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xiaq · 1 year ago
After setting up for an onsite demo, I was talking to the project owner in the conference room, waiting for everyone else to arrive, when I noticed this giant pile of post-it note cubes in all different colors, all mixed together. And I was like. No. Absolutely not.
So I reached over and, while still chatting, got them all sorted by color and then lined my color stacks up in ROYGBIV order, nice and tidy.
Project owner: Ah. I see you have a touch of the 'tism as well.
Me: Whoops.
Project owner: Probably half the people that will be in this room do too, you're among friends.
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ill-monster · 6 days ago
kay but why the fuck tell me to hurry and get something done when you NEVER tell anyone else shit. that's crazy.
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bolontiku · 5 months ago
I love it when I warn people to be nice to me, but they wanna playthe fuck around and find out game. You did this to yourself hunny...
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noecoded · 1 year ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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lostinatrainofthoughts · 1 year ago
God, im so tired.
8:30am-1:00pm= classes = 5hours
1:30-5:30pm = parents education day = 4hours
8:30-10:30pm = maths training = 2hours
11 hours of work guys!!!!! 11 out of 24 hours ON A SUNDAY. everyones at home relaxing, here i am unaware of what that even means!!!!! And i only get a day off out of a week!!!!
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radonodera · 2 years ago
You ever take benedytl and then you feel like the letter S
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years ago
Omg the fucking CONSTRUCTION I was on ONE bus (the express at that) for nearly 40 fucking minutes because of traffic that in part was caused by construction and normally my whole trip home is 35 minutes. Then I GET home and my asshole cat knocked a bunch of shit over obviously rip roaring around the damn house acting like a fucking fool AND I forgot it was garbage day. Plus the new manager started at work today and stuff got mixed up so I had to deal with her until almost noon training and she seems fine, it's fine, except the thing I LIKE about my job is not having people up my ass all day it's a very solitary job minus the small chats I have with coworkers and instead I had to spend my morning with my boss up my ass ☠️☠️☠️ PLUS in the afternoon I was running my ass off because basically everything needed to be cooked for everyone and I was like I cannot catch a break!! Minus my literal breaks, which I skip rarely because fuck you.
The only saving grace is that in the middle of writing this very post the internet I ordered called me back to confirm my shit (the company, obviously, not the literal internet) and it looks like I won't have to go even a DAY without internet they'll be at my new place at 11 am. I can be watching Netflix unpacking by 3 😎😎😎
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defiantly-ageis · 2 years ago
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johnbbutmakeitace · 4 months ago
so can someone actually tell me if s4 is workth watching 👀
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xiaq · 1 month ago
I won.
My new boss: “Everyone come to the team meeting with a surprising story about something you’ve done in the past. Something no one would expect of you!”
Me: Googling the statute of limitation for felonies in Texas
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unstable-table · 7 months ago
Vamprism Resources
The vampire codex (mainly for psi vamps)
The misanthropic vampire (has a large amount of stuff)
The psychic vampire codex (for psi vamps)
You could probably find more but these are just the ones I have found.
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year ago
Bloo this is a very dumb question from me
How do Bloodmoon hat work? Did he shove a normal nightcap on and the ears just poked through?
I try to draw his hat and my brain is just 'that is not how himst workth'
The ears on the hat are part of the overall hat design, like how an animal hat has little ears on it but in Bloodmoon's case the hat ears are hollow inside to allow them to stick their own in
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confirmedcannibal · 6 months ago
Me: what a good day
S[omething goes wromg]
Me: fuck fuck ough ou oy guess life is shit guess it isn't workth living anymore guess I'll die guess I'm a peice of shit ohugh
My cat: meow
Me: oigh I was wrong I was so wrong were so back
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thehollygrayelle · 1 year ago
omg holly! how has your day been how are you doooing?
I art doing quite well in fact. Mine shift at workth has just concluded and I am currently marching back to mine chambers, I did exceptionally well today if I do sayth mineself. Thankth thy for asking.
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across-violet-skies · 1 year ago
Febuwhump day 9: bees
Whumpee: Twilight
Whump Rating: 1/10
TWs: none!
“Twi!” Wild waved an arm excitedly, trying to flag the rancher down.
Twilight turned, raising an eyebrow. “What is it, Cub?”
The Champion tapped at his slate, eyes bright with passion as he pulled out a large honeycomb, shoving it toward Twilight. “I harvested some honey!” He smiled mischievously. “Didn’t you say you used to eat bee larvae? Because I think there’s some inside the comb!”
“Oh!” Twilight chuckled nervously, pushing the honeycomb back. “Wild, that’s really not… I don’t eat it anymore. It was only a last resort.”
Wild frowned, tilting his head. “Why? Does it taste bad?”
The rancher nodded. “Terrible.”
Wild seemed to consider this for a moment before breaking open the honeycomb, taking a piece with the larvae inside it. Twilight cringed as Wild bit into the comb, crunching lightly. “Tastes fine.” He shrugged, taking another bite. “You should have some. For old times' sake!”
The rancher hesitantly accepted the offered piece, narrowing his eyes at Wild. “And you’re sure it tastes okay?”
“This is fresh, Twi,” the Champion insisted, taking another bite.
Twilight sighed, lifting the piece up closer to his mouth. “Yeah… I guess I could try it again. Couldn’t hurt.” He bit into the comb, chewing slowly. “I gueth it doethn’t taste bad…”
Wild grinned, nodding. “Fresh!” He wiggled the piece of honeycomb in the air, emphasizing his point.
Twilight rolled his eyes, swallowing the piece. “Ooh!” He grimaced, grabbing at his throat. “Ow…”
“What?” The Champion questioned, confused.
Twilight kept his hands around his throat. “Wild. Did you check the honeycomb for bees?”
“It’s bee larvae,” Wild replied, shaking his head. “There’s bees.”
The rancher groaned, running his hands down his face. “Wil’,” he slurred, gritting his teeth. “Th’rs not s’ppsed to be beethz!”
“Uhh…” The Champion rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “How about I… take you back to camp? We can talk to Hyrule; maybe he could help?”
“A bee stung m’ throat,” Twilight hissed, letting Wild lead him back toward the campsite.
“Hyrule! Hey, ‘Rulie!” Wild shouted, waving an arm to catch the healer’s attention. “We got something for ya!”
Hyrule turned around, eyebrow quirked in confusion. “Wild, you don’t have to- oh.” He ran up to Twilight, reaching up to grab both sides of the rancher’s face. “What happened? He’s all swollen!”
“Wil’ made m’ eat a bee,” Twilight answered, glaring at the Champion.
Hyrule clicked his tongue. “That was mean. C’mon, I’ll see what I can do.” He glanced at Wild, frowning. “You’re lucky he’s not allergic, or we would have a real problem on our hands. Don’t feed people bees.”
Wild huffed, shaking his head. ��I didn’t mean to!”
“That poor bee…” the traveler murmured, shaking his head. He led Twilight over to the campfire, making him sit down. “Let me see…” Hyrule squinted, scrunching up his face as he examined Twilight’s throat. “Pretty swollen. Um… maybe I could get the venom out?”
“Whatethvr workths,” the rancher agreed.
Nodding, Hyrule closed his eyes, hands glowing a soft green as he pressed them on either side of Twilight’s neck. His brow creased as he focused, doing his best to coax the venom out and soothe Twilight’s throat.
“Ugh,” Hyrule grunted, blinking rapidly. “I can’t do anything. You’ll just have to let it run its course.”
Twilight sighed. “Well, thanks anyway. It doesn’t hurt as bad, at least.”
“Mhm.” The traveler nodded, shrugging. “I’ll ask Legend if we can borrow his ice rod. It should help with the swelling.”
Twilight nodded thankfully as Hyrule ran off, presumably to find Legend. Wild approached, fidgeting with his hands while smiling sheepishly.
“I really am sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t realize. I never meant to hurt you, I just thought it would be fun to try.”
The rancher sighed, smiling. Or, smiling as well as he could, considering all the swelling. “Ths okay. I forgithve you.”
Hyrule returned, Legend in tow. The Vet raised an amused eyebrow upon spotting Twilight, chuckling lightly. “Well! This was worth it.” He handed over his ice rod. “Great to see you, Ranchhand.”
Twilight accepted the ice rod with an unimpressed look. Hyrule stepped in, smiling awkwardly. “Thanks, Lege. Hopefully the swelling goes down.”
Legend waved a hand carelessly. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t break my things.” He turned, walking back in the direction he came from.
The traveler grinned. “He really does care. It’s just hard for him to show it.” He paused, fidgeting for a moment. “Well… I can’t do anything else. Wars might be better suited to help you with this.” Hyrule chuckled nervously. “Sorry I couldn’t do more…”
“Iths okay. Thanths,” Twilight replied, still slurring his words. His tongue must’ve swelled up as well.
“You did what you could. It’s my fault he’s like this in the first place,” Wild admitted, sighing. “I don’t know what Wars could do that you haven’t already done. Maybe waiting is the best option.”
Twilight hummed, nodding. He grimaced suddenly, making eye contact with Wild. “Th’ Old Man’ths gonna lecture uth for thith.”
Wild groaned, putting his head in his hands. “You’re right… he’ll be so disappointed.”
“Well…” Hyrule hesitated, squinting. “Maybe he doesn’t need to know? As long as the swelling goes down enough, I won’t say anything. And Legend won’t either,” he added quickly.
The rancher smiled through puffy lips. “Thanths, Rule.”
“You’re the best!” Wild exclaimed, laughing. “This never happened! Nobody ate anything they weren’t supposed to, and nobody egged him on. Just a normal, accident-free day.”
Twilight snorted. “Thaths almost more thuspicious than someth’ng happ’en!”
Wild grinned. “What the Old Man doesn’t know won’t hurt him!”
–> support me on ao3!
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louisinart · 2 years ago
I have officially witnessed the one guy that can workthe waxed-end handlebar mustache and I feel changed
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