#and has honestly taught me a lot about my customers but also introduced me to some very niche hobbies
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xiaq · 1 year ago
After setting up for an onsite demo, I was talking to the project owner in the conference room, waiting for everyone else to arrive, when I noticed this giant pile of post-it note cubes in all different colors, all mixed together. And I was like. No. Absolutely not.
So I reached over and, while still chatting, got them all sorted by color and then lined my color stacks up in ROYGBIV order, nice and tidy.
Project owner: Ah. I see you have a touch of the 'tism as well.
Me: Whoops.
Project owner: Probably half the people that will be in this room do too, you're among friends.
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ohmykazuha · 3 years ago
♡ cinnamon and nutmeg
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♡ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: itto, childe, zhongli, diluc, xiao, thoma, scaramouche, dainsleif x gn!reader
♡ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff <3
♡ 𝐚/𝐧: this was cute to write but all over the place >< | like/rb if you liked this please! consider giving me a follow if you liked it as well ^u^
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ITTO hands down loves christmas. i mean... spending time with you, drinking hot chocolate, and presents?! it's the best time of the year! he's pretty new to christmas because it's a rather foreign concept in inazuma, so when you introduce him to it, he's all sparkly-eyed and such. he loves the hot chocolate with the extra marshmallows, the presents, and of course – kissing you under the mistletoe.
CHILDE feels that christmas is a time when he feels nostalgic. growing up with a few younger siblings meant that christmas time was celebrated every year, without fail! he loved the presents when he was younger, but now? his favourite present was you. cuddling with him on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watching a home alone marathon was a staple each year.
ZHONGLI is new to celebrating christmas. hailing from liyue, there was not a whole lot of celebrations like this. you taught him about the usual customs, the festivities, the idea of santa claus delivering presents, everything! while the concept of christmas was unfamiliar to him, he loved watching the smile on your face as you took in each christmas sight.
DILUC has a twinge of bittersweetness when celebrating christmas. memories of his broken family celebrating the holiday made the day feel.. somewhat sad. watching the children play outside with their parents reminded him of crepus. however? sweet, because of you. you re-taught him the joys of being able to celebrate it with the people he loved and the festivities he looked forward to when he was a child.
XIAO, like zhongli, is new to the concept of christmas. growing up in liyue, where christmas wasn't widely celebrated, he never did really get a sense of what it was like. but... not to worry. you introduced him to the hot chocolate, snowball fights, snow angels – you had to keep him from eating the snow – christmas tree, the full works. he actually quite enjoyed the festivities and being with you... you made his first christmas special, and that was all he could ask for.
THOMA loves christmas. how else would he take the chance to dress kamisato estate up? he runs around the whole place, putting up fairy lights, candles, reindeer figures, any sort of christmas decoration he could get his hands on. it's very cute seeing him get all excited for it, running and putting up his favourite things and making his favourite treats. also consider: cuddling with and curling into thoma with hot chocolate. the absolute dream!
SCARAMOUCHE... is truthfully not a fan of christmas. everything is too loud, too much, and he can't help but want to isolate himself when the time comes. however, you made it enjoyable for him and helped him break out of that shell he hid himself snugly in. it took him ages to get used to being given a present and hot chocolate and cuddles of everything he deemed himself to not need. but in all honesty? with you, it was so much better.
DAINSLEIF enjoys christmas to an extent. while he's not a big fan of communal activities like sledding and making snowmen with children and such, he's more than happy to snuggle with you in bed and watch a movie. i think he might also try his best to bake you christmas treats, but... they might have to be salvaged by you. XD it's really very sweet how he tries his best, though. christmas is always better when it's the two of you. <3
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this felt so good to write honestly! writer's block has been kicking my ass but it's getting better hehe >:D please leave a like and reblog and consider giving me a follow! ^u^
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years ago
hellooo this is not a request but what do u think of the new upcoming character (he'll probably get release like... at least after 2 years ig TAT) Dainsleif?
Major spoilers for Kaeya’s Character Story and Khaenri'ah Lore. 
TLDR: I like the potential Dainsleif has plus his design is really nice. He might be a catalyst or sword user with empowered auto's or he might be similar to Zhongli that uses field effects and has a delete button for his elemental burst. 
I have many theories on who Dainsleif is and that he is either some type of traveler/god/homunculus and he has the element of ash or quintessence. The opposite of dendro and nature. I'd like to believe that the lore of Khaenri'ah relates to his story and his attitude (since he's from there originally) and it's a desolate place with no archon blessings so the people themselves had to develop their own methods to survive, hence the art of alchemy Khemia. When Dainsleif get's introduced, mostly likely towards the very end, we might find out why Scaramouche said the sky and the stars was a gigantic hoax and the truth behind Kaeya. 
Please, if any of you wanna talk about this I’m totally on board. I love Dainsleif and I’m so upset he’ll probably be released towards end game so yeah two years at least;; 
Okay, so level with me. I’m about to bring out the whiteboard for this. I tried to format it so it was easier to digest but this is pure word vomit and I went overboard again. 
What do u think of the new upcoming character Dainsleif?
I’m very excited. I think his design is beautiful and I want those lore bomb drops. 
Firstly, I can’t wait for him to drop. I’m always a sucker for lore and he’s been dropping hints from the start since he narrates all the character’s collected miscellany. He does remind of me Dimitri from FE3H but I’m excited for more Khaenri’ah lore. 
I have some theories about where the story will go with him and  Khaenri’ah but those are some major spoilers so I left a read more tag if you’re interested. 
Tumblr won’t let me upload his splash art but just google it lol.
Which weapon will he use? 
Catalyst or Sword. He might have empowered autos like Diluc and Razor or he might apply a mark like Childe. 
I can see him being a castor since his right arm is glowing. But he might also be a sword user that uses empowered auto’s like Diluc and Razor. Since the name Dainsleif was King Högni's sword during the battle of Hjaðningavíg. According to the reliable source of wiki, whatever wound the Dainsleif sword cause could not be healed. 
I think it would be cool if his auto’s apply a stack/mark (similar to Childe’s riptide mark), and after 3 auto’s the mark is consumed and the enemy gets dealt heavy damage. Or maybe you can apply debuffs like “defense down” or maybe even a blind, based on the number to stacks you have on the mark. 
What vision will he have?
A hydro vision or a custom one (similar to a delusion). Or he doesn’t have a vision at all and uses alchemy or is secretly a “god”.
As for vision, he might be a hydro character since his splash art appears like he’s coming out of a ball of water. I’ve heard people say he might be cyro also, which wouldn’t be extremely off if visions actually correspond with their user. 
Or he might be introduced with an entirely new element (perhaps a new type of alchemy?). His star is a dark blue too so he might have the element of black mist/dust or ash/shadows as a potential power. 
In the Albedo trailer he mentions:
"But I know it well. It hails from Khaenri'ah: The Art of Khemia. Soil and chalk, the universe and earth, pure dust and the birth of life.”
Perhaps this is the vision/power that Dainsleif has? Maybe even the creator or maybe he even taught Albedo’s Master how to do Khemia. I don’t think he really encompasses the Geo vision (I will seriously write an 11 page essay on how vision’s correspond with their holder). We don’t know a lot about Dendro but I think he might be related to it. But just like Khaenri’ah, he’s reflects the opposite. Instead of “birth of life” and tree’s, he’s the “death of life” and ash. (wow doesn’t that sound deep lolol sorry I don’t really know how to explain it). The way he talks in trailers, he says “mortals” a lot but does vouch for them so it makes me wonder if he might actually be a god. 
Also his title is the “Bough Keeper”. A bough means: a main branch of a tree. This makes me believe that he can either do something similar to what Albedo showed us and can create life or he does the opposite and creates ash. Honestly, a part of me believes he might just have generic moveset’s like everyone else but let me dream lol. 
Or he might not even be a vision holder since we don’t see him holding one, but we only have this angle and art to go off on. He might even use stars haha. If anyone remembers, during the falling star event, Scaramouche says the sky and stars were a gigantic hoax. I would not be surprised if the world is actually upside down or the “sky” isn’t even a sky at all. More like a sheet over Teyvat or some kind of illusion. 
Or another theory, perhaps Dainsleif is the god of time since he says in Travail during the Traveler chapter:
“Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her. Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave“
It would explain how he knows so much about the other characters and what happened in the past since he brings up “the war” a lot. I’m assuming it’s either the Archon War or something before that. 
Or mihoyo could shred my thesis paper and Dainsleif has nothing to do with this and he’s some random guy from Khaenri’ah with plot convivence. 
I just want to mention at the bottom of this, but the classical elements are water, earth, fire, air and (later) aether. I find it funny that the male MC shares the name. 
“Aether, also called quintessence, is the fifth and highest classical element. It’s a material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.” 
“It permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies. The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form,”
Or this is just a hint to the traveler’s power since the traveler is the only one that can use all the elements. 
Possible moveset?
He might use stars or air/anemo in his moveset. He could be a very good dps with a lot of trapping potential. Or he might be a field effect support like Albedo, but can still do a lot of damage. 
Imagine Dainsleif uses stars haha, throwing them to do damage like Ningguang’s rocks. The splash art of him shows two stars in the top left. He might have a teleport (similar to Keqing + Mona dash), or maybe he could even have some sort of telekinesis with his right arm. I’m just getting Xayah from league of legends vibes where he can throw the star, it places itself at max range, then he can recall them and the star does damage on the way back. Similar to how Keqing’s elemental skill works but instead of teleporting to the stiletto, the stiletto comes back to you when you press e again. (Sorry I play on keyboard). 
The opposite of nature is void or cosmos so that could be relating to his power as well since the only animation we get of him is in Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail (I’m just gonna say Travail) and this black mist comes from his hand and he says: 
“"We will defy this world with a power from beyond.”
Could be interesting hehe. He might even be a field effect character like Albedo. He doesn’t really strike me as the guy that likes fighting but in the Albedo trailer he says: 
“I am content to watch most crises play out from the sidelines. But if Albedo were ever to make a single wrong move...I could not let myself ignore it.”.
Seems to be that Dainsleif is pretty powerful or at least has some type of influence. It could be interesting if he’s similar to Zhongli and has a giant delete button for his elemental burst haha. Or he has some type of imprisonment power like Mona’s burst. Or as I mentioned earlier, it would be fun having telekinesis but this is just me taking liberties haha. 
(and yes I totally understand that I’m forcing the story to support my theory BUT IGNORE IT OK.)
Black Mist/Dust and Ash/Shadows?
Uh I gave up on these summaries lol 
I touched on it briefly but I say black mist or shadows since I believe that Khaenri’ah is probably not a good place to live originally. Similar to how Mondstadt was in the past, it is probably surrounded by some type of barrier (hence the mist or even the sky) that both traps and makes sure no one get’s in or out. Khaenri’ah is quite the opposite of most regions besides the whole “no archon” business but in “Travai”, when Dainsleif brings up Khaenri’ah this shows up:
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It seems like a star to me in some hidden pocket in the sky and what not. This is what I would assume Scaramouche saw (possibly, we have no idea) and therefore there are people and an entire region that’s in the sky. But why would  Khaenri’ah be above Celestia? Since you can see Celestia in Teyvat. I would like to think that Teyvat is either upside down and Khaenri’ah is actually below everything or this pocket in the sky isn’t even in Teyvat and is similar to how you reach spiral abyss. You have to go through this circle in Cape Oath and you get sucked into this worm hole thing and you make it to Musk Reef. Where we saw Scarachmouche and he tells us the sky is a hoax. 
This idea kinda supports my idea that Teyvat is either upside down or the sky isn’t real since how could Dainsleif know who all these people are (since he narrates all the 5 star character’s trailers). Either the man is just really smart and travel’s around a lot but he’s aware of who Zhongli is, an archon from 6000 years ago. This makes me believe he is either a god himself or if he is also a homunculus. Or he’s in the third category and perhaps he’s also a traveler like the main character’s.
I don’t believe he’s an archon but it would be interesting if he was a potential candidate for becoming the Khaenri’ah archon. Since I believe vision holders (human) can become archons and rise to Celestia but Dainsleif refused or he was capable of becoming an Archon
“A human with a Vision is an allogene — one with the potential to reach godhood; however, it isn't clear if having a Vision is a requirement, or simply makes a person more likely to meet the qualifications to reach Celestia.”
But going back to the state of Khaenri’ah, I’d like to think that since the art of Khemia is from Khaenri’ah that would mean that they had to learn how to make their own food and life since they didn’t have an archon to bless their lands. Barbatos had swept the snow and land away in the region of Mondstadt but Khaenri’ah doesn’t have that luxury. Naturally, I would imagine that there are some downsides of Khemia when it was first being practiced, hence the ash. But ash isn’t a bad thing, in fact you can use ash to amend soil and boost your lawn. 
But obviously having a vision would be a whole lot more useful since it’s literally god given talent/blessing so if you have a vision, you might be able to break out and go to the “above” world of Teyvat. If you have a vision you’re seen as being blessed by the gods and you might be able to ascend to Celestia itself. I believe that Khaenri’ah is secretly the abyss and doesn’t see the sun so it’s always dark and it’s hard to grow anything so the people of Khaenri’ah had to find ways to make their own food, hence alchemy. This could be why Dainsleif is so adamant about humanity and questioning the Archons and visions. 
If we are going on the theory that Dainsleif is actually a normal human, then I’d like to imagine he was one of the people that prayed for a vision or some type of blessing and finally got it. But an incident happened and he lost his faith or resolve in the Archons. He mentions it a tiny bit in the Diluc trailer but this is just me spit balling. 
Also, Kaeya’s talents also mention about an abyss and void before the change. I don’t think abyss was made to relate to the abyss order and more the actual definition of abyss but it’s still interesting. 
What is Khemia?
Well I don’t know and I don’t know how accurate google is but let’s try and go through it together. I have no idea if what I’m about to type is offensive since I do not have a history degree and I’m pretty much paraphrasing what google tells me.
So Khemia, is an Egyptian sacred science. When Egypt was occupied by the Arabs they added “al-” to the world “Khemia” and “al-Khemia”. Al-Khemia means “The Black Land” and is now seen as a possibly origin of the world alchemy. 
Not gonna lie, I did not know al-khemia meant the black land so idk if my hindsight is 2020 or it was just super obvious for my monkey brain. 
As for the world “Chemeia”, it was used to designate the art of metal-working, specifically changing base metals into gold and silver. The Arabs later prefixed it with “al” and the world “alchemy”. Alchemy came to signify the art of chemistry in general. However the word "Chemeia” was probably derived from the Greek word “chemi” which means “black”. This could be because: 
In the sense of "dark" or "hidden", since the Dark, Hidden or Divine Art was the only name by which this science was known to the ancients.
However, the word chemistry might have had a Chinese origin.  It may have been derived from the Hakka term KIM-MI or the Cantonese term KEM-MAI, which signifies "gone astray in search of gold" or "secret of gold". 
Assuming it’s from Egyptian origin, the ancient Egyptian word khēmia means the transmutation of earth, thereby the science of matter at the atomic to molecular scale. According to some etymologists, khēmia or “preparation of black powder” ultimately derived the name from Khem or Kēme, Egypt, the land of black earth. 
So if we are going with the Chinese origin, I’d like to think that this is a hint towards the story and people trying to find the “gold” or perhaps a vision. This could explain why Kaeya was sent to Mondstadt to hopefully require a vision and come back. 
What is the lore behind Khaenri’ah then?
So, why do I think the people of Khaenri’ah are looking to be saved or want a vision so badly? Well, time to go through the entire Khaenri’ah lore with you lads. 
The Khaenri’ah lore goes as this:
At least 200 years ago, the Eclipse Dynasty threw the kingdom into chaos (meaning it was the last Dynasty).
The people were cursed and transformed into monsters.
Mondstadt’s Knights and Grand Master Arundolyn went on an expedition to Khaenri’ah to fight off the monsters.
In the present,  Khaenri’ah is still struggling against the effects of the curse. Kaeya was sent to Mondstadt as their last hope and for the sake of the “ancient plot”.
1. For those not aware, China’s time periods were separated into Dynasty’s (sort of). The Chinese characters of “Eclipse Dynasty” are [古国黑日落] or "The Ancient Civilization of the Black Sunset". There is probably some type of history or connection to this since Zhongli’s voicelines are full of them but this post is long enough and I don’t know if people want to or care about hearing Chinese history but um let me know? Cause I’m really into that and I will gladly write about it.
2. We’re not completely aware if the people transformed into Hilichurls or were apart of the Abyss Order. But since the last dynasty was literally called Eclipse I would like to believe this supports my idea that Khaenri’ah isn’t someplace you can easily reach and you have to entire a fucking worm hole to get to. I’m in love with the idea that Khaenri’ah is the spiral abyss or at least part of it, that Childe fell into when he was a younger. Perhaps even the spiral abyss is where he landed since time technically doesn’t pass in spiral and it’s just a wave of enemies. I would 100% not be shocked if we have to enter the that wormhole to get to Khaenri’ah or something similar. 
3. Arundolyn was a previous Grand Master and while he did not possess a Vision, he was naturally gifted through intense training. He was formerly one of the Four Winds and had the title of “Lion of Light”. So Khaenri’ah is possible to get to and someone from Mondstadt has done it, but without a vision. The Traveler also doesn’t carry a vision so it might be interesting to see. Kaeya didn’t get his vision until he was 18? 17? When he had a falling out with Diluc. 
I would like to think that perhaps the Archon’s betrayed Khaenri’ah or someone fucked up in their pursuit to develop Khemia to it’s fullest potential or wanted to make their own vision, hence the delusion and how it transforms Childe into a foul legacy form. The Dragonspine lore could point to how Celestia has the power to seal away Khaenri’ah. This also might have been where Dainsleif lost his resolve (assuming he’s a human and just happened to get some sort of power or is really good at Khemia he saw the past or fate or whatever lol)
“Murals, Record of Serial No., and other lore bits in Dragonspine indicate that those who dwelled there attempted to fight against Celestia but lost. As punishment, the Skyfrost Nail was dropped, and the area was turned into a frozen wasteland.
Therefore, people with visions cannot enter Khaenri’ah because of the Archon’s and people that receive visions (which I still think is highly unlikely if you’re in Khaenri’ah) might be able to break out. Think of spiral abyss as some sort of “purgatory” except to enter Khaenri’ah you go down. To get out, you start AT FLOOR 12 and make your way up. Similar to Kid Icarus and how the hardest level was at the beginning and as you went up, it slowly became easier. 
4. I like the idea that Khaenri’ah is a land that either doesn’t have vision holders or the people that do have visions aren’t seen the same way as other regions. People are are actually cursed by the Gods or people that require visions leave Khaenri’ah because they now have the power to. In Travail Dainsleif says this:
"Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs, but I say we humans have our humanity. We will defy this world from a power from beyond”
Naturally these are his ideals and I’d like to believe that Khaenri’ah is actually split on this. Some believe in Dainsleif ideals while the other half doesn’t. If we’re going on the theory that Khaenri’ah is actually the abyss then the abyss order makes a bit more sense. 
Plus the idea that Lumine/Aether (I think the story is just going to stick with Lumine being the “villain ”) working for the abyss, it could be because their twin was separated by an unknown god. Aether was asleep and plagued by nightmares with his sister saying “it was too late”, perhaps he lost his memory since he doesn’t know what he was late for? Maybe this is what she meant since I’d assume the story has you going from place to place and the Archon’s stepping down like in Liyue and the Tsaritsa collecting all the gnosis. 
Why is the Tsaritsa collecting all the gnosis?
“She is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her. Her followers only hope to be on her side when the day of her rebellion against the divine comes at last."
I can imagine that Tsarista or the Cyro archon is collecting all the gnosis because she believes in the Khaenri’ah attitude and is apart of the ancient plot or is trying to protect them somehow since she isn’t an evil person based on Childe’s voicelines:
“Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. And because she made an enemy of the world, I had the chance to become acquainted with you.”
Or maybe even more interesting, she was actually a citizen of Khaenri’ah since the Tsaritsa wasn’t apart of the original seven but this is a huge stretch. Maybe she’s collecting all the gnosis to finally break the seal on Khaenri’ah? Plus the people of Sneznaya strike me as “I don’t care if you’re blessed by the gods or have a vision, if you can fight then you’re good in our books”. Plus the people of Khaenri’ah are probably pretty mad at the Archons so when the rebellion does come I’d assume the Tsaritsa wants them on her side. 
What happened to Kaeya?
Now Kaeya’s character story goes into how he met Diluc and Crepus. It’s hinted that it was on purpose since Kaeya’s father left him there specifically. 
"One afternoon near the end of summer a decade ago, my father and I passed by the Dawn Winery."
This matter-of-fact description hides a carefully constructed lie. Kaeya has never once spoken the truth about what happened that afternoon:
"This is your chance. You are our last hope."
Kaeya would never forget the look of both hope and hatred in his father's eyes as he uttered those words.
Now you can interpret this as many things, either collecting all the gnosis and obtaining a vision to hopefully come back to save Khaenri’ah could be what he meant or he want’s Kaeya to stop the Abyss Order from literally setting Teyvat on fire. You can probably sympathize with the Abyss Order if we are following the theory that they are actually the mutated monsters of Khaenri’ah citizen’s during the Eclipse dynasty but it’s also like, how about we not set the world on fire ya know?
But interestingly, the reason why Kaeya’s father left him with Diluc’s family is because they have a long history of participating in the rebellion against Decarabian 2,600 years ago and Vennessa’s rebellion against the Aristocracy. 
What will happen when Dainsleif get’s introduced?
So, I’m fully on board with the “Kaeya being the secret prince of Khaenri’ah” theory. I like the idea that Dainsleif is Kaeya’s servant or trusted advisor but I think that’s mainly rooted in the ship. Dainsleif strikes me more as someone who observes and only steps in if he has to because it might affect fate or whatever.
“I am content to watch most crises play out from the sidelines. But if Albedo were ever to make a single wrong move...I could not let myself ignore it.” 
I don’t think Dainsleif is the King of Khaenri’ah that Jean mentions in her hobbies voiceline but perhaps he was related to them somehow. Maybe the first King or the King that Jean mentions was real and Dainsleif was his friend or the God that helped him become King, then the Eclipse Dynasty happened and everything went downhill. Since I believe in Kaeya being a secret prince from  Khaenri’ah, Dainsleif would still be somewhat loyal to the Kingdom or perhaps he had lost faith after what happened and how so many people got corrupted and turned into monsters. 
I was talking about this with my friend but what if genshin pulls an fgo and “kills” Kaeya? Similar to FGO where Leonardo “died” in a car accident and when we visited a shop, there was just a hologram. What if genshin’s story kills Kaeya in a cutscene, and we can no longer use him since Kaeya was a free character, only to return as - THE 5 STAR WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR - the prince of Khaenri’ah.
When will we see Dainsleif?
According to the “Travail” the order of appearances is this: 
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I believe part 1 is finished with Zhongli and dragonspine was just an add on for Albedo. But this makes me believe that Dainsleif and Khaenri’ah will be after we go to Snezhnaya. Also side note, the music for Natlan slaps hard. 
But yeah, I kinda went a bit off track and started talking about the story haha. I really love lore so if anyone has any questions about other characters or want’s to discuss the genshin story I am all ears^^. Also, if any of this becomes true in two years time I WILL BE BACK TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO. 
Or genshin prepares to rip this post apart and none of it is true. If you actually read my word vomit I appreciate you and you get a free cookie. If you’re wondering where I’ve been, it was writing this haha. 
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x0401x · 4 years ago
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #17
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Play of Color
Shaved ice.
A summer that everyone, from kids to adults, knew about. But how to say this in English? I’d never been taught that. Could I even say it to begin with?
The beautiful man responded clearly to my offhand doubts, “‘Shaved ice’. Other options such as ‘ice frost’ and ‘snow cone’ also go into the category, but if you are to to regard the context of ‘ice that was shaved’ as important, then I believe ‘shaved ice’ is appropriate.”
“I see, so it’s a direct translation for ‘ice that’s been shaved’. Got it... A-Aaah! Didn’t you put too much syrup? Ah—”
“I will add more ice.”
A rattling sound echoed through the jewelry shop, where there was nobody but the shopkeeper and his employee. Sitting on the tabletop was an ice shaving machine. As one would expect, we couldn’t commit the barbarianism of placing it directly on a glass table, so three cloths were stacked under the machine’s legs. It wasn’t the manual and nostalgic type but an electric one.
A customer had come over with a paper bag from a famous home appliances mass retailer and bought a glittering yellow diamond that they had reserved, but on this occasion, they ended up forgetting the bag from the electronics retail store. The shopkeeper immediately noticed it and contacted them by phone, but they were in the Narita Express, going straight to Bali for vacation. Apparently, they would only be coming back in the beginning of autumn. What luxury.
The customer who was heading to the southern island had casually said, “You can use it if you’d like—actually, please use it and tell me how it went”, then bid goodbye to Richard with a lighthearted voice and hung up. Inside the paper bag was a brand-new ice shaving machine. It also came with small syrup bags. Seven types of them. The mango, ramune, cola, lime and peach ones were a shock to me, as lived in a world of strawberry, melon and lemon ones. So people could enjoy even things like the pleasure of actually visiting stalls at home nowadays?
That was how we decided to choose at our own discretion a time on the following day when there were no reservations, and began holding a shaved ice party for just the two of us. However, when I said in a joking tone that I honestly never thought we’d really get to be the first ones to use something that a customer had forgotten, Mr. Richard Ranashinghe de Vulpian sighed grievously.
“After what happened yesterday, he contacted me to inform that he had arrived in Bali. He posted on social media, ‘I forgot my ice shaving machine, so I asked an acquaintance to try it out. I’m looking forward to it’, so it seems we need to take a video of the shaved ice as fast as possible. Think of this as also a kind of service.”
“There’s all sorts of jobs out there these days.”
Marketing that introduced new products on social media wasn’t something uncommon these days. But I heard that this sort of business was strict about many things, such as obligations and deadlines, so it might be serious stuff in its own way. I thought up until this point, but then my head whispered, “No, hold on” to me. If this was really the case, then bringing along an ice shaving machine immediately before going to Bali didn’t make any sense. Could it be...?
“Did that person leave this here on purpose? It’s clearly something that you can’t bring into an airplane and would get in the way during the trip.”
“That is possible. But it is not something for a single jeweler to judge. There is a possibility that they thought they would be able to enjoy shaved ice at a beach resort but were mistaken, and are now feeling down. Oh... oh, mgh...”
“Ah, the ice turned into water. Didn’t you put a tad too much syrup?”
“Nonsense. From the market price, it is obvious that the more syrup, the merrier.”
“You told that wholesaler who came to buy a ring with lots of decorative diamonds the other day that ‘more doesn’t equal better’, though.”
“Those are two different things,” he said in an eloquent, beautiful Japanese that sounded like it had been cut and trimmed, at which I prostrated myself with a “hahaa”.
Despite the force in his eyes being certain, he seemed to be having trouble putting an appropriate amount of syrup. When he put an abundant amount of the mango, ramune, cola, lime and peach ones all together, the ski slope-like white canvas turned into a color that looked like that of Shinjuku’s gutters during a downpour. Richard would surely call this shade of gray “smoky quartz” or something like that. The fluffy pile of ice was gone, leaving a sleet – or just plain water – in the glass bowl. It would’ve been fine if he had added them little by little, but on second thought, I was thinking this way because I was Japanese, so I was used to the way we added shaved ice syrup to some extent.
As the jeweler, not discouraged, put his bowl under the ice shaving machine, pressed the button and added more ice with crunchy noises, I called out to him, “Hey. Can you lend me that for a bit?”
“I do not mind.”
I took the bowl of water in my hands, adding the syrups of each type little by little. I felt like the jeweler was staring fixedly at me, like, “You’ll only use that tiny little bit of them? Seriously?” but I ignored him. As they said, the last drop makes the cup run over.
The result was...
A snowy mountain had changed its form into a richly colored shaved ice. I thought it was pretty good, if I could say so myself.
His eyelashes fluttering as he blinked for a moment, the gorgeous jeweler whispered, “Hoo. Excellent. Beautiful.”
“Well, being told that by someone who’s like an incarnation of the concept of beauty is flattering.”
“Ahem. Anyway, this color is extremely tasteful. It bears a close remembrance to ammolite.”
“‘Ammo... nite’?”
“Not ‘ni’, ‘li’. ‘Ammolite’. Ammolite is a gemstone that derivates from living creatures, of which the components obtain an iridescent effect during the many years of fossilization.” Saying this, Richard opened a video on his phone and handed it over to me. I exchanged it for the bowl of shaved ice as if it were an assembly-line system.
What appeared on-screen was a cross-section view of the ammonite. It was split vertically like a CT image taken at a hospital. The contents were a rainbow-colored stone that sparkled brightly. A gradation of red, green and yellow. It changed depending on what angle you looked at it. A while ago, when I heard about the opal, it was revealed to me that this kind of effect was called “play of color”. Still, to think that the inside of a shell could go through such a transition. There was too much depth to the things that happened in nature, and they were immeasurable.
“So can this be called... a stone too...?”
“This would be something that happened about forty years ago, but it was classified as a ‘gemstone’ by the Gemological Society of America. Of course, I do not think it should be pushed through, even if the costumer themselves happen to say that ‘this is a fossil’.”
It apparently depended on how you thought of it. Thinking back, this applied even to the general idea of gemstones.
I flicked the phone’s screen, head-over-heels for the prism-like shells that showed up one after another. Some people used them as pendants or brooches by processing the glittering part with gold.
“How pretty. Hey, do we also have ammolites here in Etrang... eh?”
“There is a possibility that we will one day. Something the matter?”
The beautiful jeweler had been scooping the shaved ice with a tiny spoon and eating it. He wasn’t eating it in a rushed way at all, but half of the iceberg was already gone. With perfect moderation, so that the proportion of the colors of the syrups that I had added one by one wouldn’t crumble.
“D-Did you like it that much?”
“I have never eaten shaved ice at Japanese stalls. Having a frozen desert in a refreshing place like this has a nostalgic air to it.”
He had never waged shaved ice at a stall. Did that mean he had eaten shaved ice at some fashionable shop? Probably not, I thought. A normal Japanese person wouldn’t eat shaved ice at that pace. The reason went without saying. This pace was – how should I put it? – dangerous.
“Richard, hey, listen well. Shaved ice is—”
“Why are you coming close?”
“I’m telling you something important. You have to eat shaved ice at a high pace.”
“But why are you shortening the distance between us? You are too close.”
“Don’t get hung up on minor stuff. More importantly, you already ate a lot of this shaved ice, right? Aren’t you tired of it? I can eat the rest.”
“It is terribly disconcerting to hear this from the father of this work of art, but I do not see any reason for that whatsoever, thus I humbly decline.”
“Aah! Don’t gulp it down! I said don’t gulp it down!”
“I am not. I do not eat that way.”
“Like I said, that’s not what I’m talking about...”
“It is impolite for me to eat by myself. Hurry and make yours to eat as well.”
“Whatever happens got nothing to do with me...”
Glancing backwards at the jeweler as he gave me an aloof nod, I began making my own shaved ice.
Later on, after Richard pleased the customer by sending them pictures of the shaved ice, he reported back to me. He probably reported because the pictures he had sent to the customer was of the shaved ice that I had made for myself, on which the colors were scattered in the form of a whirlwind. I smiled back, replying that I was glad, and not saying anything else. I also didn’t tell him that, by the time he remembered we had to do a photo shoot of it, the beautiful jeweler was making a face that looked like a boy having a worrisome migraine due to some anguish towards the meaning of life and death.
Summer was not yet over. We also didn’t know yet whether or not the customer in Bali would come to retrieve the ice shaving machine. Etranger wasn’t that big, so Richard was probably troubled that it was left there. But if they didn’t come to get it, I might be able to enjoy eating shaved ice with Richard in the summer every year for a while, I thought. And each of these times, I’d be sure to make a shiny mountain of ice in the colors of a rainbow, just like an ammolite. Just like the sparkly smile that Richard showed, I thought that it’d be great if such a summer came around and was looking forward to it.
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theleftovertaco · 4 years ago
Someone sent me this amazingly specific ask about a Afro- Caribbean girl at Hogwarts and I loved the idea so this is the result. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not afro-Caribbean. While I did spend a few hours researching Trinidadian, Kenyan and Nigerian culture, food and customs, I am extremely sorry if anything here looks stereotypical or if i get something wrong. Please correct me if I mess up because I would never want to dishonor a person’s culture or country.
Y/N’s arrival had been a bit of an event. Transfer students were rare, and when they occurred, they were treated as a big deal, since often they only happened for some political reason of the students parents. This was exactly the case with Y/N
Dumbledore had stepped to the front of the Great Hall at the beginning of the year after the first years had been sorted and called everyone’s attention.
“This year, we have a new 4th year transfer student joining us,” excited chatter erupted around the room, “I trust you will make her feel welcome and show her what Hogwarts School is all about. Please welcome Mrs. Y/N  Y/L/N from Uagadou School of Magic in Uganda!” The doors opened and you walked through, head high and looking straight ahead despite the stares that followed you.
Professor McGonagall gave you a smile and instructed you to the stool for your sorting. 
The hat barely touched your head before “HUFFLEPUFF” was exclaimed and rapturous applause came from the yellow and black table. 
As you sat down for the feast, a tall boy with fluffy brown hair reached out to shake your hand, “I’m Cedric Diggory, sixth year. That was quite an entrance. Welcome to Hufflepuff.” 
“Thank you.”
“Are you surprised to be in our house? Honestly with the way you carried yourself I would have guessed Slytherin.”
“Not really. Hufflepuff is the house of the loyal, kind, and hardworking. Just because I’m sharp or harsh looking doesn’t mean I can’t have those traits.”
He looked at you in shock
“You’ve done your research. Yeah, I guess you’re right, a person can be more than one thing. So what’s Uganda like?”
“To be honest, I’m not sure. I went to school at Uagadou but my family is mostly Nigerian, Kenyan, and Trinidadian and most of my life we’ve spent moving around those areas and the Americas. My parents have some sort of business here for the next year or so, and I decided that I might as well try a new school, so they let me come here.” 
“Oh that sounds fun!” A younger blonde girl jumped into the conversation, “Sorry to interrupt. Hannah Abbot, third year.” You nodded her way and shook her hand as well as other Hufflepuff’s began to introduce themselves and listen into the conversation. 
“So,” Susan Bones asked, “Do you speak any other languages?” 
You nodded and listed them off, “Yes. Officially, English is the main language in Nigeria but in Kenya and Uganda, Swahili is also common. I also speak Spanish, Portugese, and I’m familiar with French and the Trinidadian dialects of French as well as French Creole.” A chorus of wows surrounded you. 
“What’s Uagadou like?”
“It’s nice, just very different from what I can tell. They are a lot more loose about how they teach things there. It’s strange, everyone here is dependent on wands.”
“You don’t use wands?”
“We do, but before that we’re taught to use magic with our hands and nonverbally. Helps avoid detection and makes it easy to still use magic if we’re disarmed. Dependence on a wand is pretty strictly European. Almost every other country learns without them first.”
“So you can just do magic, like with your hands?”
“Yup.” You flicked your fingers and the fork and knife in front of your plate did a little dance before picking up a piece of chicken and bringing it too your mouth.”
You looked around and your cutlery show had attracted the attention of a few of the surrounding houses students as well as professor Flitwick’s attention.
“That was marvelous, Mrs. Y/L/N! Would you mind demonstrating some of that again in my class tomorrow?” 
“Sure, I have charms tomorrow at 2 pm so it should work.” He nodded and walked back to his table with the other professors.
The conversation deviated and eventually with dinner over, you were ushered to the coziness of the Hufflepuff common room and dorms. Plants and comfy blankets were all about the rooms. This was exactly the house you belonged to.
Breakfast the next day saw a new set of questions and some repeats from other houses students who hadn’t gotten the chance to ask. Word had made it’s rounds by then, and people realized you were exceptionally gifted. 
During your free period after lunch, you were practically assaulted by a set of identical red headed string beans.
“You’re the transfer student right?”
“Yes, I-”
“We heard you’re gifted.”
“I mean I suppose-”
“What else can you do?”
“Can you show us?”
“Someone said you’re already an animagus?”
“OK SHUSH! One. I am not a goddamn zoo animal for you to just ask to do tricks at your whim. Two. One question at a time, for fuck’s sake.” 
Shocked identical looks were followed by sheepish remorse.
“And three. Yes I am and animagus.”
One of them stepped forward.
“Sorry, that was kind of rude of us. We didn’t mean to come off so pushy. I’m George. He’s Fred.”
Fred also apologized and once you accepted, they asked again, albeit a little more gently.
“So, what animal can you turn into?” Fred asked slowly, like he thought he might annoy you again if he asked. 
“You don’t have to talk that slowly, I won’t bite.” Fred laughed some and motioned for you to continue.
“I’m a Ratel.”
“A wot?”
“Also known as a honey badger.”
“Ohhhh.” Fred gasped
“I actually like that better than honeybadger. Sounds nicer.”
“Can we call you that? Ratel?” You shrugged and from there on out Ratel was more your name than your actual one. The teachers, staff, students. Even Dumbledore called you that. 
The one group of people you refused to tolerate was Malfoy and his goon-squad. 
It’s the superiority complex for me. 
And everyone. 
“How dare you look at me, filthy little-”
“Malfoy I know you weren’t just trying to beat up another first year.” You marched over to him with Neville, Luna, and the twins behind you. Crabbe and Goyle immediately dropped the Ravenclaw they had hoisted over their shoulders, and the small boy raced behind you and clutched onto your side. Crabbe and Goyle knew not to mess with you. Not after the thrashing you had given them before winter break. 
Apparently Draco hadn’t learned the same lesson.
“Technically, I wasn’t.”
“Not you trying to use that smart shit with me. Why don’t you pick on someone your own size.”
“And if I don’t? What are you gonna do Princess?”
Princess. Absolutely not. 
You stormed over to him, grabbed his pressed collar (fucking prick) and slammed him against a tree. 
“If you even look in the direction of any of the younger kids. If you even look my way, or my friends way, or anyone’s way really. I will shove your own wand so far up your ass your can taste it, throw you to the forbidden forest, chuck whatever is left of you at the Whomping Willow, and then throw the remains in a disintegrating solution. Don’t try me. You know I’ll do it.”
You leaned back, and then punched him in the sternum. He crumpled to the ground before stumbling back up and running off. 
You checked over the first year and then sent him on his way. As you walked off with the others, Neville spoke up. 
“I’ve never heard of a disintegrating solution. Did you just make that up?”
“No, my mother and her twin have this old family book of spells and potions. It’s been passed down through the past few generations and people add to it often.”
“Wicked! Is that how you managed to remove Parkinson’s nose the other day?” Fred asked.
“Yup. She still in the infirmary?” 
George laughed before responding, “Yeah, Pomphrey still can’t figure out how to reattach it and Parkinson refuses to say who did it.”
Everyone laughed as you headed to the library. 
“What are you doing in here?” Dean and Seamus stepped behind the portrait in the kitchens. 
“Jesus CHRIST! You scared me.”
Seamus smiled and kissed your cheek, “Sorry, love. So, whatcha making?” He leaned over the pot you were stirring. 
“Trinidadian curry. I missed home, and no offense, but British food has little to no flavor.”
“None taken- Mm! Thasth really goof!” His mouth was full but you picked up the gist. Dean laughed as he also stole a bite.
“Quit it you two. It’s not quite done yet.” 
“Sorry, Ratel.”
“Harry James Potter!” Harry jumped as you stormed into the Gryffindor common room.
“How did you even get in here, you’re a hufflepuff?”
“Don’t change the subject. Why didn’t you tell me you were getting headaches? I just had to find out from Hermione!” 
“Ratel, it’s not a big deal calm dow-”
“Kid. If you’re getting headaches everyday you need to get some help for it.”
“I’m not a kid, and it’s none of your concern!”
“You’re my friend. Of course it’s my concern. And don’t pull all that ‘Oh I’m the Chosen One, I need to do shit by myself’ because it’s dumb, ok Harry.”
He paused, “Fine… I’m sorry.”
“Damn right you are, now sit your ass down and I’ll grab you a headache potion.”
“Ok… Hey, Ratel?”
“Thank you.”
“The mandrake leaf has been in your mouth all month, you’ll all be fine.” Fred, George, Seamus, Dean, Luna, Neville, Cedric, Ron, Harry and Hermione all stood surrounding you in a circle as you held a glass phial. A flask of a potion was passed around and then each of them chanted the needed incantation.
All around you, each of them shrunk or grew as their form took place. 
Fred and George transformed into identical hyenas who turned towards each other and erupted into a high pitched cacophony of screeching and laughing. Seamus turned into a phoenix with bright orange and yellow plumage, while Dean turned into a rather large fluffy golden retriever. Luna turned into a white hare and proceeded to dart around the hill you were on. Neville was now a meerkat. Cedric was a Lynx. Ron was now a roaring lion, Hermione now a river otter, and Harry a similar Stag to his father’s. 
You shrunk down to your badger form and the lot of you rushed around for the next few hours until the sun came up. Racing, messing with each other, 
Hogwarts had turned into home.
If you saw something incorrect or inconsistent with any culture PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO I CAN FIX IT. There is such a lack of POC representation in the fandom and as someone who is latina, I love when I see even a scrap of representation so after this I will probably start doing more like this (likely more mexican/ salvadoran cause thats where a lot of my family is from).
Also I’m sorry if this is too long or I wasn't able to get every detail in I hope this was what anon wanted! 
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irwinkitten · 5 years ago
party pieces | poly!kayshton
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notes: oh look my fingers slipped. don’t like, don’t read. i have possibly two more poly!kayshton pieces to post and honestly i’m not sorry and yes this has smut lmao. warnings: smut and use of the word ‘daddy’ like seven times. (yes i counted) word count: 3.1k oops we all know i have no self control with this ship lmao
donate to my ko-fi here
Your stomach was twisting with unease as the motorway gave way to familiar signs of your hometown. You hadn’t been sure about going to this event only after your parents pleading did you relent, but only with the reassurance that your partners would be welcomed.
The sick feeling didn’t dissipate as Ashton pulled off from the motorway, the roads becoming familiar and your fingers digging into your palm. For once the small rented car had its uses, Kaykay leaned forwards and took your hand in hers, allowing you to squeeze without inflicting any damage to your skin. 
“Everything alright Angel?” Her voice carried easily over the low volume of music. Her question caused Ashton to glance to the side and frown.
You’d never gotten like this before.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just-memories.” You muttered. They didn’t press you as you fell silent. 
When Ashton pulled up the hotel that was next door to the venue, you stayed in your seat for a few moments longer as he killed the engine, the strong winds whipping around the car.
“You don’t have to do this to prove something, little one.” His voice was reassuring but you shook your head.
“They need to see it to understand. But also there are some people who I’ve genuinely missed. I grew up with them in my life, they taught me a lot of things.” You admitted and he leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“If you need to ditch, just let us know, okay? C’mon, let’s go check in.” The weather was particularly brutal as the wind continued, but the rain held off. 
“Didn’t realise that the river had risen so fast?” Kaykay commented as her arm latched onto your free one, overnight bags over your shoulders. You’d commented and questioned why Ashton had a suitcase, but he simply grinned and tapped his nose so you let it go.
“It’s storm season, so it’s almost always gonna rain. Every year the river floods but this year got really bad. The worst in like, two hundred years or something.” You commented as you made your way into the hotel arm firmly linked with hers.
You glanced to the right where the area opened out into the bar and you caught sight of one of the group you were here for and her partner. He spotted you first and nudged her, catching her attention.
You could feel your stomach turn uneasy as she glanced over and got up, a wide grin on her face as she made her way over.
“You made it!” Her grin widened as you slowly pulled from Kaykay’s grip and wrapped in a hug.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world Naomi.” You murmured and she squeezed you gently. 
“And I see you brought... friends?” Her tone was questioning and you smiled in understanding. 
“They’re my partners. Naomi, meet Kaykay and Ashton.. Ash, Peach, meet Naomi.” She pulled away to shake hands with both of them.
“It’s nice to finally meet you both. I’ve heard stuff from your mum, but I didn’t want to just assume till you’d said something.” Naomi explained and you felt relaxed. You watched as her partner made his way over and greeted him with ease. 
“Hi Rob.” You murmured and he returned your hug before you introduced him to Ashton and Kaykay.
“So are you three going to join us in the bar before we head over?” You glanced at Ashton who was checking the time. Somehow he’d managed to get an early check-in on the room and so it was barely hitting midday.
“Maybe a little bit later? The journey wasn’t good on my nerves with coming back here.” You admitted and she nodded in understanding.
“Your mum said it might be like that. If you guys decide to head down before we head out, we’ll be in the bar till about seven. Doors don’t open till half seven and the band starts at quarter past eight.” You nodded in thanks to Naomi before hugging her again and the three of you made your way to the lift.
Your room was on the top floor, your body tense and a slow breath escaped you as the lift doors shut and it started to go up.
“You okay little one?” Ashton’s concern made you smile and you nodded.
“M’fine daddy. It’s just a lot.” Kaykay had kept silent, her hand in yours reassuring and strong grounding. 
When you stepped into the room, you felt a smile spread on your lips as you childishly leapt onto the bed, the three of you laughing as Ashton moved to shut the curtains as the door fell shut and switched the light on. Kaykay was quick to clamber on top of you, her hands taking hold of yours, pinning them to just above your head.
“Gonna be a good girl for us, angel?” The words were smooth and sultry. Keeping your lips closed, unsure of the rules, you nodded your head. Ashton smirked as he opened up the case and you had to stop yourself from gasping.
He’d brought along a collection of items and you felt yourself falling further from the nerves. 
“I want you to use your words, little one. Be a good girl for daddy.” 
“Yes daddy.” You complied instantly, and Kaykay beamed at you as her lips met yours.
“No marks, at least, no visible marks.” Ashton warned as her lips left yours and began to trail down your neck.
“Let’s get you stripped, angel.” Kaykay breathed against your skin, pulling you up. You didn’t fight her as she helped you discard your top and bra. Her lips slowly worked down your skin and Ashton seemed content to watch as her lips found your nipple, her tongue and lips paying attention to it before she gently pulled at it with her teeth. 
You held back the moan, your chest arching up, desperate for more stimulation. She obliged on the other side as her hand slowly worked your pants open and then continued her trail down your body.
Lifting your hips, she pulled them down before standing up, stripping her own clothes off. Keeping your hands above you, despite the aching need that was building to do something, you pouted as Ashton joined behind her, his own clothes gone and his cock already dripping with the pre-cum.
“How do you want it little one? We can’t go too far since we have to go out tonight. But I want you to relax.” Ashton’s question brought you up short and you hesitated.
“Use me?” The words, although as a question, brought a smirk to Ashton’s lips and the almost evil like grin on Kaykay’s lips had you feeling hesitant for just a second.
“Stay there. Be a good little toy for us and you’ll get a reward later.” This had you almost freezing in place and you watched as Ashton collected a few items. On closer inspection, you saw the buckle cuffs and bar in one hand and he passed off the custom vibe to Kaykay who worked to get the harness on, a soft moan escaping as it pushed into her as well. 
You remained silent as he cuffed you, wondering if he was going to hook them to the bed, but he didn’t as he settled the spreader bar, keeping your legs apart before settling to the side of the bed.
“Peachy is gonna use you first. You don’t have to ask to cum, not tonight because you’re going to stay silent. Peachy is gonna use you all she likes before it’s daddy’s turn.” You could feel your heartbeat accelerate as his hand trailed over your breasts before he pulled away and nodded to Peachy.
“You wanna suck my cock princess?” You loved this side of her and you nodded, remembering to keep silent as she pulled you up by the cuffs so you were sat up. She wasted no time in standing on the bed, positioning herself to that the vibe was on the tips of your lips and she pushed it in.
Despite the taste of some type of plastic, you moved your head, knowing that it was pushing the other side in her, the noises she made confirming that she was getting close. You didn’t let up and before you could finish her, she grasped your hair, pulling your head back.
“You’re a determined little thing.” She gave your shoulder a shove and you went easily onto your back. She wasted no time in pushing the strap on in, and you nearly moaned before you caught Ashton watching, his hand languidly stroking his cock. 
And you stopped the noise in its tracks, taking in sharp but heavy breaths as she really worked you with the vibe, switching the vibrations to a higher setting. 
Your first orgasm washed over you in silence and you tried to close your legs, but the bar prevented that. And then your second hit you. 
“You like that when I fuck you like daddy does? Are you gonna tell me how much you like it?” You hesitated, knowing she was trying to goad you into speaking, but you kept silent. You wanted to be good and she smiled.
“Oh you are such a good little fuck toy for us.” She continued using you like that before her own orgasm washed over her and yours just tipped over the edge, body trembling as she glanced to Ash. 
“Wanna fuck her face daddy? Wouldn’t she look so pretty between both of us.” Ashton’s responding chuckle as you trying to calm your heart rate down as he pulled you to the edge of the bed, your head dangling over whilst Kaykay continued to slowly fuck you, her thrusts calculating. The payoff showed when she found the angle that hit your spot and your lips parted in a silent moan, which Ashton took advantage of, sliding his cock between your lips. 
Tears gathered in your eyes as his cock hit the back of your throat and his hand wrapped around, feeling himself in your throat. 
“Wanna feel, Peachy?” A dainty set of hands joined his and she moaned as he moved. 
“Daddy that’s hot.” 
He laughed as another orgasm washed over you and you knew you were close to falling completely. Kaykay found another orgasm from both her and you before she pulled away, Ashton pulling out at the same time. 
“Get on your knees.” You didn’t hesitate feeling his hand grip your shoulder as he knelt on the bed behind you. Kaykay has taken Ashton’s spot on the chair and was watching you two, fucking herself with the vibrator. 
He unclipped the cuffs so they separated, but you had no chance to move your hands for stability as he pulled them behind you and clipped them together once more. 
He then grasped the chain, giving a test pull. You didn’t protest as he pushed in from behind, bending you over but holding you in place by the cuffs. 
Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head as he hit the spot every time, unable to think as your orgasms hit you one after another before his hips held still and you felt his cum inside of you. 
You felt dazed as your shoulders moved and he pulled from you but you couldn’t quite hear either of them, the ringing in your head loud as your face pressed into the comfy sheets. You could feel their touches but not hear them. 
It was disorientating when one moment you were on the verge of passing out to being helped into the large tub that easily held the three of you. 
Their touches were grounding and Ashton cradled you against him as you slowly came down. 
“Hi.” The word was raspy and unsure but you felt Kaykay press a kiss to your shoulder. 
“You went for a while little one. Why didn’t you tell us you needed this?” He was careful to keep his tone neutral and you shrugged. 
“Thought I was doing okay. Didn’t really know how overwhelmed I was getting myself.” Your whisper made him sigh as he pulled you close, Kaykay settling next to you. 
You surprised them both as you slid into her lap, arms around her as you hid your face in her neck. Almost every time you cling to Ashton when you got this far but you wanted Kaykay too. 
“Don’t let me go.” You whispered sadly and her grip on you got tighter. 
“Never. C’mon, let us help you out and we can get you dried up and catch a nap since we still have a good five hours before we need to be at the party.” Her words easily coaxed you back into Ashton’s arms to help you get out of the tub but she was quick to take you back once she was out. 
You didn’t fight them as they pulled on some comfy clothes and you lay on the bed, wrapped around Kaykay with Ashton pressed behind you. 
“I’ve got you sweetheart, rest up.” She whispered and you slipped into an easy slumber, snuggling down into her. 
When you were next aware, you could hear Ashton’s and Kaykay’s voices over you. 
“I wish she’d said something sooner.” Ashton’s seemed sad, disheartened. 
“I think this trip has put her under more pressure than she realised.” Kaykay’s tone was gentle and understanding. 
“Maybe we drive further north for the next couple of days after tonight. I know she took the week off. Release a bit of that pressure.” Kaykay hummed in agreement. 
“Do we have to wake her Ash? She looks so peaceful for the first time in weeks.” The words were gentle and you felt your stomach clench. So they had noticed. 
“We need to wake her up.” You felt fingers trace your skin and you sighed upon feeling Ashton’s lips against your shoulder. 
“Come on little one. Time to wake up.” You nestled yourself closer to Kaykay, unwilling to move an inch, a muffled ‘no’ escaping you which made her giggle. 
“We gotta get ready. Please angel?” Her words were gentle and coaxing and you whined in return. 
“Don’t want to.” The words were so quiet and Kaykay held you close as you nestled against her, unwilling to let go. You were safe. 
“Baby, we need to show up at least.” Her voice was pleading this time and you could feel your resistance crumble. “Please angel, Ash will be there with us and you know he won’t tolerate any kind of shitty behaviour towards you.” You finally peeled your face away from her neck, peering at Ashton. 
His heart broke. 
“I promise little one. You wanna let Peach go so she can get up now?” He opened his arms out to you and you shifted, letting your girlfriend go before snuggling into his embrace. 
“M’scared Ash.” The fact you used his name told him how bad your fear was. He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I’ll be with you and so will Peachy. I promise. Now, will you get dressed for me, little one?” And you only hesitated for a second before peeling away and kissing him gently before getting up and heading into the bathroom where Kaykay was patiently waiting for you. 
When you were ready, you headed downstairs to the hotel lobby where a few others were congregated. Introductions were exchanged before you set off to the venue next door, your arm firmly looked through Kaykay’s as you walked a little ahead of Ashton. 
They knew that you were using them both as a shield, but neither commented on it as you made it to the venue and more greetings went around. 
“So is this your boyfriend?” Was the first thing you heard from one of your mums old friends. You smiled. 
“Yeah, this is Ashton. Ash this is Terry, a friend of my mum’s.” They shook hands before Terrys eyes turned to Kaykay. 
“And who’s this lovely lady?” You sucked in a deep breath but Kaykay got there first, shooting him a kind smile. 
“I’m their girlfriend.” Terry froze as he worked it out before his lips broke out into a genuine smile and pulled you in for a hug. 
“Glad to see you happy sweet pea.” He shook Kaykay’s hand too before excusing himself and your knees went weak with relief. 
“How do I announce ourselves without doing this song and dance routine every time?” You muttered making Ashton laugh before he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I’m not going to mention my suggestion because we need you semi coherent.” And you flashed a grin at him as another set of friends descended upon the three of you. 
Those that you’d grown up with in your life barely blinked at the three of you, welcoming both of them into the madness that was your extended family. 
But then there were the few family members who outright ignored you, sending scowling looks in your direction. You expected it but it didn’t make it hurt any less. 
“Shall we find our spots at the table? Terry mentioned something about childhood stories.” Ashton’s grin was predatory but you knew what he was doing, so you played along. 
“Everything they say is a lie.” You muttered making them both laugh as they guided you through the tables. The three of you got a few funny looks, but otherwise people didn’t comment. 
Ashton disappeared to get the three of you some drinks and you were semi relieved that with a glass in your hand, you were less likely to hit someone but with a glance to Ashton, he nodded his head at your unspoken question. 
It wasn’t often that you got drunk when you went out, more often than not ending the night being pressed between two bodies doing down from the subspace, but tonight was different. Tonight they’d already taken care of you and now you were letting yourself go for the night. 
It felt nice as you sat with old family friends and eventually when the band got up to play, Kaykay was quick to pull you up to the dance floor, the upbeat tempo helping you relax as she kept herself daringly close, but nothing too explicit that sharp eyes would catch. 
But seeing Ashton watch you, his gaze never wavering from you both, you knew that you wanted to give him something in return. 
But you could be patient for him. For both of them. 
For now, you enjoyed dancing and singing, laughing as Ashton joined and did the ridiculous dance moves. 
A small part of your mind whispered that this was certainly the best idea as you relaxed with them and danced with no care. 
if you want to be added to the specific taglist for poly!kayshton, just send me a message!
@sexgodashton​, @loveroflrh​, @converse-luke​, @wokeupinjapanisabop​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @iovehemmings​, @cashtonasfuck​, 
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xxconclusione-aperioxx · 5 years ago
Okay so I'd like to share what I commented on this video. I watched it and it sent me into a whole rant about the motives and characterization of Draco. I recommend watching before reading this:
@quinncurio is the original poster
Here's the copy paste of my comment/ Essay. I was slight heated when I wrote this, but my points still stand.
Calling a Draco a cowardly bigoted bully, and a carbon copy of Dudley is the most SHALLOW and LOW EFFORT CONCLUSION YOU COULD POSSIBLY DRAW. IT IS LOW HANGING FRUIT. I'm going to have to break this into sections to truly explain why your conclusion is soooo incredibly shallow. You may have done your research, but I feel like you learned nothing more about Draco then if you'd never seen more then 5 min. So I'm going to start the same way you have and break this down into the same points.
I'm not going to go into detail of Harry's impression or ideas of Draco, because this analysis is about Draco, Not Harry. Also remember the books were written from Harry's POV, not a neutral party. I'm not obliged to Harry's opinions, just facts. Which brings up the first true conclusion about Draco's character. *Draco Malfoy feels a strong need to impress others, to gain their affection.* He does this through incisive bragging, trying to make people believe he knows best, and tearing down the reputation of others, so the object of his desires sees Draco and the most obvious choice. Where we differ is:
You believe Draco does this, because he thinks, he's better then others.
I believe,(which circumstantially has more evidence), Draco does this because he wants the affection, and acceptance of others
Whether you believe he acts out this way bc of how he is raised, his privilege, or something else, it doesn't change the fact that Draco was truly trying to make a friend, perhaps the only way he knew how.
In noble wizarding society, traditions, and your family does mean a lot. Not even looking at it from a pureblood view, imagine having a family that old and known. They really are a type of nobility, with family Lords even having political seats in the Wizengamote just because of their family name. The Longbottoms and Weaselys hold this same political influence, and it's not tied to Slytherins, pureblood ideals or anything like that. Draco is an only child, and an heir to his family line, so he is going to be treated importantly bc of that. He is raised with that responsibility, and in social situations not only represents himself, but the whole heritage of his family. Draco hasn't had the ability to act like a normal petulant child (part of the reason he tends to act out at Hogwarts.*ie. away from home*). He's been taught to act proper, make good allies, and impress others for the good of his reputation. I'd say most noble wizarding children probably get the same training and lectures, and have their own customs and culture of educate. What may come for Draco as polite, and diplomatic, may sound rude or arrogant to Harry. This is because Draco was not aware how different Harry's upbringing was from his own, and has never dealt with not having enough. Perhaps if Draco knew how different and ignorant Harry was he would have felt pity, or a sense of wrongness at Harry's injustice. Though Draco is just an 11yr old boy, who's only ever had a loving family, and almost anything he wanted. It is difficult for him to relate to the lack of others. As all wizarding children, he probably grew up with the story of the boy who lived and may have even been excited when his father said he wanted them to become friends. He truely was excited to meet Harry and genuinely wanted to be friends. While yes Lucius definitely wanted Draco to befriend Harry to help lighten their family reputation, I also think that Draco, being a child, would more likely be more excited of making a famous friend. Maybe he even had some hope seeing he'd met Harry before when he saw him on the train.
Draco's sense of superiority comes from his traditions and pride in his family, while Dudley's is strictly from his own greed and selfishness. Draco would't do half of the things Dudley does simply because it's incredibly unclothe, and he has better ways of getting what he wants. Dudley isn't smart enough to compare to Draco. Though Draco and Dudley might both have things handed to them, Draco is not gluttonous or greedy about it. Dudley will trash his gifts and belongings, constantly wanting more, and viewing things given to him as disposable. Draco wants things yes (like every child does) but he's proud of his possessions and cherishes them, brags about them. Dudley is an animal compared to Draco. He doesn't have the same skill, smarts or self control. Dudley is abusive, and a tyrant in his bullying. Dudley wants to see Harry hurt and bleed. He is very violent compared to Draco. While we constantly and repeatedly see Draco shy away from violence, and use more his words.
Draco despite his threats and facade is Not a violent person. This is because despite all Draco's bravo, and cruel words, Draco is kind. Yes he is conflicted, but that is only more proof of his inner kindness. If he didn't feel guilty, he wouldn't feel conflicted. Which means he really doesn't want to be mean to others, but he's just acting out based on how he thinks he's supposed to feel/act, but doesn't really enjoy it. I think when you strip Draco back behind his actions, and pose, you'll find a very different person. The half-blood prince gave us some of that, but it's another thing to see it in Draco from the beginning. Essentially Draco's attempt at bullying started when Harry rejected his friendship. Draco had probably never been rejected before, and probably couldn't possibly fathom why Harry would choose anyone else over him. While yes that's a bit coincided, Draco was also incredibly sheltered and probably wasn't introduced to children who weren't already tied to his family. Harry's rejection irrevocably shattered Draco's confidence and perception, which sent him into literal years of lashing out at Harry for his hurt emotions, and pining for his attention. It is the most pathetic excuse for bullying, and Draco antagonizing Harry is the equivalent of pulling a girl's pigtails. Draco did get quite shrewd with words, but he was really just trying to get the biggest reaction, especially since Harry is so volatile at times. The truth of the matter is Draco is actually very jealous, because deep down he really admires Harry. He want's the same freedom Harry has. He doesn't want to worry about his duty or who he has to be, but to be able to live authentically the way he views that Harry does. Draco really just wants to be more like Harry, but feels he is stuck, by the Dark Lord, his family obligations or anything else. Draco isn't a bully, he's just sad. Not even Ron or Hermione take him seriously after a while. *cough*this is why Drarry is so huge*
Part 4 : He had no choice?????
Everyone has a choice, but I think you over estimate how easy a choice can be. Family is important to Draco, they are probably the only people who love him for who he is, not what they can get out of him. As a child Draco felt pride in his family, and family made him feel special and important. As he got older that pride turn into expectations, and responsibility. Lucius and Narcissa value the preservation of their family above all else. They are protective and loving and those feeling extended to Draco. It's where he gets his kindness. It is indeed a Slytherin trait to value those you care about above everyone else. We protect our own, a loyalty probably stronger then Hufflepuff for those select few a Slytherin deeply cares about. Draco's parent would let the whole world burn to save him, and Draco would do the same for them. While Draco's family did hold pureblood ideals, after the first war Voldemort was not someone they willing wanted to follow. The light sided also would have never offered aid to death eaters, because fundamentally they were still against the dark, and there was no other place for dark wizards to go except Voldemort. Most of the death eaters had actually been somewhat relived at the news of Voldemort's death, and the boy who lived, as Voldemort had already become insane to the point of torturing his own followers, and wasn't getting them anywhere near their goals. Except for the also insane brainwashed few like Bella who'd follow her lord to the grave, many of the death eater's were content to be peaceful and stay quite after the war. Probably even grateful for it, as there were many needless casualties on both sides. I feel like the Malfoys were one of those families that were happy to get out. If the side they are on is harmful or losing, they are ready to abandon ship. This may sound like they are cowardly with no resolve, but if it was the life and death of your family, and your loved ones, I think you might think differently. I feel like we aren't too far off in agreement here, but where we differ is in judgement and motives we feel the Malfoys, or Draco had. Lucius made a mistake in the first war, and spent the second trying to keep his family out of danger. I can't imagine the fear he had in Azkaban for his family, the dementors feeding off him and what he thought the Dark Lord would do to his only son, his wife, his family. Meanwhile Draco was left with the threat of his father rotting in Azkaban, and his mother being killed. His mother also with the thought of her son being killed. So yes Draco could have made a choice, and he did make a choice, a choice to protect his family, and honestly I can't see that as wrong. Maybe if Harry would have actually taken his offer of friendship things could have gone differently and it wouldn't have come to that.
Part 5 : Abuse Theory
I definitely agree with you here. The Malfoys were not abusive, and get a better anthology for racism then something which in fact could be solved with a study on culture rather then blood. If you want a good parallel for racism in HP forget muggleborns, and look at creature blood, not dumb house elfs either, but werewolves, goblins, centaurs beings just as intelligent as wizards. The bigotry towards werewolves especially is horrific, especially from the "light side" who avidly labels them as dangerous dark creatures. *Also note about the scene in Borgen and Berks* Lucius stopped Draco from touching the artifact because it was probably cursed, as many dark artifacts are. Even if you know what you're doing they can be dangerous to handle carelessly. So Lucius was actually very wise and protecting Draco, his 12 yr old son, from getting badly hurt. Why the cane? If touching a cursed object curses you, then its better not to get close with your actual hands. Using his cane to push Draco away was actually a precaution. Lucius is anything but careless,
Part 6: Draco's Wand and Symbolism
I generally agree here too, but I believe this symbolism is more reflective of the things Draco wishes he could have had, or done differently. If anything the wand and symbolism Draco has is representative of the good in him, and not cowardice, or inability to do enough.
Part 7: Redemption
Tbh I'm part of the crowd that would have liked that deleted scene to stay in the final cut. However I understand what's justifiable for one person, may not be enough for someone else. This is where you get more into the topic of morality, and how much are you morally responsible for as a person. Harry has been drilled with the mindset for years that he has to save everyone, and that if your not in it for the greater good, ready to lay down your life you better forget being in it at all. Personally I don't believe Harry has any right to claim that rhetoric, as Dumbledore(and by association Grindlewald) practically spoon fed it down his throat; but I wont talk about that as it's a whole other issue. Draco, you have to understand has a whole type of different morality. Objectively I believe he's a good person, if not pressured by the echo chamber of ideals around him. Yet Draco repeatedly gives signs, and expresses the desire to want to do good. In order to properly analyze Draco you have to look past his outward facade, and actions, or you'll never see him as anything more then he pretends to be. If you can only read plain text, if you can't see past the obvious, you will always have a very flat one dimensional view of a character or a person. To me there's no redemption needed. Draco is already good, more good then his parents, and perhaps more good then some who claim goodness.
In summary Draco is a very complex person, who tries to over compensate for his flaws, struggles to express honesty, but deeply cares for others, especially his family. His duality lies in how he wants to be good to others, yet how in the end he always chooses to save the ones he loves, over the majority. Draco will always have his flaws, but he will always have his goodness too, and I hope you won't disregard that.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Kudos to anyone who read through all that.
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nayialovecat · 4 years ago
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On the second day of Christmas this bad year gave to me... more time with family. I have always wanted to take up this type of challenge - a torn photo supplemented with a drawing. Yes. We exist. Me, Ursa and Riuszka are real people, if anyone had any doubts. Of course, I didn't draw too much in a realistic style (though more realistic than I usually do) - and I used our internet designs, i.e. me-cat, my dragon husband and our little bear cub Ursa. Why was a bear made from a cat and a dragon? It's a longer story - we had a conversation during pregnancy entitled "Hey, what will be made from the combination of a cat and a dragon" and we came to the conclusion that a creature sleeping in caves on treasures, lazy, independent, strong and at the same time charming and furry. The bear suited us best, and since our daughter's name was supposed to mean "bear" anyway - it matched perfectly. And so Ursa became a bear cub. I considered coloring this, but I honestly liked the lineart itself, so I only colored (intentionally sloppy) just the background bits. And if you look closely, you can see that my husband and I both wear glasses. But as I have written many times before - I don't like drawing glasses, not because I'm ashamed of wearing glasses or something, or because I can't draw them. I just don't like doing this. That's why we don't have glasses here. (And that's why poor Henry on SATIM is so visually impaired X"D) And, yes, I drew it entirely on the computer. Zero sketches on paper. With a mouse 'cause I don't have a tablet. It was hard a little. Btw. It's really long time when I was drawing Riuszka last time X"D I love my family. Overall I am a very family creature and family has always been a high priority for me, but in my parents home I used to feel like a black sheep sometimes (especially when visiting my dad's parents - I know they love me, but every time when they were surprised that I read books or that I was drawing something, when I heard their "why are you doing this? You have a project to school?", it hurt a bit... My dad's family is a village in the style of, you know, peasants. They are like uneducated or rude sometimes. Nevertheless, both in the family from the father's and mother's side, there has always been a strong relationship between members. We all stuck together. We argued, of course, doing spite and sticking pins are common, but when you need help or something is going wrong, you can rely on your family. My family is scattered all over the country, so we don't visit each other that often - but we maintain regular contacts, we call with wishes for different occasions or without an opportunity to talk. When I met my future husband, and then gradually his family, I was a bit surprised because there were completely different habits there. The family meets and maintains contact only on important occasions, and so they live in small groups and only maintain contact with them. And it's not about the phisical distance between the family - some people just don't talk to each other (e.g. Riuszka's mum and her brother). There are also completely different customs that are hard to understand for me. It's amazing how families can differ from each other. Why am I talking about this and giving you such details? Well, 'cause as an idealist I have long ago stated that when I start my own family, I will fix mistakes and things that I didn't like about my parents family. But... starting a family is not a one-man task. And nothing will be exactly as I want it to be, 'cause I'm not alone. It's second person here. So when me and Riuszka were starting our family, it was clear that it would not be like mine or Riuszka's, not like in my imagine or his, but something in between. And frankly speaking, we had started to set rules before we got married - we wanted there was no doubt about any matters. We talked a lot, we talked about what we expect from each other, what we expect from marriage. For example, I taught my husband that regular visits to my relatives are the norm for me and it is better for him to get used to it - I, in turn, had to accept large family events performed by my husband's family, which are really rare on my side (and only on really important occasions, e.g. 50th anniversary of my grandparents' marriage, 40th birthday of someone... Riuszka's family celebrates every name day in every year. I didn't have this in my family, and even if, only in the company of the most loved ones!). We also introduced our own customs, which were not in his family or mine. Our new... traditions. And habits. Of course, over the past year, due to the prevailing epidemic, family meetings have been limited and we have been left alone. There was a period when Riuszka worked remotely and I had him at home all the time. Many marriages, I have heard, have not survived such a test - but it has turned out to be something wonderful for us! Finally, we had more time for ourselves, not wasted for commuting to and from work, I was not alone all day looking after Ursa. Riuszka didn't come back tired after work, so we went back to watching movies, serials or playing board games. And we talked a lot, really a lot. Honestly, we have argued a lot less over the past year than in the past years of marriage and engagement. It's amazing how much gives you the opportunity to talk openly, explain your expectations to each other, what upsets you about the other person and what is positive. We walked this path together and it was one of the better things this year. So: the time of social isolation and sitting at home was a really good time for us. Now Riuszka goes to work normally (sometimes remotely), and Ursa has a kindergarten, but when it comes to family relations it is really much better - this year has brought us a lot of good. Riuszka, Nayia and Ursa's design (c) Nayia Lovecat
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isa-british-council · 4 years ago
Hey everyone! I’m sure y’all are doing great. So, today I will be sharing my remarkable learning experience from this project.
First of all I’d like to convey a massive and heartfelt thanks- to all our encouraging and lovely I.S.A teachers! They were the ones who introduced us to this prestigious and estimable project ,helped us out at every stage and were our guiding lights right from the start till the end! Without whom it wouldn’t have been possible! ✨💖💖Then I would like to tell all my group members that I was so fortunate to work alongside such creative, talented and esteemed students. They were all so sincere  and co-operative throughout the entire project! I really cherished those moments together😉🤗. Moving on to my personal experience! I say, this project has not only taught me about “Folktales- A Comparative Study” but soo many other things. It has given me a platform to explore myself and my creativity beyond my comfort zone! Frankly speaking, I never knew much about  the culture of Russia. However, this project gave an opportunity to learn about and explore the world of fascinating and mesmerizing folktales! Through the vast variety of folktales, I came to know  a lot about Russian culture, customs, traditions, beliefs, legends and their narration style! It was great fun.....as if actually venturing into the land of these amazing folktales. In fact, not only folktales from the Russia but  also the absorbing folktales of 3 other countries(Japan, India and U.S.A)! Wait, there’s more, not just folktales!
Honestly, the I.S.A project has enhanced my computer skills a lot with activities like- blogging, PowerPoint Presentation making, Video editing and compiling and digital collage making! Moreover, I have learnt the beautiful and interesting skill of dramatics and the pleasurable art of narration(that too from home)! This project has definitely expanded my reading horizon! Now, I’d like to try different works of literature not only from India but from other countries too! Once again I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, from my inspiring teachers to my peers for making me a part of this project and help making it a success! (I really wish I could express and fit all of my gratitude for the loving teachers for all their encouragement and support here in this little space. ) In the end all I would like to say is that it has been an inspiring, extremely enriching and an unbelievably exciting journey for me, and I was enthusiastic right from the beginning!
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(So much )
Sonia  Malhotra ma’am 
Sunita Rawat ma’am
Tarushika Arora ma’am 
Rashmi Kohli ma’am 
Group members and other groups😀
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meowxyoong · 5 years ago
Friend Request 1 | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Some type of fluff?, Yoongi is awkward af but also adorable
Word Count: 1347
Warnings: mentions of abuse, anxiety, low self esteem
A/N: Abdjshx i had this idea for a while and finally got over my fear of rejection and started writing lmao 🤧 my plan is to turn this into a drabble series but since it’s my first time writing and i have no idea what i’m doing i will probably see how it goes🥴 Constructive criticism is heavily appreciated!! I’m here to learn and there's always room for improvement lol so please let me know what you think!! ok asdkbga please enjoy this mess
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Three years. It has been three years since you last saw the person who changed it all.
You have been good. Life is comfortable. Hanging out with friends is not a burden anymore. Going out is actually fun again. Your job is… well, it’s not your dream position, but at least you manage to get through your shift like any working person would. Of course, there are days where you struggle to get going, to get out of bed and start your day, but those days are less frequent now and you couldn't be more grateful. It took a long time to get to this point.
Though there is one thing that's not as important now as it was before.
Why did you ever think you needed to date someone in order to be okay? Three years alone have taught you a lot and the most important lesson was that you are just fine being alone. But… That doesn't mean your friends think the same. “I have told you a million times Lia. I don’t want to go out with anyone. My life is fine right now and I don't want to change anything about it,” you sigh as you stir your coffee. “I know, I know,” Lia says as she throws up her hands in defense, “I just think that your life should not be just fine! It should be fun and exciting and…” you cut her off right there. “I am happy without all of those things. You know I am.” your voice is firm and when Lia looks at you she can tell it’s time to drop the subject.
There was a time where you were all that. Fun, exciting, spontaneous. But now you can't afford any of that. It’s too risky. It took too long to get to this point and safe is better than anything.
Sensing the stiff atmosphere, Momo clears her throat. “Anyway, Yuna’s birthday is this weekend. She's just doing a small get together at her house. You guys are still coming right?” You and Lia both nod your heads as you drink a sip of your coffee, Lia looking like her head is about to fall off from how hard she's nodding. “You’re still picking me up, right?” she asks you while she starts collecting her things. “Yes! Is 8:30 still ok? Sorry to bother you with this” you tell her and she starts shaking her head. “Y/n, I told you I don't mind. I know that arriving alone to places is still a bit...annoying.” Lia takes your hand in hers and squeezes it reassuringly.
“Yes and please don't ever feel like you can't ask us to help you” Momo adds. You thank them both again and get up. “Really guys, you're the best. I really need to get to work though, so talk to you later?” you ask them while throwing your bag over your shoulder. Momo gives you a thumbs up and Lia starts nodding like crazy again. You smile as you make your way to the restaurant you work at. Maybe you're not the best at talking about your feelings and needs but you're sure your friends always have your back despite that.
Your week goes by relatively fast considering how many customers you had. Being a waitress wasn't your dream job, but you forced yourself to take the position in order to get out of your shell more and be forced to talk to people. Amazingly it worked for you and it had helped you a lot, but now that your anxiety has calmed down in that aspect, working is boring most of the time. You think about looking into something else soon as you’re laying on your couch and scrolling on your phone after an exhausting Friday. You have to start getting ready for Yuna’s party soon so you make to check social media one last time before getting in the shower and just as you’re about to close Facebook, a new notification pops up.
Min Yoongi sent you a friend request.
Huh, weird. You don't know anyone named Min Yoongi. You click on his profile and look at his picture. He doesn't even look familiar. Checking out the mutual friends you notice you have quite a few of them, your best friends Momo, Lia and Yuna being in that list too. You don't know why but you accept the request. Maybe you had been introduced and forgot? You open the Facebook event to Yunas party and see that he’s also attending. Well he’s definitely in your circle. Not thinking more of it you close the app and head over to your bathroom. After your shower you hear your phone vibrate. Min Yoongi has sent you a message. You open the messaging app and start laughing.
Min Yoongi [7:32pm]: Hey! So, uuuhm… I was looking at your profile and sent that friend request by accident and you accepted before I could cancel the request so I’m so sorry for requesting to be your friend out of the blue and if you want to delete me that's fine, no hard feelings!
Cute. That's the first thing that comes to mind. You quickly type back.
You [7:34pm]: Hey! Honestly, I accepted because I saw our mutual friends and thought maybe we met at some point and I forgot lol
The message is marked as read immediately and you raise your eyebrows. Was he waiting on you to reply? After a few seconds he starts typing and you get his reply soon after.
Min Yoongi [7:36pm]: Oh! No, I don't think we’ve met before but yeah I saw your name on the list of Yuna’s birthday event and that's where I accidentally sent the request haha are you going to the party?
You read his message and start feeling a tiny bit anxious. You don't really like talking to strangers and having confirmed that you haven't actually met before makes you feel uneasy. Telling him that you're going doesn't feel right. Your defense instincts are kicking in. You read his message again and start thinking. Technically, he isn't a complete stranger because you know he has the same friends as you. At least he’s close enough to Yuna to get invited to her party after she specifically stated it’s for close friends only. But then again, you have never heard of him and he IS still a stranger to you. You start overthinking and try to stop yourself. Lias words start ringing in your head. Life should be fun and exciting. You look at his picture. He looks nice and he’s in your circle of friends. He’s not a complete stranger. Maybe he’s safe. Biting the bullet you type a message and hit send before you can start regretting it.
You [7:43pm]: yeah i’m going! See you there?
You lock your phone, throw it back on the couch and go to your bedroom in three seconds. Sending that message took a lot of courage and getting ready will distract you from overthinking it. You have to leave in half an hour anyway so you need to get dressed fast to put at least some makeup on. You manage to do everything just in time to leave to pick up Lia. As you're walking to the door you grab your phone from the couch and as you're checking the time you see the notification for new messages from Min Yoongi. After a second of hesitation you open it.
Min Yoongi [7:45pm]: yes! See you there! I promise to introduce myself properly :) I also promise I’m not some creep lol
Min Yoongi [7:50]: ok that's definitely what a creep would say
Min Yoongi [7:51]: if you decide to ignore me later I understand
Min Yoongi [7:51]: ok i’ll stop now
You can't help but smile. He really is cute. You sigh. Yeah, maybe he's not some creep, but the anxiousness in your stomach is still there. Perhaps meeting him will calm you down. You stuff your phone in your bag and make your way over to Lia’s.
A/N2: wow you finished it ahgajsgj thank you so much for reading. My ask box is always open and thanks again!!
Thank you so much to @megahwn for the encouragement, THANK YOU TO @hobisgorgeousass for the proof reading and feedback, thank you @softyoongiionly for being an angel as always and A HUGE THANK YOU to @seokjiniescheeks for hyping me up T__T I truly don’t deserve so much love😭😭😭
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aweirdkindofyellow · 5 years ago
The Royal Invitation, Pt.3
Aerowyn Matilde George Rothchester might seem like a very long name, but it definitely is not for a royal in the Kingdom of Dalewin.
After her grandfather, the beloved king, passed away, Aerowyn (also known as Winny) is called back from her art school in New York. She’s thrown back into her royal duties, expected to know what to do.
But with the Royal advisor on tour with the new king, Winny is left to figure things out with his stepson. The only problem, he has no idea what he’s doing, after all he’s only the lead singer in a band.
Co-written story with @scream-tears.
Chapter 3
Winny’s POV:
I was stood beside my father. Together, we were looking out over the sea of people in the ballroom. It felt exceptionally strange standing there in an area usually used for celebration with a funeral coming up so soon. But we had to accommodate all our guests in some way or another. At least everybody was acting different to usual. There wasn’t any loud music playing and people weren’t dancing. This was just a reception before dinner. Anybody who was relevant or important was here now. It was custom here for a royal death to be a large long event.
The dress I was wearing had been made in quite a hurry. Usually they’d take a few weeks or even months to get me fitted before a big event, but once again this time it was different. I had only arrived a few days ago and they had started on my mom first. Honestly, I would have just pulled out a dress from my closet, but I couldn’t even try that anymore. Eyes were on me. I might not have been on the throne, but people were now watching closely for the future.
I couldn’t really complain though. I got clothes designed and made especially for me. What person didn’t like that? The black dress cinched at the right height and the right tightness around my waist. Further down, the hem of the flowing skirt stopped just above the ground, measured and cut precisely. And then the lace short sleeves didn’t even look bunched up either. Not even I could buy something like this in a store.
My dad raised up his glass just the slightest bit, grabbing the small spoon from the polished silver tray a servant was holding. The clinking sound of metal hitting crystal glass rang through the entire room, silencing everything and everyone. All attention was turned to my dad, meaning I was in complete view. Luckily all I had to do that day was stand there for support.
“Now that we are all here,” my father started, his voice somehow reaching the furthest corners of the hall, which was something I had yet to learn, “I would like to thank you all for being here. Although our king, my father, had been ill for a while, his passing still came as a shock. I will forever be grateful to every one of you.”
As he held up his glass everybody with a drink did so back. Most took a sip and then went back to their previous conversations.
The speech might have seemed so short and insignificant, a nuisance if anything. But that wasn’t the case at all. This was exactly how things were done. It was some left over thing back from centuries ago. Alliances, partnerships, and deals were all tense and at risk of crumbling when the king died. It was up to the next king to keep them going. Nobels from around the country and continent would come out for the funeral. The new king would have to show his loyalty without seeming vulnerable and easy to manipulate. It was an art, really. How do you show loyalty and grief without seeming weak?
It was custom for the king not to have to move to talk to people at events like these. Everybody who wanted to speak to him came up to him. It meant that constant conversations were held. I was there at his side the entire time. Technically, I didn’t have to, but it looked the best. Standing with him meant that I got to listen in on everything and so understood the politics for in the future. But showing constant interest would eventually get tiring especially since I didn’t really get much of a say. The occasional people who did include me were refreshing and definitely got a stamp of approval in my dad’s book.
Eventually a man just a few years older than my dad and a guy around my age came up to us. I had seen the man before, but never this person with him. I could only assume it was his son. They both had a very similar bone structure, deep set eyes and a slightly sloped nose. Their suits had a few medals which I once used to know all the meanings of but not anymore.
“Your Royal Highness, your Majesty.” They both bowed.
“Larnamont!” My dad greeted back as I did a subtle curtsy, holding his arms out to show he was literally welcoming them with open arms.
“I wanted to introduce my eldest son, Lysander,” Larnamont gestured towards the boy, smiling proudly and with some sort of expectancy.
My dad gave a small nod while I held out my hand and waited for Lysander to shake it.
“Nice to meet you.” I smiled brightly as he took it. As I went to look into his eyes, my gaze flickered past Alex in the background.
He was standing there taking a glass of some sort of brown-toned liquor from one of the waitresses. Coincidentally, he was already looking right back at me. Rather than immediately breaking away his gaze, like I did, he continued to stare and took a sip from his drink. He was one strange man. Luckily, over my time as a princess, I had had to deal with many different types of people. There was nothing I couldn’t ignore.
Larnamont really did come over to us just to introduce Lysander. There wasn’t really any other small talk, but it also wasn’t necessary. Now wasn’t exactly the right time for that. People just paid respects, any more could only be considered rude. So, Larnamont and Lysander left us soon after. However, I knew I would have to find them later. An introduction was made after all.
Luckily, the next person who came up to us wasn’t as much of a stranger. It meant I could relax a little bit and not have to worry as much about my duties and composure. This man had taught me a lot and continued to do so. He was more like an uncle figure who still needed to be treated a bit more officially. He was the one and only Garry.
“Your Royal Highness, your Majesty,” he greeted and bowed just like everybody else.
“Garry!” I grinned and leaned forward to give him a half hug and a respectful kiss on the cheek. Strangers were either greeted by handshake or curtsey, friends were greeted in a more intimate way.
“So how have you been holding up?” He asked with a sympathetic tone. I hadn’t seen him yet since I came in from New York.
I looked up at my dad for him to answer. I could only imagine what it must have been like to suddenly become a ruler. The pressure must have been immense and all the jobs overbearing. One day I was going to have to do the same, but for now my dad was going through it.
“He’s asking you,” my dad looked down at me with a paternal smile.
“Well, you know how I always have to acclimatise myself again when I come back,” I responded, my answer directed at Garry. I knew he was asking about my grandfather’s death, but I could hardly show my feelings about that right now. “It’s great to see you again.”
“Likewise.” He gave me a slow single courtly nod. “Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other for very long. I’ll be going with your dad on his tour.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“I’ll be leaving somebody who I trust dearly to take over and help: my step son. He should be around here somewhere,” Garry started to look around him, but only briefly as to not attract attention.
“I’ve met Alex,” I told him, causing a smile to form on his lips.
“Really! I hope he has been behaving.”
I started nodding, but then my eyes fell on Alex now all over the waitress from before. He was standing super close to her, his arm at her waist, his nose in her hair as she giggled. I immediately stopped my nodding and directed my eyes at Garry again, deciding not to tattletale.
“He has,” I calmed his worry before my shock became too apparent,” although I must say he’s one peculiar fellow. He did help me with an art piece I was working on.”
“Well, you guys must get along just fine then. He’s quite the artsy type himself. He’s a musician actually.”
“That explains a lot,” I laughed. Not only did it explain his, what seemed like, his strange talent for posing in front of a camera, but it also explained his tendency to be a flirt.
Right at that moment my mom walked up to us and stood at my dad’s other side. Her dress was also black to represent the mourning, only her was a lot tighter and more formal. She was older and the queen now after all.
“If you won’t mind, I’ll go mingle with some of the guests now,” I announced as I looked at both my mom and dad. Now that she was here I was no longer obliged to stay at the king’s side.
“You go do that.” My dad winked and dismissed that.
I didn’t know exactly who I was going to go to, but it soon became clear that Alex wasn’t even an option. He was still all over that waitress and she was still under his spell. Only, this time, they decided to make it a bit more private. I saw Alex take lead and slip out of the room, holding the waitress’ hand and pulling her along. If I had been back in New York or not in public, I would have definitely rolled my eyes.
The next familiar face I looked for was my brother. He was somewhere further in the back speaking to my cousins. They were all younger than me, so they always got a long together a little better. It also didn’t help that I usually was in the study with private tutors and teachers getting a special education to prepare me for my inevitable future job.
Lucky for me, just as I was making my way over to them, I noticed Lysander standing by himself trying to catch my attention. He already had a drink in one hand and picked up another as he gestured that it was for me. So, I smiled politely and slowly floated over to him so nobody would mistake my actions as eager.
“Thank you very much.” I gently took the glass of wine from him, careful not to let the fragile material shatter.
“It’s been a real honour being allowed to join on such an occasion.” He did the traditional thing of being grateful and loyal, but it made for a very difficult conversation.
I didn’t know how to respond other than to accept what he said. There was nothing in particular he was beneficial for either except for the fact that he was the heir in the Larnamont family. A good connection to keep, but I had nothing to thank him directly for. He was still learning the ropes of his family. As was I, of course, but it was still different.
Fortunately, Lysander wasn’t as strict in traditions and rules as his father. He could also clearly sense that this silence was just a second away from turning really awkward.
“You know, my father has told me many stories about this castle,” he confessed. “Ever since I was a little boy, I tried to imagine what it was like. But it’s even more spectacular than I imagined.”
“It has been quite a nice place to grow up in.” I smiled softly, remembering all the good times I had with my brother when we were much younger. I had to remind myself not to take it for granted. As much as I longed for the simple life in New York, I was very lucky.
“There’s so much history here, it’s fascinating.” He looked up at the ceiling and took some time to admire the paintings and gold leaf.
“This room was only built in the 17th century, but there are parts left over from the original 11th-century castle.”
He looked at me with wide eyes. “Only 17th century! Eleventh– I can’t even imagine that amount of time. Wow.”
“I actually have a whole collection of books all about the history of the castle, all the way from the beginning. I could lend you a couple.”
“You would do that?”
I chuckled quietly and nodded. “I rarely meet anybody with such interest. Who would I be to withhold all that information from you.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Let me go get them now before other duties sweep me away.”
I excused myself and slipped through the door Alex had sneaked out just shortly before. Although the castle was quite large, luckily my library wasn’t too far away. The grand staircase was just through the short corridor with two other doors. My heels clicked loudly on the steps, echoing off the walls with paintings.
The corridors felt even more empty than usual knowing that everybody was collected in the ballroom.
After just three minutes, my hand was grazing the gold-toned handle on the old wooden door again. I could still remember how I could barely open it as a kid; I always had to lean against it or pull with all my weight, it was that heavy. But it was also secure. Now I could open that door in one swift movement.
Although I wished I couldn’t. I wished I could have opened it slowly to shield myself from what was inside.
There were already people in my library. But they weren’t there reminiscing about good times with my grandpa or enjoying a good book. The two bodies were completely naked and intertwined on the custom desk my grandpa had gotten made.
“Oh my god!” I screamed, not bothering to close the door behind myself like I usually would. “What the actual fuck is this?!”
“Oh, shit,” Alex gasped as he looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with me.
“Are you fucking shitting me!”
Alex immediately removed himself from the girl he had swooned downstairs. He stood there frozen while the girl tried to grab all her clothes as quickly as possible while simultaneously hiding her face.
“Oh, come on, Elsie,” I scoffed, feeling the rage now course through my blood like fire. “I fucking know who you are. I saw you all over each other downstairs.”
“I-I’m so s-sorry,” she stammered, sounding like she was on the verge of tears, “p-please don’t fire me.”
I didn’t say a word in response to her plea. Although I had the authority to fire any of the help, I had never actually done so before. I was seriously considering it. She was supposed to be downstairs doing her job. But I couldn’t risk it. I’d have to explain my grounds and it would ruin Garry.
I just waited until she scurried away with all her clothes clutched to her chest. With her now gone, I tried my best to walk past Alex calmly and collected as I refused to even look in his direction. There was somewhere I actually had to be, and I wasn’t going to get distracted any further from my goal. That didn’t mean I was actually okay now, though.
“You, umm, you look good,” Alex told me awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t get to tell you earlier.”
“Fuck off,” I seethed and pushed away the rolling ladder to have access to the first book.
“Oh, umm–”
“No.” I stopped him as I pulled out the book and spun around to look at him. “Shut up.”
I was planning to walk out of these without looking back, but when I walked past Alex for the second time that day, I changed my mind. I wasn’t done. He didn’t get to walk away unscathed.
“My grandfather fucking dies and breaks breaks this stupid shithole of a tradition. I get to inherit one thing. He fucking leaves me behind this library. And now you have to come and ruin it. Go suck a dick,” I spat and continued my path, the sound of the heavy door shutting rushing down the hallways.
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swanandapirate · 6 years ago
A Muted Hue of Grey (14/14) -- CSBB
Tumblr media
Summary: Emma Swan liked being a PI in Boston. It was a fun job, she had an okay income and she was a good one at that, so there was no logical reason to try and leave. Except for the fact that she wanted to, so badly. And, when she received a job offer for what seemed to be the opportunity of a lifetime, she did exactly that. Leave. Run. All the way to London. The job was simple: trailing a man called Killian Jones. Easy enough.
Well, until things get complicated, that is.
Rating: M (previous mentions of alcohol abuse, violence, and sex)
Wordcount: 3415
Links: ao3 // ff.net // spotify chapter 1 // chapter 2 // chapter 3 // chapter 4 // chapter 5 // chapter 6 // chapter 7 // chapter 8 // chapter 9 // chapter 10 // chapter 11  // chapter 12 // chapter 13
A/N: Here we are, the last chapter. This is such a surreal moment because after more than a year this story is over and done. This @captainswanbigbang experience has been one of a lifetime and has taught me so much!
One last thank you to @ofshipsandswans and @acourtoftruelove. Honestly, I can't even properly express how important these two have been for this fic, its successful completion, and just in my life in general. I both love you loads. 
Not to forget my amazing artist @shady-swan-jones who has made epic art for this fic, who is just such a lovely person and who, out of all the possible fics, picked mine, for which I am very thankful. 
Without further ado, one last time, A Muted Hue of Grey
“Emma, no.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“Emma,” he repeated, his blue eyes serious as he kept eye contact and shook his head.
She rolled her eyes before returning the look.
“I have to go home,” she said.
“No, you don’t,” he disagreed.
His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her back to him. The bedcovers shifted, baring her legs as she attempted to wriggle out of his hold and get out of bed.
“I haven’t been home in three days,” she told him, reminding him of how one evening together had shifted into a night together which had then merged into another one and another.
Not that she had any qualms with it.
None whatsoever.
Especially with the way his lips were pressing feather-light kisses against her spine.
Emma couldn’t bring herself to say no. Not to him, not to the way his hair was so playfully mussed, not when the crinkles near his eyes appeared again, not when they were in such a good place.
They hadn’t been in this place for long. It had taken a lot of talking and arguing and reasoning to get there. A lot of hurting and painful introspective. But it had been for the best and so she’d endured it. He had too. Because they thought it was worth it.
And honestly, it was worth every tear that had been shed, every long silence that had taken place.
What she got in return was more than anything she could’ve hoped for.
“Doesn’t it bother you that he’s still free?”
Killian looked up from his book, his brow instantly furrowing. He didn’t need more to know who she was talking about; they hadn’t mentioned his name in weeks, hadn’t encountered him in the time of peace they’d received.
But it had been nagging Emma. He was still out there and as much as they could try and ignore his existence, he still roamed around London being his psychopath self.
Something she struggled with. Call it a savior complex but it felt unfair to have been such a big part of his malfeasance and not prevent others from his wrath and psychotic behavior.
Killian put his book aside and wrapped his arms around Emma’s ankles, pulling her closer to him on the couch.
“This again?”
She sat up and leveled her eyes with him.
“I know you don’t like to talk about it but it has to bother you as much as it bothers me. What happened to try and prove his guilt?”
“I found things that are more important.” His hand brushed over her cheek, the warmth of his hand conveying tenderness along Emma’s skin.
She leaned into his touch, the sudden emotion creeping up her throat. It wasn’t unusual for him to express affection, show how much he cared for her but it still affected her. She wasn’t used to being that adored. And then there was something else.
She hadn’t said I love you yet.
She wanted to say I love you almost every moment she spent with him. But it got stuck on the tip of her tongue every single time.
“I get that but what if he sends his minion to hurt you again? Or other people. What if he goes for Anna or Elsa? I just don’t like that he’s out there, Killian.”
He sighed while averting his eyes from her, placing his chin on her knees. He had to know she was right. She was also pretty certain he felt the same way. His good form was ingrained into him, a crucial part of who he was. He’d want to do the right thing.
Emma placed her hand on his cheek and gently turned his face to her again. In a sad way, her lips curled.
They had to do the right thing.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, the sadness reaching him too.
“Maybe try taking another route? A more legal one this time?” She cocked her head in suggestion.
“We would have to find someone to help us legally, but Gold has people everywhere. They cannot be one of Gold's puppets.”
“I might know someone.”
Might was a wrong word. She knew the perfect someone.
“Did you ever tell me he went to law school?”
An ambulance raced passed them as they walked on the street, synchronized steps sounding against the concrete. It wasn’t far, only two blocks, but Killian had still grabbed her hand to walk the way.
Emma swung their linked hands.
“I might’ve? I don’t remember.” She shrugged. She’d never thought Samir being a lawyer would be something she’d need but here they were: on their way to his shop.
“And he works in a shop?”
Emma checked the street for incoming cars before quickly crossing and pulling Killian along.
“It’s his dad’s,” she explained. “There’s a whole story behind it, I’m sure.”
“Well, I believe you.”
“Why thank you, Jones, for that assurance.”
He winked in response, eliciting a smile on Emma’s face.
The shop appeared from behind the corner and she smiled. It had been a while since she’d seen Samir, fewer midnight snacks and drinks that needed to be bought recently. Maybe his theory about being a not so happy single was correct.
This was also the first time Samir and Killian would meet and she was looking forward to it. Her favorite people in this city had to meet at some point, and even if this visit wasn’t just for pleasure, it still meant something.
The door opened, the bell rang and they were inside.
The store was empty but not for long as Samir emerged from the back, a pack of what looked like cereal in his hands and blocked his view.
“I’ll be right with you!”
“Take your time, Samir,” she reassured.
As he walked to the cereal rack, back facing them, Samir spoke again: “Is that my favorite customer I hear?”
She laughed.
“It might be.”
“I hope it’s her. My sales have been suffering since she decided to disappear more and more,” Samir replied, still not turned to them.
Emma and Killian looked at each other, both raising their eyebrows with a smile.
Finally, Samir finished putting the boxes away and approached them, a smile directed towards Emma and a curious glance towards Killian and their entwined hands.
“Hi,” she finally greeted her friend properly.
“Hello,” he replied.
Killian patiently waited in silence until Emma introduced the two of them to each other.
“Samir, this is Killian,” she began. “Killian, this is Samir.”
“Nice to meet you, mate.” Killian released her hand and reached for Samir’s outstretched one, the men sharing a quick but genuine shake. “Emma has told me a lot about you.”
“You too, mate.” He nodded. “What brings you to my humble shop?”
Emma took a step forwards.
“Remember when we first talked and I told you that if I ever needed a lawyer, I’d call you?” She gave him a second to recall the memory before she continued. “The moment has come.”
Samir did not seem surprised or taken aback at all. Instead, a fire lit up his dark brown eyes as something Emma couldn’t describe as anything other than determination appeared.
“You’re taking him down?” he asked, looking at the both of them for an answer.
She sought Killian’s eyes, wanted to be sure that they were both one hundred percent sure of the path they were going to go down. When she found them, Emma knew that this was what they were doing, even if it was the last thing they did.
“We are,” she replied, the same determination that could be found in Samir’s eyes now in her voice. “If you’re up for it.”
“Rocky Road.” Samir smiled. “I’d thought you’d never ask.”
They spent hours, days, weeks searching. Searching for the smallest lead or detail that was off.  Soon they realized it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.
And it was fucking frustrating.
How could Gold never once have made a misstep? How was that even possible? All humans make a mistake at some point, so why didn’t he?
Samir couldn’t do a lot if they had nothing to go off. He couldn’t think of a charge without proof, couldn’t magically make an accusation appear out of thin air.
Killian tried using the things he’d gathered before but the tidbits of information were mostly outdated and incorrect.
Emma… well she got more frustrated by the minute and wasn’t as useful to the investigation as her companions.
It was so unfair. On paper, this man was a saint.  Donations to nonprofits, he tipped fairly, he even recycled. You name it and The Honorable Mr. Gold had most likely done it.
Which, again, was fucking frustrating.
Emma grunted, throwing one of their folders on Killian’s coffee table. She let her head drop into her hands, momentarily sick of reading and reading, processing information without discovering anything valuable, anything useful for the case they were trying to build.
A case that was currently non-existent because of said shortage of information.
She sighed against her palms and closed her eyes. An empty nothing was better than going back to the file, with information being catapulted at her.
A headache was forming between her temples and so she stayed like that, hands half-buried in her hair and forehead leaning against her palms.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder.
“Oh god!” She jumped and placed her hand over her heart as she saw who the culprit was. “You scared the shit out of me.”
Killian stood next to her with an apologetic grimace on his lips and a plastic bag in his hand.
“Apologies, love. I did announce I was home,” he defended himself, not to take the blame off of himself but to tell her it wasn’t on purpose.
“It’s fine. It’s my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.” She got up and quickly kissed his mouth in way of greeting.
A delicious smell wafted upwards and reached her nose, making her stomach growl. She’d forgotten to eat. Again.
“You bought Chinese?”
He’d told her that he wasn’t the biggest fan of Chinese food and that he ate it maybe once every three years (and that was a broad estimate) So every time he came home with takeout, she knew he did it for her. Because she loved it almost as much as he didn’t like it. Because he’d thought of her while walking past the Chinese restaurant and wanted to make her happy.
She should really tell him she loved him.
“I was in the mood for some spring rolls,” Killian shrugged.
Emma wasn’t falling for his act and stepped back into his personal space, lips searching his again, this time for more than just a peck.
They broke apart, their chests heaving ever so slightly as they both came up for air.
“I should best put this on the table,” he said, his hand lifting the bag of Chinese food again.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Emma, tell him.
“Killian?” she blurted out, her mouth acting before her mind could reconsider.
“Aye?” He turned to her with expectant eyes which definitely didn’t help with the stress that was tormenting her body right now.
Emma took a deep breath, thanks to their earlier tiny make out session, she could attribute her breathlessness to that and not to the source of her fast-beating heart and sweaty palms.
“I love you,” she said and she felt lighter instantaneously. “I thought you should know that.”
Killian left the Chinese food for what it was and strode towards her, only three big strides before he reached her, touched her, kissed her.
She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I love you,” he echoed the words, whispered them against her slightly swollen lips. “I thought you should know that too.”
Laughter bubbled out of Emma with the complete happiness and tranquility she finally felt, and of that earlier frustration, there was nothing left.
“Honestly, I think it’s bollocks. He must’ve paid someone to clear his records. No one is this clean,” Samir mumbled through his full mouth of spaghetti.
Emma sipped from her glass of water and set it back down on the table before taking another bite of her own food.
Quite early on, they discovered that once the three of them—Emma, Killian, and Samir—got together to discuss their plans, it usually turned into just friends hanging out for a while as they all got along extremely well. Emma had honestly been afraid that her friend and her boyfriend wouldn’t get along at first but now, they sometimes got along too well. They had a serious bromance going on and she wouldn’t say she was jealous but she wouldn’t mind if they got along slightly less either. So they went from random meetings in the middle of the day to actual planned dinner evenings for a perfect mix of business and casual.
So that was why Samir was now stuffing his face with Killian’s divine spaghetti and commenting on how he thought the situation was bullshit.
Which Emma agreed with one hundred percent.
“I know, mate, but we have nothing else to go on,” Killian reacted.
“Have we covered all bases?” Samir asked again, but they had. “Youth? Career? Family? Anything we could’ve missed?”
Killian shook his dark locks in a negative answer.
“Milah told me he had no family to speak of so that’s a dead end.”
Emma froze, her eyes popping open as she dropped her fork on the table.
Gold’s brother.
“What did you say, Swan?” Killian frowned as Emma had apparently not only thought it but had actually spoken it out loud.
She cleared her throat before repeating what she had just come to realize. “Gold has a brother.”
“A brother?” Both Killian and Samir said in unison—there was that bromance she was speaking of.
She turned to Killian and grabbed a hold of his prosthetic.
“The guy that attacked the both of us, his name is Malcolm Gold.”
“How do you know that?” he asked.
She knew it because Malcolm’s ego got hurt and he wanted to boast about his powerful name to scare her even more.
"He told me. He might be lying but there is a similarity between the two that makes me think he was telling the truth and that they are brothers."
She got up, not waiting for any type of reaction from the both of them, not having the patience to wait for them to collect their thoughts on the information she’d just handed them.
Emma had already wasted enough time by not thinking of a lead she had had all along, from way before they had decided to try and take Gold down together. She didn’t have the time to be angry with herself right now, that would come later, now she needed to grab her computer as quickly possible.
Faster than ever before, she typed in her password and pulled up some of the online tools she’d often use while researching one of her cases. ‘Malcolm Gold’ she typed in and fervently asked Zeus, the universe, to give her this one thing, to give her something to work with.
“And?” Killian asked, still seated at the table, seemingly understanding what she was attempting to do.
She looked up from the bright computer screen and smirked at her team.
“It seems our dear Malcolm isn’t as good in hiding his tracks as his baby brother is.”
Malcolm Gold was, as Emma discovered, a man of many facets. One of them being an arsonist, another one of them being a notorious drug dealer who was the supplier of a variation of cocaine called Fairy Dust.
Not the most positive of reputations. And yet, somehow, he had spent a grand total of thirty-one hours in jail.
And there it was.
A lead.
After Emma’s discovery, it was all hands on deck; it was countless all-nighters with coffee as their only fuel. It was reading and more reading until their eyeballs went dry.
It took so much but they’d done it.
She was about ready to cry when Samir told her the news.
They had an airtight case. Gold was guilty of blackmail, extortion and the fabrication and distribution of narcotics.
And the son of a bitch was going to jail for it.
They stood in the parking lot of the courthouse, Emma and Killian leaning against Killian’s Toyota and talking in low voices in case someone overheard them. This was a big moment, something they’d worked towards for months, but Emma couldn’t stop shaking.
Months of work were depending on this. Innocent lives were depending on this. Her sanity in general was depending on this. So, it was safe to say that the stakes were pretty damn high.
From across the parking lot, she saw Samir appear, dressed in a dark suit that made him look way older than his young twenty-four years. She had total faith in him, however. He was relentless and thorough. And he was her friend.
“Hello,” he greeted them and they smiled in response.
“You’re sure you don’t want to come inside too?” Samir asked.
She looked at Killian and saw the exact same answer in his eyes. They didn’t want to face him again, not after all he had done and attempted to do. The man was a maniac and the less time they had to spend in his company, the better.
“No, Samir,” Killian said in her stead. Her hands weren’t the only thing that was shaking. “This is all you. We believe in you and we want to thank you for all that you’ve done for us. You’re a true friend.” He clasped his shoulder before going for a hug.
“What about you, Rocky Road?” Samir said as he turned to her. “Will you be alright?”
“Of course,” she finally spoke, managing the tiniest smile. “I trust you completely.” Emma looked him in the eye, reassured when she saw the embers burn in his eyes. “Go destroy him.”
Samir smiled at her and nodded sternly before giving her a hug as well. “For what he did to you,” he whispered as his arms were around her, “–gladly.”
Gold was not prepared for the fury he was about to meet.
“If it’s alright with you, mate, I’m taking Emma home,” Killian said and Emma looked at him in confusion. That wasn’t what they had planned.
Before she could question it, he silently grabbed her hand and squeezed and while she didn’t exactly fully understand what he was saying, she understood enough to not disagree. He really wanted to take her home, so she’d let him. There wasn’t a lot she could do on a courthouse parking lot, either way.
“Fine by me,” Samir replied, “I’ll call you with the verdict.”
Emma was curious about what Killian’s plans were once they got home but he simply took off his jacket as they entered the apartment, toed off his shoes, motioned her to take off her own and led her to the couch once she had. He settled into it and opened his arms to welcome her, an invitation she’d glady–always– accept.
For the time they lay on the couch, there was only Killian and nothing else. No sorrow or fear, only love and warmth. Her hands finally stopped trembling.
In the peace of the purest tranquility, she fell asleep surrounded by him. His heartbeat under her head, his scent in her nose, his legs tangled with hers.
It must’ve been hours later when she woke up, her body still glued to his but the light entering through the window completely different from when they had first gotten comfortable in the sofa. Cranking her eyes open, she looked up and found Killian looking at her with soft eyes, hand smoothing over some unruly blonde hair. He bowed his head and tenderly pressed his lips to her hair.
“We won.”
She sought his eyes and saw the honesty and contentment that lovely shade of blue emitted. Emma didn’t reply to his statement, not in words anyway. She just tightened her arms around him even more and kissed his collarbone before closing her eyes and feeling yet another kiss on her skin, this time on her forehead.
And at last, the mist of grey had lifted and left just the tiniest sparkle of brightness.
And that's it. Our bbis get a happy ending and all was well. I'd like to thank you all for coming onto this ride with me and staying loyal fans as the fic progressed. I'd like to thank everyone who left a comment, a like, fun tags, a kudos. While writing the chapters, I sometimes thought "but what if no one likes this fic I've been working on for months", but the response has been incredible so thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you enjoyed the ride and I hope you have a lovely 2019. Bye!
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isagrimorie · 6 years ago
[reactions] Diary of River Song - Series 3
I’m in the third boxset of the Diary of River Song and I have mixed feelings about the boxset.
I’ll go through this one by one.
The Lady in the Lake by Nev Fountain
On Terminus Prime, clients choose their own means of demise. Something exciting, meaningful, or heroic to end it all. But when River discovers that there are repeat customers, she knows something more is going on. She begins to uncover a cult with worrying abilities. Its members can apparently cheat death, and that’s not all they have in common with River..*
The hype about the third boxset for River Song is that it was one of the best and this story certainly deserves that praise. This was an amazing story. The emotional stakes kept getting higher and when we reach the climax of the story and see how it ties back to the start. It’s chef’s kiss
River discovers that Madam Kovarian cloned her and that her other clones, are for some reason visiting a death planet to die. It turns out her clones had no idea who they were. And about regenerations, somehow formed a death cult. River desperately tries to stop her clones from dying but fails until the last.
And I’m not going to say what happened to the last because wow, what an emotional gut punch.
A Requiem for the Doctor by Jac Rayner
River has joined the Doctor and his friend Brooke on their travels, and they stop off in 18th century Vienna. Brooke thinks history is dull. Until people start dying. Mozart’s legacy is not just his music. River has more than one mystery to solve before a killer is let loose on the people of Vienna – and on the Doctor.
This is where my issues with the boxset comes in. At the end of the first story, River mentioned that she just wanted to see the Doctor and didn’t care which Face she saw.
This turned out to be the Fifth Doctor.
Mostly, I liked the story. River joins the Doctor and his new companion, Brooke. We never heard of Brooke before, she sounds young and enthusiastic and seemed to have knocked about with the Doctor for a while, so River coming to mess with their dynamic is understandable.
The problem comes in, for me, is when River starts to drop anvils about her relationship with the Doctor and Five is only confused and befuddled with River.
I’ve said often enough, that I have an issue with River claiming to love all faces of the Doctor. Because while the core of the Doctor is still the same no matter the regeneration, Post-Time War Doctors are different from Pre-Time War Doctors.
Eight/River is the dividing line for me because Eight straddled the line of Pre and Post-Time War.
Also, no one person can love another person in all stages of their lives — I really believe in right time and right place. Hell, even River herself believed that in Forest of the Dead:
River: You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. and it's like they're not quite finished. They're not done yet. Well, yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does. But not my Doctor.
River in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead has affection for Ten, and is attracted to Ten but River wasn’t in love with Ten. Because he hasn’t become the man she falls in love with yet.
Ten has yet to go through the heartbreak of his decision to mindwipe Donna, nor has he gone through the crucible of his actions in The Waters of Mrs, or even confronting Rassilon and then the act of deciding to let Gallifrey fall again. Or even, his decision to give his life for Wilf.
Those decisions and actions matter it helped shaped the Doctor to who they will become in the future. And that man was the man River fell in love with.
In the end of this Brooke is revealed to be an assassin (and if anyone is familiar with the River naming system, already suspect who she might be) and attempts to kill the Fifth Doctor.
River stops Brooke in time and saves the Fifth Doctor with her love. And — sigh I think the writer was attempting to replicate the speech in Husbands of River Song but the problem is — the writer is several thousand leagues off. And River proclaiming the Doctor was the love of her life because he is the Bestest Kindest Man in the Universe doesn’t work. The declaration of love doesn’t have Moffat’s deft hand with language and it felt more like a sledgehammer.
My Dinner with Andrew by John Dorney
Welcome, Mesdames et Messieurs, to The Bumptious Gastropod. The most exclusive, most discreet dining experience outside the universe. For the restaurant exists beyond spacetime itself, and the usual rules of causality do not apply. Anything could happen. It is here that the Doctor has a date. With River Song. And with death.
This story was trying to emulate Moffat’s complicated and fun timey-wimey nature and sometimes it works. Madame Kovarian finally comes into the story, and Brooke, surprise, surprise is another of River’s clones.
There’s a real uncomfortable moment when River kisses Five, who is unused to these kind of advances. And doesn’t seem to be receptive, she kisses him to make him forget. In a world where there’s RetCon (and that’s also problematic too) I am not fond of the way River kept using her forgetting lipstick kisses.
Earlier in the time line, River meets Andrew. He looks exactly like the Fifth Doctor except he has (I think) a Northern accent. There are robots with holographic shells. And a restaurant that is outside of Time.
There’s a couple of fun moments running together but the most that I really love is River’s deep hatred for Kovarian. Brooke ends up killing the Doctor and ends up regenerating. Her next regeneration looks very much like Mels from Let’s Kill Hitler.
(Still with me?)
Kovarian and Brooke capture River and bring her back to base.
The Furies by Matt Fitton
Stories of the Furies abound across the cosmos: vengeful spirits hounding guilty souls to death. Madame Kovarian taught them to a child raised in fear, trained to kill, and placed inside a spacesuit. Kovarian knows the universe’s greatest threat, the Doctor must be eliminated. An assassin was created for that purpose. But if Melody Pond has failed, Kovarian will simply have to try again…
This story was — I wish it was better than it was. It could have been really ripe for a great story since it’s about River confronting Kovarian but they barely scratch the surface of their issues. Kovarian has created four-five more River clones, and they’re all aware of River.
They have an unspecified number of regenerations. And different personalities. After regenerating, Brooke has become a little unstable and out of a fit of anger kills one of her sister-clones and blames River for it.
The ghost of the Fifth Doctor is haunting Kovarian because she killed the Doctor too early in his timeline and the universe is falling apart.
It is interesting to me how much of the mythology of the Doctor to the clones is informed by Kovarian’s experience with the Eleventh Doctor in the Battle of Trenzalore. She is so sure the Doctor is a demon, and evil, and the source of all ills. She’s so blinded by her hatred and fear of the Doctor she passed it on to the clones.
The ghost drives Kovarian mad, the other clones realized the murderer was Brooke and River wins the other clones over — even Brooke. She goes back in time and grooms Andrew (the Fifth Doctor lookalike) to die in the Doctor’s place.
The story ends with the clones going out in the world and Brooke staying to become Kovarian’s jailer.
I was dissatisfied with this because in the first story River expressed the need for family. The story even mentioned Amy and Rory and it was interesting how River said that she thought Amy couldn’t get over losing them and it’s why she stayed away. This is a sad thing to think about and I don’t think that’s at all what Amy and Rory wanted.
River doesn’t introduce her young sister clones to her parents, which I think would have helped a lot. But she also leaves them behind even though she said that she was tired of being alone.
Honestly, I wish this story lived up to the first story. It could have been if there was another round of edits and tighten it up. Alex Kingston’s performance, is of course, always top notch.
Nina Toussaint-White (Brooke 2) was also really good but the story failed to really mine the story for what it could have been.
Overall this boxset is a mixed bag with interesting concepts I wish the writers would dive deeper more — like all the issues River has because of her upbringing. I think Big Finish is capable of it. River vs the Masters story, especially the last with the War Master where the War Master exploited River’s susceptibility to mind control. And in the Eight of March where it explored River’s insecurity and Leela had to bring her back down. If they could just laser focus on it — it would be amazing. Honestly, I keep hoping for the caliber of work in Doom Coalition here because River deserves a really great boxset.
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krreader · 7 years ago
ensorcell | chapter 5
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pairing: prince!taehyung x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; prince!taehyung ;  arranged marriage ; language genre: fluff ; angst ; smut previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
summary: it was funny, how meeting one single person could change your life forever. you were ordinary, he was not. he was rich, you were not. he fell in love with you and so did you. even though he was never supposed to.
a/n: I am so fucking sorry, honestly. but I remembered how much I love this fic when writing this chapter and I really hope I can update more frequently again!!! hope you all like it, because this might be my fav chapter so far!!! ( (Y/S) means your studies. if you’re not a student, just think about the thing you’d like to study/did study :))
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Meeting the family of your partner for the first time was always nerve-wrecking and slightly uncomfortable. Sometimes even extremely so, if the parents weren't too happy about the choice their child had made.
But meeting the royal family of the guy you were going to marry soon, despite knowing barely anything about him, royal life or the customs of his kingdom? And all just because you made out with him?
Now that wasn't just nerve-wrecking or uncomfortable anymore, that was downright horrifying.
But here you were, at a way too large table for the few people that were sitting at it, you next to Taehyung, staring at the food in front of you that servants had brought on a silver platter, realizing once again that this really wasn't what you were used to.
“So, (Y/N),” his mother decided to try and break the ice first, a kind smile on her face and her voice quite cheerful despite the situation. It made you look up from your plate and try to smile as well, “Tell me about yourself.. Taehyung hasn't told me much, apart from you being the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Has he?” but when you turned to Taehyung, he was suddenly very interested in the soup in front of him, pretending not to have heard what his mother had just said, “Well.. I'm afraid there's not much to say about me. I'm just.. you know.. normal.”
“My husband told me you're a student? What are you studying?”
“Oh, it's (Y/S),” you smiled proudly.
“Well, see? That's quite interesting.”
Unlike Taehyung's father, who has been glaring at you throughout the entirety of this dinner, his mother actually made an effort, which was nice. This was probably not what she wanted either, but it almost felt like she understood where her son had been coming from. Wanting to find real love, and not marry the person his parents had chosen for him. It's like she could relate on some level..
“Can I ask you something?” his younger brother spoke for the first time since you met him, looking from you to Taehyung, then back at you and only spoke when you nodded, “How much has he paid you to make out with him?”
“I swear to god..-”
“Taehyung, stop,” his father raised his hand when Tae wanted to get up and walk around the table with the napkin in his hand, but his brother and sister only chuckled, “You're behaving like little children today.”
“Well, we finally have a normal person here,” his sister smiled happily at you, “And I'm happy that she is. Maybe I can have a normal conversation for once and not talk about the latest results of horse racing. Do you like music, (Y/N)? And.. I'm not talking about classical music.”
“I do,” you grinned, “I'm mostly into rap, though. Three of my best friends from college are rappers and trying to make it big..”
“Seriously?” she leaned forward, her eyes suddenly big, “That is so cool! Oh my god, I love rap music!”
The look of her father. It was like a mixture of disgust, as well as annoyance. He didn't seem like the type of guy to enjoy rap music at all. Or maybe it was just your presence that he didn’t like. Taehyung on the other hand could only watch you interact with the.. nice part of his family with a happy smile, glad that they were already accepting you so much.
“I'm glad you're all enjoying yourself over such.. mundane matters. But I think it's time to discuss the reason you're here in the first place, (Y/N),” his father patted his mouth with the napkin, before looking up at you, “Tomorrow there is going to be a press conference, where we will address matters. I will speak first, Taehyung standing next to me. We will explain the situation and tell them what we've discussed before. And then we will introduce you.”
You gulped hard, but nodded anyways.
You could feel a hand over yours, finding it to be Taehyung's, who smiled encouragingly at you. That alone had you calm own a bit.
“Do I.. have to say something?”
“No,” his father laughed, “I want you to smile and act like my son is the love of your life. If you two manage to do that, there shouldn't be a problem.”
“What about Dae, though?” his youngest son asked with a full mouth. Something that he usually never would do, but he just felt so comfortable with you being around. He felt like he could be a little bit more like a teenager for once, “Did you tell her yet?”
“She's.. been informed. But I haven't spoken to her personally yet.”
The rest of the dinner was relatively uneventful. His mother and siblings kept asking you questions and it almost seemed like they were genuinely interested in you and the life that a normal person leads. And even though the life of royalty was always portrayed to be so perfect, you couldn't help but wonder whether these people were actually longing for some normality every once in a while.
And when the dinner was over, Taehyung personally escorted you to your private bedchambers.
Yes. Bedchambers, because this place was bigger than your freaking apartment and it was just one bedroom.
“It has a bathroom right here and if you need anything else, you can either ask me or the maids,” he smiled.
You let yourself sink onto the mattress of the bed, before you fell backwards, letting out a moan and closing your eyes for a moment, “Shit. This is so comfortable.”
“I know, right? Get used to that luxury, I guess.”
You opened one eye again and turned your head so that you could look at him, “How did I do, by the way? At the dinner I mean?”
“Apart from the fact that we definitely need to teach you not to use the same fork and spoon for all meals? Wonderful.”
“I was wondering why there were so many of them,” you laughed and stared back at the ceiling.
Taehyung was a little unsure, because even if you two were supposed to play lovers, you were nowhere near that yet. Like, sure, you both liked each other, a lot more than friends did, but if you were normal college kids, you'd currently be in that awkward 'Are we dating?' phase. So he carefully sat down on the bed next to you, but keeping enough distance between you, just in case.
“Are you okay? About tomorrow? And everything in general?”
“I think so.. I just hope you won't regret all of this, you know? I don't want to make it any worse than it already is.”
“Just be yourself tomorrow and they're all going to love you like my mother and siblings already do. You're that normality that this country is missing.. and maybe having you become queen one day is actually a good thing.. maybe even revolutionary, you know?”
“Queen,” you repeated, slowly sitting up, “You do realize I know absolutely nothing about royalty or ruling, right?”
“We've got time to teach you all of it.. And I'll be by your side every step of the way.”
You smiled at him, taking a risk by sliding closer to him and leaning against his chest. Tae reacted right away and wrapped his arms around you, that same smile that you had creeping on his face.
Neither of you said anything else that night, you just remained in that position of holding each other, while Taehyung occasionally dropped kisses against your head.
This felt oddly right. It was new and it was not what you were used to, but it felt right nevertheless.
So as unsure as you had been and still were about the whole marriage thing, it was moments like these that made you think you'd be okay with it all, as long as you could be with him.
At some point, you must have both fallen asleep, since you woke up the next morning with his arms still wrapped around you, but your head now resting on his chest. And unfortunately you hadn't been woken up by your the alarm on your phone, but by his mother and sister standing in front of you.
“Oh my god,” you instantly rolled away from Taehyung, “It's not what it looks like, I swear!”
“Taehyung,” his mother crossed her arms in front of her chest and let him sit up and rub the sleep out of his eyes before she continued, “Did you use protection?”
“No, we really didn't..-”
“Can you imagine?” her daughter turned towards her mother, laughing wholeheartedly, “Imagine them having a baby even before the wedding. Oh, the scandals! I love it!” she pulled you towards her, “You're my new best friend, (Y/N)!”
Well, your best friend at home would probably not like that, but you also didn't complain that she liked you so much.
Apparently they had come here because they wanted to help you get ready for the day and didn't want to leave it all in the hands of the maids to find the perfect outfit, hairstyle and make-up look.
But while his sister was already dragging you towards the bathroom, Taehyung's mother sat down next to him.
“You promise me to be careful, right?”
“I didn't sleep with her, mother. We just talked and then we fell asleep.”
“I'm saying this for the future as well. Your father barely accepted this marriage, but if she becomes pregnant before the marriage, there is nothing even I can do to calm him down anymore.”
“I'm not that stupid. I know what condoms are and I know how to use them,” he remembered that lesson that he had to sit through when he became of age. A shudder ran down his spine just thinking about that wooden penis and the condom and the way his teacher taught him how to roll it on. Ugh, it had been so stupid and awkward.
“Good,” she smiled and kissed his cheek, “Now go to your room and get ready. Breakfast will be waiting for you.”
“Take good care of her? Please?” he sounded so cute and worried in that moment, that his mother couldn't help but chuckle.
“Don't worry. Your bride will be fine.”
And as soon as he was alone in the room, he fell back down onto your bed with a happy grin.
His bride.
Because he'd marry you.
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Taehyung didn't actually see you up until the press conference again.
But when he did.. oh boy.
It's not that he didn't like the way you looked before, he obviously fell for you when you were your natural self. But his mother and sister have been doing this for their entire lives, so they knew how to make a woman.. accentuate her features.
While he was in his usual suit, looking like the prince that he was, you were wearing a simple, yet elegant navy blue dress with black heels that matched his outfit. Your make-up look was natural again, but he could tell that it had been done by professionals and your hair had been straightened.
His breath literally got stuck in his throat when you approached him and he was already worried about seeing you in one of the ballgowns for the first time, because if he reacted like that upon seeing you in casual dresses, he'd surely have a heart attack when seeing you in something more fancy, right?
“Do you like it?” you giggled as you looked down at yourself.
“You.. fuck.”
“Taehyung!” his mother scolded when he used a swear word.
“Sorry, sorry,” he shook his head, then looked back up into your eyes, “You're beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
The cameras and everything was already set up and the family was waiting in the room next to it. When his father came in, Tae immediately grabbed your hand and squeezed it once.
“Don't worry okay? We'll pull this off.”
“I know,” and if the room hadn't been full of his family, maids and servants and other people that helped the family, you would have leaned over to kiss him. But because of all that, you just settled for a small smile, before Taehyung followed his father into the other room and you turned your head to the screen, where you could watch the live press conference.
At first he just greeted everyone in the room and everyone watching, but then he came to the really important part. The part why everyone was here and watching today.
“As you all have probably heard by now, there have been headlines about my son, Prince Kim Taehyung, being involved with another woman, even though he and Princess Dae were supposed to marry soon. I would like to hereby give a statement and explain the situation to everyone out there,” he waited a second, before he looked back up at all the people in the room, “My son and Princess Dae have had an arrangement to get married ever since they were children. Something that many royals do. But you need to understand that these arrangements don't usually involve love. It is purely for the benefits of the country and everyone involved. But sometimes.. sometimes the universe has a different plan for even us. Even for princes and kings. And so what happened, was that my son fell in love with another woman. That woman that you see him kissing in the papers. Now I know the rumors say that he and this woman haven't actually met before, but that is a blatant lie. My son has met her three years ago. And they fell in love.”
A couple of gasps resonated through the room and the king let them settle down again, before he continued with this made-up story.
“Because my son has always wanted what was best for this country, he kept this a secret. From all of us. He wanted the prosperity of our country more than his own happiness. Something that I can only applaud him for,” he turned around and put his hand on his shoulder.
But Taehyung knew that the look he gave him was saying the complete opposite. Because Taehyung did the complete opposite.
“That I found out about this love affair was only accidental. He and I talked about it for a long time and discussed every single possibility. But you need to understand that I am not only king, but a father as well. And to all of you out there having a child, you will understand. You will understand that you just want your child to be happy and you want to know that even if you'll be gone from this world, they're going to be in good hands. And when I met his lover, I realized that that was exactly the case. He met someone that I knew would take good care of him.”
“But she's just a commoner,” one of the people in the room screamed and Taehyung had to bite his tongue as to not let an insult slip.
“You're right. She is just a commoner. But why should that be a bad thing? Isn't a commoner more likely to understand the problems and needs of the normal people of this country? The people that depend on us to make decisions? Isn't she going to bring a new perspective that we've never had before?” again, a small pause, “I truly believe that she will bring something to this family that we haven't had before. That no royal family had before. We will break the barriers of royalty and the normal people of this country. I believe, that this will only bring us closer together.”
Nobody said anything to that.
Because the king knew it was good. He knew that it was a good idea.
“She won't bring riches, she won't bring land, but she is bringing my son happiness and I truly believe she will bring happiness to this country as well,” that.. was a lot of responsibility. And you could feel your palms beginning to sweat at that. Bring happiness to the country? How the hell were you supposed to do that? “So I hereby announce that the wedding of my son and princess Dae will not be happening.”
Again, a couple of gasps, the first people jumping up and wanting to ask questions, but the king quickly shook his head.
“Instead, let me introduce you to the woman that my son will indeed marry,” the king turned to the door, while the maids pushed you forward a bit, “Please welcome, the future princess of this country and the betrothed to my son, Lady (Y/N).”
You remembered what his mother and sister had said beforehand.
Take a deep breath, check.
Smile, check.
And then you just walk and pretend like you're okay, even though you're having a mental breakdown.
That was fun, by the way.
But seeing Taehyung standing there, smiling at you like you were the only one for him.. like he truly believed this was right and that he wanted to marry you, by his own free will, that did make it better.
He kissed your cheek when you were right beside him, his arm wrapped around your waist as the flashes were going off like crazy. His father smiled too, but unlike yours, his was absolutely fake.
For a second, all you two did was smile at all the cameras, before he leaned down to your ear and whispered: “I'm going to kiss you, okay?”
He told you, because he didn't want you to look too surprised when he did, because that would have been suspicious. You had to act like you’ve been doing this for years and not just.. you know.. days.
It wasn't passionate, but gentle. It had meaning..
His lips softly pressed against yours, just for a moment, before he pulled back and looked directly into your eyes.
Somehow, the flashes of the cameras and the questions the paparazzi were screaming towards you all faded away. All you could see was him. All you could focus on was him.
And that's when you knew.
Love at first sight did exist.
It just took you a bit longer to realize it.
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peachyzens · 7 years ago
car washer! junhui au
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car washer! junhui au
genre: fluffffff summary: the thought of working in the blazing sun all the day made you dread coming to work, but not if there was someone there to make everything better (2,363 words) a/n: i know i originally planned for jun to be a barista…but the thought of this was too good to pass but anyways idk if there’s a technical term for this job so !!! series masterlist can be found here!
alright so junhui
when he moved to seoul from china he needed a job that required little to no conversation with people since he was still learning the language
so he ended up finding a job as a car washer!!!
it was more labor intensive than what he preferred but it was something he could do
not to mention it was a great arm workout
so anyways, junhui would be THAT person out in the sun, wearing sleeveless white tanks, have his hair messily slicked back, while rocking a pair of aviators
we all know what happens to white clothes when it gets wet! it becomes see through
so needless to say, junhui brought in a lot of business LMAo
people would be driving down the street and then when they see him holding and waving around a sign for a car wash with a little smirk on his face, they are intrigued
like why is this model guy out here??? washing cars and not walking down a runway???
good question
junhui would ALSO be that guy that when he reaches over the windshield, he flexes
he knows the people inside are watching and probably drooling
so he just has that knowing smirk on his face
people would give him quite the generous tips, in which he responds with genuine smiles
who would’ve known that a job as a car washer could pay so well! only if you’re junhui
so anyways
you too were looking for a part time job
and after countless applications to restaurants, stores, basically anywhere
the only place that called back was for a car washing job!!!
you were honestly very tempted to turn it down, considering you applied not even thinking they would get to you
but luck works out in mysterious ways!!!
so you say screw it and go for it
and you got it!!!!! much to your despair!!!!!!
let’s just say you are not much of an outdoorsy person, you prefer to be in a nice air conditioned room rather than outside in the smoldering heat
but a job is a job, and you needed money
plus this was one of few jobs that would take tips so!!! extra $$$
so on your first day, dread filling your system, you walk up to the little kiosk that is your new workplace
where you are greeted by none other than the man!!! wen junhui!!!
and you were kinda starstruck for a moment because w o w he is a beautiful man
but then he kinda just gave you a small smirk and nod before he was off
snapping back to reality
you go in and greet your boss, who was expecting you
“y/n you’re here!!! oh, did you see junhui on his way out?? that’s going to be your new coworker!” he spoke enthusiastically to you
so now you had a name to the cute face
but then you realized he said coworker and you almost flipped
that means…you would be seeing that model man for the entirety of your career there
maybe it wasn’t that bad of a job after all heheh
so yeah your boss talks you through the basics
often referring to junhui as he was in the middle of washing a car right now
basically you were going to be his assistant lmao
so without further ado, you start working!
you and junhui developed a system where you would soak the lower parts of the car that you could reach, while junhui would take on the higher parts to flex
and by the time you were done with your first car, you were ready to take a break
but of course!!! another car pulls in
and you just have a done look on your face and you hear junhui chuckle a bit at you before nodding his head towards the car, a sign of him telling you to join him
so you do
and this is how the rest of your first day goes
you and junhui actually didn’t share any words at all, you thought he couldn’t talk until you heard him thank the customers that would come out to give him a tip
but you heard the little bit of an accent in his voice so you pieced all the puzzle pieces together
he was a foreigner unfamiliar with the language, not an unsocial butterfly!!
so the next day, you gathered up your courage to finally introduce yourself to him!!
“i’m y/n, by the way”
“i know”
“oh ok”
and that was IT
literally you cringing internally at that conversation
but you convinced yourself he would eventually open up to you!!!
so after that, you guys only did share the smallest talk
“hi how are you”
“good how are you”
the more you went to your job the more you didn’t mind it, you just wished you and junhui would talk more so you aren’t bored out of your mind
when it would be really slow, you both would go out to the sidewalk with your signs and just wave them around, gathering more attention
and even though junhui was smiling and putting on a show for the crowd, it was dead silent between you two
basically you thought junhui hated you and you were ready to quit
but one day, one day finally
junhui ACTUALLY started a conversation with you!!!
and you kind of just stared at him with a look as if he just saved the earth from global warming
and he just blankly stared at you back
“what brought you here?” he asked
and after an short and awkward staring contest, you finally snapped out of it to respond
“i needed a job”
“me too”
and it was silent again
but nope, you gathered your courage to continue a conversation he actually started because who knows when this would happen again!!!
“what brought you to this job?” you asked him
he kind of just stared at you with a blank look as he was processing your words
“i needed a job with no talking”
you nodded in understanding
“where are you from?” you asked, shocked at how you guys were ACTUALLy having a conversation after weeks of working together
“china” he responded, and you nodded in understanding
that ended up being the last of your conversation but its ok!!! that’s enough progress for a day
so the next day, junhui greets you with a smile that is bigger than his small little smirks he used to always give
and this time, he’s initiating the conversation with you!!
he’s asking you more questions about yourself, like about your family, your preferences
and you guys are actually having a good time talking to each other!!!
you noticed how much he improved in speaking his newly learned language confidently, and you told him that
to which he actually responded with a sheepish smile
“i’m sorry i didn’t talk much at first, i was nervous”
“it’s alright!! i understand, it’s hard learning a new language, but you can always ask me for help!!” and he thought about your offer with a smile!
and he really did take you up on that offer, because the next day at work he would ask you some questions he had about the korean language, and you would gladly answer
you even taught him more vocab!!
this would happen basically every day at work, junhui’s korean abilities grew while your friendship with him grew!
it grew to the point where you guys would even hangout on your days off!!!
junhui once mentioned how the only places he goes to are work and his apartment, which made you a lil sad
so you promised to take him out to some of your favorite spots!!!
even though you were inwardly panicking at yourself for suggesting what might seem like a date, junhui wholeheartedly agreed!
and that is how you guys found yourselves at one of your favorite barbecue places on your days off
you honestly thought it would be awkward, but it was not!!!
junhui has gotten way more confident in conversing with you
“by the way, i never got to thank you for helping me and my korean, also for encouraging me! so thank you” he said one day over a meal
you were honestly melting and your cheeks were probably blushing, but junhui was too focused on his food to notice
“no problem, i’m glad i could be a help!!!”
you two practically became best friends, mainly since you guys saw each other basically every day
now you looked forward to going to work, since you now had a good friend that made time go by way faster!
junhui would teasingly splash water on you, causing you to splash some back
and it ends up in a water fight that ends when your boss comes out to see the both of you drenched
and of course, junhui is in his white tshirt and you try to ignore the outline of his abs but you can’t help but take a few peeks
“are you checking me out?” he would call you out with a smirk
“w-what no!!!! i thought there was something on your shirt” you stuttered as you suddenly found an interest in the rocks in the pavement
“it’s alright, since it’s you i’ll let it slide” he spoke smoothly
and you were just cursing inside your head like when did he become so smooth!!! is this what you taught him????
“um yeah oKay then let’s get to washing cars a ha!!!” you said as awkward as possible as you just ran to the new car to avoid his knowing stare
junhui just chuckled at you
he has noticed you taking some sneak peeks of when his white shirt would get soaked
but he wasn’t in the position to say anything when he admired how you would run your fingers through your hair at times
you both harbored a tiny lil crush on each other but you both were too afraid to damage your friendship that neither of you acted on it!!!
until oNe day
when an old friend of yours came into town
you were just so excited to see him that you cancelled all your plans with junhui on your guys day off
“what am i going to do without you i’m going to be so bored and locked up in my house :(“ he would whine to you when you told him
you would just roll your eyes back at him
“jun i think you can speak enough korean to go out and about no problem”
“you don’t know that!!!”
“i DO know that since i taught you something like everyday for the past months”
“well still, i’m going to sit at home and wait until you come back :<“ he pouted
and your heart just melted
not only at his adorable little face but because of his WORDS
you have noticed that junhui would speak to you in flirty ways sometime but you would just brush it off, thinking it’s just his personality
meanwhile junhui..is questioning your density
he is wondering why you haven’t questioned him about anything when he has been so blatantly trying to make a move for the past weeks now
it did take him a lot of thinking of whether or not he should go for you or not, but he is determined that y’all are soulmates so he wasn’t backing down now!!!!
and when he was finally fed up with it, he kinda just confessed to you in a casual way
it all started on a day when you both were washing a car
and today you were more noticeably in a good mood
“why are you so perky today it’s so weird” he asked you from the other side of the car
“shutup and let me live, i know you love me” you retorted sarcastically
and this was where normally junhui would be like “gross no stay away from me” as apart of your guys friendship,,, but he just
“yeah i really do” he just stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world it was
and you were so ready to retort something sassy back when you were just like “wait what”
he just stands up from his side of the car and looks at you straight in the eye
“i don’t know if you noticed but i really do like you, i’ve been purposely flirting with you for the past month to get you to notice but you never did so i give up and i’m just saying it now”
noticing your reddening cheeks, he just smiled that happy smile that always came out when you were around
you couldn’t believe what you just heard so you just began cleaning the lower part of the car to avoid his adoring eyes and smile that made you melt
“s hutup and get back to work” you would say through the midst of your burning cheeks and beating heart
you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize junhui made his way over to your side
“so is that a yes?”
you yelped and fell on your butt, not expecting him to be there and put his face SO CLOSE TO YOURS
“oh my god i hate you!!!! and yes to what??” you smacked him as he bursted out laughing at your clumsy self, before rolling his eyes at you playing dumb
“to my confession, what else did i ask you in the past five minutes?” he stated nonchalantly, helping you clean your side of the car
and just when you thought you calmed down your heart and cheeks, it started to race again
“yeah i guess” you stated, trying to be nonchalant like him
junhui just looked over to you with an amused smirk and raised eyebrow
but when he saw your burning cheeks, he knew that you felt the same way
so with a quick kiss to your cheek, junhui ran off back to the other side
and you both were smiling like the little lovestruck dorks you were ❤️
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kilesplaysthings · 6 years ago
IkeSen Custom MC/OC Meme
(just so you know, i’m pulling this straight outta thin air lol it’s late and i’m brainstorming as i fill this out XD)
Hello there, time-traveler / feudal heroine / warlord! What’s your name?
Oh hey there! My name is Ana Hill (I’ve been told I need to work on my Japanese letters - and I probably should be writing this in Japanese too - but hey, what Ieyasu doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?!)
Age? Height?
21! Uh, I guess about 5′3 or so?
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
Well, before I pulled a Marty McFly back into the Sengoku, my style was..um..nothing? I dunno, a simple t-shirt and jeans did the job for me. And Converse. Man..I miss my Converse.. Well, at my job I had to wear a nice pantsuit as well. Not too big on skirts, but I liked wearing dresses now and then. Heels were ok, but only for formal occasions. Now that I’m here in the good ol’ 1500s, I like to rock the kimono, if you know what I mean. Though I’ve been seriously considering swiping one of Mitsunari’s..or Ieyasu’s Hakama sometimes (they seem closer to my size, I think). Those look very comfortable!
Where are you from?
Glouchester, Massachusetts (USA) 
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons?
Ooh boy, here we go. Pros: It’s quieter here, plus the scenery is beautiful, like the different castles and shrines I’ve seen, not to mention all the nature!! Oh, and no pollution, either!! I get to be up close and personal with a lot of wildlife too, like horses! I’ve learned how to ride one too! Which is something I’ve always wanted to learn! Since I’ve been set up as a Princess I’ve been treated pretty well and everyone is very kind and helpful. And there’s a lot of lovely kimono I’ve been allowed to try on. Cons: Language barrier is worse in this time period. I could get by with speaking Japanese back in the modern day, but here, it’s different.. and I’m completely lost when it comes to reading their alphabet! I had no idea the letters changed over time! Also, they don’t call it the Sengoku era for nothing! It’s one thing to see it in the movies, it’s another thing to hear about and see the real thing. There are some things I don’t think I’ll ever un-see.. As for more lighthearted matters, I do miss wifi, not gonna lie.. and air conditioning... what I wouldn’t give for air conditioning again.....(and tampons but ANYWAYS)
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
I do miss my grandparents, but also my time was also the time where I had to watch my mom die... so... a little bit of yes and a little bit of no...
What’s your home life like?
I lived with my grandparents, whose parents actually immigrated from Portugal. My dad was of some other nationality, like German or Dutch, I think. He skipped out on us when I was a kid. My mom died in my teens. You know, being able to actually speak a little Portuguese helps with the warlords? At least, with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Didn’t realize there were Portuguese merchants that visited Japan back then. The more you know, I guess!
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work?
My line of work WAS being an English teacher in Kyoto. There was a cool exchange program in school that allowed us to go to Japan and I loved it. After that I learned that you could get a job that allowed you to teach English over there. I loved Japan, and I wanted to be a teacher. The rest is history. heh...
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period?
I’m a big movie buff. American film, French film, Japanese film, Korean film.. name it, I’ll watch it. It’s just a hobby of mine. Nothing very useful for the Sengoku period, though. Watching Kurosawa films does NOT make one a Sengoku scholar, I found. Though it is fun seeing all those warlords baffled at my lame 80s references.
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place?
Azuchi. Nobunaga and Masamune were names I recognized. And Nobunaga can speak some Portuguese, so I went along with him. Good choice? Bad choice? We’ll see...
How do you feel about killing and violence?
It’s the Sengoku period. It’s just what goes on here. That doesn’t mean I like it, and that it doesn’t scare me half to death, but I just kinda...live with it? I couldn’t kill a person myself, though. Unless maybe in self-defense.
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice?
Fighting kind of scares me. I did agree to learn how to shoot a bow. And Masamune gave me a dagger to protect myself.
What are you fighting for?
To survive? Being a Princess of Azuchi isn’t always safe, I’ve found. Especially when its Lord decides to drag me into battle even though he knows I don’t know a thing about fighting??!!
What are your feelings about authority?
Hey man, I don’t like dictators, but I come from a different time period. I can’t just assume that people are gonna understand or agree with the morals that I’m used to. If someone is pointing a sword or a pistol in my face, I’m not gonna act stupid and be disrespectful, you know? There’s a time and a place for things.
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
If it’s someone I know and am close with, I don’t mind it at all! But if they’re a stranger, I get uncomfortable.
…do you invade people’s personal space?
I wouldn’t say so, unless, again, if you’re someone I am close with. 
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
I tend to be more on the open side. I can keep a secret, though, if need be (though it depends on if I think its something that should be kept secret).
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
With a real person that I actually know? Yes...
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
I can be a bit of a cuddler. Again, if I know you, I like to be close. Kissing is..yes. I like it.. I also like to play with hair and have mine played with. Honestly, just snuggling close to someone and talking about anything and everything is a perfect way to spend an afternoon for me. I’m not too complicated. I grew up in a small house where we shared everything. I’m used to simple things and am easy to please.
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love?
Simple, everyday things please me. A nice comment, a random hug or kiss, a sweet gesture; just something that shows they were thinking of me... I grew up being taught that family is very important, so knowing that I am wanted and that I can be a part of someone else’s family would be a wonderful thing.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)?
Hmmmm...maybe? When I was little, my grandfather once said my grandmother was fofo, which means cute or soft. Maybe I’d call him that...
How do you feel about…
Nobunaga? Weird. A mix of scary, funny, childish, and admirable all rolled up into that...admittedly attractive...mountain of a man. Good conversationalist too. It’s extremely entertaining telling him all of the stories from movies and books back at home.
Hideyoshi?  Scary at first, but super sweet once he got used to me. Very helpful and considerate. I’m slowly but surely winding him down and helping him chill out about Nobunaga sneaking out to get candy (because I want some of my own, darn it!!!)
Masamune? Also Scary. But man can he cook! Also he has a PET TIGER. One of these days, im stealing Shogetsu and keeping him for myself!
Ieyasu? Porcupine. Also a good teacher, but super strict! Gave me a real appreciation for herbal medicines.
Mitsunari? He’s SO CUTE? Literally, the cutest person I’ve ever seen?? Good study buddy, too. He’s helping me learn the language better and I’m teaching him English!
Mitsuhide? Scary. But cool. But scary. But funny. I can’t tell you how many times he’s made fun of the way I’ve stared at him since we’ve met.
Shingen? Hot. Too hot. Dangerous. gotta keep your eye on that one. May or may not have imagined him in a suit.
Kenshin? He’s got..two different colored eyes? Like a cat? Intimidating as all get-out. All he thinks about is war. Needs a hobby like stamp collecting. I want to touch his fluffy haori.
Yukimura? Reminds me of a guy I knew in school. Kind of a jock, but not the kind that has a way with the ladies. Lovable but awkward. That kind of guy. He’s funny when he’s with Sasuke though. Hilarious to tease too. He called me an enchantress one time and I tried to sing that one song from Hocus Pocus to him. Didn’t go well.
Sasuke?  Bestest pal ever. Would 100% time travel with him again. We have so many inside jokes we could write a book. (omg we should do that.. gotta remind myself to tell him that next time I see him!!) It’s a shame he lives so far away.
Kennyo? A warrior monk who wants to kill but also loves animals? Doesn’t compute. If only I could get him to a therapist...
Motonari?  I’m gonna teach him the “Pirates Life for Me” song one of these days...that is, if he doesn’t try to kill me or kidnap me or something first...
Any other friends/notables?
I did have some friends when I was teaching English, yes. I also got along with my students pretty well too. Mostly, it’s my grandparents I worry about while I’m stuck here...
Freestyle! Tell us anything else you’d like to share!
I have a massive sweet tooth like big man Nobunaga here. Hideyoshi has accused me of encouraging his addiction.. it’s true, sadly. Portuguese merchants are my best friends and I’ve haggled them enough that I get some of their delicacies for lower prices. I’m becoming Nobunaga’s best friend because of this, I think. My name might as well be Lucky Charm. Shingen may or may not have recruited me to his sweet dumpling team though. Those are super good...
*goes to think about all the sweets she misses*
Thanks for introducing yourself! ♡
(you rock, @nyktoon-ikemenlove !)
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