#and i'm like. yeah i like those in theory but have you considered my brain will explode the instant things get Difficult
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captorcorp · 3 months ago
taking career aptitude tests and i think my ideal career path is bumbling minion to a cartoon villain. that pays me 1 billion dollars
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foone · 6 months ago
It's sometimes hard to talk about silly counterfactual or just bad theories, because other people don't always understand the difference between "I'm making up a bad idea because it's amusing to me to consider the ramifications and functionality of a clearly bad idea" and "I have untreated schizophrenia".
Because the former is funny and amusing to me! I love it. And the second is... Not. It's mean to laugh at people's mental illness. And even if the content sometimes is similar, it's the larger context of it that makes it unfun to laugh at, at least for me. Maybe this doesn't bother other people as much?
It's like when I talk about weird computer ideas and someone goes "oh like TempleOS?" and it's... No! I'm into doing silly things with computers because I find that amusing and funny. I do not find TempleOS to be anything of the sort.
If the same content existed, but by someone who did it as a joke? Instead of someone with an admitted mental illness who got lolcow'd to death by 4chan? Yeah it'd be hilarious! I'd be all over that shit. But I know the background to why it's like this, and that is simply not funny to me. Enough so that it ruins any possible enjoyment for me. So TempleOS is nothing but a sad story to me, of a brilliant programmer who suffered from a severe mental illness that he eventually died from.
Maybe it's just my own struggles with mental health and all, but I just can't enjoy those kinds of things. Maybe it's just that other people don't as easily recognize the difference between "this bad idea is being explored for the amusement of the author, who is fully aware of how bad it is" and "this idea is being written about seriously by an author suffering from a severe mental illness".
Though if that was the case, you'd expect there to be more people assuming my writing is schizophrenic? Which basically never happens, it's just people going "oh this is like..." and naming something that was written by someone with schizophrenia or other psychotic condition. Maybe the comparison doesn't bother others as much? It just sometimes feels like people are going "oh, your joke reminds me of this other thing that isn't funny and is just sad"
Anyways, just to be clear, I don't mean that I have anything against people suffering from mental illness (which I hope should be obvious to most people?), or even their writing. It's just that "wacky things" aren't funny to me when they're clearly being written by someone suffering some kind of psychosis. It's the laughing at it that I have a problem with.
Like it's one thing to laugh when your buddy randomly goes "cinnamon eyeglasses!" because they're being a weirdo. It's a completely different thing to laugh at someone saying that because they just had a stroke and parts of their brain aren't functioning anymore. That's a bit what it's like to go "lol, TempleOS is so weird!". You're laughing at someone's illness. And frankly that's just kind of a dick move no matter what, you know?
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frenchkanna1808 · 5 months ago
So after being in school alone with my thought, i wondered the question no one dared to ask, what is my friends daily account activity? Do they really hold up as dailies? How much dailies account even in there? Did brody cause 9/11? All those questions went trough my brain like wildfire, and after a very long 15 seconds of thinking i too the harduous task of finding every single daily accounts and using the power of MATH to see their overall activity.
so follow me on my little rambling as i see the RISE and FALL of the yttd daily community
So lets say some ground rule, when i mean activity i mean that the blog has posted adn actual daily blog post and not just talked or respounded to asks, so for example brocoli respounds to asks but he didn't post a daily since a certain time. Rule understood, okay okay.
First part of this task was to fin every single daily blogs and look their last posts, and this was the longest part for sure.
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forget my very bad typos this was written in a moment of euphoria. What we can see from this is that there is 1 billion blogs actually but also that a ton of those blogs are in fact desactivated. THose which are classified as today are actually yesterday post i just was very lazy to change it.
Second phase was to put them all in different categories on a exel sheet to see the overal proportions and see the average of month since a last daily was posted.
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as we can see there is no joke 53 FUCKING DAILY ACCOUNTS. But more importrantly about 16 of those accounts are either gone and dissapeared out of the face of the earth or they are simply stated as inactive by the daily in question. The second largest numbers are didn't post in 8 months and 4 months.
third part was to make a graphical illustration of my point, so i made a camembert.
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so yeah i'm not gonna do a big study but its pretty clear that if we only consider daily accounts who posted today or this month as actual dailies then we can consider all the others as inactive dailies.
What was the point of this you might say? Well i wanted to prove my theories, first off most of those daily accounts were in fact born from the brody genesis, so when brody created his daily keiji account. It became a popular idea and everyone impulsively created accounts. The thing is that having a daily account is not some funny bussiness its extremely tiring and extremly difficult, and since most of the yttd community on tumblr are teens to young adults, we mostly have school to deal with. So keeping up with pace is pretty much impossible. Second my guess was that honestly all daily accounts would burn out in two months, and i was kinda right. Yes the graph seems to show that they lasted longuer, but actually, this doesnt count the time of inactivity in betwens or the long breaks. Most account burned out after 1 or 2 months which is pretty logical. LIke dailyshinai/rune burned out in two month for example.
I think the overral if we did a competion winners would be @rekofan101 who posted for a year straight and just terminated being a daily on their own account and janice/ @daily-dose-of-bucket who despite longs breaks are still posting. The dailies had an immense rise at one point but the fall was even harder slowly has the accounts and trend started to burn out. As someone who is on a dailies account i will say out of the maybe 30 blogs on it only lik 8 are actually active and only 1 post regularly.
This is isnt' at all a judgement or anything but its an interresting depictions of how waves of trends affect certains populations.
Tho if i had to give advices to make a daily account it would be:
-make it a weekly, more time better results last longuer
-don't do it alone perhaps do it with a friend and alternate betwen one another
-if you have adhd, a job, memory issues or overall issues that will make it evn more difficult for you to make an account a daily, i would consider not doing it, instead perhaps just do a regular fan account like me
But anyway thank for reading my useless unemployed friend rambling and keep doing what you love!
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mechanical-sunchild · 5 days ago
Otherlinking as an origin of otherkinism/therianthropy, part 2
Alright so this time I'm actually going into my...theory, I suppose?
In the theri/kin communities we have two frameworks of supposed origins of why we are what we are;
There's also metaphysical origins, but I don't have a great grasp on what counts if I'm honest but feel free to think of the variable origins I miss which could count.
Both are broad categories and what they mean differs from user to user - although there are some common specifics.
A lot of spiritual theri/kin will for example have a soul-based belief but even within that framework they may believe their identity stems from a past life, or from a misplaced soul or from a soul connected to a paralel life and more!
And that is just the very tip of the iceberg, as some who use the label 'spiritual' are basing it on specific religious or cultural spiritual beliefs which match the experience.
The same goes for psychological possibilities. Neurodivergence is the most common example, be that Autism or schizophrenia, an innate bond created without your influence or a delusion you experience which influences your identity.
But the meaning of psychological in this context really just means 'relating to the mind/brain'.
Which brings us onto the main topic. Otherlinking is when one chooses to repeatedly enforce a particular identity (any species, any kind of thing at all) until it becomes a integral part of you, until it becomes 'real'. For most Otherlinkers (incl' funlink, copinglink etc) these identities can be 'dropped' in much the same way they were obtained, or simply fade when the reason one wanted/needed the link to exist no longer holds or exists.
For a good number of linkers, these 'links' become so much a part of who they are that they cannot be actively gotten rid of and do not fade. For those of us who also have traditional involuntary kin/theriotypes these kind of strong linktypes feel exactly the same - as described by those who have involuntary kin/theriotypes and voluntary but strong enough to count link-to-kin/theriotypes.
In fact, with terms like vaguetype and quoiluntary out there it can be safely assumed that a good chunk of the alterhuman/nonhuman community has trouble identifying whether certain identities are voluntary or involuntary, suggesting that the lines between as not as exact as we may believe.
So, if a 'linktype' is more or less defined by not just it's voluntary creation, but it's ability to be essentially uncreated or to fade away without reinforcement then surely it could be considered incorrect to continue to call it a linktype when it no longer meets the entire definition?
At that point has the person in question not essentially created their own otherkinism/therianthropy from the ground up?
It is based in the mind, it involves the mind creating the identity in some way, it is not so unlike other psychological origins except that the person has a hand in it on purpose.
Maybe we need to stop getting caught up on the 'voluntary' part and focus on just making sure it is known that otherkin/therians identify as - this is, after all, the actual important aspect of those identities. One must be, not relate.
An otherlinker who is also a therian/otherkin because of their linking is going to have very similar internal and external experiences to a completely involuntary otherkin/therian.
I don't see why they cannot simply join in the otherkin/therian terms and communities when those words describe what they experience as a result of their 'linking.
If we take a deep breath and don't get defensive for a second - let's remember that antis will always think that all of us are choosing it even if we aren't.
Instead of removing voluntary otherkinism/therianthropy as a possibility and rejecting some of our fellows because of their origin to try and dispel antis - why don't we instead acknowledge that it very much does seem to exist and that going 'yeah, some of us do choose to become otherkin/therians, we're still what we say we are, so who cares?' removes one more of their flimsy weapons against us.
We are always stronger together. It is time to branch out and explore past current boundaries and understandings of how one becomes, immutably, nonhuman.
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trans-jon-rights · 8 months ago
What is the Magnus Protocol ?
(And how does it tie in with the Magnus Institute ?)
With MAGP 19 being the bombshell it was, I think we might have enough information to at least draft up the beginning of a theory.
So what could it be ?
I suppose it might be just that, a Protocol of containment. To contain Newton's creation and whatever happened in London*. Still enacted to this day by the government, the O.I.A.R and Starkwall**. And maybe it is the reason why the Institute burned.
*I suspect what happened in London to be the Great Fire of London, which did help stop a plague and happened 18 years before the letter was written.
**As mentioned in MAGP 4
So with that we have the more concrete stuff set up, I think we can go into the slightly more crack theory, because I've had too much coffee and my brain is going to explode.
Albertus Magnus was a German alchemist from the 13th century. He was very interested in stones, and believed they held power, as stated in his work 'De Mineralibus'. There were also numerous rumours that he achieved immortality using the philosopher's stone, which was a huge achievement in alchemy (basically the ultimate goal).
His work inspired numerous others, including :
Metals and Materials
The Secrets of Chemistry
The Origin of Metals
The Origins of Compounds
Doesn't this remind you of something ?
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The case also refers to Wilhelm Homberg, though I couldn't find much on him other than he was an alchemist, and that he looked to create the philosopher's stone as well (which confirms that whatever Newton found, it was about that).
Let's consider this. Sam confirmed in the latest episode that it at least somewhat related to alchemy. And look at this from MAGP 9 :
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They were looking for catalysts. Even better, they had an entire department dedicated to them ! Maybe I'm totally wrong, but the direct synonym of it in my native language (un catalyste) is something that was used in alchemy, at least to my knowledge.
So yeah, we know it has to do with alchemy. I've yet to found it again, but I recall tumblr user @misfitmagpie did this very extensive post about alchemical symbols on the logo of the show, and others on more alchemical stuff if you are interested.
But it is very obvious the Institute studied alchemy, looking for something. I do have a theory as to why they studied it, but its not about the Protocol, so we'll hold that thought for slightly later.
To me, the Protocol is something meant to regulate things, and was enabled by the government. But the government might have at some point considered the Institute dangerous, much like Robert Hooke did with Newton's experiment, and decided to destroy it. Usually the destructions involve fire. Newton's lab did burn down, and the mentionned previous iteration was likely to be the Great Fire of London in 1666.
(It is also notable that, although irrelevant to the current theory, the charity shop in MAGP 7 did burn down as well, which would further strengthen the idea that Starkwall is the current enabler of the Protocol for the government)
What else burned ? The Magnus Institute.
The very same Institute that was invested in alchemy, and that I am uninclined to believe was well intentioned.
And here I'd like to introduce you to something. The Franciscans.
Those guys held the belief that the Antichrist was coming and that the philosopher's stone was essential to stop it.
There's also a concept of balance (something something Robert Smirke something something) involved which dictates that for an Antichrist there needs to be a Christ.
And the Institute did research on children, measuring their development, empathy and compliance. Whether they were looking for the Christ or the Antichrist is unsure, (though seeing that high empathy level children were rejected speaks for itself) but they were looking for something.
So here, I could conclude. Say that the Institute was looking for the philosopher's stone, and the Antichrist, and that the Protocol was used to destroy them. But there's more.
Do you remember MAG 140 ? In this episode, Basira says this about Maxwell Rayner :
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And here I have a fun fact for you. Did you know that Albertus Magnus wasn't originally named like this ? His name was Albertus the Great, and he became 'Magnus' after his death (Magnus meaning 'The Great' in Latin).
So what if ?
What if Jonah discovered Albertus' old works, and decided to follow them, resulting in an imperfect immortality like in TMA, and founding his Institute to further his research it and access a perfect one ?
And maybe he succeeded, and then decided that he wanted more, and tried to find the Antichrist. Finding use for the child would be easy, and he could hold it as a Damocles sword up everyone's head.
Then, he almost found them, and the Protocol was executed. That would give us a potential identity for [ERROR], being either Jonah or the child that yhey couldn't destroy. If it is Jonah, that would explain why he was following Alice, if she was indeed Connor Dyer (and Alex confirmed that she was trans mtf, so the possibility is more than likely). But also, considering [ERROR] I voiced by a woman, I rather think it might be the child.
I don't believe Albertus to be Jonah, mostly because if he already had access to immortality that early, why wait so long to look for the child. Though Jonah being a relative would explain the origin of his last name and how he found Albertus' old works.
In short, I believe the Magnus Protocol to be a Protocol of containment/destruction of knowledge by fire, related but not only limited to alchemy. It was used in 1999 to stop the researches conducted at the Magnus Institute. These researches were looking for an Antichrist, and conducted by the maybe immortal Jonah Magnus, who had discovered the secret to eternal life and the philosopher's stone exploiting the work of Albertus Magnus.
I am going insane.
Please send opinions and corrections ! I am far from an expert, I'm just a sleep deprived guy who did some research so don't hesitate to correct me ! You won't come out as rude and I won't be offended I promise.
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grif-hawaiian-rolls · 3 months ago
@leonardalphachurch ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE (in reference to this post)
Donut thinks his fursona is a red wolf, all handsome charm and roguish double’o’donut vibe but NO he’s a collie to me, specifically a rough/scots collie— he’s pretty he’s fluffy, he does good work but theres nothing behind those eyes affectionately. Also he likes to be told when he’s a good boy DOING A GOOD JOB
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Grif… would not make a fursona for himself, but I think Kai makes one for him a-la garfield (fat orange cat) and he appreciates the Iconic humor of it at least and u know what i do think kai is right in the cat aspect but more maine coon less garfield (still fat tho /pos)- the kind of big lazy cat that make you do a double take bc like is that a big house cat or a bobcat, ya know?
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Simmons does not Want a Fursona thank you very much he’s not Weird (tm) I'm telling you, he is a chihuahua. Puntsized ball of anxiety that bites and thinks its meaner than he is(but still pretty capable of being a mean little bastard, just,, not as big of one as he thinks)
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Sarge Knows his fursona is a bald eagle. Bc its American. Patriotic! Sounds like a red hawk! Even better! He’s a pitbull— big brick of a head, mean reputation, but he’s a protective kind of caring at heart and u know he’s got that Iconic pittie grin
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Lopez is hard, honestly, and if you asked him youd either get No Answer, or something thrown at you i think but like his fursona is like transformer mech bullshit that no one ever wants to draw and if you commissioned it you get like 20+ complex design additional charges because the rivets have to be 100% accurate and if they arent he would Know, its not even a fursona really at this point its just a cool mech body he wont ever build bc he doesnt trust anyone else to not fucking break it but emotionally its his fursona - the fursona I assign him is a remote control warthog, bc im sorry dude but i cannot give you a proper fursona to save my life my brain just refuses to do it so, goofy shit it is
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SHEILA is, wonderfully, a sea turtle. Specifically i’m partial to a leatherback for her just for the scale factor alone but just the vibe in general of just,, seat turtle fits her idk how to describe it. In character, i do think she would misunderstand the assignment and just be like “oh! Im a Scorpion” bc thats the casual term for the M808B main battle tank in halo
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Church(A), like simmons, REFUSES to even Consider it (epsilon considers it a Lot okay, theta’s got some cool design concepts but keep it on the dl bud) but i think he’s gotta be idog from the early 2000s. But like an edgy one the kind that were born of 12 yearolds traced over google images of the normal ones and recolored into Original Characters (i think their shape is based on beagles iirc??? Or labs), but yeah those things. If pressed, epsilon auto answers wolf but in that asshole way that sounds like he’s being a dick about it but no thats his actual answer
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Caboose is a great dane. He’s just Great like that!! Yay! Friend shaped, really not used to being uhh mindful of his size and strength but loyal and protective ya know?? He's the only one who i think would correctly clock his own fursona on the first try
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Tex would claim something badass like a tiger or something, but she’s like,,, a mockingbird :) i mean it IS the state bird of texas, and well... shes not a mockery of anything but she isnt the og either, ya know
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Tucker claims a fox, because he’s sly and bitches Love foxes but to me?? Bluejay. Brightly colored, loud, mean little corvid asshole. Too damn clever for his own good- i would also maybe give him peacock or kingfisher if feeling more like,, flamboyant but he just feels very jay to me. maybe its the corvid bastard thing, or the bluejay in my backyard choosing the tree by my window as prime screaming spot for 6 am yelling for like a month but the vibe is there
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Kai has so many furry characters. With the worst application of color theory known to man but somehow it works for her brand??? Sparkle dogs man, the woman is made for making sparkle dogs!! If i assign her cat to match grif, it'd specifically the kind of like bengal, this cat climbs walls kind of cat you know?? Zoomies all day every day! BUt i think more accurately to Kai as a person? Raccoon. Mischief and little grabby bastard hands and she would love it
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Washington, if asked would shrug and say probably a cat bc u know, nine lives and all that- no. Im sorry cat wash truthers I respect cat wash, but nah Washington is a dog boy to me im sorry and specifically he’s a little Jack Russell terrier thats fast and vicious but man sometimes u gotta remember he’s like,,, he’s smaller than a cat man you gotta give him some help ya know?? Dont make him do it alone!!!
.......Or a horse i dont know how to elaborate on that one just,,, trust me
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Carolina is oblivious to the concept of fursonas almost entirely, but she’s a greyhound and you know im right
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Locus is genuinely the hardest one to place and i dont think he’d come up with a fursona for himself, but he gets assigned wolf by Donut i feel it, the whole lone wolf thing he has going and all during his redemption! Which honestly???? Maybe yeah? An argument could be made for another working dog (HELLO German Shepards my god) (context here: i had a german shepard/corgi mix, he was my lil guy, he was too damn smart for his own good and patrolled the back yard fence up until he couldnt keep his hips underneath himself anymore and then! He! kept! trying! So yes that does influence my input on german shepard locus) i just struggle to see locus as a dog???? Dogs are very high energy which -gestures to red team- but locus rarely has that same baseline energy i associate with dogs??? He’s hard to pin down and i’ve yet to manage it but im partial to something arboreal,,, the first thing that comes to mind on that train of thought is a binturong and i lost it imagining that so sure we'll go with that i have a lot of thoughts about locus
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Felix wouldve loved the energy of being like the lucky cat with nine lives. I personally dont care for felix, but he would be that guy with like, its not a proper fursona bc he wouldnt b caught dead calling it that, but he has a fursona for scamming people and driving up the prices on auctions for no reason other than to fuck with people when he's bored. I subscribe to weasel/ferret Felix personally, specifically a yellow bellied weasel bc theres just,, honestly the name amuses me with the implications. He’s difficult to catch and handle, energetic and gets into shit no one wants him getting to. It fits
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Doyle is a mouse, maybe MAYBE a rabbit, he doesnt know what fursonas are either but he just checks the mouse box for me personally,, very holdable, but skittish and might still bite you if u scare him bad enough
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Dr Emily Grey does not have a fursona but she does think theyre neat and has let her patients all give her one, tho none of them agree on what she is. I think she's a shrike, specifically a great grey shrike! they're VICIOUS little birds, who dont look like much but they regularly hunt shit twice their size and are also known for impaling bugs on thorns and like, barbed wire?? theyre neat, and technically i think they count as corvids? clever little hunting machines
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Kimball is definitely a german shepard tho like while im on the fence about it for Locus, there is no question about it for her she checks the boxes fits the vibe right down to the way she guards the new republic and chorus with her heart just under her sleeve
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Sharkface. Shark. I mean….really. SPECIFICALLY THO a tiger shark tho, and he would absolutely be a dick if you implied a great white or a megalodon would be “better” bc no tiger sharks are exactly the kind of shark he should be thank you VERY much
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thats everyone i have STRONG fursona assignment feelings for, and some are more flexible than others or more solid in some cases but YEAH! i think about this shit. a lot sidebar: i think the chorusans who know and are open about fursonas would probably use weird alien animals from chorus when picking them which makes this harder for them specifically bc the ones who would have fursonas arent limited to earth animals
all images are from the wiki pages for the animals! except for lopez. thats from the amazon page for the warthog
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bloopitynoot · 4 months ago
Reading SVSSS: Bonus Chapter 26
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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This chapter took me two days to go through! It's SO LONG (120 pages). I wanted to post yesterday but I got 60 pages in and started fading. Winter is here and the sun keeps disappearing too quickly, your boy is feeling the SAD.
The tea photo is from today and not yesterday- I tried out a new one it's almond amaranth and rooibos.
let's get into this monster of a chapter!
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Fuck yeah, we have an airplane POV! Though this chapter is BEEFY. I think I'm going to read half today and half tomorrow before posting it (present me: and I did! ^-^).
I love that we are getting all of these forum comments. This is so fun! One of my favourite brands of fics are fics that include elements of social media/forum/blog style au's and this is a vibe! pp140-147
This guy is not wrong "Even though this famous Lord Cucumber spewed criticism constantly and without end in 'Great Master' Airplane's comment section, his subscription payments and demands for updates never waned. Because of this 'Great Master Airplane had come to suspect that this person was a masochist". p148 I mean yeah lol
OMG what an awful way to die! Alone in your house, let's be real - likely in his underwear- via electrocution induced by his sad instant ramen noodle dinner. p149
and the fact that he transmigrated so young. He was there for a while before the plot plotted with SY. 17 years old! p150. I do wonder if there is a wiggly time thing. Like years in the transmigrated novel equal like hours in the world he came from or something. They died close together I think? anyways- any theories on this are welcome!
Same though- Airplane is so real for this. The way in which I would just want to spill all of the foreknowledge and secrets to people I held in my brain as the creator of this universe p153
The SASS [Tip Complete. We wish you the best of luck]. p155
Are you kidding! This man didn't even write the plot that led for his main spy character to becoming a spy...dang man. the potholes are real bad. p156
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Okay but this would seriously be me af. I am such a wimp- and that is totally okay! In the face of most definitely death, I would submit myself to being the Little Bitch Boy and pledge myself, my body, my undying love, to my new demon overlord and master. Good for baby him ahaha. p158
"As Shang Qinghua overflowed with snot and tears, clinging on for dear life, begging to pledge fealty to Mobei-Jun - wholly without warning, the demon collapsed." p160 Again, same. I'm feeling seen with Airplane here XD Screaming, crying, throwing up.
Man. I really see how these two end up together (I'm assuming they do?). He had a solid chance to murder the guy and he just couldn't because the character is just his ideal man. p162
"This character had been created entirely to the author's own tastes" p163 MHMMM. Yeah he was.
ehehehe and here we have the only one bed trope at the inn he got to nurse his ideal man back to health. p165
This guy is so shameless. Straight up just watching Mobei-Jun strip while he sits there and snacks. p169
It is so unhinged that this man just has a string tied to his neck pp170-171
that congee- YARF "clear as water" sounds so unappealing p174
"When in doubt- just cry" - Airplane definitely p176
The security on this mountain is so shit. Demons just popping in all the time under the radar. Mobei-jun literally lived there for three days no one even knew XD p183
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awww, Airplane tried to warn Liu Qingge about the upcoming Qi deviation. That was nice of him. p190
Yes! Thank you! The scene I have been waiting for; in which the other characters are all like "wtf is up with shen qingqiu? He really is 100% different overnight, but also, no one say anything to him because we like this him better" p192
Fair though, I too would think that SQQ was possessed p194
The way in which airplane is SHAKEN by the actions of SQQ right now is so funny. Him frozen expression, this is NOT the character I wrote what the fuck is happening. p206
Someone commented on an earlier chapter post I had about the theory that the system is the manifestation of airplane's actual wants for the story and like- I stand with this theory. It really checks out with this POV the man keep's fantasizing of a queer man story and like he sure does get it. p207
LOOOOL oh no. the fact that the man who created these characters - VERY different than this experience. Has to listen to Binghe "If you hold unique feelings for a certain person, how can you make them understand you intentions?" p208.
Not airplane giving LBH love advice just so cucumber bro can literally Get Fucked. pp212-213
AND THEN HIS ADVICE BACKFIRES WITH MOBEI-JUN LOL"So, if you want to be liked by a man, the best method is to act pathetic?" p214. Like he set this up for himself
Wait. Airplane had the option to return home! And he just didnt??? p217
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Airplane really is weak for these villainous men. The way in which he describes Linguang-Jun is so simpy. p228
The drama. Airplane doing the MOST to save Mobei-jun. This man could have avoided all of this and just gone home. What a horrible torture! :( p235
Get it airplane! You yell at him ahaha p237-238
I AM SCREAMING. Airplane: I'm your daddy! p239 AND THEN him just leaving in a panic because he really thinks he's going to get murdered after that outburst LOL
I love SQQ sitting in domesticity with his man giving airplane love advice pp244-245
Awww, Mobei-Jun came back for his boyfriend! He's going to make him hand pulled noodles :'3 p255 I honestly think that Mobei-jun actually needed to be bossed around this entire time
BYE. LOL SGH deciding to continue writing in this world by basically writing slash fanfiction about LBH/SQQ + the other peak lords/famous cultivators LOL p256. Good for him ahaha.
We did it!
This chapter was such a ride ahaha. it was fun to see the POV for airplane but also him and the progression of his weird AF relationship with Mobei-jun. I honestly kind of love these two. They were such a mess in the beginning but it ended so soft :'3
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etirabys · 2 years ago
on jogging
I took up jogging 2.5 months ago. I'm going off the c25k schedule, which slowly ramps you up from couch potato fitness to being able to run a 5k. This was much more effective than just trying to get into jogging by mimicking other, fitter, joggers, which was what I did every previous time I briefly tried to get into jogging. I feel embarrassed for never having thought of this before – it's clear that 'my brain was off' in those times when I went mimicry-running.
One issue that made me get into jogging so ineffectively: I didn't realize how terrible my starting physical fitness was. I used to think I was… like… normal? No athlete, for sure, but I'm a "normal amount of miserable" on hikes (and can complete most of them), I'm an intermediate boulderer, I rarely notice activities I'm gated from because of fitness. But when I started c25k with three partners, none of whom regularly jogged, they were all significantly less winded than I was.
And for the first dang time in my life I explicitly had a thought that went, "I can run 1 minute before my body forces me to stop. My partners can run 3-4 minutes. Some people can run 30 minutes."
Once I actually had any sense of "jogging levels" it was so clear how close to the bottom I was when I started out. That gives me some hope that being much fitter will solve my fatigue problems?
I used to be able to run 1 minute, and now I can run 2. By one (terrible but also kind of reasonable?) metric, I'm twice as fit as I used to be. But a nontrivial fraction of the population can jog 30 consecutive minutes! It seems worth getting to that point to see what that does to my energy levels / cognition.
Also: I haven't been sticking to the c25k schedule. I go 1.5 times a week where it expects 3, and I stuck a level between week 2 and week 3 because the 1.5m->3m jump looked insane to me. I've been on that custom level 2.5 for a month. I had a mindblowing conversation with the giant and 81k yesterday where I went, yeah, I've been stuck at week 2.5 because I've felt unready for week 3. And they said, that's probably because you're not going enough.
What do you mean? I asked. I've run about a full session and a half session every week for four weeks. Isn't that the same as 3 full sessions every week for two weeks?
No, they said, surprised I didn't know this. There's an optimal timing. If you'd probably stuck literally to the c25k schedule you probably could have gone from level 2 to 3 in a week.
(I still disbelieve the literal claim that I can go to level 3 after doing level 2 properly, but I believe them that I would be leveling up a lot faster if I stuck to the schedule)
Anyway, some things I'd like to say to my past self, who felt obligated to work out for fatigue issues and then proceeded to exercise very badly because there was such a big ugh field around the topic of exercise:
You do not realize how big the gap between you and even moderately athletic people is. This is good, actually. It means that the correct place to start is easier than you think.
You should try to do it like 3 times a week. Date a jock. There are some on tumblr
Consider starting this when you have positive pressure rather than negative pressure. When you're buckling under multiple joy-sparking projects and want to rise to the challenge, it will be much easier to start & stick to it than when you're an anhedonic lump who has nothing to look forward to, but knows that exercise will in theory make life better in some vague way.
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theerurishipper · 1 year ago
The biggest truth that solves all plot holes in Miraculous: they’re bad writers.
No excuse of this being a kids show works because if you want to be not held accountable for holes then fine act like SpongeBob
but you can’t have everything
Yeah. I didn't give a damn about the "plot holes" in Seasons 1-2, or even Season 3 to some extent, because those were mostly monster of the week type of episodes. Sure, there were some semblances of plot and world-building, but it was still mostly episodic and the show still mostly focused on being goofy and entertaining, so I turned of my brain and enjoyed it greatly.
But then Season 4 came along and tried to change the tone of the series entirely, from being a monster of the week to having an actual plot and overarching story, and proved that the writers for the show don't really know how to do that? And then they started digging their holes deeper and deeper and made so many baffling decisions in the writing that the show just turned into a huge mess, full of unresolved plot points, underdeveloped characters, convoluted storytelling, and many unfortunate implications.
And it's like you said. If the show wants me to take it seriously, I will. I'm going to look at a show for what it is. When the show was presenting itself as a goofy episodic show to entertain kids, I judged it as such and I enjoyed it, because Miraculous is good at that. I loved Seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 less so, because it started The Plot™, and it wasn't good at that, but I still enjoyed a lot of it. But Seasons 4 and 5 came along and demanded I take them seriously, so I did. And they weren't good, because the writers aren't good at that kind of storytelling. They're good at goofy shenanigans, but not at complex plots and characters.
And "it's a kids show" is not an excuse. Kids shows can explore complex subjects and can have great plots and characters (ATLA). But it still has to be, you know, good. Kids aren't stupid. I know that kid me would have also hated the Season 5 finale, because Adrien is my favorite, and he wasn't there, and they made Marinette lose.
But at the same time, this is still a show for kids. Miraculous is a kids show, and therefore, it has the responsibility to not promote harmful messages. What would an abused child who is in a situation similar to Adrien's think when they see him call Gabriel a hero in the finale and say that he doesn't know if he'll ever be like him? Children aren't stupid and incapable of understanding anything, and they do deserve good quality of writing, but they also aren't capable of complex media analysis. And when you see people making these long-ass posts talking about how the finale is actually not what it seems like, actually, you have to consider the target audience. A kid isn't going to be picking up on the deep and nuanced hidden meanings in Gabriel final moments that prove he hasn't changed. They are going to see Gabriel hugging his wife, smiling and surrounded by pretty and warm lights while beautiful music plays. If we have to write all these long theories justifying the ending and trying to suggest that what was obviously portrayed on the screen isn't what the show is really trying to say, is a kid really going to get it?
Which is why you see so many people saying shit like "aw Gabriel was really a good man," or "he was never the villain." These people are probably like, 12–13 year olds, and they are watching a show meant for kids. And as a kid, I'm not going to like that Adrien wasn't in the finale, sure, but does that mean I'll understand that Gabriel is supposed to still be a bad guy when the show tells me to my face that he isn't?
It's not like the show can't deal with complex and nuanced characters. I myself have written many character analyses and have treated these characters as complex and nuanced, and they could have been. Again, look at ATLA. Zuko, for example, is a very complex character, but he is still brought to life in a way that allows kids to understand all the nuances and subtleties in his story clearly. There is a lot of rather complex symbolism, but the kids get the jist of it and can understand his story well, even if they don't catch all the minute details. Hell, take Azula. The show doesn't shy away from showing her doing bad things, but it also makes it blatantly obvious that you should feel sorry for her in the end, and that she's also a victim. Again, kids can understand this.
And that's where Miraculous falls flat. The writers fucked up their message. They wrote some deeply problematic stuff, where the abuser won. The bad guy won, but he was actually a good guy. So, people who act like Gabriel maybe aren't all that bad. What Gabriel did in the end was good, and we should all try to be like him. Kids aren't going to question it. In this way, "it's a kids show" goes from being an excuse to being a problem. It's what it says on the tin, and what's on the tin is not good. That's how I feel.
Thank you for your ask!
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fandomsniper · 1 year ago
so this is my take on human Caine
keep in mind that this is all my headcanons and imagination, and I'm going with the theory that he is an AI and he wasn't a human before
(again it's my hc!) also minor tw for drvg mention
so going with that logic, man is an AI, for his whole life all he was, was lines of numerical codes and suddenly he's thrown into this world and becomes a human, as we all are aware a human body needs to comply to the laws of physics, biology, etc., it has needs that need to be taken care of for it to function right which an AI in a digital world doesn't need to do so imo all of that had to mess with his head a lot, I think that there is a high possibility that he would experience some kind of body dysphoria, he would feel that this isn't HIS body, that something isn't right, something doesn't fit etc., that would be pretty logical
complete change of how his brain operates (idk what he had as an AI but let's also call it a brain lol), human body operates on five basic senses, which is something that he didn't have to submit to, the list of "senses" he had as an AI in a digital world is probably long as fuck and now he has to lean on only five basic ones? that gotta suck and be absolutely difficult (which should be obvious, imagine suddenly becoming blind or deaf, now you need to learn to operate with even less senses than you had, fucking sucks), back in the digital world he could do practically everything with little effort and now? he is limited by this human body/world and all the laws it needs to obey
still on those senses, I think they are all over the place because of the sudden change so he would be prone to sensory overloads or something like that
he literally needs to learn all social rules, written and unwritten, and overall the basis our world works on, which we had YEARS to learn about as we grew up, and yeah as an AI he had some info about humans and our world 'cause he had direct contact with us back in the digital world but it wouldn't be even close to enough to live here among us (heh) completely out of nowhere
because of all of this, I think that he would be a total train wreck and he would be very prone to fall into some unhealthy habits, like for example imo he could easily get addicted to drugs (idk what kind tho), he takes some pills and he can "get back" to his old life at least for a moment? sign him up! for that short period of time, he could feel "right" again, he could have control again [I'm also leaning towards the idea that he could develop some kind of control issues considering who he was back in the digital world as an AI], drugs give you a high which on you can imagine/hallucinate/feel a lot of things so yeah, he could easily get addicted to those, especially if his trips would revolve around him being back in his digital world, his home
and nope, it's not me projecting onto my fav character yet again, not at all (I'm a big liar)
but fr tho, I think it would make sense if he actually was an AI who was never a human and somehow he got out of the digital world with all circus crew
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and I made a visual of him in a picrew! (if anyone will want it, I will drop the link to it)
I made some small adjustments in ibis paint lol, like the eye color and the roughly drawn Glasgow smile scars (for some reason it just fits him??? cause he was literally all teeth and it connected in my brain??? idk but my mental imagine of him as a human has those scars, can't do anything about it) + a bit longer lines under his eyes
he would look like he's in his really late 20's or early 30's
bonus, cause I found that t-shirt in the maker lol, Jax gave it to him
a playlist I made and some footnotes with fun hcs
he would love the movie "The Greatest Showman", can't tell me otherwise
I think he wouldn't have a specific music taste, no specific genre etc. but I think he would enjoy music from 80's and 2000's
he cried watching Bambi
his fav candy is Skittles
for the first two weeks the only thing he would eat was any variation of buttered bread, breakfast? toast with butter, dinner? buttered bread with salt, supper? toast with butter but this time with no crust, he would have continued this if Ragatha didn't step in and practically force feed him scrambled eggs one morning and then continued to do so with other foods until he stopped eating just bread
he likes Lady Gaga
he's not allowed caffeine, under any circumstances, never again, the circus gang decided that as a group
surprisingly, he enjoys horror movies
Jax showed him that one video of car driving through the hills (iykyk), he fell out of his chair
his room is very cluttered, messy but in this artsy-homey way
he picks on his skin a lot, especially when he's nervous and because of that his hands are covered in band-aids
he once saw Zooble smoke and asked if he can try, now he joins Zooble on "smoke breaks" because he picked on the habbit, Zooble kinda feels bad about it
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solarwynd · 9 months ago
Tbh I don't even care / dislike boycott armys. If you don't want to spend money on BTS because they haven't spoken about Palestine, that's your perogative. Because they're enlisted, that does make a difference for me - maybe others find it an excuse but as someone who doesn't live in a liberal western country myself, I know how things like this work in my country and how vulnerable you can be in this situation, so I don't know how it works in s korea but still I'm giving them some leeway. Also there's just this weird disconnect for me because on one side yeah they're millionaires with a huge platform, on the other side they're currently in the mfing army right now. It feels foul to start tweeting about their privilege from the comfort of my bed in my home - something they currently do not experience. That's just my opinion. Someone else might perceive them to have more power than I do and maybe they're right. I won't say mine is the only right way to think. Plus again it's your money - if you donate more and spend less on merch then that's still a net good imo.
But the whole tone of people remarking on this donation has been completely gross. The way they talk about a genocide the same way they talk about the stupid fanwars that happen on twt everyday rather than with the weight it deserves makes me feel like this is some performative bs. Tweets like the ones some armys and kpop stans make just degrades the whole movement.
If you do have genuine intentions and start making stupid tweets like that, you should really touch some grass, log off twitter and do some more actual activism offline instead of letting twitter brain worms consume you. Acting like everyone's misconstruing what you said and playing victim is also not the move. This is a serious topic so I'd expect tweets related to this to have some actual thought behind it instead of spewing some idiocy as a gotcha because again it looks like you're treating this whole issue like some fandom war and trying to one-up the other side. Click-clack my ass.
Armys always come at BTS crazy during times like this and it’s not because it’s “necessary” since you want them to speak up. It all just comes off as sanctimonious and BTS ruining the perception armys have built around them as stans of them being a bit more conscientious than other k groups. I’ve never had an issue with boycotting in theory it’s just that armys can’t stand behind shit or just go about it the wrong way.
Why is it the minute they don’t perform to your exact standards, all of a sudden they’re low down and evil?Why couldn’t y’all have used Jimin donating as a beacon to rally fans to open a pool or something? And I try not to go tit for tat on things like this, but it’s extremely hard not to when you see proof of all these armys happily buying and streaming golden from last year and have been the main ones making these posts about jimin’s donation.
Nothing has changed from that time to present day. Same with the kpop stans trying to join in on it stanning groups who haven’t said a word either. How do you expect me not to believe y’all don’t have ulterior motives by singling him or BTS out? Now all those accounts have deleted those tweets cause they’ve gotten called out on their hypocrisy and got caught up in how dumb they look getting Jimin dragged over something so harmless. Cause it’s not like he gave money to something inane or inconsequential. He’s helping underprivileged children. Just real dickheaded behavior from that person.
Now considering how a member has close ties with scooter, making a statement would come off as hypocritical. I know in the grander scheme of things, what’s needed and what’s important is the awareness and I’d take it as such. But denouncing Zionism with a Zionist so avidly in the mix still wouldn’t be a good look. Which is why I feel like donating would have been the better option. It’d be much more substantial helping out with funds/materials imo because those are things Palestinians desperately need. But I understand that it’s not on the table since they’re in the military.
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alicepao13 · 3 months ago
Hudson and Rex S04E04 - Leader of the Pack
I consider this a very good episode and I loved that they did an episode like that with Sarah.
Black letters in quotes: Actual show quotes.
Green letters in quotes: What I come up with my twisted brain.
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I wish I had the restraint to not watch promos so that I could be worried by this on my first watch. Anyway, this screams AU video. I wish I still made those.
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We need more of this! Why do Charlie, Rex, and Sarah never take us with them when they run???
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"She's not here. What the hell did you say to my mom, Charlie, that she had to run miles away from us?"
So, the Deputy Chief, which if I recall is Tennant, suggested this? Alright, I'm changing my theory. This episode has been flipped with S04E05. I mean, Tennant didn't seem to know Sarah before that episode.
They didn't bother to get someone to cover Sarah's position, so now Charlie has to also fill her void, apparently. Which is hilarious since Sarah is already filling the missing M.E. void.
A married gay couple. I bet Up Faith and Family censored this episode.
Rex is an art lover.
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I'm with the other lady on this one. This seems dangerous. I mean, I'd probably do it but...
Sarah has definitely missed being among women, with all the dudes in the precinct. Very considerate, feminist-leaning dudes, but dudes nonetheless.
All the women sharing stories about how they have to prove their worth in their workplace, meanwhile Sarah is like, no, they're all super supportive.
"You're a cop? But you're so nice." lmao
"My new job has me in the field more." WHAT NEW JOB??? How difficult is it to give her a new title?
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"So, here's the thing. We're all a bunch of trouble magnets at my workplace, and if I'm out in the field and I can't think fast, chances are I'll get killed. By the way, you're all in danger just by being here with me right now."
Random guy just... appears out of nowhere. You were so close to passing the Bechdel test!
More of Rex missing Sarah. Charlie misses her too, he just won't whine in the middle of the bullpen.
Rex: "Well, Sarah has been gone for a minute and Jesse and Charlie are already fist-bumping. I hope she comes back before they turn into chads!"
How the hell would a cyclist bike in that area? Are you for real right now?
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What do you mean, alone? There are six of them, so by definition they're not alone.
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She's on a retreat for a few days, calm down.
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Yeah, I don't understand how both of them didn't break... everything. But here's some quick thinking from Sarah.
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Just a relaxing murderous retreat. That's exactly what Sarah needed. Also, how many criminals' plans will these people ruin by showing up in places unannounced?
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Damn, is that poutine? I'd love to have some.
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"You snooze, you lose, partner."
No, they don't need "deep, cleansing breaths". They need to find who is trying to kill them.
In Sarah's place, I'd only trust myself and the woman who almost got killed to keep watch.
Three men waiting for the dog to push the button so that they can get in the bullpen. It's funny. Also, since when do they not need ID cards to get in?
"I just collated the data." Is this Severance?
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Second attempt.
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Yeah, we know you never get any sleep, Jesse.
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"I don't currently have a positive female influence in my life so I'm allowed to act out."
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Not just one, actually.
There's also Joe's amused smile after that. I wish Joe and Jesse had made a few more acknowledging glances over the episodes, it wasn't always clear that they were onto them.
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"Of course Sarah is stuck on a wilderness retreat with the killer. I don't know what else I was expecting."
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"How can you not hear her voice? You're supposed to be in love with her!"
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Sarah was like, none of them has been helpful in discovering the culprit in the entire trip and now someone finds a SIM card? Impossible.
"Why did there have to be a freaking cop on this freaking retreat?" You want to say fuck so much, babe.
Two million in commission is actually a good amount to kill for. At least it wasn't like a hundred bucks.
I'd like to get one good frame of worried Charlie when he hears the scream, but there is none.
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"I've been left without my pumpkin spice latte for days. Are you sure you wanna do this?"
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Rex is filling his bucket list.
Okay, Sarah, we don't leave our eyes from the killer, we secure the killer first, and then check if everyone is okay.
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Yeah, like that. Also, good for them to think that since the entire storyline is about a women's leadership retreat, Charlie should arrive late to the party.
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"Eat it, Charlie. I'm getting the hugs."
I bet Dina can't wait to read the Yelp review from this one.
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Charlie: "Rex, he uh... He really missed you the last couple of days. I think he was pretty anxious that... you were out here with a killer." Sarah: "That sounds like a rough few days." Charlie: "Yeah, it was. I think he might have been worried that he might lose you." That's nothing, Charlie. Tell me you understand that that's nothing? I mean, cute moment and all, but it doesn't clear up anything.
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Sarah: "Well I guess I should make sure he knows that I'm not going anywhere then, shouldn't I?" Charlie: "I think he'd appreciate that." Rex: "Can you two stop using me as a go-between for your feelings?"
Well, that was fun. Now I keep wondering if that episode was supposed to be earlier or later in the order. Again, their moment in the end is sweet but when you don't talk and clear the air, it means nothing. It's funny how in a way it has a few common elements with Castle's S4, especially regarding miscommunication. I have more grievances about Castle's S4, though. In my opinion, this Hudson and Rex's season has the right to drag a bit on that front. Some better choices were needed but it wasn't that wasteful.
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blubushie · 6 months ago
Wall anon here, get ready for another one though this one is pretty off topic? Idk brain works weird and made me think of this
(I'll try to format this time, throw a brick at me if it's unreadable please)
It's so wild to me seeing the differences in how the TF2 fandom sees the mercs vs how professional* TF2 players, whom I will call the player base, see the mercs (*3rd party competitive)
I think that we all know how much the fandom loves medic and puts demo aside. Though this seems to mostly be the fandom, from my personal experience with the player base, people love demo! Well love playing him.
It's a whole opposite of Tumblr and twitter and whatnot, nobody gives a shit about the story or any fan made stuff past sfms, the player base loves demo and soldier and if you made them play medic even for a second they would combust on the spot.
I've seen at least 10 "who do you main in TF2?" polls on here and the top 2 answers are always medic or pyro, I think that this is because Tumblr TF2 players lack skill but that's just a theory. I know that if I held a poll like this with people from the player base the top answers would be soldier, demoman or scout.
If I may go a bit off topic back to the theory that Tumblr users are bad at TF2, there are only 4 people from the player base that I know who have Tumblr accounts:
My boyfriend who has an inactive account and is considered very shit by everyone (myself included)
Friend of my boyfriend who barely has time to play and has an infamous record of dropping 7 ubers in 30 minutes
A guy who as far as I know has been stuck in the lowest division for over a year (not a good look)
And myself (I'm procrastinating so much on actually playing the game and getting better ffs)
Back on topic, I feel that playing the game with actually good players would change a lot of Tumblr's boring ass headcannons.
I, a medic main myself, used to hate scouts with a passion but after a month of playing with actually good scouts my whole view on scout has changed, I love scouts!! They're my friends!!
After playing competitively my view on a lot of classes has changed, actually. I have mad respect for demos and soldiers because of the high skill that those classes require, from good aim to good game sense and also rocket/sticky jumping and much much more that I won't bore you with.
They're very skilled players playing those classes, it makes ya think about the mercs they're playing a little differently, especially if you're on a new team and don't know each other's names so you call everyone by their class (the amount of times I've been called med or medic instead of my name is uncountable)
I feel like a lot of my headcannons are influenced by the people I play with and our experiences together
And I think that's neat
This has been wall anon, signing off with another fucking wall of text and most likely exposing who I truly am behind the anon mask, whoops?
Oh yeah and reminder to throw a brick at me if this is hard to read lol
God this is so fucking true. Also just generally people only engaging with fandom and not even refreshing on the source material. Spend a few hours mulling over all the comics and videos and voicelines and watching gameplay videos to get an idea of these characters or don't talk to me LMAO
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mochiwrites · 7 months ago
Guess who's back? Back again? Anons back! Tell a friend.
Lol sorry I'm once again back. The same anon who sent a bunch of questions about night life a while ago since I was rereading songbirds blood au. Soo uhm here's more
1. Mochi why does scar say in villainous thing that he has put his head in a werewolfs mouth??!?!?!?!?!? Scar mah dude u ok???? (Lowkey would wanna try it but I probably would leave the werewolfs mouth with a head 😊)
2. Grian.Trans.Canon? (Or scar? Or maybe both???)
3. With the glyphs is there only one way to use them or could you possible make them a tattoo and still you them. Since they are then constantly touching the glyphs they could possible do the magic of a mage. If they had multiple glyphs he could mix the glyphs somehow.(like how Luz mixes the glyphs by drawing them with eachother but instead they do it with their ✨️MIND✨️)
4. Also I love the idea of papapulse. Like I imagine Pearl or grian (most likely grian:^P) and Impulse going full demon mode tl protect them. (I saw that you tagged "Parent impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF)" in troubke in the dead of night🥺👏😍) Also is there different types of demons and what type of powers do they have?
5. In the fic "sitting in the garden at your feet" they have a whole picnic and all the adorableness. Do they go on more picnics frequently? (I really hope soo) I would guess they do since in villainous things they were also on their way to a picnic...but then yeah...poor birb tbh and poor scar
6. Have Ren and Martyn already have their wedding or are they still waiting? I wanna see treebark and I want to see mumbo ask grian go with him as his plus one to the wedding<3
(Though treebark owns my heart, Grumbo will always win) Don't talk about scarian I've never left the desert and don't plan to either😘
7. Okay soo in the fic "weight of living" there was this one scene where etho stared at grian. Here's the quote: "Etho eyes him for a moment, his gaze unreadable as he does so. It leaves Grian with chills. Weird."
Is it possible that etho is a Watcher? I'm mean   he is definitely not human(or maybe he is an immortal human?)  Etho may recognize grian, either as an old Watcher or a new Watcher to be made. Or maybe etho just thinks it is weird to see scar with grian(A HUMAN) The last one is more logical <:^)
8. On that note with Etho. You never confirm nor deny if grian is the "lost watcher" but what if I were to ask you if EFFO is the lost Watcher. I don't have proof but-...yeah idk
Wait wait just had another thought what if Pearl is the Watcher???? When the dream bugs ate her dreams there was a purple mist! Huh huh gotcha!/silly this is purely a joke🤣
9. Will we see a bad boy grian phase or possibly a drag queen phase🥺👉👈. Since it often mention that grian was a dare devil(still is:^P) or did grian have such phases. One of my friends is kinda a dare devil and he did drag once and I feel since grian might be the same there...
10. What did Scott do with the shard? Did he just entirely get rid of it? Also is Scott pure evil or broken. Maybe with the lost of his brother(Xornoth) did he turn evil or was evil just in his genes?
Those are all the questions and theories for now thank you for listing to my literal brain rot<3
This time it was numbered
(There will possible be more to come>:^] )
see me rubbing my paws together with a big grin >:3c no apologies needed !!!! I love questions hehe. as always, I can't answer everything clearly, because of spoilers but I'll certainly answer as much as I can!
1- WHEEZE scar just feels like the kinda guy to me to stick his head into the mouth of a werewolf for fun, y'know? he'd try it once just to see what would happen (and I mean, he's got no reason to fear dying, all things considered LOL)
2- GRIAN TRANS CANON !! honestly, just operate under the assumption that any grian I write is trans JFGDHFKKJDFG it's my comfort character and I get to project on him /silly (no trans scar though </3)
3- WAUG OKAY -- I've answered this kind of question before but for the life of me I can't find it D: I'm gonna keep searching for it, and when I find it I'll reblog this with that information mjfdhkfghfjg I don't wanna contradict myself LMAO
4- PAPAPULSE MY BELOVED 🥺I really wanna write more with him ueueue. I actually haven't done much world building for sb!demons but I'm going to say that yes, there are different types of demons! and they all have a wide range of different abilities :3
5- they def go on picnics yeah!!! I think it becomes one of grian's default methods to drag mumbo out of the manor when he can <33
6- ren and martyn haven't had their wedding yet :3 I actually hadn't thought about when their wedding would take place but ;w; oh that gives me some ideas....
7- etho isn't a watcher! the current lore is well. no one really knows what etho is. except maybe bdubs and joel. but their lips are Sealed (he's not the lost watcher either I'm afraid </3)
9- so currently I don't have any plans for a bad boy or drag queen phase to pop up in the story (though that could change, if any ideas come up) but they were certainly things he did when he was wayyy younger
10- what scott did with the shard hm? he broke it :) and I'm afraid evil is just in his genes unfortunately </3
hehe thank you for your questions!! :D
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tired of antis rehashing the old magic bullet theory or hypodermic needle theory
both theories are similar in that they theorize that information is “injected” or “shot” into the human brain and that we are directly influenced by that, but people are neither a passive audience nor sponges that soak up every information, we have thoughts, beliefs, morals
these things also shape how we react and are influenced by media. And when it comes to fiction and propaganda, it’s actually impossible to compare the two. And they shouldn’t be compared anyway 
Propaganda is trying to convince the audience to something and it may or may not work to influence someone based on above mentioned factors 
Fiction on the other hand is often unrealistic and fantastic, it’s hardly material that one can even consider to use to convince someone or something. It’s not trying to convince or teach someone something anyway, and even if it did, creating art that sends one defining message that you cannot interpret as anything else is extremely hard, if not impossible 
I feel like antis reject science altogether and instead rely on feelings, theories, misinformation or tabloids who react to something in an overly dramatic way or draw the wrong conclusions. Like no, Finding Nemo did not lead to more kids wanting Clownfish as pets when the entire message of that movie was that keeping (exotic) fish as pets and removing them from their natural habitat is actually harmful, and even kids who aren’t old enough to join social media understand that 
This. We aren't sponges, we're closer to a gate that only opens when certain boxes are ticked. We aren't going to be influenced by that information unless it has several other factors. Propaganda is intended to tick those other boxes. It is specifically formulated to do so. And that takes effort that fiction creators are not putting into their work 99% of the time.
Though I'll admit that I'm an aquarium geek planning out a 150g saltwater reef tank and there will be clowns and they will all be named Nemo. Most fish in my circles are captive bred, though. But yeah, I have yet to meet a kid who wanted anything other than like, a goldfish. Or a betta. And those kids have definitely seen finding nemo. This was an excuse to mention my tank plans I'm sorry.
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henrysglock · 9 months ago
hi there! first off, i just wanted to say thank you for sharing all your theories and ideas because they are genuinely so interesting to me as someone who was never really that into the NINA plotline when s4 came out— after looking at a good number of your posts that definitely started to change lol. i’ve become moderately obsessed with you and a few others’ theories about the different timelines and i was curious how you think they’d go about revealing that to the general audience? everything you’ve laid out about the timelines is so much in the fine details, and while it’s itching my brain for sure i have no idea how they would tie all of this together. if you’ve already talked about this feel free to ignore this lol, i just wanted to see what you thought and to say that your theories are so fun to read even for someone who isn’t all that into henry’s character or the lab plotline— i know you and a few others are probably getting at the much larger reveals that they’re saving for s5, and i think it’s really admirable esp considering not a lot of people on here are receptive or willing to listen. anyway sorry for the tangent and thank u again!! <3 i hope you’re having a good week :)
Hi Nonnie!!!
First: Oh gosh what a compliment <3 I'm so glad to hear this journey has made the lab arc more enjoyable for you! I know it's been just pure dopamine for me. It sucks that more people aren't super receptive, but it makes the ones who are receptive (like you, Nonnie <3) all the more special.
Second: Yeah, the timelines reveal is going to be one of the harder reveals to predict, and you're absolutely right, a lot of our posts are centered on minutiae.
Personally, I don't believe that many of those details will be addressed at all. I think they're there for the people who want to piece it all together on their own before the big reveal. So actually, I when I try to argue for timeline theory, I usually opt for the huge, huge smoking guns that are Scott Clarke's line about Many Worlds Theory all the way back in Season 1, the Edward newspaper, and the NINA inconsistencies. Timeline theory is a lot like byler that way: The details are there to flesh it out, to prove it further, but they're not always super crucial to understanding it.
When it comes to the reveal, I definitely think it's going to rely on those bigger points. By that, I mean:
The gang could go to Upside-Down HNL to find more details about One to try and counterattack (we already have BTS pictures of HNL with vines/UD stuff in it).
The leftover files/details could mention Edward, or even both Edward and Henry, and Nancy may the Creel papers. (In 4.04, she asks Victor to clarify if Alice is his daughter, which indicates she may have noticed the Virginia-Alice swap. If she did, then she absolutely know about Edward.)
We find out what, exactly, NINA was and how it links up to time travel.
That would inevitably lead to "Okay, so how does this all work, and who then hell is Henry Creel, for real this time?", which is something I have no doubt they'd go to Scott about, and that would tie us right back to that "throwaway" Season 1 line about many worlds.
That ^^ right there could very well be the Edward Creel reveal and the truth about NINA/the massacre of 1979 wrapped up in just one episode.
It's still entirely possible, plausible even, that the original/ST1-2 UD is one other timeline, and that Vecna's is the third, possibly NINA-generated, timeline(everyone cheered for the ST rule of 3).
If they are the other timelines, then: a) It's fairly similar in concept to Fringe. b) It's in keeping with the Flea And The Acrobat/Gates being tied to the Many Worlds line. c) It's simple to comprehend without having to try and wrap your head around the minutiae.
But again...
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For anyone reading this who's not caught up: This has all been talked about a bunch by Em (aemiron-main), a bit by Stav (heroesbyler) in relation to the Void, and iirc Nat (givehimthemedicine). I had a post on the gravity inconsistencies in Vecna's UD, Able Archer vs the ST1/2 UD, and most recently I posted about what Shepard sees when he crosses into the UD in Season 1.
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