#and bc the internet is the internet everyone and their mom has an opinion and shares it
time-teller · 9 months
Vent in tags! Im sorry mutuals!!
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pheonix-inside · 2 years
I hate disagreeing with people so much. Even random strangers on social media.
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shadeslayer · 1 year
its so funny when people are like.. "shipping/headcanoning/fandom has ruined the way people read and watch things" . because people have been doing all that shit since stories were first being told. and i dont mean just the old star trek spock/kirk zines i mean talking to my completely non fandom normie parents and my mom and dad have discussed what they headcanon happens post-canon in the music man, my mom has strong opinions on what happens to charlotte post-canon in pride and prejudice. theres fields of academia dedicated to close reading and analyzing and Overthinking different classical works. theres holmesian/sherlockian meetings from the 19th and 20th centuries where people wrote papers and presented them about what they headcanoned holmes' childhood to be or what watson did in between stories - watsonian and doylist both come from different ways of approaching the text, almost explicitly from how people wanted to explain watsons wives. ive had conversations with normies about the shakespeare play much ado about nothing where we talked about how benedick and beatrice have so much chemistry / hero and claudio have almost none.
enjoying a story and then continuing to think about it, thinking about the romance in it or possible in it, thinking about what happened or what could happen to the characters in it, are all things SO MANY PEOPLE do regardless of whether they do it in a group (and regardless of if that group is called the holmesian society, a book club, or internet fandom) and regardless of the terms they use - headcanon or "this is what i think happened," watsonian or in-fiction, doylist or meta, whatever. fandom isnt rotting peoples brains and ruining the way they take in or think about or seek out stories bc if thats true fucking everyone is doing that even if theyre not in some internet fandom u hate even if theyre a 50 year old man who thinks harold hill and marian lived a happy long life together even if theyre a 60 year old woman who thinks in another world darcy and bingley would date
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mysticalmusicwhispers · 6 months
i feel like yao is someone whose adaptability generally ranks very high on his list of traits... yes he's so fucking proud and it causes 20398492578 internet debacles between nichukor all the time, and yes he has a complex about being treated with the gravity and respect that he thinks he deserves, as a growing world power and person (subjectively objectively) full of age old, well distilled wisdom, but he's also not foolish enough to be wounded at the slightest insult. like his emotional tolerance and regulation has, imo gotten (slightly) better over the centuries, and certain things are just water off a duck's back now. he knows that sometimes he's just playing a part, and doesn't expect nor care for anyone to recognize him as an unfathomably important or vast nation; like he has to live his day-to-day too, and it gets bothersome if everyone was hanging off his every word because they see his age. if you want to see a scrappy post-90/90后 trying to make it in the city, sure; if you want to a see rich young businessman, sure; if you want to see an energetic government official (or a disillusioned one), sure. it doesn't matter to him because the opinions of ordinary citizens are ultimately inconsequential compared to those of the other nations/govts, and he can play whatever part he wants them to see. he'd probably find it somewhat fun to drop references or subtly hint at his age and observe people's reactions when they pick up on it. if someone really disrespects him (couldve been bc he's actually being a dick, but if it actually devolves to age-based insults) he could always just reveal that he's actually wang yao, the personification of your homeland and everything you know, as well as the guy who actually birthed your mom (didn't you know), etc. and he'd probably get a good laugh out of it too lol. what really matters to him is other nation's opinions, and they know enough to give him at least grudging respect. idk i feel like he's just gotten good at tuning out what he thinks doesn't matter in order to focus on playing his part well, to get what he wants from the people actually calling the shots. how or whether his citizens perceive everything that he is, doesn't really matter.
also again; mf definitely isn't the vainest out of all the nations but he sure loves his beauty standards. puts face masks on every weekend despite nations not aging like humans bc he's not risking it...
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
Ppl gettin worked up...over an unfollow ☠️ they were coworkers and maybe hooked up, shes nt obligated to keep on following him. No need to make it Olivia vs Kaia, one is an upcoming actress and the other is a model who has a famous mom, Kaia has a leg up regardless
lolll i knew when i posted it that the usual anons who don't like her would come, which i mean- whatever. at the end of the day i am a gossip blog and here to provide gossip just as much as i am fan content. and objectively, this whole debacle is gossip at it's finest! there's theories! there's petty! there's taylor swift!
no one has to tell me that olivia is a) kinda a nobody and b) a messy person who can be petty on purpose. i know both of those things. i don't put my faves on pedestals i don't want them to fall off of and that goes for everyone (kaia, austin, taylor swift, elvis, riley, priscilla etc)- but olivia very much included. i don't like her because she's perfect, she's not!
but i prefer my like, two civil anti olivia anons who accept my opinions for what they are to whoever the fuck was sending me 5 anons per 120 seconds last night barking up my ass about it all and saying i "turned on austin". if olivia posts agitates you that much you might benefit from simply muting her name. i had to mute a bunch of jonas brothers words on twitter bc i could feel myself getting agitated by things fans of joe were saying and didn't want to keep feeling pissy everytime it came on my timeline. you gotta do what you gotta do to find your peace on the internet!
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Tw racism, transphobia, fatphobia, all that kinds of stuff, with examples
My mom has become all of that.
She's always been... idk somewhat of all of that. Very selective racist (it is wild, ngl) and a bit fatphobic.
But it has become worse. I guess because her life has become worse, she's developed MS and, you know, racism & co are middle age ppls favorite coping mechanism. Plus she has zero internet competence and every whatsapp chain letter is fact.
And it is sooo wild, like, she's an ally for gay ppl and binary trans ppl, since forever. But since non-binary is becoming more present, she's very transphobic against them. (Which sucks because I am non-binary but ok, I don't need her validation).
She's become super fatphobic, she's watching those wedding dress shows a lot and always commenting on ppls weight in hateful ways "Oh, you are too fat for that!" "You can't wear that with your fat arms!!" etc. I mean, may fat ppl not have a pretty wedding dress? (It hurts too bc, guess what, I am fat). She also visiting a lot of doctors to get new meds because she believes (imagines) that hers made her fat (they didn't). For the same reason she doesn't quit smoking though she doesn't even like it.
But her racism is the wildest! So she said, a few days ago, that Arabic immigrants (not refugees but second or third generation) get more and easier money from the state because (!) the state is so racist that they don't believe immigrants are smart enough to work, so they get everything for free (????).
That's factual bs, it is long known that the state (or at least the ppl who work for the state) are racist.
!!My mom works for the state!!! She's the best example!??!
I live in Europe and we are having a lot of Ukrainian refugees and did have a lot of mainly Syrian refugees in the past. My mom worked in a refugee home back then and really liked the Syrian ppl (so they are now outside her racism-spectrum) but they've been treated a lot worse than the Ukrainian ones today (another good example of the racism of our state) which leads my mom to now hate the Ukranian refugees and believing, they get everything for free. A few days ago she said "Oh, I'd really love to be a Ukrainian".
(I had a very, very hard time not telling her, that I could easily let a cement block fall onto her head, for the real Ukranian feeling.)
She also hates all Eastern European ppl but that's common amongs ppl her age. When my dad found out that his dad was from Poland (long kept secret) she was enlightened because finally she had a reason why "this marriage could've never worked".
So yeah. That's her racism in a nutshell. She's fine with everyone else though and doesn't mind immigrants. She's also not proud to be from state X. She just hates some ppl. She also often defends foreign/foreign looking ppl from the racism of her colleagues or tells her colleagues that they talk racist bs.
You know, she's always so half/half. Binary trans ppl yeah, non binary trans ppl, nay. Some racism yeah, some nay. And until like two years ago, she was almost only yeah. She was only very limited racists and not transphobic since there were no non binary trans ppl in her world.
And it is super hard because she is very abusive and I have cptsd and she kicked me out once when I dared to argue with her and I was homeless for a year so I can't just tell her, she's talking absolute bullshit. I try to say "Oh, well I don't think so", you know, subjective, but that only leads her to yell her opinion out even louder. I mean, she never believes what I say. I could state mathematical facts and they'd become untrue because they came from my mouth. But I am not okay with this and she's also outside of home very loud with her hurtful opinions and it hurts me that ppl (who are affected) may hear her and I can't defend them for my own safety.
Ah yeah, and why I write this: As I said, I have cptsd, which was misdiagnosed for depression when I was younger so many therapists, some clinics until the diagnose and the forbiddance of my mom to continue seeing a therapist (bc she felt this was going to be about her). So I am unpatiently waiting for the day I can move out and visit a therapist. And a few days ago she said "Well, I don't quite believe in therapy. I think that's not scientific and bs. Who knows who they really work for?". And I was like, excuse me?? Psychology not being a science?
And, idk my mom has some mental issues of her own (not because of the written above text but because:) she always forgets stuff easily, even stuff she says, she changes her opinion pretty frequently, i can't just use "last week you said X" as an argument because she already forgot it and will believe I lied. Plus, she's hard of hearing. So, our conversations are... Something. But she expects them (and I believe enjoys) for two hours daily and I need to keep my sleeping spot so..
Yeah, my mom and her fat, leftist, enby, partially polish child with cptsd.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry you have to put up with all of that.
It sounds like your mom has some pretty inflammatory takes that personally affect you as a member of the demographics she villainizes.
It would be interesting to see what would happen with malicious compliance, being that you pretended to not only agree but take it to an extreme that perhaps she may not even agree with, just for her to recognize the slope she's slipping down (I do this to people sometimes). It may not work and it may not even be safe to do so, but if opposing her is causing problems, then I wonder what would happen if you played along.
Either way, it sounds like it's a very heavy task to put up with your mom and I commend you for handling it as well as you have.
You are valid.
I hope you're doing alright. Please let us know if you need anything, or if there's anything we can do to help.
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sofipitch · 2 years
3 14 18 19 and a special personal question, do you prefer to read physical books or like ebooks and stuff? Hope you’re doing well 🖤
3. What is your favorite genre?
That is kind of a hard question bc I do read a lot of genre stuff like horror or historical but when you think of the big names, like Stephen King and Dean Koontz for horror, that's not really what I like. According to Storygraph my highest genre is fantasy but I hate high fantasy. So probably horror, historical, or fantasy but like usually the less hardcore versions of that genre if that makes sense
14. Do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
Yes, I was taught to dog ear to save my place by my mom and I literally never knew it was a thing ppl hated until like high school. And it's just a piece of paper... I also will dog ear a library book (not write in tho) and I like seeing creases where other ppl have dog eared. I think it shows love. I also crack spines on hardcover and paperbacks. It's my book and I would like my hand not to hurt when holding it. The book I'm currently reading I got from a used bookstore and was in kind of rough condition and I dropped it and it split in half, it's currently taped back together, I think it looks cute.
18. Do you like historical books? If so what period?
Yes! I love historical fiction, I learn things and am entertained. I will read any time period except WW2. That time period is incredibly overused in the USA bc "we were the good guys!" It's often a propaganda machine and has extremely oversaturated the historical fiction section
19. Most disliked popular books?
Oh boy. This actually just came up at dinner so The Poppy War I don't think I can go into everything I hated in a reasonable amount of time so: bad politics and trauma porn. It also has a TON of overused tropes to the point I predicted a lot of the plot ahead of time. A Little Life, also trauma porn. A Thousand Ships, literally the worst Greek myth retellings. The whole thing is supposed to be feminist and will rub your nose in it too, not subtle, yet it still mostly summarizes myths about the male characters in a boring way. I don't think saying "hey the women deserve more attention!" And then not doing that makes sense. Also bad opinions on Helen, again #feminist yet enjoys slut shaming 🤔
For VC books, everyone knows I don't like books 4-10, however I have not read a lot of the worst offenders. So out of the ones I have read, Pandora and Blood Communion. Blood Communion had like 0 plot and what it has hinges on Lestat acting INCREDIBLY OOC. Pandora I was SO disappointed in. I liked her in QOTD so I thought I might enjoy her book, she is a 2 thousand year old vampire, this should be epic right? No it is extremely limited and only focuses on the part of her life involving Marius, basically anything that does not involve him is not included, like HUGE time skips. Even when we meet Pandora at age 30 before she was turned she had been previously married and we hear nothing of that. After her big fight with Marius when he abandons her, her life is just summarized in a few pages, saying she lived for thousands of years depressed bc of this one guy. Girl, get over him. Also I mentioned how I love historical fiction, Pandora not only has like accuracy issues but she doesn't experience a lot of events herself, she will summarize important events like gossip/AR reading a Wikipedia page. To me the appeal of historical fiction is to feel like you are actually there experiencing the event. Pandora telling me some previous emperor drama when she never interacts with them is not it. It was SUCH a huge let down and did not pass the Sofi Feminism test
Do you prefer to read physical books or ebooks?
If I read with my eyes I prefer a physical book, I like that I don't have to worry about charge or internet. I'm also just used to it, having to scroll on a page feels weird. I also accidentally tap and turn pages when I didn't mean to a lot
Thank you for your questions, this was a lot of fun 💗💗
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fxirybun · 4 days
too damn true!!! i also feel like with ur last point that ppl dont seem to remember as easily compared to previous times? for instance whenever theres a "new" tiktok trend i look at it and realise its not actually "new" just something that the newer generations seem to think they created or made it new again.
its like kids or teens nowadays are so focused on their online life that they forget things have been done before in a less than new way so to see aesthetics that have been around long before thenselves come back as an aesthetic more than a lifestyle baffles me. particularly with y2k, not only do the 00s feel too long ago ngl we had so much good stuff but its like if you search it on youtube all ppl say is how trashy it was just because they didnt live in the era of it or they put an importance of aesthetics without realising they really wouldnt cope without the internet but its more so they prefer how something looks from that era, than anything else, i dont think anyones whos chronically online (myself included) would realistically want to have zero internet in current times it really gives fomo honestly its so bad.
if u arent doing what everyone else is doing its so bad making us feel further behind bc time aint slowing down for nobody. we 30 somethings had a lot too but i feel that gen z just dont realise the difference in society between then and now and it seems vastly different i cant explain it? thats why i feel like we were in some sort of time alteration device in or around 2019 cause nothings felt normal since then and even ppls behaviours and just the way they "think" has been altered so much and it always has to accomodate to whatever is going on both online and irl, the fact we have to try to mentally separate the online version from our physical selves is bonkers. thats whag i mean its totally different and idk if its a good kind of different or bad. im even seeing this crop up with new generation kpop groups and my faves ultimately they still are very much chronically online even if they are on a break. its actually hard to keep up with this stuff going on all the time hbu?
that reminded me of the whole baggy jeans & flared jeans trend and how my mom told me that these jeans used to put a chokehold on them back in the 90s lol. we be following the 3 Rs rules 😆 : reduce , reuse , recycle.
well.. if the shoes fit , fits them 🤷‍♀️ and the majority of teens are usually in their experimenting phase wherein they get to try new things that they're curious about. been there , done that ◔_◔ an example would be my little brother who's in his mid-teen years. he's experimenting with some clothes and would mix n match them cuz it's "trendy". i find his fashion questionable because of the layered tops and pants he's wearing 😭 like bro it's freakin hot outside and you're going to wear that ?? tho i'm not gonna stop him , letting him explore and find his niche (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
you know the whole "emo phase" back in the early 2000s and how people would throw shade on it ? well surprise surprise cuz tara yummy , johnnie guilbert , and jake webster are trending , and how their goth / emo fashion is making its way on trends.
gen z's are individuals who aren't afraid to express their opinions and are pretty much self-aware as to what's going on in this world. i find it admirable because their voices are being used to change the current societal expectations of what the govt or any politician had established.
i do feel that the whole pandemic was a major catalyst for all of us and how everything seems to be happening too fast. but i kid you not with this one cuz some of the millennials and gen x peeps i know irl has been noticing how we gen z's have no presence in mind and that we have short attention spans 😭
well , they're right with that one cuz i noticed it from my blockmates , the younger students , and my skibidi toilet siblings. and you shouldn't feel bad about not being able to catch up cuz i'm on the same page as you lmao ( T_T)\(^-^ ) i had no idea what a "fanum tax" meant not until my little brother who's a gen alpha told me its meaning 💀 there's a new wave of slangs too and how i was left in confucius at first but i got a hold on it over time.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Have a wonderful and safe time watching the jonas brothers. Sing along, cheer loudly and have the best time ever! Ngl, little jealous even if I'm irritated at joe jonas's asshattery at the moment. The music is sooooo good though.
i had a really good time at the concert :)
but if i might be so bold as to defend joe jonas..... or maybe not defend him, but the situation at hand/just give my general opinions.
i had thought about saying some stuff on twitter, bc i do have a jonas brothers stan twitter, but the fans on there are like… extra annoying in a way i wasn't expecting lol
i think this is a situation that we should all know ZERO about. idk who's team is leaking what, idk which one of them has someone in their inner circle that is leaking stuff for shits and gigs, but it truly has to stop.
it's sad enough that a marriage is ending, but there are two very young kids involved. hell joe and sophie were so private at one point that we don't even really know the name of their second kid. we rarely see their faces except the couples times either parent has taken them out in public (bc yes, prior to joe being paparazzied the day after the divorce was announced with his kids, that everyone deemed was a pr move/him calling them on himself, he and SHE has been photographed with them before. if you wanna argued he called the paps on himself, whatever. idc.).
all of the rumors that have swirled about sophie did not come from joe or his team, just inside sources, which basically anyone could be as long as they are six degrees of kevin bacon away from him (if not way more). he denounced all the rumors, both on his insta and at a concert where he literally said "if it didn't come from these lips, don't believe it". i personally believe he should have denounced things faster or more aggressively, but him and the rest of the jb crew have always been like snc - pretend drama doesn't exists and hope it just dies down.
but now sophie, who has been a private person for a long time, is going out of her way to say a lot of public things via her ppl and idk if i like that. part of it just feels like petty revenge, and it could very well be. and i get it, the rumors made her sound shitty, so i would get why she would tell the public that she didn't find out about the divorce until we all did and that joe is abducting the kids by not giving her their passports so she can take them back home with her. but let's listen to reality for a moment: first off, the kids are now with her in the US. they had been with joe for like three months while she was off working. second, joe physically can't allow the kids to leave bc he would be against the court order he made in florida where he filed for divorce bc he wants the judge in florida to create a plan so that the kids can see both him and sophie 50/50. but it sounds a lot worse when it sounds like he took the kids and won't let them go back home with mom, even tho they've lived a majority of their lives in the US. if you have an issue with the legality of it all, okay that's fine. but shitting on joe bc he won't break the law to look nice don't make no fucking sense. also i don't believe whatsoever that she found out at the same time we did about the divorce. unless joe hacked her instagram, no one forced her to post the same announcement about it as him.
i think the main problem is that this is becoming fandom drama and it's way more serious than that. this isn't some silly internet feud that went too far or some dumb beef between two random celebs. this is a family that is falling apart and ppl want to randomly throw taylor swift in there bc "omg soph is such a queen for hanging out with joe's ex" or whatever. like dear god touch grass, holy shit. i don't think either one of them are acting like an adult should. you have kids, keep all that shit private. i shouldn't know about your divorce as it's happening.
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assrotea · 4 years
R A N D O M A S S T R O N O T E S pt. 1 🧿
This is a series of observations I have, it is very personal and i don't mean they are 100% accurate... they're just MY OPINION.
🥛 Sagittarius unlike popular belief, are incredibly pessimistic but they just choose to see the glass half full. 🔪 Cancer energy has to be one of the scariest of the zodiac and ppl always paint them as cry babies. 🌿 Libra / Virgo dominant people tend to place manners and refinement above any other quality. 🧿 Usually there is a dominant sign that always pop out in your family chart, like there are always a few signs that appear in every member chart and you probably have it in yours too (either from your mom's side or your dad's) 🧿 On that note, your mom's ascendant sign will probably be really prominent in your chart 🧿 Lilith has been and still is the scariest topic (IN A GOOD WAY!!) to me regarding astrology, I look at it very very respectfully 🧿 Capricorn Mars people have a thing for gambling 🧿 🗡 Virgo mars are often overlooked but they are amongst the 💣🗡 scariest placements 💣🗡 when angry. 🌿 Pisces are what people think libras are 🧿 Aquarius ppl I've met are really quiet and introverted, not at all showy like the internet says but they do like to stand out, like they take full pleasure on knowing that ppl think they have weird tastes. 💥 Fire signs are water signs on cocaine, the similarities regarding feelings are uncanny. 💥 On that note, earth signs are air signs but after taking valium, their principles are often aligned but the way of doing things is completely opposite 🧿 Aquarius moon men can be really selfish 🧿 Leo venus ppl are more likely to be self centered than a leo moon / leo sun 🧿 Neptune is often romanticized when in reality it can cause a lot of wreck in one's chart or in a synastry chart 🧿 When you have a venus / node connection on a synastry chart, is very likely that you are setting the stage to meet that person in other lifetime rather than having the relationship in this one 🧿 Your descendant persona chart is what you should look at more when wanting to know what type of ppl / energy is best for you 🧿 Capricorns have an excellent sense of humor (this is a very personal one, don't @ at me) 🧿 Taurus ppl (not only sun sign) will feed you (and hate every second of it) even if they don't like you, just because they do not like not being polite 🧿 Scorpio moon / mars tend to display all the typical bad traits described by the astro community more than a scorpio sun / venus 🧿 If you share the same mars sign with someone, the mutual understanding on how you deal with things is amazing but you will never be able to calm that person or viceversa when angry 🧿 Moon conjunct moon can be super binding but has the potential to be super toxic 🧿 Geminis are amongst the least judgmental people out there 🧿 Pisces / Capricorn / Cancer and Scorpios like to listen to sad music in order to get sad or get even sadder 🧿 Aries venus / dominant folks have a love hate relationship with strong ppl, they love it and want to have it but once they do, if the person does not submit to them they're like 😡😡 🧿 In a women's chart (or anyone who identifies with this gender / energy), what points to her ideal type is a mix of Mars, Jupiter and Venus 🧿 You sometimes will not feel super connected with your sun sign yourself (even if ppl say they see the traits in you) until you reach certain age, and I've found this is specially true with capricorn sun sign people 🧿 If you have a night chart, malefics hit harder ☠ 🧿 Having a 12th house stellium (on the good side) can make a person REALLY crave to be helpful to humanity 🧿 Aquarius moon / venus people have THE hardest behavioral patterns when in a relationship 🧿 This is a no brainer but when there's someone who everyone loves or is very popular and you don't feel anything towards them? That's bc you probably have almost no aspects to their chart (even if it's a celebrity or summ) 🧿 The empty parts of your natal chart are often things you don't really have to master / work on too much in this lifetime 🧿 When looking at your juno (corrector had me cracking up putting junk instead of
juno lol) check the house where is placed and it will paint a more detailed picture of what you want in your future partner
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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mbti-notes · 3 years
Anon wrote: Hi! There are probably no answers for this that aren't simple or obvious like,exercise more! or volunteer but still. Sorry in advance for the long whiny ask.
INFP and autistic (so,like,INFP squared? or is being typed infp a common co-morbidity to autism lol bc I have seen this combination A LOT. anyway not a great mix,would not recommend 0/10) person here. I'm currently not able to work or study. I can't fix that. My country is pretty awful and there is not much hope. I can't fix that either. The internet used to be a window into a different,better,kind of reality,and it's where I could find people who felt and thought the same as me. That was pretty good,actually.
As of summer 2020,that has started changing. It's a bit funny how everyone dumping their issues and loneliness online has made the whole landscape uninhabitable instead of bringing comfort,but,well. Anyway,I keep trying to make accounts to just talk about my interests or to simply feel that I belong somewhere and that I am understood. But then I abandon them because none of my opinions and core values fit in any specific internet persona mold now. There are tribes everywhere and I hate all of them. I can't lie,I don't have the energy to defend so many supposedly contradictory sides of me that aren't even relevant to anyone,and I hate being judged unfairly and being attributed intentions I don't have. Instead of finding my niche,I discover that out of 10 online people I might have connected with,I strongly disagree with all 10 of them on issues I won't budge. I just hate everyone now. And I lost the additional bit of hope I had lol.
I had so many ideas and plans about the content I wanted to make,online. Instead,now when I try to imagine the types of people who have liked or might like my stuff,and the ones who disliked me,they all look the same in my head. I just feel like closing shop and running away. I've lost the desire to share any part of me with others. So the inspiration is gone too and can't even work on anything. There is no imaginary audience I can trust or can confide in.
Irl expressing myself was rarely possible. I don't know what's the most common type here,but most people in my environment were very judgemental idealists acting like 'rational' self-sufficient cynics for some reason(unhealthy FJs I guess?). They hate 'cringe' display of emotions and 'unprofessionalism' in women(men get away with everything)more than they hate actual criminals. I was not able to connect and share ideas even with the people I had a lot of values in common with and who did the type of activism I was interested in. Not gonna lie,that was a huge blow. They were so close but so far,and I could not bridge the distance.
Also there are no good mental health services,mostly because of poverty and corruption. The fucked-up "pull yourself by your bootstraps and stop whining" and "look at you,entitled snowflake wanting special treatment,just endure it like the rest of us!" culture surely doesn't help. This isn't just conservative old men saying this but people from my generation. I wanted an escape from that.
But I just don't know where I can go from here. IRL was bad but I had such hope for existing online,at least. Until a couple months ago,I was still able to imagine people I might be able to resonate with,some day. I actually encountered them a couple of times,and it was everything I needed. But now,inside my head,everyone is disappointing and unreasonable and hateful and not worth it. I can't live like that but I can't live without people either...
Making something I'm proud of and showing it to someone who is not my mom lol is a basic need I can't fulfill now and it's driving me mad. And the problem with autism is that I literally can't do anything if there is not an image of how it might go in my head already. I don't know how to explain,even if my future best friend would be sitting next to me,if I did not have a slot in my head already prepared for that,I would be unable to recognize them. I'm so sorry this got so long.
I understand your disappointment and dejection. Feeling out of place isn't a nice feeling for anyone. You can't control other people. You can only improve yourself and your social skills. I see some problems that might impede your ability to socialize well:
1) Hungry for Validation: Do you only engage with people to get validation? Do you only create to get applause? Whether or not you succeed in doing something begins with the intention you set. Start off with the wrong intention and the results will be unexpected. If your intention is really just about using people as objects to feel good about yourself, is it really a surprise when they refuse to be used by you? Would you like to be used and disposed of when you are deemed useless? That's no way to treat people, is it?
2) Hypocrisy: You are pleading for like-minded friends out of one side of your mouth and then bashing "tribe" mentality out of the other side of your mouth. Methinks you are not so dissimilar from the people you condemn, since you are merely seeking your own tribe, just like everyone else?
Having contradictory beliefs means that there's something wrong with your belief system. Being unwilling to examine your own faulty beliefs means that you will never truly understand yourself, let alone others. How, then, are you meant to make real friendships? It seems that your social skills won't improve unless you take a good look at all the ways in which you sabotage relationships all on your own, aside from what other people do. This blog is for self-reflection, not for ranting.
3) Pessimism: Your perspective is too negative. If you are only able to view the world through the lens of your past disappointments, you will not see any hope, because you will only be looking for the "evidence" that confirms and affirms your disappointment. This is how pessimism, helplessness, powerlessness, and resignation get entrenched in the mind.
All people have a mixture of positive and negative qualities. All places have a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant people. When you are pessimistic, it means you only see the negative in everything. Pessimism is one common way that people destroy their own hope and motivation. It is a common sign of Si loop.
4) Judgmental: You decry people being judgmental while being quite judgmental yourself. Your opinions about everyone, including yourself, are quite negative, full of ego and righteousness, and too black-and-white. This will certainly prevent you from making friends. How can you get people to like you when you don't even like yourself? How can you like people when all you ever see is how they don't measure up to your lofty expectations?
What you don't understand is that beliefs =/= identity. People adopt a lot of their beliefs and values without much thought, because it happens unconsciously when they are children. If they are not given the encouragement and opportunity to examine and change their faulty beliefs, why would they? Much of the time, people hold the wrong beliefs out of ignorance rather than malice, yet you treat them as malicious, hate them, and dismiss them as not worth your time. If you don't want people to misjudge you, criticize your "contradictory" beliefs, or judge you for the worst version of you, are you willing to be the first to start choosing a different way?
When you are too judgmental of people, you operate under the assumption that they are irredeemable. Warning: Damn the world, and you will damn yourself too, because you are a part of the world, no matter how much you try to deny it. Empathy is required to see yourself and others as human, redeemable, and worthy of encouragement. You are sorely lacking in empathy and that's something that can be improved upon, if you cared enough to do so. Lack of empathy is a common sign of Te grip.
5) Poor Social Skills: Since you are negative and judgmental, have you considered how that affects the way you interact with people? Nobody deserves to be bullied or trolled. However, there are ways in which you might inadvertently invite people to bully or troll you. For example, if you're unwilling to examine your own faulty beliefs, you unconsciously attract people to criticize them, because deep down, you know that they need correcting. If you're going to dish out moral judgment all the time, then you invite others to give it to you in return. Perhaps you need to think more about how you present yourself to people and what effect it has on how they approach you.
I've written before about how social media isn't a great place to socialize and make friends. In many corners, it is indeed toxic because of the lack of accountability. Social media invites people to be their worst self in order to boost website engagement, and it sounds like you are a victim of that as well. Healthy relationships require responsibility and accountability from both parties. Are you responsible in your dealings with people? Are you accountable for any negative behavior of yours that is harmful to relationships? You say that you were with like-minded people and still couldn't succeed. That should make you suspect that the problem lies with your lack of social skills.
ASD is a legitimate concern. But beware of using it as an excuse. I've known plenty of people on the spectrum who are high functioning, willing and able to learn better social skills. If you are serious about building a better social support network, you'll have to put more effort into improving your social skills. This doesn't guarantee that every relationship will be successful. Having good social skills means that you know how to take full advantage of every opportunity for improving your relations with people. See the relevant tags and book recs on the topic.
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hi Kokichi! I need a bit of advice,,, my mom thinks that everyone on the internet is out to get me and hates the idea of me having online friends. she yelled at me for like an hour abt it, but honestly the internet is the only place where I can make friends without panicking bc like, ✨anxiety ✨. As for them possibly being like 40 y/o we have shared pictures and video and voice chatted with each other. It’s not like I’m naïve, because I know a lot of internet safety! wanted to know ur opinion :[
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“welllll....the internet can be a really scary place...
some people can be super creepy, i’ve seen my fanfiction y’know?....
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but the internet can be super important for online friends! the mod has anxiety too, they totally get it! 
and as a supreme leader, i couldn’t have 10,000 D.I.C.E. members without the internet! they’re not all creepy weirdos, all of my members on here are really nice! and that’s definitely not a lie.
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sooo i think your mom’s overreacting a bit. 
but she’s probably just really worried y’know?
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just make sure you’re being careful, ‘kay?”
-Kokichi Ouma
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dimonds456 · 3 years
Thoughts of the night: I'm 23, when internet became normality it was probs around when I was 14. That age I was "pfft this is my DOMAIN!! I know everything! Adults are worrying for NOTHING! I know the rules and the warnings, I grew with them!!" But now, today, at my 23, I look at youngers and am "BE CAREFUL YOU DIPSHIT!!! Stop looking at pron, wtf? it's not for you!!!" This came to be bc today a family moved beside my house, I saw they're son and thought "oh probably a high schooler! he's a cutie, good for him! and wow he's taller than me!" (I'm 5'10), but NOOO they're 12!!! The make up transformation that became even more on spotlight with tik tok are now coming naturally as they grow, I mean you see CHILDS of 12yo with the bodies of a high schoolers! And it scares the crap out of me (and I know it's the heavy chemicals, fertilizers and the stuff they feed the cattle), bc that "I'm the shit and know better than adults" mentality have one more supporter, the f*cking beauty market (and the creeps from the internet, which was always a problem and worrying abt them is already implicit as common sense, thank the gods). Worse is when the adults see them and treat them as adults as well!! LET. THEM. BE. CHILDS. ...I hate this (sorry for heavy shit like this, but I thought abt it and I think you're rlly cool and have some cool opinions and points of view, even though I follow you for a short time I already super like you and your blog! sorry if this is weird or annoying though...)
I was on vacation with my mom and grandma about a year ago, and I had been thinking about this at the time. This is one of the big moments that convinced me I have ADHD, sidenote. I told them that makeup is just as bad as drugs, because of how people get addicted to it.
Now, this earned me quite a few looks and scoldings, but honestly? Even if that initial statement was very extreme, I still hold that same sentiment.
Makeup is marketed specifically as something that every girl should need. Not want, need. You need this to make yourself look pretty. You need this to make people like you. I watched confident girls go from taking names and kicking butts to scrambling to find lipstick because they had lost all confidence that they could be themselves without it.
It scared me. It still does.
Makeup is a mask you put on. It's not the real you. And to people who wear it, the thought of ever taking it off is terrifying.
Here's the thing, though- makeup doesn't change the way you act around people. Makeup doesn't change your personality. All it does it alter your confidence in yourself.
I agree. Young people shouldn't be wearing it, and a lot of things that young'ns do that mimic adults is also scary. They dress up like they're 20 rather than 12 because they're convinced that's the only way adults will take them seriously, then once it becomes a habit, it's hard to break since they've latched onto this concept so strongly that it's a part of them now.
It's scary. It's sad. The internet has just made it worse, because now they get praised for it by everyone, since everyone they know (and then some) will see them.
This isn't the case for everyone, obviously. There are some people who just like to use it, and dress up to look nice with it. Men, enbies, and women alike will use it to make a statement, or to just feel good. That's perfectly fine! More power to you! But I'm talking about the people who feel like that physically cannot be seen if they aren't wearing makeup. People who will actually cry if they find out they don't have spare eyeshadow in their purse.
The worst part is that this isn't taken seriously. "It's just makeup, it's not harmful unless you use the wrong products." No, it is harmful. Y'all just not looking hard enough.
If you're under the age of 18, please listen to me. Don't do this. Yes, it makes you feel confident and makes you look beautiful, but if it's getting to a point that you can't wear it without it taking a chip out of your confidence, DON'T. That's more reason to NOT wear it.
Wear it as an accessory, not a mask. If it's a mask, then please consider opening up and showing us the person behind it. I promise you're not ugly. I promise you're not less fun to be around. You can still do your hair and clothing (though try not to sexualize yourself, either, and if you don't know what that means, DM me or look it up), and you'll still be beautiful.
There's my hot take for the day. Take it or leave it.
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mikemoon · 3 years
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( choi yeonjun, cis man ) have you seen MICHAEL “MIKE” MOON ? i heard HE is a COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR at SAN VERTO COLLEGE and an EMPLOYEE at HALL OF FILM. they’re 22 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for 6 YEARS. they tend to be CARE-FREE & ADVENTUROUS, but rumor has it they can also be GRUMPY & CLUMSY. [ tally, 25, gmt+4, she/her ] @foolsstarters​
tw // mentions of depression, cheating, divorce, underage drinking and smoking
michael moon, born myungjun moon –– choi yeonjun fc
birthday: september 9, 1998 - 22 yrs old ; virgo
cis man, he/him, bisexual
born and raised in philadelphia, pennsylvania
mike grew up being an only child, and always around the company of his mother in their house. his father was always traveling back and forth from south korea to the states for work. his parents have met at work on one of his father’s trips to the states, and they fell in love. his mother being american-born, she couldn’t really leave philadelphia. she loved it there. so they decided to keep it a long distance relationship.
sometime during those fleeting meetings, she had gotten pregnant with michael. and of course, his father spoiled them both, giving them everything they wanted. he never left them to fend for themselves. when the boy was born, his father named him myungjun, and his mother decided to name him michael for his english name. the nicknames jun, mike, and sometimes junnie were often heard whenever his parents or childhood friends called him.
up until mike was five years old in 2004, he’s lived with his mother, while his father was leaving and coming back for a week or two. but that year, he’s finally moved to the states and stayed with them for longer nights. he even finally married michael’s mother. of course, he still disappeared for a few days or weeks on end for work.
but that was also the year michael’s mother found out that her husband was with another woman. michael has never seen his mother break down like that before. sadly, the young boy was peering into the room when the fight happened and witnessed everything. his mother made her partner choose between the two women, and he eventually told her that he was going to divorce his first wife for her, and appeared to have gone through with his promise. because after that incident, he’s been around more often.
by early 2015, when michael had just turned 16, his mother had gotten a teaching job in ashdown academy, which resulted in their move to san verto, california. meaning, new school and new friends for mike. meanwhile, his dad was still traveling a lot for business and coming back whenever he could.
michael has grown up as a cheerful and energetic child. his friends at any school he went to would tell you how much of a great friend he is, how trustworthy and caring he is. it was so easy for him to make friends anywhere. he was the type of friend who would smile at you and listen to you talk on and on about whatever you liked, and the type who would cheer you on with anything you want to achieve. he wanted everyone to feel included and loved.
so it wasn’t that hard for him to get along with new people once he moved to town. he was a very social person. 
he was also the type of teenager who was out there doing things he wasn’t supposed to. he missed his old friends and his old home, but he wanted to have fun with all the new kids he was befriending. that simply resulted in him going to house parties as an underaged teen to ‘have fun’. his mother didn’t approve of him coming home very late at night, clearly smelling like smoke and alcohol. 
internally he was a depressed mess. of course, no one is completely happy as they grow up. his family was a mess, even if it appeared as fine to everyone else. his family life affected him so much while growing up. mike sometimes could disappear for a few days in his room, and it was always during some of his bad spells.
what made it worse was the day he found out the truth.
it was 2017 when michael walked into his father’s office in their house, looking for him to ask him about something. and instead of finding the man, he found a stack of papers poking from underneath his father’s laptop. upon closer look, they appeared to be divorce papers. michael’s heart sunk, thinking his parents were breaking it off.
michael is a curious kid, he couldn’t help but close the door and read the papers. but what he saw wasn’t his mother’s name, it was another woman. his heart raced, as he put things back where they were and immediately left the room. michael had found out one of his father’s many secrets. he never divorced his first wife all those years ago. he lied and somehow stayed with both women without suspicion... well, until now. clearly the other woman was breaking it off for a reason. 
michael couldn’t help his curiosity. he came back to the room later that night and snapped as many pictures as he could of evidence he could find. he even found his father’s phone (which was easy to figure out the password of) and found a plethora of pictures of the man with a different family, different kids and a different partner. he airdropped the pictures to himself to avoid leaving any traces behind and quickly left again.
a quick search on facebook, and he managed to find the first wife. it was easy with the name and pictures he had. if anything, michael prided himself on being a good internet detective... or stalker. he spent everyday trying to find the rest of the family on the internet. he found the woman’s young daughter on instagram and twitter, along with her older son’s accounts as well. it felt weird. it was a constant “now what?” for michael. he’s found them. what was he going to do now? he couldn’t just message them and tell them everything. and he couldn’t break his mother’s heart by letting her know.
except he had to let her know. he could never live with the fact that he knew his father was betraying her this entire time. and so michael told her everything, and after comforting her all night when she broke down yet again, she immediately ended things and asked for a divorce. now it was just michael and his mother, all alone. and for once, having to get by on their own.
thankfully they were safe, with his mother’s amazing money management skills, and the job she got at the academy, they managed to live their regular lives despite the heavy feeling of a broken family looming around them. the two just wanted to be happy again.
michael spent the next few years trying to lead a normal life. his mental health had gotten worse after everything he’s found out. he went to college, and he continued trying to do well in school. he really wasn’t the best when it came to grades, but he was trying his best.
and truthfully, he couldn’t help but make a few spare accounts on some social medias to follow his father’s other family.
but he eventually decided to just let it go, assuming they definitely knew about his mother and himself, which would explain the first divorce. so he decided to put it in the past and move on.
his mother has moved on as well. she found herself someone who actually cares about her so much (mike’s stupid ass has done a secret background check to make sure this dude wasn’t another cheater lmaoo) and now mike isn’t an only child anymore. it’s been 2 years since his little sister yuna was born, and he loves her so much. he still isn’t used to the idea of a new fatherly figure in his life, but he’s.... getting there. 
little dumb hcs
mike majors in computer science at san verto college, with a concentration in game development and design
hes a lil gamer boy,,, u KNOW he’s that annoying dude with a gamer chair that has a sound system in it khjkh
he posted a few videos on youtube but rly just ditched the channel after like a month. he still posts whenever he feels like it tho and it’s usually just.... messy gaming videos or opinions no one asked for
his dad’s dumb ass still doesn’t know it was mike who exposed him to his mother. he thinks she found the divorce papers on her own. therefore.... mike still gets money from his dad on a monthly basis and gets to keep the car he bought him for his 18th birthday lmaooooo a win 
you probably heard me say this before but.... theres a hc that mike is allergic to eggs. simply bc the idea of him shopping in the vegan section is funny to me 
this boy has a love for frogs ? idk where the obsession came from but you bet you’re gonna see a cute lil frog sticker on everything he owns. he doodles them on everything too ? it’s a habit at this point. he also knows random little facts about them and tells them to anyone who didnt ask for them 
. embarrassing but.. this dude... omg.... a big sana stan.... he has a photocard collection.... he went to a twice concert like 5 times.... dont be surprised if you see a feel special sana photocard in his phonecase.... im embarrassed of him 
he also has a hyunjin mcdonalds hashbrown photocard framed that a friend gave to him for christmas bc.. it’s a rare card,,, and you can see it on a table by the door when you walk into his apartment 😭
mike also has a habit of buying things he doesn’t need ?? he has a plushie collection that has been growing since he was young, and now is getting bigger with the rise of squishmallows
there’s this random hc where he drunk bought a cardboard cutout of john cena ,,,, don’t ask,,, it’s currently guarding his room back at his mom’s house djfhdj
can you tell mike is my most embarrassing , most chaotic character,, 
also he moved out after graduating school and when he started to attend college,,,, gimme some roomies pls
connection ideas ??
michael’s childhood friends; could’ve gone to the same school back in philly before he moved away ?? 
friends he made when he moved to town?? mike is very social and was... kinda popular in school, i’d say. he made friends with basically anyone he found interesting
michael’s ex; they could’ve ended on a bad note, or even on a good one and ended up being friends. im really up for plotting anything.
michael’s best friend; PLEASE i love wholesome best friend plots. it doesn’t matter if they met in san verto or philly
roomies pls !!! i would love it if he could have some roommates who have to deal with his very . peculiar decorating habits 
co workers ?? customers ? regulars ? he works at hall of film ! 
like this to plot or hmu !
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jemfisch · 4 years
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⌠ MASON GOODING, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, JEREMY “JEM” FISCHMAN II! according to their records, they’re a SECOND YEAR year, specializing in ADVANCED ENCRYPTION & “MACGUYVER” SURVIVAL SKILLS AND NAVIGATION; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (old hip hop blaring from headphones, a broken crtv with the cords ripped out and repurposed, the smell of spray paint graffiti, brightly colored shirts with 80s patterns). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 06/23/99, they always request their ICE CREAM SANDWICHES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 24, she/her, est ⍀ @gallagherintro
fox mulder (the x files)
hogarth hughes (the iron giant)
will turner (pirates of the carribean)
robin hood
george weasley (harry potter)
spike spiegel (cowboy bebop)
mark watney (the martian)
his parents were high school sweethearts and married just before they attended college at harvard together, securing careers at the kennedy space center. 
jeremy fischman sr dies under mysterious circumstances in a lab accident and ellen is twenty-eight and left alone to raise baby jem. things only go downhill from here. jeremy was the love of her life and she becomes obsessed with his disappearance and all kinds of conspiracy theories, blows a bunch of her money. it doesn’t take long for her to be fired, savings blown on expensive equipment or sunk into internet hoaxes
they move to a rough neighborhood in gainesville where jem grows up. he likes jem, not jeremy, jeremy is his father. he’s never experienced the perfect life his parents used to live, the white picket fence, the shiny space shuttles. he’s only got this, and honestly, he doesn’t hate it. 
the neighborhood’s rough, but there’s a lot of fun characters, and his mom is practically his best friend – aside from his next-door neighbor, NOAH WARD.
jem’s mom does odd hacking jobs from the comfort of their home. some of them are shadier than others, she makes connections with a lot of private investigators in town and looks into people’s cheating husbands and tracks down birth parents and missing people. she does pro bono work too, a kindhearted woman, she can never say no to those in need, even if she’s not so fortunate herself. as jem gets older, he learns everything that he knows from her
every summer vacation growing up, jem and his mom would pack their bags and make home in a camper van, traveling across the country. in some ways, this was great mother-son bonding, but this wasn’t why they did it. his mom never gave up looking for the truth about her husband,  but hacking into secure, top-secret government databases is nothing like hacking into the gainesville city hall, it’s hard work, and they travel around the country methodically so that their signal cannot be traced. every summer they get close, but never close enough.
when noah moves away for college, jem stays home. he’s not comfortable leaving his mom. 
he keeps up with hacking jobs and keeping up with looking for his dad on the side. he doesn’t think they’ll ever find him, his mom holds out hope but jem is eighteen years old and a bit more jaded now, he figures the guy’s just really dead and well, the conspiracy of it all matters less and less when he knows that either way, he’s still grown up without him. 
a lot of jem’s social life is online, whether it’s friends from hacking forums or via soundcloud.
when he’s not hacking, he’s making music. his passions of technology and music mix and he creates his own beats and soundcloud, mashing together songs, and even putting together a popular meme track or two used on tiktok. 
it’s actually a bit lucrative, but that’s not why he does it. doesn’t even really use his name, catch him on soundcloud…username? uncutjems.
every time he and his mom get close to finding his dad, there’s just more to do, and it’s almost like someone KNOWS what they’re doing. 
jem’s right about that – he is being watched. since noah’s admission to gallagher, recruiters have been aware of the boy who taught her everything she knew. 
when gallagher makes the choice to start allowing male students, an agent shows up at his door offering him a once in a lifetime chance at a free education. 
jem doesn’t have any strong ambition to go into espionage, per say, but he won’t say no to advanced classes taught by some of the world’s brightest minds – and a chance to reunite with his best friend. however, he hasn’t stopped trying to get into the government’s records and still has ambitions of going into music production.
INTUITIVE. jem has a natural intuition about things and he trusts himself and his own opinions about things. i suppose you could perceive this as confidence, but honestly he’s just really SMART, good at absorbing facts even subconsciously and putting things together about people or situations. in a sense, he has a habit of being correct – he definitely comes off as intelligent, even though his grades in school have never been very good. he just has different priorities. 
LOYAL. make a friend out of jem and you have a friend for life, he’ll take your secrets to the grade and he’s pretty trustworthy. he’s the type of guy that gets along with pretty much everyone but he has a few select, close friends because he is somewhat intentional about the company that he keeps. he’s friendly and kind, but he keeps his inner circle of people he trusts close and somewhat exclusive. 
PROTECTIVE. kind of has papa bear energy, you know ? maybe the dad friend of your friend group, but in a laid back way, he might not seem like he’s the type to spring into action but call someone close to him a rude name and you’ll see his fist coming at your face. he’s protective but not possessive, i guess is how i would describe it, but i think he gives pretty good advice as well because he’s really hoping the best for ppl. 
MALINGERING. jem is kind of a SLACKER! at least, that’s what teachers have called him in the past, he simply does not dream of labor. he’s just kind of doing his own thing, will fake sick to skip a class, whatever else, even though he likes producing music he doesn’t really have a great ambition for anything, spy or otherwise. as long as he has a good computer setup, then he’s fucking chilling. 
MOODY. he’s laid back to the umpteenth degree when it comes to work or obligations, but he does have sort of mood swings, i guess he’s the sort of person that you would describe as grumpy at times ? definitely NOT a morning person and when he’s in an off mood, he can be hard to interact with or snap out of. 
DISORGANIZED. the sort of person to throw his stuff across the bed or leave piles of clothes on the floor to deal with later, maybe he’s not your favorite roommate for this reason. he has a habit of losing things that he just set down or whatever, things like that. 
tbh you can think of him like...beca in pitch perfect ! he’s here bc he was offered a free education and he’s cool with that, but he’d rather be pursuing a future in music. a damn good hacker, though, and the gallagher recruiters are hoping that with some ‘ambition’ he’ll want to work for the government someday. 
played baseball throughout middle and high school and he’s fairly athletic – he can get pretty competitive when he plays, it kind of brings out a side in him that most people don’t expect to see because he’s fairly chilled out most of the time 
a boss with a slingshot. there is no reason for this, but he had one as a kid and he used to chase squirrels away from the bird feeders outside their home. he has great eyesight and his aim is great, but it’s literally the only weapon he’s proficient in
he’s not tiktok famous for his face, but he has two tiktok famous songs...he’s made like 12k in record deals for selling the rights, it’s just the kind of shit that he does goofing around in music software and he has a good ear for what is going to be catchy
he’s NOT a morning person, definitely a late night kind of guy, will stay up until all hours just fucking around on the computer and then he’ll sleep until 1 or 2pm, at least. getting up for morning classes is a struggle for them and he has slept through them on occasion.
funky sweaters, crazy socks, fun-patterned shirts, he dresses a bit like a circus tent at times, but you can’t say that he doesn’t have style – he dresses well, but it’s like he’s stepped out of a 90s cartoon or something
if he makes u a playlist he either wants to be ur friend so fucking bad or he’s head over heels in love with u
really likes making new things with old technology, he loves taking the macguyver courses and learning new things and he’s actually built his own computer and a lot of his own musical instruments 
usually has a couple bandaids because he’s a bit accident prone or can lose his focus when working in the lab. when he gets in his own head while working on a project, he literally cannot hear anything else – sort of selective hearing
likes fucking around with spray paint, if he can, he’s got a bit of an artistic streak and he doodles stickers on sticker paper sometimes. you can probably catch his tag around campus or even stuck to the latops of his close friends, it’s just a little man with a tv for a head. 
HACKING JOBS – if you STILL need a hacker for any of your wild backstory connections, jem is a great bet. he’s been doing paid jobs for people professionally since he could type, and he’s sort of an ace at getting in and out without leaving a trace...and he’s no gossip. so, your secrets would be safe with him. 
SMOKING BUDDIES – people that he can smoke up with, talk about life, talk about the bullshit of gallagher, but also people he can laugh with that don’t make him feel stressed or concerned about the future. 
MUSIC MAKING BUDDIES – if your character makes music, maybe they can collaborate on something...we’re about to drop the hottest mixtape of all time right here at gallagher academy i will teach myself garageband for this shit...jk but maybe
EX ON BAD TERMS – someone he dated last year...i’m imagining it was their first year and things were really great for the first semester, but shit fell apart second semester along with the school. maybe all the drama on campus caused distance, maybe he wasn’t there for them when they needed it, or maybe they got jealous of the way he always prioritizes noah ? a combination of things, we can hash out the details since i know some of you had some pretty angsty things going on second sem, and maybe it’s awkward now because it feels like there’s unfinished biz. 
EX ON GOOD TERMS / LOVERS TO FRIENDS – maybe someone that was a rebound and things didn’t really work and they saw that, maybe he wasn’t over his ex or whatever but they were able to stay friends ? it’s up to you how your muse feels about it but i want an ex that jem also has no hard feels about and actually is maybe sort of protective of them and cares a lot about them finding happiness, they bonded hardcore. 
EX-FLING – idk maybe they were hooking up for a while and then one of them started seeing someone else or one of them caught feels so they don’t hook up any more but it was super fun when they did !! also down for it to have been like a summer fling and once the summer ended. 
BROS – idk i would like for him to have a squad or something for him to just fuck around with <3 but it’s wholesome and they respect women
ONLINE FRIEND (ANONYMOUS) – he spent a lot of time on forums online and stuff so i’d love for him to have an online friend !! maybe cute if they just know each other by their screen names rn and we can do a bunch of text chats and maybe they both know they go to gallagher but they simply. haven’t met idk
ONLINE FRIENDS – also friends he met online that aren’t anonymous they could’ve met through any number of forums but probably have similar interests like music or hacking so they’re long time homies , someone he’s known almost as long as noah
ONE NIGHT STAND – self explanatory. maybe they’re super good friends and now it’s kind of awkward now and they want to get back to a place of normalcy but it’s simply not normal, maybe they fucked things up by breakin the tension on like. halloween or some shit. 
FRIENDZONED – someone jem accidentally friendzoned and maybe he doesn’t even realize it himself but they had a thing for him and he really just didn’t realize it bc he can’t tell unless you spell it out for him.
CLASS RIVALS – someone who tries really hard and cares about class a bunch vs. jem who doesn’t give a fuck but he keeps making the grade without really trying, so they’re ? bitter about it ? and so the two really do not hit it off because of that and they go back and forth , i just rly want a classroom rivalry. maybe even this rivalry and them nagging him actually motivates to try in the class just to piss them off 
 ENEMY – this person shared a secret with jem and then it somehow got out on the gossip blog idk ! they think jem told and now they hate him. 
anything pls let’s chat !
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