#and hes pissed off now because the cats have ‘stolen’ another one of his cats
yuridovewing · 10 months
You may think its unfair that I’m swapping Stormfur and Feathertail purely because I feel like the boy should’ve died to even things out with the parents. And it kinda is. But in return I’m giving him a huge honor: The only cat who’s killed a man onscreen.
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yinorathedragontamer · 4 months
Could you do a Dead Boy Detectives Cat King x reader Payne, Edwin’s sibling who is a ghost after a freak accident and helps them out. They always put the boys needs above their own. After the first Cat King meeting they get a little jealous of their brother but they know it’s wrong. Of course Monty and the others would like Edwin.
Pairing: Thomas "the Cat King" x gn! ghost! Payne! reader, mild implied Monty x reader if you squint, Edwin Payne x sibling! reader
a/n: tysm for this request! i hope it is to your liking and i hope it's not too ooc<3
warnings: jealous reader, it's implied that reader could be interested in Monty, Charles and Crystal [Cat King talks about which form he should take, inspired by the scene in the show when he turns into Monty and Charles to try and seduce Edwin], i wasn't sure whether these warnings were necesarry but i added them anyway just incase
You had been part of the dead boy detectives agency for a while, ever since you had found your brother Edwin again, you stayed by his side, and ofcourse Charles's too.
you aways helped out, kept them safe the best you could. even when you weren't in a state to do so.
there were uncountable times when you took the hit instead of them, physically and mentally.
you helped calm down ghosts who were lost, helped along with cases to make sure everything went according to plan, steped infront of them if someone tried to attack with an iron weapon, no matter how bad it hurt.
ofcourse, Edwin greatly appreciated it, and yet somehow you feel underappreciated.
they never changed the name, even though you joined, they were the ones people, well, ghosts looked for.
it was always "where are the two boys we were told about" and never "aren't you one of the dead boy detectives?"
when Crystal joined, she didn't seem very fond of you at first, which you honestly didn't mind too much.
could you blame her? she got her memories stolen by her demon ex and now she has no idea where she's supposed to be, where her home is.
when the four of you went to Port Townsend you thought little of it.
it was just one quick little case, right?
because of your brother Edwin using a simple spell on a cat that you guys got stuck here.
when you first met the Cat King, you were intrigued to say the least.
maybe it was his way of talking, maybe it was those eyes that captivated you, whatever it was, you felt drawn to him.
but ofcourse, he only looked at your brother.
was it normal to feel jealous like that? you love your brother dearly, you shouldn't want to take something like that from him, right?
when you met Monty, you thought he was pretty cute.
not your exact type, but cute.
but ofcourse, yet again, Edwin was the star of the show.
eventually Monty wanted to hang out with you too, but it was after the third time of him asking to hang out that you found out the only true reason was so he would have an excuse to see Edwin when walking you 'home', which really pissed you off.
so you left, mumbling something about just wanting to take a walk alone for a moment.
much to your luck, they accepted it without another thought.
as you walk, you can't help but notice the amount of cats you see everywhere.
Edwin was supposed to count them all, right?
maybe you could help by counting aswell, and telling Edwin later on how many you saw.
but you were too upset to really do that, so you just kept walking.
until you notice that one of the cats seems to be following you, no matter how many times you turn a corner, or stop for a moment, it seemed to follow your every move.
up untill a specific part, near the woods.
you thought it finally stopped following you, untill you turned around to see none other than the Cat King standing there.
that startled you, for some reason you didn't exactly expect it, and you nearly tripped if he didn't catch you.
"why are you here? why did you follow me?" you instantly question him, which seems to surprise him atleast a little.
"woah, calm down, i wasn't following you, i was just... taking a stroll... okay no i was totally following you" he admits.
"has Edwin counted all the cats yet?" you roll your eyes.
"no, obviously not, he would've gone to find you if he did" you cross your arms and look away from him.
why did he have to look so charming?
you thought he'd leave, but he didn't.
why was he still staring at you?
"you know, i only pay so much attention to him because of his spell on one of my dear cats, you should remember that"
"why would i care who you give your stupid attention to" you practically snarl, though he doesn't seem to be bothered by your tone.
"now, now, no need to feel so attacked. i just want to know, what is it that has gotten you in such a sour mood" he nearly sounds like he cares.
"nothing, i just wanted to take a walk" you lie, hoping he'd just leave you alone.
"right, lets try that again, hm?"
he swipes his thumb over your mouth, and much to your surprise you spill everything that you've been keeping quiet about.
"it's just that, i really do love my brother, truly, but sometimes i wish he wouldn't be the one getting all the attention, like, you gave him all your attention back when you wanted to punish him for his 'crime' and Monty only wanted to hang out with me to get closer to him and i just wish that for once, just once, someone i'm interested in would actually see me too. Edwin and Charles, now Crystal too, always get so much credit for solving cases too, and yet i'm the one that keeps getting hurt, that keeps being the target, i always put them above me and ofcourse i'm not greedy about getting attention or gratefullness but does it really hurt that much to ask if i'm okay? if i'm okay with being the bait when it's necesarry? if i'm okay with being ready to face death and go to the afterlife so she'll leave them alone? is it too much to ask for just a little care that's more than just some simple praise?" you ramble on for a bit, barely noticing the small, sypathetic smile on his face.
"now, now, darling, that is quite a lot of emotion, huh?"
"oh fuck off" you snap back, the tingling feeling of the spell he used to make you tell him fading as quick as it came.
"i see you, i have for a while" he admits.
"do you have any idea how hard it is to focus on being intimidating and giving your brother his punishment for using a spell against one of my cats when you're right next to him, all pretty and enticing" he drawls out as if he's a kid who's throwing a tantrum about not getting icecream.
"i mean seriously, have you seen yourself?"
"not exactly, i don't have a reflection as a ghost" you mumble, trying to ignore the growing heat on your cheeks.
he rolls his eyes.
"tell me, what form should i take to entice you to... stay with me, atleast for the night? Monty? Charles? Crystal? i can be whoever you want me to be, my dear [name]" he says as he takes the respective forms of each person he lists, and you notice how even though he practically shape-shifts, one thing always stays the same: those eyes you've grown to love.
"just be you" you murmur, daring to take a step closer to him, to which he subtly licks his lips.
it seems as though he's about to say something, but then he kisses you instead, taking a hold on your waist, he seems to be more gentle than you expected, and you kiss him back.
if someone told you that this kiss lasted for hours, you would've believed them.
it felt as if you got that peacefull after-life that you were promised, without ever leaving behind those you care about.
reluctantly, you both pull away.
"can i stay with you tonight, then?" you mutter quietly.
the Cat King nods, taking your hand, ready to lead you to his abode.
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Bakugou x female reader, part 2 of 2
Read Part 1
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“You’re being an asshole.”
Your mouth dropped open, while you struggled against the strap. It dug into your front, keeping you tethered to him. His grip on the back of your bag was firm. You weren’t that surprised he had caught up to you so quickly. He was always against letting you storm off. You’d never had a fight that he hadn’t insisted on finishing. You flailed more, struggling to free yourself.
“Ughhhh! I’m the asshole?”
You spun around, but lost your footing when you stumbled backwards at the same time. You hadn’t expected those red eyes to be so close. You frowned, body now diagonal as he kept you off the ground with the bag he shouldn’t have grabbed in the first place.
“Let go of me, Katsuki.” He did. “Fuck!”
You glared up at him from the pavement. He really towered over you from this position. His stupid boots were higher than your new eye level. His dumb gigantic thighs were spread in that way you usually teased him about. His belt was probably stashing some of your favorite snacks, because “you’re a real bitch when you’re hungry”. His waist was probably one thing that hadn’t changed much over the years, but with the growth on top and bottom it made it look like it had shrunk. Then his arms, huge, crushing in the way they’d pin you down or wrap you in a hug. They were folded over themselves now, crossed while he surveyed your splayed out form below him.
You wanted to stop there. You wanted to look away from whatever it was he was trying to make you see. However, you couldn’t resist whatever was pulling your gaze higher. His shoulders, cut and molded by years of explosions, led to his neck, which had that one vein kind of throbbing. That could’ve been from you pissing him off in training or with running off. It was hard to know for sure.
You tried to glare harder when you saw his mouth was smirking at you, but if you narrowed your eyes anymore you wouldn’t be able to see anything at all. You shifted to his eyes, surprised to see he had shoved his mask up past his hairline, leaving a trail of black liner smeared near his temples. You’d never tease him about that. The liner had been your random idea from back when you were little kids. Your clumsy fingers had drawn the entire mask with cosmetics stolen from his mother.
“Go out with me.” You rolled your eyes as his question had seemingly turned into an order.
“That’s a terrible idea.” He huffed, and you looked down at your own boots to hide your smile. That was still one of your favorite noises…even if it pissed you off half the time.
“Why? I’m not good enough for ya, princess?”
You opened your mouth to argue against the nickname. He knew it pissed you off, but…he hadn’t said it with that sneer of his. He hadn’t said any of it with his usual tones. Sure, he was still being so fucking loud, but whatever he was infusing his words with tugged at that invisible string of guilt you thought you’d successfully cut from.
“That’s not it, asshole.” You took a breath, groaning as his silence forced you to continue. “It could fuck everything up. I could lose you, ya know?”
You pulled your knees up to your chest, planning to scoot back and scramble to your feet as he squatted down in front of you. He placed his dumb heavy hands on your kneecaps to thwart the movements he already knew you’d make. You glared at him again, meeting another one of his smiles.
“That doesn’t sound like you, hero. Since when are you such a scaredy cat?”
You pouted, remembering all the other times he’d called you hero like that. The time you hid behind him after someone hit you in preschool, the time that dog cornered you when you were hopping backyard fences, the time you froze during a presentation, so many moments that ended the same way. Your fear melted at his tone, his challenge. He always knew you could do better, be better…ugh go plus ultra…and he was always there to remind you. Even if he wasn’t there physically, you’d hear the echo of his annoyingly perfect voice. It had helped you on more than one mission. The idea of losing him was awful, but…it suddenly didn’t seem like such a likely outcome.
You dropped your right leg down to kick his boot out from under him, sending him down to his knee. His hand gripped your left leg tighter as he growled and steadied himself. His red glare was close enough to yours for you to move forward and kiss him. It was short and not reciprocated since he was halfway through cursing you out, but it silenced him.
“Go out with me.”
You barely caught sight of his grin before he lunged, pinning you down with those stupid heavy arms of his.
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cyber-corp · 1 year
Part 2: Dave
Oh shit. The coolest guy alive. A briefing of what he does in Act 2;
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This here is Dave Strider, and he doesn't have any time for funny names.
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After briefly contemplating bleating like a goat ironically and pestering John about the sick ass juice he found, he makes some sick beats on his sampler (which is another really cool way that HS uses its medium).
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He allocates his katana to his Strife Specibus, nearly takes a SWIG of the juice (but doesn't because of monster piss, curse you Egbert) and then captchalogues the sword, spilling the juice on his copies of the SBURB Beta in the process.
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He decides to hang them out to dry, before they get stolen by a RAMBUNCTIOUS BIRD.
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After accidentally throwing his word out the window and ridding his copy of the beta in the process, Dave decides to venture into his brother's room to get his copy instead. He chills with Lil Cal for a bit.
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He guesses the password to his brother's computer, and goes on Plush Rump, his brother's successful and ironic website.
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Cal has mysteriously appeared behind him, Dave gives a nervous fist bump, and he moves towards the "kitchen". By this point it's very clear to the viewer that someone is moving Cal around to screw with Dave. He captchalogues a variety of things during this time, including box of fireworks, shurikens, some nunchucks, a "wheeled ride", a battery pack, a jumble of unbelievably shitty swords, some red spherical salutes, and a whirling blade pitcher. Jesus.
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However, Dave notices a note from his brother on the hatch to the crawlspace, a very obvious reference to a certain horror franchise. He makes a fort on the turntables, pulls the cord, and gets absolutely smothered in puppet ass.
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Luckily, he bursts out of the pile like "The One" and reads a note from his brother, telling him to go to the roof and to bring Cal along. So he does just that, but really coolly and sickly.
(this goes fucking hard)
We don't really get much of Dave in Act 3, but the glimpses we do get are of him getting absolutely knackered by his bro.
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"bro just kicked my ass" indeed. In the aftermath, Dave mourns the tragic loss of Cal, shoves the beta into his sylladex, and tells Rose he's going to install it, which he will.
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We get a brief lil' flashback on Dave's famous shades, the ones worn by Ben Stiller in the 2004 retro-mania remake of Starsky and Hutch. They were gifted to him by John, as a way of getting out of his bro's shadow and being his own cool guy.
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In present day, Dave gets a troll message on Pesterchum, from a guy who definitely types like a total tool (but I feel they'll definitely come back later).
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And then, with the help of Rose, Dave successfully installs the beta. Shit is now taking place.
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The last point in Act 3 we see (presumably) Dave install SBURB and help Rose in her own sticky situation, before he gets swarmed by more birds. How ironic.
Homestuck is becoming increasingly difficult to read because you can never pick a favourite character. But Dave is definitely up there. His overall chill vibes are admirable. His fight scenes, although his ass gets whooped every time, are insane. I really hope we get more of him in future.
On the topic of Rose (and John I guess)
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She helps him out, John gets a prophecy and a sick new hammer, her house nearly burns down, she has a weird mutant cat thing named Vodka Mutini, her old cat becomes a Kernelsprite and gets saved by it, and then possibly blows up in the house's meteor explosion. I don't know. Maybe.
John does more RPG stuff, gets some new drip, and at the end of 1149 jumps through a portal, where Act 3 ends.
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I feel like John and Rose are the best duo so far. Any time they interact, either through SBURB or Pesterchum they bounce off each other's conversations like nothing. It's very fun!
I'll talk about these three later.
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tehaxo · 2 years
Heyoo! Hope you're having a good morning/night, I thought I'd stop by and send in an ask.
I'm not sure whether this is considered HCs or not, but who do you think out-of-the-current U.A. staff would randomly take a week break.....Only to spend it by staying up all night?
Like, they wanted to have a ✨️restful✨️ break but ended up just making their schedules even worse 💀💀😭
Thank you!
!If this ask is not of your liking, feel free to ignore it!
OH MY GOD LOL ITS OBVIOUSLY AIZAWA FOR SURE! also i hope you dont mind, i made reader be with aizawa <3 i apologize if it’s not what you wanted.
pairing: aizawa x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: i hope you enjoy it! i had so much fun writing these.
People would be super concerned when he would randomly take the week off and try to contact him, only to be angrily told off and hung up on.
He’d be happy that he got the week off but now that he has it, he’s confused. He couldn’t sleep whatsoever, what was wrong? He was able to sleep everywhere else completely fine.
You were also part of the crowd who was concerned but all your questions were answered once you found him tucked in bed. You guys had a shared bed and his low huffs didn’t go unnoticed and it annoyed you a bit, to be honest.
“Stop tossing and turning, You’re taking all of the blanket! And quit it with your sighing, it’s so loud I can’t sleep!” “I’m trying to sleep, stop yelling.”
The nerve he had, YOU were trying to sleep too! But he ignored your complaints and tried to get himself to sleep.
He was quite jealous of you in the morning, he wished he was in your place- Sleeping and resting. Once you were awake, you saw him staring down at you and you nearly got a heart attack. “Holy crap, You look like shit! Did you even sleep?”
A day would pass, and his efforts still went to waste. He’d go to your guys’ living room and come up with a solution, to watch until he got tired. He put on a random show and waited till he felt sleepy, except he ended up getting engrossed in the show. Episode after episode there was another cliffhanger that pissed him off. He refused to do anything else until he finished it.
He ended up regretting staying up watching the show because the ending was shit. Well, what was he expecting? He already knew the show was bad enough at the beginning but still chose to watch it. “Hey, you didn’t come to bed last night. Are you o- Huh? Were you watching my show?”
After getting situated in the morning and dropping you off at work, he was relieved. He immediately hopped into bed and closed his eyes. Finally, he was falling asleep. He was in the most comfortable position ever, seconds from passing out. “Hey, don’t forget to clean the cat’s litter! And put food in his bowl,” were the words before you hopped out of the car and rushed off.
He cursed at himself, he couldn’t get one moment of peace. He’d angrily get out of bed and then do the chores you asked him to. But as he was about to return to the room, he noticed that the house was super messy. He tried to ignore it but the thought of you coming back to a messy house after work upset him so he’d get out of bed once again and clean the whole house. All the sleepiness he had before was gone and he could no longer fall asleep.
He was doing everything but sleeping, he was doing it to himself at this point. He’d sip on coffee for a whole day and then wonder why his eyes won’t stay shut when he tries to sleep. On other days, you’d guys go out and spend time together. So he gave up on the last days of the week and accepted that he wouldn’t be able to sleep.
During that week, goals were not accomplished. He did not get one day of proper rest. When it was time to return to U.A, he looked like he had his soul stolen out of him. Many of the students and staff would ask how his break was then he’d respond with a scowl.
“I’ll have you know, I slept a lot. All I did was rest and nothing else.” “Oh… Uhm, okay then.” He would lie in a furious tone, it was obvious he did quite the opposite to everyone. So they would try not to get on his nerves too much for a few days.
So there, his whole week of struggling to sleep. Perhaps he’ll be able to sleep today peacefully.
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crazyrapunzel · 2 years
Saving Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Reader who was in school with Eddie and is now studying to become a doctor might be the key to saving Eddie's life.
Warning: mentioning of blood and injuries.
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AN: This is my first short fic, I usually write long stories on AO3. I made the exception because Eddie deserves to be saved in this fix-it fic. I'm tempted to write a second part where reader saves Eddie from the people of Hawkins.
The situation is so absurd that you almost feel like laughing. A stolen caravan filled with a bunch of unlikely allies, clad in makeshift armor and armed to the teeth. Dustin with his camouflage jacket, Robin with the beret and the bag full of Molotov cocktails…it is so ridiculous. Yet no one feels like laughing. Everyone is silent, wishing to be alone with their thoughts or gathering the courage for the oncoming battle.
You are no different. You might not be wearing hunting clothes or having a gun strapped to you, but sitting in that caravan in your clothes from two days ago with the lifesaving backpack between your legs on the floor, you feel just as melancholy as the others. Your foot won’t stop tapping. You bit of almost all of your nails and was starting to ogle your hair next.
You get startled from your thoughts. You look up to see no one other than Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson sitting across from you at the tiny table. Most of the others are gathered on the sofa in the back, or sitting near the front with Steve and Nancy.
‘Hey,’ you try to say without showing how terrified you were. It didn’t work.
‘It’s a pretty messed up situation huh?’ Eddie says, his voice wavering like yours.
You nod in response, not trusting your voice.
He cocks his head to the side in a comical way. ‘You know Y/N, I can’t figure it out.’
‘Can’t figure what out?’ you ask intrigued.
‘Why you are still here,’ he shrugs, looking up at the ceiling of the caravan before looking back into your eyes. ‘Me? I’m a fugitive. I don’t have a choice. You do.’ Suddenly he leans over the table to be as close to you as he could. He whispers: ‘I would run if I were in your shoes.’
His face is right in front of yours. Because he doesn’t want the others to hear his cowardly confession, you tell yourself. That didn’t stop your heart from beating faster though. To make matters worse he winks and smiles before sitting back down.
You clear your throat, not entirely sure why you react so strongly to him. ‘Well, if I run now the fate of Hawkins is down to, who? You?’ you say, your voice laced with sarcasm. ‘We can’t have that, can we?’
It makes him smile. Somehow that makes you smile.
‘Besides, I owe it to you all. You saved my life,’ you state like it is the most obvious thing in the world. And it is true. Two days ago you drove down the road where Fred Benson died when you saw it. Cracks running through the asphalt, spilling ominous red light from it. And you know you shouldn’t have pulled over, put your hand through the membrane and released a small flock of bats from hell…but hey. Curiosity hadn’t killed the cat yet.
When you ran into the woods, screaming and flailing wildly you ended up running into a group of people you knew from when you were in school. Dustin was the first one you ran into. All you had to do was scream ‘Monsters!’ and suddenly Steve Harrington was swinging a baseball bat with nails around. To your utter surprise Eddie was with them, the guy who had gone missing since Chrissy had died in his trailer. The guy who should have graduated High School in the same year as you but insisted on pissing off teachers and so was still waiting for his diploma. The guy who, if you were completely honest, was someone you had always admired for his bravery.
Eddie had pulled you out of the way before one of the bats could attack you. Before long all the creatures were dead and you were covered in their black slimy blood.
‘You don’t have to be brave you know,’ Eddie says quietly, waking you up out of another deep thought. ‘I mean, all I have done these past days is run. I’m not proud of it, but I’m still alive and not in jail. So you shouldn’t feel bad if you still want to leave.’
You shake your head. Your hands reach out to take his. His hands are so much bigger, you hardly covered all of it. The back of his cool metal rings are poking in your skin. His hands are very warm and seem to shake just a bit. ‘Eddie I’m not leaving you guys. I’m not even going to fight. I’m here to heal. I pray to God I won’t be needed, but if things go wrong with Max I want to be there.’
Eddie is nodding. ‘Yeah, okay. But don’t do anything stupid okay? Let Nancy and Steve be the heroes.’
You chuckle. ‘I promise.’
Your hands are still covering his. You slightly stroke your thumb across his skin. The both of you are staring at your hands on the table, a funny feeling starting in your chest. Then the caravan stops.
‘First stop: the Creel house,’ Steve calls out.
Reluctantly you withdraw your hands from Eddie’s. He looks up at you as you stand, with those big brown eyes of his. You hadn’t really noticed how lovely his eyes were before, but now it is hard to look away. You wink at him, grab your bag and step out of the vehicle.
You had been ready to fight off bats, but not the Hawkins High Tigers.
‘Get off me!’ Erica yells as she was tackled to the ground by a guy twice her size.
‘Erica!’ you call out as you rush over to her side. Unfortunately for you, you hadn’t seen the other guy. He tackles you to the ground, making your back hit the ground painfully.
‘L/N? What is the nurse doing here?’ he spits.
You feel a fire burning within you. You scream as you push your knee into his crotch as hard as you can. He yelps in pain and lets go. ‘For the millionth time, I’m going to be a doctor!’ you shout.
He falls over, still clutching his private parts. You aren’t a violent person. You believe in healing people and would never intentionally hurt anyone. But with everything going on in Hawkins, you decided to take a self-defense class last year. Right now it is paying off.  
You rush over to Erica and her attacker. Here you place a punch perfectly to the temple of the guy holding her down. He falls over, knocked out.
‘Thanks,’ Erica pants as you help her up. ‘Something is wrong we should-,’
You and Erica both eye the radio. ‘Shit.’
‘ERICA! Please respond! I need help! Now!’
‘Dustin,’ you say calmly, ‘We’re here. What’s wrong?’
‘Oh Y/N we need you! Eddie he…he went back in alone! We were supposed to run but-but he wanted to buy you guys more time and-and…’
You look up at the creepy house, knowing that Max is inside, dealing with Vecna in her mind. You make your decision.
‘I’m on my way. Stay there Dustin! Don’t go after him!’
You throw the radio towards Erica, sling the backpack full of medical stuff over your shoulder and start to run. You don’t have bikes or cars around that you could use. All you can do is run as fast as your feet can carry you.
Everything was a blur after that until you reach the trailer. You burst in through the door and find a frantic Dustin.
‘We need to help him!’ he shouts at you.
You look up to see the gaping hole in the ceiling. The rope is gone but there is a chair right underneath it on your side.
‘I’ll go first,’ you say as you take steps back from the chair.
‘You might break something,’ Dustin points out.
You don’t acknowledge this. You run towards the chair, grab the ceiling and sling yourself through the gate. You do fall badly and probably sprain your ankle, but it does not feel broken. You quickly place the mattrass back so Dustin will be okay.
The two of you race into the Upside Down. A swarm of demobats is circling something like a tornado. Upon closer inspection you see that it is Eddie.
‘Eddie!’ Dustin shouts, tears in his eyes.
It doesn’t look good for Eddie. As you watch he loses his shield. The creatures are closing in. You waste no time. You take the spear from Dustin’s shaking hands and charge right into the middle of the storm. One of the bats is about to attack Eddie’s neck, going for the artery. You grab its tail, swing it around into some of the other bats before forcing it to the ground where you spear it.
‘Like hell you will,’ you pant, standing over the remains of your kill.
‘What are you doing here?!’ Eddie shouts once he notices you.
Saving you, you want to say, but there is no time. The pests keep coming. You give it your all to protect the both of you. Eddie gets a chance to pick up his shield and is now defending you too. Back to back the both of you keep the bats at a distance.
You gasp at the sickening sound of tearing flesh. Behind you, you can see how Eddie is fighting to get a bat away from his abdomen. It has its teeth in his flesh and tries to take a bite out of him. Your spear is no use so close, but Eddie still has a small knife strapped to his belt. Your hand slips around it, touching his skin where his shirt had ridden up. You try not to get distracted by the skin-on-skin contact when you grab the knife. Then you stab it in the bat its back.
It lets go and falls to the ground. However, this maneuver had cost too much time. The bats are on you now, claws in your back, wings stuck in your hair.
‘Y/N!’ Eddie roars as he tries to get the suckers off you. It is a domino-effect. Once the first attack was placed every other sneaks past your defenses. It does not look good for the both of you.
‘I can’t…hold them off,’ you say out of breath. You wince as another bites in your calf.
‘I got you,’ Eddie pants as he rips another bat off you. ‘I got you.’
And you wish that he did, but Eddie was losing a lot of blood. Even in the blueish hue of the Upside Down you could see how pale he is. He won’t be standing on his feet for much longer.
Then there comes a strange sound. It pierces through the sound of flapping wings and shrieks. The two of you look up to see the brave Dustin Henderson charging in the middle of the storm. He is holding the bat that Steve had used before and hacks in on the swarm.
‘Dustin!’ you both shout in concern and surprise.
‘Shut up and help MEeee!’ Dustin shrieks, his voice skipping.
Now it is three of you with your advantage back. However you don’t like your odds. You had killed a couple of bats, but there are hundreds more. Eddie is already slipping. Shit, we’re going to die.
Then, like lighting struck, all the bats fall dead to the ground. No delay, no withering. They just drop dead in front of your feet.
‘What?!’ you shout, not knowing how to feel. What if they got back up?
‘It’s working! They got to Vecna,’ Dustin shouts. His voice carries in the now silent trailer park.
‘Go Harrington,’ Eddie says. His voice doesn’t sound normal. It is slurred. You turn around just in time to catch Eddie before he falls over.
‘Eddie! No, Eddie!’ Dustin roars.
‘Dustin, relax,’ you say, hoping your voice doesn’t waver. ‘Get my backpack. It’s next to the trailer.’
Dustin runs off in a series of ‘shit, shit, shit’, avoiding the hundreds of dead bats.
‘Eddie, hey, talk to me,’ you say as you lay him down carefully.
‘You came back,’ he whispers, then coughs up blood.
‘Yeah, I did,’ you answer while you lift his shirt. You are blushing while you do so, but your professional voice pushes those feelings down. He is bleeding, no time to blush over a guy’s chest. Even if more of his tattoos are now visible. Tattoos you would love to study, taking your time to admire each and every one of them.
‘I didn’t run away this time,’ Eddie gasps. Dustin returns at that moment and hands you the bag. ‘I didn’t.’
‘No, you didn’t. You were very brave,’ Dustin cries.
‘And very stupid,’ you add. ‘Did you really think you stood a chance alone?’
‘Y/N,’ Dustin whispers. You look up to see how distressed he is. He thinks these are Eddie’s last words.
‘Oh he’s not dying Dustin,’ you assure him. ‘I won’t let him.’
You quickly find clean cloth to press against his wounds. Dustin helps you. Then you get an antibiotic and clean the wounds out.
‘Now we bandage him,’ you state as calmly as you could. Dustin is actually really good at helping as long as he stays calm. ‘Help me lift his hips off the floor.’
Dustin helps silently while you work. Eddie has spit out a lot of blood, but now he seems to be doing better. ‘Y/N, if it hadn’t been for you-,’
‘Yeah I know,’ you state quickly. You couldn’t handle your emotions while you worked. Those were for later. ‘I promised you to not do anything stupid. I didn’t think I would need to ask you for the same.’
‘I’m sorry, I was just thinking about everyone that would get hurt if those bats came through the gate. Dustin…you…’ Eddie confesses quietly.
You ignore the warm feeling that goes through your body when he says that. First bandages, then feelings. Somewhere in the back of your head you wonder when you had acknowledged that you had feelings for “The Freak”.
‘I’m going to make another rope for the gate so you two can get out. Don’t go anywhere,’ Dustin says.
You nod your approval. ‘Now Eddie, I should take a look at your face.’
‘My face?’ he asks, dazed.
You point out the big gash that runs over his forehead and through his eyebrow. ‘Oh. That.’
He sits up carefully. You lean forward with a clean cloth to clean up the wound. ‘I think I’m going to glue this one. Just to be safe.’
‘I trust you,’ he whispers. You look down from the wound to his eyes. He is staring at you, his eyes huge, his lips slightly parted. He looks inviting.
You swallow. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, like it is fighting to jump out. Eddie is mere inches from your face, looking like a hot mess.
No. Stop. I’m the doctor. You blink slowly and force yourself to look back to the wound. Eddie casts his eyes down. You continue to carefully clean the blood from his face.
‘Guess you don’t even need the rest of that fancy education of yours eh?’ Eddie says to lighten the mood. ‘You’re already a pro.’
You smile. ‘I must say I’m even surprising myself here. I didn’t think I could. But I had to so…’
‘Yeah. Well you can heal me anytime. I don’t mind you touching me.’
Your eyes shoot back to his, your cheeks crimson.
‘To…you know, heal my wounds. Mend my broken bones. Sew my flesh back together,’ he continues.
You chuckle softly. ‘Glue you mean. Glue your flesh back together.’
‘Even better. It sounds even grosser than sewing.’
‘Does it though?’ you ask with a smile. You do as you promise and glue his wound.
‘The sight of blood makes me feel lightheaded,’ Eddie confesses out of the blue.
You nod slowly. ‘Ah so that is why you just fainted.��
‘No, not fainting. I never faint,’ he defends.
‘Hmm-hmm,’ you hum. That smile doesn’t come off anymore.
‘Well okay maybe I fainted once. Trust me when I say, you shouldn’t trust me with a nail gun.’
You stop your work, satisfied that Eddie is going to be okay. ‘Eddie the Freak, the Dungeons Master, the nightmare of every High School teacher and every jock, faints at the sight of blood? Now that is something the town should know.’
‘Don’t tell anyone please. I was just starting to feel somewhat brave,’ he says, suddenly sounding insecure.
'Hawkins could do with some wholesome facts about you,’ you say as you stand up and offer a hand. ‘They should know how sweet you really are.’
Eddie takes your offered hand and pulls himself up. However he is not balanced right and stumbles against you. You hold up your other hand to gently hold his upper arm. Eddie is a little bit taller than you, and right now he is looking down into your eyes again.
‘I…am sweet?’
Another rush of warm feelings. You force it down. ‘Well, uhm, yes I think…we should check on Dustin shouldn’t we?’
You think about running but Eddie is holding onto you with surprising strength. When he doesn’t speak you look back at him, wondering what is coming next. You expect another quippy reply, maybe even something more personal about himself. What happens next however, you did not expect.
Without hesitation Eddie leans in and kisses you. You feel your heart stopping, your head spinning. Eddie’s lips are against you, pretty harsh but still nice. His lips move slowly. Then his free hand cups the side of your face and pulls you in further. It is a desperate kiss that lights a fire in you, you have never felt before.
Then he pulls back and you start to sway on your feet.
‘What,’ you whisper, ‘was that?’
‘A thank you,’ he says with a smile. ‘For saving my life.’
‘Oh, right,’ you say, cursing yourself a moment later for sounding so disappointed.
Eddie catches it. He lifts one eyebrow. ‘Were you hoping for another answer, doctor L/N?’
Your mouth opens and closes a couple of times. You attempt a nonchalant shrug. ‘No. Nope. I was just surprised.’
Eddie smiles. ‘Good surprised or bad surprised?’
You give him a short look before you walk away in the direction of the gate. Eddie continues to stand there, looking at you as you walk away.
‘Good or bad?’ he shouts, his arms up in the air. ‘Please give me an answer.’
You stop, unable to stop the massive smile on your lips. You turn around so he can see your face which settles his nerves a little.
‘It’s good,’ you tell him while you blush. ‘Really good. Now, shall we get out of this hell dimension or not?’
‘Yes madam!’ Eddie yells as he runs over to your side. He stops right beside you, his arm pressing up against yours. ‘I think you just saved my life sweetheart.’
You grimace. ‘Yeah, well we aren’t done yet. Something tells me this was the easy part.’
A second later his arm is around your shoulders. He pulls you close to him for a moment. ‘Don’t rain on my parade just yet. Let me enjoy this huge victory.’
You raise an eyebrow. ‘The ‘not getting eaten by bats’ part?’
Eddie stops and pulls you to a stop with him. ‘No, the part where you like it when I kiss you. Duh.’
‘Oh,’ you mumble, all shy and staring at his chest instead of his eyes, ‘that part.’
When Eddie remains silent you dare to look up again. There is still blood on his face, mixed with sweat and tears. His look is a combination of fear and relief. But then his eyes soften more and he leans in to kiss you again. You feel his salty lips against yours and for a moment the world stops spinning.
‘You and me against the world, princess,’ Eddie whispers against your lips. ‘Let it try.’
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat ~ LMH & LF [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Minho x Fem!Reader x Felix
GENRE: consensual smut, Hitman au, mentions of death, assisnation, bombings, blood, face riding, oral, threesome, M/F/M, after care, no protection
A/N: Please I had so much fun with this! I love writing AU’s so much!!! 🥺🥰💗 Hope this is okay for you my lovely little anon!
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"If you don't stop tapping that pen I'm going to shove it so far down your neck you'll whistle when you breathe," Minho growled in Felix's direction as they sat together in an old beat-up car. All Felix had done for the last four hours was tap and click the pen over and over again deciding that he was single-handedly going to be the one driving force that made Minho want to quit his job.
"I don't see anything else to do," Felix countered as he stared back at his partner who simply glared at him before looking out of the window again. It was a stupid idea to stake out a university it looked suspicious that two men were waiting in a car outside but it was the bosses orders. Stake out the school and wait for the suspect to come out but it felt creepy. Although it was a university and most of the students were their age it was strange to them both.
"Have we actually seen him go in?" The truth was no one had seen the guy that they were after in almost seven months, he was good at hiding which was why he was nicknamed "The Chameleon," something Minho hated. Why give the bad guy a name it was only going to boost the ego even more. 
"He's supposedly acting as a student," Minho handed the folder over to Felix keeping his eyes on the door, the Chameleon could walk out right under your nose and no one would have an idea it was him. 
"Why a student? Surely it would be feeling for him to be a teacher," Felix flicked through the folder the guy was a serial bomber that his company had been after for years. He'd killed almost over 100 people with no remorse whatsoever. It was as if the guy was a robot, he didn't care who he hurt as long as he got what he wanted, not that anyone knew what that was. His clues were always so vague. One thing for sure, it wasn't money that he was after. 
The government had tried to pay him to stop the needless killings only for the guy to blow the bag up in the middle of the street. 
"Easier to hide...Won't be so obvious when things go missing around the school...The student we're looking at fits his usual MO." Minho sighed taking a deep breath and looking at Felix for the first time in an hour. It was beginning to worry him the closer the two of them got to catching the guy. Their job wasn't a simple catch him and arrest him, no, they were the last resort. Kill him on sight as soon as they know, without a shadow of a doubt that it's him. Assassins or as they were better known as now, Hitmen. 
"Transfers in the middle of the year, things from the science department go missing and then there's the-" Right as Minho was about to explain that there were constant fire drills the alarm began to blare out through the school. 
"Those," He mumbled staring back over at the double-doored exit from the school. There was no use sitting at the entrance when they knew he liked to hide from everyone, if he was the one doing this they needed to find him and quickly before anyone else got hurt. 
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"Another drill?" You mumbled looking to your left to see your best friend Mina smirking at you, you rolled your eyes knowing why she was so happy. Thanks to the fire alarm she was going to get out of her final exam and pass it no matter what, 
"It wouldn't surprise me if you were the one pulling them," You mumbled sarcastically as you pulled your satchel over your shoulder, looking around for her so-called boyfriend. 
"What did you do? Get Farara to pull it?" You teased as you jabbed your elbow into her side, walking out into the courtyard and taking in a deep breath, 
"You need to relax, we've just finished exams and you're still studying," Mina rolled her eyes at you, it was always the same with her. She wanted you to let your hair down and relax while you wanted to focus on things that were important to you, like actually passing your course. 
"I have another two years to go, you're done. I'm just getting started." You reminded her as you looked around, you loved Mina with all of your heart but since meeting Farara she seemed to be getting in trouble more. Not only with the university but with the police. Just last week you'd been called down to the station to bail her out because she was caught driving around in a stolen car with enough products to set a whole house on fire. 
"Take a year off, come with me and Farara to England. He's going to take me away and spend time with his family." The more you heard about the guy the more worry began to grow inside of you. She'd hardly known him and yet she was planning to run away to a different country with him,
"What does he even do for a living? To get all of this money?" You questioned hoping she wouldn't get too annoyed with you asking her about him. It seemed as though whenever you asked questions she would get pissed at you, claiming that you were just trying to poke holes in their "relationship,"
"What does it matter?" She stared at you with a disgusted look on her face, 
"Hey, baby!" A voice cried out as a pair of strong-looking arms wrapped around Mina.
"Snuckums!" She practically squealed making you jump as she turned around and began making out with him grotesquely in front of everyone. 
"That's my cue to leave," You said loud enough for them to hear, turning to head home to your dorms when Mina grabbed your arm. 
"Party tonight. Come with us," She begged looking at you with pleading eyes, as you were about to decline Farara scoffed at the thought of it. 
"Y/n? At a party, don't make me laugh. She's the party pooper baby, she doesn't know how to have fun." For some reason, the anger bubbled up inside of you and it seemed to annoy you more. If Mina had been the one to say it it wouldn't have bothered you as much but from him, you wanted to prove him wrong. 
"I'll be there. Text me the details," You smiled smugly in his direction but he just seemed to smirk, it made you feel uneasy to see him smirking at you like that. 
"This will be great! A going-away party right baby!?" Mina squealed before making out with him once again.
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After spending almost four hours trying to pick something to wear you finally felt ready to go and headed straight to the party. It was at the frat house Farara had been living in since he got to the university. The whole walk over from your dorms you could have sworn someone was following you along. 
"Glad you could join us, take this." Mina handed you a drink and then laid a flower necklace around you before disappearing into the house leaving you alone. 
The whole house seemed to be partying hard, loud music was blaring for different speakers each of which was playing a different song. People were already yelling and dancing drunkenly along the floor and not to mention someone throwing up in a flower pot. 
"You came pretty late, didn't think you were going to show," Farara smirked once he caught sight of you in the kitchen. You hummed before putting down the cup Mina had given to you, there was no way you were going to drink that night. Not unless it was water at least. You didn't know anyone besides Mina and she was clearly preoccupied with other things.
"We have juice boxes in the basement," Farara joked earning a laugh from someone else in the kitchen but Mina pushed him softly. 
"Leave Y/n alone, she came and that's all that matters. Come on, let's go dance." She pulled you straight into the living room without giving you a chance to answer her. 
"Isn't this fun?! I'm so sad you never got to have parties all year," She pouted at you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she swayed in time to whatever song she heard first. The mixture of the songs and stench alcohol all starting to hurt your head the longer that you stood there but you were at least going to wait an hour before heading home. 
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"What the fuck are we doing?" Minho mumbled as he stared down at the jeans and shirt he was wearing, Felix had dressed in the same outfit only a different coloured shirt. When Felix suggested going to the party Minho didn't think he meant actually attending it.
"We're blending in." He chuckled laying one of the flower necklaces around Minho's neck who stared at him with a filthy look the moment it touched his chest. 
"What better way to find out information than going to the people that know the guy." It still didn't make Minho feel any better about being at some kind of dumb University frat party. Everyone was drunk and drooling over one another except for the girl that they had followed over, you. 
"Look," Minho nudged Felix and nodded in your direction as they watched you heading for the bathroom alone. You stood out amongst the rest, instead of dancing or drinking you were simply looking for a bathroom and keeping your head down. They only knew about the party because they'd overheard you and Mina talking about it earlier that day. 
"She looks like she could be here to help, we saw them speaking with one another earlier," Minho reminded Felix but he shook his head,
"She does look like she wants to be here, they didn't look like they liked one another." Minho shrugged his shoulders as he thought back on it, 
"All good acting," The two of them weren't sure if Farara had a partner this time but in all of his other bombings, he had someone. Someone who would take the fall for him, usually the good girl gone bad once they met him and fell for his traps. Promising them a life of happiness in another country, planning everything out so it would seem as though he truly loved and cared for them when he didn't. 
"I'm just saying we find The Chemelon, take care of business and leave," Felix whispered as they made their way through to the kitchen when they saw him. A loud laugh spread through the air that physically sent shivers down their spines, watching as he left out of the kitchen door and down the back garden. 
"Follow him," They said in unison as they headed out of the same door, keeping their heads down as they tried to see what it was he was doing. 
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Stepping out onto the back porch you took in a long deep breath of the cold air, it felt nice to have it circulating through you instead of the stuffy air from inside. Mina had begged you to stay once she caught you trying to leave, making you promise her that you wouldn't go anywhere until she found Farara who had run off leaving her in charge of the party. In your mind, he was out fucking someone else since he seemed like a player but you weren't about to tell one of your best friends that. 
The longer you stood there the more you wanted to go home but as you looked down at the end of the garden you frowned. Inside the small shed, there was a flashing light coming through the window and you could have sworn you heard someone grunting. 
"I swear to god if this is Farara I'll murder him," You mumbled to yourself as you began to walk towards the building. All you were going to do was look through the window, if it was him you'd find Mina and tell her. If it wasn't him you'd just act as though you hadn't seen anything but the closer you got the more uneasy you began to grow. Something inside of you was telling you to turn back but you weren't about to let your friend get cheated on by some good for nothing low-life.
"Tell us what you're planning and maybe we'll let you off easy," Felix whispered in Farara's ear from behind him. They'd followed him out and found him packing up a suitcase which meant the bombing was sooner than expected from him. 
"I don't know what you're talking about," The boy stuttered as he stared between the two men in front of him, both of them had guns on display to intimidate him into speaking. As if being strapped into a chair with garden rope wasn't scary enough for him.
"Look, we know who you are. Just tell us where the bomb is," As soon as the word bomb left Minho's mouth he heard a gasp and branch snap from outside the shed. His eyes met with Felix and he nodded over to the side door where Felix could easily get out without being seen. 
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Stepping back from the building you tried to move out of the way but ended up backing into someone who pushed you back to the window. Forcing you to stare through it as the man inside shot Farara in the chair he was strapped to. There was no sound from the gun you just saw a blur before Farara dropped forward, lifeless in the chair as blood pooled from the small entrance wound in his head. A small scream was building up in your throat but before you could say a word a hand was covering your mouth and you were ushered into the shed. 
"Clean up to Agents 322 and 366," The man who had killed Farara said down a small earpiece looking over at you with a small smirk on his face, 
"What a curious little kitten," Felix purred in your ear as he ran his fingers up and down your cheek making you shiver, 
“Curiosity Killed The Cat you know,” Minho chuckled as he looked over at you from his phone.
 "I'll ask you once, and only once." Minho lowered himself to your level, looking you in the eyes. 
"Do you know who he's working with? Your friend maybe? Could she have known what he was planning?" Bile rose up in your throat as you watched the blood pooling onto the floor, running along to Mino's shoes as he stood there. 
"Mina. S-She wouldn't have know...I don't think," You looked back at Minho, the gut feeling inside of you seemed to subside as you looked at him and Felix who was now standing in front of you. 
"You don't seem scared that we just killed your friend?" Felix questioned looking from the body and back to you, your eyes get dancing to and from Farara, half expecting him to jump up and have this be some kind of joke. 
"A friend? I didn't know him and he did nothing but belittle me...What was it you said about a bomb?" Curiosity began to build in Minho as he watched you, there wasn't even an ounce of fear towards them from you. 
"Have you heard of the Chameleon?" The realization hit you as you stared at Farara. 
"He fits the MO." You mumbled shocking Felix who just seemed to stare at you in disbelief. 
"You're training to be in the forces?" Minho asked as he laid a garden sheet over the body, your eyes staring back at him this time. 
"My father was an FBI agent, I know some things...I know you're not FBI." A smirk plastered across Felix's lips as he watched you and Minho interacting the way you were. It was the first time he'd ever seen Minho act so casually with someone in months, not to mention he seemed laid back. 
"How do you know that?" Felix quizzed looking over at you as he folded his arms over his chest. 
"For starters, neither of you have a badge otherwise you would have shown me by now, your guns aren't standard issue for agents...So you're hitmen...That or random psychopaths." Minho blinked at you before standing up straight when he heard a knock on the door. 
"Clean up crew," Minho pulled the door open and ushered you out with Felix on your other side. 
"Do you need help with her?" A female voice asked as you turned your whole body to see a female staring at you. 
"No thanks, you go and clean up. We'll take her home." Your eyes shot up to the one with the deep voice, Felix, and you frowned. 
"We'll make sure you get home safe," Minho added when he could see how confused you were. 
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Leading you over to their car you stared at it, it was the same car that had been following you earlier. 
"You followed me here," The back door opened and you crawled inside, looking around at all of the empty food packets. 
"Ignore the mess, we were on a stakeout," Felix chuckled as he got into the front passenger seat and glanced back at you. 
"I'm Felix and this is Minho," He shook your hand and you felt a spark ignite inside of you. The way his hand fit around yours made you shiver a little, 
"Look at that, someone liked your touch Lix." Your eyes shot to Minho started up the car and smirked at you through the small review mirror. 
"Give us your address kitten," The small nickname made you clench your thighs as you could feel an aerosol building. After giving them your dorm address you began trying to pull yourself back together, you'd just watch them kill someone and yet you were getting wet at the thought of them calling you kitten. It didn't help that they were insanely attractive, Felix's muscles could be seen through the thin white shirt he was wearing and Minho's ass looked like he worked out an awful lot. You blinked, ignoring the growing wetness that was pooling between your legs. 
"Look at that, we haven't said one suggestive comment and you're squeezing your little thighs together," Minho chuckled as he reached a red light, turning to look at you from the front seat and licking his lips at the sight of you. Completely innocent and sitting there rubbing your legs together as if that was going to give you any kind of satisfaction that you were desperately craving. 
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"My guess is she's going to go home and touch herself to the thought of us," Minho teased as he began to drive once again, watching Felix as he turned to look at you. His eyes locking with you as he reached behind to rub your knee softly. 
"I mean she doesn't have to think of us, we could do it for you princess." The car stopped outside your dorm but you made no attempt to move as the car was shut off. 
"Would you like that?" Minho questioned turning his body to look at you. The need to press your thighs together built up but Felix kept them apart, licking his lips as he waited for you to answer the question. A finger trailed up and down your knee and you shuddered, 
"Yes! Yes...Yes, I would like that," You spoke loudly as you stared at both of them, the two exchanged a smirk with one another before climbing out of the car and holding your door open.
"Then who are we to let a pretty little kitten go home needy," Felix growled in your ear, holding your arm as you all walked in the direction of your dorm room.
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Neither of them wasted time when they got into your room, attaching their lips to either side of your neck as you let out small whimpers of pleasure. You could already feel each of them smirking against your skin, Felix's hands around your waist while Minho kept his on your breasts, massaging them softly with his hands whenever you would whimper. 
"Here we thought you were the good girl," Minho whispered making you jerk away from him, 
"I'm not. I'm sick of people saying that to me," You spat at him your eyes locking with his as he tilted his head to the side, a smug look on his face. 
"Prove it to me," Without another word you pushed him down onto your bed sinking to your knees in front of him. You pulled down the jeans he was wearing discarding them behind you, forgetting about Felix behind you until he laid down on the floor. 
"Up," He ordered, you rose to your knees and he slid under you so his breath was right against your core. 
"Looks pretty," He whispered referencing the bright pink thong you had worn under your dress that night, 
"But it needs to go." One snapping sound later and you felt a cool breeze on your core,
"Dripping wet Minho, you should see her." A finger began to trace along your folds making your hips jolt forward, 
"So wet, pretty and-" A small kiss was placed on your clit and your eyes widened, 
"Tastes define." Felix moaned out in a deep voice, you whimpered looking at Minho. 
"The confidence seems to have faded from you kitten," You ignored him pulling his cock free from his boxer and smirking at the length. He was larger than you expected but you slowly pumped him in one hand, looking up at him smugly as he jerked. Minho shifted a little, leaning back against the bed letting his elbow prop him up. Running your fingers over the indent under the head of his cock your smirk grew wider as he moaned out.
"Good girl," He breathed out as your tongue began to caress him, swirling around the head of his cock before you took him into your warm mouth pumping your head back and forth while your other hand rested on his thigh. 
"My turn," Felix whispered pulling you to sit down on his face as you let out a moan around Minho's cock who seemed to moan out in pleasure. Hollowing out your cheeks you ran your tongue over the indent you'd found earlier and he cried out gripping onto the sheets around him. 
"Oh shit!" You moaned out as you could feel Felix's tongue running through your folds while he worked two fingers in and out of you, curling them up to meet your g-spot making you cry out again. 
Minho thrust up into your mouth as you took him back, moving your head faster this time setting his whole body aflame. Each thrust of your head caused his whole body to stiffen and he looked at you, holding your face as he began to thrust a little more. You smirked around him nodding at him to let him know it was okay and he slowly began to thrust into your mouth. 
"S-Shit she likes that Hyung, clenching around my tongue." Felix chuckled as he continued to eat you out aggressively as you rode his face, your hips bucking little by little as you felt an orgasm beginning to build up inside of you. Minho thrust up once more before his whole body shook and he let out a moan of your name, cumming into your mouth as he rolled his head back. You swallowed every last drop and focused on the pleasure Felix was giving to you, gripping onto the bed as you rocked your hips in time with his licks. 
"So pretty when your face contorts like that," Minho chuckled as he began kissing you softly, holding your neck in his hand lightly as he forced you to look at him, 
"Do you like this? Two strangers fucking you?" You nodded as you let out a choked moan, pulsating around Felix's fingers as he continued to thrust them into you at a rough pace. 
"Cumming!" You screamed out as your hips continued to buck as your orgasm ripped through you, your legs shaking as you tried to stay upright on your knees instead of falling to the floor the way you wanted to. 
"Y/n?" Felix whispered as he pulled himself into a sitting position, watching you as you ripped your dress off from your body, you were ready and you needed one of them inside of you. Now.
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Lips met yours over and over again as Minho pulled you up onto the bed, sitting back against the headboard as you straddled his lap. Kissing him wherever you could, lips, neck, collarbone, anywhere you could get your lips on him. Felix sat behind you naked, his cock pressed against your ass as you let out a whine. 
"Still so wet," Felix chuckled as he teased your entrance with two fingers, meanwhile Minho had worked his fingers down to your clit circling slowly. 
"Holy fuck," You breathed out as your head fell forward to rest on top of Minho's. Your brain was in a fog as they continued to tease you with their fingers until Felix sank two inside of you and Minho applied the pressure that made you cry out pushing your hips back into Felix. 
A third finger was added and your whole body felt as though it was on fire, your fingernails dug into Minho's arms as you cried out a mixture of both of their names. 
"Someone is ready for us," Minho chuckled as they removed their fingers making you whimper at the sudden lack of touch from either of them. Felix moved to the edge of the bed and sat in the same position Minho had before. 
"On the floor kitten," He whispered as you got onto your knees in front of him, this time Minho sat behind you with his cock at your entrance causing you to clench around nothing. 
"You sure?" You ignored the stupid question as you sank down onto Minho's cock crying out as you adjusted to the size of him. 
"That..Oh shit...That's a yes Felix," Minho moaned out as he held onto your thighs, grunting at the tight feeling as you wrapped around his cock. Smirking to yourself you looked up at Felix, taking him into your mouth and began to bob your head as you had done with Minho. The two men moaning out in pleasure as you controlled them, moving your hips up and down at a slow pace just to torture Minho that little bit more. 
"Fuck," Minho's hands gripped onto your waist and he thrust up harder and faster into you, his breathing jagged as he moaned out your name. Felix's cock twitched into your mouth as you began to roll your tongue around the head of his cock, reaching your hand down between your thighs to circle your clit. 
Fire was beginning to build in your stomach with both moans from men titling you over the edge. 
"Just like that," Felix cried out as you moved your head in time with Minho's fast thrust. The room filled with wet sounds and slapping skin as you cried out around Felix's length. Felix's hand rested on your cheek as he began to thrust into your mouth, grunting as he came down your throat holding you around him until his hips stopped jerking. 
"M-Minho! I-I’m cumming! I-I’m cumming!" You screamed out as he continued his sinfully fast thrusts until he came into you touching you deeply as your head rolled back against his chest. Clenching onto anything you could get your hands on, screaming out his name. Cumming around him as you pulsated in pure bliss, your whole body felt as though it was shaking. 
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Minho smirked as you slept in his shirt, they'd managed to clean you up with a warm wet cloth and got you into bed. 
"Poor thing must be exhausted," He smirked running his fingers over your face as your frowned in deep slumber. 
"That was a nice reward though for finishing our job," Felix laughed as he looked at your body, you were curled up in a small clutching onto the sheets and he smiled. 
"We should get going, paperwork to report and all that," Minho mumbled grabbing a hoodie from your wardrobe as he turned to leave.
The morning you woke up images of what had happened flashed before you and if it hadn't been for the achiness between your thighs. You would have thought it a dream and yet, you were laying there in a shirt that wasn't yours and a note beside your bed,
Until next time Curious Kitten x 
Written at the bottom of the note were two numbers with the boy's initials by the side of them, you clutched the note against your chest as you laid back. Enjoying the memories of the night before. 
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Tagline: @minholuvs​ @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​ 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
You write Moody so well! I would love to see something where Moody and Remus talk for the first time after Coops was outed. Whether it happens after the meeting Coops had with Arthur and Alice or after the all star break. I feel like they have such a good relationship!
Thanks! This was partially inspired by watching The Karate Kid (1984) last night, so I hope y'all are ready for some mentor hurt/ comfort this fine Sunday! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
TW for mentioned forced outing
Remus was almost done. He only had a few more drawers to clean out. The whiteboards were as squeaky and shiny as the day he arrived; the desk had a few more dents and coffee stains decorating the surface, but overall it looked decent. He still couldn’t bring himself to take the pictures off, though. It was his life. His friends. He just couldn’t do it.
The sleeve of his ancient Wisconsin hoodie was still damp when he smudged it under his runny nose. No tears had fallen, but he could feel the maelstrom gathering in his throat. Everything he had worked for, gone because of one stupid mistake.
Not Sirius, of course. Sirius would never be a mistake. It was Remus’ fault they had been caught in the first place.
He stared around his office in misery—no official notice of his layoff had arrived, but he knew it would come, and it was always better to be prepared. Maybe it would hurt less if he did it himself, one final ‘fuck you’ to the homophobes before he trooped off with his tail between his legs.
The tiles were cold through the seat of his comfiest jeans. He tucked his knees closer to his chest.
A quiet knock at the door interrupted the suffocating silence. He didn’t answer.
Remus’ lower lip wobbled and he croaked out a ‘come in’ with as much strength as he could muster; it wasn’t much. The door opened with a creak—he had never gotten around to having it fixed, after all—and uneven footsteps shuffled in, followed by a sigh as his visitor settled next to him on the floor.
“You have a chair, you know.”
“I know,” he whispered.
“Not all of us have young knees. Doesn’t your ass hurt?”
Remus nodded.
Moody huffed through his nose and hoisted him up by the arm. “Well Christ, kid, up you come. You’re awfully dense for a beanpole. What, you got concrete for bones or something?”
“No,” Remus mumbled as he followed Moody across the hall and allowed himself to be plonked down in the soft chair by the door. It was his favorite of both their offices; as far as he knew, Moody never let anyone else sit there. His chest seized as a sob tried to fight its way out. “I’m sorry.”
Moody shot him a look at he got comfortable in the adjacent seat. “For what?”
“I dunno.”
“I don’t like useless apologies, Lupin.”
Remus sniffled. “I should’ve told you.”
“Says who?” Moody snorted. “Your business is your business. You’re a bright young man, none of this is your f—oh. Okay, Lupin, easy does it.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus blubbered as the tears finally started to fall. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t like crying, but I’m kind of a wreck right now.”
Moody made a few soft shushing noises, inching closer until he could wrap an arm around Remus’ shoulders and pat his arm like he was trying to soothe a frightened dog. “Don’t be sorry,” he said. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
The sobs were near-silent; Remus never cried loudly if he could help it, and he already felt bad enough for dripping his perpetual raincloud all over Moody’s office. He caught his breath after a few hitching inhales and scrubbed at his face with his sleeve. “Are you mad at me?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Remus pulled his knees up again and hugged them tight to his chest. “I haven’t called my parents yet.”
“Did they know?”
His heart gave another painful yank. “Nobody knew. Nobody. And—and now it’s everywhere and people won’t leave me alone and I’m gonna get fired—”
“Woah, deep breaths,” Moody interrupted gently, giving him a little shake. “You’re not getting fired.”
“Yes, I am.” Everything felt gross and cold and sad.
“Who told you that?”
“Coach said it might happen ‘cause I’m a doctor.”
Moody scanned his face for a moment, then reached over and grabbed a box of tissues off his desk. “First of all, take some of these. You look like a mud puddle, Lupin. It’s very unsettling. Second, this is a complicated situation and I wouldn’t be too quick to make assumptions. And third, I’ll go to bat for you.”
He paused midway through blowing his nose. “What?”
“You’re a good man. An excellent PT. The best colleague I’ve ever had, actually. You know your shit and if they try to fire you over this, I’m not going to make it easy for them.”
More tears threatened to fall over the edge of his itchy eyes. “You’d do that for me?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Moody grumbled.
“He hasn’t called.”
“Sirius.” Remus swallowed hard and, before he could second guess himself, leaned his head on Moody’s solid shoulder. “I’ve called him 23 times and he hasn’t answered a single one. He just…left. Didn’t even look at me.”
“He’s making a mistake.”
“I ruined his life.”
“Hey.” Moody’s tone turned stern. “You don’t get to talk shit about yourself in my office. This is a Lupin Appreciation Zone.”
Remus’ shoulders shook and he closed his eyes; he wished he could just dissolve into the floor and stay there until someone mopped him up. Everything hurt. The world sucked. Moody—
Moody was petting his hair.
The tears stopped abruptly and Remus hiccupped in pure confusion. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m bad at comfort, kid, gimme a break.” The sat in silence for a few seconds as Moody continued to pat his head and muss his hair, which was in dire need of a cut but just long enough to cover his eyes when it was pushed forward. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah, actually. How did you…?”
Something akin to embarrassment tinted Moody’s cheeks and he cleared his throat. “My cat hates thunderstorms.”
“Oh. Cool. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks,” Remus said again, much quieter. Moody’s office always felt safe; all the clutter was in its proper place, clean and homey. The touch of familiarity was more of a comfort than he cared to admit. He sat up straight and wiped his face clean, then leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “If I do get fired—”
“You won’t.”
“If I do, I wanted to say thank you for changing my life.” The words hung in the air. “You—without you, I would never have felt at home here. You were the best mentor I could ever ask for and I’m never going to forget that. You did more than just teaching me routines. Thank you.”
Moody cleared his throat again. “Tissues.”
Remus silently passed the box.
“If anyone gives you shit for being gay, you call me and I’ll take care of it,” Moody said once the tissue had disappeared into the depths of his pocket.
Remis blinked at him. “Are you offering to hurt someone for me?”
“I’ll deny it in court.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he laughed. “Fuckin’ hell, this is a mess. I’m a mess.”
“You just got outed and your boyfriend ditched you in an airport,” Moody said bluntly, fixing Remus with a look. “You’re allowed to be a mess. Now go talk to Lily. Call your mom. Do whatever you do that makes you so sunshiney, and then we’re gonna unpack all your shit and put it back where it belongs.”
Remus swallowed hard. Fuck it. Fuck the NHL, fuck the homophobes, and fuck being sad.
Moody narrowed his eyes. “You want to use the kicking bag, don’t you?”
“I really, really do.”
“Stupid—fucking—son of a bitch!” Remus gritted out as the beat-up and half-folded gym mat squeaked under his assault. It was two inches of plastic and therapy—he was 90% sure Moody had stolen it from a middle school gym, and it had rapidly become the team’s favorite way of winding down after a frustrating day.
“Harder!” Moody barked behind him.
Remus wound up and slammed his foot into it again. “I worked too damn hard to be kicked out for this bullshit!”
“Damn right you did!”
The kicking bag creased in the center. “And I’ve got too much student debt to walk out of here like—like a coward!”
“Yes, you do!”
His grief had burnt off at least five minutes prior. Remus was well and truly pissed now. “And it’s nobody’s goddamn business who I kiss!”
“That’s the spirit!” Moody cheered.
“And maybe his face is stupidly pretty!” Remus threw his shoulder against the mat before he resumed kicking it. “And, yeah, he has really nice shoulders and a great ass—”
“But fuck him for leaving me in an airport! What kind of douchebag does that to a guy? I’m hot and smart and nice and I can date whoever the hell I want if he doesn’t appreciate that!”
“That’s certainly one approach!”
Remus stopped with a harsh exhale and dropped one last halfhearted kick to the base. “I don’t want anyone else, though. And I miss his stupid pretty face.”
A hand, heavy but gentle, squeezed his shoulder. “Then go get him.”
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push and pulls | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | headcannon (paragraph form) ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: anon ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀs: “cat and dog relationship with classmate!enhypen ? hehe headcannon or any format that you're comfy with :3  they could be highschool sweethearts in the end too 😭” ↬ ᴀ/ɴ:
i tried i'm sorry if this sucks 🤧
jake and jay’s are are like semi-suggestive (i think?) imma just say that they are semi-suggestive to be safe
i aint gonna lie i’m a sucker for Jay cooking 😪
jake & hoon’s are kinda short bc it’s like 1 am rn 
Heeseung has always been good at everything no matter what it is. It isn’t to discredit any of his effort whatsoever, but as the school year continues everyone knows that things are just natural for Heeseung. Ever since your freshman year of high school, you’ve seen him as your main competition for 1st place in school. The problem? This man isn’t even aware of it. To you, he just breathes and wins the competitions, gets all the attention, and is at the top of everything. To him, it’s the only way you’ll even notice him. The competitions? It gives him a chance to stay after school to be with you. The attention? He’s only focused on yours. Him at the top of everything? Well, that one’s just because he’s Lee Heeseung. It’s after school one day and the both of you have stayed to help clean up the classes for extra credit. Like a thief with a bagful of stolen glances, his eyes drift to you whenever you don’t notice. Except for this one time.
“Stop looking at me!” you say, your eyes glaring at him. He’s taken aback as he never meant to offend you.
“Sorry,” he said, thinking that you’d just leave it at that. But instead,
“I know you’re fricking judging me Lee Heeseung.”
“I can feel it in your eyes. I’ll always be second to you and I get it, you don’t need to rub it in, so just stop!” You throw the rag at the window, walking out of the classroom and he’s left alone wondering what the hell just happened. And suddenly the gap between first place and second begins to grow. To him, staying after school to study for competitions are no longer fun when you won’t even tell him to be quiet when he starts to sing. Your attention is gone just like his sanity. Being at the top never felt so lonely when you weren’t next to him. To you, staying after school becomes something you dread because of the silence in the room that you caused. Your attention seems as if it’s on everything but him but every day you have a hundred thoughts and all of them are infected with him. The two of you enter yet another school competition, making it to the top 3. Yet, unlike previous times, neither of you is in first place.
“In first place, we have Sim Jaeyun!” the announcer says. You and Heeseung look at each other in shock that the other wasn’t on the podium. Yet, you couldn’t care less. Because not getting first place causes you to go off on a rant that Heeseung joins in on. Staying after school turns into study partners at the nearby cafe which becomes study dates. Both of your attention is openly on the other. And while you’re both at the top academically, you become the couple goals everyone wishes they could achieve.
“ace of my heart 💞” you caption an Instagram post of a picture of Heeseung.
rest of the boys under the cut!
Culinary class is peaceful for Jay. He has control of everything, knows where the ingredients and cooking tools are, can do something he loves, and did we mention control of everything? As a chef, he learned what you were like the first few weeks of class. You were messy with apple peels next to the lime squeezer, engaging in a way of cooking that you defined as “organized chaos.” You didn’t use measurements, cooked things by eye, and used whatever seasonings felt right. It wasn’t that you were bad at cooking, he actually enjoyed your dishes. But your process was just something he couldn’t stand. And maybe he doesn’t really like you since you accidentally used the last of his honey when making cupcakes but that’s a story for another day. The culinary teacher decided to try something new to promote teamwork and for a week, the class would be in partners and cooking a dish new to both people. And who did Jay just have to end up with? You. As the two of you read the recipe for your first dish which was a dessert of sorts,
“What do you wanna use first, jackfruit or durian?” he asked. You looked up at him, a teasing smile on your lips,
“Durian, because it looks like you,” you said before making your way to the table where all the ingredients were.
“Inner peace,” he muttered to himself as he watched you walk off. The next day, you were making peach tarts.
“Yah, Jay, look here,” you said as you held up your phone and the peach. In the photo you took, the peach was next to Jay’s face, sort of comparing the two.
“Why’d you take a picture of me?” he asked. He didn’t really mind photos, knowing full well how good he looked but you taking one of him came completely out of the blue. As you glanced up from your phone after hitting post, you were unable to stop your laugh,
“Your hair looks like a peach,” you said with a wink as you went back to cutting the ingredients.
“Do I just, do I just look like food now?” he muttered to himself with a huff.
“I mean… I wouldn’t mind eating you,” you teased. You were smooth, he’d give you that. But, damn, he wanted to make you feel the way you were making him feel right now.
It didn’t take long for you to learn that Jay’s way of teasing made you flustered as hell. If you’d ask him to hand you something, he’d hold it above your head forcing you to have to jump up. It just so happened that he did this once right in front of someone else’s station and as you jumped, you almost knocked into them which led to his arm around you,
“Watch where you’re going,” he warned with a teasing edge as he handed you the carrots.
When you handed him something, he’d take it in a way that his hand held yours for a second but that second was enough. As the two of you cooked together, you entered your own world with no one else but the other in it. He was patient with your organized chaos, his own habits finding a place alongside your cooking routine. For the last day of working as partners, you two were to bake cookies. You put in a pinch of salt then some sugar when suddenly,
“YAH!” you hear from next to you. Met with Jay’s wide eyes as he looked in the bowl where you put the salt and sugar,
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I told you to taste the salt and sugar before you used it.”
“The first one tasted like salt so I put more of the second one.” He took a pinch of the sugar already in the mixing bowl then tasted it, a disgusted look appearing on his face”
“You put salt then more salt, good job y/n.”
“Huh?” He took another pinch then brought it up to your lips and as you tasted it,
“Why the hell is there two kinds of salt here!”
“One’s fine, the other’s coarse. I wanted to eat these y’know.”
“Fine, head over to my place after school and we can make cookies together.”
“That’s not funny. You can’t mess with cookies,” he muttered.
“Who said I was joking? We can even drizzle honey over it.”
Perfection doesn’t even begin to describe Sim Jaeyun. A gentleman, kind, smart, has an accent that you can’t help but sometimes tease him about, and obsessed with Layla were all things you couldn’t fault him for. But sometimes, just sometimes, he could be a little too nice. You couldn’t help but feel jealous at the sight of the girl chatting with Jake by the benches and her feeling his arm up.
“Geez, tell her to go away!” you wanted to say to him as you started walking towards them.
“Hey,” Jake said with a smile as his eyes landed on you. The same smile he smiled at her with.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked, trying not to sound pissed but couldn’t help yourself.
“Yeah hold up.” Jake looked at the girl, “Just text if you need help with anything else on the homework,” he said before walking off with you.
“Who was that?” you asked as the two of you made your way to the cafeteria.
“New girl, needs help with physics so she asked me for help.” Jake was supposed to help you with physics.
“You gonna help her on Tuesdays?” you asked, referring to the day Jake always helped you. If he did notice your jealousy, he didn’t say anything about it. Oh, but he did notice. And he kind of wanted to edge it on to see how far things would go.
“Should I? She can hangout with me and Layla.”
“See if she likes me better than Layla.”
“Might take you up on the offer, watch your words, y/n,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yeah? You introduce her to Layla and I’ll divorce you then take full custody.”
“I didn’t know we were married, don’t we gotta go out on a date first?”
“I don’t know, do we?”
“Let’s do it right now then.”
“Fine! Wait what-?”
On the ice, you and Sunghoon went together like sugar and tea. Off the ice, you two were like the coarse salt that ruined the cookies in Jay’s fic. You and Sunghoon skated well together, putting on a performance that typically got you first place, but that’s exactly what it was. A performance. An act. Nothing more, nothing less. Neither of you talked when you saw each other after practice the next day at school. Neither of you actively told anyone that you knew each other more than most couples did. But there was just something about talking to Sunghoon outside of ice skating, acknowledging that there you had an ice skating persona as well as the persona you showed to everyone else, that frightened you. So both of you made an unspoken agreement that you’d keep your ice skater lives in the rink and outside of it. Except for right now where the transfer student who coincidentally just so happened to be an ice skater and was wondering if you’d be his partner for the upcoming showcase.
“Y/n already has a partner,” Sunghoon said, cutting in as he stood next to you. The transfer student’s eyes settled on Sunghoon,
“You’re Park Sunghoon, the guy who-”
“Almost made it into the Olympics? Yeah. And y/n and I are gonna do it together this year.” You weren’t quite sure how to feel about Sunghoon suddenly “claiming” you (not in a toxic way whatsoever, we don’t condone that here). But you did know that this meant Sunghoon knew of your existence outside of the rink.
“Says who?” you said, trying to see how this would go. He looked at you, fear flashing in his eyes at the thought of the two of you not doing this together.
“I thought, I thought we were? Are we not? We have our outfits planned and everything.”
“I mean… plans change, Hoon.” That nickname, the one only you were allowed to use for him.
“Do you not wanna do it together?”
“I’m just gonna… go,” the transfer student said.
“I do wanna do it together.”
“So then what’s the problem?”
“We kinda don’t have a relationship outside of the rink, Hoon.”
“We can make one, then. Right now.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
You’ve always held a level of jealousy towards Sunoo. Sunoo has always been the guy who’s everyone’s friend even if he’s popular, the type of guy who waves at everyone, greets them with a smile on their face, and gets people to attend class/school events. Whereas you’re more on the introverted side, not really liking people. When it’s lunchtime, you tend to eat alone not really giving a damn about everyone else. You’re not exactly an outcast, just more comfortable  by yourself. You’ve always been jealous of how Sunoo’s open to people, talkative, and just overall likable. Because unlike him, people think you’re being mean when you’re quiet and it looks like you’re not listening to whatever it is they’re saying. Around school, Sunoo has earned the nickname Sunny while you’ve been given the nickname Winter. Everyone sees how you walk away whenever Sunoo waves at you in the halls. Everyone is aware of how you scoff whenever Sunoo does aegyo in front of you. Everyone notices how you get mad whenever he links his arm with yours. But it’s Sunoo who sees the glint in your eyes the second they meet his by your locker. It’s Sunoo who notices the slight smile that plays at the corner of your lips whenever he calls himself “ddeonu.” And it’s Sunoo who’s aware that no matter how much you protest when your arms link, you’re never the one to let go first. So he sits at the desk in front of yours during lunch, chatting his butt off about his day while stealing bites of your lunch. He gives you face masks with the excuse of “it was a buy one get one free deal and I don’t know who else to give it to.” He asks if he can style your hair playing it off as “practice.” Little by little, you begin to open up. When you see him in the halls, you start to give him a smile reserved only for him. When he does aegyo you tease him by saying that Jake does it better. And when he links his arms with yours, your pinkies intertwine. You bring an extra bag of chips for lunch and start making your portions larger to share with him. You invite him to the mall since you saw an online promo while walking by. You start to enjoy the way he plays with your hair, sometimes even craving his touch. Because we all know, the sun has its way of melting ice. 
Yang Jungwon, the class president, has a 100% success rate in getting field trip forms submitted on time. Well, it would be 100% if it weren’t for you. It seems as if you’ve made it your life’s mission to do everything and anything that’ll piss off Jungwon. Every time there’s a permission slip that needs to get signed, he constantly finds himself having to remind you of it so that it’d get turned in on time. Yet despite this, you always turn it in a day later. When things are kind of slow in class, you’re always talking to someone and have earned the title of the chatty kid no matter where the teacher makes you sit. Jungwon has no clue how someone as big of a procrastinator as you, always chatting with people when you don’t need to, and has your music playing so loud that everyone else hears, gets the good grades that you do. But regardless of what you do, you don’t bring down the class average so he’ll give you that. It’s time for a new seating arrangement and where does the teacher have you sit? Right next to him. So he’s dreading it, knowing that for the next 2 weeks he won’t get any work done, have to deal with you chatting to everyone, and has to be the one to catch you up when you enter class late.
“Hey,” you say with a smile as you settle in the seat next to his. He likes your smile, he won’t lie. But you’re annoying as hell. One week goes by as a back and forth of you constantly making efforts to get on Jungwon’s nerves but he returns the favor while teasing you back. With the two of you as partners, he starts to notice some things about you. Things like how you play with your thumb before raising your hand to answer the question. He sees that your notes are full of rushed scribbles and you dot your i’s close to the center but not just there. Your binder is covered with artwork of things you like and photos of you and your friends. Amidst your chattiness and tardiness, he finds himself looking forwards to certain things. He looks forward to your messy hair as you rush in 15 minutes late and start scribbling your notes in an effort to catch up. He looks forwards to how your conversations become a distraction from lectures. And he wonders to himself, what it’d be like if he were a photo in your binder.
As the second week continues, you start to see things differently with Jungwon. His reminders become less annoying and more useful as you take it in mind. When you’re late, he already has a second copy of the notes waiting for you on your desk. He buys you stickers for your binder using the excuse of “I stole it from my sister.” Before either of you realize it, it’s time for a new seating chart.
“Guess you’re happy to get rid of me, Wonie,” you joke as the two of you stood up to head to your new seats.
“I want you to sit across from me,” you hear him say.
“At the Eggy Cafe on our first date,” he says before heading to his new seat.
Dance class, it’s exhausting. Countless hours spent practicing a choreography that only lasts for a few minutes. Constantly getting yelled at by your teacher when you take a wrong step. Continuously in an unspoken competition with the best dancer of the school, Nishimura Riki. Ni-ki fools around during practices, usually to get on your nerves. Whenever you buy bungeoppang at the stall in front of the school, half of it instantly belongs to Ni-ki as he takes a bite when you’re not looking. Whenever the two of you are the only ones who’ve got the choreography down, sometimes you’ll slow things down to piss him off. There’s a flow to Ni-kis dances that no one else can replicate, a flow he was born with and can never be taught. Everyone, including him, is aware of this. But you’ve always been different from everyone else. All his life, he’s been told how good at dancing he is but you criticize him. While the others applaud his performance, your eyes are watching his every move. He almost hates how well you can spot the mistakes he can’t even see on himself. But as time goes on, these little competitions start to develop between you two, even outside of dance. When dance class ends, the two of you race to see who’ll get to the bungeoppang stall first. Last one there pays for bungeoppang. This is the competition you let Ni-ki win, using “I’m already tired from dancing” as an excuse. In the mornings, you compete to get to first period. Loser pays for lunch. This is the competition where there’s a middle ground between you two. Sometimes you win, sometimes he wins, other times you enter class together. When walking home, you compete to get to the bottom of the stairs at the subway station first. Whoever loses has to carry the other’s bag until you get home. Ni-ki lets you win this one, using “If I ran any faster I’d trip,” as an excuse. These small competitions become the things you look forward to throughout the week, enjoying the thrill of small moments with Ni-ki. At one point, the two of you (on separate occasions) talked to Jungwon about the competitions, telling your side. To the both of you, he says the same thing. “Why don’t you see who asks the other out first and plans the better date?”
❦ written by riri (@enhykkul)  | blog masterlist
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Silent Treatment (Ethan x MC)
Summary: Naomi decides that if Ethan isn’t going to treat her like a valued member of the team, she’ll teach him a little lesson.
Based on chapter 1, some spoilers for chapter 2, and my own speculation, so read at your own risk.
I highkey hate this but I’m posting it anyway
Naomi is quiet. No, she is unusually quiet. Ethan has seen her get silent when it’s time to buckle down and focus on a task, or if something is weighing heavily on her, but at this point he knows her well enough to know it’s neither of those. She’s withdrawn, and he doesn’t understand why.
Her presence is hard to miss, the young resident has enough charm and charisma in her pinky finger to dazzle an entire room. And she’s never this quiet. Naomi demands to be heard at all times. With unapologetic vivacity. With her hands. Eyes sparkling when she gets an idea, or fiery when she needs to dig her toes into something and fight. Nothing about Naomi Valentine is ever subdued, so why the hell is she so silent?
She didn’t speak much during the last few team meetings. He and Harper have led all of the conversations, bouncing ideas back and forth, building off of each other’s ideas. Occasionally, Naomi would offer input, merely to agree or disagree with a theory, before going back into her shell.
It’s even bleeding into their personal life. For the better part of the past 3 months, she’s stayed with him, the two of them holed up in his apartment in the Back Bay, but now she’s opting to stay at her own place. It’s been going on a few days now, this random despondence, and Ethan isn’t a fan of it. He’d take it a step further and say it's driving him crazy. This isn’t the woman he’s known for the past two years, even at her lowest was she never this reclusive.
As he walks down the halls of Edenbrook, he spots Naomi, her personality back to what it once was. She’s with Ines at a vending machine, and Naomi wastes no time animatedly talking to the now attending about a fun date she went on with her girlfriend.
Heart hammering wildly in his chest, Ethan swallows thickly as he listens to her talk. He’s missed the sound of her voice, the affectionate way her strong accent curls around her ‘r’s’ and dramatically elongates her ‘o’s’. It becomes clear that she’s willing to talk, just not to him. Ethan doesn’t like that idea at all, but it’s the only one that makes sense. And if that’s the case, he needs to get to the bottom of things and remedy the situation.
“Naomi, can we talk please?” He asks once Ines is no longer in their presence.
He doesn’t miss the way she bristles upon hearing his voice. But Naomi nods anyway. “Sure, what’s wrong?”
“Can we talk in the office?”
The walk back to the seventh floor is marked with awkward silence as Naomi refuses to initiate conversation with him. The more time ticks on, the more anxiety settles in Ethan’s chest. What’s going on with her that she refuses to divulge?
The office is unoccupied when they arrive, as Harper has already gone home for the evening. Naomi stands by the door, opting not to settle into a seat or even move further into the room. Everything about her body language reads that she’s poised and ready to strike at any given moment. He frowns. She’s never been this defensive against him, at least when they’re not in the middle of an argument. “What’s going on?”
“Are you okay?”
The question catches Naomi off guard. She blinks slowly before shrugging in nonchalance. “I’m fine, Ethan.”
“You’re fine? Really?”
“Is there a reason why I shouldn’t be fine?”
“Not really, but you haven’t been acting like yourself recently.”
Because you’ve been quieter than a church mouse for the past few days. You don’t talk during meetings, you’re silent when we interact with the patients, it’s like you’ve completely tuned out.”
With the way he’s been acting, Naomi is almost shocked that he even realized what she’s been doing. Wow, so maybe the great Ethan Ramsey hasn’t lost his attention to detail.
“Oh, so you’ve actually noticed?”
“I’m a diagnostician, I notice everything,” Ethan deadpans. He can feel the sarcasm wafting off of her. “What, was this an intentional act for my attention?”
“Intentional, yes. But for your attention? Not necessarily,” Naomi answers.
His eyes narrow at her, his gaze near piercing. She’s playing some sort of childish game with him, first with not speaking and now with the vague half answers. “Okay, so walk me through your thought process. Why has the cat stolen your tongue?”
“I decided that if my input wasn’t going to be valued during team discussions, I might as well not speak at all.”
Ethan gapes at her, confused. Where did that come from? “Naomi, what on earth are you talking about? When have I ever not valued your input?”
“I’m talking about the fact that for the past two cases, I’ve stood on the sidelines while you’ve either cut me off mid-sentence to talk over me, or ignore my presence altogether. I might as well blend into the wall.”
“That’s not–”
Naomi doesn’t give him the chance to refute.  “Please spare me the attempt at arguing. Last week, Harper’s first day on the team, you literally had to circle back to me because you cut me off while I was speaking. And now, we’re working on a case, and you and Harper aren’t even taking this patient seriously! I’ve had to redirect the conversation and tell you guys to focus, because you two were too busy acting like bosom buddies, sharing anecdotes about hangovers, and stupid flamenco lessons, and dates you went on in the past, which is not only inappropriate and disrespectful to the patient’s time, it’s disrespectful to me.”
“So either you are completely oblivious, which I find hard to believe for someone as astute as you are, or you have no respect for me, not just as your colleague, but as the woman you claim to be in a relationship with,” Naomi continues. The floodgates have been opened and now that she’s started, she can’t stop herself. “And maybe it’s the latter, because I set that standard. I’ve let you go days, weeks, months without speaking to me with zero consequence, I’ve let you shut me out and slam doors in my face, make snide comments last year when we were treating Leland, I’ve let you have carte blanche over the pace of this relationship. I’ve always just been here and allowed your shitty social graces and piss poor communication skills to rule, and time and time again, you’ve gone unscathed, but now I’m just really tired of it.”
For the first time in a long, Ethan doesn’t have a clue what to say, and as always, Naomi is the woman who puts him in this position.
“Naomi, you can’t possibly think that I think so little of you.”
He can tell by the way her eyes darken that he put his entire foot in his mouth just now. The warning bells go off in his brain, and he scrambles to think of how he can correct this latest blunder.
Naomi bites down on her lip, and she’s actually shocked her mouth isn’t instantly flooded with the metallic taste of blood. She’s getting Punk’d obviously. The office is bugged, and Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out and announce his presence soon. That has to be it. Ethan has to be pranking her, because there’s no way a 38 year old man could ever be so dense, right? Surely his response to her grievances isn’t to dismiss her claims.
“You know what? You’re being obtuse, and we clearly aren’t getting anywhere, so I’m going to cut this conversation off now.”
She refuses to look like the psycho in this scenario and breathe any more life into this argument, and she’s not about to plead her case any further like she’s the one in the wrong.
Ethan’s eyes soften, and he takes a step forward, arms outstretched to touch, soothe whatever hurts he’s heaped upon her, but Naomi sidesteps, moving out of his reach.
If he wasn’t nervous at the start of this conversation, he is now. If the physical act of Naomi blatantly refusing to touch him wasn’t clear enough, the metaphorical chasm between the two of the just widened by a few yards as well. A chill races up and down the length of his spine.
“Naomi, I’m sorry,” Ethan says gently. “I…” His words taper off and he pauses, struggling for what he wants to say next. This has never been his strong point, being vulnerable.
And Naomi doesn’t offer him a lifeline. She’s not going to give him an out or assuage him of anything he’s currently feeling like she usually does. She’s laid out all of her cards, and things are in Ethan’s court at this point. Like always. 
“I’m going home,” she announces. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The sun is barely out when Naomi shows up for work in the morning. Most of the hospital is still, the last of the night shift heading out as she’s on her way in. She heads towards the residents’ lounge, wanting to put her things away before checking in on her patients and having a team meeting.
As soon as she opens her locker, she spots a gorgeous bouquet of red roses wrapped in newspaper invading the space. There’s no note attached to the bouquet, and she spared a quick glance around the room to see if anyone else is there. The lounge is empty, save for another resident in the corner, sleeping.
Naomi takes the bouquet out of her locker, careful not to smash the petals and holds it up to her nose, inhaling deeply. 
Deciding to not put more thought into where they came from, Naomi simply cradles the bouquet in the crook of one of her arms, stuffs her bag into her locker, and continues on with her morning routine.
She’s passing by the nurses’ station on the 7th floor when someone catches her attention. “Oh Dr. Valentine! You have a special delivery.”
Her steps slow down as she approaches the front desk where Sarah, one of her favorite RNs is stationed. Sarah steps aside, revealing an even larger bouquet of roses, these ones white.
“Where did these come from?” Naomi asks.
“They were delivered about half an hour ago,” Sarah replies with a wink. “No note, though. I won’t let Dr. Ramsey know that you have a secret admirer.”
And that’s when it clicks into place. Memories of her fight with Ethan come flooding back, and it becomes clear that he’s the one gifting her these flowers. Before she even realizes she’s doing it, her eyes roll. If he thinks a couple of bouquets of roses are a good enough apology, he can think again.
Naomi plucks a white rose right from the center of the bouquet and hands it to Sarah. “For you.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“I insist,” Naomi says. “Happy Friday, Sarah.”
“Thank you, Dr. Valentine!”
Seeing the smile on the senior nurse’s face is almost enough to cleanse Naomi of the annoyance she feels towards Ethan in this moment. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Naomi manages to scoop up this new batch of flowers – they’re in a vase, to which she adds her red ones – and finishes her trek to the office.
She isn’t expecting it to be covered in bunches of bright yellow sunflowers.
Their communal desk is covered in them, along with Ethan’s personal desk and the couch. “What on earth was he thinking?”
“I was thinking that sunflowers are your favorite flower,” Ethan answers, and Naomi jumps, startled at his voice. She whips around and sees him standing in the doorway. “And so I got up well before the sun was shining, went to the Boston Flower Exchange and bought every single one I could get my hands on.”
“And the roses?”
“White is supposed to be symbolic of new beginnings and forgiveness,” Ethan explains. “And you simply can’t go wrong with red.”
“If you think buying me flowers is going to cut it, you must not know me well,” Naomi says. Him buying her things doesn’t impress her, no matter how much she jokes about his money.
“No, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.” Ethan takes a cautious step into the room, shutting the door behind him. A sleepless night without her beside him forced Ethan to do a lot of thinking about how he wanted this conversation to go. A peace offering is always a good start. “And it got you to talk to me.”
Naomi scoffs and sets her flowers down. “Barely.”
“I’m sorry,” Ethan says. “I’m an idiot, and an asshole.”
“It’s good that we can agree on something.”
Okay, it’s clear that she is not going to give him any leeway. “You were absolutely right to call me out on my behavior towards you.”
“Why did you do it?” Naomi asks.
“I wasn’t thinking,” Ethan says simply. “I got so caught up in having Harper on the team, and it’s easy to slip back into old habits without even realizing.”
“It wasn’t a simple one time thing. It was more than once that you and Harper completely forgot I was even there. And I like Harper, I don’t think I could respect her more than I already do, and I have a very healthy sense of self esteem, but even the toughest person on earth wouldn’t like being in my shoes, on the outside looking in while you and your ex reminisce on old dates and inside stories. Ethan, you couldn’t handle a modicum of the shit I have willingly put up with in order to be with you.”
His stomach knots up at the thought of an ex-boyfriend of Naomi’s coming into his personal space, sharing personal jokes with her, ignoring him, and monopolizing her time. If the thought of it had him this twisted, he can’t believe he’s been putting her through that reality.
“You were right to call me out on my bad communication skills. I am terrible at relationships. I’m not using it as an excuse, it’s just the truth. But I’ve gotten complacent, which is unacceptable.” Ethan takes another step towards Naomi, and when she doesn’t instantly recoil, he takes it as a sign to get even closer. “The last thing I ever want to do is stifle your voice, or make you feel invisible. Naomi, you are...invaluable. To this hospital, to this team, to me, and I am so sorry that there was ever a time where I made you feel like you weren’t. You are the most important person in my life, and what we have is something I’ve never had with anyone else.”
“Okay, so start acting like it,” Naomi challenges. “I’m your equal and I demand every bit of respect you have to offer. Anything less than that cannot be tolerated anymore, personally or professionally.”
Ethan nods emphatically at her words. “Of course.”
“I mean it.”
“You have my word, Naomi. I’ll never let it happen again.” He closes the gap between them and cups her face in his hand. “Just please...never give me the silent treatment again. Yell from the rooftops, argue with me, I don’t care, but I can’t take not hearing your voice.”
“You needed to be taught a lesson,” Naomi says simply.
“I learned my lesson, and I hated it,” Ethan confesses, his lips dangerously close to hers. Naomi doesn’t budge, not even an inch. She’s terribly stubborn, even at the end of a fight. “It was torture.”
“Good.” Deciding to put him out of his misery, Naomi tilts her head up and captures Ethan in a kiss. He doesn’t waste a single second returning it. His free hand wraps around the small of her back, pulling her in closer. How did he go this long without touching her?
He doesn’t know how long they’ve been kissing, but he finally breaks apart from her long enough to bury his face in her neck, allowing her scent and soft skin to soothe any of his fraught nerves. She smells like home.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” Ethan asks.
“The jury is still out on that one.”
“You’re going to make me work for this, aren’t you?”
“Are you up for the challenge?”
Ethan untangles himself from their embrace and takes a step back, so he’s able to look Naomi in the eyes. He takes her hand and presses a soft kiss into her palm. “For you? I’ll do just about anything.”
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list, or if I tagged you by accident!
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful! Keep going to make someone smile💛✨
You are far too sweet, Nonnie. I'll be sure to be passing the smile on when I get a chance. In the meantime here's a little ficlet of thanks for being so kind and thinking of me with this ask.
Real Monsters
Winters were long, cold and not always the happy family time people wanted to imagine. Some nights were downright morose and the group huddled together over drinks, talking about the darker times on the Path. The times where contracts didn't go so well or decisions without a happy ending had to be made.
Eskel was staring particularly deep into his tankard, drunk enough to finally share what had been bringing him down for much of winter already. He sighed, took another swig before swilling his ale miserably and watching the swirl of liquid.
"I ended up killing a man," he blurted out with much prompting. The others sat up a little straighter, all eyes on him. Eskel's own eyes closed as he worked through the memory. "He'd been extorting the settlements and villages, had a route so he could pick up 'his dues' for keeping them safe. Not that he did anything, couldn't even deal with the lone nekker. Despite the locals pleading with their viscount for help, nobody was coming."
"You don't tend to get tangled in the affairs of humans," Cahir said softly. "What changed?"
Sighing heavily, Eskel shurgged a shoulder. "I saw him intimidating a widow. Made her hand over the only necklace her late husband had given her. I couldn't stand and watch her begging him, she had such little of value and he still wanted to take it."
"I can't imagine you marched up and just slit his throat then and there. You're much more thoughtful than that." Lambert held his drink in one hand, the other hidden under the table and clutching at Aiden's. It was so rare for Eskel to slip up or stray from his task, to hear about it was a little disconcerting.
"I didn't." Of course Eskel didn't rush in with rash actions, that wasn't his way. "I cornered him, tried to talk to him, help see the error of his ways. He refused. Boasted about all that he'd taken. About how much more he'll have. All I could think about were the families he'd left starving, taking their harvest, selling it at a hefty price elsewhere, stealing their valuables, their rainy day funds and day to day living. I saw red. I ran him through with my silver sword because silver is for monsters. Then I returned all I could of his hoard. But he brings my total to 15."
Cahir was the one to shrug it off first. "He had it coming. World's better off without him. But what's your 15? I don't get it."
It was Lambert who answered. "Number of humans killed. Though I have to say, as mine's 23, you have a bit of a way to go."
"You're not that far ahead. I'm at 18," Geralt piped up. "Blaviken didn't really do me any favours."
"Well, you know Cats take a variety of contracts." For a change Aiden looked less than confident. "So I'm well ahead of you all at 30 something. But I've been much more selective since Lambert's been in my life."
Leaning forward, Jaskier peered at them. "So you're telling me that over the course of, what, 90 years you've killed that many people?"
"70 for me," Lambert replied.
"And you feel like monsters because of that?" Jaskier seemed a little incredulous as the others nodded, looking ashamed. He laughed softly. "Oh my sweetlings, if you're monsters what does that make me? Over 20 years I've probably poisoned, slit throats, drowned, once even burned down a building on someone. I've killed more than 70 people." There was stunned silence as they all looked at Jaskier like he'd grown two heads. He merely shrugged. "What? I work for the Redanian Intelligence. Assassination is part and parcel of that. Nobody ever suspects the bard who has been performing all night."
Clearing his throat, Cahir drew attention to himself. "I don't have an accurate count. But including battles, it's well over 300. And a lot of them were good people who didn't do anything to deserve to die. Their only crime was to be in the opposing army."
"How many?" Lambert asked, voice a hoarse whisper.
"Over 300. I've also looted, stolen, cheated, embezzled and incited riots."
While the Witchers sat back looking at him in a whole new light, Jaskier leaned in with a grin. "Now this I have to hear about."
Just drunk enough to be loose lipped, Cahir grinned. "Foltest's crown. That's all I'll say."
"That was you? It was a genius move to swap it out! I'd only heard stories about his screeching but it was legendary. But tell me, Emhyr's sceptre, did that make a bit of a splash?"
Laughing, Cahir almost fell backwards off the bench, only Eskel's hand on his back kept him upright. "Heads rolled for that! He was so pissed. What made you leave behind a stick with a marble on top in its place?"
"I'm a funny guy," Jaskier replied. "My favourite was seducing the prince of Thurn on his wedding night. And then his bride too. It threw Maecht and Gemmeria into a bit of turmoil for Nilfgaard."
Growling, Cahir shook his head. "You made such a fucking mess there. I got sent in to try and sort things out. Ended up having to break off the alliance and settle trade agreements along with sanctions. Both the prince and his bride were exiled in the name of peace."
Around the table the others listened with growing horror. The men they loved and were very much loved by in return were showing a side of themselves they'd never seen before. Their history wasn't just speckled by mistakes and bad decisions but was drenched in terrifying competency and cold blood. Lambert swallowed thickly and looked between Eskel and Aiden. Even between the three of them they didn't have as much history as Cahir had amassed in his short life. Meanwhile, Geralt was staring at Jaskier in a whole new light. Gone was his naïve and happy-go-lucky bard. In his place stood a wolf in sheep's clothing.
To be caressed by hands that committed such atrocities, to be loved so softly by such a hardened hearts, it was enough to make their heads spin. But it didn't weaken their relationships. If anything, it made it stronger, knowing that they'd been chosen by Cahir and Jaskier, picked to be doted upon and all their love poured into. In a way, it made the Witchers feel safer, more relaxed to know that their lovers were so capable and competent. Sure, they held a new and healthy dose of awe and fear but it was a very welcome change from the worries of having a squishy human for a lover.
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Hiding From Joker (Gotham Sirens X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Characters: Harley, Poison Ivy & Catwoman X Teen!Fem!Reader
Universe: DC, Batman
Warnings: Mention of death of parents
Request: Can I please request a Gotham sirens x teen!fem!reader maybe the reader stole something of the jokers because he killed her family and so he put a hit of on her so he could torture her and such. Harley, Ivy and Catwoman hear about this and find and protect r for the jokers men 
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You were bitter, and petty, and most of all you were angry. It was a lot of emotions to carry, especially at your age, already filled with angst and emotion, but you had every right to be, and no one could deny it. Anyone would feel how you’d be feeling if your parent’s lives had been cut short by a mad man dressed as a clown, purely for his own enjoyment, leaving you an orphan, on the streets and forced to fend for yourself. 
You wanted revenge, even if it was barely a dent compared to what he had done to you, but you wanted him to feel angry and upset about your actions, so you plotted, spoke to some dodgy people willing to pay you to be reckless, and went to work. What did you do? You stole almost all of his ‘fun’ weapons, the weapons that concealed as normal little objects, like a flower that would go on his suit that squirted acid, a staff that had a blade at the bottom of it so if he jabbed it at someone they’d get stabbed, and a toy gun that was actually a real gun. Then you sold it off to the people paying you, and they then flashed it off to the public. Who knew museums and galleries could be so scummy? Not that you cared, you now had enough money to look after yourself and rent a room until you could either find another thing to steal from Joker and get more money, or get an actual legal job, though the idea of toying with Joker even more seemed rather satisfying. 
Joker was pissed. Basically everyone in Gotham could sense it. The scariest part was that he had gone silent for a week, with murmurs that he was deathly silent and planning revenge on whoever had stolen his precious, custom made weapons. Everyone knew that if Joker ever found out who took his weapons, they were good as dead. The rumours started circulation about the thief’s identity. Firs they heard that they did this because it was personal and that Joker had stolen something precious from them, and then they heard that the joker killed the thief’s family, and slowly people realised that the thief was a kid themselves. It was at that point where Harley knew she had to act, and with little persuasion, she got Ivy and Selina in on it as well. 
They all reached out to Batman, and told them that they wanted to personally protect you from Joker’s wrath, Harley especially since she had the best idea of what he would have in mind for you, and clearly included torture. Batman did a bit of digging, looking into the people who had worked with you, and managed to make an identification, confirming that the rumours about you were true. You were a kid, made an orphan by Joker’s madness, seeking vengeance in any way.
It was late at night when they had managed to locate you, scaring you half to death since you hadn’t answered your door, to Harley’s logic told you to climb in through your window. You woke up to her shaking you, and you screamed until she covered your mouth and shushed you. “It’s okay kid! I’m not here to hurt ya, I’m here to help ya!” She assured you, before pulling her hand away. You looked at her wide eyed as she got up. “Look, Ivy and the crazy cat lady are waiting to come in, I’ll be right back, then we’ll talk, okay?” She asked, and you just nodded, sitting up in bed as she went to your front door, bringing the two women into your little space. You watched them cautiously.
“Why are you here?” You asked them. 
“We’re here to keep you safe. We know you’re the one who stole from Joker, and if we’re able to find you, that means it won’t be long till he’s hot on your tail, and if he gets you…” Selina warned. 
“But we’re here now! We’re gonna keep you safe. We have a bunch of safe houses around the city, including many that Joker knows nothing about, so you’ll be safe in there, and it’s bigger than here!” Harley assured. 
“Come on, we’ll help you pack your things.” Ivy offered, and you nodded, getting up and letting the women help you pack the essentials, before the escorted you to a well hidden safehouse. They also told you they’d bring you food and other things so they won’t see you outside. One week later, your one room apartment exploded. Harley told you how she’d put a dummy in your bed, so they thought they’d killed you, meaning you were safe, at least for now. Still, they wanted you to keep a low profile, at least until everything calmed down.  In that time, you’d grown rather close to the 3 women, who had all took responsibility over you. Ivy got you enrolled into school again so you could get an education, Harley was arranging a new place for you to live with her and Ivy until you were old enough to live alone, and Selina had… somehow, gathered enough funds for further education and to support you after that if when you decided to look into your own place. Everything almost felt domestic, and you hadn’t felt this since your parents were killed. You’d tried several times to thank them for this, but they’d turned down whenever you tried to thank them with gifts. The only thing they accepted were hugs. Guess you owed them a lifetime of hugs of thanks.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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Hoodie Headcanons
Pairings: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: None, just more fluff from me!
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou, Amajiki, Kirishima
A/N: I highly recommend listening to Jacob Sartorius’s Sweatshirt song while reading ;)
                   ꒰ෆ❛ั ु▿❛ั ु꒱            ٩꒰• ε •꒱۶
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● I wanna start this off by saying that Midoriya unironically likes that song ^^^. There's nothing I can do, it's canon.
● That said, he's super chill about you stealing his clothes
● Already owns a crap ton of hoodies and loose t-shirts, so you have quite the number to choose from
● Understands completely how you like the way they smell
● It was initially his idea to offer you his hoodie one evening when you looked cold
● After you put it on, he just couldn't stop staring at you
● You were so cute !!! and wearing his hoodie !!!
● 100% a yes from him when you asked to borrow it for a while longer
● And any other time you so happened to want to snatch one
● Wearing some of his clothing is def a cuddle turn on
● Your relationship in general is just soft vibes and fuzzy sweetness, but Izu will get nearly twice as tender curled up next to you in his hoodie
● A forehead and cheek kiss simp all the way, just smothering your face in little pecks
● Fall and winter only gain more appreciation from him, since it's perfect sweater weather and time to share warmth any way he could think of with his cutie (that's you (*~‿~))
● Is also down to see you in his t-shirts when it gets a little warmer
● It makes him feel some sort of way when he sees you in one of his old All Might tees
● A good way, mind you
● Maybe it's the nostalgia of the shirt seen on his favorite person
● Literally two of his top three favorite people right there in front of him for him to hold (but only one in the flesh. Both would be weird)
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● We all know Baku's fashion sense is on point
● A lot of his clothes aren't for comfort, but he does have some baggy tees to sleep in
● Actually, not anymore
● Because they're all gone
● He feels like he's going crazy, trying to figure out how he's misplaced so many shirts
● Until one day when he catches you in the act, rummaging through his closet for another t-shirt to add to your collection
● "So that's why I haven't been able to find any of my clothes!"
● His voice makes you jump, whipping around to meet his triumphant expression
● So he wasn't just a dumbass who couldn't keep track of his own pajamas. That was a relief
● But then . . . you'd taken his stuff, and acted like he was crazy when he'd mentioned it missing in passing
● Now he's a little pissed
Your back was to his closet, guiltily holding a black t-shirt. "Katsuki, I—"
"Where's the rest of them?"
"I know what you've been up to. What have you been doing with my clothes?"
You sheepishly lead him to your room, opening a drawer in your dresser where you'd been storing your stolen goods.
Katsuki looks into the nearly full drawer, then back at you, and you can't help but notice a hint of respect flickering on his features.
"You're pretty good," he admits, putting a hand in the drawer and pulling a shirt out at random. "I didn't even realize I was missing this many."
"I was going to give them back," you try to explain, now attempting to hide your face with your hair, "but they still kinda smelled like you, and they're so comfortable to sleep in—"
"Oh, so that's what you do with them." Katsuki's frown deepened, letting the shirt fall back into the pile. "Why don't you just come see me?"
You averted your eyes, shrugging. "I don't know. You just go to bed so early and sometimes I have to stay up and study but I still miss you, so having your stuff is really nice because it's like . . . you're there . . . ."
Katsuki sighed and pulled you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'm here for you, babe. You don't need a piece of cloth when you can just ask."
"But what about when you're not here?"
He paused, realizing you had a point. "You can keep some," he finally grumbled. "But for heaven's sake, not so many! I'm running out of things to wear. If you need another one, tell me."
"Thank you." You hugged him back and finally watched as he lugged an armful of t-shirts out of your room and back to his.
● Eventually Bakugou realized that seeing you wearing one of his shirts oddly boosted his ego; especially seeing you so often, now that he knows your secret, more than happy to wear his clothing while the two of you hung out together
● He starts to insist that you wear some of his t-shirts around the common areas, letting people see you in them
● But before you get the chance, he makes sure to wear it frequently so everyone knows it's his, and then gives it to you to wear so everyone knows you're also his. It's just one of his pride things
● You soon start to expand from just shirts, eyeing the singular hoodie at the back of his closet
● He doesn't think it really fits his vibe, only having worn it alone in the confines of his own room when he was cold
● You insist that you want it, though, so he grumbles and starts wearing it in secret so it can smell like him for you
● He has to admit you're freakishly adorable in it, even though it's not really oversized or anything
● This prompts him to wear it more often, just not in front of anyone other than you
● You finally buy him another hoodie for his birthday, although it's more of a gift for yourself than him
●And now we move on to: Bakugou's baggy pants
● Maybe our favorite explosive blond boy likes his tops to be a little more put together
● But dang, do he got those loose-as-heck pants
● You steal them out of spite mostly, just to see his reaction to your hips filling out his pants
● Boy does he like it
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● "Why are you taking my clothes? Do you not have enough of your own?"
● Doesn't really own hoodies, per se, but definitely has a steady supply of jumpers, knits, and turtlenecks
● Or, he used to
● Until you came along
● Is kinda confused at first, completely baffled at where all his clothes were going
● Then he finally caught you, recognizing one of his sweaters on you while you made a quick trip to the kitchen for tea
● Legitimately does not know why you'd take it, surprised that you'd steal from him
● You hastily explain that it's normal, and that you only do it so you can have something that smells like him for when he's not around
● After that, he kind of understands
● Took you shopping with him once, just to see what you liked. He thought he'd be buying you some sweaters of your own, but instead ended up purchasing his first oversized hoodie (with a few extras to share) (who wants a quick Buying Hoodies with Shouto drabble?)
● Now you're both obsessed with the hoodies, Shouto being surprised at how comfortable they are
● Loves showing up for cuddle sessions in a hoodie, pulling you close to him so you sink into the soft fabric
● 100% Shouto's new favorite clothing item
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● It started out when you took a nap together for the first time at his house
● You'd asked to borrow one of his larger shirts to sleep in, feeling a bit uncomfortable in the top you had worn that day (I for one cannot sleep in my day clothes. I don't know why, it just feels wrong. Does anyone else feel like that too?)
● He let you wear a large, gray tee, which was so big on you it fell around your thighs
● He thought you looked so cute in it, especially since it mostly covered your shorts
● Thus began your obsession with wearing his clothes whenever possible
● Pajamas, t-shirts, and hoodies are your prime targets
● Totally wear them to bed whenever you're not sleeping with him (as in sharing a bed, not that)
● The scent makes it feel like he's right there with you
● Shinsou noticed immediately what you were doing but never made any moves to stop you, thinking it was cute
● Absolutely loves seeing you in his clothes
● You look so cute but also it's low key hot, jus sayin 👀
● I've briefly mentioned this before, I think, but 'Toshi has some nice pajamas
● Nothing over the top expensive or anything, no
● I'm talking peak COMFY
● Ya ever see the pants with fleece lining and stuff?
● Mmm *chef kiss* do he have a pair of those fo sure
● Also, many with cat themes!
● Seeing you in his purple cat PJ pants only solidifies further for him that you're his Kitty
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● Gets kinda flustered but at the same time is super flattered
● You actually ask to 'borrow' one of his sweaters, and he lets you, blushing as he watches you slide it over your head
● You're so frinking cute in it, and he feels this almost foreign sense of possessiveness wash over him because you're there and you're adorable and you're in his sweater and all of you is his
● Spontaneously hugs you and is even brave enough to press a few little kisses all over your face
● You wearing his sweaters and hoodies becomes a regular thing; asking every few weeks for a replacement top and him obliging, letting you pick something from his closet
● This doesn't stop you from occasionally stealing his clothes anyway, him sometimes catching you in one of his jumpers and briefly wondering if he'd ever actually seen you choose that particular one before shrugging and brushing it off
● He never fails to provide you with extras whenever you have to be apart for whatever reason, trying to help so you don't have to miss him so much
● Is 200% more inclined to hug you when you're wearing them. You just look so soft and warm, which he quickly finds out for himself that you are
● Definitely has thought about trying on one of your hoodies, but is a little too scared to ask
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● You alternate between wearing Bakugou's hoodie with Kirishima's sweats and then vice versa
● Neither of them can handle how cute you look practically drowning in hoodies that they bought oversized for them
● They're just that much bigger on you, especially Kirishima's since he's more willing to buy baggier hoodies than Bakugou
● If either one of them catches you wearing their clothes, they will literally just flop on top of you, overwhelmed by how much they want to hug you
● Even Bakugou will drop what he's doing just to go give you a hug, pulling you onto his lap for a minute and giving you a sweet kiss
● Eijirou will straight-up full-on tackle you, peppering kisses all over your face while he hugs you close to him
● If it's both of them at once though, get ready
● An impromptu cuddle sesh is guaranteed, most likely starting with Kirishima picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom while Bakugou follows close behind, ready to jump into bed with you
● Like I said way up top, Bakugou wasn't super into hoodies at first, but once you start stealing Kirishima's along with the one or two he does have, he starts buying and wearing them for the sole purpose of seeing you add them to your collection
● Bakugou's are better for going out in since they tend to fit you a little better, him opting to buy hoodies a little closer to his size
● Kirishima's are great for hanging out around the house, snuggling into the excess fabric and inhaling his scent while you wait for him to get home
● The two of them eventually start to just wear each other's hoodies interchangeably too, to the point of nobody really knowing who's hoodie is who's anymore
● E: "I'm pretty sure you got me this one for my birthday."
● K: "No, I bought it for myself, and then you decided to steal it on your birthday."
● Before all the confusion, though, you would rotate, having little hoodie parties where both you and Bakugou would wear one of Kirishima's hoodies while Kirishima wore one of Bakugou's
● Bonus: Kirishima has 100% decided to repay the whole clothing stealing thing and took your leggings, wearing them around the house just waiting for one of you to notice
● "Are those my leggings?"
● "Yeah."
● "What the hell."
● You just roll your eyes and go back to what you were doing
● Not ten minutes later, from another room—
● "What?"
                  ꒰ෆ❛ั ु▿❛ั ु꒱            ٩꒰• ε •꒱۶
Author's Note:
I will be posting a quick Eijirou drabble about him catching you stealing his hoodie, so expect that soon (find it here!). Also I didn't do TodoDeku but that was because I ran out of both motivation and time so  ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
Writing these made me realize how few hoodies I own. Also how single and alone I am.
*Waluigi voice* WAH
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snelbz · 4 years
Secrets {Elorcan}
Written, as always, with @tacmc​, aka the LOML.
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Lorcan got a dreadful sense of deja vu as he trekked across town in his Jeep.
He was happily downing his second beer of the night, alone in his apartment watching Back to the Future when her text came through. Even though his mind protested, his body was moving toward his front door, slipping on his boots, and grabbing his keys and wallet before he even finished reading her words. 
I need you. Please. 
He knew where she had been all night, knew who she had been with. Now, Lorcan had to go pick up the pieces.
If only she had listened to him to begin with.
The snow was coming down hard. What had started out as some light flurries earlier in the evening had now coated everything the eye could see in a thick, white blanket. He probably should have driven a little more slowly, but he had to get to her, had to make sure that she was okay.
Even if she’d done it to herself.
When he pulled into her driveway, parking behind her little red car, Lorcan could still see the tire tracks in front of her house. He couldn’t have been gone for ten minutes before she had texted him.
Flipping the visor down, Lorcan looked at himself in the small mirror. It wasn’t that he needed to make sure he looked okay or that he needed to impress her. He needed to make sure that he kept his cool while he was in there. She already knew what he was thinking. It was up to him to make sure he didn’t say it.
With a sigh, Lorcan was out of the Jeep and tugging the beanie he wore down over his loose hair. He rang the doorbell and waited. And waited. And waited.
When she came to the door, her eyes were red and her nose was sniffly.
She didn’t say a word.
A second passed before Lorcan sighed and he pulled Elide into his arms, patting her back softly. He didn’t bother telling her all was okay. He didn’t trust his own voice. So, he remained quiet and patted her back until she backed up, pulled him inside, and shut the door behind them, shutting out the cold. 
“I have wine,” Elide said, quietly, as she made her way to the kitchen. “I know it’s not your drink of choice, but you’re welcome to a glass.”
Lorcan stopped in the doorway of her little kitchen and leaned against the frame, his broad arms crossed. “Wine tastes like piss.” 
“Says the man that downs beer like water,” Elide said, meant to add onto his sarcastic comment, but there was no bite to it, nor humor. 
Instead, Elide looked down at her empty glass before filling it again. 
Lorcan said nothing. 
He knew he should say something comforting, but he was having trouble coming up with anything to say. After Elide’s third sip of wine, he settled for, “You okay?” 
Elide set her glass calmly on the countertop. “Honestly?”
“Have I ever asked for anything other than honesty from you?” Lorcan followed, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible.  
Elide slowly shook her head. “I’m almost out of wine.”
“Then it looks like we’re going for a drive,” he said, simply. “Come on.”
Elide didn’t argue. She just nodded, pulled her boots on and grabbed her coat. They walked out into the snow and Lorcan opened her door before helping her up into the passenger seat.
The ride to the liquor store was quiet. The music played softly in the background, but neither of them were really listening. Lorcan wasn’t sure if Elide was even paying attention to anything as they drove through the town. When they parked, Lorcan was out of the truck before Elide could even unbuckle her seatbelt. After a few minutes, he returned with three bags. One held Elide’s wine, one very clearly held a six-pack of beer, but the third was a mystery.
Looking back at the bags in the backseat, Elide chuckled quietly and said, “You need to be drunk for this, too?”
Lorcan glanced over at her, but his eyes were back on the road a second later. His silence was answer enough.
Elide said nothing more. Her eyes simply drifted toward the window, at the snow slowly and silently falling from the heavens. 
“Are you going to stay quiet all night?” she asked, as Lorcan turned onto her street.
“No,” he replied, simply, even though he said nothing more. 
“You’re mad,” she said.
“Why would I be mad?” he replied. “I’m not mad.”
“You sound mad,” she whispered.
Lorcan sighed. “I’m not mad, Elide, I just want to make sure you’re alright. You’re my best friend, I need you to be alright, so I’m here.” The Jeep idled in her driveway, but neither of them made a move to get out. Elide just stared at her hands in her lap. Lorcan took a deep breath and cut the engine. “Come on. Let’s go inside. You need to tell me what happened and I need a drink.”
He didn’t wait for her reply, just opened the door and was retrieving their bags as Elide slid down from the seat and made her way up to her front door. She unlocked it and was heading back towards her bedroom as Lorcan took the drinks into the kitchen. After kicking off her boots and grabbing an enormous, oversized hoodie - one that she’d stolen from Lorcan at some point in high school - her sock-covered feet were shuffling into the kitchen. Lorcan had already settled in the living room with a beer in hand, so Elide was surprised to find a full bottle of whiskey next to the wine on her counter. 
“Looked like you needed something stronger,” he said, shrugging, refusing to meet her eyes even though the TV remained off.
“Don’t act like whiskey is for my benefit,” she said, even though she poured herself a shot and tossed it back before filling her wine glass. “You know I prefer tequila.” 
Lorcan let out a humorless snort as Elide stumbled into the living room and settled on the couch beside him.
“So,” he began, clearing his throat. “What happened?”
Elide shrugged. “He came here, picked me up, we had dinner. He tried to come in, I told him he hadn’t been invited, that I wasn’t ready to take that step again, that I wanted to take things slow. He kept trying to come inside, but I kept telling him no. When he finally got the hint, he stormed off and drove away. After, of course, he called me a prude and an idiot, and thanked me for wasting his time, just like I always had.” 
Lorcan’s jaw clenched, but he said nothing.
“Say it,” was all Elide said, after the silence filled the space between them.
“There’s nothing to say,” he said, cracking open the beer in his hand and putting it to his lips. After he’d drank deeply, he crushed the can and set it down on the side table next to him.
Those four, stupid words hung between them, regardless of the fact that neither of them had uttered them.
I told you so.
When Elide had called Lorcan on Christmas morning, he’d expected her to tell him some ridiculous story of something that one of their friends did after he’d left the bar on Christmas Eve. He expected her to wish him a Merry Christmas and ask what time he was planning to be at Rowan and Aelin’s for lunch.
So when she’d told him she bumped into her ex at the bar, Lorcan was quiet. When she told him she’d agreed to another date, Lorcan was silent as death.
Roland was an ass.
He didn’t deserve Elide.
He never had. 
“I need you to say something,” Elide said, turning her eyes toward him. 
“You need me to say something?” Lorcan asked, incredulously. “Want do you want me to say, El? I want to feel bad for you. I really fucking do, alright? But, I…”
“You what,” Elide breathed.
“I can’t,” Lorcan said, through gritted teeth. “I have no idea why you gave that jackass a second chance. I know that, you know that, it makes no sense to me! We did this same thing a year ago, El. Me, here with you, trying to put your heart back together after Roland was reckless with it!”
“He means something to me,” she said, looking down into her full glass. “He was my first, Lorcan, my first everything.”
Lorcan had to bite his tongue. He was well aware of everything Roland had been to Elide. He’d been around for years, in and out of Elide’s life, until he broke her heart last Christmas. He finally cleared his throat when he felt he was able to speak without snapping again. “I know. I know he was, El. But you promised. You promised you weren’t going to let him do this to you again. And the first opportunity he has, he comes right back and fucks with your head.”
Elide was silently brushing a thumb back and forth across her bottom lip. After a second, she looked up at him. “I loved him, Lor.”
The tears in her eyes nearly broke him.
Without a word, Lorcan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. Elide buried her face in his chest. “I know you did.”
Lorcan wanted to kill him, wanted to kick his ass for making Elide cry, something she’d promised him would never happen again.
“I’m sorry for snapping,” he said, quietly, once her sobbing grew into silent cries. “I just… I can’t see you like this. Especially when it’s because of some prick that doesn’t deserve you.” 
Elide shook her head, but he knew she wasn’t disregarding what he’d said. She was just trying to get her head straight. “I just need to accept that I’m going to be a cat lady and die alone.”
Lorcan snorted. “You’re allergic to cats.”
“Then it’ll be an early death,” Elide said, voice muffled thanks to where her face was still pressed against his chest. She leaned back and sighed. “I got your shirt wet.”
Lorcan shrugged. “Not a big deal. And you’re not going to die alone. There’s someone out there who’s going to make you the happiest girl in the world.” He paused for a moment and made sure she was looking at him. “And it sure as hell won’t be Roland Havilliard.””
“Then who will it be?” she asked, with a humorless chuckle. “Do share your wisdom, if you know that fact to be true.” 
Lorcan just shook his head as he watched her. If only she knew, if only he could tell her of what he would never tell her. Lorcan believed what he had said, that there was someone out there who would make her the happiest girl in the world.
Little did she know that he wished it were him.
He knew it wasn’t, though.
He wanted that person to be him, but Elide Lochan deserved better than a bastard who couldn’t control his temper, who drank too much and felt too little. Yes, he loved Elide, more than he could ever love anyone, ever again. But she deserved better than him. 
So he’d take his love for her to the grave. 
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x06: You Can't Handle the Truth
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Soulless Sam was a psychotic work of art
Calumet City, Illinois
Jane, a cute waitress at Biggerson’s, talks on the phone with a friend about whether a boy likes her (Bechdel who?). “I just need the truth,” she implores, as the camera zooms in on her mouth. 
She gets the truth. After ending the call, her coworkers start telling her VERY mean things, and a customer admits to running over a homeless man once. People just poor their worst thoughts out at her. Feeling like she’s going crazy, she calls someone to pick her up. Her friend just throws out more mean things at Jane. It’s then that Jane pulls out a gun and kills herself. DARK. 
Meanwhile Dean’s on the phone with Bobby about Sam. Bobby says he’ll look into it more and tells Dean, “Don’t shoot him yet.” Once off the phone, Sam brings food and a case. 
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They head to interview Jane’s sister. She tells Sam that Jane was having a bad day, and she tried cheering her up. Sam --ruthless and blunt-- calls her out on her lie and asks what she did. Dean watches, perplexed. The sister starts crying, and admits that she wanted to console her sister, but it’s not what came out when she talked to her. They leave wondering what could have caused the fatal exchange. 
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At a dentist’s office, a man sits in the dreaded chair, chit chatting with the dentist. He suddenly admits to not liking his wife anymore, and he’s actually a raging pedophile. 
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Dean’s back on the phone with Bobby, hoping for answers on whether it’s Sam or Satan that’s Dean’s copilot. Dean’s struggling with the idea that this could just be Sam. 
Sam comes back to the motel to report another death --this time a guy got drilled to death. (But by the “non-sexy kind of drilling”, as Dean points out. DUDE.) Dean tells Sam to go interview the dentist alone. He’ll stay behind and do research. Uh, not suspicious at ALL , Dean. 
Turns out, the dentist hung himself before Sam could talk with him. They’re thinking that all the truth telling around the deaths point to a curse. While Sam heads to the morgue to check out the body, Dean heads to the dentist’s office. Once there, he finds a receipt for “Harry’s House of Horns” and remembers that Jane also had frequented the store. 
He goes to interview the store owner.
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The owner asks about progress on his stolen horn. It was a museum piece, a thousand years old, one in a million. It was stolen the same day Jane died. 
Later, at the motel, he looks up Gabriel’s Horn, and sarcastically prays to Cas to check out the “loose nuke”, not really expecting the angel to show. 
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GUYS. I haven’t rewatched this episode in --forever!--and didn’t think Cas was in it. But HE IS. AND we get a “Hello, Dean.” 
Dean’s a little (!) pissed that Cas will come for this stupid horn, but not otherwise. Cas reassures Dean that Sam is not Lucifer while pouring him a consolation drink.
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Dean asks Cas what’s wrong with Sam, but Cas doesn’t know (Like, doesn’t Cas honestly not know he forgot Sam’s soul or is he lying on purpose?). Dean then stares (and stares) at Cas. He wants to know what Cas’s deal is --when did he stop being human (*whimpering noises*). “I’m at war.” 
For Science:
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Dean mentions Gabriel’s Horn of Truth and says they think it’s in town. Before he can continue, Cas is gone. (*whimpering noises*)
Dean takes a drink, and Cas is back before he can finish swallowing. He searched the town and didn’t find Gabriel’s horn. Dean turns his back and tells Cas, “Nice seeing you anyway.” Cas tries mending fences a bit by telling Dean that he does want to help with Sam. He tells Dean that he’ll “make inquiries”, and is gone. Dean looks around the room forlornly, and takes another drink. 
Sam takes a look at the dead dentist and asks to see the rest of the bodies. The coroner says, “They’re gone.” Gone gone. They’re gone. 
Dean sits at a bar, nursing his Cas wounds, and watches the news on the television. Sam calls with the news. He’s at a missing person’s apartment now --and since she died a whole week before the others, he’s thinking the curse started with her. 
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Dean orders another drink for the road, and utters the words, “I’d just like the freaking truth.” The bartender unloads some serious truths on Dean --and he realizes that he’s cursed. 
He calls Bobby to test out his new cursed skills, and learns that Bobby’s drinking milk in the middle of the day and watching Tori and Dean. Lol, nothing to confess at all, Bobby! “I guess it does work over the phone,” Dean laments. Bobby also confesses to pedicures and that Dean’s his favorite (but Sam’s the better hunter). OOF. Said flippantly, but this is one truth siblings never want confirmation on. Dean tells Bobby that he’s cursed --and then he gets an idea.
Dean calls Sam strategically now that he’s carrying the truth curse, and asks him to call him when he has a chance SO HE CAN SPILL. Sam can’t come to the phone right now because he’s going over the case with Corey’s sister. She confesses that her sister was obsessed with finding out the truth about her potentially-cheating boyfriend.
Back with Dean, Lisa calls at the WORST TIME. She confronts him about his behavior - storming in and shoving Ben. “You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good?”
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Lisa then tears into the reappearance of Sam, tagging the Winchesters’ relationship as unhealthy. As soon as Sam reappeared, she knew their relationship was over. Once everything’s laid out, Lisa pauses. “That came out so much harsher than I meant,” she says, softer this time. Dean absorbs her criticism like a towel specially designed for soaking up loathing. She tells him they’re done.
Sam tears through the bedroom looking for evidence. He finds a cat skull under the bed. “Yahtzee,” as they say. Dean storms in and demands the truth about the vampire hunt. Sam goes dewy eyed. He froze when Dean was attacked! And he feels super duper extra duper bad about it! For REALS. 
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Later, they uncover the truth - quite literally - while doing research back at the motel. The cat skull was part of a ritual to invoke Veritas. Now everybody in town calls on Veritas whenever they demand the truth. Bombarded with the truth, victims kill themselves and become tributes. 
Cut to a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it montage of stealing a hard drive from the TV studio of Ashley Frank, local TV anchor. They (mostly Sam) watch cut footage until dawn.
For Pretty Motel Science:
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Nothing suspicious appears until a barking dog makes an appearance on film. While the dog barks uncontrollably at the news anchor, they FINALLY notice an eye flash. Monster target LOCKED.
At Ashley Frank’s palatial home, they ready their weapons: blades coated with dog blood. (Sam does NOT want you to ask where he got it from.) The Winchester’s creep through her house, and finally locate an altar-like setup. There are candles, a sculpture of Veritas, and many cute widdle kitties. Veritas arrives and immediately knocks out the Winchesters.
Later, they wake to find themselves tied to posts. Veritas strolls in wearing a fabulous gold gown and gets right in Dean’s face so she can absorb some delicious emotions. 
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Dean confesses that he feels better about Sam now, but before he thought he was a monster and wanted to kill him. Dean explains that the hunting gig is that you’re either covered in blood, or dying in it. He tells her that he’s good at slicing throats - he isn’t a father. He’s a killer. I SCREAM BECAUSE 15X18 AND 15X19 LEFT US A GIFT (and then 15x20, well……..doesn’t exist).
Sam tells Veritas that their lives are hard, but he and Dean watch out for each other. He’s EXTREMELY chill about the situation. Veritas listens to this calm analysis and then freaks out and accuses him of lying. She demands to know “what” he is, which is SO RUDE. 
They could stick around and talk some more, but Sam’s finally done sawing through the ropes holding him down. He escapes, then Dean frees himself as well. Veritas gets stabbed first by Dean, then Sam. She perishes dramatically, but after that foe is defeated, Dean raises a knife to Sam. Dean demands the truth.
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Sam reveals that he knows he is “Sam,” but he understands that there’s something wrong with him. He lied, and he let Dean get turned into a vampire because he knew there was a cure, and that Dean could fight it. He admits that old Sam wouldn’t take the risk of Dean turning forever, or killing an innocent person. Sam tells Dean he doesn’t feel anything - and this is what makes him a better hunter. Sam concludes that he needs help. 
Dean knocks Sam to the ground and starts throwing several punches at him until he passes out.
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The Quotes Hurt:
Dentist drilled a guy to death
I'm here hittin' the books while drinking a nice glass of milk, while watching Tori & Dean
I'm not saying don't be close to Sam. I'm close to my sister. But if she got killed, I wouldn't bring her back from the dead!
It’s the gig. You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood
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ssvgawara · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and some oddly specific crime they’d commit
a/n: I come back and the first thing I write is a shitpost!! enjoy </3 tw for drugs, murder, alcohol and general crime committing xoxo
Daichi- he’s a cop sorry that’s all there is to it man
Suga- Suga has multiple charges of 1st-degree murder against him but they can’t seem to find his identity so he continues committing murder and will continue until he gets caught or ends up murdering enough people to be put in a position of power
Asahi- everyone is probably like “Oh Asahi is innocent” NO. He has learned that his slightly scary face will let him get away with a lot, he is buying alcohol illegally because he looks old enough to, and he’s buying so much other shit and just getting away with it
Nishinoya- This man gives fucking pimp vibes I can just see him in the big leopard print fur coat with a pretty girl in his lap and he calls himself big poppa but no one else will
Tanaka- Drug dealer vibes, probably runs an entire fucking drug ring with his sister and not just a Lil weed these mfkas have the hard shit too like you could probably buy meth from them, he’s not using it but it’s good business
Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita- They literally rob a bank they have an entire scheme and get away with multiple bank robberies and this goes on for MONTHS
Kageyama- We know he’s volleyball smart but otherwise he’s so mfing stupid and I love him for it but he is a chronic shoplifter. Just picks something up and takes it, has walked out of a store without paying for an entire bed set once and got away with it somehow so idk props to him
Hinata- He is the little guy in any heist situation, he fits anywhere so he can sneak in and out the best, he gave himself the stupid ass code name tiny giant but everyone goes with it because somehow he is the best
Tsukishima- armed robbery, but he doesn’t have a gun just a knife like he’s tall and as an attitude, a knife will get him whatever he needs he doesn’t need the gun
Yamaguchi- He runs a catfishing scheme where he pretends to be a naive girl, scams old men out of their money, and then ghosts them and I think it’s what he deserves let him carry on especially because no one would believe it’s him. Also not really like a crime crime but still a crime in a way
Kiyoko- She kills men and I know it, Queen Kiyoko ending the patriarchy one shitty man at a time like she only kills men who deserve it bc some have rights.
Yachi- She’s too anxious to commit an in-person crime so she does a lot of cybercrime, hacking government databases and releasing info to the people, truly the anonymous we deserve
Saeko- She’s running that drug ring with Tanaka, and she loves it because there’s a thrill to it even though yknow she’s dealing literal meth but like its fine plus she loves rocking people’s shit when they get too handsy, which bring me to my next point underground MMA Saeko, like the illegal one with no rules yeah <3
Ukai- this man probably sells all kinda shit to minors that he shouldn’t he is so unbothered a 7-year-old could probably walk in ask for a pack of camels and get them and leave before he noticed what was going on.
Takeda- Did y’all see how scared Hinata was when Takeda gave him that lecture? This dude could kidnap someone and scare them into giving all the information he needed, a legend truly
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa- took steroids one time. And of course in sports, that’s not allowed. But he only did it once and regretted it for months afterward. Never told anyone and was just relieved he didn’t have to piss in a cup and have someone find out.
Matsukawa- Without hesitation, I know this man takes dead people’s bones and sells them on the internet. Has dubbed himself the bone man and he feels so much power when someone buys a femur or sumn. It’s kinda funny honestly he has a hoard of bones to sell, his fave is the pelvis.
Hanamaki- He’s in between jobs because he stole money from his last job, like he said he was sorry he just needed a little extra for gas but was sad to find out that’s a literal crime and he was laundering money.
Iwaizumi- he’s a street racer, like the fast and furious style and it’s so sexy of him like late-night races ugh to be in an expensive fast car with him where he has one hand on my thigh okay that’s enough of that.
Kunimi- Look me in the eye and tell me he does not do drugs. He does and if you don’t believe me you are wrong and I will fight you on this one. 
Kyotani- If there is a crime he will commit it for fun. Like he will do it with no hesitation. He has a record longer than twilight and I’m not sure how he is not in prison actually nvm he escaped and is  a wanted criminal lol
Ushijima- Assault, he just reeks of getting into bar fights when he’s absolutely wasted. Like he most likely didn’t start it but he will be finishing it
Tendou- grave robbing, he just goes into the cemetery picked the oldest plots, and gets to digging. Has made thousands on dead people jewelry and probably won’t get caught, like besides the groundskeeper there’s no security he will never stop.
Semi- he breaks copyright laws on the daily. He’s sampling music in his all the time but he’s doing it so sneakily it’s fine its what deserves stream his band on Spotify right now,
Shirabu- His bangs are criminal enough. No, but he has stolen drugs from the hospital before he just wanted to try the Xanax, and yeah he could just write himself a prescription for it nut like it’s so easy to just go get some and no report it so that’s what he did.
Goshiki- y’all want me to say arson don’t you?? Fine. He commits arson multiple times and kills 7 people with fire before getting arrested and he doesn’t even feel bad so in prison he probably fucking runs a gang he is crazy.
Kuroo- he is a capitalist and class traitor and that’s crime enough I don’t care is he’s attractive or rich, He commits crimes daily by just existing but I still love him anyway.
Kai- Could not commit a crime he just wants to garden and live his life. Jk there’s at minimum one body in that garden let him kill a man he deserves it just let him have one dead body
Yaku- he keyed someone’s car once just because they pissed him off. Was it kuroo? Yes. But that’s fine because he also keyed Lev’s car but blamed lev for keying kuroo’s and Kuroo for keying Lev’s. He just wants to watch the world burn.
Kenma- cyberbullying but man he is mean. Like no bars held we will dig into every insecurity he can and that shit hurts and he doesn’t even feel bad about it he will just be as mean as he can if you’re not careful
Lev- his crime is being tall and dumb also doesn’t understand the economy and prints counterfeit money because why can’t we print more money? The government should get on that.
Inuoka- He released all the animals from a zoo, like snuck in one night and just let them all free, I’m surprised the tiger didn’t eat him but hey the animals are free, there’s still some missing uh oh he’s very proud of himself for it. After the rush, he starts sneaking into shelters and freeing all the dogs and cats
Yamamoto and Fukunaga- Have egged a house before, it was Kuroo’s he deserves all this bullying and you can’t stop me.
Date Tech
Aone- Criminal Conspiracy, sure he had an entire foolproof plan to get away with the perfect crime but someone found out, and now his plans are ruined, damn </3 and no one ever suspects the quiet guy either.
Futakuchi- Having a prostitute, he just wanted some company like mans is lonely so he paid a girl to just spend a Lil time with him it’s all good.
Bokuto- I know we all haha funny laugh at tax evader bokuto and sure maybe he evades his taxes but he’s also committed vehicular manslaughter, he cannot drive and has killed someone with his car maybe even multiple someones but he always drives off in a panic because he doesn’t know what else to do.
Akaashi- Hasn’t actively committed a crime but has been an accomplice in every vehicular manslaughter Bokuto has committed why the fuck does he keep letting bokuto drive? He really needs to stop that.
Konoha- A master scammer he is so convincing everyone gives him money even if they’re a little sus because he’s just that good each scheme is so convincing.
Kita- He grows weed, you can’t tell me those rice fields are just for rice he’s got all this space he is growing marijuana and selling it, let him do it I want him to be my plug.
Atsumu- "What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier."
Osamu- resisting arrest. He just said no and ran. Granted he shouldn’t have punched the cop in the first place to have to be arrested but like that’s not the point here.
Aran- accidental child abandonment, like he just forgot he was babysitting and left the kid alone for like a day. He felt terrible but he still forgot the kid and now is fearful of parenthood
Suna- owns an illegal weapon, like he just never registered it and keeps it around and would use it if needed Suna please just point the weapon at me maybe
Terushima- Graffiti, he loves painting on the walls of buildings and tagging them, has so much spraypaint and his day isn’t complete if he doesn’t tag at least one building or train car.
Daishou- Public intoxication- he got a little too fucked up and stripped on the street he will forever have to live with everyone knowing he has an ass tattoo like damn bruh
Sakusa- Perjury he simply wanted to get out of court so he said some shit so he could leave granted he lied under oath but whatever, did they ever find out? No, so he’s fine and he’d do it again if it meant he could leave faster. Like sure he was a witness to a murder but bruh he pretends he does not see.
Hoshihumi- driving without a license he simply thought you didn’t need one because why do you need a piece of plastic to say you can drive a car like??? Just know how to drive it.
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