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bkbubble · 2 months ago
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sxxlol · 10 months ago
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cyno the man that you are
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revumajiosu · 11 months ago
Another RTVS Fuzzies has been borned. Say hello to Mike! His fursona is a hare :)
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(i used the Mike At Pax pic as a reference^)
More small doodles and rambling below...
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A much easier RTVS fursona to work with because I knew right from the beginning that Mike HAD to be a bunny/hare, inspired of course by his upcoming Birthday Quest game, and just because it felt right in my heart.
I was dissatisfied with leaving him a purely cream-colored hare, so I threw in a splash of purple on one ear (and pawpads and nose) without much reasoning beyond "hey it looks pretty cool" and I think it does. Yay!
More to come. Thanx for coming.
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fromwhenceucame · 7 months ago
Today was Not Great so it’s time to make my first ever real post on here I guess !!
Shoutout to @thehardestwater for giving me that one post about turning your favorite characters into warriors, I did that and thought about them way too much
First we have Chaeya, let’s go !!
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I very, very loosely used real warrior cat design concepts in the fact Kaeya doesn’t have an eyepatch but instead a big ol’ scar (in star-shaped format). A lot of their designs are inspired by aspects of their outfits, like how Childe has the darker ginger around his chest/neck like his scarf, and Kaeya’s white fluff is his actual fluffy thing (but this time on his body, wow). I had to make Childe’s stripes swirly like water and Kaeya’s spots like stars (also the moon-shaped ear fluff, that idea came to me from a warriors MAP (edit: I found it!!! It’s Crookedgoose and the design for Moonflower (of course it was a Crookedstar map (my favorite little freak who I associate with Childe for no reason)) and also the fur on Kaeya’s back was inspired by another cat design of him I saw and I really wanted to include it)
In their warrior cats land, there’s 7 clans for each nation — so Childe’s in Snezhnaya clan (Snowclan) and Kaeya’s in Mondstadt clan (Windclan (very original)).
Childe is a highly respected cat in his clan, and they do things a little differently out there! There is no leader/deputy structure; instead, there’s the 11 Harbingers (“omens” instead, since “harbinger” isn’t a word I’ve seen in warriors as far as I know) who support their leader, the Tsaritsa… I don’t know off the top of my head if we know how many cryo archons there were before the Tsaritsa, but the original was definitely “Snowstar” and currently her name is “Icestar.” Childe is basically number 11 of Snowclan’s deputies…
As for Kaeya, he’s essentially Windclan’s acting deputy while the actual deputy (Jean) is the acting leader while the REAL leader (Varka) is away doing whatever he does. There’s a horseplace very close to Windclan (ironically similar to the real Windclan) that Kaeya knows everything about, the horseleader if you will, and he strongly enjoys watching them graze and gallop around when he’s not busy with clanlife. Pretty much everyone in the close-knit Windclan respects Kaeya because he is very cool (Kaeya does not agree with this, but okay). Also! The original “Windstar” (Venti) basically stepped down the moment Windclan was made, he’s not interested in that life.
And as for names !! They make me scream :]
Snowclan’s 11 Omens all have a new name based on what omen brought them to that position, that are formatted like the older clan names/tribe names, too. Originally, Childe was “Floodpaw” before he disappeared for a few days and came back a lil silly. After that, he was re-apprenticed to an Omen and given the full name “Floodripple” with his Omen name “Dark Waters of the Abyss” … sometimes I break my own rules (I don’t think “abyss” is a word warrior cats know) and that’s okay. Floodpaw probably still found a whale out there wherever he went to get trained by Skirk.
Kaeya would be “Frostwind” — the leader having honored him for his loyalty to the clan despite his loner roots (having been abandoned as a kit and taken in as usual, maybe Diluc is “Flametalon” for his fierceness because they definitely become warriors before The Incident) (Frostwind definitely doesn’t think he deserves that name, but okay).
Additional thoughts, Jean is “Dandelionroar” and has been acting leader for too many dang moons now. Barbara is most likely a medicine cat, but Albedo and Sucrose are also in that vein so maybe this Windclan does things a bit differently in regard to medicine cats. Dottore may be the medicine cat in Snowclan but he’s not. A very good medicine cat. Arlecchino’s Omen name could be “Flames of the Crimson Moon”
And yeah that’s all I got \o/ stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 when I post my other favorites from fe3h (Dimtiri + Sylvain + Claude) and hsr (Dr Ratio + Aventurine) my goal is to have a whole lot of them done before artfight next year — I hope they were neat, thanks for reading !!
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neokatja · 1 year ago
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wip!! doing a set of faeries!
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zebrashork · 4 months ago
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Updated art of Henri ! My favorite French thingus
I also updated its story and info so expect like. A sheet of that at some point
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largepuffin · 6 months ago
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art.. did i cook or am i cooked. Just lmk.. 👅
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sporruki · 1 month ago
and then i post my 90 billion dandys wolrlds
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itseghost · 2 months ago
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"Unbidden, an image of Jayce smiling in bed earlier this morning comes to mind. Viktor's hand on his cheek. His slightly chapped lips. His bedhead. Stubble. His smile lines. The shape of his jaw."
one of my favorite little scenes from coming home (but not to you) by @lesbianherald :) haven't done comics in so so long but really wanted to give it a shot lol
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gameshowprize · 5 months ago
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art i did on the drive home from rehab um what theh fart
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bkbubble · 9 months ago
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ahhh, True Love
based on @naffeclipse 's newest fic 'Eating Krill' on AO3
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blanchebees · 6 months ago
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Perfect organism
Tip jar
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fromwhenceucame · 7 months ago
Round 2 of my favorite characters as warrior cats lets go — Sylvain, Claude, and Dimitri edition
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Once again I throw logic out the window for actual cat markings/colors/whatever because I design based on vibes and I was only able to work a crest onto Sylvain (the red around his eyes resemble the two parts of the gautier crest) but I did try very hard to get the other two to have theirs (Dimitri gave me a stupid amount of trouble to get vibed right).
I knew I needed to put a heart on Sylvain for Sylvain reasons, and I thought it would be delightful if he only had it on one side — his other being just dark… I also really wanted to include black on him since his class outfits usually use black and red annnnnd the cat breed named after Gautier is a black and white cat.
Meanwhile, Claude is highly inspired by wyverns in the game. The lighter brown is basically wherever it would be on a wyvern, and the fact of his stripes are mostly from the Reigan tabby but also resembling the layered(?) look wyverns have… the scales, basically, with white stripes being used for more prominent scales (sort of, mostly because his wyvern is white and I needed to include it but he looked wrong with white stripes). His ear tufts represent wyvern horns/antlers, or they represent deer antlers! His tail and spots are deer-like, too.
And Dimitri !! He needed to be big and fluffy; and, he needed to have a mane with rounded ears like a lion so that’s the bulk of my ideas. The black part on his back is like the fur cloak he has post timeskip and his toes being black were just because I thought it would be neat 👍
I have been thinking about fe3h warrior cats in the back of my mind for over 2 years apparently, and it’s so easy to say we have Eagleclan, Lionclan, and Deerclan… that’s why those are the three clans. Maybe this world works a little differently, too, and the church is a band of clan cats who are always in contact with Starclan (allegedly) and therefore partially govern all the clans… Wolfclan also exists, but it’s not a real clan — it’s a band of rouges or loners who are doing their thing led by Yuri
Starting with Lionclan life, sometimes I remember that Thunderclan had a succession way back in the day with Oakstar to Pinestar and that is how Lambert wanted it to go before ~tragedy~ and I don’t know if it was Rufus or someone else who takes over afterwards but I do know that when Sylvain was a kit, a part of him really wanted to be a medicine cat but he never went down that path… though he does know a lot more about herbs than your average warrior! Good for him. At somepoint when it’s time for the timeskip, Dimitri disappears for 5-12 moons (I think 60 moons would be the 5 years but that feels too long for cats), becoming a rouge wandering the clans’ territories and picking off mostly Eagleclan like your unfriendly neighborhood cryptid. Eventually he’s normal again and not doing that, reclaiming the leadership position.
And with Deerclan I have not as many thoughts for I am not sure what makes the most sense for Almyra to be. Maybe something closer to the tribe? I do not know. What I do know is Claude came from there and got to be in the clans for a good long while, quickly rising to the rank of leader by the time the timeskip passes. I feel like Deerclan would be extra not happy about him simply showing up if that’s what goes down, so I support it happening. Kind of like how Tallstar makes Onewhisker the deputy on his deathbed, but it’s Claude’s grandpa doing that to Claude.
And I have a lot of name ideas for fe3h life !!
When I initially thought of names for specifically Lionclan/Faerghus, it was as if they were from Riverclan so the names on my mind have a very Riverclan-based scheme… but I really like some of them. Like “Shellrain” for Sylvain, I think it’s so fun if the name actually sounds like their real name. I needed to put “Rain” in as the suffix for Sylvain for that reason.
I think Lambert, who could be “Lightbass” or “Landbass” depending on how far you want to go with the names sounding alike, would name Dimitri “Lionkit” when he’s born. Then he can become “Liontrout” or “Liontree” again, depending on how far you want to go. Though, maybe his name is “Lionshade” “Lionshadow” or something else suspicious because it would probably be Rufus (who is Runfur because that is the closest I can get to it being Rufus) or someone else who doesn’t support him naming him at the time… unless warrior names are given out by the church group… hmmmm…
Regardless, I’m again not sure what Almyra is in connection to the clans, but Claude definitely has two names, and in the clans he goes by “Deerclaw.” Claw is the best suffix ever if you want to make a word that sounds like Claude (just like rain) so it has to be it, and “deer” is a very obviously accepted prefix for the clans. I don’t know what his original name should be yet, however.
And that’s all I got, but I have one more pair to contemplate (Aventurine and Dr Ratio) in the coming days before I start digging deeper into the other cats so stay tuned \o/ yippie
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neokatja · 1 year ago
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okay! I’m done messing with this, I’m glad I slept on it before I considered it “done”
my take on an earth faerie! 🌿🌸💐
I grew up with this era so these designs are very nostalgic for me <3
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zebrashork · 10 months ago
Just drew something I'm pretty proud of, shoutout to @xlynchiex for teaching me about making my line art cool and the shading and colors
Under the cut because it's not exactly sfw (not porn)
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Love this guy. Yi Slut or whatever
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heptagadu · 11 months ago
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Rabbit panic!
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