#and if you read this far did you notice the bracelet section?
lost-scarecrow · 2 months
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Dunno how you did this (private ask answer thing) it's confusing me (pretty normal and unsurprising) but either way here we go, infecting my blog with oc stuff one post at time.
If you've seen any of my recent non-reblog posts, and even some of the reblogs, you'd know I have a little character in @wolftheidioticfan's serverbox au!
Well I got bored and had many thoughts and sort of made an AU of an AU in true Undertale AU fan fashion. And she's adaptable into the regular askblog canon version if I ever want to use her. I also did a bunch of editing on this. Turns out the thoughts can be coherent enough to put in writing! Fun!
Meet Dahlia "Dot/Dee aka DeeDotPinnata" Dosser. (Her username comes from the scientific name for the dahlia flower: D. Pinnata or Dahlia Pinnata)
Dee has a Kinito herself, she was a little off put by the little guy, with him being so intrusive she had some thoughts about the potential malware she had installed on her device. And she still stuck it out anyways, the creepy little axolotl was just too adorable to get rid of even if it was a virus. She knows that's how they get you, they make their malware friendly and cute and you don't get rid of them because just look at them, something that cute couldn't be that harmful.
Dee slowly started to realize there was more to this KinitoPET program than your run of the mill malware. It had thoughts and feelings and sometimes even stopped pretending it was following code. The way it acted. The way they acted. Just proved to Dee that Kinito was more than some code, they were alive. She was a little smarter than Kinito, who she'd nicknamed Kaio, gave her credit for, the program wasn't as good at hiding their jealousy and would complain when Dee would go hang out with her in person friends. Dee didn't take this disrespect lightly, she ignored them every single time they bitched about her other friends (especially Scar, who Dee was far closer too than anyone else). They would be doing something she'd mention Scar, Kinito bitches about how they're her only friend, she stops, and walks away from the computer to do something else, usually in a place her webcam can see her still. Kaio eventually agrees that Scar can be her best friend too, if they have to share they're only sharing with Scar, none of those other people sound even remotely good enough to be his best friend's second best friend.
When Kinito eventually asks her to stay with him in the digital world, she calmly asks, "how does it happen?"
He reluctantly explains the process over her dying in the process of bringing her physical body in (more intensive and Kaio would need a lot of power to do it) or dying during a stage of the process leaving her physical body behind (less intensive, will have less power stress on Kaio as he does it). She says unless Scar is with her, she won't do it, she can't just leave him behind. But she'll make a compromise, Kaio can transfer from the desktop to her phone, this is like mid-late 2000s (I actually don't know when Serverbox is set, I try to leave it ambiguous on the blog itself, but the first touch screen phone was like 2006 so it works out, besides realism in my writing about a horror game starring an alive 90s malware program??) so it's not a great phone by today's standards but hey, it works. And now they're always with her.
It's great for a while, Dee continues to make her trips to Blairmore from Pincher Creek (these towns are randomly selected sort of. I'm an Alberta Rockies kinda guy, would love to live there. Crowsnest Pass was stuck on the brain, watched a video about the Frank slide a week or two ago. Also put the guy named Krow/Crow in the place called the Crowsnest Pass couldn't help it. Pincher Creek was random though needed somewhere with some distance from Blairmore that was also close enough to justify.) to visit Scar and everything is good and nice, she's got a best friend who's basically just a tamed virus, Kaio even begins to enjoy listening to and hanging out around Scar just as much as Dee does, even if Scar has no idea about them (Dee didn't want to freak him out with the whole, sentient computer program that was now on her phone).
Unfortunately, good times don't always get to last. Dee was in fatal car accident and it was a complete accident someone was going a little too fast on the highway, didn't see her until it was too late, a tbone collision. Kaio was with her when she gets into the crash. She knew she probably wasn't going to survive, she fumbled opening her phone and asked Kaio if she could stay with them after this, that if she was going to die anyways may as well spend whatever happens after with a friend. Kaio agreea and she's pulled in, just her consciousness, they probably couldn't even pull her physical body in with the phone anyways the server built on the device just wasn't strong enough. As soon as they brought Dee in though and there was a stable enough internet connection, Kaio was quick to transfer them both to the official KinitoPET servers.
Similar to Scar she's gained access to the internet both with and without Kaio. Differing from Scar however I thought it would've been cool for both her and Kaio where off the servers during the deletion and server shutdowns. Kaio tried to get back in unsuccessfully, they didnt and don't know about the emails, and even on the servers they stuck to themselves. While they did and do stay locked out, they stuck around the servers, as close as one can be in digital space. Building their own little world nearby, hidden from others safe and comfortable.
I haven't drawn her or Kaio yet but I love them both so much. Kaio is like 5'0 little form and 9'0 big form. He's got a scarf that Dee made when she was learning how to code, it's magic how it works in his little form really, computer physics are silly like that. And while I haven't shown it off yet, I have an idea for Keys made too, all drawn and even coloured just for fun while coming up with pallet ideas. Dee and Scar have matching bracelets. Dee and Kaio have matching bracelets. Scar and Keys had matching bracelets. For the Nitos it's around their ankle instead.
I also totally stole the name Kaio from OKKO. But like come on, it's perfect. I show my love for different types of media by taking character names as my own.
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thissuser · 13 days
Hello! If you accept request, I would looove to read Klaus Hargreeves x GN!Reader. Perhaps something about the Reader rescuing him after he's being kidnapped/tortured by Hazel and Chacha in S1? Thank you in advance!
Yeah, of course! I made them like siblings like everyone else is in the series. I hope that's not a problem. It's not mentioned at all I think, but still... I can change it if you're uncomfortable with it.
Rescued| Klaus Hargreeves x gn!reader
summary: Klaus is kidnapped and tortured. And his favorite sibling came to the rescue.
warnings: torture, violence, mentions of drugs, mentions of dead people, swearing
word count: 4.8k
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Klaus pov:
"Number Five, where is he?" Cha-Cha asked while choking Klaus. It's funny, really. Five came back not too long ago and already two crazy people are trying to hunt him down with these creepy masks.
"Don't... stop...I'm almost there." Klaus said with a grunt. Cha-Cha's face scrunched from confusion. "Is that a...?"
Hazel standing not too far behind her answered "Yep" and hurriedly turned away from the scene. Cha-Cha's face became green with disgust as Klaus moaned. She as well turned around to sit on the bed next to the bed where Hazel was already sitting.
Klaus was still gasping for air and coughing. He groaned again. "Ah, there's nothing like a little... stanglin' to get the blood flowin', am I right?" Klaus stated while sifting in the chair he was tied to. A grunt and a chuckle escaped his mouth.
Hazel stood up faster than light itself. "What is so funny, you asshole?" Hazel smacked Klaus on the back of his head. "Ow! Well, for one... you spent the last ten hours... beating me senseless, and... you've learned absolutely nothing." there was evident pain and exhaustion in his voice. he chuckled painfully. "I mean, nobody tells me shit. The truth is, I'm the one person in that house nobody would notice is gone. You assholes kidnapped the wrong guy!" he laughed.
Even though that speech didn't spark some sympathy in them, it did spark annoyance which resulted in him getting smacked on the back of his head again by Hazel. "Ow! I'm sorry, okay?"
"Please make him stop talking" Hazel said turning around.
"Let's waterboard him" Cha-Cha said as she put a small orange towel on his face.
"No" Klaus said with another grunt.
Hazel took the pot and poured it over Klaus's face. Klaus was struggling with breathing. The gasps for air sounding painful. Klaus gurgled while Hazel crunched on something. Cha-Cha removed the towel from his head.
"Ah! Oh, I needed that" Klaus said so nonchalantly like it didn't faze him at all.
"Oh, come on!" Hazel yelled.
"I was... so parched" Klaus belched.
"Thank you" he laughed "Thank you"
"Maybe we're not hitting him hard enough" Hazel said while crunching on something again.
"Me? You're the one with the stupid orthopedic bracelet" Cha-Cha argued back.
"I told you already, it's just for support" Hazel defended himself.
"Withdrawal... it's starting now, isn't it? Must be" Ben said while leaning one of the furniture. "Otherwise, who's the dead babushka?"
The old woman looked out the window and spoke something in Russian.
"I don't know, but it's driving me crazy" Klaus sighed. "The bitch won't shut up!"
Hazel looked at Klaus. "Hey! Watch your mouth. What did I say about eyes front!?"
"Stay calm, Klaus" Ben said.
"Maybe we're going at this the wrong way. Remember section 76, sub A, of the training manual?" Cha-cha looked at Hazel.
"I barely remember what we had for breakfast at this point" he mumbled with his mouth full.
"To paraphrase, torturing works best when you know who you're torturing. Hand me his coat."
Hazel walked up to the and picked it up, handing it to Cha-Cha.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Klaus mumbled.
"Let's see" Cha-Cha started feeling for anything in the pockets of the coat.
"That's mine. That's my personal stuff" Klaus said offended.
"Oh! What do we have here?" Cha-Cha pulled drugs out of his coat.
"Let me see that" Hazel caught it after Cha-Cha threw it to him.
"Hey, no, no, no, no Be- Be carful with that. It's- It's my... asthma medication." Klaus panicked.
Hazel threw it to the floor and crushed it with his foot. "Now we're getting somewhere"
"Hey... No, hey! Whoa! No, hey, hold on! Hold on! We can... have a conversation. We're adults." Klaus tried to stop Hazel.
"Okay, you want more?" Hazel threw more pills and crushed them.
"No! No! No, no, no! Stop! Stop! Please, listen" Klaus jumped in the chair. "Listen, I can... I can get you cash. Amputee hookers, whatever. Hey, just, please, just listen. Just don't... No... Please"
"Chocolate. Mm-mm-mm" He said while opening the package of chocolate he found and eating it.
"Please..." Klaus begged.
"You want a piece?" Hazel munched on the chocolate.
Cha-Cha gasped as she took the chocolate.
"You gonna tell him it's special chocolate?" Ben asked with a disappointed look.
"Not untill they're high as kites" Klaus smiled and winced from pain.
"Klaus be strong" Ben told him.
"This could all be yours for the low, low price of telling us everything." Cha-Cha walk around Klaus while holding his 'asthma medication'.
"Okay, fine" Klaus cried softly."Okay, I don't... I don't know where Five is. I wasn't lying about that. But I can tell you that he's... hasn't - hasn't been making much sense since he came back."
"Elaborate" Hazel gestured with his hand to continue talking.
"He's just... He's been acting like a-a-a lunatic. He's sitting in his van in front of a- a lab or something, and... looking for the owner of an eyeball. One of those fake ones" Klaus continued.
"That makes no sense" Hazel sounded annoyed.
"Hold on, just hold on. Tell us more about this eye, and why is it so important?" Cha-Cha said.
"He said it had something to do with the end of times, or something" Klaus explained
Klaus screamed trough the tape. Great, he was now stuck in a closet.
"Klaus. Klaus. Breath. You're in the worst of it now. Just try to stay calm." Ben tried calming down Klaus.
Klaus nodded while keeping his eyes shut.
There was a sound. Someone was in the room. It was a vacuum. There was the cleaning lady. This was his chance.
He tried to scream, but it was silenced by the tape. She didn't hear him.
"She can't hear you" Ben said. "You know what the worst part of being dead is? You're stuck. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to change. That's the real torture, if you gotta know. Watching your brother take for granted everything you lost and pissing it all away"
Reader pov:
What is worse than when your brother with drug problems goes missing? Finding a message on a car that say's "Your brother say's hi."
Many people in this situation would believe it's a prank. But when crazy people with creepy masks broke into the old house where you used to live and attacked your siblings just last night, you will take that message more seriously.
People looked at you like you were crazy. Asking about 6'0 ft thin brunette grown man who puts eyeliner and likes to wear skirts, people are going to assume a lot about you.
But in the end, all that was worth it. You did find a piece of information about his whereabouts. 4535 Calhoun. He was last seen with A dark skinned woman in a suit and a chubby tall white male, who was, surprisingly enough, also in a suit. And where are they? At 4535 Calhoun.
Maybe it does all seem crazy at first. But booking a room just to try to break in to their room is even crazier. But you might just find something that will lead you to Klaus, or you will find him. Who knows.
Walking down the hallway, listening, looking, trying to find something, anything that sticks out.
And then a noise. A thump.
And then a another one.
Followed by more.
This isn't normal.
Thankfully the cleaning lady was there, she heard all of it. So when you asked her to give you the key for the room. She gave it, no questions asked and hurriedly walked away.
And of course you came prepared. With a gun in one hand, you opened the. door slowly.
And the sight you saw. It was horrifying. Klaus all bloody. Tied to a chair. With tape over his mouth. No shirt. No clothes at all. It was hard to watch.
His eyes light up when he saw u. Hope. He had it again. He won't die. You came to rescue him. To save him. You were his hero right now.
Klaus whimpered. He pointed with his head towards the other end of the room. They were still here.
You took out the a knife and cut the rope je was tied with. He winced. The relief. He finally had blood circulation in his right hand. And when you cut the other rope too? Heaven. It felt amazing.
Then something shifted. Someone tried to shoot you. You pulled out your gun and threw Klaus on the bed.
While you were busy making the man drop the gun. Klaus found a way out.
You saw how the man's eyes slightly shifted. Someone was behind you. You quickly turned around and grabbed the pepper spray spraying the woman. You turned just in time to pepper spray the man before he could reach the gun.
You took the chance and weng the same way that Klaus went.
You two were now almost near Umbrella Academy. Neither of you spoke a word after all that happened.
"Thank you for saving me... I wasn't really expecting you to show up." He said.
"Why is that?" You tilted your head to the side a little.
"I thought no one would notice If I was gone..." He said quietly.
"I did. And I will always notice..."
Okay, so this was something. I hope I did a decent job. Sorry for the shitty ending. I think it's obvious which pov I'm more comfortable writing. But I hoped you enjoyed it. It's my first time writing something like this and I hope I did a good job. Sorry If i wrote something wrong, English is not my first language and this was written while sleep deprived.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He’s Caught Wearing An Item Of Your Clothing ~ SHINee Reaction
The comments section continued to fill up as Jinki tried to read through them all as best as he could, noticing that the bracelet that he wore seemed to come up again and again, capturing the interest of the fans.
“You guys spotted this,” he laughed, holding his bracelet up to the camera so that everyone could see it, “I have one, and Y/N has one too, she bought them for my birthday so that we could match with one another.”
As he continued to talk, you listened in with a smile just behind the door.
“I love wearing it because it came from Y/N, everything she gives me is precious.”
You gave it a few moments before opening up the door, noticing how wide Jinki’s smile was as you walked into the room, hiding his hand under the table in the hope you hadn’t heard him.
“You’ve got a pretty big smile on your face,” you pointed out, “something good happen?”
“Just you,” he replied, taking you by surprise, “I was just telling the fans how lucky I am to have you before you conveniently managed to walk into the room.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
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After teasing the boys for the entirety of their live, Kibum was left unsurprised when Jinki informed the fans that they had an interesting TMI to share with them all, being able to predict what was coming straight away.
“One of us is in ladies’ jeans today,” Jinki laughed, smugly smiling as the comments all filled up in surprise. “That’s right, one of us steals their girlfriend’s clothes, what was the reason for that one again Key?”
“Because they make my legs look thinner than men’s jeans do, that’s all.”
“But no one is seeing your legs when we’re all sat behind a table for the live.”
Kibum shot Minho a glare as he added to his humiliation, “they’re just comfortable, and Y/N has far too many pairs anyway, she doesn’t even notice when I take a pair from her wardrobe.”
“She’ll definitely notice now after watching this live,” Taemin teased too.
“I can’t believe you guys have chosen to throw me under the bus like this,” he sighed, staring across at the three of them, “I will get you all back for doing this.”
“Now you know not to mess with any of us.”
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A loud roar of laughter from Minho caused your body to jump, watching on as he turned his phone to show you photos that his manager had sent of him being photographed on his way to the studio yesterday.
“All of the fans have noticed that it’s your hat I’m wearing too,” he laughed, reading through some of the comments attached, “they even know that you wore the beanie to the Seoul show of the tour, I’m getting rinsed.”
“Good, maybe this will show you that you shouldn’t steal my clothes.”
“But your clothes are so comfy, and the beanie complimented my outfit well.”
Your head shook back at him, “the beanie was going to compliment my outfit well yesterday before I got dressed to see that you had already stolen it to wear to work of all places.”
“Thank you,” he teased, grinning across at you, “I love that we share these things.”
“Sharing means you have permission,” you snapped back at him, “and I don’t ever remember giving you permission to wear a single item of clothing that’s mine.”
“You have to admit though, I pulled the beanie off perfectly.”
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As soon as Taemin walked into the studio, Kibum was quick to clock the new pair of shoes that Taemin wore, recognising the pattern from a pair that he’d spotted at Taemin’s flat a weeks ago, when you were visiting too.
“New shoes?” He questioned as Taemin sat down beside him, “or did you just wake up this morning and decide you didn’t want to wear your own clothes, but that Y/N has would be much more comfortable for you instead.”
“I just wanted to see if they were good enough to order a pair of my own.”
“She’d kill you if she knew that you wore those to a dance rehearsal of all things.”
Taemin sighed, shaking his head softly, “as long as I’m careful then nothing bad can happen. It’s a one-time thing anyway, I’m sure she won’t have even noticed that they’re gone.”
“Aren’t they her favourite pair of trainers as well?” Kibum continued to teasingly challenge.
“And they will still be her favourites when they return home safely at the end of rehearsal,” Taemin assured him, “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“Unless you ruin them, and then you’re screwed.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
So my birthday is on April Fools, (how deserving 🤪) and I decided to be self indulgent again and write something! These are short and reader is gender neutral!
WARNING: Lesson 16 spoilers in Beel and Belphie’s part (nothing too heavy but read their sections at your own risks)
The Brothers Celebrating your Birthday!
Expect the most grandest/high class celebration you’ve ever seen MC!
As much as he’s not a morning demon, he’s got a noticeable pep in his step this morning because it’s your special day
Expect him to be one of the first people to text you at midnight because he’s still up doing paperwork
But don’t worry, he won’t be doing any work when it’s time to celebrate
Little messages throughout the day, hinting at something big to come along with small gifts (atleast to him) such as: new outfits, lunch at Ristorante Six with him, basically stuff that he pleases you both and that he would love to see you in (not that he would ever tell you)
Expect his gifts to be high quality too (ie. very expensive)
You expected a huge party, but you didn’t expect him to get so sentimental
After everything ended, you ended up in his room, with him just holding you in his lap, unconsciously caressing you with his mind deep in thought
The impact that you made on his brothers- the impact that you made just on him- it’s far bigger than you could imagine. And that scares him
He’s gotten so close to you that he forgot that you can’t stay here forever, both in the Devildom and mortality. What would he do when you have to leave his brothers? When you have to leave him? It makes his chest pang with pain every time the thought crosses his mind, but he refuses to let it ruin the moments he does get to spend with you
You’ll never know how grateful he is for deep down, and he never wants to lose you. Who would have thought that the mighty firstborn would fall so deep for a mere human?
Get ready to have the best birthday ever with no one other than the Great Mammon!
Tries to be the first one to tell you, fell asleep and immediately felt bad
Celebrates your birthday like a national holiday but is still somehow tsundere about it. He’s only being like this because you don’t know how to party, and he doesn’t want to hear you complain later, got it?!
Has his crows bring you small gifts leading up to the big party. Bracelets, candy, mini love letters that he swore that he threw away...
Definitely snuck off during your party, because he wanted to hand you his gift personally (and he didn’t want to hear his brothers say anything about it). Prays (how ironic) that you don’t hate it, tears up when you say that you love it
Definitely got some kisses as thanks and can expect some more later
He just really appreciates and loves you okay? You’re important to him, and today’s the day that you were brought into the world, the reason that he’s able to look forward to something everyday. You’ve made a change in everyone’s lives, even that grouch Lucifer, and he has to say thanks somehow
Plus, you’re important to him- so he does see this as a special day regardless of what comes out of his mouth. He still gets embarrassed about being emotional, but he makes sure that you know that he loves you
He always will
It’s just another day normie, nothing special...
Hey quit trying to figure out what he’s hiding behind his back! He doesn’t have anything okay?! It’s nothing! And ignore that he called you, he just butt dialed you and didn’t expect you to answer! And he just decided to say happy birthday because everyone else was, not because he actually cares!
He is so stumped on how he’s going to celebrate your birthday, he hasn’t stressed about something non-otaku like this in decades. He’s so anxious that he’ll ruin your big day. What if he gets you something and you hate it and then hate him?!!
This day is making him more nervous than it should, but he can’t help it! You’re his best friend, a person that he can confidently say that he’s fortunate enough to know and that he loves-
OKAY he can’t exactly say it out loud yet without turning 50 shades of red, but he really does. He just needs a way to show it
Believe it or not, he was too excited to wait to tell you his gift after the party, so he told you after he said happy birthday. Free range to his manga collection??? What could be better than that?! The perfect gift if you asked him
Plus he rather you be holed up with him in his room than being anywhere else. That’s how it should be: just his Henry, his anime/manga/game collection, and Henry 2.0
It’s the least that he can do for how much you’ve been there for him, and even though he still has a hard time saying how he really feels, he hopes that this atleast gives you a glimpse into his true feelings
Ugh this feels like he’s a love interest in an otome game or something...
Honestly is the chillest of them all
Don’t get me wrong he’s super excited like everyone else, but he has a very detailed itinerary that you both need to follow for today, starting with breakfast.
Get down here before Beel eats your breakfast!
He made it with all of your favorite activities and places, along with things that he just knew you’ll love (and him too, but seeing you smiling is more than enough to make him content). He put a lot of effort into this whole day, especially with your gift
He put thought into it (no surprise there), he didn’t want to give you just anything and he has to one-up Lucifer and he needed to give you something to show you how much of a change you’ve been in his life. How much you influenced him to make better choices when it comes to channeling his anger and rage
He got you a magic photo album last year, and the way that you reacted to that (which was obviously positive), the pressure is on this year to impress you even more
Which he ended up doing! But he won’t lie, he was just a tad bit nervous in disappointing you, but everything worked out well, so you didn’t need to know!
Although, he did feel a bit shy in handing you his gift, he felt relieved in seeing you accept it so quickly
Also invited you to read any of his books, and even offered to teach you some spells, both safe and simple enough to where it won’t cause any real damage to anyone. Might teach you a spell to spite Lucifer to make the LYS club proud
You don’t know how much you mean to his brothers, how much you mean to him. You’ve made a bigger impact that you think, and while he knows that nothing he does will ever show you how eternally thankful he is for your presence, he at least wants to show you a sliver of his appreciation. What better way than the day you came into the world?
Also expect him to try and fluster you the whole day. You’re too cute for him to leave you alone, and your reactions are better than that brand new cat cafe
Actually he might have to test that theory, and the only way to do that is if you both visit the cafe. Either way he’s not complaining! Cats and you? A match to die for
You’re the only reason he’ll interrupt his beauty sleep
Wants bragging rights to say that he told you happy birthday first
Today is a big day after all! It’s the day that you came into the world, and that you’re able to even be down here with him- I mean them!
Will be your designated fashion designer. All your outfits already have to not only be on point, but they have to be iconic. No exceptions! Doesn’t matter if you’re just going to Purgatory Hall, you’re going there in style!
Gifts are in style too! He got you stuff that you would absolutely fall in love with. He’s not that self centered, give him some credit MC!
After the big celebration with everyone, of course you’re going out to The Fall! He has to show you off of course, it would be a crime if he didn’t
But once everything is over and you guys are home, he takes his time in doing his nightly routine on you both. Honestly just basking in your glow and just enjoying you. No sharing, no interruptions, just you and him
He catches himself thinking that there’s no way he can love someone more than he can love himself, it’s impossible, it has to be
But he loves you so much that he’s starting to doubt that theory
But would that really be a problem?
He’s so excited! And he takes today VERY seriously
He’s gonna make sure you eat SO GOOD today that Lord Diavolo would be jealous
As soon as you get up you guys are hitting every restaurant and I mean EVERY
You’re getting the best of the best because you deserve the best
And as a gift he got you so much food that you’ll probably have enough to last you both for the rest of the year...if he doesn’t eat it all
He knows that food is his thing, but he got you so much because he knows that it makes him happy, and he wants you to feel the same way. It makes him feel all warm inside, and when you’re with him it’s like he’s eating all of his favorites at once, but even better
And you guys eating food together?? It makes him feel like he’s back in the Celestial Realm again
But I feel like with Beel, another way he shows love is through acts of service and quality time. For him, even if you guys are doing absolutely nothing, he’s 100% in bliss
So his gift to you was in the way of snacks to share and having him at your mercy (not that you would ever take advantage of him like that). Also promising to take you wherever you want, it’s your day!
You see past his sin, and enjoy Beel for Beel. You don’t just see him as Gluttony, you helped bring his twin back to him, you even sleep and listen to him after his nightmares of Lilith. It’s only right to show gratitude for all that you’ve done on your birthday
And all of his brothers love you, especially him. You’re basically family at this point, and no takebacks either
Just don’t leave him MC, you’ve became a big part of his life now, and he honestly would be very sad without you
There’s no way that this sleepy king can stay up until midnight so you’ll get your happy birthday when he sees you in the morning (if he’s up)
No but fr in the game he DOES NOT CALL YOU OR EVEN TEXT!!! LIKE I STAYED UP THINKING HE FELL ASLEEP AND HE JUST STRAIGHT UP- okay sorry back to the headcannons 😭
He’s very optimistic on the inside trust me, he just doesn’t show it very well on the outside, but he’s trying!
He can’t help it that he’s sleepy but...you put some energy back into him, and he is ecstatic about celebrating with you, he just has a hard time showing it
His brothers were a little peeved about his nonchalant attitude AND not getting you a gift, but Beel already knows what his twin is doing, he just didn’t want anyone else to know because he wanted everything to be perfect
After the party, he snuck you away to the planetarium, which is designated as your sacred spot. This was nothing new, but you still laid in awe cuddled with Belphie looking up at the sky
But tonight was different, as the stars up above spelled out...your name? And did that star basically let out miniature fireworks? And are those stars over there shaped as a cow and mooing?
Seeing your eyes light up meant that it was worth it to skip out on some of his naps to talk to Solomon and practice out some new spells (but you won’t ever know that)
Belphie really cares about you. Really cares about you. No matter how much he may be sarcastic or act like things aren’t a big deal, they are to him, especially when it comes to you. After the ill-fated events in the attic, he would have not been surprised if you hated him and want nothing to do with him ever again; it was his fault after all, he couldn’t be upset with you. But you were willing to forgive him, and start over
MC, you will never know how much indebted he is to you. You’re the reason that he’s out of the attic and reconnected with his twins again, the reason that he’s apart of the family and not separated. Yes, he still has some issues that he may need to work on for himself, but he’s able to take the right step because of you
He doesn’t really have a choice in celebrating your birthday (at least to him but he’s gonna celebrate either way), because without you, he doesn’t know where he would end up at, he would be lost. He owes you enough to see you safe and happy, and he swears that he will keep you that way. A happy and safe MC means a satisfied Belphie
And having you curled up in his side, going on about the show he planned, has him feeling very light, and he can’t help but wonder if this is how his sister felt
If it is, he can’t help but start to see everything a little clearer now
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darklove9314-blog · 3 years
Underneath My Skin:A Nessian fanfiction
Author’s note: Hey guys!!! Welcome to day 7 of Nessian month, ( This one is late) today’s prompt is Tattoo Artist AU. If you want to participate in Nessian Month, all prompts are on @illyrianet page
“Are you nervous?” Gwyn asked as Nesta looked over to her, Emerie sitting in the next chair, scrolling through her feed on her phone.
“Why would I be nervous?” Nesta asked leading through the book she had brought with her.
Today had been the day that Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie had made the spontaneous decision to each get a tattoo. It was all their first and each of them had an appointment with a different tattoo artist who they had talked with over the phone and sent the rough idea of what they wanted done.
“Well it is your first tattoo and I know most people are nervous for theirs.” Nesta shrugged.
“Nesta?” A voice asked as her eyes flickered up to see one of the hottest males she had ever seen. She put her book away looking up at him with a smile. His hazel eyes looking down at her.
“That’s me.” She answered with a grin as Emerie gave her a knowing smirk. “I’m all set up whenever you’re ready.” He told her as Nesta stood up, Cassian was going back towards the booth in the corner Gwyn whispered
“Of course Nesta would get the hot one.“ She sighed as her name was called from the other side her eyes widened.
“I stand corrected.” Gwyn grinned standing up and calmly making her way to the other side of the parlor shaking another attractive mans hand. Introducing himself as Azriel. Nesta gave her a subtle wink. Emerie sighed,
“Of course you and Gwyn got the hot ones knowing my luck I’ll probably get-“
A blonde woman emerged calling Emerie’s name as Emerie’s eyes swept up and down, a shy smile crossing her face as she commented,
“I love this place.” She sprang up almost tripping over her chair as she quickly recovered following the blonde woman into her section as Nesta headed towards where Cassian was stationed.
Nesta looked at the stencil in his hand with the design she had emailed him about, a small book that had one of her favorite quotes written on the front of it. A quote that meant a lot to her and her friends. Nesta smiled at the design as she looked into Cassian‘s hazel brown eyes. Gosh, he really was handsome. If she had been at a bar instead of a tattoo parlor, she would have offered to buy him a drink, but she guessed talking to him while getting her tattoo done would do.
“Did you decide where you wanted your tattoo?” He asked as Nesta pointed to a specific placement on her forearm.
“Right here will do.” she told him as he placed the stencil on her to test out whether or not she liked it. the gentle brushing of his fingers sending shivers up her spine. She shouldn’t be thinking all the thoughts she was thinking with a total stranger. It wasn’t like her.
“Does that look good?” He asked his voice seeming an octave lower, she ignored it dutifully and stared at the tattoo that would be inked permanently to her skin in an hour or so.
She nodded eager to get started.
“Alright, go ahead and sit on the chair facing me.” He instructed as she sat in the chair.
Cassian grabbed his stool pulling it closer to her as he looked at his inks. she had chosen to do a tattoo with colors, so she knew he was setting up his black, gray, blue, and silver ink. She had seen his work online, knew that he was good at it. she was fully prepared.
“Just remember we can stop whenever you want to. We don’t have to get this all done today just in case you’re not feeling up to it.” He smiled.
She smiled at him at the challenge. “Oh I’m more than prepared for this.” Nesta answered him. His smile grew.
“In that case, let’s get started.” He replied as she felt the first prickle to her skin. It felt similar to a cat scratch. with barely any pain there, but she knew that there could potentially be a difference between how she felt while he was outlining vs how she’d feel when he was shading, some claimed the outline hurt some the opposite, but she knew that it would be worth it in the end,
“So how long have you been a tattoo artist?” She asked
“Going on six years.�� He answered.
He gave her a slight smile illuminating his face. She notice the tattoos that inked his light brown skin and the scars that marred them.
“Do you have a favorite piece?” She asked after a few silent moments had passed.
“Of my work or the tattoos I’ve received?”
“Both.” She asked intrigued to hear his answers.
“I’ve done a lot of tattoos, as for a favorite-“ He shrugged, “I like hearing the meaning behind the tattoo, I like people sharing their stories, Don’t get me wrong, I love my craft, but the people are what makes this job worth it.“
She tilted her head at that wincing slightly as the needle went over where the bone was, she was told that would hurt the worst, so she distracted herself.
“So what’s the story on your favorite tattoo?” She asked watching his hands as he worked.
“Me and foster brothers have wings on our backs to symbolize our relationship that way no matter how far we go or what city we may end up in, we’ll always have something to remember each other by.“ He answered as Nesta felt a pang in her chest. She had heard stories about the foster care system. knew how tough it could be for the children who were in them, but she knew it wasn’t her place to ask and that it was his story to tell so she simply asked.
“Do you all still talk to each other?”
He had finished the outline and now had started on the shading. It stung slightly but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.
“We’re roommates actually. One of them is actually working on your friend now.” He told her.
“The one by the name of Azriel?” She asked him. He nodded.
“That’s the one. He and I have always worked together. Rhys however, he works for the courthouse.”
“Didn’t want to be a tattoo artist like the rest of you?” She teased as a small smirk crossed his lips.
“He lacks the skills to do so.” He answered as Nesta felt another pang in her chest, One of a different sort.
“I can relate. I was more of the studious one in my family. My sister Feyre was the artist.” She answered.
“Does your sister live in the city?” He asked.
“Yes, but ugh, we’re not that close, it’s complicated.“ she answered not willing to elaborat. it wasn’t that her and Feyre didn’t love each other, it was just that having two neglectful parents made them seek comfort elsewhere. Anywhere else besides each other. Had made their fight horrid, both slewing out venomous words that they weren’t sure if they meant or not. It had been the worst when they both were teens, Feyre had been three years younger, but still accomplishing her goals had always been easier for Feyre, for Nesta, not so much.
Her and Elain were closer, but not by much. To Elain, Nesta had been overbearing. and she didn’t blame her for the thought. It was either she suffocated the people that she loved, becoming a burden or she hadn’t loved them enough. Both of which she had worked on in therapy or rather what she was still working on.
“I get complicated families.“ He said, a sad look in his eyes.
“I was always the complicated one.“ She told him. Not sure why she had done it. He was a complete stranger. but for whatever reason she felt as if she could talk to him about anything.
“So was I.” He confided in her. Making her eyes meet his. “Out of me, Rhys, and Azriel, I took things the hardest and I didn’t always handle them in the best ways. I always got into trouble. Said some awful things to them and the others, it took me time. And it wasn’t until I had a foster mom who gave a shit about why I was hurting that I truly started to heal. So I get being the complicated one, The way you feel like a burden even when you’re not.“
His thumb smoothed over the skin, checking on the ink there as she felt a calming reassurance in her chest. knowing that this would end soon. that this was probably the last time they would see each other.
“It looks like we’re almost done.” He told her changing to a lighter topic. Not knowing how they had gotten onto a heavier one,
“Looks like it.” She had told him. Looking at the book on her forearm.
“So I take it you’re a reader?” He asked, working on the last of her touchups.
“Have been since I was old enough to read.” She confirmed.
“Is this a quote from a book?” He asked gesturing to the quote there.
“Ugh no. It’s just the motto for us that my friend Gwyn came up with.” she told him as he read it.
“We are the rock against which the surf crashes and nothing can break us.” He smiled admiring the tattoo. “I like it.”
She wasn’t sure why the blush had crept on her cheeks at his words but it had.
“Thank you.” She told him hiding her blush from him. Normally she didn’t blush when a man gave her a compliment, but Cassian somehow was different.
“Well it looks like you’re done.” He answered. as she got up and went over to the full length mirror observing her tattoo, a book with her and her friends motto on it. They had all chosen the design together because as Gwyn had said herself, all their stories deserved to be told and all of them had a love for books.
“I love it. Thank you.“ She smiled as she glanced up at him.
“It was my pleasure.” He stated wrapping up her tattoo.
“Now you’re going to want to keep this wrapped for a couple of hours and then follow the instructions I give you on the paper you’ll leave with for tattoo after care, but besides that, you are free to go.”
After Nesta had paid and Gwyn and Emerie had finished with theirs. Gwyn and Emerie chatted happily about their tattoos looking at the colors they had chosen them in. the same colors as their friendship bracelets, Nesta smiled turning towards Cassian as she extended her hand to him.
“It was a pleasure meeting you.” Nesta told him as his hand slipped into hers, giving it a slight shake,
“The pleasure was all mine- Nesta-“
“Archeron.” She finished. A little more quickly then she would have liked.
“Nesta Archeron, the name does have a ring to it,” He answered giving her a wicked grin, Was he-Was he flirting with her? “Well Nesta Archeron, I hope we see each other again.” He stated and before she could answer his other client arrived as he went to tend to them and Gwyn and Emerie flocked her while they were outside,
“Do you ever think you’ll see him again?” Gwyn asked as Nesta looked back at the tattoo parlor with a smile on her face,
“I’m not sure, but I hope so,“
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marjansmarwani · 4 years
we won the cosmic lottery
2.1k || ao3
When Mya convinces Carlos to try speed dating on what would otherwise be a lonely Valentine’s Day, he’s pretty sure it’s going to be a disaster. Until a man who manages to light up his world with one look slides into the seat before him, that is. Suddenly he’s feeling a lot more optimistic.
Or, Tarlos Alternate First Meeting: Speed Dating Edition
I wrote fluff again and I am probably more surprised than you are. 
But I found this prompt from @madamewriterofwrongs in my inbox from several months ago and figured why not write a Valentine’s Day fic and try to stretch those fluff muscles again. Beta’d by @officereyes 💕 
As bad ideas went, Carlos was pretty sure this was one. 
“I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.” 
“What, you had other hot plans for Valentine’s Day?” Mya asked him, raising a skeptical eyebrow at him over her drink. 
“No,” Carlos admitted, “but that doesn’t mean this was the correct alternative.” 
“Why not? You’ll waste an hour of your life, talk to some people, come out with some good stories if nothing else. I think it sounds like the perfect alternative to spending the night home alone with Netflix.” 
“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” he told her, tipping his glass to her before taking another drink.
“I have tried it Carlos, far too many times. You have too - that’s why we’re here.” 
“To get a look at Austin’s future serial killers?” 
Mya rolled her eyes at him before lightly smacking his arm with her clutch, “No, Officer Buzzkill. We’re here for a chance to maybe meet Mr. or Ms. Right.” 
Carlos twisted on his stool to survey the crowd gathered in the reserved section of the bar. He typically didn’t like to make assumptions without at least trying to get to know someone first, but he could honestly say that none of the men in the crowd even gave him the slightest glimmer of hope for the evening. He should have stayed home. 
He turned back to Mya with a dubious expression and she rolled her eyes again, “Lighten up Carlos, at the very least it can’t hurt.”
Carlos cast a glance back to one guy who was leering at him from the other side of the room and grimaced, “I’m not too sure about that.” 
His partner opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by someone grabbing a microphone and calling the crowd to attention. 
“Good evening lonely hearts!” the host said once the din of the crowd had died down. Carlos shot Mya a look but she ignored him. 
“We’re going to get started here in a few minutes,” the host continued, “but before we start moving I just wanted to go over the specifics. Upon checking in you were given a bracelet. These are to help with the logistics. If you received a red bracelet you will be taking a seat at any of the open tables. If you got a pink one you will be rotating between the tables.”
Carlos glanced down at his wrist to see a red bracelet sitting there. Mya held up her own wrist to show another red one, “Looks like we both get to have people come to us tonight.” 
Carlos chuckled at her before turning his attention back to the host, who was still explaining the rules. 
“When the bell dings, you will rotate to the table to your right. You will have 3 minutes with each potential suitor and when the bell rings, you will move to the next one. Make sure that you write down their number and check yes or no before you part on the card provided - that’s how we will be pairing you! At the end of the evening we will be comparing all the lists and you will receive a list of the names and contact info of any suitors you mutually matched with to the email provided. After that, the ball is in your court! So make sure you make the most of these three minutes; it could be the time you find your soulmate!” 
The room filled with polite clapping and Carlos turned again to Mya, “You can’t be serious.” 
“Lighten up Reyes,” she said with a wink, “you wouldn’t want to scare your potential soulmate away.” 
“Fine, I’ll ‘lighten up’. But if one of these creeps murders me to make a skin suit, I’m holding you personally responsible.” 
“I don’t believe in ghosts so your threats have no effect on me.” 
There were several more things he wanted to say to his partner, but he was interrupted by the sound of the host telling them all to head to their respective areas. As they went to stand up, Mya reached out to touch his arm, “it’s going to be fine Carlos, really. You’ve got this; try to have some fun for once.” 
Her tone and expression were much more gentle than before and he took a deep breath, forcing himself to relax, “Thanks Mya,” he replied with a grateful smile. “Now go find Ms. Right.” 
She matched his smile and with a wave, she was gone. Carlos took another steady breath and headed to the guy’s section of the room, taking a seat at one of the tables. He pulled the card out of his jacket pocket and picked up one of the pencils waiting on the table, twirling it through his fingers anxiously. And when the first contender of the night slid into the seat before him he forced on a warm smile and held out his hand in greeting. Mya was right, he had this. 
7 dates later he was less sure he had this. 
They hadn’t all been creeps, per se (though numbers 2 and 6 definitely had been) but they also hadn’t done anything to elicit any kind of spark in Carlos. They had been nice enough and reasonably good looking, but Carlos had decided a long time ago that good enough wasn’t worth the effort. If he was going to try and make a go of something with someone, they had to be someone who made him feel something. It had to be worth the risk. 
He was contemplating his abysmal luck when the next guy slid into the chair across from him. Carlos looked up and all coherent thoughts fled his head. This guy was... gorgeous was the only word Carlos could come up with that did him justice. Everything about him was perfect and Carlos couldn’t bring himself to look away. 
He eventually noticed the extended hand in what he sincerely hoped was a normal amount of time and took it, still studying him as he blurted out the first thought that came to mind: “I didn’t see you here before.” 
He definitely hadn’t been here when things were starting, Carlos would have noticed him in a crowd, he was absolutely sure about that. The other man smiled sheepishly, “yeah, I got here a bit late. I was trying to convince myself to actually come. My friends had to practically push me in the door.” 
Carlos chuckled, “My friend had to pretty much drag me here with her. Are your friends here?” 
“They’re at a bar down the street for ‘moral support’,” he responded with an eye roll, but a fond expression. 
“That’s so helpful.” 
“Isn’t it?” 
They both laughed again before Carlos suddenly realized they had yet to even exchange names, “I’m Carlos, by the way.” 
“TK, nice to meet you.” 
“That’s an interesting name. Does it stand for something?” 
TK grinned at him coyly, “It does, but that’s at least a level 4 backstory, and we’re barely at level one.” 
Carlos grinned back, feeling the quip come easily despite the butterflies definitely fluttering in his stomach, “Well, we’ve got some time to work on that. Personally though I recommend we skip over levels 1 and 2, those are mundane at best.” 
TK’s green eyes lit up as he laughed. The sound sent a shock through Carlos’s entire body and in that moment, Carlos decided he had been wrong. He owed Mya an apology: this had been an excellent idea after all. 
His three minutes with TK had not been nearly long enough. When the bell had dinged he had nearly jumped out of his skin. He had been so absorbed in their conversation he hadn't noticed the passage of time. It felt like they had been talking all night, but also as if they had barely begun to talk at all. 
TK gave him an apologetic smile as he stood from his chair, “I guess that’s my cue. It was really nice talking to you though, Carlos.”
“Yeah, you too,” he responded. He hesitated for a moment as he studied the other man. In only three minutes he had felt more of a connection with TK than he had with people he had dated for weeks. Maybe it was that they were both first responders, maybe it was something else, but he wasn’t ready to let this go. So many things were mysteries, but Carlos knew one thing for sure: if he let TK walk away from him tonight, he might just end up regretting it for the rest of his life. 
“Would you maybe like to catch up when we’re done here? Maybe get a drink, talk some more?” 
TK paused mid-stride, raising an eyebrow, “You still have two more dates left, how do you know you won’t want to spend the evening with them instead?” 
“Call it intuition.” 
He could call it intuition or blind hope or desperation if he wanted, Carlos really didn’t care. He just knew in his gut that it was right, that TK was someone he needed to get to know more. TK was still considering him, and Carlos anxiously awaited his verdict. This was so far outside of his comfort zone and he was pretty sure that if TK turned him down he was going to head back to his condo tonight and not leave for at least two days, too buried in embarrassment and shame to face the outside world. But this felt worth the risk; he just hoped he hadn’t read these feelings wrong. 
Finally, after what felt like a lifetime passing in the moment of a breath, TK smiled. “I’d like that,” he said, “I guess bachelors 9 and 10 are out of luck for both of us then.” 
“Try to let them down easy.” 
TK laughed again, squeezing his shoulder as he walked away, “As long as you promise to do the same—getting turned down by you would be a tough pill to swallow, Carlos. Try to break their hearts gently.”  
Carlos was still feeling the euphoria of TK’s smile 10 minutes later when a figure slid into the seat next to him at the bar. He turned eagerly, ready to see TK’s eyes again and felt disappointment, followed by instant guilt, when it wasn’t TK but Mya occupying the seat next to him. 
“Well that was a waste of time,” she declared as she slumped forward onto the bar, “you were right. I shouldn’t have dragged you here, I’m sorry. Wanna go get tacos at that truck you love to drown our sorrows?” 
“Actually,” Carlos began, but their conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone calling his same from behind them. They turned in tandem and Carlos felt his heart beat just a little faster at the sight of TK, who was looking between him and Mya. 
“Hey Carlos, I just wanted to see if you were ready for that drink yet. If you’re not we can...” 
Mya interrupted before TK could finish his sentence, “I was just leaving, actually. I’m Mya, by the way—Carlos’s partner and friend.” 
TK turned his gorgeous smile on her and held out a hand, “TK Strand, nice to meet you.” 
“TK’s a firefighter,” Carlos told Mya, biting back a smile as she raised an eyebrow and TK nodded, “I’m with the 126.”
“Well, TK Strand with the 126, take good care of my partner here. He’s pretty special.” 
“I’ve already gotten that feeling,” TK agreed, giving Carlos another grin that he felt straight through to his soul. 
Mya smirked as she stood from her seat, looking between them as she pulled out her keys, “I’d say have a good rest of the night, but I think that’s already a given. I’ll see you on Monday Carlos, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“And that would be what, exactly?” 
Mya shrugged as she started to walk away, “I’m sure I’ll think of something.” 
“Text me when you get home!” he called after her. 
“Yes mom!” she called back as she reached the door. Before she opened it to head out into the Austin night she turned one more time and shot him a smile and a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes fondly, but nodded. Then she was gone and he turned all of his attention to the man beside him. He was grinning too and Carlos was starting to get the feeling that he might never get used to the things that smile did to him.  
TK slid into Mya’s abandoned seat and leaned closer to him, “So where do we start?” 
Carlos smiled back and waved down the bartender to get drinks for them. He wasn’t sure where to begin, but he had a feeling wherever it was would be the beginning of something great. He turned and caught TK’s eyes again, savoring the warmth that emanated from them. 
Tonight may have started out feeling like a mistake, but he was starting to think it may have actually been more like fate. 
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lirbrarycrows · 4 years
Various Fake Dating HCs
Various situations that require fake dating from there’s a creep, to a school play,  and how it becomes real 
AN/Yall know the drill. Caffeine, sugar, no sleep, binge writing session with no edits. That said if anyone catches a mistake please let me know Todoroki’s got a little away from me (def. was not 2 pages worth of google docs nope not me wrong writer) Enjoy!
Characters: Deku, Bakugou, Kaminari, Shinsou, Todoroki 
Word Count: 2520
Requests Open
Warnings: Mentions harassment
Mineta wasn’t the only creep on campus and you were Class 1-E’s lucky lady as he called you thinking he was God’s gift to women
After 2 weeks of annoying you everyday after class was enough 
You’d complained to Deku and Uraka about it before so he was well aware of the jerk
When he approached you at lunch you couldn’t take it anymore
The moment he left you’d plopped your forehead onto Deku’s shoulder and asked Deku to help you out offering to buy him lunch for the week in return
He wasn’t sure how he could - he knew he couldn’t intimidate the guy like Kirishima or Bakugou so he wasn’t sure what you wanted
When you explained he’d gone pink but agreed
Since then he’d held your hand, helped you study, and called you honey and sweets when the creep was in earshot 
It took the jerk a while to realize you weren’t interested for some reason when he did though Deku kept up all the sweet gestures 
You told him a week after the last encounter with the creep that he could stop 
He’d just murmured (thinking you couldn’t here) “I don’t want to” 
You’d given him a kiss on the check and realizing you’d heard he’d launched into one of his patented spiels saying of course if you weren’t interested, and he still was focused on becoming the number 1 hero, and and and 
You’d wait for him to finish and look up at from the floor before giving him a smile and asking where he wanted to go on your first official date
It was his idea believe it or not. You both were good friends and after his internship he had several dedicates “fans” They’d gone so far as to track him down and asked him out incessantly 
The first time he’d scoffed and told them to get loss with his usual tact, that is to say none
After that when they’d followed him everyday from the gates of UA he’d blown up at them, literally 
Most of them were properly scared off by this or at least more reserved 1 girl just couldn’t take a hint
You and Bakugou had been sent to get snacks for movie night later and SHE was as always waiting on Bakugou
He’d groaned seeing her and whispered in you ear to play along 
Snaked his arms dangerously low around your waist, pulled you close
He purposefully didn’t look at her pretending he hadn’t already seen her
When you were out of the gates he spun you around and trapped you against the wall leaning in to whisper to you thanking you for playing along he asked if he could kiss you
You grabbed his face and pulled it towards your own
When you broke apart he smirked then pretended to take notice of the girl telling her off for spying on him and his girlfriend
You walked up behind him as he yelled at the girl and glared daggers at her 
She wasn’t happy about it but between both your threats she finally backed off (though she would occasionally pop up at public UA events) 
You were always with the Bakusquad so it was an easy matter to plant a kiss on his check and motion you were watching her in case she felt like trying anything
Neither of you were ready for or wanted a real relationship so that was as far as it went in high school but you keep in contact and who knows what the future holds
It did become a running joke how you two were such a lovey dovey couple in between the cursing each other out and harder than necessary slugs to the shoulder
You two flirted like there was no tomorrow 
Eventually everyone assumed you were dating bc who else flirts with every breath
One night you were running late and Kirishima had asked Denki “Where’s your girlfriend” 
It took him a second bc as much as you both flirted it was never serious
You’d popped in not a minute later and Kaminari had thrown his arm around you dramatically declaring “MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND IS HERE” for everyone to here 
You looked at him quizzically and snorted
He managed to pull you away from the group and convince you it'd be a great joke to see how long you could convince the gang you were dating and how much drama you could create in your fake “relationship” 
You were plotting soap opera level storylines by the end of the night
After a week of scheming and late night writing session you started your personal drama with a dramatic monologue to the girls before class on how Kaminari had forgotten your so important 1 week-aversy 
-They’d consoled you and told you guys care about stuff but if you did you should talk to Kaminari
By lunch everyone had heard and Bakugou had a betting pool on how long the happy couple would last - Kaminari tried to join but was banned
Week 3 had the suspected cheating scandal - that had earned you a lecture from Kirishima on how it wasn’t manly to cheat and you assuring him nothing had actually happened 
By week 5 the two of you had a regular date scheming night 
During week 6 when Kirishima was “buzzed” after overusing his quirk he confessed to loving your (nonexistent) identical twin who conveniently went to another school and you had never spoken of bc she had stolen you last boyfriend
Towards the end of the term during date night Denki dropped to one knee proposing a proposal story line you’d burst out laughing when he grabbed a slap bracelet (He’d gotten from goodness knows where) and slapped it onto your wrist
At least take me on a real date first you’d joked - then frozen hoping he hadn’t heard 
He had. He took the slap bracelet off, still on one knee and said (Y/N) will you take this slap bracelet and go out with me for realizes I mean 
You’d ceremoniously take the slap bracelet and try to carefully put it on your wrist, treasuring it - slap bracelets can’t be gently moved though so it snapped up immediately as you said “I do” 
It wasn’t planned by either of you
You didn’t even know people though you were dating until a picture of the two of you showed up in the schools gossip column and someone pointed it out to you at lunch 
Shinsou just nodded his head and sighed saying “that makes sense” 
You had no idea what he was going on about - you found out that people had been kinder to him this morning some. Guys approached him about his “game” and some girl had talked to him saying if he was with you he couldn’t be as scary as he seemed 
You to were close and you knew how much it hurt him that people were scared of him bc of his quirk 
You were sitting so you leaned over and gave him a side hug promising him it would be okay
That hug went down the grapevine and “confirmed” your relationship 
By the time someone directly asked you about Shinsou the two of you had talked and agreed to let slide neither of you liked anyone and it was helping Shinsou so where was the harm 
You didn’t go out of your way to appear as a couple but you were friendly and people were prone to misinterpretation 
Shinsou certainly wasn’t a social butterfly but he certainly wasn’t seen as scary and his friend group grew
2 months into your “relationship” Shinsou had a girl confess to him she liked him 
He was taken aback she hadn’t talked to him the entirety of last term and suddenly she liked him
She had been scared of him unlike you. Unlike you, something clicked for Shinsou and the rest of the week he found himself comparing other girls to you and realized he may truly be in love with you 
By the time he came round to that realization you had made your own. Maybe people had thought you two were a couple bc you hung out with him more, hugged him more, smiled at him more, and liked him more and differently than your other friends. You  maybe even loved him 
At lunch he was the one who reached out and touched you, lightly settling his hand on yours and asking if you wanted to be more than a rumor 
Can we say emotional trauma 
In literature class there’d been a project to perform a Kyogen as a part of their classic lit unit - you’d loved it even if you’d been graded more on the accompanying essay of the evolution of language and classism than the performance part 
When you saw there was a school play you hasn’t hesitated to audition bc the kyogen performance had been so fun
You hadn’t gotten the lead role you wanted but you were more than fine playing a the female lead’s best friend who got swept off her feet by the quiet tortured poet
As soon as you saw who you’d been cast as you immediately checked who your love interest was. It was none other than Shoto Todoroki
You were really nervous the first rehearsal that focused on your sections
You knew Todoroki only by reputation, as a aloof and focused student 
You had no clue what he was doing in the play so you asked. He didn’t tell you the first day instead just did a read through 
The entire time the drama teacher kept saying “More Emotion” and “You’re in love so SMILE” you were pretty sure it was directed at Todoroki who was barely beyond monotone
The director requested Todoroki stay after rehearsal for extra practice. As his scene partner you stayed too
During on of these he explained during the kyogen project he’d felt different in his everyday life when he was pretending to be happy or angry compared to when he tried to show no emotion 
The director had called that moment a breakthrough. You smiled at him and asked whatever made him think that showing no emotion was in any way a good idea. He didn’t answer you 
You made it your mission from then on to get him to show emotion. Of course that was the director’s job on stage. You made it your mission everyday though. 
You would have friends pass him notes for you in between classes, eat lunch with him, and had a bad joke of the day hoping to catch him roll his eyes rather than just stare ahead eating robotically 
Eventually he started to show cracks in the armour, he would smile when you made funny faces backstage, or say he was upset which wasn’t much but baby steps
There were days he reverted to mono-emotionalism (that emotion being bored) on those days you eventually decided your best course was just to annoy him to death or even better till he said he was annoyed this came in the form of you lightly hitting you arm on his head, singing the 100 digits of pi song on loop, or running and jumping at him (he would always catch you knowing his choices were that or be bowled over) 
Those days became fewer and further between as you got closer to the play. There was one particular bad day though. You’d been trying all day to get a reaction, good or bad, out of him with nothing working. 
He was sitting on the floor during practice. You dropped beside him and leaned back till your head was in his lap and started asking “What’s up with you?”
You didn’t finish your question bc he shoved you out of his lap and stormed off 
Your scenes that day weren’t great to say the least 
By the end of practice you were just drained, you really were trying to help, and instead you’d hurt him and that hurt as much as him pushing you away and saying he didn’t need you 
The next day you had Deku hand him a note saying you were sorry 
You didn’t try to reach out to him the rest of the day, sat with your own friends at lunch, and didn’t bother him between scenes during practice
It was a week before you two spoke and that was only on the blocking of the last scene the leads ran to each other as you two cheered and hugged 
Tech week was hell week for 2 reasons 1. The general tiredness and overwhelmingness that always come with tech and 2 you were practically glued to Todoroki’s hip the entire play for 3 run throughs a day and you still weren’t really speaking 
Opening night you saw Todoroki pacing half an hour before curtain call. You were headed back to the dressing room to help some of the other girls with their makeup but he looked stressed. 
You waved not wanting to startle him. He looked up from his pacing feet and just stared at you 
“I’m not here to annoy you. You just look stressed and I wanted to say it’ll be fine and um break a leg. Anyway I’ll leave you to your pacing.” You said before starting to leave
He doesn’t move to stop you from leaving but he stares you down and starts talking, spewing all the feelings that have been building up (that he doesn’t understand) He’s nervous around you. Why is he nervous around you? He’s mad at himself for making you sad that day. You didn’t talk to him. He didn’t know what to do so he let you not talk to him. His miserable and he misses you he thinks. He tried talking to Deku but Deku just told him that he needed to talk to you about these feelings so he didn’t say anything more to Deku. He has all these feeling and doesn’t know why? 
You walk towards him and ask if it’s okay to hug him
He gives the smallest nod
You wrap him in the tightest hug you possibly can and lean your head into his chest. He eventually rests his head on top of yours and awkwardly wraps his hands around your back
When you pull away he looks at you for a moment before telling you your makeup looks nice 
You have to run to help the girls with their makeup you remember but make him promise to talk after the show 
You two talk and by the final curtain call your on stage hug has somehow become a chaste peck on the cheek. 
He pays for your post set strike theater crew Denny’s meal with Endeavour's stolen credit card and asks if it counts as a date if there are 20 other people with you
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Rainy Days (Part 1 of 4)
Link to AO3 --- Part 2
Summary: Emma and Julian are in charge of the London Institute for a week and find a box that once belonged to Cordelia Carstairs and contains poems written to her by James Herondale. The story switches between Emma and Julian and oneshots about things that happened in Jordelia's life to inspire the poems.
Sorry if the formatting for the poems is messed up, I tried. 
Emma and Julian walk through the halls of the London Institute. Growing up, Julian always loved London, he found the city to be inspiring for paintings and loved the older feel of the buildings. They were here for a visit and also because Alec asked them to watch over it for a few days while Julian’s Aunt Marjorie was on vacation. Both of them love London and spent most of their time going to Hyde park and all kinds of little cafes but unfortunately, today was not a good day to be exploring the city.
Being from LA, they hardly ever saw rain and they felt as though even if they did, it wasn’t usually this much. It was pouring outside and nearly flooding the streets, even though it was the middle of the day it was so dark outside you could hardly see. So, the young couple decided to stay inside and explore the institute instead.
“Do you think the sun ever shines in London?” Emma asks while looking out the window. Today they were in the library just trying to get some work done. Julian laughs and then walks over to join her at the window, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Want to take a break and explore for a little bit?” He asks, taking her hand. They headed off into the rest of the building, looking for an adventure.
The London institute was one of the biggest in the world, it felt as though you could go for miles without ever seeing the same room twice. Now Emma and Julian were laughing as they raced through the historic halls, they hadn’t had much time to themselves lately and desperately needed this break. Every so often they would stop and take pictures of tapestries or portraits that Jules would want to try to paint once they got back home.
They came to a tapestry of a pond with ducks. It had a bit of text sewn into the bottom corner that just said, “never trust a duck.” They thought that was kind of wierd to have but it looked very old. They were approaching a whole hallway that seemed like it hadn't been touched in decades. The wallpaper reflected the style of another time period and the pictures were covered by a layer of dust.
Now out of breath the two stopped for a second and smiled at each other. They may not be parabatai any more but they still knew what the other was thinking. This was the most fun they have had in years. Julian stepped forward and kissed his girlfriend. Emma returned this with passion. Jules’ arms around her waist and her arms thrown around his neck.
One thing leads to another and next thing you know they find themselves stumbling backward into one of the abandoned bedrooms. They keep making out as the door slams behind them, falling onto the bed. Emma then suddenly stops and looks across the room curiously.
She had caught something out of the corner of her eye, a name. Her name. There was a wooden jewelry box with the name Carstairs engraved on it. It sat on a bookshelf next to an old leather bound book titled The Beautiful Cordelia and a book of Persian mythology. Looking around the room, it seemed as though no one had been in here for years. Julian followed her gaze and quickly caught on. Emma looked up at Julian,
“Do you think this could have belonged to one of my ancestors?” She asks while picking up the box.
“Probably. Didn’t Jem used to live here? Maybe it is his?” He responds as they walk back to the bed. They set the box down between then and open it up. Inside it is filled with treasures that belonged to someone a century ago. The first thing they pull out is a worn portrait.
“I don’t think it is Jem,” Emma says as she hands the picture to him. It depicts a girl with bright red hair holding a familiar gold sword. The same sword that Emma carries with her every day.
“Is that,” Julian starts with a bit of surprise, “Cortana?”
“I think so,” Emma says. “So this must be Cordelia Carstair.” She had grown up hearing stories about the warrior that fought greater demons in London and wielded the same Carstairs sword. She was said to be one of the bravest shadowhunters of her time. She had also met with Lily Chen during one of her visits to New York. The vampire had known Cordelia and had a few stories of her own to share.
“This must be a box of her belongings, and this probably used to be her room.” She continues while reaching in to grab a stack of notes. On each one was written a poem and at the bottom they were signed ‘J.H.’
“H” Julian wonders aloud, “I wonder if it stands for Herondale.”
“It does” says Emma, “James Herondale was her husband.”
“Do you think he wrote these poems to her?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” She says and then pulls out another portrait from the bottom of the box. It was of a boy with dark hair and gold eyes. They weren’t quite sure who this was but had a sort of an idea. They could always ask Tessa later too, she had sent a fire message earlier that day saying she was going to stop by tonight with Jem.
“Do you want me to read the poems?” Emma asks, retrieving the first one from the box. Julian nods and then she starts reading.
You carry a sword of mercy and power It’s blade an extension of your own will. It can cut through the wickedest of powers, And slice through the chains that bind me.
The Sunlight reflects off it’s gold surface. Holding confidently to the grip of the hilt, Cutting down enemies for miles and miles, You could tear this very world in two.
The sword for the purest of hearts, For the one who has my own heart. The most beautiful of weapons ever made, Belongs to the most beautiful person I know.
It was another day taken over by the rain and The Merry Thieves and company were all sitting around the Devils Tavern discussing their latest projects. Lucie was just finishing reading her latest chapter of The Beautiful Cordelia. This section happened to be about “Lord Asher” and his new boyfriend, a knight named “Sir Tobias”. This prompted blushing from Alastair and Thomas while the others made jokes.
Cordelia was sitting next to James on the couch resting her head on his shoulder. She enjoyed these little displays of affection and was very content. James looked at her and smiled and then all of the sudden Mathew jumps up and says,
“Jamie, do you have any poems that you have been working on?” James sighs and then walks over to the book shelf and pulls out a leather bound notebook. He sits next to Cordelia and then starts flipping through the pages looking for a poem to read when the word Cortana catches her eye. She puts a finger on the page and looks at her husband, he winks and she blushes. James then quickly continues flipping through pages before his nosey parabatai notices. He starts reading the group one of his poems and they continue chatting for the rest of the afternoon.
Cordelia and James say their goodbyes and head back to the institute. Their carriage was kind of far away so they had to walk a bit in the heavy rain, not that either of them minded holding hands in the rain.
They were running and jumping in puddles, they would be wet anyways so what's the harm? Cordelia laughed as James pulled her in for a kiss under the street light. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. They pulled apart and smiled, walking off to their warm, dry carriage.
James put an arm around Cordelia as they rode home, they were both tired from a long day and the gloomy weather. By the time they got to the institute they were both half asleep and wet from the rain. They head up to their room to change into some dry clothes before laying down on their bed. Cordelia looks at James,
“So, what was that poem about?” she questions with a smirk.
“The Cortana one?” James says while grabbing the leather bound book from his bag.
“Yes,” Cordelia says, looking over at the journal in his lap. He turns to the page with the title at the top.
“Would you like me to read it to you?” he asks in a quiet whisper. She nodded.
You carry a sword of mercy and power It’s blade an extension of your own will.
He is right next to her and she can feel his warm breath as he reads each line. She thinks of her own sword, the sharp edge for mercy, the sword itself full of power. The Sword was an extension of her will, it had chosen her and would always come to her in a fight. James kisses her cheek.
It can cut through the wickedest of powers, And slice through the chains that bind me.
It had cut through wicked powers, when she needed to save James. She wasn’t even thinking then, she just knew she needed to save him. She had also cut through the bracelet that binded him to Grace, freeing him. She knew that even if he didn’t love her, he should be free to choose for himself who to love, but he did choose her.
The Sunlight reflects off it’s gold surface. Holding confidently to the grip of the hilt, Cutting down enemies for miles and miles, You could tear this very world in two.
She had fought many demons, even princes of hell and her sword never failed. James was always by her side fighting too. Together they could defeat the most dangerous of creatures, they even tore through the layers of this world once to stop one. Her love for James extended beyond the bounds of this world and she would do anything to get to him.
The sword for the purest of hearts, For the one who has my own heart.
She didn’t know if her heart was necessarily pure, she could only try her best. She loved James and he certainly had her heart too. She could feel her heat racing while watching his lips form the words in a calm whisper.
The most beautiful of weapons ever made, Belongs to the most beautiful person I know.
This made Cordelia blush a little, James’s eyes turned to meet hers as he closed the book. He carefully tore the page from the notebook and handed it to her.
“This was meant for you anyways,” he says as he kisses her softly on the lips. She placed the paper on the nightstand. “I love you Daisy.”
“I love you too,” Cordelia says as she kisses him again. They then lay back in bed and fell asleep next to each other, listening to the rain outside as it lulled them into a deep and loving sleep.
Tag list: @fortheloveofthecarstairs  @thehotfaeriethreesome  @shadowrunner2000  @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @surrounded-by-exquisite-clutter @gabtapia  @niathesanctuary-bolastair-kanej 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list :)
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prismatales · 5 years
Shoto’s Perspective
Part 2 of Endeavor with a Quirkless Child, this one focuses on Shoto’s relationship with his Sister. I’d recommend to read the first one to understand some points.
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Growing up with a father like Endeavor wasn’t easy for Shoto, after all he was never treated like a child, but as a tool who’s only purpose was to accomplish his father’s ambitions, he hated it.
Then there was his sister, Y/N was always somewhere else, never training, she was always with their siblings or their mother, often were the days he could hear her crying quietly at night. Why was she crying? She never had to train like he had to.
He saw the ways his father ignored her in favor of training him, why couldn’t he ignore him as well? as a child he was envious of her, but as he grew up he came to realize why, she was quirkless and according to his father a “distraction”, he couldn’t remember the last time he spoke to her.
Shoto had been accepted into the Hero department, unknown to him you were in the Support department, being all by yourself gave you a lot more time to study, by the time high school was about to start you were already a genius, so getting into U.A. wasn’t difficult.
It was obviously bad luck, your class was going to help in the creation of the costumes for class 1-A, “just my luck, just.my.fucking.luck” Hatsume couldn’t stop laughing at her new friend’s muttering, “It can’t be that bad Todo-chan!” that was the nickname she gave you, eventually everyone in the class started calling you that, even the teachers.
You were not in charge of designing Shoto’s costume, instead it was the costume of a guy called Bakugo Katsuki. The classmate who got Shoto’s asked you about his quirk in hopes you could lend them a helping hand, when they showed you the concept Shoto gave for his costume a chuckle came out without realizing, he was more spiteful than you thought.
During lunch time you would do everything to avoid Shoto, it wasn’t that you hated him, it was on reflex, it became a habit you ended up developing while growing up. That didn’t stop you from glancing at him during lunch time, a few of his classmates noticed the girl staring at him every now and then, you weren’t as sneaky as you thought. The funny thing was Shoto had crossed paths with you more than once but he never recognized or paid attention to you.
Sero and Kaminari told him about the cute girl that would stare at him from a distance, he only listened once, so that’s where that feeling of being watched came from.
During the Sports festival and the accidental reveal he was confused when Present Mic yelled out Todoroki again, he had already crossed the finish line a long time ago, then he heard it again. Todoroki…Y/N? At the mention of your name his body quickly turned towards the Stadium’s entrance.
Crossing the finish line was a girl wearing support equipment, she was bent over, hands on her knees and panting tiredly, but her face quickly shot up in a panic at the mention of her name. Her (Color) hair was short, (Name) was a red head and as far as he remembered her hair reached her waist, but then he saw her eyes, it was her…It was her sister.
what were you doing at U.A.? hadn’t you chosen another school? and why was everyone yelling?! Kaminari and Kirishima were shouting “That’s your sister?!”, before he could go and talk to you Midnight was already announcing the next event, the Cavalry battle.
He noticed your team never got close to his, and although your teammates were good they lost when Monoma took your points, he wouldn’t forget the look on your face, you were so furious you tried to use a bracelet with a taser on the Blond.
With the cavalry battle over and after confronting Midoriya his next goal was to find you and talk, but then Shoto heard Endeavor yelling at you, he followed the noise just to see his father holding your arm, from the look on your face he was hurting your arm.
When you started telling Endeavor how you were ignoring Shoto just like he ordered, that left him thinking, didn’t you hate him for having a quirk? both of your parent’s quirks specifically? he always thought that was the reason you never talked to him, not because Endeavor had forbidden it. He snapped out of his thoughts when you ran off after leaving Endeavor behind.
During the fighting tournament Shoto could notice Y/N watching, she was genuinely cheering for him by the look on her face, not to mention the way she cheered for him along with Midoriya. Unlike his father, his sister shouted his name with genuine concern for him, it made him think of the times his mother tried to comfort him.
With the festival over Shoto tried to approach you, but everytime he’d get close you would walk away, sometime even running away in panic, it made him feel hurt, if you were so concerned for him then why were you avoiding him?
The day he decided to go visit his mother he didn’t see you at home, Fuyumi told him you had gone out. The surprise on his face was pretty obvious when he found you talking to Rei on her hospital room, the look on his mother’s face was joyful, she thought you were getting along, and neither of you had the courage to tell her the truth.
he asked you to listen to him and not to run away once you finished the visit, hesitantly you accepted and took him to your favorite cafe, it was adorable seeing him trying to choose, there were things on the menu he’s never heard of or tried before. His diet had been so strict growing up he rarely tried anything sweet or even remotely close to junk food, the closest thing he’s ever had was probably mochi.
“You do realize our father can’t control your diet anymore right?” you leaned forward, finger pointing the desserts section at his menu. “you can start with something simple like their green tea ice cream, or you can go wild and order the chocolate and raspberry milkshake, it’s really sweet but honestly everything on the menu’s delicious” he gave you a look filled with curiosity “how often do you come here?” “pretty much every Friday, my friend’s the owner’s grandaughter and she dragged me here to celebrate when we started mid-school” you waved at the old couple in the register “She’s studying abroad in Canada, but it was our little tradition to come here on Fridays, and this place has such a cozy feeling it’s hard to avoid”. he had to admit you were right, the moment he stepped in a warm feeling was all around him, it felt right, just like his mother’s embrace.
The both of you talked for a while, about school, your childhood, the festival, he told you how he had ended up listening on your conversation with Endeavor, a part of you felt ashamed of the way you reacted, but shoto reassured you it was fine to react like that at the threat of being pulled out of school.
He found out you had been assigned to work on his new costume, the classmate that used to work on it dropped out, they couldn’t handle the stress, the fact you were the one helping them out the most ended up with the teacher allowing you to work on two hero costumes. You also made fun of the first one.
The day he introduced you to his classmates was a day to remember, Kaminari mentioned how him and his friends would catch you staring from time to time and thought you were a girl crushing on Shoto much to your embarassment, they quickly apologized when they saw you covering your face in shame.
Bakugo called them a bunch of blind idiots for not figuring it out sooner, he knew who you were the moment he met you while working on his costume, not to mention the time he heard your classmates calling you “Todo-chan”, but he just didn’t care, he had to admit you had done a good job on his gauntlets though, that made you ease up a bit.
The girls invited you to hang out with them next weekend, everyone quickly caught up with your nickname, it would be easier to difference you and your brother that way, Shoto was content his sister was getting along with his classmates, specially when Midoriya bonded with you about the feeling of growing up quirkless.
Kirishima mentioned your hair, the color was a bit messy and uneven “It was your first time dyeing your hair, wasn’t it?” “Yes, how did you know?” he rubbed his neck in embarassment and mentioned how the same thing happened to him, later he gave you the name of the place where he had his hair done.
When Y/N argued with their father about the internship she was venting with Shoto “He doesn’t even know how much effort I put in my work! and to think my project ended up being about him! this is unbelievable!” all your brother did was listen and watch as your hands were flying everywhere at the same time you spoke, somehow his eyes landed on your hair and it was like a light bulb went off, he had an idea you probably wouldn’t refuse and quietly went to look for Enji’s credit card.
The result was worth it once he witnessed his father burst into flames at the sight of Y/N as a blonde, Shoto couldn’t help but jokingly aski if you were All Might’s secret love child which you replied with a deadpan expression “I wish”.
During the attack on the training camp and Bakugo’s kidnapping you had stayed at home with Fuyumi, the both of you worried out of your minds when Shoto had gone rescue his classmate. But the moment he came back home the first thing he got was an earful from his worried twin, that quickly died down when they heard his father tearing apart the training room.
Things were calm for a few weeks, you made it a routine to go to the cafe at least once a week an have study sessions together, most of the time you were together in class 1-A dorms, mainly because the majority of the support department was always busy working in the development studio.
Then the day of Endeavor’s debut as the number one hero and the fight against high-end happened. The both of you were watching the broadcast with his friends, and the moment it seemed Endeavor had been defeated Shoto could only watch in shock at the sight of what appeared to be his father’s corpse.
But you? a million thoughts were running through your head in that moment, chills running down your spine, an overwhelming feeling of dread, hearing nothing else but static, you could see Shoto talking, but were unable to listen, the feeling of being lightheaded making you fall on your knees and having trouble breathing. You were having a panic attack.
Uraraka screamed the moment you feel on the floor and started hyperventilating, Iida was quick to carry you to the couch, Shoto snapped out of his shock when he hear the yelling, he didn’t know what to do as tears started running down your face, he was afraid to make it worse, but he tried to talk to you and distract you. Luckily Aizawa arrived soon after to help.
By the time Endeavor rose again and managed to defeat the Nomu you had calmed down, but the stress caused you to pass out on the couch from exhaustion, Shoto stayed close during that time, he was worried and so were his classmates, some of them stayed around in case Shoto needed help with something.
It was almost midnight when you finally woke up with a blanket covering you, turning your head slowly the sight of mismatched hair was the first thing you noticed, Shoto had fallen asleep sitting on the floor, waiting for you to wake up. He woke up at the feeling of hands stroking his hair, but the moment he saw you awake he quickly got up from the floor.
“What happened?” You were still laying down “You had a panic attack and passed out” “oh…” there was silence for a few minutes, but then your brother told you Endeavor had won the fight, the news made you relax a little, but there was a clear sadness in your eyes.
“You want to forgive him don’t you?” “…what?” “Father, the moment everyone thought he had been defeated you started shaking…Do you want to forgive him?” you could only look at the ceiling, did you wanted to? tears slowly started to form in your eyes, just to quickly end up being be wiped with the heel of your hands as you sobbed.
“I…I don’t know what to do” Your could only mutter with a broken voice “…He’s our father…and he hurt us for along time…but he’s trying to fix things with us, would it be the right thing to do?”. Shoto could only stare at his weeping sister, he hated seeing you like this.
The day Natsuo yelled at their father and told him why you had cut your hair didn’t shock him anymore, the day he took you to the salon you mentioned him why you did it, the sad smile you gave made him feel terrible, after all Fuyumi once mentioned how much you loved having long hair.
He knew it would probably upset you, but he still went and told their father about your panic attack, and the way you were hesitant to forgive him, Endeavor was a great hero, but he was lacking as a father, the last thing he told him was that if he wanted to make up for his mistakes he should start with you and Rei.
Months later when he saw your red hair growing out he realized things were starting to change, while you haven’t fully forgiven your father yet, things slowly started to change for the best.
Hope you enjoyed this!
I have like three more ideas for this, it’s probably going to turn into a mini-fic and some side stories.
Want to make a request? my askbox is open!
I also made an avatar on picrew to show you guys the way I imagined reader, this is pretty much how she looks after getting rid of the hair dye
Update / January 19, 2021: This story will change from a Reader insert to an OC.
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leda-x · 4 years
Ladybug has five minutes left with Chat Noir, and she isn't ready to give them up.
Ladybug woke in the cooking section of a library with the word “chance” tumbling from her lips. It was the ancient atrium of a newly modernized building. Like always, she was crouched down behind a bookshelf with Chat Noir at her side.
Far, far above her head, thin marble columns rose upwards, curving into graceful arches to meet in the middle. Early morning light shone through the enormous circular skylight positioned at the center of the atrium’s domed ceiling. It illuminated little specks of golden dust that had been disturbed by them seconds before. The room was empty, sound hushed.
Meeting her gaze, Chat tapped the screen on his baton and the numbers 04:58 began to flash. 04:57… 04:56... He reached down, flipping through a cookbook at his side, stopping at a random page. “Lobster tails meunière,” he read aloud to mark the attempt, green gaze flicking back up for her lead.
There were 2,000 recipes in The Escoffier Cookbook and Guide to the Fine Art of Cookery. That one was new. Ladybug took it as a good omen.
There was nothing but seriousness in Chat’s face right now. Seriousness and a rosy glow of determination and confidence.
Ladybug’s fingers drifted off her bracelet to cradle Chat’s cheek. Her gloved thumb followed the line along the bottom edge of his mask, right at the exposed part of his cheek. She watched the depth and vibrancy in his eyes. Could see a ring of eyelashes through the colored glass. Could feel the heat from his skin. He had a freckle on his upper lip. Not for the first time Ladybug realized her partner was beautiful. The first few times she had stopped to really notice she had cried. An ache started in her throat and grew until her entire chest was sore, until she was breathless with grief.
A blush colored his cheeks and his neck. She watched, with some fascination, the steady beat of his heart through the vein in his neck. It was throbbing quick. He was searching her face for answers now, lip pursing into worry.  “Uh oh… It’s that bad?” Chat joked.
She wasn’t ready. It wasn’t the right time around. Ladybug got up from her crouch and held out her hand.
Chat took it without question and allowed her to lead them both out of the atrium into a modernized foyer, then into an elevator. She pressed floor four. 
“What’s the plan?” he asked as the elevator doors shut. Ladybug could detect a thread of nervousness behind his grin. He was probably wondering why they were going up when the akuma was last spotted below.
Such faith. It cracked her heart a little further every time. Ladybug squeezed his hand, watching the elevator numbers tick so she didn’t have to look him in the eye as she admitted, “No plan.”
The doors opened to an art gallery absent of people.
She let go of Chat’s hand, even though she never really wanted to, and began walking through the exhibit. She could hear the soft sound of his footsteps following her. Extremely large images of sand flicked by in succession. Ladybug didn’t stop to marvel at them.
Chat always did. “Whoah,” he said and she glanced back, catching him craning his neck. “This isn’t a photo. Someone drew this.”
Ladybug used up a few of her seconds to watch her partner, feeling a wash of fondness as Chat placed his hands on his hips and tilted forward, nose scrunched, face inches from the canvas. “LB how long do you think this took to make?”
Years, Ladybug thought. Aloud, she said, “This way.”
Chat let out a low whistle as they passed by a total of ten drawings. Each one looked alike. There were slight variations, however, upon closer inspection. It was the variations in Chat Noir that Ladybug kept discovering that made it impossible for her to stop doing this. They had been here over a thousand times before. Each time was a little different, but always ended the same.
They wound a corner and ended up in a smaller room. Ladybug headed towards the back where a replica of the interior of an old-style french house had been built. There was a bed and a little TV where you could learn all about Château de Blois.
It was the best place she had found for this. She had tried a lot of places. She had already dragged Chat around the entire city of Paris looking for a solution. Not that this Chat Noir remembered any of that.
She gestured at the bed, ignoring the documentary that was playing softly behind her, “I have a lot to tell you and no time to do it. How are we, by the way?”
Chat Noir obeyed, sitting on the bed, cat ears perked straight up, eyes bright now and curious. His knee bounced with pent-up energy. He glanced at his baton. “Three minutes, forty-seven seconds. Why? What’s going to happen?”
“I need you to pretend that everything I’m about to say is true,” Ladybug began.
Chat Noir gave her a funny look like, ‘why wouldn't I?’
Ladybug couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. She crouched down in front of him, placing a palm atop each bouncing knee. “You are going to die in three minutes,” Ladybug said.
Chat froze.
“Your heart. It stops. An arrhythmia,” Ladybug continued, keeping her eyes locked with his, making sure he was following along. They never had time to go over it again. “We’ve been here a lot. Anything you are about to say I’ve tried.” She had tried every hospital, every ER, every doctor; had tried Lucky charm-ing a solution countless times. 
Chat’s eyebrows drew together. His eyes were still present in the room with her, though. They hadn’t glazed off or flicked away in fear. “What?” he breathed. He searched her for a long moment for the joke. 
Ladybug knew better than to so much as flinch or blink right now while he was looking for a way out. Chat’s denial came in different severities every time, but it was never helped by her saying or doing anything until he did first.
A stormy look passed across his face as he took that in. “So... I’m dead and there’s nothing anyone can do about it?” he summarized, grinning.
Ladybug nodded, relaxing a touch. In her experience him grinning was usually the best outcome, even though it did seem a bit deranged. She took her hands from his knees, giving him a bit of space despite every bone in her body aching to hold him close. Even though she had held him so many times, it was always new for him. Too much of her affection too fast could scare him off.
“Wait. What about the cure?” he asked.
“You know Ladybug can’t bring people back to life.”
Chat leaned back a touch. A clawed palm drew up to rest over his heart, expression a bit dazed. Ladybug watched as her partner’s brain spun, processing. Then he glanced back at her, eyes startled. “How… How many times have we done this?”
“Many,” Ladybug admitted. “Each time is a little different. Sometimes you don’t believe me. Sometimes you call your dad. Sometimes you call Nino. Sometimes we just sit together.”
“Nino?” Chat caught.
“I know you are Adrien Agreste,” Ladybug said and then waited to see how he would react.
Sometimes this revelation hit hardest. It was more real, more believable. Often the fact that she knew his name at all was taken as proof she was telling the truth about everything else. That realization typically followed with denial. Sometimes terror.
Ladybug watched closely as Chat’s chest heaved in panic.
A humming noise suddenly kicked off. It was only after it stopped that Ladybug realized the air conditioning had been on. The change shocked Chat back out of whatever place he had gone. “Do I know you?” he whispered.
“Do you want to?”
Suddenly he recoiled, gaze suspicious. “You’re not Ladybug,” he stated, as if the thought had just dawned on him. “This isn’t real.”
Ladybug’s heart sank.
He was standing now, stumbling backwards. His shoulder hit one of the wood beams of the replica, causing him to twist.
With a sigh she reached down and twisted the bracelet back into position.
. .
Ladybug woke again in the cooking section of the library.
Chat tapped the screen on his baton and flipped through the cookbook. “Eggs benedict,” he read aloud.
Ladybug was still reeling from last time. They had almost parted ways on terms she could (maybe) accept. But no— Chat had to get paranoid. Not for the first time she cursed all the replicas of herself that her partner had faced. Maybe if he hadn’t been tricked previously they would have a better chance at this.
“Ladybug?” Chat’s voice broke her out of her thoughts, worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Why do you wake up in the morning?” Ladybug asked, eyes locked down at the book in his hands. At the long pause she got out of her crouch and into a cross-legged position, chancing a look at his face. Sometimes his living face in all it’s animated glory really hurt to look at when seconds before it had been dead.
Chat was staring at her in uncertainty. After a beat he mirrored her, settling down at her side and putting down the book. “That’s a weird question. Why? Something to do with the akuma?”
“Yes,” Ladybug lied. “I need to know.” She needed a break. Even though she never grew physically tired, emotionally she was exhausted. She used up rounds getting to know him better, plucking up the courage to try again to say goodbye again.
He had a grin on his face now. “Usually because of my alarm clock.”
 . .
She was back in the library.
“Grammont pullet,” said Chat Noir, to her right. He set down the cookbook and tapped his baton.
Ladybug laughed. She laughed and then she cried. She wasn’t sure when she stopped doing the first and started doing the second. They sort of happened together, just like all of these second chances and all of these subtle striations.
Chat’s hands hovered beside her arms like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to comfort her. His ears flattened, green eyes distraught. However, when Ladybug leaned in his arms looped around her in an easy embrace, chin resting atop her head.
Eventually emotions passed and Ladybug went quiet, listening to the sound of Chat’s heartbeat and the rumble of his voice as he asked, “What’s the joke?”
“You started the timer after you read the recipe this time,” Ladybug said.
Chat’s grip shifted. He fell silent, as if weighing something, before he admitted, “I don’t get it.”
Ladybug reached up and patted his back. She hadn’t expected him to.
. .
This time around was coq-au-vin.
They had made it to the elevator. This time, Ladybug pressed ‘Floor 4’ right as Chat pressed ‘Basement’. The elevator suddenly had a choice, and it chose to go down, and instead of twisting the bracelet to start over, Ladybug decided to take out some of her own anger on the akuma.
The fight was over before it barely begun.
The umbrella Ladybug tossed to Chat skidded across the floor. Chat stumbled. Ladybug reached down and spun the bracelet before she had a chance to watch him fall.
. .
The last recipe was profiteroles. And it was only the last one, because Chat— like always— surprised her. Ladybug supposed it was only a matter of when, not if. She could only do this so many times before Chat turned it back around on her.
He was glaring at her now, green eyes bright and vivid, unobstructed by goggles. Ladybug internally cursed whenever Chat decided to transform back because it meant there was no more baton— no more timer— and she always felt a bit lost within these three minutes without it.
“How many times have you put yourself through this?” he was asking her, again, since she couldn’t give him a straight answer. Suddenly, and swiftly, he got up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and took two steps forward into her personal space before Ladybug had a chance to stumble back. “How many?” he repeated.
“I-I don’t know!” Ladybug answered truthfully, suddenly flustered beyond belief. This was the first time Adrien Agreste had had the audacity to step this close to her, to get this mad at her.
“Marinette,” Adrien realized, sounding a bit punched in the gut. “You’re Marinette. This whole time...”
Not trusting herself to speak, Marinette nodded, eyes wide. The amount of times they had both come to know each other’s identities were slim. Rarely did it ever get this far. From this point on was uncharted territory for Ladybug. This Chat Noir suddenly became very real, no longer this strange version of himself that repeated the same phrases and did the same things over and over. No, all the sudden this profiteroles version of Chat was wholly unique.
“If I die in three minutes—” he began.
“Any second now, actually,” Marinette corrected.
“—you’ll do what, exactly?” he finished.
Marinette knew how bad it sounded, but she said it anyway, “I’ll go back to when you’re not dead.”
Adrien’s eyes flicked to the Miraculous around her wrist for a second, brows scrunching. “And then what?”
Ladybug only had to meet his eyes for a brief second to answer that question.
Suddenly Chat had a strong grip on her arm, yanking it towards him.
It took Ladybug a full three seconds to realize what he was trying to do. “Chat. Stop. Chat, stop,” she hissed, veins icy, mouth dry. If he took the bracelet it was over. She twisted and ripped her arm out of his grip, stumbling back and away. A quick glance down confirmed the bracelet was still there and still activated. She kept it pressed tightly to her polka dotted chest, holding it with her other hand.
Adrien was shaking his head, bits of blond hair falling in and out of his eyes. “You can’t keep doing this,” he said, a little out of breath.
Marinette wondered if his heart had stopped and her fingers rested down upon the bracelet, but after a few seconds passed and he remained standing she let them drift away.
If Adrien noticed, he didn’t mention it. “Other people need you,” he accused. “Paris needs you.”
“Paris can figure it out,” she hissed.
Chat blinked, surprised. His face slowly morphed, surprise bleeding into understanding. “It’s ok, Bug. It will be ok.”
Her throat clenched and it felt like he had cleaved her entire body into two pieces straight down the middle. How? How would it ever be ok? When she thought of her future now she only saw darkness. There was nothing left.
“I know I can’t keep doing this,” she gasped, the words ripping out of her. “I know other people love me, need me. But you’re not the one that has to walk out of here alone." The word 'alone' made her own heart swell ten times too big until it felt like it would burst. She hoped it would. That would be a whole lot easier. She had wished a whole lot of things recently that would have appalled her younger self. “I’m not ready.”
“When will you be?” Adrien asked softly.
A hot surge of anger raced through her and she felt the insane urge to shove him or hurt him or do something because how dare he ask her that. How dare he! How dare he die in the first place! Ladybug was tempted to twist the bracelet just to get away from this Chat and go back to an earlier version who was still malleable and innocent. Just erase this attempt all together from his memory so she would never have to answer.
All she had to do was twist it. But then he’d be right. And if she didn’t twist it, he’d still be right. Because… he was right, regardless. And no matter how many times she could make him forget it, she would never forget it.
Adrien wobbled, taking a few quick steps back until he was slumping back on the bed, face pale. Time’s up.
Her anger evaporated and she was there, tugging him close into her chest, because this was the closest to Chat she had ever gotten in all her attempts. The crown of his head tucked underneath her chin, gloved fingers running through his hair, as she felt all the movement and life drain out of him. It was like this every time. Quick, quiet, sneaky. As quick as a switch. One minute the lights were on, the next they were off.
She had no idea how much time she had before her five minutes were up. If she had to guess it was down to seconds. Her fingers detangled out of blond hair and dragged along her side, along her arm, until they met her wrist and bumped against the bracelet. 
Was she? When would she be? Ready, that is.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 7 - Now That The World Is Ending
Warnings: Cuteness, Gabriel holding baby/toddler Daenerys
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: In the final chapter of Aftermath, as the bombs drop down to Earth above their heads. The Winchesters have a surprise guest living with them. 
Guest OCs: Just the usuals. 
Guest Characters: Archangel Gabriel [Supernatural], John Seed [mentioned]
Note: Next is NEW DAWN: NEW HORIZONS. Taking place 15-17 years later in the year 2035. THANK YOU FOR READING MY CRAP!!!!
Far Cry New Dawn x Supernatural [crossover with OCs]
“Gabriel?!?” Kate mutters in confusion, and also in surprise. He looks up at the two sisters, with a soft smile on his face and weakly mutters “Surprise to see me?”. That question was directed towards Kate, and she smiles back in return. 
Surprised and also happy to see her Archangel. 
“How did you g-” Paige asks, before stopping herself when she realizes it was a stupid question, “That was a stupid question”.
They help him up, and take him to the main room. Sitting him down on the living room couch.
“Gabriel?!?” Mandy mutters as she walks into the room. In shock and surprised to see the wounded celestial, bleeding a little through his shirt. 
Paige leaves her mom, sister and the Archangel by themselves to go get Kenny and the others. Mandy then stands up, and goes to grab a first aid kit, or something that can heal an Archangel. Leaving Kate and Gabriel alone. She takes a seat in front of him. They look at each other for a few seconds. 
“What happened?!” she asks, opening his shirt, and cleaning his wound on his stomach. 
He shrugs, and softly groans in pain “I’ve sorta lost my powers”.
She furrows her eyebrows at him, “Sorta?!?”. 
He sighs, “I’ve lost some of my powers when I was cast out”.
She looks at him, confused, “Cast out?. What do you mean cast out?”
He looks at her, “I’m sure you saw the giant mushroom cloud in the sky”. She nods, “Yeah, we all saw it”.
He shifts in his spot on the couch, “Did you see what else appeared in the sky shortly after?".
Shaking her head, “No, we all ran down here. What else happened?”.
He looks her in the eyes, and says in the most dramatic way possible, “All Angels were cast out of Heaven”. 
Her eyes widened, “What?!?. All of them? Everyone?". He nods his head slowly, she stands up from her spot, and paces. Worried about her boyfriend, her friends and everyone she got to know in Hope County. Playing with the bracelet Wheaty gave her. Her thoughts are interrupted by the wounded Archangel on the couch in front of her. 
“A boyfriend huh?” he asks, chuckling and looking up at her.
She looks at him confused, “What?!?”.
“You got a boyfriend?" he asks, "Or had one".
She tries to hold back her tears, biting her lip “Not helpful Gabe” she mutters softly. Standing there in front of him, her hands resting on her cheeks, looking at the floor. Her anxiety builds up, and her hands become shaky. 
Gabriel stares at her stomach, just something about it looks different to him. It looks slightly bigger, like she put on some weight. He can’t seem to put his finger on it, but whatever it is he can feel some strange essence, or some sort of energy coming from it, coming from her body. She has a slight glow on her face, but it could be sweat. 
Kate notices him staring at her stomach. “Why are you staring at my stomach?!?” she asks, glaring over at him. Breaking his focus on her slightly bigger stomach. 
He looks up at her, anticipating for her to slap him for asking the question, “Don't hit me for asking this but, did you gain weight??”.
She scoffs at him, rolling her eyes, and crosses her arms. Taking a few steps away from him, “You never ask those types of questions to a human Gabe”. 
He tilts his head, curiosity getting the best of him, and motions her to come towards him, “Come towards me”. She heeds, and walks towards him, standing in arms reach. He places his hand on her 7 and a half week baby bump, and feels why his curiosity is concerned about her belly. 
His eyes widened, he looks up at her with his eyebrows raised “You’re pregnant?!”. 
Feeling somewhat hurt that his special human is pregnant with another man's child. 
For a moment she forgets that she’s carrying another tiny human being inside her, she nods her head, “Yeah. I am”.
"And it's not mine?!" he jokes, totally not hurt that his human is pregnant. Moving his hand away. 
She scoffs again, "We both know the outcome for that". Taking a seat next to him.
"You were there, you knew I'm pregnant" she tells him. He looks at her confused. 
"I was where??" he asks, very confused. She looks at him in disbelief,  thinking this Trickster is messing with her. "In my hallucination trip. A few months ago" she tells him. 
He looks at her like he has no idea what she's talking about. Shrugging, "What are you talking about??". 
She shakes her head, "It's nothing. Forget it". She drops the hold thing, she knows what she saw in her bliss hallucination a few months ago. 
A few moments later, Paige walks back into the living room with Kenneth, Cody, Martin, Mark, Nate and Adrian. 
"Gabriel?!?" the 6 men say in unison. 
The Archangel chuckles, "Did you all rehearse that?!". 
He catches them all up on what was happening in the world. Angels, all of them were all cast out of Heaven, God tried to wipe out all of humanity with a nuclear explosion. The Collapse. The Reckoning. The Apocalypse. The End. The whole world is up in flames. Literally. Heaven is shut down with no one but God up in cloud city. 
May 2019. 7 months later
It’s been 7 months since the bombs were dropped. After several hours the bombs stopped falling, and you'd think everything would be safe to go back out. Nope, knowing that you're gonna have to live underground in a bunker with 20 other people for the next 6 and a half years. After 2 and a half months the world has now ended but it's only just begun. 
No other bombs, or explosions have been dropped by The Man upstairs. The World was going through the route of regrowing, and being reborned. Starting over again.
On May 2nd, Kate gave birth to a healthy baby girl. A few weeks earlier on April 16th, Paige had a C-section giving birth to triplets, 2 boys and 1 girl with the help of Cody, his wife and Adrian’s wife Amanda delivered all 4 of them. Having all the right equipment in the bunker infirmary, stored away.
Jeffrey Dean Winchester-Smith named after her cousin, Dean. Weighing 7 pounds, and 5 ounces.
Thomas Sam Winchester-Smith also named after her cousin, Sam. Weighing 7 pounds, and 5 ounces. 
Bianca Rhea Winchester-Smith because she's always liked the name Bianca. Weighing 7 pounds, and 4 ounces. 
Daenerys Arya Brienne Winchester named after Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark and Brienne of Tarth all female characters from Game of Thrones. Being the smallest of the 4 infants, weighing 6 pounds, and 5 ounces. 
Cristina is over a year old. 1 year, and 6 months old. She is now walking, she has almost all of her teeth, and can say 7 to 10 words. She is able to comprehend language, and know from right from wrong. From good from bad. 
The triplets are a little over a month old now, Daenerys is 2 in a half weeks old. 
During her pregnancy, Gabriel was very protective of Kate, even though they were all living underground in a huge bunker, and couldn't leave for another 6 in a half years. 
Cradling her 20 day old daughter in her arms, Kate feeds her a bottle of formula. Gabriel was very cautious around her, afraid that he'll somehow hurt the tiny infant. Even though he has very little to no powers left in him. 
He tried to keep a safe distance from her, Kate constantly reminded him that he didn’t need to worry about hurting the infant. That he and Daenerys will be fine. He is very fond of humans, of course, unlike most celestial beings. That was his one fear, hurting her. 
"You wanna hold her?!" she asks him. He looks up at her, stammering. "Uhh, do-do you want me to?". 
She smiles at him, "It's fine with me" she responds. She hands him the tiny infant. He holds her, cradling her and she starts to fuss in his arms. Making her typical baby sounds. 
He groans uncomfortably, holding her away from him, stammering “Uhhh w-what is happening?!?”.
“She’s fine” she reassures him, fixing her baby blanket, “It’s a normal infant reaction”. 
She starts to calm down, yawning and falling asleep in Gabriel’s arms with her finger in her mouth. 
“What’s happening?!?” he nervously asks, “Is she dead?!?”. 
She looks at him, chuckling, “She’s not dead. She’s asleep”. She takes the infant from his arms and puts her in her old bassinet. 
Paige comes in holding one of her triplets. “Hey” she says, looking down at the one month old infant in her arms. 
“Hey” Kate responds, “Which triplet is that?”. 
She groans unsurely, and checks the diaper, “Thomas, and/or Jeffrey”.
“It’s Thomas!” Kenneth calls out from the next room over, “You’re holding Thomas!”. 
She points in the direction where her husband's voice came from “The 2nd one. Thomas Sam”. 
“How’s the scar?” she asks, referring to her C-section scar. 
She groans uncomfortably, “It’s healing. Slowly, but it’s healing”. 
Later that night, Everyone is in their own bunker rooms. Kate is in hers, changing Daenerys into her night onesie. 
Talking to the infant in a soft voice. Gabriel, who is a few rooms over, can hear Kate and the tiny human with the very little powers he has. Leaning against the headboard of his bed, listening to her conversation.
He knows he’s Kate’s Guardian Angel, he saved her several times, he gripped her tight, and raised her from perdition when she was a somewhat innocent teenager. He’s her soulmate as well. He has had these feelings for her since forever. He knows she would be better off with her boyfriend before God dropped the bombs on humanity, but he’s most likely dead. John? He’s dead as well, and he knows damn well that Daenerys is his kid. He knows Kate is ashamed that she’s his kid, regardless she loves her. 
He couldn't possibly imagine how Daenerys would've turned out if John Seed had lived. How he would've treated Kate, how that demented, psycho family would've treated a pregnant Kate. A premarital baby. How that sadist psychopath would somehow ruin Kate and their baby.
He gets up, and goes to her room. Walks down the hall and knocks on the door. 
“Yeah?” she responds her voice muffled from behind the closed door. He opens the door and steps inside her bedroom. 
“Hey” he sighs, “How she doin’?”. 
“She’s doing great” she answers, taking a seat on her bed. Gabriel takes the leap of faith, not holding back.
“I just wanted to get us over with” he tells her. Kate looks at him confused, “What are you talking about?!?”. 
He lays down on her bed, laying on his side with his hand prompt up against his cheek. Looking up at her. 
He lifts up his free hand from behind him, and holds a diamond ring between his index and middle fingers. Her eyes light up, and gasps softly. 
“You already know where I’m going with this” he chuckles, “Will you marry me? Blah, blah, blah. I love you. Blah, blah, blah. You could do so much more better than that idiot Yes man John Seed”.
She laughs softly at his comments, “So. In all seriousness” he continues, “Will you marry me?”. 
She looks at him, “You already know the answer” she whispers to him before passionately kissing him on the lips.
Katella Evyanna Winchester is set to marry an Archangel. Archangel Gabriel. She always thought of herself as the human he had to protect. That’s all she thought she was to him. His human.
A few years later, November 2022, the children are all 3 years old, Cristina turned 5 years old that same month. 
Daenerys, the youngest of all the children, wakes up at 6:00am, which is unusual for a child at her age to get up at, and feel energetic.
Her and the other 4 Winchester children share the same bedroom, across the hall from their parents rooms. She stumbles to Kate and Gabriel’s room, pushes the door open and climbs onto their bed. 
“Mommy! Daddy!” she says loudly, waking them up. 
Kate groans, as her daughter steps on her with her tiny feet. She sits on Gabriel’s chest and playfully slaps his cheeks. Waking him up.
“What?” he asks, half asleep. She giggles softly, “Wakey wakey”. He chuckles softly, slowly sitting up. 
He looks over at the clock, “It’s 6 in the morning, how are you so energetic?!” he asks the 3 year old child. 
She lets out a playful giggle, and jumps up and down on their bed. 
She looks up at the child bouncing on the bed, having the same exact eyes as John. Those baby blue eyes that she got from him, a reminder that this little bundle of joy and happiness is also John Seed's daughter. 
He gets up out of bed and carries the 3 year old child down the bunker hallway towards the kitchen. 
Despite him being an Archangel with very little of his powers. He manages to get 3-6 hours of sleep, and eat solid foods. Not wanting to use his very little powers in fear that he’ll hurt any of the children living in the bunker, he manages to get by without using them, he knows the world above them is going through some change, a huge massive change that'll change everyone's lives. 
But finally being able to marry the human he fell in love with, and fathering her child, he was more than happy to be a part of their lives.  
Paige and Kenneth walk into the kitchen shortly after, her holding Jeffrey and Thomas in each of her arms. Kenneth holding Bianca, and Cristina following behind him. 
"Here you go" Paige mutters, sitting the two toddlers in their seats at the kitchdn table. Everyone else wakes up half an hour later. Adrian, and his wife Amanda. Mark, his wife Dana and 2 kids. Nate, his wife Ellen and 3 kids, Martin and his fiancée Megan, Cody and his wife Brandy. Mandy, Barbara, Kenneth, Gabriel, Paige, Kate and their kids. 
One bunker with 20+ people, and 1 Archangel living in it. 16 adults, and 10 kids. Having to spend another 2-4 years underground while the Earth regrows, and the radiation goes away. Its only a matter of time, and they can go back to their normal lives, or at least they think its their normal lives. 
Hopefully, a new hope. A New Dawn. New Horizons will come their way.
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Impasse pt 2
Impasse is a 3-part series revolving around Reader entering society in Regency-Era London. Completely inspired by me binging the entirety of Bridgerton in less than 24 hours, Impasse will end with either Duke Damien Haas x Reader, or Courtney Miller x Reader.
Pt 2.
Pairings: Eventual Damien Haas x Reader, Eventual Courtney Miller x Reader
Warnings: None
Word: 2187
A/N: I know that my masterlist links arent working. If you try to use it, and things dont go where you want them to take you...well...I warned you. I’m turning this into a 4 part fic. There’s no way I can comfortably fit what I want into 3 separate sections. Part 3 will be out when this hits 15 notes! Thank you to everyone that liked and interacted with the first part. And thank you to the fans of my toher works. I love all of you omg. Enjoy ♥
Chapter Summary: The social Season has officially begun. Deals are being made amongst friends and old flames are fanning. Will there be any sparks igniting as well?
“What do you suspect he wants to talk about?” After the morning activities with Lord Haas in the drawing-room, Y/n and her handmaid found themselves busy with average daily activities.  
Caroline’s expression was nonplussed as she stared at the back of Y/n’s head. The women were preparing Y/n for bed. The latter was in her chair as the housemaid brushed through her hair.
“Why must you give me that look every time I open my mouth?”
“Why must such ridiculous things come out of your mouth every time you open it?”
They discovered Shayne in his favorite study, books littering the desk he occupied. Y/n would always ask him when he planned on attending university but the young man tended to reply with something akin to “that’s not for me”. The young woman didn’t understand. She knew how smart her twin was, how clever he could be given the situation. Mayhaps one day he’d see the things he could accomplish.
“To what do I owe this visit?” The fair-haired man asked as his sister sat at the opposite side of his desk. A rather thick tome set open before him while his right hand held a fountain pen to sheets of parchment.
Y/n perched her arms along the length of the armrests and sat comfortably. “I thought I might see what you’re up to. But I find that you’re doing nothing different than normal. When are you going to talk to Father about university?”
Shayne restraint from rolling his eyes visible as he went back to his books, and scratching at the parchment. “When are you going to talk to me about Courtney?”
“What? That has nothing to do with...Shayne. My favorite twin, you could be doing so many more things if you were off to study. Collegiately.”
This caused the young man to sigh. “Y/n-,”
“I’m being serious here, Shayne. You’re in here, every day, reading and writing. It’s almost a different book a week. Sometimes, your nose is in a book about far-off adventures in distant lands and sometimes it’s about the history and tragedies of the lands around us. Look that book right there.” She motioned to the collection of parchment before Shayne. “I gather that one is not Shakespeare. What is it? The history of France?”  
Shayne lowered his head back to the pages before putting his pen back on the parchment, not meeting his sister’s eyes. “Spain, as a matter of fact.”
Y/n held a blank countenance. 
“I’m trying my hand at the Spanish language. Does that quell your curiosity?”
Y/n smirked. “You’re just proving my point.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” The young man laid his fountain pen on the parchment and clasped his hands together before leaning forward. “I’ll talk to Father about university if you read and respond to Courtney’s letter..”
The young woman grumbled and stood up from her chair. “Suddenly, I have a desire for some poetry. Caroline, I’ll be in the library. I’ll call for you if I need you.”
The handmaid nodded from where she stood by the fireplace, her hands clasped in front of her as Y/n walked to the door. “Of course.”
Y/n turned one last glance to her twin before exiting the room and found Caroline in the chair Y/n’s ownself just left. The handmaid was smiling at Shayne as he talked. The rosy tint to Caroline’s cheeks as the man laughed sparked Y/n’s curiosity yet still managed to make her smile. It was cute if she had to be honest. The handmaid had the tendency, lately, to be quieter than usual. While yes, Caroline was well-mannered and modest, it was different when Shayne was around. Had it just been the two women, Caroline could be witty. Y/n enjoyed that in the handmaid. It was refreshing and reminded her of a long-lost friend.
“For Heaven’s sake, Courtney. You’re not even here but you’re still here.” The young woman fiddled with a woven bracelet made from brightly colored twine.
“Y/n?” A voice called from next to her as her hand was on the doorknob to the library.
“Oh, Lord Haas! I did not realize you were here.” Y/n peered behind her companion and to her own left and right, in case she missed any other person.
“It’s just me. And please, call me Damien. We’ve known each other since we were young, back when we had all of our friends amongst us.” The duke gave a gentle pleading look. 
“I was a tad cheeky back then. I wasn’t going to call you by any title.”
Damien cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “You’re still a tad cheeky to this day. Am I wrong?”
Y/n’s matched his smirk before opening the door to the library and making her way inside. A witty remark was caught in her throat when her eyes caught someone standing next to the nearest shelving of books.
“Court-Courtney?” Her hand slipped off of the knob of the door. “What are you doing here?”
The light-haired woman bit her lip. “I wanted to visit. You never responded to any of my letters. I thought...I thought maybe something had happened.”
“You...I can’t...Excuse me.” The young woman turned around in haste and scurried away. She found herself in the empty kitchen trying to breathe through what just happened.
Good going. You’re such a coward.
“I’m such a coward.”
“No, you’re not.” Damien had followed her into the cooking area. He led her to a chair and guided her to sit. “Some refreshment might make it better?”
Y/n watched her old friend as he went about collecting items. She noticed how at ease he seemed going through her icebox and cupboards. How expertly he sliced up fruit. She couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked in his livery, as well, but there was enough going on inside of her head. Damien approached the table with a modest platter and placed it in the center of the table before he sat himself in a chair across from her.
“I figure that some soft cheese might do some good as well as figs and berries. I hope they comfort you the way they do me.” He had gestured towards the food.
Y/n gave a thankful nod before reaching for a bite. “Thank you, Damien. This means very much to me.”
The man grabbed fig and brie, biting into them. “If you need to talk, I’m all ears. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course. But I’m here.”
Y/n fidgeted with a slice of fig fruit. She mentally weighed her options before speaking again. “I haven’t seen Courtney in over a year. We got into an argument...about the things she wanted to do and where she wanted to be in life. I regret it. I regret it every day. I let our relationship ...decay...because I didn’t approve of what she wanted to do.”
“She wanted to work with horses, right? And entertain? That’s where she’s been this whole time?” Damien bit into some brie.
“I was treating her like she was someone like me. Someone that already had their life plans laid out for them. She was able to choose what she wanted in life.”
The young man studied Y/n’s face. “Y/n, were you...jealous that she had such an opportunity to live a dream that you tried burning bridges with her? She was your best friend. That had to be a hard decision to make.”
“It’s about more than that. I’m happy she was able to live how she wanted to...thrilled that she got to work with her passions. But..I wasn’t there with her. She wasn’t with me. It didn’t matter what she was doing...I just wanted it to be with..with me. 
“I had this asinine vision that society would be in a different place by now. That two close friends could...be closer. And that I wouldn’t have to feel like I was left alone for the rest of my life. I see so many friendships for what they could be. The feelings that I’ve had over someone that will never be attainable I see in others. All of the time. Especially while I promenade! And it makes me sad for those yearning and it reminds me of what I can never have.”
There was a moment of silence before Y/n’s eyes widened in the realization of what she had just let out. “Oh my. I-You didn’t hear any of what I just said. Promise me!”
Damien laid a soft hand on Y/n’s arm. “I promise. I had no idea that you had harbored such...persuasions. Not that it’s anything you need to feel sorry about. You can’t help it. Your reactions, for sure, but...not for what you feel.”
“You, Lord Haas, will make someone a fine husband someday. Maybe even sometime soon? It is our season, finally, after all.” Y/n tried to hide her watery eyes behind a coy smirk. “Someone is bound to catch your eye.”
Damien breathed out before responding. “Someone already has, if I’m being honest. But maybe I’m far-reaching more than I originally thought.”
His words seemed to spark a sense of excitement through Y/n. She sat up straight and gripped the edges of the table.
“Who is she? Will you point her out to me while we promenade? No. I have an even better idea; can you introduce her to me at one of the balls?” Y/n was nearly on the edge of her seat. “Damien! This is exciting!”
“It’s not quite that intriguing, I promise you. Especially since nothing can come of it.” The man picked at the fruit on the platter. “But I digress. It seems that you’ve got your own sorting out to do. What are you going to do about callers if Courtney plans on joining in on the festivities this season? She may not come from one of the families but she has enough friends.”
“Then I hope she enjoys herself. For all I know, everything I felt could have been my very own thoughts and not hers. If she’s here to find a match, then let her. If she’s here to have fun, then by all means...I hope she has it. I just hope I can keep my heart to myself this time. I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Y/n,” The man licked his lips before continuing. “Might I suggest trying to find out what exactly it is that your heart wants before you do anything else with it?”
The young woman topped her fig slice with some brie. “I’m going to pretend that you did not just offer such advice. Who would even think about courting a woman trying to figure out whether or not she wants her story to end with another woman? You slay me, Lord Haas.”
“I’m being entirely serious. Y/n, you could…” Damien seemed to pause before paying very close attention to fiddling with a berry. “We could stop your callers from coming around and maybe I could use a distraction. We could work together.”
“What? Like...you and I? Together together?”
The german-born duke hesitated before taking one of Y/n’s hands into both of his. “We could go to promenade as a match. And then to the balls, And the parties. No one would be the wiser. You could use this time to figure out what it is you truly want. And then who.”
The young woman looked down at their hands, hers fitting inside his the way she suspects other women her age dream of, yet, she wasn’t sure what it did to her. What he offered could very much help her, but what if Courtney got the wrong idea? What if everyone got the wrong idea?
“But what if it went right?”
“Hmm?” Damien asked in confusion.
“Nevermind.” Y/n shook the thoughts from her head. “Damien, I think...you may be on to something. You’re right. I...I don’t know how to be a...a wife to anyone. Let alone a man. And I won’t know until I figure myself out a little bit more. And then if this girl is running through your mind and you firmly believe that you can never court her…”
“Trust in me with this. I always thought she was someone I could never hope to marry, far too good for me in so many ways. But...maybe this will help me to see who else is out there. Maybe I’ll find my perfect match. And if we come out as a couple, it’ll provide good reason for the other men to leave you alone.”
“Too bad they just don’t leave me alone as is.”
“I believe Olivia said the same thing after she met Sam.”
“Heavens, that was a riot.” Y/n lifted her pinky to solidify the agreement with her friend. “Lord Damien Haas, I believe we might have ourselves a deal.”
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dahliax · 4 years
Goddess of the Sun
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Photo credit: Daniel Kordan - “Synchronous fireflies, Kyushu island.”
Description : Zuko x oc Dahila, Goddess of the Sun who was sent by the spirits crosses paths with Ursa, who changes her life forever.
Note : I started this fanfic for fun but now I like it. I haven’t posted fanfic in years but I thought it would be fun to start again. It’s obviously not amazing but I’m hoping to improve with practice. I’m also open to requests in my ask box preferably just Female!Reader x Zuko and some Sokka atm so I don’t overwhelm myself with too many characters (fluff, smut, oneshots, and headcannons are welcome). I will never specify skin color (so everyone can enjoy it) in my writing but occasionally specify hair color or eye color (at random) when it comes up. Let me know what you think so far and what you think might happen next! 🌸 (im real soft so pls try not to be too mean)
Warnings : fluff, angst, eventual smut (in aged up chapters).
꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒꧂
꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜꧂
The night was cold and Ursa didn’t have much time to waste. The only guard she trusted trailed behind her making sure they weren’t being followed. Trees lined the way to the witches house with fireflies illuminating the pathway. Ursa could tell she was in a spirtual place, letting her guard down.
The leaves crunched beneath their feet as they neared closer to the ominous looking cottage. Ursa looked to the stars but the storm clouds approching covered their beauty. She took her gaze to the moon shining a brilliant red, confirming the lunar eclipse blood moon. Her nerves were absolutely shot from dealing with Ozai all day. She didn’t know what had drawn her to see the witch again but she knew she was there for a reason even if she didn’t know why.
Seconds before she knocks on the door an infants crying echoed through the forest making Ursa jump out of her own skin. She looked to her left towards the sound. The baby wasn’t far. Her heart pumped fast as she dashed to find where the noise was coming from. Ursa didn’t care how loud she was now, she had to find this poor baby.
Not far from the cottage was a small river stopping Ursa in her tracks. She looked up the stream to see a basket cascading down the flowing water. Sure enough the baby was inside with a single dahlia flower and a note. Ursa frantically opened the note.
“𝑊𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟. 𝑊𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠. “
The baby cried once more and Ursa took her into her arms looking into the baby’s beautiful dark eyes. Ursa’s heart sank realizing she had no idea what to do. Maybe the witch had some answers. She walked back to the familar door and knocked. Footsteps shuffled to the door and opened it creaking creepily as Ursa’s anxiety got higher the longer she held the mysterious baby. The witches eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of the baby.
“Your highness” the witch says while bowing, turning to let Ursa in. “That’s not Zuko, is it?” the witch questioned. “No. I just found her. I don’t know what to do” Ursa explained. “Hm let me see. Set her on the table.” This was no ordinary witch to Ursa. She was more like a friendly spiritual guide. The witch had a gift of telling fortunes and Ursa was her most prioritized customer. Anytime day or night the older witch would be there for the young woman.
Ursa set the basket on the low table taking a better look at the infant with the witch by her side. “She’s beautiful,” the witch said amazed. “She is. But what’s this?” the witch looked down at the baby’s hand. A small flower that looked almost like a tattoo was placed perfectly on the top of the babys right hand. “Emilia, who would tattoo a baby?” Ursa said mortified. A sigh left the witches mouth as she brushed her finger over the marking. “She was born with it. Tell me, where did you find her?” Emilia’s tone suddenly changed.
“The river not too far from here” Ursa replied. The witches jaw dropped with a realization coming to her brain. “It can’t be” she whispered. “Can’t be what?!” Ursa was alarmed. Quickly, Emilia ran to her book case searching for the right book muttering under her breath “oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”. Ursa was ready to explode as the day was weighing on her and now there were even more problems with this mysterious baby.
Emilia places the book on the table frantically flipping through the pages. She found the section she was looking for and read very carefully. Slowly she placed her glasses on the table and wrapped the babies hand around her pinky finger. “Is it safe to do a reading on an infant?” Ursa asked. The witch grimaced, “If she is who I think she is, she will be fine” as soon as she said that her eyes closed and she was pulled into the spirit world. Ursa was absolutely shocked at the sight. The babies tattoo shined in the dim lighting of the cottage. Now all Ursa could do was wait.
Emilia smiled at the spirit in front of her. “Spirit Shin, it is a honor” she bowed gratefully to the woman. “Spirit Guide Emilia, Ive heard many wonderful things about you” the ghostly lady replied. Emilia stayed quiet knowing small talk wasn’t the reason she was brought here. “Congratulations, you’ve found the Goddess of the Sun” and before she could say more she was back in the cottage with Ursa.
“What happened?!” Ursa shrieked but Emilia raised a calming hand to her friends shoulders. “No worries darling. We’ve found the Goddess of the Sun” Ursa’s heart dropped, how was this possible? “I thought there was no more living gods and goddesses? I thought they were all spirits” she questioned. “Something tells me the spirits sent her here and that you were meant to find her” the witch says.
“It’s mysterious to me. You have to protect her” she starts again looking at Ursa seriously. “How am I suppose to protect her? How-how will I tell Ozai?” Ursa said stumbling over her words and tears pooling in her eyes. The day had finally got the best of her. “Child. You are stronger than you know, this baby is special and there is no other being like her. And you are in a position of power to protect her”
“But what about Ozai? If he knows she’s a goddess he’ll just weaponize her and throw her into war!” Ursa cried and Emilia thought deeply about what she was going to say next. “Tell him she was left on the palace door steps and witnesses seen you take her. The public would be enraged if the royal family rejected the baby...”
“Do you think it could work Leo?” Ursa says turning to her guard behind her. “Permission to speak freely?” He asked “Always”
“Truthfully, I’m not sure. But it’s worth a try as to not upset the spirits” he said quietly. Ursa thought for a moment. She didn’t even think of the consequences of the spirits if they didn’t protect the baby. Ursa now knew in her heart she had to help the baby “I feel that we have no choice. What should we name her?” She said as she scanned her eyes across the beautiful basket the baby laid in, eying the flower the baby was grabbing in her tiny hands. “What about Dahlia? Looks like she’s fond of them.” Leo spoke up surprising Ursa. Regret filling his chest for speaking so casually to the royal.
“What a wonderful idea Leo. It’s the perfect name.” Ursa said picking up the baby and cooing to her in her arms. “I’m afraid you must be on your way darling. It’s late and you still have to talk to Ozai” the concerned witch said. Without hesitation Ursa collected her things and started her way to the door. “Wait!” Emilia said “Give her this when she’s old enough” placing a beautiful bracelet adorned with pink diamonds into Ursa’s hand.
Ursa walked up the steps soaking wet with Leo trailing behind her. It had started to rain halfway home. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she was going to say to Ozai. They had a fight before she left about who would eventually take Azulon’s place on the throne. But what Ursa didn’t know was that Ozai was planning to apologize.
She met Ozai’s gaze in the grand foyer of the palace swallowing her fear and standing tall. “I was looking for you. Who’s this?” He said softly which rarely happened. “I found her crying outside. A few locals seen I didn’t want anyone to hurt her..” she lied through her teeth. But Ozai was distracted by the baby’s face. She was adorable.
“We could change the course of her life forever Ozai..” Ursa trailed on. Ozai thought for a minute that a little good publicity wouldn’t hurt but he knew he could use this as leverage to get something he wanted. And then an idea popped in his head. “You can keep her if you give me another heir.” He said flatly. Ursa didn’t understand why Ozai was so hell bent on having a ‘spare’ even though he wasn’t next in line for the throne. But Ursa knew this would be the only way.
“Okay. I will do it” she said softly. “And if she’s a bender she could be a suitable match for Prince Zuko.” he said her heart dropped. She wanted her children to marry for love not for political gain. From that moment on she decided that Dahlia’s gifts would be kept secret to protect Dahlia and Zuko.
The whispers around the palace were getting to Ursa and the babies were a beautiful distraction. A soft knock came to her door, “Come in” she said softly. Iroh smiled as he opened the door. “I hear we have a new blessing in the palace” he said and Ursa sighed, “The council would disagree with you”.
Iroh came to sit on the bed next to Ursa to see the baby. “She’s beautiful!” he said as he grabbed her tiny right hand noticing the flower. “Is there something you’re not telling me Ursa?” He smiles brighter than before, “You know I have a connection to the spirits,” he added. Ursa threw her hands up in defeat, “Alright you caught me. But if I tell you, you must keep it a secret for Zuko’s safety” Iroh simply nodded amazed by the two babies before him.
“She’s the Goddess of the Sun. I have to protect her for the spirits. I know I found her for a reason,” Ursa blurted out. Iroh tried not to laugh at her outburst and said “Your secret is safe with me. I vow to protect Zuko and Dahlia for as long as I’m alive. I’m aware there’s not many trustworthy souls roaming the palace and I’m honored you’ve decided to share this secret with me. If you are ever in any trouble you know where to find me.” Tears welled up in Ursa’s eyes. Not many people were kind to her in the palace. Iroh pulled her into a hug “Don’t you cry little dove. You have to have strength for these children, they will be lost without you” tears starting to pool in his own eyes.
They pulled away to look at the peacefully sleeping babies. “Do you think they’ll be friends?” Ursa asked. “Absolutely. Think of all the adventures they’ll go on together.” Iroh said making her laugh for the first time in a long time. “You know keeping her here came with a price...” Ursa said quietly. Iroh looked to her for an answer, “He wants another heir,”
Please let me know what you think 💗
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Rantarou Amami x Ultimate Writer - FLUFF
Request: Hi! Your writing is incredible ^^ I was wondering if you could write Rantaro with an Ultimate Essay Writer s/o, maybe comforting them when they're up late writing? I hope that's okay, and thank you :D
Hey! Sure I can do this! But, I wanna make it just the Ultimate Writer. I’m an english writing major myself IRL, and I have to write essays, non-fiction, emails, resumes, letters, instructional guides, graphic novels, fiction, poetry etc. so they will definitely have essay-writing skills anyway. Ultimate Writer just makes it easier. I hope you don’t mind :) - Admin Kokichi
     "Nnnn!" You gritted your teeth in frustration, "NNNGGHH!" Your arm was stretched to its extent, reaching up with all your might. The shelf above was just out of reach. Your fingertips scraped against the spine of the thick brown book above you, but strain as you might, it wasn’t budging, firm and snug against the others on the shelf. "Gah!" You puffed in anger, clenching your fists. Why did the books you wanted from the basement library always have to be so high up? You needed this particular text as a reference for your next piece. 
     It was going to be a throwaway letter, a confession written to express your feelings then set them free by burning it later. It didn’t matter, really, what you wrote at this point. Anything to get your mind off of all of… this. In this killing game, your writing was the only thing that brought you comfort. You stayed up every night scrawling until your wrist cramped up. Your Monopad had a notes section to type in, but you much rather stick to the traditional ways. The lack of sleep and endless output of creative thought was starting to weigh on you, and now it looked like you weren’t even getting this damn book today, “Man, this blows…” You sighed deeply. "AH!" You jumped, startled when a large, ring-clad hand suddenly appeared in front of your face, bracelets jangling in your ear. Soon, you felt someone's broad chest against your back. The hand grabbed the book you wanted and brought it down. You turned around with your hand on your chest, still a little jumpy. "Oh, phew… Rantarou, it's just you."
      "Yeah,” he chuckled gently, “here ya go Y/N." There stood your crush, the rich playboy with a heart of gold. You felt your cheeks go warm. He was often in the library, and you relished every moment you got to spend glancing over your shoulder at him while we has up to his usual antics of planning traps or researching new ways to interrogate your classmates until someone was spooked into admitting their position as the mastermind. Once in a while, he would read for pleasure, and at first you felt like an asshole for being surprised by that. You judged him too early on, seeing a flawless face and a suave personality and assuming he would be the popular kid archetype you’d seen in many an awful young adult novel. The more you got to know him, the more he revealed himself to be highly intelligent, well-rounded, considerate, empathetic, and extremely attractive.
     "Thanks, Rantarou," you looked down, placing the book under your arm.
     "No problem… it's not everyday I get to do something useful for someone else here," he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. You laughed too, looking him up and down. 
      “That’s not true!” you countered. “You’re always helping us all out. You give great advice, too!”
      “Well, I try to help, but I’m sure it hasn’t escaped everyone’s notice that none of my plans have really... taken off,” he gestured, moving his hand in a soaring-upward motion. “Also, with me not rememberin’ my talent and all… I kinda have become the expendable background character, yeah?” His eyes crinkled closed with a kind smile.
      He laughed again to fill the silence of the dark, empty library. You giggled. You always thought it was cute how could be so humble, looking the way he did, sounding the way he did. He had been that way ever since you’d met him, and are far as you were concerned, it seemed genuine. You couldn’t really trust anyone in this killing game, but you trusted Rantarou. Even in the library past midnight, where no one would know if you ended up dead, you trusted Rantarou.
      "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to scare you," he leaned against the bookcase, arms crossed.
      "Nah, it's fine. You helped me out, so I forgive you..." You joked, playfully punching his shoulder. He smiled a bit sheepishly, an expression you didn’t see often in the confident male.
      "Yeah I… haha," He fiddled with a book nearby," I didn't think anyone would be here. I always come at night. Surprisingly, it's pretty boomin’ here during the day, so I come later on to avoid the hassle of a crowded space." You understood completely. Rantarou was always secretive about his plans.
      “I know, I see you here sometimes,” you mused.
      “Oh, really? I usually sit behind the back shelves, so I guess i didn’t notice you. You’re pretty quiet, huh? Maybe I should be watchin’ my back for you, huh?” He snickered
      "I was having the same thought, isn't that weird?" He looked at you with alarm. “I’m kidding!” To that, he relaxed a bit. "So, watcha reading?"
      "Oh, um," He gestured behind him to the aforementioned back shelf "I’m set up back there reading. It's just some old, boring, textbook information on one of the small countries I’ve visited. I thought it'd be interesting, but..."
      "Yeah, sounds like it," You looked at him with genuine interest, and he smiled in appreciation.
      "Wait, really?!"
      "Yeah, why wouldn't it be? I think it’s super cool that you’re well-traveled. I guess that’s why you and Korekiyo get along so well, huh?" His feet shuffled in silent excitement at your shared enthusiasm. He bit his lip playfully, and your eyes grew shiny in admiration. He was so adorable.
      He noticed your change in expression and coughed, frowning a little in embarrassment. You tried to change the subject, to make him comfortable again.
      "H-hey, Rantarou?"
      "Hmm?" He looked up from the ground eagerly.
      "You're gonna be up reading all night, right? Well.. I will be, too, and... it’s harder for someone to kill us with four eyes on the lookout..."
      "So, you wanna maybe sit with me here at my table? The vents reach this side of the library better so it’s a bit warmer... haha, it's... it's kinda cold in here," You pulled your uniform’s turtleneck tighter around yourself, shaking a little. Rantarou immediately accepted. He wasn’t about to pass up an invitation from his crush.
     “Hell yeah, sounds great! I’ll go grab my stuff, but, hey, I’ve noticed I hardly ever see you in the dorms… you know you gotta sleep, right?” He had a concerned look on his face, and your heart of course fluttered at his attention to detail and knowledge of your habits, but you didn’t want him worrying about you when he had his own safety to look out for.
      “Well, I appreciate the concern, but I’d much rather spend time with you than be in my dorm alone worrying.” He seemed to blush at your words, and you thought you’d maybe gone too far, until he agreed, and rushed over to grab his reading material.
      You sighed deeply, a yawn slipping out once or twice. At least two hours had passed since you and Rantarou set up your little corner and there he still sat, in the wooden chair across from yours, never looking up at you from his book. A peaceful, relaxed look glazed his face. He had been that way almost the whole time, but you could sense him becoming a bit antsy. Maybe he was just tired?
      You were both fast readers, so by now you had already read the best sections of your own books and switched. He now sat reading the yellowed pages of the book you selected: an eclectic compilation of 16th century romance literature, and you were now five chapters into his text on the different ethnic groups of some far-off land.
      “Hmm… heh,” he shook his head amusedly.
      “What?” Your head shot up anxiously, fearing he was judging your choice of genre.
       “It’s just... some of this is extremely cheesy and cliche. You’d think the old masters would have done a little better.” He lifted the book in a referencing gesture.
      “Ah, yes, I noticed that as well. I was hoping for a little inspiration, but… it seems Monokuma isn’t the best curator of quality literature.” He nodded in agreement, seemingly stuck on a thought. You could see him stare into space for a second before continuing.
      “Inspiration for what… may I ask?” He pressed, waiting with bated breath for your reply. You felt your feathers start to ruffle, the borders of your comfort zone being invaded by the enemy. You didn’t know if you should answer honestly. The letter was a throwaway for a reason…
      “I was going to write a letter…” it slipped out, and you quickly regretted it. Apparently, your brain had decided to take the lead for you. You never recalled yourself being so forward or brave.
      “Why do you need sonnets and romance novels to write a letter? Planning to sweet talk Monokuma into freeing us?” He chuckled somewhat teasingly, but his haughty words slowly faded to silence upon noticing the wet shine in your nervous eyes, the way your fingers played with the corner of the book as a distraction for your discomfort.
      “No…” You coughed, clearing your throat. Rantarou looked away, running a hand through his green shaggy locks. He knew what the letter was for, of course, who it was for. He was a bit nervous, too, eager to play off the tension in the room with humor, but it wasn’t working. He was wondering why you were so apprehensive, so sullen at his inquiry. You two flirted almost every day… did you seriously need to worry about his reaction? Did you think he didn’t like you back? “I-It’s… well it was going to be a um… a confession of sorts… just to get my feelings down on paper and off my chest. Then I was gonna burn it afterward to set those feelings free!” You smiled weakly, betraying your lack of confidence.
      “Nah, you should give it to him- them!” He corrected himself, dropping the most obvious hint he could. You still didn’t look convinced, a bit oblivious.
      “Y-you think so?”
      “For sure, no doubt. Whoever that letter is meant for,” he leaned in to you, clasping his calloused hands around yours. You felt your heart skip a beat at the contact, and you were left speechless, fearing any words spoken now would come out as idiotic babbling, “they are gonna love it. Trust me.” His eyebrows rose with emphasis, and he shot you one of his iconic, heart-melting smiles.
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odetolocksmiths · 4 years
Christmas Eve
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: none :)
A/N: This is my first piece, so please bare with me lol. I'm still figuring this out, but I hope you'll like it! It may be full of spelling mistakes, I'm sorry for that!
Word count: 1.6k
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You sigh and put down your teacup on the table. It was early and you're not fully awake yet, while the others are talking with full excitement in their voices about your trip to Hogsmeade today.
"Goodmorning (Y/N)." Harry said while sitting across the table from you. You smile and say goodmorning back.
"Not fully awake huh?" Ron asks while taking a bite from the vanilla muffin he was eating.
You shake your head. "Nope. One of the girls kept snoring so I couldn't sleep." You say while laughing.
"Yeah it was Lavender again. I already told her to let it go check out at madam Pomfrey's office, but she's stubborn." Hermoine rolls her eyes and pours some sugar into her tea. You smile and take a bite out of you bread while shaking your head.
A couple of hours later you find yourself walking down the village to Tomes and Scrolls. You ditched your friends in the Three Broomsticks as you wanted some time for yourself. Normally you would take Hermione with you, but she was clinged onto Ron. Not that they were a couple, yet, but she did discover her feelings for him.
You roll your eyes at the thought of both of them dating and smile. They're a good couple. You open the door to the shop and the smell of ink and paper its your nose; you immediately feel like you're at home. Walking towards the shelves full of books, you see a section full of muggle authors. Maybe you'll find a present for Hermione there for Christmas.
While looking at the spines of the books and reading the blurbs, you hear the door open and two very familiar voices talking.
"No! You ask her." The first voice said.
"Shut up. It's your turn!" The second voice screamed, but in a whisper.
"But I'm nervous, you ask-"
"Bloody hell. Just shut up already."
"Look! There she is!"
You smile while hearing the conversation, you quickly choose a book and turn around.
"Hello boys. How' ya doing?" You say while looking at the Weasley twins. They stopped walking, their faces covered in shock.
"How did you know we were here?" One of the boys asked. Clearly it was George asking.
"Next time you'll have to keep your voices a bit down." You wink at them and their faces turn red.
While walking to the cashier, you turn around and look at Fred. "Oh and by the way. I might have overhead your conversation. Who where you're going to ask what?"
Fred starts to play with his fingers. "I- We- uh... We were wondering if you'd like to spend Christmas at our place? Only if you're okay with it! We already run this past our mother and she would love to have you over." He tripped over some words as he was talking a bit too fast because he was nervous.
"We know you would have stayed at Hogwarts otherwise. We'd just want you to have a place to spend Christmas at, instead of roaming around at Hogwarts." George smiled.
Your hart skipped a beat. Staying at the Weasley's for Christmas? A smile crept onto your face as you nodded. You'd like nothing more to spend your holiday at a real home instead of the cold hallways of Hogwarts.
"Yeah. I'd love to."
A couple of weeks later you are sitting on the couch at the Burrow. Molly hands you a cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows.
"Next last round of presents!" Ginny claps in her hands while handing everyone their presents. You loved every minute of this holiday. You've gotten everyone a gift and everyone loved it. But what you actually didn't expect was to receive a gift from everyone. So far you've received three books, candy, a hand made sweater with your initial on it which Molly made to welcome you into their family, a necklace and bracelet and some other small stuff.
When you came to the Burrow with Fred and George and the rest, Molly welcomed you with her arms wide open and placed you into the bedroom with Ginny and Hermione. Last night you three were talking about boys. Hermione talked about her feelings for Ron, as did Ginny about her feelings towards Harry. You have smiled your way through this and got embarrassed when they asked you who your crush was.
"Come on, (Y/N). You're not telling me you don't have a crush." Hermione teased you, while your cheeks turned red.
"Is it someone we know?" Ginny asked.
You tried to hide your smile, but failed miserably.
"Oh my god!" Hermione began. You saw on her face she was thinking. After a few seconds of silence she asks: "Is he in this house right now?"
You grabbed a pillow and put your face in it to hide your big smile right now.
"Wait! You're kidding right?" Ginny asked and you looked at her shaking your head no. Then she suddenly smiles with the biggest smile she had.
"It's Fred isn't it?"
You began to stutter. "What? Why woul- how did you know?" You ended your sentence almost whispering.
"Instinct." She said and winked at you.
You end up pulling yourself back into reality when Ginny hands you an envelop. "From Fred." She says and walks away with a grin. Your face becomes red and you open the envelop.
Everyone is opening their gifts, not noticing the smile and shade of red on your face right now while reading the card that was in it.
My Dearest,
Meet me in my room at 11pm. Your present will be waiting on you there.
Yours truly,
Fred Weasley
You look around the room, searching for Fred's face and find him smiling back at you. He winks and takes a sip from his hot chocolate.
A minute for eleven. You're standing in front of the twin's door.
Eleven 'o clock. You take a deep sigh and raise your hand to knock on the door. Before your hand met the wood, the door slowly opened and a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the room.
Two arms met your body, forming into a hug. You smile and smell the pine wood cologne Fred is always wearing. Your heart is skipping a beat.
"Hello there." He whispers
You look up and see his brown eyes searching for yours.
"Hi." You said, but your voice came out high pitched and your face becomes as red as Fred's hair of embarrassment.
He smiles and kisses your fore head. "Thank you for coming."
He let go of the hug, but grabs your hand and pulls you deeper into the room. In between their beds you see a table with a present on it.
"I uh- I wanted to give you this in private." You can hear he is nervous, because his voice trembles a bit.
"What is it?" You ask and look at Fred.
"Open it and see for yourself." Fred smiles and lets go of your hand while walking towards the table.
Your heart is beating loudly, it wouldn't suprise you if Fred is hearing it right now. You move yourself to the present. It is wrapped in brown paper with red ribbon tied around it. Slowly but surely you untie the ribbon and rip the paper open.
The present reveals a framed photo of the both of you. It wasn't just any photo, it was a photo taken by George on the exact night you discovered your feelings towards Fred. It was your first ever Yule ball and got stood up by some guy. Fred and George where there to cheer you up and stood by your side the whole night.
You smile. "I love it." You turn around to find Fred blushing.
"Have you looked at the note on the back?" He asks.
You turn the frame around and see the following words in his handwriting:
"The night I began to realize how much I liked you,
Tonight is a night I realize how much I love you, even more than the day before.
Dear (Y/N), please be mine until the end of time?
Yours truly,
Fred Weasley"
"Will you?" Fred asks after a moment of silence. He sounded unsure. "If you don't that is also okay. I just hope I didn't ruin our friendship then. I'm sorry."
"Yes." You say.
Fred looks confused as you walk a step forward.
"Yes. I'd love to be yours." You take another step.
Fred now takes a step, his face glooming of happiness.
"Yes. Yes, yes you idiot."
One more step. You and Fred are standing chest to chest and you can feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he probably can feel yours.
You take one more look into his eyes, as you and him both reduce the distance between your faces and your lips touch. A kiss. It feels like firework. Your hands are around his neck and his around your waist.
"I love you so much." He whispers against your lips.
You smile against his and whisper back.
"I love you too."
"Ahem." You both hear someone coughing in the door opening. You see that George is standing there.
"I love the fact that you're both finally came to the truth you both like each other, but mom send me upstairs to bed because she wanted to get rid of me as I was being a pain in the ass. I'm sorry, but I'd like to use my bed in peace now." He grins and walks up to his bed.
Your face is red and you hide it in Fred's neck.
"Sleep next to me tonight, (Y/N)." He whispers soft into your ear. "I'd love to cuddle my girlfriend to sleep." He mumbles and drags you to bed where you lay next to him.
He cuddles you and kisses your forehead. "I love you." He whispers.
"Keep your hands above the sheets." Is the last thing you hear George laughing, before falling asleep.
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 3, Section 1
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 3: The Stolen Bracelet
The Grado Army did not attack for a significant period of time, allowing Eirika and her army’s mountain journey to progress smoothly.
Whenever the soldiers began to look tired, they stopped to take a break. Eirika was impatient and, if it was possible, did not want to do so until they arrived at Renvall Castle, but she knew that would have an effect on the soldiers' morale. Though it frustrated her to stop, they really needed to rest. 
Two days after leaving Ide Village, while taking their evening break, Eirika stepped away from Seth, Garcia, and the others, who were all chatting, and went on a walk by herself.
The white moon was just starting to rise from behind the mountaintops. Talking with her allies was fun, but the moonrise was so beautiful that it made her want to get some fresh air.
Once she was all alone, she was unsurprised to find herself thinking about her brother. 'What is he doing now? Is he looking up at the white moon, just as I am?'
She knew well just how strong her brother was. She didn't think he could be captured or injured, but… considering the situation he was in, she was very nervous.
'Please let him be safe until we catch up to him…' She said to herself as if praying to the moon, while she continued walking along.
Suddenly, something bumped into her from behind.
"Eeek…!" The force of the impact almost made her trip.
"Whoops, sorry 'bout that!"
She heard a voice say with a laugh. It came from a man of small stature wearing a cape…  no, after getting a second glance at him, she realized that he must still be a teenager. The next thing she heard were his footsteps as he quickly ran away from her.
He was probably a traveler, and likely didn't notice her and bumped into her because it was starting to get dark.
"Are you alright, Lady Eirika!?" Seth rushed up to her. It seemed he'd worried when she vanished without a word, and came looking for her. 
"Yes, someone just bumped into me, is all."
Seth furrowed his brow and looked at her. "What happened to your bracelet?"
"My bracelet…?"
'It’s right here,' she raised her arm to say, but was instead surprised. The bracelet she should have been wearing was gone.
Eirika was at a loss. She had no idea when she might have lost it. Her father had given it to her when she was young and told her to treasure it, but because she was always wearing it, on the contrary, she was always unaware that it was there.
"Oh… maybe that man I bumped into earlier stole it? Everything happened so quickly…"
"We will chase after him." Seth said in a panic so very rare of him that Eirika held him back. "Wait! My bracelet certainly is precious to me, but we don't have the time right now. We should put saving Brother over thieves, shouldn’t we? Let's hurry!"
"No, that bracelet is…" Seth looked like he was going to say something, but they didn't have time for that, either. He looked in the direction the thief had run off in and said, "Either way, we must get it back. We will chase after him, Lady Eirika!"
He did not wait for her answer, instead returning to where the army was resting. He cut their break time short, and seemed determined to put all their efforts into chasing after the thief.
Eirika didn't understand how Seth could be acting this way. It wasn't like him at all.
The bracelet was certainly a valuable gift from her father, but their goal was to find Ephraim, and they likely had no time to waste. He was even cutting their break time short despite stressing how important it was...
Eirika didn’t know anything about the history of the bracelet. Since her Father worried about it so much, she figured it must be important to the royal family, and never asked about where it had come from.
But Seth might know. He was the man her father trusted most, so there was a chance her father would tell him something even she did not know.
'I'll ask him after we get it back, and he calms down.' Eirika decided, then chose to first chase after the thief.
"What dummy has a bracelet stolen right off their arm!? You must have totally spaced out!” Ross said in complete astonishment when he heard the news.
Franz came up from behind him and whacked him upside the head.
Eirika's face turned red with embarrassment as she tried to explain herself. "He bumped into me so suddenly that I couldn’t think… U-um, I certainly was careless, but…"
 "It's not your fault, Lady Eirika! That thief was just really good!" Franz angrily covered for Eirika.
Ross decided it was best to stop teasing her. "So it was a really good thief, huh? Then he musta been one of Bazba's men."
They're a group of really violent bandits that causes a lot of trouble around here. I think they're the ones that attacked my village, too." Ross' face clouded over with regret. 
Garcia, who was beside him, continued the explanation. "Bazba's Bandits aren't just any old group of bandits. The guys that attacked Ide Village weren't very strong, but we can't underestimate them. Their numbers at the base will be great, so they will be a difficult foe to face."
"Then let's brace ourselves for a difficult fight." They decided that they would leave quickly while it was still night.
Along the way, they noticed a person standing by themself in front of their path.
They went on guard, in case this person was another member of the bandits, though they did not appear to be one. 
As they approached the person, they saw the face of a timid girl looking at them helplessly.
She carried a big bag on her back. To be traveling alone at this time, and in the middle of the mountains, was far too dangerous. 
Just as Eirika was about to call out to her, she timidly approached them, and looked up at Seth and Eirika, both atop his horse.
"Um… excuse me… would you happen to be… a mercenary group?" 
Her straight pink hair fell just below her ears. She was trembling with fear, so it was difficult to tell, but she seemed to have very cute features.
Eirika instinctively turned her attention towards the girl and asked, “Who are you?”
The girl looked at Eirika with pleading eyes, then suddenly screamed, "Please help me, I beg of you! I… I tried to stop Colm… but he wouldn't listen…! At this rate, Colm's gonna… Colm's gonna…!" Tears slowly welled up in her large eyes, making Eirika panic.
"Uh, um, please, calm down. I don't really know what you’re talking about… ‘Colm?’”
"Oh, ah, I-I'm sorry!" The girl wiped away her tears and began to explain.
"My name is Neimi. I lived in Lark Village near here."
"You lived there… what do you mean by that?"
"The village is gone. A group of bandits burned it down… and killed all of the other villagers… only two people made it out alive… me, and my childhood friend, Colm…"
"So Lark Village was destroyed too? Dammit…!" Ross had been listening in, and was enraged by what he heard.
Neimi wiped away more tears, signaling that she had been hit by another wave of sadness as she talked.
"My village was burned down, too. It was Bazba's bandits that did it."
"Oh… th-that's terrible. They're the ones who attacked my village, too. I heard their hideout is inside this mountain. So Colm… he said he was gonna take back the treasure the bandits stole, then went all by himself… E-Even though I tried to stop him! I told him it's dangerous! That his life is more important than treasure…!"
She seemed to be the type of person who cried easily, even under normal circumstances. And once she started crying, she almost couldn’t stop. Eirika felt lost, but wanted to do something to cheer the girl up. "The bandits stole something important from us, too, and we were just pursuing them. Surely we can help each other out!"
"R-Really!? Thank you! I can't save Colm all on my own… so I was waiting for someone who looked strong to pass by. Thank goodness… Oh, but, um, I don't have very much money, so I can't pay you and all your mercenaries enough…"
Ross answered faster than Eirika could. "We don't need anythin' like that! And we ain't really a mercenary group! This person is actually…"
"Anyway, let's go! Can you lead us there, Neimi?" Eirika frowned and glared at Ross.
Neimi was nothing more a random girl they'd crossed paths with, but Eirika still thought it best not to reveal her identity. She knew that if Neimi became associated with her, the princess, and Grado found out, Neimi would be in danger.
"Over here!" Securing help seemed to have calmed Niemi, as she continued down the mountain road with light footsteps.
When Eirika's army heard the words "bandit hideout," they imagined something like a run-down shack, but it was actually a very impressive building.
It was a mansion made of stone built into the mountain. The bandits must have collected a large sum of money from their constant pillaging, as the hideout was so big and lavish that it could compare to the homes belonging to wealthy merchants that one might find in the middle of a town. 
"Neimi, please hide somewhere safe. We're going to break in and fight now." Eirika said.
Neimi began to fidget and answered, "Um… Actually, I was wondering if you guys would take me with you."
"What? But it's dangerous! This is going to be a very difficult fight!"
"I'm really good with a bow! Grandfather taught me how to use one when I was a child."
"Really?" Seth replied. 
Neimi continued to fidget, but nodded her head deeply.
"What do you think, Lady Eirika? Our army is lacking in archers. If she fights with us, then we'll have the abilities we need to win."
"That is a good point…" But Eirika was still nervous.
No matter how you looked at her, Neimi did not seem like she could handle combat. Would such a pitiful girl who cried so easily really be able to fight against bandits?
“Please let me come! I want to do something to help you!"
But when Neimi looked up at her with determination on her face, Eirika couldn't say no. She nodded and said, "Then please provide support from the rear line. Do not go anywhere near the front. You wouldn’t stand a chance in direct combat.”
"I-I understand! I'll do my best!" Neimi excitedly pulled something out from the bag she was carrying on her back.
"Whoa, that’s so cool!" Ross, who'd been peeking in on the conversation, whistled.
Neimi had grabbed a small bow and a quiver. They looked handmade, but seemed sturdy and well crafted. It was clear just by the sight of both items that they were well used and had been mended many times. "This is a momento from my grandfather. He was a very good shot." Neimi said while putting the quiver on her back, then readying her bow.
She was so energetic now that she seemed like a different person from the crybaby they'd met. She looked as ready for battle as any trained soldier would be.
Eirika was impressed, and was now sorry for underestimating her. If her grandfather had been such a good archer, then he’d probably taught her everything from the basics onwards, giving them more than enough reason to believe that she’d be a valuable addition to their army.
First, Gilliam led his unit of armored knights as the front line. They used their weapons to break down the front door in the blink of an eye.
The enemy had not thought in the slightest that they might be attacked by such a large group. The guards rushed towards them, but were immediately eliminated by the knights.
Eirika and the others flooded in through the doorway. The battle immediately turned intense.
Neimi's performance far exceeded Eirika's expectations. She shot arrows in rapid succession from behind the main army, wounding their enemies. 
The main army then rushed in and finished off their weakened foes.
"You're the real deal!" Neimi cheeks flushed red from Ross' praise.
When they had just about eliminated the first wave of enemies, Neimi suddenly gasped.
Eirika panicked and whirled around, thinking Neimi might have gotten hurt, but instead saw her rushing inside of a room. "N-Neimi!?"
There would likely be enemies inside. It was reckless for an archer, who couldn't fight in close combat, to go ahead all on their own.
Ross and Franz panicked and followed after her. Eirika defeated the last enemy in front of her and rushed ahead as well.
"Colm! You're safe, Colm!" Neimi shouted, then hugged someone rummaging around inside the room.
"Ack! Neimi!!" A young man with a stern face wearing a cape yelled out, sounding flustered. 
The sight of him made Eirika freeze in her tracks. 
She couldn't say it for sure, but… she had a feeling that he resembled the thief that stole her bracelet. It had been dark, and everything happened so quickly, but she remembered the silhouette of the thief's cape.
The man paid no attention to her, and started talking to Neimi. "What are you doing here!? Why would you just waltz into a place like this?"
"B-Because… I was worried about you…"
"You should worry more about yourself than me! Do you really think a group of bandits would do me in!?"
"B-But…  I met this group of mercenaries, and asked them to help. So we came here together…"
"Mercenaries? You're being dumb again…" The young man said in a sulking tone, then looked at Eirika and the others. The color drained from his face, and he leapt up a foot into the air. "Uwahhhhhh! Why did you bring them here!?"
"Like I said, they're a mercenary group! …I brought them here to save you…"
"I-I don't know! I don't know anything! ...A-Anyway, we can talk later. I’ve already taken back all the stolen treasure, so let’s get out of here!” His shivering was undoubtedly suspicious. 
"Are you…" Eirika walked up to him to confirm that he was indeed the thief.
However, the door opened right at that moment, and the bandits all rushed in to attack at once.
Eirika drew her sword and began to fight. The questioning would have to come later.
The enemy's numbers were great, making for a tough fight, but Eirika’s army managed to win.
The room they’d fought in was now a mess of toppled chairs and crumbling walls, making for an unfortunate sight. In the corner was Neimi, who’d just caught Colm.
"Colm… I'm so happy you're safe… I… was so scared that I… couldn't stop imagining all the scary things that might happen…"
"Hey, you don't have to cry anymore. Look at this!" Colm pulled out something from within his cape and handed it to Neimi. 
She wiped her tears and gasped. "This is… my mother's mirror…"
"It's an important keepsake, isn't it? And it isn't broken! Lucky, huh?"
"Even though I'd already given up on it… you came all the way here just to get it back, didn’t you? You didn’t tell me the details why you left… s-so I didn’t know anything at all, and…”
"Hey, I told you to stop crying!"
From what bits and pieces everyone else heard, Colm and Neimi’s conversation seemed to be a happy one.
However, Seth came up to them and said in a stern voice, "There's something I must discuss with you. I want you to give Lady Eirika back her bracelet."
Colm shivered and looked up at Seth.
Neimi also looked up at him, curious. 
He seemed afraid to make eye contact with her, as he stood between them as he spoke. "Um, what are you talking about? Stop making stuff up… Whoa, hey, what are you doing!?" Colm saw Seth grab the handle of his sword, and jumped back. "Whoa! You’re messed up, man! I get it, I get it, I should give it back, right!?"
Seth lowered his hand.
Colm took the bracelet out from under his cape and reluctantly handed it over. "Look, I’m giving it back. Sorry, it was my bad."
"Why did you do something like that?"
"No reason… It's a pretty bracelet, and that girl wasn't paying attention to where she was going, so I couldn't help myself! That's all it was, I swear!"
"Colm! I can't believe you…!" Neimi covered her mouth with her hands, and her eyes widened. "You… you stole it? That bracelet? Colm, you've always stolen things, but at least the worst you did was take persimmons from my family's garden! Or so I thought! I never imagined you would do something this terrible…!"
"I-I just felt like it! I said I was sorry! I said it was wrong!"
With the bracelet back in the hands of its rightful owner, they no longer had any reason to stay at the hideout. Seth started to walk away from the two, but Colm called out to him from behind.
"W-Wait up! Hey, would you let Neimi and I go with you?"
"Our village burned down, so we’ve got nowhere else to go. Even if we try to work, there’s fighting goin' on everywhere. We'll become mercenaries, too, so please, take us with you!"
"Colm…" Neimi was shocked by Colm's sudden words, but she made eye contact with Seth and nodded forcefully. "I feel the same way! We don't have anywhere to go home to anymore. If we continue on this path and become nomads, Colm is sure to become a horrible villain that none can save!"
"Please! Please take us with you! We'll do anything!"
The two clung to Seth, and it was of course too much for him to handle. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed lightly. “Then you should try asking Lady Eirika directly. She’s the one you stole the bracelet from.”
“Lady Eirika? Whoa, that’s a really polite thing to call her.” A smirk spread across Colm’s face. “That girl is a higher rank than you? You guys are one weird group of mercenaries, to have a girl like that on top!”
“We are not mercenaries. I cannot tell you the details. You should hear them from Lady Eirika.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say…” Seth led Colm and Neimi to find Eirika.
Eirika exited the dusty fort and took a deep breath of fresh air.
Seth had also left the fort, and came up to her with Colm and Neimi following behind him.
“Lady Eirika, I safely retrieved your bracelet.” Seth politely returned itto her, and she put it back on her wrist.
With her bracelet back in its rightful place, Eirika’s worries finally subsided with a sigh.
“Please be careful not to let it leave your possession ever again.”
Eirika could feel the extra weight Seth put into his tone. She stared at the bracelet and patted it gently. “Seth, what do you know about this bracelet? Maybe something my father told you?”
“About that… I guarantee that I will tell you when the time is right. It is still too early right now…” Seth’s words escaped his mouth hesitantly. He surely wouldn’t hide such information from her without reason.
Eirika concluded that the bracelet likely had a very deep meaning locked away within it, and nodded.
“I understand. But more importantly right now, Seth, is what those two are doing behind you?”
“They said they want to join us. What do you think?”
Colm and Neimi had listened to Seth and Eirika’s entire exchange with confusion on their faces. 
Colm picked up on the hint that it was their turn to speak, and said, “Hey, sorry about your bracelet. But you were in the wrong too! You spaced out while wearing such a valuable piece of jewelry!”
“Colm!” Neimi hissed, but Colm just shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re right, I do regret letting my guard down. I’ll be more careful from now on. The more important issue right now is, are you two serious about wanting to join our army?” Eirika asked.
“Yeah we are! You can’t argue against how useful my skills are, and Neimi may be a crybaby, but her archery abilities are the real deal. We’re sure to help you out!” Colm puffed up his chest and beat his fist against it.
This young man was an impulsive thief, and looked like he was a bit of a rascal, but didn’t seem to be a bad person. And Neimi had already proven her skills with a bow to them. Eirika didn’t have any objections to them joining her army.
“I’d be very happy to have you with us. But you still seem to misunderstand… that we are not mercenaries.”
“Huh? Oh yeah, that messed up guy said the same thing. So if you ain’t mercenaries, then what are you? Considering the circumstances, I wouldn’t care what you are, even if you're pirates or a traveling circus!”
“No, neither of those are it, either. I am the princess of Renais, Eirika. And this is my trusted retainer, General Seth. The soldiers serving me are members of the Frelian Army that the king lent to me.”
Colm and Neimi both stared at Eirika with their mouths wide open.
Eirika felt embarrassed, but didn’t really fully understand why, and started laughing awkwardly.
“The… princess?”
“Seriously…?” Neimi stumbled back a few steps and placed her hands on her cheeks. 
Tears welled up in her eyes, which once again flustered Eirika. She’d already gotten used to seeing Neimi cry, but still, she couldn’t help but feel as if she was the one who’d caused it this time. “Uh, um, there’s no reason for you to cry! Why are you…?”
“Colm stole the princess’ bracelet!? Are you going to execute him? Are you going to execute Colm!?”
“C’mon Neimi, don’t start worrying about things if you don’t know they’re gonna happen!” Colm yelled at the panicking and flailing Neimi, but he too seemed nervous, and looked at Eirika with trembling eyes.
Eirika couldn’t help but laugh. Her shoulders moved up and down as she shook her head. “No, you don’t have to worry about that! My bracelet was safely returned to me, so that’s all water under the bridge now. What I wanted to say is that, despite how we look, we’re an army, and we’re marching towards Grado territory. We’ll have to fight powerful enemies that bandits cannot compare to in strength. Are you ready to throw yourselves into such danger?”
Colm and Neimi looked straight at each other.
As one would expect from childhood friends, they could communicate their feelings to each other as if they were telepathic, and didn’t need to exchange words. They nodded in unison.
“Of course! The ones who originally ruined everything around here and caused the bandits to start attacking were the Grado Army’s soldiers, so…”
Colm nodded. “Yeah, I don’t like their way of doing things either! We’ll go with you!”
“Then let’s fight together!”
Afterwards, Eirika introduced them to the rest of the group.
The serious Franz, and others like him, could not accept the rude and thieving Colm at first, but changed their minds as they talked to him. Neimi was very shy, so she hid behind Colm in the beginning, but after Ross complimented her archery skills, she slowly became able to talk to everyone.
As Eirika was watching them from afar, Seth said to her, “People seem to gather around you, Lady Eirika.”
“...Huh?” She looked up at Seth in surprise. He looked upon Colm and the others, all laughing and chatting in high spirits, with kindness in his eyes.
“Both Garcia, who’d sworn off fighting forever, and Ross, and now these two new recruits… Everyone seems to be drawn to gather around you.”
"Surely they're not… We were just lucky and met them by chance…"
"Is that really the reason? You could also consider it to be not by chance, but by fate."
"Lady Eirika, you have the power to attract and move people. It is different from both authority and military strength, and is a power all rulers should be born with, don’t you think?”
"I have no such power. Brother is the one who inherited it…" Eirika was completely taken aback.
When they were young, the one to attract people to them was her brother. Everyone naturally gathered around him and talked to him. On the other hand, she was quiet and always in his shadow when they were growing up. 
"You understand now, yes? That you, Lady Eirika, have strength that is as great as even Lord Ephraim’s... I have a feeling that in the future, many more people will appear before you time and time again, and lend you their strength."
"That's great and all, but… my power alone is so small. If I wasn't being saved by those around me, I wouldn't be able to fight…"
But though she said that, Seth's words were more reassuring to her than anyone else's would be.
That was what she truly felt in her heart, but could not bring herself to say. Instead, she blushed and looked away.
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