#and byyyyeee
Soooo is that fic you're writing about Chalex as the blond power couple? 👀
No, but in the mean time can I offer this?
[edited because it needed so? it was a bit rushed yesterday]
“So, Charles, crazy drive today! Pole yesterday, only for the glory with your engine penalty, and now from tenth to first, that move in turn 6, very risky but you made it stick. Any merit to the new hairdo? Spent some time in sun by the sea?” 
So typical of Seb to try and embarrass him in the post-race interview, with his silly moustache and wiggly eyebrows; Charles was ever so grateful to have him back in some capacity into the paddock so he could run and get advice and praises from him anytime he wanted, but this was one of the moments he would have preferred for the german to remain hidden in the mountains. Seb never missed a chance to make him flustered. He could hear Lewis trying to contain a laugh very poorly next to him, he finished 2 nd, but since Seb was doing the interview Lewis stuck around. Why are these two always in cahoots?  
He scratched the back of his neck, “Actually Alex did this. It’s called a dye Seb, you would know”. Charles let out a nervous laugh, he didn’t know why he said that or why he had to make it sound so mean. Maybe the blond was making him a bit of a little shit for real.  
But to his surprise Seb actually enjoyed it? He grinned at the Ferrari driver, in that Seb’s way which if Charles was at all honest with himself still made his knees weak. “Ouch. Careful or Marko is gonna come looking for a new recruit” spat out the german, winking at him. 
Charles couldn’t believe it. Being compared to his ex-teammate was one thing and something he greatly appreciated, but being compared to the pathetic attempt at the Seb clones factory that was the redbull academy, full of floppy blond men with anger issues, was horrifying. He was gonna murder Alex.  
“Can you stay still?” Alex groaned, he was so done with Charles, who spent the last 30 minutes restless sitting on the hotel tub and the last five bent in said tub. He had to dig one hand on the other’s shoulder to prevent him from running away, again. He never realised how muscular Charles’ back was. So maybe this wasn’t only for practicality and if he lingered there for too long than it was needed, nobody was here to judge him. “You’ll go blind if this gets into your eyes”  
Charles’ voice was masked by the running water, which was probably a blessing since the few words Alex did understand were italian profanities.  
Not long after he was standing in front of the mirror staring at a very, very blond Charles, who hadn’t stop touching his hair and fixing them in twenty-five different styles. He kept fisting his new locks, pushing them down, up, pulling at the front pieces. Alex kept thinking he could also do other thing with those hands, if he could only manage to pull Narciso aways from his pond. “You look hot, come on let’s go” 
Charles turned bright red, redder than his ferrari, and the contrast with his hair was... well it was a contrast for sure. “You think I look hot?” he stumbled on the words, his accent thicker than ever. And Alex thought dyeing Charles blond would make him little more forward, it had worked with Seb.  
Or maybe he was right indeed. Charles’ gears were turning while he kept checking himself out. His usually delicate features seemed sharper, his expression more confident. Not even under the most vile of tortures Alex was going to admit that angry Charles turned him on. Didn’t matter that George heard him sigh with frustration while watching Charles pulling off his gloves and balaclava, throwing them hastily in his car and strutting back in his box after being pushed off track, hair a mess, red-faced, something animal in his eyes. 
Alex watched as Charles kept checking himself in the mirror, watched with hunger as the other was nodding at his reflection. No, he was not going there again. Alex get a grip it’s late tomorrow, tomorrow there was fp3 and quali, and more media duties, and-. 
Suddenly Alex was being pulled and pushed against the bathroom tiles, something quite heavy was pressing him to the wall. And yes, he was definitely being kissed by Charles Leclerc. Not that this was the first time it had happened, even if Alex didn’t like to classify as kissing the one time he - after by some weird constellations alignment managed to qualify third - was pushed into one of the rooms next to where the press conference was being held by Charles, who grabbed him by the opened race suit and practically crushed their lips together “What you did was brilliant” and then ran away. This time, despite the towel hanger digging in his back, it felt more deliberate. Charles’ mouth was soft as he remembered and maybe dreamed about, not that he was admitting any of this. Fuck George was going to have a field day. But right now there was only his hands around Charles’ tiny waist, and Charles’ needy hands in his hair, on his jaw. 
Okay so maybe the blond dye was actually getting to Charles’ brain, because his hands were already working on the buttons of his jeans. And when he pulled away, he looked a little feral, but Alex was not complaining. Charles’ lips were now to his neck, one hand under Alex’s shirt. 
“I’m gonna get pole tomorrow” the last button of Alex’s pants was freed. 
“And then on sunday I’m winning this race” and he was already on his knees. 
Well then Alex was not gonna qualify at all at this rhythm.  
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starmocha · 3 months
.....................am I going to have to use "kitten" in my fics from now on
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todayisafridaynight · 23 days
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fever-project · 6 months
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Celebrating the FSA anniversary by drawing 4 different Fours from different Links Meet AUs. I’m a day late because I didn’t know that March 18 was the anniversary. I was planning on drawing these guys for a while, several months ago, I just forgot to. Fun fact, the day before the 18th, quite literally the day before, the 17th, I thought, “I should finally draw these guys the day before the FSA anniversary so I can post them on time.” Like. Wtf. So I’ll be making a calendar eventually so I know when all the anniversaries are.
Anyways, some thoughts on the guys:
Four from @linked-maze - His hair is so scruffy, I love it. He’s so optimistic and happy.
Four from @heroesspirit - I didn’t color it in here, but I love his ombré hair, the orange fading into a yellow looks so pretty.
Four from @linkbetweenlinksau This is just devolving into me gushing over the hair. Anyways I love the hair and the little hair tie thingy is SO good. Also love the eyes.
Forge from @echoes-of-courage - I didn’t have to space to draw the multicolored sash :( One of my favorite aspects of his design honestly. I’m glad I was able to draw the ponytail, I love ponytails.
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evillillad · 1 year
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my brains a lil fruity at the moment
first buggo :o) im goin thru and seein all the bug ocs i adore and we shall all be lil dudes bouncin around (the spider ones are kinda throwin me for a loop idk how imma go about them lmao but i will prevail!!!!)
(lovelie belongs to @clownsuu dont worry robbie will get one too i know hed cry otherwise)
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luna-loveboop · 1 month
Yall know that was a serious post right
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Like. I was talking about how they fear for each others LIVES. But I put ONE funny tag in-
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faenemy · 11 months
day 11 or smthn
i started this like 5 months ago lol finished it today cause i felt like it
uh guess its influenced by early 200s nostalgia? look there is something going on with this messy sketchy style but i dont knw what to call it
can you tell i need to sleep
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anyway THEM <3 free (hopefully funciontal) ong under cut
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artemx746 · 9 months
godswap au in which Ethan, Alabaster, and Luke are the sons of the big three, but their mortal parents were able to persuade two minor goddesses and one Olympian to pretend they were their children.
Luke as a child of Hades with May asking Hermes to protect her son :((( May being so stubborn about wanting to be the Oracle that she doesn’t listen to Hades’ warnings about it and he has to deal being gone because of the prophecy :(((((((
Ethan as a child of Zeus sounds so funny to me. I imagine it took a lot of convincing from Ethan’s mortal parent to get Nemesis to claim him. I’d like to believe that Nemesis made him swear on the Styx that he could not tell Ethan who his parent actually was because in her eyes it would’ve been funnier if Zeus’s own son respected her more than Zeus.
Poseidon Alabaster but instead of his mortal dad asking Hecate it’s poseidon asking Hecate to claim his son like someone pitching a new show to a producer. (She only accepts because she has a soft spot for children and baby Al just looked too cute)
going into canon Luke is the only one who’s aware of who his father actually is meanwhile Ethan and Alabaster genuinely believe Nemesis and Hecate are their respective parents and they also both HATE Zeus and Poseidon. Shenanigans ensue while the big three are all freaking out over three of their children joining the TA.
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stinastar · 4 days
I am once again begging to be able to crawl under a boulder or disappear into a bog
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lloydgarmadon-irl · 1 month
Lloyd you need a nap. *takes sword away* go. Go sleep. Sleepy child. Sleep.
*disappears for 3 days*
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captain-of-silvenar · 5 months
The one and only way to have fun in PvP Cyrodiil is if you go with only your friends and just your friends and rake in 100k AP points and have fun and bail.
Anymore and you (read: me) start get a little salty about not being allowed to capture resources because everyone is keep hungry and you just want to do your daily quest.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
Each time you draw Daigo or Masato in a corset I gain 500 HP thank you
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do you accept corset tops. may you live a thousand years
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furaill · 2 years
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he looks so pathetic I love him
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love-overdrive · 4 months
Instead of reading normal children’s stories to Mary, Funny Valentine reads her the Constitution so she can sleep.
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lily-cmdier99 · 2 years
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diredeliverance · 6 months
Top 10 Funny Pranks to Pull on Friends Number 5
never tell her all your life that you care about her
write her a book of your cryptic prophecies and contingency instructions for the future to be sent "if anything befalls me"
fake your grisly and sudden death
don't tell her
reveal decades later at the end of her life that you survived and had just passed off your work onto her this whole time
ask when you can visit your relative you asked her in your death book to adopt
laugh about this silly little jape with her :) surely she would never hold it against you :)
somehow step 7 has gone wrong.
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