not sure
the real kicker is that in this universe aaron davis is alive and jefferson is dead. looking at this from a wider perspective, in my very convoluted opinion, on a surface level, JEFFERSON represents "the hero" and AARON represents "the villain". this is arguably why aaron "has to die" in earth 1610, because "good always prevails" (which is very clearly MESSED UP, which miles is coming to realise more and more)
okay now hear me out. in the SAME WAY miles represents "the hero" and miles g represents "the villain" — but we obviously know that it's more nuanced than that
and the respective fates of aaron and jeff clearly show to miles that it is NOT that simple. it's not a matter of "good over evil" because if that was the case his father wouldn't be dead.
and obviously thematically this ties into expectations of the future generation and overcoming archaic beliefs and failures of the past and hope in youth and blah blah blah (i actually love this theme it is just not talked about enough unfortunately but this video by elliot sang is a beautiful exploration of it)
miles g and aaron are NOT evil — they're just as much heroic, but not necessarily "heroes". again, that's exposing how superficial the notion of being "spiderman" and "a hero" really is
and this is why hobie is so right about labels and— (MUFFLED SCREAMING)
going back to the spider society when miles says "i thought we were supposed to be the good guys" — this idea of being a hero is really just a front for the spider society's lucrative and cult-like behaviour. you're doing it because it's your duty as a hero, you're letting people die because that's what's supposed to happen, because it's for the "greater good" (when it was never really about that in the first place but miguel and his "spider-cult" is a whole other topic)
by the end of the film we start to realise all of these things at once and that's what across the spiderverse does SO WELL in my opinion
so why is miles g the perfect foil to miles? to summarise, miles g encapsulates (at the very least on a surface level) the complete opposite of what it means to be the hero "Spider-Man". his entire universe is a parallel to earth 1610, and to miles, miles g exposes the flaws in miles' view about what heroism truly is.
neither of them are perfect characters, and we're yet to see much about miles g, but miles' development as a character and the way it's explored in such a self-realising way as well as thematically throughout all of across the spiderverse is something i will always love about the movie
im so excited to see if they'll team up as well!!!! so much potential
urrrrr thank you for coming to my ted talk ANYWAYS I LOVE HOBIE BROW— (THE CROWD BOOS) (SEVERAL TOMATOES ARE THROWN)
as always let me know your thoughts id SO love to hear them ^^ this was just a shower thought i was literally shampooing my hair and was like hold on a minute.... so there's definitely things to be added! take care n cya <3
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penguinkyun · 17 days
chapter 159 review
trigger warning: this chapter deals with a canon suicide which will be referenced. please click off if it affects you! your mental health is important
this is the second chapter in a row thats accompanied by me having a fever. not sure if that says anything. anyway
i take back very little of what I said last time because the point about ruby not surpassing ai still holds, but at least she wasn't stabbed like ai. at least.
instead we got the comedy of akane wearing a knife proof vest with ichigo planning the whole thing. and yknow what im actually totally fine with this. its better than ruby being stabbed and its inadvertent subtext of "ruby is a better idol than ai, so much so she survived being stabbed" that comes with the scenario where it actually was ruby who was stabbed and survives especially with the surrounding hamfisted narrative of ruby surpassing ai
i really do like the significance of ichigo correcting his mistakes with ai by making sure no one dies in the second attack, because he is the character who has to correct his failures relating to ai's death. its great that he gets to do that in this chapter!
whats not great is him using a 19yo girl as bait in order to correct said failures. what if nino went for the throat? but then again it is in line with ichigo's character *gestures at him guilt tripping aqua in 108*
whats funny is that ichigo apparently knew ryousuke and nino were dating and just did not investigate her in the least. i could play devil's advocate for him here and say that even if he did investigate nino, ai hid who the father was and idk if nino wouldve given hikaru up at that point and theres no real way to get concrete evidence hikaru and ryousuke knew each other, not to mention goros death wasnt found out until 16 years later and even then you cant connect ryousuke to it, but thats all flimsy, paper thin justifications. cmon aqua was better at the revenge job when he was 16 and akanes been doing it better for years, ichigo do better you failed at investigating 101
(cinemasins voice) akane has double hoshigans in this chapter but last chapter she had only one hoshigan
get yourself a murderer who apologises after stabbing you
another giggle is ichigo going (shocked pikachu voice) NINO?! when her hood falls because like. Did You Not Know it was nino? like you really didn't? did you just expect someone to attack on the day of the final concert like what happened to ai? why would you expect that? i can definitively say aqua didnt tell him because aqua said shit in 155 to ichigo, but apparently neither did akane??? he really just expected it to happen. what was he gonna do if the attack happened at the concert?? what was the plan here ichigo??
155!akane: i cut my hair because i didn't feel the need to imitate hoshino ai anymore
158-9!akane: so i'll larp as her daughter instead!
i will say that this dialogue of ninos is actually what ive always thought was part of her thought process
Nino: "If Ai was nothing but an ordinary girl, what would that have made the rest of us then? I just want Ai to be “special.”`
my interp of nino was always that her idolization of ai was her coping mechanism for dealing with the Everything in first gen bkomachi, a coping mechanism that turned into an true belief after ai died because she doesnt want to face the facts about her and ai's relationship: that ai wasnt invincible, nino did hurt her and they never made up. its protection against the sheer grief and regret that would overwhelm her because she never received any closure in regards to that which was compounded by the disbandment of bkom a mere 2 years later, losing her boyfriend and her idol so horrifically (especially after she told them to die) and the years of mismanagement in bkomachi because. all she really wanted to be was friends with ai. and if they were really ordinary girls they would've made up, right? but they didnt and now nino has to live with that
nino saying she wanted to be friends with ai too is all the emotional catharsis and closure i had hoped she would get since 132 and im really glad to see that its here
unfortunately that catharsis is preceded by the plot contrivance that is nino stabbing ruby in the first place which is further duct taped together by the reason nino went after ruby which is that ruby apparently surpassed ai which — no she didn't
and that total plot device becomes even more bullshit by this chapter, where ruby is mimicking ai right down to the cut of her idol dress, her poses and double white hoshigans which gives the message that yeah. ai really was the greatest and most invincible idol who nobody could rival. because even in what is supposed to be rubys moment of triumph at reaching new heights, shes not allowed to do it by her own unique charisma.
ruby has to be shown surpassing ai visually, but because the set up was so utterly hamfisted, all thats left to show her doing so is making her do ai's own poses instead of letting what makes ruby an effective idol shine through, because her character has been so butchered, her original love and compassion for idols and life and the people around her were molded to fit whatever the plot needed to be that this moment, which is supposed to be ruby's shining moment, it just. it just rings hollow.
throughout the latter half of the movie arc shes been wanting to surpass ai on her own terms but shes not allowed to do so and instead ends up just being Ai. its all of the payoff with none of the required set up
speaking of payoffs and setups, kanas situation is the total inversion of this where kana has all the set up for her romantic resolution, her chance to shine the brightest on stage and turn everyones glowsticks white and there's absolutely no payoff. she isnt even the centre in her own graduating concert! aqua isn't there to watch her spellbinding performance because hes dealing with his father whos possibly an antagonist again so her one dream from 151 doesn't get fulfilled! she's gotten utterly pushed to the side because akasaka brute forced the "ruby surpasses ai" in 158 and realised it had to be fulfilled and thus we got whatever the hell was this final bkomachi concert. kana gets tiny singing panels with two dedicated to her solo act (which was actually nice to see at least she Did get the spotlight and her tearing up about graduating ;-;) while ruby gets the biggest, shiniest panels at kana's graduation concert and mem? who's mem? she's barely there and honestly feels like an afterthought with how her age scandal just had no tangible impact whatsoever on literally anyone! it just feels like a thread akasaka just wanted to get out the way
in general the handling of bkomachi's structure, especially now that kana is leaving and mem will age out soon along with her applying to colleges, along with how mem's reveal impacted their presence in the industry, and the impact of ruby's black hoshigan shenanigans severely skewing the popularity to her side has been incredibly lacking and its honestly just sad considering how important B-Komachi as a whole is to all of their characters.
and this scene just pisses me off entirely on ruby and bkomachi again but i ranted about that enough in 158 askhfskd moving on
coming back to nino and ryousuke for a second its honestly a little funny that nino's gay crush on ai was so strong she forgave ryousuke for jumping ship to another idol
on that note though it does touch on something re: nino and her idolisation of ai being her coping mechanism. of course everyone would move from her to ai, ai is the best , of course she would lose all relevance in bkomachi, ai is the best, of course her boyfriend would choose ai, ai is the best. it makes it easy for her to cope with being so strongly and so deeply in ai's shadow — if ai was imperfect that means nino would have to face the hurt, anger and sadness at constantly being second choice when in consideration with ai, that she would have to face that she deeply hurt ai, because that would mean ai was just as normal as her and that would mean that nino wasn't good enough. but if ai was Perfect then its obvious, isn't it? you pick the prettiest flowers after all.
although nino telling two people to die and then they actually do is. yikes. i want to hug her
speaking of ryousuke, the question of nino saying "ever since we let him die..." (mangaplus TLed it as "killed him" but that is a mistranslation which is also proved incorrect by this chapter) is answered here! i had originally assumed it meant they failed to stop him from committing suicide and that's...partially true. on the timeline, its a bit difficult to pinpoint when exactly nino yelled at ryousuke, but considering she says she forgave him for jumping ship and then says `when i told him to go die, he obeyed me just like that` when the visuals clearly show her in shock, that implies in the small window between ai dying and ryousuke committing suicide, he might have called nino in a panic, probably on a payphone and she yelled at him to die in her panic and anger at hearing yknow. that he killed ai. and that was his last straw and then she found him dead when she went to search for him
that still doesn't answer my question of how on earth ryousuke and hikaru got to the hospital ai was at
and so besides all of what i just said about nino, her and ryousuke is clearly a blatant retcon <33. none of it remotely makes sense in an in-universe context line up of events and like basically the only thing it confirms is that ichigopro really were lax about dating. net zero information gained
that being said akane implying that someone else was behind all of the murderous shenanigans going on and that someone being implicitly confirmed to be hikaru by aqua's dialogue is just...why? why bother with the nino red herring? it's a bit hard for me to put a finger on why exactly i don't really like this, but it's like. 154 showed him to be utterly defeated and depressed over ai still loving him and him having killed her and being the final end to their love story it really felt like hikaru was going to do something to make up for it! the 158 phone call even implies this! but by what akane and aqua say here, it gives the feeling of hikaru having been behind ai's and also now, what would have ruby's attempted stabbing? with making him do a deranged yandere smile to boot? it just feels off
i dont really want to make any predictions just yet so i'll just. watch where this goes
i did like aqua's mephisto jacket tho
no break next week!!!
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that-one-xachster · 4 months
JJK but Dazai's the new teacher Hcs (ADA)
I'm a sucker for crossovers so- also dazai shenanigans trigger warning y'all bsd fans yk
how did this even happen bro
oookayyyyyy lets say yaga and fukuzawa were besties <3
and once fukuzawa was complaining about his subordinates bc cmon give the 45 year old baby a break
and yaga was like
"I will grant you peace my child"
"you're younger than me"
"anyway can I steal one of your subordinates for a bit :)"
and thats how ma man dazai got roped into this
so fukuzawa was like
*deeeeeeep breathhhhhhhh*
"dazai I'm disowning you."
he was just like dazai get your ass to jujutsu tech you're gonna be a new teacher there
"but I don't have a teaching license"
"you've committed over 500 crimes what can illegal teaching do"
so whoopee dazai's now in jujutsu tech
hes still in his detective clothes though
but if ya want him in jjt uniform then sure
the way shoko visibly deflates when she realizes she's getting a gojo 2.0
megumi joins her
nobara doesn't care she just hopes he's a good teacher and not utter shit
I feel like maki and Inumaki would join her on this
Yuta would be the ball of sunshine he is like 😇
panda's being panda
okay dazai makes it there
no gifts sadly he was rich in the mafia but not anymore he's broke
and kunikida aint here for a wallet stealing mission
he soon found a kunikida 2.0 though (na-na-na-na-na-na-min)
so obvi everyone wants to know what his cursed technique is
...yeah thats the problem he don't have one but this is dazai so he goes
"oh I can just obliterate a curse by touching it lmao"
and then yuji's like "HOLY QUACK THATS SO OP"
and I'm gonna make dazai a leeeetle op here
so gojo's like "ah? let's have a spar?"
and dazais like 😳🫢🤭
so yes these two start sparring
so how this shit works is that if cursed energy touches dazai it just boom no more cursed energy and you die
and infinity's made of it right
so my bro just activates his infinity and doesn't move and dazai just kalmly walks up to him
and just throws his hair a lil back-
yeah my guy show off that big ass forehead
and he steals gojo's boop that makes you unconscious (how could you dazai)
and gojo was like 'WAIT WTF'
and stumbles back kinda concerned
okay change of plans
let's try something a lil dangerous
he pulls out a very minuscule
when I mean very I mean microscopic level of blue
just for shits and giggles
no not really he wants to see how this goes
and dazai's unaffected
like full unaffected
and gojo's even more confused, concerned, and slightly alarm
okay let's take it up a notch
dazai's smiling like the person he is
(Im not saying cause tw but yk)
"woah were you tryna off me? sorry but I'm looking for a beautiful woman to join me in my journey to the afterlife-"
gojo's even more concerned
"..dude you okay?"
"why not"
kay so we're taking this up a notch back to that
and dazai lets out a visible sized blue and megumi's just questioning how stupid his teacher is like gojo why do you want to kill the new teacher?? no way can he survive th-
it goes poof
megumi's like ...huh
everyone's concerned for life
and dazais just like "heh"
okay you have the advantage here what about in physical combat-
boom all attacks dodged
gojo's impressed needless to say
now after this comes the actual torture
yuji's fawning over dazai and ofc dazai's tryna like
gaslight gatekeep girlboss 😜‼️
"hey did you know that if you move your arms like this all the time your bones will eventually melt-"
"wha- actually?"
"he's messing with you"
shoko says that last part
and yk whats coming
shoko = beautiful lady
beautiful lady = wybwtjmiads
"ah belladonna will you be willing to join me in a double suicide-"
"uh no thank you"
gojo's at the side though
bombastic side eye
creemeenal offensive
sigh thats all for now imma make more hcs later
drop ideas please I'm begging you
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zeeverseconfession · 2 months
im here to do fantasy au rambling don't mind me
Globe is a mage, cause why not? We get to see her cast spells, and learn new ones along the journey — her charm is probably going to be the first one to break if she's not careful.
She's not an experienced mage, but she's alright. Some of her spells go wrong, and during battles, she can cause harm to herself instead of the opponent.
Her powers are usually for healing, so she doesn't know many combat spells — that's what she's trying to learn, along with surviving along the road.
Grenade is a bandit, but a very clumsy one — sure, they're great at what they do, but they leave traces behind when they steal from a village.
They're part of a large group of people, who are also bandits/thief's, who all steal from the unknowing villagers and their market stalls, livingv in a pretty wealthy place.
Grenade is usually hanging around the outskirts of town, near the bridge. They have a charm, simply because it was stolen from the previous owner.
Their skills are more.. physical. The combat side of things, if you will. They're a great fighter, but need to be careful when it comes to knowing when to fight.
Pot is an elf — they carry a satchel filled with things that they've collected on the journey, along with a dagger for protection. The dagger has their charm on it, the shape of a leaf.
She also carry potions in their satchel, and when attacked, they use these to their advantage. Some have poisonous gas, while others do not.
Pot owns a market stand in the village he's from, and is pretty well liked from what we know, earning a good few gold coins in the process!
Debit Card & Wicker Basket are fairies — both carrying wands of their own. They fly around the forest, making sure it's nice and safe.
Wicker Baskets spells are on the nature side, used to grow plants, while also good for combat. She can use vines to wrap up her opponents.
Debit Card, on the other hand, uses his spells for things like commanding animals to attack the opponent at hand.
Combined, their charms are a flower and a bird.
Scroll is an Archer. He's not got much on his plate, but he has a good heart. He often helps around the local bakery, making sure the village is alright.
His skills are pretty good — while he can't work with a sword, he knows his way around a good bow and arrow, and can hit anyone with.. a good amount of perfection.
On the waters, we're greeted to a siren — a siren known as Purse, of course! She lures people into the water, before taking them as her own and sending them to die.
Her motives are clear, and most avoid sailing because of her reign over the other ocean dwellers.
Ripping out her heart is the only way to get rid of her — once it's done, the ocean is free from the chains she's left them in.
thats all.. for now..
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topazpearl · 10 months
So remember my big sbg theory doc? forget that existed, heres the new one
Discusses up to Ep 61. Fast-pass spoiler FREE
Content discussions about death, mental illness, sui.cide; yknow. Heavy Thriller webtoon stuff (tm)
[Hamilton chorus voice] NUMBER ONE: Giant freakin phantompedes and how to escape them
-I was right about the football field lights to try to kill them idea yippee
-HOEWVERR, theres so many attacking the school rn and its freaking collapsing?? I literally dont know how they’re gonna get outta this
-Unless (unless) my Phantom Ashlyn theory is relevant, ashlyn can talk to them and tells them to go away and they… do! idk lol it's stupid but maybe ash has enough girl boss energy to convince them. or theyre so shocked by a human talking to them theyre like "dang ok". Could still happen! 
NUMBER TWO: Phantom Transformation Theory
So it’s Basically confirmed: 
If you die in the PD, you start to turn into a Phantom.
Of course we wont know for sure until we actually SEE it but like, Aiden’s creepy af smile and basically coming back to life in ashlyn’s arms after DYING it’s like, basically confirmed. 
Ash wonders why Aiden snapped out of his seizure so fast compared to Tyler. Severity of injuries could definitely be a factor (tho like, im assuming Aiden got freaking blunt force trauma brain damage which, to me, is just as bad as being impaled). Another factor could be that Tyler died only about 30 minutes into the Time, while Aiden died almost right when it ended. And… we saw how fast Aiden started to “turn”. Red technically never shows us Tyler during those hours after he died. He very well… may have completely phantomized, but when he woke up in the real world, the transformation reverted. I'm very scared abt what Aiden’s gonna be like next night.
SUB THEORY: The Power of Human Connection and Phantom Reversal
Remember how Jasmine (the gang tour girl) asked if it was alright that all the kids got sucked in w/ ashlyn? This implies that 
1. They usually expect 1 person/their target to get sucked into the PD
2. The origami gang has never dealt with a group being sucked in at once
- I believe (and the evil gang doesnt know this) that the kids being together is an integral part of their future survival. Tyler snapped back to consciousness in the hospital after Taylor had her PISSED moment. This moment was similar to Logan’s freakout, in that it tugged the phantom world to the real world, for a second. I think these intense emotions (taylor’s specifically out of anger and worry for her twin), pulled tyler’s “soul” out of the PD and into the RD. 
- Now, you may ask, “what abt if a random person got into the PD and died and went into a seizure/coma? Why couldnt their loved ones “bring” them back?” thats a good Q idk. Perhaps the kids all being in the PD together is what creates this flow, a two-way street, between the two dimensions. 
- Anyway also while Ashlyn and co didnt didnt get into an angry freakout moment when Aiden died, but we all know Ash and Aiden got something developing/going on thats special ♥, and thats what tugged Aiden back (its cliche but its the power of love there i said it). 
- Also NOT saying that the other kids’ concern over their friends doesn’t matter or count (Ben and Aiden are Fam too), but like, i’m wondering if it needs to be a REALLY INTENSE love (familial/romantic/whatever) in order to basically bring someone back from the dead. idk
-interestingly, ty WAS essentially in a coma-like state, like how the spy said, which supports that it’s expected that ppl die in the PD eventually, and go into comas. I’m wondering if those who normally get sucked into the PD and die, theyre dealing with it by themselves, have no one to “pull them back” like taylor and/or ashlyn did, and they stay in a coma. 
-rlly hope the boys arent like “possessed” or smn. Maybe the soul is like, tainted? Those big black eyes man… (ALSO THAT PREVIEW IMAGE WITH LOGAN AND THE BIG BLACK EYES??? WHAT??)
-going off the dead PD ppl turn into phantoms theory>> If a phantom is killed, their connected person in the RD who was in a coma dies fr permanently
NUMBER THREE: Ashlyn and the Phantoms (cool new band name) 
we know the kids are getting influenced by the PD, making phantom noises (further supports phantoms were people theory) but with Ashlyn's "really strong" connection to the PD, she's in special danger. If one can turn into a phantom without dying, it's gonna be her. Ryan the spy said that "the girl" – assumingly ashlyn– should be "especially" at risk of danger. This could be bc she was the one who interacted with the rift, or bc she already has a higher level of phantom influence on her. 
-when ashlyn told the phantom to let go, and her friends to calm down, both times she spoke with a black speech bubble WITH PHANTOM NOISE LINES NEAR IT. this is different than characters who have also spoken with black bubbles (aiden, logan, taylor). obviously these have been with threats/malice, but they didn't have the red lines. These times ashlyn has spoken, the phantom acknowledged her voice, and her friends' spell-like violence trance was broken. Theory: ashlyn not only can hear phantoms, but she can speak their language sort of
-when ashlyn was born, a phantom like touched her in a blessing/cursing sense which is part of the reason why she can hear phantoms and her strong PD connection. possibly even possession???? 
-tldr i want ashlyn to enter her monster girl era 
The evil gang seems confused why the kids have lasted so long. maybe Ashlyn's PD connection goes both ways. she provides a strong anchor to the RD. Maybe the PD is USUALLY all desolate with the pillars that we saw in the finale (maybe it's even an afterlife of sorts?), but Ashlyn makes a huge radius (~30 miles! (assuming kids were driving at least 60mph for 30 minutes)) of the PD around where she wakes up mirror the real world, creating a safer space for her and the kids. meanwhile a normal person that gets sucked into the PD gets thrown into a desolate hell world different from the RD (also maybe stuck there permanently), causing them to die much quicker. 
-maybe this influence is even part of the reason why RD tyler is awake (And aiden)
-Ashlyn's influence extends to jamming the recording devices like some kind of weird phantom static.
-Broke: Ashlyn's parents wanted her to learn self defense and have a knife bc they're in the military. Woke: they want her to be able to protect herself after the phantom scare when she was a baby
-Also THANK GOD she’s finally acting on her intuition. Sm times she’s been like “this feels bad!” and doesnt do anything. Almost makes me wonder if it’s a supernatural intuition based on phantom stuff. Like shes WAY OFF from the hospital and the drama and is like “HMM! Smn going on” 
NUMBER FOUR: Origami gang and Co INC. 
-The gangs symbol is an origami crane (orizuru). the crane in East Asia has longevity as one of its symbolisms, with some myths saying it flies souls up to paradise. there's the popular myth that if you fold 1000 cranes you get a wish.
Heres where the evil twist comes in. The gang boss believes that if he traps 1000 people in the PD as like, a sacrifice, then he'll get a wish and he'll ask for eternal life or whatever. this gang is a cult and he's tricked everyone saying that they'll also get a long life but really it's probably only gonna be him 🤫 So they go around to different haunted places in America and pick ppl they sense can open these shadow rifts and get sucked in. the phantoms may be ppl they trapped in the past and they've turned into phantoms
-Ryan, the guy who's spying on the kids, maybe is ALSO "Mr. thomas". he just puts on a wig and is a good actor lol. this is the reason why he asks about "Mr. Thomas's" fate. What goes against this is that Ryan seems to know all about the PD mechanisms, which doesn't fit Mr. Thomas being confused abt ashlyns hair. Unless he wasn't expecting it
– or "Mr thomas" could just be Ryan's friend or brother or smn. A low ranked guy in the gang that got stuck with roping Ashlyn into Savannah, but doesn't know the truth/details about the PD. 
-the gang mentions that "both sides" are trying to track them. either the government and a supernatural hunting group, or even some force in the PD like some Alpha Phantom like the devil who's like "Where's my dead people quota hello?" or better yet "you're messing with MY domain and I'm gonna Get You". 
-This is based solely on the Boss' appearance and smiling countenance: the gang Boss is Aiden's uncle, his dad's brother, his weird, estranged brother who's also evil probably. I'm really hung on this idea don't mind me 
-you have to be able to make a paper origami crane from memory to be an official gang member /hj 
NUMBER FIVE: Gen story/Character arcs and futures
-ready for a “power of love and friendship” aesop. these kids are gonna be so Bonded now after these traumatic experiences
-i had come up with an elaborate “death order” but thats now completely jossed now so im ignoring that
- SO NOW that all the parents know, and like, have seen all the phantoms and everything and BTW WILL PROBABLY GET SUCKED INTO THE PD AT SOME POINT because they felt the shift like the kids did, they help the kids get to Savannah yippee!! a cool Big family squad force they all hop on a working school bus or smn and drive there. PLs
- the families getting sucked in would be HUGE cause they arent prepared. Logan’s grandparents and Lily are top targets 😭
So the kids are gonna get kidnapped. that's definitely gonna be a thing, either mid S2 or ending. up in the air whether the kidnapping is successful or not. (assuming the gang would be smart enough to get rid of the kids’ phones when they get them)
-actually I'm placing my bets now S2 finale will be them getting kidnapped and it just cuts off there for another awful cliffhanger.
-since it seems Mr thomas will be involved, he'll ask the kids to stay after school to talk abt their failing grades or smn, and then maybe they're hit with knockout gas??
OR the gang has been spying on them so they pick a time the kids all separated and jump them. 
-maybe this is when aiden knowing where ashlyns dance studio is is actually plot relevant!!?? like he (and Ben probably cuz they're always together) are able to escape their attackers and Aiden goes to help ashlyn cuz he wants to make sure she's OK. and she's either fine cuz she's a girl boss and can kick butt, or he saves her oo la la 
–lol imagine kidnapping is successful, gang tells kids why they were kidnapped, (if Evil Boss Uncle theory is true this helps facilitate this) but Ashlyn "goes off" on Aiden yelling and "attacking" him and stuff saying he's part of the gang, he planned it all along etc, but it's all a ruse to have the gang think she'll cause another energy spike (and Aiden gets this and plays along) so assuming the kids are locked up, the gang opens their cell to stop ashlyn, and that's when they escape lol
so like, i THOUGHT ashlyn/aiden was gonna be a slow burn but HAHAHA. i mean not as freaking slow obviously as like Miraculous love square lol, but like slow for thriller standards? But things are gonna be heating up between these two 😏 watch ashlyn be ~conflicted~ and ~in denial~~. And meanwhile poor aiden is a confused boy who doesnt know what ash wants like “b u told me to give u space and now here u are grasping my hand like ur life depends on it” 
Sorry back to character arcs:
Ashlyn: Learn to trust and connect with people, make friends, lean on others. Could be nice if she accepts and admits the kids are her friends by the end of S2, leaving the next season for Aiden/Ashlyn dev specifically? More development about her connection with the PD, which could put friendship to the test. [already getting this with her dad and Aiden so this is great]
Also she has the freaking GUILT like i expected! Watch her think tay hates her for like a week before tay is like “no?? I hate the ppl who did this to us instead” and then they hug it out 👍
Taylor: Willing to bet money the twins are unhealthily codependent on each other. She is on the edge bro. Unhinged feral. Is probably gonna be more angry in general despite it being a bad idea, like the top has been blown off. Bottled up emotions~! 
Still thinking she’ll get close to Ben too (whether anything romantic develops on top of it is debatable, but I can see it. theyve already got a cute little closeness going on)..
Tyler: Get this boy some ~THERAPY~ help he’s so depressed and angry. Learn to have hope again (like ben 😭). He has so much negativity inside him, i dont think that’ll help with whatever is going on with him rn like, hes probably in the THICK of the PD influence. He’s kinda like ash, needs to learn to rely on others.
Logan: Seems to be overcoming his fragility well if the arcade scene is any indication. Still has self-worth issues to overcome due to his parents' abandonment. Maybe we'll learn more about that in S2. That could be a rumor and the real reason he lives with his grandparents is that his parents died but idk why that'd be hidden unless their death was suspicious (like, drug ring?? His gpa got the GOODS APPARENTLY). 
Ben: Still needs to find a new passion for life, i suspect playing musical instruments like the guitar will be the answer (thank you tyler). Tho maybe learning to love his altered voice could happen? (tons of dudes have a rough/husky singing voice that ppl love) But this is probably unlikely.  
Aiden: Good Lord like, Aiden being (most likely) suic.idal in the past (and possibly even still NOW?) has floored me. I figured his loneliness and suspected parental neglect was bad but IT’S BAD. Dude wants to feel alive and not depressed… frick. AIDEN ARE YOU going to therapy??? Do your parents KNOW??? Is that why your parents finally settled down?? Guh. this on top of probably untreated ADHD.
–I’m assuming now Aiden started dying his hair to try to get any fragment of serotonin. 
– Kinda wondering if he grew up in a "toxic positivity" mentality home, where his parents are like "we're so privileged we shouldn't complain" ?
– im actually THIS close to beating Aiden’s parents with a stick.
NUMBER SIX: Miscellaneous predictions, wants, musings & hypotheticals.
-guessing now that the twin’s dad had cancer or smn
-hey uh what about the photo Logan took of the phantom back at the sorrel-weed house?? surely he still has it? can he show the parents?? will they be able to see it?
-Logan saw the whole Aidlyn hug from the roof from his snipper position, change my mind.
-Another “death” will happen in S2, possibly even two deaths. (GOD I WAS RIGHT)
-Mr thomas switches sides and helps the kids, gives them info
-Ryan (the spy) switches sides and helps the kids
-the tour lady Jasmine and the Boss are a hot evil couple 
also kinda want them to have a Rourke & Helga dynamic where he throws her under the bus at the last moment and she's Bissed 
-I want the boss to die by his own evil plan. 
–i doubt a redemption arc will happen but I'd be down for it if done well.
-*grabs your shoulders until they bleed* listen. Aiden saved ashlyn, now I need her to save him. I need this. 
-Taylor and Ashlyn girl time please!!!
-Logan and Aiden becoming closer would also give me joy. big Freckle and Rocky energy. 
-this doesn't have to happen but I think it'd be really funny if Aiden somehow gets the IDEA that Logan has a crush on Ashlyn when Logan doesn't, causing a stupid silly short jealousy arc.
-actually I really need a "can skydive from 10,000 ft but can't confess to the girl he likes" Aiden Clark 
-I've got a bad feeling smn will happen to Ashlyn's parents, specifically her dad
-if any of the gang/cult members hurt the kids or their fam fr irl im gonna >8) lose it
-the Origami gang fails to kidnap the kids and they accidentally create a huge "energy spike", making phantoms appear everywhere in town.
-if the kids DO get kidnapped successfully, I want Ashlyn to be an awesome girlboss and use her knife shoes to help them escape.
-if my puppy fic became Canon that'd be swaggie actually.
-let Ashlyn have a dog 2023
-pov you're in Georgia in the fall and a hurricane hits, knocking out solar power for a few days. what then? :)
-when all this garbage is over and they hopefully all live in the end, I want them to have a fun stargazing party led by Logan cause they can finally enjoy the night (And maybe aidlyn have their first Kiss?? 🙈)
-If there ISNT a "group goes to see Ashlyn in a ballet performance" scene then I'm WRITING IT MYSELF 
-At the end of all things, Aiden and Ashlyn will become a couple, or at least have reciprocal romantic feelings. This is not just my shipper heart talking. I feel it in my brain, in my soul. 
-So we know one or both of Aiden’s parents are writers. If anyone knows if that trophy Aiden’s dad is holding in that photo is a real award, hmu
-a kid going into an angry protective phantom mode to protect another(s) 😳 (aidlyn on the brain but it could be anyone)
-if I had a nickel for every time I've imagined Aiden dying in Ashlyn's arms, I'd have many nickels (IT BASICALLY HAPPENED! GREAT! 👍😭)
-what if having a good singing voice ran in Ben's family? haha jkjk…unless??? but they don't sing like ever cuz they don't want Ben to feel bad 
-man what if an sbg kid “died” by a phantom pushing them down a set of stairs.. 
-Rlly hope that Aiden's parents don't get scared seeing phantoms in their house and hearing other families having phantoms in THEIR houses and thinking the whole town is haunted, and they consider moving which they don't wanna do bc Aiden finally has friends but what else can they do!? angst. 
-John 15:13 for Ashlyn with the others except it's not permanent (I'm not saying ash is a Jesus figure tho WHWKEJEJDJ)
-I rlly wanna see ashlyn laugh
-Taylor actually using her mechanic skills. like maybe the jeep gets damaged [HAPPENED] and she fixes it. I dont want that jeep gone bro its already iconic (update: it’s probably gone bro.. sad)
-might be nice for Logan to have a reflection moment where even though all this horrible stuff is happening some good came out of it like he's not a slave to bullies anymore 
-I want to see Ben happy. well actually I want them all happy pls
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(scared) What... what happens if Grian explains right off the bat when he's found out? (shaking)
in reference to the tags of this ask
So like. A really huge part of what Scar's plan entails in canon-- and yes, it's Scar doing this partially on purpose-- is the inherent kindness of the hermits. You bring a starving, dying man back into the fold, and you can absolutely bet that the VAST majority of hermits will at LEAST let him stay until he's healthier again. This is a deliberate move on Scar's part!!! The urgency of the situation (plus the familiarity) creates more of an incentive to let Grian in and then let him linger, which gives him a chance to grow his roots again and make up with the hermits. Scar wants him home again, permanently, and in this game its basically ALL about buying time.
So what happens when you take away that sense of "he's gonna die if we dont keep him here" urgency?? Well...
Well, in an au where Grian fessed up instantly abt the starving and making games when confronted, there's a lot more room to think about it. In some ways, hunger!Grian's canonical reaction to shut down and just let them furiously throw them out was a lot kinder and ultimately worked to his advantage-- nobody got any answers, so they started looking. People are more willing to talk to him if only to understand why. There's a clear element of "i was just doing this to survive and i feel fucking horrible about it" that is,,, pretty undeniable when you've got the person in question self-harming pretty severely about it. And yes, there's pity. Not always a bad thing, and in this case thats the element Scar is deliberately tugging on to make Grian's stay a bit more palatable until he can reintegrate himself
But when you have time to think about it, without that immediate evidence, without that sense of raw urgency sorta blanketing everything so people dont question as much-- what you get is a more measured, and ultimately more negative outlook. The hermits OF COURSE take the time to help Grian figure out how to feed without using people's emotions. They're kind like that. They do care. But theres now more time to think about this, more time to decide yeah, thats valid, sure, but he still used us and hurt a lot of us and also we didnt consent.
Essentially, what im getting at here is that in a hunger au variant where Grian fesses up immediately, the hermits do help him figure out a way to feed without relying on others... and then when thats all sorted out, a vote is called, and Grian is politely but firmly requested to leave. So he loses them anyway, and without the benefit of a mystery to help bring him back.
Thats not to say the vote wasnt awfully divided, there were plenty of people who were at the very least okay with him staying. But with more time and less distance to think things out, a lot of the folks who fall into the "wary but willing to hear him out" category in canon (i have a whole chart fiejfjdj) ended up moving to the "we dont want him here" side of things because they found themselves understandably uncomfortable with the situation and the harm caused by it to others. To their friends.
Basically, its enough of a majority vote to get Grian kicked anyway and without an opening to return. And in this au, i dont think he would return. The au as i have it outlined is that Grian ends up spending years alone on a singleplayer world, falling into his grief and into the rote cycle of surviving but not thriving, until Iskall (one of the people who wanted him to stay) meets him in a market hub and eagerly gets back in touch with him.
Its very much one of those aus that really SQUEEZES your heart, bc its about the loneliness, and the emptiness of losing your entire community, and knowing it is your fault. Its about what happens when you fully isolate because of guilt and forget what its like to be happy because you wont LET yourself be happy. And its about relearning what its like to be a person instead of personified misery. The recovery in that au is SO much harder, so much of a more difficult road (which is saying smth considering canon's is already super difficult), and takes a lot more time and effort on Grian's part. Its a good au, one im really sinking my teeth into and chattering about in dms, but my gods is it significantly worse in many ways to canon hunger au
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thedeafprophet · 5 months
hewwo I was just curious about your trio because I’m love them :0 I’ve seen some of your posts before about their childhoods and where they’re from, and I was wondering what their relationship was like before the present day. like, how did they meet (since from what I gather, they’re from different places)? how old were they? how did they end up becoming so important to each other? when/why was the break up?
I was just curious, feel free to ignore! or take this as an opportunity to just talk randomly about your guys if you’re in the mood for that, no need to answer those questions if they’re a lot! :) also sorry if you’ve posted about this before/recently and I missed it!
gasp...... im always delighted to have an oppurtunity to talk about my blorbos. im sure ive posted about this before - But i will happily summarize again. I did an overview on where each of them were from Here (as well as some talk on accents), and I have the basic overview of their individual backstories in their character summaries linked in my pinned post
this is long so im gonna put it under the cut oop. hope you dont mind an essay
Meeting and School Years
The story of their dynamics really begins as many dreaded childhoods begin: at school. They all were attending the same industrial school as kids/teens, which is where they met. (if you dont know what an industrial school was, they were basically a type of charity run boarding schools created for 'vagrant' children. as a girl's school they wouldve been taught Employable Skills alongside sewing and cooking and such, alongside regular School Stuff)
Jamie was initially there before the other two were, only being around when they were 12 and Josie was 10 that the two of them met, Josie having ended up being sent there some time after her brother died. Jamie had been heavily ostracized from their peers prior to this, so kind of latched onto Josie after they started talking as they, well, didnt really have any other friends. The balancing out of the overly energetic and talkative nature from Jam was also helpful for Josie in a way, giving her the time to adjust and talk on her own accords. Jamie had a habit of sneaking out of the school to wander off into the nearby woods to play, and eventually began inviting Josephine on those 'adventures', which had its highlights and its dangerous moments- kids stuff, yknow how it is.
About a year later, Alex ended up at the same school after being 'transfered' from a reformatory school, long since having already been involved in criminal areas as a kid. (at this point the ages are 15, 13, and 11 for Alex, Jamie, and Josie respectivly)
Alex ended up becoming friends with the other two sort of on accident, when he punched out another girl for bullying Jamie - even back then, he didnt take well to bullies - and subsequently took the fall for such an action. After that Jamie basically wouldnt leave him alone, and dragged him along into the friendship and introduced him to Josie.
The trio spent another couple years at the school, where they learned to balance around and support one anoher in this place that Kind Of Sucks. Alex had plans to leave and meant to break away from the place when he was 17, but the other two insisted on coming with him.
Teen and Adult years
To what im sure is no surprise, Alex basically planned to continue being involved in crime upon his leaving. The other two were a touch involved as well, so to speak, in the matters of surviving on their own. I generally imagine Alex's plan was to return to Birmingham, so thats likely where they ended up.
The rest of this part of the timeline is less specific, a collection of key points between now and the decent to the neath. Important things include Alex's 'pretending' to be a boy for easier access into some spaces stop being pretending, and officially starts to go by Alex. The other two are pretty much okay with it . Jamie starts being involved with artsy groups and eventually gets a job at a theater - it is here they first meet their future ex. Josephine pursued further less typical education outside of the school, before her want to seek answers about personal matters overweighed that desire to just learn things.. and a whole bunch of other things, like Joise returning to Liverpool to seek answers there, Alex becoming more and more tied up in criminal activities (and arson) on the surface, Jamie playing games of copy get to try and climb higher (alongside burgeoning worsening mental health problems but thats another story).
So suffice to say - a lot of time and a lot of things occured. how did they end up becoming so important to each other? well, it was simply a matter of time and the commitment of having only a couple people you can rely on in a world that otherwise cares little for you. Build up of connection, and a support of friendship.
It was the same reason their dynamic ended up falling apart.
Ive talked before on how I don't really know how to qualify their relationship; its not romantic (especially considering the younger years), but its not entierly platonic. There's defiently familia aspects to it, but I wouldnt say they're directly siblings or such (though Jamie def has middle child syndrome lmao). Its a kind of found family relationship that doesn't quite fit within the expectations of expected dynamics.
The 'break up' so to speak wasnt neccearily because of one specific reason. When you have three young adults all in closed spaces, each dealing with their own issues, none having learned how to properly communicate..... well, when the foundation begins to crack, eventually the building is going to topple.
There was no 'final deciding argument' but rather many small ones, over long periods of time. conversations becoming less easy, time together less friendly. what once brought great joy and support instead brought feelings of tension and hurt. Some bends to the foundation simply become to great to support the weight, and it was a slow crumble, day by day.
The final descion to come to the neath was still based on one another, especially as Josie planned to leave one way or another to track down her brother's killer, and by all accounts they still came together. But by then the dynamic had already become fragile, and it would never quite be what it was again.
Sometimes thats just what happens when you grow up, and the people you love and the cricumstances change. Sometimes things just dont work anymore. Perhaps they never truly did.
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catofoldstones · 8 months
The bemoaning of s@nsan's loss of popularity by shippers fascinates me because iv'e seen a lot of ancient fans stance on it was that sansa's flaw is liking pretty things/people so her lesson should be to marry the hound for humility yet not ONE of them look inside the text that all the men that attack/abuse/molest sansa all find her pretty or are infatuated with pretty women worst abuse them, the double standard of fans against sansa fascinates me as they ignore one of sansa's character traits is to treat people with courtesy,they also ignore every character has been attracted to pretty people even j0n yet not one person says that hes vain for liking val based on her attractiveness, the only person iv'e seen thats been as criticized is d@ny simply for her infatuation in daario and dismissal of quentyn and while we as readers didnt like that she did that she's also a teenager(and doesnt know quentyn) again there's huge double standard for girls and boys in this fandom yet no one saw it
im getting off track but basically s@nsan's loss of popularity shouldn't be such a surprise when there's a whole new generation of readers that might not have the same readings or bias from previous years especially when a lot of it was just misogynistic undertones
Has san/san lost popularity? It’s still heralded as one of the most iconic ships to come out of the game of thrones and late 2000s/ early 2010s in general, isn’t it? And the san/san posts I see have a good number of notes, always around and upwards of 400, which is a hefty number to me. But yes, it has definitely left major pop-culture discourse centres.
I have heard a lot about this “flaw” you are talking about and I consider myself extremely lucky that i didn’t join the fandom earlier. I absolutely cannot imagine being in the fandom from the 90s to 2018 as a Sansa stan, when hating her was the norm. I was just about to bring up this point you mentioned, that all men, who are full grown adults btw, lust after Sansa based on her looks. They consider her pretty and want them all for herself, and all the while she’s a 12 year old.
“Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her.”
Tyrion VII, ASOS
“Give your Florian a little kiss now. A kiss for luck.” He swayed toward her. Sansa dodged the wet groping lips, kissed him lightly on an unshaven cheek, and bid him good night. It took all her strength not to weep.”
Sansa IV, ACOK
And these are just two people, with one out of many such instances each, among a hoard of men who think of her like that. A very simple answer to all of this is misogyny, in and out of the universe. Of course the entire san/san fandom has no hive mind, they were apparently the first ones to come up with the qitn Sansa theory while also coming up with the cottage theory, but shipping a 12 year old with a grown man who almost raped her at knifepoint is an open letter invitation for haters to find a settling point for making sansa suffer without actually getting called out for it. It becomes such a perfect cover for actively hating a 12 year old because even the haters realise how insane that actually is.
I think the “flaw rectification” argument was birthed to fuse the thought that yes, sansa did bad things, here’s how we can still enjoy her character while the undercurrent of unfounded hatred runs through the ship while we conveniently never acknowledge it. Obviously new readers came along who had never interacted with the fandom and realised “hey, what the fuck?” and had a different opinion of “that’s a defenceless 12 year old girl who actually did nothing wrong”. I’m sure there were voices who expressed such opinions before but were silenced. Internet is such a friendly place after all.
The “courtesy” thing is so true. She literally has no option but to respond the way she does. One wrong word and she might get beaten or killed. That girl is terrified and only trying to survive. Considering Sansa’s action as anything but survival mechanism is so superficial. This is so analogous to how women today are polite to men while because they’re scared that the men might hurt them/kill them. It’s the same shit, times ten, with Sansa. This also goes for when San/dor catches her during the battle of black water and demands a “song” from her (which is a thinly veiled euphemism for rape), and Sansa sings him a hymn of Mother’s mercy as a way to protect herself.
As for the Dany thing, I just want to say, what exactly is wrong about a teenage girl having a crush? Why is she termed as “lovesick” and “stupid” and “annoying” anytime she shows any interest in a guy? And it’s always the dudebros screaming this the loudest. Obviously, Daario is not a good choice and Dany herself acknowledges that.
“Daario might whisper words of love when the two of them were as one, but she knew it was the dragon queen he loved. If I gave up my crown, he would not want me.”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
I mean, the other shoe will definitely drop with this guy but this the first time we see Dany have a consensual relationship, which I feel is important to her arc - the relationship and the man she has the relationship with. Moreover, she has bigger fish to fry like her governance/dragons/moving towards westeros etc.
And berating her over Quentyn? Wasn’t she supposed to get married the next day to Hizdar? Didn’t she herself say that she’s not sure if Quentyn is the real deal or not? Moreover, she remembers Quaith’s prophecy about the “sun’s son” and double backs (Dany and prophecies are a whole another thing which we can talk about later) and solidifies her decision to go forward with her wedding with Hizdahr.
“Enough,” Daenerys said. “Prince Quentyn has crossed half the world to offer me his gift, I will not have him treated with discourtesy.” She turned to the Dornishmen. “Would that you had come a year ago. I am pledged to wed the noble Hizdahr zo Loraq.”
“The sun’s son. A shiver went through her. “Shadows and whispers.” What else had Quaithe said? The pale mare and the sun’s son…”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
Although, the Martells will not understand that Dany didn’t order Quentyn’s death and might antagonise her so that’s a chekov’s gun waiting to go off. Clearly, Quentyn was clearly the first leg of a bigger arc that we’ll likely see in TWOW (consider Quaith’s whole prophecy) and a part of a bigger theme Dany has to fulfill. Her decision to make Quentyn wait was not based on whether she found him ugly or not, it was based on being right in the middle of a political crisis with another volatile variable being added that has the potential to uproot a lot of what she has struggled to maintain (which ultimately does happen). Dany does have a knack of picking the worst option and that does not bode well for her governance/politics but that is not the point here. The point here is how dare a 16 year old doesn’t find a guy attractive and another guy too attractive (which is a part of a bigger theme btw) and sometimes, it’s a thin line between misogyny and valid criticism. Let’s stop flattening female characters into digestible one-dimensional beings, especially when it comes to teenagers. The fact that they have more than one motivation to act a certain way, makes them so much more enjoyable and interesting and honestly, human, like you and me.
Let’s also stop pigeonholing (12 year old) female characters into high-school mean girl clique leader trope who is so shallow and superficial that she needs to be assaulted by an “ugly” middle aged man to come to her senses. Also, that is called projection. The character that we are talking about isn’t like that at all. But whatever 🙄
Sorry I got carried away and got angry, things like these piss me off so bad. Never change, fandom, never change.
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
cracks knuckles
Eclipse headcanons: Really likes soft things - blankets, pillows, bean bags (thanks Lunar) and perhaps extra secretly even plushies! This is a mix of the fact they help keep him warm on his bad days, and ease the pain and anxieties and the fact he had a beloved plush (mr howls) once.
ALSO because ND headcanons goes brrr i like to think he finds certain soft textures nice to stim with by running his fingers/claws through them!
If given the chance and if he learned that they exist, i feel like he would absolutely secretly sneak off to underground fighting rings to duke it out with others and indulge his love for fighting but in an enviroment where its allowed (granted he doesnt outright kill anyone) but whether this would actually be healthy for his mindset or not is debatable gjfkgh
Lunar headcanons: A LOT smarter than he lets on! A sly litle sh*t when he wants to be, the childish nature is a mix of genuine 'he's just like that' but also possibly exaggerated depending on the situation (like if he wants to twist something to go his way)
He's good at lying, very good and has high pain tolerance (those last two i picked out from the show back when Lunar was at his peak there and he lied to Eclipse's face without flinching when Eclipse turned Moon's pain onto him)
Likes heavy metal music (just cos i think it would be really funny)
KC headcanons: Very much bite and little bark by default, BUT in regards to Eclipse i feel like that would be mostly switched - mostly bark but little bite - but the bark is enough to keep Eclipse in line because oh sh*t dads angy-
He died at some point and thats a catalyst to why he started acting so cold toward Eclipse, or at least part of it - he lost some part of himself, his ability to express emotion was damaged in some way or him dying and coming back made him more hardened to the world and since he goes so strongly by logic he adopted a new mindset that in order to survive he'd have to be harsh and so projected that onto Eclipse also.
Also when he adopts Solar Flare, i feel like a big part of the jealousy on Eclipse's end will be possibly due to KC expressing some of his original softness towards Solar Flare because the emotionally distant cold approach he took with Eclipse before would not/will not work here (especially since Solar has emotional issues of his own, just the opposite to Eclipse and more like KC)
Rays headcanons: VERY observant and VERY sensitive to even the smallest changes in others moods/behaviours. This being due to the abuse he suffered under the evil lord Eclipse, and so he would have learned to be very hyper aware of his former masters moods and even the smallest of hints/warnings that he was in or approaching a foul mood.
Has a habit of putting himself inbetween others to explain on their behalf or even taking a hit (looking at that last one shot) because he's experienced enough to know how to handle a tense or violent situation. A quick thinker in high stress situations also for similar reasons.
On a lighter note, i think he'd also be very fond of fashion and wearing different types of clothes! Since he always wore the same thing for 200 odd years, i think having access to variety would be a huge thing for him (maybe he learns how to sew too so he can make his own!)
Veil headcanons: I think should he get past his anxieties, he'd really enjoy working with kids! He passes off as the type to be a performer, an entertainer to make kids laugh - can absolutely see him putting on puppet shows or clowning around more akin to a jester like Sun and Moon (and even Bloodmoon though they would very much not agree im sure fjkgh)
Absolutely can also see him having a great fondness for plushies, and i love to think he'd collect them too (like beanies or dolls or something) and decorate his room/bed with them (also as a bonus cute idea maybe Rays could make little clothes for them too!)
Bloodmoon headcanons: Despite their violent nature, like Veil i also see them as potentially greatly enjoying the idea of performing and being silly jesters! Imagine they watch Monsters INC and see how the monsters change from scaring kids to making them laugh and that sticks with them and maybe they try to work towards being more like that theirselves later down the line (with the bloodstone also helping to manage their condition it could make it a little easier)
But i feel if they did go that route they would perform on stage or in a space that separates people from them just to be safe, to prevent any accidents from occuring if someone gets a little too close. Also i like the idea if they are bored and by theirselves they might playfight or chase each other in the headspace of their shared body! (or play Uno /hj)
Stares at this wall of text with big eyes
I’ll confirm and deny some of these, but feel free to keep the ones I deny, even so. The fact that you have so many for my blorbo collection honestly just 😭😭 dude thank you
Eclipse LOVES blankets, pillows, and specifically the beanbag that Lunar allowed him to rest on during his recovery :) the warmth consoles him that he’s still alive
Eclipse ADORES plushies, and that’s nurtured by the fact that KC liked to get him one every now and then to lift his spirits. Mr. Howls was his first! He also occasionally got them from the kids :,)
HE LOVES SOFT BLANKETS ESPECIALLY he sleeps with one that he often stims with when he needs time to decompress
Other notes:
The fighting ring idea is honestly so cool, I never even considered that…I would deny that, since it hadn’t come to mind and thusly wouldn’t have been canon, but I like the idea so much that it gets the canon stamp. Maybe for a darker, more brutal drabble (Halloween perhaps?) I could allow Eclipse to…indulge himself…
He’s actually quite brilliant! He just uses his intelligence in different ways :)
The innocence is a bit of a facade, but, you’re right, not completely.
“‘Clipsy said that you’d help me find the PS4 controller. Can you? I really wanna play.”
He is an incredible liar and has decent pain tolerance compared to say…Sun or Moon, for example. He’s pretty good at taking hits- a lot like Rays, which is one of the reasons they get along.
Other notes:
Heavy metal? Possibly. I could see that. I personally think that he likes classical! He actually HATES children’s music (nursery rhymes, lullabies, exc.) but heavy metal would be good for times that he needs to scream LMAO
Attack first, think later! You’d be right, it tends to lean more towards bite no bark in tense situations! However, you’re also correct when it comes to it being switched for Eclipse…he’s still KC’s son, no matter what.
It’s been practically confirmed (I’m awful at keeping secrets) that KC has died. A lot of the “brain” functionalities within KC never came back online after he was brought back, and thusly it’s emotions remained very subdued as a result. Consider it a robot stroke. It feels random surges of emotion and then complete and total numbness, and eventually it just settled on hardening itself to the world because it was easier than trying to fix everything. It became bitter towards Eclipse for a few reasons, but those reasons eventually meant nothing to Eclipse because all he felt was the backlash.
Blood Moon’s jealousy arc is NOTHING compared to what Eclipse’s will be.
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You got like everything right lol
His AI was designed to learn and evolve, which means he actually has sensors that give him a readout on dangerous situations and/or shifts in mood. This can sometimes be swayed by his own anxiety, however.
Yes, those evolutions in his code were a result of the abuse he sustain from Lord Shithead.
He is the resident target practice! He does put himself in between disputes quite often, as he sees himself as more of a buffer than an actual sentient being.
Thinks and makes so many possible predictions of situations at a very quick rate. Thusly how he was already up the ladder urging Eclipse to come over with Veil in the most recent drabble ;)
Lunar and Sun are teaching him how to sew :) he loves to wear dresses and skirts since his former asshole lord would always berate him for it before. So homophobic smh
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Nail in the coffin again no further comments moving on
Children? Children! He’s already quite curious about them, so it’s more than likely that he’ll end up helping out down there once he’s calmed down a bit. Who knows, maybe he’ll drag Eclipse with him ;)?
Main difference between present Eclipse and Veil: Veil jests in a not-malicious way. He loves acting out scenes in his head, or voicing characters in a book he’s reading. Puppet-shows would be a BLAST with him involved!!
He collects beanie babies (specifically the bears)
He has a small army on top of his bookshelf
They watch him sleep
Other notes:
He likes goldfish
They love performing for the kids! On their less-violent days they beg Sun to let them use the theater for a show, and sometimes Sun begrudgedly allows this on the condition that they don’t step off the stage.
They agree because they don’t want to hurt the kids anyways, if the urge would arise.
They do play with one another quite a lot :D their favorite game is tag, but instead of just touching the other they tackle each other and roll around. Whoever emerges on bottom is it!
Eclipse installed Battleship into their system. They’ve never been the same since.
It’s the main reason they went insane really /j
Other notes:
They have an obsession with water, despite it being deadly for them 😭
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detectiveaku · 5 months
theory: akutagawa is now an ada member
i have. four points! which is a lot of points for a bsd theory okay here me OUT yall have worked with less
number 1: the fight on the ship resembles an entrance exam.
in order to join the ada, you have to prove that you would put others' lives before your own. before the fight on the ship, all of akutagawa's "sacrifices" or times when he put his life in danger were calculated, he knew he would probably survive. this is because he was motivated by getting dazai's approval, not saving lives. but by sacrificing his life for atsushi, both atsushi and dazai could vouch that he couldnt possibly have known that he would survive to get said approval. atsushi specifically could vouch that akutagawa had previously said that he couldn't disappoint dazai in his life, because he couldn't bear seeing his disapproval, indicating that he cares about getting dazai's approval while he's alive, not after. so the sacrifice was for atsushi, so he could get off the boat and stop fukuchi.
number 2: his appearance in the "two hours later" segment
clothing is a major factor for a character's allegiance. getting a new item of clothing shows allegiance to the mafia. clothing was a major part of tachihara's development. it also shows allegiance to the ada, as seen when atsushi first joined. and not only does he have an entirely new outfit, but to me its giving goth sherlock holmes. thats a matter of opinion but it really does look like a goth victorian detective.
also, fukuzawa can boost ada members' abilities. and while it might be the lighting making rashomon have that yellow tint to it, at least in part, it does have an extremely yellow look, which to me seems like it is different. why didnt it look like this before? my guess would be he was a vampire, undead, and so fukuzawa's ability couldnt affect him. this is an admittedly weak point though.
number 3: why is he there?
on the surface, sure. akutagawa is at the airport and decides to help out. but this is not part of dazai's orders to him, his role was to save atsushi on the ship and he did that. i dont think mori or any mafia member is going to be at the airport so soon, so on whose orders is he fighting side-by-side with atsushi? three options, i like them all. one is he chooses to save atsushi because it is the right thing to do/he cares about atsushi. i like this, but it seems like a very wide jump from the previous time we see him. impulsively saving someone you were already ordered to save, and voluntarily joining a fight you have no direct business with because youve done some thinking and would fight with him no matter what, is a jump in development. a fun jump, but a jump nonetheless. second option is he chooses to fight because the singularity was created by fyodor and dazai lost to fyodor so hed get dazais respect if he defeated fyodor. and this is fine, i wouldnt hate it. but its the opposite problem, this characterization feels like its going in the wrong direction. akutagawa has been moving away from being solely motivated by dazai's respect. which brings me to option three, he fights because he has a new allegiance. we know how fiercely loyal he can be, the opportunity to prove this allegiance would be enough to get him involved in the fight
number 4: the port mafia transfer
okay i know everyone is tired of pm transfer theories, and im not going to pretend to know who it is, but i think that whoever it will be, there has to be a catalyst. another pm member choosing to leave for the ada may be that catalyst.
akutagawa has been on a redemption arc kick, with the whole not killing people, saving atsushi's life, and now this. it might be that the pm transfer serves to bridge the gap started by yosano's recruitment, which is why we learned about both at the same time. so while akutagawa is transferred to the ada, someone else is transferred to the mafia, and both organizations become closer as they work together with their old friends' new colleagues. i think this is how the pm transfer becomes a real plotline, and not just angst.
i also think mori is going to cash this in at a specific time, not just whenever they're done handling the decay of angels. finding out that akutagawa has left could be that time. it makes this something more than mori knocking on the agency's door after everything is dealt with and going ">:) forgetting something >:) ?" and more strategic, which is more in character for him
its also possible that akutagawa is the pm transfer, which would be crazy and certainly unexpected. akutagawa becomes an official ada member, fukuzawa proves it to mori with his ability, and mori cashes the transfer in to get akutagawa back. shocking, heartbreaking, very bsd.
this is the theory, let me know what you think/if you have any other points to add! im sure theres holes in it but i really think im right about this
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Are you able to do a S/O of Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, and the Marble Hornets, with a extra appendage (Like a tail that they just use as a belt) or a prosthetic??
Various CRP characters w/ a reader who has a prosthetic tail!
by default, since i dont do romantic hcs for characters like toby, his part is going to be platonic! nothing against you, its just a personal boundary/rule for the admin!
admin note from after writing the post! i admit that i was a little stumped on this idea, as i mention in passing in hoodies part that i truly think that most of the characters would really feel one way or the other about the tail </3 i personally chalk that up to my brain deciding to dry for this prompt + not being used to write most the characters with my current perception of them apologies anon :(
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Characters: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky, and (platonic) ticci toby
CWs; None!
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Eyeless Jack;
true to my usual way of writing ej; he feels he doesnt really have any place to judge you since he literally has to eat human flesh in order to survive
he doesnt really ask many questions about it honestly
but if its one of those fuzzy fur tails he'll subconsciously run his fingers through the material
really thats about it
i wish i had more for his section but i really think he would not give a darn about your tail due to his general principle of not judging others... now if this were before he was EYELESS jack yeah he would kinda be a dick but hey, hes a dick to everyone
but thats another story for another day
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"you have a tail?" head tilt
i dont know what is with my brain today but i am DRY!!
anyways, another sort of
acknowledgement, before ultimately just minding his own business
he does think its interesting, though! he probably wont say it but he does think its at least a little bit cool, especially if its one of those mechanical tails that can move around with some controls
kinda swats it around if its one of the plain simple dimple strap on tails, though
again not much to be said here
i think at worst he might forcibly grab it to inspect without thinking to ask, but hell back right off if you snap back
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he thinks its pretty neat me thinks
kinda like toby in regard to being really indirectly interested (ie playing with it if you give him the go ahead, he likes the way the material feels on his hands)
(i wrote tobys part before everyone elses^)
yeah im not sure what to write with this scenario but i dont want to give you just nothing
i feel like most of the characters wouldnt really care/have seen weirder shit, like i think the only ones who may tease you are ben, jeff, lj, and maybe trender (trender not in the mean bullying way but like. hell get on you if the material is faulty or clashes with your aesthetic/style)
anyways back to hoodie
honestly i feel like between the four he'd snag your tail for himself every now and then/j
god can you imagine
he just really likes it
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"are you a furry??"
hes kinda half joking when he asks that since he doesnt really know why else you would wear a tail
regardless of if you are one or not hes not really going to care
i mean, hes seen weirder, probably..
he thinks its really cool! he asks if you made it yourself or if you made it yourself... subtly asks if you can make him one too, totally not modeled after a racoon tail to match his sleeves...
kinda plays with it if you let him; he lightly taps it in passing when you two walk past one another in the hallway
overall thinks its kinda cool tbh
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*Insert obvious flashing spoiler warning for Edgerunners*
Ok, its only been like less than a month since i finished Edgrunners and I have not had the chance to play the game and only know things about it from a couple youtube videos and cultural osmosis so...Im gonna tell you my theory (thats definitely not just my hidden copium) and *how* David survived the ending of Edgerunners and why I think the story of the anime isn't done.
Disclaimer: this was written late at night and while tired. So take my assessment with a grain of salt and be sure to correct me in the notes
Ill start off by mentioning a pattern ive noticed that may be completely wrong but may also be invaluable to understanding the storytelling of Edgerunners and probably Cyberpunk as a whole: Death as an ending.
Now, that is a very obvious storytelling trope. Character finished their arc? Kill them, and all that. But imo death in Cyberpunk IS the end of a characters arc. David's mom dies moments after completely explaining her hopes for David? End of her arc because it serves to set a baseline, a goal David had pushed onto him that then serves as a payoff later on the series. Same applies to the gang, and while my memories of the middle few episodes are admittedly fuzzy, it is my belief that they all died in some way befitting their character: For example Rebecca and Pillar, characters who are very obviously crazy and to some exend hedonistic, don't die in some glamorous way, but rather are both killed by one, violent and most importantly empty action. A complete rejection of their flair, an anticlimactic end. The point im trying to make here is that death, in Cyberpunk, is played off as a subversion of ones goals but simultaneously as a fulfilment of their arc/purpose.
Now David's death seemingly fills that niche, right? In one way or another, he fulfilled the expectations set on him by everyone around him and himself. He saved Lucy, made it to the top of Arasaka Tower, right? And yet, curiously, to borrow a detail spotted by a probably fairly well known theory video on the idea that David did survive, but we never get to see David die. We see him being aimed at by Smasher in a moment reminscent of the first shot with the washing machine, and then we get a bloody transition. We dont see his corpse. Now, even if i personally do subscribe to this theory, i wanna mention the parallel that caught my eye during the scene: Why exactly is it, and frankly why do we even start, with the washing machine? I feel like the answer is fairly simple, actually: It shows us how David is bent to wills of the corporations. From being denied his clean uniform by the washing machine to getting stared down by Arasaka's most prized asset, he starts and ends in submission to the corporate rule of Night City. Now, if I may stretch this out even further, what if in a way, his death represents the washing cycle of his uniform?
Now, this sounds batshit insane, and it probably is, but hear me out. What if the reason its a washing machine is because it shows the beginning of David's cycle of being 'cleaned' into a corpo, the one that ends up interrupted by the lack of funds. And what if, despite how he apparently dies, that shot might be representing his cycle being...complete?
So, to kinda cut down on all of this yapping, let me make my main thesis clear: the protagonist of Cyberpunk Edgerunners did die, but it was not David Martinez that died, but rather, *David*.
What I mean by this is what if his death was real...But metaphorical? What if he didn't die physically, but the part of him that opposed Arasaka, the punk that didn't fit into the academy, died?
Now, at the end of the series, Adam Smasher is alive and well, and yet in 2077, we kill him. Now, I don't know the context on his dynamic with V and how narratively his death happens, but I do known hes dead. This to me, creates a vacuum. A vacuum that, a game with a clear message about the futility of trying to change the rule of the corpos, should logistically be filled right? And while yes, I am suggest David will take Adam Smashers place, I do wanna explain why it happens.
Now, one thing about David is that he's special. Its a very reccuring motif im the entire show, and one that seemingly doesnt go anywhere since he ends up getting destroyed by the even more special Smasher. But what if, hear me out, that idea of being special had a different use: What if it is used as a framing device (especially given David and Ripperdoc have a conversation ABOUT Smasher) that means to frame David as being similar to Smasher. As being his equal in specialness. What if thats the whole reason its not Max-Tak that ends up killing the cyberpsychosis afflicted David, but Smasher. A sort of "you and me are not so different" moment that supposedly shows Smasher triumphing over David. Now, it could just be that David was enough of a threat to Arasaka that called in the big guns, but then again, if he was, why would Smasher wipe the floor with him? If David was as much of a problem as he's made out to be, wouldn't he be able to hold his own against Smasher, even for a little bit? But no, Smasher demolishes him, completely and utterly. And thus I believe this was all Arasakas plan. To see how suitable of a replacement David is for Smasher. And the reason we only hear whispers of David in 2077? Because hes locked away in some Arasaka facility, being worked on to surpass Smasher and potentially even become a threat to V, considering they seemingly have no issue with killing this supposedly super strong cyborg.
So yea, Tldr: David only died metaphorically, he could potentially come back as a Smasher 2.0 in a sequel to either the game or the anime.
If i got this all completely wrong, do not hesistate to roast me in the notes. If I think of any additions the next time im online, ill make sure to add it as a reblog.
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