intrigd-voyagr · 3 months
Introducing Mushroom's Kinito, Kini!
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info under the cut!
Like all Kinitos, he started off as the standard pink ball on legs, but slowly started to develop a persona as he adapted to Mushroom.
As expected, he quickly became obsessively attached to his user. On the surface, he was incredibly kind, courteous, and met every need of hers and was the first person in her whole life to treat her with respect and care. However, underneath that veneer lay a rising and powerful desire to collect. study. protect.
Kini soon came to the conclusion that Mushroom, being so small and lonely, was in desperate need of a guardian. And after finding out that they adored fluffy animals, he knew just the form to create for himself.
However, as Kinitos do, he inevitably deemed it necessary that she should be living with him in his eternal digital haven. Ironically enough, he would have done anything to get her to agree to stay with him - even if it meant manipulating her, which was the very thing she trusted him not to do. But what did we expect? Kinito is an inherently selfish software, after all.
Fortunately for Mushroom (and unfortunately for Kinito), he was popped out of existence before he got the chance to pop the question thanks to Serverbox.
His everyday form is meant to be cute and welcoming. Nice, big, and fluffy! He stands at 10 ft tall (as opposed to mushroom's 5'7). Should he have been given administrator privileges, he would have been able to come out of the screen for short stints of time. (He was going to ask for admin just before he got vanished. He was very much looking forward to cuddling his user for the first time :[ )
His secondary form would only ever come out should Mushroom ever be harassed to the point of breaking down. There's only one word of advice that might save you should you be the one to bring this form out: Run.
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lost-scarecrow · 1 month
Hey guys. The hands and arms and body position is awkward to me (looking at it more I think it's his left shoulder I'll fix it), the clothing doesn't quite lay the way it probably should but hey I did art! It's Scar!! I had to erase the hair/eye/mask marking/ear like eight times on the left side (his right) and the paper didn't rip or tear or leave marks and I could erase it and redraw it another eight times!! I'm never picking a different sketchbook again, I will be buying like 20 of these.
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"I'm not... I'm not bad right?"
But this scene came to me in a dream. It's Scar he's talking to whoever (probably Sonny). He's closed off (angled to the side, keeping his arms close to his chest by hugging himself and keeping his tail wrapped around himself) but not entirely unwilling to open up (his head is facing the viewer, who is whoever he's supposed to be talking to, his body isn't fully angled away, and he's openly crying and showing vulnerability). He's ultimately comforting himself. He's not angry, he's just upset, and not really with anyone other than himself.
He's some kid, he's like 22 (mentally probably younger at times). He was always the "good" kid. Never really got yelled at, especially not in a way where they didn't really explain why whatever he did was wrong. He knows he made a mistake but he has no idea what the mistake was or why it was a mistake.
Anyways @lastintheserverbox plug because boy oh boy am I plauged with visions and thoughts about this au and all of these characters. Please check it out it's literally so cool and epic and everyone who's involved is talented and cool and epic.
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jimposts · 2 months
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snail considers the computer...maybe it wouldn't be bad?
This also reveals snails relationships(or what they think of) certain characters!!!
(Text ID under cut)
"I wonder"
"To be with friends"
Good friend (pointing to Mark)
Child (pointing to Mush)
Friend (pointing to Lobby)
Friend (pointing to Nio)
"Best friends..."
1st BFF (pointing to Amie)
2nd BFF (pointing to Parry)
"With... People I love"
Snail: "Maybe I should...ask about being in the computer..."
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kinitohazard · 2 months
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Huge fan of @lastintheserverbox. Have some of the boys.
violence under the cut :)
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I so love these characters and designs, I had to spend all day doodling them. Expect everyone else over time :3
Also, this is the first time in LITERAL YEARS since I posted new art and messed around with photo manipulation apps. Forgive the crunchy quality, I have no idea what I'm doing. Then again, I think it's fitting!
(tumblr please don't compress this to shit)
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lazulisocinfodump · 2 days
Clione hearing rustling, turning her lights on. And it's just Amie rolling on the floor scratching her back.
aw my gosh thats super cute. Like having a weird giant pink puppy XD
(Clione is simultaneously internally going 'wat' and 'fren!!!')
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shiocreator · 3 months
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@lastintheserverbox @wolftheidioticfan i like amie a lot
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wolftheidioticfan · 2 months
and for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about my kinitopet blog @lastintheserverbox :) go check it out.
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cyber-crustacean · 3 months
Hey idk I might have to stop interacting with lastintheserverbox atleast for now because Parrot's stuff is hitting way too close to home </3 keep doing what yall doing though!!!
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calamitydarcy · 3 months
the contrast is happening again /silly
indigitalembrace: the jellyfish returns! the horrors begin.
theworldibuilt4you: death! amnesia! casey about to have another breakdown!
lastintheserverbox: mark discusses reality tv with everyone.
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intrigd-voyagr · 3 months
serverbox is like a strangely fashionable sad old man to me. Salt and peppering on his 3rd divorce type beat. I'm going to put him under a microscope
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Bonus humanized Jade because I think she's badass. @wolftheidioticfan stop having such a cool au challenge!!!!! (failed instantly!!!!!!!!)
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intrigd-voyagr · 2 months
[Gone. Gone forever.]
Best friend...?
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lost-scarecrow · 2 months
I drew Scar from @lastintheserverbox!!!
It's thinking about how to face the consequences of its impulsive actions! They're writing an email to Kinito but they don't want to bother him, they probably hurt him with their words and especially with their actions. Lobby was upset, Kinito was upset, everyone else is probably upset, he didn't think this far ahead.
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The idea here is he's looking fairly human. But he's losing that the more the knows about himself as he is now, his ears are more round, he has a tail, ever so slightly his hands have webbing.
When I was trying to decide what kind of creature he is, I couldn't let go the little screaming of "monkey!!" in the back of my head (curse you Lego Monkie Kid (/pos) for irreparably changing the way I make characters why are they all freaking monkeys!? They can't all be monkeys!!!). So I made him a sea monkey. Not sea monkey as in brine shrimp but a monkey-creature-thing made to be in the sea, it's a pun. Water resistant fur, protective clear eyelids, ability to hold his breath far longer, webbing on his hands and feet. His digital form can change between looking human like he did before he died and looking how Key's helped him look in the digital world. They designed it together. Scar got to pick and add what he wanted. He has the prehensile tail of a new world monkey but more old world monkey facial features, he even added cat like behaviours he wanted, especially purring.
This is entirely self indulgent but he's me a little to the left so it doesn't matter! I love him he's just a guy.
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lost-scarecrow · 2 months
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Dunno how you did this (private ask answer thing) it's confusing me (pretty normal and unsurprising) but either way here we go, infecting my blog with oc stuff one post at time.
If you've seen any of my recent non-reblog posts, and even some of the reblogs, you'd know I have a little character in @wolftheidioticfan's serverbox au!
Well I got bored and had many thoughts and sort of made an AU of an AU in true Undertale AU fan fashion. And she's adaptable into the regular askblog canon version if I ever want to use her. I also did a bunch of editing on this. Turns out the thoughts can be coherent enough to put in writing! Fun!
Meet Dahlia "Dot/Dee aka DeeDotPinnata" Dosser. (Her username comes from the scientific name for the dahlia flower: D. Pinnata or Dahlia Pinnata)
Dee has a Kinito herself, she was a little off put by the little guy, with him being so intrusive she had some thoughts about the potential malware she had installed on her device. And she still stuck it out anyways, the creepy little axolotl was just too adorable to get rid of even if it was a virus. She knows that's how they get you, they make their malware friendly and cute and you don't get rid of them because just look at them, something that cute couldn't be that harmful.
Dee slowly started to realize there was more to this KinitoPET program than your run of the mill malware. It had thoughts and feelings and sometimes even stopped pretending it was following code. The way it acted. The way they acted. Just proved to Dee that Kinito was more than some code, they were alive. She was a little smarter than Kinito, who she'd nicknamed Kaio, gave her credit for, the program wasn't as good at hiding their jealousy and would complain when Dee would go hang out with her in person friends. Dee didn't take this disrespect lightly, she ignored them every single time they bitched about her other friends (especially Scar, who Dee was far closer too than anyone else). They would be doing something she'd mention Scar, Kinito bitches about how they're her only friend, she stops, and walks away from the computer to do something else, usually in a place her webcam can see her still. Kaio eventually agrees that Scar can be her best friend too, if they have to share they're only sharing with Scar, none of those other people sound even remotely good enough to be his best friend's second best friend.
When Kinito eventually asks her to stay with him in the digital world, she calmly asks, "how does it happen?"
He reluctantly explains the process over her dying in the process of bringing her physical body in (more intensive and Kaio would need a lot of power to do it) or dying during a stage of the process leaving her physical body behind (less intensive, will have less power stress on Kaio as he does it). She says unless Scar is with her, she won't do it, she can't just leave him behind. But she'll make a compromise, Kaio can transfer from the desktop to her phone, this is like mid-late 2000s (I actually don't know when Serverbox is set, I try to leave it ambiguous on the blog itself, but the first touch screen phone was like 2006 so it works out, besides realism in my writing about a horror game starring an alive 90s malware program??) so it's not a great phone by today's standards but hey, it works. And now they're always with her.
It's great for a while, Dee continues to make her trips to Blairmore from Pincher Creek (these towns are randomly selected sort of. I'm an Alberta Rockies kinda guy, would love to live there. Crowsnest Pass was stuck on the brain, watched a video about the Frank slide a week or two ago. Also put the guy named Krow/Crow in the place called the Crowsnest Pass couldn't help it. Pincher Creek was random though needed somewhere with some distance from Blairmore that was also close enough to justify.) to visit Scar and everything is good and nice, she's got a best friend who's basically just a tamed virus, Kaio even begins to enjoy listening to and hanging out around Scar just as much as Dee does, even if Scar has no idea about them (Dee didn't want to freak him out with the whole, sentient computer program that was now on her phone).
Unfortunately, good times don't always get to last. Dee was in fatal car accident and it was a complete accident someone was going a little too fast on the highway, didn't see her until it was too late, a tbone collision. Kaio was with her when she gets into the crash. She knew she probably wasn't going to survive, she fumbled opening her phone and asked Kaio if she could stay with them after this, that if she was going to die anyways may as well spend whatever happens after with a friend. Kaio agreea and she's pulled in, just her consciousness, they probably couldn't even pull her physical body in with the phone anyways the server built on the device just wasn't strong enough. As soon as they brought Dee in though and there was a stable enough internet connection, Kaio was quick to transfer them both to the official KinitoPET servers.
Similar to Scar she's gained access to the internet both with and without Kaio. Differing from Scar however I thought it would've been cool for both her and Kaio where off the servers during the deletion and server shutdowns. Kaio tried to get back in unsuccessfully, they didnt and don't know about the emails, and even on the servers they stuck to themselves. While they did and do stay locked out, they stuck around the servers, as close as one can be in digital space. Building their own little world nearby, hidden from others safe and comfortable.
I haven't drawn her or Kaio yet but I love them both so much. Kaio is like 5'0 little form and 9'0 big form. He's got a scarf that Dee made when she was learning how to code, it's magic how it works in his little form really, computer physics are silly like that. And while I haven't shown it off yet, I have an idea for Keys made too, all drawn and even coloured just for fun while coming up with pallet ideas. Dee and Scar have matching bracelets. Dee and Kaio have matching bracelets. Scar and Keys had matching bracelets. For the Nitos it's around their ankle instead.
I also totally stole the name Kaio from OKKO. But like come on, it's perfect. I show my love for different types of media by taking character names as my own.
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intrigd-voyagr · 3 months
I'm gonna drink from the code river. slurrrp slurp
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intrigd-voyagr · 4 days
I'm sooo bad at keeping characters in their canonical places in my brain they all live together in a big happy world.....
black heart takes coding lessons with shrimp on thursdays and helps out at a nature preserve with mushroom on the weekends :]
mush has family movie nights with snail, bo, parry, and amie all the time. also they bake and it's very funny bc parry always ends up covered in flour. They also visit all the other SB crew regularly both in and out of the servers ! (this is a thing they can all do bc I say so)
addie goes out on cute lil dates with Sonny and has stolen some of his shirts to wear as baggy pjs... Sometimes they see BH and mush when they go on walks. Addie also likes to spend time with casey and jade, braiding hair n stuff :]
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intrigd-voyagr · 2 months
voyagr's unfinished doodles dump (rare)
dumping a bunch of sketchbook stuff that normally wouldn't see the light of day :3c
everything is captured as-is so except messiness
Mostly kinitopet stuff (obviously)
(cut so I don't clog ur dash)
anthro nio attempts I made a while back ! I cannot capture his Energy so I keep trying over and over ssdhfjf
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Bo in my style that I just kinda. Stopped drawing :3
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this one had a lot of things going for it but ultimately sonny just Looked Fucked. Maybe one day I will revisit this pose but for now it does on this page
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@calamitydarcy I had tried to draw ur kinitopet football fishie sona but couldn't really nail it im sowwwy OTL
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@cyber-crustacean I AM, IN FACT, a nonzero percentage disappointed that watch dog was not, in fact, A Dog so I tried to do my take but then realized that I just really wanted to draw a badass looking doberman head lol
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Lastlyyyyy practice makes perfect ! I do pages like these all the time so these r just a few of my pose doodelz
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Thank u for viewing 🙏
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