#and giving them a big hug and kisses
I just had a dream where
My best friend
Somehow went to the hospital and had a baby
They weren’t pregnant beforehand or anything
They had no partner
Something something a mistake in the clinic and anyway guess who’s a parent?
I feel sad. They were having this whole experience without me. But also when I went to see them and their kid all I could do was squeal and hug them and kiss them because !!! You’re a parent!
And I was so proud ^_^
Just a little sad for me
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
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btw. if you even care
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fatuismooches · 8 months
Reader telling them "I love you", and they either smile, fluster or say ilyt BUT reader is like " no you don't understand ". Grabs them by the shoulder, looks them dead straight in the eye and says it slowly once again. " I. Love. You." And proceed to say the most devoted, loving words about them and how reader is so in love, loyal and just. UGHHHH
Take it easy! Just bask into this idea, hope you don't stress over answering a bunch of (my 😭) asks!! Mwah mwah 💕💕 /p
OH I AM MORE THAN BASKING INTO THIS BECAUSE IT IS SO REAL!!!! We love a reader who is completely and utterly in love with their Harbingers <3 Pierro and Capitano are the ones who stay silent as you go on a whole tangent about how much you love them. Pierro retains his usual serious look, but you're so caught up with your words you may not notice how his face turns softer at your blatant declarations of devotion. Sure, he has a mountain of work to catch up on, but what kind of lover would he be if he didn't let his love rant their feelings out to him? He's not the most verbal or physically affectionate, but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate it. I imagine he's been betrayed and such in the past, you know with Celestia and Khaenri'ah and all, so he deeply appreciates your words. Capitano... well, you can never really see his expression with that big helmet of his, so it's a bit hard to tell what he's thinking but don't worry!! His heart is beating quicker than usual and his mind is racing as to what to reply with!! Since when did you become so romantic and affectionate? He hasn't read enough romance advice books to respond properly yet! So Capitano just... pats your head and thanks you so sincerely it makes you giggle. He attempts to formally respond to your feelings via writing but he can't find the right words, unfortunately.
Dottore (that's who you're here for, I know) merely bursts into a laugh. No, he's not laughing at you, but he simply finds it a bit amusing. The idea of true devotion, of genuine loyalty, of real love... he still toys with those concepts a bit. He does feel these things toward you, but he won't verbalize them. Yet you don't seem to care about admitting those feelings toward him in the slightest... in fact, it seems like you jump at the chance to tell him how much you adore him... it's a bit funny to Dottore. Of course, he won't ever stop you, he does enjoy being worshipped and loved by you. Akademiya Zandik, on the other hand, would probably fight you off and then storm away to hide his blushing cheeks. How dare you say such idiotic things to him and how dare you make his heart thump hard at such stupid words. Pantalone too, except it's less of a laugh and more of a few chuckles. He's the kind of person to smile and nod at everything you say, completely enamored by you. He'll stop you in the middle and ask you to elaborate on a specific part and you happily do, he's stroking his own ego at this point but how can you blame him? His darling is being far too cute for him not to want to tease them a bit!
Columbina and Childe are very excited and blushy over it. They adore it when you're so open with them! Columbina's smile is even larger than usual as she hums in agreement with everything you're saying. Yes, please keep adoring her like this. She loves hearing about how much you love her. She's quite open with her feelings toward you too, so to hear it reciprocated so plainly? Pure bliss for her! Childe too is similar, you can literally see how he lights up and a faint blush spreads across his cheeks when you flatter him with such praise. But not for too long, because he'll pick you up and tease you ten times harder. Trying to get on his good side, hmm? Well, he'll have you know he loves you far more than you ever cold. Occasionally, he gets worried about whether it's right to be with you since he's in the Fatui, so these kinds of messages are secretly quite reassuring to him.
Arlecchino and Signora are very elegant and smooth about it. They watch you with a knowing smile, hands tracing over your collarbone and up to your neck and chin... a finger combing through your hair. Arlecchino is still a quiet and reserved woman, she still doesn't say much after your confession, but she is very pleased. Kisses you and gives you a sincere thank you. In her line of work, it's not often she find someone as loyally passionate as you are. Much less someone she loves to the deepest depths of her heart. She knows that you'll never betray or stab her in the back, and she shall never do that to you either. Signora is more smug and teasing about it. Oh? You truly love her that much? How about you show her it too? She ends up flustering you despite you being the one throwing all these sweet words at you. She truly loves being pampered by you, she needs it after all with all of the heartache she went through with her last lover, who she was abruptly cut off from.
Scaramouche and Sandrone short circuit for a few moments before springing back to life, stuttering and berating you for such stupidity and hurriedly breaking free from your grip. They can't deal with such loving words being directed towards them, especially unprompted. Scaramouche's expression is one that you have imprinted in your memory, the uncharacteristic redness and slack jaw, before he becomes his usual Scara self and launches into a long speech about how clingy and strange you were and that you should never do that ever again lest he actually get mad (this is a plea for you to confess all of that again, despite his adamant protest... you know he loves being loved, a feeling that always seemed to slip away from him. He's hesitant about it but he can't deny the rush of his "heart" when he hears your sincere words.) Sandrone's face is just blank. Blank like a robot. She opens her mouth to speak and then closes it, and then opens it again but she's at a loss for words. She finally gets out a half-hearted insult and ends up stuttering halfway through, so that's already not a good look for her. It seems even her usual bad attitude can't keep up when assaulted with such genuine affection...
And... Papanella can get a little platonic kiss on the cheek while you thank him for being the best grandad.
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floral-hex · 9 months
I lied, I don’t want to have sex. Take off your shoes, we’re going to gently hold each other for the next 4 hours.
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spacedlexi · 4 months
the way the ericson group were at the outbreak just a bunch of troubled kids who made various mistakes or committed crimes and were judged by a system that punished and abandoned them instead of giving them the support and love they needed, are then nearly a decade later put into a situation where now they must judge a troubled child for the mistakes and crimes hes committed against them. and 5 to 3 vote them out 😭
#twdg#i love the way s4 connects back to lees whole 'murderer' thing back in s1 😭 guilt...atonement.....systems of punishment#i love thinking about s1>s4 themes and crying#anyway this is partially why i hate when i see the ericson cast reduced down to 'just some teens' its so much more than that#them being abandoned in a boarding school for troubled kids is SO IMPORTANT its not 'just some school'#anyway its also probably why theyre my favorite cast#theyre literally one of if not the most mature group of the series even while being a bunch of kids who make choices i dont agree with#because they actually love and care about each other. even when theyre mad. because theyre all they have left#i do think the vote was a fair way to handle it even tho i still ultimately find it cruel. they couldve talked it out#but this is still a story that needs conflict to resolve so is what it is#they would rather they leave than have to face their confused feelings. the most immature thing they do. but understandable#they did such a good job crafting that cast for clem GOD an entire ensemble built around her and aj....delicious#zombie/post apoc media about love and community my beloved 😭#sorry but get tf out of here with that 'humans are evil and everyone dies' lame ass bullshit we are nothing without community#the amount of love pouring out of s4 is like getting my ass kicked but then they give me a big hug and kiss after and send me on my way#s4 my absolute beloved i really love it more and more every time. so much to appreciate even with it the way it is#the themes bro the themes........ the connections between seasons 1 and 4 you are everything to me#it speaks
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terezicaptor · 5 months
morning crew literally kiss every single day when they all first meet up. it started out as just cheek kisses but then tubbo felt left out when fit and pac started dating and it became kisses on the lips for all 3 of them
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cowboy-robooty · 1 day
banging my head into a wall trying to make friends as a dms guy when everybody else in the world likes talking through posts.
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transgender-catboy · 9 months
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God, he looks downright exhausted here...
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About Me!
I've gotten a WHOLE bunch of new followers bc of y'all coming over from my ao3, or just, stumbling upon me, so here's some basic info on me!
So hi, I'm Clown, or Sam, whichever is funnier at any given point in time.
I use they/them and vae/vaer, but I'm also chill with he/him or xe/xem, love those guys.
I'm 18, and I don't really mind if you're a minor or not or an adult or not to interact w my page. Just don't be weird to me???
I'm also a hashtag disabled hottie, doctors love me for my mysterious conditions and my body's general inability to function the way it should be functioning. I will project so fucking heavy onto any characters that I think are disabled/are canon disabled or chronically ill. My current guy of the month is Law from one piece. Blows him up with my mind affectionately, he's chronically ill in the same kinda way as me now, good luck with that one champ.
Speaking of which. READ MY FICS BOY [gender neutral]. My ao3 is swaglittlesystem, I currently have one ongoing longfic- Accidental Adoptions. It's updated every Wednesday, this is subject to change based on how much I can write lol.
I also have my Daemon AU, which I will update with fics sporadically.
Yippee, huzzah, ect.
Uhhh, DNI if you're like. A Fucking Weirdo, a zionist, ect.
[Fucking Weirdo criteria is if you are actively romanticizing and enjoying anything like the following in a way that you think is hot/attractive/ect.: pedophilia, loli/shota, incest, pseudo-incest, bestiality, rape. If you write a story in which there is a rape scene, tag it correctly, and understand that rape is fucked up and not cool, that's fine. If you write a story in which there is a rape scene, and think it's sooo hot, or don't tell people in your comments that saying it's hot is bad. Uh. Just please DNI.]
If you actually got through all that, here is a picture of my beloved bearded dragon, Lichen!
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sky-cotl-nature · 5 months
the TWO! animals of today: little mantas located in the 4th level of vault of knowledge (1st) and in the last part of the hidden forest (2nd)!
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i love these little guys so much 🤍, definitely one of if not the best creature in sky cotl, although i might be biased cause i love the plushie 🤭. I would say they are one of the most recognizable creatures from sky, although im mainly talking about the white manta. I feel like the badass manta (see image 1.) is often not talked about much which is sad cause, and this is between you and me pal, they are the better manta in my humble opinion 👀. no shade to the normal manta though, i still love them very much, but the dark mantas are just cooler and don’t put me at as much risk of being snatched 🤧.
anyways go give your local mantas a big hug for being so good! and don’t worry if you have a favorite, i wont judge as long as you love them 😁
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crystalflygeo · 3 months
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Husbands💕 pretty lovely I kith kith 💕💕💕💕 they are so kind with their soft smiles and BIG BOUQUET OF ROSES AAAAA but my kids my children I'm weeping I'm sobbing I love them sm💕 ashcbahjsbskabvsakv 😭🥺
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thuviel · 1 year
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They’re done!! This was really fun, I feel like it helped me loosen up a bit, which is exactly what I hoped to do :D
Thank you for letting me borrow your wonderful characters @deadgirlrising  @phantomseptember @babufactory @weirbeast @kivran @mossypebbles @petardaaaa @themonstercals @witchlinx
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meatriarch · 5 months
listen - pre-house / shine / college au / modern / etc any good-end au, valentines day is galentines day for maria okay? that day is for her GIRLS and her GIRLS ALONE. so long as neither of them have plans with a partner that day? maria decks her apartment out in all kinds of cutesy hearts and bakes a whole bunch with connie and julie, if they feel up to it they cook a nice little dinner for themselves and just enjoy each others company before piling a whole mess of blankets and pillows and cushions all over her living room and camping out there while probably watching cheesy romance movies and getting wine-drunk.
if they wanna go out? they're doing each others hair and make-up and making sure they each look cute and pretty ( they always are! ) and they go out and have a fuckin' blast with each other all night ( sometimes accompanied, at a distance, by danny. watchdog who lets them have their space for girls night but will step in if they're getting bugged to no fuckin' end. )
otherwise? maria's valentines typically consist of her scouting all over austin, popping in and out of florists shops as well as the one she works at part-time, gathering up bunches of flowers and accents from each. if she can't find a specific flower she's looking for, she goes out to pick them where she knows they grow wild.
and she arranges bouquets for each of her friends.
connie's always has daisies and sweet peas. julie's always has a sunflower or two, zinnias, pansies. sonny gets sweet williams and purple alstroemerias. danny's has sprays of gladiolus with dahlia's. leland's always has yellow roses with soft-blue hyacinths and larkspur. donnie also gets sunflowers ( along with james & julie ) with roses, hyacinths or mums. james with his sunflowers and pink tulips and cosmos. johnny gets red roses, red dahlias, and red mums.
her friends / partners each get their lil bouquet from her, each wrapped together in matching paper, with a whole mess of baked goodies and chocolates etc in cute valentines containers ( maybe even some cheesy silly valentines one-liners in handwritten cards, you know- ).
ana's always has white tulips, violets, and crocus flowers. mama flores always gets her favorite flower - lisianthus. (:
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solarisgod · 9 months
oh i want to hug the starwake system so much i adore them all
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Waaahhhhh I feel this sentiment so so so much in my whole starry heart and soul...
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kyuala · 10 months
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just woke up from a dream where mark was my bf how do i go on living like normal after this 😭😭😭😭
#i think i was like. at some sort of nct nation rehearsal and i was just listening to his parts#anton for some reason came up beside me and was like singing along and i was like omg thats so good!!! u rock!!#then hendery asked me what i was talking about bc from where he was standing he couldnt see anton so i explained it to him#i said anton rocks omg!!!! then he agreed then anton got all shy then we all ordered food (?)#WHICH WAS BURGER KING BUT LIKE ON A MEAL PLATE AND ALSO W WASABI???? anyways#mark discreetly showed up along w some of the other members and while they were all talking he came up to me tryna be all lowkey#but then i made grabby hands and kissy faces at him and he came closer so i could smooch his cheek 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭im gonna kms.#anyways. i kissed his cheek and while we were hugging he whispered smth abt asking a staff to drop me off at his house#or the other way around i cant rmbr it but i got all happy n excited bc i'd be seeing him again later#n we were like. just in a big love bubble it was so cute :( then fucking hendery and anton saw us and were like WHAT ARE Y'ALL TALKING ABOUT#we just giggled and said NOTHING MIND YOUR BUSINESS and then mark gave them his credit card to distract them like 😭😭😭 some rich men r ok#n then he went away and they started fighting over who got the card and what they should buy with it#and hendery was doing a silly dance to make me laugh and try to convince me to be on his side n say anton should give him the card it was SO#CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE WHOLE ENTIRE DREAM IT WAS JUST SO CUTE I CANT IM VONNA DIE#screaming crying throwing up etc pls God make this a realityyyy i wanna date mark and have fun w the neos and neo-adjacent 😔#mari.txt#dreams
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ok i need you to imagine triton and maximus get brought back to life. good so far yeah. ok now imagine crystal and blackagar being so happy and excited about this they just smother those two with hugs immediately. ok now imagine it turns into a group family hug and they're all very happy to all be back together again.
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