#and floorplan
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daydreamxsimmer · 2 years ago
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The Monroe Family Home (Part One)
An old quaint little home that's been passed down through generation, now owned by the young twins.
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000bun · 7 months ago
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kitsunespawz · 5 months ago
Morning on the Polar Tang
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Background and canon compliant version:
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abstractfrog · 10 months ago
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THE GLORIA SCOTT - part 2, and a follow up to my comic for the first half of this scene! thanks sm to @crashingmeteorz for allowing me to source validation for my whimsical cosmic approach to this moment <3
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sunshinepixels · 3 months ago
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Move in day 🚚🏠📦
ft. another florida house from yours truly
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a2zillustration · 8 days ago
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Stopping by to pick up a few things on the way to Waterdeep
🥐 Croissant Adventures Masterpost 🥐
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aealzx · 5 days ago
Wachowski Family House Fan Layout (Sonic Movie Universe)
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Hi 8'D I was writing a Sonic fic and couldn't keep the house layout straight in my head. So I hyperfixated for like 30-40 hours over the course of 3 days and recreated some semblance of the Wachowski family home based on screenshots and watching scenes on Youtube. Repeatedly. 8 |
And since maybe people don't want to do the same, I figured I'd share. X'D Please keep in mind this layout is NOT canon, and no one should use it to try and prove of disprove anything. It's just what I ended up with based on what I could find, and figure out despite the inconsistencies within the movies themselves.
Details all under the cut. And if you want to see the SketchUp model itself I think this link might work. I've never actually tried to share SketchUp models before.
Sorry these files are MASSIVE, but eh, I'm too lazy to break them down smaller at this point.
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1st Floor:
This is the only floor I could find scenes for. So everything started from here, and is based on fitting in with this floor. Talking with my sister (aka complaining to her) I found out that the house was most likely renovated before Sonic lived there. That's why they have this random floating closet next to the entrance. It probably has to be there to support the structure after a bunch of the walls were knocked out to convert to a more open floorplan.
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2nd Floor:
This floor is entirely made up by me 8'D Feel free to completely redesign it to fit your fancy. Everything is based on window placement, with the master bedroom being at the front because that's the biggest window.
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This was actually hard to place, because it could be argued that the attic is above the living room area. Especially since there's scenes that have a chimney column going through the attic. But I decided to put it above the kitchen based on that skylight window that Sonic is seen running into (that totally isn't round in that shot, but okay), and because the living room looks to have a high ceiling with nothing above it. Also I could not figure out how to get the attic stairs to work with the 1st to 2nd floor stairs also being on that side of the house.
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mild-milk · 11 months ago
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yeoldecorprusarium · 2 months ago
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Run down shops at the edge of the campus.
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squirrellypoo · 3 months ago
IWTV S2 Floorplans
Christmas has come early for floorplan enjoyers! 🥳
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Exqueeze me... the WHAT table?
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Omg, they built the SF rooftop onto the side of the Paris street in Barandov?? That's what the "walkable rooftop" was for??
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All floorplans and a bunch of high quality production stills from this pdf. And if you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy my S1 Rue Royale townhouse floorplan post...
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cerubean · 10 months ago
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doing a thing
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mothiepixie · 10 months ago
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Uh-I like making floor plans. Not because you can know more about characters from their spaces. Ofc not >>;
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machinegrl · 1 year ago
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wip update!
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moon-buggg · 9 days ago
Clipsy's is the whole facility. In other words, huge angry wife
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exactly anon<3 Huge angry wife who doesn't appreciate the tiny human crawling around his hallways like a little fleshy parasite. Don't worry though, he'll come around soon enough
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shadesofmauve · 3 days ago
Alliance Normandy SR2 redesign: Deck 2
All of the decks are longer and skinnier than what we see in game. (This isn't a complaint; running through a long skinny map is tedious!). The command deck is a particular puzzle, because it doesn't need to be as long as it is, and we're supposed to believe it's much longer — extending all the way to the nose, which it can't do unless the deck curves down:
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Aesthetically, I'd like the command deck to extend farther forward than I've drawn it. Practically, I can't think of a reason why it would.
CIC & cockpit
Spaceships fly by instrumentation; you can steer from anywhere, so there's no reason to hike an extra forty-four meters to the cockpit. There are also far more work stations shown in game than seem reasonable: 14 in the CIC and corridor to the cockpit. What are they all doing? When you take into account capable Virtual Intelligence systems (the Alliance didn't know about EDI, but would have designed for a VI) it's even sillier, so I drastically reduced the number of stations in the CIC, and removed them from the corridor entirely.
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The corridor needs to stay to keep the feel of the space, so I used it for escape pod access. In the CIC itself, I kept the shape but oriented the workstations forward in case of inertial-buffer overloads*. There are two doors to the CIC, so the Officer of the Watch doesn't have a door directly at their back.
I also added a ready room, the office for the Officer of the Watch (accessible from the CIC), which also serves as a briefing room. In Sunset and Evening Star, this is where Shepard and First Office Nguyen have their morning meetings.
*Any system can overload. The trick with inertial overloads in fiction is convincing the reader that there's enough overload to feel without mashing everyone inside into paste, which is an astonishingly narrow window. It's an even narrower window if the human is sideways to the inertial force; we are very bad at surviving that.
The awkward middle
I stretched out the area forward of the elevator as much as I could. As well as the two new offices, there's a head for the CIC crew, another escape pod, and access to the secure areas aft. Moving that access here reduces traffic through the CIC.
(It's still a big waste of space).
Moving aft: from tactics to strategy
While the Captain commands the ship in the Combat Information Center, the Admiral leads the fleet from the War Room.
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Turning starboard from the elevator, there's a security station (so Private Campbell can remain the most put-upon person in the Alliance Navy). Past that is the Admiral's office, which wasn't finished when the reapers attacked Earth.
The Alliance is actively trying to take a larger role in galactic affairs, so there are some concessions to other species. In addition to the conference room, there's a head with a stall big enough for a krogan, and a beverage station set up for both dextro and levo species. Please click to embiggen and admire my stupid little coffee mugs.
The war room is centered, in the most protected part of the ship. It keeps it's general layout, but with fewer stations (focused inward so staff can see the strat map holo display). Only one is usually manned. The Strategic Map is the grand-scale equivalent to the Tactical Modeler in the CIC. (The names are wishful thinking; in a real military both would be impenetrable acronyms).
The QEC is the same Mystery Communications Circle it is in the game, but only a quarter of the way around the War Room from the entry instead of on the opposite side.
Normandy SR2 redesign posts
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hr-twink · 7 days ago
set dec saturday
from these below 100% exposure, shadow removed screen shots of River's bedroom from 4x04
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Dr No. Poster- [setdec creation]
I can't find the exact photo they used to make it but it says 'Dr No.' + 'Ian Fleming' on it over a photo of Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder in the 1962 movie-- the closest photos i could find are:
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100 years of flight poster- [setdec creation]
Based on this Poster in a 2003 issue of National Geographic which works because he has a few national geographics on his windowsill
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Old map of Cornwall- [real!]
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Overhead View of London- [Real!]
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Six Nations Fixtures | '05 (or 02 or 03)- [idk real or not]
Postcards: Iceland, Whistler, Kenya
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