#kb veil
bitterkarmaa · 3 months
“Just looks like Moon to me.”
Eclipse quirks a brow, his canon counterpart standing idly at his side. Or, canon in way of the show, he supposes.
The Moon look-alike grits their teeth and slams their fist into the barrier once again, white eyes bloodshot with rage. Eclipse crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the floor in a show of disdain.
“Well…he is. Sorta. He’s, like, what was left after the original was wiped, I think? Or something like that?” The other Eclipse adds with a dismissive shrug, seemingly more annoyed over this alternative Moon’s behavior than anything else.
“And you told them you were staying here? Do they know you dragged this rat along?” The more dapper of the two questions, glancing at the other with a slight tilt of his head.
“No. They don’t know where I am, just that I left. They think I went alone.” Canon Eclipse reaches forwards to tap mockingly on the barrier, a sly grin spreading across his faceplate as the night-themed jester growls on the other side.
“Don’t they want him gone, too?”
“Hm. I’m not quite sure. Earth has defiantly thought better of him…but that was before he tried to vaporize her.” A vile edge slips into his tone, disgust clear on his face as the Canon Complacent Eclipse lifts his lip into a vicious snarl. His rays retract, clicking softly to the tune of the clock that sits on the wall behind them.
The Scarred Eclipse casts a one eyed glare in “Moon’s” direction. “After all she’s done for him…how cruel.”
Both Eclipses scowl silently at the Moon beyond their magical barrier, pacing around their half of the room with quiet mumbles and fidgeting limbs.
“When DS comes to get me, you’ll BOTH be screwed!” They shout with a cocky grin, but it falls off their face the moment the well-dressed Eclipse begins to stalk forwards.
“Let your ‘friend’ come as they please. I’ll be waiting, and I’ll be ready.” His mouth contorts into a sharp-toothed, maniacal grin that stretches from one half of his face to the other, a challenging glint alighting in the depths of his functional eye. The other flickers, hints of orange pressing past the precipice of blackened, empty glass.
The Alternative Moon takes a step back.
“Dark Sun isn’t coming to get you. You’re on your own here, Moon.” Canon Eclipse slinks forwards, standing just behind his more powerful counterpart.
“I’m not Moon. I’m Nexus.”
The two Eclipses pause for a moment, then one lets out a snort of laughter, the other breaking down not long after.
“Nexus? Nexus? You…you are so edgy!” The scarred Eclipse cackles, earning another fist charging towards his face, only stopped by the barrier. It cracks this time around, forcing both Eclipses to begin calming down.
“You know nothing! You have no idea who or what I am!” Nexus spits out, their rabid demeanor only enhanced by the crazed look that dances in their eyes.
Neither Eclipse is impressed.
“Who the hell is that?”
A new voice, yet still alike to the two already in the room, joins them. The scarred Eclipse turns, smoothing out the front of his vest as if using it as an outlet for his tremulous emotions.
Veil blinks owlishly up at him.
“Nexus, apparently.” His father responds distastefully, turning his head to glare over his shoulder at his uninvited guest.
“He looks like Moon.” Veil responds, then glances over to Canon Eclipse. His expression immediately brightens.
“You’re back!!” The smaller version of the other two grins excitedly, scampering closer to give Canon Eclipse a hug. The eternally exhausted animatronic manages a small smile.
“I’ll be staying for a while, too, little pest. You can show me around in the morning. For now…” He motions over his shoulder at Nexus. “I brought a problem with me.”
Ignoring Nexus’ shout of offense, Veil peers around his look-a-likes, his expression deadpan. He looks the Moon-counterpart up and down a few times before shaking his head.
“Nope. Take it back. We don’t want it.”
His father chuckles. “I’m afraid it isn’t our choice.”
Veil gives him an odd look. “What do you mean?”
“It’s up to them.”
Eclipse looks at you.
“Should Nexus stay?”
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 2 years
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Woman in a Veil  (2023)
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zhannelann03 · 2 years
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[December 6, 2022] Lee Chae Young’s Instagram Update: “그들은 왜 다시 곱창집에서 조우하였는가 #착한형 #이루형 #조직적인 #드레스코드“ (Why did they run into each other at the gopchang restaurant again? #GoodHyung #EruHyung #Organized #DressCode) HOYYYYY CHOI JUN SEOK AND HAN YOO RA REUNITED ONCE AGAIN AHHHHHHHH ASDFGHHJKLSHDHSDH 😱😱😭😭😭😭😭 BUT DID THEY EVEN TALK THAT THEY SHOULD WEAR LEATHER JACKET TOGETHER?! COZ THEY LOOK SO FREAKING HAWWWWWWT ON IT AHHHHHH ASDFGHJKSDHSDH 😭😩😩🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Eru should had removed his mask here lol *i swear, MIV still has a curse on me that i can't move on HAHAHA 😆😭* although being longtime friends, Eru and Chaeyoung got much closer even after the drama 🥹🥹 sooo great to see them together and AHHHH was wondering if these two.. are forda longer dramas again... like GAWD hoping for a reunion drama plsss! 🙏🏻 btw thank you Chaeyoung unnie for the pics! 😆😍 PS: they also gathered in a solo art exhibition in art gallery last September hehe..
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Beginner Class - Correspondences 101
Ancient Craft & Occultism
Correspondences 101
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Welcome back to another lesson! Today, we're diving head first into the world of correspondences. What exactly are they? Why do we use them? We're going to discuss that and more in this lesson! Let's get to it.
What Are Correspondences?
In essence, correspondences are objects or aspects of objects that represent symbolism in direct correlation with a specific energy. Practically anything and everything has the potential to be a correspondence, therefore correspondences are subject to change depending upon the individual practitioner. Some of you may find yourself attributing certain emotions with colors - this itself is an example of a correspondence. Everything has its own energy, and using the energy that is in direct relation to your spellworking allows for that energy to be amplified and released into your work.
As Antoine Faivre (a French Occultist) states in his book Access to Western Esotericism:
"Symbolic and real correspondences (there is no room for abstractions here!) are said to exist among all parts of the universe, both seen and unseen....These correspondences, considered more or less veiled at first sight, are, therefore, intended to be read and deciphered....The principles of noncontradiction and excluded middle of linear causality are replaced here by those of the included middle and synchronicity. We can distinguish two kinds of correspondences. First, those that exist in nature, seen and unseen, e.g. between the seven metals and the seven planets, between the planets and parts of the human body or character (or of society). This is the basis of astrology - correspondence between the natural world and the invisible departments of the celestial and supercelestial world, etc. Next there are correspondences between nature (the cosmos) or even history, and revealed texts. Here we find the Kabbalah, whether Jewish or Christian, and varieties of 'physica sacra'....Ultimately the world stage is a linguistic phenomena."
Or as Pierre Riffard (a French philosopher) states in his book Dictionnaire de L'ésotérisme:
"The doctrine of analogy and correspondence, present in all esoteric schools of thinking, upholds that the Whole is One and that its different levels (realms, worlds) are equivalent systems, whose parts are in strict correspondence. So much so that a part in a realm symbolically reflects and interacts with the corresponding part in another realm. For instance, the Sun in the mineral realm is the counterpart of the Lion in the animal realm. The relation between A and B is similar to the relation between C and D. The microcosm and macrocosm are analogous, that is, equivalent, similar in their structures, even though they are outwardly dissimilar. The parts are in strict correspondence, closely knit together and closely interacting: thus feet/pisces, veins/rivers."
This is exactly why you use specific herbs, go for specific timing or moon phases, use certain colored candles, and much more.
Why Do We Use Them?
When raising our energy and directing our energy towards our goal, it's very useful to have elements that align with that as a means to amplify the energy. It takes less energy on the practitioner's end, as the natural energy of the objects being utilized is aligned with the energy needed in the work. A lot of it has to do with association, as that's a natural way for our mind's to process information. If you're doing a spell or ritual that is about healing, and you include a solar symbol or something orange, your mind may focus on a different energy rather than healing, which would interfere with the energy of your working.
It's important to make sure all correspondences are considered with your personal associations of things as a means to help you raise and direct energy.
Can I Make My Own Correspondences?
As stated above, the energies connected to particular items are known as correspondences, and they can be employed to increase the power and efficacy of your spell while also giving additional energy. These energies are influenced by a variety of elements, such as nature, colors, history, and culinary and medicinal applications. You would probably find at least one or two lists of correspondences for frequently used items in any book on witchcraft, especially for herbs and crystals. While the majority of correspondence lists are excellent, there are occasionally those that contain ambiguous correspondences, thus it is crucial to investigate any correspondences you are unsure about. Even if I wholeheartedly endorse the usage of these lists, especially for novice practitioners, how can we do away with them, particularly those in which we are unsure about the source of the information?
Look At Practical Uses
Examining the object's beneficial uses is the simplest method to get started writing your own correspondences. How do you utilize the item on a daily basis? What role does it play in the home? Take the broom, for instance. The broom's primary use is to sweep up dirt and debris from the house. Brooms can therefore be used to tidy up an area. Is the plant you're looking at utilized for cooking? What flavor does it have? What flavor does it add to the food? Is it able to glue the elements together, thicken, or color them? What is it used for if it has therapeutic uses? Does it relieve pain, calm rashes, improve focus, promote sleep, or treat infections?
Cayenne peppers, for instance, are hot and add long-lasting heat to the dish. They can also be used medicinally to reduce pain, increase metabolism, and hasten digestion. Based on these real-world applications, cayenne can be used to speed up a spell for a long time, eliminate rivals, or ignite your romantic life. We can begin to deduce some of their elemental correspondences from these practical applications. The cayenne pepper, which is hot and red, is related to the element Fire, whereas the broom, which is sturdy and purifying, is related to the element Earth.
Historical Uses
Once you have examined an item's practical applications, you might explore its history. Most things we use every day, especially those found in nature, are covered in folklore. To start figuring out other correspondences for an object, I advise consulting mythology, urban legends, medical books, and other historical documents. It takes time and needs critical thought to determine correspondences, but the effort is definitely worth it.
Scientific Nature
Next, start examining the object's scientific nature. The easiest way to do this is to use natural objects like plants, rocks, fungi, animals, insects, and other living and nonliving things that are present in your local environment. Where is the item often located? What features or qualities distinguish it from other things? What function does it serve in the ecosystem? Does it exhibit any distinctive behaviors? Take the flavor of mint. Almost all mint species develop swiftly and prolifically. If you don't watch them, your entire yard will be taken over. They are associated with abundance, prosperity, and fertility because of their prodigious nature. Some of these scientific correspondences are simple to infer, while others require some additional research.
Your Intuition
When determining an object's correspondences, the first three ways use logic; your intuition uses your psychology and emotions. Intuition is one of a witch's strongest weapons, although our contemporary culture frequently downplays its accuracy and trustworthiness. Start by wrapping your consciousness around the item in meditation before using your intuition to find correspondences. What does your intuition have to say about the thing? What comes to mind when you think of the thing you're looking at? Personal correspondence frequently starts in this area. At least for you, your personal connection to an object and the correspondences you create by employing your intuition have incredible power.
Consult With Spirit
Finally, you can speak with the object's spirit to learn more about its correspondences. The concept of animism holds that all things, both living and nonliving, have a spirit that we can interact with and form relationships with. This is easier said than done, and before attempting this kind of communication, you must be able to distinguish between your own intuition and mental chatter. It's normal for some witches, especially novice witches, to struggle with this correspondence determination process. This is an excellent chance for you to develop your spiritual gifts. Start by grounding and meditating with the object in issue, just like you would when using your intuition to determine correspondences. However, leave yourself open rather than putting your mind into the thing.
Keep the general mental chatter at bay and concentrate on the work at hand. Set out with the goal of listening rather than speaking. Depending on the object, you might hear it speak loud and clear in full sentences, or you might only see a flash of color or experience an emotion. But the secret is to approach this situation with no expectations. The item may not speak to you at all because you are not entitled to a dialogue with it. However, by building a relationship with the object beforehand, you can increase the possibility that it will communicate to you. Offer it gifts, communicate with it, take care of it, etc. Do essentially everything you would to make a new friend.
You will gain a strong understanding of how to employ the object in your own magical practice after combining these five techniques. Additionally, it will improve your magical practice overall and reinforce your bond with the object, enhancing its effectiveness as a component of your spells. The object will be considerably more likely to help you if you can communicate with its spirit.
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my name is kassia😍😍 i like drawing, playing guitar, and epic mega gaming on roblox!! (im always online in roblox so if u wana join me thats so mega epic) ill be blogging about many silly things of ride the cyclone and maybe some other things too 👍👍
more info about me:
pronouns: she/her
age: im 13+ yrs old
fav color: pink
fav rtc character: all
roblox user: (ill give it to you when i trust you)
after school activity: just theatre
languages i speak: spanish and english
first language: spanish but i sound kinda american
art: #mega jane doe's drawings
story time/yapping: #mega jane doe's yapping
roblox epic moments: #mega jane doe's gaming
my besties: #mega jane doe's besties
-percy jackson books
-pierce the veil
-melina kb
-lemon demon
-i love yapping
youll get to know more about me when i post 1 million blogs🤑:
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Phalaris Vol.II - KBS Hall [2023/05/05] live report
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Mouai ni shosu
Devote my life
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Ningen wo Kaburu
Gaika chinmoku
The Perfume of Sins
Sangeki no yoru
Sustain the untruth
Encore 2
un deux
Man, I'm really not at my best, giving my all, when I'm squeezed hot and wet among so many people. Not to mention fighting so that people who had higher numbers don't reach the front, like the official message strictly prohibits.
Regardless, the show was very intense.
The backdrop was a huge, epic tapestry of the Phalaris head with flames. The entire show consisted of lights, there was no screen this time.
A tech came with a basket and distributed Thermos bottles, water bottles with and without straws, as well as towels for each member's spot. At Kyo's, he left something like eight bottles of water, only two had straws, so you could guess that something was going to happen with the rest.
The members started coming in and the theme tonight seemed to be more white: Shinya was as usual, Toshiya's veil and upper draping were white this time, Die I think had some white too, Kaoru wore a black+white suit with different patterns for the top and bottom and either a tie or a dress shirt underneath whose lining made an 8 shape kind of. Kyo was in contrast, wearing a black G.I.S.M. shirt with a kind of white shinigami creature on it, and black pants with large pockets and a long belt.
The show went on basically like usual. Toshiya had so much drama in his moves, the way he poses with his hand hiding his face. He also blew away his white veil exaggeratedly as he turned around after the first song, but that veil quickly left his head. Yet, he may as well have still been wearing it, because his hair made a puffy curtain over his face. Everyone on site got so hot so quickly. Toshiya's abs got shown very early on. An hour more of those and I will have them memorized.
Schadenfreude is definitely basked in red and purple light. This time, the whole crowd shouted every: "Ikedomo jigoku ka", which didn't seem to delight or faze Kyo either way.
At the end of Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau, it was obvious what Kyo wanted us to sing, but people started the "nananananana" way too early. Kyo's face went dead, clearly disappointed. We weren't a lot who were well-timed.
In the following song though, everybody redeemed themselves. We sang each backup vocal and Kyo had us sing the entire last paragraph. He seemed to say: "Yeah, this is your moment."
13 gets more and more intense, I feel. And the way Kyo walks so slowly onto his crate using the side step for the final chorus, as though contemplating the finality of it. Ugh.
The next two songs, Uroko and Eddie, feel like a blur. When the first notes of both Eddie amd T.D.F.F. start playing, it really sets off Kyo and he moves around a lot.
Kyo was even less coordinated when it came to the clapping part in GRIEF today. Well, mocking our clapping part that he had initiated himself years ago. And the growls were all raw throughout this song.
It felt so odd to witness Toshiya's backup vocals during Gaika chinmoku after working on that compilation, but it was great! Kyo repeated and repeated the ending lyrics way after the music ended, deploying everything his throat had to offer.
Otogi came and the stage was again bathed in red. Kaoru's guitar white noise seemed shorter than before. Toshiya traced from the top of his head to the ground in general at the beginning, and even Kyo was less sensual than in Yokosuka. Anyhow, not many fans seemed to be into Otogi, from what I could see. By the way, Kyo does not sing the high-pitched "Tadaakada"s; recordings are played instead.
For the last song of the main setlist, Kyo mumbled and growled stuff with his mic on the stand, long enough that I thought he wouldn't catch enough breath to growl "Nose, Eyes, Ears" but hot damn he did and the crowd went crazy for the entire song.
The members then left swiftly, some raising their hands on their way out. We called for encore immediately. After what seemed like forever, they came back. Shinya wore black pants and a black shirt; Die was dressed similarly but his shirt was more like a black, plunging V-neck tank top; Toshiya kept his black shorts and lacey skirt but put on a white sleeveless button shirt that he has definitely worn in the past; Kaoru had a classic black dress shirt, I think? Kyo just changed to the same Japanese heavy metal shirt that he had for the encore at Yokosuka.
Jealous started playing and everyone knew we were getting something special. The band played it without much passion or interaction though. In fact, Kyo sang essentially like the studio recording, face blank. The second song, maybe even more special, Sangeki no yoru, had a bit more passion, based on the fact that he added some screaming to some of the last lines, but that's it. Oh but most of the members (Die and Toshiya, as well as Kaoru I think?) were mouthing the lyrics to one of the songs during the encore. Not sure which.
The rest of the encore is where the band picked up the beat and intensity. I can't remember exactly when, but I feel like we also had to sing a lot in Utafumi and Sustain the Untruth, as well as all the "fucker"s and Ms in T.D.F.F. The crowd just kept moving in inorderly waves, especially when the members came up close on stage.
Kyo clapped and mouthed "bye bye", then left appearing satisfied. Toshiya sprayed us with water and the four remaining members threw their stuff. I don't think they drenched their towels to send them that far? Just tied them in a knot. Toshiya was all smiles, at the end and throughout most of the show. I remember how he just kicked that left leg onto Kyo's crate during one of the encore's songs, like it was nothing.
They left and the ending instrumental played three, four times, with the pre-recorded message that the show is finished being repeated at least twice too. Staff tried to ask us to leave, but we continuee to shout a chaotic mess of "encore" and "Dir en grey". Finally, Dir en grey returned! Kyo (who had removed the black, horizontal makeup he had during the ahow) said something about the crowd being loud enough for the encore, so they came back, but wondering if it had been loud during the main setlist. That's probably echoed in his recent Twitter post about him wanting tomorrow to be a continuation from that last point of intensity.
Un deux was played and at that point I barely had two feet on the ground, we were moved left and right. All I could see was Kyo and he was smiling a lot. I think he took off his earpieces entirely, had us sing and was glad we kept doing so even as he went on with his job eventually. Then, I think that the four other members left really quickly, because it was soon just Kyo having fun baptizing people in the front row with the many bottles of water that he had in the back. He was grinning so much, until he reached the right side of the stage and then looked dead serious on drenching the person to the last bit. He'd throw the bottle cap vigorously into the crowd, empty the bottle and then either gently hand it to a fan or throw it careless away in the crowd. He left looking happy!
We then finally turned around to leave, and I think that because we saw that cameras in the back had been filming us, we started clapping at some point, just to reiterate our joy.
Besides the two old songs played at the beginning of the encore and the double encore with un deux, it felt essentially like any normal show. Kyo even kept calling out for us as "Kyoto", while I expected him to say: "knot" or "a knot". Also, even the a knot 25th anniversary does not get Kamuy? What will it take?
Last note: Kyo was definitely filmed and there were cameras in the back too. Not sure about the rest, but it sounds like this could go out onto a DVD?
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convenientalias · 7 months
Which is my favorite Kdrama network?
When I'm bored I like to list and categorize things. Today I've decided to discover, statistically, which Korean drama network is my favorite based on shows I've watched.
Including both shows I've completed and shows I've dropped bc in this case, the shows I don't like are relevant.
Using my ratings from MyDramaList :) which means however I felt the first time I finished watching a show, basically. Not including networks where I've only watched one show (e.g., Disney+, Wavve, Channel A).
Beyond Evil--6
Itaewon Class--Dropped
My Country the New Age--10
Private Lives--Dropped
Reflection of You--Dropped
Sisyphus: The Myth--Dropped
I can't believe this network produced My Country the New Age when everything else I've watched by them has been a flop for me. Beyond Evil came the closest to breaking the curse but even then. Itaewon Class is one of my least favorite shows I've ever tried to watch; I've forgotten most of the details now but a bad taste lingers.
White Christmas--10
Mad Dog--8
The King's Affection--10
River Where the Moon Rises--Dropped
Should I have given River Where the Moon Rises more of a chance? Bc apparently this network only makes bangers.
Extraordinary You--7
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung--9
The Veil--7
Idk what to say about this one. RHGH is pretty damn good but I think I would probs like it less watching it now than I did in 2019, newish to kdramas and ready to love anything. But it's a fave regardless, and Extraordinary You and The Veil are both fairly watchable. A serviceable network.
Perfect Marriage Revenge--Dropped
A network to watch a few episodes with the desire to see dogblood plots, and then leave.
My Holo Love--Dropped
Gyeongseong Creature--Dropped
Song of Bandits--8
The Silent Sea--7
It's Netflix. I don't know that they're ever going to make a real favorite for me but they're fairly competent.
Save Me--8
A Superior Day--Dropped
Apparently it takes Seo Ye-ji and Woo Do-hwan's powers combined to make me finish a show by this network. You'd think it would be easier bc they seem to enjoy angst and whump, but I think they pour it on a little too thick.
Doctor Stranger--Dropped
Lovers of the Red Sky--8
The King: Eternal Monarch--7
The Killing Vote--Dropped
Remember: War of the Son--Dropped
Honestly I might come back to at least one of these dropped shows. Their track record on plots is okay, but their actors are really good.
100 Days My Prince--Dropped
Alchemy of Souls--9
Bad and Crazy--Dropped
Circle: Two Worlds Connected--9
Devil Judge--9
Flower of Evil--10
Hotel del Luna--Dropped
It's Okay to Not Be Okay--8
Mr. Sunshine--8
Our Blooming Youth--Dropped
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise--Dropped
Psychopath Diary--9
Tale of the Nine-Tailed--Dropped
Clearly I just start the most show by them. Do they make the most shows? I don't know. Good concepts and good cinematic quality on most of these shows, with just a few exceptions. Pretty solid network.
Color Rush--8
I Picked Up a Star On the Road--6
Where Your Eyes Linger--8
You Make Me Dance--6
Mixed bag.
The takeaways:
I should probably watch more KBS. On my to-watch list, that translates to Youth of May, the Bridal Mask, Hwarang, the Bloody Heart, and Orange Marmalade. So mostly historical dramas, which is a pity bc apparently I also like their thrillers.
Really, though, my to-watch list at this point has a ton of SBS and MBC on it for some reason, at least with shows that have already come out. According to my stats so far, my odds are pretty mixed on liking them or not.
Somehow, one feels, I will actually end up watching more TVN instead... but that has yet to materialize. (except the one kdrama I'm currently watching is a TVN drama. so.)
Did I really learn anything? No. and on that note, good night.
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what-breaks-my-heart · 9 months
Watched in 2023
Korean Drama:
Apple of My Eye (KBS daily drama, 2023)
Between Him and Her (Channel A, 2023 - ongoing)
Can We Be Strangers? (Genie TV, 2023)
Check Out the Event (MBC short drama, 2021)
Elegant Empire (KBS daily drama, 2023 - ongoing)
Lady Durian (TV Chosun, 2023)
Live Your Own Life (KBS weekend drama, 2023 - ongoing)
Meant to Be (MBC daily drama, 2023)
My Dearest (MBC miniseries, 2023)
Numbers (MBC miniseries, 2023)
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise (tvN, 2023)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (MBN, 2023)
The Real Has Come! (KBS weekend drama, 2023)
The Third Marriage (MBC daily drama, 2023 - ongoing)
The Witch’s Game (MBC daily drama, 2022 - 2023)
Three Bold Siblings (KBS weekend drama, 2022 - 2023)
Unpredictable Family (KBS daily drama, 2023 - ongoing)
Woman in a Veil (KBS daily drama, 2023)
KBS Drama Special:
To My Assailant (2020)
While You're Away (2020)
One Night (2020)
Scenery of Pain (2021)
Siren (2021)
Ordinary Jae Hwa (2021)
The Effect of a Finger Flick on a Breakup (2021)
Underwear Season (2022)
Do You Know Ashtanga (2022)
Silence of the Lambs (2022)
The Distributors (2022)
No Path Back (2023)
Half Lies (2023)
Do Hyun's Confession (2023)
We Were There (2023)
Dog Days of Summer (2023)
The True Love of Madam (2023)
Love Attack (2023)
Korean Movie:
Confidential Assignment (2017)
Confidential Assignment 2: International (2022)
Emergency Declaration (2022)
Exit (2019)
Gate (2018)
Recalled (2021)
The Roundup (2022)
The Roundup: No Way Out (2023)
The Tower (2012)
Chinese Drama:
Gank Your Heart (2019)
Love You Seven Times (2023)
Nothing But You (2023)
She and Her Perfect Husband (2022)
Song of the Moon (2022 - 2023)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (2020)
Chinese Short Drama
Love at Second Sight (2023)
Chinese Movie:
My Blue Summer (2022)
Yesterday Once More (2023)
Taiwanese Movie:
Someday or One Day (2022)
Taiwanese Drama:
Someday or One Day (2019)
Japanese Drama:
Bokura wa Koi ga Hetasugiru (2020)
Japanese Toku Series
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (2016 - 2017)
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers (2022 - 2023)
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger (2023 - ongoing)
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2022 : EXO at Festivals Pt. 2
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220925 - 2022 Mokkoji Korea Concert in Uzbekistan - KAI
Greeting Video
Full Concert
Interview [translation]
KAI Highlight
221001 - Japan Special Live - SUHO
Morning Star + Grey Suit + Curtain + Starry Night + Hurdle + A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Cover) + Bird + Growl + Overdose + Love Me Right + Self-Portrait + Let's Love + Made in You
All Performances Audio Thread
Making Movie
221001 - Best of Best Concert in Bangkok - CHEN
Greeting Video
Full Performance Fancam - Shall We + Love Words + Ment 1 + Everytime + Best Luck + My Dear + Beautiful Goodbye
Chen - Shall We? (Broadcast Cut)
Chen - Best Luck
Chen - Everytime
Ment [1] [2] [3]
221002 - Mokpo Music Play - KAI
Full Stage - Peaches + Ment + Mmmh [RAW]
Ment [translation thread]
221009 - Powerful Daegu K-Pop Concert 'Re;Start' - KAI
Full Stage - Peaches + Ment 1 + Vanilla + Ment 2 + Reason + Ment 3 + Mmmh [RAW]
Ment Update from Korean Odyssey [1] [2] [3]
221010 - 2022 Someday Pleroma - Suho
Full Stage - Morning Star + Grey Suit + Hurdle + Met You By Chance (Songolmae Cover) + Call Me A Freak (Bad Prosecutor OST) + Let It Be (The Beatles Cover) + O2 + Let's Love + Made In You
Ment [translation thread]
221022 - Awesome Music Festival - KAI
Full Stage Fancam - Peaches + Ment 1 + Vanilla + Ment 2 + Reason + Ment 3 + To Be Honest + Ment 4 + EXO Medley (Growl + Tempo + The Eve + Love Shot) + Ment 5 + Hello Stranger + Ment 6 + Mmmh / [1] [RAW]
KAI - To Be Honest + Ment + EXO Medley + Ment
221106 - On The K : Assemble - KAI
Coming Soon
Interview [RAW]
Full Stage - Peaches + Ment + Reason + Mmmh [RAW]
Performance Cut - Peaches + Reason + Mmmh
Behind the Stage [RAW]
221115 - Grammy Museum : Global Spin Live - LAY
Billboard Instagram Story [2] [3] [4] [5]
Grammy Museum Tiktok Update
Lay - Veil
221126 - Metamoon Music Festival - LAY
Full Fancam - Lit + Sheep + Ment + Changsha + Veil + Ment + Namanana + Ment + Boss + MJ Tribute + Ambush + Mapo Tofu + Ment + 3 Wishes + Honey + Ment + Joker / [1]
221208 - BeYou2 : The World Will Care Concert in Cebu - Xiumin, Chen
Press Conference
Chen - Last Scene + I Don't Even Mind + Shall We? + Everytime
Xiumin - Brand New + Serenity + Love Letter + Feedback + Ment
221209 - BeYou2 : The World Will Care Concert in Manila - Xiumin, Chen
Chen - Last Scene + I Don't Even Mind + Shall We? + Everytime
Xiumin - Brand New + Serenity + Love Letter + Feedback
221210 - KBS New Year's Special Songolmae Concert - Suho
Suho - Love All
221221 - 2022 Pohang Kpop Festa - KAI
Kai - Peaches + Vanilla + To Be Honest + Hello Stranger + Mmmh
221231 - Dragon TV's New Year's Eve Countdown Gala - LAY
Greeting Video [1] [2]
Lay - Changsha + Veil
Part 1
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enterenews · 2 years
Top wives who took off mysticism
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mysticism? What is it?
Some actresses in the past often hid their private lives and took the mystic route. In particular, many of those who became wives of top stars were like that. But now it's different. Instead of the title of ‘top star’s wife’, actresses are building their careers more solidly, and more and more people are boldly revealing their private lives that have been shrouded in veils.
Lee Min-jung
Lee Min-jung, who started dating actor Lee Byung-hun in 2012, got married on August 10, 2013, after about a year. The couple of the century was born. Two years later, in 2015, she had her first son in her arms and had a happy family. By this year, her son is already 8 years old.
But these days, Lee Min-jung's talk is frightening. Having communicated with fans through SNS with his easy-going and hot personality, he returned to Chungmuro after 11 years with the movie "Switch" and captivates fans with his great talk. The point of his conversation is, of course, his husband, Lee Byung-hun.
Lee Min-jung, who appeared on SBS Power FM's 'Cultwo Show' on the 2nd, mentioned Oh Jung-se's line in the play, "Lee Byung-hun is cheaper than me," and said, "Everyone liked that scene at the premiere. I wonder if all men want (Lee Byung-hun) to be cheap," he said, drawing laughter.
In an interview, he said, “Many people see me as a miser, but I’m not. I like to be funny, but I'm an actor, so I hide it.
Han Ga-in
Han Ga-in has recently become more familiar with viewers through her active entertainment activities. Last year, after warming up with SBS' 'Circle House', she is emitting an entertainment force comparable to her husband Yeon Jung-hoon's with 'Sing for Gold', MBN's 'Greek and Roman Myths-The Private Lives of the Gods', and JTBC's 'Handless Day'.
This is thanks to the candid way of speaking and 200% sympathy for the storyteller. She met the victim of the can charter scam in person, fully sympathized with the client's story, shed tears together, and attracted viewers with her easy-going charm of mentioning tteokbokki as the food she wanted to eat the most when she was pregnant.
In particular, in April of last year, her husband, Yeon Jung-hoon, appeared as a guest on KBS 2TV’s ‘1 Night 2 Days’, a regular appearance, and was recognized for his hot entertainment sense. In each game, he gave unexpected fun with his dazzling performance and extraordinary fighting spirit, and even completed a mukbang that made his mouth water just by looking at it, making Yeon Jung-hoon happy.
Son Ye-jin
Son Ye-jin, who became Hyun Bin's wife, is actively revealing her daily life to her fans through SNS. After marriage, she said that she cooks often, which she did not normally do. She posted a picture of gimbap and showed off a house-cooked table prepared with stew and various side dishes.
She gave birth to her first son in November last year, and since then, she has posted a picture of her son's feet on Instagram, which has generated a heated reaction. At this time, Son Ye-jin said, “A precious life was born to our couple. She desperately realizes that many people need sincere affection and help for a life to be born, and she wants to convey her heart to those she is grateful for.”
He continued, “All babies in this world are light in their existence, and when I met someone I loved more than myself, I felt helpless and strong enough to do anything at the same time. I am also grateful to you who are transforming into a hedgehog day by day through this whole process,” she said, expressing her gratitude to her fans and her husband Hyun Bin.
0 notes
bitterkarmaa · 1 year
*BANGS POTS AND PANS* WAKE UP LOVES GRANDPAPPA IS HERE!! (also part three? *looks at you with my autistic eyes)
Looks back with my autism eyes 👁️👁️
PT 2
The endless darkness beyond the stage brings a type of fear to Eclipse that he has felt very few times. Especially since he knows his sons are in there somewhere, with something that seems rather irritable at best, and aggressive at worst.
The panic still pulses through his body, air tightening around him as the star struggles to contain itself within his body. It feels what he feels. And what he feels cannot be defined in just one word.
“BLOOD!?” Eclipse shouts out into the darkness, wild eyes darting about the room. His hands shake at his sides. He can feel the heat beginning to soak through the cracks of his plating.
“Why worry about them? Look what they did!” Moon snaps from behind him, grabbing Eclipse by the shoulders, forcefully turning the other animatronic to face him. Eclipse stares back at him with wide eyes, following his finger as he jabs it at Rays- leaking and injured on the floor.
“I’m used to it.” Rays rasps, bringing a hand up to cover the gash at the base of his neck, where it meets his chassis. His front plating looks loose, nearly torn from its hinges. Blood Moon would’ve killed him, Eclipse knows, and he would’ve let them. Guilt gnaws at his chest. Emotions churn in his head too quickly for him to grasp. Why didn’t he stop them?
“That’s just sad.” Veil murmurs from his place beside Eclipse’s leg, one hand loosely wrapped in the fabric of his father’s pants. He doesn’t sound mocking, no, but instead solemn- sympathetic, even, if his tone was to be picked apart.
“It is?” Rays manages to shift onto his side with a grunt, and, before long, Lunar is at his side, helping him into a sitting position. Sun hangs back. Eclipse can’t see his expression, but the fact that the daycare attendant hasn’t said anything yet is proof that he isn’t in the brightest of moods.
Eclipse doesn’t blame him.
“Yes. It is.” Eclipse says tightly, hands clenching into fists at his sides.
He wants to scream. Wants to shout at anyone and everyone for reasons he can’t explain, wants to claw out someone’s eyes, just for the hell of it. It must show in his stance, because Rays seems more than just a little unnerved as he turns his attention onto the almost mirror-image of his former abuser.
“Moon, tend to him, will you?” The scarred animatronic quips, more of a demand than a suggestion. Moon narrows his eyes.
“You are not going down there.”
Eclipse can’t help but let himself slip, his self control crumbling between his fingers faster than he can register.
“My sons are down there! Something just fucking flung them like paper planes and you want me to stand here and do nothing?!”
He feels everything breaking around him. Feels his world crumbling beneath his feet.
It makes him dizzy. Nauseous. Unsteady.
“…sons?” Moon murmurs quizzically after a few beats of silence, eyeing Eclipse with conflicting emotions adorning his face.
Eclipse can’t bring himself to backtrack or deny any of the frantic admissions he’s giving. He can’t stop talking once he starts, the raw anxiety spilling off his tongue as his hands come up to grab loosely at his rays in a display of pure, unfiltered panic.
“Yes! Are you stupid?! Deaf?! Blind?! They look up to me like a parent, they depend on me now! I’ve left them too many times, and I’m not leaving them to be killed by-“
“Um…Eclipse…?” Veil cuts into his father’s rant timidly, practically melting under his gaze as Eclipse turns his wild eyes onto his youngest son.
“What?” He snaps a little too sharply, only shifting his eyes away once Veil points towards…
Huh. Eclipse is met with the sudden realization that he’s in flinging distance, too.
However, instead of being flung, he is restrained with two hands and dragged from the balcony, claws scrabbling wildly at the wood in a desperate attempt to escape- but to no avail. His gaze looks with Moon’s for a moment, silently pleading for help, but the night-themed jester is so frozen in shock that he only manages to move and reach out once it’s too late.
Eclipse is pulled into the darkness with a cut off scream and movie-worthy struggle, flailing limbs and kicking feet like a toddler being dragged from a candy store.
“ECLIPSE!” Veil and Rays shout in unison, one more distressed, the other worried. Lunar has to lean forwards and tackle Veil to prevent him from diving off the side of the balcony after his father.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, he’s like- invincible, at this point-“ Lunar says in a rush, hoping to console Veil enough to at least dampen his struggling- and, maybe, to convince himself of his own words, too.
“Death fears him.” Rays cuts in, small innocent smile coming onto his face as the others turn to him in clear unease over his foreboding statement. Their voices fade off into distant murmurs, melding together until the voices are indistinguishable from one another, as Eclipse is pulled further from salvation.
“Let me GO!” Eclipse snarls, forcing the fear from his voice in favor of acting on his more furious instincts.
A low growling fills his senses, blocking out all his previous attempts at bravery. Gears grind away at each other beneath dented metal paneling, only visible by the streaks of light that come out from behind the balcony curtains. It carefully descends from its perch, neatly positioned underneath the stage, maneuvering around until he hears the gentle clink of metal meeting the balls within the pit below.
He swallows thickly. The taste of oil is thick and bitter on his tongue. The heat leaks out from his chassis in waves and small bursts of steam. He needs to calm down, damage is being done.
The way he is gently cradled now is a stark contrast to his unceremonious snatching from up above. He is held with such tenderness, such care and concern, as if he will break at any moment.
He…he remembers being held like this. It brings him a type of comfort he didn’t know he needed until now, melting into the hold without further hesitation, all his walls dropped in an instant.
All those times, after rough days, long nights, troublesome memories or particularly persistent pains…
Tears prick at his eyes as a part of him, long since crushed by time, begins to surface once again.
Star-patterned sleeves shift in his edges of his vision, so woefully torn and dulled. It’s his fault. He hurt him. He hurt his own father. He ruined his sanctuary, his safe place, his rock that tried to stay by his side despite all that he had done.
No, he can’t do this now.
He moves his arms up, shoving himself back from KC as the mangled animatronic tilts its head down at him, moving stiffly, each shift accompanied by a click or awful scraping sound- sometimes both.
“What did you do with my son?!” Eclipse demands, finally managing to break free from his father’s hold. He staggers back a few steps, vision swimming as the steam continues to pour from his vents.
When he manages to look up, barely making out KC’s blank stare and calm, careless demeanor, he feels the rage build up once again.
In a simple motion, it lifts its hand, pointing towards the play-structure. Eclipse turns, spotting Blood Moon crumpled in a haphazard pile beside one of the slides.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!” Eclipse’s voice comes out sharp, borderline wail.
“Toss.” KC says simply.
“NO SHIT???” Eclipse bolts to Blood Moon’s side, kneeling down to access them for any damages. He hears nothing behind him, so focused on his son, that the next thing he notices is a voice speaking from right above him.
“Rabid child. Off switch?”
Eclipse turns on what remains of his father, clutching Blood Moon in his arms while glaring daggers at the figure that towers above him.
“I told you not to interfere with my family!” Eclipse’s rays jitter, then turn in opposite directions- quick, sharp movements that clearly display his fury and distress. KC deadpans at him.
“Your family is falling apart.”
The fire dies in Eclipse’s eyes at that remark, shoulders going slack as his gaze travels back to Blood Moon. He wishes he could deny that. He wishes he could tell his father off and flaunt his accomplishments, show face of a perfect family that may finally make KC feel even the slightest amount of guilt.
But he can’t. Because he’s right.
“You have no idea what my family is like.” He bites back, tone full of venom that he wonders is truly his, or that younger animatronic that never got the clarity that he so desperately needed.
“Like you?” Eclipse snarls, finally turning to face KC, watching with disgust as the older animatronic’s gaze darkens, expression tightening in disdain.
He watches those hands curl into fists, watches those dagger-like fingers, so often coated in layers of blood, hide themselves amongst its primal rage. It makes him sick, so he looks away, clutching Blood Moon closer, cradling them to his chest.
“And who’s fault is that?” KC’s voice is low, bitter, filled with such intense hate that Eclipse feels a part of himself wither and die all over again.
“Just leave me alone.”
A silent resignation hangs behind his words now, unable to repress his exhaustion with the situation any longer.
“I can’t. I am your father.”
For some reason, those words hit something. Something deep- something that has been simmering for a long, long time.
Eclipse sets Blood Moon down, whirling to face KC with tears in his eyes, freely flowing down his face. He jabs an accusatory finger at KC, shoving the tip of his claw against the cool metal plating of its chest.
“My father. Is dead.”
He watches the horror cross KC’s expression.
“But I’m right here.”
“NO!” Eclipse shouts in sudden outrage, balling his hand into a fist that he uses to hit at KC, hand colliding harmlessly, helplessly, against his chest. Soon, Eclipse’s head comes forwards, broken sobs wracking through his body as he leans into his father’s morbidly cold chassis. “No…”
KC’s expression twists, becoming increasingly…concerned. He kneels down to be level with his son, wrapping his arms around him, hushing him softly as Eclipse wails his woes, letting it all out.
“I’m right here, my boy, hush now.” He murmurs in the gentlest tone, one only fit for a consoling father. The years of dismissal…is this what it’s done? Has KC been the underlying cause of Eclipse’s outbursts all this time? Those thoughts make him feel almost…ashamed. The emotions are dulled, faint in comparison to what they should be, but…the admittance that it’s there means that…it’s here, in this moment. This is something it’ll be able to remember, not some vague recollection that comes and goes like all the others.
By the time that Eclipse begins to calm down, his breathing hitches and hiccups, such intense emotional distress obviously having worn on his already weakened systems from overheating.
It is then, that it realizes, the pair of red eyes that stare up at it. It glances down to Blood Moon, who now sits up unsteadily, their pupils uneven- one dilated, the other shrunken. It’s not a big size difference, but…it probably means nothing good. But, hey, they’re snapped out of their murder-trance! KC calls that a win.
“Eclipse…” KC whispers gently, prying his son off of him despite Eclipse’s vain attempts at staying in place. “Your…um…child? Children? They have awoken.”
Eclipse stares blankly at KC for a few moments, then seems to startle and snap out of his stupor. He turns to face Blood Moon- perhaps a bit too quickly, because he sways precariously on his feet- as his son stares up at him with a half-lidded expression.
“Oh my…” Eclipse murmurs worriedly, only taking his focus off of Blood Moon when KC gently rests his hands onto Eclipse’s shoulders, steadying him.
“My apologies.” The former security bot mutters sheepishly, and Eclipse casts a wry look back at it before focusing back onto his son.
He carefully kneels down to their level- with KC’s help- and begins to examine their circuitry, processors, drives- pretty much anything that could sustain damage got a thorough inspection. KC hovers, however, it seems his presence isn’t as expected to others as it is to Eclipse, because….
“No. Fucking. Way.”
KC and Eclipse slowly turn in unison towards the new voice, Blood Moon doing the same, albeit sluggishly, as if they’re drunk. Moon stands off to the side, mouth agape, staring at KC like he just watched a kangaroo give birth to a kazoo. In other words, horror and shock are quite clear on his face.
“Eclipse! Eclipse, are you oka- OH MY GOD IT’S THE IRON GIANT-“ Veil comes up, as well, quickly skidding to a stop and backpedaling as if wishing he never came over at all.
Despite Moon’s momentary alarm, his expression soon steels into resolve.
“It’s real?”
Eclipse shifts his gaze nervously between Moon and KC. “Please don’t hurt him.”
Moon’s face contorts into disgust and disbelief.
“That thing is a killer! It needs to be put do-“
“NO!! YOU’RE NOT LAYING A HAND ON HIM!!” Eclipse cuts into Moon’s declaration in a sudden burst of aggression, voice lowered into a growl, like a wild animal only held back by stake and chain.
Moon scowls, shifting his gaze off of Eclipse just long enough to glare holes into KC, who seems increasingly uncomfortable.
“Are you going to tell me it’s turned over a new leaf or some shit? This is the monster parents warn their kids about at night! The beast that haunts my dreams! The aid to my anxiety!” Moon challenges, words sawing through the trust Eclipse had begun to build with him with each added syllable.
“You don’t know him like I do!” Eclipse flashes back incredulously.
“Oh, so you know it now?”
Eclipse falls silent at that, mouth snapping shut as he realizes just how much he could’ve revealed had he continued defending his father. But should he stop there? Does his father deserve to be defended?
Part of him aches, childishly wishing he could say “yes,” while the other part, void of mercy, calls out a resounding “no.” He struggles to decide which side to choose.
“Yes. I do.” He murmurs after a few moments of hesitance, voice small and conceited.
“You’ve kept this from me for how long?” Moon asks sharply, accusingly.
“Long enough.” Eclipse replies vaguely, hoping that his tone is enough to end the conversation there and table it for a better time. But it apparently isn’t, from Moon’s fuming expression.
“I’ve lived my life thinking that the demon in my head was just that- in my head! Now you tell me it’s real?!” He snarls, prodding an accusatory finger in Eclipse’s direction. The scarred animatronic looks away timidly.
“It always has been.” Eclipse murmurs solemnly, forcing his eye down to focus onto Blood Moon once again.
“Hey, boys, can you hear me?” He asks hesitantly, earning a slow nod from the twins as they tilt their head towards him. He breathes a sigh of relief.
“Can you see?”
Blood Moon pauses at that, blinking sluggishly, one eye at a time.
“Sorta. Blurry.” They mutter weakly, making Eclipse give them a worried frown.
“We need to go back. We can talk about this later.” Eclipse says firmly, head snapping towards Moon with a stern scowl on his face. He is not taking no for an answer.
“You haven’t-“
“I don’t care! It can wait! Blood Moon and Rays need tending to, and I’m fairly certain KC’s presence isn’t going to inhibit that. The only one inhibiting anything right now is you, Moon.” Eclipse’s voice raises into a borderline shout, earning a subtle look of pride from KC.
At least he did something right while raising Eclipse.
For a few moments, Moon looks about ready to continue arguing, but, eventually, faced with Eclipse’s rage, he backs down. The tension leaves his shoulders, eyes downcast, yet set in place with the rest of his frustrated expression.
As Eclipse stands, carrying Blood Moon securely in his arms, KC moves, turning to leave.
“Wait.” Eclipse’s voice rings out clearly, and KC turns to him with a calm regard.
“You’re coming with me.”
KC gives his son a dubious stare, eyes darting to Moon, before slowly trailing back to Eclipse.
It is then that the exhaustion hits, it’s gaze dulling into a type of worn that only an animatronic of its age could muster. It sways.
“Come now, before you shut off.” Eclipse’s voice softens into something almost sympathetic, his one-sided gaze trained on KC’s every movement as his father begins to stagger towards him, nodding faintly in confirmation.
“No. No way.” Moon exclaims with a wave of his arms, but immediately shuts his mouth when Eclipse casts him a scorching glare- a glare that contains two eyes, glowing dimly in the darkness of the daycare. He knows asking more questions or giving more complaints will only continue to dwindle Eclipse’s waning patience, so he decides to interrogate him later.
Veil scampers up behind Eclipse, fingers loosely curling into his father’s pants. Eclipse gives him a glance, soft smile, and warm nod.
“You know that thing?” His creation asks, tilting his head curiously.
“Yes. I know him quite well.” Eclipse replies vaguely, ushering his youngest son forwards before Blood Moon registers his presence. Veil is left no more time for questions as the small group begins the trek towards the backstage rooms, silence filling the tense air.
But, as Veil looks over Blood Moon, leaning limply against Eclipse’s chest, he can’t help but wonder…
Is he really meant to be here?
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 1 year
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Woman in a Veil  (2023)
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zhannelann03 · 3 years
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[Part 2 / 2] Okay, as I said, I was about to drop this drama. (but I’m glad I didn’t!) However, one of the main reasons why I watched this was because of Eru. This drama was aired on his debut anniversary which was September 7. Eru promoted this drama together with his meaningful message during his special day. His dad, Tae Jin Ah, also briefly promoted this one during his guesting in “Comedy BIg League.” (at 4:39 😆) “아들~ 사랑해요~!” Before knowing him by everyone as Professor Park Si Jae from "At a Distance, Spring is Green," “Man in a Veil” was actually Eru’s breakthrough. Eru also led its popularity from the beginning aside from the main leads, and he was TRENDING TOP SPOT in real-time search terms. Every time he appeared, the real-time search terms became a festival. (hello, it’s a KBS2 daily drama!) His song “Black Glasses” was also played in one of the episodes of the drama. The ratings reached almost 20% when he came back on the Christmas episode. (MANNN THAT WAS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR US!) No wonder that Eru had left a huge impact and his power was seriously no joke, although he was having a special appearance here (but it was actually more than that already!) He really grew further into an actor through this drama.  Everyone in the drama is unforgettable but Choi Jun Seok is one of the characters that I can’t forget the most. He’s actually my personal favorite character of Eru, and this made me fall for him as an actor. He was actually the 3rd lead guy here aside from Lee Tae Poong and Cha Seo Joon. And I still have 3rd lead syndrome here!!! He was being sincere while telling his feelings to his lover Han Yoo Ra. He was ready to marry her. He didn’t have any intention to leave her either because he loved her so much. He was ready to take responsible for everything. However, that woman eventually betrayed him, left him in vain, and made his life miserable. Plus their son Min Woo (Dong Ho)... Jun Seok had gone through a lot. Imagine how many times he went into crisis, and then what happened? He came back, right? Until the end, he was there witnessing the end of that woman. I was satisfied with the final judgment. Jun Seok got the justice he truly deserved. I was glad that Eru chose this right after “Kingmaker: The Change of Destiny” because it was very far from his previous one and yet, a more mature one. Everything here was a first time for us. It was something that we had never seen before from him. (gosh i need more of this kind of content from him pls!) But to be honest, I was very surprised that he would be doing a DAILY drama. It was actually okay for me since he mentioned that in an interview but I didn’t know he would actually do ONE, for real. He also partially overlapped with his MBC daily drama “A Good Supper” which aired last January. (that was the time when MIV was about to end. take note: both are daily dramas!) Eru was very unusual in this drama. He showed various emotions of Jun Seok from the beginning up to the time he came back after 5 years until the end. He was different but exceptional. I can also consider him as a legend coz... “he’s the man who never dies.” 😆🤣🔥 Eru and Lee Chae Young's chemistry in this drama... I’ve already said this many times but... OH MY GOOOOD I TOLD YOU GUYS, THEIR CHEMISTRY WAS VERY INSANE THAT I COULD NOT DENY AT ALL! PROMISE!!! 😭🔥💕 From the very first time I saw them, I already felt that they would be a hit, and it really was! Their tandem was one of the strongest I've ever seen in dramaland. They were impressive and amazing here in this drama even though they made me kilig (for a bit 😂), surprised, mad, frustrated and even cry to their scenes, I mean to their tragic love story. I know you all feel the same! 😆 And their interactions on IG... they’re just sweet and cute! I just said what I’ve said! But this! I still can’t believe that of all the dramas, we actually GOT these scenes from them (especially Eru)... in a DAILY drama!? 😱😭😆🙈🙈🙈 From that “first and last” sweet & kilig moment...  😆🙈💕
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to this mild but freakin’ HAWT scene... AHHHH SHHHHT I JUST DIED AT THIS K BYE 😱😭😭🔥🔥🔥
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a year later, i realized now that i actually felt bad for Jun Seok here but the next episode after this...  (okay guys, you may slap me now! i’m still a FREAKIN’ BIG TRASH FOR THIS DRAMA 🤧😂😭😭😭) Enough with the crazy kilig and uhh! Before this drama, Eru and Lee Chae Young have been friends for a long time now, for 17 years. They even gave each other presents as well. 🥺😭💖 How could you not love them?! Ah btw, I’ve already known Chaeyoung since “Two Mothers” and she’s actually one of my girl crushes in dramaland.. Yeah, it was just amazing to see them together here. I’m soooo proud of them.. but I NEED THEM IN A NEW DRAMA AS THE LEADS PLEASE!! 😭😭😭 (oh, it’s not that I ship them btw ah. haha!) And as a fan of Eru... BINGO!!! I. AM. SUPER. FREAKING. BLESSED. AND STILL KEEP ON WINNING HEREEEE *SCREAMSSSSSS* 😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Oh, and I even made a FMV for them.. Haha. I was really inspired by one of the MIV reviews I read from Naver blog, and this song was written there, yet it was so related to Choi Jun Seok and Han Yoo Ra... that's why I made it. And been thinking of this actually for a long time now..The title? “Last Love” by Kim Bum Soo.  hope you all like it! ㅎㅎ
Aside from Lee Chae Young, Eru’s chemistry with Kang Eun Tak was also awesome! I didn’t know him at first but eventually got to love him as well for his role here.. The moment I’d been waiting for had finally happened, when the two dads met for the first time during Dong Ho’s funeral. Their acting there was great. That scene looked real for me yet I was very devastated while watching this. (but I was really in the middle of mourning when that scene aired & it was on a Christmas season. how could i not---?!) I actually expected that to happen yet I was curious how would Lee Tae Poong and Choi Jun Seok meet. Gladly they didn’t have any bad intentions, hard feelings or what. They were just in good terms. At some point, I even thought that if Jun Seok had died for real, he could finally see him in heaven... since his son already died. 😢
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Besides being Dong Ho’s dads, they were both scammed by Han Yoo Ra. They were invincible even though they're both dumb sometimes.. if you know what I mean 🤭😂 and how come they could not beat that woman and her ninja employee?! LMAOOO 😭🤣🤣 Tae Poong was also the superhero there when Jun Seok was in a crisis (again?! 😂) and he helped him to come back once again and let Yoo Ra pay for the sins she had done to them and to their dead son. Okayyy enough now with the feels! It’s just that I miss Choi Jun Seok's moments with Han Yoo Ra and Lee Tae Poong, since he only had scenes with the two. I wish if he could only have a scene with his son Dong Ho... And these three were so cute! I still can’t help but adore the friendship they have made through this drama... they’re very awesome! Plus their interactions on IG! They deserve love and recognition honestly. It’s just that people are still sleeping on these amazing people until now. Because of this crazy makjang drama, I got to love them more now. They just left me a very huge impact here, and... it will take me time to move on from this. I hope to see them more in their upcoming dramas/works. As a fan of this crazy makjang drama, I. AM. BEYOND. BLESSED!  PS: About the MV, I was actually sick when I made that one. (how come did I think of it at that point?! what was rest?! 😂) However, I only revised the video for the last-minute lmao.. just only 2 nights before I posted that.
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rodaviva1968 · 5 years
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heechul goes on knowing bros just wearing anything and they just let him
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Phalaris Vol.II - Zepp Nagoya day 2 [2023/05/13] live report
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Mouai ni Shosu
Ningen wo Kaburu
Devote My Life
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro
The Perfume of Sins
Dozing Green (acoustic)
un deux
Sustain the Untruth
Revelation of mankind
Today had a much better mood! Thankfully, I had chosen a regular ticket to experience the show from a bit farther this time, and Zepp Nagoya's barriers efficiently prevent the semi-moshpits that can occur in other venues such as feu-Studio Coast, KBS Hall last weekend, etc. Therefore, we each had plenty of personal space. On top of that, it felt like the floor was dipping toward the stage, so everybody has a fair chance to see the members. I'll try to remember that for future tours.
To be honest, being in shimote around the centre of the venue's length, I thought Kyo would still be disappointed because I could hear /nobody/ around me shouting the lyrics when Kyo asked us to. My voice doesn't carry, and yet it was the only one that could be heard in my whole section. I guess that the crowd at least moved more today though, because despite my witnessing that it wasn't lively, Kyo felt like it was much greater than yesterday - that's all that matters!
(Seriously, you have GOT to read after the break!)
The band members were wearing basically the same clothes as for the a knot 25th anniversary live show last weekend in Kyoto, namely Toshiya's white lace veil and Kaoru's leopard pants, hive-patterned suit jacket. And yeah, his hair is definitely brown, not sure how I hadn't noticed yet. His makeup below his cheekbones seemed heavier today.
Schadenfreude seemed more emotional today. And we knew that more of us had to give it our all today, so we got really into it. Kyo did the first few: "Ikedomo jigoku ka", once clenching his shirt like he meant it more today than ever before, making another reference to yesterday's disappointment. One thing about the images shown in the backdrop that I hadn't noticed is that the rainbow part of the lyrics may correspond more to the aftermath of the huge forest fire, and there is a horned Devil shown at some point. Near the end, we see a skull carved in a gigantic rock in a sort of jungle too.
After that first song, Toshiya unlaced his long white tie and demanded our cheers. 13 started and I got so into that song, but at the same time, I feared a repeat of yesterday. I think it was either then or during the first song that Kyo did turn around briefly, for a few seconds while he was singing, but maybe those occasions really were to show us the kind of anarchist symbol on the back of his shirt, which was apparently from G.I.S.M. again. Anyway, that song rocks so hard, especially the part about: "You change, to whose intention?" Kyo required us to sing the backup vocals that Die is supposed to take care of in response to his own lines: "Never die - in the dark, Never die - in the heart of, Koko ga subete - here is everything, Never die - never die". He didn't do much in reference to being hanged this time, but he did come up on his crate slowly.
I think it was then during Uroko, again my cue being that the lighting was flashing white, that Kyo came left and right on the stage as if to make sure that we were being active. He didn't seem pissed, more encouraging and optimistic. He was determined today to have us sing the: "Anata shidai de", after having asked us if we could become one.
Ningen wo Kaburu followed that energy, as Kyo had us sing a lot of the lines. The band had a strong presence for that song too.
During Mouai ni Shosu, the people near me didn't seem to really know the song. It wasn't too clear, but Kyo wanted us to sing: "The pride and prejudice" but I couldn't hear anybody else but my voice. He pointed from side to side so swiftly whenever singing: "Docchi ga? Docchi ga ii?", as well as in the lyrics about not knowing the name, like it referred directly about us fans. In the background video, there were glasses being filled with wine rotated at three different angles, followed by a flow of rose petals.
Devote My Life may have also been one of the songs during which Kyo did check-ups on each side of the crowd to make sure everyone was alert.
Hibiki was very heartfelt, but there isn't much of a highlight that comes to my memory. People only put their hands up a couple of seconds after they realise that the chorus of the song, the climax, has arrived. Oh, maybe that was the song in which Kyo started by hitting his chest repeatedly with the mic, then again a bit later, kind of off-beat with the drums.
For today's Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau, Kyo was energetic. Even if he didn't seem awfully pleased witn the intensity of our "Nanananana naze nanda?", he didn't let it upset him.
Same thing with Eddie, people were barely singing the "kusomamire" as prompted, but the band was energetic. I can't remember what song it was, but Kyo did two wide stomp moves with his left leg during today's show. I'm quite sure one was in Eddie, asking us to destroy our necks and all.
GRIEF didn't see Kyo mock our clapping this time, but he did go onto his crate and hyped us up. We moved in a really synchronized mass. Always nice to take a peek at Kyo's mic cord whipping in between some headbanging.
Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro seemed to be a fan favourite. Kyo ended on whistle screams and growls. For this and at the end of several songs, I was the one to initiate cheers with my: "Ouais!!", otherwise there would have at best been a few awkward seconds of silence before somebody else dared to break the mold, or at worst, an entire awkward silence after a lot of the songs until the band moved on to the next song. So keep that in mind: don't be afraid to be the outlier in the crowd. The uniformity in Japan is very strong and nobody wants to stand out. As soon as the song ends and that you're not disturbing the performance, it's free for all - whether cheering or clapping. They'll let a silence go by just because nobody dares to be the one to do the first move.
The atmosphere then changed drastically for Otogi, as it got more serious. I couldn't help myself and swung to that beat. Did I ever mention that Otogi's background video illustrates a lot of sand, desert, the moon, but also a DNA helix that is kind of frozen, and eventually breaks from one end to the other.
For The Perfume of Sins, Kyo did use his mic stand today! God, it's always nice to hear him growl: "Nose, Eyes, Ears". Today, he decided to sing: "The sound of the brain dying" much more high-pitched, kind of in a deranged voice, compared to the usual growling or low singing.
The song ended and it was mainly the rest of the band who returned their instrument to their technicians and headed out. Kyo stayed a bit and I think he called out to Nyagoya, mic-less, before leaving for the break.
We called for the encore for what seemed like a long time. Shinya finally came out, as usual wearing tight black jeans and a black tour T-shirt. Die had some black top that I think had some long layers, with short black shorts and the leather interlacing tights that he posted on Instagram at the beginning of the tour. Toshiya kept his dress and shorts as usual and changed for a black sleeveless dress shirt. Kaoru kept his leopard print pants and had a classy black dress shirt. Kyo simply changed his shirt for the tour merch, The Sound of the Brain Dying one, but he still had the spiky choker.
Then, the techs brought out the chairs and we knew we would be getting acoustic Dozing Green. You can feel the drums so heavily especially in that song, it's like a gust of wind and a small earthquake at the same time. Kyo had his eyes mostly shut for the entire song.
Un deux felt like it was half sung by us, half by Kyo hahah. Sometimes in unison.
T.D.F.F. was so fun, with a majority of the fans jumping, shouting "hey" and "fucker" when needed. However, the biggest highlight was Kyo doing the finger guns toward Toshiya as he got on the ledge and played his bass solo in that song. Like: "Wow check this guy out now!"
I can't remember the song, but it was definitely in the encore that I noticed what has been described as Kaoru making love to his guitar. I just turned my head and there he was, holding his guitar diagonally with its head upward, the base held close to his crotch, and he had his head a bit tilted, eyes slightly shut and with his mouth agap, from what I remember. All that in the leopard pants and clean black dress shirt. Gosh, was it T.D.F.F. or Sustain the Untruth?
Sustain the Untruth was way more fun and special today. Kyo almost immediately went right, then left, even basically preventing Toshiya from taking position where he had meant to be, in front of his amassed fans, which briefly seemed to tick Toshiya off but he moved on elsewhere. Kyo was busy asking every portion of the crowd to shout: "the inside mind", which again I could barely hear from others around me, but Kyo did shoot two ripped fox kisses from his mouth steadfastly toward shimote after our performance, barely looking anymore as he turned sideways to head back to the centre, so I guess it was satisfactory. He also got us to sing a lot of the song with him too.
The last song came and we were cheering so much for the whole band, but Kyo the most. He started with: "Nyagoyaa!" and we replied with even higher shouts. Then he went: "Nyagoyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" prolonging that a on and on until he ran out of breath and we tried to keep cheering for as long as he did too. He asked if we could keep going, if we were still alive. We were all jumping with our hands raised but apparently something was up with a group in shimote near the front because Kyo kind of blinked when he peered there and said: "Oops, they're already dead". Apparently he also said something about us going home wet and asking if we understood then, but it seemed to me that I was the only one who was sweating huge drops. In any case, he kept asking if we could go on, called the Last Song with his finger raised as high as possible, then closed with something like: "Now die!" As Revelation of mankind started, he wished our heads goodbye and slashed his throat before a headbanging section during the song too.
As the song ended, Kyo stood on his crate looking at us with satisfaction. I clapped and we all cheered, then he eventually nodded and clapped slowly with us too. Shinya drummed the last epic beats of the night and the band concluded with a bang. Kyo stayed there and began doing finger hooks or just pointing all over the place, starting with the balcony of exclusive ticket holders, poking his chest with his thumb over his heart. He did that left and right, from back to front, until he reached the section right in front of him, which he just emotionlessly stared at for a couple of seconds, causing that part of the crowd to erupt in cheers even more. At that, Kyo eventually erupted wide-eyed and shot them a hooked finger and shouted tauntingly without the mic as if the longer he did it, the more he was outlining the link with that section. With everyone saluted, he clapped his final goodbyes and left the stage.
Shinya came up to throw his drum sticks, sending one quite far but another seemed like it must have hit a couple of fans dead in the face because it was sent rather horizontally.
Toshiya threw picks left and right, all smiles once again. He also threw water, the bottle, and a towel very farm. He seemed really apologetic thar his towel did not reach the designated pointed location in the crowd, which honestly appeared unrealistic, probably the second floor balcony. He left with a bow while Kaoru and Die were still swirling picks into the crowd, alternating at the sides of the stage. Kaoru did his trick again of keeping the last pick in his palm while everybody looked around frantically to see where it went. He came back a second time with a bottle of water to spray as many people with it, as well as a towel. Die stood to his right at some point while he did that, looking at us sideways with a foot on the ledge, staring at us with a smile that was incontestably lusty. Then he returned to the right side, kamite, to continue distributing stuff, like a towel too. We cheered "DieDieDieDieDieDie" again to his modest joy. Kaoru meanwhile kept his cool of course and was waving his last goodbye, taking his time to look at us and bask in the cheers. This made Die come his way at the same time to exit the stage, which is in the opposite order as they usually do, or at least never simultaneous like that. So Kaoru acted surprised, very positively surprised, opening his arms wide to welcome Die and invite him away on the left side of the stage to exit. As Die neared him, he placed his arm on Die's shoulders and they left with bright smiles on both of their faces, to everybody's excitement!!
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dailyexo · 2 years
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s Schedule for September (2022)
[RELEASE] - Musical release; [BIRTHDAY] - Birthday; [PERF]️ - Performanc event; [SIGN] - Fan-signing event; [MEET] - Fan-meeting event; [BROADCAST] - Live or pre-recorded televised broadcast; [RADIO] - Radio broadcast; [REC] - Programme pre-recording; [LIVE] - Online live streaming; [AWARD] - Award ceremonies; [OTHER] - Other events.
Only confirmed schedules are included. The number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced.
(Last updated: 220928)
September 5
[OTHER] YSL Beauté Libre Le Parfum Launch Party - (Kai)
September 9
[REC] KBS HK Coin (KBS 홍김동전) - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] Baekhyun's Monthly Youtube Broadcast
September 10
[BROADCAST] iQiYi The Rap of China Season 6 (爱奇艺中国说唱巅峰对决第) - 12:00 CST - (Lay)
September 16
[BROADCAST] JTBC Hidden Singer 7 (JTBC 히든싱어) - 20:50 KST - (Suho)
September 18
[REC] JTBC K-909 - (Xiumin)
September 21
[BIRTHDAY] Chen's Birthday
[RELEASE] 'Veil' single pre-release - 10:00 CST - (Lay)
September 22
[OTHER] Piv'vee Store Opening - (Suho, Sehun)
[OTHER] Valentino Pink PP F/W 2022 Aranya Fashion Show - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] Street Alcohol Fighter 2 Ep.14 (술트리트 파이터 2) - 20:00 KST - (Xiumin)
September 23
[RELEASE] 5th mini-album 'West' (西) - 10:00 CST - (Lay)
September 25
[PERF] 2022 Mokkoji Korea Concert in Uzbekistan - 18:00 UST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] KBS HK Coin (KBS 홍김동전) - 21:20 KST - (Xiumin)
September 26
[OTHER] 'Brand New' press conference - (Xiumin, Sehun)
[LIVE] 'Brand New' Countdown Live - 17:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[RELEASE] 1st mini-album 'Brand New' - 18:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[RADIO] Awa Lounge - 21:00~21:30 JST - (Xiumin)
September 27
[RADIO] KBS-R Cool FM Lee Gikwang’s Gayo Plaza (KBS-R 쿨FM 이기광의 가요광장) - 14:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[RADIO] SBS-R Power FM Park So Hyun’s Love Game (SBS-R 파워FM 박소현의 러브게임) - 18:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] 조무래기's - 18:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[SIGN] 'Brand New' fansign - 21:00 KST - (Xiumin)
September 28
[OTHER] Completion of Military Service - (Chanyeol)
[RADIO] MBC-R FM4U Kim Shinyoung’s Hope Song at Noon (MBC-R FM4U 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다) - 13:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] Naver Now Changmin’s Free Hug - 20:00 KST - (Xiumin)
September 29
[LIVE] Instagram Live - 21:00 KST - (Chanyeol)
[BROADCAST] Mnet M! Countdown (엠넷 엠! 카운트다운) - 18:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] Street Alcohol Fighter 2 Ep.15 (술트리트 파이터 2) - 20:00 KST - (Xiumin)
September 30
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank (KBS 뮤직 뱅크) - 17:00 KST - (Xiumin)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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