#and as much as I love Arya and Dany I know that not everything in the books series revolves around them lol
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fromtheseventhhell · 2 years ago
The way jonsas say the vilest shit about Arya and Dany 24/7, but will piss themselves and start crying if you say that their precious little birdie isn't one of the key five is so funny. They need their self-insert to the most specialest girl, so of course they loathe actual main girls
It's so funny to look at how hypocritical they are, cause if you give even 0.1% of the energy they have for Dany + Arya to Sansa they'll throw a fit about how misogynistic and hateful Dany and Arya stans are. They're allowed to write essays on how Arya and Dany are "too far gone", how they're destined to die violent deaths, make everything in their chapters about other characters, and act like they're only props for their little bird but let someone say that they don't think Sansa is going to become Queen and suddenly it's the worst crime ever committed against a woman. And you're right...at the root of it is nothing but jealousy. They hate that Dany and Arya are the most important female characters, they hate that they're two of George's favorite characters, that they have some of the highest chapter counts, and that they're connected to so many plotlines. How is their fave supposed to be the most special character ever when they exist?
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amaltheas-garden · 6 months ago
What if Jon's sweetness in the bittersweet ending is his short lived love with Daenerys?
While I do think the show is probably accurate to what we'll get in the books in the broadest of strokes, there are still a lot of other plotlines to get through before Jon and Dany can even meet. For how long his books are, grrm really doesn't cover all that much time, meaning in just two books, Jon has to be resurrected (which I suspect won't happen until around the halfway point in Winds, since there's no point in Jon dying and coming back just a few chapters later), Sansa has to make it to the Wall, Arya has to return from Braavos and confront Lady Stoneheart, Littlefinger has to be taken care of, Jon and Sansa have to retake Winterfell, and the Starks have to reunite all amidst the growing threat of the whitewalkers. On Dany's side, Aegon has to get to King's Landing, Dany has to become leader of the Dothraki, fulfill all the bits of her prophecy (the 'to go West you must go East' one), and rally her armies to cross the narrow sea, and resolve ALL the loose ends in Essos since whence Dany leaves, that will be the last time we see it. And that's not including all the other stories, like the Dorne plot, Cersei/Jaime/Brienne, and Stannis/Davos/Melisandre, or accounting for the characters still very separate from everything (Sam off in Oldtown and Bran doing three eyed raven stuff). And all this is build up for the final cataclysmic conflict, the song of ice and fire. Now, that is a lot of content to get through, and when you start laying out every single thing that needs to be resolved, it becomes rather apparent why WoW is taking so long. The point is, Jon and Dany are not meeting in Winds, and it would be a miracle for them to meet even in the first half of Dream of Spring. That's why I highly doubt the relationship between Jon and Dany will be a genuine romantic one. Grrm is not the type to do a quick, star-crossed lovers plotline that ends tragically all within the span of a few hundred pages. A Jon x Sansa romance makes more sense, seeing as, if we accept Sansa as the girl in grey, she and Jon will spend the majority of two books with each other.
As for the show, there was nothing bittersweet in Jon having to kill his lover after she becomes a tyrant and threatens to murder his sisters, and for him to end the series by leaving his family for a lifetime of solitude. If book!Jon is destined to go beyond the wall after DoS, the 'sweetness' will be in knowing he did everything in his power to protect his family. No short-term love affair with Dany could ever replace the love Jon holds for the Starks.
Book wise, I doubt the Jon x Dany relationship will be one of genuine romantic love on Jon's part (see pol!Jon theory), and while Jon could end his story alone, I don't think a relationship with Dany is enough to fulfill a 'bittersweet' ending. I also recommend this incredible meta on Jon's ending (it does skew heavily Jonsa-centric) FedonCiadale — Sometimes scrolling through the Jonsa tag, I find... (tumblr.com) and they also have some other amazing answers on the bittersweet ending.
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pixiecactus · 4 months ago
I feel like Arya will have a good ending, but won't she have everything? I believe she will end up in a position of power and helping the most vulnerable. However, I think she is too young to settle down. If that happens, at most Grrm will leave it implicit. And I think she may marry out of duty. The North will be completely destroyed with the long night, and political unions involving the entire house are expected to occur. I think it is too idealistic to think that in a bittersweet ending, she will get ~everything~. I also think he will only leave it implicit because he wants the Stark lineage with the classic look (something emphasized in all the books) to continue through Arya. So I always imagined that AxG would not be endgame for these reasons.
But I'm confident that they'll be friends again. On the romantic side, it's harder to visualize because I don't see it happening while LSH is hanging over them. I don't think Gendry would be inclined to pursue a relationship with her...
i agree a lot with you, but i've some different thoughts too.
i think that arya is going to end up being around 14 years old in ados, and yeah, i completely agree that age is way too young, but then again, let's take a moment to think about how the author has also said this:
He said he'll treat some of the younger POVs like adults in ADwD, even though they're technically young adults. Um… he thinks Arya is "older than some of the 40-year-olds in the book", what with all she's gone through. (source)
and just because the same post has this part in it too, let me add it for shit and giggles:
My friend (who is a big Gendry fan) asked him, "Will Gendry come back?" He said yes, and "laughed mysteriously."
but then again, this is the same author who wrote dany being sold as a child bride at 13 years old, and had catelyn remembering that she was betrothed to brandon stark when she was 12 years old and then one of her daughters got betrothed at 11 years old. so, from the way i see it, arya being too young won't necessarily save her of a lifetime commitment.
i think that i've finally come to terms with the idea that the most that we'll ever get if grrm decides to go down the gendrya route is maybe a "it's now or never" confession of feelings and, if we're really lucky, a first kiss, and maybe that's going to be all the gendrya content in the next books, but also i perfectly see, i don't know, some kind of epilogue, letting us know that the relationship didn't work out and they separated, because i think that gendrya is a first love kind of deal at most.
oh my god, i think that i should have put a disclaimer a long time ago that i'm the type of gendrya shipper that, when consuming jonrya content, realizes that "it was nice while it lasted, but we never stood a chance, fam". like, gendry my boy, go home, wherever that may be, and move on. i'm utterly convinced sometimes that grrm loves his jonrya and he hasn't abandoned them in the overall plot.
about the bittersweet ending: well, i've my own selfish headcanon that i think that for arya this could mean that the remaining stark siblings will end up separated again (i say this is selfish on my part, because besides jon and arya, and arya and bran, i don't care about the other familiar relationships, so it won't affect me that much if that is the case, but it's going to be bittersweet because arya and jon are one of the most important and deepest relationships we have between two characters in the books, and after jon, the other stark that loves arya the most is my boy bran)
i don't know, it's just that my brain has the preconceived notion that of all of the stark siblings, the one who is the most interested in building her own chosen family is arya. (and personally speaking, i hold chosen family in a higher regard than biological family, so i'm obviously biased)
this is going to sound so fucked up, but i also hold the belief that everything that arya has lost (her father, her mother, and her older brother) has actually given her the possibility of forging her own way in life, in the way other women before her couldn't (as an example, you don't need to look further than her aunt lyanna)
and another one of my beliefs is that of all the characters that we have in asoiaf, the only one that i can see choosing to marry someone from the smallfolk by her own volition is arya stark of winterfell. and who is going to stop her? jon and bran? both understand that arya wouldn't marry someone only because it's her duty.
meanwhile i agree that arya's "stark appearance" is more important than people tend to believe; i've never considered that gendry's "baratheon genes" could be an impediment for gendrya happening in the future, and you know, i think this is a fair point to make. (unless that "classic look" stark women carry strong genes and "classic look" stark men carry weak genes, so that could explain why jon has the stark colouring coming from his mother and most of ned's children got their colouring coming from their tully mother, but this is purely wishful thinking... forget it; i just remembered that rhaenys got her appearance from elia rather than rhaegar)
i've to admit that as an adult who values friendships a lot more than romantic relationships because the last ones don't mean anything to me, one of the things i'm most interested in and looking forward to reading is arya and gendry rekindling their friendship, and i tend to believe that this is possibly going to happen courtesy of a big gesture coming from gendry, because to this point in the narrative arya is still convinced that he didn't want to be her friend at all, and you know, our girl is stubborn.
thank you for sending me this ask, i'm kind of surprised that anyone is interested in reading my dumb thoughts, and i've been so embarrased lately about this blog and that i posted a lot of dumb stuff when there's people who are more knowlegdeable about the series as a whole than me.
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History Blog recs
One of my Very Specific interests over the last...idk 10 years, has been reading blogs about the A Song of Ice and Fire series, by historians. I'm not sure what it is about those books: the complex, multi-layered narrative, the author's claim to work creatively with real world history, the micro-arguments contained in every arc, or what, but historians have the most FASCINATING shit to say about those books.*
I've learned so much about the logistics of civilization, the intellectual history of leadership theory, the history of subsistence agriculture, the type of agriculture needed to sustain societies of a certain size, the evolution of military theory, etc from this very specific, Historians Engage With ASOIAF and its Television Adaptations genre of blog.
There is, of course, the late great Steven Attewell's @racefortheironthrone, but I recently discovered this gem: A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry by Dr. Bret C. Devereaux. I just finished his series analyzing, problematizing, and ultimately debunking George RR Martin's claim that the Dothraki "were actually fashioned as an amalgam of a number of steppe and plains cultures… Mongols and Huns, certainly, but also Alans, Sioux, Cheyenne, and various other Amerindian tribes… seasoned with a dash of pure fantasy."
In Part IV, he writes:
... declaring that the Dothraki really do reflect the real world (I cannot stress that enough) cultures of the Plains Native Americans or Eurasian Steppe Nomads is not merely a lie, but it is an irresponsible lie that can do real harm to real people in the real world. And that irresponsible lie has been accepted by Martin’s fans; he has done a grave disservice to his own fans by lying to them in this way. And of course the worst of it is that the lie – backed by the vast apparatus that is HBO prestige television – will have more reach and more enduring influence than this or any number of historical ‘debunking’ essays. It will befuddle the valiant efforts of teachers in their classrooms (and yes, I frequently encounter students hindered by bad pop-pseudo-history they believe to be true; it is often devilishly hard to get students to leave those preconceptions behind), it will plague efforts to educate the public about these cultures of their histories. And it will probably, in the long run, hurt the real descendants of nomads.
Which just. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Y'all know how deeply concerned I am a. with the outsize influence the entertainment industry has on memory; and b. how little that industry gives a shit about responsible use of its own power. So like, this is my shit. I'm still exploring this blog and it is a TREASURE TROVE.
**Also, I never watched more than 2 episodes of the show. I hated how it added in sexual violence and nudity for no reason when there was already PLENTY of that in the text, most of it with narrative purpose. But then I read the books because it was 2012 and I wanted to keep up with pop culture.
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pessimisticpigeonsworld · 1 year ago
You know one thing that really pisses me off? When people take attributes, plot points, and arcs of one character and giving them to another. This applies to adaptations, but what I really hate is when the fandom does it.
Like when stansas take things from Dany and Arya, like dragons and Needle, and give them to Sansa. It really shows how they don't actually like her character since they're so invested in her becoming something she never could be. Also they never have good things to say about Arya and especially Daenerys, yet apparently their characters and talents are just fine since they're good enough for Sansa.
I also see this happen a lot with Alicent. I've already talked about her and Aemma, so I won't rehash that. But, I just saw a post of someone coming up with a headcanon that Alicent chose Baelon's egg instead of Rhaenyra. That with people calling her "Mother of Dragons" and drawing her in Valyrian clothing just again shows that apparently Rhaenyra, Daenerys, and Valyrian traditions are totally evil unless their fav is doing those things. I've even seen people giving her Jaehaerys' crown, like a woman ruling is bad, unless it's Alicent. Because apparently her life and titles aren't interesting enough.
These are just examples in the asoiaf fandom. Another fandom that is obsessed with doing this is the Batfamily fandom. The biggest instance that I can think of is in reverse robin aus, where it seems impossible to keep the characters true to their personalities. For example, whenever Tim Drake is the second robin, he becomes Red Hood and does everything the way Jason did. This makes no sense, as Jason’s ties to Crime Alley and his decisions in utrh are not things Tim shares. Unless writers swap around their back stories too, literally nothing that happens in utrh makes sense. But even then, Tim and Jason are fundamentally different people, even if they swap backgrounds, so you'd still have to come up with a new story. What I'm getting at is that giving Tim Jason’s personality, or any other batkid, makes no sense and is just so fucking frustrating.
If you want to write aus where someone swaps situations with someone or if you want to theorize about a character, don't just steal from another character. Especially if you spend so much time and energy disparaging that other character. If you truly love a character, you wouldn't just slap someone else's life onto their's, you'd embrace them for who they are, not try to make them into something they aren't.
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king-jon-stark · 4 months ago
Hello! Sorry to bother. I was just curious about how you manage to be pro Arya, anti Dany, and anti Jonsa at the same time, when the majority of the people in this fandom are either one of these things, but almost never all. This isn't meant to be rude or an insult by the way, I'm genuinely asking. I mostly have the same opinions as you, and I never saw anyone have this combination of opinions all at the same time.
I see someone I agree with about not shipping Jon with Sansa, but then I see another post from the same person where they justify the conquest of an entire continent via medieval-fantasy nukes. The vice verse also happens, of course, where I'll see someone talk about Dany's downward spiral and all the ways House Targaryen has cannibalised itself, but then they happen to have another post where they talk about Jonsa and how awesome it is.
It's weird, it almost feels like political alliances have formed in this fandom. A lot of non-Jonsas are Dany fans - And if you don't like Danaerys, there's always the Sansa fans, but a lot of Sansa fans ship Jonsa and hate Arya - And if you like Arya and dislike Jonsa, there is always Arya fans, but a lot of Arya fans are Dany fans as well, for some reason. It's a neverending loop.
There is no space for someone who likes Arya, dislikes Dany, and dislikes putting Jon in incestuous ships. If you want to comfortably fit into this fandom, you have to pick one, you can't have them all. And for some reason, that makes me feel like a shitty person, like a hypocrite almost. Because how can I agree with these bloggers on one topic while wildly disagreeing on another? It's probably just my OCD-haver brain being a dick, but it feels like a moral failure on my part.
From what I've seen on your blog, you don't seem to have such problems. A lot of the people you reblog when talking about Jonsa have pro-Dany posts, while a lot of the people in your anti-Dany tags are very pro-Jonsa, but that doesn't seem to bother you much. That's something I admire, to be able to agree with someone on a certain point and disagreeing on another in the same breath, while still remaining confident and comfortable in your opinions.
Sorry for rambling and sorry if what I said doesn't make any sense. This fandom tires the hell out of me, so this is a desperate (and probably unsuccesful) attempt at putting that exhaustion into words. I'll be genuinely grateful if you have any advice to give, gods know I need it.
Hey, thank you for your message :)
I don't really get how the fan base became like this. It feels like many people are either obsessively pro Dany and think Sansa is the devil, or obsessively pro Sansa and think Dany is the devil. I don't get why there is this divide because there are so many characters in the books and TV show and Sansa and Dany's characters don't have anything to do with each other until season 8, it's not like they are long time rivals or anything.
My main advice would be blocking tags. I block both the Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen tag, and it makes browsing through the tags and following blogs so much better (although the button to show the post becomes the most tempting thing in the world)
Also, although there are a lot of blogs that are obsessive with their love of Sansa or Dany, there are a lot of blogs that merely lie one or both of the characters - I don't mind that too much, especially when blocking tags.
Something to remember is that this is a complicated series with very complex characters, so everyone interprets everything a little differently. I follow blogs that I don't agree with everything they say, but I agree with them mostly.
I love discussing Dany and Sansa's characters as antagonists. I think they are brilliant antagonists in the books - I actually think that Dany is one of the best written villains in literature, and her chapters are some of my favourite chapters in the books. Because of this, I love engaging with the anti daenerys targaryen and anti sansa stark tags. I go through them every once in a while and then reblog the ones I like, but I don't feel the need to engage with people's blogs beyond that if I see that I don't agree with their opinions on other characters. If you like engaging with these posts I would suggest the same, but if you don't I would also suggest blocking the anti daenerys targaryen and anti sansa stark tags.
It is frustrating at first to see the amount of tags that will be blocked if you do this, but I promise you you will get used to it and be grateful for the tag blocking feature.
The A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones blogs I currently follow are @fleabottom, @jackoshadows, @tarth, @the-king-andthe-lionheart, @gazpachoandbooks, @shieldofmen, @goodqueenaly.
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buttercuparry · 1 year ago
You know it always hurt how the actors who played their respective characters on the show, loved them so dearly but Maisie couldn't ever seem to get that footing when it came to Arya. Emilia loved Dany and Nikolaj loved Jaime. Sophie was obviously on cloud 9 regarding Sansa...but Maisie...every time she spoke about Arya, it seemed like she had nothing in on the character except for those popular misconceptions. I know that this is on the actor themselves but Maisie was so, so young when GoT aired for the first time. Granted she could have given those books a chance later, so maybe this is on her but as an actor she was given a script and whatever she had been given, she always nailed it. She trusted those scripts and it is not like even if she had read the books, she could have had a say in the ( lack of )creative decision of the directors. My point is that there was no love nurtured for Arya in the show. With the plotline where Arya spent so much time on the road, it was necessary for them to dress the actor in rags, but still love could have been nurtured with how one chose to tell the story. I know show only viewers of any series often criticize book purists by saying that not everything on page can be translated for TV and it is true, but that's why we have a team of people working on a show so that even when it becomes necessary to leave out certain things, the essence of story is preserved. Or to even bring the story that has already been told in a book onto new heights ( like I have heard them doing with Jacob's vampire show)...but with GoT and especially when it came to Arya, they cut her down to a deformed skeleton of what the character was actually supposed to be. I don't know if I am remembering correctly but Maisie didn't like those ragged costumes. She was in school and Arya's costumes when on run didn't help Maisie's self esteem, and I understand that the get up with the hair and all was a very important part of the story but Arya had other dresses even when on the run! You are telling me Ed Sheereen ( is that how you spell the name) could be an extra on the set but could not get anyone to play Lady Smallwood? You had Sophie in her #girlboss dress at Vale but not one dress for Maisie with acorns? That's Arya's song. Arya's song with Gendry whom Arya fucked in the show. Stupid ass needle costume for Sophie but not even a rich mummer's cloak for Maisie? You butchered her story, you won't give her more than the bare minimum when it came to costumes. You won't style her...how would she know how to love Arya Stark? I also don't know about her friendship with Sophie. Like that's their business but why blindly agree with everything Sophie has had to say about your character? Like I know there was no research done on Maisie's part...that always sucks. But if the narrative set up by the writers too is that distorted and with a friend whose whole personality during filming was of a Stansa...then yeah it is no wonder why she couldn't really love Arya.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 years ago
there’s this old post that’s a comment on the movie the prince of egypt, the scene where moses kisses tzipporah as she’s sleeping and someone said you can tell whoever animated it had been in love before because of how well they capture the feeling in just a few seconds. i feel similar about george & siblings - sometimes i’m reading and i think “this is a man who adores his sisters” ya know.
i was thinking of that a lot while reading dunk & egg, bc the main series goes more into the painful sides of being a sibling - doran’s grief over being the oldest yet the only one still alive, the repeated “promise me ned” haunting ned his entire life, sansa & arya constantly thinking around each other bc thinking of each other is too painful, dany’s dream of viserys in adwd, and jon’s “what do you know of my heart” and the snowflakes melting in robb’s hair are all some of the most heart breaking moments for me because i can feel how much they long for home and home isn’t a place it’s each other, the pain & longing they feel will never ease because the bond between siblings is so unique it can’t be replaced so you just carry this heavy pain around forever.
but dunk & egg…dunk threatens to clout egg like twice every page but he never does it. egg is always talking back but whenever he sees dunk is serious, he bites his tongue and glowers “as only eleven year olds can.” egg insists on being a taste taster for dunk (a prince, a man who will one day be king, insisting that he doesn’t trust any of these shouty bitches & eating everything before dunk does to protect his bastard born, base born, hedge knight big brother like). dunk is always whinging on at egg like some beleaguered, put upon oldest brother and egg fires back immediately with something stupid. “i don’t want to taste your feet in my food” “well your food sucks shit my feet would only make it taste better.”
dunk says when he was a kid he used to chase scrawny little boys around but was told to stop because sometimes little boys have big brothers. and sometimes little kings have big brothers too!
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rise-my-angel · 1 year ago
Because I love salt, what do you find to be the most annoying lines of so-called evidence or foreshadowing for ships you hate? For me it’s hard to pick just one but Jon saying Sansa looked radiant is up there for me because the idea that Jon had a crush on Sansa in the first book or before is so much worse than the thought of them meeting again and then developing feelings (which I still hate, but it’s just not as bad). It’s super normal for people to think their siblings look nice. Arya’s POV chapters also remark that Sansa is beautiful. Ashford theory is annoying because it was originally about the hound and Sansa (also hate this ship but the fans are a million times more tolerable). I also roll my eyes when fans insist that the bride of fire line foreshadows Dany marrying Jon (and I even LIKE that ship but only in an AU in my head where Lyanna is Jon’s mom but Rhaegar is NOT the father)
"Because I love salt"
You have come to the right place as this is an accurate real life photo of me running this blog:
Tumblr media
Thats a good one I hate though, multiple siblings and family members in this series all compliment one another. Even characters with bad relationships compliment each other. In the books, Arya recalls that her father calls her pretty, which only Jon ever also called her. Does that mean Ned had romantic feelings for Arya? Or Lyanna for that matter? No of course not. Thinking someone in terms of beauty is zero indicator of attraction in any way.
Also its even funnier with Jonsas because Sansa herself notes that Arya looks just like Jon, and then on multiple occasions notes that she thinks Arya is ugly. So, its even less compelling.
In the show Tyrion compliments Cersei's beauty all the time and we know there is nothing to it. It's reading into something that isn't there beacuse if they ignore the way beauty is used in this series as a common compliment towards other highborns, then its a really simple box to check on really stock symptoms of attraction. (I also dont really enjoy Sansan but it is funny how they just stay in their circle and mind their business like they somehow are winning based on being not fucking annoying alone).
I'm gonna rapid fire for Jon here because pretty much every single ship he has is backed by the worst evidence known to man.
The idea that Jon never thinks about Sansa because he loves her the most is dumb and not how we know Jon works. He holds back what he says not what he thinks. He thinks of Sansa the least because despite being his sister, she treated him like shit because she looks down on him for being a bastard. Jon cares about her, but not anywhere near how he cares about his other siblings who have clearly shown him love and respect.
The worst of Jon and Arya is a very very old outline that grrm scrapped. Its an outline that wasnt used and most of it isnt canon so it is literally a piece of non evidence for a ship that is disgusting. (Both Jonsa and Jonrya make Jons good older brother behavior towards his sisters look predatory and the shippers are all literally too blind to realize it)
Jon and Dany have literally nothing to back that up, because they are staged as moral oppositions to one another, dont know the other exists, and the idea that the motif of ice and fire will be about the coming together of romance is antithetical to everything grrm has established about the themes of his story. They are so far from being a ship that literally the ONLY thing they have to support it is the show and thats an absolute joke (see my every post that got me blocked by jonerys stans for more detail)
Ygritte is a rapist, so I accept literally zero "evidence" on that ones validity.
I also hate the "the actors have chemistry" argument to support really bad ships, because some actors having chemistry doesnt equal good romance, it equals good on screen dynamics in its own unique way. Like Tywin and Arya in season 2 have GREAT chemistry, but I don't need to explain why shipping that is creepy. Catelyn and Jaime have great chemistry, but it doesn't mean anything was actually there which could've worked.
Like shipping is fine, but so many people just INSIST it is canon or meant to be instead of something fun to think about. I joke ship about Stannis and Davos because its fun but I'm not over here arguing that people who don't ship it are "ignoring the text in front of them deliberately".
Also honestly, its really funny to me that you had to specify you'd only like that ship if they weren't related. Big oof on that one. Jonerys stans hate the idea they couldn't be related because they somehow think Dany being his AUNT isn't at all creepy. Like, Dany is related to Jon the way Jon thinks hes related to his MOTHER. There is no capability of romance or attraction there, that's crazy.
People who are biologically related but don't know it, 99% of the time are in fact, still not accidentally attracted to each other because that's biological survival instinct. Anti inbreeding protocol. But they think because DANY was raised to think her families blood superiority driven incest is fine, that somehow means JON would think its fine. Jonsas have no argument for that they just have to pray desperately that Jon would want to fuck his little sister despite how much it makes him look like a predator.
I'm sorry, I hope you have water on hand to wash down all this goddamn salt I just threw at you all at once.
Really, it isn't individual lines that irk me, its the overall tendencies of these ships to put more emphasis on things that don't even exist to justify something they don't even realize WHY people think it's creepy. I don't hate a lot of ships, just...all pro incest ones, and ones that promote predatory/rapist behaviors. Which is why I don't ship much in this series.
We're probably not meant to ship many people in this series if I in any way understand even a modicum of why grrm writes the lack of romance the way he does.
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girltakovic · 2 months ago
i would much rather be watching got rn (i got a half second glimpse of charles dance as tywin lannister and started cheering before i realized my mom had set up a house showing today and had to leave) but as i sit here in my truck in the walmart parking lot im gonna compile my thoughts on the series so far. apologies to any veteran asoiaf readers/watchers/enjoyers for the inevitable naïveté of what im about to say
ok starting off basic - here are the characters i like and don't like
he's cool i like him. in the books he seems very...stereotypically conniving mustache-twirling schemer but i love peter dinklage so he's rapidly becoming one of my favorites on the show.
she's awesome what can i say. rest in peace danaerys targaryen you would have loved seventeen magazine and going to the mall. you should have been at the club fr (but im so glad they aged her up for the show good lord)
arya stark is everything i wanted to be when i was eleven years old and if i had been allowed to stay up past 9pm in 2011 i would have imprinted upon her like a baby duck.
see above comments re: arya but replace "eleven years old" with "nineteen years old"
hon. mentions - i like varys and littlefinger (esp his relationship with catelyn) but having not lived under a rock for the last fifteen years i have a suspicion that i will not continue to like littlefinger. we shall see. ned is good too. to be the guy that's on all the box art he doesn't do much, but he's a very solid character and knowing what i know about how things go for him he gets a shoutout. i also like catelyn more than i thought i would. in the book she's very standoffish to jon and he's one of my favorites but her portrayal is a little more nuanced in the show, which i appreciate.
as much as it pains me to say it as a jaime myself i do not like this man. im told he will improve but for now pushing children out of windows and fucking your sister is not hot
"i caved his breastplate in with my hammer. gods i was strong back then" ok and??? what was your whole rebellion for then?? just so you could sit on the pointy chair and drink?? and have your dead crush's brother do all your work for you?? don't pmo. also im sorry how did we not know that joffrey is not robert's son. like is ned the first person to figure out punnent squares in westeros. eddard stark/robert baratheon gregor mendel applied genetics through crop cultivation arc when. be so for real.
so far show joffrey is not that bad. i hate book joffrey with everything i have but ive yet to reach the worst of it in the show, so thus far he's just a pretty average twelve year old imo.
cersei is hot but i can't get a good read on her yet. girl let me be your new jaime
khal drogo is such a nothingburger in the show. man has like three lines so far. "oh jason momoa was so good in got--" he's just sitting there!! that said i did enjoy him killing viserys. good for him
reading the books in parallel to the show (both for the first time) is really interesting i must say. they're different ofc as any adaptation is but so far the show is pretty faithful to the source material. but i do find myself going "why am i gasping? i already knew that" à la mpgis as i watch the show which imo is the mark of good writing and good acting. i fear this will not hold as the seasons go on and the voices of my friends telling me stop before the quality of the writing goes completely down the tubes get louder and more insistent. but i shall persevere
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redotter · 8 months ago
Thought on ASOIAF and GOT
Some background: I own the books since 2014 but I didn't care much for them when I first gave them a try so I stopped after a couple chapters. Then the show was a massive hit, yet I remained uninterested and rather annoyed at how popular it was. But then I watched some tiktoks with best scenes and it really sparked my curiosity so I picked up the books again last year and it was a much more enjoyable read - for once I already knew the characters and the main plot beats from social osmosis so it felt like a reread (I mean this in the best way possible; I could actually focus on the details and make little head-cannons and theories instead of trying to keep up with all the names).
Long story short, sometimes things that are popular... are good. I love the books! GRRM is a good writer and all the negative reviews I've heard about them are not founded imo. For example, while the world is sexist, the narrative is not sexist at all. It has some really well written, strong and complex female characters, and that was in the 90s (I know, the bar is low but I'm giving credit where credit is due)! Now that I'm currently reading the forth book, I decided to also watch the show instead of piecing it together from gifs and... I'm mildly disappointed? Don't get me wrong, it's still a very good show so far, and it must have been mindblowing back when it was still running, I'm just less invested in it that in the books. And I wanna rant about it :^)
Aging up the characters
I entirely understand why this choice had to be made from a myriad of practical and ethical reasons. But it seems like they aged the characters, then kept a couple details from the books that work the way they work because of the age. For example, a lot of Sansa's lines and behavior are written for a preteen girl (her getting her period for the first time, her not understanding Margaery... just generally being naive and child-like). Then there's Jon being a virgin while looking like an attractive dude in his 20s (how could that even happen?). Or the tragedy of Robb fighting a war while so young (at least they changed the wife story, because an adult Stark would never fuck a woman while his odds of winning the war depend on him specifically not doing that). Or the horrible situation Dani is in at such a heartbreakingly young age, stuck between her brother and Drogo. Or Arya being confused for a boy while looking like a woman. All of these characters are also very idealistic and ambitious and have that teenage-y The Power of Believing in Yourself. They all make some extreme choices that a more seasoned adult would be way more cautious with.
2. The sex
Again, I get why it's there (it sells), but the show somehow has more sex scenes that the books? Or is it just me? There's also this weird focus on Renly being gay, which in the books is very subtle. The show also has some sexual violence scenes not present in the books, whose purpose I didn't fully get. Meanwhile, Daenerys goes "all men must die but we are not men *smirk*" as if the creators gave themselves a feminist pat on the back in-between nude scene #30 and a rape scenes #12. I've heard that it gets worse too.
3. The actors
I love all of them, but I feel like some characters are so beloved because of the charisma of the person portraying them. I hated Drogo's guts until he died, same with the Hound. Can't believe they have such a fanbase. Even Daenerys, I like her as a character but her POVs are some of my least favorite. On the other hand, Sansa comes of as more sympathetic in the book, mostly due to the age thing I mentioned. I love Jaime and Brienne just as much in both and I care for Bran just as little in both.
4. The pacing
I have brain rot from fast media consumption, FINE, but some of the scenes move so sloooow. If you put together all of John's POVs, I bet half of it is snow scenery.
5. The setting
Why is everything beyond the wall a dessert? The book has woods, fauna and flora well into the north. Every time I see them march through Antarctica I can't help but wonder what do all of those people EAT. I know that humans can live in harsh conditions, but there's also no fishing options so???
There's some other smaller things (like Stannis being into the Red Woman for some reason) but there's no main category for it. Overall I'll continue watching it cause I'm curious how it will get worse (I already know that it does). And hey, if you've only watched (some of) the show and didn't like it, you might enjoy the books.
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esther-dot · 2 years ago
Assuming boatsex doesn't happen, and that Jon meets the Dragon Queen after he meets and falls in love with Sansa again post-resurrection, doesn't it make sense that Sansa would be around, forced to watch this relationship unfold? Maybe even agreeing with Jon that it's the only political move they can make to ensure the North's survival. Jon has had to put himself in this position before, and Sansa has enough of her own experiences to believe that sometimes enduring the interest of a predator is the only way to survive.
I could see a situation where Jon and Sansa are in love, but it's unspoken. (Because they still believe themselves to be siblings.) D/any takes over, takes a liking to Jon, and decides he's going to become her lover or her three flying weapons of mass destruction might suddenly slip her control. I personally would love a situation where Jonsa talk about what's happening and endure it together. It would be a great way for them to bond, and Sansa could help Jon play the game more successfully than he has done up to now.
Let's face it, he didn't talk Ygritte into much and everyone around them was suspicious of him. Sansa, by contrast, was only suspected by people who were irrational already - like Lysa - or after she was carefully framed for a crime. (It wasn't until the Tyrells killed Joffrey that Tyrion and King's Landing turned on her.) Jon needs Sansa's social graces and the lessons she's learned since they parted.
And I think one of those lessons could be this recipe for moon tea. It's possible Sansa might have to brew moon tea for herself, but it's hard to see her doing so, especially when she has Lysa's example to look at and knows it could damage her future fertility. But could she give it to D/any instead? It would be an interesting way for her story to come full circle. Sansa, who was falsely accused of poisoning Joffrey and became a wanted woman for it, would actually commit the crime of poisoning a monarch this time, but get away with it. D/any would attribute the pregnancy loss to the prophecy, and it would probably drive her to a worse mental state. Especially if it prompted conversations about an heir among her advisors, and she's just killed Aegon. And then the Jon parentage reveal occurs, to make everything worse.
I know a lot of people may not like the idea that Sansa might induce a non-consensual abortion in another woman. But ASOIAF is a morally gray series, and so far, almost all the Starks except Sansa have committed some deeply tabboo or morally questionable act. Even sweet little Bran has eaten human flesh in warg form and warged into Hodor. Arya I don't need to explain. Jon still has the baby swap on his conscience. Sansa so far hasn't made any similar choices. She's kept quiet about horrors she witnessed, but has yet to knowingly do something wrong - something she could walk away from - in the same way as the others. Controversial, I know, but I would like to see Sansa make a choice that dark of her own.
(about this ask)
I wouldn't necessarily mind a jonsa romance that circumstances prevented them from every being able to act on. That could be very compelling, and if Dany were interested in Jon (which I think she very well might be, cuz of that dragon rider/a man she can trust line), it could make sense for Sansa to urge for peace via a political alliance/marriage rather than going to war. Particularly as, Dany's dragons are an overwhelming force, and I actually don't think Martin would celebrate having countless men die at Dany's hands/all that devastation if it was avoidable. LF is currently teaching Sansa how to work people to achieve your own ends, so I agree that there is some aspect of that which will play forward to benefit the Starks.
As for the controversial idea, Martin has indicated that many of the characters will be in a very dark place in TWOW, but I think their actions will fit with who we know them to be, even if there is an escalation, and it will fit with their endgame. A major feature, I'd argue a defining one, of Sansa's characterization is to pity others, to sympathize and want to help them, even when they mistreat her. I agree that Sansa will have some dark (for her) moments in the future, but I would assume that’s more along the lines of lulling LF into a false sense of security before having him killed. Because he’s evil, we won’t mind, but for Sansa, to play him / arrange his death would be a step down a path she’s not taken thus far. We have a prophecy that indicates she will be responsible for his death too. It’s not just that that’s a preferable path for her, it’s a promised one. I imagine that, not something with Dany, is where we’ll see something a little darker creep in.
Also, I am not at all sure that Dany will be pregnant again? It seems important that she is mother of dragons in contrast to mother of people (talked about this some here), so I’m doubtful.
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creative-girl · 2 years ago
This post will contain spoilers to A Clash of Kings!!
I kind of knew that Esred was Asha and when Theon was.... being Theon I felt second hand embarrassment lol. I hid my face in my hands. I felt bad for Theon coming back home after 10 years and realising nothing is the same anymore and no loves you there.
As readers we understand how high the stakes are for the Night's Watch. The others might have trouble believing that dead are coming back to life. I love the court scenes and the small council scenes. I didn't expected Cersei to be as giddy as she was when she heard that Renly and Stannis will be warring each other. Tyrion poisoning Cersei took me by surprise even though he did take the poison from Pycelle. I also liked the confrontation of Pycelle. I hate Pycelle so much.
I forgot that they go to Harrenhal first then they get picked up by BWB. I dont remember much of the show after this point thankfully. I know she becomes a cupbearer for Tywin Lannister. I am so excited to read further.
I am worried for Dany, she is being to naive telling the sailor of her plans to take the Iron Throne back.
I like Meera and Jojen. I feel so bad for Lady Hornwood, she just lost her son and husband and now is kidnapped by a sadist. I hate Ramsey with a passion.
Arya's life in Harrenhal is sad but also interesting.
Catelyn seems well versed in history. First we learned of Harrenhal from her chapters then of Storm's End. I really liked the exchange during the parley. I feel bad for Catelyn she wants peace, she wants her daughters and she wants to go home to her dying father and sons. Catelyn was right Cersei did laugh her breathless laughter when she heard Stannis had gone to Renly.
I feel so bad for Sansa and I hate Joffrey so much. That scene in the court room was so painful to read.
Catelyn's chapter are so sad to read. You can feel her grief and depression through the pages. Renly's death was so intense the moment he is dead the Lords burst in and accuse Brienne and attack her and Catelyn screaming it wasn't her but it's late and everything is chaotic, I love chaos. I feel bad for Brienne she loved him.
I really love the bond Ghost and Jon have. The scene where Ghost led Jon to the grave was intense, I was so on edge I was scared something was going to jump and attack. But I was still surprised when they found that grave. I wonder what it's about.
I don't think I can dislike the Walders more than I do now. They didn't even pretend to grieve their uncle. I also hate Ramsey Bolton, I was so sad to hear the way Lady Hornwood died and the description was horrifying.
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jackoshadows · 2 years ago
@whitedragonwolf4961 in response to the two asks you send me:
1. I don’t think that how the books turn out is going to change anything with Jonsa shippers/Sansa fans in the same way that having pictures from space and scientific proof of the earth being round does not change the opinions of flat earthers. We have 5 books now. Do you think the absurd metas and rewriting of the story and characters we get from these stans have anything to do with those books?
These are the fools who came up with ‘political!Jon’ because they are cinematography experts who analyzed the light coming through a window on the boat when Jon and Dany were talking!!
These are the fools who continue using the TV show and especially show Sansa’s arc on the TV to speculate on her book story despite GRRM repeatedly disavowing that plot specifically in all his interviews and saying that the show and the books are two different and separate canon.
They don’t care!! Even if in TWoW we get Jon and Arya reuniting and there’s lots of mussing of hair and tears and love, they will just replace Arya with Sansa in their essays and talk about how it’s foreshadowing for Jonsa happening in A Dream of Spring.
Even if we get more hints of Jon and Dany being aligned in thought and purpose and of a future alliance between them in TWoW, they will still continue with how Jon is going to murder Dany for his true love Sansa in the last book because the colour red popped up in some corner of his room.
And if Arya becomes the Lady of Winterfell instead of Sansa? I expect lots of essays from bnfs and feminism experts about GRRM being sexist and what not. 100 % sure of this. After all they have been banging on and on about Sansa being the ‘embodiment of hope for the future’, the best politician on the planet, ‘Sansa Smart’, expert on food and diplomacy unlike political noob Jon Snow and violent killer Arya. How to deal with it? Oh no, we did not realize that GRRM is a woman hater who didn’t grasp the awesomeness of a character like Sansa.
2. Regarding Kit Harington and Jon Snow. I tend to not blame the actors for characters they play on TV shows tbh. I put the blame on ultimate hacks, Benioff and Weiss for failing upwards as rich, white men and turning in an horrendous script, full of one-dimensional characters, no plot, no themes and dripping with their sexism, toxic masculinity and femininity. There was really not much Harington could do when the script gave him literally nothing! Book Jon Snow is a rich, complex character with several layers of plot and story telling piled on him over 42 POV chapters. All they gave show Jon Snow was fighting in battles.
I know Sophie Turner gets a lot of hate and she just comes across as the typical rich, white teen when giving interviews. She honestly sounds like the stereotypical Sansa stan on tumblr. And yet the blame lies on Benioff and Weiss for taking tips on writing Sansa/Arya from teenagers reading tumblr metas rather than actually adapting the book you know? Turner was only spouting off what these hacks were putting out there on their TV show. And from everything Emilia Clarke is saying about how she was being pressurized in terms of nudity and sex scenes, the behind the scenes of this show is clearly a very toxic mess.
I think Kit Harington is a decent actor - he does good in comedy and I liked his take on a sleazy character accused of rape in season 2 of Criminal UK. Jon Snow is a hard character to play given how much of his POV is internal and yet Benioff and Weiss did not even attempt to faithfully adapt the book version just like they did not with Arya Stark and instead reduced these characters to tropes.
I honestly can’t say if another actor would have been better in the role of Jon Snow given the material on the show for the character is so poor. Would it have made a difference if they had an Olivier award winner in the role? All this award winner would do is swing a sword around and play supporting prop to other characters.
Actors will also defend the characters they play. We love these characters so much as readers of these books. These actors have spend ten years of their life inhabiting these characters and love them just as much as we do. Of course Kit is going to defend show Jon Snow just like Emilia defends Daenerys and Dinklage defends Tyrion.
I am just going to reserve my ire for
- Benioff and Weiss who seem to not even like fantasy, did not care for themes, characters and the story of the books, did not hire a writer’s room, had only male writers/directors and were petty in firing actors (by killing off their characters) if they criticized the show and
- GRRM, who even after seeing the utter mess D&D have made of his story has failed to finish a book in 12 years including a pandemic where we were all shut up inside our homes for close to 18 months.
GRRM is the reason for why the only ending we will have for this story started almost 30 years ago is the garbage that is the TV show. I am not entirely happy with the adaptation of the Wheel of Time tv show and I can see the showrunner taking hints from D&D in terms of how and what gets adapted for viewership numbers. And yet I am not all that bothered by this because we will always have the books and the book characters. We know how the story ends for these characters. Sadly with ASoIaF we will never have that while GRRM is busy consulting on the umpteenth spin off.
So yeah, don’t really blame the actors. They are only playing characters on a TV show and that depended on the script they got.
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ludcake · 2 years ago
THEON FOR BLORBO BINGO!! also jaime and tyrion<3 trifecta of problematic-to-the-mainstream blorbos
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Clarifications: I think that Tyrion going to Essos is a huge waste of his character I wanted him scurrying inside the walls for six chapters straight before he got out of King's Landing I wanted him actually seething and raging and brought low without anyone to wit at for days before he got to escape and I don't want him at Dany's side. I think that Tyrion joining Dany is a huge waste of the character and think that him joining the Arianne plot and meeting up with Griff through it would've been vastly preferred tbh. Also I used to like his wit, then started to hate him because of his arrogance, and then went back to sort of understanding but still getting bad vibes from him - he's a very complex character and I don't like the mindset he has in his PoVs, doubly so in Dance but even before.
Regarding Theon, I actually... Never really liked him very much before my second re-read of the Reek chapters in Dance, and then I just. I dunno. He's everything he's nothing he's a little brother he's a big brother he's this big full character of contradictions and weirdness and he's constantly being pulled apart at the seams and *that's* what's most fascinating to me about him, rather than what most fandom seems to think. To me, what's compelling about Theon is that he's stretched thin with half a dozen identities and half a dozen different ideas of who he is and who he should be, and he *tries so hard* to be all of them at once and he fails everyone until he's nobody. And then after that, after all of that, he can start trying to be Theon again but I don't think he'll ever have a happy ending I think he'll get the Arya show ending of wandering around without destiny or fate because death isn't done with him but he doesn't know how to be alive either.
While Jaime........ God it feels wrong to write about Jaime without talking about Cersei who is my absolute blorbo. Jaime is so interesting because he's genuinely nobody without Cersei and he has to become somebody the moment he can't just swing a sword at everything and that somebody is so difficult to be. I think that's fascinating. Jaime to me is like... Someone who is very weak? Which may sound odd but hear me out. I think that Jaime and Cersei both have a very fragmented sense of self-identity and Jaime and Cersei's arcs are *both* about spending a life where they have no agency and where they don't exist as independent people beyond being a cog in a wheel, and finally being put in a position where they have to act for themselves, and in the process all the trauma and everything they were is destroyed and just. I think that Jaime is Cersei is Jaime, you know? And when that bond broke, there was just something so... Interesting. Jaime is lovely he's a great character but I can't actually get into braime or anything because in my head he only exists in relation to Cersei.
Anyway, thank you for the ask yin!
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alsethwisson · 2 years ago
what are your top 5 and bottom 5 ASOIAF characters?
Top 5:
Sansa. Like, she's the best, m'kay? It's hard not to like the sweetest, most compassionate and caring person in this whole mess.
Cat. Clever, badass in her own right, passionate and unrelenting, tragic to the core.
Robert. Yeah, I know. Problematic fave. But still he's the best of the Baratheon brothers, the most human of them. He had a lot of promise and a lot of faults and he's interesting to imagine in his youth.
Jon. Again, hard not to like him, though honestly he was kinda grating in the beginning with his grudge against his station in life. Which I can get, but others have it so much worse, but then Jon is disgruntled exactly because he has everything-but-not-quite.
Theon. I have something of a sweet spot for people who destroy themselves with their idiocy, I guess, but I liked his dynamic with Robb and loved his post-Reek resurrection.
Honorable mentions: Vissy3, Aegon2, Baelor the Blessed, Daemon B and other guys who are barely characters, but have my heart.
Bottom 5
Cersei. It's easy because she's so perfectly hateful, isn't she? But that's why she starts this list. She's a villain, and plays her part well, but that doesn't mean I somehow hate her, she's just too perfect for her role.
Daenerys. Again, a villainous character, honestly quite an engaging one, and I have nothing against villains per se. Most of my dislike is motivated by her big and active fandom, I guess?
Arya. I just...don't like her? Don't like the tropes she represents? Both? When I think about her, she's just not that interesting. When I read her POVs, I want to discipline her. She is really not well-written, to boot; I hardly can imagine a noble child so lacking any idea of social norms and customs and her behaviour is one of a modern moody teen isekai'ed into a nine years old from semi-medieval world.
Tyrion. He's just the worst. I hate him with a passion and his chapters make me cringe hard and his ego is the size of the Death Star. But then I remember that he's a villain and feel better!
Arianne. Absolute bottom of my list because she's just. So. Grating. The shallowest, most self-absorbed character in the book where Dany and Tyrion exist. Delusional like Cersei, as badly fitting into the world as Arya and has a touch of authorial racism/misogyny as a cherry on top.
Dishonorable mentions for Jorah the Slaver and Bran the Sexually Precocious.
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