#i wonder if they think about me or if theyre too busy getting laid
for the love of god someone convince me from texting my ex, i daydreamed too closr to the sun and now i want attention😭
#its not a door i should open#but idk if im crazy and i need to drop my suspicions and try again or if im really going to be right some day#and we get involved again then that person comes along and its a messy awful breakup and i just cant do that to them#but fuck i wish i could be with them#i would love them but the problem is (aside from their drinking) it would be so easy to fall in love with them#but they want long term and aside from me knowing im leaving the province soon i dont think wish how i am now id be okay with pretending#its not fair#i want to see them again#im jealous of attention they probably get and that theyve probably given#and i really hate how i was made and that i cant just go with the flow#but again drinking and dark eyes aside theyre practically perfect#i miss them so much sometimes that im actually posting more on instagram in the hopes theyll notice me again#i wonder if they think about me or if theyre too busy getting laid#cause theyre in a band so duh obviously theyre getting laid#I FUCKING HATE MY INABILITY TO BE ATTRACTED TO PEOPLE#ITS NOT FAIR#I HATE MY SUPERSTITIONS SO DAMN MUCH I WANT TO LET THEM GO AND BE HAPPY BUT I CANT#I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT THE PERSON I WANT TO BE WITH WITH PRETTY BLUE EYES AND BIG HANDS#fuck nate was so close to perfect and i love that theyre so interesting and fuck i think id just give in if they had blue eyes#i could ignore the other problems and feel better about trying to be with them#mostly i just want them to kiss me and hug me again#they were so gentle about it and it felt so safe and i wanna cry cause i know its not fair to contact them#but fuck i wish i could#i dont want to be alone anymore and they made me laugh#i dont know what to do but i wish it was easier to at least meet people if not date them#i just want to feel something for someone new so i can feel like im over them#but sadly they work at ikea and its not even the closest one to me but i have to go there for a new mattress topper and jars#and i keep imagining running into them AND ITS FUCKING ME UP i want to talk to them but i cant do that
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Whiny Whitethorn
Rowaelin Month masterlist
This whole thing was born last night, when my uber driver told me he got blocked from two different restaurants on iFood (but I wrote Uber Eats because it’s used worldwide even though it’s a huge flop where I live).
Warnings: none I think? Nothing happened but Aelin thinks Rowan’s a creep but it’s just hinted. Anyway.
Words: 2k
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Rowan had never felt greater loss in his thirty-two years of life.
He laid on the floor, wondering how he’d survived an entire month without his favorite restaurant already. His fridge felt too dull. His counter, too empty without Emrys’ Steaks takeout boxes. Meat on a stick would never be the same.
He did complain about the food every time, but only because he wanted Emrys’ Steaks to achieve even greater greatness. Rowan complained because he cared.
Now he moped around the house, chest hollow as he reminisced the times he focused on the bad parts instead of the good ones. A month ago, if he knew that would be his last time ordering at Emrys’ Steaks, he wouldn’t have complained to that lady that the fries weren’t as crispy. Neither would he make a suggestion about purchasing rice of better quality if he knew they were struggling financially.
Because that’s what happens, right? No restaurant that good would close without a good reason.
Feeling an inkling of doubt, Rowan opened Instagram and typed the restaurant’s name. He only visited there once because he preferred to have food delivered at home—
There’s a story. Posted one hour ago. Of the place open.
Emrys’ Steaks didn’t close, they just ditched Uber Eats.
Rowan closed his eyes and relaxed against his tiled floor, relief taking over his previously tense muscles and making him feel like he was fluttering. He was so grateful he felt like his body was expanding to another dimension. One filled with meat on a stick.
He considered changing his clothes and going to the restaurant to fully understand what happened, but decided to use the phone number available on their page.
The Uber Eats link was still there, but it didn’t open in Rowan’s phone. Odd. He should remind the staff to take the link off or fix it.
Rowan: Good evening.
Rowan: Can you send me a picture of the menu?
Emrys’ Steaks: hi
Emrys’ Steaks: [picture of the closed menu.]
He frowned. Maybe they put the same person who buys that second-rate rice in charge of the phone.
Rowan: Open, please?
Emrys’ Steaks: yes til 11pm
He pinched the bridge of his nose, refusing to let other people’s incompetence get to him because the food is worth it.
Rowan: I’d like to see the open menu
Emrys’ Steaks: apologize
Rowan: I’m sorry…?
Rowan: You know what
Rowan: I’ll just have a rump steak with bacon on a stick.
Emrys’ Steaks: sorry for the typo sir i meant i apologize for the inconvienent
Emrys’ Steaks: sorry again sir there’s no steak
Rowan: It’s a steakhouse.
Rowan: What do you mean there’s no steak?
Emrys’ Steaks: i don’t know sir my mom said that but uncle emrys is cooking a lot maybe theyre bringingh their own meat
And that’s when Rowan gave up on getting his dinner delivered.
The small restaurant was cramped as ever, reminding him of why he insisted on ordering from home. Rowan walked until he reached a counter in the back, but the staff was busy going from one place to the other. The only unoccupied person was a little girl sitting behind the counter, playing on a phone. Despite being a literal child, she looked old enough to reason with.
Rowan cleared his throat. “Do you work here?”
He could finally see past that curtain of pitch-black hair, when she looked up with eyes so wide and blue Rowan had an impression she was trying to blind him with UV lights.
“No, but I’ll get someone who does. What’s your name?”
”Rowan. Rowan Whitethorn.”
The girl’s mouth fell, and she took him in with eyes so wide it looked as if she was seeing a ghost. “Are you Whiny Whitethorn?”
He froze. “What.”
She straightened her posture, studying the situation with her little inquisitive eyes, as if she were a miniature Sherlock Holmes. “Do you whine to my mom every week?”
“Not whining!” His voice rose, just a small display of the outrage he felt. “I call to give helpful input—“
The girl giggled, taking a few steps back until she was running towards the kitchen. “Mom! Whiny Whitethorn is here!”
The loud background noise, a deafening result of multiple tables’ chatter and laughter, was one of the reasons Rowan preferred to dine in his own home. The place was nice, but with a casual touch about it that made it look attractive to young people. As long as they’re well-employed enough to pay for the steaks, that is, since they were just a little over the average price.
A moment later, Rowan was taken aback by the woman emerging from the kitchen. Her light blue dress shirt that matched her turquoise eyes was tucked under a skirt tight enough that he decided it was best to snap his eyes back up.
For a second, he forgot about the nickname she and her daughter called him. For a second, Rowan was about to tell her she could call him anything she wants.
“Rowan Whitethorn?” The woman extended a hand. “I’m Aelin Galathynius, the person you… voice your complaints to over the phone.”
He shook her hand, a bitter smile adorning his face. “I believe you meant whine to.”
“Do you want a table, Mr. Whitethorn?”
”I do, actually.” He cocked his head with a pinched expression, trying to silently address how annoyed he was. “I’m here because you’re unreachable online.”
“Can you elaborate, sir?”
“You see, your Uber Eats page hasn’t been working for a month. I even thought you guys were closed.” Rowan opened up his phone and showed her the issue with Uber Eats, then his text thread with the restaurant. “And whoever is in charge of the phone is completely inefficient.”
“I see…” Aelin’s unwavering face faltered, and that’s how he knew she’d just found out about something not going according to plan. “Emrys, the owner, gave my daughter access to our commercial phone, but she isn’t allowed to speak with the clients in it. I apologize for the inconvenience.” A pause for her fake customer smile. “About the Uber Eats… I’m afraid you can’t reach us there because I blocked you.”
“You did what?” Rowan blinked, his mind racing and empty at the same time. He wasn’t expecting this. Was it even possible to block a customer? “Why would you do that?”
”Your bi-weekly phone calls were disrupting my work, sir. I weighed my decision a lot before doing it, considering how frequently you ordered from us.”
Rowan blinked. His mouth opened, but wasn’t able to articulate any reply. He couldn’t believe this—
“Come on, Mr. Whitethorn.” She rounded the counter, to lead him away from it. “I’ll show you a table.”
A rump steak with bacon on a steak was always great to help him put things into perspective.
Except that there was no perspective. Rowan was doomed. Aelin said she’d come back to talk to him, and he could only think of all the ways he was going to grovel to get unblocked on Uber Eats—
The kid from earlier sat in front of him, at his table, without saying a word.
“Hello… child.”
“It’s Annie.”
He extended a hand for her to shake, unsure of how to act around kids. She shook it, before giving a skeptical, pointed look at his shirt.
“Are you a trainer on Pokémon Go?”
Rowan looked down, just now noticing he was wearing a silly t-shirt his friend Fenrys gave him a couple of years ago. It was of Pikachu on a cartesian plane, his thunder jolt making a parabola, and some projectile motion equations on the side. It was as nerdy as a shirt could get, and Rowan was sure the Pikachu was the only part of it that Annie understood.
He leaned closer, resting both forearms on the table. “Why do you ask?”
The kid mirrored his position, eyeing him up and down. “I can unblock you on Uber Eats. My mom won’t notice if you don’t call her again.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank you, Annie—“
“But I want two shiny or legendary pokémons in return.”
Rowan squinted his eyes at that devious little thing. Maybe kids weren’t a mystery after all. This one seemed to be sneakier than most adults he knew.
“Deal,” he grunted.
To Rowan’s surprise, the girl’s business-like stance fell for a moment. Her pinched lips broke into a grin, her upper body shaking with sheer delight in what looked like a giddy dance and a squeal. His eyes crinkled, that sight reminding Rowan of how kids were universally known for getting happy over silly things. It was an overly used cliché, but looked cute in person.
Rowan opened his app, looking for something a kid her age would like. “I have a shiny Squirtle with sunglasses.”
She shook her head with disappointment, letting out a heavy sigh. “I can get grounded, Rowan, and you offer me a Squirtle?”
That little urchin was so adorable it almost made him forget how smart she is. Rowan crossed his arms, jaw tight this time. “What do you want?”
“One galarian legendary bird.” Her eyes narrowed. “And the shiny Squirtle.”
He gaped, struggling to find an answer that matched his shock. Absolutely not. His galarian birds were sacred, and—
Rowan frowned, wondering what was Annie’s issues with the cutlery, when he noticed Aelin coming their way. Shit, shit, shit. That trade was the only way to get him unblocked, and he had to act fast. He skimmed through the app, his eyes quickly finding a shiny Mew. Annie said she wanted one shiny and one legendary, Rowan could only hope she’d accept one with both things as part of their deal.
Confirm trade.
The little girl gasped in the exact same moment Aelin reached their table. And when she eyed the screen on Annie’s hand, her eyes went cold, her lips flat.
“I need to talk to you in the kitchen, Annie,” her mother said half-smiling her costumer smile, half growling between her gritted teeth. ”Now.”
The little girl jumped from the chair and ran away, leaving him alone with Aelin.
She was smiling at him, but it was clear that it wasn’t a cheerful one. It wasn’t even a costumer smile. This time, Aelin looked livid, her smile a sharp blade aimed at him.
“Look, Whitethorn, my patience with you is wearing thin. You’ll stay blocked on Uber Eats, and if you come back here, I don’t want you chit-chatting with my eight-year-old daughter again.” Aelin leaned closer, her eyes poisoned with rage and threat. “She might be with me at work out of need, but don’t you think for a second that I don’t watch her. If I ever see you trying to befriend Annie again, sending her online gifts behind my back, I won’t call the police. You’ll be the one wanting to call the cops on me.”
Rowan leaned away, shocked when he understood what she was implying. ”I think there was a misunderstanding, I’d never—“
“Did you understand, Whitethorn?”
He nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Perfect.” Aelin took a step back, her costumer smile plastered on. “Enjoy your meal.”
It was actually cold by now, but it was better than no dinner. He got back to it, his movements slow as he processed what just happened.
Aelin’s assumption of why he sent Annie that pokémon was a huge misunderstanding, but he was still on the wrong side. Rowan was so desperate to be unblocked he engaged in a secretive deal with someone else’s kid. He didn’t need to know a lot about children to understand how unacceptable that behavior was. If he were Annie’s father, he’d be threatening strangers who did that too.
After quickly finishing his dinner, he had already accepted that his future depended on an eight-year-old. And he lost a shiny Mew with no guarantee that she’d take it instead of one shiny, and another legendary pokémon she requested. With very little hope, he opened Uber Eats on his way out.
Emrys’ Steaks 4,8⭑
30-45 min • $4 Delivery Fee
Rowan’s shoulders dropped in relief, his chest expanding as he breathed in the cold evening air. He thanked that little urchin in his mind, and got into his car with a triumphant smirk.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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fruitcoops · 4 years
This highkey might be one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. I adore Julian (as you could probably tell from my header) and it’s always wonderful when I can fit him in! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
It was his birthday, and Jules was…well, honestly, kind of bummed. The string of his party hat itched the underside of his chin and he picked at his cake—his mother had made it the night before, and he had been looking forward to it all day. Now, though, it just tasted bitter.
His friends skated around with bright smiles and loud laughter, racing each other around the ice with reckless abandon in some weird version of tag that looked pretty lame. Jules had really tried to have fun, but the disappointment was crushing him.
Sorry, buddy, but we’ve got a game, Remus had said over the phone three days prior. We’ll come and see you as soon as we can, though, okay?
And Jules had said ‘okay, love you’ even though he wanted to cry a little, because he was eleven and that made him a grownup. Remus had never missed his birthday before.
A heavy hand squeezed his shoulder and he looked up from his paper plate. “Hey, kiddo, why aren’t you out on the ice?” his dad asked. He was smiling, but Jules could see the concern on his face.
He shrugged and pulled his hat off. “Takin’ a break. My legs were getting tired.”
It was a lie, and a poor one, but the bummer clouds were getting thicker and his birthday cake was tacky in his mouth. “Eleven’s a big one,” his dad tried again, sitting next to him on the bench.
“And all your friends are here.”
“Yeah. I don’t want to kill their mood, but…” He pressed his lips together and licked more frosting off his fork. It was chocolate; Remus would have loved it.
“Tell you what: I’ll tell people we’re having a second round of cake, and you can help me cut it instead of sitting here all by yourself, okay? That way nobody will get bummed out.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Jules pulled his feet out of his skates and wandered over to the table with his plate, sniffling a little.
“Hey, baby,” his mom said, giving him a quick side hug. “Are you okay?”
“I miss Re.” His voice wobbled and he cleared his throat. “But he’s got a game, so—”
“He sounds like a real loser, actually,” a new voice said drily behind him. Jules froze. “I mean, not showing up to his little brother’s birthday party? Yikes.”
“Next time you see him, you should kick him in the shin,” someone else added. There was a light smacking sound and a quiet laugh.
Jules slowly turned around.
Remus’ skates hung loose from his hand as he leaned against the wall, casual as you please; next to him, Sirius was barely hiding a smile. He raised an eyebrow when Jules looked at him. “Oh, hey, Jules. Fancy seeing you here.”
“Remus,” his mother scolded, though she didn’t sound very upset at all. “You could’ve said hello like a normal person.”
“You came,” Jules blurted, still in shock. Whispers were starting to spread out on the ice. “But—but you—you came out for my birthday?”
Remus gave him his most annoying big-brother look. “Duh.”
Jules was running before his brain even caught up and he flung himself at Remus, who dropped his skates and hoisted him into the air for a tight hug. “You came,” he repeated, suddenly close to tears as he wrapped all his limbs around his brother.
“Of course I came,” Remus said quietly, holding him just as close. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“I thought you had a game,” Jules sniffled, pulling back to get a good look at his face. It didn’t seem real.
“I had to make it a surprise somehow, right?” Jules punched him in the arm. “Ow!”
“I was upset!”
“Sirius, will you be my new brother?”
Sirius snorted. “Sure, Jules, that sounds great.”
“We came all the way out here just for you to replace me?” Remus asked with fake indignance, tickling Jules’ sides. “You little rat!”
“I hate you!” Jules laughed, wiggling out of his hold. Most of his friends had gathered at the boards in a clump of shock and awe—he puffed his chest out a little. Hell yeah, that’s my older brother. “Everyone, this is my brother Remus and his fiancé.”
“That’s Sirius Black,” Devin whispered, his voice cracking. Sirius waved and his jaw dropped. “Jules, that’s the Sirius Black.”
“Cool, right?” Remus flicked his ear lightly, and he stepped on his foot. “Oh, and there’s more cake if anyone wants it.”
The rest of the cake remained untouched as ten kids mobbed the newcomers; Jules perched on his bench and laced up again, grabbing his stick and sliding onto the ice once more with a smile so wide it made his cheeks hurt. Remus ditched Sirius to get his own skates on and quickly joined him, passing a spare puck over with ease.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Jules said after a minute of short passes.
Remus’ face fell a little, all previous teasing gone. “I’ve never missed your birthday, buddy.”
“Well, yeah, but you said you had a game.” He shrugged with one shoulder and poked Remus in the thigh as he passed. “Your job kinda needs you there—”
“Jules.” He stopped short as something tugged his jersey; Remus pulled him around gently, already crouching down to his level. He looked serious in a way Jules didn’t see very often. “Hockey is never going to be more important than you, okay?”
Remus gave him a look. “I need you to believe me on this one.”
“It’s your job, Re.”
“I don’t give a shit—” He wrinkled his nose in instant regret. “Don’t tell mom I said that. My job takes second priority over family. Your birthday is important to me. You are way more important to me.”
Jules’ lower lip trembled. “Okay.”
“C’mere.” Remus pulled him in for another hug and Jules scooted as close as he could. “I love you so much, Jules.”
“Love you, too, Re.”
“I’m really, really sorry for making you think I wouldn’t be here.”
“It’s alright, I’m over it. The surprise was cool as f—ow!”
Remus rolled his eyes as Jules rubbed his wounded ear. “Watch your language.”
“Fine, mom.” They pulled apart and Jules pretended not to see the dampness of Remus’ cheek that he quickly swiped away. Sirius was looking a little distressed under the onslaught of questions and gave Remus a pleading look from the bench. “I think he needs help.”
“Nah, he’s fine.” Remus grinned and blew him a kiss. Sirius pointed to something across the rink, then flipped him off as soon as Jules’ friends looked away.
Jules doubled over in laughter until a puck hit the back of his skates and nearly toppled him. He whipped around, but Remus was already skating backwards with an irritating little smile on his face. “What was that for?”
“Rule number one of hockey: don’t get distracted.”
“You little—” Jules suppressed a scream as Remus took off in the other direction, laughing at his frustration. “You can’t be mean to me on my birthday!”
“If you catch me, I’ll play goalie!” Remus called back.
Being a smart and innovative eleven-year-old, Jules found a loophole. It only took five minutes of all his friends—plus Sirius—getting in Remus’ way for him to catch up and hit the back of his knees with his stick. “I hope you brought your mouthguard,” Jules panted as they laid side-by-side on the ice, both out of breath.
Remus dissolved into laughter, and Jules wasn’t far behind. Best birthday ever, he thought as Remus clambered to his feet and headed toward the goal posts.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
A gift to the queen who deserves all 500 of her followers :) I wanted to write something for you as congrats, I hope you like it :))
It's a fairwell/chenry high school au loosely based on west side story since I was watching it earlier today
Charlotte sighed with relief when she finished with the last bit of homework. She cannot believe they weren't allowing her to leave her room, even going so far as to stand outside her door and at the bottom of her window. The brunette wondered if that was how every princess felt before they were rescued, trapped and alone, waiting for someone who sees them beyond their beauty and status.
'If only he would come.' She thought sadly. There was a knock at the door, no doubt it was Tatiana coming to talk about how much she hates the preppy sophomore, Will. "Come in." Charlotte said, barely loud enough to be heard. A pretty brunette girl came through the door instead of the demon in the shape of a 14 year old girl. 'Tessa?' She thought, 'why is she here?'
"Hello, Charlotte." Tessa said with a smile. "I was just talking with your guardian, Benedict, right? I told him about our project for science." A message from Henry. Oh he did come save her after all!
"I had completely forgotten, I'm grounded right now so I don't think I can go.."
"Nonsense," Benedict's first born, Gideon, said stepping into the room. "Father says as long as Gabe and I accompany you, you can go. There better not be any boys working on this project."
"Of course not, Gideon. No boys."
Gideon smiled and winked, "let's go then." 'Does he know? Is he helping me-' "Get all your stuff for the project." 'He does know! He's helping me escape!' She realized.
Charlotte packed up the small amount of stuff she had with her quickly. Tessa told Benedict that since it was Friday they were going to stay up late for the project,  and then stay the night at Tessa's house, he asked if any of us minded Gideon and Gabriel staying the night as well, just to 'keep an eye on their 'sister''. Tessa said that they could sleep in the guest bedroom, and that she would feel safe having two tough guys in the house since her parents are in New York for a business trip.
Charlotte almost started crying when they got in the car and headed towards Henry's. Gideon and Gabriel were also leaving, Gideon turned 18 a few months after Charlotte and had been subtly making himself Gabriel's proper guardian. Henry had pulled them aside and told them his plan, that he loved Charlotte and wanted her to be safe from Benedict's control, Gideon could tell he was telling the truth and offered a deal, he'll get her away for good but he has to let him and his brother stay with them at Henry's weirdly large apartment.
She rushed out of the car and up the stairs to Henry's apartment, knocking rapidly in excitement. He answered the door and almost fell down by the force of Charlotte's hug, he squeezed her tightly, mumbling about how much he loved and missed her. If she wasn't crying before she definitely was now, she pulled away to look at him, he was her favorite sight.
Henry felt his legs shake, going numb again. "Lottie, help me to the couch please."
"Of course, my love." It was a running joke that she would carry him like a bride wherever he needed to go, which ever led to him breaking down and apologizing about not being strong enough to make her feel like the queen she is, Charlotte kissed him to shut him up because she thought it was utter nonsense.
She picked him up with not too much difficulty and laid him down on his favorite couch, the bouncy one with very ugly colors and patterns on it. He pulled her on top of him and kissed the top of her head, the brunette rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the side of the couch.
She tried her best to put it over them but eventually Henry just had to do it since he was at a better angle than her. She heard Gideon and Gabriel come in, and Henry telling them to put their stuff in the two bedrooms that shared a bathroom and 'Lottie's' stuff in his. The brothers said goodnight before going into their rooms, Henry turned on one of those old movies that he liked, she could feel herself falling asleep, finally safe in her genius' arms.
"Can't wait to marry you.." She mumbled too tired to have control of her words.
Henry didn't even stiffen at the thought of marrying her, instead he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Tomorrow, that way he can't take you away again."
Charlotte couldn't believe this was her life now. Henry's parents and his friends' parents were involved in the candy and food business, and Benedict, who had adopted Charlotte when her parents died, was a food critic and kept trying to shut them all down. There wasn't anything wrong with the food, he just didn't like them. She remembers meeting Henry for the first time, at his moms' diner downtown. That was her mom's favorite place, she went there every year on the anniversary of their deaths.
Henry had just started working there, though his parents were worried seeing as the physical therapy was helping his legs much. Charlotte thought he was beautiful in his little apron. She got the same thing everytime she went, and she started going back more often just to see him, so he remembered her order.
Everytime she came in, he was quick to start her order before she's even seated. He wanted her to know that he remembered her. They got closer and closer during their visits at the diner. She once stayed from noon to almost one in the morning to help him with his shift because his legs weren't cooperating very well that day.
Charlotte wasn't expecting to see him at her new school when Benedict moved them so he'd be closer to work. They had every class together and got even closer, even going as far as adopting the new group of freshmen coming in with Gabriel when they were juniors. That's when things went south.
Henry's legs were getting worse, confining him to a wheelchair for most of the day, not to mention Benedict found out about them. He moved all her classes and grounded her and forbid her from seeing him, he used some not so nice language when describing Henry's condition and the fact that he has two moms. Charlotte was devastated, how could he do this to her after she had everything he ever asked with zero complaints or hesitation! But even during the torture that senoir had started out with, they still saw each other, she still went to the diner with Gabe and Gideon, and she still helped push his wheelchair around regardless if she would be late for class.
But he was her genius, he found a way for them to be together, and without resorting to violence or running away illegally to where Benedict could just get her back easily. Henry was her person, her happy ever after. And even though she didn't like the way fairy tales portray women, he always made her feel like Belle, beautiful and smart, kind and nurturing. Charlotte couldn't care less about their troubles, she was just glad they were getting their happy ending.
.......also does this mean i can hc henry as one of the sharks?
......bdjdndbfnndd Is He ErNestO NoW?
Put this in my grave
Yes I mean ALL of it
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Hey! I love your writing so much!!! Could i pls request a Joaquin x Reader where they've been close friends for like a couple yrs now and theyre just hanging out or smth together one day and eventually fall asleep together. As one of them is falling asleep tho, they tell the other that they love them (doesn't matter to me who says it first, w/e fits best 😂) nd obv the other overhears it nd then like the next am or w/e they talk about it nd confess their feelings nd start dating. Thank you!!!💖
Hey thank you for the request! I finally wrote it and I hope you will enjoy <3 
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction inspired by what we see of these people, I do not claim to know them nor to establish this work as the truth about their personal lives, the realities might be completely different.
                                             First date?
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“See? This movie was great!” You exclaimed as you entered Joaquin’s home with a big smile.
“Right…I wasn’t expecting it; it was pretty good; I’ll recommend it to my sisters.” He admitted, closing the door behind you, taking off his hoodie and throwing it on the couch.
“I think Rain will particularly love it.” You replied, taking off your shoes with your feet, keeping on your hoodie, well, the hoodie he had given you. Even if the weather was warm, you loved keeping it on, wrapped up in his smell.
“Yeah, definitely.” He passed a hand through his hair, following you to his kitchen. You were so used to come to his place, it was as if you lived in it and it made him smile. Even more, when he saw you being happily greeted by Soda, giggling as he licked your face.
“Awwww I missed you too, my snuggle bear!” you beamed kissing its head before getting up and letting Joaquin pet his dog. You watched him, those two had an incredible bond; you saw it not only now but also every time you came to his home for dinner, to watch a movie or simply because you missed him.
“So, what are we cooking my dear vegan chief?” you put your hands on your hips, hungry and eager to start.
“Well, what do you want to eat?” he grinned putting his hands on the central counter, slightly leaning towards you.
“Why not some vegetables lasagna?” you suggested with an excited grin. He had been vegan for longer than you are, so naturally you loved when he gave you cooking lessons.
“Sure. It’s not a ten-minute thing you know? We’ll have to keep ourselves busy while it cooks.”
“Well it’s not like you were a boring guy.” You teased him, and he arched an eyebrow in return.
“I’m a boring guy.” He declared, shaking his head in disbelief.
“You’re not!” you instantly retorted with a giggle, smashing your hands on the counter.
“Yes I am! What are we gonna do? Like just talk or play or read, nothin’ exciting.” He replied modest, he always had a hard time understanding why people found him interesting.
“But you know I love doing those things with you! Come on let’s start cooking, boring man.” You gave him a big kiss on the cheek and went to take an apron for yourself and him. As your back was turned on him, you didn’t notice his little blush at your kiss; you often did it, but it still had the same effect on him.
The two of you started cooking, rarely talking and mostly focused on your tasks, washing and cutting the vegetables, preparing the pasta. But with Joaquin, often silence spoke better than words…you threw looks at each other, full of tenderness and playfulness. And of course, little smiles followed, but those were more discreet, shy…each time your fingers accidentally brushed over his, your heartbeat would increase and your cheeks get flushed; what you didn’t know is that Joaquin felt the same; just like he didn’t know about the growing affection you had for him.
“Here, put the layers of eggplant like that…” he indicted in a murmur, as if to not trouble the peaceful silence of the room. Joaquin moved to get the tomato sauce on your left side, his arms basically wrapping around you in the process. You didn’t know if you two were always so close, but you only noticed today or maybe Joaquin was being bit more tactile today…in any case you didn’t complain and you enjoyed it.
“Alright, now we let it cook for 45 minutes. Time to be patient.” Joaquin broke the silence; cleaning is hands on a dish towel. You took off your apron and smiled at him, already thinking of what you could do while it cooks.
“Let’s go in the garden; it will be soon dark. Let’s watch the sunset.” You suggested softly, Joaquin nodding with a little smile; he loved to spend time in nature, and even more when it was with you or his family. He followed you outside and Soda too, he was such a clingy dog and you loved it.
You went to sit in the grass and finally laid down, watching the many warm colors of the sky, slowly disappearing, letting a few stars appear…it was always a wonderful sight. Joaquin quietly joined you, laying down beside you, Soda resting his head on his belly, Joaquin’s fingers distractingly scratching its head. He felt your gaze on him and briefly met your eyes, you gave him a gentle smile, slightly blushing; he had caught you staring at him, once again.
The both of you stayed silent, focusing back on looking at the sky and listening to few birds that were still singing at dusk. You thought about this moment you were spending with Joaquin, all the moments you had been spending with him lately. There wasn’t a day where you didn’t at least call him; he was constantly part of your thoughts, how was he feeling? Did he think about you when you are not together? And in which way did he think about you? Could he feel more than friendship for you one day? You were pushed out of your thought by a soft and constant sound, finally realizing it was Joaquin who seemed to have fallen asleep, he was breathing deeply, almost sounding like a light snore.
You slowly shifted towards him, resting on your elbow. You detailed his peaceful face, his thick brows, his pouty lips with his unique scar, his silver hair…the most handsome silver fox you had ever met. You hesitated before slowly letting your fingers brush the features you loved so much.
“I love you…” you whispered, leaning forward to place a feather-like kiss on his cheek, right at the corner of his mouth. You wanted to kiss him, but who knows how he would react…you softly smiled and as gently as you could laid your head on his chest; listening to his heartbeat, you noticed how it was actually rather fast, he must have been really tired…
You quickly drifted off to sleep, lulled by his steady breathing. But that sleep was of a short time when you were awakened by the timer of the oven, it was ready and your nap close to Joaquin already over. You met Joaquin’s look as he realized how close your body was to his, you had really slept on him.
“Come on, let’s check our lasagnas before it burns.” You replied in a low tone, your eyes briefly lingering on his lips; you should go back inside before he asks why you were on him. And you got up, Soda following you eagerly. Joaquin watched you for a few seconds puzzled by the whole situation, he had to talk about this, no matter how uncomfortable it would be. He soon reached you in the kitchen, you were taking out the plate from the oven and put it down on the counter with a smile.
“Damn that looks great! We’re going to-” but you were interrupted by the face your friend made; he looked nervous and careful. “What is it?”
“I heard what you said. Back in the garden.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times, not knowing what to say “Oh…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make un-…” he cut you off by putting his hand on yours, his thumb soothingly stroking your skin.
“Hey, it’s all good! I just want to talk about it...” He flashed you a little smile, perhaps himself a bit nervous and licking his lips before speaking “I like you too…very much.” He started, looking at you to assess your reaction to his words. Your eyes detailed his face, he was waiting for your reaction and honestly you didn’t know how to react. Was he really telling you that the feeling is mutual?
“Huh…really? Very much?” you pushed to make sure you had understood correctly.
“Yes, I…I think I’m in love with you.” He clarified, scratching the back of his head, yes it was a bit uncomfortable to talk about that but if that meant a chance to end up together, he was willing to. Your heart missed a beatt, you pinched your lips together to stop squealing in joy like a crazy girl, but it made you so happy. You moved your fingers to lightly caress the back of his hand, a little smile slowly forming on Joaquin’s face.
“Well, why don’t we make this dinner our first date?” you suggested sweetly, kissing his cheek. Joaquin met your eyes, in the end it wouldn’t change much, you loved each other greatly already but he will finally be able to show you fully how much you mean to him.
Joaquin’s squad: @arcticmonkais​ @amourtiara @sirianfromsixties @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face @live-love-loki @lyoongx @skaravile @jaylovesbats @niniita-ah @dirtyginger @valentina15  @cumberbitching @weirdflecksbutok @charlie-sisters @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
Witch Hazel- Pt.4
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: FanficWriter!Jungkook, Idol!Reader, College!AU, Angst, Fluff
Summary: There are two students in your art class with a secret: you and the quiet Jeon Jungkook. You’re a problematic idol singer, infamous for your ice cold reputation and perpetual resting bitch face; he’s the artist and author behind the viral comic series based on a certain ice queen idol. After a blowup of destructive rumors, lost motivation and inevitable solitude, you stumble upon Jungkook’s comic and find a new and unexpected light.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: none
Parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // ?
A/N: my hope is that the idol industry can one day become a safer place for those who have dedicated their lives to making others happy ❤️
“Let me guess, you’re the type who needs to feel needed but also pushes people away?”
“How would you know that, Bunny Boy?”
“It’s my power.”
“You have powers too?” Snow blinks her pretty blue eyes. “Can you read minds?”
“I certainly can’t read minds,” Bunny Boy laughs. “But I am pretty good at reading hearts.”
“Oh yeah? What’s my heart feeling right now?”
“Well for starters, you seem to be annoyed by me prying too deep.”
“You are annoying.”
“And you also think I’m kinda cute.”
“I do not!”
You giggle into your phone screen for the hundredth time as you read through the latest Witch Hazel update. With the reveal of another character with secret powers, you wonder what Snow will make out of him. A friend? An ally? Or perhaps just someone who gets her.
Beneath the last comic panel of Snow rolling her eyes at the unofficially named Bunny Boy, you find cute little comments from the author.
“all i hope is for snow to take care of herself during this hiatus”
“even if it’s only a tiny amount, maybe witch hazel can help supplement as new snow content for now;;;;;;”
“ah i didnt mean to sound as if i were anywhere near snow’s level or anything;;;;;;”
“i just hope she knows she doesnt have to carry any burden all on her own”
“she has people on her side”
Your face doesn’t know whether to smile or shed tears, so you do a combination of both. It’s true, you’ve always felt alone. Always. No matter how many staff members it takes to produce an album or how many fans buy that album, you’ve never once felt that people could look beyond your idol music, your icy eyes, your mask.
But that’s exactly why you’re taking a break. You need to separate your worth from the music attached to your name. You need to prove to yourself that you’re more than what the critics and magazines say. And you’re only realizing it now that you can’t do it alone.
If only you had your own jk.seagull in your life. You’re sure the two of you would mesh well together.
“Where is that kid?” Taehyung pats the empty seat next to him before class starts. “He never skips class. I remember one time he literally rejected a date with a super cute girl because he ‘had to get to class’. Can you believe that?”
“Knowing Jungkook, I’d believe it,” you shrug. It does feel oddly empty without his presence, though.
“Oh really? You know all there is to know about the mysterious phenomenon that is Jeon Jungkook? It sounds like you guys got real acquainted on that date the other day.”
“It wasn’t a date, Taehyung. It was a meeting for a group project that you didn’t show up to.”
“Well it all evens out since Jungkook didn't show up today. Who knows, maybe you won’t show up tomorrow.”
“I’m sure he has a good reason for being absent. Unlike you.” You have to admit, it does worry you a little. Especially after the hints of doubt Jungkook expressed about his own beautiful art. You wish he knew how amazing of an artist he really is.
“What are you talking about? My reason was valid.”
“Having your cock sucked for five hours straight is not a valid reason, by the way.” You roll your eyes. “Let me guess, today you have a threesome scheduled after class and dinner date at 5?”
“Ouch, you don’t have to be so harsh, Y/N.” Taehyung pretends to be offended, but he doesn’t deny your comment either. “You’re really his type, you know.”
“I’m whose type?”
“Where is this coming from all of a sudden?”
“I’ve said this before, but you’re a lot like Snow.”
“In how you present yourself,” Taehyung says. “You and her both come across as cold and heartless, but somehow I don’t buy it.” He doesn’t buy what? That you’re just as much of a bitch on the inside too? Ha.
“Jungkook must have weird taste then,” you shrug. Because in your opinion, you’re not exactly an easy person to love.
“But-” Taehyung is cut off by the professor starting class. You don’t know what more he could’ve said to make you change your mind anyway.
“There won’t be any lecture for today’s class.” Your professor is busy typing away at her computer, perhaps trying to get caught up on paperwork and grading old assignments. “Instead, I want you all to take this time to work on your group projects. You may leave the classroom if you must, but remember to stay on task!”
With that, your classmates jam out of the room as if they were just freed from prison. You hear a couple of friends deciding which boba place to try out. Another group, the overachievers of the class, head somewhere outside to actually work on the project. Taehyung, too, looks as if there’s somewhere else he needs to be.
“So I-”
“Go ahead and get laid,” you sigh, shooing the boy away with your hand. “We’ll work next time when all three of us are here.”
“Thanks, Y/N! You get me,” Taehyung waves bye before dashing off.
You wave back as the hall clears out around you. It seems everyone else has found somewhere to go. Everyone except you.
But it’s fine. You’re fine.
Buzz! You jump at the sudden phone notification that seems to echo off the walls of the empty hall. Oh look, it’s a text from your only friend.
10:32AM jinnie❤️ “good morning ^O^// just checking in on you”
10:33AM jinnie❤️ “how are you holding up with everything?”
“I’m fine!” you mumble rather aggressively to yourself, sliding your ass down onto the filthy hallway floor before texting back. Your chunky guitar case sits in your lap like a baby so it doesn’t get dirty.
10:34AM Y/N “i miss seeing you at work everyday :((((”
10:34AM Y/N “lololololol jk”
10:35AM Y/N “fuck work, am i right”
10:36AM jinnie❤️ “Y/N”
10:37AM Y/N “😒”
10:37AM Y/N “im fine”
10:38AM jinnie❤️ “thats exactly what people say when theyre not fine”
But you are fine. You’re completely fine with sitting all alone in an empty hallway, texting your only friend who also happens to be your manager.
10:39AM jinnie❤️ “what are you doing now?”
You pick up your guitar and start walking away. Obviously, you can’t tell him what you were actually doing because it would worry him too much. But you can’t lie to him either.
10:41AM Y/N “if you really must know”
You wait until you arrive at your new location before answering Seokjin’s million-dollar question. You’ve found your place.
10:45AM Y/N “im practicing in the music room before my theory class starts”
He sends you the Surprised Pikachu meme but also a few supportive comments.
10:46AM jinnie❤️ “good luck!”
10:46AM jinnie❤️ “and if you ever need something, please reach out to me!”
10:47AM jinnie❤️ “ill be checking in on you every now and then, but please enjoy your time off~”
10:48AM Y/N “thank you seokjin”
With your manager off your back, you settle into the empty music classroom and pull your trusty guitar out of its case. The flat and out of tune strings remind you of how long it’s been since the last time you touched the guitar. Because despite carrying it around wherever you go, it’s all for show.
In all honesty, you’re too afraid to let others hear, and yet, part of you wants them to know. You want them to know you’re an artist in your own right—without the judgment. But that’s asking for too much from this cruel world. Especially when you know you aren’t there yet.
One by one, you turn the pegs on your guitar, fine tuning each string by ear. That’s always been your secret talent, and maybe that’s how you’ve never been off-key since the moment you said your first words. If there was one thing you had going for you as an idol, it was that.
Once all the strings are tuned, you just sit there, staring at your fingers curved naturally in the C chord position. The muscle memory is still very much ingrained in you, but so are the scars. The last time you actually held your guitar, you were told you weren’t good enough. So you ended up settling for something else.
Today, however, you want to change that. You shouldn’t let several people’s opinions determine what you can or can’t amount to just because they were the professionals of the industry who supposedly “knew” what they were doing. They didn’t know you then, and they certainly don’t know you now. They don’t even know your real name.
But that’s okay. Having a secret identity makes you feel as though you can someday become a true superhero, someone who makes the world a better place from behind the scenes. In that sense, you want to be someone like your current favorite person on the internet, jk.seagull. You don’t know him, nor do you know his real name.
All you know is that his craft makes you happy.
With the funny fanfic boy in mind, you glance up to make sure the coast is clear before taking your first strum. Despite the dullness of your old worn-out strings, what your ears hear is crisp and bright.
You aren’t sure how much time has passed since you began singing along to a melody only you know, but you’re suddenly pulled back into reality with a single mention of her from outside the classroom.
“What do you think about the Snow news?”
“It’s honestly sad.”
“With how little she contributes to her music, I really don’t think she deserves a break.”
“She should just keep going. How hard is it to sing a few songs? I hope she knows she’s letting a lot of people down just so she could relax.”
“Or better yet, she should just retire early.”
You set down your guitar on the piano bench. You’ve heard quite enough and you’re ready to slam the door on the noisy group passing by. But by the time you peek your head out from the crack, the group is already at the other end of the hall. You do, however, find a surprise sitting right outside the music room.
The boy who was supposedly too sick to come to class is too busy sketching away to notice you staring at him.
“How long have you been sitting out here?”
The tiny hairs on the back of the boy’s neck stand up as his drawing hand freezes at the sound of your voice. He turns around, looking up at you as if he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing.
“Since I started sketching.” Jungkook shows you a simple yet pretty drawing of a flowery spring field. By his art standards, it couldn’t have taken him long to draw that one page.
But it isn’t until you start flipping through the rest of the pages in the sketchbook that you realize he’d been sitting there for quite a while. Each page is similar to the last with only slight differences in between. When you fly through the pages like a flipbook, you see the whole picture.
From the first sketch of spring flowers, snow slowly covers the field until only a single flower remains in a winter wonderland. If you go in reverse, you can watch as the snow melts away until that one flower disappears amongst its brethren.
“What kind of flower is that?” You point to the one that somehow managed to blossom through the thickness of the snow. Maybe if it were colored in, you’d have a better idea.
“A strong one?” Jungkook shrugs as if he’s not the artist who knows the the answer. You hate yourself for cackling along at his lousy joke. He closes his sketchbook as a way to change the subject. “Why aren’t you in class?”
“Funny you should ask. The professor dismissed our class to work on the group projects. And then Tae ditched to go do his usual skirt-chasing shenanigans because somebody in our group didn’t show up.”
“Sorry,” the boy bites his lower lip with a hint of regret. “I didn’t really feel well enough to sit in class today.”
“Then why didn’t you just stay at home?”
“I still had this project to turn in and finish for my other class.” He raises his sketchbook. “And besides, music is the best medicine.”
You feel your cheeks burning up. The last person you expected to catch you messing around with your guitar in the music department was the art student who was supposed to be out sick. “How much did you hear…?”
“All I heard was one song…” He assures you for a slight second before going in for the kill, “…that you kept replaying over and over and over-”
“I get it. You heard a lot,” you hiss. “You better not tell anyone! Not even Tae.”
“I won’t,” he promises, chuckling at your distress. It seems the kid’s gotten comfortable enough around you to start clowning you. “It’s a nice song, by the way.”
“Really?” You want to believe him, but you have a hard time doing so. When all you’ve heard was brutal criticism for the past few years, it’s difficult to accept any compliment without feeling like there’s ill intent behind it. It feels wrong to feel good about yourself.
Besides, maybe he’s just complimenting you out of obligation. Like he’s trying to be nice, even if he doesn’t actually feel that way about your song.
“I’ll burden the pain so you don’t have to,” he says.
“That’s a line from the lyrics, right?”
You nod.
“It’s a very Y/N thing to say.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jungkook shrugs and swirls his Sailor Venus keychain around his index finger. “Just take it as a compliment, Y/N.”
If not for his soft teasing smile, your mind would still be filled with doubt. Instead, you accept the compliment and gain a tiny bit of confidence back.
“Come in for a second,” you start walking back inside the music room. “And close the door behind you.”
Jungkook does as he’s told, his eyes glued to your guitar as you pick it up off the piano bench. There, you do something you’ve never practiced but had always hoped to perform as Snow—your own acoustic version of one of your songs.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve never practiced or touched your guitar in years. You know the key, the chords, the strum pattern. And you know how to make it your own. Not Snow’s or anyone else’s.
When you’re done with your mini acoustic performance, the boy can’t help but chuckle. He’s about to clown you again. You can feel it.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s seems like you don’t hate Snow as much as you lead on.”
“I was only trying to show how I would’ve done the song if I were her.”
“Ah, so you criticize Snow so much because you think you can do better?”
“Not necessarily better… just differently.” You hope that answer is enough to satisfy the boy. But it’s not. He only nods with an awfully suspicious smirk. “What now??”
“It’s cool that you want to be a songwriter.”
“I never said that I did,” you say with a slight pout and hmph. You’ve never once mentioned your true dreams to anyone besides maybe some random kid at camp when you were ten. You’d hate to announce your bold aspirations with the utmost confidence, only to flop and fail before achieving anything. You’d rather keep it a secret until you perhaps “pop-off” as the kids say.
“Sure.” He doesn’t believe you.
“Are you always this sassy when you’re sick?”
His long locks flow as he shakes his head. “I’m feeling better now, actually. Thanks to your medicine.”
Maybe the kid was faking his sickness all along. Then again, Taehyung did say Jungkook wasn’t the type to skip class under most circumstances. Perhaps there was something else that was bothering him.
“Wait, you weren’t upset about Snow’s hiatus, right?” You remember the gossip from the noisy group that had passed by earlier. The beating you took from their words still stings.
“To be honest, I was worried about her at first with everything that went on,” Jungkook says. “But I think she probably just needed some time away from all that.”
“Probably,” is all you say, doing your best to downplay the amount of relief his words gave you. He isn’t upset or let down; he just wishes the best for your well-being. And as an idol, that’s all you’ve ever asked for. “You know, you’re the nicest Snow fan I’ve ever met.”
“You know a lot of other Snow fans?” Jungkook tilts his head at your odd statement. Oh right. You’ve only really met other fans as Snow, not as Y/N. Now you sound suspicious.
“Oh yeah, for sure. My friend, Seokjin, reads Snow smut all the time,” you force out a laugh while making a mental apology to your manager. Then you decide it’s best to change the subject before you blow your cover. “Speaking of fanfiction, I need your opinion on Witch Hazel!”
“What about it?”
“The new bunny character.” You whip out your phone for direct reference of the comic. “He’s funny, right?”
“He’s good at teasing Snow,” Jungkook looks at your phone screen of the bunny saying that Snow thinks he’s cute. “I wonder if he’ll make her fall for him.”
“I want him to.” Your eyes light up without knowing. To have Snow fall in love is wishful thinking, but a large part of you craves romance deep down—even if it’s only for the fictional version of yourself. “But at the same time, he’s not Snow’s type.”
“What’s Snow’s type?”
“Huh?” You somehow managed to fuck up again, so you shrink yourself and hope to disappear. “I don’t know… Why would I know what Snow’s type is…? It’s probably not a playboy like the bunny, but I wouldn’t know that…!”
“So you think she’d like someone more… considerate?”
You nod. “Probably just someone who takes the time to get to know her.”
“I guess we’ll see in the upcoming chapters.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” You can’t quite hold back a smile. After all, your day always feels a lot better when it involves your favorite little comic.
Jungkook must’ve noticed your face because he makes a comment. “I am curious, though, as to why you like Witch Hazel so much when you clearly don’t care for Snow herself.”
“For me, it has nothing to do with Snow.” To mask your smile, you make a cute duck face instead. “Reading it just… makes me happy.” As much as you’d hate to admit it, it’s been a long time since anything has given you good vibes the way that one comic does.
“That’s good,” the boy says, gathering his things to head to his next class. “It’s the same for me with Snow’s music… in case you were wondering.” And with that, he leaves you with something to think about.
If Snow’s music is Jungkook’s medicine, Witch Hazel is yours.
By the time you get home from school, you’re still smiling like an idiot after what Jungkook had said. Snow’s music makes him happy, and the mere thought of that makes you happy. It’s in (very rare) times like this that you remember why you chose to become an idol in the first place. It’s why you endure the pain.
With your mind clouded in an unfamiliar wave of emotion, you pull out your phone and tap on Jungkook’s contact information. After changing his contact name to something cuter, you start composing a casual message just to say hi.
Jungkook. What if I told you a secret?
Delete. You’ve never deleted a message so quick. You don’t even know which secret you would’ve told the boy. That you’re his crush, Snow? Or that he’s yours? Not that you have a huge crush on him… You swear it’s just a tiny one!
Regardless, you shouldn’t be sharing any of your deepest secrets with him—at least not for now. It’s not that you don’t trust him. It’s just that it’s a tricky situation to be in.
Your eyes move from your guitar, to the stacks of handwritten sheet music beside it, to the album that won you your first award—where the pain all began. Even the most supportive fan could not imagine what you’ve given up to be the idol that you are, to be someone with a name.
The only thing you can do now is take it all back. And only then will you let Jungkook in. But until that time comes, you don’t belong to him or anyone else.
4:44PM Snow “Are you free to talk?”
4:46PM Jimin “Yeah”
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karihigada · 5 years
assassin AU
*me talking to my friend*
Shizaya Redesign!
and !!!! that shizaya redesign! ACTUALLY! look here: initial AU prompt
assassin!shizuo taking care of brat!izaya ! :D
let me tell you in detail
assassin!shizuo send to kill this upstart tech wizz kid izaya who founded his own company and got really succesful and now his adult business partners want to get rid of him. and shizuo does mean to kill him but instead shizuo ends up running away with him through a series of circumstances which make it seem like shizuo betrayed the people who hired him so he ends up fleeing with izaya cause they are now both hunted by other assassins
and izaya totally hates being wih shizuo at first. and shizuo wonders why he bothers with this brat but izayas skills (hacking and tech wiz stuff) prove to be invaliable so its an unlikely partnership based on nessessity. at first. but after killing so much for a living, shizuo thinks for once protecting somehing is nice
okay sorry i wish i could give you more for assassin shizuo taking care of a little shit and slowly coming to enjoy it but i actually never came up with more or concrete scenes
or you know maybe, imagine this. they are staying at some hotel and shizuo was out shopping and comes back and finds izaya lying on his stomach on the bed, playing videogames or you know actually, he lies on his back, his head hanging upside down the edge, and he plays like that and shizuo comes back to such a /childish/ scene that he cant even comment. izaya gives him a welcome back without looking at him and when shizuo walks past him and the tv in order to get to the kitchen he just gets an Hey (for being in izayas field of view haha) izaya then asks if shizuo got the stuff and shizuo just sighs and throws a bag of cheese chips at him which izaya gleefully tears open and starts munching
izaya in this is such a hypocritical contradiction of health cause he will happily stuff himself with all kinds of snacks but draws the line at junk food and instead demands his proper meals are healthy
so shizuo goes to cook dinner while izaya keeps stuffing his face and shizuo tells him to stop or he wont have an apetite later but jokes on him izaya still wolfs down the dinner shizuo makes (and says its delicious) cause izaya is a growing boy.
what the fuck this is way too wholesome with shizuo taking care of like 16 year old genius izaya, there is no way i can put fucking into this later with shizuo way too much of a guardian hahahaha
well i guess not every AU needs them to get together. instead shizuo becomes his bodyguard (izaya later also pays handsomly once the whole plot with the betrayal and framing and other assassins and corporate takeover is over) and they become good friends.
and maybe a few years later when izaya is older (between 18 and 20) and laments (like full on imagine him lying on a bed or couch with his hand dramatically raised to his forehead like hes about to faint like a victorian virgin and just overdramatically ranting. he is such a drama queen bottom bitch) that he could never find an interesing partner cause people are only interested in his looks and money and that shizuo is the only one who sees him for who he is and unaffraid to tell izaya off
so at first izaya jokingly comes onto shizuo or like fullon suggests they should try hooking up (i imagine shizuo is like, mh, 29 when he meets izaya? has been an assassin for a while. so he is like 13 years older.) and shizuo is just like What The Fuck Brat and says if izaya really wants to get laid that bad he could just pay anyone he wants.
izaya says he doesnt trust anyone, "remember that time my businesspartners send an assasin after me?! that was scary!" he says in mock fright. shizuo just grunts.
izaya then drapes himself around shizuos neck, shizuo going stiff, and whispers in his ear "common shizu-chan, its just sex"
shiziuo untangles izayas arms from his shoulders and gets up, leaving. not cause he is afraid he will give in but cause he is afraid izaya will push this too far and then get pissy when shizuo keeps refusing him and it will destroy the trust and friendship they build up. cause shizuo does enjoy this life at izayas side way more than his previous occupation
more from before the timeskip: imagine shizuo carrying izaya under one arm to get away in dangerous situation and the first time it happens izaya hates it, the second time he is completely nonchallant about it and types on his phone while shizuo is carrying him also since izaya is tech wiz hacker he gets them like access to security footage so that shizuo can sneak up on their pursuers
also, i imagine it a bit like Dishonoured videogame? like its a stealth assassin game and the plot is neat but anyway for every 'major' assassin mission for the plot you have the option of just killing the target or finding a noneleathal way of getting rid of them
some of these may include selling them into slavery but hey, at leas theyre alive xD yay morality.
anyway. imagine like this situation shizuo finds himself in, protecting a kid and multiple other strong assassins on his tail. he COULD, and would normally just kill all persuers to ger rid of them but with izayas tech wiz skills (cause iazya doesnt want to kill people) they find other ways to take them down.
like maybe one gets held up in the airport and then arrested and izaya conveniently reveals their identity as a hitman so the police just made a goldcatch. or another gets into a traffic accident and will be out of commission in a hospital for a while first (while izaya reveals their identity to the police...
okay the only way to take down hitmen with technology is to have them caught by the police but still xD nonleathal means xD
and shizuo is really impressed by izayas abilities (and izaya also gets them fake IDs and passports and creditcards and makes reservations in hotels under fake names so he keeps them afloat while they are on the run while shizuo protects them from physical danger. which is also nessesary since some hitmen do catch up with them and shizuo has to take them down. some with lethal force sadly since it was a dangerous situation and it shakes izaya up pretty bad and izaya flinches away from shizuo before he gets  a hold of hismelf again and and tries to laugh it off and say that he is okay but shizuo can see the strain in his eyes and how tense he is. maybe thats towards the begining and thats when shizuo decides that they should try to work out other means of taking down their pursuers
also imagine shizuo teaching izaya his knive skils :3
okay moving to post time skip. like izaya keeps making moves maybe and shizo puts up with it for a while but it gets to a boiling point where shizuo looses his temper and yells at izaya to cut it out (he normally never yelled at izaya) and izaya actually gets scared cause he didnt want to chase shizuo away.
like. izaya had a weird sort of imprinting on shizuo. he does like him as a friend and mentor and guardian but some part of him is scared shizuo will leave? so he tried being more to shizu than just some kid he once protected
so maybe if they talk about it openly they can resolve this and izaya doesnt have to fear shizuo leaving. and shizuo says that izaya can look for a partner his age and shizuo wont get jealous and will instead protect them too and maybe a kid. but izaya also says he meant it serious that noone he meets could ever look past the money he has (and also people are boring). "but shizuchan. shizuchan was never boring. he understands me."
so they do spend their life together in a fullfilling mutually supportive realtionship but it does stay platonic and both are satisfied with that :)
or maybe like 5 more years later when izaya is finally no longer a kid (mentally. that brat) and still says he wants to sleep with shizuo at least once but that it wouldnt change anything between them that they do end up fracking and start a sorta weird mix of platonic and sexual relationship that maybe evolves into romantic so all in all good end (other than that they are totally codependant haha)
or, alternate not good ending: 19 year old izaya pressures shizuo into sleeping with him and shizuo feels horrible about it but satisfies him sexually to appease his temper in order to keep his peaceful life
okay more domestic assassin shizaya things: izaya in in charge of their money, ne? and they need to lay low , ne? izaya orders them new clothes online. and shizuo has to wear what izaya buys xD cue them dressing like in the pic above with iazya in the pinks shades and shizuo in the suit. cause that brat wouldnt know subtle if it bit him in the ass
im trying to come up with more scenarios. but i explicitly said izaya DOESNT order copius amounts of take out food. unless its healthy take out food. expensive healthy take out food.
also. imagine. later in life. shizuo teaching izaya some light hand to hand combat self defense. them together standing barefoot on gym mats and izaya is sweating and panting and wiping the sweat off his forehead, his hair sticking in all directions cause he tried attacking and taking down shizuo for the dozends time and shizuo is totally collected and unaffected, blocking and sending izaya to the mat with ease. and izaya gets this really competitive streak. wants to /take him down/.
it actually becomes a sorta game, for a long time. izaya trying to catch shizuo unaware. he only once succeeded, a long while later, after they resolved their problems and fears and live a fullfilling life togehter and shizuo is completely relaxed and at peace and happy.
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lumosinlove · 6 years
part ii
Remus sits in Lily and James’ tiny living room and tries to ignore the subtly laid out pillow and blankets set on the corner of the couch. Lily doesn’t let him.
“Your apartment has flees.”
Remus sets his glass down, “That was one bug and it was a beetle.”
Lily twists her hair over one shoulder, unrelenting, “Remus. Please.” She nods towards the pillow, “Just—I’m worried. We’re worried.”
Remus looks away so he doesn’t have to see the way James nods, they way they’re both looking at him like he’s already a lost cause. He wishes for a moment he’d never told them what he does other than serve pizza and take the early shifts at the gas station around the block, but then he’d be all alone in it. And they were his best friends, that was why he had told them. Just in case one day all of James’ fears came true and some guy murdered Remus in a hotel room. Or something.
James sighs, “Mate, we’re not ganging up on you.”
“No, I know.” Remus nods down at his mug of tea, “I know. I just…I don’t want to be that friend you can’t get rid of. Like. That would be awful.”
“Re, you’re never going to become that.” Lily puts a warm hand on his shoulder, squeezing, “That’s not how we think about it at all. We just want to know your safe.”
James raises his mug to his mouth, “As safe as you can be…”
“James.” Lily snips, then her face turns soft again for Remus, “Will you stay here?”
“Lils, really, my apartment is fine.” He curls his feet further beneath him, “I’ll finish my tea and go. Don’t worry.”
He thinks back to his two night hotel escapade and shakes his head more firmly at Lily. He already feels enough like a charity case as it is. Even if he did get good money for it. Sirius had pushed an extra eighty dollars into his hand at the door and closed it before Remus could protest. He had pressed a chapped kiss to his cheek too. Remus was still mulling that over.
When he finally does make it out of the apartment he pulls his ratty coat tightly over his shoulders and ducks his head against the wind. He could probably buy a new one if Sirius called again. He did ask for two nights in a row, and it went great so, maybe. But he didn’t want to be flashy about any new money. His landlord had already raised his eyebrows when Remus had handed over two months rent in advanced.
His apartment wasn’t flea infested although it did give off that sort of look. He had a cheep futon bed frame, just to keep his mattress off the floor so it didn’t mold, and a dresser from IKEA. His kitchen consisted of a stove and a sink. The gas was usually pretty iffy and his sink ran mostly cold, like his shower, but…he had a roof and food. It’s fine. He has James and Lily if he was really, really in trouble but he doesn’t want it to come to that. He’ll never want it to come to that.
He throws his keys down on the dresser and goes to check the leak under the sink. It hasn’t gotten worse but he empties out what water is in the bucket just while he’s there. He re-tapes the crack in the window and makes a note to ask his landlord about that. Again. He’s just sitting down on his bed when his phone rings. He groans and closes his eyes when he pulls it out, hoping it isn’t one of his less polite customers. He sighs in relief when he sees the name.
“Frank, hi.” Frank almost never wants sex. He likes to talk. He’s lonely. Remus can relate. He’s the son of two wealth-soaked parents who don’t pay him a lick of attention. Remus can half relate. “How are you, mate?”
“Oh. Hi, Remus. Wasn’t sure I’d get you, um. I’m fine. I—um. Was wondering…” He trails off.
“Sure, when were you thinking? I’ve got something Tuesday and Sunday and you know when I work, so…”
“Actually, I was thinking now?” His voice is up an entire octave with nerves, “I just…Family problems right now. Was hoping to just talk a bit.”
Remus runs a hand over his face but tries not to pause too long. He doesn’t want Frank to think he doesn’t want to, “Sounds great! Should I meet you at the—“
“I couldn’t get the usual room. It’s 207 tonight. Same hotel though, the Pierre.”
Remus nods, tries to keep a smile in his voice, “Great. See you soon.”
He’s barely hung up when another name flashes up at him. He’s almost embarrassed by how fast he answers, “Sirius. Hi.” That didn’t come out anywhere close to how he wanted it to.
“Remus! Life is good?”
Remus laughs lightly, still caught off guard but warmed by Sirius’ simple honesty, “Uh, yeah, life is good. How are you?”
“Good. Busy. Always busy, you know? I’m at airport now, going to be in town on Wednesday. You want see together? Or, ah, not together.”
“Each other.” Remus supplies.
“Yes, perfect. You always know. What you think, Remus?”
Remus half wishes Sirius would stop saying his name like that and half wishes he’ll never stop saying his name like that, “Yeah, that works for me. What time were you thinking?”
“Seven? I get us dinner in room, so don’t eat. I’m, ah…” Sirius lets out a soft laugh and Remus presses the speaker closer to his ear, “I’m think about you a lot.”
Remus swallows over a suddenly dry throat, “Yeah?”
“Hm.” There’s a loud speaker in the background and Sirius says something low in Russian, “Flight calling me. Wednesday okay, yes?”
“Yes. Have a good flight.”
“You too. Or—“ They both laugh, “Okay, I’m go now. Bye, Remus.”
The line goes dead and Remus lets the phone fall to the bed. He breathes in deeply and looks down. He’s half hard in his pants now and he really doesn’t know why. He’s suppose to be on his way to Frank’s, he tips well, he honestly needs Remus a little bit and…fuck. He splashes some freezing water on his face from the sink and yanks his door shut as he leaves.
Frank’s is fine. The hotel room is nice and Remus ends up sucking him off—twice. He doesn’t get hard either time but Frank seems either completely fine with that or he doesn’t notice. What does get him going is the ping he gets on his phone while he’s walking home from the tube. It’s a picture. Of Sirius. A selfie. He’s grinning in front of a beautiful sunset outside a plane window. There’s no message except a few sideways parentheses that Remus takes as smiles. Looking at the grin triggers thinking about Sirius’ large, warm hands on his hips and back. That leads to thinking about the way Sirius had carefully pushed his fingers inside of Remus, then the hot slide of his cock to replace them, his weight covering Remus’ back—
By the time Remus is walking up the stairs to his apartment again he’s more or less waddling around his tented trousers. By the time he’s throwing his keys on his dresser all he can do is lean back against his door and shove his hand into his boxers. They’re already damp with pre-come so what’s the point anyway? He smears his thumb over his head and squeezes the base, letting out a breath. It’s not as good as Sirius and his fucking huge palms. Now that he’s got a hand wrapped around himself he can really feel the difference. He pushes his pants down around his knees so he can get two hands around himself instead, twisting around the head and keeping a tight grip around the shaft. It barely takes a dozen pulls before he’s shooting into his fist with a harsh sound, Sirius’ name almost on his lips. Almost. He makes the mistake of thinking about the way Sirius had trailed his fingertips over his sensitive cock after he’d made Remus come in his mouth, keeping the pleasurable nerves alight, and takes a cold shower so he doesn’t have to go again. The shower only makes him think about how, next time, maybe Sirius won’t come untouched. Maybe Remus will get to return the favor. He doesn’t even know how much of Sirius he could fit in his mouth but fuck if he doesn’t want to try. He groans and wraps a hand around himself again. He’s too sensitive but he doesn’t care. He works himself fast and hard until his cock is a flushed red and he comes weakly against the shower wall, panting into the cool spray.
He looks at his phone as he towels off his hair. It’s Saturday, and it’s going to be a long couple days.
There’s a different woman at the front desk this time and Remus is glad. Not that he thinks the other one would remember him but, still. He stares at the twelve on the door for a moment, trying to calm his heart rate, before he knocks.
The door doesn’t open immediately so he knocks again, feeling more awkward by the second.
This time there’s a muffled shout and a few seconds later the door is yanked open by Sirius—dripping wet and a towel hastily wrapped around his waist.
“Sorry!” He gasps, “Sorry, flight late, felt kind of like plane—plane all over me? Thought I be fast, sorry.”
“Okay.” Remus meant to say it’s okay but, well, Sirius’ towel is slipping sort of low.
“Come in, come in, I’m be ready in minute.”
Ready for what? Remus wants to ask.
He goes to sit on one of the couches and strokes his hands over a soft pillows while Sirius pads back to the shower, dropping his towel without closing the door. For a second, Remus debates on whether he can consider that as an invitation or not. He stands up twice and sits back down before the water shuts off and he sits again. Sirius emerges a second later, grabbing the towel from the floor to wrap around his waist and another for his hair.  He rubs at his hair until the waves fluff around his ears and into his eyes. He smiles over at Remus somewhat guiltily.
“Sorry again. You want look at menu?” Sirius flips open a sleek looking suitcase and starts rifling through it, “Starving. Airplane food most bad, you know?”
Remus doesn’t but he’s not about to start that conversation. Instead he reaches for the leather-bound hotel book, “Where did you come from?”
“Sydney, ah…Hard for me to say.”
Sirius laughs and pulls a loose fitting pair of sweatpants on—bare, “Yes, right.” A white long sleeve shirt follows and—to Remus’ surprised delight—a black snapback. It sits snugly on his damp hair, pushing the front part back out of his eyes while the rest wings out above his ears. Remus can see the shape of his ring necklace through his shirt. He swallows. Sirius looks good.
He pulls some warm looking socks on and Remus glances briefly at the hole in the heel on his own left foot. The couch bounces a little as Sirius settles next to him, leaning in close to look at the menu, “Good food? What you like?”
Remus tries to read the menu, he really does, but Sirius’ arm is thrown over the back of the couch  and his fingertips are brushing over where he sweater gives way to skin. He holds the menu out to Sirius, “You decide. I’ll eat anything.”
Sirius gives him a teasingly disapproving look but takes the menu and reaches towards the side table for the phone. He orders too much. A steak, fries, a plate of brisket ravioli, a cheese board, a salad, calamari, and two slices of chocolate cake. Remus doesn’t know where they’re going to put it all, but he hopes maybe he can take some of it home.
“We do tea later,” Sirius reaches out and fans one of Remus’ curls between his fingers. “After.” He amends, “They say thirty minutes.” Then his fingers are lightly brushing Remus’ hip, just beneath his sweater, “We stay busy while wait. Is okay?”
“Yeah.” Remus breathes, because what Sirius doesn’t know is that he got off to the mere memories of what they did last time every night leading up to now. Sometimes twice. Of course it’s okay. He’s never had a job this fucking okay, and he’ll damn sure make the most of it until Sirius moves on. They always do. Remus usually feels more grateful when they do, but he has a feeling Sirius will be different.
Sirius flashes him a grin and tugs him right into his lap. His lips are warm and chapped against Remus’, but the rough texture is nice. Remus feels like it keeps him there, in Sirius’ arms. He runs his tongue across Sirius’ bottom lip just to feel it and is rewarded with a soft sound and a palm to the small of his back. Sirius, who seems to be able to take Remus aback in almost everything he does, is holding Remus close, chest to chest. Not by the hips, not by the shoulders. Remus has never had any problems with abuse and he’s lucky in that way but Sirius, Sirius isn’t holding him like he’s there for sex at all. He’s cradling Remus in his lap, hands running lazily up and down his back. He’s licking into his mouth like they have all the time in the world, like they’ve been kissing forever and they’ll do it tomorrow, and tomorrow.
Remus’ palms cup his jaw and he runs his fingers along the edge of the snapback.
“You want off?” Sirius’ voice sounds like he’s just woken up.
Remus shakes his head and his eyes slip closed as Sirius’ mouth moves to his jaw, “No.”
Sirius’ warm breath against his neck as he laughs softly almost feels better than the wet kisses he’s leaving there. Almost.
They stay like that until the knock on the door makes Remus blink his eyes open blearily, suddenly aware of how warm he is.
Sirius shifts him to the side gently, kneeling on the couch for one last peck, “I’m get food, relax here.”
Remus blinks at him, licks his kiss-swollen lips, and honestly just wants to ask Sirius why he is like this. He rests his head back on the couch and listens to Sirius’ bright voice chatting away to the bell boy who brought their food. He’s thanking him, telling him how good it all looks, and Remus thinks maybe he’s just this nice to everyone he meets. He isn’t sure what to do with that.
“Hey,” Sirius head pokes back through the door, cart trailing him, “Food.”
Remus isn’t going to say no to that.
The spread of food looks even bigger when laid out and Remus can’t help but laugh as Sirus sits down next to him again, “Sirius, this is…a lot.”
Sirius shrugs one shoulder, “We don’t finish, you take home.”
Remus isn’t going to say no to that, either. He has a brief moment of wondering whether ordering this much was purposeful on Sirius’ part, but pushes it aside. That’s ridiculous. Sirius doesn’t even know him, much less anything about his financial situation. Well. He might know a little given who they are to each other.
Remus spends most of the meal listening to Sirius try to explain some funny story that happened on his trip, and anticipating the occasional moments of being fed bits of steak and such by Sirius, who barely breaks in talking despite how it takes Remus’ breath for a moment.
“I spend lot of time in hotel, you know?” Sirius’ voice breaks into Remus’ thoughts, mid story. He wished he’d been listening fully to know how to respond.
“I, ah, lonely?”
Sirius shrugs, but shoves a large scoop of pasta in his mouth. Remus takes that as a yes.
“How did you…” Remus searches for the right word before trying, “find me?”
Sirius actually pinks a little at that, “Ah. Friend. You know him. Recommend. Say you very sweet.”
Remus nods and respects the anonymity even if he’s dying to know who, “Sweet, huh?”
Sirius smiles a little, “I’m think so, too.”
They move onto the cake and the hotel had sent up an two extra desserts, seemingly just because Sirius is Sirius.
“I’m stay here lot, they know me.”
“Probably because you order the entire menu anyway.” Remus jokes.
It makes Sirius’ entire face light up, spreading his hands, “Hey, why not? Hungry after long day of flying.” He knocks his ankle against Remus’, “Good food, best company.”
Remus rolls his eyes a little and Sirius snorts. That shouldn’t be attractive, but it is.
“You live here always?” Sirius asks through a bite of cheesecake, “London?”
“Yeah, always.”
“Born here?”
Remus nods, “Yeah. I live a few streets over from my parent’s flat.”
“Must be so nice.” Sirius is smiling, but his eyes are down at his plate and he looks a little mournful. His fingertips not holding his fork are twisting the ring around his neck,  “Be near family always.”
Remus takes a bite instead of answering. It had been nice. For a while.
“Not…Not nice?” Sirius says softly, “Sorry, not want to bring up bad things, Remus—“
“No. No, it’s okay. It’s fine, I just…yeah, I don’t really talk to my parents much these days.”
Sirius places a warm hand on his thigh, thumb rubbing on the inside slowly. But it isn’t sexual. It isn’t even verging on sexual. It’s soothing and warm, and it makes Remus want to keep talking.
“Not since I came out.” He finally manages, “To them. They weren’t…” But it turns out that’s all he can say on the matter.
“Make you feel better…” Sirius wets his lips, “Parents not know. Mine, I’m saying. Scared to tell, not good thing in Russia.” He gives Remus’ thigh a little squeeze, “I understand. Remus, it’s—it’s most brave.”
Remus blinks hard, “Yeah.” He doesn’t know why he’s sitting here having this semi-melt down with Sirius. Sirius definitely isn’t paying for this. He’s probably annoyed with him under all his kind words and so Remus snuffles and digs his palms into his eyes, trying to wipe the tears away and the redness that’s probably there both. There’s nothing really to do to make this not an awkward transition. How do you go from tears to sex? And with a stranger? “I’m sorry.” He begins, “Fuck, this—was not what I had planned.”
“Remus, it’s not apology—no, okay?” He’s suddenly pushing the food table away and tucking his legs beneath himself, sitting on his socked-heels and taking both of Remus’ hands, thumbs rubbing gently against the vulnerable insides of Remus’ wrists, “I’m not mind, really. Really.”
“I’ll take this out of your pay. Honestly, Sirius, this isn’t what you brought me here for, I just want you to know that I know that.” Remus can’t help it though, and despite his words curls his fingers around Sirius’, “Sorry."
“Please stop saying, Remus.” Sirius tone is firm, “Please, you—not an apology.” Even the word ‘apology’ sounds nice in Sirius’ mouth.
“I…make okay? A bit?” Sirius tugs very lightly on Remus’ hands but when Remus shakes his head he—he lets go. Which Remus can’t decide how he feels about that.
“Sorry.” He says again, then at Sirius’ face, he pushes a hand through his hair, “Fuck, sorry—Sor—“
And then Sirius is kissing him. His thumbs are stroking slowly along his cheeks and he’s sucking Remus’ bottom lip slowly into his mouth, brushing his tongue along it with the same amount of leisure. Remus sighs into it, fingers digging into his own thighs for a moment before he’s leaning forward and pressing his palms flat on Sirius’.
���Only if want.” Sirius says against his mouth, “Remus.” He pulls away just enough to look at Remus’ glassy eyes, “You not want a second ago, I’m just want no more sorry. No, ah, not need to do anything, okay?” He curls his fingers back around Remus’ ears, around the curls there, “карамель, can just put movie on. Have more cake.”
Remus sniffles a little, blinking hard at Sirius, “Did—Did you just call me caramel?” He remembers the soft word from last time.
Sirius smiles, a bit, and lifts one shoulder, “It’s good, no? It’s…not sure how to say…small names important in Russia. Mean two people are close.”
Is that really what we are? Remus wants to ask. He sort of wants to yell it because, as great as this is, he sees nothing but a darker end. For himself, anyway.
“Oh.” Is all he says out loud and falls sideways a little on the couch into the cushions. He’s suddenly so tired. Sirius doesn’t seem to mind, though, and mirrors his position, their knees knocking together. His soft smile is still aimed right at Remus. “What’s yours then?”
Sirius’ smile grows, “Mama give to me when little.” He raises his eyebrows, “Little bit funny, not laugh.”
Remus feels a smile of his own start up and he uses his sleeve to wipe his nose, sitting up a little more, “I won’t laugh.”
“Sivushka.” It rolls nicely off of Sirius’ tongue, and his cheeks pink a little but he looks pleased, “Sort of…for family? Friends. Not so much lover, too…small?”
“Casual?” Remus offers, “Like, it means a different feeling.”
Sirius’ smile is soft, “So good with english. So helpful.”
“Sivushka.” Remus tries it out, but it doesn’t sound half as good. Then, he can’t help it, heart in his throat when he asks, “What’s…what’s more than friends? Like, not—just, I’m curious what that would be.”
“Lover? Sirusya, maybe.” Then he smiles, eyes crinkling warmly, “You like? You call me?”
“Surely someone already calls you that.” Remus tries to keep his voice light. I mean, look at you. He wants to add.
Sirius sits up at that a little, eyes going hard, hand—that had been rubbing idly against Remus’ knee—going still, “No. No one call me.”
Remus swallows, “I—I didn’t mean—“
“I’m not—изменя́ть.” He huffs in frustration, “изменя́ть—I’m not know, not know, okay?”
Remus’s chest goes cold, “Okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything.”
“Not be here if with—someone else.” Sirius shakes his head, “Not like that, Remus. I’m not.” The phrase is followed by a disgruntled spell of Russian that Remus does his best to follow through tone alone.
“I know.” Remus finally says, “I know you aren’t.” Because he’s only met Sirius twice but he can honestly say he does know this about him, “I’m sorry.”
“Not apology, карамель.” Sirius rubs his hands over his face, “Too much action, sorry.”
Remus looks on in confusion, “What?”
“Me, me,” Sirius gestures aggressively towards himself, “Me. Too much action. Not right.”
Overreaction, Remus thinks and nods, “No, I understand.”
“I’m know…what guys you probably see doing…this.” Sirius doesn’t look at him as he acknowledges exactly why Remus is there for what feels like the first time other than money exchanges, “Not wrong for you to think. But no.”
“Sirius, it’s okay.” But that feels wrong somehow and so he says instead, “I mean, we’ve done this three times.”
Sirius is quiet for a long moment this time. “It’s true.” Then, after running his fingers over his necklace a few times, “You have other small name?”
The topic change pings a little, “Um. Not anything big. Re, mostly, if anything.”
“Re.” It sounds like a lovely mess of vowel in Sirius’ mouth, “That’s all?”
Remus nods, “Nothing like Russia, huh?”
Sirius runs a hand over his face one more time but when he moves it there’s a trace of his usual smile, “I’m find you one, not worry.” Then, eyes down and voice quiet but questioning, “You have…small name…for lover?”
Remus swallows. His throat is so dry all of a sudden so he just shakes his head, then realizes Sirius isn’t looking at him so he croaks out, “No.”
Sirius nods back, “Oh.” Then he grabs the remote and pushes it into Remus’ hand, “Find something. I’m call for tea and get money before forget. Be back.”
It seems like the end of the conversation, but the conversation doesn’t feel over. Remus choses a movie, but he couldn’t say what it was about. When its over Sirius has to tuck the money into Remus’ back pocket himself. He presses another kiss to Remus’ cheek. Then Remus doesn’t hear from him for two weeks.
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First Kiss - Frank Iero x Reader
Request: hey uhhh whenever you get the chance do you think you could do something with frank like... him and the reader are good friends and theyre at each others house watching a movie or something and kinda spontaneously the reader is like "ive never kissed anyone" and then it just kinda goes on from there? maybe a high school au? you write so well for frank and honestly youre like my favorite fic writer <3
Warnings: Spoiler for “Star Trek” (2009), in case anybody hasn’t seen it (go watch it!)
Word count: 1 621
“Okay, so… Terminator?”
Frank pulled a DVD from the shelf and presented it to you.
“Not again, we watched that only last month,” you shook your head, “what about the third Harry Potter?”
“I don’t like the Dementors,” Frank complained, pushing the DVD back between the others, “one of the Mad Max movies?”
“Saw them with Pete a while ago,” you shrugged and sat down on the sofa, “The Goonies?”
“We watched those like two weeks back, Lord of the Rings?”
“Saw all three movies with Gerard last weekend,” you laid down, resting your head on the armrest.
“You hang out with too many guys while I’m busy,” Frank jokingly complained.
“Star Trek?”
“Which one,” he grinned.
“The first one, of the new ones,” you suggested and he quickly grabbed the box from the shelf, feeding the silver disc to the video player.
The music boomed through the living room and revealed the main menu while Frank dimmed the lights and jumped onto the sofa next to you.
You snuggled against the pillow, careful not to touch Frank, and focused on the starting movie.
“They should make like a Klingon synchronization,” Frank said, leaning back into the cushions.
“But no one understands it,” you argued, sitting up to take a sip of the soda you had taken into the living room after dinner earlier.
“Some people do, comparatively many actually, I think,” Frank defended, stretching and putting his arms on the headrest, dangerously close to your shoulders.
It was not like you were disgusted by Frank, or did not want him to touch you. Much the opposite really, but you did not want him to know that, you were friends after all, and you did not want to make anything weird between the two of you.
You just hummed in response and concentrated on the movie that was finally starting with the opening scene, trying to ignore Frank’s arm that was almost, but only almost, resting around our shoulders.
You were a good hour into the movie and had just witnessed the destruction of Spock’s home planet Vulcan. You had seen the movie a few times already, but you still felt a little chocked up, imagining how he had to feel at that moment. While the scene between him and Uhura, their first kiss, played out in front of you, you could not help but wonder how it felt to kiss someone. Was it normal to be your age and to never have kissed anyone? It had to be magical, to kiss someone you liked, you imagined, but how would you know.
The movie continued, but you were unable to pay attention to the storyline anymore. Your thoughts were running around in circles. What did kissing feel like? Would, when you eventually did kiss someone, that person be disappointed that you had no experience?
“I’ve never kissed anyone,” you suddenly blurted out, of course at the most inappropriate of times, while one of the characters got tortured.
Frank turned to you, a look of slight surprise on his features.
“You haven’t?”
You shook your head. “Do you think it’s weird?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have expected it, to be honest,” he confessed, reaching for the remote and turning down the volume of the TV until it was almost mute.
“Is that a bad thing?”
Frank furrowed his brows. “Of course it’s not a ‘bad thing’, everyone has their own time for things, and it’s not right to rush things, if you don’t feel ready,” he explained.
“But I do feel ready, that’s the point! But it just feels like… I don’t know. It just worries me,” you tried to make him understand, “and I mean, do you think when I eventually kiss someone they’ll think it’s a turn off, that I don’t have any… skills?”
“If someone thinks that, they’re not deserving of you in any way,” Frank replied immediately, without missing a beat.
“Have you… you know… kissed someone,” you asked, knowing that you were most likely overstepping your boundaries.
Frank giggled and rubbed his face with both hands before looking at you again.
“Would you be surprised if I said I did,” he wanted to know, watching you carefully.
“No, not really, you’re surely a catch,” you winked at him jokingly.
“I haven’t, kissed anyone I mean.”
You looked up at him and raised your eyebrows.
“You haven’t?”
“Nah, I guess it was never the right moment or person,” he shrugged.
You nodded, and looked away. Frank had never kissed anyone? You would have expected him to have some kind of experience on that matter, but apparently you had been wrong. You shot him another glance which he noticed.
“What,” he wondered.
“Nothing,” you mumbled, feeling yourself blushing. For a moment you had been tempted to ask if he wanted to try it out, but looking at him, his beautiful eyes, the soft, brown hair, you got scared he would reject you, so you kept quiet, and Frank turned the volume back up.
When the movie was over you helped Frank to put the glasses in the dish washer and cleaned up the kitchen from the cooking you had done in the evening. By now it was close to midnight, the radio was playing some trashy punk music, and both you and Frank joked around while doing dishes and cleaning surfaces.
“Hey, do you wanna go on a midnight walk,” Frank suggested just as he hung up the dish towel.
You threw a look at the clock. Indeed it was almost midnight, but you did not feel tired in the slightest.
“Sure,” you nodded and followed him to the dark hallway.
The air outside was stinging cold. White clouds blew out of your nostrils with every exhale of breath. You slowly wandered down the streets, which were painted orange by the light of the street lanterns. Frank and you walked in silence, taking in the late night sounds and the strange comfort of empty streets. You followed Frank, since he seemed to know where he was heading, and you wondered if he too was thinking about the conversation you had had earlier. Did he also wonder what kissing someone would feel like? Did he too worry that it might be weird that he had never kissed anyone? Every now and then you looked over to him, but he did not seem to notice, so you just continued walking next to him, secretly hoping that one day you would either get rid of your crush on him, or finding the courage to tell him.
You had reached the edge of a park, but Frank confidently strode along the dark path that led into the trees. For a moment you hesitated, but then you quickly caught up with him, before he would disappear from your sight.
It did not take long until you had walked up to a pond in the middle of the trees. You knew this pond was there, and in daylight it was inconspicuous, but now, at night, it had an almost magical atmosphere. Thin clouds of white fog hovered over the smooth surface of water that reflected the rising moon and broke the light into thousand sparkling diamonds. At the sides the pond was framed by the bleak stalks of dead reed in which the fog was caught up like a cloth of silk that was hung over the water.
“You wanna know why I never kissed anyone, don’t you,” Frank whispered, breaking the silence between the two of you.
You turned to look at him, but found him already facing you. Not waiting for your answer, he continued.
“I was waiting for the right person. And once I found them, I… “
He looked at you, and gently lifted his hands to cup your face.
“I just wanted it to be… right… for both of us, you know?”
You swallowed hard, felling your heart beating in your throat, and Frank had to feel it too when he glanced down to your lips.
“May I,” he asked, his eyes big and nervous.
You nodded quickly, feeling his hands tremble slightly as he brushed over your lips. He stood so close to you that you felt the heat of his body radiating through his jacket, that you felt his hot breath fan over your cheek.
You closed your eyes and took a shaky breath before you felt Frank’s lips brush against your carefully. They were cool from the cold air, and so soft. You felt warmth pulsating through them as they locked with yours and you raised your hand to wrap it into his fluffy hair. He smiled gently into the kiss before he slowly started to move against you. You followed his lead, so nervous that you were shaking a little, but holding Frank so close to you, having his hands brush over your face and neck so lovingly, made you relax.
When he pulled away, he was smiling so broadly that he seemed to be glowing, and you felt like you were too.
“Wow,” you whispered, opening your eyes again and taking in the boy in front of you.
“Yeah,” Frank smiled a little embarrassed, but when you let your hand glide from his hair to his cheek, the embarrassment melted away.
“How about we go back home, it’s getting cold,” you suggested, nodding back the way you had come.
“If we can do a little bit more of kissing…?”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“I don’t know, I’m gonna have to think about that first,” you joked and took Frank’s hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
If it were up to you, there would not only be a ‘little bit more’ of kissing.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Your posts for sun/moon placements are fantastic and I was wondering how would you describe someone with their sun in Scorpio + moon in Sagittarius. Thanks!
Aaaaah thank u so much!! 💞💞💞💞 And thaNK YOU FOR REQUESTING!! 💞💞💞 This is the LAST COMBO and then we’ll have ALL 144 COMBOS!!! 🙌💞💞 
[Below Cut: Scorpio Sun - Sagittarius Moon 🥢]
Mischevious, Devoted, Intensely Loyal (to self AND others) 
‘We ride or die’ but if we don’t Ride Hard or Die Hard-- if we don’t have a Chance of Dying (or Riding) then its Not Worth it 
(plays HARD like Hard Hard)  
Impulsive and also-- like, self-destructive??? probably has problematic Favs/Kinks they get Called out For often
WANTS to be called out--- that in itself a kink at this point smh 
‘ugh roast me more’ its not like ur masochistic its more like it fulfills your need for personal/intimacy and knowledge about urself exposed by others 
Relating urself to others?? But also?? the info being personalized or personally (secretive)-- only known to you prior-- is important??
It’s like having a dirty lil secret about ur oopsie 🔞or inner thoughts exposed turns u on?? 
Anyways this isn’t a calling out sdkjfnkjn I jus wanted to Ask ‘hey What the Fuck’ sometimes but ok its.... its ok to be like that we Get it
The tea has to be piping hot and spicy as hell for u to 🍵oof that hits the spot 😩💦👌
I’m a PG-13 blog but honestly???
The kind of people who goes ‘hnnnnnnnng theyre so bad, but i want them BC of that :((’ 
Consult: your addiction to making bad decisions because 1.yolo and also 2. you WANT it so you gotta GET it (emotional gratification/ Sagittarius mutable- physical)  
I tell them not to do the thing bc they were complaining about it (’should i do it?? i know its bad and I don’t want to :(((’) and then half an hour later they text me  ( ‘so.’ )
and Oh my God i Know they Did the Thing. 
Ok ok anyways.....let’s get to the more technical side of thing
Scorpio/Sagittarius are also humanitarian, strong impulsitivity that comes with the intuition of Scorpio combined with the spiritualism of Sagittarius.
You’re guided and often well-educated, or atleast, you seem really articulate in your thoughts and research. You often guide others with your casual/laid-back manner, and you have an easier time sinking deeper into the bigger things, the bigger project/picture and pulling out what’s crucial/necessary to pull out-- dissecting and simplifying them into something others can understand/relate to as well
You’re a joy to be around, mostly because you’re so chill and easy-going. Within that however, you have a strong independent need to have space and not be restricted. Your personal freedom/boundaries, your belief and your behaviors. If anyone tries to compromise that (even you) you feel agitated or alert and would want to distance yourself away.
Emotionally you don’t want to be compromised, you don’t want to be tied down even though you DO desire to get to that later (Scorpio). You want to keep your options open, most of the time you have a goal/desire in mind of what you’re looking for (directive and strongly intuitive) 
Even though some people might misunderstand you just by looking at you (bc you’re often a little rbf or minding your own business) -- you’re usually aware of the bigger picture, of wanting to spread and help others through your path, knowledge, discoveries/findings. To be expansive and encompassing, because you are ultimately kind to others (humanity as a whole honestly) and wants unity with others as well.
You don’t mind the hardship, the path to spiritual knowledge comes with it’s set of challenges and you don’t deter from it (ambitious in a way?) you take things step by step, but you always have an eye set on the highest peak of the mountain.
It’s admirable, because you’re often unorthodox (Scorpio) you question the norm, the acceptable. You want to seek/trail blaze your own path (through learning from others)
It comes with the territory that you’re often a little more blunt/straight-forward and candid. Sometimes even to-the-point and ‘I said what I said’ about some stuff than you realize. Learn how to use tact, or at least a modicum of diplomacy with others. 
You often sabotage yourself when it comes to ‘let people think what they think’ of you, instead of trying to help them get to know you better you close yourself off. You have to make more of an effort to let others in and to -- y know, talk and connect to others in a friendlier way. Give people a chance.
You often shut people down too fast, or self-protect yourself by saying ‘well if we don’t click then we don’t click’ --you’re not letting the greatness and kindness that you actually have through. Try to bring this forward, be a little softer instead of trying to be a ‘hard badass’ all the time.
Like most Scorpio, it comes to the point where you look towards your own goals and forget to look after others. You think once you’ve achieved your own successes, maybe people will come to accept/acknowledge you and maybe some won’t.
Your ideas and thinking is very ‘let it be up to fate/people’ -- if others or dumb then they’re dumb--- please don’t be like that
The lesson Scorpio/Sagittarius brings is that you ARE kind, open and affectionate. But the moment you become selective/exclusive of those to yourself/your groups of close friends. You immediately shut yourself off from opportunities to be loved or understood by others
It’s your own?? Self-doing?? That you expect to have people to hate you and thus you act out a certain way and THEN people hate you?? It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy you’re living
Confront: perhaps, your own autonomous/freedom-loving nature. You grip onto it so hard that it becomes your core motivator for closing yourself up.
You may sometimes think ‘well if I have this then I don’t need anyone else’ and then it leads to a cycle of ‘I love me and only me’ and flip to the extreme ‘I’m so lonely I hate me I want someone else’
Don’t let yourself fall into that 💀 Learn to help yourself by opening up more and being less judgemental/prejudice, learn to be diplomatic. Hold your tongue, don’t take everything so personally or intensely all the time. 
Learn how to have fun and be cool about stuff, and also try to expand your social group to becoming bigger and bigger. Think Aquarius-- instead of keeping it confined all the time. Reach out to people and don’t judge them/intimidate or test them. Just--- be nice to people.  So you can have a better time as well.
Alrighty!! 💞💞💞 Thank u for asking aaaaaah 💞💞💞💞 I hope u enjoy!! 💞💞
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iiimber · 6 years
All might A-Z
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A= affection 
Toshinori is a very affectionate man; he tends to keep any displays for when he’s alone with you. He would love to show you off to the world– hold your hand or give you any and all kisses in public, but sadly, being a high profile hero prohibits him from doing that. So when you’re at home together, there’s hardly a moment when he’s not touching you. You’re either in his lap, you he has his arms wrapped around you in any position. It’s very comforting. 
B= best memory
He doesn’t like choosing, because there are so many memories that he cherishes. But if he had to, he would say it was your first date. He remembers being so nervous, and you hadn’t been any better– but he had been able to gather up enough confidence to ask to hold your hand. He’ll never forget how flushed your cheeks were, or the giant, pretty smile that overtook your features. To this day, he still tries to make you smile that big again.
C= cat or dog person
Honestly, All Might screams ‘dog person’ to me. He probably has a fondness for big breeds, often charmed by the ones who are too big to be lap dogs but act like one anyways. He doesn’t mind cats, and actually likes them quite a bit, but owning a cat would come after getting a dog to him. 
D= dreams
Toshinori had already fulfilled his dream of being a hero, but his more domestic one is to have a family. He’s a good man, and loves children, so it’s only natural to want some of his own. Sadly, he had always been so busy as #1 and the danger of being that high profile and having a kid was much too great…he hopes later on in life he’ll be able to, even if he has to adopt.
E= evenings
If he’s not working, then his evenings are very laid back. He’ll eat dinner and either watch a show or read. If you ever happen to be over, he actually likes play board or card games with you to pass time. If he doesn’t have work early the next morning, he’ll often ask if you’d like to go to dinner, and treat you at an expensive restaurant– before taking you home and falling asleep in each others arms.
F= first date
Your first date was very simple and low-key, but it still made him incredibly nervous. He thought it would be nice to take you out for breakfast on a day where it wasn’t so busy– taking you on a long walk through the park. He had been so scared to ask to hold your hand, but he was glad he did– no matter how little the gesture was. It was you that kissed him by a pond, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t red for the rest of the day.
G= giggle
In muscled form, Toshinori has a booming laugh– it’s loud and deep, definitely heroic and manly sounding. In regular form, he laughs with more of a soft chuckle, which is very cute and gentle. It doesn’t take a lot to make him laugh; he really could giggle at anything you say that’s supposed to be funny. He’s a pun man, and always gets a kick out of them, even if he’s the one saying them.
H= hugs
Oh boy does he love hugs, and man is he good at them. Toshinori hugs with his whole body, both arms squeezing you tightly enough where you feel protected, but soft enough that it never hurts. He never gives side hugs, always goes all the way– even with fans, but it’s of course less intimate than when he’s with you. His favorite way to hug is with you in his lap, arms around his neck while his are around your waist, holding you close.
I= instrument 
He’s never had time to really sit down and learn how to play one, no less keep up practice– but while his time in America he had learned how to play a few chords on an acoustic through David. He doesn’t remember much, but once he’s retired he’d like to get back into it, to give himself a hobby.
J= joy
A lot of things bring joy to Toshinoris life. Being a hero was one of them; saving people and gaining their love and trust was something he’s never give up, and it made all the hardships worth it. Midoriya and his heart of a true hero made his so proud and happy always, and that feeling seemed to grow each time he saw the boy improve. Having you in his life to love makes him calm and gleeful; you bring a domestic simplicity he’s always craved a bit; he’d never give that up.
K= kisses
Toshinori’s kisses are always passionate. He’s a passionate man, so his love has to be too. His lips are very soft, and they always feel just perfect against yours– holding you close and pecking yours softly when he leaves for the day, or a hand threading through your hair while he kisses you slow and heavy while pressed up against him on the sofa. They’re never too wet or overbearing, he knows how to move his lips just right.
L= love
Despite being handsome and well-liked, he’s very modest and a little shy when he likes someone. He’s a gentleman, but he tends to act more nice and soft towards you in particular; a clear sign he feels different. While he can be shy with his crush, he’s not above showing off a little too. During school, he’d always rise to the top of any fight or lesson– often turning to you with a smile to see if you noticed. He’s a bit like a puppy, it’s cute.
M= memory
His favorite personal memory would have to do with his master. He had never been incredibly close with his birth parents, so Nana had been a mother to him. He recalls one night after extensive and draining lesson, she invited him to her place for dinner. She cooked, stew that was hearty and thick, and talked to him for hours about his life outside of becoming the next OFA user, and what his dreams were. He’ll never forget the look of fondness on her face, or how intense her listening was. It made him wonder if she had consider him like a son.
N= no
By no fault of anyone else, Toshinori hates getting stuck. In his muscle form, he’s bulky and takes up a lot of space, so it’s hard to maneuver himself sometimes. Walking in the halls after school or trying to get to one destination on a busy sidewalk is hell in his muscle form, he’s too nice to push by and a little embarrassed to excuse his big self past anyone.
O= occupation
A given. Toshinori had always wanted to be a hero, so I imagine he was much like Midoriya growing up; not one to give into his fate of being quirkless, and always looking for a way that he would be able to achieve his dream. It all worked out, thankfully.
P= parent
Toshinori would be a fantastic father. He’s very caring and excitable, he’d be a fun and supportive dad. He had actually always wanted to someday have a child of his own, so if it were to ever happen he would absolutely shed tears. He’d be very hands-on during the pregnancy, no matter how tired he would be from hero work. He’d be secretive though, careful to not let any information on his child being his slip into public hands.
Q= questions
It’s not something he actively discusses since he doesn’t think about the topic too much, but he believes in aliens 100%! He finds it a little odd to think that we are alone in the universe (especially in the kind of world they live in, come on). Toshinori doesn’t partake in any religion, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think there was a higher power up there.
R= romantic
He is so romantic in a relationship. He’s very busy in his hero life, but that never stops him from showing up on your doorstep after a patrol with flowers and dinner (no matter how tired he is). He says lots of fluffy things, mostly compliments that are so sweetly honest it could give you a cavity.
S= smile
In his line of work, the fact that he can save someone and hear their thanks never fails to make him smile. He loves that fact that people are willing to lean on him; put their trust into him. Toshinori was born to help people, and being able to live up to that makes everything worthwhile. In a romantic sense, being around you and just being is enough to make him smile. He feels most at peace when he is alone with you.
T= together
If he has the time to be, he can be very clingy. He’s an affectionate man, so if he’s able to he can lay with you wrapped in his arms all day. When the two of you share a free day, you never leave each others side. He’ll wake up with you in his arms, run around town holding your had, sit at home with an arm around your shoulder while you rest your head on his chest. Even while making dinner, you’re around each other. It’s very domestic and blissful.
U= unbearable 
After his accident, Toshinori begins to always look down on himself, and talk very negatively. It’s unbearable in the sense that you hate to see your joyful and beautiful man so self-deprecating. When he’s like this, he hates when you fret over him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve it, so he often pushes you away. He never snaps, but he’s cold and blunt; it’s hard for the both of you.
V= Videos
Toshinori isn’t the best photo/video taker, but god forbid if he doesn’t try. His album is full of pictures of you; whether it’s one you posed for, or one he took while you were doing mundane things. Any selfies of you two are a little blurry if he took them, otherwise he has all the ones you do. He’s not much of a video taker, but if the situation arises (a surprise for you, or if the two of you ever have kids) he tries.
W= wedding
The wedding was actually small; only your family and some of his + Gran Torino and Dave. Any news of it was kept from the public in fear of it being ruined, so it took place out of the city in a small but pretty church. It was truly one of the best days of his life, and he cried when you walked down the isle. Most of this pictures are hanging up in your shared home, and he loves to gaze at them when he feels off.
X= eXtra
Toshinori likes to read and write poetry. It started as a hobby when he was younger, a way to release any pent-up emotions; and continued on throughout his life. His vows to you had been a short yet sweet piece; flowing beautifully and smoothly to the point you had also cried. If he did not become a hero, he very well could have been a famous poet.
Y= yuck
He likes baked goods and any edible sweets, but artificial sweet smells are a no for him. They smell fake and much too strong, often giving him a headache if he’s around a candle or perfume for too long.
Z= zzzz
Toshinori sleeps heavy, but he doesn’t get the chance to very often. He works shifts and on-call, so he’s often interrupted from a deep sleep. If he’s able to, he can sleep for ten hours interrupted, and it’s incredibly hard to wake him when he’s that far gone.
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi Meat, p5 reaction
Meat Page 5.
We might be due another perspective switch - unless the plot stays with John until he's assembled all his friends.
When John goes to pick up Rose, it’ll probably be on LOLAR. Terezi might still be there, if she hasn’t gone clownhunting just yet.
If so, perhaps we’ll get to see whether Rose ‘n Terezi’s migraine was really due to the substance abuse + caleidoscopic colours of LOLAR + glitches… Or whether it was due to the GO timeline “supposed to” have gone differently, with John’s current retcon being the thing missing to happen. It takes a bit of effort, remembering what everyone was exactly up to on this part of the GO timeline and what would be a fortunate time for John to take it off the rails. For Kanaya, that might very well be the moment Jane set up her literal shop on LOFAF, selling her all those blood potions, for instance.
For Dirk, it might be before his conversation with Arquiusprite.
I'm getting the feeling that John might be jumping to exactly those moments in the scenes where the characters were at their lowest, self-esteem wise. Giving them a literal second breath. ;)
Not sure what we can expect from the ghost side of things though. I think they might not be duplicated, leading us to meet up with (Vriska) as we knew her, punk cut and all. Even though GO Terezi's ghost will be there with her too.
I'm half convinced Calliope will get copied somehow, but not entirely sure. The only 'real' duplicate Calliope had already, besides Alt Calliope, was her dreamself. He could snatch the body, but I was under the impression Caliborn consumed it in a literal sense to establish his dominance over the body.
Meanwhile, it occurred to me to that Andrew Hussie (the author avator) will make a comeback, probably a background cameo. I've only now realized that he's a literal ghost writer of his own story right now, in-canon. While outside of canon, he’s more becoming like Stan Lee, executive producing stories using characters he designed.
Anyway, let's start this up.
"The stands of the Cantown Memorial Arena" Okay, my first thought was this takes place on the meteor, but yeah, it's a building named presumably after the literal Cantown WV build in his station, back on Earth. Or the Exile Town that Bec Noir massacred. Though, does this indicate a perspective switch back to Roxy... Or is the CMA where Rumble in the Pumpkin Patch is recorded? Probably the latter, meaning the perspective is switching back to Dave! Uh, the alpha version, I guess I should call him? Post-canon, adult Dave?
"His shit eating was so brutal that no one, except maybe Jake, cares that he’s taking a phone call in the middle of a live broadcast." So, was it staged, or did Jake really get a power boost, coming into his role as the Page?
Also, I feel like if Karkat's run for president gets announced by Dave on live television, "and the crowd goes wild" will apply here.
"Dave takes a seat on the couch, right in Karkat’s butt groove." Okay, so he's not going just yet. ... Karkat's butt groove is available because the latter absconded the fuck out last we saw him, hahah.
"a piece of absolute garbage." Callback secured.
"DAVE: while the beatdown you just received was as thorough as it was humiliating im afraid as usual the solution to this problem should probably not involve your decapitation" While Dirk might be the one to keep this beaten dead horse of an in-joke going, Dave isn't going to be the one to cut its head off and end its misery. :P
"DAVE: jake just kicked your ass DAVE: thats really all there is to say on the matter" AWWWWW yessss, hahahahah. Dirk's laid down, on the ground, on his smartphone, just like Dave was after his beatdown by Bro. Awesome callback.
"DAVE: its really amazing how this meme we have going here continues to be exactly as funny as the day it was established DIRK: Isn’t it always though? DAVE: yeah" That's Strider Irony at its finest for you. You never can be entirely sure non-sincerity is what's taking place here.
" DAVE: how DID you get your ass kicked so bad DAVE: jake sucks and his raps are fucking awful" Oh, scratch that thing about his power level, then. ... The rapbots didn't join in to beat Dirk down, did they? ... Though I would like to see either them or their zilly versions again. :P
On the TV, Dirk makes an elegant hand sign that once might have represented solidarity with some ancient coastal rap group but now has been utterly divorced from its cultural context here on Earth C." Is it a sign associated with... the ICP? Yes, I guess whatever 'references' the kids make get picked up as divine decree...
"The camera pans away from him and over the crowd. It zooms in on a young crocodile wearing an oversized T-shirt with Jake’s highly marketable ass plastered over it and the phrase “Tally ho” written in big bubble letters." ... including stuff that was already dated when the gods were still actual kids. (By which I mean the phrase, not Jake's marketable ass.)
"DIRK: Holding back a little to achieve certain results doesn’t necessarily mean you’re participating in a farce or rigging the event. DIRK: We do this all the time. We hold back our thoughts, our true feelings, our full potential. We disguise how much we know about what and when, for many purposes. To ease relations, to let others behave naturally and make up their minds without undue intervention. To wait for the right moments to show our hands, to pick our battles. " Dirk is still overthinking things. :P He's also still a schemer, even though he's grown more mature. I think in this case, he might be trying to keep up Jake's taste for adventure and hone his skills? That might be related to the fact that he's one of the few in the know of what John is up to (also a thing he's withholding right now), and he might be trying to get Jake battle-ready in case he needs to be. ... In case he doesn't believe they'll stay irrelevant to the plot.
"DAVE: my dog you are full of some SHIT today arent you DIRK: Absolutely." It's a good thing Dave can see Dirk typing, otherwise I might have asked whether Dirk may have reinstated an autoresponder to answer when he's busy. :P
"DIRK: And when it comes to theater, there are just as many reasons for restraint. To build tension. To set the stage. To give the people someone to root against." Okay, that's actually kind of meta. Also, in-story, it might mean Dirk is deliberately trying to come off as weaker, to get people to boo at Jake so he can play hero?
"DAVE: i can see you on tv DAVE: theyre booing you dude" Okay, never mind.
"The excitable salamander manning the camera switches to a fish-eye lens for some unfathomable reason, giving the whole exchange an air of demented absurdity. Dirk’s sunglasses distort and stretch to dominate the entire screen." I'm all here for NPC races doing menial labor half-way competently. :P Also, I feel like there should be some sort of visual callback to that image of Dirk's sunglasses. Something to do with the black hole from Problem Sleuth expanding to suck the entire universe up, which was reflected in the Stiller shades, and the event in itself is being called back to now, in the Black Hole sucking up the Furthest Ring!
"JAKE: What about the agitated rabble? Theyre starting to throw things. DIRK: I don’t know. Do a dance or something. Sing a song. DIRK: They love anything you do. JAKE: Ummm. JAKE: Ok sounds stupid but ill try." Using Jake's charisma as crowd control? Dirk, you beautiful mastermind.
"Jake tips an imaginary hat toward center stage and begins doing the Charleston." Hah, right, this might be a callback to that other Page dancing old-time dances, hahah, Tavros after he assembled the ghost army.
"Just as Dirk predicted, the crowd immediately loses its shit, except for a single carapacian in the front row, who continues to glower at Dirk with an expression of absolute and total contempt." If Jack hadn't remained in the session, I would've designated this guy as his great-whatever-grandchild.
"DAVE: why do you want people to hate you so much DAVE: its fucked up DIRK: You’re reading way too much into it." I don't necessarily believe that.
"DIRK: If I wanted another round of embarrassingly indulgent and mutually masturbatory psychoanalysis, I would have called my daughter instead. DAVE: hm DAVE: do i need to point out how fucking weird what you just said was or can that start going without saying at this point" This. This is Homestuck. This entire exchange.
" DIRK: The point is, playing myself up as a villain figure in this hacky rap pageant has nothing to do with getting people to dislike me. Besides, everyone loves a good villain. When they boo, they don’t really mean it." That has me thinking of Thog, a villain from Order of the Stick, actually. But yeah, Caliborn, Condy and others were really good villains. Doesn't mean we didn't mean it when we cursed them, though.
"DIRK: I think you’d be surprised by how popular I actually am. DAVE: i dunno man" At some point, playing the villain stops being a role, if you're too thorough in antagonizing the crowd. Dirk may have gone overboard here - in his role in the pageant I mean, I don't think anyone loves their god any less. Just one more way to show that, victory state or not, their original issues still come into play and challenge them to grow.
"DIRK: The point is, this is much less about me, and more about providing a foil for Jake’s heroism and charisma. DIRK: It’s very important that his popularity continues to be cultivated, to maximize his political capital. DAVE: political capital" ... Oooooh! Thinking three steps ahead of everyone again, nice going Dirk! I think Dirk might even have foreseen Dave rallying Karkat to stand against Jane, but I wonder which side he'll be choosing!
" DAVE: what the fuck are... DAVE: ok how long have you known about the jane thing DAVE: i mean is this something you have been planning for like DAVE: a long time or DIRK: Planning is such an intense word." Oh, he's trying to pull the strings again, is he? What game is he playing then, what policies does he want to instate, if any? ... Is Dirk a supposed xenophone too, or just playing to the tune of the largest group of swing voters?
" DAVE: jane is a shitty candidate dude DAVE: shes going to be so shitty DIRK: I thought you’d feel that way." ... Pfff I just realized Dirk wasn't typing, since this was a phone call. He's saying this all out loud! Typing's the old way of conversation, we discarded it for the most part, everyone has their Gift of Gab now. Well, hopefully at least Dave's part isn't being recorded and broadcast.
"DIRK: I respectfully disagree. DAVE: i get shes a good friend of yours and all but even you have to admit how far up her own ass she is DIRK: Of course. I consider it to be among her best qualifications for the job." Dirk might just be thinking: a self-absorbed candidate won't notice being pulled around. Even though she's, you know, his dear friend and all, he's still planning on manipulating her. :/ Old habits and such.
"DAVE: christ DAVE: ok if nothing else have you at least taken into account the DEVASTATION to the economy this will cause???" Strider Irony(tm).
"DIRK: Dave, I think if you search your soul, you’ll come to the same conclusion I have. Jane is just what this planet needs. DIRK: We’ve all had our fun here, but it’s easy to overlook the fact that civilization on Earth C is hardly a sustainable proposition. DIRK: Just beneath the surface, it’s quite a dangerous and unstable place." Oh, cool, so Dirk was acting on the same things Dave noticed, just having drawn different conclusions. Guess there's more to playing god as a winner of Sburb than sitting on your butt all day long, huh?
"DAVE: i know that DAVE: which is why actually i think it would be cool to have a president that is good instead of bad DIRK: He’s not as great as you think. DAVE: what" See, I know Dirk'll say Karkat, but I kind of wish he'd say Obama. :P
"DAVE: who DAVE: obama?? DAVE: how dare you" XD PFFFFFffffhah, okay, should've seen that coming.
"DIRK: I’m happy for both of you, really. It’s nice that you encourage and support each other in this way. But you’re sending him on a fool’s errand which can only end badly." Like, I understand where Dirk's coming from, we know how unbalanced Karkat is at his worst. But Dirk's seems to be the conservatist route, while the current status quo is so unbalanced someone with at least a little liberal thinking should try changing policy, little by little. ... Okay now Homestuck has me doing political discourse. Hussieeeeeeee! ... Why am I now picturing a Homestuck AU about the climate change truant student marches of Europe?
"DAVE: wait DAVE: how do you even know hes entering the race DAVE: we like just decided this DIRK: A competent political operative has his ways. DIRK: Besides, it was always pretty obvious to me you’d react this way the moment the announcement was made." Okay, not ruling out entirely Dirk has something spying on Dave, but that would verge too much on what Bro would've done in his place. He probably just cold-mindedly assessed his potential response.
"DAVE: cause if youve already got jake on your side then i guess we might as well just fucking quit DIRK: I wouldn’t worry about that. DIRK: He and I don’t quite have the rapport we once did. DIRK: He’s “over me” and doesn’t spare opportunities to make ostentatious demonstration of this claim. DAVE: um DIRK: Basically he doesn’t like being told what to do. Especially not by me." Cool, okay, so... Jake is needy in his own way, in showing he can fend for himself, at least that's how Dirk sees it. Guess they still hang out a lot though, just no longer "like that". That must be a letdown for the shippers, but a boon for the people that felt betrayed at seeing Dirk & Jake back together in the Credits. I like that middle road, actually! And hey, the versions of Jake & Dirk in the New Game Plus timeline, or whatever we should call it, are still fair game!
"DIRK: So it’s fair to say as of now, he’s still fully in play. DIRK: Not that I should be encouraging you, really. DAVE: you are one doubletalking son of a bitch you know that DAVE: i cant tell if you dont want us to run or are reverse psychology mindfucking us into running" Very true, that. Why would he share the truth about Jake if he wants to win, unless he wants fair competition? Best not to dwell on it too long on this neverending stairway of hidden intentions, lest we fall down it.
" DAVE: not like i can just stand around and wait for president crocker to like DAVE: write fucking grammar laws into the constitution" Pfffff, yes, I had forgotten about Jane's grammar practices, hahah. Guess she has a good running mate in Dirk for that, at least, capitalization and everything in order when he's not rapping.
"DIRK: Sorry to cut this short, but diapers are starting to come down pretty hard right now, and some of them haven’t even had their babies removed. DAVE: what" what. I hope it's at least consort babies, they're arguably the most resilient, as semi-sapient animals.
"DIRK: That was a joke." Ah.
"Jake can’t help but watch the motion, raking his eyes over the muscles shifting beneath the skin of Dirk’s neck and arms.
There is something implacably magnificent about Dirk Strider, Jake thinks, untamed like a wild game beast of incredible size and strength." ... Well then! I didn't think the narration would offer us this view from the perspective of Jake, thought it would be reseverd for John! Not entirely sure how I feel about the privilege of seeing Jake pine for Dirk, though. :P At least it clarifies where the allure is in it, for him. It's an extension of his taste for adventure and his upbringing on an island full of terribly powerful beasts.
"Of course, their history together is never far from Jake’s mind, however many years it’s been since their last tussle of an amorous nature. The old dramas and triumphs in the days of Sburb. Dirk’s companionship has been taxing to the heart, to say the least, and yet he’s taught Jake so much—about combat, philosophy, life, love." Okay, that is just such a Jake thing to phrase it like this. I'm glad we get to see he's not so oblivious or un-elloquent in his mind as he presents himself to the outside world, consciously or not.
"But sometimes, despite their checkered and problematic past, Jakes wishes that he could seize Dirk by the proverbial horns and wrest him bodily into becoming a much more agreeable fellow." Heheh, so Jake actually would like to impose on Dirk some manners. At least with him it stays with desires, while Dirk really did try to impose on Jake when they were together.
"DIRK: How about you kick off the next round? DIRK: I bet this crowd will settle its shit right down the moment you drop the latest rhymes you’ve been tinkering with." This is going to be painful to read, isn't it? ... If we're going to read them at all. ... I swear, this might just lead into them having "the xest rapoff in the history of Earth C".
"Jake’s face lights up. He composes himself, adjusting a bow tie, although he is not wearing one, and making a vague gesture like he’s twirling one end of that mustache Dirk has not yet let him grow. Dirk lets him go with a gentle smile, like the sort you’d give to a dog for performing a trick adequately. Jake responds to the signal like an Olympic athlete hearing the starter pistol. He was born for this." All the best and worst aspects of Dirk & Jake as a couple are basically summarized here. I mean, Dirk is not even WITH Jake and vetoes some of his choices. Then again, Jake really does have TERRIBLE (but hilarious) taste in mannerisms.
"JAKE: Tally ho its me, jake mcgee! JAKE: Popping my pistols off, two shots and a kiss JAKE: My aim is tops, i never miss" ... I'm not disappointed, this really IS almost physically painful to read, as expected.
... Okay that was actually a very amazing rap. Well thought out, good use of the vocabulary, dated though it is. I liked "jake-eng's" and "jape-slings" in particular, especially since that was what Vriska dismissed him as, a joke, a jape.
"The crowd, as Dirk rightly predicted, has settled its shit right down. This is not due to any accidental brilliance on the part of Jake English, but rather due to an abashed but loyal brand of pity, the kind a devoted fan cannot help but feel when they see a beloved celebrity make an ass out of themselves during a live broadcast they have waited two and a half years in line to buy a ticket for." I think this might be Dirk's POV. Not everyone's tastes in rap are as dignified as his, after all. :P Consorts in particular might love this. Then again, we saw John embarass carapacians not too long ago, they're not immune to pitying people. But hey, on the brightside, maybe some of the audience <>'s Jake now. :P
"Dirk’s phone begins going off again." Unless it's something more ominous, this is probably Dave having the last quip.
"With a casual flick of his wrist, Dirk snaps out a bright red tranquilizer handgun and shoots Jake in the neck. Jake’s glasses crack when he hits the mat. A chorus of boos rises up from the crowd like groundwater. Dirk artfully dodges a bucket of obscene troll fluid to field yet another very important personal call." ... Did Dirk actually use a Crockertech tranquilizer on his co-god? What the hell, Dirk? Guess all is fair in the ring.
And I suppose it's not Dave then that is calling him this time, if he takes such drastic measures.
"DIRK: Yo Rose, what's up?" Oooh, if we get to see this, that would be early we get to see Rose again! Dirk and Rose'll probably be planning their next move now that John has left. (Which I take Rose to already know about, through her Seer powers, or a call with Roxy.) ... Maybe some of their plans only could have worked IF John left, if they wanted to regain some measure of relevance through them.
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curly-q-reviews · 6 years
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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, 2018 (dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
Nominated for: Best Original Song, Best Costume Design, Best Adapted Screenplay
wowee what a cool film!!  i went into this not knowing much about it except it was directed by the Coen brothers (directors of Fargo and The Big Lebowski) which set real high expectations for me.  these guys are real masters of storytelling and what immediately come to mind when i think of movies that know how to effectively use dark humor.  i also love the kinds of stories they tell in general, how they take subjects and settings that seem kinda mundane and just give them this little extra spark. 
so is this newest film just as good as their other work???  well id say yeah for sure!!!  it reminds me a lot of a film they did shortly after The Big Lebowski called O Brother, Where Art Thou?, because theyre both period pieces AND because they both feature a myriad of eclectic and interesting characters.  the one thing that makes The Ballad of Buster Scruggs really stand out from their other films however is the fact that this is actually an anthology made up of six different stories, all set during the same time period in The Wild West.  its also worth mentioning that this movie was made to premiere on Netflix, which is something ive started to see more and more as the streaming platform becomes the new go-to source of media content.  its very exciting to see such prolific directors go the Netflix route and have great success with it, because it means that the platform really is capable of creating high-quality movies and TV shows and working with big-name talent.  im sure the big hollywood production companies are all quaking in their lil booties cause this means big BIG changes are on the horizon
ok so ive reviewed anthology series before, notably Black Mirror, and with those reviews i ranked the short stories in order of least to most favorite.  so i guess in this case ill do the same, although its hard to really rank these cause i truly enjoyed all of them in different ways.  there was one however that didnt really tickle my fancy much, which was “Near Algodones”.  this one stars james franco as a bank robber who seems to have met his match in a fiery (probably crazy) bank teller.  he gets caught and hung from a tree by the town’s sheriff, but nearly manages to escape death when a Native American tribe swoops in and kills the sheriff and his crew.  james franco is saved by a cattle driver, only to be caught again by the next town’s sheriff for allegedly trying to hawk the cattle (which was not the case at all).  right before they kick the chair out from under him at the hanging, he sees a beautiful woman in blue, who at first smiles at him but then looks unnerved as he stares back at her. 
i think with this one the ending really didnt do much for me, i kinda didnt get it.  i did understand the whole irony behind surviving punishment for a crime he DID commit but getting hanged for a crime he never committed, and the bank teller was pretty hilarious, but everything else about the segment was just ok.  james franco didnt really blow me away (he never really does but thats besides the point), the rest of the performances were fine, and the story just kinda zipped on through.  maybe ill give this one another watch to see if the ending makes any more sense to me, or if theres any sense to be made from it at all
next up for me would be “The Gal Who Got Rattled”, and this segment i have mixed feelings over.  its about this brother and sister who set out on the Oregon trail so that the brother can get his sister to marry his business partner in Oregon.  the sister seems like a kind of wishy-washy, subdued character who just kinda goes along with whatever her brother says without giving much of her own opinion.  i gotta give credit to zoe kazan (who starred in The Big Sick) cause she does a great job with this character, totally spot-on performance.  ok so turns out the brother is a fucken HORRIBLE businessman who screws up all his business deals all the time, and he tragically dies like two days into being on the oregon trail.  he has this annoying-ass dog that barks all the time and everyone else on the caravan is sick of it, so when the brother dies the sister just lets one of the trail leaders put it down.  turns out the sister like did not like her brother at all but was always too afraid to say anything.  now getting back to the bad businessman thing, apparently he had promised the helper boy that is helping move their covered wagon a large sum of money, half of it halfway through the journey and the rest when they get to oregon.  problem is, the sister doesnt have the money, so it was either left in the brothers pocket when he was buried or there wasnt actually any money at all and he lied, y’know, like a bad businessman does.  the trail leader who put the annoying dog down offers to help her, and the two start to get close.  so now its like a pseudo love story thing.  except it ends pretty tragically (the sister dies its a long story and pretty ironic just watch it if u wanna know)
so uuuhhhhh this one was long as shit, like a lot longer than the other segments when it didnt really need to be???  like it just kept  going and going, and again the ending didnt really make up for how long it was.  i really liked zoe kazan in this, but otherwise nothing to write home about. 
number four on my list would have to go to “All Gold Canyon”, which basically just follows the story of a gold miner in the mountains trying to get that money honey.  this segment is the simplest one out of the bunch, but i gotta say its absolutely gorgeous.  what beautiful scenery and cinematography.  it provides a nice contrast to our disheveled, run-down gold miner who is just tearing up the beautiful grassy fields trying to get to this gold.  there seems to be a theme in this one of man’s relationship to nature, and how the gold miner does put in effort to respect it but still takes advantage of it for his own benefit.  and i guess theres a broader theme of greed, or the ruthless and endless pursuit of wealth which can drive people to do crazy and desperate things.  i definitely really enjoyed this one, especially the gold miner character played by tom waits.  but otherwise it didnt stand out as much to me as the other segments im gonna talk about
SPEAKING OF WHICH heres number three!!  “The Mortal Remains” is right up my alley, and has some more mythical elements to it than the other segments ive talked about so far.  so we have a wagon full of passengers all going to this hotel for various reasons, and its a really diverse cast of characters: we have the older wife of a prolific religious lecturer, a rich Frenchman, a trapper, a foppish Englishman, and a cheery laid-back Irishman, the last two seeming to be companions of some sort.  they all get on the topic of the true nature of mankind, and the three characters opposite of the strange pair all have something different to say.  the trapper believes that all people are inherently the same, with the same basic needs.  the older woman disagrees and insists that there are two kinds of people, upright and sinning.  and then the Frenchman says that both of them are wrong, that human existence is much more complicated and nuanced than that; no one persons life is exactly the same as another’s.  and then we have the Englishman and the Irishman, who turn out to be bounty hunters of some sort (is heavily alluded that they are grim reaper-type figures).  they explain their method of completing their kills, and talk about how they enjoy watching their victims “try to make sense of it all” in their death throes.  these two clearly have a much more cold and sinister idea of the nature of mankind, and the rest become very unsettled all the way to the hotel.  no one else even dares to step out of the carriage while the bounty hunters drag their latest victim through the front entrance and up the stairs.
oh man this segment was great!  i think the reason its third on my list is cause i really wish there was more to it, like if the Coen brothers spent more time on this one instead of “The Gal Who Got Rattled” it would be perfect.  Jonjo O’Neill and Brendan Gleeson as the bounty hunters were so enthralling, and i loved watching them play off of each other.  hell, i couldve had a whole movie featuring those two.  and the screenwriting really shines in this segment too.  this segment almost feels like a fable or something, which is really fitting for the time period.  makes me wonder if they had based it off of an actual fable.  but anyway yeah this ones awesome!
i had a hard time choosing between “The Mortal Remains” and this next segment for second place cause i liked them both equally, but in the end “Meal Ticket” gets #2 purely because of the utterly fantastic performance by Harry Melling, who plays a quadriplegic actor in a traveling show run by liam neesons character, an irish traveling entertainer.   the story itself is really simple, we just see this disabled actor be carted from one town to the next, doing the same stage show which is basically just him reciting famous prose throughout the ages.  meanwhile liam neeson is trying to get as much money as he can out of the audience members.  he doesnt interact much with harry melling outside of feeding him and helping him piss and get dressed.  u get the sense that he doesnt really see his disabled actor as an actual person, but more of an entertaining object or a pet.  and this becomes even more apparent when the irishman gets some competition from another traveling entertainer who has a chicken that can do math.  he sees this chicken getting more money than him, so he buys it off of the other guy and takes it with him.  and finally, the poor limbless actor is literally and figuratively tossed aside for the next best thing.
man oh man what a great segment!  harry melling blew me away with his performance, the fact that he was able to get such a nuanced range of emotion out of the few lines he was given (basically he had to recite the same shit over and over again) was so impressive to me.  and his non-verbal communication was really solid too.  liam neeson did really well in his role too.  and again the story itself is really great, simple but effective and really gets the point across without having to beat the audience over the head with its message. OH YEAH ITS REAL GOOD LOVE IT
and finally we have my #1 pick, which i think the directors knew this was the best one out of the bunch too cause its the first segment as well as the title of the whole movie.  “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” has that signature Coen brothers wit and dark humor that i love, it plays off of typical Western movie tropes and is very tongue-in-cheek and i ate that shit up.  tim blake nelson as the titular buster is just so fucken perfect for this role, he really shines in this and its kind of a shame that its one of the shorter segments cause it really is the best one and he knocks it out of the park.  we got some great music in this segment too, which is where that Best Original Song nom comes in.   this one also has some strong fable-y vibes to it, like this story could be amongst the likes of American folklore like Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed.  i wont get much into the plot of this one but i highly recommend watching it, even if you dont wanna see the rest of the segments. 
the segments fit together pretty well overall, although the tone of each of them differs slightly the fact that the setting and time period are the same is enough to firmly knit all these stories together.  its a really unique idea for a movie, and is so far the best attempt at an anthology movie that ive ever seen purely because the stories really all make sense together and play off of each other well.  in other anthology movies ive seen like The ABC’s of Death the segments usually dont have much at all to do with each other, except that they all fall in the same genre.  so overall id say give this a watch, especially if ur a Coen brothers fan, cause theres some real good stuff in here.
well thats all i got for now cowboys!!  i watched Roma the other day and CRIED REAL HARD so get ready for me to kiss that movies ass in a review that should be done in the next few days.  until then go uuhhhhhh lasso a cow or something.  chew some tobaccy.  fondle a barmaids titties.  die of dysentery.  y’know just old west things~
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moonchildhcs · 5 years
parkjin hcs!
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high school au! uwu
okay all of yall are different ages with woojin, chan, minho, and changbin in their last year, the 00 line in their middle year, and jeongin in his first year (with u and persi)
yall are taking,,, drum roll please,,,
art 1 !
listen. these mad lads went straight for their music and dance which  is FINE but mandatory one year of art so yall are in a class together! strange,,, but that is the class all eleven of yall share and its,, fairly chaotic
well, mostly because of the crackheads (you, felix, minho, and jisung) who congregated in the back corner and get kicked out three times a week for their antics but like. the rest of yall are chillin and are good diligent students !
for the most part
see the thing is,,
you get your stuff done all the time !! in fact youre probably among the first to turn their stuff in !! like WOWZA ur fast
but, that, is, because, u, want, maximum, time, to, daydream, about,,,,
you never really interact with him because hes an uppcerclassman and hes got his friend group and stuff and ur best buds with the Crackheads ! but like. hes so CUTE and SOFT and TALENTED like truly... an ideal boyfie
and your friends make fun of you ALL THE TIME ! like.. you finished your work and youre goofing off with the mad lads in the corner and then jisung will nudge you and go “oOoOoO he glanced in our direction i wonder what that could mean”
and ur like. we are. so loud. the loudest ppl in the class. hes probably a lil annoyed but on the inside ur like “WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO” like ur having an internal meltdown bc dance god visual god just looked in your direction
but then the teacher comes by and ur head goes down a wee bit and you add some finishing touches to ur project as the teacher bags on the rest of the Crackhead Squad for goofing off in class and theyre asked to step outside and take a breather and once they think they can behave they can return to class
which MEANS they aint comin back
so you take this opportunity of Tranquility to do your fave activity ...
daydream abt ur crush and stare at the back of his head wistfully ! and its real cute and wholesome and stuff and like
when he turns to ask woojin about something for the project you see the lil mole under his eye and the sunlight catches his soft hair just right and ur just losing it because hes SO SOFT like bitch what the absolute fuck !! why did god pop off so hard making him
and then... It Happens
youre gazing at him, lost in space as you daydream about holding his hand and going on ice cream dates, he turns around to ask woojin something again and as he does so Yall Make Eye Contact and you FREAK
not externally but internally youre literally on fire and you dont know what to do
so out of instinct you do a quick peace sign and he gives you a little smile and then goes to do what he intended to do (ask woojin how the hell ur supposed to paint this)
and youre LOSING IT like not only did he acknowledge you but HE SMILED AT YOU!! HOLY SHIT !! BITCH WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD
youre lowkey hyperventilating but its fine because class ends and its your last period so you pack up your bags and head out to walk home with lix, jisung, and minho!! and theyre like wiggling their eyebrows at you and you KNOW theyll tease you but. you need to share this interaction.
and lemme tell you THEY LOSE IT TOO!!! bc hyunjin is a Shy Lad there is no way he caught you looking at him and let it pass !! he had to like you theres no way he didnt NOT like you yknow??? it is Out Of His Character he usually ignores that stuff
and ur like haha no guys its not that deep !! but internally ur freaking out Because Oh MY God What If It Is That Deep so you decide,, to hatch a plan to confess
and the thing is,,, IT IS THAT DEEP
hyunjin is lowkey losing it because. he usually Minds His Own Business and he knows hes popular among people for being cute but ur just. so funny and cute and wholesome and oh wow is his heart beating a lil fast?
YES IT IS !! and hes like u know what?? heck it ILL CONFESS and hope she likes me and this wasnt a coincidence hhhh
so. yall are hatching your plans to confess
hyunjin goes to persi, resident Secret Holder for the laid ease, and reveals that you like nice bright flowers !! like roses, sunflowers, orchids!!! and that you really like pretzels and chocolate almonds uwu
and you go to seungmin and jeongin, who reveal that hyunjin loves forget-me-nots! and he has an affinity for strawb milk and the golden oreos!!!
the thing is,, yall are kinda cliche. like,,, shoujo manga kinda cliche. so if it isnt obvious already yall are hatching THE SAME CONFESSION  PLAN HHHHH YALL ARE SO C U T E
so yall draft letters upon letters, spilling your hearts out in its contents ! 
hyunjins letter is pure white, smelling a bit like his cologne ! it has no marks on it or anything
your letter is light pink and smells like your perfume! its closed with a red heart sticker uwu
yall slip a little note onto each others desk asking to meet each other on the rooftop and ur both like FUCK I HOPE THEY COME EARLY SO I CAN REJECT THEM BEFORE THE PERSON I ACTUALLY LIKE COMES
because,, since yall dont interact much yall dont recognize the others handwriting sgfgfdghf literally dumb bitch hours
anyways yall both SPRINT to that rooftop after school but you were nervous so you got a pep talk from ur friends, the lads, before going up
so once again, yall dont realize. that you have. the same plan.
so hyunjin is waiting there all nervous HOPING youll come first and not whoever else planned on confessing
and youre sprinting up the stairs, hoping whoever planned on confessing wasnt there yet but hyunjin is so that you can confess
and as you burst through the door, pink letter in hand, your eyes zoom to the letter in hyunjins hands and ur like. Oh. Oh Dear.
and hyunjin looks at you, then the letter in ur hands like. Oh. Oh Dear. 
so you two shyly exchange letters, faces burning red as you read through the confession 
and the thing is at one point in your letter you mention how it would be a dream to even hold is hand so he just. this absolute cheeseball. he hold your hand and goes “i guess dreams come true!” and you LOSE IT because oh my god hes such a NERD !!!! but now hes your nerd :^)
so yall go to the park afterwards and split your snacks between the two of you, monching and talking until the stars are twinkling and you guys realize FUCK THERES HOMEWORK
so you go home to do your hw! and yall put the flowers in a cute vase, right next to your beds :^) as a reminder ! (though hyunjin presses some of them with the help of his mom so he can preserve them forever oopsies_
and when yall walk onto school the next day hand in hand, hyunjins friends are like “NICE” but also super shocked bc HYUNJIN?? DATING???
but then your friends. your mad lads. absolutely fucking LOSE IT they are hooting and hollering and you are like Oh My God I Am So Sorry and hyunjin just. does a lil smirk and kisses ur cheek and u are sent into SHOCK and your friends are in cardiac arrest because holy fucking SHIT
and you two are literally the school’s it couple like initially some people were hostile because they wanted to date hyunjin !! but after a while they accepted it and grew to love the both of yall together, from your wholesome interactions to slight crackheadedness
its just so CUTE he always brings you like a rose or smth every day and ur like “this must be expensive” and hes like ! “for you, nothing is expensive” and ur like “ur so cheesy” and hes like “only for you bb :^)”
also now your side of the class has merged with hyunjin and his friends now joining yall crackheads and its cute uwu
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killapunk · 6 years
the weirdest, NO, evilest, person i have every worked for
no real names are used in this piece. i refer to other weirdos and freaks throughout, sorry its a long read (i didnt intend for this) but its one of those things ya gotta settle into and believe me its a wild ride. this saga covers over three years of drama btw.
tw: mental health mentioned (inc panic attacks), chronic illness mentioned and mild sex references 
i am going to single out jess. shes more evil than a weirdo but weirdo nonetheless. pete is a secondary weirdo in this saga.
i work in retail for a long time. a fashion store to be precise. i started out in one store but transferred when i started studying at uni and remained there for the majority of the retail career. during my time there i had three managers, the longest one, who is also a fucking weirdo was pete. now before i worked with pete, before he transferred to our store. i didnt like pete when i started working with him, he annoyed the fuck outta me. but my life circumstances changed and my mental health issues got very bad AND i was diagnosed with cfs so i had to disclose it w him. turns out… he was fucking mental too, very understanding, super chill. we liked the same shit. great boss. 11/10 every time.
he would be my reference for every job ever…
…but. he started gettin involved w jess. now to jess. the main character in this piece.
jess had started at the company around the same time as me and we were always on the same level until the last year or so. jess was a bit older than the average age of staff at the store (17-20) and was 23 when this drama started. she had a college diploma, went onto do something semi-successful but related to her HND. but blew all her money, moved back into her parents and started working at the store part time and then onto full time. she was like…the perfect retail girl? small, cute, slim, bubbly… always looked cool in her uniform. customers loved the fuck out of her. 
jess had a bf when i first started and pete had a longstanding gf. jess and her bf ended things abt 4 or 5 months before pete and his gf. but i remember they started gettin cushy around about this time. im not sure if its cos im v sympathetic towards pete (a true kind soul who i hold v dearly in my heart) but even tho youd be thinking ‘boss abuses his power’ …jess was and still is fuckin manipulative and he has longstanding mental health issues and i just think she sorta got the ball rollin’. pete and his gf didn’t seem on good terms, i dunno the full story but it seemed like they should have broken a long time before the did.
i think the fortnight before pete and his gf broke up they were spotted hanging out together near where she lived. it was this hush hush thing that everyone giggled abt cos there was at the time talk they were fuckin. when it got out, after his breakup jess said she was ‘just being a friend’ cos he was ‘going through a tough time’. 
jess got promoted to keyholder even though she didnt really (at the time) have the skills or confidence to be a keyholder. and then she started to try and fuckin control the work. back during this time, everyone who worked at the store, minus literally 3 people, had worked for the company for at least a year. the store ran very well, we were always in profit. nothing went wrong. but. she started changing processes because it 'made things easier when she was opening’. like. she made everyone tally the amount of people they served in the fitting room in one box and tally the amount of things people left behind so she could make a sales chart. idk if that’s normal in other stores but like? it was just nuts and impossible to do.we always put deliveries away out the package but not folded in a particular way. she made everyone tag and (where relevant) hang items bc she had to pick everything in the morning. 
she became friends w most of the girls, including one of the supervisors. they ruled the workplace. it was a total gossip mill. she gaslit the fuck outta people. one already less-popular girl at work ended up quitting cos she kept blaming her for fuck ups, she kept getting write ups and it was impating her mental health. she spun people against her. less popular girl spoke up and called her a bully and jess acted all defensive and said she wasn’t a bully bc shed been bullied before? jess continued to fuck up the workplace. next she turned on two people in her own clique. one tbh, i think she was jealous of bc jess had always wanted to be a teacher and this gal was training to be one. the other girl was v like jess, just not a bitch… strongwilled, liked control. anyway, drama got to the point where they had to quit. waay too much drama for this textpost. at this point others started to notice n work became hostile. jess moved her girlgang clique to one of the original clique girls, a different supervisor and the other two full time staff members.
pete obv didn’t listen to people coming to him, as store manager being like… hey… there’s this major clique problem and he’d be like ‘nah everyone is just friends, jess is a bit insecure but yno things are good, people quit, its just retail. fuck it.’ jess accused everyone who didn’t get on w her as being a terrible person. those legit words. like. if someone said it was a shame x, y or z left shed rebut, nah they were shit at their job, they were a shit person. honestly. EVERYONE. was a bad person. even the nicest people in the world were the worst person, the worst at the job. she was a good person, she liked the good people. she HAD BEEN BULLIED AND WOULD NEVER BULLY. she threw the anxiety word around a lot.
once we had a staff night out and i got left alone with jess and pete at the end of the night in this terrible lil bar as i waited for someone to pick me up. this is a good point to mention jess was always weirdly jealous cos i was close to pete. fucking ridic considering he was 14 years older than me and you know my fucking boss??? this night, i was sitting right next to pete, we were both drinking, jess wasn’t (cos she likes to be in control, she even said it), he had his arm around me and was whispering something into my ear that was such a non-thing i don’t even remember. she got her phone out, started texting. he excused himself and when he returned he sat beside her. it was fucking nuts. i couldn’t believe my eyes. we had to basically carry pete out of the bar. jess said to me she was gonna drive him home cos it was on the way to hers (spoiler! it was not!). myself and pete did the open the next day. he came in wearing the same clothes. i mean, he could have just passed out and had to rush to work when he woke up. but. this guy went out a lot. he never repeated an outfit. i think jess took advantage of a very drunk him. similarly, on another night out, jess promised to drive someone home. said person got too drunk and thew up. jess refused to take them home and called them embarrassing, she gave the space in her car to pete.
i had a major bad evening shift at work concerning another staff member, kaylee. a gal who just rubbed me up the wrong way, and who didn’t like me. ill never know why but it was just one of those things where anytime i was on shift w her she would nitpick and bitch about me and just… make me feel not v good. she was possibly the laziest and rudest person i had ever worked with but someone got away with it?
i used her as a way to talk to pete about the general problems in the store (jess). and…it was fuckin surreal. i told him abt kaylee. i told him i thought jess was controlling but kinda laid off a bit like ‘i get she thinks shes doing it for good’ etc. i padded it out w a few other rly petty issues abt the store. i was actually really upset, kinda numb from life to properly let out my emotions. and then. he started cry on me. like this full-on grown man having a panic attack in front of me when i was 19, fucked on diazepam i should have never been prescribed. to this day i visualise it. me and pete were v close at this point, and like, he didn’t mention jess too much – asked me about the other girl and other issues when i came to him. we spoke about personal shit, all but jess. i kinda wonder if he didn’t have the panic attack if i would have told him his under the radar relationship w her was not on?
and then. pete sold me out in the name of jess. idk the full ins and outta everything but he had to confront the drama once and for all cos our figures were so low so he decided to blame it all on kaylee. from my understanding of the situ from a lot of ‘he said she said’ bs, pete had this big meeting w kaylee. was like. 1. do ur job right and 2. stop being rude and unapproachable. the thing is, although kaylee is rude shes one of these ppl who most ppl really liked, not in a jess/regina george theyre scared of you way but…like they thought she was a tv character and she was funny and honest. so i think she confronted some obvious allies, and jess told her, according to another staff member, that i complained about her. after hearing this i obvious went to pete and tbh, acted pretty dramatic (cos if you haven’t fucking learned already THIS STORE WAS FULL OF DRAMA QUEENS). as soon as i heard, i started texting him angrily on his day off. i remember folding something in the fitting rooms and he came up to give me a hug and i was like ‘HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TELL OTHER PEOPLE MY BUSINESS’. i confronted jess, in a lighter tone, cos i obv told pete (half) what i felt about her. jess played the fucking innocent role. like, she said something along the lines of ‘we’re both close to pete n he was so worried that when me, you and kaylee did those shifts together that something would go wrong. so he told me to keep an eye on things and that’s all i told kaylee cos she wasn’t sure why she was being targeted when so many people in this store are treating people badly. i didn’t say you reported her or anything, honestly!!!!’ queue more bs.
after this, jess didn’t bother with me but was never explicit about hating me. if there was a convo going on and i tried to join in she scolded at me for being nosey. if i was unwell (i have cfs) shed moan ‘jokingly’ that i always had to be ill. i think she ripped on me once cos i said i was late for a hand-in at uni.
her next real victim, however, was jack, my best friend in store and our supervisor. jack was getting fucked over in his supervisor role bc pete would schedule jess for anything managerial. jess started a rumour that pete didn’t trust jack bc jack fucked it at a meeting w the other stores (semi true but fucking up a meeting isn’t the end of the world). like. anything jack would be, jess would be on him. by this point 50% of the staff that were around at the start of the story HAD LEFT. jess had driven people out and had the new ones all up her arse.
pete quit. it was sudden.
not long later, facebook popped up with a fuckin ‘pete is in a relationship with jess’ status and pete has never spoken to me again. i left shortly after that, although our new manager was lovely i felt like i was working for jess.
jack ended up GETTING DEMOTED, by petes replacement who had no idea what a shitstorm she was getting herself into. the new manager PROMOTED jess and demoted jack bc she was doing all the supervisor jobs whilst jack was only doing midshifts. he didnt get shafted to the lowest pay and was instead given the title ‘trainer and authorised opener/closer’ whilst still doing the same fucking job. he transferred out, cos that shit is fucking degrading and within, like two months he was put back up his rightful position. yay for my forever work bestie. I
feel like this has been going on for too long now. i think this doesn’t do her justice. like…i cant believe someone who is NOW 26 and who got what she wanted after manipulating a mentally ill man caused so much drama and pain and tension in a fucking clothes store.
fucking horrid. im reading this completely exhausted and so i cant say much but i just feel like these people are always the ones who come out on top, and its so fucked up. im really sorry you had to deal with so many unpleasant people, and your friend as well. 
i swear mediocrity and asskissing is what gets you anywhere in this world, and manipulative cunts like this jess woman take full advantage of that. it’s pretty scary, honestly. amazing how far drama can go, huh. this is why i have trust issues.
i still hope she gets her ass kicked by life, though. there has to be some sort of karmic justice somewhere
i also feel like i should say that there’s always going to be people who won’t like you for some reason. even if you don’t do anything wrong and even though everyone else thinks they’re great. no idea why this happens, but all i can say is there’s really nothing you can do. so FUCK EM (in the most metaphorical sense as they don’t deserve you giving them the time of day)
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keichanz · 7 years
Inuyasha and miroku buddy cop au
I have…literally no idea where this came from??
And anyway you can’t tell me he wouldn’t this *cackles* 
“I’m telling you, Inuyasha, they were hot! And the one inthe passenger seat had the biggest—”
“For the love of god, Miroku, shut up,” Inuyasha groused from the passenger’s seat of the policecruiser and closed his eyes, truly exasperated with his friend and partner ashe let his head thump back against the headrest. “For the last time, I have a girlfriend, I’m very happy with her, and I don’t need orwant to hear about the tits on somebroad that you pulled over solely because you thought she was hot.”
Miroku put a hand on his chest in mock affront, though hisviolet eyes were gleaming impishly as he said, “Inuyasha, I’m appalled youwould think such a thing of me. I was goingto say she had the biggest eyes the color of rich, melted caramel.” He paused.“…But, now that you mention it—“
Inuyasha groaned. “One of these days, Miroku, you’re gonnaget caught pulling all these people over because you want the driver’s number,Sesshomaru is not gonna be happy withit, and he’ll have both our asses because he’s a sadistic asshole who likes tome suffer for no reason.”
The dark-haired officer waved a hand in the air,unconcerned. “So he’ll have a hissy fit, big deal. Not like we haven’t dealtwith a pissy Sesshomaru before.”
“You could get your badgetaken away, you moron.”
Miroku frowned, as if he hadn’t thought of that, andInuyasha resisted the urge to take the idiot’s own gun and shoot him withit.  Taking out his phone, he shot a textto his girl, hoping she’d be able to talk some sense into him before he committedmurder.
Just like he knew she would, she responded instantly. lol aww my poor baby. what he do this time?
damn pervert keepsgoin on about all the girls he’s pulled over cause theyre hot or some shit andjeopardizing BOTH our jobs can I PLZ kill him
Her next text was a little delayed. we can’t have sex if you’re in jail
Inuyasha grinned. His girl knew him better than he did andhe loved her for that. alright fine goodpoint. then whose bright idea was it to put me in a profession that has accessto guns?
yours babe? you know,since you were a kid? your lifelong dream of being a cop?
clearly I didn’t thinkthis through
ooh i dunno aboutthat…I like a man in uniform ;)
i love yooooouuuuuu
Chuckling, Inuyasha shook his head and typed back, love you too baby
“—the car!”
His brief conversation with Kagome over, Inuyasha finallytuned into what Miroku was saying and he turned his head to pin him with afrown. “What?”
“That’s the car!” Miroku was saying, his excitement evidentas he pointed frantically out the windshield toward a forest green Ford Focus alittle ways a head at a red light. From their position idling on the side of abusy main street, they had a clear view of the traffic light up ahead and thecars waiting for it to turn green.
A feeling of dread washed over Inuyasha as he asked, alittle reluctantly, “…What car?”
“The one with the two hot chicks!” he replied and the grinthat split his face was slightly terrifying and perhaps a little on the creepyside in Inuyasha’s opinion. “Oh, man, what’re the odds?! It’s destiny! It’sfate! The Gods are smiling down on me!”
Inuyasha suddenly paled and had a very, very bad feelingabout where he was going with this. “Miroku, don’t—”
But it was too late. Miroku was already shifting into driveand merging into traffic. “No, no, don’t you get it?” he asked while hishalf-demon partner groaned and slumped in his seat, dragging a hand down hisface.  “I wasn’t able to the other day becauseI had to respond to a call concerning an accident, but now I have a secondchance!” The light turned green and Miroku flipped the cruiser’s lights on,watching as the cars before him reacted instantly and pulled to the side,giving him a clear path to his target. “The fates have been kind to me today,my friend, for I’ll be going home with two new numbers!”
He cackled gleefully and Inuyasha didn’t bother to evendignify that with a response, choosing to drop his head in his hand and growlin aggravation. “You’re gonna get us fired, jackass.”
Miroku ignored him. “Come now, my pretties, pull over forthe nice police man…ah, there we go.” The green Focus flicked its blinker onand turned into a plaza parking lot that was more or less empty and Mirokufollowed behind it.
“Miroku,” Inuyasha tried to reason one last time, his toneexasperated as he pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on.“Seriously, don’t do this. Come up with some minor excuse, like the car matchesthe description of another one you’re looking for and—”
The car door opened and Inuyasha sighed, shaking his head. “Idiot.”
“Ladies,” he heard his partner greet with faux surprise fromthe open window. “What a pleasant surprise! You see, your car matches thedescription of one my partner and I are searching for—“
Inuyasha snorted. Thief,he thought and pulled up a game of solitaire on his phone. This was gonnatake a while.
“—but I see now that I was mistaken. Please accept mydeepest apologies for pulling you over again. However, since you’re both here—”
“You’re kidding, right?” came a vaguely familiar voice fromthe Ford and Inuyasha frowned, his ears cocking forward under his police cap.“You can’t seriously expect us to believe that bullshit excuse, this is thesecond time in a week!”
“Now, now, I can understand your upset over this—“
“She’s right, though,” said a much more familiar and equally peeved voice and Inuyasha’s headjerked up as his amber eyes finally took in the also familiar green car before him.
“This has to be harassment,” the first voice said andInuyasha’s brows snapped low over his eyes as he finally recognized who itbelonged to. “Don’t think we don’t know why you keep—“
“Isn’t there some kind of official complaint we can fileagainst you?” the second voice interjected and Inuyasha growled as he unbuckledhis seatbelt and opened his door, his ears pinned beneath his hat and his ambereyes livid. “I mean, this is getting ridiculous and a little annoying.”
“Now, ladies, I can assure you I had plausible cause to—“
“You had no validreason to—!”
“Actually,” Inuyasha interrupted loudly as he came up besidehis partner.  “There was a very valid reason as to why my partnerpulled you over, such as texting anddriving?” Inuyasha crossed his arms and glowered down at his suddenly verysheepish looking girlfriend since high school.
The car’s passenger, who he knew now to be Sango, groanedand then muttered, “I told you.”
Kagome bit her lip and then aimed an innocent smile at hercop boyfriend. “Umm…I wasn’t?”
Miroku gaped and looked between the two with wide violeteyes. “Wait a minute, you two know—?”
They both ignored him as Inuyasha continued to glare down ather silently and rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh, Kagome got out of the carand faced her very ticked off boyfriend. “You know I’m always careful,” shemuttered guiltily, a pout etched onto her features.
“That doesn’t matter,” he snapped, and then felt like an asswhen his girl flinched. Heaving a sigh, Inuyasha grabbed her arm and led her alittle ways away so the other two couldn’t hear them. “You have stop,” he saidand removed his hat before running a hand through his hair in frustration.“Sooner or later I’m gonna have to give you a ticket, Kagome. It’s dangerous,and this is the third time. I can’tkeep letting you off with warnings because you’re my girlfriend.  It’s my job to—“
His chastising was abruptly cut off when slender armswrapped around his waist and a head of dark hair was tucked under his chin.“I’m sorry,” she said softly, the regret clear in her voice.
Inuyasha’s eyes softened and he wrapped her up in his arms,hugging her tight. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he murmuredand kissed her head. “You’re my world, Kagome. I see it all the time, andnearly every time I thank the Gods that it’s not you in that twisted up car, oron a stretcher, or—“
“I know,” Kagome interrupted him and leaned back to cup hisface, knowing that as a policeman he’d seen horrific things that he refused totalk to her about because they were so gruesome. “I know and I promise I’llstop. You’re right. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and not only am I puttingmyself at risk, but others too. I don’t ever wanna put you through that.” Shesmiled at him and Inuyasha felt himself relax.
He leaned his forehead against hers. “That’s all I ask,” hesaid lowly. “Thank you, baby.” And even though it was against protocol tofraternize with the public while on duty, Inuyasha swooped in and laid a lovingkiss to her lips, relieved that his girl would stop the potentially lifethreatening bad habit.
Kagome hummed and shifted her hand to playfully jingle thehandcuffs clipped onto his belt and then trail her fingers over the butt of thegun holstered at his side.
“You know it’s a federal offense to touch a police officer’sequipment,” he growled against herlips and then pulled back with a sinful smirk.
“Oooh,” she purred and smiled impishly. “Are you gonnahandcuff me, officer?” Her brown eyes laughed up at him and he had to fight theurge to give in to his own mirth.
“Mmm, right after I press you up against that car and makeyou spread your legs.” Amber eyes flashed wickedly and his smirk turned into anamused grin.
“Frisk me, baby,” Kagome returned smoothly, and thengiggled. Inuyasha sniggered too, and then they both standing there snickeringlike teenagers at the ridiculousness of the entire exchange, holding each otherand both of them wondering how they had gotten so lucky to end up with someoneso amazing.
“If you two are done grossly flirting with each other,”Sango suddenly interrupted and the couple turned to find Kagome’s friendglaring heatedly at a grinning Miroku with a suspicious red hand-shaped printon his face, “Inuyasha, I need your gun.”
Inuyasha frowned and edged away from her. “Why?”
“Because I’m gonna shoot your partner with it.”
As her boyfriend’s expression cleared and he looked like hewas actually contemplating handing it over, Kagome rolled her eyes and gentlyelbowed him in the gut, ignoring his exaggerated grunt of pain. “Sango, youcan’t shoot a cop with another cop’s gun, and you—“ She turned to Inuyasha andraised a brow. “Since apparently he’s your partner, can you please stop me frompulling us over in the future? Seriously, it’s annoying and it has to beagainst your code, or something.”
Snorting, Inuyasha scowled at the officer in question andcrossed his arms. To his credit Miroku actually had the grace to look guilty.“Trust me, I’ve tried. He even does it when I’m not with him, but as long as Iam, I won’t let him since it’s our jobon the line when he does.” He leveled another glare at his partner and Kagomenodded, satisfied.
“Alright, well, we gotta get going. Souta and Kohaku arewaiting for us and I promised Mama I’d take gramps to his appointment. I’ll seeyou at home later, kay?” She tugged him down gently by his hair hanging overhis shoulder so she could lean up and sweetly peck his lips. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” Inuyasha murmured and watched as she walkedaway, collected a still fuming Sango and hopped back into her green Focus.
“So,” Miroku piped up as the Ford drove away and exited theplaza, “you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
Inuyasha groaned and stalked toward the cruiser, stillpissed off at his partner for resorting to his lecherous ways while on duty,even if it did result in him gettingto see his baby for a bit.
“She’s a babe,” his perverted friend and co-workercontinued, seemingly oblivious the half-demon’s ire. “Seriously, I had no idea—“
“We’re going, Miroku,”Inuyasha snapped and yanked open the driver’s door. “And this time I’m driving and you’re gonna make it up to me by buy me the biggest coffee theyhave at Starbucks, now get in nowbefore I leave your perverted ass here.”
“Do you have her friend’s number? Because I’d really like—oh, wait, you wereserious—shit, Inuyasha, wait! I need her number! Inuyashaaaaaaaa!”
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