#and how the rest of the team basically bullying him was probably their way of coping with having to go back to work instead of having time
nightofmiracles · 6 months
does anybody else ever think about tortuga and how marrow's outfit is the basic one every other military personnel has, meaning tortuga might have died not that long ago before the show went to atlas & marrow might have joined the aceops right afterwards since he didn't even have a tailored uniform yet
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wheelerpilled · 8 months
'forced conformity is killing the kids'
Mike Wheeler ST5 Theory/analysis
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So we've all seen the new BTS of Finn Wolfhard on the set of Stranger Things dropped and OH MY GOD. THE DUALITY FROM LAST SEASON.
I have to TRY write about it ATLEAST...because wow I have a lot of potential thoughts, sorry it's once again unstructured, messy, and repetitive but stay with me please!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen ALOT of people happy we're getting s1-2 Mike hair back but guys .....it's not a good thing!!!!!!!!!! Mike is going THROUGH IT.
In Season 4 it's acknowledged that Mike is finally coming into his own a bit, Eddie says he was wearing 'whatever his mom bought him' when he first came to highschool, but in episode 1 when we see him for the first time in S4, he's clearly been influenced by Eddie and has figured out what style he likes and what he's interested in, he's in a DND club, he's comfortable being known as an uncool nerd, he's growing his hair out (yes I DO believe it's because he idolised Eddie, I have more to say about that in a second)
basically: his hair and his outfits, aswell as pretty much the way he acts in Hawkins (NOT California- he goes back to pretending to be something else) in S4 represents the ideology non-conformity and his sense freedom in this new persona
he doesn't feel lost in highschool anymore, he's doing what he likes with his friends (DnD) and he's proudly wearing his hellfire shirt around school/Hawkins, basically, he's accepting that it's okay to enjoy 'different' things that aren't considered the norm, and it makes him happy, he feels comfortable!
But now in Season 5, from the pictures we've seen, it looks like he's fully reverted back into his shell, I guess I understand why tbh I don't blame him:
he comes back to Hawkins after everything and everyone believes he's in a satanic cult- townspeople probably treat him badly and Jason's team mates probably blame Eddie and the rest of hellfire for Jason's 'disappearance' (death). They directly connect him with all the horrible things that have happened to Hawkins as of late
...which is probably what the BTS of them walking towards Mike are about, they probably keep harassing him no matter how he acts and Mike just wants them to leave him alone, let's face it:
High school has probably gone full circle back to middle school for Mike and he's getting bullied/mistreated again. So he feels his only option is to remove himself from Hellfire and become 'normal'.
Hellfire might maybe even be blamed for the gates being opened. Last we heard, the townspeople were hunting down Eddie and the rest of hellfire, and the graffiti on Eddie's grave in the S5 pics shows that he's still very much hated.
Mike probably got harassed by multiple people who don't believe Eddie's dead, or believe Mike was in on it and are out looking for him, or think Hellfire contributed to some satanic ritual causing the 'earthquake' and thus Mike is also a target and it's dangerous for him.
So I think part of the style change and haircut is due to THAT, he doesn't wear his hellfire shirt anymore because he doesn't want any affiliation with the club.
As Finn Wolfhard has said in previous interviews 'mikes just trying to act as normal as possible' so by seperating himself from Eddie/Hellfire and becoming more conventionally 'normal' he won't be treated like an outcast.
He won't be assaulted, bullied, blamed, or worse if he conforms. He has a greater chance of everything becoming better/easier while living in Hawkins if he does this, he might have even given up DnD aswell- so yeah he's gonna be pretty MISERABLE in season 5
Alot of people wanted to see his reaction to Eddie's death, I think we'll definitely be seeing the lingering after effects of it, and alot of Mike's arc will kick off because of the aftermath of the vilification of Hellfire.
Only few people know that Eddie died to try protect Hawkins, Eddie was a role model for Dustin and Mike, but they're grieving him in COMPLETELY different ways
Dustin decides to honour him by taking up a similar style and proudly wearing his hellfire shirt, and is also probably trying to sway the town's opinion on Eddie and prove him innocent.
....But Mike seemingly decides that he DOESNT want to end up like Eddie anymore: dead and hated, known as a satanic freak.
Someone he idolised is now deceased, he doesn't know how to properly handle that fact, it's intimidating that someone he looked up to do much could be so hated, and in turn has caused the reaction from Mike that is basically 'if my idol is treated as such a horrible outcast, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, where would that leave me?' he's feeling lost and hopeless, especially with the state Hawkins is in, so he probably decides the best thing to do is just blend in. Be normal.
It probably scares him that even merely his interest in DnD and all these other factors immediately make him a target, as far as townspeople believe- Mike is one of the kids who was close with a brutal serial killer, they probably think he's just as 'messed up as Eddie the freak was' for staying friends with someone who'd do such horrible things
I think Mike just wants to hide as much as he can right now, he has ALOT on his plate and doesn't need the rest of the town out to get him.
so if anyone asks: he'll probably say things like 'I didn't really know Eddie! I would never join a cult like that, I didn't know!' or something to try seperate his name from the hellfire club.
Mike will end up picking protecting himself and hiding his true identity and values/traits rather then living exposed and vulnerable; yet true to what he actually believes is right....And that is the opposite of what Dustin is doing,
Dustin is a proud hellfire member and friend of Eddie, he's picking what he thinks is right over self-preservation from the town, he's still wearing his battered shirt, now HE'S the one growing his hair out, he still adores Eddie and misses him (so does Mike probably, but he feels he CANT outwardly publicly show support or stand up for him)
I do wonder if this will cause some sort of tension between Dustin and Mike, because Dustin is doing the opposite and becoming more like Eddie instead of distancing himself from the hellfire name, he might feel betrayed that Mike 'gave up' on Hellfire, and maybe accuse him of not even caring about Eddie or his death?? Idk!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Dustin will also be going through it this season 😭😭😭
I do also think Mike will try to be clinging alot to El this season (I mean, before they inevitably break up which I believe will probably happen kinda early on if it actually happens at all)
this is also because just the idea of having a girlfriend corresponds to his idea of conformity and being 'normal'. He just wants to be a normal guy, his life is nothing out for the ordinary, he's not interested in satanic things like dnd and hellfire, he's just a normal person. A normal person who is PROBABLY a target of Vecna in season 5 😓
I believe his arc for this season will be trying to breakout of these notions of conformity in exchange for things he actually likes and is interested in, we saw him sort of branching out in season 4, but I think THIS time it's happening for real, and he'll end up fully embracing his own views and interests after some sort of emotional arc-which will also probably be part of the M*lev*n break up (not censored because I'm against them/hate them I just don't wanna clog the tag for others 😭😭) OR set off by the breakup
Throughout season 1 he was told he liked El, or others assumed it, so I think he assumed it aswell, they just never broke up because El ALSO thinks having a boyfriend is normal and expected, and because Mike was the boy she was closest to she assumed it was romantic feelings (and he kissed her in S1 which probably contributed to her assuming they were romantic feelings)
Alot of the people around her are also in relationships, and she watched alot of TV with happy romantic couples so she thinks it's more normal to HAVE a boyfriend then to NOT have one, I think Mike and El kinda stayed together because they think they're SUPPOSED to by these social standards,
They obviously care about each other alot, and mistook it as reasons to just stay together, she wants to be a normal girl because only being a superhero isnt good for her, she needs to be 'Jane Hopper' and not '011'. I do think she definitely needs to be single for awhile and find herself, even if her and Mike are to be endgame, she NEEDS at least some time to gain some experiences outside of living her life as a superhero, (Mike also needs character development outside of being 'Els Boyfriend's)
Which is why it was vital that her time with max in S3 existed, so El could realise her value and that there is a life outside having a boyfriend- I think Mike needs a similar moment aswell, a wake-up call of sorts where he can take a step back and consider maybe rather than letting society dictate his actions, he makes decisions for what he wants for himself ('we make our own rules')
If m*lev*n is endgame then sure that's great for them, but I genuinely don't know what big character arc could be in store for Mike that doesn't involve a breakup and themes of non-conforming, it doesn't even have to involve Byler endgame at all (although I AM a byler truther)
I think Mike learning that it's okay to let go of that romantic relationship if he doesn't feel that way anymore is a big step for his character, or atleast taking a break so he can work on himself, anything along those lines of actual development on himself rather then on his relationship- El and Mike have been romantically paired from the start, he needs to learn that it's OKAY to breakup with someone if thats what he feels is right, (side note: I DO believe El would/will be the one to breakup with him 😭)
I don't think he realises that he'll be able to stay friends with El, it's not 'shes my girlfriend or else she'll hate me for breaking up with her. No other options'
he doesn't want to lose her because he cares about her but he can't find a way to balance that romantic relationship alongside his other friendships. So I think for his character to develop they have to breakup, even temporarily, but obviously that's only my opinion if M*lev*n is endgame then oh well, it's endgame, but I think they would be a really awesome platonic duo and I'd like their relationship alot more if it was that way
I think later in the season he'll realise that living this way not actually what he wants, and he doesn't want to give up who he is, or pretend to be something he's not- because he IS a nerd who likes DnD, and he does support Eddie, he cared alot about him because he idolised him, and i think season 5 is about him learning that that's okay and he doesn't have to feel so much pressure to conform by societal standards, bro needs a better grief process, forced conformity GOT HIS ASS 😭😭😭
What I'm trying to say is: all of this, and his new look is a safety net of sorts, he's still pretending to be something he's not because he feels he HAS to, otherwise it's dangerous for him in Hawkins because of hellfires reputation, but he's also acting this way because of other factors that I haven't really thought through yet LMAO
I believe season 5 will probably be him accepting those things about himself and embracing it, maybe also undoing his emotional repression along the way, I guess I would describe it as coming of age and I think if it's handled well it could be really beautiful in a way
Sorry that was long and repetitive but uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah..........anyways Mike Wheeler ily keep ur head up king please don't die in S5‼️‼️ stay safe‼️‼️
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strawbrygashez · 4 months
Caldre YURI hcs!!!
These r some hcs for yuri/girl versions of cal & andre,,. I’ll call Andre, Avery and Cal, Callie :)
I’ll start of with some gereral hcs of them both
•This girl is the perfect example of the tall, awkward, and autistic lesbian trope.
•She dresses basically the same as Andre does. She never really does anything fancy with her hair besides a quick pony tail or letting Callie braid it. She doesn’t wear makeup either because she doesn’t care for it on herself and she just thinks it takes too long. Her mom bugs the crap out of her sometimes asking her to try wearing more ‘feminine’ clothing. Like her mom will buy her a sundress or something even tho she should know that Avery is just gonna toss it somewhere in her closet to never be seen again or give it away to Callie.
•Speaking of makeup, I feel like Avery would have acne like Andre. And she gets picked on for it but as I said, she still doesn’t try makeup to cover it up. Especially probably because her skin is already sensitive enough as it is. So she just rolls with it. (Not saying the bullying doesn’t get to her tho)
•She has soooo many band posters around her room of female bands/singers like Hole, Kittie, Garbage, Otep, No Doubt, Evanescence, Jack Off Jill,& L7 for example.
•Doesn’t deny that she’s gay to herself as much as Andre does. Shes known she’s hated guys for as long as she can remember. She thinks they are just loud, dumb, annoying, and gross. She tried going out with a guy once in like middle school, and it only lasted about half a month. She was too uncomfortable with him & doing things like holding hands.
•has a ‘resting bitch face’ all the time. The only time she doesn’t look ready to rip someone’s head off is when Callie is talking to her.
•She’d be a riot grrrl. If you’ve seen the documentary ‘Dirty Girls’ she reminds me a lot of it.
Even tho I think she’s a total feminist, she’s kinda contradicts herself often. Like when she argues with Callie, she’ll tell her to go fuck off and join the braindead, blonde sluts on the cheerleading team :/ And she just makes fun of popular girls in general, even the ones who are nice because she’s insecure about herself. If a pretty popular girl who’s never said anything mean to her started to talk to her, she’d be blushing and anxious tho.. she’s just a big ol’ mess.
•Steals magazines that are like full of chicks in swim suits. She hides them under her bed. Her mom accidentally found one once and later that night, Avery took all of the ones she owned and burnt them all in a small fire outside💀 she restarted her collection tho at some point when the embarrassment died down.
•Even tho her mom goes on and jokes about her finding a nice boyfriend, it’s pretty obvious to everyone she’s a lesbian. Her room doesn’t help, the magazine she had, the way she never seems interested in male celebrities and actors, the way she ignores guys, it just all adds up.
•Avery calls her Barbie because of the blonde hair and thin body. But she also goes by Cal :)
•You can really tell how artsy she is by the way she dresses. I guess the best way to describe it is like grunge fairy core. Lots of lacy things, light greens and browns, flowy skirts, lots of jewelry, and etc. She also draws on her hands a lot in permanent marker. She’ll draw ‘tattoos’ on Avery too if she asks.
•I feel like female Cal would be pretty popular? But not like, popular popular. Just like loser/weird girl popular because she’s so pretty. Like I’m sure annoying guys try to get with her but she always comes across not interested at all. She’s happy with just Avery and Rachel.
•Just like canon Cal, everyone thinks she’s super innocent and can’t do any wrong because of the way she looks. But she’s just like canon Cal. Manic episodes, depression, and all. She hides it even better than canon Cal does because yknow, no one expects such an innocent, sweet looking girl to hold the kinda thoughts she does at all.
• Cuts and has body issues.
•Loves when Avery lets her give her makeovers. Not because she thinks she needs it at all, and she will tell her that, but because she just likes putting together outfits and looks! She paints her nails sometimes too so they match :)
•I think if she wasn’t so depressed to where she saw no future for herself, she’d maybe look into a job that has to do with fashion or writing. Something artsy.
•They both find each other so beautiful and interesting. Callie feels so safe and truly seen with Avery and Avery is so greatful for Callie because she was so lonely before.
•Initially, I think Avery was a bit intimated by Callie though because all she knew was she was really pretty and blonde so she was like ‘ugh. Another cheerleader 🙄’ in her mind but when Callie actually spoke to her, and Avery found out she’s really cool and they relate a lot, she kinda fell head over heels quickly.
•They both HATE Brad because he makes jokes about how they should kiss in front of him because it would be hot 😐 Or how Callie or Avery should stop hanging out with each other and hang out with him instead. Hes a total douchebag.
•Callie honestly has no doubt Avery is into girls because of multiple reasons but she won’t say anything really about it. When she does want to drop hints that she’s into chicks too, she’ll say stuff about how a girl lead singer is hot. Avery is kinda clueless tho so she’ll just be like “oh haha. Yeah I guess anyone would find that singer hot” to herself. Smh. They’ll even joke argue one time about who would get to be Courtney Loves groupie if she said only one of them could be and it will just go over Averies head.
•Callie has caught Avery looking at her putting on lipstick a bit too intensely once or twice. She thinks it’s cute :) I think once maybe she’s even kissed her cheek so it would leave a kiss mark. Avery of course got all red and said it was gross and how she had to go wash it off now and blah blah blah but probably had to actually fight for her hand to move to wash it off in the sink later.. cuz she saw herself in the mirror and went 😳
•They also joke around by pretending to be guys who are flirting with them with each other. Like Callie will put her arm around Avery in the car while they are parked somewhere and will try to copy Brads voice and say “Hey baby. It’s just me and you now. Am I gonna get lucky tonight?” They both find it amusing to laugh over guys.
•Avery uses cheap shots when they are play fighting. She punches Callie in the b00b because she’s flat anyways. Callie threatens to use her long nails to scratch out Averie’s eyeballs.
•Avery sent Callie the music video to All the things she said by TATU once but thought Callie didn’t get the point of sending it.. because Callie didn’t say anything about how it was gay 😔 she just said it was a nice song.
Also Avery cries to that song a lot.
•They would have been less pathetic than Cal & Andre and would have actually fr kissed before they did what they did.
•Callie loves listening to Avery rant. Especially about how she hates everyone and how unfair life is lol.
•Callie steals Averie’s band shirts. It first started at a sleepover where Callie’s shirt got ruined so Avery offered her a Kittie one. Once Avery saw her and how she looks exactly like a girlfriend a rockstar guy would have, she knew she was even more done for.
•I think if Callie thought Avery had a specific type, based off the pictures she has up on her wall of women and whatnot, she’d lowkey try to make herself look a little more like that type. Like if she thought Avery likes gothy looking makeup and clothes, she’d try more looks like that. She wouldn’t totally change her style but she’d play around with stuff that she thinks Avery would like.
•If they got together, I think Avery would open up more about how she feels ugly or uncomfortable with how she looks. It breaks Callie’s heart even though she could already tell Avery was not very confident in herself sometimes. she’ll go on about how Avery is absolutely gorgeous to her and she’d share how she has her own body issues too and Avery would be like “??? What? What the fuck? You’re literally perfect. What are you talking about.” And Callie would tell her she feels exactly the same when she hears Avery say that kinda stuff about herself.
•Avery definitely thinks Rachel is out to steal Callie from her. She knows Callie could easily fit in with the ‘normal’ crowd if she wanted with Rachel so she’s always worried she’ll get persuaded into leaving Avery behind. It takes a good amount of deep conversations before Avery can calm down about it and believe Callie won’t leave her.
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
As a kid watching Ninjago, I was just interested in the flashy powers, and the heroics of the main characters, like any kid would. Like, 'Aw these guys are so heroic and selfless and awesome'
But now as an adult, when I recommended my GF the show, I specifically said "This is Family Issues: The Lego Cartoon"
Honestly, Jay likes to complain and hide his upbringing, but he's probably the ONLY ninja with any resemblance of a normal happy childhood and backstory. He has two loving parents who supported him, and was an aspiring inventor.
You could argue Fritz Donegan rectified it, but Jay didn't know this, so how would this affect how is childhood turned out?
At worst, he was dirt poor, living in a junkyard and all, but compared to what the rest of his team went through, I think they'd WANT what Jay had.
Nah, instead most of Jay's trauma and emotional baggage is in the present.
And who else do we have?
We have a robot who didn't even know he was a robot, or had any idea of his identity or memory, so much so that he was just... wandering around the land with amnesia. (Then, you know, everyone thought he was weird)
We have Cole, who grew up in a harsh family background where his dad forced/pressured his kid to be a musician, and canonically suffered depression and bad violence habits after the loss of his mother/during her illness. (Idk about those other Royal Blacksmiths if they are in the family or not, but either way they didn't seem supportive)
Kai and Nya's parents up and vanished from their lives at ages five and three, and they had to raise each other all by themselves with just a blacksmith shop. Basically means they were forced to end their childhoods right there, especially Kai, because older sibling. And there's no indication they had any friends or anyone to help them in their town, at most there was that one lady that they hated, so... ouch.
And... Lloyd.
Just Lloyd.
Half of the show is just Lloyd suffering.
Born as the son of a man forced into an evil oni maniac, said father ditched his entire family.
Mom decided it was a good idea to abandon her kid in a boarding school about villainy. (That's like, the ONE thing I genuinely think the movie did better than the show.)
And that school heavily bullied Lloyd and even exiled him, forcing him on the streets, basically
Everyone hates him and doesn't help him (until Pythor)
Gets tricked by Pythor
Gets kidnapped by Serphantine
Nearly dies in lava
Is given a destiny as the savior of all of Ninjago where he's forced to be on opposite sides of his father, and part of said destiny involves him needing to kill him
Was LITERALLY forced to give up his childhood for this destiny
Was tortured by the Overlord for his golden power
Ice Ninja died
He got his father back, and then he died.
Was possessed by an evil ghost tyrant and was forced to do horrible stuff with no control over himself
Was also physically strained to his limit with that possession
Lost his uncle
Fell in love, and then said crush turns out to be a twist villain who wants to TORTURE him, resurrect his father and steal that fatherly love from him, and have said father try to KILL HIM
Which he was very close to succeeding at
Has to live in hiding for a week thinking all his friends are dead
Twist villain crush dies in a building collapse
That traumatizes him and haunts his trust and empathy towards people for A LONG TIME
Gets cubed in a video game (idk if that counts as trauma)
He's also a dragon oni hybrid, and his oni hide haunts his mind for his entire life, and is terrified to even think of a part of himself
Merge. For weeks he thought all his friends were dead. (Again)
And you know, physical beatdowns from being the Green Ninja, one of the most responsible jobs as the savior of all of Ninjago.
And that is not even everything, I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I didn't mention.
This poor, poor Emo Child.
If this wasn't a Lego show, this would have a Clone Wars tone, I'm convinced.
So yeah, 'Family Issues: The cartoon'.
At least they all have each other. They're a happy found family, and the light in each other's lives. They're here for each other. Their dynamics are precious to me.
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hainethehero · 7 months
Oh, I feel like it’s so interesting that Steve (in the movies) has always been portrayed as more or less a more passive person when it comes to many things.
There’s a difference in how he’s portrayed when he gets the serum vs when Peggy gets it in what if.
Peggy is immediately effective and trailblazes her way to getting stuff done.
Steve spends a while being on USO doing performances with the USO girls. He literally is still doing it when he arrives in Italy and the soldiers boo him and throw tomatoes (poor thing). He’s like super sad about it and spends a few hours drawing in the rain until Peggy finds him and convinces him to do something about it.
I feel bad for him because while he is quick to defend others and yes get in fights in alleys, I feel like that only happens if he sees someone else in distress and he feels he should stand up to them despite probably not being super helpful because he was always half the size of whatever bullies he tried to stand up to 🤣.
But as a whole, for himself, Steve more or less just goes through life and does what he has to go on and or what is asked of him.
Nobody appeared to ask him if it was cool that he just woke up from 70 years of being frozen and then had to join and the lead the Avengers initiative. Tony/ironman fans like to give him a hard time because he didn’t react well to Tony in the beginning but Tony has a snarky quick wit that Steve doesn’t really have (lol) so he’s not really able to have much equal banter arguments with people like Tony.
People will clown on Steve in that one scene and say he got owned by Tony but personally I don’t think Steve’s personality is much of a debating and shit talker.
He gets flustered talking to Peggy and she makes a comment that he doesn’t know how to talk to women and he just sheepishly agrees. She is later mean to him after she thinks he “cheated” on her but really he just got ambushed by the other girl - and he’s like 😵‍💫 and I also feel like that was a little unnecessary from her.
The Colonel calls him a chorus girl and basically demeans him because he doesn’t get what it’s like for the guys actually fighting on the field and poor Steve is like 😞.
Then during civil war he actually does get angry and defensive towards Tony but then in the parking lot when he’s trying to explain that there’s more winter soldiers in Siberia Tony just interrupts him and then the rest of the team just basically tells him “do you really want to start this right now?” That scene kind of bothered me because literally no one was listening to him. He didn’t really try to make them understand which was also a choice. I don’t know why sometimes the scripts write him to basically stand there and be a punching bag and yet he’s supposed to be standing up to bullies. But not for himself? Only when it’s other people? So who sticks up for him?
Also - I may add that originally Steve was hoping to go talk to Tony after finding out about the Zeno and other winter soldiers stuff. Sam is the one who tells him Tony won’t believe him and then Steve’s like “we’re on our own 😞” but then Sam suggests an idea that he knows someone (indicating bringing antman in and Clint and etc starting the teams stuff).
Some people claim Steve made the avengers choose sides but he wasn’t even going to ask anyone for help. It’s kinda sad he sometimes gets blamed for this when he was going to go alone just like he was during The whole azzano rescue thing.
Then in endgame obviously Tony is still pissed at Steve even though Steve did apologize and gave him a flip phone to call him if he needed help. Even Bruce told Tony to do it during infinity war but he doesn’t LOL.
Then he blames Steve for not being there and yells at him and Steve is like 😞😞😞
And the whole rest of the film, after they make up, Steve is visibly not trying to get Tony mad. Like you can tell in the later team up scenes between them that Steve is holding back and avoids arguing as much as he can and doesn’t want to trigger more anger from Tony since they had just made things okay. There’s a scene with antman and Tony and they’re arguing and Steve is kind of just there. As he mostly is throughout the whole movie.
I think Steve is a soft hearted sweet person at heart and sometimes I feel they disrespect him a bit too much in the movies. And they don’t really have him do any retaliation that would help justify his case.
I feel like marvel owes him a whole ass apology and also needs to leave him alone forever. Stop bringing him up in later movies and trying to rewrite his history when you already wrote him out of the storyline. And can people stop making jokes about him being a virgin or not? So tired at this point!
This person gets it 👏👏👏
Steve's character design was definitely way more submissive than any other male hero in the MCU. And I think it's a lot of the things you mentioned already.
I'll try to give the whole bullying thing perspective though. (not to get morose & depressing on main) but as someone who was physically ab*sed by their mother, like violently, I often times would not stand up for myself but was the first to step up to protect my friends or even complete strangers. (Maybe that's 2nd nature to me as an aries) but I think it's the same for Steve.
Canonically, his dad was very violent and abusive towards him and his mother. And Steve would ask her "why don't you ever stay down?" so that Joseph would stop hitting her, but she tells him, "bc you always stand up." Or something to that effect. Which is why I think it's easy for him to see bullying when it's other people, but not against himself. It's trauma. And unacknowledged trauma at that, because the MCU never addresses all the things that would've traumatized Steve, not extensively in the Captain America trilogy and CERTAINLY not in the Avengers films.
Also, that whole thing with Peggy shooting at him because of Lorraine kissing him, yeah, she overreacted. In any other circumstance that would be seen as toxic but somehow because it's Steve, that makes it okay. Ugh.
I've always said this and I'll say it again, the MCU wanted to make Tony the ultimate hero of the MCU and they did it at the expensive of Steve's character development. [I'm a Tony fan don't @ me] but it's so obvious they wanted Tony's character to be the ultimate star, which would've been fine if they showed Steve even half of the respect.
J*ss Whedon, who did Avengers 1 & 2, definitely put Steve's character on that trajectory because he was reported saying he "didn't like Captain America" and that came across in the films he did. He's responsible for starting that whole diminishing of Steve's character. The Russos are the only ones who did Steve justice.
And as for Infinity War/Endgame- 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Those are my least favourite mcu og6 films. Because you're absolutely right! I have no problem with Steve being submissive, but they made Steve almost cowardly compared to Tony when they reunited in Endgame. Like Steve was afraid to challenge him. Like if Steve was wrong in the first place!
Steve was right in CACW! He knew how dangerous it would be to be controlled by the government! He's living proof of why the Accords was NOT A GOOD IDEA! The ONLY thing he was wrong about was not telling Tony about his parents. But even then, it was not Bucky's fault. It was HYDRA.
Tony got emotional and irrational and decided to break up the team over something that was secondary to their main concerns, which was Ross & the Accords. Mind you, the only reason he was supportive of the Accords is because of some lady telling him her son was killed by their actions in Sokovia and how he was reminded of his own legacy as a weapons dealer and the so called "merchant of death." So, selfishly, he decides to make the decision for the rest of the Avengers and agree to the Accords when it should've been a non-negotiable issue in the first place.
And yes, Tony is selfish because Peggy died around the same time they were discussing the Accords and he didn't even care about it. Steve is lost. He's desperately trying to save the ONLY person who knew a damn thing about him from the past, Bucky. And at the same time, he lost Peggy, the only other person who would've known him. Someone who he could relate to. But somehow, everyone else's needs and emotions come secondary to Tony's.
I could go on a whole six hour rant about this😮‍💨
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 months
For the character ask game - What are headcanon(s) you have for Loki? (Comics or MCU, whichever you feel like)
I have this weird HC that the yellow tassel Loki had was Sif's hair that he kept as some weird fucked up trophy to taunt her. It was definitely not his hair as his hair was black and often short. It was later drawn as yellow/golden strings rather than hair, so I probably made this shit up, but IDK I kinda like it? Seems like the sort of petty fucked up thing he'd do.
Loki is a Jotun half-breed. He just looks too different from the rest. The Doylist explanation is that they started making Jotuns bluer with time because they had regular skin tones and basically looked like overgrown Vulcans back in the day.
Loki's mouth being sewn shut is cannon in every comic run not just the ones where it's shown. I just like the angst of that myth so much.
My perception of Loki and Asgard is heavily influenced by Loki (2004) aka "Blood Brothers" where Loki is clearly a hostage/ward and everyone knows he is an adopted Jotun. So, I interpret a lot of the earlier "good Asgard, perfect Odin, perfect Thor, kind and virtuous W4" as being told by an unreliable narrator. I've mentioned before how annoyed I get by the most random and far-fetched suspicions of Loki being "proven true" by the narrative in the majority of Thor comics. Have you considered Loki's not the only one who can lie? Also, a lot of Loki's evil in earlier comics is so over-the-top and the narrative pretends there's no good reason for it. There's no way he wasn't ostracized, abused, or bullied.
Asgard has very good PR and basically chose an adopted Jotun hostage/ward to blame for everything wrong in the realm. They also like to pretend they've always been on the right side of issues and history. IDK I just get frustrated by the narrative quite often. They'll have the good guys manhandling Loki (kid!Loki too) for no good reason but "it's fine because he's evil/his past life was evil."
I ship Loki with every villain they've teamed up with.
Frigga had lost her second child (Balder) around the time Loki was brought into Asgard. She resented Loki for a few years because "that thing got to live and Balder did not." Eventually she grew very attached to Loki, and due to guilt, she'd try to overcompensate for her rejection (of course not where it mattered because in my HCs she continued to lie even when it harmed Loki). Loki's not aware of this past having very severe attachment disorders and abandonment issues. Loki's first memories are about being rejected.
Loki had difficulty with any sort of Fire Magic due to being a Jotun but he kept practicing despite how much it harmed him because it was the only time Odin looked at him the way he did Thor. Frigga tried to stop him from doing this but of course, kept the truth from him. Loki interpreted this as her thinking him weak and doubting his magical capabilities. It put a strain in their relationship until Loki managed to conjure Fire with only minor burns. Frigga didn't make things any better, but continued to overcompensate in other ways because guilt.
Loki caused the Gatekeeper (let's call him Vili) that preceded Heimdall to lose his position after a noodle incident. Vili outed Loki to Odin which got him on Loki's shit list. It also caused Loki to learn to conceal them from the All-Sight.
Loki got into a lot of dangerous situations by concealing them-self from the All-Sight.
Either Odin permanently altered Loki's physical form and even the Casket of Ancient Winters can't undo all of it, or Loki is only partially Jotun. Again, he looks too different even when holding the Casket.
Sif and Loki were very close until Loki sabotaged their relationship by cutting her hair as a prank.
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stormseclipse · 2 months
i had these in my brain for awhile so i thought if let you answer these shower thoughts 1. if you gave each storm hawks a hard math question what would they do? im betting finns just goofing off 2. what would they be like in high school? 3. how dose each hawk processe a break up
(sorry if they seem random please take your time ^^;)
No worries! These are real interesting questions!
1. I feel like Stork and Piper solve it easily enough, Stork maybe takes a little longer but he gets it.
Depending on how hard it is, like are we talking algebra? Geometry? Calculus? Aerrow probably can’t solve it if it’s something beyond basic algebra. And that’s on a good day.
Kind of same with Junko, he’d try his best though.
Finn doesn’t even attempt to solve it XD he takes one look at it and says “nope”
Radarr can’t do math
2. They all kind of already have their archetypes. Piper’s the nerd, student council president, but I think she’d also be popular cuz she’s pretty and has a great, friendly personality.
Aerrow’s the jock, the quarterback, the popular guy. But he’s nice to everyone and hates bullies.
Finn’s the class clown, pulls a lot of pranks, gets put into detention.
Junko’s also on the football team but I can see him being in book club. Maybe also theater club.
Stork’s the weird emo loner XD most people avoid him but the gang interact with him every once and a while.
Rest under the cut!
3. Well I don’t want to reveal too much about what Aerrow goes through during a breakup, since it’s kind of a big arc in my fic, but I’d say…He can understand if things just weren’t going well and he’d respect his partner’s decision if there’s nothing he can do to fix it. But if the split is bad then he takes it bad. I’ll leave it at that.
Piper…she can also understand if someone breaks up with her. She’ll be sad but she’ll do her best to just move on. She’d probably cry on her own though.
Finn acts like he doesn’t care if he’s broken up with, but inside he’s devastated. He really wants to be with someone, so breakups really hurt him.
Junko I can see going two ways, I can see him taking a breakup hard and being very upset. Eats ice cream, cries, the whole nine yards. But I can also see him not taking it too hard, he doesn’t hold it against the other person. He’s sad but he knows he’ll be ok. That’s probably after he’s been in a few relationships.
Stork…well Stork’s kind of aroace to me so he wouldn’t be in a breakup lol. If he *was* in a relationship and gets broken up with, I don’t think he’d take it hard. He’s like “knew it wasn’t worth it, I don’t need anyone” and just moves on. He could be a little upset, be doesn’t dwell on it.
Radarr would be sad if the chicken ever broke up with him, but I think he moves on fast. He’s got other things to think about lol
Hope these answers were satisfactory!
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logan-lieutenant · 28 days
i feel so high school (au) pt. 3.B: galex
this was literally supposed to be the most random silly hc and i got waaaay too into it? anyway here’s the rest of one of my f1 rpf high school aus, in which george knows how to ball and alex knows aristotle:
and george is like “that’s all mate? why’d you have to get so upset you left me hanging?” and because i’m a sucker for angst let’s give a really dramatic and painful reason for why alex can’t swim, maybe he never learned and was bullied, maybe he had a scary experience when he was younger with either himself or someone else. he doesn’t tell george whatever it was but george gets the hint that he’s not being given the full story.
and george is pretty privileged, he’s a rich kid, he’s lived in a bubble. he’s not used to someone actively avoiding him. so he gets both confused and frustrated and mad at himself for scaring alex away. he’s probably telling himself he just doesn’t tolerate disrespect, he is ABSOLUTELY denying any chance that he really enjoyed talking to alex in a way he never had with any other friends or that he felt a connection he didn’t really understand or that alex’s smile and his laugh are playing over in his head or that he cares way too much about what alex thinks of him. george is absolutely not going through any of that. anyway he starts sort of awkwardly pursuing alex, trying to just make small talk in the halls and alex is afraid of his own feelings so he’s not offering much in return and THEN
(why am i so invested in this)
the school year’s closing out and for the biology class the final project has to do with data collection and a report on a whale-watching trip. and george’s first thought is shit, is alex going to be okay, because he gets carsick and he’s scared of water so how’s he going to fare on a boat? and the answer is not well. the trip is mandatory for the final so alex can’t afford to sit out as much as he’d like to so here we delve into the realm of forced-proximity and like a caretaking hurt/comfort vibe. george seeks out alex at the beginning of the trip and for once alex doesn’t pull away, just let himself sort of sit a little too close to george on the way there and huddle behind his shoulder even when they’re not talking and grab his hand when the boat hits a sudden swell. george puts his arm around alex when he gets sick over the side of the boat and basically carries him below the deck and brings him water. and then when they finally get to see some dolphins or whales or whatever and everyone’s taking notes/videos/doing the science-y part george convinces alex to just stay below decks and fall asleep and he goes out with the rest of the class and does double the work so he can give his observation notes to alex to do the final.
and finally the trip is over and the boat docks, bonus points if george is the one who wakes alex up and holds him steady when they go onto solid land, and it’s darker along the pier and everybody’s getting into their carpools and alex just sort of says quietly, “i owe you one.” and george is about to say “don’t mention it” but instead what comes out is “you could come to the match this friday and we’ll call it even”.
and alex just smiles gently and says “maybe” and george’s heart sinks thinking that’s got to be a no but that friday comes around and there’s a water polo match (i’m making this one boys against girls cause my high school’s girls water polo team carried the entire school on their shoulders) and the boys get absolutely obliterated and as george is getting out of the water and teased to death he actually sees alex in the crowd!! and he beckons down for alex to come find him and they start talking immediately and george is laughing at himself and alex is like “i think you did really good :)” and george is like “:D really” and this is the start of alex not realizing he’s become george’s WAG and george doesn’t realize it either but it gets increasingly obvious as the school year finishes out and they both get way more devastated than they thought they would at having to spend the summer apart
and it looks like it might be right person, wrong time or the one that got away because things were going so well between them and it all just seemed to drop away come last day of term until george is at like the town center/community pool (yeah i know he would normally be at like a private club but george points out that that one’s way smaller and he needs as much practice space as he can get so he’ll take the down-to-earth overchlorinated approach thank you) and he’s leaning against the wall taking a breather with his eyes closed and a shadow falls across him and he hears a familiar voice,
“can you teach me how to swim?”
(this did turn into aristotle and dante but fucking hell this is what happens anyway)
happily summer after <3
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anisecandy · 1 year
I have a my headcanon of Eddie when he was a kid:he was the total opposite of what he’s now as an adult so small,skinny,shy talk and a bit of a crybaby,he was a gentle,curious kid who loved to read,write and learning new things.Unfortunately he was a lonely kid,who was bullied by many cause they say “he’s a freak” “they don’t want him”or even because Eddie doesn’t talk to much,since Eddie was pressured to get attention from his father many adults viewed him as the epitome of perfection but that drove more Eddie to feel not good enough and even as a teen while he appeared more muscular and bigger than many classmates he was still bullied,until one guy pressed him so much that Eddie bursts and basically that led that guy at the hospital and now more people are afraid of him,his father hates him more and now Eddie feels more isolated than before
That's a neat headcanon! Incidentally, aside from the fact that I do believe Eddie was definitely a peculiar kid (probably a scrawny one too) it's also nearly the total opposite of mine on that matter 😅
(note: I'm ignoring everything and anything Cates brought to the canon. To me, this man is dead.)
I think it's because one of the things I like the most about Eddie is that he doesn't have confirmed some big, tragic event in the past. Something instantly recognizable to everyone as trauma, like physical abuse, or death of a close relative, or being bullied. I like that. And I don't imagine anything of this type happening to him. You see, there's a lot of stories that talk about how these kinds of massive events ruin people's lives and mental health. And that's great! We need stories like that! But I think it's also important to remember that things aren't always this simple. That sometimes there's no one massive bad thing happening. That sometimes, it's a multitude of smaller, invisible ones.
I don't imagine Eddie ever being particularly shy. But to me, he's still a person that was always more or less lonely. Aside from Anne, we know of no friends of his from before Venom, no people he would seem to trust and confide in. Along with that, comes the way he acts around people; he's socially awkward, but not in a particularly "shy" way; he's witty, can be pretty friendly and very straightforward, you never catch him overthinking what to say or how to act. Rather, he doesn't read social cues well and has difficulties recognizing boundaries, or what's appropriate in any given context. That strikes me as somebody who, despite having certain confidence, never really developed good social skills.
That's why, with what we know about him, I've always assumed that up until college, when he started pursuing a career he chose for himself, Eddie focused solely on getting his father's recognition. He had no time for making friends, he wasn't very good at it anyway, coming off as unapproachable and arrogant, so he didn't really bother. We know that Eddie excelled in school, which, considering that while he's certainly not dumb, he's no genius either, probably meant he was pouring all his efforts in. The only thing he did aside from learning was probably playing for sports teams in his school, in hope that maybe if excellent grades didn't get him his father's love: the trophies would. That, and reading. I imagine him always being an avid reader.
Still, all of that amounted to nothing. Nothing he did could get him the attention and approval of his father, and in his chase after it, Eddie didn't have time for any hobbies, for socialization, for actually living his life. He didn't develop any other meaningful relationship. From the outside, nobody would really notice anything was wrong, but it was only when he met Anne and then became a journalist that he finally had something that was his. He failed at everything else. But at least, now he had those two things that he could devote the rest of his life to.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
I've completed the PokéDex (pictures of my certificate to follow once I'm back in my house with my Switch).
Ranking of characters since I've done mostly everything now I've even finished "post game".
Top Tier:
Arven aka the only character this game actually needed. Arven is great, his storyline is touching and directly relevant to the overall plot and I felt the friendship we built with Arven felt more real. His backstory is basically N and Lillie from Gen 5 and 7 (aka bad parents) but with this particular gen and characters twist I'll give Game Freak this it's one storyline they can actually consistently pull off. I didn't like how despite the plot being about him the game likes to sideline him as much as possible much to its detriment.
Larry. Purely because he's so relatable, he's the only Gym Leader I gave a shit about, someone let this man rest. Let him eat his food and chill with his normal types.
Mid Tier:
Penny. Honestly she's low LOW mid tier but I'm putting her here purely because I hate someone else more and I couldn't justify putting Penny in the same tier as them. Penny's story makes no sense, there's absolutely zero reason for us, a random new transfer student, to get involved with Team Star or Penny at all. The fact they apparently stick so closely to their rules that they'd be willing to disband and go back to the school where they were bullied relentlessly purely because one kid beat them in a Pokémon battle is dumb and quite frankly the whole plotline felt entirely pointless and unconnected to the rest of the game. Also Penny once she's down in the crater with the other characters has probably my least favourite line in the game when she complains about having a father that actually cares about her RIGHT AFTER ARVEN TOLD THEM HIS BACKSTORY OF NEGLECT AT THE HANDS OF HIS PARENT.
The Director. I'll admit he grew on me. I found him super creepy at first but he got better. At no point did I think he was great but I grew to not hate when he was on screen.
The rest of the Gym Leaders. They were there, they exist, I have little opinions one way or the other on them they just sort of exist and weren't particularly difficult to beat even though I deliberately did the intentional 8th gym as number 6 (I sequence broke this game so bad, like I managed to finish the game with Arven's last Titan purely because I knew he had the best plot and that it directly led into the final plot).
The Team Star bosses. Boring, forgetful, wished I could skip all their cutscenes after the first one honestly. Dark Type guy had the best design and backstory of the lot of them but the game forgets about them way too soon after that storyline ends.
The teachers. I didn't do the classroom shit because if I want to play a school simulator I'll play Persona. BUT the parts I've seen of them they were fine, I think I'd like most of them at the very least better than the characters I've ranked below.
The "Sarah hated having you on screen tier":
Nemona. She's bad. I hate the implication she's holding back throughout the game because she's already champion rank. That could have worked if her final battle was difficult but honestly she's one of the easiest rivals I've ever faced. I hated how she was still hyperfixating on Pokémon battles while Arven is basically going through family hell, I don't think she was relevant to the final plot at all and you could easily have cut her and Penny from that section and you wouldn't really notice the difference. I never felt like we were actually friends with Nemona, I felt like she just sort of decided we were going to be her pet project for that summer vacation and we didn't really get a say in it, all im saying is after Hop and Hau's genuine attempts at giving friendly rivals actual character development this was a major downgrade. Also every time Arven calls her annoying he's 100% correct. I have one more major issue with Nemona but that ties into the next character im going to talk about.
Geeta. AWFUL. Worst Champion. Firstly why the fuck does Nemona idolise her so much if Nemona herself is supposedly also a Champion rank trainer? They should at the very least view each other as equals in skill, I'd argue Nemona was better although neither are beating previous Champions for difficulty, Cynthia and Steven would wipe the floor with these two. But seriously why in the post game am I allowing Geeta to boss me around like she's so much better than me when I've wiped her whole team out with like 2 Pokémon twice now? Why is she still allowed to call herself a Champion when she's clearly been beat multiple times? It diminishes the rank. I don't feel special for becoming Champion now because apparently we all get to just be Champion. Also Geeta is just annoying, I don't like her at all, she feels controlling and unworthy of her station and plthe power she seems to hold in Paldea.
The "Sarah really doesn't have an opinion" tier:
The Elite Four. The game didn't care about them so why should I. Can't even re-battle them. Ground type member was hot, that's about it.
Now this is MY list, I am aware most of the fans of this game won't agree especially with my opinions on Nemona but frankly I don't care. I didn't particularly like this game, even removing the bugs I think there was some glaring design flaws that held the story and the characters back from being able to really shine. I personally felt the characters in SwSh and Arceus just felt more real, they were more likeable and a lot of them had actual character development which just feels missing in ScVi for me. So anyway if I've missed a character assume I either didn't like them or didn't care about them cause I've clearly not cared enough to remember them.
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Day five of Jeannes Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke
Okay apparently Black Friday/Christmas has decided to kick my ass this year and I have to work between 12 and 15 hours a day so I only have time to play on the weekend but here is the next day of my pokemon scarlet nuzlocke
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I know after the last couple of flashbacks I'm supposed to be sympathetic towards him but... his entire design just makes me angry...
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I'm sorry Ortega but the game wouldn't let me choose a body type... otherwise I would look like one of the (unusually many) buff women that are all around paldea
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Oh... shit... I forgot about obedience levels
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Slightly under leveled and my two main pokemon didn't obey me... but I managed to beat him without any casualties
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Right back at ya kid... right back at ya...
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I can't imagine why... is it because of your stupid bowlcut? Your pink/white suit with blue and gold accessories? The fact that you carry around a walking stick despite not actually needing it to walk?... I could go on...
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That... that doesn't sound like a bad thing
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Yeah Cassiopeia... most bullies are cowards... I feel like you should have predicted that
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Urgh... double battles... WHY?!?
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well... let's hope I don't accidentally kill one of my own team members...
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That wasn't difficult but still... fuck you!
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Look... a rap battle sounds fun... but I'm a basic white girl with no sense of rhythm so let's maybe not...
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Please don't be a double battle, please don't be a double battle, please don't be a double battle...
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Did it... and I probably should have done it earlier... I was way overleveled
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Little training Session... Hydra, Adrasteia (I accidentally deleted the screenshot of catching her) and Hestia evolved
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Okay that was by far the most fun I had with any of the gym challenges so far
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Ah yes episode two of “let's confuse all the straight people”
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I'm gonna be honest... I didn't pay attention for a minute here so I'm not sure how this happened but Hephaestus died
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Aphrodite still carried the rest of the fight though
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Okay... Ages in this game confuse me... we have Arven, a grown ass man, still going to school... (and I'm pretty sure I've seen a 60 year old trainer that was also a student) and then we have a literal toddler in the Elite Four...
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Exercise... not what I expected in the psychic type gym
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Ahh... there it is...
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Oh hey it's one of the hot teachers (seriously why is every NPC hot? Like obviously the male ones are not my type but with the exception of the toddler I haven't met a single female NPC that wasn't at least a little attractive)
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Don't you specialize in fighting types? And you really thought you had a chance against the psychic gym leader? (also I think the internet has ruined me because when she said “do what the winner says” my mind went to a very different place)
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Final Gym Test...
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Man, that was annoying
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Last gym battle. This time against a supermodel
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Should have done this one before Grusha
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I know I made fun of Nemona a bit but she's genuinely one of my favorite rivals in the entire franchise
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So I'm fighting a wrestler now... wouldn't be the first time... I mean... Crasher Wake was literally a wrestler
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You know... I have a hard time believing some of this team star story... mostly the part about them getting bullied... I mean Atticus and Ortega, absolutely... Giacomo, sure... Mela, I guess... but Eri... that woman is 6 feet tall and looks like she could break a human in half... she would not get bullied... even if she was the nicest person in the world I would be afraid that one day she would snap... then again, bullies aren’t exactly known for being smart...
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Bless her... she tried so hard but her stats are so garbage...
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And that's the last boss defeated
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What? Nooo... I would never have guessed...
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Oh right I somehow forgot to post some of the screenshots of pokemon I caught... so here they are first Ananke the Riolu
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Hemera the Charcadet
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Nerites the Wugtrio
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Ares the Bisharp
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And Apate the Zorua
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That leaves only the Pokemon League (and the Arven and Cassiopeia part but I wanna do the League first) I'm worried
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Okay so Lisa told me that I should have my team at around level 58-60 (she didn't tell me anything about their types or anything but when she looked at my team she said I should train because my highest level team member were Aphrodite and Hydra at level 54 followed by Gaia at level 48) so I decided to do some grinding to level up my team, evolve all of them (well almost all of them... Stupid Hydra won't evolve until level 64) and decide which Pokemon I want to take with me... so here's my final Team...
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Gaia The Meowscarada lvl:60
@ Expert Belt
Ability: Overgrow
Jolly Minted
- Flower Trick
- Night Slash
- Play Rough
- U-turn
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Hecate the Farigiraf lvl:59
@ Expert Belt
Ability: Armor Tail
Quiet Minted
- Hyper Voice
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
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Ananke the Lucario lvl:58
@ Loaded Dice
Ability: Steadfast
Modest Minted
- Aura Sphere
- Steel Beam
- Vacuum Wave
- Bone Rush (why can't Lucario learn a good special Ground move via TM?)
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Sana the Dachsbun lvl:60
@ Expert Belt
Ability: Well-Baked Body
Adamant Minted
- Play Rough
- Ice Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Fire Fang
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Hemera the Armarouge lvl:59
@ Wise Glasses
Ability: Flash Fire
Modest Minted
- Psyshock
- Flamethrower
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
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Hydra the Zweilous lvl:60
@ Muscle Band
Ability: Hustle
Adamant Nature (didn't need a Mint for this one)
- Crunch
- Zen Headbutt
- Thunder Fang
- Tera Blast
And that's it time for the league... tomorrow... I'm still nervous
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Hephaestus the Bronzong (lvl: 39-47)
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Adrasteia the Tinkaton (lvl: 20-50)
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judesbelligoal · 2 months
the French football federation is filing a complaint of racial abuse (Argentina) to FIFA.
According to Fabrice Hawkins (reporter), the black French players of Chelsea and other Chelsea players are extremely angry with the Argentinians especially Enzo. And then I’m sure you saw they unfollowed him.
I’m so glad the rest of the world is waking up to how racist they are, I’m tired of it only being us Central and South Americans who know.
Apparently, the Argentina team was split into 2, one staying in America and the others heading to Buenos Aires. The one going to Buenos Aires is what enzo was recording.
The ones who weren’t involved, who stayed in America are: Messi, Dibu, Julian, Otamendi, and a few others. The rest were with Enzo going to Buenos Aires.
Having a whole club team angry with you due to your racism is a bad way to start preseason.
I’m glad Argentina is getting exposed. They can’t hide behind Messi forever.
They have every right to he disappointed because from their reaction it seems they probably didn’t expect this from enzo? Cant even imagine how crazy it must be to publicly experience something like this. Been knew how racist #they could be but this is mad even by their standards. I have a short memory span but i dont remember this chant being a thing in 2022. I do remember they were basically bullying mbappe though
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
Had a Nightmare. Was depressive. Been awake 4 hours already.
Someone I thought was alright in school days, is a fairly good success in a precarious career that I was passionate about, before it was evident my unseen physical disabilities were going to make any attempt impossible for me.
I always like him, seemed like a good dude. He got a lot of mistreatment behind his back by other football kids on his teams because he was basically the one black kid in a predominantly white school. I'm sure it had a bunch of challenges. He never really said anything I'm aware of. He was a big dude, so I think it would've been rare if anyone was dumb enough to be racist or mean to his face. No doubt in my mind though he probably dealt with things in some way.
But for some reason he didn't seem to like me after 7th grade. A few times we talked about some mutual interests at a cafeteria table in 7th grade. I thought I had broken through his wall he seemed to have up, But he never really talked much with me again.
A few times he made fun of my voice when it was changing. But I just shrugged it off. He didn't seek me out to hurt me in any way. It was more of a joke than being rotten. Kids stuff. But I just got this cold shoulder from him implicitly.
So I had this nightmare where I'm talking to my dad about how I wasted my life not going after the career this guy did. Pro-wrestling. I had too many physical and mental problems.
It was a very depressive dream. My dad's dead. This whole thing, I didn't think seeing him blowing it up really well would have some weighty pain to it. Yeah I'm little envious, but I am totally amazed and intrigued he's somebody I know as much as I knew him. Ya know?
I also wish I could ask him now, what was about me that he switched from giving me 1 instance of friendliness and the rest of the time it was cold? Was it just happenstance or my perception and shyness?
Was it something I said? I didn't talk with him long enough to say anything to offend him I don't think? Or that I was too nerdy? Or people's rumors about me? There was a lot of homophobia in school? It's one of the school mysteries that's always bothered me. 24 years.
I'm just ecstatic he's where he wants to be at seems. He's so lucky he's had the ability to move on from whatever was eating at him in life in school. I can't imagine how fulfilling it must me.
I'm the opposite. My dad died. Mom's for cancer. I don't have a time machine to try and figure out what happened. I can't help that I was born 2.5 months premature and my physical health has always been a challenge. My mental health and CPTSD from bullying really fucked up my head.
If i had one wish it would be to find out what the hell went wrong that he didn't like me! I truly don't care about our lots in life, as much as why he disliked me after some nice interactions. I mean I used to talk positively to a mutual teacher about him. Even told her these stories in hopes her respected words might get to his ears. Maybe change perceptions about me.
But I guess that's life. You never get that answer or that reconciliation.
But for me, I take things very harshly, very deeply. I'm sure I'm not an angel, and I'm sure we're all moody, angsty teenagers, and first impressions etc. I just really harp on that one relationship that was inexplicably (to my eye) so oddly contentious and changed from light buddies to a brick wall.
Either way i always appreciated he was never a bully, even if he didn't like me or I was just not his cup of tea or something. That's fine.
But he never joined in that I recall. When 20 football guys tripped me and surround me, or number of people that hurt deeply. He was never a face in that crowd.
That might sound dumb, but that small thing meant the world to me. So I am proud he's successful. He was a decent person. He's made it. He deserves it.
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icharchivist · 1 year
Do you have a favorite Eternal/ Evoker?
ouh, a complicated question because i have too many Eternal favs while i don't feel too strongly about any of the Evoker
For the Eternals, my fav pick will probably always be Seox. A very basic answer, but at the same time. He's so shaped.
His story is really touching and tragic, i love thematic of trying to wrestle with the guilt from a horrifying action you did because you didn't have any choice or agency in it. and i really love his unique dynamic with MC, as someone who, unknowingly, has been raised by MC's father, and how he wishes they've met sooner. The way "..and you" handled it in particular still makes me want to cry.
Close second are probably the twins for me. I love their dynamic, i love how they care for each other, i find Tien's shyness touching and Feower going from ":)" to murder in a switch to be delightful. I also think it's fun when they end up bullying Seofon as a team.
Seofon would come next, though after last anni, i've been thinking about putting him higher. he's really fascinating and i do like the way he encourages people to underestimate him by acting like an idiot, only to be the most dangerous person in the room.
For the Evokers, i read some of the stories but not all (i recruited them all but i skipped a lot) and i admit i didn't quite vibe as much with the characters i did read. (i read all of Caim's FE, I read 3/4 of Alanaan's, i read half of Nier's and Geisenborger's, and i read Lobelia's summaries. I read the introductions of the twins. And else i read Lobelia's, the twins', Alanaan's and Geisenborger's appearances in events and some specific holiday ministories, but not any of the Tales, and that's about all i read)
I didn't read Fraux's stories yet but designwise she's the one i love the most. She really makes me go oooghhhhh everytime, so she'd probably be my pick.
I do think Lobelia is a fascinatingly written character for what it's worth and i do love to act like i hate him, i do like the fact i have such a strong negative reaction to him and it makes it entertaining, so in a sense he's probably the one of the bunch i have the strongest thoughts about and enjoy the existence of the most, but as a person he disgusts me too much to say i'd consider him a fav lmao
and i do pity Nier a lot, so i have at least a bit of affection for her, but it kinda just stops her, not fav material.
And i have a lot of conflicted feelings about Caim in general which ends up making it hard to have final thoughts on him, i like a lot of things about his character but i really think the amnesia plot was super cheap and while i like both Caim pre-amnesia and Caim post-amnesia, having to reconcile the two as the same character doesn't work for me, in a sense?
Else yeah i came out of reading the rest without any strong feelings either way.
In term of the Evoker's summons though my favorite is the Hanged Man by a long shot, i think he's so cool and witty. Though Judgement has points because kitties.
so yeah that's my pick o7 thanks for asking!
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ecofinisher · 1 year
All the Sims that appear in "Ecofinisher's Sims 4 Base Game file" - Part 5/6
I forgot, what was the reason I wanted to do this bio, but here it is.
This post focuses on the Sims, that live in Newcrest. Both self-made and gallery-taken Sims.
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ASTRUC-VOLKA (Leonid Volka, Daniela and Danielle Astruc)
Summary: Danielle and Daniela share everything together. Their house, their meals, their car and their boyfriend. All the three seem pretty cool with it. Both women are planning to get pregnant as well by their boyfriend and have in the future a baby. Is this really going to be a good thing in the future to when the kids grow up and start going out with the others?
Note: The trio have two newborn babies in the household.
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LAURENT (Memphis and Beau Laurent. Mika Laurent and Depressed Clown)
Summary: Four young Sims met at a support group of bullying and befriended each other quickly due to their unnatural looks.Together all have won confidence and self-respect. The group promised each other to live together and help each other in the new start of life and are having the best days of their lives. Now that the group has learned the lesson about loving themselves for who they are, we will only need to know now, if they will find someone someday, that will love them for who they are as well.
Note: They're not blood-related. They are just tagged as family members.
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ZATTAH (Stephanie and Karpos Zattah)
Summary: Stephanie and Karpos have an age gap of 40 years. A former barista falling in love with a five-star-chef isn’t something you see everyday. Obviously to many people’s eyes, behind this marriage there’s one thing, that people will think about at first glance – gold digging. Stephanie is waiting for the day, Karpos bites the dust due to his rusty age. She really has been waiting for a couple of years. He should have passed the 100th already and he still looks the same! How does it come, that a man, that worked in a five-star restaurant for years dealing with lots of food not expedite his way out to the afterlife?
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ZACZKOWSKY (Stanislaw, Przemyslaw and Jowita)
Summary: Matislaw used to be the leader of a crime gang, until one time he was ratted out by a Spaniard, who kept the whole team’s score while they were jailed in. Matislaw did have his brother and niece out of town and knew well, that when he was out they would work with him to track down the traitor and avenge the deed. As Matislaw came out, he figured out both his family members were following another path leaving the revenge plans for himself. What is he going to do from now on?
Notes: The Sims' last names use Slavic suffixes.
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COSPLAY CHICKS (Lila Rossi, Lilly Petru and Lara Nussbaumer)
Summary: Lily, Lara and Lila are into Sims and Anime. They own as well a cool cosplay costume to visit the Comic Con next year! Lily and Lara already have a boyfriend out of town, only Lila seems to be enjoying her freedom or actually, she’s just spending the rest of the day after work in front of her laptop…...She’s probably Simming or watching Animes as usual, but after all that she always left with an amusing grin plastered on her face. Kinda suspicious? 
Notes: I forgot to give them basic clothing xD My bad.
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SHEPPARD-MORALES (Jewel and Marie Sheppard. Tucker and Alessia Morales)
Summary: This is actually crazy. Road-agent Tucker has a huge attraction on the masked thief Jewel. She also has a crush on her roommate Tucker. She knows very well, he’s in love with her, but she also knows she can’t tell him, who she really is. Both their siblings are aware of that issue and are confused about how both haven’t realized that issue yet.
Presumed and marked with ???? Sims I wasn't able to find their owner again and on my gallery they were tagged as "mine", when I actually had saved them and changed their clothes to "base game".
All Sims are split into 6 blog posts due to the limitation of images.
'm looking forward to sharing each household separately into my gallery in the next 48h for anyone who's interested in specific ones only.
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amielxxxangel · 2 years
Random black phone head cannons
Ok so I just gotta explain, in my head canon they all didn’t die, they got kidnapped yes but the grabber kept them probably doing some fucked up shit that traumatized them and were able to escape in which they became a close knit group finding comfort with one another and end up moving with eachother. I ship them as a poly but this could also be platonic, whatever makes y’all comfortable!😊. Now ONTO THE THE HEAD CANNONS
Griffin still sleeps with a stuffed animal, his room is filled with stuffed nails from all sizes. His most favorite plushie is a Rolly poly plushie the boys got him for his birthday
Finney and bruce still practice baseball even though finney quit his team. he helps bruce practice because he knows how how much bruce wants to get into the big leagues
Finneys room is filled with galaxy posters small planets and rockets made out of cardboard hanging on his ceiling
Robin teaches the others taekwondo and karate to defend themselves. Bruce and vance pick it up easily, while finney griffin and billy struggle
Griffin does both ballet and gymnastic and whenever he has a show or competition the others make sure to come and watch
They also do the same for every game that Bruce has
Robin and vance spar with one another. They’d be outside practicing kicks, punches and blocking
Being the first three of the grabbers abductions vance, billy and griffin were inseparable after escaping is one was missing or they didn’t know where one was they’d freak out.
Griffin, being the first abduction went through so much and struggled the most once they were able to get out. It was so bad that the first few months if one of the boys grabbed him and he didn’t know who it was he would start to have a panic attack.
It got better but now the boys make sure to say something beforehand so griffin knows who it is.
They never leave robin and vance unsupervised, they just don’t if they do they’re either doing something illegal or kill themselves/someone.
Whenever Gwen comes to their house they let her do their nails and style their hair, they can’t say no.
Gwen, robin, and vance also have braid trains in that order.
They go to drive in moves every week using robins uncles truck.
They all take therapy after what happened with the grabber. Vance being the most stubborn and not really opening up while the rest work on their trauma.
Vance does get there eventually with the help of the others he opens up about his trauma from the time in the basement.
Billy was really insecure about the scar on his face, sometimes he’d look at the scar and start to uncontrollably sob it gets so bad that he wouldn’t notice the others trying to comfort him until he calmed down.
He now considers it a battle scar after the other reassured him how it makes him look strong.
Even though they all have their room they usually end up sleeping with each other in one bed.
It’d be robin and griffin in the very middle because they’re small then billy and finney and then Bruce and vance on the outside.
Finney and bruce are the main cooks of the kitchen they always make the best dishes for everyone.
Nobody lets vance be in the kitchen by himself he’s either burn the house down or make a dish that is utterly inedible.
If vance was very sure that he wanted to cook then have someone be with him usually Bruce or finney to help him because if not they would be eating burnt chicken.
Robin has a closet filled with bandanas it’s his most prized possession, he’ll know if someone took one of his bandanas.
Nobody bullies any of them for being gay or having a 6 way relationship because it has robin Arellano and vance hopper in it, saying or ridiculing the relationship the boys have is basically a death wish.
And nobody Bullies finney,bruce,griffin, or billy because of the same exact reason they their bfs are robin Arellano and vance hopper, if anybody did and those two found out they will double teamed.
Finney and bruce tutor the rest of the boys when they’re all struggling with school, they’d have a tutor session on the weekends if anybody needed help.
Vance is protective of all of the boys he just doesn’t admit to it to keep his bad boy act.
That’s pretty much it lol hope you guys liked these and I’m making more in the future😋
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