#and his bigass extension
feddy-34 · 4 months
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now why they use that pic for the thumbnail.......
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riphimopen · 2 years
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in the voice of spongebob saying the hash slinging slasher ITS THE BROWNHAIRED BEAVIS TRUTHER!!!!!!!!!!!
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What became of Tokagero Kenpachi after she entered the sewers?
She managed to accidentally crawl into an opening to a pocket dimension in Seireitei's sewers, but it was very cold on the other side and she went into Hibernation for several hundred years, then the pocket dimension catches fire and she wakes up in time to answer one VERY unfortunate man's prayers by eating him :)
Afterwards, she and Zaraki have A Very Good Fight, with Zaraki eventually triumphing due to his better cold tolerance and extensive practice hunting and defeating lizards in his childhood. Yamamoto commended both parties on getting the ceremonial duel to determine which of them would continue to bear the mantle of Captain without fuss.
"Didn't actually know I was fightin' to keep my job." Said Zaraki. "I just wanted ter fight the Bigass Lizard."
Tokagero currently serves as the 11th Division's 4th seat.
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chopprface · 1 month
ok people seemed to like the chip rant and i dont really wanna give away too much about my beast wars fic rn so toontown brainrotting it is
like my other headcanon posts im probably gonna ramble about how i think cog society works but also have more character focused headcanons. this is also mainly about ttcc since i havent played rewritten enough to get to any of the extra stuff it add
-i think about how the managers work a lot, mainly their durability to gags and hp amount so i kinda mentally headcanon them as having more built up frames instead of just being skelecogs. the lengths of which that goes depends on the bot, like i think prethinker and duckshuffler are just marginally upgraded skelecogs because of their hp while chainsaw consultant is closer to a full on android because of how extensively his frame has been modified
-following up on that i think managers get upgrades to their frame as they prove to be more loyal and valuable in COGS which applies to nonmanagers as well (like higher level= better frame upgrades)
-i may end up drawing this eventually but i like to imagine chip as having leather parts of his frame where his joints are. kind of like how 80s animatronics look without any of the fur but still with a plastic shell around their frame if that makes sense.
-anyway he has other animatronic traits beyond the shell, like his eyes being that cartoony painted plastic balls. they probably were shinier at some point but the paint chipped away and he never bothered to redo it cause hed have to spray clear paint/sealer/primer RIGHT into his eyes
-my last post mentioned something like how chip gained weight after becoming a manager since he wasn't working a manual labor job anymore. now with the upgraded frame thing im thinking its probably because he had extra modifications to his frame. maybe that came with the override too or something.. aghh
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anyway i got really excited to draw animatronic eyes and spent an hour on that.
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i was gonna draw him with bigass anime eyes but i remembered i have to post this. perhaps another day
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incesthemes · 3 months
there are moments in both croatoan and houses of the holy i want to compare, because i think the show is doing something kind of fascinating and fairly subtle.
the allegorical conflict in croatoan centers around whether dean will kill duane or not (and, by extension, whether dean will be willing to kill sam). in the end, dean lets him live, which is an act of devotion and deference to sam. duane ends up not being infected with the virus, and so dean made the right decision. this is the general framing of the conflict—dean unlocks the good end by deferring to sam's judgment.
the ideological conflict in houses of the holy centers around the concept through fate, taken through a christian lens: is god real? does god have a plan? sam is faithful and dean is faithless, and their beliefs butt heads throughout the episode. in the end dean was right and the "angel" was just a ghost, and sam acquiesces to dean's beliefs and accepts god isn't real. this too is the general framing of the conflict—sam arrives at truth by listening and believing in dean.
but both of these episodes end ambiguously.
as it turns out, duane was possessed by a demon, which means that dean's instinctual distrust was right on the money, and killing (or attempting to kill) duane would actually have been the right choice—dean correctly assessed the danger and took steps to stop it, and it was sam who got in the way and persuaded him to stand down, which allowed the demon to escape.
and also as it turns out, a bigass rebar killed that would-be killer sam was sent after, and it was such an outrageous death that it throws dean off balance and makes him reconsider whether fate and god are actually real—which, as we come to discover later, is true, and sam and dean are cosmically destined to assume the roles of cain and abel in the coming apocalypse. sam was actually the correct one here, and the beliefs he was operating under were given ample support literally throughout the episode; it was dean who clouded sam's judgment and directed him away from the actual truth of the divine plan for them.
i don't think there's a grand revelation in comparing these two episodes this way, but i do enjoy how the show keeps them spinning on an axis, and how the seemingly correct decision is actually much more nuanced than it seems on the surface. when dean is right he's still wrong; when sam is wrong he's still right—and vice versa. black and white answers simply can't exist in this world because there is nothing wholly good and nothing wholly bad. dean had to let duane live because to do otherwise would be to succumb to his fate, even if letting duane symbolizes that dean will allow sam to succumb to his. sam had to defer to dean's ideology because to do otherwise would be to spiral further down the path to his destiny, even if that destiny is real and it's coming for them both anyway and they can do nothing to stop it. they're the best decisions they can make in those situations, but they're still not unambiguously perfect.
it's just another layer to the complexity of these seasons and the plot they've been born into. right is wrong and wrong is right, and family trumps fate but family will lead to ruin. and the gods are absent fathers pulling strings they don't even know are there.
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criscura · 2 years
The heart of the story
SPOILERS for the garou fight (i know it's been a while but still) because holy fucking SHIT. i am shaking. Bigass post about the symbolism of Saitama's suit, Genos' core, and the deconstruction going on in the whole fight.
I saw a coloring of this panel,
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and the positioning/negative space of the hole in Saitama's cape combined with the wind-up of Garou's punch made it fucking click and--jjdjalsk;djL;KFJ;lkdjlLKJlkdj
I thought it was super weird that pretty early on in this arc, Saitama's cape got a hole punched through it and the way he was positioned kept on emphasizing it. Like....Saitama's cape is already emblematic of who he is. It flutters around to accent what he's doing like an exclamation point, when he's protecting someone it curls around them like it's an extension of his intentions, when he walks in it flourishes before him like an announcement. As much as the gloves are a symbol of his power, I feel like his cape is...hope? It's what he is to the people he comes to save? Or maybe it's the selfless part of what he considers a hero to be--so if the gloves are "you're stronger than anyone else," the cape is "so you can be there for everyone else." I don't know, I have to think about it a little more, but that's the sense I get. It's also, y'know--a cape is something you wear to defend yourself from bad weather or the cold or just to cover up. It's protection.
So it felt REALLY BAD that there was a big hole torn into it, right dead-smack in the middle of Saitama's chest, like it was a target. A big foreboding "Look out! Your defenses are down! Watch out behind you!" But what the fuck can get at Saitama, right? Garou wasn't going to defeat him. You can't hurt him. He doesn't have to watch his back, that's kind of his whole problem.
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And that was fucking it. Garou ripped out Saitama's heart when he ripped out Genos', and it destroyed him. Saitama lost himself. He ACTUALLY lost himself
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THAT'S NOT FUCKING SAITAMA. That's what he's always been capable of becoming, but that's NOT him. As the fight goes on, he gets progressively more terrifying and inhuman--featureless face, blacked or whited out eyes, an outline of a body--as he starts attacking more relentlessly. We're watching him forget the humanity he's been feeling less and less in touch with, as he gets consumed by fury and grief.
That's not even mentioning that he loses almost all of his suit--that thing that defines him, that's most important to who he is and who he wants to be. All at once Garou hits him with something that completely destroys that symbol of who he is (hohoHO doesn't that sound familiar)--
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everything except the ripped up remnants of his glove, the part that symbolizes his strength, that's left to clutch onto Genos' core,
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which Saitama protected and cradled to his heart as if it was his own?? like it was a lifeline?? like it was more important than his home planet, that he almost destroyed in a blind rage???
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Like.....yes, it was a handicap as in "i'll only use one hand to fight you," but I don't think it's THAT much of an exaggeration to say it was also a handicap in that it stopped Saitama from going absolutely fucking bonkers and destroying everything. I think that WAS his heart. That was his last tether to humanity and empathy and hope. It was his fucking companion cube.
(I don't think it's a coincidence that in that panel where Saitama's curling his whole body around the core while being buried in the ground--and isn't THAT a fucking metaphor--that he looks legitimately pissed off. Garou's kick was on a direct trajectory to Genos' core. And isn't there something to be said for Saitama letting an opponent hit his head to protect it? A thing he's deeply self-conscious about normally, and a move that we've seen Genos pull more than once?)
I've said before that Genos does the hard emotional work for Saitama when he can't do it for himself (getting excited, angry, or sad for him; cheering him on; and all around taking the weight off Saitama to respond emotionally to things so that, at the very least, he doesn't have to feel guilty about not feeling anything). In return, Saitama is a stable rock for Genos to hold onto because, in his volatile world where everything is changing and can be taken away from him at any moment, Saitama can't. And like...
Saitama did fail in that he was too late. He didn't save him before the worst happened. But what little Saitama had left of him, was entirely devoted to Genos. He turned himself into an indestructible case for everything Genos was. And as much as Saitama carried Genos through that fight, again, Genos carried him. Again, Saitama couldn't relate--he was too far out of touch with his humanity to act like he still had it. But he could still cling to Genos, and Genos could feel it for him.
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Genos' heart replaced the heart that Garou broke--because when he killed Genos, Genos wasn't the one to feel the pain of his own loss. It wasn't his core that shattered. It was Saitama's. The target on his back hit exactly where it warned it would.
And now like--I do need to add a byline that this sucks for Genos. All around. He was used, thrown away, and Saitama failed to get to him on time. Now he's also the ONLY one who remembers what happened. He is already so fucking burdened, this is too much for one guy. I'm legitimately worried about what this is going to do to him.
But also? Mythology is my shit and melodramatic shenanigans are my JAM, and what aspect of this isn't mythological? What ISN'T such an obvious allegory after you say it out loud that it feels almost silly? How many levels does this work on? A wayward knight sacrificed a virgin heart in battle in hopes of tempting a dragon out of its cave to defeat it, and got SO much more than he bargained for? God took away the one you love, so you fight heaven and hell to get them back? Your heart is my heart, you live on in me and I in you, even after either of us are gone? I can't--I can't even come up with other examples because there are SO MANY. I just.
GOSH, even structurally, as the fight goes on, the panels become more sparse and less detailed. We lose background and landscape--often because it's actually demolished--until it's only action lines scratched over a flat black or white, to the point where we get graphs like the paper they're drawn on has been so ripped up that all we see are the guidelines on the desk underneath it. Things are taken apart to an atomic level.
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And meanwhile, we're watching these two characters argue over their most BASIC concepts. What are you fighting for? Who are you, really? What are you, after you've lost everything? What drives you? What scares you? What's your hope, and your worst fear? Are you human? Does it matter?
Why are you, you?
It's falling apart that's interrupted only by fantastic destruction that's as beautiful as it is terrible...and it doesn't fucking STOP until both characters have been so thoroughly torn down to their most painful, elemental pieces that they're fading to dust or erased fully from existence. This entire FIGHT is a deconstruction--of story, of characters, of the manga itself.
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I don't mind the time travel bit because this is--this is Jjust--this is SUCH A FUCKING GOOD ILLUSTRATION of what makes this manga WORK because it fucking--it goes out on a limb and says, "what happens if we do the thing we can't come back from, what does that do to the characters, let's bring it to the absolute enD JDJALSDK;JF" and00asdljs;dlkj
I'm losing it. I'm fucking LOSEINjalkj LOSING IT. Like. Saitama's the pillar of the story. Everything revolves around him. Genos is the catalyst, Saitama's the plot. Genos is the machina, Saitama's the deus ex. Genos is the heart, Saitama's the soul. I've said this a lot. but fucking....
If a cape is protection from the elements, Saitama's cape is a symbol of the hope he brings, AND there was a massive hole in Saitama's cape for so much of this arc, there was both a nagging sense that he wouldn't be able to magically solve shit like he usually can and that he had some weak point that was wide open for an attack. That weak point ended up being Genos.
The only way to break Saitama was to break his fucking heart...and then everything else broke around him.
((And....jllaksdjls of course, of COURSE I have a fucking bias and you KNOW I'm looking at this from a shipping lens too, and like.....I don't......Genos has Saitama's heart, and Saitama has his. They share it. It's one in the same. When one can't carry it, the other carries it for him. Ilm.kjl i"m. I'M.ASD...
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chromaji · 2 months
i was about to go to sleep but now im thinking about argenti being an emanator or some equally powerful shit bc this man somehow jumped into nihility superhell & helped aventurine escape it like it was nothing. & the whole "soloing the Bigass Sting like it was nothing"
& him just saying he doesn't remember what happened when he's explaining how he won the fight against the Sting... man you sent it to super beauty emanator hell.
It might not even be a secret of his. He just might not even REALIZE he became an emanator at that moment... hold on... cut the cameras
& look i'm not well-versed on a lot of lore in this game, but i been thinking abt the Aeons n shit lately bc fantasy-world gods deities and equivalents tends to grab my interest. Still I havent researched extensively so if something i say here contradicts some lore... thats why
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arstheor · 1 year
CONCEPT: housemd pacific rim au.
cuddy (retired assault specialist) is a shatterdome marshal. her specialities include strategy and weaponry.
officer wilson is the jaeger academy's best psych analyst. despite successfully completing all prerequisites to becoming a jaeger pilot, wilson could not find a sufficiently drift compatible partner during his time as a cadet.
officer house (retired jaeger pilot) is an experimental neural bridge operator and a renowned cryptozoologist. his ex-co-pilot, ex-wife stacy warner, is currently a fightmaster at the jaeger academy.
5 years prior to the events of the current plot, stacy disobeyed protocol and acted upon a radical new theory she had found in house's subconscious. although the mission was successful and the misconduct was forgiven, house permanently lost compatibility with his ex-wife-- his trust was broken beyond repair.
due to a demand for bigger, stronger jaegers that require more than the standard 2 pilots, cuddy has tasked house (and by extension, wilson) with curating a team of aspiring jaeger pilots that aim to work in endless combinations-- interchangeable triple, quadruple and even quintuple pairings. in other words, house inflicts extreme psychological warfare on his ducklings to procure the ppdc's very first drift compatible Jaeger Unit.
subplot: house and wilson get to find out that they're drift compatible and fight bigass kaijus tehe <3
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alchemiclee · 4 months
star rail characters whose hair I want to play with:
blade (long. want to braid)
boothill (looks very silky and flowy. would prob feel nice just to run fingers through)
robin (pretty girl that suits many pretty styles. hours of fun)
march (similar to robin, but less to work with. use many cute accessories like clips, extensions, and flower crown)
firefly (disabled/chronically ill and might need some help. would help immediately if she asked)
imbibity dan heng (he'd prob fall asleep. cute)
aventurine (I just want to floof it around while he lies around in his pajamas with a cat cake purring away on his chest)
clara (she doesn't wear shoes. I doubt she brushes her hair, and svarog probably wouldn't be gentle enough with his bigass robot hands, so i must help my daughter!)
stelle (she's nasty trash gremlin, give me the hose and shampoo)
jing yuan (fluffy, would probably purr like a kitty :3)
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jetaloen · 1 year
i always meant to ask but always forget, do Rohan's parents and/or Volo's parents have a pokemon team (or i guess pokemon partners since pokeballs weren't super around). All i remember is Volo's mom having a togepi
YEA they are all trainers in their own right! they kinda each have different views on what pokemon are to them
rohan's parents, especially his mother tamura, are the most highly skilled trainers of all my ocs, rivaled only by rohan himself. both his parents train pkmn that are similar in nature to themselves, so their bonds are very strong w their respective teams.
tamura (rohan's mom):
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tamura is raised in a brothel by a doting and protective group of courtesans after her mother was murdered. she sees a lot of fucked up shit as a kid despite how her caregivers try to shelter her, so she has a really warped outlook on life. she also develops unrivaled ability as a swordswoman.....so she becomes this adult who loves nothing more than fighting men she finds handsome to the death. she has no remorse. she is a perpetual child playing a game and they're like toys to her. in what i headcanon as a warring-states-adjacent time period, i think tamura gets away with this for a while before she eventually has a bounty put on her head....but even then, this team of pokemon with extremely powerful hypnotizing abilities has been helping her escape punishment all along, and she's certainly not going to let herself be caught just because the government in johto is demanding it.
tamura GREATLY prefers the company of her pokemon to that of other people. her team are basically extensions of herself. she naturally bonds w ghost and psychic types.
her shedinja came from hansuke's ninjask.
hansuke (rohan's dad):
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hansuke's team only seriously takes shape when he starts training under tamura; when he still had his family, his shelmet was his only pkmn, but after he lost everything in a bandit raid, he met zorua and ralts during his aimless job-seeking travels. his ralts was the the only one of his mons to fully evolve before he met tamura and served as a protector of him and the others, so they're all really close. each of hansuke's pokemon is a partner that he battles against, and after tamura dies and hansuke and rohan flee to hisui, hansuke and his team form an insular family unit, especially when he begins to realize that his son is distancing himself from him.
alexius (volo's dad):
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alexius is a military general and his pokemon serve more war-time use vs being partner pokemon or pets. falinks and bastiodon are pokemon that would fight alongside him, while mudsdale could aid him both as a steed and to help move shit. gyarados and clawitzer would be for naval battle. staraptor could fight if it needed to as well, but would see more use delivering letters and transporting wounded soldiers. honest to god, i don't have much for alexius rn, but i am pretty confident that this would be his team. he isn't around much when volo lives in the celestican society.
cynthia (volo's mom):
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it's not often that my headcanoned celesticans would become powerful trainers just for shits and giggles like people do in the modern day...inside their cities, they prioritize order, peace, and worship, so bigass pokemon swinging around knocking shit over is prob a no-no. that being said, smaller pokemon are everywhere in their cities and live alongside the ppl. and volo's mom is a kooky lady who pokemon just LOVE, so she especially is always surrounded by them (her son inherits this quality from her.) i think that volo and his mother cynthia are very close in his youth...he keeps her memory alive in many ways, and although he has very complicated feelings about her, he misses her badly. i think volo trains the pokemon he remembers from his childhood.
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hazard-and-friends · 4 months
6/2 NW3
Trial reflection pt 1 of 2: The trial itself
6 searches, two each interior and container, one each exterior and vehicle. the day's flow struggled a bit because they wildly underestimated how long ext and vehic were going to take, but we were dog #2, so we got through 4 searches before lunch.
exterior. this was, fascinatingly, the exact same area as our NW1 exterior, and the single hide was in a similar location. he came out ready to work and found it reasonably fast; I then kept him moving around the search area until the timer called 30 seconds. he gave me a complete heart attack by sniffing a clump of grass and ALMOST hiking a leg. spent the rest of the day convinced we'd left a hide there because I refused to let him check the area again. but no, just the one. 1/1 hides.
vehicles. I am seeing a trend where in 4 of 4 vehicle searches at trials he takes fucking forever to decide to search the cars and instead wants to check out literally anything else. he did eventually tune in and did correctly find the hide. on the other hand, we've passed 4 of 4 vehicle searches so you know. 1/1 hides.
containers 1. 16 sterilite shoeboxes, two hides on opposite ends of the same row, no distractions. he got one hide but not the other; I want to see the video from this search because I think he expressed interest in the correct box, just failed to commit to it. on the other hand no falses. 1/2 hides.
interiors 1. BIGASS ROOM. half of a cafeteria, chair rack on one wall, long wall with some shelving, a single table & chairs, a garbage can. lots and lots of open space. 3 hides, one on the chair rack, one a few feet away on the shelving--he nailed both of these. nice and confident. then faffed about until the 30 second warning. 3rd hide was on the garbage can, 0 interest in it. 2/3 hides.
at this point we had a longass break, partially for lunch and partially to let everyone else finish ext/vehic. we had apparently already missed out on a leg but i didn't know this.
5. containers 2. absolute mindfuck. 8 toolboxes, 1 hide, no distractors, AND the hide was in the very first box. he alerted, i called it, i experienced a 3 year extension to my life when the judge said "yes" because i was SURE it was a false, he checked the other boxes, i made him check them again to be sure, finish. 1/1 hides.
6. interiors 2. another BIGASS SPACE. one half of a livestock barn (fuck u, says everyone running spaniels). hazard demonstrated again that distractors come second to odor (amazing, phenomenal, perfect, 10/10 no notes). he found the hide, then went to check out the manure. I recognized this and called finish. 1/1 hides.
overall: 7 of 9 hides, 2 missed, 0 falses. my goal was 0 falses, so success there, and 1 fewer error than last NW3.
have we fixed his containers problem? maybe. I don't know. I think we now also have a vehicles problem, but he's passed every vehicles search he's done, just while giving me an anxiety attack, so idk.
no shiny ribbons but we're now only one clean search away from our elements titles in int, cont, and vehic. (need two more in ext.) so.....progress.
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knowlessman · 3 months
It is Thursday, my dudes. (bnha s6e11-15)
oh shit, jeanist ain't dead? they dint show his face/collar, but who else could that be in this jet
I thought yall needed to keep tomura off the ground cuz he can just dust everybody for miles around. ig tbf he is pretty beat up
"jin meant a lot to me" waaaaait… does toga have some of twice's blood. shit, she's yet another Ditto, she could just have the quirk of anybody else on her team at-will. she could have several bodies' worth of the quirk of anybody else on her team, at-will, if twice gave her any of his blood -- "I was hoping to talk to her about relationships" gonna level with you, the closest thing to a remotely qualified therapist in this entire show might, of all people, be todoroki, and if you wanna talk to him, well, you should prolly get back on bigfoot ig
… is too wrapped up in The Scene to make the hall and oates ref
lolwtf since when did jeanist have those bigass cable thingies??? 'XD he's got levitating mechanical pulley thingies now???
…okay ngl. if only I hadn't been spoiled on all that. I mean… idk, would I have guessed it anyway? I forget how much I knew; I knew he did a dance. maybe the clips I saw had subtitles? eh, he has a fire quirk and spiky hair and injuries n stuff, maybe I would've guessed it anyway. tbh I thought endeavor thought he'd killed him directly, but ig toya was just like trying to power up his quirk or something when the fire happened
"gigantomachia's strength has its limits, too. after he got here, he started gasping for air" ah, did those tranquilizers have an effect after all? -- (shigaraki says one thing to him and he's back struggling again) come onnnn, they worked so hard for that
ey, mirio's back too
(bakugo picked hisself a "new" hero name) AHAHAHAHA finally a bakugo bit that's at least funny
blackwhip. …froppy. style. sigh
deku. deku what did I say about talking about other people's backstories. you're talking to dabi about endeavor.
okay finally, so we know the sedative did work. dang, took long enough
compress: "I still haven't gotten to do my bit! I'll show you the best form of entertainment!" think maybe you should've joined up with gentle thief, my dude. you'd be a way better match for his vibe
(league of villains flashback) "you are the creature rejection clan" hey wait a minute… clan? …nah, nah, surely the writer wouldn't be as subtle as this if he was trying to reference that -- "sinners, sacred ground," etc. eh. prolly then ig. nobody seems to do a faction that tries to stand up for non-powered people, only ones that pick fights with the powered folks for what's narratively treated as no reason. maybe The Boys did that more intelligently, but hell if I'm up for trying that, thinking about how many people didn't get the satirical bits would prolly be too distracting -- "what is our goal, shigaraki? WHAT IS OUR GOAL?" some very good questions
"I can pokeball bits off my own body to free myself from the restraints!" well. damn. …when are you gonna start doing stuff, spinner?
compress's dad/ancestor (?) was robin hood, huh. well how do you like that, I don't think I even dislike this guy any more. pity he's stuck with the cosplayer without a cause, a few serial killers, and the successor to mojo jojo/satan/makuta/that red spirit from korra I'm never gonna remember the name of -- "the blood of the Burglar King flows in my veins" oh why did you have to go and say that? 'XDDD have it your way, ig
(midoriya's got another quirk coming in) Danger Sense? …not one I would've expected. would be kinda fun if it wasn't really any more powerful than Spider-Man's. something that's new, but that doesn't completely change deku's range of options like Blackwhip does
"Dabi and Long-Hair (?) are still in Spinner's scarf!" that is a cool extension to the trick, but does Spinner know that?
"we are retreating. I am paying the price of defeat." ig he's hoping that tomura ends up in the same prison as mojo jojo's body so the former can spring the latter? hell if I know. or maybe he's hoping that for the people he's leaving behind, anyway
(ig shigaraki got away?) they keep showing midnight's mask. still can't tell if she's dead tho
new OP time, huh
huh. mosquito fell for a trap. -- except he didn't really, aaand it backfired hugely
"the heroes' struggle was futile as shigaraki was awakened" it WOULDN'T have been, if dollar-store cyclops had been 0.01% less trigger-happy and been capable of following orders worth a damn
(recap gets to where jeanist shows up) dabi said "the body was real." …??? who did hawks kill. a stolen body from a morgue wouldn't have fooled them, would it?
"just under SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE who were at the fight at the villa were arrested" jesus -- …sidetrack, I know, but: in 2022, Japan had about 41k inmates in prisons, and that number was down from previous years; in '13, they had about 60k. oh, don't worry, the US has over a million in any given year, obviously. just wondered. trying to conceive of huge numbers of people in any context is always, like… yeah
so midnight is dead, huh. and whoevertf majestic was
buh. recap episode dunt count. one more. for sake of mentioning tho, I did notice in the intro and outro that deku seems to have added… dammit, what's he called. the old guy. he added the old guy's yellow scarf. …this show has too goddamn many characters. twenty kids in class 1-A alone. TWENTY JUST TO START
new OP's kinda mumbly but wever, I don't hate it for that
prison guards bein prison guards, yup
oh dang, it's bakuswole
oh great, and moonfish 'XD that fuckin weirdo
ohai jeff, I keep thinking you're dead. guess not?
huh. chisaki. it's a daggone boss rush rushin' its way outta the slammer
(hopsidal) GRAN TORINO. okay fuck, he's named after a fucking car and a clint eastwood movie but there's no way in hell I was gonna remember his name, I was stuck on trying to remember the name of his quirk
…so wait. gran torino's yellow scarf is from shimura. deku's gonna start wearing the scarf bc of gran torino. and facing down shimura's grandson wearing it. …greaaat, well ig maybe that gives tomura something to latch onto and claw back control from all for one? but like. idk, still kinda fucked up
stopping here
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apophisclouds · 1 year
Man I've been insanely stressed lately, and a huge part of that ngl is because I've had to ration my weed like water in a bunker for a few days before my next paycheck. I've been working more hours to buy in larger bulk because biweekly paychecks are a form of torture specifically made to slowly etch out anything that resembles hope for a better life and assure that you will be miserable at the bottom of the world forever until you can no longer provide services to the higher ups enough to be financially worth it to keep alive, and then they slowly and sadistically starve you of needs via extensively confusing paperwork that takes years enough to finally be finished with it that you'll have died either of starvation, exposure, exhaustion, or untreated illness. But that's neither here nor there. My point is I finally lasted the trials of time doing that thing where it only slows down when you really just need it to pass by already because all you're doing is waiting, and now I have this bigass medical looking bag of Super Boof, and holy shit it's like edibles but you're smoking it. Super Boof is motherfucking right my friend, I'm not high, I'm inter fucking stellar rn. Even typing all that murky rage spittle up there I was mostly just following instinct and thinking about how many pseudointentional homestuck references I've already inserted into this wall of text I made just to say this weed slaps harder than my stepmom. My dealer buddy may not be a great person but he gives me that good shit and I will never find a dealer like him again. He's holding Hamilton on his scrawny ass shoulders, and if I ever do escape America all I can say is the dispensaries better have some mind blowing shit wherever I land.
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raynydaystorytime · 4 years
Next chapter of Faraway From Here is taking a bit of time (there's a couple of scenes I'm currently shuffling around) so have some more OMORI thoughts and things under the cut.
So I was thinking about dreamworld counterparts of the hooligans. Most of them have pretty 1:1 counterparts in the playground. But there's one hooligan that's a little different in my opinion. Angel. The wiki lists his dreamworld counterpart as Neb. But that's strange because while there is a resemblance in terms of appearance (the distinct pompadour) Angel's loud personally doesn't fit Neb's quiet demeanor. All the other playground kids have not only a physical resemblance to their real world counterparts, but there are personality traits which can be used to corrolate them.
Here are some other points. Let's see if you can see what I'm getting at
Neb's biggest personality trait is that he likes puzzles. Angel doesn't mention this at all
Angel seems younger than the rest of the hooligans. Inversely, Neb is taller and seems older than most of the other kids in the playground (with the exception of the kids for which being tall/old have been "flanderized" (van/sharleen)
In addition to Angel's younger appearance, he's the only one that idolizes "The Maverick" calling him his master. Further reinforcing the idea that Angel is younger and looks up to the older kids
The names of the other playground kids have some relation to their real world counterparts, either being shortenings, possible extensions, or just misspellings of their names. "Neb" doesn't seem to have any relationship to the name "Angel" other than the slim possibility that Neb is "Ben" reversed and Ben is Angel's real name.
Anyone see what I'm getting at yet?
(So this is a bigass maybe but) Maybe Neb isn't Angel's dreamworld counterpart. Maybe Neb and Angel's resemblance can be chalked up to a familial resemblance. Angel has an older brother, one who loves puzzles, one who is older than most kids at the playground, one who's real name is possibly Ben. And that four years ago, Sunny simply hadn't met Angel which is why he doesn't show up in headspace.
And maybe since we see Neb's puzzle in front of a grave in the graveyard. Maybe Sunny's family isn't the only one in town that's experienced tragedy.
Sunny's dreams being assigned into layers is pretty interesting if you ask me. Whitespace is the layer closest to reality. It's the most realistic and mundane looking layer of headspace. But it's also plays a role as a repression of thought, in whitespace there is no freedom of thoughts because it's stifled by the black bulb which results in a bland boring location which "traps" you at the end of every night.
Below that you have headspace. In headspace things are fantastical and whimsy, but there are still rules in place. There are restrictions on what you can and can't do. And Sunny/Omori doesn't have absolute control over what happens here not just in terms of the stories and characters that exist in headspace, but also in the places where black space leaks through. Headspace is for the most part where Sunny/Omori/The player wants to spend most of their time because it's the most "fun" place.
And underneath all that is Blackspace. Like the name suggests it's the opposite to Whitespace. If Whitespace is the absence and suppression of thoughts, then Blackspace is a void filled with terrifyingly loud thoughts. Intrusive thoughts, nightmares, self destructive thoughts. Blackspace is so chaotic and disturbing because there are no restraints down there. Sunny is forced to confront his deep thoughts and desires. His hatred of Basil, his callous indifference to his friends, and even random violent thoughts like killing Mewo.
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Ikemen Sengoku Mafia!AU (Oda Forces)
In case y’all didn’t know I also write for Otome (both Voltage and Cybird)
Oda Nobunaga: the leader
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Absolutely a leader of a yakuza- and a good one at that too
(Assuming this takes place in modern day japan) runs one of the biggest Yakuza factions
On the outside though, he’s a very successful heir to a large, multimillion company (think Eisuke Ichinomiya from KBTBB I mean they’re practically the same person cmon)
Due to his seemingly inconspicuous ‘day job’ and charming personality making him very popular to the public eye, no one suspects him of being involved in any organized crime, so he’s able to operate very smoothly under the radar
Of course, he has spies every where- including in the government and police force so his tracks are very covered
Aims to take political power at some point and have his faction be the dominant faction (eliminating all possible rivals)
His biggest one being his enemy Kenshin Uesugi’s faction, who takes any and every opportunity they can to get under his nerves constantly lmao
Nobunaga and Kenshin have never seen each other face to face (if they did it’d be a blood bath), but still have an unspoken respect for each other as much as they hate each other lmao
The rivalry between their two families has lasted generations- now that it’s their turn, Nobunaga is determined to end it with the last laugh
Nobunaga’s still the same arrogant, cocky bastard he is, but 100x worse (as with modern technology)
Grew up with a very traditional family who were samurais in the past, so he’s had a lot of training in swordsmanship and martial arts
Always keeps a pistol in his jacket pocket and wears a bulletproof vest 90% of the time
(He’s not that good with guns tho)
On his desk there’s probably a little plateful of candies, and his fridge is also stocked with sweet things (it’s a wonder how he doesn’t have diabetes yet)
Also has a pocketful of tiny candies to last him throughout the day (much to Hideyoshi’s dismay)
Also, slicked back hair, suited up Nobunaga with a sleeve tattoo (he’d have to try really hard to keep his sleeve tattoo hidden but still just imagine)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: the bodyguard
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Hideyoshi is Nobunaga’s most trusted confidant, who also serves as his bodyguard
Wherever Nobunaga goes, Hideyoshi follows suit
More often than not the voice of reason
Always trusts his gut and is always skeptical of new members (or just people in general why won’t you trust me dammit)
He came from a poor family of farmers in the countryside, and when they couldn’t take care of him anymore they abandoned him
He was a thief for a little while, until Nobunaga’s dad took him in and raised him as his own
Hideyoshi deems this a debt he has to pay, and him helping Nobunaga and keeping him straight will repay the family’s kindness
He’s always the one to direct less major missions and cleans up the messes
Frequently in contact with Mistuhide, and he hates the guy (more like annoyed tbh)
He’s basically Nobunaga’s messenger lmao
And mother older brother figure, he frequently stops Nobunaga from rampaging over something insignificant and keeps him from being unhealthy by taking away his candies sometimes
Is better skilled with a gun, and thus carries not one, but two (those like shoulder straps for guns under his suit type of thing)
He goes undercover from time to time, although it’s not his specialty- he’s kind of a jack of all trades kinda guy
He’s really good at sussing out the spies and traitors, because he listens to his gut and it’s almost always right
Will do anything and everything to help Nobunaga succeed, even if it means killing anyone who stands in the way
Date Masamune: the affiliate
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Masamune is actually the leader of another yakuza faction, but since it was so weak at the time he took the opportunity to pair up with Nobunaga
His faction deals more with drugs and weapons, smuggling them over borders and getting them out and in of the country
That being said, most of his deals take place at exclusive bars and clubs- where the richest of the rich gather
He’s a pretty laid-back guy for someone who runs a drug syndicate- he doesn’t really care how things get done as long as they get done somehow
Also pretty goofy- when people first meet him, they’d think that there was no way he was in the yakuza
Even though the sleeve tattoos and the eyepatch probably should’ve been enough for them to know
And the massive amount of jewelry, too- Masamune isn’t shy about his wealth like at all
He’s totally the type to wear those bigass rings, complete with sapphires on them just to show off a little more
He loves to piss off Nobunaga, he loves for it
Ieyasu tells him that it might get him killed (low key a worried bb) but Masamune knows Nobunaga isn’t gonna get rid of him anytime soon; due to the fact that Masamune’s faction gives a shit ton of money
Him and Ieyasu tolerate get along pretty well, although the latter may deny it
Out of all of them, he’s probably the strongest and most skilled combat-wise; he’s adept in martial arts, knives and blades, as well as having an extensive knowledge on firearms and even bombs and how to use them
Honestly, he’s with Nobunaga just for the power boost- ones his faction gets enough power, he’s gonna dip then come back and be like ‘sike u thought’
Masamune has the same aspiration as both Nobunaga and Kenshin, but knows he can’t fight them both at the same time. So why not let the two battle it out then fight the winner?
Akechi Mistuhide: the spy
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Aka the rat
Mistuhide is a double agent working for Nobunaga, on his own terms
He’s a spy within the government’s police force, and nobody has caught him yet
Tells Nobunaga about any upcoming busts and when and where they’re gonna go, who they’re going to investigate and go after, basically all information on cases that may affect him
Very good at hiding his tracks- it’s almost impossible to get this guy
Also very good at swaying his coworkers and even bosses- tells them whether or not to pursue a case or person, acknowledge evidence, and even do something for him
He started out as an assassin for hire before becoming an informant for Nobunaga, which is the foundation for the distrust Hideyoshi has on him
Coupled with the fact that he’s easily a manipulative and cunning bastard, you’ve got someone who is a valuable asset but you can’t help but wonder when he’ll turn his back on you
He’s actually the son of a very rich man who had many wives and concubines; growing up, his father’s other wives would try to kill him using any tactic they could, so he developed quickly some skills that children shouldn’t have learned
He knows when food and drinks are poisoned, when someone is trying to ambush you, and when someone is lying- and this was before any formal training for an assassin
Because of his talent with blades and smaller guns, he’s the one Nobunaga sends out most of the time to kill someone and make it seem like an accident
Teams up with Masamune to annoy Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu (sometimes)
He once went undercover with Hideyoshi- the teasing was unfiltered and hard. Hideyoshi kept yelling at him to please stop, we have a fuckinh mission to do and you making me flustered will not make this any less difficult.
He honestly just lives to see people annoyed/embarrassed lmao
Used to tease Ieyasu a lot before Masamune came and essentially replaced him
Mitsuhide’s reasons for joining Nobunaga’s faction still remains a mystery, and he’d like to keep it that way
Tokugawa Ieyasu: the doctor
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Why is there no yellow
The underground doctor who works for Nobunaga, Ieyasu has plenty of knowledge and experience despite his young age
At first, you’d think he isn’t a doctor at all- he‘s rough, not exactly friendly, and easily irritated; which is exactly what makes him so good at his job
As an underground doctor, Ieyasu’s primary job is to salvage whatever unfortunate soul had been injured at the time- sometimes, it’d be much, much more than one person
He can’t afford to let his emotions get to him and slow him down, so he’s learned to repress his emotions and completely focus on his job instead
Also, he can’t be like a traditional doctor because he’s dealing with criminals here- and with his pretty face, not everyone’s gonna take him seriously if he offers the usual caring doctor attitude
Ieyasu grew up in a wealthy family before being kidnapped and sold in the black market as a child, abused within the system and eventually ended up in an old doctor’s hands
The old doctor would basically take him on as an apprentice and told him all his medical knowledge, urging him to follow in his footsteps before he died
When the doctor did die, Ieyasu continued his medical studies and attended several schools and universities before going off the grid completely
Years later he was found in a back alley market (think the black market from beastars) by non other than Nobunaga, who he saved from some thugs (or at least tried to)
Because of his work as a doctor, he often forgets to really take a rest and goes days without sleeping and living off spicy ramen noodles
It’s gotten so bad at one point that Masamune (who buys the noodles for him regularly) actually confiscated all of them and demanded Ieyasu be given a day off (he can’t have tease him if he’s dead!)
Speaking of Masamune, they met after the ‘eyepatch wearing idiot’ came into his clinic after a particularly grueling gun fight with the police
He’s kind of thankful for Masamune- Ieyasu would still have to deal with Mitsuhide and that guy gets on his nerves the quickest, if Masamune didn’t take his spot lmao
He has a little pet porcupine at home, and he sometimes sticks him in the chest pocket of his doctor’s coat whenever he knows he’s gonna spend days at his clinic
Don’t let his pretty looks fool you; mans learned many combat skills from Masamune including how to absolutely murder people with guns
Ishida Mitsunari: the hacker
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From how sweet and kind he looks he definitely does not look like part of the Yakuza
Like, he looks like he belongs in a classroom teaching kids, not in a computer room hacking government files
Extremely skilled hacker- he can get any information from anywhere and leave no trace
Is the main source of information for Nobunaga
Mitsunari was the son of a college professor, and spent most of his time reading in the school library when his father took him to his lectures
Pretty soon he found himself loving computers and tinkering with them, eventually leading to him hacking some minor websites
Fat forward a couple of years and his curious nature doesn’t stop, leading to him discovering some secret files/tapes of Nobunaga’s faction
He left a clear enough trace that he was easily tracked down and almost killed; however, Nobunaga saw some potential in him and decided to give him a choice between dying or joining them (not much of a choice there buddy)
He joined in his late teens, so he’s never really experienced what life was like (thanks Nobunaga)
Nonetheless, he’s actually pretty terrifying when he’s angry
With his demeanor, you’d think he wouldn’t have a mean bone in his body- wrong
Being in the yakuza at a young age, he’s seen some shit and learned some shit- and he’s even tried some of them
Many people have spited him, thinking he’s a doormat
Mitsunari does not let that fly
People underestimate how much he can ruin their lives through the computer screen- financial ruin, a hard hit to reputations, etc
He rarely if ever does that though, most of the time he’d just brush it off and continue what he’s doing (unless it escalates then you’re fucked lmao Mitsudarki come thru)
Mitsunari’s really good with kids, so often times the higher ups or other members leave their kids or pets with him because even if he is booked for work, he still takes stellar care of them
Gets teased by Mitsuhide often, but doesn’t get what he’s saying most of the time
Is heavily opposed to killing- he’d much rather talk it through with someone or ruin their life rather than taking it
Uggghhhhh this took so long but I love these little shits so it was worth it 😤😤 they’re so pretty wth-
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ibelonginthepast · 3 years
hi im back with more thoughts
Magnus is one of the best characters written not only because he's a immortal being with a rich and extensive life in which he continues to enjoy his life despite having his heart broken several times. He is confident, vulnerable and beautiful. His relationships with other people are often overlooked but are admittedly one of the more interesting ones. He's involved with almost every event in the tsc world perhaps because of bacon's law (or because the shadowhunters literally would not exist because of him).He has inspired people in so many ways (both in the books and irl cause hes unapologetically himself in a way thats him )[sidenote: his "promiscuous" reputation comes more from gossip or the fact that hes a downworlder and people dont want to give him credit][2nd sidenote: people either want to be him or be with him]He deserves more standalone books <3
Idk if i have much to say about keith except that we shouldve gotten him in a crop top to match with that short ass jacket
magnus is god cause he is anti-capitalist, fluid in gender and sexuality, beautiful as fuck, resilient as fuck, brave as fuck, smart as fuck and KIND as fuck fuck (double for emphasis)
and yeah u r very right, i often delve into his past relationships in my ffs that i never put out there..
even tho he has been rejected so many times, hurt so many times, he continues to stand strong and stand proud and beautiful.
he is the kindest shit ever a fucking liar too cause remember when he was like "i dont do charity in any area of my life" or the fact that he goes around pretending to be the "evil guy" (it's cute ngl). charity is literally all he does. whenever he comes across someone homeless or poor, he makes shit they need appear for them. he literally visits places like our home india to just go to the slums and steals shit from bigass companies and corrupt govts and provides them all with everything they want just to see them smile.
i think he doesn't puts himself out there emotionally tho,, like he buries shit a lot which is understandable.
he has definitely inspired people to be queer and proud and be themselves, no matter how nerdy or slutty ;)
idk to what extent his promiscuous reputation emerges from truth, but he defo is proud and unashamed of it lol
HE DEFO DESERVES MORE ATTENTION but alas cc is busy giving us descriptions of how "firm" the lead cliche cishet angsty ethereal boy's arms are, or how "curvy" and "tight" the lead cliche cishet angsty beautiful girl's breasts are.
also keith defo defo defo wears that brightass jacket to piss of the homophobes and would defo wear a crop top or a skirt for the same goal ;)
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