#and i have chores and tasks and such
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rough day...
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ghcstao3 · 9 months
Soap hc for your consideration:
When Soap has anxious or just angry energy that he doesn't know what to do with (and he doesn't feel like training it out) he'll hyperfocus on deep cleaning whatever space he can for hours. He's hardly aware of time passing as he's doing it too, he just stops when he feels all the energy fade away or become a more manageable level
some people joke that that’s how he got his callsign even though the name soap came well before anyone noticed his habit, but he doesn’t really mind.
because all that matters is that cleaning to him is calming; the repetitive motions, the smells, the instant gratification of stepping back from his work and seeing a notable difference in cleanliness. what matters is that even as much time as it may take, it’s draining in a good way and, in the end, the effort can be appreciated.
the 141 notices the habit when the common room is suddenly cleaner than it’s ever been—even the grout is white after years of being an ugly brownish-grey—and they find soap in the middle of it all, scrubbing at a particularly stubborn stain on the kitchenette counter.
after that, price, gaz, and ghost all chip in to buy supplies for soap on occasion, because it can get expensive, and they have to show they’re thankful anyhow. they don’t comment on the habit otherwise, and that’s just how things go.
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 days
I just want everyone to know that in the span of 3 days, I have made 3 loads of laundry, and have a 4th already sorted and ready to go (which includes towels / blankets / bedding). I still need to fold them and put them away BUT the important part is done 🥹
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doublel27 · 2 months
I think one of my favorite things about The Trainee, aside from the slow reveal of who the characters all really are underneath our initial impressions of them, is how realistic it feels of training someone to go from a competitive education setting to a collaborative work space.
As an educator, admittedly in the US, there’s such a competitive nature for scores and individual achievement and there’s not a lot of room for failure. There’s a lot of reasons for helping students to develop an independent wealth of knowledge to pull on for problem solving and critical thinking based on brain science: the more information/patterns stored in your long term memory the more space you have for complex problem solving.
But also, with such an individualistic set up for achievement with self-reliance as a base, it leads to some of the issues we’ve seen the interns grappling with in terms of not being honest when problems come up or not asking a question of how to solve things, or if the decisions they’re making are the right ones. Especially as the assumption is often amongst the group that failure and mistakes mean they’re out of the intern experience. And the general response from the adults has been: you’re learning, this was a mistake but we are a team and we need to work together.
And I just really love seeing that modeled in a television show, how effective teamwork is built and how it’s a skill that has to be learned/taught alongside the technical skills of the job. Clearly that’s not how all workplaces are, but it’s going a long way to show why the production company works well even when problems arise.
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aphantimes · 3 months
i need an exploration of knuckles' life before the events of sonic 3 so bad ........ he was a kid that was all alone with zero civilisation for OVER A DECADE. like????? helloooooooooo????? pls i need this exploredddd
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
there is something very sad about Peg just wanting to tell BJ about her day to day life, the mundane things in the house that need to be fixed and the funny things that happen to her, all things he would've enjoyed hearing about or would've handled with her if he'd been there, and having absolutely no idea what effect these letters actually have on him
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kenjirose · 2 months
People only seem to care about mental illness when it’s cute and romanticizable, not when it’s ugly and destructive
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naomiknight-17 · 10 months
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I can't clean and tidy all of my apartment at once like I wish I could, but at least I can dust some shelves and put all my Pokemon pops together
Also Lion from SU is there. When I finally complete my Eeveelution collection (just need Umbreon!) I will have to relocate him... he is a placeholder
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straightlightyagami · 4 months
I hate it when people don’t ask you to do something and then get mad at you for not doing it. Sure it’s a reasonable request if you had actually said it.
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Chicken ...
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crippleculture · 6 months
yeah these are my emotional support animals! *points to animals that make my daily life actively harder*
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zellkabellk · 7 months
Nowadays trying really fucking hard to teach to my brain that it's okay and better to "just do 10 min of this task" even if it means leaving it unfinished (but further along than before!) rather than not doing it "because when I do it I should do it all" Because jfc I can't keep leaving my house in states where I need to do 30+ minutes of dishes instead of just... doing a little everyday and at least it remains a manageable amount in the sink even if it's not always emptied...
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lamellas · 2 months
did 2 whole chores today.... whew im fucking tired
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whentherewerebicycles · 4 months
I seem to be fine most of the day and then I have a BIG mood dip around 8pm. I think I should just immediately go to bed instead of entertaining any thoughts at all about the future
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canisonicscrewyou · 6 months
You know. A lot of the times it really doesn’t feel like it at all. But Ohmygod am I trying and trying and trying and trying and trying and I am. Tired. But I have to keep trying and that’s fucked up.
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thethingything · 5 months
I have so many things I want to do today but also am struggling so much to actually do anything because of the fucking ADHD so wish me luck I guess.
we already did laundry which was the main big task of the day, and then I want to do a bunch of iNat IDs, some art (both the Big Drawing and another piece I've been working on), maybe play video games because it's been a while, order some stuff we need, organise and read through some emails, dracula daily, journaling, and probably some other stuff.
if I remember later I'll post an update and show off the little forest for the day on the timer app we use
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