#and fuck colonisers
thebisexualwreckoning · 10 months
Nononono the fact that being trans in India was like being a priest and the Hijras were called upon to bless babies and marriages and were so heavily ingrained in our society but then the fucking British decided to colonise and make being a Hijra fucking illegal so now people who fall under the trans flag like me and many of the people i know are being hate crimed against when back before the fucking British we were akin to deities???!!!! Like the British come here and ruin EVERYTHING
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slicedblackolives · 7 months
can u imagine how much more fucked job hunting would be if vampires were a thing. there's no openings because everyone mid-senior level and up has had that job since the 90s. the youngest professor on the tenure-track is 101 with 62 publications. u just graduated from medical school and you're competing against 175 yr old dickheads who have specialised in 4 types of surgeries and can diagnose 80% of diseases from scent alone. good lord.
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femrodeeeeo · 3 months
Sick of radical feminism's racism problem
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We're assholes for not thinking white men are less misogynistic because they come from some superior european culture?
Blocking me for calling out colonisation as the reason why so many 'cultures' are still backwards unlike the 'good' cultures which have progressed off of the death, rape, slavery and natural resources of nations they colonised is racist. Especially while that system is still in place.
I can't really be bothered responding to this properly so...
@menalez @hadesoftheladies @blackswallowtailbutterfly
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chaithetics · 5 months
I know for a lot of us, today is Mother's Day. I don't celebrate Mother's Day, but even so, it is IMPOSSIBLE to go through today without thinking about all the Palestinian mothers who have been murdered The Palestinian mothers who have lost their children to Israel's genocide, funded by the West. The children who have lost their mothers. The Palestinian mothers giving birth without any form of anaesthesia. The Palestinian mothers starving themselves more so that when and if aid gets through their children can hopefully have more rations. The Palestinian mothers who are fighting illnesses and injuries. The Palestinians mother who don't know what they're going to do. Those in Palestine who have had to step up to take on the role of a mother. The Palestinian mothers not getting a chance to take a break or process anything because they have to beg for the world to care, to look, to convince us to give aid and listen so that they can evacuate, so that their families can survive at the very least.
As of Sunday 12th May 2024, Mother's Day, nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered and over 14,500 of those Palestinians are children. This is since October 7th 2023, this does not take into account all the lives lost since the Nakba in 1948. And Israeli Forces are currently carpet bombing the Jabalia Refugee Camp.
Remember these mothers and children. Please do not stop engaging with Palestinians and what their posting, with resources, educating yourselves. Please keep sharing, donating, and going to local rallies, protests, and vigils, keep engaging with Operation Olive Branch, and please keep emailing your government and local representatives!
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mayasaura · 2 years
Going into Alecto, I think it's important to expect that the series won't conclude with a clear lesson. Either about morality—what makes a good person, evil getting their just desserts, ect—or a thesis on decolonization. It's not that kind of story.
Deep down, this series is two drunk girls bearing their souls in a dark corner of the bar. An hours-long conversation that wheels wildly through pop culture, past trauma, theoretical physics, dreams and aspirations, global warming, hairstyling, friends, family, gender, personal insecurities, world history, favorite foods. It has a lot to say, and a lot of it profound, but it's not trying to teach anything. At the end of the night, the point was how fucking cool that girl was, and the potent electric potential for something lgbt to happen
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pixievi · 6 months
Queers supporting palestine are so stupid I can’t-
ur so fucking thick. ur brave enough to spout how ignorant you are yet you came into my asks anonymously. get ur head out of is*rel's ass. muppet
anyways I've been reposting some important things regarding ways you can help the people of palestine on my acc, give it a look! if you can't donate, make sure to share <3
(edit : I've made a post for compiling links to help palestine, here it is)
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artcinemas · 4 months
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I’ve not seen anyone say this yet so I feel like I ought to:
even if the ICJ demands that Israel stop their military operations, we still need to keep talking about Palestine. Even if Israel actually fully honours this ruling and stops the siege (something that I, unfortunately, don’t think is very likely) we still need to keep talking about Palestine. Palestine is not free until the occupation ends; Palestine is not free until the illegitimate colonialist-satellite state of Israel is completely wiped off the map, and remembered only in history books for its crimes against humanity and the Arab people. Palestine is not free until it is free, from the river to the sea. Even when this bombardment ends, DO NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT PALESTINE.
If Israel is allowed to exist in its capacity as a settler-colonialist satellite state for the USA, it will commit genocide again. It’s not an if, it’s a when. Israel’s genocidal rhetoric defies humanity, and I fear defies all orders. It exists as an attack dog for the US, and will continue to commit war crimes for as long as it remains.
Heaping the pressure on is vital, at this point, especially if you live in the imperial core. It is our job now to ensure that Israel becomes a pariah state, rejected and sanctioned by the imperialist nations it once worked for. All future weapon shipments must be blocked, all Israeli products boycotted, and our governments made to pay for supporting their genocide. Even when the bombardment stops, continue to cry genocide, and continue to fight for a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.
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theodoravery · 4 months
me when christian fans will do anything but go read an actual book / me when y'all pull the 'it's just fiction' card once again
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sp00ky-scary · 4 months
it's cool how you can tell that like most people who complain about how Steven Universe handled the Diamonds and say Steven forgave them have obviously never watched SU Future because there's literally an episode where Steven is like 2 seconds away from having White Diamond bash her head into a pillar and shatter herself
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Stupidest take on Israel i saw was an Israeli spewings stats about how like 75% of israelis are refugees or children of refugees and then proceeded to say:
" We are not Colonizers We are Refugees We are Indigenous"
like logic for a second. I literally beg you not to continue the doublethink.
Like obviously a large number of Israelis aren't colonisers, but that doesn't make you indigenous nor does it mean Israel isn't colonising Palestine.
Like I as a first gen Australian am not a coloniser, but i am living on colonised land where the indigenous are affected by colonisation. The minute i stop recognising that, the minute i start pretending I'm indigenous cause I was born here *cough Pauline Hanson-core cough* I become a coloniser, because not only would i be complicit in colonisation, I'd be actively erasing indigenous history.
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starryeyesmasc · 29 days
having a native language that isn’t really a native language but also is but also isn’t…..is really weird
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northern-punk-lad · 2 months
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Tiktok takes no prisoners
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Countries colonised by the Aztecs: 0
Countries colonised by Christians: All countries
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mightydyke · 24 days
Not knowing who the writer is in the Weird West Cabaret is so good because at first you're like "Wow this character is a really shallow and outdated racist stereotype, the writer is probably old and out-of-touch at best and straight-up racist as the worst" and then you're like "hmm this gay character could be read as problematic and predatory... but it's also possible that his story is a criticism of gay people having to repress their sexuality, and the character is so fun and camp, and whilst this might be for cheap homophobic comic relief, it could also have been written as a celebration of gay sexuality! I wonder how writer intended it..." and then you're like "OH so these people are literally trapped in this play and the writer is forcing them to act this out and wiping their memories?! That's so fucked up who would do something like that?"
And then you find out that the writers are a white gay man from the equivalent of 18th century England, and what was once a group of death-worshipping cultists who are now a mega corporation who travelled to a dimension where they weren't welcome in what can pretty easily be read as a colonisation metaphor.
And all of these people are slowly losing their humanity due to being trapped in robotic bodies.
And then you're like "Oh okay. That makes sense."
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featherymainffins · 4 months
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What the fuck man
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