#and if they won’t give it to me I’ll make it my damn self
mangosundae · 2 months
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Greetings, Ni No Kuni fandom! I’ve seen a couple people on here post their NNK ocs on here so I thought I’d add my own blorbo to the collection. Now presenting: Penelope Homebrew of the Land of Nod! She’s from WotWW and has a whole DLC post game mission, which ends with Penelope becoming a playable character. I’ll write out how her story goes under the cut, but basically she’s a potion saleswoman who helps the gang close the Nightmare Rifts (name in progress) that have taken over Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida.
***GIANT infodump under the cut!!***
The Land of Nod: Where Dreaming is Doing.
- Okay so Nod is a kingdom located on the Spindle, a small island near Autumnia. I’m pretty sure spindle is a reference to mining, but we’ll say it references the spindle from Sleeping Beauty.
- The Land of Nod is all about dreaming. Its inhabitants, called Nodlanders, have the ability to bring whatever they dream of to life. This ability is called Manifesting. Manifesting requires the user to both come up with the item they desire, dream it, AND remember it when they wake up. Nodlanders grow up practicing how to lucid dream, and how to remember their dreams in the waking world. It’s a hard skill to master, which is why so few can actually make a career out of it.
- But since Nodlanders who do master this skill are very powerful, Shadar saw them as a threat, which is why he put all of Nod to sleep with a spell. That’s also why Nod doesn’t show up on the map in the main game, because it’s hidden from sight. And also he made everyone have nightmares, which is important later.
- Since Nod is a postgame area, the items you can buy here are very powerful, but also very pricey. They can only be found in Nod because the Nodlanders literally dreamed them up. Most Nodlanders have a specific kind of item they focus on, like weapons or armor. It’s a HUGE tourist trap.
- Also you might be asking, why isn’t Nod the richest place in the world? Why can’t they just dream up infinite money and food? I thought of that. You can’t really read or write in dreams, so any dreamed currency is obviously fake. And Nodlanders CAN dream up food, but it can’t inwardly be food. So basically dream food can look and taste a certain way, but doesn’t contain substance or calories, so you can’t survive off it. Snack stands and buffets are very popular in Nod for this reason, as you’ll never get stuffed.
Penelope Homebrew: Saleswoman Extraordinaire (?)
- Penelope lives in Nod but has no dream powers. She’s a disappointment to her parents because of this, and spends the whole story trying to prove herself, before eventually realizing she doesn’t have to prove herself to anyone. Also I want her and Swaine to be besties so they bond over being non-magicals from magical families.
- Since she has no dreaming abilities of her own, Penelope runs the Homebrew Apothecary, where she sells potions made from the Dream Energy of other Nodlanders. They look down on her for not having powers of her own, which makes her feel bad. The apothecary got very little business before Shadar, since tourists were more interested in real dream-based products, but Penelope sees traveling with Oliver as a chance to get her brand out there. There are several cutscenes where she’s just advertising to anyone who’ll listen, and she uses the fights to show off her potions.
- Penelope comes with several potions to use in battle and in the overworld. Each of them has a silly little name because you can’t have NNK without some silly little names.
- Nightcap: This potion induces the sleep status on an opponent for 20 seconds.
- Seeing Stars: A potion that induces the confusion status on an opponent.
- A Dream is a Wish: This drinkable potion will, at random, increase the user’s MP or HP, or take away their status condition (the third option only applies if a status condition is present).
- Beauty Sleep: A drinkable potion that completely heals the user’s HP and MP, in return for making them immobile/asleep for thirty seconds. This also almost completely drain’s the user’s MP, so it should be used sparingly.
- Knock Out: A potion that inflicts physical damage on an opponent.
- Shut Eye: An overworld spray potion that gives your party two minutes of invisibility. It works the same as Oliver’s Veil spell.
- Night Light: Ingesting this potion gives the user night vision.
- Basically, all her potions are either thrown, ingested, or sprayed. She starts off with a slingshot, but eventually Swaine makes her the Shooting Star, a steampunk looking bow and arrow that can shoot out any offensive potion Penelope currently has in her roster. The “arrows” are syringes full of potions. This makes her a ranged attacker. I imagine she can replace Swaine in battle, similar to how you can replace Esther with Marcassin.
- Oh also, to make the gang trust her, Penelope pretends she was a famous and successful potioneer before Shadar cast his sleep curse. Swaine suspects her from the start because one con artist recognizes another, but eventually everyone learns she’s been lying and conflict happens. Oooooooo.
The Plot: Nightmare Magic-Induced Therapy
- As I mentioned, Shadar put all the Nodlanders to sleep and gave them nightmares, which they kept having until Cassiopeia woke them up. When they woke up their Dream Energy exploded across the world and caused Nightmare Rifts to appear in Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida. Why? It’s like when the printer isn’t working so you keep pressing print, and then it starts working again and shoves out a million papers at once. The Nodlanders had dreamed so much during the sleep curse that when they woke up they couldn’t contain all the energy that had built up.
- Because of this, these three areas are now dungeons with a boss at the end, which are nightmarish manifestations of each town’s Vibe. Each dungeon is also based on a commonly-hated video game mechanic (these being water physics, ice physics, and moving levels). And, also, each dungeon reflects one of the main three’s fears in some way, both literal and metaphorical. In going through these dungeons and defeating the bosses, Oliver, Esther, and Swaine work through their fears with the help of Penelope.
- Also, the reason Penelope starts traveling with them (other than the opportunity to sell more potions) is because the other Nodlanders are too tired from their nightmares to be helpful. Since Penelope doesn’t have dream magic, she feels fine (if a little traumatized after years and years of nightmares).
- Castaway Cove is a water level where the town is completely flooded and sea monsters lurk in the depths. The boss is a sunken ship monster called Ship Wrecker, who has a mouth and teeth made of jagged wooden planks. Its big move is Anchors Away, where it releases a large anchor that damages the whole party. When it’s close to dying it does a new move called Wreckage, where its whole body becomes a mouth to bite the party with. Its normal move is just chasing someone around and biting them. Also there’s a water bubble around the battle arena because it would be a pain in the ass if not.
- This is Oliver’s level, since he almost drowned and is therefore afraid of water. He tries to swim to prove he’s not afraid anymore, but starts having a panic attack. He admits to Penelope (because they split into groups) that he feels guilty that his mom died swimming out to rescue him, and wants to prove that he can take care of himself now like she wants him to. Penelope gives him a pep talk, since she relates to feeling the need to prove herself and doesn’t want him to feel that way. It doesn’t totally fix the problem, but Oliver is able to get through the dungeon without issue.
- Yule is an ice and snow level where the whole place is caved in, and they have to parkour down to the bottom. It kind of sucks because ice physics lol. The little monsters you encounter are scary versions of the Tomte, and the boss is an igloo-abominable snowman fusion called the Bombinable Snowman. It’s a giant spherical igloo with a face and hairy limbs, which it tucks inside itself for certain attacks. Because of the ice blocks, it has really high defense, which only lowers when it does a move called Bumbles Bounce. For this move, it pulls its limbs into itself and throws itself to the ground like a bomb. This does physical damage to anyone not defending. You trigger Bumbles Bounce by attacking it enough, so it’s a very stamina-based fight. It also has an area attack called Avalanche, and a single attack called Stalag-Might, where it slashes with an ice spear.
- This is Esther’s level. She and Penelope get cornered by one of the Tomte monsters, which doesn’t respond to Esther’s attempts to soothe it. Esther gets upset, and says something like “This [monster taming] is what I’m supposed to be good at!” She explains that she’s a sage’s daughter but not a sage herself, so she has to be powerful in her own way so her dad will be proud of her. Penelope’s like “Wow these kids have issues” but assures Esther that if Rashad loves her, he’ll be proud of her no matter what she does. It’s in this moment that Penelope realizes how similar her situation is to Esther’s, and starts feeling less beholden to her parents’ opinions of her.
- Perdida is a moving level where the player has to keep up with the moving camera and dodge constantly changing obstacles. For this one the dungeon is also the boss, as the town’s multi-headed snake statues have come to life and morphed into a giant snake in the sky. It works like the snake boss from Puppeteer, or the Rayquaza balloon from Poke Park. Basically you run across the back of the snake. The heads of the snake attack when you get to the front, but then one of them swallows you and you fight from the inside. Unfortunately I don’t have names for this boss and its moves just yet, but just assume they’re snakey.
- This is Swaine’s level, and also kind of Marcassin’s. Obviously Swaine’s afraid of snakes, but for the whole DLC story he’s also been trying to prove he can be a good brother to Marcassin. Marcassin ends up getting captured by the snake because it was attacking Hamelin, and he wants to prove he can be a good ruler. Basically Swaine wants to be like Marcassin, and Marcassin wants to be like Swaine (in that Swaine is more of a physical attacker and strategist), and they have to work together to stop the snake. In the end both brothers realize they’re good as they are, and Penelope finally comes to the same conclusion.
- With all the rifts taken care of, the group goes back to Nod, where they invite Penelope to travel with them. Penelope thinks about how the Nodlanders and her parents never appreciated her, but how these new people do, so she packs up the apothecary and becomes a traveling saleswoman with the gang. The themes are a little hamfisted, but to be fair the themes of the main game aren’t super subtle.
Holy shit this was way longer than I intended it to be. I don’t expect anyone to read this far but if you did, thanks very much for reading my infodump about a game nobody likes! (Lol.) It’s been super fun coming up with the level designs and stuff, and Penelope is just really fun to draw. Also yeah I know she looks a bit like Moon from FNAF but shhhhh it’s fine.
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teethgnashing · 9 months
i need to stop talking abt body image issues with people who don’t have a double chin
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calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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2K notes · View notes
Guilty as Sin? - Chapter Three
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, Derrick shows his true self, Javier comes to the rescue, depictions of SA (minor, though proceed with caution), mentions of alcohol consumption
word count: 4.2k
series masterlist
Friday night marked not only the temporary break from having to see Dr. Peña every single day, but also your stupid date with Derrick. He’d been out of the apartment when you woke up, him and Nina off at the gym. Alondra crawled into bed with you, her laptop in tow. 
“I don’t wanna go tonight,” you grumbled, drawing the blankets up to your face as she got comfortable beside you. “Just tell him I’m sick or something.”
“He’s been looking forward to this all week,” she reminded, pulling up Netflix. “Hell, for the last four years.”
“Yeah, well I’ve been dreading this for the last four years so where does that leave us?” you challenged. “I’m supposed to make myself uncomfortable just to make his little dream come true?” 
“I’m not saying that,” she sighed. “I’m just saying what harm could come from going to dinner with him? He’s your friend, just pretend you guys are grabbing food or something casual.”
“But he won’t want casual,” you snapped, throwing your blanket back so that you could get up. “He’ll want the full treatment.”
“There’s worse men to pretend to like,” she said, closing her laptop as she watched you tug on a hoodie and sweats. “At least he’s good looking and harmless.”
“Harmless as a friend,” you pointed out. “Who knows what he’s like on a date.”
“That’s why you should go,” she urged. “To find out if maybe that’s what was missing—“
“There’s nothing missing!” you shouted. “I don’t want him, not because I just haven’t seen how charming he is, not because I haven’t given him a chance. I don’t want him because I don’t want him. End of story.”
“Then don’t go!” she shouted back. 
“How? How am I supposed to turn him down when I’ve tried that for the past four years and he doesn’t give a shit. He’ll keep trying and trying until I finally cave, so I’ll fucking go tonight, but this is it. No more putting his feelings above mine.”
“Then I don’t know why you’re complaining.” 
You took a deep breath, finding the patience you knew you possessed but seemed so far away in this moment. Out of all people, you expected Alondra to understand your side of the situation. She’d never spent a day in her entire life thinking about what a man wanted, what they were feeling and how she might accommodate for it. And yet, here she was demanding that you not only go through with this but that you shut up while doing it. 
“I just want to be alone for a while,” you said, dejected and hurt. “It feels like the entire world is turning for him and I’m just here. You and Nina love him, I know, but what about me?”
“We love you,” she said, her brows furrowing. “It’s just that sometimes it almost feels like you avoid the things that you know will be good for you in favor of shit that’ll wreck you. We’re just trying to show you that Derrick is a good thing.”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I’m gonna be at the library until my lab. Tell Derrick I’ll meet him back here at ten.”
“Don’t be like that,” she coaxed, following you into your shared bathroom to watch you brush your teeth. “Don’t be mad.”
Spitting out the toothpaste, you tried to ignore her guilt tripping. “I’m not mad, I just want to be alone.”
“Fine,” she said, meeting your eyes in the mirror. “Text me if you need me?”
“Mmhm,” you hummed, watching her leave the room knowing damn well she just earned a spot at the bottom of the list of people you’d reach out to.
Dr. Peña’s lab went by smoothly, the undergrads taking their first quiz of the semester in absolute silence as you got to work grading yesterday’s assignment. Dr. Peña had been taking careful glances at you, his brow furrowed with concern. Not that you could blame him. For the last two days you’d been dressing to impress, or more delusionally, to seduce, but today you’d shown up bare faced and in sweats. 
Setting his pen down, he cleared his throat and walked over to your desk, causing your tired eyes to lift to his. “Everything alright?”
You nodded, giving him a forced smile that only managed to deepen that look of concern on his face. 
“Just tired,” you lied in a whisper, shrugging your shoulders. 
“I know these late night labs aren’t the easiest—“
“No, no,” you assured. “It’s not the lab. Just…personal stuff.”
He lifted his chin in understanding, his fingers tapping against the wood of your desk. “Well, if you’d prefer, you can finish grading those at home. They’re just going to be taking the quiz tonight, so we’ll be fine without our prized TA.”
You smiled at the compliment—or at what you assumed to be one. “It’s fine. Home’s not very appealing to me right now.”
“The offer stands,” he smiled, soft and almost unnoticeable before walking back to his desk. 
Too bad you noticed every single thing he did. 
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After the lab, you headed home to get ready for the punishment that was an hour spent at the snobbiest restaurant in Austin with your not-so-friend. Derrick was locked up in his room, no doubt trying to overcome his jitters while you did the same. Only your jitters felt more like tremors, something deep in your soul cautioning you against going. Still, you persisted. 
Slipping into a skirt and your favorite top that gave you the confidence necessary to walk into this situation with your head held high, your makeup flawless and subdued, your hair just the way you like it, you took a deep breath and opened your door to greet Derrick with a forced smile. 
“You look…wow,” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. While you smelled his clean scent, there was also a hint of something else on his breath—tequila, perhaps? “No one’s gonna believe you’re with me.”
You cleared your throat, glancing at Nina and Alondra who stood in the kitchen eavesdropping. “Let’s go. Don’t want to be late for your fancy reservation.”
He laughed, nodding as he held out his hand for you to take. You pretended not to notice it and busied your hands with holding your bag and phone, which…
Fuck, you forgot to charge your phone. 
“My brother recommended this place,” he said, brushing off your rejection as he walked you out of the building and to his car. “It’s where he proposed.”
“Mm,” you hummed, still lost in your head. 
“You like sushi, right?” he asked, opening your door. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, slipping into the passenger seat. “We’ve been friends for how long now and you don’t know that?”
He chuckled, buckling his seatbelt. “I don’t pay attention to little shit.”
You stared at his profile with something akin to disgust, the realization that he’d never viewed this friendship in the same light as you finally dawning on you. “Friends usually try to pay attention to little shit like that.”
“Yeah, well we’re a bit more than friends,” he smirked, glancing at you before bravely moving his hand to your thigh. You jerked at the touch, pulling away from him to turn towards the window. “So, uh, how’s Peña’s lab?”
“It’s good,” you managed, counting the streetlights as they passed by. 
“That’s shocking,” he chuckled. “What, he’s not a dick to them?”
“He is,” you shrugged. “But not to me.”
“For obvious reasons,” he chided. “Alondra told me about the whole don’t wear a skirt thing. Sounds like a fucking creep.”
“It wasn’t like that,” you argued, turning towards him. “And you can tell Alondra I’d appreciate it if she didn’t tell you all of my business.” 
“She was just looking out for me,” he said, giving you a frown. “Can’t have your professor trying shit if we’re gonna give this a real shot.”
“Derrick, I don’t—“
“No, just…let’s keep this date free of all that pessimist shit,” he snapped, reminding you of his inebriated state. Fuck, and you were in a car with this shithead? “Tonight I want you to put all that trauma aside for once and keep yourself open,” he demanded, causing your heart to race. 
What would happen if you didn’t? Would he hurt you? Would he shit talk you to all your friends? Would he make something up?
“Fine,” you managed, balling your hands into fists as they rested on your lap. 
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After a car ride spent listening to him detail his summer of luxury, the two of you found yourselves seated in the restaurant located on the opposite side of town. You’d only been out in this area once to celebrate your first anniversary with Micah, though that time you were forced to split the bill. Derrick wouldn’t have any of that, not with his trust fund and need to prove himself. 
You didn’t speak much at dinner, not because you had nothing to say but because he wouldn’t stop talking. He’d covered everything from the first birthday he could remember to the day he first met you when you were both frightened freshmen on campus. Perhaps the trip down memory lane would’ve made you smile if it wasn’t for his wandering hands beneath the table. 
When the bill was paid and the two of you were on your way out, you thought the terrible night had finally come to a close. But of course it hadn’t. 
Derrick surprised you by pulling you into a dark alleyway, his hands greedy as he pulled you against his frame. You felt his lips on yours, taking and taking and giving you not a damn thing but a sick feeling of alarm in your stomach. 
“Derrick, stop,” you hissed, pushing against his chest as he continued to lean in, caging you against the stucco wall. 
“You want me,” he rasped, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as his liquor-scented breath flooded your nostrils. “You’re just scared of it ending badly.”
“No,” you protested, continuing to push him away. “I don’t want any of this. I don’t feel that way for you.”
“Yet you showed up wearing this.” You froze as you felt his cold fingertips graze the outside of your thighs, inching his way closer to the hem of your skirt. “Just…let loose for once. Let your guard down and I swear you won’t regret it.”
“I already regret it,” you hissed, shoving him hard enough to cause him to drunkenly stumble back. “You’re drunk and acting like fucking dick.”
He shook his head, chuckling at your words or the situation, you couldn’t quite tell. “I want you.”
“That’s not my problem.”
“Four fucking years of waiting around, then you finally decide to go out with me, and now…what? You’re just gonna act like a tease?” 
“I’m going to beat the shit out of you if you keep talking,” you warned, though you knew your strength was no match for his. Still, female rage and adrenaline fueled you, coaxing you into not giving a fuck about the outcome. If he pushed any harder, you’d gladly fuck around and find out. “I’m leaving. Don’t follow me.”
“Stop,” he whined, grabbing your wrist to keep you from leaving. “Don’t be such a bitch.”
“I’m a bitch?” Fuck around and find out, it is. “I’ve been nothing but a good friend to you all these years, even knowing that you didn’t give a fuck about any of that. You’d rather I be in your sheets than in your life, that much is fucking clear now.”
“I’m just saying, it’s not cool to continue to give me hope—“
“I didn’t give you shit!” you yelled, yanking your wrist from his grasp. “How many times have we talked about this? How many times have you made me feel guilty for something I have no control over? I don’t want you, Derrick. I never have, and after tonight I certainly never will. Face it or don’t, but our friendship ends here.”
“We live together,” he reminded, stepping towards you. “You can’t avoid me like you avoid Micah.”
“Can’t I?” you chuckled, shaking your head. “You have no idea how easy it’ll be for me to pretend as if you never existed.”
He let out a huff of disbelief, shaking his head at you as if he had any right to feel disappointed. No, that right was yours alone in this situation. You thought you found a man who you could call a true friend, only to find out he was just as bad as the rest of them. Maybe worse given the way he manipulated you these past four years, all to earn your trust. 
You took off down the street, not caring about the looks you received from passersby. You just needed to get somewhere safe and call—
Fuck. Phone’s dead. 
With fear threatening to take over, you stumbled into the first open shop on the block, a very fancy looking cafe that was mostly stranded on the inside. Tugging down the hem of your skirt, you huffed a sigh in order to rein in the tears threatening to spill as you swung the door open. 
“Welcome in,” the older woman behind the counter greeted, giving you a judgmental once over as your heels clacked against the hardwood floor on the way to the counter. “What can I get started for you?” 
“I was just wondering if there was any way I could use your phone to call a cab? I promise I’ll buy something—“
“I’m sorry, we don’t allow customers to use our phones,” she frowned, a display of mock sympathy that threatened to wear down your last remaining nerve. 
“I understand, and I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency,” you pleaded. 
“I don’t know what to tell you, ma’am,” she sighed. “Phones are for employee use only. Perhaps you can find a payphone or—“
The woman was interrupted by a familiar voice calling your name. Stomach sinking to the floor, you turned to find Dr. Peña sitting in a booth by the window with his laptop. 
Fucking perfect. 
“Dr. Peña.” You greeted him with a sigh and a forced smile, reluctantly heading towards his booth. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, giving you a quick once over before lifting his eyes back yours. 
“Yeah,” you lied, giving him a quick nod. He tilted his head and you and gave you a look as if to say liar. Letting out the saddest, weakest laugh you might’ve ever uttered, you decided to hell with pride. “No, I’m…it’s been a long night.”
He ticked his jaw as he considered you for a moment, leaving you in sickening suspense. “What happened?”
“You don’t want to hear about all that,” you assured, wiping a tear from your waterline. 
“I do,” he insisted, nudging his chin towards the other side of the booth. “Sit down, I’ll get you a coffee.”
“You don’t have to—“
“Sit,” he ordered, that stern voice cutting through the clouds of self pity and anger still looming overhead. “How do you take your coffee?”
“Black is fine,” you lied, slipping into the booth as gracefully as your skirt would allow. 
It took him a few minutes to return, that time spent locked inside your head, watching a replay from an eagle's eye point of view. Derrick's hands on your body, his lips on yours, his vile claims and threats sounding over and over. 
“So,” he said, handing you your cup as he sat down in front of his laptop before closing it. “What happened?”
“I don’t…I don’t want anyone to get in trouble,” you prefaced, earning a hesitant nod. “Derrick—
“Mr. Crawley?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “He’s been my friend for years now, we live together…but he has this really bad habit of not taking no for an answer.” Dr. Peña tensed, his jaw clenching. “That’s why I agreed to go out with him tonight, because I was just sick of having to explain that I only saw him as a friend. Thought I’d just get it over with, but that didn’t really go as planned.”
“Did he…try something?” he asked, his voice low and tense. You shrugged, questioning the entire interaction. If you hadn’t stopped him, if you hadn’t been brave enough to tell him no, would he have stopped? Did what he did really constitute assault? 
“I don’t know. Sort of,” you explained, tracing the rim of your cup as you spoke. “Dinner was shit enough, but then he cornered me in an alley, trying to cage me against a wall and…touch me, but I stopped him. Then he turned into this entirely different person than I’ve known all this time, called me a bitch and a tease. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize my phone was dead when I took off down the block, and now I’m stranded on this side of town. And truthfully, I don’t even know if going home is a good idea.”
Javier leaned back in his seat, raking his hands over his face. 
“I have a sinking feeling that if I go home, he’s just going to start shit again, which is the last thing I want right now.”
He nodded, understanding and sympathy in his eyes as he took a beat to think. 
“Firstly, I’m incredibly proud of you for sticking up for yourself. It’s not an easy thing to do, and you did it.” You refused to keen under his praise the way your heart demanded to. “If I’d have just put up with it—“
“Stop,” he said, shaking his head. “You did the brave thing and the right thing. He’s too fucking old to not know the difference between a woman who wants him and one who doesn’t. This shit is on him, alright?” 
You gave him a meek nod, still not able to look him in the eye. 
“I know you said you don’t want anyone to get in trouble, and I’ll respect that, but know that if you decide to report him, I’ll back you,” he offered, his eyes rounding and voice softening. “I don’t think you should go home. I—“ He sighed, lowering his hand to rest beside yours on the table. “I can drive you to a hotel, and if you need me to pay for it, I will. That way I’ll know you’re safe, and you’ll have your own space for the night.”
“No, that’s not necessary,” you assured. 
“No, it isn’t, but it’s late and you’ve clearly been through enough tonight,” he said. “But it’s your choice. I can call you a cab if that’s more comfortable.”
“Isn’t that…sort of against the rules? You giving me a ride?” 
He let out a soft chuckle. 
“It’s not ideal, but I don’t care about that right now,” he confessed, his pinky reaching out to brush against yours. “I just care about you being safe and comfortable.”
You bit your lip, eyes glued to his hand that seemed to be fighting an internal war over whether or not to reach out for yours. “I won’t feel safe and comfortable in a hotel. I’d just feel…alone.”
“I can’t,” he whispered to himself, moving his hand to his face. 
“Can’t what?” 
“Can’t do this,” he gestured between the two of you. “I can’t keep you company tonight.” 
“I didn’t mean—“
“I know what you meant, and I’m telling you I can’t let a student of mine crash at my place,” he sighed, conflict weighing on his face. “I’ll take you to a hotel and you can call a friend to stay with you.”
“I’m not going to let you pay for my hotel,” you protested. “That’s not happening.”
“Then what?” he asked, dropping his hand to the table. 
“I don’t know,” you snapped. “I’ll figure it out.”
“Here,” he handed you his phone. “Call a cab, they’re safer than an Uber.”
You stared at the unlocked screen, debating whether or not you truly wanted to handle things on your own or accept the help offered to you, even if it meant spending a night alone in a foreign environment, stuck with the flashbacks of Derrick’s hands on your body, his lips on your mouth. There was no safety in that, in being prisoner to awful memories you had no part in creating. The truth was that you needed him to distract you from yourself, and you didn’t care if you had to grovel or beg for it. 
“I’m asking you to please just…stay,” you whispered, too close to tears to speak up. “We don’t have to go to your place. We can go to the library for all I fucking care, I just don’t want to be alone. All my friends are his friends and I know what they’ll say about tonight. Everyone loves him, everyone wants to be his friend, and I’m just…around. They won’t believe me, and even if they do, they won’t see it the way I do.” 
Javier looked ready to tell me to fuck off and go find someone else to bother with all my problems, but threw me for a loop when he said, “Fine. Grab your coffee, and…here.” He held out a black leather jacket that smelled like him; whiskey, smoke, and warm spice. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, standing and draping the jacket over your shoulders as he gathered his things. 
“My office,” he said, his tone clipped and sharp. “It’s the only place where people won’t be around to see us. Not that I really give a shit, but you should.”
“You haven’t done anything but help me,” you offered. “I don’t care if people talk. You and I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“They don’t give a shit,” he countered, leading you out of the cafe. “Besides, we’re already breaking rules. Even if we aren’t acting on anything—“
“Is there anything to act on?” you probed, sticking close to him out of fear Derrick was still around searching for you. Dr. Peña shot you a knowing look over his shoulder. 
“There’s enough to drive me fucking crazy,” he admitted. 
You stopped in your tracks, shocked—and twistedly pleased—at his confession. He noticed your reaction, stopping to turn around and look at you with a pleading expression. 
“I didn’t mean—“
“I know what you meant,” you echoed his words from earlier. He ground his jaw and looked down at the sidewalk for a beat before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. You watched his lips mold around the cigarette as he took a deep drag, his brows furrowed as if he was in pain. 
“I’m not…” He shook his head again, looking up at the night sky. “I’ve been teaching now for five years. Never once have I done this shit. Never once have I let myself get involved. Until you.”
“Javier,” he cut you off. “Call me Javier when it’s just us. It’ll make me feel better about how fucked up this is.”
“What’s fucked up about a woman in her late twenties and a man in his thirties talking?” you asked, stepping closer to him to feel a bit more of the thrill that did such a good job at blocking out all the bad shit going through your head. 
“I’m your professor,” he explained, watching you carefully. “There are rules against me developing this exact infatuation I can’t seem to fucking shake.”
“You’re infatuated with me?” you chuckled, more out of shock than amusement. Though you’d obviously sensed he saw some sort of potential in you that caused him to act like less of a dick than he did with everyone else, you’d have never guessed in a million years that he was interested in you. 
Javier chuckled darkly, stepping closer to you until you could smell his cologne. “Infatuated is an understatement.”
“And what would you say if I told you I was just as infatuated?” you asked, closing the gap between the two of you as you lifted your hand to rest on his chest. Not pushing him away like with Derrick, but beckoning him closer. 
He whispered your name, sending chills down your spin. “We can’t.”
“We’re not doing anything,” you countered, sliding your hand up to the back of his neck just to feel those soft brown waves that have been calling your name this last week. Javier grabbed your hand and lowered it gently, his thumb smoothing over your skin. 
“I’ll stay up with you tonight so that you can feel safe, but that’s it,” he whispered, his eyes darting across your face. “Okay?”
You wanted to frown, to throw a fit and beg him to not be such a stand-up guy, but that would be like asking a fish not to swim, the wind not to blow, a fire not to burn. He simply was a stand-up man and no amount of seduction could change that. “Okay.”
He let out a soft sigh, stepping away from you. 
“You’re lucky I have shit to grade tonight,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. “You might consider helping me with some of that, TA.”
You chuckled, nodding. “After a nap.”
“Sure,” he chided. “Take it that’s code for hell no.”
“Would you look at that. You’re more clever than you look, Professor.” 
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It's just one call away...
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[ex!jj maybank x fem!reader x toxic!rafe cameron]
warnings: insecure!reader, jealous!jj, violence,
summary: before you leave with the pogues, rafe gives you a note and you meet him the next day.
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Seeing JJ get kicked out of Midsummers was very expected, but walking backward, downing a glass, and beckoning the pogues to leave was…surprising.
You stepped toward them to follow, three expectant eyes gazing up at you, waiting for one of their best friends to catch up. Even if your ex-boyfriend was a part of that group, you desperately wanted to escape this formal party, no matter how worried your parents were about your future. 
Until you were stopped by a harsh grip on your shoulder.
“[___], where are you going…?” 
His blue eyes stilled you, confused about why he gripped your neck.
“I’m leaving with the Pogues, problem?” You sarcastically replied. He grimaced, glancing past you to stare at JJ. 
“No, I just remember you telling me that he cheated on you with another Pogue…and you’ll never be a real one, will you?” He smirked, continuing to stall your impatient friends. Kie’s glare made you feel like she would come over here and grab you from his grasp if she could, but she didn’t.
“[___], don’t leave with them. Stay with me, I’ll treat you better.”
“The only Pogue that’s ever treated me like shit is my ex-boyfriend, and I’ll never be a real Kook, either…”
Rafe laughed, his hand loosening as Kiara grew closer to yank you away. As you left, you felt a rough piece of paper pushed into your clenched fist.
As JJ stared at your palm and the white paper you read over and over again, he ran a hand through his soft, blond, hair.
“What does it say?” He knew he had no right, your glare said enough, but Kie was luckily interested too. Usually, she would read it and keep silent but this one, she couldn’t shut her mouth.
The blonde boy stilled, clenching his fists, and strolled faster from you both to meet Pope at the parking lot. 
Pope looked at him with sympathy, overhearing your conversation. “You did it for this.” He reassured him.
JJ rolled his eyes and loosened his palms before sighing, “It means nothing if that’s who she decides to date.” 
‘And I won’t let him ruin her like he’s ruined the other girls he’s dated.’
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The next day, you walk near the country club because your mother forced you to hang out with your and Kiara's old friend, Sarah Cameron because you left Midsummers so abruptly, and apparently, it could cost them their relationship with Ward.
Especially after you escaped to Kildare High.
You stood near the blonde girl irritatedly, staring at her rich friends as they flocked around Sarah's brother and his friends. You watched as Topper warily tried to talk to Sarah but unfortunately for him, she stuck around you because she liked hanging out after she became friends with John B.
Rafe noticed your distant gaze and grinned, tapping your shoulder. You widen your eyes, grasping his hand, clutching it super hard as your nails get ready to pierce the skin in self-defense.
"Ow, fuck, damn [___], you clutch hard..."
You gasp and hold his palm gently, making sure that you didn't actually hurt him. "Rafe! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you at all!"
He sighed, grabbing your hand to look you in the eyes. "It's alright, but I do have a question..."
"Have you thought about my offer?"
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sorry its pretty short
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starfinss · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask!😊 i do have request/suggestion involving Cyno haha, what about a 🍋 scenario where Cyno, Al Haitham and a character of your choice get accidentally hard from having their S/O innocently sit on their lap? They try to hide it but they fail.. 🙈 if that would be alright with you!
This has been in my inbox for literal months, I am SO sorry.
I’ve been planning a trip abroad, plus I’ve had no ideas for this prompt until like an hour ago when I was playing Genshin and thinking of story ideas. Anyway, sure, I’ll write that. The character of my choice will be Lyney, because I’m working on his build right now and I’ve been sort of drafting a fic for him while I’m writing the Jing Yuan fic.
As always, let me know if any of you want full fics from this.
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—𝘚𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘓𝘢𝘱𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴.
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— 𝘈𝘭𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘮
— Unless you’re at home together, I doubt Alhaitham would let you sit on his lap for this very reason.
— Alhaitham is a man who lives my the rules of logic, and while I won’t say he hasn’t fucked you on his desk at work, he’d call those ‘momentary lapses in judgement.’
— Not that he didn’t enjoy them, though.
— He’s the type who likes to do things where the chances of being caught are low. He likes to draw things out, doing everything he can to make you feel good. And so, he prefers to engage in activity like this in the comfort of your bedroom.
— So, in instances like this, if you were to convince him to let you sit in his lap while you waited for him to finish up his work after everyone was home for the night, he might give in, just a little bit.
— Really, you just wanted to be close to him, maybe close your eyes for a while. He loves closeness as much as the next person, being near to the one you love is always nice.
— The risk of being seen in such a compromising position is low, which is a plus, and he gets to feel your warmth against his body as he finishes what he has to do for the day.
— But then you shift forward, nuzzling closer, and your body rubs against his just right, and oh Archons, he doesn’t have time for this.
— The way your body settles so perfectly over him makes his mind scatter to anything and everything besides work. The friction as you rearrange yourself against him is enough to make him feel like he’s going crazy.
— He hides it well, though. Alhaitham is good at keeping a blank face.
— As casually as he can, he shifts you back so you’re away from his growing erection, because he has to finish this paperwork before he leaves, and you’re so maddeningly distracting.
— But that doesn’t go unnoticed. You look up at him quizzically, and when you’re met with a blank stare, you shift back to where you were most comfortable, just to see his reaction.
— He sets his jaw, breath catching as he stiffens, unable to hide the way his body reacts to yours as you realize why he moved you away.
“Did I make you hard?” You whisper, a little surprised, “I didn’t even do anything.”
A quiet scoff as he looks at you fully, his self-restraint beginning to fray. Damn you for always having this effect on him.
“It’s kind of hard not to with you practically grinding against me.”
A sly smile overtakes your face, the innocent desire to hold him replaced with something much more lascivious.
“Would you like some help with that, Mister Acting Grand Sage?”
— Lips collide, and you end up bent over the desk as he holds you in place by your hips, the office filled with the sound of skin on skin and his low, pleasured groans as he fucks you, deep and hard, just the way he knows you like it.
— Needless to say, that paperwork didn’t end up getting done that night.
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— 𝘊𝘺𝘯𝘰
— Like Alhaitham, I don’t think Cyno would really allow such a thing unless the two of you were alone in your own home.
— He doesn’t like breaking rules or doing things that could be seen as unbecoming, especially not in public.
— It’s because of the fact that he most likely wouldn’t engage in that sort of thing in public that I also doubt he’d try and hide it.
— In his eyes, things tend to be rather black and white, and he separates your sex life together from everyday life. He associates you sitting in his lap with other more improper thoughts that he shouldn’t be distracted by when he’s working or out of the house.
— It doesn’t change just how much he loves you, and even in daily life he expresses that in other ways.
— This is getting long winded and stupid but I want this to be interesting and not just “he’s reading a book and you’re in his lap,” which I could very easily do.
— I sure am a writer. Also this idea is stupid, but it’s also fun. I will probably write a full fic for it.
— But, anyway, the point I was making is, if you were to accidentally end up in his lap, then because of that association between you being that close and sexual activity, he might end up getting hard rather easily.
— While tracking a fugitive scholar together, the two of you end up being forced to fight when a group of Eremites come through, and the ensuing scuffle catches the attention of a herd of Sumpter Beasts.
— You and Cyno are confined into a small hiding space, and because of the limited amount of room, you’re forced to straddle him.
— You, of course, are wriggling around, trying to get comfortable in the awkward position, and it’s when you finally settle down onto his lap and he catches you by the waist to keep you from fully resting against him that you realize what has happened.
— He’s not meeting your eyes, simply looking out through the gaps in the rocks to watch the herd of beasts go by, but you can see his jaw tighten when you shift forward and out of his grip. When you move your hips down, a hand shoots out to still you with a grip that is nearly bruising.
“Stay still.”
— You’re a little surprised, he’s usually able to keep that sort of thing under control fairly well, but in retrospect, you can’t really blame him with all the moving around you were doing.
“Sorry,” you croak, suddenly mortified, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t mean to,” he says, “my body simply responded to the stimulation. It is always a possibility in such close quarters. Just stay still, please.”
— The rocks are digging into your knees, and despite his warning, you still try and shift for some relief, as slowly as you can, but he’s getting harder, and you can feel his hands scrambling for a grip on your hips and waist, and when he looks at you, the glint in his eyes is equal parts pleading and haggard.
— Slowly, teasingly, you roll your hips, and his head falls back against the wall of rocks behind it, eyes fluttering closed as you grind against him, the way he’s holding you so flush against him making the friction ever better.
“We shouldn’t,” he says, though his own protest sounds unconvincing as his voice drops several octaves lower, rough with lust, and especially so when his hips rise to press you even closer.
“Then why aren’t you stopping me?” You ask, wanting so badly to kiss him, and instead of answering you, he catches the back of your head, crushing your mouth against his.
— The buttons of your shirt are undone, his mouth is on your breasts as you fumble for the front of his shorts, struggling to get your own off, and he simply moves your panties aside after you’ve wrestled out of your clothing before yanking you down, stuffing you full of his thick cock.
— Your cries of pleasure are lost among the hoof beats of the Sumpter Beasts on the path above, and you share heated breath as you ride him, his hand on your waist to guide you along the length of his cock.
— His head dips down to watch where he disappears inside of you, and you feel his grip tighten on your body, feel him twitch inside of you, making you whimper.
— He’s sure to make you cum first, his thumb on your clit, muttering sweet filth into your skin as you come undone above him.
— You end up in that ravine longer than you excepted, if you couldn’t tell.
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— 𝘓𝘺𝘯𝘦𝘺
— Unlike the two others, I don’t think Lyney would be as private.
— A conversation with my good friend Paprika made me realize that Lyney is probably the type of guy who goes for what he wants, and if he was interested in someone, he’d likely just show that interest without beating around the bush.
— So I wouldn’t be surprised if he invited his s/o to sit on his lap, just casually, no matter where they were.
— It’s not even sexual, really, he just likes being close to the ones he loves, and you’re no exception. He loves holding you.
— He’s very romantic, too, I’d say. He knows just what to say to get you all weak in the knees. He loves you so much. The poor guy doesn’t have many people in his life who have shown him the love that you have, and he absolutely cherishes you.
— He’d even buy out all the seats in one of the upper boxes of the Opera Epiclese, just to have you all to himself, able to hold you close and tell you just how much he adores you in the dark of the grand auditorium.
— But he’s only human, and if you were to move just right while sitting in his lap, he’s going to have a reaction.
A soft chuckle tickled your ear in the silence, and you felt Lyney’s hands on your waist, gently holding you in place.
“Stay still, please, darling.”
— He wouldn’t really try and hide it, it’s kind of hard to when you’re right there.
— He’d bite back a gasp as you shift again, almost teasing him, shooting you a warning look.
“Can I help with that?”
A soft laugh, slightly strained. “And how would you do that?”
You pressed a kiss to the curve of his jaw. “Can I show you?”
He kisses your forehead. “As long as it’s quiet. We wouldn’t want to disturb the other patrons, would we?”
— You slip down from his lap and to the floor, where you kneel, between his knees. He’s seated in the farthest chair in the box, well hidden from sight if anyone were to look his way. You wouldn’t even be visible from that vantage point.
— He realizes what you’re doing and shifts his legs farther apart to accommodate you, and when you palm him through his slacks, you get the pleasure of watching the way his jaw tightens, breath drawn in sharply through his nose.
— You make short work of his belt and zipper, and he shifts his hips to let you tug his underwear down just enough to free his dick.
— He curses quietly when you wrap your hand around him, and when you begin to slowly stroke, his head tips back against the chair.
— When your mouth presses against his tip, you feel one gloved palm against the back of your head, urging you forward, lacing into your hair when you take him into your mouth.
— You feel him twitch against the roof of your mouth as you begin to bob your head, slow and steady, almost teasing, and you can hear him gasp softly above you, see him clamp one hand over his mouth as you watch him through your lashes.
— His grip tightens on your hair, groans muffled by the hand over his mouth, and you squeeze your thighs together, letting yourself moan around him, low and soft, and that’s enough to make his hips buck against your mouth. You know you’ll pay for that when you got home.
— You speed up, and his hand fists into your hair, desperate for any kind of purchase at all, and you hardly mind, especially when it leads to him shifting forward in his seat, forcing you to take more of him, gently guiding you back, only to fill your mouth once more.
— You loosen your throat and let him take control, using your mouth as he pleases, simply content with watching the way his face twists in pleasure, teeth digging into his knuckles as he tries desperately to stay quiet, and you can tell he’s close from the way he’s leaking into your mouth, his thighs shaking, grip growing borderline painful.
— He cums hard, gushing down your throat, and it’s a wonder he stays quiet during his climax, the effort of it all clearly taking a toll on him as you watch involuntary frustrated tears bead at the corner of his eyes and catch in his pale lashes.
— You pull off as he softens, licking your lips and making a show of swallowing, something he watches with heavy-lidded, hungry eyes.
— Cheekily, you settle back into the seat with him after he tucks himself away again, careful to avoid bumping against him.
— Yeah, you didn’t end up getting much sleep after you got home that night.
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The fact that this took as long as it did haunts me and I am so sorry.
ALSO I GET TO SEE PAPRIKA IN PERSON THIS FALL YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I’m so excited, and I will probably cry.
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Don't know if anyone asked but what would the yandere's reaction be to the reader patching them up after they get injured?
Warnings: mentions of cuts, blood, killing, yandere, feeling depressed? (I'm not sure what to call it)
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He is strongly against you seeing him in this kind of condition. He’s supposed to be your protector, supposed to take care of you … not the other way around. But you manage to push him down on the toilet and start to clean his wounds while he hisses and curses, although afterwards, he’ll shower you in kisses and tell you how grateful he is.
“You’re not supposed to — fuck — do this. I can take care of myself, you know. Give me that — oh motherfucker — that disinfectant and I’ll do it myself. Yes, I am happy that you’re worried about me, but this isn’t my proudest moment, baby. Let me spare some damn dignity.”
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Dr Kry: 
He has cut his palm deeply on one of his sharp tools while cleaning up after a surgery. He returns to your room where he keeps all of his stuff. His hands are shaking too much to be able to clean it. You decide to help him before he bleeds out. Dr Kry guides you through the process to make sure you do everything as you should.
“Take that and pat it on my hand. Be careful though, that disinfectant is pretty strong. Ouch — I’m fine, don’t worry. Then you have to take the bandage and wrap it around my hand nad wrist. Don’t wrap it until my hand turns blue, but make sure that its tight. Good job, Y/N. I think I’m good now. But now you need to get back to bed, you know that you shouldn’t be out too much … as a thank you, I can get you dessert after dinner, alright?”
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King Edmund:
Cut in the shoulder by a sword. An enemy had caught him in a vulnerable moment. You sit him down on the side of the bed and remove his shirt before starting to clean the wound. Edmund groans and throws his head back to avoid seeing the mess. Although complaining a lot, he doesn’t want anyone else treating him. No one but you are worthy enough to touch his body.
“Hurry up, please! For the love of all mighty, aren’t you done soon? I’m going to die! Yes, I am, you wouldn’t know. I’m going to mangle that scum who had the nerve to dislocate my shoulder. Y/N, you are going to take care of me until I’m well again, won’t you? You have to. I’m your king … your husband. You need to take care of me.”
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Another one who’s extremely against you seeing her in this condition. She tries to push you away when you try to help her, but she’s too weak. In the end, you manage to corner her in the bathroom and treat her bloody wounds. For once, her hard demeanor seem to fall. She’s quiet, limp. You ask what’s on her mind, fearing for why she’s not being her normal dramatic, sarcastic self.
“I honestly thought that I was going to die … I have never been so … scared before. I’m pathetic, aren’t I? Yes, I am. Don’t try to tell me otherwise. I know it already. You should have left me alone, Y/N. You shouldn’t patch me up. You should have left me to die. I love you. I know I don’t say that a lot, I just wanted you to … know. Sorry for being a pathetic pussy … I just … nevermind.”
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She’s crying while you clean the wound on her cheek. She had been shaving off some baby hairs — a trick she’d seen online — but had been too uncertain, resulting in her cutting herself. You clean it softly and place a bandaid over it. 
“I look so ugly, don’t I? I can’t go to school like this! People will laugh at me. Everyone will know that i tried to shave and that I couldn’t do it. Please stay with me, Y/N, stay with me forever. You’re the only one who doesn’t care what I look like. It doesn’t look … that bad … right? I never want to be without you, i dont think i could do it.”
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
Shadows and Sins (Ruhn Danaan x Reader)
Takes place pre HOFAS
My masterlist
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for so long and guess what I GAVE HIM A BIKE HAHA biketok girls we ride at dawn. 
Summary: All is fair in love and war… (enemies to lovers inspired by House of Balloons by The Weeknd) 
Warnings: SA, intoxication, banter
Word count: 3981
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Prince, starborn, bad boy, party animal, loose cannon and playboy, those were the words typically used to describe Ruhn Danaan. 
Asshole, spoiled brat, antagonizing, vexing and unfortunately handsome…those were the words I used to describe my best friend's brother.
Ruhn came into my life about a year ago when I started working at the archives with his younger sister Bryce, who I became friends with almost instantly. He came in one day demanding to speak to Bryce and since I thought he was just some lovesick guy like all the others who came panting after the redhead I promptly told him off. It wasn’t until 30 minutes of fighting back and forth that Bryce returned from lunch with Hunt that I found out I was wrong, and the prince never let me live it down. 
Since then, we were like oil and water, order and chaos, and love and war. Though I suppose all was fair when it came to that. 
We fought whenever we saw one another, which was often since him and Bryce had become reacquainted. At first she hated our squabbling, but with Athalar’s calming presence in her life she had grown to use it as free entertainment. So when the bell over the door to archives rang and her laugh echoed subsequently I knew I was in for a fight… 
“Brought your wallet,” called the voice I dreaded to hear. “You gotta stop leaving it at my place.”
“Thanks Ruhn,” Bryce chirped, confirming the worst. 
Sure enough I turned around to find Ruhn Danaan waltzing in like he owned the place, which I sure he could if he wanted to, he was a prince after all not that you could ever tell. In all the fairytales I had read as a little girl the prince’s always wore fine tunics and rode on white horses. But Ruhn opted for a black t-shirt and a speed bike and unfortunately if he had been anyone but who he is I would’ve found that incredibly hot.
“I still don’t know why you insist upon hanging out with the rabble,” Ruhn said to Bryce leaning his forearms against the countertop. 
Bryce shoots her brother a look that begs him to behave himself for once in his life, and part of me thought I should be the bigger person and not fight back. But I wasn’t a bigger person-I was a petty bitch, and I’ll be damned if I let Ruhn Danaan come into my place of employment and talk smack to me. 
“It’s probably because she needs at least one acquaintance who doesn’t need someone to wipe his ass for him,” I said with a fake smile, continuing to polish the silver chalice in my hand.
Bryce snorts as she shoves her wallet into her purse. Both of us turn to her to find her trying to hide her giggle at my comment. 
I cross my arms over my chest giving Ruhn a self satisfied look and as usual he won’t let me win that easily. 
“Funny you should mention it. I've been looking for someone else who would wipe it for me. Interested? I’m sure you’d love the view,” he smirks that godsdammned lip ring making an appearance. 
“One of these days I’m going to rip that ring right out of your lip,” I growl bracing my arms on the counter like I might do it right now. 
“Oh the women of Crescent City would weep at the loss of my beloved lip ring, they do so love when it grazes their-” 
“That’s enough!” Bryce shouts pushing Ruhn towards the door. “I do not want to hear about your bedroom activities!” 
“Same here I just ate lunch!” I shout from behind the desk. 
“Please, you're begging for more images of me to get off to!” Ruhn shouts from the threshold of the door as Bryce continues to push him. 
“If I wanted to see mediocre fucking I’m sure there’s a website for it!” I holler as Bryce closes the door. 
I smirk and waggle my fingers at him as he bangs on the door. Once again I got the last word and oh boy did it feel good. 
Bryce didn’t walk away from the door until the revving of Ruhn’s bike could be heard taking off down the road. She turned to me with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. My lip twitched up in amusement and her scorned look broke as both of us roared with laughter.
“Okay I have to admit the ass wiping bit was pretty good,” she chortled, coming around to help me polish again. 
“You like that one? I’ve been saving it.” I laugh remembering the look on his face when his own sister laughed at him. 
“I still hate that you two fight, but at least it’s like getting my own comedy show now,” she shakes her head. 
We finish our polishing in peace, talking over last night's episode of Fangs and Bangs, and our raucous plans for tonight. It was friday, which meant girls night was happening at The White Raven. It was honestly my favorite day of the week, I looked forward to it more than I cared to admit. Society called us vicious party girls, but how bad were we really? 
“So I’ll meet you there at 10?” Bryce asks, locking up the shop. 
“Yeah what are you wearing though?” I ask rummaging through my bag for the key to the lock on my scooter.
“I was going to wear that red silk dress, you know the one Hunt tried to tear off me,” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Ooo someones playing dirty trying to get laid tonight,” I muse, if Bryce did one thing well it was ruffle Hunt’s feathers everytime he had to pick her up after a girls night. 
“Like I even have to try that hard anymore,” she laughs tucking the keys into her bag. 
“Oh how I wish I had a man to carry me home from the bar and dick me down afterwards,” I sigh with fake longing, though we both know I was telling the truth.
“Prince Charming is out there and who knows you might meet him tonight,” she smiles as she begins to walk towards her apartment. “Wear the black and silver dress!” she calls back. 
I shake my head and continue walking towards the other side of town. I hadn’t planned to wear the black and silver dress tonight but Bryce was never wrong about fashion, so black and silver it was. 
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The White Raven was alive and bouncing per usual. Couples coupling in dark corners, some drunk girls grinding on each other wearing bachelorette tiaras, men shouting at their friends to finish their beers. Among those rowdy men, Ruhn Danaan. 
He had kindly greeted Bryce and unkindly greeted me when he first arrived. Bryce promptly shooed him off letting him know that it was girls night and he said he’d rather chew glass than stick around. While he was across the bar it didn’t help with the awareness that he was there. 
Normally girls nights were carefree, Bryce and I might end up dancing on a bartop and of course they would call the Umbra Mortis to haul us over his shoulders. Sometimes we would kick Hunt out his own bed and force him to sleep on the couch so us girls could have a “sleep over”. 
Tonight was different. The last thing I needed was to commit some atrocious behavior that Ruhn could put in his arsenal of insults. I could already hear him jesting about how I made out with a lion shifter or fell over on the dancefloor. So Bryce and I stuck to sitting at the bar, sipping our drinks and talking shit like sophisticated women.  
Two drinks turned to four, and four turned to six. The colorful lights only made my head spin faster as I downed the rest of my drink. I looked to my right to find Bryce’s nearly untouched. Athalar had showed up about ten minutes ago after our bartender told him we were approaching being cut off. Of course the moment Bryce saw him all bet were off… she now stood with her tongue down his throat and he didn’t seem inclined to protest. Turns out she was right about that red dress. 
I roll my eyes and grab her martini and down it slamming it back on the bartop, not like she was going to need it.
“Bryce I’m heading out,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. 
She gave me a thumbs up as Hunt moved from her lips to her neck. I just shook my head and grabbed my purse. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go home alone, she had my location and we always kept tabs on one another.
The second I stood on my feet all the alcohol rushed to my head, and I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself. I looked at my barstool and thought about sobering up, but the last thing I wanted to see was the mate makeout session, so I shook my head to try and clear my mind and sauntered out towards the door. 
The night air did little to sober me up, and my stilettos didn’t help with the wobbling. I pulled out my phone to try and find a ride home, but when the rideshare app quoted me $100 to go two miles I shoved my phone back in my purse with a huff and started walking towards my apartment. Like hell I was paying that for two miles.
My heels clicked on the pavement, echoing off the alley walls. Suddenly another pair of shoes echoed off the walls as well, not light and feminine steps, big clunky shoes. 
“Where are you going darling?” crooned a voice I didn’t recognize. 
I tried my best to pick up the pace, but the nature of my delicate shoes did little to give me any sort of advantage. My hands fumble with my purse trying to pull out the pepper spray Hunt got me for my birthday last year but those last two drinks were starting to catch up with me and my world was spinning. 
I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders and slam me against the wall of the White Raven. My purse falls to the ground and I’m met with a pair of brown eyes. The guy had a backwards sunball hat and a blue shirt and he reeked of liquor. 
“Come on baby it’s not safe for pretty things like you to be out here,” he slurred, his body pressing closer to me. 
I cringe at the smell of his breath, “Get off of me creep!” I shout hoping that the alley isn’t that empty. 
My hands try to push him off but my intoxicated nature doesn't allow for much dexterity on my part.  
“Oh come on sweetheart don’t be that way,” he mumbled drunkenly, attaching his mouth to my neck. 
I try to push him off once more but I wobble, uneasy on my shoes. His hands fall from the small of my waist to the hem of my dress and I feel my blood run ice cold. 
“NO!” I shout scrumbling to get the sleeze off me. 
A hand grabs the back of the males collar and the sound of a fit making contact with his jaw reverberates through the alley as the male hits the ground. I stand shocked with my hands over my mouth as Ruhn Danaan shakes out the hand that delivered the punch and kicks the limp male. 
“You okay?” he asks nonchalantly, giving me a once over. 
I stand there still too stunned to speak, my eyes wandering from the male on the ground to Ruhn standing there with that damned black t-shirt clinging to his torso. 
He bends down to pick up my purse and shoves it into my arms. The gesture that finally breaks me out of shock. 
“T-thank you,” I mutter, still a little slow. 
“Where’s Bryce?” he asks looking around the alley, the sound of the club music inside still booming. 
I push myself off the wall stumbling a bit, “Inside sucking face with Athalar,” I slurr. 
“Thanks for the visual,” Ruhn purses his lips.
I straighten myself up and take a deep breath trying to act as sober as possible which probably was making me seem even more drunk, but I had to at least try. 
“Well thank you for uh…that,” I say gesturing towards the man still unconscious on the pavement. “I’ll see you around I guess.” 
I start wobbling down the alleyway once more, blinking my eyes rapidly to get my mind to clear and focus on walking home. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going princess?” he croons. 
Princess. Gods that fucking nickname. Most people would use it as a compliment or a pet name, but Ruhn knew how it drove me insane. He claimed I was just a spoiled princess one time and when I freaked out and yelled at him about it he proceeded to make that his nickname for me.
“I’m going home,” I sneer, trying to walk as best I can. 
“Like hell you’re walking home alone,” he growls, gripping my arm.
My eyes fly too the tattooed hand on my arm, and then up to those violet blue eyes that sparked with rage. 
“I do it all the time I’m fine,” I growl trying to rip my arm out of his grasp but I only succeed in making myself stumble more. 
He steadies me before speaking again, “Stop I’ll give you a ride,” he says motioning to his blacked out R1 parked in the alley. 
“I am not getting on that death trap with you after you’ve been drinking,” I scoff. 
“I’m not drunk, I don’t get drunk in public, it’s bad for appearances,” he says, irritation flitting across his unfairly handsome features. 
“Then how do I know you’re not going to dump me into Istros?” I sneer and the muscle in his jaw ticks and I can tell it’s taking everything in him not to fire back at me. 
“Because Bryce and I are finally on good terms and I’m pretty sure she would never forgive me if something happened to her best friend,” he explained, his words cold as ice. 
Maybe I was stupid, maybe I was drunk, maybe I was just cold and wanted to go home, but I actually believed him.
“Fine, let's go,” I say, walking towards his bike. 
I had to admit I always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Now riding on the back of Ruhn’s while I was drunk wasn’t exactly the time I wanted to do it, but I suppose beggars couldn’t be choosers. The bike was large and completely blacked out, if the moon hadn’t illuminated it just right I wouldn’t have been able to see it. 
Ruhn approaches the bike and starts the engine, every movement is like second nature to him. He takes the helmet off the seat and goes to put it on himself but then stops, turns to me, and punks it down on my head. The darkness of the visor mixed with the late hour making it impossible to see. I huff and flip it up, giving him a pointed glare. 
“I don’t have both helmets so this will have to do,” he says studying the way it fits me a little big. 
Tattooed fingers brush under my chin, tilting it up so he can buckle the strap for me. I would protest and say I’m capable of doing it myself but in my drunken state I’m not so sure. When he clips the buckle it pinches my skin for a moment and I yip.
“Ouch you pinched me!” I yelp smacking him in the arm. 
“Well if you stopped squirming I wouldn’t have pinched you,” he smirks, throwing his leg over the bike. “Now swing your leg over the bike and put your feet on these pegs,” he instructs me. 
I do as I’m told, using his broad shoulders as support as standing on one leg, drunk, in stilettos was never a good idea. Once I’m seated I keep my hands on his shoulders lightly and my bum on the edge of the seat, putting as much distance away from each other as possible. 
“You gotta hold on or you’ll fall off sweetheart,” he laughs, somehow finding humor in the precarious situation we’re in. 
“Yeah fucking right, like I’m going to wrap my arms around you like a little lovesick puppy,” I huff. “Just drive.” 
He shakes his head and revs the engine making the bike jerk forward. The momentum has my bum moving further into the seat and my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle, like I was afraid to fall off.
“There we go much better,” he smirks before revving the engine a couple of times. “Hold on tight princess.” 
I’m not given another warning before he speeds out onto the streets. Thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars and people out this late at night, but it doesn’t stop the crown prince from weaving around traffic that is there. He goes so fast I feel compelled to hold onto him with a deathgrip. 
By the time we pull up to my apartment my stomach is queasy. I swing my leg off the bike and nearly fall over until Ruhn catches my arms and hauls me up. 
“Woah there princess, maybe we better keep the helmet on, you’re a walking liability.” he laughs clearly enjoying seeing me in a vulnerable moment. 
“Take it off,” I grumble as I stand up straight again. 
He repeats the motion from earlier, tilting up my chin to help me take the damned thing off instead this time he ruffles my hair when he’s done. 
“You did pretty good for your first time as a backpack,” he smirks as I glare at him. 
I go to walk up my front steps and slip on my damned heels again, the ones that were definitely going to the back of the closet after this outing. Arm wraps under my shoulders and I feel Ruhn helping me up the steps to my second floor apartment. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can make it,” I grumble. 
“Trying to stay in Bryce’s good graces remember,” he says as I fumble with my keys.
My apartment wasn’t the nicest. It wasn’t a dump by any means, I did my best to keep it homey and clean, but it also wasn’t as nice as Bryce’s. Well I suppose Bryce and Hunt’s apartment now. God she was definitely having a better night than me. 
I walk inside and go to close the door but that damned tattooed hand stops me. 
“Not going to invite me in? That’s not very friendly,” Ruhn tuts walking right past me.
I scoff at him, walking in like he owns the place. Part of me wants to drag him out by his ear, but the logical part of me bends over to get myself out of these death trap shoes. I throw them across the room as punishment for their crimes tonight. 
When I walk further into my apartment I find Ruhn has completely made himself at home by grabbing a beer out of my refrigerator and cracking it open. 
“Are you serious?” I scoff walking to the sink across from him and getting myself a glass of water. 
“Consider it payment for the free ride home, I’ll take my thanks at any time you know?” he says smugly, taking another sip.
“Thank you for the ride,” I sigh. “Now will you please go?” 
He furrows his brows, “And waste a freshly opened beer? I don’t think so.” he says. 
I lean against the counter adjacent to him and sip my water. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the male. This was just like Ruhn, finding simple ways to get under my skin. I hated the fact that I liked the way he looked in my kitchen, black t-shirt in jeans, hair tied to the nape of his neck. 
Ruhn’s eyes flicker with amusement and then he chuckles, “I really do get under that delicate skin of yours don’t I princess?” he croons. 
“I told you. Don’t. Call. Me. Princess.” I snap at him, oh god if looks could kill. 
He pushes himself off  the counter, “Then stop fucking acting like one,”  he says low prowling forward with every step. 
The closer he gets the taller he looms. I know this little scare tactic, him trying to invade my space and make me feel small. It’s not like I have much of a choice either, not with the way my back is pressed into the counter. 
I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the expensive cologne pouring off him but there’s something about the way he’s looking at me that is so damn arousing. A fucked up part of me wanted him to stick his tongue down my throat but I quickly threw that thought away. 
He was mere inches away from me when I started to think he would do just that. My pulse raced and my thighs clenched. But when his arm reached up brushing the shell of my ear it just kept reaching until it came to the top shelf of my cabinets and plucked the bag of chips off the shelf. 
My shoulders sag as I realize he was just reaching for a snack to go with his beer, and I mentally cursed myself for hoping it would be more. 
He chuckles, opening the bag of chips and popping one into his mouth, not moving from where he stood just inches away from me. He clearly was loving this little power trip he was on. 
“You look disappointed, princess,” he chuckles, fishing another chip from the bag. 
I roll my eyes and look to the side, unable to meet the predatory gaze that almost had me throwing my moral code out the window just minutes ago. 
His hand drifts under my chin pulling my gaze to his as he takes a step forward again. 
“Did you think I was going to kiss you?” he asks low, his thumb and forefinger pinching my chin so I can’t look away. 
I swallow the lump in my throat. My logic screams to shove him, my alcohol induced brain says to kiss him and my mouth can’t find the words to speak. 
Ruhn smiles, lowering his head to me, “Maybe I should kiss you, it would be good to shut you up,” he laughs, voice gravely. 
His lips are so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breath, I swear the cool metal of that damn lip ring brushes my mouth. My body leans forward of its own accord but then he reaches his other hand up and pops another chip in his mouth thoroughly running the moment.
“No I don’t think I will kiss you, even though it’s clear that you want me to,” he smiles, that damn knee wobbling smile he gives every woman to bring them to their knees. 
I stand in a state of shock as he back up to his side of the kitchen again, he plucks his keys off the counter and twirls them in his hand as he walks towards the front door. 
“Have a good night, princess,” he says on the way out, putting an emphasis on the name that drives me crazy. 
I’m left standing alone in my kitchen, glass of water long since forgotten and mouth agape. Ruhn Danaan almost just kissed me, and the fucked up part of it was I wanted him to.
part 2 coming... Lmk if you want to be on the taglist for this little mini series.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202, @batboyrhyrhy , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark, @cheneyq, @readingislife2006, @tincanhat, @shadowofazriel, @tumblgirlie0210, @panther-girl-124, @callsigns-haze
(if you are on my permanent taglist and you don't want to be just let me know! I'm not offended!)
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
watching her sleep ❦︎ Vampire Next Door ♱✮♱ Miguel O'Hara x reader prev part Miguel's pov
She shows up at my door accusing me of having been drunk, of stumbling into her apartment with bloody hands. She heard the screams. I keep my wounds hidden, forearms crossed over each other. 
I comb through my memory, trying to think of how it might have looked.
After I dropped off anomaly #1 at headquarters, and after my little talk with Jess, I lingered on top of the apartment building with the annoyingly heightened urge to protect the people who live here. No big deal.
There was a fight in the alley below and I told myself I wouldn’t interfere unless necessary. I watch for a bit, observing the two men arguing and throwing weak, drunk punches at each other. It looked like a fair fight.
I climb along the side of the building, heading towards my window sill, when I feel the need to check on new girl. If she’s bothered by the noise, I’ll interfere. 
I creep down slowly, looking through her windows until I reach her bedroom. There she is. Peaceful and beautiful. She’s laying on her side, wrapped up in her comforter. I hope she’s not too cold. It’s raining hard tonight. 
The commotion in the alley grows, and now she’s tossing and turning in bed, her slumber disrupted by these inconsiderate assholes.
That’s it. They’re waking up the whole goddamn building. 
I crawl down the slippery walls, then stop when my watch buzzes. It’s an anomaly and I’m headed right towards it. I get closer trying to scope what I’m going up against, then realize they’re … twins? 
I jump down, startling both of them into separating. They both look up at me, surrendering, giving me the exact same face of fear.  
“Huh, twins, you couldn’t find another spot to fight? You’re waking up the whole damn building!” 
“Holy shit! It’s Spider–”
“Shut up, let’s keep this brief. What’s the issue here?”
“He showed up at my place! He’s trying to steal my fucking wife, steal my life!” one man accuses, shoving at the other.
“He was in my bed! Sleeping next to my wife!” he slurs, drunk off his ass.
“I can fix this, but you’ll have to come with me,”
“The hell I am, this is my home. This man is an imposter … and who are you supposed to be? F-fucking creep in a onesie!”
“Your home isn’t here, bud. I’ll take you there. Don’t be difficult.”
He shoves me, lazily, then starts running. 
“You’re going to take care of him, right?” the original idiot asks, watching his alternate self run off.
“Coño,” I exhale, running a hand over my mask.
“Yes just … you stay here, okay? Here.”
I run down the alley and turn right to see the idiot sprinting for his life, but failing, drunk and stumbling. I shoot web at him and pull him towards me. He starts screaming bloody murder.
“Spider-Creep is trying to kill me! Someone–” I web his mouth shut.
I drag him back to the alley, where the original guy is standing, waiting anxiously in the rain.
“You can’t talk about this ever, okay? If word gets out, he– he’ll come back, and steal your wife. Got it? This never happened.”
“What are you gonna do to him?”
“Return him,” I mutter, distracted by the beeping coming from my wrist.
I look down to a flashing “LOW BATTERY” warning. It won’t be enough to make the jump.
“Fuck me. Change of plans. He’ll be staying at my place for ten minutes, until this charges up,”
“Gosh, Spider-Man, it’s been an honor to meet you!” he breathes out, bowing to me. 
“Yeah, uhh sorry for the stress … you caused … you. I’ll take it from here,” I mutter, throwing the webbed man over my shoulder. 
“Take care of him– me, take care of me!” he yells running down the street. I nod. 
I wait for the original to run completely down the street and around the corner, then slowly crawl along the building to my window. 
He doesn’t resist. He’s drunk and seemingly falling asleep. I finally lay him on the floor of my living room, and rush to my bedroom to charge the batteries. 
Once I’ve hooked it up, I head back to the living room. He isn’t there. I turn around, searching for the slithering imposter.
I hear a grunt then look around the kitchen counter to find him lying on the floor, cutting through the webbing with a pocket knife. 
“Estúpido, you’re going to need more than a pocket knife to cut through that.” 
His arms are glued to the side of his body, but he still squirms, threatening me with the short blade. 
He slithers towards the door, the door that has six different locks on it. I let him entertain me; the batteries are still charging and I need something to pass time.
“You’re drunk. Can you just sit still and you know, be drunk?” I ask, looking down at him kicking against my door. 
He bangs the door harder then starts to scream, muffled through the red webbing. “¡Cállate! For fuck’s sake–” I grab his feet and drag him towards the bathroom. 
He sits up, taking stabs at my ankles. My suit glitches, somehow reacting to his stabs.
“What the fuck?” I look down at the malfunction. 
I reach for the knife; he jolts his body towards me, stabbing at my grasp, his blade dragging down my wrists and palms as I pull away. He cut through the nanoparticles. 
“How the fuck is this happening?” I look down at the blood trickling down my wrists. 
“I’m trying to take you home, pinche güey! Do you not want to see your fucking wife again? Are you having marital problems? Fuck off.”
I shoot web at the knife, gluing it to the wall behind him. 
“¡Idiotas como tú me hacen odiar mi puta vida!” idiots like you make me hate my fucking life
“Cabrón, cabrón, cabrón.” I stumble to the sink, washing the blood from my hands. It’s bad. 
“¿Por qué lo intento?” why do I try?
He starts screaming again, his voice muffled, but louder. I close my eyes, hovering over the sink, holding pressure to the slashes on my wrists. 
I storm over to him and punch him hard enough to knock him out, soft enough not to kill him.
He’s awakened the whole building. I’m sure of it.
My mind wanders to new girl.
I shake my head at the urge to check on her, looking down at the blood on my suit. She’s fine. She’s asleep. Leave her be.
But, what if… 
I deactivate my malfunctioning suit quickly, pulling on normal clothes then head for the window. It’s still pouring. 
I climb over to her window, the rain drenching me. 
I stand on the fire escape, blood dripping down to my fingertips and onto the stairs. 
I feel the anger burn in my cheeks. Tonight has been a test of my patience. 
I look in. She’s tossing and turning still. I wipe the window, the rain blurring my view. Her eyebrows are knit together as she moves under her sheets. Is she … okay? Is she sick? 
The rain pours down. I slowly slide the window up. It’s unlocked. 
I slowly climb in. I know I’m in the wrong. I know this is fucked, but it’s instinctual. My body is on autopilot, out of my control, and now
I’m here 
in her room. 
and it’s too late to turn back.
I watch her turn over, muttering quietly into the sheets. She’s just dreaming. She’s okay. It’s okay.
She suddenly stops muttering, lying quietly, beautifully tranquil. 
Her state of slumber pulls a sigh out of me. All of the anger drips off of me, I’m cleansed of my frustration, and for a second, I feel as at peace as she seems to be.
I look down at soaked cotton, annoyingly clinging to my skin. My hair drips down onto my face, I comb it back, then notice the blood and rain mixing on my fingers.
I look down at my hands, my wrists bleeding down, coating them. Shit. 
I look up to find her staring at me through squinted, sleepy eyes.  
She turns to turn on the lamp. 
I leap out pulling the window down against the beating rain. My claws scratch the surface of the window as I pull it down, my guard still up. 
I stand away from the window, my back pressed up against the wall. I wait for a moment before slowly peeking back in through the fogged up glass. She’s sat up, looking at the corner I stood in. She takes a deep breath then lies back down, pulling the sheets over her, trying to fall back asleep.
I turn away, pressing my back against the wall. I wince at this mess of a night. 
I was watching her sleep. The anomaly twin was right. 
I am a fucking creep. 
next chapter here
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daisynik7 · 1 year
hello !! can i make a smutty reiner request of married life and reiners a dad ? can be angsty if you want . you’re a genius when it comes to writing . i’ll love anything you write down (i always do)!!
Pairing: husband!Reiner x f!reader
cw: established relationship, smut – PIV sex (missionary), cunnilingus, fingering, breeding kink, Reiner is a daddy!, fluff, very light angst (reader feels self-conscious after giving birth), talk about weight gain/loss (not much)
Author’s Note: Sweet nonnie, you are too kind. Thank you for the request and I hope you like this! Short, sweet, and of course, smutty. Enjoy! Divider by @/cafekitsune.
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“She said dada! She said dada!” Reiner cheers at the kitchen table, spoonful of mushy carrots in his hand, feeding your daughter in her highchair. 
You stand beside them, smiling. “Can you make her do it again?”
“Kara, can you say dada? Dada?” She blinks at him, giggling, tiny hand reaching for the spoon. He gives it to her, chuckling. “I guess she got stage fright once mommy showed up.” He turns to you, giving you a cocky smirk. 
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
“Yup. You’re putting too much pressure on her. You gotta let it come out naturally, y’know?”
You sit next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, sighing. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“You okay?” he asks, concerned.
You nod silently, eyes closed. He sets his hand on your knee, squeezing lightly. “Hey, seriously, what’s wrong?”
Fingers intwined in his, you answer, “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“Uh-oh. That’s definitely a lie,” he teases.
You nudge him in the ribs playfully. “Shut up.”
“Seriously, sweetie. What is it? Tell me.”
After a deep breath, you confess, “I’ve just been feeling a little self-conscious lately.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know. It’s been over a year now and I still haven’t lost any of the baby weight. It seems like with all my friends, they were able to shed it after a year. But it’s been hard for me. I don’t know.”
He doesn’t respond right away, thinking carefully about what he wants to say. Eventually, he comments, “I know you won’t believe me, but you’re more beautiful now than ever before.”
You laugh. “You have to say that. You’re my husband.”
“But have I ever lied to you?”
It doesn’t take you long to answer because he actually never has. “No, you haven’t.”
He nuzzles his head against yours. “Listen to me: Every single day we’re together, I fall deeper in love with you. In fact, every single minute, every second, you’re on my mind. And all I can think about is how lucky I am to be with you. And the fact that she,” he points to Kara, “came out of you shows that you are the most beautiful. Honestly, our baby is the prettiest, therefore, you are also the prettiest. It’s basic science.”
Your heart swells in your chest, tears filling your eyes. With a smooch on the cheek, you tell him, “You’re so corny, you know that?”
He faces you to give you a kiss. “And…?”
“I love you. So much.”
“That’s my girl,” he coos. He presses his lips to your forehead. “You dazzle me constantly. I truly mean that.”
Later that night, with Kara sleeping peacefully in her crib, Reiner proves to you how beautiful you are. 
The both of you are naked in bed, your legs spread wide for him with his head between, sucking at your throbbing clit. He’s always been good at this, but tonight, he gives it to you like never before, desperate to show you how much he desires you. He laps at your wet cunt, collecting your slick to smear it over your bud. He shakes his head, spreading his tongue wide on you to lick every sensitive inch. And he doesn’t stop when you whine that it’s, “too much,” or “too sensitive,” because he’ll be damned if he lets his gorgeous wife feel insecure ever again. He wants it ingrained in you how much he cherishes you, body, soul, every fiber of your being. 
He slides his fingers into your pussy, slipping in easily from your orgasms. Curling at the tips, he hits your G-spot, sucking on your clit, smirking as you twitch from the stimulation. 
“Fuck! Baby! I –”              
“It’s okay, honey,” he muffles, mouth still latched to you. “You can come again. Don’t be shy. Give it to me.”
Your body buzzes with ecstasy, radiating all the way down to your toes. He finally removes himself from you, lightly tapping on your swollen bud with slippery fingers. “You’re beautiful. I love seeing you like this.”
“Rei,” you whimper, twisting your legs around him, eager for his cock.
“Not yet, sweetie. Let me worship you a little while longer.” He leans down, kissing your stomach, tracing your stretch marks with his tongue. You watch him, running your fingers through his hair. “I love every single thing about you,” he whispers, trailing up to your breast, suckling at your nipple. “Every part of this gorgeous body.”
He explores your curves and peaks, the crook of your neck, the inside of your mouth, until he guides himself inside you, pumping his cock into your pussy. You wrap your legs around his waist, clinging to him tightly, wanting to melt into him. He continues to kiss you sloppily, dribbling his spit into your mouth. “Fuck, sweetie,” he moans, his thrusts increasing in pace. “I’m so close.”
“Fill me up, Rei. Please.”
“You want me to fuck another baby in you? Want me to make this cute belly round again, huh? Fuck, I can’t wait. I can’t wait, honey. You’re so beautiful, fuck.” He spills inside you, cock spurting his load into your womb. He watches as he slowly pulls out, enjoying the sight of your throbbing pussy gushing with his cum. 
As big spoon, he cuddles you, sliding his arm over your waist, kissing the back of your neck, dewy with perspiration. “I love you, beautiful. I hope you don’t get tired of me saying that.”
You squeeze his hand in yours, smiling. “Never.” 
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thrasher-slashers · 2 years
Slashers with a Thicc S/O
Basically, a few slashers with a plus sized S/o- some basic relationship HCs sprinkled in- kinda requested by a friend?
Some body dysmorphia
Mainly fluff :)))
Pronouns=They/Them (G/N reader)
I am a plus sized person myself- but I’m still not the best writer! Bare with me if something’s don’t make sense!
Kinda OOC
Bo Sinclair
Holy shit-
Loves your thighs- wether squishy or muscle, loves them
Will pinch your fat, thinks it’s cute
* Lays his head on your legs, a lot…maybe play with his hair???
* He definitely won’t complain…
* If your self couscous about your size? This man will go ham on anyone that says a w o r d.
* He will hype you up to the best of his one tracked southern mind-
* Chubby chaser!!!
* You have stretch marks? Nice! He likes tiger stripes!
* Bo doesn’t say words much to show how he feels, but he try’s his damn best- “Darlin’ I’ll love you, no matter how you feel about yourself.”
* Lots…. I mean… lots of hickeys.
* Your both pretty warm natured,, so summer cuddles are usually a no go- rip.
Lester Sinclair
* Type of mf to squish your cheeks
* “Sorry honey, you just look so cute!”
* Another chubby chaser!
* Pick him up and cuddle him- we know this man is a stick, and couldn’t even pick up one of his brothers if he tried-
* Thigh appreciator, amen.
* Will glow in pride with you by his side!
* Will fight a hoe if they make any comment towards you what so ever-
* Hopes you’d do the same!
* “LOOK AT MY PARTNER!” Lookin ass
* Shows you off, knows he scored big!
* Lots of kisses, all over your body, won’t stop- seriously, you think you have marks on your forehead from him.
* Secretly wants you to crush his head between your thighs… don’t tell anyone.
Vincent Sinclair
* Yet again, like his brothers- a chubby chaser.
* Yes, he draws you a lot, obviously- he thinks your fucking stunning!
* Will ask for you to pose for him, if your comfortable with that of course. If your not good at staying still? Don’t worry! He has a camera!
* Squeezes you- a lot, but he’s gentle-
* Loves how warm you are! His hands are normally cold, he enjoys when you hold them :)
* Will cry if you call him beautiful-
* Literally a whore for your attention, pay attention to him- please- he’ll do anything!
* Likes to touch and feel you a lot, it isn’t inherently sexual? But if that’s what it turns into…
* Makes you little trinkets to carry :)
* Will blush r e d if you play with his hair in anyway
* “I will cherish you will all my heart, Love.”
* Please- please- call him a pretty boy- he will d i e.
Thomas Hewitt
* Enamored. Loves you a normal amount… totally.
* Thomas, as a chubby person himself- actually appreciates the chub more on you then himself!
* Caresses you a lot, just likes physical touch- just being near him makes him happy.
* Likes the way your stretch marks feel under his fingers- odd fixation- but still.
* Not the best at showing how he feels- he just holds you and hopes you get the message-
* Actually will pummel Hoyt if he ever makes any derogatory comment towards you.
* Doesn’t let you near the ‘visitors’ very much, he deems them as a threat to your safety.
* The family likes you, your cool 👍
* Give this man a massage, he’s very tense all the time… he will greatly appreciate it!
* Not a PDA person, but in private- he’s all over you.
* Likes to play with your hair, no matter the texture, it’s you, and he likes that.
* Doesn’t say much, but when he does, he means it. “I Love You.”
Bubba Sawyer
* You??? Love him??? It still surprises him everyday!
* Dotes and fusses over you a lot, very worried about you- for no real reason- he just wants you safe and happy.
* Your bigger like him!!! Now he won’t crush you! :D
* like Thomas, he likes to caress and touch you a lot, he will mumble incoherent things to you, in hopes you get what he’s trying to say.
* Squeals at you a lot, thinks your the most beautiful thing ever, won’t let his brothers even THINK of being mean to you.
* Has actually hit Drayton over the head for an out of pocket comment.
* Kiss him, anywhere, he’ll be so happy!
* Tried to make you a mask at one point- realized you probably won’t like another persons skin on your face- so he used fabric.
* Will cuddle with you no matter the weather- freezing? Holding his arms open. 100+ degrees? Shut up and cuddle, you can sweat it out.
* Likes to sleep with you on top of him, like a weighted blanket.
* Very hyperactive! Wants to do everything with you!
* Excited when you want to do anything with him! Wether it be something like cleaning the house or something like taking a shower together!
This layout sucks- I apologize lmao
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
I need to leave my horny thoughts with someone and I chose you to be my victim but like am I the only one who goes absolutely feral over the thought of aftercare. Like I look at characters like scaramouche with the urge to absolute ruin him but like I want to take care of him too. I give him many kisses mwah mwah.
God damn it I'm so fucking gay
♡︎ 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙤𝙮 ♡︎
Characters: sub!scaramouche x dom!gn!reader
Warnings: like i always make my reader’s nb so everyone can feel included i do say cock but it can be thought of as a strap on too, hair pulling, crying, a bit of blood, mirror-fucking (kind of), a bit of dumbification, feminization, marking, a bit of a creampie ig???
and as a tradition no proof read, we die like a true horny mfs
Notes: and i will happily be the victim nonnie😌but yeah sameee. i’m more of a gentle dom but i don’t mind being mean sometimes(only with consent tho) and the aftercare would be just me spoiling the shit outta my bbies. also i tried head cannons for this ask. hope u don’t mind nonnie luv😚💓
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oh scara scara scara
my favorite lovely brat
rough him up a bit he srsly wouldn’t mind it
mark him all up. the little whore wouldn’t mind showing off who he belongs to and who belongs to him
bite his neck, leave hickeys, bruise him up, and if the hickeys and love marks are starting to disappear, force him down and suck on the same spot
when you force him to sit still on your lap while marking him for long enough the little brat won’t hesitate to start grinding his needy neglected cock on your thighs
and when he feels nice and wants to be babied and spoiled by you, he would wear cute short pastel skirts and crop tops, a lace lingerie of your favorite color and favorite style
would lift up his tiny skirt to show you the see through lacy panties he chose and would ask “do i look pretty, love?”
pls spoil him, he needs it and definitely craves it even though he doesn’t say anything
buy him nice lingerie, accessories to go with it, clothes, spoil him, fuck him how he wants it
when you give him the gifts you got him or show him the tiniest bit of affection like goodbye kisses he just melts
put light make up on him just to watch as everything rolls down his face while his slutty hole gets absolutely wrecked by you
pull on his hair and make him watch himself get fucked stupid on the mirror opposite of your bed that you may or may not have put there purposely just for this reason
poor little scaramouche is so red and embarrassed of how you’re fucking his tiny self so good and deep to the point even a belly bulge is seen
he would whine and sob sooo prettily
“hic f-fuck me… mmoohre! pleashhee… i-i’ll be good hnng-ghh i’ll be shoshosho good! promishee”
and if you wanna leave him completely fucked out to the point he can’t even think of a single plea then press the cute belly bulge
baby boy would start trashing around with eyes blown wide and heart shaped pupils<3
the prettiest crier fr fr😌
mouth open with his tongue lolling out, put your fingers in his mouth and gently pull on his tongue, it makes him cum right then and there on the spot
slowly but deeply fuck him, his eyes would turn into heart pupils real quick with his red eyeliner running down
make him suck your fingers, he has a bit of a hand kink, especially if you’re taller or your hand has some noticeable scars or/and blisters
heavily making out with him while turning his mind into a mushy mess has him whining and sobbing out so freely and loudly
LOUD and i cannot say this enough
would be even louder if you were to gently nibble on his lower lip and accidentally cause it to bleed
keep filling his cute slutty hole until he’s a sobbing mess who can’t even focus his eyes on you with his heart shaped pupils<3
but always be sure to take good care of him afterwards
since he’s short and a puppet i’m pretty sure he doesn’t weigh that much so manhandle him
princess carry your precious boy and have a nice refreshing bath with him, his mushy brain and marked body would enjoy the feeling
and always cuddling and a nice pillow talk where you just praise him and call him your good boy, your sweet prince is a must or else the brat will pout and ignore you in the morning🙄
hold him close to you while you both drift off to sleep
he’d have the cutest, pleased small smile🥹
“hnng - lub you too♡︎” —> his words not mine
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My love congratulations on 3000! You deserve all of it! It’s no surprise I freaking love!! Your writing so except two requests from me haha 😅 For your celebration may I pretty please get promt 5 and 24 with our favorite god Thor for request one💗🫣  
Always Just One More
Thor x plus size reader
Thor is insatiable for you and being in public won’t stop him
Warnings: smut, fingering, overstimulation, exhibitionism, sex (kind of) in a public place, Natasha knows all, references to oral and sex toys
WC: 636
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Thor loved to give you orgasms. It was his favourite pastime besides playing video games. Eating you out, fucking you, controlling a vibrator or dildo he slipped into you, all of it was great to him! He was hypnotised by the way your eyebrows would scrunch as you drew closer to your end, how your breathing changed and how your already tantalising scent got even sweeter.
But by far his favourite way of making you cum was with his fingers. He could watch as you were pinned to the bed or the couch or the kitchen counter (anywhere really) and be forced to take his thick fingers assaulting that little spot inside of you that made your bones go to jelly. It was a massive ego boost to have you fall apart on just one of his fingers. And he especially loved walking around for the rest of the day with your scent soaked into the rough skin of his hands.
But his most cherished part of having you like this was that he could do it in public.
The bar was just crowded enough that no one was bothered by the fact that you were sitting on his wide lap, the large skirt of your 50’s-style dress fanned out over his thighs. Everyone’s eyes were hazy with the copious amounts of alcohol they had ingested in the hour they had been there. Even the self-righteous Steve was flushed to the tips of his ears.
Thor’s lips were pressed to the side of your head and to anyone else, this would have looked like a loving gesture between partners but dear god you knew better. Beneath your skirts, his huge palms kept your plump legs spread as his fingers toyed with your clit, your ruined panties tucked safely in his pocket . 
“Come on, just one more. One more and then we’re done.” That was a damn lie. He had said that two orgasms ago when your brain could actually form somewhat coherent thoughts. His black jeans were stained even darker with your wetness and his throbbing bulge was pressed tightly to your outer thigh. 
The noise of your companions and the other patrons of the club faded to a dull white noise as your ears began to ring. Thor held you tighter to him as you squirmed.
You whined pitifully as his fingers dipped down to your entrance, scooping up remnants of your release to push back inside of you. Your hips rolled down into his hand despite the burn of overstimulation that radiated from your core. A chuckle rumbled through his broad chest and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“That’s it, keep going. Such a good girl. Cum one more time and then I’ll take you home and ravish you.” For a brief moment, you came back to your senses, just in time to see Natasha’s green eyes trained on you, a wicked smirk upon her lips. But before you could warn your beau or even make a sound, your fifth release of the night washed over you and you went boneless in Thor’s arms.
“Hey Point Break!” Tony called over the din, his voice slurred, “Think you need to take Ms Daisy home!” The others groaned at the dumb nicknames but the god smiled.
“I think you are right!” He seized onto the suggestion, “Come on my love, we should get you into bed.” Some of the others gave a whoop. He gently lowered you to the floor, your heels barely touching the sticky wood before an arm wrapped around your thick waist, keeping you upright as your knees buckled.
“Take good care of our girl!” Natasha called out as you were being led away and Thor looked back over his shoulder, throwing her a wink.
“I always do!”
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—𓆩[outlast (j.t.)]𓆪—
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**dom! Jason x sub! Reader**
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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i know damn well Jason Todd in his Red Hood era would use you like a cum rag and wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.
He would mumble into your ear, “You asked for this, darling, remember? You chose to be a fucking slut.”
Oh, and you would whine and whimper, your inner thighs bright red and covered with cum from his (many) previous loads, scratching against his chest and back as you squirmed underneath him.
Old him would probably have stopped by now, but now he knew, he knew how much of a slut you were. In the past, you were too afraid to ask him for everything you wanted, and now that you did, he was going to give it all to you.
His fingers trailed down your body, teasing your quivering tummy before shaping the bulge that he left. He laughs as he slowly pulled out, a loud whine leaving your lips as he watched his cum flow out of you like a waterfall.
“Look at that, you’re already so full of me and you still want more? Isn’t that what a slut is, doll?” He teases you, but you shake your head.
“No, no Jay, please put it back in, please,” you whined, hips bucking automatically as he laughs.
“You’re a fucking whore,” he basically growls as he scoops up the cum, slathering it onto his cock to act as lube before pushing the remainder into your cunt again. Your pretty pussy was all stretched out because of him, all because of him and now you were so filled with cum that it was the only thing you can think of. “If you weren’t on birth control, doll, you’d be pregnant by now. Do you like the thought of that? Being fucked full of my babies?”
Your eyes rolled back as his hips start to move again, his sex drive having nothing on your own. You used to always say you could never find a man to keep up with you in bed but no, not Jason Todd. He was going to make sure you were satisfied and only remembered his fucking name. “Yes, yes Jason, I love it. I love it so much, I love it please! Please please, want your cum, want all of it.”
Jason was holding back groans as he slowly began to rut his hips, his fingers rubbing against your clit before dipping into your pretty cunt with his fingers. A loud scream fell from your lips as his fingers dragged against your cum stained walls, scooping some out before lathering it on your puffed up clit.
He laughs as you begin to squirm, whining loudly. “Jay, don’t be mean, don’t be mean to me.”
Jason shakes his head as he lifts your legs higher on his torso, fucking you harder and harder. His stomach was burning, not as much as yours was but definitely burning from overstimulation, his cum stained dick surely red if he pulled out of you. He couldn’t stop though, not when your pussy was so fucking good, tight and clamping down on his shaft.
Your nails dug into his back as you whined and attempted to buck your hips into his own, your slutty body unable to comprehend that he was getting there. It was a bit annoying though, the fact you wouldn’t just take it and wait until he would fuck you harder.
“Behave,” he pinched your clit, a loud scream leaving your lips. “If you think a slut like you can pleasure yourself better than I can, I can let you fuck your self. I’ll even be nice and leave my dick inside of you, but don’t fucking think I won’t leave you here filled with cum and watch as you try to get off again.”
You shake your head immediately, whining. “No! No, no Jay, please. Please, I want you, only want you to fuck me. I’ll be good, I’m sorry, I swear!”
He grins, looking down at the pretty bulge on your tummy. “Got dammit doll, you’re so lucky a slut like you got me all wrapped around your finger. Couldn’t stop fucking this pussy even if I wanted to.”
You shake your head, whining again. Oh your pretty fucking whines always pushed Jason over the edge, this time being no different as he slammed his hips into you. He watched your mouth fall open, moans only described as pornographic before he laughs and leans down.
“You know, we could do porn with how much of a slut you are,” he whispers in your ear, laughing as you nodded. “Right? Would you like that? Have a close up to your pussy as I fill you with cum? Maybe not porn though, a cam show? With our faces covered so that no one can see belongs to me?”
You nodded mindlessly, groaning as you tilted your head back. “I’ll do whatever you want, Jay, I’ll be your little slut on camera if that’s what you want. Just want you, want your cum.”
He grunts loudly, cursing as he thrusts his hips, eyes rolling back as your fingers dig into his back and he came uncontrollably. He groaned loudly, gasping as his hips continue to rut into you uncontrollably, his stomach on fire. “Fuck, doll, you did good. You did so good for me.”
You whine, rubbing your hands against his chest. “You’re done, Jay? I want more, please. Want more of your cum.”
He couldn’t help but laugh, leaning down for a soft kiss. Maybe you could outlast him.
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© asterias-record-shop
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Bathroom adventures (1)
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Summary: You meet a blue-eyed man at a club.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: language, smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex (bathroom stall), dirty talk, sex with a stranger, cuddling & snuggling, possessive Bucky
A/N: So, you all voted for Bucky and Mafia Bucky in my polls. Here we go with Mafia Bucky.
Rooms masterlist
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It’s been a long time since he lost control like this. 
One moment he tried to make the deal of his life, and the next he dragged you inside the bathroom to have his way with you.
James Buchanan Barnes doesn’t lose his composure for some pussy, but he makes an exception for you.
That’s how he ended up in the shady bathroom, his slacks and boxer briefs pooling around his ankles. His usually neatly gelled-back hair is a mess and falls into his face. 
He’s slamming his hips into your ass while he holds your upper arms in a tight grip to keep you from squirming. 
You whimper with every deep thrust. It’s all you can do. The pleasure and the fear of getting caught overwhelm you as you are a ragdoll in this man’s clutches.
“Fuck, you take me like a pro. What a woman.”
You frown. “No one ever called me professional before.”
It’s not like you to let a guy you just met rail you against a bathroom stall. But Bucky is something else. One look at the cocky and self-confident bastard and you were done for. 
He bought you a drink and chatted you up for a moment before you found yourself on his lap, grinding against his swelling cock.
“It’s a—” he groans in your ear as you push back onto his twitching length, “compliment, doll. This cunt is the best I ever had. It���s worth the money I’ll lose tonight.”
“M-oney?” you stutter when he hits your g-spot. “Fuck…”
“Can we stop talking,” he speeds up. “I want to fill this naughty cunt up before we talk about shit. I love that your sweet pussy sucks me in like it didn’t get any in months.”
He’s not as charming as before, but fuck it that man knows how to use his cock. 
“Fuck. Hurry up,” you get impatient, and don’t want to regret giving in to his advances so easily. If he says something stupid again, he might ruin your pleasure. “Make me cum.”
“Aw, you think you’re in charge,” he laughs at your attitude. “Cute.”
Bucky stills his movement to grip your shoulders. He squeezes your flesh hard as he starts to hammer into you as if you are nothing but a doll he can use to get off. 
“Buck—hurry the fuck up,” someone barks from outside the bathroom. “Everyone at the club can hear her squeak.”
“Fuck …off,” Bucky growls. “I want to enjoy this ride.” He breathlessly grunts at whoever dares to disturb you.
“Fucking cum,” he grunts.
The damn breaks when he slaps your pussy with his metal hand. Your clit thrums and you come all over him, soaking his cock with your juices. “Fuck…oh…God.”
“Just Bucky,” he grunts in your ear as he speeds up once again. “I will fill this cunt up, doll. Do you want me to mark it, huh? Maybe I’ll show everyone at the club that this is mine from now on.”
“Just do it,” you breathlessly reply. “Fill me up.”
“BUCK! Hurry up! Stark won’t wait forever!”
“Fuck him!” Bucky slams his metal hand against the door of the bathroom stall. He shouts profanities along with praises as he comes hot and heavy inside of your pulsing cunt. “Shit, that’s the best cunt I ever had.”
“You said that already,” you chuckle. “Maybe we should get clean and be on our way.” You clear your throat, suddenly too aware that you fucked a stranger at a seedy bathroom at an even shadier club. “I still want to find my friends, you know.”
“Hmm,” he toys with your clit, humming as you start grinding against his fingers. “No. I think you should come with me and sit on my lap while I get all the money I want from Stark.”
“BUCK! Last warning!” the man outside gets impatient. “Move your ass outside or we will lose a fucking lot of money.”
“Shut up, Steve. Christ, tell Stark I’m on my way. Order a drink for the annoying bastard,” Bucky mutters. “I’ll be there in a minute or two…”
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“I thought you are done with her,” Stark glances at you in Bucky’s lap. You were too tired and worn out to protest as Bucky insisted on bringing you on his lap.  
Now his arms are wrapped tightly around your body as you rest your head against his shoulder.
“If you would turn your attention back toward the deal, we can all go home. Unlike you, I have plans for tonight,” Bucky smirks darkly when Tony uncomfortably shifts in his seat. “What will it be?”
“Fine, let’s make a deal then,” the mobster grunts. “I see you got better things to do tonight…”
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“I should head home now,” you yawn as Bucky guides you toward his car. “Shit, I forgot to look for the girls. They will be so mad at me for disappearing.”
“They didn’t miss ya, right?” he purrs. “How about you come home with me, doll? We can get back to what we started at the bathroom stall.”
You giggle as his hand drifts toward your ass. “I got to get up early,” you whine. 
“Do you want to get up early or do you want to spend the rest of the week with me,” he whispers in your ear. “Your choice.”
“I could lose my job,” you gnaw at your lower lip as he drops his arm from around your shoulders to unlock his car and open the door for you. 
“Do you like your job,” he watches you think about his offer. “Doll?”
“Not good enough,” he flashes you a smile. “If you lose your job, I’ll get you a new one. A better one. Promised. Don’t leave me hanging.”
“You don’t even know my name,” you shoot back. 
“But you know mine, doll,” he holds out his hand. “And I got the rest of the week to find out yours…”
“You’re something else.”
You watch Bucky walk back toward you to cup your face. He tilts his head to press a soft kiss on your lips. “You’re something else too. Now, choose.”
“If I lose my job…you’ll get me a new one. A better one,” you whisper against his lips. “I’ll keep you up on that promise, Bucky.”
“Of course, you will…”
Hiding in the shadows Steve and the rest of Bucky’s entourage watch you and the mobster with amusement.
“I guess he lured another sweet girl in. Do you think she will last a little longer than the others?”
“Hmmm,” Steve watches his friend kiss you again. “He’s sweeter with her. Maybe he really likes that one.”
>> Part 2
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0kayblue · 8 months
A drunken kiss, unspoken feelings, and a nasty argument leaves Leon in a cracked state. Painfully stuck in the crossroads of realization that nothing is going to get better until he starts talking and actively takes the steps to come to terms with his past and his disjointed emotions. 
Word count: Almost 5k (not throughly proof read)
Angst. Language. Gun mentioned. Drinking mentioned. Happy ending. Partners to friends to lovers? The timeline is a little funky so let me explain: the events of Raccoon City take place in 2004 and that places this story towards the start of 2011.
A/N: Long time no see, huh? Things got heavy and they got heavy fast. Between vacation, moving, and the holidays; I’ve kinda fallen off the face of the planet. But it is what it is and I’m back for a minute or two. 
As far as requests are concerned I’m working on them, but I get distracted with other ideas. My google doc is full of rough outlines and unfinished works in progress. I don’t have any idea when things will come out, they just will. I apologize, but damn, life is stressful. 
Anyway, I hope you all are having a lovely day, week, month, and year. Please enjoy!!
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“Hey. . .” Leon starts, his voice low and like gravel with uncertainty. A sense of deprecating self-consciousness following in the silence, before he lets out a frustrated huff. “You didn’t pick up, not that I’m surprised. . .but still, it hurts.” He admits as his grip on his phone grows tighter before it loosens and a conflicted sigh leaves him. 
“I’m. . .sorry.” He struggles with the apology as he shuts his eyes and another exasperated sigh leaves him, “Truly, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did and I shouldn’t have pointed the finger at you. It’s not your fault and it never has been. I need you to know that, I need you to know that I know how I’ve been acting lately is stupid and. . .” He stops as he opens his eyes and looks around the dim space of his empty living room, the loneliness of this moment threatening to swallow him whole. The numbing silence of the room mixed with the silence on the other end of the phone became too much to handle causing him to swallow the confession on the tip of his tongue. 
He licks the dryness from his lips as his other hand goes to massage his forehead in a stiff and irritated manner. He sucks his teeth as his hand falls while he lets out a disheartened sigh as the words fall from his lips, “I can’t do this without you here.” He admits with frustrated sorrow, “I need to see you. I need you to look at me. I need you to. . .I just need you.” 
The static of the other empty line cuts through silence like a rusted combat knife through brittle sheet metal. Leon’s lips part for another sigh to escape him, but it never does. The air stays lodged in his throat before he painfully swallows. 
“Look,” The word came out dry and somewhat short, before he clears his throat. “I’ve got some things I have to deal with, but if you could come over just for a moment—or at least call me back– it doesn’t have to be tonight; but sometime.” He can’t stop it from sounding like a desperate ramble; a plea for your silence to be broken.
“I don’t know when I’ll be back, but it probably won’t be until the early hours of the morning so if you could just at least call me back tonight. Let me know you’re okay. You don’t have to give me any other information and I won’t ask, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He explains softly, biting his tongue to keep himself from making the accusations that scream at him. 
He opens his mouth to say more, to at least say ‘bye’; but he can’t, so he pulls the phone away from his ear and he ends the call. A frustrated grunt leaving him as he peers down at your contact photo, his gaze softening as he studies the smile on your face. The photo one that he cherishes with every heart string he has; a moment he was able to capture without you knowing. The rarity of being able to capture a genuine smile on your face. He recalls the day fondly and for a moment a smile curls at his lips until he eyes glance at the time in the top left corner of the thin device. He locks his phone as he stands from the loveseat you often perched yourself in whenever you were over, the seat cushion practically molded to only sit your frame comfortably. 
Putting the phone in his pocket he makes his way through the kitchen and to the door that leads to the garage; grabbing his car keys from the key hooks by the door and opening the garage door. 
The dark of night not holding its usual tranquility as the earthy smell of the heavy rain floods his nostrils. It’s eerily fitting given his current circumstances and it makes his skin crawl slightly as he gets into the driver seat and starts the car. Putting the car in reverse he backs out of the garage, his ears starting to ring slightly as the quietness of the night floods the car. A slight scoff leaves him as he goes to shut the garage door and he heads north towards his destination. 
Leon drives for hours in silence trying to put his head together. Trying to string together what exactly he wants to say while also remaining focused on the road ahead. All his thoughts scattered and disorganized; any sense of pulling it together immediately wiped out whenever his phone buzzed. A thin line of hope is always shattered when he glances at it and it’s just another notification about god knows what. It didn’t matter and he didn’t care because it was never your name on the screen. 
It felt as if you were playing this silent treatment thing as if your life depended on it and it was killing him. Suffocating him. Each ping brings him above the tidal wave for just a moment before being dragged back under by the force of the freezing crisp waves. He could almost taste the bitter salt water with each defeated sigh of disappointment. 
His glare on the road sharpens as he sees the abandoned gas station, slows, and makes the sharp right turn into the parking lot. The sound of stray gravel gritting against the tread of the tires as the car reaches its destination, Leon on the other hand still has another hour until he reaches his. 
A single unmarked cruiser awaiting him parked perfectly in between two faded and barely visible white lines. He parks his own car a couple spots away from the cruiser before he shuts it off and steps out of the car, grabbing his phone and keys sliding them into his back pocket as he takes calculated steps to the cruiser. The rain only becomes more intense as he tries not to be affected by the cold laced into every drop that hits him, soaking his clothes slightly. 
“Should’ve brought an umbrella.” He mutters to himself as he opens the driver’s side door of the cruiser and gets in. He shakes slightly in an effort to get any excess water off before running a hand through his damp hair, the water slicking it back for just a moment before his bangs fall back into place. 
He leans over the center console and gets into the glove compartment on the passenger’s side. A single car key and a beretta 92fs pistol sit exactly where they were supposed to be. He opts for the cool metal of the hand gun as he picks it up and inspects the weapon briefly, leaving the safety on before he sets it in the passenger seat. He then takes the car key and starts the car, whereas his car was quiet the cruiser engine debates on whether or not to come to life and he almost took it as a sign to give up despite not being a superstitious man; but he digresses as the old cruiser decides that Leon is worth the ride. 
Just as he goes to put the car in reverse his phone pings and he immediately takes his hand from the gear shift and fishes for it with a grunt from his back pocket. A moment of relief leaves him as this time the contact that greets him is yours. Quick to unlock the phone he is greeted with a text of only one word:
“Maybe?” He grumbles, “What the hell does that even mean?” He asks no one but himself and yet is met with the low rumble of the cruiser’s transmission. Before really thinking he goes and types a reply, staring at the message with a puzzled expression. 
‘Maybe what exactly?’ 
Surprisingly he barely moved before he got a reply.
‘Just maybe.’
He takes in a deep breath before letting it out in a shaky manner. Stubborn, you were always so stubborn. Of course he was too, but he was the one actively trying not to be this time. He was the one trying to get you to open up and not the other way around. Trying to get you to communicate with him, trying to get you to be vulnerable with him, trying to repair the rift between the two of you.
‘Can I get more than maybe?’
He knows it’s his fault. He understands that regardless of how you left he still hurt you and you still had every right to be upset with him. Neither of you made anything official, never committed to anything, and he was a fool to think that a drunk kiss meant that his feelings were reciprocated and defined you both as an unit. He should have known that your avoidance of him the next day meant that something was off, but he convinced himself that you understood everything. That you knew everything he’s wanted to say for months. So, when he was informed of you being around someone who clearly was no good for you; he snapped.
‘I’ll be by.’
It wasn’t much, but it was something. A crumb that would subside the ache he felt. He lets out a sigh of relief as a small and soft smile finds his face. It was confirmation to him that he hasn’t lost you completely. He hadn’t lost you. 
‘Tonight. Please.’
He stares at the screen waiting for a reply he doubts he will get; so he isn’t surprised as agonizing seconds turn into minutes. Glancing at the time he knows he needs to move, and he will. Just a minute more. 
A minute passes, then two, and still no reply. He runs a hand through his hair before it finds the steering wheel, gripping it with force. Trying to let out some of the agitation he felt in the least harmful way possible. He tosses the phone into the passenger seat before taking his leave. 
Leon pulls up to the agreed upon meeting spot, the headlights of the cruiser reflecting off of the multiple ‘WARNING’ and ‘DANGER’ signs. All signs informing the public to stay clear of the abandoned wreckage that was the nightmare that started his adult life. 
He clenched his teeth as he parks the cruiser and before killing the engine he scrutinizes the rusted, faded, and graffitied sign that read: 
‘Welcome to Raccoon City
Home of Umbrella’
He can’t help the cold unforgiving glare that hardens his features as he stares intensely at that damn sign. A sign that he once was looking forward to seeing, a sign that was supposed to harken in a new beginning for him. A chapter of his life that he never got to write the way he intended too. 
He forces himself to look away as he kills the engine. All that anger and contempt in every movement he makes; the emotions barely subtle as he grabs the pistol and makes his leave from the cruiser. Uncleaned debris crunching under the harsh step of his sturdy weight. The former storm subsided to a gentle drizzle. As if the weather was deciding to be gentle towards him, to be kind as he faced the location of so much of his trauma. Dulled screams and flashbacks of all the things he saw that night flashing throughout every corner of his brain. He grits his teeth as he slams the door of the cruiser shut, the heavy bang ceasing the noise. The memories. 
He keeps his focus trained ahead as he strides closer to the steel chain fencing with sturdy steps, the dim yellow light from aged street lights illuminating his path with a dull hum. Unclenching his jaw he puts the pistol into the tight waistband of his jeans as he starts to climb the rusted fence that murmurs whines underneath the weight of his body. 
Getting to the top he throws one leg over before deciding to make the jump to the other side. A grunt leaves him as the soles of his shoes make contact with the pitch black pavement, a sharp yet brief pain shooting up his legs. Standing up straight he pulls the pistol from his waistband, shuts the safety off, and proceeds forward. Acutely aware of his surroundings as his stomach starts to turn and bile threatens to creep up his throat. 
Luckily he doesn’t have to travel far as the person he is set to meet waits in the shadows, the click of her heels against the damp pavement making Leon fully aware of her presence as he points the gun at her out of fear. It isn’t until she steps closer that he lowers his weapon. 
“Leon.” Ada says as she looks at him intently. Giving him a once over before she speaks again, “Someone is jumpy, I see.” 
“Yeah, well, it’s the location.” Leon says as he stands up straight, his shoulders remaining tense. Ada nods in a sense of understanding. 
“You went through it to track me down and I’ll admit I’m impressed; but I have to ask: why?” Ada’s voice is smooth and low, clearly guarded. 
“There’s something I have to talk to you about. Something I need to address.” He admits. 
Ada studies him, the tension he carries nearly slapping her across the face; and she knows all the blame can’t just be put on the location. The rubble on the street is a physical representation of the crumbs of trust that was shared between the two of them. 
“So, then why go through the trouble?” She inquires, her brow raising slightly, “I’m certain whatever it is you are here to-.” 
“No, I need you to hear what I have to say.” He says cutting her off. Clearly uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and direct with her; this whole situation reeking of a rotten smell that they could practically taste. 
“Different.” She simply states, very different from their previous meeting six months prior in the rural misty mountainous region of Spain. A change that was lost on her is now clearly present. It’s rough, jagged; and not something she is used to when it comes to him. 
The two stare at each other in silence, trying to piece each other together. A clear lack of communication ringing out into the night, something that wasn’t uncommon between the two. 
“Do you-.” Leon starts but suddenly stops the question in its tracks. He knew the answer and it was pointless to even ask; so he opts for the next question, “Why didn’t you try and reach out?” 
The question takes Ada aback and it shows physically as her eyes widen just slightly before returning to that uncaring gaze. She ponders on how to approach this. On what to say. Coming up short she decides not to say anything regarding the subject; so she changes it. 
“Is this about them?” She asks and immediately Leon plants his feet. Knowing that her them meant you; and the feeling didn’t settle well in his bones. His teeth gritted together as his jaw locked. Yet, the fact of the matter remained: she was partly right. 
“It is, isn’t it.” Ada states as she crosses her arms, a sense of pride finding her as she figured him out so quickly. 
“And if it is?” Leon asks, hoping in vain to throw her off the scent by playing this with a harsh coyness. 
“You’re still hung up over a kiss?” Ada asks, the question slipping from her lips without thinking. A rarity from her, so much so that it takes her aback as the harshness of her words hits Leon with a pang of disappointment. 
“That’s not what I’m hung up on.” Leon answers, bitterness clinging to each word, “I’m hung up on the fact that after everything I—everything we—went through you didn’t even try to tell me you survived that fall. That you survived and you didn’t bother to at least leave me something to show you were still alive; and don’t even try and say you couldn’t find me. You could have. Easily.” His voice grew stronger with every word he spoke, his conflicting emotions present in each syllable. 
Ada is stunned by his candor, the hurt that she caused him present leaving her baffled and grasping for straws. He was being raw here, he was showing her his cards that he held so tightly to his chest. 
“That night was the ending to so much. That night—to me— was an unimaginable horror I was not prepared to face; and you…you were right there. You knew so much more than I did and you remained cryptic.” Leon states with a defeated and heavy breath, “It’s easy to direct my anger there; but I know that’s not where it belongs. That isn’t where my heart places it, even though it probably should be because you played it like a fiddle; but that’s not it. Not the way you used me. Manipulated me. What it is in all honesty is the fact that I couldn’t save you. That you slipped from my grip, but yet you still cling to me.” 
Silence falls between the two again, but this time it’s different. It’s not a burden even though it remains heavy.  
“So you tracked me down to tell me this?” 
“I tracked you down so you can let me go.”
The statement left Leon in one breath as he looked at her with a softness to his eyes. A vulnerability in his gaze that swallowed Ada whole. The lack of light behind his eyes shadowing her in a darkness she never expected to feel from him. Her own emotions are becoming hard to keep in check, as her insides start to simmer with an almost forgotten feeling. 
The silence clings to their clothes as the night time air becomes lodged in Leon’s throat. Nearly choking him as he examined Ada intently, trying to guess her next move. Trying to put himself in her shoes long enough to figure out what she might be thinking; but all of this was so foreign. So he retreated back into his own head and just decided it was best to let her move from here. He decided it was best to just stop; and that decision flooded his body with relief. His jaw relaxing, his shoulder falling slightly, his knees no longer locked; the utter relief he felt just voicing how he felt was something he least expected.
“Okay.” Ada said, breaking the silence. This newfound development changed something in her that she couldn’t pinpoint. Something half of her refused to pinpoint. This growth she sees from him changes her perception of him. 
“Okay.” Leon repeats with a small nod as the subtle rain drops that have been hitting him start to increase. They stand in a tense awkward silence as the wind starts to pick up and begin to howl a broken howl that wavered like a gasped sob. Leon turns to leave before the rain starts to heavily pour again, but the question that falls from Ada causes him to stop. 
“Are you doing this all for them?” She asks, crossing her arms. While Leon looks at her with confliction, still not pleased with her need to keep you in the conversation. 
“Not completely.” He answers; and that is the truth. He needed this for himself, he knew that; but it would be a lie if you didn’t inspire him to take the leap. That you didn’t assure him that he didn’t have to constantly be fighting this inner turmoil, that he could form some type of peace with it; and most importantly that he didn’t have to do it alone. He deserved to care for himself, something he never considered until he felt the gentle warmth of your care. 
“I’d prefer if you would leave them out of it.” Leon says, a protective pitch in his tone that packed a subtle bite. It didn’t catch her off guard, it was him she was dealing with; and she knew that regardless of the strengths she had briefly seen from you in Spain that Leon would still be protective of you. 
So, Ada just nods, turns, and takes her leave,“Goodbye, Leon.” Ada says as Leon watches her walk back towards what he assumed was her entry point was located. 
As her form disappears into the black of night Leon lets out a deep breath with a slight shake of his head; his limbs heavy from the strain of the stress he carried in them.
“Goodbye, Ada.” 
It was nearly four in the morning when Leon pulled into his garage. Your vehicle was nowhere in his line of sight as he pulled up to his house. Not that he was surprised, your answer was just a maybe, and he didn’t want you to push yourself out of the realms of something you weren’t comfortable doing just yet. At least he let you know that you weren’t ignoring him completely and that was enough for the time being. 
He shuts off the car as an exhausted sigh leaves him while his hand runs down his face. His head starts to gently pound as he pinches the bridge of his nose. The emotional rollercoaster he has been on starts to churn his stomach, reminding him why he didn’t bother with this stuff for so long in the first place. It hurt. Everywhere. 
He closes the garage as he gets out of the car and makes his way inside. Placing his keys back on the hook, kicking off his shoes, and starting to remove his jacket he stops as he hears the muffled sound of a sitcom laugh track coming from the living room. His chest swells with hope as he quickly disregards his jacket and shoes and with large gentle strides he makes his way into the living room. His heart nearly stops when he sees you asleep on the couch. 
Stopping in his tracks he watches the soft rise and fall of your chest, you were completely and utterly lost in what he hoped was a peaceful slumber. Your arms tucked close to your chest. Your hair fanned out over the couch cushion and the arm of the couch. He fought back how he wanted to run his hand through your hair. How tempting it looked, how he knew nothing brought you more comfort than the feeling of gentle fingers working their way through your hair. He wanted to do that for you, he wanted to comfort you. He wants to give you whatever your heart desires. 
His breath hitches in his throat as he carefully sits on the edge of one of the couch cushions. His heart swells with so much love that it is overwhelming and for the first time within all of this his eyes start to glass over. Tears threatening to spill as a shaky hand slowly makes contact with the warmth of your scalp. His fingers intertwined with your hair as his thumb gingerly brushes the top of your head and a small breath of relief leaves him as he watches your body relax. He stifled a sob with a scoff as a smile found his face while he fixed his gaze on you. The person he holds the most dear. The person he would do whatever it took to just have by his side. 
A craving to show you the utmost love and affection, a craving to care for you so much deeper than what the two of you already had. He hoped with everything that you wanted more. That the ghost of your past hadn’t swallowed you up. That you would choose him. 
He finally sniffs, the sound of distress pulling you from sleep as your eyes open and find his piercing blue ones glassy with tears. You move to sit up as even in your groggy state your arms wrap around him to comfort him.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” You coo as your torso presses against him while one hand rubs his back and the other makes its way into his hair as you rest your chin in the crook of his neck. “It’s okay.” You soothe while Leon takes in a strangled breath his arms wrapping tightly around you as he pulls you into his lap. 
“You came.” He utters, his voice breaking slightly. 
“You called.” You answer softly. 
Leon’s grip on you tightens as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, fresh hot thick tears starting to roll down his face. You gently mumble sweet reassurances as you rub his back, allowing him to cry, allowing him to let go of all the shit he has been holding onto. The fight. The end. The struggle. He’s letting go of all of it as he keeps a firm hold on you, clinging to you as if his life depended on it. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed anything and I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for- for being with them. I- I shouldn’t have yelled. I should have told you how I felt. I should have-.” He chokes out his apology, the saltiness of his tears finding the pallet of his tongue.
“Shh, Leon, it’s okay.” You coo rubbing his back, “Don’t force yourself to speak when you aren’t ready. Take your time.” He fists the soft fabric of your shirt as he wonders what he ever did to know the comfort of your patience. 
As Leon begins to calm down his grip on you loosens, his breathing returning to normal as his chest no longer hitches with quiet sobs. You feel him start to relax and in turn your body loses its own stiffness. You continue to hold him to you, trailing the tips of your nails gingerly up and down a patch of his back. You had no idea where Leon had been, but whatever he did has obviously left him worse for wear. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask in a quiet whisper, concern ever present in your soft voice; and Leon can’t help himself.
“I love you.” He responds as he places a strong hand in between your shoulder blades keeping you pressed against him as he screws his eyes shut trying to commit this moment to memory. The feeling of your body pressed flush against his, the addictive pleasant scent of your perfume, the soft gentle flesh of your neck pressed against the scratch of his stubble. 
“I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have yelled. I should have talked to you directly. I should have seen everything.” He says as he regretfully pries himself away from you to look at you fully, his hands moving to cup your cheeks and hold your face gently in the palms of his hands. He watches the gears in your head start to turn through sparkling big doe eyes and his heart starts to melt. The realization that he wasn’t the only one that needed improvements becoming ever present as he brushes the side of his thumb over your cheek. 
“I love you and I am unbelievably sorry. Please, please, don’t shut me out.” He pleads as he studies your face, noting the way your bottom lip quivered ever so slightly. 
You both sit there in silence as he admires the sad beauty that are your features in this moment. He allows you to just sit there and feel, and think, and breathe. With all the patience in the world he waits for you. 
“I love you too.” You finally say quietly, the words falling from your lips in a hesitancy before you speak up again; but with more strength and convection, “I love you too.” 
A soft wide smile finds Leon’s face as he brings your lips to his in a soft, but desperate and passionate kiss. The taste of your lips are so much sweeter without the bitter taste of alcohol on them. Your arms snaking their way around his neck as you kiss him back the way you wanted to the first time he kissed you. His hands move to your waist to pull you closer to him as his tongue ghosts over your bottom lip. 
You part your lips allowing him access to explore the warmth of your mouth while crooking your head to the side as his tongue makes its way into your mouth. His tongue runs briefly over your teeth before it coils with your own and he sucks slightly causing a deep moan to reverberate from your chest and up your throat. 
The sound causes a smirk to curl at the corner of his lips as he parts from you regardless of how badly he wants to continue. He couldn’t help it, he had to see you; and the sight was worth it. The blissful peace on your face as you opened your eyes to look at him was worth it. A smile plastered on his face as he noted the tiredness in your eyes, the slight bags underneath them, and his hand finds your cheek as he places a kiss on your forehead. 
“Let's save the rest for tomorrow, okay? Let’s get you to bed.” He says as he moves to pick you up bridal style. He stands from the couch as your grip around him tightens as he makes his way to his bedroom.
“Leon.” You scold him slightly, but with no real seriousness to it. 
“Tomorrow.” He assures with a little nod, a playful smirk on his face. 
“Tomorrow.” You repeat with a little roll to your eyes.
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