mrwiseandshine · 53 minutes
"like a boss" by lonely island was released ten thousand years ago when mammoths still roamed the big wide world. feel old yet?
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mrwiseandshine · 1 day
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." ― Zhuangzi
4D Aether Talon Abraxas
The Aether is a medium that transports light waves through the vacuum of space. In order to achieve this, it must express the nature of an incompressible fluid. A 4th dimensional substance satisfies this criterium, and explains why no evidence has been produced to prove its existence. The Hypercube is a particular example of a 4D polytope. It can be considered as two cubes that are constantly changing places as it rotates. As time passes, each cube takes its turn to fall into the central space. As each one aligns, it renders a moment of time in the universe. Time and space are quantised phenomena. The reason for this quantisation can be ascribed to this nature of 4D space.
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mrwiseandshine · 4 days
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500x500px works
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mrwiseandshine · 5 days
you: mm it sure is hot! im gonna grab a hand fan to cool down
climate doomer article: its a tempting bit of rhetoric, talk of using a hand fan to cool oneself down. rhetoric now popular with many on the more techno-optimist end of the Left—but rhetoric nonetheless occluding definite, inevitable thermodynamical contradictions. yes, there is indeed the promise of a local, temporary respite from the ills of a hot summers day, but no good deed—or good wind—comes without a cost. this very act of "cooling" is not self propelled; indeed, scientists tell us (the very ones to, in another mode, hail the revolutionary potential of "waving a bit of paper back and forth to cool yrself while its hot"; the hobgoblin of little minds, it seems, has in these days vacated even the STEM literati), no physical act is. energy is needed to move the fan back and forth, and waste heat is the inevitable result. one can try to sweep this unpleasant dust beneath the enchanting rug of technocratic solutionism, or one can admit to the reality before us: no saviour, no "fan," is coming for us, here in the valley of the shadow of capital
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mrwiseandshine · 7 days
a general rule of thumb is that if someone is talking about inherent limitations of LLMs and they're using NP-completeness or undecidability then their argument is nonsense, because humans are also turing machines and so the argument in all likelihood applies just as well to them
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mrwiseandshine · 8 days
Eight ways to defeat the ageing process
1. Defeat stubborn wrinkles by tricking your enemies into holding an iron whilst you murder them, thus dooming them to haunt you for life with ghostly irons. If you manage to gather a large enough haunting retinue, eventually at some point some of them may try vengefully ironing you in your sleep. This may seem like a long shot but if you don’t get caught by law enforcement agencies it is actually one of the most cost-effective ways of wrinkle reduction out there.
2. Many of the signs of ageing, such as creaky joints or changes in the physical integrity of your bio-coating, are actually signs of being a secret robot that needs oiling. Think carefully. Are you an android in deep cover in human society? Even if your origins have been wiped to save on memory space, there may be tell-tale signs. Do you need to plug yourself in at night? Have you ever accidentally shot a laser beam out of your ear? If yes, you should be fine with a minor tune-up.
3. Age more slowly in your twin’s inertial frame by taking a holiday on a spaceship which is travelling at nearly the speed of light, only returning when they are several hundred years old, at which point it’s OK to have the discussion about how you’ve both realised that you are characters in a fictional example and really there is no need for either of you to have aged at all.
4. Exercise your mental agility by taking your brain out on a lead and letting it jump over small obstacles. Did you know your brain has little legs of its own? No? This is because you have never taken it for a walk. Always make sure to keep a hat on while you are doing this to stop it getting cold in your head. You will need to pass on control of your limbs to your butt, just like a stegosaurus.
5. Consider what you are. Are you a block of cheese or a bottle of wine? If so, your best bet to defeat the ageing process is to get out of the cellar. Roll if necessary. The process will be much easier if you are in a cellar at the top of a hill, or if gravity has been temporarily reversed.
6. You can often tell how old something is by looking at its teeth. For example, Table Mountain is around 500 million years old and has no teeth at all, subsisting only on the teeth of those that it consumes. You too can survive to be an ancient monolith overlooking a city of beings that did not exist at your birth by following a similar strategy. Just look at the tooth fairy.
7. Age more slowly by investing in a timeshare. You live odd-numbered years only, your timeshare partner lives even years only. Further savings are available by sharing with more partners, or by purchasing the premium package (details available on request). Of course, you will need storage space for years you are not on for. This is where the dodgy hotel rooms come in.  
8. Stop the ageing process in its tracks entirely by causing a dimensional rift, sundering time from the spatial dimensions it has previously been tethered to and thereby suspending the remaining Universe in an eternal, unchanging moment and terminating the effective existence of all living beings. You may wish to put on a nice hat beforehand.
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mrwiseandshine · 8 days
Ten ways to keep the wolf from the door
1. Construct a system of fake doors of unremarkable architecture and decoration until the wolf gets bored of doors and goes away.
2. Invest in a door which can travel across country at a greater average speed than that of your wolf. For example, it could be attached to a caravan, or possibly strapped to the back of another wolf which can run slightly faster.
3. Divide all things in the Universe into those beginning with the letters A-M, and those beginning with the letters N-Z, and file them in different places.
4. Let it be known, by means of certain useful dogs, that doors are dangerous things; that a wolf might get a paw or a tail caught in them and suffer a crush injury which forever constrains them to a life of woeful scavenging; and that it is a shameful dereliction of wolf duty to endanger their safety in this way. Let it be known that there are human strongholds which have become no-go areas for wolves due to the abundance of doors therein.
5. Wolves are notoriously disorganised at getting tickets and they hate to queue. Put on a popular show at your house and sell tickets at the door. Let the wolf give up in disgust before it reaches you and vow never to return.
6. Send the wolf a hat, a false beard and an airline ticket to some part of the world that has endless forests rolling with fat hoglets. If this part of the world does not exist, it may be necessary to invent it.
7. Accept nothing and nobody at your door. Brick it up. Make a wall, and a ditch, a cattlegrid, an electric fence, a barbed-wire house-scarf, a nuclear ha-ha and sundry other barriers of the sort that will stop wolves and also everything else. In order to survive, you may be forced to live outside these fortifications. Consider investing in a small external gatehouse that you can keep watch in in order to observe the wolf gazing mournfully at the fortifications in front of your old door, shaking its head and walking away.
8. Put on a spacesuit and surf your door through space into the gleaming, wolf-free, prismatic and superplasmatic heartlands of the sun.
9. Don’t have a wolf.
10. Don’t have a door.
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mrwiseandshine · 10 days
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mrwiseandshine · 10 days
listen buddy, I'm not arguing with someone who hasn't the read the theory. go scroll through the "large sword" tag on pixiv then get back to me
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mrwiseandshine · 11 days
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”The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” - Lao Tzu 9/9 Portal: A Gateway to Transformation ✨ Talon Abraxas
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mrwiseandshine · 12 days
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mrwiseandshine · 12 days
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A series of components that were featured in Windell Oskay and Eric Schlaepfer's book, Open Circuits. I highly recommend checking out that book.
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mrwiseandshine · 13 days
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Purple alleyways ☔
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mrwiseandshine · 14 days
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mrwiseandshine · 14 days
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He's correct
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mrwiseandshine · 17 days
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mrwiseandshine · 17 days
everyone who says you can't create a beautiful new world with the sword feels like a reviewer who gave up on the game before finishing the tutorial
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