#and are willing to cuddle
kozumesphone · 2 months
you know what’s sexy? you. with your arms wrapped around me. and cuddling with me. that is sexy.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 24 days
Prompt: Either Time and Malon have announced they're having a baby or Malon has just had a baby and they're introducing them to the chain when Time finds some big insecurities from one of his boys he doesn't expect; Wild. Thing is, Time (and to an extent Malon as well) is the only parental figure he knows. Any memories of his parents are long gone along with any record of who they might have been so Time acting in a familial manner means a lot to Wild. But he's worried now that the man is an -actual- father that it means he'll be withdrawing that affection from the chain (himself, really) in favor of focusing on his child. Time goes above and beyond to prove him wrong.
Sky glared grumpily at the postman as he delivered mail to everyone. Legend snickered and elbowed his friend, making the usually cheery knight even more sour.
“Chin up, Sky,” Wild chuckled. “Nobody can outrun that guy from what I can figure. At least that’s what the old man says.”
Time didn’t even flinch at his mention. It wasn’t new - he tended to tune out the younger ones what they got rambunctious. But something about the intensity of which he was looking at his letter from Malon caught Wild’s attention.
“Everything okay?” Twilight asked, also picking up on it.
Time glanced at Twilight, eye fixed on the younger man, then back at the letter. Then he closed both eyes and smiled.
“It’s fine,” he said quietly, folding the letter.
“That looks like more than fine,” Warriors noted, wiggling his eyebrows. “What are you hiding, old man?”
“Is Miss Malon okay?” Wind asked, poking his head over Warriors’ shoulder, having been sitting on the ground behind the captain, who had plopped on a stump.
“She’s fine,” Time replied warmly. Then he sighed a little, gentle cheer dashed by a cool, worried gaze.
“That wasn’t very convincing,” Four whispered to Twilight.
Time glanced around at the group, now that everyone had honed in on him. Then he seemed to come to a decision, huffing a little and saying, “Since none of you seem to know how to mind your business, then I’ll tell you.”
Warriors scoffed, “I’ll have you know I am perfectly capable of minding my own business until gossip is involved.”
Hyrule laughed. “It’s pretty funny listening to people’s drama in town, honestly. But I hope there isn’t drama in your house, old man.”
“There isn’t,” Time assured him. “But there will be someone new living there.”
“Is it that Ingo guy you got mad about?” Sky asked, tilting his head to the side.
Time outright laughed. “No, Sky. No. It’s… Malon’s pregnant.”
The group went silent for a long while before it burst into excited chatter. Warriors was the first to congratulate Time, with Sky coming shortly after, followed by Four and then everyone else in quick succession. Wind excitedly asked about baby names, Sky interrogated him about what course this journey might take now, if they should find a way to return to Lon Lon Ranch—
That was probably the point that Wild felt his stomach twist into knots.
He didn’t quite know what was wrong, at first. He congratulated the old man alongside everyone else. This was a great occasion, after all. But Sky mentioning how maybe Time would want to visit Malon really made Wild realize…
Was he going to leave the group now?
Wild… didn’t want him to leave.
It wasn’t that he was particularly close to Time, more so than the others. Wild was closest to Twilight, after all. But… something about the eldest Link was… comforting. Guiding. Wild couldn’t put words to it, except that… it reminded him of… he didn’t know. He just… he couldn’t remember anything. He didn’t know anything. But the Hero of Time became a staple in his life the last few weeks, a father figure of sorts (and he knew he wasn’t alone in this—the worried disappointment that Wind was trying to hide, the way Legend suddenly became aloof as if already distancing his heart from the matter, the way Sky took four steps away from their leader after running up to him to congratulate him—these were all indications of the same sentiment) when Wild could hardly remember any family at all… and he… was going to lose him too.
He supposed the only true constant in his life was Zelda.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t know this journey would come to an end, but he hadn’t expected their group to lessen during the journey. It had been horrifying when Twilight had almost died - now Time was going to just leave them? Leave him?
Wild found he couldn’t speak after his initial words of cheer for the old man, and he started to slink away into the woods. He wandered aimlessly, shivering a little, feeling far more alone than he had in a while. He tried to cheer himself up with some kind of logical argument—even if he does leave, you still have the others, you have your brothers, you have Twilight—but none of it quite filled the hole that was quickly forming.
At least this time he’d have a chance to say goodbye.
Wild eventually made his way back to the camp just in time - Warriors had been readying to search for him, and he didn’t want to cause such a fuss. He avoided Time for the rest of the night, settling in to take first watch as everyone else went to bed.
He hadn’t expected Time to sit beside him.
“Something’s bothering you,” Time said. It wasn’t a question, but it was held in the air like an invitation.
Wild sighed. “I… wouldn’t worry about it. We’ll find a way to get you home, old man. Wouldn’t want you to miss your actual family.”
There was a period of silence, only interrupted by the crackling of the fire. Wild felt a strange ache in his chest, a longing for someone he could no longer remember. He shriveled into himself a little, shoulders slumping, letting time pass by as he looked into the flames.
“Link… I’m not going home.”
Wild didn’t register the words for a moment, still lost in his own mind and thoughts, before he blinked and glanced over at the older hero. “Wait, what?”
“My place is here,” Time explained quietly, almost what seemed gently. “I would never abandon all of you like that. I love Malon dearly, but she isn’t my only family.”
Wild wasn’t sure what to say to any of this, but the hope in his heart couldn’t be ignored, and he burst out, “You’re not leaving us?”
There was something about Time’s expression that Wild couldn’t quite read. The older hero’s eyebrows seemed to relax from their previously stern position, face softening, eye looking Wild over. “No, young one. I’m not leaving. What we will do, though, is turn back towards the town. I want to write to her. I want all of us to write to her. We’ll have to keep tabs on how she’s doing far more often.”
“Why all of us?” Wild asked.
Time reached forward, messing with the teenager’s hair as he smiled. “If I’ve had to parent all of you, then you’re certainly earning the right and responsibility to ensure your new little sister is alright.”
Wild yelped a little at the gesture before laughing a little, swatting Time away. “Sister, eh? You think it’s a girl?”
“Goddess, I hope so. I have enough boys to take care of.”
Wild’s laugh nearly woke the entire group at that remark. When he’d settled, Time smiled at him, laying a hand on his shoulder. The gesture was reassuring, a physical representation on the promise that Time hadn’t spoken. He didn’t need to. What he’d said was enough.
The ache in Wild’s chest didn’t squeeze quite so hard. But he yearned for the contact, and so he leaned forward a little, just a little, just enough to be perceived without invading the man’s space. Time understood the motion for what it was, and he smiled a little more, pulling Wild into a hug. For the briefest moment the champion felt a little silly or embarrassed at the vulnerability he’d just shown, and then he decided he didn’t care - if he truly viewed Time as a father figure then he should be comfortable showing such insecurity around him. He’d done as much with Twilight.
Twilight. Time’s descendant. Between being viewed as a brother by Twi and a son by Time, Wild actually… he really…
He let out a shuddering breath, and Time’s hand swept up and down his back slowly.
For the first time in as long as he could remember, Wild actually felt like he belonged in a group, in a team, in a family. He could imagine the Champions smiling at him, and the tears finally did fall.
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novanoms · 25 days
Need more preds comforting prey but like, from the Pred’s pov
Just the gentle nature towards your tiny friend, seeing their exhausted, downtrodden expression. Barely able to keep their head up as they approach, they don’t even need to speak as you feel their forehead tiredly rests on you. Gently picking them up, opening your maw and sliding them in, feeling their small movements, content but too exhausted to do much more. Swallowing them down and feeling the way they settle in your stomach, their soft squirms beneath your flesh, the way you can feel their body relax. Your hands coming up to rub the barley visible outline of the individual you care about so much, feeling so much affection and pride despite the somber moment. The fact that their first thought was to seek you out as their place of comfort.
I don’t think I’ve seen it all that often, might expand more into an actual writing thing but who knows -u-
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bkbubble · 8 months
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@naffeclipse 's Leopard Seal Y/N: So you have chosen...death
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cowardlysimon · 4 months
Yknow what I'm gonna show yall an oc I made!!!
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This is Vanilla he is meant to be a cobra but fluffy
I absolutely adore snakes and think they're so adorable and he's everything I love about snakes
I had no idea who to draw with him so
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Vanilla usually only eats people because he's curious and they probably taste sweet. He doesn't actually hurt anyone ever he wouldn't even think of it.
Vanilla is just very cuddly.
Very cuddly look he gives the best hugs lol
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downforcuddles · 3 months
I was fucking myself in my partner's bed (we have seperate bedrooms so we can have alone time whenever we need) for reasons I will Not elaborate on, and I overstimulated myself hard enough that I sent my ass straight to sub space.
So, in an act of self care, I called them for cuddles. They came in, laid down to cuddle, and asked why I was crying, was fucking myself a bad time?
As soon as he knew I'd overstimulated myself, yknow what this bastard did?
Started jacking me off. Over. And over. And over and over and over until I'd come 20 more times.
"Please, I can't, no please please" and he'd go "does it hurt? does it hurt to cum yet?"
and I'd whimper and whine out a No, and he'd go, then you Can, cum Bunny, come on, cum for me again
And I Did
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thechrispyboi · 11 days
By the way, I was that so called “monster” under your bed
I didn’t mean any harm, I just ate anyone that wanted to hurt you… plus a couple nightmares of yours
To be honest when I saw you staying up far longer than you should have I really wanted to crawl out and swallow you whole, but I just didn’t have the confidence
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pineappleparfaitie · 5 months
i love when a pred makes any gesture to their stomach where their prey is tucked away.
Massaging their belly,rubbing it,stroking it,giving it pats or pokes. Throughout the day they just rest their hand on it ,maybe squeeze or pinch it. They just love their prey so much and want them to knkw threw these small gestures its just UGHHHHHHHHHH A. A
i need to be a tumtum rn...
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your-fave-is-a-pred · 6 months
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
i really hold professional adult conversation and eye contact with clients and then turn around waxing poetic about how I want to have a threesome with Deadpool and Wolverine
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gulpoflove · 7 months
Imagining just...happily relaxing in a caring pred's belly. You are not quite asleep, but you feel pleasantly weak - and ever so blissful, like you're floating on air. A lucid state, between dreams and wakefulness. You yawn and kick your feet lazily. The pred notices, and hugs their belly protectively - you smile sleepily as you feel the gentle pressure.
To the pred, you are the most precious thing in the world. A fierce protectiveness sparks in their heart as they feel you move. Mine, mine, mine, their mind repeats like a mantra. You are so sweet, so adorable, so vulnerable...they could never dream of letting you get hurt. To love and adore you with all their being...that is the greatest honor.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
hi :D if you do character x character (with possibly x reader, too) headcanons, may i request nikprice hcs? aghh.. i love them so much, but there's (in my opinion) little content of them compared to other ships.. if you do have to add reader into it too thats okay :) i don't mind poly (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
but besides that how are you doing? i hope youre doing good :]
Hey there! I'm doing well, thank you! I've actually got five days off next week, which I'm really looking forward to! Plus I get to go to my regular department again too soon enough! But unfortunately, the other apprentice left me with so much work ^^;
NikPrice and NikPrice x Reader
Although the two of them may be a bit older than some of their peers, they can still be considered idiots, especially when they’re with one another. Sometimes they get weirdly competitive with each other, which can result in either of them getting hurt. Nikolai leads Chimera and Price leads the TF141, both of them sometimes need to show off just how good they are at some things. Nikolai is usually a pretty calm guy, but he does get a bit cocky with Price, so he’ll instigate some competitions. Who can carry the most groceries. Who can find the most dogs and take pictures with them. Who will be favored the most for the week among their boys. It’s just dumb things, and Nikolai does try to cheat his way through most of them, but Price knows him well enough by now to know how he will try to weasel his way into victory. Price usually plays fair and forces Nikolai to do the same. The winner gets bragging rights and that’s about it. Sometimes they poker on who pays for dinner, but they don’t really mess around too much when it comes to more serious stuff. However, they both also compete with each other to show off just how good of a partner they are, even if there’s no need to do that anymore. They can both be proud as peacocks and always need to outdo one another.
Although it may sound stupid, the two of them do spar with each other from time to time. Since they’re about equal in strength it’s actually quite interesting to watch the two of them fight, both have a pretty good technique as well. However, Nikolai has more experience under his belt since he’s quite a bit older than Price. Again, he’s also not above cheating by trying to entice Price with just about anything he can think of. They’re adults, they’re leaders, but they are still morons with each other. Sometimes they fight over the TV remote when Price wants to watch his football game and Nikolai wants to tease him. Price gets mad every time he misses the football game just because he lost to his stupid lover. Nikolai gets a good laugh out of it every time. Although he may love Price more than anyone else, he can be a playful and cocky bastard at times. He makes up for it by taking Price to a real football game in a stadium, though. Can’t enrage the boyfriend too much all the time. Price is usually overjoyed when he does since he gets really into it. There’s nothing better than enjoying some football with Nikolai. Unless Nikolai teases Price about his team losing. In that case the two of them won’t be talking more than necessary for an hour. However, Price goes back to normal after the initial anger of his team losing has worn off.
Nikolai is actually a chef of the master class. He can cook just about anything and make it well at that too. Since he’s been pretty much everywhere at this point he’s learned quite a few recipes from all around the world. He also knows how to use his spices well. Though, his favorite recipes to make are still Russian ones. The two of them cook together often, it relaxes them. Besides, Price gets the privilege of eating Nikolai’s pirozhki before anyone else does. It’s an honor to him since he’s never had anything better in his life. Loves being Nikolai’s taste tester as well. Price isn’t as good a cook as Nikolai, but he does like showing his appreciation for all the good food by cooking something in return. However, his food is kind of bland. It could be worse, but it could also use a lot more spices. Nikolai used to tease Price about that before, but he’s stopped since as Price really does put a lot of effort into cooking for Nikolai. The latter really isn’t so mean to genuinely hurt his boyfriend like that. He does give Price some constructive criticism, though. Offers to help with cooking next time, but both of them know that Nikolai will just take the lead. But in the end, they both really do enjoy cooking with each other, regardless of who makes the main dish. They also get really chatty during it.
NikPrice x Reader
Considering how long they’ve been with each other, they've gotten used to it, but you genuinely cannot cuddle them during summer. You’ll become a sweaty mess and won’t be able to sleep at all since they’re both very warm. Nikolai more so than Price. However, the two of them can cuddle each other just fine since they’re used to warmer nights because of all the missions they’ve gone on. However, it’s pretty nice in winter. They’re two big, burly and warm men who love to make you feel toasty. Price is actually a pretty cuddly guy and Nikolai can be too with the right people. If you’re not on the cuddly side then they’ll settle for giving you a pat on the back every once in a while or just holding your hand. But Price loves touching you and Nikolai. He doesn’t need to do it every single waking moment, but it’s nice to hold your loved ones. Nikolai can go either way, but he’s pretty cuddly with Price. Sometimes the two of them fight over who gets to be the big spoon, other times they’ll just plop into each other’s arms. If you’re shorter than them then you’ll likely get sandwiched between them. If you’re as tall or taller than them then they might ask you to take on the role of big spoon. Sure, they won’t mind it when you’re shorter than them, but they’ll chuckle since you’re just a little backpack.
Both of them will try to teach you how to fight and defend yourself. Even if you’re capable of that already, they’ll teach you something anyway. They’re both military men, they know what they’re talking about. Besides, it’s not as unlikely as one might think that you might get hurt because of them. You need to be able to defend yourself. They’ll take turns teaching you, improving your form and all. They’ll sometimes even deliberately spar in front of you so you could learn something from them fighting with each other. They won’t be as rough with you as they are with each other, especially not if you’re not part of the military, but they’ll be diligent in teaching you either way. If you’re part of the military then they’ll be rougher with you, but not as rough as with each other. Nikolai and Price have known each other for so long, they know where each other’s limits are. You’re the newest addition, so there’s still things they need to get to know. But I can assure you they will take good care of you. They’ll also reward you if you’re doing especially well during your little training lessons. Nikolai tries to bribe you into doing well by offering to cook your favorite meal if you do so.
The two of them actually spoil you rotten, especially if you don’t earn as much money as they do. Nikolai earns even more money than Price, so he has quite a lot to spend. Loves buying you and him all kinds of things. These can range from something useful to just something he saw and thought you might like. Price doesn’t like being indebted to people, so he always tries to buy Nikolai something back, even insisting that he shouldn’t buy him as many things. Nikolai never listens to him in that regard. And since Price buys Nikolai things he has to buy something for you as well. Sometimes it’s just your favorite kind of cake, sometimes it’s some nice and expensive jewelry. It’s always a mystery with Price. You don’t have to feel obligated to buy them something either. You’re more than welcome to if you have the finances to do so, but if you usually barely get by then you really shouldn’t have to. In fact, if you don’t have a lot of money then the two of them will pay for just about anything you need. Clothes, food, other necessities. It doesn’t matter. Together they have more money than they know what to do with anyway. It’s nice to spend it on someone you love and make them happy anyway. Don’t pay them back, they’ll find your bank account and return the money. They love you, let them pamper you like the little royalty you are.
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novanoms · 1 month
Vore mood of the night:
Overly excited prey, just so full of energy. I like to imagine that they unintentionally can become a nuisance to any pred because they love to investigate and squirm around when in a tum. Maybe the pred has a sensitive stomach and has to ask them to settle down, maybe they enjoy all the sweet fluttering sensations, maybe it tickles, the possibilities are endless!
I especially love the idea of the happy affectionate prey and stone cold pred with this. Just this emotionless being with the most joyful little creature hidden away and just rubbing themselves on the insides like an excited cat/dog. Despite not showing anything, the pred is extremely touch starved because people are afraid of them, so they just feel such a deep affection for the prey. That despite their cold nature on the outside, they’re always so gently with their little buddy, both inside and out. Even when the prey is inside, the stomach walls just barely press to show how the pred really feels.
I just love this idea of little ray of sunshine that’s never felt fear and their terrifying emotionless friend that would do anything in their power to protect it.
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sillyromance · 1 month
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I want to be there.
Don't be shy - I'm not afraid. Not anymore. You're not the worst of monsters; humans are much scarier sometimes... And your present state is nothing but a mask for a soul that is aching.
Please, open your mouth. Let me inside.
Perhaps, I can cease your pain.
Perhaps, I can calm your rage. Fill your emptiness. Satisfy your undying urge.
So, don't deny me.
Give me a chance. Trust me.
I'll be gentle with you.
I'll listen to you.
I'll lull you.
Tell me your tale. Make me feel: laugh and cry.
Allow me to go through, in the very depth: via veins and flesh. Break me down. Absorb me.
The only thing I ask in return is...
Let me stay with you tonight. I seek to hear your voice, feel your body around me. To be meaningful. To be loved.
Don't leave me alone.
Let us be in this together.
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cowardlysimon · 1 month
this one goes out to the haunted Gam/bit figure that is in my room and has caused me and my friends extreme terror (he won't leave us alone help help help)
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you should know who ate him
I think
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Okay bye
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gomzdrawfr · 8 months
Captain John "don't touch my gf" Price and Eira Raven "my personal stress ball" Liu
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do you want bear!Price too? then check it out here
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