#and honestly it's not the kid's fault bc kids are just kids. they don't get that what they're doing is gross or annoying or w/e
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watermelinoe · 8 months ago
i'm actually pretty good with kids and ppl cannot fathom that someone can not like kids without being an evil witch who makes children cry on purpose or w/e like i promise it does not affect them at all lol
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reneesghostinthelivingroom · 11 months ago
Hi I’ve been thinking about this request for poly!plastics for a while now. So basically everyone knows that Regina gets angry and when she does people just don’t part ways with her. However, y/n is worse especially when she doesn’t get her full sleep which she didn’t get bc Gretchen and Karen were up and loud. (Y/n would never fault them bc she just loves them so much and their quirks). So throughout the school day, everyone has been getting on Y/n nerves like making comments about her girls etc. at lunch time, cady decided to make a “joke” about Karen being dumb, Regina being a bitch, etc and Y/n just explodes. Maybe heavy make out sess or smut after to calm Y/n down.
Slow Boil
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(I myself am poly)
|| Warnings: swearing, reader almost punches Cady, reader has an attitude, little make out session at the end but nothing overly detailed or anything
|| Summary: reader doesn't get enough sleep, the next day people get on her nerves and it pushes her to a boiling point where she snaps at Cady for insulting her girls.
Requests open!
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To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You barely got any sleep the night before with Gretchen and Karen being up all night giggling and gossiping. How Regina slept through them... you didn't know, but God you were envious of her sleeping abilities. Though you would never blame or get mad at Gretchen and Karen. You would however be frustrated at yourself for not falling asleep sooner.
The day seemed to drag on. As if seconds were really minutes and minutes were hours. Classes taking too long to complete. In Health & Fitness you just gave up and fell asleep, head rested on your desk with one arm folded around it and other stretched out in front of you. Cady glanced at you and raised an eyebrow.
The bell woke you from your sleep and you groaned, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. At least it was lunch. You'd get to see your girlfriends.
"Sleeping beauty rises." Mr. Carr comments, getting a few laughs from some kids in the back. You roll your eyes at him.
"I bet you thought that was clever. Do everyone a favour and keep your damn puns to yourself." Mr. Carr seemed taken aback by your attitude, usually you didn't have one. You were known for being kind and laid back. Not snappy and agitated. For that reason, he decides to let it go. Not without giving you a small warning lecture first. It certainly didn't make your mood any better.
You left the class, a sharp (sleep filled) glare glossing over your eyes as you walk through the halls. Some conversations catching your attention, people seemed to be talking about your girlfriends a lot lately. The things they were saying weren't always positive and that just did nothing to improve your mood. One voice in particular catches your attention. Cady.
You snapped your head in her direction, seeing her chatting with those art freaks Janis and Damien.
"Honestly, Karen's gotta be the dumbest person I've ever met. When I went to Regina's house Regina told Karen she would help her with her eyebrows and Karen asked if she could still have two." Cady talked, Damien and Janis laughed. You could feel your blood boiling," Speaking of Regina, don't even get me started on her. She is such a bi-"
"The next word out of your mouth better fucking be "bi icon" or I swear to every God that's listening..!" You yelled, taking a step towards Cady who froze in place. Damien and Janis exchanged a look.
"Y-Y/N, I didn't think-" You cut Cady off.
"Clearly! What the hell, Cady?! They've been nothing but nice- well, to your face- and this how you repay them?" You were livid. The news about you fighting with Cady quickly spread throughout the school, eventually reaching your girlfriends who sprang into action. Hoping to stop things before it escalated.
Regina got there first and put herself between you and Cady right as you had been about to strike. You pause the moment you see Regina and your arm falls to your side. Gretchen and Karen link their arms around yours and keep you back while Regina sighs.
"Baby, take a breath for me." Regina says, you ignore her and look at Cady. She snaps her fingers in your face," Don't look at her. Look at me."
You listen. Reluctantly.
"Breathe." Regina urges, hand resting on your shoulder. When that doesn't work she grabs you by your wrist and pulls you to the bathroom, Gretchen and Karen quickly following behind.
Once there, they all turn and face you.
"What was all that about?" Gretchen asks.
"Cady was being a total bitch." You mutter, arms folded across your chest.
"You mean like Cady Heron?" Karen looks confused.
"No, KD Mac and Cheese." You snap, then realize who you just snapped at. Regina narrows her eyes at you. Karen frowned and you relaxed your shoulders.
"I'm sorry... I just- didn't get any sleep last night and my patience has been pushed to the edge today because of it..." You admit in a mumble, hand covering your face as you tilted your head down. You felt bad.
Gretchen took a step towards you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, pulling you into her side as she moves her hand away from your face. Giving you a deep, soft kiss that you immediately melt into. Hands resting gently around Gretchen to pull her closer. You could feel as your body finally relaxed. Whatever anger you had being washed away.
She broke the kiss and rested her hand to your cheek," Better?"
"I could maybe use a couple more kisses..." You smile sheepishly, looking over at Regina and Karen. Your girlfriends laugh softly and the tension in the room seems to fade.
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 9 months ago
we adjusted my medication two weeks ago so the doctor was like "you might still get one more period bc there might be an ovulation in progress, but after tHAt we should really see an end to the periods"
and now 2 weeks on. when i'm getting a slight increase in the menopause symptoms after they finally started petering out....... guess fucking why?
yep. winter is coming.✌🏽🤪
the frequency of the nausea that i'm getting with this endo treatment is so irritating
and the head and muscle aches just keep returning when i think they're finally over
aaand now i've had 2 days of fucking cramps. i've been taking estrogen blockers for nearly 3 months !!!!!!!! i should not be getting fucking cramps anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#it's been happening every 2 weeks for the past 6 weeks so like.. i fucking get it.#it's not the doctor's fault#it ShouLD not happen 2 weeks from now or ever again until i stop taking this medication BUT !!#i've been enduring the gross estrogen blocker nose spray for 75 goddamn days and i've had 3 periods in the time period#AND the past 2 weeks i've had a constant headache plus muscle ache literally across my entire body and nausea#so having to deal with a period as well#............ if this man tries to sell me on any kind of treatment exceptt more surgery i might commit a murder#cause once he decides we can't keep taking the estrogen blockers......... idk what the fuck else they can even try#i feel sick on estrogen. i apparently feel sick on estrogen blockers aka low estrogen#maybe they can try the estrogen blocker shots instead of the nose spray but like#i'm out of options and 0 treatment makes my body grow tennis ball sized cysts#there's no way on earth i'm ever gonna consider a pregnancy after this and i should be able to sell him on that despite not having kids#cause i'm literally like. at the end of my rope#i want to be able to have a normal day to day situation#and i don't want to have health care professionals try to convince my to consider a future me who wants kids bc that person does not exist#and has never existed#and you'd think a 30 year old should be able to say that and have it matter#i have honestly had really good doctors overall but like#knowing that they literally would have done more if i'd had 1 child#and since i have 0 children they just hesitate and waste resources on trying to do minor things to help me in the meantime#is so frustrating#i've had 12 years of (undiagnosed) endo issues#but healthcare protocol says 'woman might some day reconsider her 17 year old thoughts on having children'#and regretting not having a biological child is apparently the worst thing that could ever happen to me#according to............ someone#okay. rant done. i'm gonna go exhale or smth
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ngage2003 · 30 days ago
There is a joke that always stuck with me from the blu-rays/cast commentary, that being that Jay is a nepo baby and that is how he kept affording motels and gas and food for years, even with no job and a growing obsession. Like a dog to a chewed on and wilting sock, this is an idea I have latched onto and grown unreasonably obsessed with, which I personally believe kind of explains aspects of Jay's character.
⟦content warning: serious headcanon territory, but also still a lot of character analysis bc im coocoo⟧
At the start of the series and even into season 2 of Marble Hornets, I think it could definitely be argued that Jay is a passive character before his continued exposure to the Operator.
Now, that isn't to say he is meek (quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on) but he is very guarded, very willing to fade into the background or just go along with other people. I honestly think that is part of why Alex chose him as script supervisor. Because Alex can be fun but he is bossy and has a very specific vision and likes getting his way. (A trait thats honestly pretty normal, especially in artistic types.)
It is important not to conflate Jay's willingness to avoid conflict with submissiveness, gentleness or a lack of care though. Jay still has his own ideas, and when left to his own devices, a deadly curiosity. (That is why Marble Hornets as an online series started.) He still gets angry too, like when Alex is leading him around in circles because he refuses to/can't kill Jay, but also refuses to tell him what is going on. Jay is forced into action after dealing with this behavior for months, but even before then we see him getting more and more frustrated behind the scenes. (Entry 39 is the first example that comes to my mind.)
It also is important to not misconstrue his selfishness, as many people in this fandom do. Jay Merrick is a bit of a dick. (That is why he gets along with Alex.) He lies to Tim very poorly the first time they meet to get information out of him rather than try to directly ask, he didn't help Masky to the hospital after his leg was broken—yes, he thought what Alex did was wrong but ultimately stayed with him and kept following him for answers. Even with Jessica, part of the reason he cares so much is because he feels guilty/responsible and he is, he pulled her into this out of his damn curiosity!
Statement: I believe Jay holds extreme guilt over Jessica being brought into this and what happened to her. Evidence: in Entry 77, when Tim is saying, "there is two possibilities for what happened to jessica," Jay out of the blue says, "It wouldn’t be my fault!" at about 2:43. Tim never implied it was and the only reason I can see Jay to unprompted say this is because he believes it was.
Jay Merrick is someone defined by curiosity and selfish, but while habitually passive. He lies to hide what he wants and what he is doing, sometimes for an understandable reason but also sometimes out of just, once again, habit.
The question easily comes, why is he like that?
Well! Stick with me here—I think is because Jay Merrick IS a nepo baby. Specifically, I think he grew up in a household where his parents were neglectful, and when he was visiblly upset, that was repaid with harsh rejection and then money or expensive apologies rather than concrete change. It was a situation where, while his needs weren't being met, getting angry at it also feels bad because of how we as a society (and his parents specifically too) worship money.
I think his curiosity partially comes from this neglect too, as growing up his parents brushing off questions and lacking support always left him wanting more but without a way to voice it, leaving him with this lifelong unease and need for answers. His parents kind of forgot what it was like to be a kid and how you literally don't know anything, and would often brush off certain things because of this. Additionally, growing up this way also left him a bit selfish, as coming from a place of wealth, being neglected, and being somewhat isolated growing up as a "weird"/visibly autistic kid, that all left him struggling to connect to people and with his own empathy, as we see in canon. This doesn't make him a bad person inherently or anything, but is just a part of who he is. Aside from the obvious case of Jay dragging Jessica into this, I think an example of this is how in Entry 66, when Tim is laying out all his trauma, there is an interaction that goes like this:
Tim: One of the problems I was having was hallucinations. I had a lot of them. [...] [W]henever they would find me [after i escaped from my room,] I would say that I was hiding from whatever it was I was seeing so they’d bring me back and they didn’t have much of a choice except to lock me in here. That’s when it was at its worse. I’d be clawing at the walls and screaming at all hours of the night, they had to up my dosage just to calm me down, to the point that I was almost numb. Jay: But these hallucinations, what did they look like?
You could say his disregard is due to shock, but in my opinion that'd be a bit too forgiving. Sure, Tim is talking about his awful childhood and he is being pretty vivid but, Jay already knew about it to some extent due to his records, and while generally he is closed off and hard to read, he seems more uneasy with Tim's yelling than shocked. Jay's default is just curiosity and wanting answers, that is just kind of a pattern with him, even/especially at the expense of others.
I think he is so passive also because of his home life. Specifically, that was what made living at home easiest, with parents who like having you as a trophy but don't actually care about you. Keeping your head down is how you survive, and he kind of just accepted that "ok this is how the world works." Everyone wants something from you (a compliment, a second opinion that is more vapid support than substance, praise,) and giving it to them makes it easier. I think Alex wheedled him sometimes to try to get him out of that shell, but to some extent also he liked it, liked having someone who agrees with him, and in turn Jay admired his outspoken nature, blatant hatred of his parents, and tolerance for Jay's "weirdness". (Hyperfixations.) They weren't necessarily super duper healthy, but they were two traumatized kids clinging to each other, and sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles, especially when you're isolated.
I also think, due to being a late 80s-90s kid, Jay did grow up with the internet and probably to some extent was unmonitored, which definitely influenced and impacted him but also did inspire his love of technology. (Specifically film/cameras.) I think it also to some extent fed into his worse habits by accident though, just the unfortunately common attitudes highlighted by the internet, but also was the original way he sated his curiosity. I think his propensity to tell "white lies," could have easily come from this exposure too.
I have a lot of specific instances tie to Jay's childhood that in my brain define why he is Like That, but this is just an overview of my main thoughts and I hope it makes sense.
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lastoneout · 7 months ago
Honestly, I don't say it often bcs I know how this site is but I really do think for a lot of survivors of abuse, especially abuse that went on for years and years, sometimes the message "it's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong/to deserve this" while ABSOLUTELY TRUE* isn't actually super helpful. For a lot of us there's a LOT of guilt tied into it, and even if things were truly out of our hands we will not be able to accept that we are truly blameless, at least not at first, and maybe for some of us not ever. So being told "no dw you didn't do anything wrong <3 <3 you're innocent" feels...idk like some toxic positivity style lies. It doesn't make me feel better, because I still do feel like there were things that happened that were my fault, that were in my control, even an ethicist or god or whoever could look me dead in the eyes, weigh all the facts, and assure me of my complete innocence, and I still wouldn't believe it. (Tbh, you have to be ready to forgive yourself and trying to force it early does more harm than good.)
And I occasionally see movies and shows and stuff get roasted all to hell for having the audacity to go with a different message, to offer abused characters not a platitude about how they are innocent and should forgive themselves asap, but instead say "so what if it was your fault? so what if you fucked up? you're still alive, you still have time, your mistakes(or perceived mistakes) don't make you irredeemable scum who deserves to suffer, it's okay that you fucked up, what matters is what you do next, and even if the horrible thing was your fault in one way or another or you did actually hurt people, you still did NOT deserve to be hurt in turn" because people think that is like, admitting that the person in question is at fault when they almost always aren't....but as an actual survior, I'm sorry, you can tell me I'm innocent till the cows come home and I won't believe it. What I need to hear is that even if it was my fault I didn't deserve to be treated that way. I still deserve help. I deserve to keep going. I am not forever stained by my mistakes. I deserve a future free from this pain.
I think before we look at things in this like...grand moral way where we try to make sure we're sending the most Correct and Healthy Message Possible, sometimes it's worth asking if that message is actually the one the people it's about need to hear. I'm sure for some people it is very freeing to be told it's not their fault, but that kind of message does not resonate with me. And I, as well as people like me, deserve to expirience stories about us that are cathartic, that resonate, that make us feel seen, and to not have to see everyone and their mom throw a fit because what helps us is "problematic".
Anyway this has been mulling around in my head for a while and I def have a lot more to say about the way guilt manifests in trauma born of abuse, but yeah I just feel like this is something that should be talked about when we bring up abuse narratives and how well written they are and if they send the Correct Message, because the "Correct Message" is never going to be the same for everyone. And that's true of ANY demographic you could choose to represent!
Like some disabled people might enjoy the "magically healed" trope while others find it offensive. Some trans people like stories where transitioning is easy as drinking a potion or getting a fancy futuristic surgery and some find that that trivializes their struggles. Some queer people want stories where there's just no homophobia at all, others find that a world without it feels fake and patronizing. Some women do want to read stories about how keeping hearth and home is noble and empowering and others want read about women who have other jobs and never have kids or get married. For some of us "you're beautiful no matter what" is lovely and some of us just want to be told being fat and hairy and having acne and scars and shit is normal and fine. Or, like the last post I reblogged says, sometimes "you're not a burden" doesn't hit as well as "being a burden isn't a bad thing". No one type of representation is ever going to work for everyone, and that doesn't mean one type of rep is objectively wrong and the other is objectively right.
So yeah, the next time you find yourself angry because you think a story is sending the wrong message about a marginalized or harmed group, maybe stop for a second to ask yourself if it's actually harmful...or if you're not the person who the story is speaking to, and if there's someone it is talking to who desperately needs to hear what it has to say.
(*Getting ahead of this now: Do not put words in my mouth. I am not saying that any abused person in any way deserved their abuse or was at fault for it happening, that is not up for debate. The fault is always in the hands of the person who chose to hurt them. I'm just saying it's nuanced and complicated and guilt is a huge fucking issue that survivors have to deal with all the time and it's not wrong to acknowledge that some of us are always going to feel like we did something wrong and not be eased by being told otherwise even if the person saying it is 100% correct and/or means well. I do not have time for people who are going to willfully misinterpret me. You will be blocked.)
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tootalltech · 4 months ago
okay so like. lab rats: bionic island is not real, season 4 is the worst one, it's very disorganized, etc etc yes BUT. i think the angst potential of the bionic soldiers was very interesting and so under-explored.
bc like. what the hell happened with all these kids? krane basically just kidnapped them, wiped their memories, and implanted them with bionics, right? and then controlled all of them with the triton app. that's just crazy to me. bc it's like. none of these kids are like adam, bree, and chase at all when it comes down to it. they had actual families. they were not MADE to be bionic. there's a line that i keep thinking about from bob that's like "i keep asking them where they grew up, but they all just say, 'i don't know, i don't remember'!". that's so sad to me. they had families and lives that they just may never find their way back to.
and this all makes it even more depressing that they consider krane their father in bionic rebellion (sebastian especially). these are just random fucking kids. who maybe just got unlucky and were randomly picked by krane to be part of his army, or maybe were chosen for some particular reason (which is honestly kind of worse bc if any of them realized there was actually a reason, that just makes it feel more like it was somehow their fault even though it wasn't). but in the end none of these kids are related to each other, at all. they consider themselves to kind of be one big group of siblings now, but that's only because they were all put through the same trauma. and also. if they were chosen by krane for a reason. then what the fuck happened with characters like spin? or bob? they're both so young. why would krane have picked them? it gets more disturbing the more you think about it. they also are all probably not going by the names their parents gave them either. because they all got renamed to designations (S1, S2) and then renamed again when krane stopped controlling them.
and finally on the note of them not being made to be bionic the way adam, bree, and chase were: that is its own angst potential. i think the showrunners kind of forgot that they established that about the chips, that adam bree and chase can't even switch chips for a day without messing things up because they aren't built to handle each others chips. if that's really the case, then some random teenagers probably also can't handle being implanted with bionic chips? they should all be experiencing a lot more difficulties due to that. it would be fun for the difference between all of them and abc to be highlighted in a way that is not just "abc are old models" anyway. because given the actual lore of the show, no, they're probably NOT old, they're the only ones whose chips WORK PROPERLY ALL THE TIME. krane got his technology from douglas. he doesn't know how to do bionics himself, and he would not be able to make it work correctly with kids he pulled off the streets once douglas left. there's just no way.
okay thanks bionic soldiers rant over.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 9 months ago
Hi babe!!! I heard you wanted Miguel!! I know I always love dad characters, but I have one for Miguel that’s a lil different. How would Miguel react to y/n not being able to have kids? Maybe they’ve been trying to have kids but they get that news
Hope you’re doing well, love!
my lovely hii!! omg yay! been missing him so bad lately, but I fear it’s been so long I feel like I forgot how to write him (maybe I’ll just have to watch atsv again for research😏) thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌 hope all is well
sorry it took so long for me to post, there was a huge line ahead xx
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honestly, I don't think he would take the news too lightly. he's secretly really disappointed (bc he just wants a family) and as much as he's upset by the news, he knows it must hit you so much harder
he knows that it's neither one of your faults, so he tries to remind himself that sometimes there's nothing you can do. BUUUT..
he is a science boy, so he suggests inventing/ creating something
but maybe you don't want to go through all that, like all the tests, hope, disappointment, being prodded, poked for blood and samples. so you're probably against the idea
he's reassuring in the way he believes he can create something/ make it work, but you tell him how maybe making a family just isn't something that's supposed to happen for you both
he knows you're upset about it and understands you may not mean what you said. so he tries to be the one with a clear, hopeful head (emphasising tries) and when you talk negatively about it all, he wants to be the one to comfort you, even though he's also crushed by the news. he’s just sorry that it couldn’t be easier for you both
after you both have time to process it all (the idea of kids is still on the table btw and you're both still sure you want them) you both have a discussion about the next steps ie, surrogacy, adoption or keep trying in the rare chance it may happen etc etc
he says how it's up to you, and whatever you want to do he'd be happy with. whatever decision you make he'll support
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missing him terribly tbh
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gouraminnow · 1 month ago
Listen I am good at coming up with thoughts and general scenarios about something but I’m not so much good writing it out in detail. So if you can could you write a scenario for platonic yandere Ace with an older sister reader that may or may not have a crush on both Marco and Izou?
I mean that's what I thought too, tbh. Nothing wrong with trying :) but anyway, this is a really funny idea. Ace is fiercely protective of you and it pisses you off bc YOU'RE older. It's YOUR job to worry about HIM. STOP IT!
Rambling under the cut... doesn't feel very yandere to me tbh. Anon said sister but the gender really isn't relevant to what I wrote so it's GN.
Ace loves all his siblings, obviously, but being his biological sibling would be a little... different. The legacy he despises himself for doesn't apply to you, the beloved older sibling who was there for him and protected him growing up. He wants to return the favor, to prove he can protect you more than anything. I think he'd find a way to separate your connection to Roger from his own, self-worth issues are like that- it's always different when it's you vs. somebody else... but if we want extra angst: half-sibling. Rouge's first child, unrelated to Roger, a kid themselves when the Marines were killing pregnant women and newborns, who lost their mom so young and had to help care for the baby boy she died for...
It's not Ace's fault, you know. But you're also a kid, and neither Garp nor the bandits have the emotional capacity to help you unpack any of this. So you just stew in your anger, bitter about the responsibility, bitter about Ace's stupid dad who took your mother and ruined yours and Ace's lives before they had a chance to really begin. You don't hate Ace but you hate his dad too. Whether or not you're able to properly articulate this is up for debate- you're a scared, bitter child and you just miss your mom.
Okay, enough of that angst for now.
Honestly my first thought was about Ace's showdown with Whitebeard. Now he's got two bull-headed brats willing to fight him, even if you only do it to try and protect Ace. You knew your beloved little brother loudly proclaiming his intentions to take the head of the strongest man in the world would undoubtedly get him into trouble, and you have no reservations about telling him that to his face. He's not ready. He's not strong enough, not yet, he needs to train. He needs to wait, and quiet down, damnit!
It may have spurred him on further, in reality.
Whitebeard arrives, and your idiot younger brother has already spent 5 days fighting Jinbe when he separates you and the rest of the Spades from him and Whitebeard. You can't see or hear much other than his orders to go, but you're sure he can hear you screaming your head off at him. Your crewmates try to drag you away, try to get you further from the fray, knowing how Ace is about you.
But they also know how you are about him, and begrudgingly retreat without the beloved older sibling.
So it's just you, the older sibling. Your little brother is facing the strongest man in the world all by himself. And, stuck between a wall of fire and Whitebeard's sons- you don't stop to listen before you throw yourself through the flames to try and get to him. You make it through, ignoring the pain, the smoke that chokes you, to find Ace- already laid flat.
He's trying to get up. Whitebeard is saying something, but you aren't gonna sit pretty and listen. You barrel toward him just as Ace had and get laid out just as easy. It's embarrassing really. But what can you do, really? He's the one with the powers.
While it's Thatch who first greets Ace when he wakes up, it's Marco who greets you. You got burnt pretty bad during your stunt, he says, so while he understands that you want to see Ace, he can't let you get up. You are, much to your chagrin, stuck in there with him for a little while.
Until your little brother wakes up, bursting into the infirmary after getting Thatch's directions. You're both cussing at each other for biting off more than you each can chew, Ace yelling at you for being stupid and setting yourself on fire and you yelling at him for having the gall to stop you from helping. He's your little brother, goddamnit! But neither of you is having it. Everyone watching the exchange is sharing a "yep, these are siblings if we've ever seen em" look.
You are... a little bit more reasonable than Ace, who's attempts on Whitebeard's life are increasingly reckless as a result of the guilt he feels at your condition. You aren't buddy-buddy with anyone immediately, but you inevitably spend lots of time in the infirmary recovering from your burns. Marco is amiable, upfront about both your condition and Ace's activities, a sympathetic ear to your rants about your idiot little brother throwing himself at danger.
Good at assuaging your worries. You, your brother, your old crew all have a place here, if you want it. The friendliness he shows you and Ace endears him to you. And Izou, I imagine, helps you with skincare once you're a little better. Has recommendations that help with scarring, dryness, etc. I have an image in mind of the bandaged sibling relaxing next to him, a pot of tea between the two while Ace throws himself at Whitebeard again.
If you show interest in the two before Ace joins, his attempts may not remain solely targeted at Whitebeard... but you're quick to yell at him to leave them out of it, which inevitably starts another argument, and then he slinks off to sulk. If you show interest once the two of you join, there are no murder attempts- but he does glower at them if he sees you speaking too closely. They pick up on what's happening pretty quick and enjoy riling him up- even a yandere Ace cares about them and trusts them enough to know they won't hurt you. But he does make it very clear what will happen if they ever do anything at all to hurt you, which they find very, very funny. Because they won't.
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months ago
Very very sorry for the spam but you are the only person outside of my immediate friend group who enjoys both shadowpeach AND dragonfruit in the very specific way that I do 🛐🛐🛐
Like I am the BIGGESTTTTT believer in aroace swk who has only ever really loved mcq in That Specific Way. Like not romantic but also not completely platonic— he loved him and he loved him in a way he never loved anyone else which is what mattered most. And mcq I see as...idk! Maybe he's aroace too, regardless I think he also loved and only loved swk BECAUSE he was swk. That is all that ever mattered to him. That it was swk. Loyal to a fault; even after swk hurt him so much, even after he hurt swk just as much. (Haha this is just like I'm Your Man by Mitski—)
And I do NOT see them as cutesy or as like a sweet and domestic couple. They are FAR from over their many, many issues and they will always have that bit of toxicity and hurt no matter how much they may hypothetically mellow out bc the ways in which they hurt each other WAS unforgivable. But the thing is, does that even matter? Does it matter if they'll still love each other anyways? If, in the end, all they ever wanted was to be by each others side even as they were covered in each others blood and blinded by their own heartbreak, anger, and hatred. Love. Obsession. Whatever it was that they felt for each other.
I also like,,, even if they somehow hypothetically hot their shit together enough to be a "functioning couple", I do not see them w any of the typical relationship labels like I think mcq would hurl if u called swk his boyfriend, husband, lover, etc like PLEASE I understand not everyone will have the same opinions and ship dynamics and I respect it, but I have a very specific view on their relationship and they are neither romantic or platonic, but a secret third thing. But they are also actually both. Whatever it is, it's love. A love that grew sharp and bent in its intensity when that love festered into a hatred that edged the line of obsession far too many times to ever be "normal" hatred.
Okay I think I've ranted enough. For now. Thankyou very much if u read all of this I have so very many shadowpeach thoughts 🛐
You are the only person outside of my immediate friend group who understands shadowpeach the way I do
I could honestly also read Macaque as allo, but no matter what their relationship is so aspec/arospec to me. Like whatever their bond was, it didn't matter because they had each other. Until they didn't. Until they knew their relationship was one of hatred. Until it was somehow even more complicated.
What drives me crazier is at this point, they would both choose MK over each other. It's pretty clear that Macaque expected Wukong to sacrifice himself in MK's place v ("He needs to know it's not all on him" "It doesn't always have to be you!" "Get the kid you idiot" "Wukong..."), because that was what he was willing to loose. He had already lost Wukong before, but MK? He's someone neither Macaque or Wukong could bear leaving them (the way they left each other). Like s5 committed so hard in the run motif ("You're the one always running off!"), and MK has been set up to be the one to leave Wukong since like s2.
It's also rare for me to run into another dragonfruit fan!! Tbh it is kinda just the text, but I find them so interesting. Like what if Mei handled the worst parts of Red Son better than he ever did. What if their mentor/mentee dynamic parallels MK and Macaque ("You don't use a weapon, you ARE a weapon! - "Don't use the flame Mei..." "Be the flame!"). What if Red Son knew Mei would stop at nothing to free his parents, the way he stopped at nothing to free her.
But also, what if Red Son was Mei's silly rabbit.
I know some people despise 5x05, but the truth is that Red Son has always been a support character to Mei. Even in AHiB, Mei and Red Son are often singled out together (ilu Mei saving MK and "I'll handle this" scenes). It's more obvious in 1x06 or 1x08, where Mei and Red are both racers and, of course, "Red flames are cool! Want to see some green ones?". RoTSQ focuses entirely on Mei and Red Son's relationship, which is continued into 3x06 and beyond.
Thank you for the rant it was a good read!
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The problem with the baby maker comment is that it puts down motherhood. I agree that Katara deserved better treatment from the writers, but she deserves better treatment bc she just didn't get much time or effort, not because she was a mother. Calling any woman, for any reason whatsoever, a 'baby maker' is mysoginistic, period. Even if we're talking abt like, ol fasion times when women were valued by their ability to have children, calling them a 'baby maker' is derogatory toward the woman when the fault lies with the society. No woman is ever a baby maker, she is a mother, and, if in a position where she's forced to have kids, a victim.
However, also, Katara is very clearly not that. She is described as having a significant role and life outside of her children, (but the writers gloss over it bc Katara isn't as important to them in LoK, which I'm also irked about. Like, it's Katara, you KNOW she did more than just outlaw something, can't even put a statue of her in the background smh). She's well respected as an expert waterbender, (though she does get relegated to the best healer instead of, you know, the badass warrior that she is) and she has three children, which is a very normal amount, and all three have years between eachother so Katara and Aang were clearly not particularly pressed to have kids.
I don't think they had children just to have an air nomad and stopped because like, if Tenzin had been the first born, I have no doubt Katara still would've wanted more if for no other reason then to also have a waterbender, just like some parents try for another kid bc they want both a son and a daughter. It's doesn't make someone a baby maker to want kids for a reason.
Calling Katara a baby maker degrades her, degrades how important and valuable being a mother is (just like being a father is also valuable), and it's just in general a very gross thing to call a woman.
If you want to critique the way Katara was tossed aside, feel free, she 100% got done dirty (honestly, both her and Toph did), but you don't need to call her names or pretend like having kids is the only thing she did in order to do it. The fault in her writing does not lay with her family.
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midnight1nk · 3 months ago
So, this week's episode...
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[spoilers below cut]
oooohhhh, so we're doing another one of these, eh? let's have some fun!
(the following is my live reaction:)
ah yes, the new TADC episode, which was fantastic btw
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I honestly didn't expect that bc I was like, "what kinda trip would it be for them to take a bike? camping maybe???" (I still don't get the "trip" part about it tbh)
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sooooooo teasing and banter are part of your (platonic/romantic) love language?..... [*writes it down*]
3, we all know Mario is basically invincible right? betting 4 dollars on him winning this race
ooooohh, a prize 👀 though based on past episodes, 4 doesn't have the greatest ideas for prizes, judging by the Crew's reaction at least (I would still want your autograph, 4)
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honestly mood
"imaging yourself as a jet plane will not help you zis time, jet" (gotta add the riders fandub in here man)
That wasn't even Mario's fault, that was a bigass rock
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PFFFT ASHD;LAF four tf are you doing dude, can i join you
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[*looks at moon*] don't say it don't say it don't I'VE COME TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT—
If Mario's flexible enough to reach the moon and the sun and the Great Beyond, you can too 👍
oh my god, i get it /ref
whelp Kev, looks like you aren't voicing Boopkins this episode
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I miss your pink reading glasses 3 (wait did you somehow lose them on that island?)
also you do need glasses, my guy? i think you would cute in them btw
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so um... who's gonna tell him?
(actually now I thought about it, the drawing that 4 had was on his PC and it got thrown away. 4 please tell me you saved that file somewhere else, was the printed-out version in 3's notebook actually canon? can it be?)
apparently fanartists, we need to make for fanart of 3, let's get to it!!!
loved the way James delivered that line "ouchie" (timestamp 5:29)
OH HEY slenderman, it's been a while, hello!
Kev, is that you? I can hear a bit of Shroomy in that voice
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🤔 huh
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Tari and Luigi are so sweet, I love them 💙
"I don't have eyes so I can't see you!" 🧍 not gonna question it
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Mario, what were you so afraid of? it's slendy, your bro (looks like they didn't put that lore in smh, it's fine tho)
slenderman being here kinda fits tho bc we first saw 4's locket in the "Lost in the Woods" episode to come back in the "Plane Trip" and now slenderman comes back in another "Mario's Trip" ep
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if only those cowards would show us what pic is inside that locket this time (I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IT'S A DIFFERENT PIC, 4, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE)
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anyway, he's just a little guy (i'm still waiting 4)
Tari, sweetie, this is 3 we're talking about here, ofc he would cheat
[*italian gibberish argument*] ah yes, just another normal sibling moment
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alright, now we gotta do it: 📢🎶I'm hanging on to the other side, I won't give up to the end of me—🎶 [*gets run over by a bike*] OH C'MON
nothing person-el, kid /ref, and the rock came back full circle
kinda half-expected slenderman to accidentally win the race but CONGRATS MARIO 🎉
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it was really gonna be sweet but yeah, that's our Mario
I'm sure the mar3 shippers are enjoying their crumbs
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i would protect him at all costs (no don't look at what I did for the episode concepts shhhh)
and i oop
well um congrats to Abbie/Abit (@/jYMylD9Rm84xxCX) for your art featured at the end credits 🎉
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.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
This was a silly little episode and I have indeed enjoyed it. Not as emotional as the last one but I had fun nevertheless. Though, it didn't feel like a "Mario's Trip" episode, compared to the other ones. Maybe that's just me idk.
The animation and references, peak. As for the plot itself, it felt very on-brand for SMG4. Strangely, the chaotic energy in this one was toned down which is new. Like I said, it was still fun, had plenty of laughs. There isn't much to say about this but yeah, good to have a silly goofy time overall!!!
and yes, I will gladly take that bell, 4 [*ding ding*] :)
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beenbaanbuun · 1 year ago
Hey bunny! I'm back at it with my brainrot XD this time the trope is brother's best friend but the subject is still Kang Yeosang cuz I'm obsessed with him and the anti delulu meds didn't work 😮‍💨🫠🫠
I think this is the result of reading too many teacher/personal tutor yuyu fics + seeing posts about how our slow boy is actually hella smart, but can you imagine bratty MC and brother's best friend Yeosang (the brother in question being San or Yunho) who's known all over campus and your neighbourhood as being this sweet lil angel boy.... but who has been an absolute MENACE to you since you were kids?
Not in a harsh way cuz I don't think our boy is capable of that, but he's so indifferent and blunt? Barely pays you any mind at all and when he does it's this clipped, measured politeness?? Which is so unfair because he's beautiful and you've had a crush on him since forever???
Honestly it's more your fault than his that you're always so angry at him, but it makes you snappish and bratty just to try and push his buttons, but he never seems phased, always responds in a cool levelheaded way that's kinda hot and makes you even MORE pissed
So when you're failing math and your oh so wonderful brother decides to volunteer his only number literate friend as a tutor? And for some reason that friend says yes??
I can't finish these thoughts cuz I have a dinner to get to but yeah! Hope you have a good day bunny! Thank you so much for blessing us with all the incredible content that you do, make sure to get some rest and stay hydrated while you're at it <33
no bc i love this so much!!! just reader being bratty and then yeosang being all nonchalant about it AHDKSGDJSV ITS SO GOOD!!!!
but i feel like yeosang would be patient to a degree. like sure, he’s chill and cool about it usually but if you push his buttons too far he just snaps and you don’t expect it at all.
“can you focus?” he grumbles as he tried to find the relevant page in the text book. you’ve been watching the way his hands move over the pages for the best part of 5 minutes now, not taking in a single word he has to say. sure you’ve been listening, kind of, but that’s just so you can hear his deep voice in your ear - no other reason, “i’m not here for fun, y’know…”
you can’t help but scoff because of course not. why would he be here for fun? honestly, you have a hard time working out why he’s here at all, especially when he’s not getting paid for it.
“well, it’s not like you ever focus on what i have to say,” you spit back at him as you put your pen down defiantly. he doesn’t say anything or even acknowledge it, which only serves to drive your frustration up even higher. it’s not like you need a tutor anyway. sure, you’re failing, but you don’t see why that means yeosang had to be called in to help.
“maybe say something worth listening to,” he says, voice as calm as always, “now pick up your pen and work through these logarithmic functions for me.”
years ago you probably would’ve jumped at the thought of doing anything ‘for him’. what with his stupidly pretty face attached to that stupidly muscular body, and his irresistibly deep voice that only seems to come out with irritatingly quick quips. he was the only man to exist in your eyes, and perhaps he still would be if he weren’t so annoying. always so polite with you like you couldn’t see him being so free with other people. never responding to your jokes or rising to your teasing. it’s like he wants nothing to do with you, and you hate it.
in fact, you hate a lot of things, like the fact that you love a man who clearly wants nothing to do with you, or the fact that everything he does regarding you pisses you off. you hate that you can’t seem to shed your feelings of affection and lust towards him despite his apparent distaste of you.
but more than anything, you hate the fact that he’s tutoring you, and for some reason he’s doing it for free.
you sigh and try your hardest to brush away your annoyance. if he’s going to be here, you may as well make him pay, right? maybe if you push his buttons enough he’ll decide he doesn’t want to come back.
“i don’t want to,” you push your pen further onto the page with a shit-eating grin, “so you’re going to have to make me.”
you watch him as he mumbles something under his breath, eyes rolling into his skull in annoyance, and you can’t deny that it feels good to finally get a rise out of him.
“i’ll tell yunho you’re not being cooperative,” he threatens. you shrug your shoulders.
“and what’s he going to do?” you reply, “find me a different tutor? i doubt it,” you smirk and lean in close, “you’re the only one willing to do this for free.”
at this, he closes his eyes and puts his own pen down. you almost cry out in victory when he rubs at his face in frustration, a small groan leaving his lips when he pulls them away again.
“believe me, sangie,” you say in the most sickly sweet tone you can muster, “nothing you can do is going to make me cooperate.”
he turns his head in one shaky motion, and he looks at you properly for the first time since entering your house. he’s pretty as always, but you can hardly take the time to study him when he’s looking at your like he’s a predator about to pounce. his eyes are icy cold as he runs them up and down your body. his jaw is clenched as his gaze finally settles on your face, and you have to admit that the quiet boy has suddenly got very intimidating. you shrink back into your seat.
“fine then,” he says through gritted teeth, “either you do this, or i’ll have to find some other way to teach you a lesson.” now it’s his turn to lean in close. his elbows find purchase on his knees as he lowers his face to yours. you can feel the way his breath brushes against your exposed collarbones, and you hope to anything out there that he doesn’t see the way it sends a shiver down your spine, “don’t think i don’t notice the way you look at me, little girl. i’ve seen you staring at my hands. i know you’ve been daydreaming about me, hm?”
in the blink of an eye, he traps you. with one hand on one of your chair’s arm rests, he spins it until you’re facing him fully. his own rolls forwards until his thigh’s sit either side of yours. you blink at him, all wide eyed and confused. he just smirks at you.
“i’ve seen what you’ve been doing all these years,” a hand drops to your thigh, rubbing gently up and down against the skin that your short skirt - that you’d worn for no reason… no reason at all - had left exposed, “teasing me, trying to get me to drop my act and finally do what we’ve both been craving for so long. i’ve always kept to my lane for the sake of yunho, but i don’t think i can anymore.”
you whimper when he moves his face in close to yours, lips barely brushing up against yours. he smiles, nipping at your bottom lip gently.
“not when you so clearly need to be taught a lesson…”
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kamiko1234 · 9 months ago
Alright just got to chapter ten of The Lightning Thief and I have more thoughts.
So, first off : I stay firmly rooted in my opinion that Luke is great. I love him, I bet his hugs are great. He and Percy have a cool brotherly sort of friendship going on. Ngl ? Percy and Luke found family sounds GREAT to me. God knows that poor boy (Percy) could use someone like him (Luke) to look after him. (Sadly with Percy going off with Annabeth and Grover now it seems we'll see less of him, which is a crime imo. Give me my wholesome older bro character. Hope dies last tho, so I'll just hope I can get more of him over the course of the book and the rest of the series !) But also, the hint with his quest ? Naw that backstory is going to be SAD, my poor baby. I will cry over him. I may have only known him for a few chapters but damn, he's my favorite. Offical favorite. Like he deserves for radiating the biggest Teedy bear, Big Bro, Green Flag vibes in the entier series besides our beloved MC Percy. Second off, uh- the gods are sort of dicks ? Like, you are telling me that Poseidon was just A-okay with abandoning Percy for all his life and ONLY claimed him bc he needed him ???? Not cool ! But also, the implications of this ???? And the fact that apparently Percy is being send out on a quest at- what ? 12 ? 13 ? That is NOT safe, and the gods are apparently fine with it too ?????? Not to MENTION what happened with that Thalia girl !? Honestly, the fact that Zeus broke that sacred oath first did not surprise me, but also Hades wtf ?????? That's an innocent kid ! She isn't at fault here you idiot. That entier sittuation is some A+ child neglect and endangerment aswell as what I gotta assume attempted murder, someone call CPS on those guys or I will do it myself. What a bunch of a-holes. On a third note, so the prophecy said that Percy would be betrayed by a friend. Which means I gotta scrap my previous suspicions of Clarisse or any Ares kid, they and Percy are NOT friends. My next best guess would be Annabeth. She's the next best friend of Percy, and she's on the quest with him which would give us good opportunities. She DID seem weirdly enthusiastic to go on a live threatening quest.
Not to mention that Annabeth is a child of Athena, and it was stated that she (Athena) has a rivalry with Poseidon going on. Maybe Athena's in on the plot to steal the Master Bolt and frame Poseidon due to a grudge from that, and Annabeth as her kid acts on her behalf.
But also, she's like- the only one I can reasonably imagine doing it. Besides here Percy has like, two other friends. Grover and Luke. Grover is the ultimate dork, but also has more than enough motives to specifically STAY loyal. Besides the obvious thing of getting his license, he's been Percy's oldest friend at that point. he cares for him. As for Luke, I just don't think he's the type to do that, yk ? As far as I've seen the guy is nothing but caring, he teached Percy and welcomed him ! Even going out of his way to train him when the other campers were avoiding him after he'd been claimed. Why would Luke do that if he'd just betray him at the end ? He's seemingly being written out of the book for now too, when should he get the chance to betray Percy ? (He did have that one weird line about looking evil that one time which confused me a bit ???? Ngl imma just assume he has a cool badass side, like the cool badass dude he is. Did I say that I really like Luke already ?) My fourth point : the line in the prophecy saying Percy'll fail to save what's most important will be him failing to save his Mom from the underworld. Hades' is built up to be the big bad, and he rules the underworld where Percy's mom is currently in. He cares a whole lot about her and Percy did think about saving her already. And last but not least, I think Annabeth betraying Percy will lead to him not being able to save his Mom. I'd imagine it'd go like this : Percy, Annabeth and Grover go to the underworld to get the Master Bolt from Hades (which I assume is the big bad) and to save Percy's mom. They manage to get the Master Bolt, and are about to save Percy's mom when Annabeth reveals herself and betrays them. Causing Percy and Grover to be unable to get Sally. And that was all ! PS: OMG OK I JUST STARTED WITH CHAPTER 10 AND I NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE NEXT POST. I FUCKING LOVE LUKE, buddy sprinted up there so say goodbey AND he handed Percy those sneakers ?
Naw I'm convinced of my theory now. No WAY Luke could ever be a bad guy ! Why go through all that trouble just to betray Percy in the end ? But also, found family sense are going strong in me rn. Greenest Flag if I have ever seen one. BUT ALSO HE GIVES HEADPATS ? AKJFHQILUWEZBDIL I do still think he has some issues going on tho, poor lad. I hope he get's therapy and a good hug. he deserves it.
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wowowwild · 1 year ago
I love justquill and even if I didn't I would have to for Aura and Apollo's dynamic alone. (I don't really think his and Athena's dynamic would change much tbh except he'd have to see her more often bc she has a habit of just showing up to their apartment to see Simon.)
We already know Aura likes Apollo, personally I think they met when he and Clay would hang around the space center as teens and Apollo with all his anxiety was likely very polite and awkward. She probably bullied him a little bc she likes to bully people and Apollo is very bully-able but I think he probably would have let stuff slip about his personal life and I think they just would have had a good, fun, healthy relationship bc she sees this kid who is only a little younger than her own brother and just as kind and I think they don't exactly feel like siblings to each other, but I think they take to each other and I don't really have the mental capacity right now to write it all out.
So Apollo Justice is one of the few people Aura actually likes which boggled Simon's mind bc they didn't meet back then, he was always hanging around the psych department while Apollo and Clay were dealing with space stuff mostly except when they were in the robotics department. They probably saw each other in passing but that was it.
So when Simon says he's bringing someone special to visit (he didn't hear much about what actually happened on Apollo's end with meeting up with his sister during the retrial bc he was still in prison at the time) and he brings Apollo in and she's just ecstatic. Simon is confused as hell.
He knew Apollo had met Aura which honestly made him more nervous bc she hates almost everyone she meets and he gets a little scared when Apollo says he thinks she's nice.
Then he sees them interact. She grills him a little and chastises him for not coming to see her as often. Then they start talking about all sorts of who knows what and he should know bc he's right there but they're both laughing and he's short circuiting a little.
Then she starts to roast Apollo's taste in partners and Apollo subtly defends him and she makes a gagging gesture but they laugh. Simon's world has been flipped upside down.
Now whenever Simon mildly annoys his sister she says she's replacing him with Apollo. At first whenever they go see her or she comes to them Apollo tries his best to be proper and polite, but Aura is having none of it and slings her arm around his shoulder and roasts him until he pushes her away and fights back.
Aura and Apollo have weekly calls. Sometimes Simon is there, most of the time he's not. Aura actually feels a little comfortable opening up the tiniest bit to Apollo, mostly about Metis, but a little about her brother and how everything affected her and the tiniest about the things she is doing currently. They become really good friends and whenever Simon and Apollo have a mild fight she jokes that Apollo had better take her in the divorce. Of course Apollo knows that if they ever split and it was even a little bit his own fault he'd probably be facing death by robot and he accepts this.
Aura loves to overshare certain things to see how far she can push before Apollo will hang up on her or leave the room bc Apollo is still just too polite to her and she loves seeing how far that extends. Usually he makes up an excuse, but he's never told her to shut up. Yet. He has, however, overshared his own stuff to get her to leave him alone or just annoy her bc she really does not want to know these things about her brother and she hates the mushy stuff. She will say 'You're gross, I'm hanging up.'
Could you even imagine if they took her to Khura'in? I've said it once (actually many times) and I'll say it again, Aura would lay Amara both as a power move and bc they just genuinely have a lot in common and like each other. She would bully Nahyuta with it but her and Rayfa get along very well. Datz would love Aura, he would just think she's so funny and she can appreciate a 'yes-man'. She is having the time of her life and no one will ever know peace again.
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lyretheinstrument · 9 months ago
Finished batch one of tfe season 2 and honestlyyyyyyyhhh..,.
(first batch review and opinions)
(cut to avoid spoilers)
it's rough compared to the first season. I genuinely believe it's not the creators fault and they probably got mega rushed and a ton of budget cuts.
This season was definitely more Terran focused and I don't minddd that?? because it is their show. but I do wish legacy characters got a bit of spotlight. I know prowls coming in batch two so I hope he gets a fair share of screentime. again, I know it’s supposed to focus on the Terrans but I feel that if your gonna include the cybertronians can you try to use them a little more ? otherwise don’t have them at all yk /lighthearted
but personal grievances aside for a moment the writing was ROUGH. I know it's a kids show but almost all the episodes felt weirdly paced, awkward, and babyish?? and the animation downgrade doesn't make it any better.
honestly a lot of it was just really distracting and I couldn't really focus on the story. Also the story itself felt kinda, unfocused? idk maybe that's a personal thing as well. I found it kinda hard to get invested. The Terrans I only really like are twitch thrash and nightshade. jawbreaker is fucking insufferable. I’m sorry.
I noticed a lot of the issues in the episodes could have been easily solved. That is NOTT something u want an audience to feel.. a simple communication or action could have easily prevented an issue in an episode. :/
personal grievances back infront IM SO MAD BEE GOT LIKE ZERO SCREENTIME
Optimus episode was cute tho I like it when characters shit on jawbreaker
I don't mind the cons being villains but if you’re gonna have them as villains can you give them more personality and screentime. also a lot of the decepticons felt bland or out of character.
A fun and interesting plot line we could have had (at least in my opinion) is decepticon infighting. It felt bizarre to me that soundwave and shockwave just fell in line when starscream assumed leadership. IDK!! I feel like the three would be arguing over who would be leader?? Correct me if I’m wrong on this I might he looking at this all wrong. </3
honestly I had like zero interest in spitfire and aftermath but at LEAST aftermath had a new design (GLARES AT SHAMELESS TWITCH RECOLOR).
like I’m not even upset that twitch and spitfire have the same/similar alt modes because it works w them being literal parallels of eachother. I’m just mad it’s just a straight up (lowk ugly) recolor. it just doesn’t work for me personally. Especially bc a good redesign could immediately fix a lot of my issues with it. like make her sharper or give her different patterns and adjust the color placement SOMETHING BRO.
that concludes my disorganized ramble for now. I’m excited to see everyone’s thoughts on the first batch of season two and I remain optimistic for the second half :3
side note:
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prisonhannibal · 8 months ago
Hi, I'd just like to say how it's just so incredibly cool to me that you're making indigenous ( specifically sámi ) art. Though just "cool" might be too small a word to describe it.
As someone who IS sámi but. Kind of doesn't feel like they are / has a whole lot of their own complicated feelings about it (didn't speak the language at home and that sort of stuff yk), it's always so special to me to see anything about it online. Always makes me want to get a hold of myself and actually connect with my culture, it's so so important to me and seeing your art makes me really happy :'))
And honestly? Seeing stuff about us online makes it feel like it's not too late for me, that I don't have to just put "finnish" in my bio anymore. ( Though I can't really start thinking it's too late if I'm still a minor now can I?)
Sorry if this got a little much, but I wanted to let you know how important your art can be, don't feel pressured to answer this, if you want to you can just leave it or delete it!! I'm a scared guy hiding behind anon anyways :'))
Hi ❤️💚💛💙 Don’t apologize it’s not too much and I’m glad you chose to reach out instead of dealing with it alone, that’s a step in the process of reconnecting ❤️ There is a specific loneliness in not having connections to your people. I don’t know your circumstances or if it’s a completely disconnected situation or if your family grew up calling themselves sámi but not participating in the culture, so some of this might not be relevant to you but I’ll answer as if you have very little connection just in case, so I can cover too much instead of too little. I’m sorry if this is all unnecessary and preachy and you didn’t ask but I have things I feel like saying.
The language thing doesn’t say anything about how sámi you are, I didn’t grow up speaking my heart language (that’s what my áhkku calls it and I think it’s beautiful) either, the majority of sámi people don’t speak any sámi language. You have to remember that the damage done to our communities is so severe that I literally feel like I’m in a privileged position for growing up with our culture and traditions in a proud sámi family and that I got to wear a gákti as a kid, even though our language was taken from our family before I was even born. A lot of people don’t even get that. It’s not our fault, whatever we lost during the norwegianization period (and similar policies and laws in the other “countries” in sápmi) was taken from us when they beat and forced it out of our great grandparent and grandparent generation.
It’s not too late for you, or for anyone. I know many people who got their first gákti late into adulthood. I’d celebrate someone reconnecting in their 60s. You are so so so young, you have so many years left of life where you can have this, if you choose to take it. You’re also lucky that you’re young bc there’s many youth organizations across the borders. I work on the board in one and we work on organizing social stuff and duodji courses and stuff like that to create meeting spaces for sámi youth! I was actually just in Helsinki to meet with some of the organizations on the finnish and swedish side and they seemed very nice :) I would recommend looking into what’s available in your area, and if you’re interested in learning languages or duodji I wish I could help find resources, but I don’t speak finnish, but I imagine if you contact your local community they’ll be able to help you with that.
Connection is healing 🌸 Both for yourself and for our people, because we are still here and we always will be. The only people who win when we are quiet is the people who did this to us. I want all of us back and together and with the sámi spirit that ČSV stands for. There is no obligation to do anything and you should never feel guilt for not being able to do things, but I like to think that if my family from the past who weren’t allowed to do the things I do now could see me they’d be happy. When I took sámi classes I thought that the people that came before us when boarding schools were a tool to get rid of our language would be so happy to see that we’re allowed to learn now. I hope that thought can give some comfort and strength no matter where you are or what you do in this process ❤️
After the 2023 protests I was really fucked in the head, so I went home to my áhkku and she cooked reindeer meat for me and taught me how to sew a gákti, and that felt like it healed something in me.
Anyway, this was a really nice ask to get. It means a lot to me to hear that my art is meaningful to other people. I wasn’t always sure there was an audience for it, but I always made it anyway because I think sámi art and happiness existing is a beautiful and important thing ☺️
I need to say again, you are so so young, there’s so much time and so much you can learn and do, and there’s no rush. I have heard many from the older generations say how proud they are and emotional that our youth is taking our traditions and our languages back, we’ll be happy to have you. I wish you all the best
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