#and art in general does. so much worse when it's actually the artist posting them
deoidesign · 2 months
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"what do hands mean about a character?"
Their hands mean they love eachother
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osamucide · 11 days
cw: talk of mental illness and substance use/abuse, speculation about Dazai’s f’ed up past, Dazai-typical references to suicide, references to self harm, probably a lot of projection on the author’s part
reid: i feel like yapping about Dazai tonight so here’s a non-exhaustive list of general headcanons i have about him. no word count because i’ll probably update this periodically lol
he does not listen to music from this century. he just doesn’t. not that he goes out of his way not to, he’s just drawn to a certain sound that only older music seems to have—I think The Smiths, Blondie, Tears For Fears, The Smashing Pumpkins, King Crimson, and Led Zeppelin are among his favorite artists
I think he also really enjoys classic jazz/blues/bebop music—Charles Mingus, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, etc.
he’s anemic. I’m of the firm belief that Kunikida buys him a 100 ct bottle of iron tablets every 100 days which Dazai always graciously accepts. however, he only actually takes them when he gives enough of a shit to (which is not often) so the bottles are just accumulating on his bathroom sink/in the cupboard beneath
nail biter, cuticle picker, hair twirler, thigh bouncer, etc. I don’t think he really sits still unless it’s absolutely necessary
children love him, much to his dismay. they think he’s entertaining. he thinks they’re like puppies (and he canonically hates dogs). he won’t treat them badly, but he’s just not super interested in interacting with them. unwilling older brother vibe when faced with them. shithead kids can stoke his rage much faster than Chuuya ever could
he cannot take care of a fucking plant. has one succulent in his apartment. it’s surviving out of pure unadulterated spite. he hasn’t watered it in over a year
wearer of funky socks. his favorites are either the ones that say "I love my job ha ha just kidding" or the custom ones Yosano got him as a gag gift one year for white elephant at the office christmas party (they have Kunikida’s rage face on them)
really sad that, despite his criminal record being scrubbed clean, he is still banned from driving in the nation of Japan for the rest of his life because he wants a Ford Explorer so bad
he’s fluent in Japanese and English, proficient in French and Italian, and learning Russian
I think he also enjoys learning math/researching random shit/reading anything he can in his free time when he feels up to it. he never received a formal education and his IQ is through the roof—his yearning for academia is almost like an itch he has to scratch every once in a while. also, he just likes knowing things
he never learned how to ride a bike. wahhhh wahh
BPD king. look at him. my beautiful princess with a disorder. I doubt he’s diagnosed but he strongly suspects it seeing as he’s so self-aware; if not borderline, he just assumes he has severe PTSD. either way, he really won’t do anything other than what he already knows about how to manage it
along the same lines—he’s been a functional alcoholic since an alarmingly young age (I’m talking 16-17). I think it probably got a lot worse post-defection when he was underground, but he hardly had to function then anyway; he gets somewhat better after joining the Agency but still has a dependence, it’s just not severe enough to debilitate him
has a bin of art supplies in his apartment. he only ever pulls them out once every few months, but he rather enjoys painting and wouldn’t mind getting better at it
master at darts. don’t take him to a bar where there’s a dartboard. he will stand in front of it all night and obliterate everyone who challenges him
insatiable sweet tooth. he especially loves anything maple, butter pecan, or butterscotch he’s a grandpa
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madfantasy · 8 months
To fan art and fiction enjoyers:
Please excuse my rage slipping if it happened over having to address this literal mediocrity of a subject in comparison to endless things that actually matters in real life. Because this would be at the scrapping bottom of it, but since the occasion presented itself, here we are:
Do you know there are some, let's say, manners, being in fandoms, and/or in using social media in general? NOOO? 8U
Well, Lets start somewhere!
Like it or not, YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY READ STUFF PEOPLE WRITE. Before you follow, before you comment, before you interact, because if you come across something you don't like, or you started to assume things— that's a you problem and not the fault of the poster.
If you DO NOT enjoy a character, a pair of ship, or a certain head cannon, filter the tag it's used for, Google has free tutorials on how. Most social media have these settings and most decent posters tag their posts correctly. If you keep seeing that pair, you can block the people who create it. You are free to do so ofc but WHY WOULD U come on main and air that out? Personally I find it so bizarre and it could show the type of person you are to other people — a toxic company over fictional substance — and I'd say that is not a flex, more like showing your dirty nappy in public. Those characters you love are not real and so not effected by your high ground stance, but actual humans that share you that love notice and get that impression, and it's a weird one. You SHOULD, of course, set your boundaries, and usually where that is be in your profile, on your bio or a pinned post.
Loving bizarre, villainous, creepy concepts DOES NOT EQUAL morality, nor loving good sunshine and flowers does. It's what a person does in real life what counts, not what they consume in entertainment. In fact, it is not a sign of a good person those who be shaming humans who like different fictional concepts. Or when someone keeps using ai generators knowing full well it's based on constant data theft of all sort of human creators across generations and can not exist without the continuance of this theft. Or those supporting creators that they know did irl crimes. Or those who are Policing what's can and cannot go into fiction as if the fickleness of preference have never let alot of things survive its judgement. And I can go on with the miniature examples. You are forgiven if you did not know before, some people learn through experience, but not anymore when you continue this behaviour. And maybe if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction, and what's more important than what, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be consuming fiction.
DO NOT POST WHAT YOU DID NOT CREATE. Do you like it when people keep posting your selfies that you only ment to share for funsies and what not? Isn't worse if you did not post that selfie in the first place or never wanted it to be used like that? It's the SAME FOR ART. This is the artists work just as much as your face is yours. Social media at the baseline is about who ever the poster is, their posts are theirs. So you posting an artist's drawing, with no permission, no credit to them, no nothing, is not allowed and people can report that. Don't be an ignorant thick fig and play the victim when schooled like this precious dear\s .Reposters disconnect so many content from their creators and this is how alot of beautiful things in life die, by simply not knowing they are loved, shoved into the over consumption machine..
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And lastly, You don't have anything nice to say to OP? Don't say anything! It's not your misguided duty to educate people on how embarrassingly self centered you are, it's okay to be a basic #&★— I promise. It okay to feel out of place in a niche that doesn't concern you. It's okay to realise other people have different perspectives of the fiction work you enjoy. You can sit down.
And I'd like to add, Mani is a safe space for au and ships even if I don't like em, cuz they are only FICTION and will remain FICTION no matter how much I loved them or hated them.
Good day, dears🍀
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lakesbian · 4 months
Very curious to hear you elaborate on your thoughts of dungeon meshi anime sucking! Most of the folks I’ve seen talk about it have been pretty positive, and while as a fan of the manga I dropped out of the anime partway through I can’t really articulate why I stopped watching
this is gonna be pretty unformed but maybe @haunting-hole could add more if she wants. to phrase it to the best of my ability (unfortunately sans picture examples because i don't have time to dig them up):
it looks bad. or, well, the issue is actually that it just looks okay. the lighting is extremely washed out and sterile feeling. the manga has 1. gorgeous art and 2. extremely strong usage of light and shadow to convey tone, and the anime drops the ball both on fully conveying the atmosphere of those environments via their color (because the lighting is sterile and ubiquitous) and on using color in more subtle ways to convey the tone that the manga was initially striking for certain plot beats, whether that be horror or humor or emotional closeness. good example of this is comparing the first fawin fight in the anime vs the manga--in the manga, there's really stark use of light and shadow that adds an immense sense of emotional gravity, and the anime Does Not Have That
i think it in general lacks the artistic nuances that make the manga good...like first fawin fight as an example again. when she rips her shirt off in the manga, she's extremely bloodsplattered with a horrifyingly slackjawed, unfocused, animalistic look--she looks like a predatory animal. in the anime, the expression is altered in a way that makes her appear significantly more in control of her faculties than she actually is. or directly compare delgal's birth in the manga to delgal's birth in the anime--the one in the manga feels extremely personal and intimate and human, and the one in the anime has absolutely none of that weight because of how the scene is designed and drawn
i understand that things have to get cut out oftentimes in adaptations but i cannot fathom why they decided to cut namari explaining how resurrection works because it's literally Critical context for understanding the plot event of why everyone is so horrified when they find falin's bones. the sense of dread is so much more significant in the manga...i remember seeing a big post having 2 explain why this was a big deal 4 anime-onlies bc they were just straight up missing the critical worldbuilding detail that Resurrection Doesn't Fucking Work So Good when someone is just Bones. like please. that's importance.
the manga does comedy, horror, horror-comedy, extremely convincing character-focused emotional intimacy, etc. the anime has like. i don't fully know how to articulate it, it tries to recreate panels one-to-one but it ends up coming off as awkward and jarring instead. toshiro and laios' fight is particularly dire for this. i haven't watched the most recent episode myself but my friend whom i trust to be so right about dungeon meshi reported that it completely shits the bed on giving senshi's backstory the same compelling gravity as the manga. and also they put one of those overly cheery shiny yellow backgrounds over a group hug scene that's incredibly cozy and intimate and not at all humorously played up or lighthearted in the manga.
like, i think it really just boils down to the fact that the manga is a solid 5/5 with broad appeal, and the anime is a 3/5 mediocre sort of situation you just kinda drop without really thinking about why. just starkly milquetoast compared to everything the manga does. the anime being this popular is like watching people flock 2 outback steakhouse when a michelin star restaurant is right next door handing out free meals. it's Fine, it's Perfectly Serviceable depending on how distinguishing your taste is, but it's distinctly worse in comparison to the manga, and i don't care about seeing the same story rehashed in a diminished quality
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vergess · 9 months
sorry if this is an odd ask to send out of nowhere but i thought your mlp post was really interesting! could you go further into detail about what you think the show does wrong in later seasons? you don't have to, i'm just curious since i really like the show and it's been one of my hyperfixations for a very long time & you have really interesting takes/meta on things in general
thank you for your time!! :3
It very much gets "less about girls" as it progresses. People's background friends/family are suddenly almost always male, for example, with Fluttershy getting a brother, Rainbow Dash's other school friends being male, her dad being more prominently played than her mom, things like that.
This isn't even a bad thing!
While I would argue, and have before, that a show almost exclusively about women is an important thing for the media landscape compared to the glut of All About Men shows?
The reality is that any artistic lens that focuses exclusively on a single gender is going to be worse for it, if for no reason other than where are the trans people.
A truly "gender neutral gaze" would be the ideal, but to be honest I don't even know what that might look like. I can at least conceptualize the female gaze out from existing, limited examples of female led production for a female audience.
But in terms of, IDK, a trans-led production for a genderqueer/neutral audience, I don't even know it that kind of thing exists. It must, because well, trans people are everywhere in the indie arts, but I have never seen it.
Certainly I've never seen it around a kid's show. And one of the things that makes kid media so easy to analyze is, the "allowed" topics are fairly limited. When sex is off the table, you can devote that time to deepening friendships. When men are off the table, you can spend that time deepening female characterization. etc etc.
So anyway, while I would say a female gaze is preferable to a male one in this male dominated society, both have their deep shortcomings. The way MLP handled male characters in S1 by either not having them, or having them be kind of the butt of the joke (Spike) isn't actually a good thing, just a very different one than is common. And there are plenty of ways that the show mistreated Spike particularly for Being A Boy that would make me hesitate to suggest season 1 to, say, trans masc viewers.
But then there are some ways that I can safely say later seasons are just worse.
The fat jokes, for example, were Not A Thing in S1 and as a fat viewer that was a huge relief at first, which became a sharp slap in the face as characters began making fun of heavy eating or using obese background ponies as gross out gags, etc.
On the other hand, the racism very much was present from the beginning, as evidenced by Over A Barrel's portrayal of native americans as literally another species. And that's before we get into the sheer racism of pony colonialism in the first place. Also Zecora the Zebra's... situation. Which was okay as a one off bit in S1, trying if not succeeding at the message of "different=/=bad."
But, like many of these early flaws, the later seasons magnify the problem, especially when the show tries to approach real world issues. Just off the top:
Zecora becomes the magical negro whose mystic knowledge transcends that of the pony gods.
Gryphons become antisemitic stereotypes, obsessed with cash hoarding and isolationism.
Yaks live in technologically inferior wastelands of Yakyakistan, where they are loud, rowdy, and even dangerous.
Dragons are... just... really fucking bad, like by nature, with rare "good ones" going to live among ponies to become civilized.
The fucking saddle arabians apparently just Not Having Perfomance Art and needing to be taught by Trixie.
The kirin being very literally silent to show how zen they are, needing Westerners to give them back their voices.
The sheer audacity to bring Little Strongheart back in the fucking finale and "assign" her as Applejack's token buffalo friend (not even RD???) after AJ and her family nearly wiped the buffalo out and fully never fucking apologized
There's definitely more. Basically every single non-pony species shown to be sapient ends up some kind of a racist mess. At least cows are just like... white people from wisconsin so there's less racism inherent to their depiction but even then...
There are also ways in which the attempts to cater to a male audience weaken the show's overall presentation. Ponies with adult men's human meme images as cutie marks started popping up, for example, which is again not a bad thing, but weakens the overall fantastical world building.
Likewise, the attempts to modernize the setting are... um. Let's go with uneven.
In S1 technology is firmly pre-industrial Euro-Fantasy. I'd put it around 1770-1800 in the human western world.
By S2 there is an electrical grid even in "small" towns like ponyville, something which in the human world didn't take place until about150 years later, with another 50 years to roll out things like video games, which also start appearing.
But only for ponies.
Never for the other species.
I get why they did that. It's a "have your cake and eat it too" scenario where they can keep the pre-industrial fantasy tech level sometimes, but use a modern tech level at other times. It opens up more storytelling options. And it's not like the magical horse universe needs to obey our physics and timelines.
But then why only ponies.
All that does is deepen the racial division between ponies and other species. Which the later seasons LOVe to do. Deepen racial divieds.
After all, in S1 most other species (cows, gryphons, etc) were shown to live in equestria too. But in later seasons, are revealed to live in cloistered ethnostates nominally self ruling but in practical terms subservient to the equestrian state if they want basic rights like the fucking sun.
Which acts to retcon Spike's hatching and adoption from something very heartwarming into something very horrific.
Honestly, the "male gaze" is not the issue I have with late seasons of MLPFIM. It very much comes down to "this show got SO fucking racist SO fucking fast what the FUCK."
And that probably would have happened with all female writers and directors, too, if they were mostly white.
This all makes me sound like I hate MLP, but I promise you, all of this criticism comes from a place of utmost love. This show is really, REALLY good. It is charming, beautifully animated, excellently directed, with passion poured into every aspect of the visuals, the audio, the stories, the characters...
That's what makes these constant missteps so painful to encounter.
Because the highs are so high!
I mean, the movie easily constitutes the best 2D animation out of the western world in DECADES and every track on the album is a banger, and that's just the movie. Cartoon movies aren't exactly noted for their stunning quality, but MLPFIM sure as fuck stuns.
And when the highs are that high, oh man, the lows look lower by comparison.
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mostspecialgirl · 15 days
i dont think i can do “artist spaces” anymore because i’m really stupid. - ramble post with no point or central focus aside from making myself feel less weird
like…. i’m stupid. and i like it! But every artist i meet is like some kind of super genius and irs kind of nuts, everyone’s got such vision and intelligence and honed skill and all these interesting things about their lives and practice away from the arts and i’m some kind of inert orb who doesn't have much soul in her work aside from "isnt this cool like a animes" or "this is how im feeling". at least when it comes to Drawinf a Pitures.
i can deal with spaces where everyone’s just hanging out and Some People Happen to be Artists but spaces primarily composed of people steeped in the arts actually remind me that i'm a socially inept cavewoman who barely knows how to use the microwave. sufficiently talented artists ('sufficient' referring to people who have labelled themself an artist and have been online for more than 2 years) who i end up talking to online are 80% of the time some kind of Art Student Med Student Math Prodigy or Mentally Ill Genius Socially Inept Outsider Artist with insane Honed Unique Skill and when you apply that 80% to a whole lump of people in a GC or a Discord Server where the other 20% don't really talk there it gets real mentally exhausting as someone generally quite unimpressive and classically unskilled.
i dunno. I just kind of find it interesting that people with such talent, skill, wit, and (as ive repeated endlessly) intelligence are always drawn to the arts. a lot of my friends ive made who are very smart people ive learned 3 years into the friendship they used to do painting studies and are some kind of closet picasso while ive been showing them my meager collection of shale and sediment. is the pursuit of the artistic a mark of something deeper? what must one’s character lack to not seek creative self expression? what separates a creator from a consumer, and the blind from the perceptive? is creating art for the simple purpose of “cool and fun” shallow? does that answer change with ones talent? what is shallow art? is there truly such a thing?
anyway. i’m just kind of a dumb baby, and it makes me sad that i never really feel like i can talk about art with most people because i don’t know anything. i’m not looking for construction or anything, i just want to be able to say “isn’t making something fun” without being reminded of my own inadequacies. i feel like art shouldn’t have to be this “smart” thing, and it isn’t, but art itself draws in the smart, and so like in many other spaces i feel a bit outcasted. obviously the solution here is to talk to MINORS from TIKTOK (gets cancelled)
but i really dunno. i feel stupid a lot these days and i feel like there aren’t any spaces that fit me, even when on paper these should be the spaces i should be in. even off the paper, anywhere i go i can’t help but feel like a bit of a bump on a log. like an erroneously flipped bit. i’m the stray ray from the sun beamed into the nintendo 64. that’s how i feel among other people, no matter who i’m with. it’s strange, because i really do like myself. i’ve passed a lot of the self deprecation and self doubt that used to chain me, and is it strange to say i believed casting those aside would help me find a bit more belonging among other people?
it hasn’t! life’s the same! maybe worse? i’m not self actualized or anything, but i think i’ve really grown as a person, so it’s sort of sucky that i fit better in place as a problem child. well i suppose as the Old Ones spoke, every group needs The Rick Friend. meeting people is hard. wanting to stay among people i’ve met is even harder. i like to blame a lot of it on the Modern Internet and the sheer amount of how many people have invaded my once cozy corners. with The Net these days being less of a space for Niche Freaks and instead being Grandma And Your Little Cousin Just Saw You Post Your Wiener On Instagram i’d think it’s only natural i’m running into less likeminded people. but i dunno. i feel like some of it’s my fault. i’m a weird little giblet of a girl, aren’t i? and man do i EVER hate people. I’m a big hater.
everybody i meet these days just makes me drool because everyone’s some kind of Valorant Edater or Reddit Object Show Minor or The Hypersexual or Someone I’m Too Intimidated By or Someone Who Does Not Want To Be Talking To Me. where’s Literally Anything Else. Everyone i meet these days fits into those categories. Give me anything else. What is wrong with my Spaces
i really don’t know how people make friends online these days. i’m always posting these days about Haha I Need Friends and Haha I Need A Wife that falls endlessly into the empty infinite void (much like now) for a reason. no matter where i seem to go, i walk dragging my feet, half-lidded and unengaged with a soft scowl on my face. i’ll figure it out, right? i’ll certainly make new friends, right? because i have to, right?
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i dont wanna go to work tomorrow dude
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magicalyaku · 5 months
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I wrote this weeks ago and forgot to post it, oops. uAu March was hard with work and con preparation so I didn't read much. I thought it'd get better afterwards buuut ... it's even worse now. xD Oh well. That's for later! Here's what I read in March:
The School for Invisible Boys (The Kairos Files 1) (Shaun David Hutchinson): It's been a while since I last read something by this author. Missed it! Though, this one is middle grade, so it felt a little different. A little less strange. Like, for once, the monster is an actual one instead of just a metaphor (not that it isn't connected to one. I also wonder if that whole Catholic setting is intentional because the Catholic Church and young boys don't have the best history together …). So, yeah, I like his other stories better, but this one was pretty good as well. I really liked the main character, because while he was timid of some sort, he also was easily brave and bold when he had to (that whole "he was mean to me, so I set his project on fire" is obviously not something to encourage in real life, but it is badass and I have respect for it in a a story xD), and he was able to apologise when he realised he made a mistake. I wonder what the next volume will be about.
Gallowgate (K.R. Alexander): So apparently, 'gay boys and ghosts' is a thing I'm into. The other two series I read, Oracle of Senders and Sixteen Souls, I like better, but this one is also middle grade while the other aren't, so they're not that easy to compare. Gallowgate starts out really dark, like really dark. Poor kid. It gets more whimsical afterwards with the school being run by ghosts and a general morbid decoration of which I've never been a fan, but most kids probably eat this up. Some story decisions are a bit questionable in my eyes like when the adults tell the protagonist to tell them anything strange that happens to him, but when he does they go "oh, that's not possible, you must be imagining things" … How did they think, that would solve any problems? It is addressed in the story, so it's not too bad, but still. Other than this, it was quite fun and I wonder if there's going to be a sequel.
Skater Boy (Anthony Nerada): What can I say about this one other than I liked it? :'D It's a pretty basic story: delinquent boy falls for someone who is like his polar opposite, in this case a ballet dancer, and wants to get a grip on his life for him. But it's done well, doesn't feel stale or anything. All of the characters are nice, even if they aren't, the protagonist is likable, even if he isn't the type of person one would like to hang out with (for most of the story anyway). Friends and family are just as important as the romance part. Hm. It's probably like this: There's more to the protagonist than meets the eye, and it's the same for the whole story? Sounds simple, but there's an honest heart in it.
Icarus (K. Ancrum): By chance, here's another one with a ballet dancer. :'D This one starts out really strange. The chapters are so short, at the beginning they felt a bit disconnected. It took me a while to find my footing in this. I had to ignore all the headlines to not always get taken out of the flow with every new chapter. Which also means, I probably missed a lot of the layers of the story, that are implied by the chapter titles. But it's worth it! It's kind of a strange story, but it gets really warm (there's romance, but the friendship part is also pretty strong). It has things to say (there's intersex rep for instance, and a genetic disease (was it EDS? I don't have my copy at hand to look it up, sorry) and the writing invokes that eerie feeling throughout. If you put it in a visual medium, you'd probably have to be very careful about the framing because it's about art (among other things) and everything feels very artistic and intentional. It's good!
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demi4ngel · 3 months
Updated/Edited on 9/19/2024 so it could be worded better, not just changing preferences:
I’m usually going to reblog posts of some of my favorite series (canon and fan works) and lost/vintage media on this account! I was just going to post this on my blog’s description section but this is going to be long-ish for mobile users.
Plenty of cursing and some slightly suggestive themes on a few posts ahead but there’s no outright NSFW/18+ since I’m technically a SFW reblogger.
Other Social Media Links:
I am typically neutral to most things in fiction, so there’s not much point in throwing hissy fits over minor stuff and things that don’t affect sane people much unless the creators, canon and even the fandom are truly toxic and problematic. While there are technically bad apples in every fandom, some are way worse than the others so I block and filter out as much as I can for my own sanity. Yes, that includes blogs who still support badly written canon content.
I don’t care what your orientation/race is, if you are toxic then GTFO!
AI images/artists (At first I didn’t think much of it but it clutters many art sites with all these different tags if #ai art isn’t used! Not only does it have delusional fake artists and their audience who thinks it’s fine, it’s especially bad news for inactive or even deceased online users. Like, it’s unethical and most sharp eyed users see how flawed the “art” is. That makes mediocre human drawn art look good because they aren’t that blurry or has these machine made flaws. The AU Generated art is often uncredited which can confuse people. Oh god, I hate the realistic/real life ones the most because what if that’s used without that person’s consent? What if that’s used to make an innocent person look bad?)
Vivziepop Stans (I used to like her art but Helluva Boss’ plot of portraying the main toxic romantic relationship as good is uncomfortable… the same ppl can criticize Val/Angel or MothDust but defend Stolitz??? I’m glad that critics point out the similarities because aren’t they both technically abusive relationships? Toxic relationships are toxic regardless of their sexualities and how it’s written!)
Miraculous Ladybug (uncanny 3D graphics, especially the salters and the maribat shippers ruining practically everything they touch)
My Little Pony franchise (oh lord the damn fandom and fanarts won’t stop plaguing my feeds…)
Rabid proshippers [I hate the ones that take things too far like the big age gap (a decade to more apart &/or when one is old enough to be their parent/familial figure), prepubescent children and younger x adult (yes that includes real and fictional ancient/past times), and incest ones (blood related, adoptive or foster it’s still fucking unnerving… I mean aren’t they raised together as such even if their time together wasn’t that long?)]
Rabid antishippers (I used to have a similar mentality many years ago but such a puritan approach wasn’t good for my sanity. I understand how y’all feel about certain fictional ships but blocks and filters exist here and several other sites that have these functions. So use them instead of causing unnecessary discourse! Y’all don’t have to complain about every single thing that irks you. Besides, if y’all are that concerned about certain things, go help out real people who really need it and stick to your safe spaces. Spreading misinformation, doxxing and harassment are not acceptable!)
*Both sides of the shipping discourse have bad apples and rabid dogs so I steer clear from them and their petty discourse whenever I’m surfing this site. Hence why I decided to stay mostly neutral in fictional matters from now on like a spectator. Funnily enough, it’s usually the antis starting shit and even being killjoys on actual harmless ships. I mean look at the screenshotted evidence here by the pros, neutrals and civilized ppl who stay out of drama. 🧩🥀 & 🌑🎈(former anti and currently a neutral shipper)
Nostalgia fandom (sheesh, these people need to try something new it’s like they are literally stuck in time, bitching about new things and going as far as to dislike or negative review bomb things not from their childhood time. Especially a portion of the western cartoon fandom. Yes, it’s usually those guys making a fuss about their favorite stuff being forever canonically discontinued. Well, there’s the fan works to create and consume! Wherever I am, I rarely hear the eastern anime fandom fussing about the “good old times”.)
Character Hatedoms/Bashing/Assassinations (Those who do hate characters for legitimate reasons are usually more civilized. But those who hate them for very minor or petty reasons get the side eye lol.)
Heterophobic/Homophobic (I legit don’t understand the intense hate from both sides, y’all just have different labels and sexualities/preferences that are seen as socially acceptable and legal. But there are vile ppl who use their gender and/or sexuality as a shield which is unacceptable!)
Reality Shifters/Otherkin (suddenly fictional drawn OCs and reader fics look like stellar content that’s much more preferable! It’s kinda weird that irl ppl insert themselves into fictional stories instead of creating OCs or just using canon characters…)
Age Regression/Age Play blogs (this type of content is kinda weird… it’s annoying and unnerving that teen/adult characters or even real people behave like little children to cope or smth. I don’t care if it’s also SFW, y’all still are getting the side eye for using baby/childish talk. And turning mature characters into that kind of behavior is just kinda stupid.)
Ppl who don’t properly tag/label (oh come on, no wonder I had to block certain blogs and tags here… some of y’all weren’t specific enough not just being irresponsible idiots. Had to block a shit ton of character assassination content not just ppl slipping past tags.)
Fetish artists/blogs (if you don’t properly tag/label, you do kinda deserve to get criticized heavily and blocked)
Fictional content that turns places and countries into anthropomorphic figures (weird ASF…)
RL crime/criminal apologists and hybristophiliacs (these guys make the fictional villain/antagonist character stans look like angels bc at least the latter will seemingly less likely simp for IRL criminals and know what’s fictional.)
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the way marvel dropped not even fumbled, dropped all the Bucky Barnes character development and actual 3-D character work and just gave him that ugly little white cat as a personality trait instead 💀
and his "fans" who lowkey hate his actual character I feel dgaf abt that b/c they just wanna see some random white guy with long hair to call babyboy and to just do nothing but show up sometimes to be screenshotted for "pretty art" and praise his appearances even when his writing gets somehow worse b/c L&K lawl
I don't even get the ones who put up w/ the worst writing ever while saying the art is "pretty" b/c his (& Steve's) character designs in that creative team are SO fucking bad, it's like the force of "MCWA" make Cap white again manifested in this Super White Writing & propagandistic historical references era's designs. Feels like it's only the crowd who likes ugly capital-W White men that doesn't think their new character designs aren't shit.
idk what to add to this tbh - you've pointed out pretty much everything that's fine wrong with bucky in recent comics. I feel like that atp they need to bring brubaker back or kill bucky off because they seem to have no good ideas for him & the writing was so weak in #that run that I have no idea what's going on with his motivations, morality etc. I think "cap-fam" fans in general don't really seem super concerned about mischaracterization for some reason. A lot of them seem content posting the "pretty art" on social media.
I liked alpine at first when she was just a cat he adopted but she does seem to be #those writers' way of making him more loveable or whatever for his fans. I feel the same way about the art & their designs - the artist did a much better job on captain marvel.
I doubt that fans of #that run can identify the propagandistic references or even the whiteness that is so prevalent in their work.
I just found out there's another cap issue by them coming out this Wednesday & we have thunderbolts to look forward to as well 😔 I wonder when bucky will be free & when his actual character will come back....
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toyherb · 1 year
re this ai art post going around and ablesim/accessibility.................. if you used to draw or paint or sculpt and developed a disability that made it hard or impossible I dont see how written prompt generated art would give you the same "making art" experience that you previously had. and I don't just mean well obviously it's different because your body changed. I mean you didn't actually make anything. as someone who makes art and loves art, that would suck everything I love out of it, everything that makes it gratifying and worth doing. I would literally rather be making picrews all the time. customizing a picrew is genuinely more of an art to me than using ai. (but also keep in mind this is still using other people's work, it just is useful as a creative outlet)
but anyways forget that for a second. when you have a disability that makes creating art difficult or impossible, what do you actually DO? there are plenty of disabled artists today and in history who have done everything possible in order to make their art, but what about people who can't do that? no disabled person is the same. what if they don't have the money for the equipment that could assist them or the tools that could help just don't exist? or there really is no way to make art? I personally have a hard time thinking of such a person but they probably exist. I just wish I could know more about what that situation is in order to know how this person might be able to make art, though I'm sure they might have tried everything.
but like, if there is a way for you to use a computer or phone I feel like there's almost definitely a way for you to make art, you know? it doesn't even have to involve ai art. if there's a way for you to control a mouse or something similar in any way, there's definitely a way to draw. and if you can't draw, wouldn't there be a way to make collages or something? If you can't do visual art, is writing out of the question?
(as for ai art, when it's trained on public domain or permissable art, I definitely can see it being used as a tool in art, but not as something to make art itself. like a step in the process. you didn't create what the ai gave you, but you can do whatever with the resultant image in order to do more creating.)
ANYWAY, I know I simply don't have the perspective to understand the topic fully. so I'm really sorry if I'm asking stupid questions or questions that seem annoying or antagonizing. but I really want to know. even if I dont understand it or disagree with it, I know I can't say "oh actually you finding a creative outlet in feeding this ai prompts to get visual art back isn't rEaL ArT and you should feel bad" because, what if it DOES give them that Making Art Feeling?
measuring things by how much effort they take is a form of ableism. measuring effort is impossible because it differs from person to person. I want to say so badly oh but you can tell when someone didn't try, and that it sucks to have something you worked hard on - either on an individual piece or your entire career as an artist - compared to or grouped with something that someone didn't prepare or train for at all! I want to think that so so bad. or worse winning over your work in a contest
but like, what does it even mean to try? what did making that piece actually mean to that person? did they have fun making it? were they engaged with the process? this whole effort angle makes me wanna rip my eyes out.
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alright. so, i know ive already made a post about this on my main, but im stupid and went to the original tweet and just made myself angry again.
alright, so a couple days ago i rbed a screenshot of a certain story board artist's tweet about being the one to put tcest in the show.
i dont know why or how, but i found my way onto twitter and to the original tweet that this guy made.
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for context, sheldon here was a storyboard artist for Rise and the scene they are talking about here is this one from the Lair Games episode-
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i partially explain again why this is horrible and disgusting and partially why i dont believe or accept sheldon's... i dont even know what to call it. his response (the top post in the first screenshot)
part one
since i literally just rbed something about this, im just going to copy/paste my rb and add onto it a little.
" no but when i found out that some of the artists who originally worked on Rise were t-cesters and proshippers i was actually so fucking pissed off.
there are part of this community that are actually god damn disgusting, and im not afriad to say that tcest is fucking rancid and if you support it i dont want you near the content that i create.
first of all, it is literally incest. it says so right in the name. which, i really hope i dont have to explain why incest is bas in the ripe year of 2022. I don't care that they arent "blood-related". They were fucking raised as brothers, treated like brothers, and think of each other as brothers. No matter how hard you try to spin it, no matter how hard you argue that they arent technically related, you have to understand that they see and think of each other as brothers, which should be enough to make this incest.
this show was amazing when it came to family dynamics and brotherly love/trust/bonds. i can say with confidence that the brothers in Rise are much more brotherly/closer than any other previous versions. it's obvious to see that they love and care and want to protect one another. to turn platonic and love for one's family into something so gross and vile is taking all of the healthy emotional bonds between these characters and throwing it out the window.
i cant fuckung believe i have to say this every time i come back into the tmnt fandom, but-
sure, with the recent Rise movie we saw an adult leo, but heres the thing- that version of leo is fucking dead. he literally got fucking beamed out of existence.
the fact that every one of these brothers are under the age of 18 and i still see so much nsfw art is absolutely horrid.
finally, it's a kid's show. sure, many of us in the community are teens, later teens, and grown adults, but that does not change that this show was originally created to bring the tmnt franchise into yet another generation of kids. again, i sincerely hope that i dont need to explain why implying incest in kids shows (or really any TVs shows, for that matter) is morally wrong and vile.
literally yesterday me and some of my mutuals had to go through a lot of our content to re-tag a whole bunch of our posts tagged with "tcest dni" because tumblr's tagging system is actual shit. there shouldnt even be a tcest community, outside of it impeding on the rest of us Rise fans.
sorry this is such a long post but im so tired of seeing / hearing about tcest. its gross, disgusting, icky, etc etc. it is 6:30 am and i woke up and saw this and decided to fucking say something, because tcest has actively made my experience coming back into the tmnt community and fandom worse. "
and i still stand by that. seeing so much tcest- and from the artists on the rise crew, no less- is making my journy back into the tmnt fandom so, so much worse. it is actively hurting a lot of people- which brings me to one specific tweet from this thread.
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so, to start- i do not, i repeat- DO NOT condone or promote sending death threats to people or telling them to kill themselves.
second- it isnt. harmless. reminder, again, that this is a
you are talking about MINORS IN INCESTUAL RELATIONSHIPS. "harmless fiction" my ass.
part two
ok. so as you can see in the original screenshot, you can see that sheldon is passing this off as a joke. but i honestly cannot believe him when he says this.
why, i hear you asking. well,
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look at the time stamp. 2020, nearly three years ago now, when the Lair Games episode had just come out.
why didn't he say it was a joke three years ago, when he first posted the storyboard clip? because he isnt fucking joking. either that or he is just really so fucking dense that he doesn't realize that what he's doing is not funny in any way, shape or form.
which brings me to my next point.
even if it is all just a joke,
why the fuck are you joking about minors participating in fucking incest?
its fucking nasty even if it is a joke. i genuinely shouldnt need to say anymore on why this is fucking horrid.
well. ive taken up enough of your time- i appreciate you reading to the end and i apologize for making this so long. a quick, final word in case you got this far and are a tcester or support tcest-
kindly fuck off, do not interact with me, unfollow me, and block me :] i dont want your nasty ass incest anywhere fucking near me or this blog.
thanks ! :D
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Have you also had the misfortune of looking at the Naruto meme subreddit, too? My word, like once a week, there's a "Sakura's useless" joke posted somewhere in there.
Oh! Another excuse I hate people tossing around is, "It's a shonen written specifically for boys, not a shojo for girls, what do you expect? 🙄". Or another "great" deflection from criticizing the sexism in shonen: "Well, shojo has poorly written MALE characters, and THEY'RE not called out for it! ✅♟️". (That's not the checkmate you think it is! Everyone finds poorly written characters in general very annoying, that person just isn't looking for them.)
No one even get me started on the people who bring up Fullmetal Alchemist either! They bring up FMA as their ONE example of an anime with well-written female characters; like that anime's existence alone completely negates the dozens upon dozens of terrible ones! Bad writing is bad writing, no matter the genre; and it's baffling to me how weird some folks are about gender...
I do not have reddit but i do have Facebook and dear GOD is it a shit show. Arguments over who’s more ‘useless’ between Sakura and Hinata. Comments about how Tsunade is trash because she didn’t return Jiraiya’s feelings (URGE I HATE IT), and then every single thing is about propping up character’s like Itachi and Minato and shitting on EVERY SINGLE OTHER CHARACTER.
I loath it but i check facebook for family and the f***ing algorithm got me because of one drawing i shared
And wholey crap, ya no. One anime with good female character’s does not at all negate the other bad ones. Like ya, talk about it so people watch it but people should still be calling out sexist (or racist homophobic transphobic or other terrible writing). Like, i love dragon ball. Grew up on it. Will NEVER shit up about how they did all the girls dirty except Bulma (who was always used as the ‘sexy girl’ joke in dragon ball for all the pervy guys. Especially master rochi). Like one girl choosing family over continuing her martial arts carrer is ok (and something i hate about naruto fandom is that they refuse to recognize that s sexist as the writing is not all the girls are housewives. Hinata is which makes sense for her character/arc, but the only other two we can assume are housewives are Karui and Temari which i think is BS. Nothing in their stories say’s ‘would be happy being a housewife’ to me. Sakura and Ino are both working mother’s, with Sakura (as much as people may hate her) seeving a sort of single mother role since sasuke is never home.) but when they made Videl do the same thing with her only fighting being as a team with gohan i got annoyed. She’s my fav dragon ball character alongside gohan and i think she deserved to be a top martial artist among regular ass people. Like krillian level.
Aa for ‘useless male characters in Shojo’ i only remmember a few anime’s but like… not really? Tuxedo mask could be maybe the best example but he’s also constantly showing up to help and support sailor moon. In card capture sakura i recall the main male character being quite useful and having a great character arc. So i’m calling bs on all Shojo having terrible male character’s
It’s Shonin that is by far worse with treating the ‘non dominent sex’ as a secondary thought instead of actual characters
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misswabit · 2 months
B R O ok Ive posted the same 2 pieces of art on my insta and on my art blog and the differences are so crazy For a little background I've already fully given up on insta tbh im just posting on there for artist alley juries to see my work easily (which is liberating to post on there and not care how things do at all) and I have just over 120 followers on there which is real real low, ive truly never succeeded there and each post at most gets 12 likes maybe? 20 if my face is in it which i hate posting lol (honestly not even trying to brag a little insta just loves faces more in general i am an average person) Insta also does this thing where if you share the post you just posted on your stories (a thing you MUST do if you want your followers to actually have a chance at seeing it) it shows you exactly who viewed said story, and therefore outs the friends of yours who saw it and did not like your art making you feel 10x worse lmao like just don't show me that p l e a s e. Anyway! From the 2 art posts i made during the "rush hour" on insta, and after sharing it to my stories, I got a combined total of 11 likes, 4 on one 7 on the other. Insta showed me that all my friends saw and almost no one liked it. If i wasnt just posting now for artist alleys i would have probably been really hurt by that news like i was every time before because it feels like im just left to drown and never grow on there when that happens. But now i have a different motive on there so it wasnt emotionally bad at all! I just brushed it off and i know that theres more to look at on my portfolio now! But I also recently decided to start posting on my art blog more. Mostly just for me because practically n o o n e follows it. I have 12 followers, of those most of them are friends i know arent on tumblr anymore. and what do i get from posting the same 2 things on there? 16 reblogs, 2 of which have comments telling me my art is "peak" or their "favorite" and 46 likes. Now I know that these are still low numbers, but when you think of my following on here its pretty impressive people got to see them at all! much less leave supportive comments. compare that with my supposed 120+ followers and 11 likes its really flattering. I hate meta for many reasons but wow i really genuinely like tumblr
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capriciouscaprine · 6 months
okay, ex roommate post tiem to get it out of my system
(feel free to be nosey that's why I'm posting about it on tumblr)
first of all, why not just TALK to someone about this? bc I don't like social interaction and I'm too busy to see anyone, but also bc my ex roommate is a self-employed traditional artist, so if social opinion about them tanks, that could genuinely jeopardize their income, and they didn't actually do anything worse than be a kinda crappy friend on the whole and a shitty roommate in their last few months of living with me
me obsessing over them and using them as my secret competition is bc I'm mentally ill, not bc they 'deserve it' or 'need to be taken down a notch' or should be 'cancelled' or anything
so, my ex roommate had a shit life growing up, right up there with being any given social worker's average case of a low income child who's dealt with physical abuse, neglect, and bouts of homelessness; then, they graduated high school and used student loans to go to university to get a degree in fine art, and finally experiencing reliable housing while they had that student loan money; they pick up food service jobs while in college, start building their social media presence, and take home every classroom art supply that isn't nailed down, just like any professional artist does at the start of their career
fast forward approximately five years after graduation
they're still only just building up their online presence and they've never held down a job for more than about 10 months at a time; all of their previous living situations have imploded and they're living with a family member who doesn't help them do anything and expects them to magically get a good job and move out any day now, even though they don't have a car and they live in the suburbs
enter me, the person who owns a crappy little house that (eventually) has a bedroom open up so they can move in and a job to recommend them to
(I'm cutting out a bit here to maintain plausible anonymity)
they start out strong, decorating the room, cooking and sharing meals (not a routine in our house, just something nice they do), and building up their art income while they make money from the job I helped them get; they even manage to get a car!
but then, as a year at the job approaches, they have a harder and harder time getting along with their boss, and it's unclear if the job really sucks that bad or if my roommate isn't communicating well; they also seem to be failing to balance art, their other job, and general life, doing things like going on art binges only to crash and get an hour of sleep and be late to work the next day; eventually, they experience a significant health event, and they get fired for being absent from their job for a month
they focus on their art business, talking about how they're gonna explore more types of social media promotion and showing off how much their income has grown since they were at their relative's house; I've started my masters degree at this point, and then the pandemy hits, so we spend more time hanging out, especially since my other roommate had moved out by this point so it was just the two of us in the house
over time, the cracks start to show; they're so positive and cute and bubbly when they have the energy, and they talk a bunch about effective communication and boundaries and all that, but when they talk about their other friends, it's like a constant stream of criticism about their life choices
oh, one friend has openly wept about being fat and not fitting into the cute clothes they both want to wear? well, sure, body positivity and all that, but then my roommate gets annoyed that their friend is annoyed by the regular attempts to invite them out for hikes or to a gym my roommate goes to, and is further annoyed when this friend won't 'just' tell them they don't want to go and that the friend simultaneously still talks about her dissatisfaction with her body; my roommate is flat out making 'pick a struggle!'-type comments about this 'friend'
another friend struggles with money; they were low-income, and now they make relatively decent money, and my roommate is FULL of judgement about how they spend their money and how they socialize at work and try to turn all their coworkers into their friends even tho that just isn't appropriate
any time they go to someone's house that is messy, there are several comments made about why they don't 'just' clean up as they cook or do stuff around the house, and if they see a roach that person is absolutely getting judged hard core bc my roommate 'has ptsd (jokingly)' about all the trashy places they've lived (we live in the southern US, btw, we have lots of thriving insects and small mammals all over the place)
they complain about how someone keeps talking about wanting a better, higher-paying job, but won't put in the time to get required certifications to get that better job
they constantly talk about the importance of 'open' conversation, harping on how they're happy to have a frank conversation about anything without blowing up over it
and yet
they do
they talk about wanting to lose w while binging on snacks with friends and eventually a new partner, complaining about wanting to go to the gym but also how sad they are no one will go with them and that's why they go less; their savings starts running out at the pandemy impacts their art sales so they go get a job after talking about it endlessly (another complaint about a different 'friend') and tries to make friends with all their coworkers and starts a room overhaul even though they admit they have no budget for it; they don't wash up after using a TON of bowls and pans to cook a single meal and even leave out tidbits 'for the cats' on the FLOOR that they never go back and pick up; they don't actually do any training on their own time to get promoted or improve their art business; and trying to give them advice and feedback or talk about something that makes you uncomfortable with them results in a near-immediate grumpy cold shoulder, let alone that they dominate nearly every conversation with their own personal interests and check their phone when you talk about yours
(I have to go to work rippp I don't want tumblr to delete this in drafts so I'm posting it now and will continue later)
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stonewallsposts · 2 years
Art and Meaning
I have an account on a site called ArtStation, which I use to post my 3D stuff. 
Around Christmas, the site became flooded with protests against AI art. I was vaguely aware of AI art through my oldest son, who has been looking into programing along those lines. 
I've seen some stuff and it look mostly like realistic enough paintings of people. 
Then I heard this discussion on one of the DarkHorse Q and A podcasts. 
Someone asked the hosts' thoughts on AI as a tool to make art. 
Bret said it's pretty useful for destroying art, not making it. It can be useful for making something that can be sold for something that passes for art. 
Heather mentioned that, while she didn't really want to introduce what sounds like a cliché, it comes down to what art is. If art is an inherently a human endeavor, as she thinks it is, then no.  
They both mentioned that there have been elephants and monkeys who have put paint to canvas. Is it art? Something is being created, but what meaning does it have? 
Bret feels the essential quality of art has to do with meaning. Art is a two-way street: there is someone creating something, and someone interpreting something. If an AI process spits out a randomly generated composition from an algorithm that your mind interprets as art, then the interpreter will impose meaning on it, even when there clearly isn't any.  
I've held an idea for some time that I don’t think art has to have some meaning. I've got a bunch of stories relating to this too. But my basic idea is that art only has to be aesthetically pleasing. I say this in contradistinction to another theory of art that says art has to communicate something, or even worse, utter nonsense like it has to speak truth to power. I'm not sure art does have to communicate anything. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to think of anything that art has ever communicated to me. I learn things from books, from music, but I can't recall anything I've learned from looking at paintings. 
Sharing this with my boss one day, he mentioned stained glass in churches, which would often tell a story in art form. For parishioners who couldn't read, there is perhaps an element of conveying information to them that I hadn't thought of. That would seem to qualify as a genuine communication medium then.  
I also had an office mate for a while that said that she did actually gain perspectives from one particular artist. So that's maybe another example. 
I know with a lot of art I've done, I created it specifically for the color scheme. I can't really say that's devoid of meaning, but there's certainly no real attempt to communicate any deep truths in the composition. 
I've also heard what I'm sure is utter nonsense from art gallery directors. I had one explaining some abstract art by a peruvian artist, where the art director was assigning messages through the brush strokes in the art. I'm 99.9% sure that everything the art director said was pure invention. A sales pitch. Is that then an example of humans assigning meaning where there isn't? To my mind, if you like the abstract art because you think it looks cool, then by all means, splash the cash on it. But the pretension that happens in the art world from so much trash art than then has glorified meaning written in to it is, well.... I don't buy it. 
I can't even tell you how many artists I have seen paint a face, then drag a brush across it, and then expound how they are trying to get you to see faces in a different way. Ok, I think that's just pure BS. If you want to get me to see faces in a different way, then paint them in a different way, don't just mess it up and act like you're deep. There's also the god-awful, poorly executed crap that has an explanation with all the latest political buzzwords. I'm sorry, that's just hoping to sell schlock by telling the viewer there is meaning that isn't communicated in the painting itself. It's lazy and incompetent. 
I've seen art made by a woman with rather large breasts. She takes her top off, smears paint on her breasts and then "paints" the canvas using her breasts. I think Mick Jagger bought a piece for some 5000 bucks. The art looked like paint smeared on a canvas. That's a gimmick, not meaning. 
I watched one the other day where an artist had a woman swinging in circles from her ankles, her hair dipped in paint like a paint brush, and she was swinging over the large canvas with her hair making patterns over it. That's nearly as random as an AI generated painting. It has probably as much meaning. Is it art? Does it really mean anything?  
But then today I was thinking about a beautiful sunrise sky. There is a randomly generated pattern of clouds and the sun coming up bounces colors off them. It's beautiful, but was it created with meaning? I don't think so. We can find meaning in it- the beginning of a new day, new beginnings etc, but that's meaning imposed by the viewer, not meaning created by the sunrise. Nevertheless, it IS exceptionally beautiful. Maybe that's distinct from art.  
I also have memories and photos of things that are both beautiful and loaded with meaning, at least for me personally; places I've been, smiles and eyes I remember. Those things are beautiful because of the meaning.
And of course if I take a picture of a sunset, I can do so for a purpose, which would create meaning, but again that's different from the visual splendor of the sunset, which is beautiful on its own. 
Asking a questions like "what is art?" Can render different answers to different people. 
I've tended towards what is aesthetically pleasing. Period. 
But I'm starting to admit that perhaps there is more to the question that I had initially thought. 
Perhaps my stance was more reaction to pretense than well-thought out philosophy. 
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afro-elf · 4 years
fine, i’ll elaborate on my thoughts about tylor sift but they will be disorganized
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disclaimer: i know a few people will read this and be like “op is a hozier fan can she really talk about the cultural obsession with mediocre white art?” and the answer is yes because a) i’m black and i have an english degree so can do whatever i fucking want, b) hozier is a better artist than taylor objectively, like his mediocre tracks would be considered her great ones, and c) the comparison of taylor to hozier is part of the problem Genuinely because i don’t even think white people like half the music they listen to, they just don’t wanna be left behind, we’ll get into this later. i’m sorry to everyone who is tired of hearing about him but hozier will be returning later in this post jsfglsjlgldsjlfd
second note: read this
i don’t just dislike taylor because she’s white. i don’t dislike taylor because she’s a woman. i don’t dislike her because she writes mean and petty lyrics about past relationships and people who wronged her. i don’t dislike taylor because her public circle of friends is almost exclusively blonde white celebrities with their own laundry lists of issues that includes ryan reynolds and blake lively who are poster children for white privilege and pseudo-excellence if i’ve ever seen them. i dislike taylor because the amalgamation of all of those things is so exemplary of a huge problem i have with the music industry in general but also like american society
fuck it, numbered list!
1. taylor swift consistently releases the same mediocre album but in different colors. every album is the same lyrically and tonally. her body of work rarely goes very far above “good for taylor swift”. folklore as both title and musical aesthetic is irrelevant to the actual content of the album, which is just every taylor swift album except set to folk pop and with a bit more cussing, congrats for baby’s first swear. i’ve seen folklore compared to much better bodies of work and even propped up by stans as album of the year, a distinction that rina sawayama and chloe x halle will be battling it out for if there is any justice in the world at all. the fact that she is allowed to do this and still be considered great when this is something that even white male artists are butchered critically for... astounds me. like we all know how well received all of coldplay’s similar sounding albums are.... Come on. 
2. i don’t think taylor or her work is particularly feminist and yet for some reason every time she frowns an army of white women brings her kleenex. i’m not saying taylor’s anger has always been unjustified, but her feminism to me has always felt like “i can do whatever a man can do” feminism, which is utterly fucking useless to me as a black woman. it’s only useful to her because as a wealthy, white, straight, cis white woman her ONLY obstacle in life is her gender. and if she just didn’t have that tricky little bitch then maybe people would take her seriously. like, just think about her music video for the man... what was the thesis of that? what was the point of that? with all of her privileges she’d just be gaining a single extra privilege. she’s a blonde blue eyed thin white girl, the world kisses her feet. i have no interest in proving myself any better or any worse than white men, they are not the standard for how a person should be treated, they’re cautionary tales, and white women are too. i think taylor capitalizes off of white woman victimhood, and it’s all over her writing style. even when she’s trying to be empowered, like in mad woman for example, there is this tone to it of victimization, poking the bear, unleashing the beast if you will. she invokes the imagery of salem witches and even more boldly chooses a noose to write about in the song which is..... surely going to be a white tumblr staple for many gifsets to come but holy shit is it hollow. she also tends to come back to teenage memories in her music and she’s thirty. i don’t think about being seventeen unless i’m being held at gunpoint but she seems to think about it All The Time. and part of this is to keep herself young, at least in her music, which only further ingrains this image of fragile teeny bopper taylor into the mind of the listener, fueling her victim image. this imagery and language means nothing because the world always rallies around taylor. even when she was the butt of jokes for not being beyonce (which she is not and never can be) and writing about her exes (which she does), she was largely supported by the industry and by critics. look at how many fucking awards she has!
3. folk and indie and alternative music is in a moment of transition, where musicians of color are getting the chance to really speak about how they’ve been treated in these overwhelmingly white circles and create their own standards and their own voices. and for taylor swift to swoop in with aaron dessner and jack antonoff fantano and almost reassert that mid-2010s indie sound as The Sound of folk pop in the popular consciousness.... it makes me violent! it! makes! me! violent! 
4. back to hozier! finally, i wanna talk about white standom, fandom, bandom, and womandom. i often see these very superficial comparisons between hozier and taylor (and hozier and florence and hozier and stevie nicks and hozier and whatever other white woman in fashion) and they frustrate me for more than one reason. i know that hozier has met taylor and said she’s cool, which is nice of him and he’s a nice man, but i’m not a nice man so i’m going to just say it: none of the people who have made those posts have listened to more than four hozier songs and it shows. the reason why this matters is because these posts catch on and create an image and preconception of hozier’s music that is divorced from reality and divorced from his influences and most importantly divorced from the deliberate and reverent blackness of his musical style. hozier has his white male privilege in the industry for sure but he’s not as towering of a giant as taylor and taylor’s music is an unsalted chicken, plain oatmeal, white paint drying on a white wall, a stick of unflavored gum. her music is so white it told me that its dad is a cop. i am, as a black hozier fan, exhausted with having to share space with white women who don’t know why hozier’s music kicks me in my lungs sometimes and think that taylor mentioning a tree ONCE in her 3 minute acoustic guitar slog about whatever suburb is the same when it simply is not. i swear some of you are pretending to love taylor because your friends love her and you don’t wanna be left out of the hot new musical discourse but she’s only the hot new musical discourse CONSTANTLY because she’s a white woman, she’s almost the Perfect white woman. like if someone asked me to describe a white woman, it would be taylor swift. her position at the top of the musical pyramid among people who eclipse her musically, vocally, and lyrically is only allowed because she’s The Perfect White Woman. she’s an ideal. white girls relate to her immediately because of it and now we have this unshakable mob of unbearable white women who think that the world has wronged someone who literally wrote fanfiction about the rich oil heiress white woman who owned her rhode island mansion before her aklghlghdhlgs it drives me fucking NUTS 
anyway that’s all. if you made it this far, listen to adia victoria, kaia kater, samantha crain, valerie june, kelsey lu, corinne bailey rae, brittany howard, kimya dawson, japanese breakfast, cold specks, left at london, rhiannon giddens, aisha badru, shea diamond, nadine shah, xenia rubinos, karen o, mirel wagner.... Anyone
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