#and for the other anon asking to see the hams... there they are
periprose · 2 days
Can I have a Logan Howlett x Angel!Fem!Reader where Logan sees the reader in the kitchen having a bit of a meltdown and uncomfortable feeling over holding a knife (for like, cooking reasons or smth) and he calms her down because the reader just doesn’t want to hurt anyone :(? I’d appreciate it thanks! (I’ve seen you wanted more Angel reader, so im here to reciprocate :3)
AHhhh this fits so well Anon (maybe unintentionally so, the previous fic had a little snippet about Angel's mom trying to stab her when she was young...) but I love your brain. I made it a bit longer and added some stuff and it's set before the previous Logan Gains a Guardian Angel fic (LGGA for short) so they're not together yet.
Knives Drip Chocolate (or, Logan Gains a Guardian Angel)
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Word Count: 2.9k
Genre: Angst, fluff, hurt with comfort, mutual pining, idiots in love, mild traumatic flashback stuff (but no violence)
LGGA Masterlist
Logan is always ready for a late-night snack.
It’s hard for him to feel full, a lot of the time– he didn’t always have the easiest access to food, and he’s known for a while, if there’s a brief period in his immortal-like life where he can just relax about food and supplies, he shouldn’t take that for granted. 
Plus with an accelerated healing factor, sometimes his body starts digesting food too quickly, leading to faster body repair, but nothing to feel satisfied about.
So he’s got tons of cravings. Something that you are constantly bothered about, even now, as Logan knocks on your door, asking yet again if you’d accompany him to the kitchen.
Not that you actually mind. Sometimes you think you’d follow Logan into hell if he asked nicely enough, despite your occasionally evasive attitude keeping him on his toes.
“Angel, please. I’m starving.” Logan’s grumpy complaints are muffled behind your door, and you wonder why a nearly 200 year old man needs you so badly, to be by his side, when he’s spent so long being a loner.
“I’m coming.” You yawn, pulling yourself out of your bed– Storm is your roommate, and she’s passed out, stone cold. You quickly finger comb your hair, and fix your giant t-shirt, so your shoulder isn’t so exposed.
Silly, because you know Logan doesn’t care.
It’s bad. It’s really, really bad, because you don’t want to get attached to Logan, not when he’s sure to toss you aside like he’s done with the rest of them eventually. But you can’t help yourself– Logan is easy to be around, he knows your fears and little quirks, and he has never treated you like you’re so different for being a little quiet, like him. 
You know everyone has noticed. When you open your bedroom door, and Logan stares at you for a moment– an unreadable, soft glance in his eyes, one that you could choose to ignore, but don’t, as you stare back at him– you know all the other X-Men see it. Some silly crush you have on him, that clearly confuses Logan himself as he shakes his head, and pulls you by the arm out of your room, your PJs and hair askew.
Logan himself looks good, you have to admit– wearing lazy sweatpants and a white tank-top, his arm muscles looking especially defined tonight– and you pull your arm away, embarrassed that you give into these feelings so easily.
He’s only ever going to be your best friend. Even now, there’s nothing romantic about the way Logan asks if you want a ham and cheddar sandwich, too. He’s just looking out for you. 
Jean, Scott, and Storm have literally asked you, more than once, if you and Logan had maybe slept together, or kissed, or anything that would be a culmination of some supposed lust, in which case you always laugh awkwardly and deny everything. 
Your excuse is that it’s deeper than that, and it’s one-sided. What would be the point of bringing it up if it would just end in heartbreak?
“Earth to Angel.” Logan shakes your arm, breaking your stride. “Hey, that’s kind of funny, isn’t it? You’re always up in Heaven. Daydreaming about who the hell knows what.”
“Haha, Logan.” You mockingly say in a deadpan voice. “What is it?”
“Your wings are flexing a little bit, again, like they’re about to open. They’re kind of pulsing.” He says it in a soft tone, ushering in some concern he has, and you find yourself wishing that you were someone normal, someone that Logan didn’t have to care so much about. 
It’s not that you’re not happy to have his concern, it’s just that you don’t know what to do with it. Thank him for it? You have never been used to people looking out for you.
“It’s fine. Sometimes I get muscle spasms, it’s nothing to worry about.” You mutter, knowing it has to do with anxiety, but Logan looks a bit unconvinced.
“Okay. But if you keep having weird tremors, I’m taking you to the hospital wing so you can get diagnosed.” Logan states, and you open your mouth to argue, but he tuts. “No arguing about this. Last thing we need is for you to die from stress or cancer or something.”
Your heartbeat quickens, not at the mention of cancer, but because Logan used we and now you’re just thinking about how you’re always together.
Not like that, though.
“Okay, Logan. I get it.” You shake your head. “I won’t die.” 
“Not yet. We got snacks to eat.” Logan agrees, as he leads you into the kitchen.
Logan’s got you working on making hot chocolate as he makes the sandwiches, pan-frying them till the cheese is hot and melty. 
It’s not really a common mix, you think, but you’re just happy to be helping.
“Careful. Milk boils over fast.” Logan comments from next to you, mostly focused on his own side of the stove, and you roll your eyes.
“I know that.” You retort, but as you look away from the stove for one second, the pot of milk nearly does boil over, and you swear, reducing the heat quickly.
Logan starts laughing. “Told you.”
You shove him lightly, and he has a stupid grin on his face, one where you know Logan takes such joy in teasing you at times. Like this is one of the greatest pleasures in life.
You move the milk over to the counter, to let it cool, and then remember something semi-important. 
“Logan? Don’t forget, Scott wanted extra ham for the Hawaiian pizza they’re making tomorrow–” As you’re reminding him, Logan wordlessly shows you the empty ham package, telling you that he used all of it for the sandwiches.
“You snooze, you lose.” Logan shrugs, and you close your eyes in partial defeat, trying not to laugh at his antics.
“I guess, but you never seem to lose, and Scott’s always chewing me out for your ‘mistakes.’” You point at yourself, tongue poking through the side of your mouth, and Logan raises his eyebrows. “Tell me: Am I snoozing, or are you just lucky that I take the blame?”
“Ah, Angel… you’re obviously asleep.” Logan smirks, and you scoff at his audacity, having expected a semi-apology from him. “No one ever said you had to take the blame for my snacks. You could’ve just told him it was Jean, and he wouldn’t have asked any questions.”
You blink at him. “Lying to our team’s leader aside, why Jean?”
“C’mon. Scott’s crazy over her, they’ve been together for however long, and he can never say no to her. It’s the perfect excuse– he wouldn’t even ask her about missing food, so not to offend his sweetheart.” Logan pauses, a thoughtful look taking over his features, and he scratches his chin. “I guess love really is blind.”
“Wow. You had that takeaway based on gaslighting both Scott and Jean? You really are an unfeeling old man.” You giggle, and Logan glances over at you, his face heating up at your laugh, a sweet sound that always pushes a warmth into his chest.
If Logan was honest, he understands Scott perfectly. Sure, he could play the part of the curmudgeonly old man, and lie to you– but in truth, he was doing that because he likes you.
Just like Scott. Logan likes you so much, that he would honestly lie to you just to protect your relationship– whether that be about missing food, or if you talk about some other dude someday, and he has to pretend he’s all ecstatic for you, as he often worries about. 
He knows it’s bad. And he doesn’t like it, either. Logan insists to himself, in pure self denial, that this love he has for you doesn’t exist, because he would rather be given even a little bit of your presence as a friend, than to be entirely shut out by you upon imminent rejection.
But even he knows he protests too much. Of course he loves you, how could he not?
Logan thinks of you as his personal guardian Angel. It’s silly, of course– but you’re the one who helps him make better choices, doing the right thing more often than not. He’s an idiot– you’re a beautiful genius of a woman, and it bothers him so deeply that you keep to yourself.
He looks over at you. You’re chopping up a bar of dark chocolate, and your gaze is intensely focused– Logan has seen the same expression on you when you’re beating up a bad guy. You’re thinking, murmuring something to yourself, probably thinking about hot chocolate.
Your eyes turn wide, glassy, and you inhale sharply.
Logan immediately comes to your side. “Angel?”
Logan’s voice doesn’t fully register to you.
The knife gleams in the low lighting of the kitchen, as you turn it over and over in your hand, dark brown chocolate smudging the blade, and then you look down to your palms.
Where your hands are covered in dark, melted chocolate, after you’ve been holding the chocolate bar to chop it up– the liquid is almost amber in hue. 
“...blood.” You whisper something unintelligible, but Logan catches the last word.
You retch to yourself, hyperventilating over the counter, back hunched over, the knife still clenched in your palm.
“Angel, hey–” Logan squeezes his way between the counter and your right arm, where your hand is holding the knife, and he firmly pulls it away from you, grabbing it blade-first without even thinking about it, and you gasp, shouting at him to get away.
Logan stops, at a loss for words. You’re trembling, you’re no longer holding the knife, but you can’t stop looking at your hands.
He grabs your arms a bit more gently, turning you towards him, and you’re lost in some train of thought that Logan can’t stop.
Mom sliced up one of my hands once… it’s been years, but it looked just like this.
Then I got her back, by accident… it was an accident, Angel.
“What’s wrong?” Logan looks down at you in fear, worry that something may actually be very wrong, and you haven’t told him a thing.
He thinks he shouldn’t have assumed you were always alright. He knows you aren’t– he just finds it difficult to surpass your avoidant attitude. He’s never seen you have a full blown panic attack like this before.
Your wings are subtly twitching again, folded against your back, but threatening to open up to full expanse, and you shake your head, lip quivering, as you look down at the floor.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” You utter so softly, so heartbreakingly tiny, and Logan feels himself turning cold at your words, wondering if you’d really done something that terrible.
With a kitchen knife, of all things. He wants to hug you firmly now.
He knows even if it was true– there’s no way that was your fault, no way Logan wouldn’t have sussed that out based on instinct. 
“It isn’t…” Logan starts, wanting to say it wasn’t your fault, but he doesn’t know how that will go over with you. “You’re not going to hurt anyone. Where is that coming from?”
“Just a bad memory.” You say with a shaky breath, the most information you’re willing to give him at this moment, and you know– you know– Logan is never going to be satisfied with that answer.
You don’t want to scare him off. This is the first time you could even say you have a best friend, and you don’t want Logan to pity you or feel like you were incapable of taking care of yourself. You don’t want him to see you like your mother did.
Logan frowns. Then, instead of asking you a question, he traces the back of your wings, which causes a shiver in your body.
You close your eyes, expecting to feel tense, scared, and horrified, but instead you feel calm, almost placid. Being touched by Logan makes you feel like everything is going to be alright.
Your wings stop shaking, and Logan hands you a wet paper towel. You wipe your chocolatey hands, which puts you at ease, seeing your clean hands again. 
“Sorry. I don’t mean to make you my caretaker.” You whisper, always worried about others’ perception of you, and Logan shakes his head.
“I don’t mind, Angel. As long as you’re alright.” Logan has a tentative look on his face, and you’re almost embarrassed, that you like being taken care of so badly, and he hugs you tightly, arms wrapped around your back, a near bone crushing hug that has you nestled in his chest, fit under his jaw as he places his head on top of yours.
Your heartbeat slows down. You’re not panicking any more, but it seems like Logan, too, is reaping some sort of benefit by being so close to you. He inhales deeply, and the sigh rumbles through his chest into you.
You could almost cry. You spent so much of your childhood never being close to anyone, and being held is cathartic in a way you can’t even describe.
Logan doesn’t let go until you do. Then he has the audacity to look a little sheepish, like he had done something un-Logan and uncool, and you almost feel pained, like you should push him away, and go to sleep on your own.
It’s such an odd feeling, to both want his concern, and to wish you never needed to do so.
You stare up at him, and Logan smiles, a soft smile that he hopes reads as comforting rather than a snarl, and you can’t help yourself for what you ask next.
“Could I sleep in your room?” You ask, biting back the immediate disclaimers of it’s okay if you don’t want to. “I’m just better when I’m around you.”
There’s also the thing of waking up Storm if you enter back in now, and explaining that you had yet another panic attack. She’ll be mad.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s okay.” Logan murmurs, wondering if you meant to make that sound so devotedly sweet, something that causes his insides to seize a little.
He feels better around you, too.
You’re usually good at hiding this side of yourself from him– it’s another step deeper, another step too far into your relationship to take back– and now you worry you’ll never really be able to separate.
Logan ruffles your hair, and all is right again.
He makes you eat at least a bite of the sandwich, and sip a little hot chocolate– the rest is placed in the fridge for some other mutant to eat.
Logan won’t let you go to sleep without a meal, or in this case a few nibbles, if he can help it.
“Moods are worse on an empty stomach.” Logan grins, and you smile, feeling a little more at ease.
“You’re not you when you’re hungry.” You joke, and Logan rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, save that for when we’re pilfering Kurt’s Snickers bars.” He snorts. 
Logan leads you to his room, oddly silent the entire time. It’s not that Logan isn’t typically quiet, it’s that it feels more tense. He’s keeping to himself, and he doesn’t seem to have anything against you– he has only a kind expression for you, when you meet his eyes.
Finally, you both arrive to his bedroom door. Logan is lucky– he doesn’t have to room with anyone– and you’ve been in here plenty of times.
Still, that doesn’t explain why it takes him a second to enter in the room, as you follow him in.
It’s sparsely decorated in here– one poster of the Calgary Flames is on Logan’s wall, and there’s a mug with random, assorted pens on his desk. His bed has never been filled with loads of stuffed animals and pillows like other X-Men (read: Jubilee) would have. There’s a pile of assorted flannels, jackets, and scarves hanging off a coat rack.
It’s comforting, though. Logan is a simple man, and you like being close enough to understand him, to see the small remnants of things he likes.
“Well. The bed’s there, if you’d like. Don’t let me stop you.” Logan points to the bed, and he starts walking towards the leather recliner next to the window.
“Logan. Stop.” You grab him by the arm, and he pauses, slightly scared, mostly enthused by what you’ll say next. “It’s okay with me if we sleep next to each other.”
“...Okay.” Logan watches as you climb into his bed, hoping it’s comfortable, and doing a weird thing of personally memorizing the way you lay and snuggle down, in case you never do this again.
You’re next to the wall, so Logan stays on his side, lying down close to the edge of the bed. And you’re keeping your distance– so is he.
You turn, and Logan is already looking at you. He glances away.
“Good night, Angel.” Logan utters softly, and with that, you turn to your side, to fall asleep.
When Logan wakes up, he freezes, so not to move you. Somehow, through out the night, you ended up snuggled around him, sprawled against his chest, your arms lightly wrapping around him.
He loves it. He’s glad to see he’s been useful for once– he gave you a good night’s sleep.
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punkrock-bottom · 3 days
forget these other anons who just wanna see your juicy ham candle i know how to treat a boy. i’d cuddle the fuck out of you first and THEN ask to see your throbbing meat log 😌
You’re all going to be horrified when I finally show it all off and all that’s there is a haunting abyss that reflects your own fears back at you
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beyondplusultra · 1 year
How big is your bed to fit 30 hamsters AND you? Do you pile them?
My bed isn't big at all. The answer is that I am just very tiny and like to sleep in small spaces, wahaha! Anyway, here's an old pic. Some are missing because a few are hanging out on my guy's bed, and I hadn't bought all of them yet at this point.
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pencilofawesomeness · 10 months
Your Papalogia AU has consumed my creative soul. I want to write my own AU but borrowing some ideas from your AU, can I have permission please? If not thats fine! I just figured I would ask first
shdlksjalkgjsdgj Hello fellow victim of brainrot! Glad to have you!
So short answer is yes of course you can do your own thing. Longer answer is, it's not even my original AU concept lol. It was started by acnologias-ass. Now, of course, I ran with it in a slightly different direction, as did some other people I know who have their own versions out there, so there's plenty of room for more! And to answer your question again, yes! Feel free to take whatever inspiration from mine you wish :D✨(Just throw me an "inspired by" bone/link if it gets specific enough, or a blanket one at the beginning or something.)
(Also please feel free to send me the link when you get off the ground I love reading / seeing alternate takes. It's fulfilling to my brainrot without me having to write/draw it aslkdjgsljglsgj)
Happy creating and long live the brainrot o7
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...why is the other Blueberry Academy universe dealing with mitosis time???
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madschiavelique · 1 year
Hello! I saw your rules so I decided to I guess rerequest in the way you asked. I was wondering if you could write about a female reader coming in one day with a sundress and Miguel just goes absolutely feral. He’s just trying to keep it professionally but ends up failing and just going ham on the reader
OMG anon i'm kissing your brain hehehehe (summer is killing us all besties : please don't forget to hydrate yourself <3)
summary : miguel sees you in a sundress
content warning : SMUT (18+) minors dni, fingering, biting and marking, this man is so in love with you, fem!reader, no use of Y/N, praise word count : 1,6k
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Summer had arrived, and as in most dimensions, except for the apocalyptic two or three where everything was frozen or the weather had simply declined with little chance of a return, it was hot.
And although the air-conditioning was in every room and corridor of the spider society, that in no way prevented members from dressing a little more lightly, although some might find this a sign of a lack of professionalism, one in particular, needless to mention, whose name began with Mi and ended with Guel.
Today was a fairly hot day, and all the spiders were practically fighting for ice cubes, a spot of coolness that would bring them comfort. Many of them were dressed in shorts, a variety of shirts, t-shirts, skirts and even tank tops.
So you seized the opportunity and put on a summer dress. It was charming, in your favourite colour, not too long and not too short, stopping just above the knees, with a beautifully plunging neckline to show off your curves. It was light, incredibly comfortable to wear, and needless to say that in spider society, it was a change to see you like this.
Like most of the members, people were used to seeing you in your suit, or in civilian clothes that could be considered professional. But this dress? It was a little ray of freshness.
Miguel was chatting in the cafeteria with Jessica and Peter, all having a serious discussion that you were supposed to join. You entered the cafeteria, looking around for them.
"Oh, hey over here!" called Peter to you with a smile, "Oh. My. God. What's the occasion for you dressing like that?"
Miguel, who until now had been stubbornly focused on getting Peter to stand still for this meeting, huffed before turning his head and...
He became static, his breath caught, his eyes wide open as he watched you come towards him. All the others were oysters, and you were a pearl: the best of them all, the most beautiful, the purest.
You offered a gentle smile as you came closer, and his lips parted slightly as the gesture gave him the warmth of thousands of sunbeams.
"It's true that you look ravishing, cutie," Jess admitted as you sat down next to Miguel, facing the other two on the opposite side of the table. "What's the occasion?" she repeated after Peter's question.
"Yeah," said Miguel, clearing his throat as he straightened up and pretended to keep a straight face, "what's the occasion?
You gave them all a small, smiling laugh.
"Nothing in particular, I'm just trying to beat the heat," you said as you took your seat, "why? I shouldn't have?" The possibility that your attire might pose a problem in maintaining the balance of the multiverse hadn't occurred to you.
"No!" The strength with which Miguel denied this surprised you all.
He swallowed, his sentence had come out a little stronger and a little more involved than he had intended.
"No," he pulled himself together as he took on his usual grumpy tone that everyone knew well, "although it's a lack of professionalism, we're not going so far as to prevent your freedom of clothing in the Society."
Well caught up, he thought as he brought his glass of water to his lips. Around the table, he was the only one wearing his suit. Because it was made of pixels and produced by a refined technological composite, he didn't suffer from the heat. Jess was wearing a t-shirt and cycling shorts, Peter a shirt and trousers, and you your summer dress.
Jess and Peter exchanged a quick glance, a mischievous smile stretching across their lips. Most of the elite and close teammates knew about your relationship with Miguel, and although he wasn't always the most public about your relationship, he cared about you immensely, and they both could only imagine the effect you were having on him.
"So, what did I miss?" you asked.
Jess started to explain the situation, but Miguel wasn't really listening. His eyes were obviously riveted on you, and even when he tried to refocus on the conversation, his thoughts and eyes were redirected in your direction as if magnetised.
You were... radiant, beautiful, and... for a moment his eyes went down to the bench you were sharing: the skirt part of your dress was slightly pleated, exposing the skin of your slightly spread thighs, sinking into the space where your cunt was.
He suddenly had the urge to slide his hand over your soft skin, to press it between his fingers and see the bounce of it brimming over under the grip of his hand.
And your cleavage was showing your bare skin, and he wanted to kiss your neck, to nibble your collarbone as he kissed down to the hollow of your breasts...
Keeping his hands to himself was becoming complicated, every little movement you made, even if it was just to readjust your sleeve over your shoulder, was becoming intoxicating. How was it possible to become even hotter by wearing more clothes?
His professionalism really started to take a hit when your leg inadvertently brushed against his, a shiver running down his spine.
But he couldn't touch you here, there was no tablecloth at this cafeteria table that could conceal his desires.
How he longed to do it, even if it was just to touch your thigh with his fingers, to run his hands over your sublimely covered body and to-
"Miguel? Can you remind us about what the last reports stipulated considering the last anomaly?" asked Peter, bursting Miguel's thought bubble, "I can't remember it for the life of me, it must be the heat." he complained. "What do you guys say we postpone this meeting? I can't think straight no matter how many fresh cocktails i drink."
It was true that the glasses had accumulated on Peter's side. A sigh escaped Jessica's lips.
" I regret to say it, but I agree. We can't think properly with the temperature."
Tell me about it, thought Miguel. He didn't care about the temperature, the real distraction was you. He exchanged a glance with you, and you looked at him with a small smile, waiting for his answer.
"Good," he said, simply nodding. "I won't detain you, you can leave."
Peter let out a small chirp, he and Jess getting up from the table to leave. Once away, you turned to Miguel, tilting your head to the side in playful puzzlement.
"The great Miguel O'Hara closing a meeting like that? Summer really does have its magic."
If summer could let him see you every day in that outfit, he'd make sure it lasted forever. His eyes roamed your silhouette again, biting the inside of his cheek. His hand skimmed the side of your leg, hovering gently over it until he placed it on the inside of your thigh, pressing.
You breathed a small sigh of relief, his eyes returning to yours.
"I'm guessing you like the dress," you said more softly.
"Very," he replied simply.
His behaviour was becoming less and less... acceptable in public. So he took your hand and led you out of the cafeteria. Would he be able to wait until you returned to his quarters ? Probably not.
But he knew every nook and cranny of the building, it was his, so you passed down one corridor, then two, then three, until you came to an alleyway you'd never seen before, darkened by the lack of activity.
He glanced in each direction, then immediately came to press you against the first wall you came to, kissing you hungrily.
"That dress is going to be the death of me," he murmured as he came to kiss your cheek followed by your neck, his hands placed on your waist and thigh as he feasted on your skin.
His hand slid up your leg, gripping the warm skin of your thigh as you let out a moan. His fingers moved up your inner thigh almost hastily, unable to contain his need to touch you.
"You're so pretty," he breathed as he came back to kiss you, "all pretty for me, nena."
His fingers reached the fabric of your panties, your body arching. His fingers went under the elastic of the latter and down to your cunt.
"Tengo la novia más linda del mundo," he whispered, kissing the back of your neck, tracing the line of your pulse as he made circular movements around your clit. "Such a beautiful body," he inserted a finger inside you, making you whine softly, "such a beautiful voice," your wetness was starting to stick to his hand. "And it's all mine."
With his other hand, he shifted the short sleeve of your dress, exposing more of your shoulder and placing soft pecks on it. His lips caressed your skin, and his fangs grazed it as he added a second finger.
He was curving his fingers in a sublime way, the strokes combining perfectly with the undulations he was making and hitting the perfect spot.
He kissed the skin of your shoulder, sucking it until it left a bluish mark.
"All mine," he repeated in a murmur as he ran his tongue over the mark he'd just made.
Your moans multiplied, breath hitching, bringing you closer and closer to orgasm, the hot cloud in your lower belly and back spreading.
"Come nena, let me see your pretty face when you do," he said, kissing you a little before pulling back and watching you with his drunken eyes.
You came, your legs all wobbly as Miguel's hand came to rest on your back to keep you upright. He kissed your temple and forehead, calming you gently.
"You're a dream," he said, covering the mark he'd left on your skin with your sleeve as you trembled, only he was aware of the hold he had over you.
Needless to say, from that day on in the summer, the air-conditioning became suspiciously faulty, because he had every intention of seeing you wearing that dress again.
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taygra5shaon · 2 months
After seeing your Durgetash asks, especially about how they'd react if the other got captured, I have to imagine it's something of a game to them. Like, either Gortash or Jacq get captured and are hamming it up as a stereotypical damsel while they wait for the other to come rescue them. There's never any real worry about them getting hurt as they slaughter whoever tried to capture them before getting freaky on their corpses.
hello there Anon, sorry for the late reply, i'm so sorry 😭
but I really like the idea, even if the kidnapped part is all Gortash (who in his right mind would kidnap a massive tiefling with omicide aura ? and of course, nobody would.), while the hurt part is mostly Jacq(he does go berserk when he is bloodthirsty, even if he isn't a barbarian).
as a totally normal and not creepy way, Jacq know were Gortash is, and he always goes and save him, so many times that Gortash doesn't care anymore about the danger of it .
here a scene I imagined:
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joszns · 10 months
do u think you can write smth about like reader surprising ellie with a tattoo of ellies name on her thigh and then ellie goes absolutely ham wit it😋
HIII thank u sm for this request anon!!! it was fun to write :) dreaming about ellie fucking me silly all cuz of some ink in my skin…it does things fr.
warnings: cunnilingus (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), accidental sex tape kinda, reader takes a pic during sex
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“ellie! ellie! babe, look!” you say excitedly, rushing inside your girlfriends room.
she smiles when she sees you, taking off her headphones and opening her arms for a hug.
“what is it baby?” ellie coos, welcoming you into her lap.
you grin mischievously and lift your skirt up, revealing a tattoo on your inner thigh. small and delicate, it reads: ‘ellie ❤︎’.
“do you like it? i got it done earlier, i’ve been dying to show you!”
ellie stares at the tattoo, feeling heat pool between her legs. her strong hands grip your thighs, causing you to jump a bit at the sudden pressure.
“it’s cute…” she says, staring at it.
“you hate it.” you pout, looking away.
“i love it. i love it so much.”
“prove it.” you say.
ellie brings your face to hers and kisses you deeply, pulling you into her by your jaw.
you moan into the kiss, arching forward as your tongues sloppily slide against eachother. her hands wander, dropping from your neck, then your chest, and finally your thighs. she caressed the area near the tattoo, gently rubbing her thumb over the ink. whimpering, you pull her impossibly closer and tug on her hair lightly.
ellie picks you up and walks to her bed, putting you down and immediately kissing down your body. she stops at your thighs, pulling up your skirt and kissing the skin around your tattoo while looking up at you.
“telling everyone you’re mine, hm? my name, on display..” ellie said, leaving a hickey on your thigh.
“yeah, love showin’ you off baby..” you sighed, spreading your legs open more as ellie’s mouth slowly inched upwards.
she breathed out over your cunt, making you shiver. you feel yourself throb expectantly, embarrassed at the fact ellie could see just how wet she made you.
“so pretty, my love..” ellie says, placing a soft kiss on your soaking clit. she looks up at you as she does this, watching your expression falter slightly.
she breathes you in one last time before pressing her tongue on you, slowly pulling the wet muscle through your sloppy folds.
“elie…” you whine, pushing your hips into her face. “stop teasing.”
she complied with your request, happily eating you like you were her last meal on death row.
you moaned, fingers tangling in her hair, hips bucking up into ellie’s smothered face. her expert lips clung to your clit, sucking softly as her tongue flicked the cherry bud. her right hand lingered by the tattoo, gripping and kneading the fat below it.
“so good baby, who’s pussy’s this?” ellie asked, her other hand moving up to slide one of her long fingers inside of you.
“yours baby fuck—s’yours, my pussy’s yours—” you cried, chest rapidly rising and falling with each shallow breath you took, orgasm nearing quickly.
“take a picture baby..so you always know who you belong to.” ellie commanded, watching herself slide another finger into your sloppy cunt.
you happily obliged, taking your phone as ellie continued to eat you out. you moaned, back arching.
struggling to keep your arms straight, you positioned the phone at a good angle and snapped a photo, accidentally starting a video as you fumbled with the device.
“ellie..fuck…don’t stop—god don’t stop!” you whimpered, the phone falling onto the mattress as you moaned your girlfriends name over and over.
her fingers were relentlessly perfect, arching and thrusting in just the right way ellie knew hit all the spots you loved the most.
“m’gunna cum! please-don’t—stooop!” you cried, extending your last word as you climaxed hard on ellie’s face and fingers.
ellie rode you through it, slowing her pace on licking and thrusting into you. aftershocks rolled through your body, causing you to twitch every now and then as she departed from your puffy clit with a ‘pop’ and retracted her fingers.
“you alright, baby?” she asked, getting up to grab a towel for her hands.
you stopped her, looking into her beautiful green eyes as you licked her hand clean. ellie swallowed hard, the feeling of your wet tongue dragging on her fingers creating new sensations.
“i’m so fucking glad i don’t gotta share you.”
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
I saw "a soft and unsure kiss" and immediately thought of Bayverse Leonardo. Maybe the kiss gets a little more sure/desperate as it develops? (If yanno what I mean *wink-wonk*)
Ooooooooh I'm picking up what you're putting down anon 😏
Bay!Leo x Fem!reader
Breaking Point
Warnings: leo and reader are over 18. Don't be weird. Tension, kissing in the dojo 🫢, spelling mistakes, pinning the other down, smootching, I went a bit ham, sorry I just love kissing leo,
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Leo never thought getting a new sparing partner would be a bad thing.
After years of fighting his brothers, his father had no some reason, allowed you to join the training sessions.
You, a long-time friend of the turtles, had sat in on many, many sparing sessions. Always sitting on the sidelines, bouncing with energy of wanting to try.
But the boys never let you. It was too dangerous, given you didn't have the training like they did.
So you took matters into your own hands. You and April became gym buddies, going a few times a week, learning and building up muscles to prove your testosterone driven friends wrong.
Then you enlisted Raphs help with some exercises, and before long, you went to Splinter and asked the all-important quiestion.
Which was now three weeks ago, and it was the worst best weeks of his life.
When he first met you, Leo was drawn to you. You were smart, brave, and so determined. You cared so much about him and his family, and he fell head over heels for you.
So now he was screwed. Very screwed.
His brothers never really cared for sparing, choosing to go do their own things after training ended and Splinter went off to meditate.
Which meant another hour....alone in the dojo....with you.
The hot, sweaty, cramped dojo where Leo was certain your cropped top kept getting smaller and smaller.
It was a simple white V-neck shirt, but whenever you lifted your arms above your head, he saw the underside of your sports bra peeking out. And sweat that dribbled from your temple went down your neck. And he could see its whole trail as it disappeared down your chest.
Get yourself together, Leo!
He shook his head, turning away from you to continue stretching.
"So, how was it?" Your shadow casted over his shoulder. He tensed, looking up at you, illuminated by the ceiling light.
"How was what?" God, his mouth was so dry.
"The training!" You bounced on your feet, playfully punching his shoulder. "Raph said I'm really getting better, and I'm not as worn out as I normally am! That means I'm getting better...." as he continued to stare blankly up at you from the floor, your confidence wavered. "....I am getting better, right?"
His heart fluttered. You were looking to him for reassurance.
He shot up, towering over you, trying not to stare at the blush on your neck and chest. "Yes! Yeah, you're doing awesome."
You smiled in return.
"It's nice actually having a sparing partner who wants to be here, the others are kinda just over it," Leo kept talking, rubbing his sweaty palms on his sweatpants.
"Yeah, it's fun!" You always had a lot of energy. It's one of the reasons you got along so well with Mikey. It was also why the rule existed that you and Mikey will not be left alone unsupervised.
Leo then realized that it had been the extra hour, and you would return to the surface. And today, he felt a strange feeling come over him.
"Wanna go again?" He panted. You looked up, thought about it, then smiled.
"Sure, why not?" You shrugged. "I have no other plans today."
It started off with simple moves and blocks, Leo couldn't really spar with you out of fear of hurting you, but he could push you around.
You, on the other hand, had to use almost all your strength just to...to well do anything to him.
But the others had let you in on a few secrets about their brothers sparring patterns.
Leo turned slightly away from you. You moved your leg, hooking it around his ankle and pulling your leg back.
He yelled, losing his balance, arms flailing. You grabbed his wrists, using your knee, pressed into his side, and you pushed him to the floor. Your hands pressing his wrists beside his head, you practically sitting on his chest.
Breathing heavy, you looked at each other. Faces inches apart, chests heaving. Suddenly, the red flush on your skin wasn't from excersion.
Realizing what exactly was happening, you lessened your grip on his wrists.
"Sorry...I-" you cut yourself off, unsure of what to do. You know you should move, but did you want to?
He licked his lips, eyes wide, and craned his neck up. Leaning down, your lips met.
Unlike the....steamy....dreams you'd had about the brave leader in blue, your first kiss wasn't hard and firm.
But soft, like a summer breeze or a feather. He was so tense under you, clearly waiting for you to pull away and smack him.
Bless him, he was so nervous.
Pulling away, you smile down at him. "If that was supposed to convince me to throw this round, it didn't work,"
"You drive me insane," He growled, biting at your bottom lip before taking your lips in a firmer, more confident kiss.
"Is that such a bad thing?" You mumbled against his lips. Your hands let go of his wrists, cupping his face and deepening the kiss.
His hands grabbed your wrists, thumb rubbing your pulse point.
"It wouldn't have to be." Leo panted, pulling away and giving you the most honest and sincere face you'd ever seen from him. "If you were mine,"
"Good, thing I already am," You kissed him hard, biting his lip, making him groan as you slipped your tongue into his mouth.
In a calculated move, you were rolled over onto your back, Leo hovering over you. Spreading your legs, he nestled himself between them, laying on his forearms, pulling you as close as humanly possible.
You ran your hands up and down his sides, making him shiver.
His tongue led the dance, moving and pushing against your own, making you moan softly against him.
The room felt even hotter and cramped now, with him using just enough of his weight to keep you pressed to the floor.
He pulled away, sucking down air, then peppered your jaw and neck with kisses.
And even though it was fantastic, you could still feel Leo holding back. You kissed his neck, going up his jaw. Speaking softly, you felt his body shiver.
"Can't believe Mr. Honor Boy himself would defile the dojo in such a way,"
He pulled away, one hand grabbing your hair and pulling your head back to expose your neck.
He bit in the flesh, leaving little marks. "If you think this is bad, waiting till I have you in my room,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @eveandtheturtles @sketch-and-write-lover @mysticboombox @happymoonangel @dilucsflame33 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @tmnt-tychou @leosgirl82
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myysaints · 1 year
Hello, I saw your requests are open.... if you feel like it and like the idea I'd like to see Japanese kpop idol reader x yuki where reader had been an idol for like 7 years and she's very private like when someone asks about her TMI she's just like i bought this shirt on sale 😐 so when she was asked in an interview if she watches any sports or stuff her members sort of out her for being an f1 fan and then her group gets invited to a race where her and yuki get spotted standing a bit too close (nothing couple worthy but they did look suspicious)... ensure f1 and her fans on twitter being in flames where a lot of her fans are like, lol no I refuse to believe we might lose our queen to a guy that goes vroom vroom but it just gets quite after that so no one thinks about it until a picture of them kissing gets out and people are like I waited three and a half years, Asian man did it in one week only for her company to announce that they had known each other since childhood and they are childhood sweethearts with a 10 year history and like the whole f1 grid being like yuki! You had a girlfriend this entire time
So sorry if this is too specific, if you don't like it you can just skip the request 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
... (PART ONE)
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!japanese!kpop idol!reader
⌗︙・ summary — you’ve known yuki tsunoda all your life, but the world doesn’t know that. so when your relationship is accidentally called into the spotlight, fans understandably freak out – after all, who thought that these two worlds would collide?
genre — social media au, fc: sakura from le sserafim
notes — thank you anon for the request!!! it was so cute i spent the whole day absolutely going ham on this fic, which is why it's... so.... so long.... i also changed some details but they're very very minor. hope i did your request justice, and enjoy!
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yourusername uploaded to their story.                                29s
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[caption: Thank you alphataurif1 for having me at the Suzuka GP! 파이팅 🤍💙!]
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Liked by le_sserafim, yukitsunoda0511, alphataurif1, and 3,274,302 others
🏷  alphataurif1
yourusername  ただいま (I’m home) ~ 🇯🇵🏎
view all 1,009,284 comments
alphataurif1  かわいい (Cute) 😊
       Liked by yukitsunoda0511 yourusername  thank you admin!
yukitsunoda0511  幸運をもたらしてくれてありがとう (Thank you for bringing me good luck)!
yourusername  どういたしまして (You’re welcome)!おめでとう (Congratulations)!
hannitokki  begging on my knees for just one chance
landonorris  Seeing you in the paddock today made me fearless 😉
yourusername  too bad that didn't help you go faster ... dearhyunjin  LMFAOOOO SHE HUMBLED HIM REAL QUICK
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Liked by 932,882 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by anon 🙈 SPOTTED! After the Yuki Tsunoda and an unknown woman (could it be the same girl from Suzuka?) seen entering the driver’s hotel lift together. The pair were clad in matching outfits. According to anon, the woman had a mask over her face and “looked like she didn’t want to be recognised”. 🤔 Who could this mystery woman be?
view all 546,237 comments
miradrivescars  THEYRE IN MATCHING OUTFITS 😭😭😭
ynsserafim  someone find where y/n is QUICK
isaluvsyn  they just finished their world tour right?? i think their last stop was in dubai channieslix  that was like 3 weeks ago babe im sure y/n is looooong gone and back in korea by now LOL
bitemelando  it’s the same hat as the one in the suzuka picture so it’s probably the same girl
verstrappon  yall gotta chill it’s just a regular schmegular black cap damn 🤣
minimumverstappen  kpop twt is gonna have a field day with this one lol
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...to be continued !
© myysaints
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
Gonna ask some relationship hc w leyley!! It could be yandere if you like (I mean she is one already but-yk)
Ashley Graves X gn!reader - Relationship Headcannons
TW: Ashley is manipulative, she's a red flag but I'm colorblind, everyone has a foul mouth, mentions of cheating and kissing, Ashley is very emotionally dependent.
♥︎ Notes: I thought about making Ashley a yandere, but then I reflected on what Anon said and thought... they're right, LOL. I'm always happy to supply content for TCOAAL, and I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to request! I hope these meet your expectations. <3♥︎
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Ashley Graves is impulsive, stubborn, cleverly stupid, and a pain in the ass.
If I had to describe dating Ashley I'd say it's like riding a roller coaster but never knowing when it'll drop.
When you first met her, you were blinded by her beauty (her tits) and decided to walk up to her for a number.
She was flustered that someone was interested in her, sure she's had people walk up to her before, but it was because they were always more interested in her brother than her.
But once she realized you were in it for her, she never let you go again.
It started with frequent house visits. She'd sleep over without asking, and just like a stray-cat that cuddles up to you, you couldn't say no.
She'd try to cook you for you! Every morning where she aserted herself into your day, you'd wake up to the wonderful smell of burning shit. When you went to your kitchen with a loving fire extinguisher in your hands, you'd see she was cooking eggs and some unidentified meat.
You'd walk up behind her and kiss the nape of her neck, never telling her you're only doing this because her hair smells like cherries and if you don't you're pretty sure you'll pass out from the smoke.
"Y/N, why is there a fire extinguisher in your hands?"
"Early Christmas."
Dates were fun, too! Even though you'd organize the actual dates like eating out, going to amusement parsl, carnivals, and the like, her dates would be along the lines of staying at home and cuddling. You might call it boring, but to Ashley, a perfect date would be where you're both left alone with only eachother to give company.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, would be able to see her precious Y/N except her.
And not that you minded anyways, you enjoyed spending time with Ashley, even if half that time was her being exhausting.
Speaking of which, exhausting, you ask? How is little ol' Ashley exhausting?
Be it a nice co-worker, a pleasant stranger, a funny waiter, or even that woman who works at the deli that gives you that cheap vegan processed ham with bacon bits, Ashley hated the fact you even acknowledged them.
It often became her favorite topic to annoy you with.
While cuddling on the couch (iykyk), Ashley began to look at you with intense eyes. You knew what these eyes meant. It was a warning sign that she was about to ask you something that could potentially piss you off. Of course, she didn't care about that part, all you needed to know was she was going to ask and you'd better be honest.
"N/M, do you love me?"
"Sure I do, you're my girlfriend after all."
Ashley wrapped her arms around your neck a little tighter, "So then," her face darkened, "would you ever cheat on me?"
You sighed, this line of questioning was becoming less and less of the 'would you love me if I was a worm' deal and more of the 'whose that bitch you were talking to' deal.
"No, Ashley, I wouldn't. Why would you feel the need to ask me that?"
Ashley raised her head from your chest and opened her mouth, her final statement ready to fire,
"So then why do you still look at other people if you would never cheat?" Her eyes narrowed on you.
You groaned and rubbed your temples, "Jesus Ashley, now I can't even have simple eye contact with people?"
She blew a breath of annoyance, "why would you even make eye contact?! I'm the only one you should be looking at, N/M!"
You went to push Ashley off of you, already sick of her shit.
"No! Do you even still love me?! All you do is go to work, go to school, hang out with your stupid friends, and ignore me!"
"I'm not doing this with you AGAIN, Ashley! Just because I know or talk to other people does not mean I'm screwing them! Jesus Ashley, you would think we'd be over this by now..."
Ashley pouted and blinked the tears in her eyes away, "...fine. leave me then, see if I care."
She sits up and goes to the opposite end of the couch.
"You're sitting on my feet, Ashley."
Ashley turned her head away and ignored you.
You hated it when she got her way, but you also couldn't stand to see her so upset. After all, she was only upset because she missed you.
Sighing with defeat you said softly, "I'm sorry I don't pay enough attention to you, Leyley. Life distracts me sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you. This weekend I'll cancel with my friends and we can go on a date. "
She hummed, "id rather we stay in and watch a movie."
"Which movie?" You coax your girlfriend for a smile,
"...Hypergore Splatterbrains 4," She looked at you and grinned.
"There's my pretty girl," you wrapped an arm around her waist, "alright, you happy now? Will you stop bitching about people in my life who I will NEVER cheat on you with?"
She brought a finger to her bottom lip, "Nah, maybe a kiss will convince me?"
She looked at you with a devious smirk, you sighed. "Cmere you," Ashley giggled and jumped on top of you, sharing a loving kiss.
Yeah, Ashley is exhausting.
But in a way, you're happy she's yours. You couldn't be happier, even if her cooking skills are shit, she's a tad bit possessive, and she leaves passive aggressive notes in your lunchbox when you go to work.
You love her either way.
"Hey N/M?"
"Do you love me?"
You sighed with content and wrapped your arms around her waist, "Yes Leyley, I love you. Do you love me?"
Ashley laid her head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat,
"I love you, N/M~"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
Sweet Lies and Caring Eyes [O.G.]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x GN Reader
Summary: Refusing to pine after Ominis any longer, you date Garreth Weasley only for it to go horribly wrong.
A/N: Requested by Anon! Went a little ham writing this, whoopsie. Request was for Ominis X Reader where they both pine after each other but reader dates Garreth thinking Ominis has no feelings for them. Garreth turns out to be a cheater and Ominis confesses to reader in the wake of the breakup.
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You and Ominis Gaunt had been friends since your first year at Hogwarts. You had always been close, spending countless hours talking about your interests and dreams. But as time went on, you began to develop feelings for Ominis. But you didn't want to risk your friendship by confessing your feelings, so you kept them to yourself.
And that's where Garreth Weasley came in. Charming and sunny, the complete opposite of Ominis though you thought he was charming in his own way. After helping Garreth nab a potions ingredient from Professor Sharp the two of you had become close. He started taking to calling you his little tester. In reference to all the times you've helped him grab ingredients for this legendary drink he insisted he was going to brew and promised you'd be the first to try. He kept messing it up though but it was an amusing way to pass the time.
"Gah, it'll work next time! I swear. Maybe I need to try stirring it more." Garreth would always say, sighing after yet another cauldron explodes in his face.
"You always say that, I'm starting to think stirring isn't the problem and you're just an idiot." You'd reply laughing. It always ended the same way but the routine was pleasant. Helped to distract you from your too strong feelings for a certain pale eyed Slytherin who is far too sarcastic for his own good.
There were rumours going around Hogwarts about the nature of your relationship with Garreth of course. Truly, if these people devoted half as much time to their upcoming O.W.L. examinations as they did to gossiping, the next generation of witches and wizards would be some of the brightest yet. On some level though you hoped that these rumours bothered Ominis, if only a little. It would at least mean he felt something for you other than friendship. And you could work with something. You'll be meeting him in the Undercroft (blessedly Sebastian was off doing who knows what so you'd at least have privacy) after potions class anyways, perhaps you can ask him his opinion then.
As you made your way to the Undercroft, your mind was racing with thoughts of Ominis. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he truly didn't care about the rumours between you and Garreth?
But as soon as you saw Ominis waiting for you, all your worries vanished. His pale eyes lit up when his wand pick up on your presence, and he greeted you with his usual dry wit.
"Ah, (Y/N), my dear friend. I see you've survived another potions class. I can only assume your poor potions partner did all the work then."
You laughed at his comment and feigned offence, feeling the familiar comfort of your friendship with him.
"I'll have you know I was working with Garreth today, so I just stayed far away from the cauldron" you said, unable to resist bringing up his name.
Ominis raised an eyebrow in response. "I see. And I can only assume he messed it up then?"
"You bet, our cauldron released fireworks that narrowly missed Sharp's face." You replied, laughing at memory.
Ominis chuckled at that but he seemed more tense than ususal.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should bring up the rumours. But before you could say anything, Ominis beat you to it. "The two of you are the talk of the school," he says with an even voice "I'm hurt you didn't inform me of you... courtship." He stepped in your direction and raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, woe is me. One of my dearest friends no longer feels the need to share pertinent information about their life. The betrayal stings." He says mocking hurt.
That was all you needed to know. He truly didn't seem to mind your new relationship status (however false it may be). You felt your heart break at the thought at turned away from him with unshed tears in your eyes. "Haha, very funny Ominis. We aren't actually dating though." You reply back, barely keeping your voice from cracking. "But I've got to go now, Professor Garlick needed my help feeding her Chinese Chomping Cabbages."
"Ah, have fun then. Hope you don't lose your hand." He replies jokingly as you leave the room.
What you didn't realize however, was how nervous Ominis was while teasing you about Garreth. His fists were clenched around his wand and his smile was taut. And if you hadn't turned around when you did, you'd see him visibly relax at the news you weren't dating the Weasley.
Racing out of the Undercroft you decide to head outside for some fresh air. Hopefully it would cool your mind and you can begin the process of trying to get over your longtime love.
"[Y/N]!" You suddenly heard a cheery voice behind you.
"Oh, hello Garreth." You greeted the taller male with a wobbly smile. "Did you need something?" 
"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend. On a date I mean. I truly do like you" He said bashfully.
Maybe this was it, your opportunity to get over Ominis. Garreth was a sweet boy and you truly did enjoy his company.
"I'd be delighted!" 
And so the weekend came and went and you and Garreth made your relationship official. Your friends were happy for you, glad you were able to get over your unrequited love. They didn't know that while you like Garreth, and quite a bit, you still had affection for the only tolerable living Gaunt member.
But you were happy, and after telling Ominis the news he wished you well. He seemed rather down though but when you pressed the issue, he refused to give you an actual answer. You've also been seeing him less and less. He seemed to be hanging out with Sebastian more and in your effort to get over him, you've sought him out less.
Garreth was a kind and caring boyfriend, he even carried chocolate frogs on him knowing you liked them but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were settling for him. You knew it wasn't fair to him, and you tried your best to push those feelings aside and focus on your relationship with him.
Everything took a turn 2 weeks into your new relationship with the ginger boy though. He suddenly started acting more cold to you. Kept blowing you off when you wanted to hang out and he'd make all sorts of snide comments. He made you feel terrible and it didn't help that whenever he decided to abandon you, he was always with other girls.
"[Y/N]!" Samantha grabbed your arm as you passed her in the hall. "You need to come with me." She dragged you over to a relatively empty hallway and hugged you. "I'm sorry," she said "he's such a bastard." and when she pointed to one of the empty classrooms in the hall, you saw your boyfriend making out with a Hufflepuff girl on the desks. 
Your heart sank as you watched the scene unfold before you. You felt a mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal all at once. Samantha hugged you tightly as tears started streaming down your face.
After a moment, you pulled away from her and marched towards Garreth and the Hufflepuff girl. You could feel your anger boiling inside you, and you didn't care who saw it. "What the hell is going on here?!" You yelled at them.
Garreth looked up, his face turning pale as he saw you standing there. "Y/N, it's not what it looks like," he stammered.
"Not what it looks like? You're making out with another girl in an empty classroom, and it's not what it looks like?!" You shot back, your voice trembling with rage.
The Hufflepuff girl looked ashamed and quickly left the room, leaving you and Garreth alone. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Garreth said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I can't even look at you right now," you said, turning on your heel and storming out of the room. You didn't want to hear his excuses or apologies. You just wanted to get away from him and the pain he had caused you.
As you walked away, Samantha caught up to you. "Come on, let's get you to your dorm," she said, putting her arm around you. "You don't need him. You deserve so much better."
"Thank you Samantha, truly." You said to her shakily. 
"Of course, he's a no good scumbag and the minute I saw this I had to find you." She rubbed your back soothingly.
"Instead of the dorm, I think I'll go somewhere else to get some privacy. I'll see you at dinner." Your voice cracked as you spoke.
"Alright, I'm here if you need me though." She gave you one last hug and went ahead. There was only one place you truly felt like you could be vulnerable in, the Undercroft.
Racing to the DADA classroom, you ran down the stairs to the familiar cabinet the hides your safe place. After going inside you sunk agains the wall and let everything out. Sure, you didn't like him as much as Ominis but you truly grew to care for Garreth and enjoyed being with him.
"[Y/N]?" The sudden voice surprised you as you whipped around to find Ominis at the entrance to the undercroft.
"Sebastian said he saw you running through the halls, it was unlike you so I asked him where you went" he replied sheepishly. You couldn't help it and sniffled. 
"Wait. Are you crying?!" Ominis asks worried, using his wand he went over to you and held your hands. "What happened?" 
"Garreth.... he cheated on me." You said through sobs
"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]," Ominis said, pulling you into a comforting hug. "You deserve so much better than someone who would treat you like that."
You could tell he was angry but he held it off in favour of comforting you which you appreciated greatly.
You leaned into his embrace, feeling grateful for his presence. "Thank you, Ominis. I don't know what I would do without you."
"You don't have to thank me," he said, pulling away slightly to look at you. "I'm always here for you. You're my... friend, and I care about you."
His words warmed your heart, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of your repressed romantic affection for Ominis resurface. He was always someone whose presence you felt comforted in. 
"I appreciate that," you said, smiling up at him. "You're a good friend."
Ominis returned your smile, and for a moment, the two of you just stood there, lost in thought. It was a comforting silence, and you couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay.
"To be honest, I think I'm more hurt by the betrayal of trust." You said hesitatingly. "I liked Garreth yes, but I wasn't in love with him. I think I liked the idea of being liked by someone." 
Ominis looked shocked. 
"I liked someone else more I guess, so my heart feels...protected in a way." You knew once you started you wouldn't be able to take anything back. You didn't want to get into a relationship just yet but you wanted your feelings known.
"You truly believe no one likes you?!" he questioned. But before he could continue you kept speaking.
"I like you Ominis. More than Garreth. I have for years. I guess I've been using Garreth as a way to get over you. I suppose the fact that's he's trash does make me feel less guilty about it. Feels like a weight has lifted off my shoulders with him gone.” you spoke looking down at your hands still held in Ominis' colder ones.
"Salazar, this is terrible timing for a confession." Ominis stopped before continuing "but I like you too, it broke me to see you with Gareth. Never liked the way he acted but I always assumed it was just jealousy clouding my judgement." “I can’t believe you only dated him to feel liked, I’ve been in love with you for years you fool.” Ominis sighs before giving you a bone crushing hug. 
"It's a relief to know we feel the same way" he says resting his forehead on yours. 
You laughed "Rowena, we're a bunch of idiots, aren't we." 
Nestled in his cold embrace, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. It was a feeling you had never experienced with Garreth, and it made you realize just how much you had been missing.
You maneuvered yourself to snuggle closer to Ominis, feeling his steady heartbeat against your cheek. 
"Thank you for being here for me," you said, looking up at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," Ominis said, hands moving to cup your cheeks. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And with those words, you knew that you had found something special. Something that would endure through the ups and downs of life, and make every moment worth living.
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luckycharms1701 · 3 months
*comes sliding into your inbox and excitedly crashes you into a tight bear hug*
OMIGOSH CAPTAIN KIRSTEN YOU’RE BACK! How are you sweet thing!? I’m so glad to hear that your request box is open again! I’m so excited to see what wondrous words you’ll dazzle us with next!
I just had the most splendiferous like EVER, and I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about it sooner. But you like Peepaw Leo right? And I like Peepaw Leo.
So I was thinking like you know…maybe if you’re feeling up for it (if and only if of course) you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts on how F!Leo would react to someone who’s generally super amiable and confident with all the other and resistance members, suddenly turns almost painfully polite an awkward around him. (This is legit how I act around people who I think are attractive) It happens so much to the point that he thinks they don’t him when in reality, they like him so much it flusters them to the point they don’t know how to act around them.
Basically I just wanna see how a “mature” Leo would act when he realizes someone likes him so much they can’t function 😆
Once again, this is just an idea to get those creative juices flowing, so please do with it as you so wish and remember that you’re a darling treasure! MWUAH 😘🧡✨
anon-chan!!! hello!!! 🫂🫂🫂 i’m so glad to see you in my inbox!!!
congratulations anon-chan! this is officially the most difficult request that has ever been asked of me. i’ve spent weeks trying to figure this out. started writing a little fic, but it didn’t feel right. so i thought maybe i could do some headcanons, but every time i tried to start i didn’t know where to start!
the problem i’m having is variables. there are so many variables for how this could turn out, mostly depending on timing. when exactly during the resistance does this happen? because i feel like that informs leo’s response. so have some of my unfiltered thoughts. a peek into how i “organize” my writing thoughts, if you will. i’m sorry in advance
Early 20s: This Leo is still confident and optimistic, at least outwardly. He and his brothers defeated Shredder twice, how hard can the Kraang be? Sure, they need some help and it’ll take longer, but it’ll definitely work out in the end and life will resume as normal. Right?
So I imagine that Leo at this age would see you suddenly pulling away and acting formal with him and get upset at first. He thought you were friends, why are you doing this? He would likely reciprocate or get snippy, at least until one of his brothers, probably Mikey but possibly Raph, comes to him and is like “Dude. Come on.” Give the guy a break, there’s a lot going on you know??? So at his brother’s suggestion, he sits back and observes.
When he finally confirms for himself that you do, in fact, have feelings for him and that’s why you’re being standoffish with him, watch out! This little shit is going to make you suffer a bit. He’s going to start flirting with you. Lots of compliments, little winks, soft touches… You will be inundated.
Something changes. Perhaps they lose their biggest battle to date. Perhaps someone close to him dies. Perhaps it is Casey Jr’s birth. Any way it plays out, Leo realizes that life is shorter than it seems, that love is precious and fleeting and should be grasped. He realizes that his teasing may be a little more… genuine on his side than he’d realized.
So he comes to you. Perhaps he goes full ham, arranges a romantic meeting somewhere, plans a dinner. Perhaps you end up in danger, and he goes a little crazy about it. Perhaps it is just a quiet moment that the two of you manage to steal. Either way, he tells you how he feels.
Late 20s/Early 30s: Now here is a Leo who is starting to realize that they might be in over their heads. He’s lost at least one member of his family. He’s watched them steadily lose ground to the Kraang, despite everyone giving their best effort. He is starting to understand that they might not win this fight. At this point he’s probably learned how the Kraang came to our world and that he played a part in their arrival.
This Leo is overwhelmed, but still holding strongly to hope. He’s determined to do everything in his power to keep morale up. That’s why he notices immediately when you seem to start pulling away from him. He takes it a little personally at first. Yeah, maybe he’s not as fun as he used to be, but he’s trying to run a resistance here, that’s no reason to give him the cold shoulder. He resolves to approach you about it.
Something changes. Perhaps he notices you give him a sidelong glance. Perhaps someone teases you and he overhears. Perhaps he sits you down for that talk and you confess. He learns why you are so standoffish, and suddenly he has a choice to make.
Leading a resistance is a 24/7 job. He has no time for anything, especially when he has so much to make up for. Does he even deserve the sliver of happiness you’re offering him? And there’s the niggling thought in the back of his head that everything is futile anyway, that they’re going to lose and you’re going to die.
But if there’s one thing he’s learned out of all of this, it’s that life is short. He doesn’t want to die with regrets, and he knows he would regret not taking this chance. And he wants to give you what happiness he can, you deserve that. Wouldn’t it be a little “fuck you” to the Kraang, to find some peace in the midst of the chaos they (he) created?
He goes for it. He takes the risk, jumps in feet first, and tells you how he feels.
Late 30s: Leon. Oh Leon. He holds onto hope fiercely, with both hands, but he can’t, he won’t, keep any of it for himself. He understands implicitly that even if by some miracle they win, he’s not going to survive this fight.
He’s going to notice immediately when your behavior changes, when you get stiff with him. He keeps his finger on the pulse of everyone close to him, pays attention so that he can help them if they start to flag. It won’t take long for him to pull you aside, to ask you if everything is okay, if you need a break.
He’s going to figure it out, whether because you admit it to him or through context clues. He’s had years to hone his considerable talent in understanding people, his preternatural ability to know what they want with a glance.
He’s going to figure it out, and he’s going to do… nothing. As long as there’s the tiniest chance that you could survive this, he refuses to tie you to a corpse. Besides, he has been thinking up a plan, a last ditch effort, and maybe you could be the one to put it into action…
Your death hits him like a freight train. His own is a relief.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @celticvix @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds @thelaundrybitch @shakeyourtrees
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a-manicured-lawn · 2 months
So. Wind and Spirit as Sages with Secret Stones. It probably wouldn't make sense but I think the NotTwins having those things has good potential for both crack and angst.
you've made me roll this around in my brain for a WHILE anon and i'm going to go HAM (long enough to need a 'keep reading')
to start with, we need to know their magic types. we've got several such as Time, Wind, Spirit, Lightning, Gloom, Light, Water, and Fire. for obvious reasons, Wind and Spirit will be the ones we'll focus on today considering it's both these Links' names and the best matches for their personality and game usages.
the Wind secret stone has the ability to create gusts, right? WRONG. The gusts were already made by Tulin before he got the Stone, and the stone allowed for the avatar summoning and possibly enhancement of the power. By the same token, Wind's secret Stone would of course be Spirit Wind, and his control over the wind would be enhanced since that's his original usage of the element. depending on how juiced up he is, it's possible that he wouldn't necessarily need the Wind Waker to direct the breeze if he had a Secret Stone on board, but that means he'd be able to create an avatar to help Wild out.
Spirit, obviously, would be getting a new ability with his Secret Stone. In canon lore Spirit has no connection to ghostiness aside from seeing the dead similar to Wind, but i personally like to add the concept that Spirit can, in fact, separate soul from body at will alongside his Zelda. This Secret Stone could perhaps be the reason for this gift, allowing him to "die" at will and use his soul to possess Phantoms, scout around, and ignore anyone who tries to put him on bedrest. it's not as flashy as, say, Wind's, but it's still both impressive and useful and can be used for a variety of situations (until someone's got a bug net!).
now that we've got the whole concept of their powers mapped out, though, we have to figure out why, exactly, these two children have world-ending power in the palm of their hand. You mentioned Crack, you mentioned Angst, and both are so delicious that there's no reason why we can't do both.
Following the defeat of Ganondorf, there are a LOT of Secret Stones hanging around. Mineru's, Ganondorf's, Zelda's, and the Sages depending on whether they'd be asked to give them up. Naturally, the safest place for these extra stones would be with someone who's uninterested in them, i.e. Wild and his Purah Pad/Sheikah Slate. who cares about power, he's got Recall and unlimited bombs at the same time!
Crack: Everyone is hanging around the campfire, chatting and having a great time. They get into a conversation as to the most impressive things all of them can do, with Wind loudly declaring that he's got the Wind Waker and is thus the flashiest and most epic Hero of them all. Spirit is next to him, quietly knowing that he doesn't have all that impressive of items himself without his train.
Since they're both kids, everyone gives them a patronizing "Sure, Jan." and ignores them. And. Well. Wild *does* tend to love his brothers.
Wind insists on a demonstration of his coolness, and Wild decides to have some fun. As he pulls out the Wind Waker, Wild taps him on the ankle with one of the Stones. the light breeze turns into a blistering gale with a loud yelp, and the Stone makes an ankle band to tie it to the new Sage Of Winds!
Cue Wild cackling in the background, tapping the other one to Spirit. THAT one goes even worse, as the new Sage of Spirit promptly dies as soon as the Stone touches him. there is a LOT of panic, a hundred apologies, and a very excited Hero once Spirit learns he can do it on command.
The Sages are both delighted at their new powers, refusing to take them off and using them for minor inconveniences. Thanks to Timeline Shenanigans they can even turn back time to TotK, saving Link in the nick of time from Aerocudas or angry Constructs and vanishing with a cheeky salute or a shy wave. if this particular Wild went to LU before TotK, that would throw him WELL off his game even after both boys had vanished.
Meanwhile, over in Lurelin, two young boys kick back with virgin banana dacquiris and watch the boat races while comparing the speed of a boat to the speed of a train. Neither win, of course, considering that there are no trains in TotK (hmpf.)
Angst: Within Zonai architecture, twin dragons have always been a recurring motif. Some pieces, like the Shock head, tend to look like the dragons Wild has seen in his adventures. Farosh, Dinraal, Naydra.... Zelda.
But for the rest, Wild has never seen these twin dragons before. An architectural liberty, perhaps? or a memory of dragons long-vanished?
It's only during a particularly ugly bout with the Black Lizalfos that he discovers exactly why. As a club shatters his leg and the Twins rush over to cover him, he sees them both shoot glances at each other.
At the twin Secret Stones, lying placidly on their wrists.
He can't do more than whimper out "no!" as one twin, then the other protect each other as they grab the stones from their holders.
Then, as one, swallow.
Twin Heroes no more as the shockwave obliterates the nearby monsters and Twin Dragons rise into the sky with simultaneous howls.
(cue an epic quest for them to revive their brothers, because if it happened for Zelda once then Wild is NOT giving up.)
hhhhhhholy fuck this went on longer than i expected. Surprise?
if you want to write any of this be my guest!
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 5 months
How do you think the spider gang would react to Gwen coming out as trans? I think they'd all be supportive, but I'm curious if you have details
I am going to be honest with you anon, I had been looking at this question for weeks, thinking about it, and...I am not coming up with much.
I am trans, I don't have that much experience with people reacting to that- and I am not making any more comments about that.
Going back to the original question- I think all of them would be supportive; regardless of background or history, I feel doing anything else would be a disservice to the characters, and also, a type of story I really don't have interest entertaining, (Would Noir, being from 40s, be reasonable to have his apprehensions and need to overcome it? Yes, I am interested in seeing something like that? Personally, fuck no.)
Now, it doesn't mean there cannot be hiccups- all well intending, of course.
(Specific characters under the cut because, as always with me, it got long.)
Peter B I see going over the top; talking how brave Gwen is, and that he supports her no matter what, he also reads a book on trans people and tell hims about the people in his universe who are trans. Gwen appreciates it, but it can be uncomfortable at times.
Noir, regardless of time period, would be supportive, but mixes up terminology. The poor guy already struggles with the pop culture lingo, so throwing queer lingo into the mix can make things awkward; specially since, as a spider-man, he has defended the marginalized people of his dimension and is aware of the community, but- that community had its own terminology that may not be appreciated to day. Is a growing curve.
In my opinion, Ham is a much of a man as Bugs Bunny, meaning gender isn't as important as commitment to the bit; so I can see him busting a dress all of the sudden and saying "I get you sis." Accordingly, if asked about his own gender, he is pretty much "normally a guy, but in general whatever fits better with the scene."
Peni I headcanon as nonbinary, so I think she would be happy to meet another person who isn't cis. Definitely would have lots of talk about presentation, tricks for clothes a make up, the works.
Margo is cool about it, there isn't much to say there; she just tells Gwen that it doesn't change anything between them, and she is still invited to come for the slumber parties (Margo has thrown a bunch in the Spider-Society, because anything to spend as little time mentally at home as possible.)
Pavitr: "Oh so you are like a hijra? That's so cool!" (This is a term from a place I am not from, so I can't talk in length about it, feel free to look it up because it is indeed, very cool.) While not the same, he ends up telling more about how people in his dimension see transgender people, Gwen finds it overall really interesting.
Hobie is, of course, cool about it. He is a punk, noncomformist, and "hates labels," he could probably tell Gwen a stupid amount of things about queer history, intersectionally, so far and so forth. Despite using he/him pronouns, I believe with all my heart Hobie would not give a shit about gender roles and dress how he likes, and be okay with any pronouns. This has nothing to do with your question, but I headcanon that Hobie has been the queer awakening of many other teens of the Spider-Society as he strolls down in whatever outfit he feels like it.
Now Miles, is obviously supportive. I think he may be oblivious to many things (I headcanon him as bi for a long awhile, but I am not sure if that's something he knows already or has yet to discover,) so he asks questions, but is always respectful and has no trouble answering. Overall, Gwen thinks is cute how much Miles dotes on her, and reminding her that she will always be the prettiest girl alive to him.
Huh, I guess I had more to say that I expected, this was fun! Thanks for the question and sorry for the delay.
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
How would the Ro's react if they had to share a bed with Mc? (Crushing and dating stage)
Let's say they are at an inn and there were only a couple beds left but you had to pair up.
Anon, I like where your head’s at. The one bed trope is classic!
Crushing:  sweating profusely. MC wakes to him being on the floor.
Relationship:  still sweating, but way too pleased that it worked out this way. He’s definitely crossed over into MC’s side by morning.
Crushing:  whooping for joy and then withering under Oswin’s stare. *whoops quieter* They’re definitely going to ask how close they can be and make it a point to stay awake long enough so they can see how MC looks when they sleep.
Relationship:  still whooping, but less afraid of Oswin. Jumps right to asking if snuggling is acceptable. High likelihood of MC accidentally being pushed off the bed.
Crushing:  looking quite smug, very mischievous smile. Oswin glares, but that makes Duri smile more, and Oswin growls at them to not try anything untoward. Duri immediately turns to MC and asks if they can do “untoward things.” Other than using it as a reason to irritate Oswin, they’re actually as respectful as they should be - but it’s game on if MC acts up.
Relationship:  much less mischief, much more affection. They like to be close to the ones they care for, especially when they sleep.
Crushing:  This might make them a little nervous. Sleeping next to someone lets them into Rune’s bubble, and they also sense a bit of pressure because they care what MC thinks of them…which they don’t normally care what people think…Once they’re settled though, they sleep easy.
Relationship:  Much more at ease. Their place at MC’s side is a point of pride. They watch over MC as they fall asleep, and if it’s okay, they’ll likely run their hand through MC’s hair or rub their back - whatever MC likes.
Crushing:  Teasing MC about staying on their side, hamming it up and acting like he’s the one in some sort of danger. Literally everyone is rolling their eyes.
Relationship:  Doesn’t matter what time it is, he’s ready for bed. Asks to cuddle. MC wakes up cold because he’s taken all of the blanket (likely as a lure to get MC close).
Thank you for the ask! ^_^
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