#and anyone who does and claims to be doing so in interest of supporting 'mental health' is
catgirlcrisis · 8 months
whoopsie-daisie hit reblog too fast
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bougiebutchbinch · 4 months
wait when did ed physically torture anyone other than izzy
...................forcing Jim and Archie to fight to the death under threat of killing them both, and running the whole crew ragged fighting constantly with no breaks to the point where the vast majority of them died, including Ivan?
Again, because this fandom is ridiculous, I have to make the obligatory disclaimer that I think it was a very interesting and dark direction for the show to take Ed's character! He's a very complex dude! He hated himself so much he tried to torment and torture the people who followed him so that they would kill him! And killed a bunch of them with that negligence! His motivation was absolutely self-hate and suicidal ideation! He wanted them to snap and attack him - or, in Jim and Archie's case, he hated the fact that they were happy together so much that he felt he had to literally kill them to tear them apart. It's fucked up. It's delicious. It's a clear expression of Ed's self-loathing and post-break-up grief, as he still thinks Stede left him wilfully.
Doesn't change the fact that it happened.
Seeing as this fandom keeps trying to pretend these are people rather than fictional characters, we should really make the point clear that even if you're suicidal and had a bad break up, you're still responsible for the harm you cause others! Especially when it's this extreme!
Ed's not delusional. He's still in touch with reality - minus his hallucinations while he's literally dying. He's just hurting, upset about his break up, and wants to make everyone suffer with him. Which, IRL, would in fact be a supremely shitty thing to do.
But Ed isn't a real person. He's a fictional character! And that's interesting character writing!
I don't think any of Ed's atrocities make him 'evil' or 'irredeemable' within the context of the show. I just think it means we needed quite a bit more build-up and introspection in order to flesh out his redemption arc, especially with Jim and Archie (Archie whose only reason for instantly forgiving him was that she's 'had worse' in the past! Like, wow!) Because as it stands it's just. Not great writing. I would've cut 90% of the Action (because I do not watch this show for the action, lol) and focused a lot more on Ed and the crew bonding again, in order to make Izzy's claim that the crew love Ed even after he tried to kill the lot of them, feel in any way real.
I loved the scene with Ed and Fang. Honestly, I desperately wanted more of Ed realising he does have control over his actions, and that he needs to make changes in the way he deals with his depression and 'dark side', in order to stop harming the people who make up his support network! I think that's an arc that a lot of us with serious mental health issues can relate to, and I wish it had been fleshed out more.
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linkspooky · 1 year
hi Spooky! I just read your meta about Gojo's motivation in the fight and you brought up interesting points.
I thought Gojo was fighting in a way that he's trying to save Megumi, because if Gojo is really trying to eliminate Sukuna for good he would go for the most fatal blow, the brain, he knows that Sukuna can still come back even without heart (lungs and liver)... so I thought Gojo is probably trying to weaken Sukuna to "make room" for Megumi. Even if his facade is "carefree", at first he already warned Sukuna that he won't hold back, he seemed worried when he realized that Megumi is the one that got hit by UV. But now I'm worried about his character growth, is it like he's decreasing? or at least he's not showing something better than the Gojo who killed Toji - teen Gojo; what happened to the Gojo that claims to protect his students' youth and who is supposed to be the "good guy" in this fight...
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I still think Gojo is fighting with the belief he can revive Megumi after he takes down Sukuna, but I agree with you anon his attitude towards the fight shows his lack of growth after Toji. Not only does Gojo reference Toji a couple of times like the battle is still fresh on his mind but his emotional state resembles the way he was when he fought Toji post-awakening as the "strongest." It wasn't just a happy-go-lucky facade at that point Gojo stated in his internal narration he wasn't fighting to avenge Riko: it really was just about defeating Toji and using his newfound power to reach his full potential.
It's understandable Gojo reacted that way in the moment though. He's seventeen, and it's probably alienating to have that much power thrust on your shoulders at seventeen. However, Gojo shows a clear lack of progress since that battle. Eleven years have passed since the battle with Toji, and Gojo's kind of trapped there mentally. He's still fighting for the same reasons he fought against Toji. Those lines could be applied to how he feels via Sukuna's possession of Megumi.
"Right now I'm not angry for you. Nor do I feel vengeful toward anyone. Right now, it's just that everything feels right."
Word of god supports this: Gege was asked directly if Gojo matured after the battle with Toji, and Gege explained instead of maturing he left the decision making up to Geto.
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This is pretty consistent with Gojo and Geto's foiling with one another. Geto tends to be a deeply self-reflective character almost to a fault. While I'd argue that while Gojo is known by the fandom as the more selfish one, he is oddly someone who doesn't self reflect at all.
We know far more about Geto's internal world and how he sees things because of his internal narration. Honestly, if you compare the short time he's a focus character in Hidden Inventory to the entire rest of the manga Gojo receives a lot less internal dialogue. When Gojo does have internal narration it's almost always just him strategizing for a fight. He doesn't have the same richly developed internal world that Geto has because he doesn't really think or reflect on those things. When he does give insight to himself and his belief it's almost always himself talking aloud to other people.
Which neatly dovetails into my next topic re: Gojo's tendency to mask his true emotions under a light-hearted facade. I think it's inarguable he does that, Gojo was acting happy-go-lucky in front of his students about five minutes after killing Geto. Geto commented in the beach scene in Okinawa that Gojo goofing around on the beach was his way of being considerate to Amanai, and that while pretending to be carefree he'd been exhausting himself keeping the limiitless active for days not even sleeping. Gojo even downplays the burden of that in front of Geto, the one person he allows himself to be vulernable with.
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However, I don't think Gojo's tendency to mask his true emotions is because he's crying on the inside during his fight with Megumi and at some point he's going to have an emotional breakdown over it. That interpretation I think comes from the fandom's tendency to woobify Gojo because they want to make him a more relatable and easy to understand character when Gojo is supposed to be alienating and off-putting.
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He's an exploration of what being the strongest would due to a person's mind, and how much that would alienate a person from the people around him. Gojo's defined by his inability to relate to others, especially the people he finds as weak so it only makes sense he'd process his emotions in a way that's different from most people.
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If people learn and grow and change by their interaction with others, then Gojo who's very cursed technique itself makes it so nobody can ever touch him unless he wants them too does not interact with others and therefore does not change.
It's interesting if you look at things from a budhhist perspective, because there are heavy themes of budhism present in the text of JJK itself. Let's say that Gojo attained enlightenment at seventeen. If he's already enlightened then why would he need to grow any more past that point? The ultimate goal of budhism is to escape the cycle of karma entirely, so from that perspective Gojo untethering himself from the world and earthly concerns and other people is his ideal endpoint.
On the other hand Gojo is like a person living in the world - he eats takeout, goes out drinking with his friends, has a job, pays his taxes. He didn't escape life and worldly concerns, because life went on, he's still living in the world and eleven years has passed since the moment he "attained enlightenment."
If he's already enlightened then he shouldn't need to grow, but considering hes still living in the world you need to grow and change with the world and people around you otherwise you're going to be left behind.
From what we've seen in canon Gojo changed a little bit. His ideals changed in the fact he adopted Geto's sense of responsibility and judgement of good and evil. He also witnessed Geto's fall and lost his friendship which is clearly what influences his current beliefs on wanting to protect the childhood of sorcerers, and that there's something rotten about the Jujutsu Society surrounding him.
I don't mean to say that every change in Gojo's life comes from Geto, but rather Gojo's current sense of beliefs are based around what happened to him in his youth. He wants to protect children because his youth was ruined. If Geto never fell and became a curse user would Gojo see anything wrong with the current system worth rebelling over?
Put better in another better meta here.
Still, my point is that... Gojo simply never cared enough about things like ideology. [...] He tried to internalize Geto’s original values of protecting the weak since he could sense some merit to them, finding joy in entertaining Riko and later his students, but he completely missed the reasoning behind those values. This is why he spouted all those things about not saving/reaching Geto (without having attempted it in the first place) and about becoming a teacher to prevent young sorcerers from missing out on their youth (immediately going to indoctrinate young Megumi into their messed up system as a pretext of saving him from the Zenins. [...] The only way he can empathize with them is by remembering what he himself enjoyed in his youth, that being companionship with his bff and his growing power. And when some of them don’t show interest in that (like poor fucking Megumi) Gojo is simply not interested in exploring alternatives.  To him, it’s not a question of ‘why’, it never was.
Gojo is extreemly self-oriented in all the good and bad that entails. Good because it makes him an extremely strong, and self confident individual that allows him to pursue those ideals (and his ideals are still pretty good) bad because he easily loses sight of other people's feelings.
A gojo who truly changed after the fight with Toji would have reached out to Megumi in an attempt to break the cycle that started with the Zen'ins abuse of TOji. A true example of being the bigger man by going out of his way to help the son of a man who in a lot of ways caused permanent damage to his life and the people around him.
However, that's blatantly not what Gojo did. Once again we have Word of God on this.
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Gojo hasn't matured past his mindset of seeing people in terms of "strong and weak" and as a natural extension of that he tends to treat the same kids he's trying to help as assets so he's not living up to his desire to be the responsible adult in their lives. Because he's not really an adult. His growth stopped in the fight with Toji.
Gojo's solution to the problem of Jujutsu Society's use of child soldiers and treating children as expendable is... to create stronger child soldiers. I don't think Gojo does this maliciously, it's just he has no self-awareness whatsoever. He is Jujutsu Society's ideal and constantly praised as such and because of that can't see the flaws in his own ideology and actions. That's also the way Gojo was raised, pushed to be the strongest and to build his entire life and self-worth around being the strongest he can be. People who lack self-awareness tend to unsconiously recreate the circumstances under which they were raised because it's familiar to them. Do unto others what was done unto you.
To return to my original topic though Gojo has a tendency to make his true emotions but I don't think it's done because he's secretly crying on the inside.
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I think Gojo's complete lack of reaction to Nanami's death was his genuine reaction. He's not putting on a brave face or anything. He probably does care that Nanami died, but this is just how Gojo processes his emotions. I also think there's a couple of times where Gojo is disturbed during the fight against Megumi such as when Sukuna used Megumi as a shield for the limitless, but at the same time he's clearly having the time of his life with this fight.
I don't think he's faking that. He shouldn't really be enjoying this battle because there are simply more important things right now than whether or not Gojo finally gets to have fun in a fight and be challenged against someone who's his equal - but apparently Gojo didn't get that memo.
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Gojo is probably masking his emotions to some extent, but there's a difference between text (what is stated) and subtext (what is not stated and instead relies on reader interpretation). Gojo visibly enjoying himself in the fight is direct text. Gojo announces out loud that he has no problem beating up Megumi, the narration tells us that Gojo is feeling deeply satisfied with this fight.
While characters do sometimes hide their feelings and lie, and narrators are sometimes reliable, subtext is still an interpretation and it doesn't trump what is directly stated by the work.
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The text has already told us directly that number one Gojo doesn't feel any hesitation to fight Megumi, and number two Gojo's first priority is winning and his second priority is worrying about Megumi.
Anything that contradicts that is fandom interpretation of the text. I don't think Gege is trying to pull a fast one or unreliable narrator trick here. Gege has always been blatantly honest about Gojo's flaws as a character, hence why I constantly cite his responses in interviews.
I think it's Gege's intention here to show us how Gojo's priorities are eschewed. You can make an argument that Gojo has to worry about defeating Sukuna first above everything else because of utiliarian reasons. If he loses here then everyone else dies. He may have to sacrifice Megumi to stop Sukuna from killing anyone else.
However, those utilitarian reasons are in direct opposition to Gojo's ideals. Gojo wants to create a world where children aren't sacrificed for the common good. In Gojo's ideals chidlren shouldn't be sarificed for adults, but rather it's adults who should protect children so they can live out their youths. If Gojo fails to protect Megumi here he's going back on everything he supposedly stands for.
So while you can make an argument pragmatically Gojo has to worry about winning the fight first. Idealistically he should be fighting to save Megumi, not to win against Sukuna. However, he's not doing that. By having him care more about the fight itself then Megumi, it shows that Gojo's pragmatism often is in conflict with his own idealism. Which is something we've always known about his character. He wants to help kids but at the same time he's using them as tools to further his own agenda.
Again a lot of Gojo's flaws arise from his own lack of self-awareness. Gojo does conceal his own emotions a lot, but I don't think he's hiding a crying child inside. Instead it's more like he's so alienated from both the people around him and his own emotions that he can't process them or self reflect.
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Gojo is blind in a lot of ways, like it's made clear by Shoko that Gojo's isolation doesn't just come from being the strongest. There are people around him actively trying to connect with him and Gojo just kind of ignores them because he's too caught up in the idea that only someone like Geto who was as strong as he was could ever understand him.
Gojo doesn't show his own emotions or make deep emotional connections with others because he probably doesn't understand those emotions himself. He's not only alienated himself from the people around him, but he's alienated himself from his own feelings to such an extent that even when he does care it's difficult for him to show it.
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mdhwrites · 1 month
Do you think Boscha was treated unfairly in the context of the show? I know you've said before what you would have wanted her characterization to be, but what do you think of her character as we have it in TOH - and do you think fan and narrative treatment lines up with this?
I'm going to ignore the fan element. Fandom is going to fandom after all. However, I can easily say where her narrative treatment went wrong in the show!
She should not have been in S3.
This is always a fun topic to me essentially because I am pro-Boscha. You ask me what her character is, the potential of it, etc. like that and I can give you reams of thoughts. However, I also said, before S2 came out and I was working on a fanfic where Boscha was quickly becoming the main character, that I didn't think Boscha should show up again. The reason is pretty simple too. TOH already had a lot of threads to pull and Boscha's narrative use was over. Honestly, Hexside was essentially was used up by then.
Boscha is a minor supporting character to the main character's love interest. Not a major supporting character, a minor one. Amity's family is MUCH more important to her character than her one bitchy friend. The only use Boscha had narratively was to both contrast how Amity was changing and to also allow Amity an antagonist to overcome as she made her way to being on the side of good. Her being a one note bully is perfect for that and exactly how she should have been written. Winging it Like Witches capitalizes on this and fulfills both of her purposes and Amity cuts Boscha out of her life so... Why are we still seeing her? She is no longer even a supporting cast member to the love interest, she is just a floating character in the background.
And in S2, we get a fine answer for that. She's essentially one of the townsfolk of Wartwood in Amphibia. Someone who can show up for a quick gag but doesn't take up too much time. We're not trying to progress her character, we're just taking advantage of the fact that she's not gone. She's a gag but it's genuinely rooted in her character unlike the one joke that King or Hooty have that we're just supposed to mock. This worked. Period.
Then S3 tries to give her an arc. Why? Well... Because it doesn't want to be a kid's show. Kid's shows after all, like Amphibia, have characters who don't have some deep backstory or brooding complexity, they're just... Fun. They're nice. They aren't complicated. Boscha, WAY too late, was made to be complicated during a shortened season so the show could claim it had one more redemption? So it could claim its shallow bully character wasn't shallow? And she takes up a good amount of time in this episode for this when you have THREE SPECIALS. The stress of the world ending isn't enough to cause Willow to lose control, she needs one more push from Boscha. We finally have to acknowledge that what Amity did was a complete dick move to her best friend and then not actually acknowledge it because Amity gets to just be morally superior instead of a decent human being to this girl having a mental breakdown. It's awkward, clunky and does NO favors to Boscha besides just kind of making her look pathetic, which is a pretty common trick in TOH for trying to redeem someone. Boscha isn't so bad because she's actually a loser and not as bad as someone else in her nearby vicinity.
Why? Why do this? Why do this TWO SEASONS after Boscha was no longer narratively useful? It is just pointless to your overall story so it should have been cut. THAT is Boscha's biggest problem in the show and if anyone told me they couldn't forgive her for adding filler to S3, I couldn't tell them they're wrong.
I love Boscha. That means I know when to let her go, something the show should have learned if they actually cared about her. See you next tale.
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hyperfixingfr · 5 months
CW for abuse. Idk if I've said this already but a conversation with @rainbowwwzo last night prompted a thought. Why are we still trying to claim 2 and 3 have good families?
1 & 5 have amazing families (Cree aside). 4 has a family who's trying their best, although probably need to look into why their son has behavioral issues instead of sending him to boarding school. But they still have their best intentions for him!
However, 2 and 3 have both been shown to have abusive and neglectful families. Somehow, I still see some of you claim they aren't that way despite the piles of clips that prove them to be horrible for their children.
For one, Numbuh Two is PHYSICALLY ABUSED. He's wacked over the head with a cane for anything mildly annoying he does. And his mother does NOTHING. Even when in the same room watching it happen, she does NOTHING. His grandmother can't even remember his name. He results to LYING to try and get her to love him, and even that doesn't work. Do you understand how that would impact a child? Do you understand that his fear towards fighting in the show and tendency to yelp or scream is a trauma response, because he's abused? I'm not saying you need to headcanon the boy with 98 mental illnesses or something... But you'd really be mischaracterizing him and ditching what is so obviously shown in canon if you didn't have this impact him in some way, shape or form. I feel VERY strongly about his home situation being misportrayed in particular because I was once in a situation where I was living with only my abusive, demented grandmother and my mother who was too weak from her own mother's abuse to save me from being abused too. My home situation looked just like his and it almost offends me when people claim he'd be happy go lucky, no heavy mental battles, content with his life, best outcome of the group. Because I can tell you right now, absolutely not.
For Numbuh Three, she gets the most ignorance. Her father was shown to be emotionally immature, screaming, yelling and slamming when he couldn't scoop *ice cream*. I hate to say it, but do you think a man who can't even handle letting ice cream melt a bit would be treating his daughters right? Absolutely not. We'd be lucky if all he did was emotionally abuse them. But judging by his reaction, it unfortunately seems he'd lay hands if upset enough. He reacts this way constantly. And his wife isn't any better. She seems to be projecting herself onto her children. She seems dull and uninterested in doing anything worth-while, and seems more keen on keeping them entertained indirectly instead of directly via playing with them. She raises so many red flags that you'd only see in emotionally abusive or absent parents. And even if she weren't, you cannot discredit the fact that she'd be letting her husband do it to them instead. Because she hardly does anything about it besides saying "calm down". We all know Kuki's innocence is a fake mask, but it baffles me how many people cannot piece together that she puts it on to protect herself from the environment her parents have created. She acts innocent to protect her feelings, most likely from her father. If she acts innocent, people let her off the hook more, which means less yelling.
Tommy and Mushi both take on personality traits found in abused children. Tommy seals himself off after realizing he can't always have his brother available (would've been achieved had he been in the KND) which means he wouldn't have the support of anyone that likes him or at least tolerates him. Hiding away in his room would be the best way to avoid conflict from Lydia. While Mushi takes on a evil, "I need to be the center of attention" demeanor. She goes to extremes just to get back at people who had her best interest in mind. Usually children give up a grudge like that quickly. It's not as bad as Tommy's signs, but it does imply she's attention hungry.
I'm not saying to make them both look like emos listening to MCR daily. But please, take 2 and 3s home lives into proper account. Especially when trying to portray it. I don't like seeing all of these misportrayals of people saying they've got perfectly happy families because they don't and it's very obvious they don't. At least to me, who had experienced both an abusive grandmother + hopeless mother and emotionally immature angry all the time parent. Missing the basic "2 and 3 have bad home lives" feels like you've missed the point of the show. Of course kids with bad home lives are gonna be there fighting for a better home life. The show is about fighting for basic rights for children. Completely glossing over a very in your face instance(s) of children being treated less than human is crazy.
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
I notice a lot of radfems claiming that trans community is a cult now that I'm in gender critical spaces and I guess I can see why because they silence dissenting opinions and keep engaging in their homophobia, ignorance of sex based oppressions, supporting problematic people and etc. When I was in the trans community, they say that radfems are a cult. I don't know why that is though. Do you know why they say that radfems are a cult? I just think radfems don't want trans people to promote misogyny, homophobia and whatever bigotries they keep spouting
I've seen that once or twice when I was in trans spaces too. It doesn't make sense to me either, but I can't say I'm surprised since every single other thing they believe about radical feminism is also laughably inaccurate.
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Looking at these images, and going through each point in context of radical feminism vs transactivism, there's a lot that's interesting. Where we encourage critical thinking, doubt, questioning, and dissent, TRAs actively discourage and punish it. They no longer even tolerate trans people who disagree on very minor matters - I remember when it was generally agreed upon in trans spaces that dysphoria was a defining aspect of being trans & everyone made fun of "tumblr genders." Now, the "truscum," "transmed," and old-school transsexual types are also called transphobic bigots and told they aren't welcome.
We have no involvement or desire to interfere in other radfems' family or personal lives; transactivism often encourages people to cut off family members for minor infractions like questioning anything about the person's transition or identity, not adjusting quickly enough to new pronouns/name, and the like. TRAs have often claimed parents who do any of those things are transphobic and abusive. TRA culture also frequently encourages trans people to socially engage primarily with other trans people (but only the ones who share their views!), date other trans people, live with like 7 other trans roommates, etc. Most trans people I knew who subscribed to the full gender ideology package rented a place with 2 or 3 other genderist roommates. They also discourage relationships of any kind, including friendship, with anyone who doesn't fully share the genderist perspective.
TRAs certainly view "any outside criticism as proof of persecution." I don't know any radfems who have an issue with criticism of radical feminism (that isn't straight up misogyny ofc). "Outsiders who question the group are hostile enemies or inherently evil" is transactivism to a fucking T. Radfems don't claim anyone is inherently evil, and idk any radfem who thinks that outsiders who question or disagree with radical feminism are hostile enemies. I doubt many even feel that way about TRAs; we just don't tolerate misogyny. I don't think they're inherently evil or anything lmao. In fact, most radfems I've known actually have a lot of empathy for people who struggle with dysphoria, gender nonconformity, mental health issues, etc.
"The leader's transgressions are explained away or ignored." In many of these quotes, if you swap "the leader" for "trans women" or male nonbinaries, you'll notice it's pretty dead on. Eli Erlick for example, or Sophie Labelle, and so many more. They will defend a serial rapist transwoman over a gender critical MTF transsexual any day, and that's pretty culty behavior to me - not to mention it proves that this isn't about literally being trans, but about the ideology. Though they will usually take a trans woman's side in any situation, if the trans woman does not subscribe to gender ideology, they'll demonize and attack instead. In rad spaces on the other hand, I see women consistently held accountable when they do something wrong, and if it's a serious moral transgression, they'll be kicked out of the space no matter how popular or influential they were.
"Unquestioning commitment" to the ideology and "practices are the binding truth and law" (insert binding joke here). Extreme "polarized us vs them mentality" and "black-and-white views and right-or-wrong thinking with no gray areas." All of this is accurate of transactivism. I have not experienced or witnessed this type of thinking in rad spaces.
"Leaders use deception both to the public and to its own members." I mean the entire ideology is based on deception and denial of reality. Gaslighting is fundamental to convincing people that sex isn't real/can be changed, that sexual orientation is based on attraction to people's invisible internal identities and is inherently fluid and has nothing at all to do with sex or really any physical traits, that women/girls are oppressed because they identify as female or because patriarchy hates femininity (I've seen them claim "masc privilege" is a thing and butch lesbians benefit from it wayyy too many times) - or that women & girls are not oppressed at all. Flaunting that you've had sex with someone without disclosing that you're trans (aka deception) is fairly common in some of the more extreme genderist spaces as well. I'm not sure how this could possibly apply to radical feminism. We are generally pretty committed to accuracy and reality, and deception is not in line with those values at all.
"Members are discouraged from getting information from non-group sources." This one actually lowkey gave me chills bc it's really true. We all know they don't understand what radfems actually believe, they have block lists and block radfems/gender critical people on sight, even in the absence of any negative interaction. A whole lot, if not most, of the statistics and data they like to cite are from their own organizations, or even from information someone spread on social media years and years ago and everyone just doesn't question its authenticity or origins. "Non-group sources are held to be liars with sinister motives." That's practically word for word how they react to statistics, info, etc., from non-trans organizations. And gender critical people certainly know how often they call us liars and insist we want trans people dead. These especially don't apply to radical feminism. We encourage engaging with all kinds of people and content, and we don't rely on or use data/information from other radfems or radfem organizations much at all.
Now, regarding the point about special vocabulary/shorthand/buzzwords. Both TRAs and radfems use such things. However, radfems do not use them to "substitute for rational analysis." But a mantra like TWAW is exactly that. Even "TERF" and "transphobic" are thrown around extremely quickly and easily, in situations where they often don't really apply, and the intention underlying that is putting an end to any doubt/questioning going on, shutting it down by claiming bigotry.
Using "shame, guilt, and/or fear to influence and control members" absolutely doesn't happen in radfem spaces. Not that I've ever seen or heard about. It was definitely something I experienced a lot of in trans spaces, though.
I don't have the energy to do any more of these breakdowns of the points, sorry. But you get the idea. Additionally, TRAs tend to make it their entire identity and lifestyle. It's all-consuming. Not to mention there's no such thing as wrongthink in radical feminism like there is with genderism. I don't constantly monitor and police my own thoughts and feelings for "problematic" ones like I did when I was involved in all that gender stuff. Plus, they actively seek to recruit people, especially young, mentally ill, traumatized, and/or otherwise vulnerable people. Radical feminism doesn't really recruit at all; women and girls tend to find it themselves most times.
I hope this more or less answers your question
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
If you don’t mind a good faith question about the separatism debate (feel free to link me somewhere if you’ve covered this before, or ignore this if you’d rather), how do you respond to concerns that wide-scale separatism might lead to Handmaid’s Tale level oppression? It’s difficult to say how men would respond to women en mass refusing to have sex and children, since I don’t believe women have ever widely gone full separatist before, but I think it’s reasonable to assume things would eventually come to the point of extreme force and violence. Do you advocate for separatism on a scale large enough that it would cause men to enact backlash, or are you more of the belief that separatism should be for the tiny percentage of women who are lesbian and politically celibate (enabling them to slip under the radar as many current separatist societies in countries with liberal/western values do now)? Because as a lesbian living in the west, I can already get away with not marrying or living with a man. To be clear about my biases, I also am not a feminist. Why would it benefit lesbians to encourage large amounts of heterosexual women to forsake men and marriage? From my point of view, they’re voluntarily preventing a crisis of single childless men (an extremely dangerous demographic) from becoming so disillusioned that they collapse society. The world we live in surely isn’t perfect, but I’d rather live in a world where I have a 1/5 chance of being raped (or less since I don’t date men) versus a world where extremist men have stripped my rights from me and turned me into a handmaid. I agree with you that separatism should be an option for those who want it (I don’t personally, but I believe in self-determination), and I fully support safeguards for female children (evil step fathers and anyone who would hurt a child should be put to death), but I don’t follow the rest of the pro-separatist lesbian logic.
i agree that this is a good faith question so thanks for being respectful. i find answering long questions in dot points easier (stops me going on more of a tangent) so bear w me
i'm not expecting wide-scale separatism from all women but if that miraculously happened and men decided to be violent then that's not women's responsibility because those are men's actions, not women's. why should any woman have to live in fear of what men would do if we stood up for ourselves? wouldnt u rather go down swinging? "I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own. And I am not free as long as one person of Color remains chained. Nor is anyone of you." - audre lorde. id rather we die trying to reach liberation for all than live with only some privileged. i advocate for all women to dump their boyfriends but i don't expect them to, unless they claim to be radical feminists.
radical feminism is the angry woman's feminism, it's for women who want change and now, and unfortunately not all women care to think about much at all, to cope, let alone the full weight of what we have to put up with as a class. ignorance is bliss and all that but i care more about the violence inflicted on all women, not how i personally, individually, can save my self. which sure probably does lead to some mental health issues bc im always constantly aware of how fucked up men are but id rather die honest than live ignorant.
look at the 6b4t movement that spread from south korea to china. that's big enough to make the news over there! but are they getting murdered and raped for it? men need women more than women need men.
why does it benefit lesbians for osa women to "forsake men"? firstly, lesbians have a vested interest in female liberation because we are female. we still are at risk for male violence and sometimes face it *because* we are lesbian (already seen to be "forsaking" men despite being born this way). that 1/5 statistic of being raped is not good odds?? and rape is worse than murder imo. secondly, even if lesbians werent oppressed by men, i dont need to be personally affected by someone else's pain in order to want them free. i think this issue is for those with high empathy who really value honesty and justice.
i just don't think heterosexual women exist to stop men raping or "collapsing society." i think the society is already fkn collapsed tbh. asking het/osa women to stop dating men is for the liberation of all women, because men take women for granted and know they'll always Be There so they think they can get away with the violence they already commit.
also, sometimes things have to get worse before i they get better. conflict is not always a bad thing.
those little girls you're willing to put men to death for become women. and those women are no less valuable just because they're not children anymore.
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Why do you think Alana so easily believed the worst of Will? aside from the encephalitis. She claimed to be his friend again and again but believed the best of Hannibal saying she knew him longer even though, as far as we know it was in a professional capacity, before he got involved with her. If my friend and someone I cared about was accused of what Will was framed for, I mean I would question it at least even a little! especially if said friend had an incredibly gift which he used to help so many times. I would at least stop and think “hmm Hannibal does fit the profile of the Chesapeake ripper to a T” It always bugged me about Alana. I’m rewatching the series and it she irks me all over again haha.
While Jack isn’t perfect, at least he gave Will the benefit of the doubt and did end up believing him and started investigating Hannibal further. Beverley went out on a limb for Will, too! someone who knew will for less time than Alana gave him more consideration! even Zeller later says Beverley believed in Will and that they should have as well bc if they did, she might still be alive
Thank you for an interesting question!
I think the problem is that Will and Alana were never friends, not really. We know they never even talked one on one before the start of the show. He referred to her rather impersonally and she admitted she didn't want to be alone with him because she felt intense professional curiosity toward him. That doesn't count as friendship.
They began to grow closer throughout S1, but even then, few of their interactions had depth. They flirted at times, discussed crimes, and talked about Will being unstable. Almost all of their interactions were colored by this last nuance, which had its impact. S1 starts in autumn that eventually grows into winter, so Will and Alana had just a couple of months where they talked occasionally and kissed once, with Will's jerky mental state haunting them on a constant basis.
As a contrast, Hannibal has been her mentor for over a decade, maybe more. He's always been stable and upfront; he helped numerous people and had a brilliant reputation in their circles. Since he kept beer specifically in stock for her, I think they shared a semblance of friendship for years. I also believe Alana has always been interested in him romantically. It wasn’t strong enough to encourage her to make her move, but it was simmering there and eventually culminated in the start of their ‘romance’.
Alana doesn’t know Will at all when it comes down to it, but she does know Hannibal. There was a lot of evidence against Will and nothing against Hannibal - it's logical of her to trust a well-known stable person over a basically stranger with severe problems. She knew Will's unstable from the start, she knew he’s struggling with something, but she didn’t know much of anything else. 
Alana supports Will up until the moment he gets treatment and stops playing in vulnerability. When he tries to kill Hannibal, Alana is horrified. She sees a dark and manipulative person, not a vulnerable soft man who needed help. She also starts feeling protective over Hannibal because Will hurt him. This is the only evidence she sees: Hannibal not hurting anyone, almost dying, and Will being a killer. She really has no reason to believe Will over Hannibal. 
I agree about giving Will the benefit of the doubt because of his work, but the situation was very complex: with all the evidence against Will, his abilities are exactly what potentially makes him a perfect killer. He could make up any profile and stick to it to confuse others.
I don't think Beverly went out on a limb for Will - initially, she seemed disgusted with him, but she wanted to use him for the greater good. Will blackmailed her into helping him, and once she began to see proof of his words, she got genuinely invested - not because of Will but because of justice. Will’s disappointment and loneliness in those scenes are profound. 
I can't blame any of them, to be honest, with all this evidence and the kind of personality Will had. I do wonder how come they believed Will swallowed an entire ear without chewing it, but that's probably a question for writers :D
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mukamibabe · 2 years
What do u think karlheinz 3 wives or just cordelia would react to karl falling inlove with a guy?
Srry fot another request, im just rlly down bad for him
uhhh . ok. am i officially back? not uhh,, not really but all i know is: i can answer this one. whether i answer more, i have no idea- my amount of free time has run thin but i do know that i could do this pretty quickly. therefore! here you go!
no warnings other than.. the diamoms are.. the diamoms. they're not angels,, and uh cordelia is especially awful. that being said, tread carefully? i still never know how to warn about any works regarding this series bc.. it’s dark?? lol dl is it’s own warning.
cordelia is in complete denial. i mean, she can hardly believe karl loves anyone but her, and i highly doubt she took the news lightly. i also imagine her having a slight suspicion, because lets just say karl isn't exactly shy when it comes to spending time with his newfound love. sure, it might not be like.. extreme pda, but .. cordelia knows. she claims she does, at least. she thinks she knows this man to his very core, as he knows her. also, there's just.. something about the look in karl's eyes that makes her feel a sort of betrayal.
she keeps this info to herself for a while, but if anyone were to look closely, it won't be hard to realize that cordelia's being especially clingy as of late. it already hurts her pride enough, knowing that karlheinz has two other wives. but, for her beloved karl to be interested in a guy?? it's not something she could have even imagined, and it irks her more than anything. especially if karl's interested in a very .. 'plain' looking person. which is kind of hard anyways because cordelia has ridiculously high standards. will that stop her from trying to seduce them, though? definitely not.
cordelia will .. 99% at least attempt to sway the heart of both karlheinz (as per usual) and karl's love interest. and, if the seduction thing doesn't work on him? she'll make sure everyone in this messy situation is miserable. if she can't be happy with karl, no one else can be.
beatrix is shocked, but you will hear and see none of it. stone faced as always, no matter how she finds out of the news, she won't respond in anyways. deep down, i genuinely think she would be unbothered. in fact, she almost admires both karlheinz and his lover- it's a bold move. especially when there's so much... baggage involved. and by that, i mean : cordelia, christa + karl's millions of kids.
she's not supportive, nor is she against it. beatrix has always been one to stick to herself, and i highly doubt her and karl's new love interest will interact often, or at all, period, but truthfully, she wishes his new lover luck. she won't get in their way, but she knows there are others who will.
also i still.. i still feel that energy from her. who's to say she doesn't have a secret lady lover??? hm??
christa's heartbroken, but she would be no matter who karlheinz got with. she's .. going through a lot. like, a ton. it was hard for her to accept the fact that he had previous wives, but, with karl’s reassurance that she’s his true love, everything is okay. christa trusts karlheinz, at least, on some days, so .. there’s no way he could love anyone but her. i imagine christa being the last to find out, for some reason. i mean, i guess it makes sense because she’s kind of isolated and like.. locked away most of the time but.. idk. there’s also a part of her that literally will not process it. ..it makes her mental state in an entirely worse state than it was already, for multiple reasons. first, karl lied to her. did he? she is the one he loves the most, so why..?? ?why is she hearing all this stuff about him having a new lover?? with a guy, at that, too.. she’s in denial for the longest time but it’s also because she genuinely doesn’t believe it. hell, she doesn’t even know if she’s just hearing lies or not- even if she saw physical proof, i feel like she’d think she was hallucinating or something. 
once she’s past all of that, she shuts herself off. she’s completely heartbroken. empty. there was a part of her deep down that felt like karl never truly loved her, but at least she knew she was the favorite wife - again, as per karl’s reassurance.
honestly, if she were in a better mental state, i can see her genuinely worried for this guy. she loves karl, or at least harbors some sort of true feeling towards him, and her pity for his new lover isn’t out of hatred, it’s an actual concern. as much as she loves her husband, christa is very well aware that he’s never up to any good, and there is a part of her, deep down, that would feel bad for his new partner.
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theoldlesbianwithcats · 4 months
I'm a gold star lesbian. I have always been extremely skeptical of the narratives women give of being with men as supposed lesbians. But the more time I spend around other gold stars (online) the less I find the arguments compelling. A lesbian couldn't self-harm by having sex with a man because it goes against her base instincts? Does cutting one's skin not go against one's base instincts? Does suicide not? I feel like I'm missing a link here that makes this argument make sense. I'm absolutely looooooathe to give a speck of credibility to clearly bisexual women who spend lives sleeping with men and then try to worm their way into lesbian 'identity', but I'm struggling to grasp the logic that a lesbian could not possibly sleep with a man if she were, say, not in her right mind or if she were sufficiently pressured or, yes, coerced. On the other hand, I just do not believe 99% of the stories I've heard purely incidentally. Is there any room for nuance here? I think it's also troubling me that the majority of outspoken gold star lesbians on here are rather unintelligent and reactionary and I find it difficult to align myself with women like that. It's humiliating to say that I'm a gold star lesbian and to be immediately associated with women like that. I saw a woman say recently that being interested in lesbian history is a red flag for being a 'fauxbian'. I've seen other gold star lesbians say that real lesbians do not have close male friends or support male artists. At this point we've lost our minds entirely. It's a horseshoe turn into our own brand of political lesbianism. I really appreciate the posts you've made about the topic as you're very reasonable and you clearly give a lot of thought to what you say. I wish I could say the same for others.
Hi anon,
Not gonna lie, this message exhausts me because it contains two things that I don't like getting in my inbox:
Debating in which circumstances a lesbian could have sex with a man (which is just a negative version of "can lesbians have male exceptions")
Complaining about gold stars you disagree with on anon with no hint of you doing anything for gold stars off anon
For the first part, I don't see why a lesbian would have sex with a man as self-harm when there are so many other ways to harm yourself (including having violent/unhealthy relationships with women). Also many of the women I've seen claiming to be lesbians who self-harmed with men came out as bi later. It's easy to tell those women are bi because they relate to bi and het women who had bad experiences with men, but are weirdly lesbophobic, guilt-trippy and lacking in empathy with gold stars who self-harmed.
For the second part, I wish the gold star community on here was more mature and focused on creating positive spaces and content too. I don't like reading insults online because it mentally exhausts me, even if it comes from people who are on my side.
The reason why this part of your message still annoys me is that I've been telling lesbians on here for eight years now that you need to kick your own asses and put yourselves out there, express yourself (not in my inbox! on your own page!) and create what you want to see. But from what I've seen, while queer/trans/polilez have been creating more and more fanzines, novels, webcomics, podcasts, videos, indie games, etc., actual lesbians are just complaining that no one is doing anything. You are all staring and telling each other "Will someone do something? Not me, but anyone else?"... Then you wonder why we're all lonely and have no representation, even in amateur spaces? Really?
There's no such thing as a lesbian prophet who will tirelessly provide all lesbians with everything we need, we're a tiny minority so we all need to take part and get our hands dirty, there's no other choice. And I'm going to say it... A lot of lesbians are super ungrateful to the lesbians who actually try to make things : when I made a lesbian website years ago, not even my lesbian friends shared the articles on social media and I only got three external contributions, so I abandoned it ; I created a local group chat and organized meetups until I got a job that made it impossible, the other members not only did not have their own meetups like I encouraged them to do but just let the group chat die entirely ; I created a discord server for gold stars who want to make creative projects together, I'm the only one who posted anything on it. At this point, the only lesbians who are allowed to complain about lesbian community/representation in my inbox are the ones who are trying to do something about it 🤷‍♀️
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1970s-yellow-kettle · 10 months
For people with BPD
I have a character in the story that I’m currently writing that is exhibiting what I understand to be symptoms of BPD. I personally have a depression + anxiety + autism combo so I can’t really speak on whether she may or may not have bpd. If she does display traits then I’d like to know if, as someone who is not a psychologist, I can canonically diagnose her. Furthermore, if she IS displaying traits of bpd, I’d like it to be done so in a way that doesn’t dehumanise her or make her feel inherently ‘bad’. She could be presenting a different issue entirely, another cluster b, or something else completely. I am open to all interpretations/advice as she means the world to me and I want to make sure she’s written the way she deserves. For folks that would like to help out, her behaviours are under the cut!
because this does deal with a mental health issue, tws for s3lf h@rm, su1cial ideation, mental hospitals, and abuse/assault (physical, psychological, s3xual)
Her parents had her when they were completely unprepared and they treated her more or less like a doll they could put clothes on until she became aware of the fact and started refusing. She was quickly labelled as disobedient.
When she was 13, her parents had another kid that they were actually prepared for this time, and so they adored her brother but not her. she was consistently forgotten because her brother was always the priority. her mother used physical force (holding her down, forcibly dressing/undressing her unless she submit) to get her to wear dresses or brush her hair in order to look presentable for formal gatherings and family dinners. Her parents denied that they were doing anything wrong.
in highschool she found a boy that seemed totally like anyone she’d ever met. She could rant about things to him for hours and he’d never shoot her down or tell her to shut up, mostly because he was too wrapped up in his own world to care. But she interpreted that as him listening, and so she thought the sun shone out of him.
They impulsively bought a house at 18, got married at 21, but divorced only seven months later after an argument following her husband’s claim that she was ‘too much’ became physical and she unintentionally broke his wrist.
‘Too much’ being emotional breakdowns/outbursts that he wasn’t equipped to deal with, bouts of self harm, drinking, talking about when she was going do die, not if.
she refused to sign the divorce papers and promised she’d do better and she didn’t mean to hurt him but when he threatened with a restraining order she flipped and cut contact with him completely.
she wasn’t able to ever keep a stable ‘normal’ job so she took up rally racing instead. She was very good at it and won quite a bit.
She had deep interests in botany but dismissed her interest because she was didn’t believe she would ever fit as a scientist because she just wasn’t ‘The Type’.
Instead she stick and poked drawings of plants on her kegs with fountain pen ink and a sewing needle
Painted in her spare time, mostly self portraits to rationalise herself and try and communicate all the things that she felt but could’t ever say.
while rally racing she met a girl (her navigator) that she had an on again/off again relationship with. It wasn’t committed because she didn’t want to get too attached to someone that might leave her again.
was assaulted by a man who she fought back against and hospitalised. She called her ex husband on a whim because she need that kind of support he used to give her, and he helped remove any trace of her beating up the guy, but then proceeded to drag her to a mental hospital.
this started a cycle where she’d be ‘nursed back to health’ and then discharged, only to sink back down again because she didn’t have a support network.
remained in a codependent relationship with her ex husband where she felt understood by someone who thought like her, and he felt wanted by someone that needed him.
After a brief polyamorous escapade in the 90s involving them and the rally driver girl, they came to the understanding that they’d always be there for each other and they could come and go as they pleased.
They did try their best but were still wrapped up in the idea that ‘no one understands us and no one ever will.’
My character ended up becoming the director of a small art gallery that accepted work from disadvantaged teens. And that worked well for her because every now and again she’d meet an artist that she could see herself in. Even if she couldn’t, she knew that they were benefiting from this service that she never had the opportunity to have.
though she was still all over the place it gave her some kind of direction and objection in her life.
Made very clear she was a threat to her ex’s attempts at a new relationship. She kept a very close watch on him until the woman he was pursuing got married to someone else.
frequently showed up uninvited to places and her ex just accepted her as a plus one. This also included his house however, so when he moved house he got one with two bedrooms, so if she was in need of it, she had somewhere to stay.
she is above all, self aware and trapped in a state where she does things and then immediately realises what she’s done. Often though she’ll just act out again in a desperate attempt to ‘fix’ it, usually makes it worse. She doesn’t intend to act out because she knows she shouldn’t. But she does anyway because she needs. Everything. To stay. Put. And. Stable. She knows people are scared of her and she knows that she hurts people, and she swings between wanting to just be loved, peacefully, quietly, and wishing she had actual claws snd sharp teeth so people have a REAL reason to be scared of her.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I heard that dekacchan is being blasted on twitter? God! I wish more mhatwt, bkdks or non bkdks reunite and realize that what dekkachan did was not just defending bkdk ship, but also ship hate and character bashing. And believe me, even I am also a bkdk shipper but their annoying long threads are very delusional and it makes me sick that I had to unfollow and block them. They're also in the same discord with me and it's always cringe to see their post about why bkdk is canon or else it's a bad series
Lol yeah, she’s getting blasted for this:
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Look, I get that women in Shonan haven’t had the best runs and I get what she’s trying to say: Shonan women have primarily been used as love interests and/or eye candy for the male characters/audience. Is she right? I dunno. However, calling women baby factories for wanting to have kids (something these characters wanted, how well they’re written be damned)? That’s just sexist 😭. Women can choose to have kids and settle down without being reduced to being “baby factories”. Same way a woman can choose to be single, adventurous, and child-free without being reduced to her relationship status. As long as they’re not hurting anyone and are happy/healthy, what someone does with their life shouldn’t be judged.
When called out, her minions are still defending her, saying that context matters. Here’s the thread she was replying to:
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Dude was calling out BkDk Stans. You can argue that “who are not gay” wasn’t necessary and I agree but pointing out a character’s sexuality is nowhere near as bad as calling women baby factories just cause said woman decided to settle down after a long adventure.
This whole situation was so funny cause then M!preg was brought into the mix, people claiming that Izuku is often reduced to a housewife in these AUs, which is true. Yet her followers come out with this:
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Like the mental gymnastics here are crazy 😂. No one was even talking about whether LGBTQ+ relationships are being pushed. They were talking about Izuku being turned into what Dekkachann describes and her supporting such a thing, which is hypocritical af.
My favorite thing tho is that Dekacchann is a huge hypocrite. She says this yet actively encourages harassment and plays victim when called out.
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This is a woman who is 26 btw acting like a 14 year old discovering shipping for the first time. Lady, it ain’t that serious 😭. It’s a ship involving kids. Like wtf? Like I know I bash and make memes about BkDk but those only take me like five seconds out of my day to make and I’m only active on Tumblr when I ain’t doing shit. Sometimes I’m on this blog while I’m shitting. This woman’s life revolves around this ship to the point where it’s become a legitimate obsession and seems to influence her life.
I don’t care where you lie on the BkDk scale. Love it, hate it, it don’t matter. I’m a “you do you, I’ll do me, and unless you bother me, I ain’t gonna bother you” kinda person. What really matters is that this woman is a toxic person on the internet and that BkDk antis and fans should recognize this. Thankfully it seems anyone who’s not in her hivemind is doing so. You know someone is toxic when even members of their own community hate her 😂.
Also, do not go and harass her. I do not condone that shit, even with someone as problematic as her. What I’m saying to recognize that she’s toxic and if she starts harassing people, to either call her out on it or report her.
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from-izzy · 3 months
hi izzy,
I hope you don't mind me doing this on anon but I just wanted to say in response to the two anons who seemed to have a problem with your work that there is absolutely nothing wrong in the nature of the topics that you're choosing to write about. You're neither approaching it insensitively nor are you forcing your content upon anyone and that's actually quite important because anyone who chooses to engage with it is therefore doing so of their own free will like those anons seem to have done.
You've even addressed the issue of content warnings too to make sure that people know what they'll be getting into so honestly, there's not much more you can do beyond that if they choose to continue reading. But you, having taken those actions, would already know that.
I've not read through all of your works (which is a damn shame) but even I have to acknowledge the importance of the topics that you address in your personal series. Not all fiction (fan made or not) exists to perpetuate typical notions of romance. And actually, it's so important to have media (whether it be in the form of books or whatnot) that addresses mental health and other such topics in order to circulate and normalise those discussions. It's so easy for people to say they advocate for mental health, etc. but when someone does something that could positively impact the field, they're quick to reject it because it's uncomfortable for them. Life isn't always comfortable for everyone and THAT'S the reality of it.
And the notes about how writing isn't meant to reflect reality, etc. is absolute nonsense. The whole point of writing is that authors put to paper the words they wish to read or the stories they want to share. It's not an exclusive field. And you're doing just that. Sure, your work may not give everyone the escape they want but you never claimed it did. Plus, not everyone engages in reading to escape. Some people read to be comforted, to relax, or simply because they want to. And your work is so important for the former.
Most importantly, it helped you! Writing is your outlet and no one should be allowed to take that from you simply because it doesn't meet their standards of what writing should or shouldn't be. It would be a shame for anyone to lose literary integrity simply because people don't understand how impactful your words can be to the people that read it and those that need it (and that includes yourself).
I really hope they don't discourage you from writing not now and not ever because honestly, from what I have read so far, it's important for you but also for others that you're able to put the work you want out there.
Anyways, I wish you all the best for the future and sorry for my messy rant!
hi anon 🥹 i'm sorry i'm responding this encouragement of yours pretty late 😭 i wanted to make sure i wrote a really nice reply back with all the points you made here, making sure that i convey my gratefulness to you for this 💝
i remember reading this for the first time and my first reaction was to panic first because well...as you mentioned in your ask, i haven't had the best times with anon asks 🥹 in saying that! anons like you and others have come to my inbox to send my encouragements and i'm really glad for you all 🫂
thank you for supporting in the topic that i write about, i really appreciate this ❤️‍🩹 mental health is still such an interesting topic when being talked about in public. in a closed off space, for example, between friends or between a professional, it just stays there but open the door just a little bit, and somewhere in the crowd, you'll see someone glaring at you for talking about it. i grew up knowing nothing about it and so moving to a culture where it's heavily emphasised is something that i'll always be thankful for. being able to talk about it has helped me so much and that's why i choose to write these and i don't see myself stopping to write about these. but of course, content warnings!! thank you for acknowledging that i'm doing all i can for this 🫂
i see the way topics of mental health have developed in my life and for me, it's touching that most people are now able to talk about it without being judged and i genuinely think it should be like that going forward. i do understand how these topics can be uncomfortable but that's why i think setting boundaries are key. for writing, i do this through warnings, for friendships and conversations, i ask about how in-depth i can talk about each topic.
concealing it, ignoring it and/or stopping to talk about these topics will only make it worse. and this goes with anything that should be talked about more.
when i first started writing, i knew that i wanted to talk about these kinds of things but i was too scared to jump into it straight away. that's why it was really hard for me to release cupid's mistake because the main idea of that story is a part of me that not even everyone in real life knows about me. it has always been a goal for me to connect with my readers a bit further by explaining the background of the story and how it relates to me. i think this step further is important for telling people that they're not alone if they're facing similar issues; because that's how the people around me has helped me in my mental health journey.
i thought about why i was scared at first but i decided to go for it and i told myself: if people judge me because of this, then they don't have to read it!! it's similar in real life where if people judge me over this, then they don't have to be around me or be my friend. it's as simple as that to me. i can see why readers who don't write think that stories could lean towards being written not based on reality but you're correct anon, it's not an exclusive field and everyone reads for different reasons 🥹🫂 just the same as how writers will write for different reasons. for me, it has always been to talk about these topics and provide comfort. but yes, not all my writings are centred around that because i still love other genres too!!
writing has helped me in ways that i never thought of and for me, it's a healthy hobby that i hope will continue to be 💜 i'm even thinking of taking a unit on creative writing next semester but we shall see about that!! 🥰 if i do, hopefully i can make the quality of my writing better!! 🫶
thank you so much for supporting my work, anon 💝 genuinely, this gave me so much comfort and it's not messy at all by the way! i think this response is messier 😭🤣😭 i have no idea who you are, if we're mutuals, or if we have ever interacted before but if someday you're ever ready to reveal yourself, i just want to give you the biggest hug but for now, here you go: 🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank you for making me feel welcomed and loved in this community 💕
all the best to you too!! have an awesome rest of the day/night!! ☀️🌙
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impossiblemakerfire · 9 months
Altai Balance Reviews Consumer Reports - Does Altai Balance Work
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Companies that use the Altai Balance scammery to make a quick buck should be careful. altai balance reviews consumer reports ,is altai balance a scam? We've uncovered these companies as well as consumer complaints against them that are easily found with a simple search. With a patent-pending formula, Altai Balance is the only product that truly targets the root cause of unbalanced blood sugar. Because of the way some of the ingredients in this herbal detox supplement work, you'll allegedly have anti-aging benefits, reduced blood sugar, and more. Our Altai Balance review will reveal all the facts and new information so you can decide if this dietary supplement is right for you!
What is Altai Balance?
Altai Balance is a dietary supplement distributed through AltaiBalance.com. The product is marketed to diabetics, pre-diabetics, and anyone who is interested in lowering their blood sugar. Altai Balance uses natural ingredients that target the root cause of unbalanced blood sugar. This includes an anti-aging proprietary blend and detoxifying herbs that support your body's natural ability to balance blood sugar levels. Even though a supplement's label may not make these claims, supplements can't claim to lower blood sugar. Altai balance capsules, However, what CVS Altai Balance does claim is that it will reset your blood sugar and balance your blood sugar for both men and women. Every serving of Altai Balance contains 19 active ingredients and no toxins, stimulants, or other harmful ingredients. Just take two capsules a day to support your body's healthy blood sugar levels. Learn Brand New Formula that supports Health Blood Sugar Levels
How Do Altai Balance Work?
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The people behind Altaify claim that their formula can "reset" your blood sugar levels. altai balance pills reviews, Many people with diabetes struggle to keep blood sugar down thanks to their bodies not responding as quickly to insulin. altai balance reddit, When you have diabetes, your body struggles to respond as it should to insulin, leading to imbalanced blood sugar levels when fasting or eating carbohydrates. review altai balance, Altai Balance makes a claim that they have an expert formulation that can help people with diabetes normalize their blood sugar levels. If you're trying to find a weight loss supplement that will provide anti-aging benefits, help you lose weight, and enjoy other benefits, Altai Balance may be the product for you. Here are some of the effects that may occur after use, according to their website: Reset your blood sugar, support a healthy weight, support a healthy heart, support a healthy brain, boost energy levels, and support healthy joints. By taking Altai Balance daily, you'll purportedly get the increased blood sugar, flattened belly, and slim body "you've been dreaming of." altai balance video, The official video featured on AltaiBalance.com indicates that some diabetics can come off their medication and insulin after using Altai Balance. altai balance reviews consumer reports  The ingredients are so powerful that some people who have diabetes, with permission from thier doctor, can stop taking their insulin and other prescribed medications,altai balance consumer reviews using Altai Balance instead. It's best not to trust claims made by online nutritional supplements. Read more about the real effects of Altai Balance to learn more about this product and see if it's something you might be interested in. Athletes and non-athletes can benefit from using Altai Balance. Its two key ingredients, avocados and olive oil, help facilitate weight loss and improvements in blood sugar management while also reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes complications. Additionally, users may experience other benefits like increased mental clarity, improved learning patterns, as well as better sleep quality. A connection to your root cause is way more powerful than dieting or exercising. Altai Balance claims to help you find the answers and fix the problem. What makes Altai Balance so powerful is that it's more effective than diet or exercise because it curbs blood sugar and weight gain. Altai Balance is a supplement designed to help diabetics, anti-aging, weight loss, and blood sugar. Altai Balance can be better for you than diet and exercise. When managing a medical condition as serious as diabetes, it's important to trust your doctor's advice. Most doctors will recommend diet and exercise before recommending a supplement. However, Alta Balance is advertised online as the better way to balance blood sugar than any diet or exercise routine. is altai balance really work? That means you could enjoy all of the benefits of both dieting and exercise without the hard work. Learn Brand New Formula that supports Health Blood Sugar Levels
What are the benefits and ingredients of Altai Balance?
While the ingredients in Altai Balance work to do different things, understanding how it works helps you understand the individual ingredients, what they do, and how that affects your health. brian cooper altai balance, Here's a brief overview from the review at GlobeNews of the key ingredients and their effects: Chromium is one of the most prominent ingredients in Altai Balance. Each serving contains 714% of your daily recommended value and allows people with Type 2 diabetes to be deficient in chromium. reviews for altai balance, However, doctors recommend taking a chromium supplement or taking a multivitamin that has a large dose. You can get chromium from any multivitamin, but those who consume Altai Balance have a particularly large dose. Altai Balance is a great option for anyone who wants to supplement their biotin intake. Not only does this product contain the recommended daily value of biotin, it also contains xylitol and 8,000 mg of L-arginine, making your body work harder. Unlike some other biotin supplements, Altai Balance hasn't shown any real benefits for weight loss or blood sugar markers. However, some studies have shown that biotin can help with energy levels and overall health and wellness. Encouraging overall health and wellness is something we've set out to do from the beginning. It's something that we believe is important for all ages, and not just those who have diabetes. We're proud of our approach to delivering small doses of each ingredient that ensure our customers are getting 12% to 73% of their daily recommended intake at just one serving. Just like Altai Balance, many other diabetes supplements contain an Alpha Lipoic Acid. Consumers generally believe that ALA works similar to an antioxidant and is just one of the most popular ingredients available in a lot of supplements. Although Altai Balance does not contain a significant dose of ALA, it is listed as the second-to-last ingredient inside the proprietary blend. A few milligrams could still be found in the supplement (if any). However, higher doses could support blood sugar and other healthy benefits. C3 Palette has taurine аnd other amino acids іn it. Your body produces some amino acids itself while getting others from your diet. Your body needs amino acids for many bodily processes, including protein formation. Some people take supplements of amino acids regularly for metabolism, energy, and muscle building. They're not as common in diabetes supplements, though they could support energy in various ways. Altai Balance uses proprietary blends of herb and plant extracts to scientifically support healthy blood sugar levels. These extracts include some of the most popular ingredients used such as licorice, banaba leaf extract, cinnamon bark, and bitter melon fruit. Most diabetes supplements will use one or more of these ingredients with higher dosages. Altai Balance doesn't seem to contain any ingredients that have been linked to blood sugar support and balance. However, The formula does include some good nutrients such as chromium and biotin, but none of them appear to have a strong enough dose to impact the human body in any way significantly. Altai Balance ingredients claim to use a strong dose of 19 nutrients, vitamins, minerals, plants and herbal extracts. Altai Balance is formulated to contain just 212mg per serving for those with diabetes. This means the following ingredients have was little more than trace amounts: alpha-lipoic acid, bitter melon, and licorice. Typically people taking this in doses of 100mg to 500mg of each ingredient. At Altai Balance, we've curated a formula designed specifically for people with diabetes. Our passion for satisfying people's health needs led us to design our vitamin and mineral-rich formula around medical studies on people's chromium levels. We're confident that it can help you maintain optimum health as well. In any case, here is the full list of ingredients in Altai Balance: 212mg of a proprietary blood sugar formula with taurine, licorice root extract, cinnamon bark extract, yarrow, cayenne pepper, juniper berry, Gymnema leaf extract, banaba leaf extract, bitter melon extract, white mulberry leaf extract, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and vanadyl sulfate. Other ingredients like gelatin and microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate will be used to create the capsule, hold the ingredients together, preserve the formula, and prevent clumping. Some of the ingredients found in Altai Balance may not have been studied enough to provide strong enough dosages for blood sugar support. However, it's unlikely that this product would provide strong support for diabetes. There are no clinical trials completed to verify that the specific blend of ingredients in Altai Balance can significantly support diabetes symptoms, blood sugar, weight loss, or other advertised effects. Learn Brand New Formula that supports Health Blood Sugar Levels
What science says about AltaIa Balance?
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Thе makers of Altai Balance cite a number of studies to back up the ingredients, but most of the studies use much higher doses of each active ingredient than what we see in Altai Balance. altai balance reviews consumer reports , The ingredients may have complementary effects even at low doses, but science tells us it's unlikely that Altai Balance supports diabetes symptoms in any significant way. https://www.youtube.com/embed/LO1oIa8Jl5I Altai Balance is made up of two main ingredients: chromium and biotin. altai balance side effects, They're often found in our diets - or they can be taken as supplements. Chromium and biotin are important for overall health, so people with diabetes tend to be deficient in these minerals. As WebMD explains, chromium and biotin can lead to significant improvements in blood sugar and cholesterol measurements. Other studies have found a link between symptoms of diabetes and chromium deficiencies - those with low levels are more likely to experience symptoms of the disease Adequately loading article fields There's not enough evidence to determine the "potential usefulness" of taurine in controlling symptoms of diabetes, but there are a few studies that show taking 400 to 6,000mg per day may be a potential option. Most people take about 200 to 500mg per day through diet alone, so even for the lower dose it isn't significant. Altai Balance contains trace amounts of taurine, so you'll need a supplement that provides more than just 50 to 500mg. It's one of 12 ingredients in its proprietary blend that gives you 212mg of each ingredient per serving. Most people get 100 to 3,000mg per day from an ordinary diet, so at this dosage it isn't particularly helpful. It's a common practice for many people with diabetes to take cinnamon extract as a natural way to better manage their blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that in some cases, it can help your body more effectively support normal blood sugar levels. However, other studies have shown no difference between the amount of improvement if you take cinnamon extract or if you take a placebo. In a recent review by the Mayo Clinic, evidence is still unclear whether or not how long cinnamon extract treatment has an effect on managing blood sugar levels or not. An example where sentence has been rewritten without rewording: ALA is one of the most popular ingredients in diabetes supplements. It typically requires doses as high as 1,800mg, but this is only part of the answer. In studies, it has been associated with some small antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects. For example, in this study, participants decreased blood sugar by 51 points per day by taking 600mg of ALA. Altai Balance Extract contains just a fraction of that amount for equivalent benefits. Blood sugar is раrt оf what makes up someone’s health, and this supplement doesn't contain much in the way of ingredients that support it. For example, the chromium and biotin are considered weak compared to trials conducted by science.altai balance testimonials,  The ingredients used in the supplement are all significantly lower than the doses used in scientific studies. There is limited evidence that they can support blood sugar. Altai Balance Pricing Altai Balance starts at $34 to $49 per bottle and varies based on how many bottles you order. Each bottle contains 30 capsules with a 30-day supply and each capsule is taken daily to support your body’s ability to manage blood sugar. 1 Bottle: $49 + $9.99 Shipping 3 Bottles: $117 + $9.99 Shipping 6 Bottles: $204 + $9.99 Shipping As soon as you make a purchase, your purchase is backed by a 60 day refund policy and Altai Balance will be happy to replace the product with a newer one for you if our product does not meet expectations. If Altai Balance does not provide significant support for blood sugar and benefits as advertised, then you are entitled to a complete refund of any payment received.
Who made AltaIa Balance?
Altai Balance is a health and wellness slimming supplement marketed online by BuyGoods, a Delaware corporation.altai balance reviews consumer reports,  The company does not disclose the manufacturing location of Altai Balance, though they claim to make this product in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. Because BuyGoods didn't claim to perform any lab testing on Altai Balance, that makes it unclear if anything about the medicine was scientifically derived. It would be hard to know just how much medical expertise went into the formulation of altaibalance- if any. Makers of Altai Balance can be reached at the following contact information: Alta Bal·ance strives to keep your privacy and information secure. To keep your personal information private, please contact us at [email protected] or call our team at 302-404-2568 and ask to speak with Mary. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. You may also reach us by writing to Amy, our Managing Partner at 1301 Ridgeview Drive, McHenry, IL 60050.
Final Word
Altai Balance helps diabetics reset and balance their blood sugar. It does so in a variety of different ways, including weight loss and circulation problems. There's limited evidence that Altai Balance works. The supplement includes high doses of chromium and biotin, but small doses of all other listed ingredients. The doses in Altai Balance are low, so they may not significantly lower blood sugar or noticeably affect symptoms of diabetes. If you want to reset or balance your blood sugar with Altai Balance, order online today. This product has a 60-day money-back guarantee,amazon altai balance, so if you're not satisfied with our product, simply send it back for a full refund. Sometimes it's hard to find articles that have the same purpose - and that's where related pages come in. Read about sites like "A List of Infatuation Scripts" or "The Penis Enlargement Bible," which give you some ideas for potential topics. You can also find reviews on "Meticore Supplement" or even a book called "The Cellulite Solution." When it comes to dieting without having to put in a lot of effort, the best approach is a healthy and balanced diet. altai balance reviews consumer reports , Throwing yourself into a fad diet may seem like an effective way to quickly lose weight, but it's not worth the risks associated with making such drastic changes. It's important that you keep these dangers in mind and stick with a safe, tried-and-true method for achieving your weight loss goals. Learn Brand New Formula that supports Health Blood Sugar Levels This product review is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute advice or an offer to buy. altai balance official website, All purchases made from this story are done at your own risk. Before making any purchases, always consult a professional advisor/health-care provider first. altai balance website,All purchases made from this link are subject to the website's final terms and conditions. Sources: That's why we're so passionate about helping you succeed. We understand that balancing a healthy work/life balance is tough, and we'll be there for you every step of the way. Read the full article
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schreiwen · 1 year
to the person of my past
your projection hurt
it infiltrated so many of the ways you treated me, and treated others
pain and fear and unease and shame all thrown onto me, onto everyone else in your life
everyone but you
"do you think this might be projection? we should talk about it" "no, don't you dare tell me what i'm thinking! i know exactly how i feel! you're projecting!"
it started with someone you called a best friend
regularly putting them down, insulting them for having unique interests and strange-perceived interactions with other friends, things you called childish and immature and embarrassing
judging harshly for harmless things that never affected you, such as questioning nicknames between friends, their choice to ship themselves with fictional characters, not applying themselves in their personal life, not being a good artist, calling them mentally stunted
always annoyed and bothered and venting, constantly wishing to end your friendship with them and yet turning back around, smiles and pleasantries
i felt sympathy for them, i felt bad for you
do you self ship now, i wonder? do you exchange "i love you"s to every kind mutual on the internet? do you not struggle in your own personal life? does this same friend know about all the negative things you've felt about them, and do you still smile their way?
it continued with family
judging them for not applying themselves, how they constantly make excuses rather than make an effort to change. ranting, ranting, ranting
there's no wrong in ranting
but do you smile in their direction?
"i'm not attracted to the female form, it's softness, it's shape"
yet you were with someone with female anatomy. the only one in that person's life who made no effort or even an expressed wish to be there through the process with me. what stops you from supporting those you claim to love?
physical cringing, awkward defense mechanisms at the mere mentions of being queer in any sense of the word. an intense fear of judgment. insisting it is different with me, that you remain with me
not a single mention of my queerness to anyone you knew in life, endless excuses and anxieties as to why i should never come into your workplace and have coworkers encounter me
do you express attraction or interest toward the same sex now, i wonder?
"am i unattractive to you? are you gay?" you asked regularly, because i didn't initiate sexual activity with you
as if i've never mentioned that i'm asexual from the day that we met
you were still beautiful to me, everyday. it was my aim to remind you of it whatever chance i could get. days you were self conscious, feeling down with no way to climb back out. you're beautiful, simply as you, because you were
"am i unattractive to you? are you gay?" because we still don't have sex
i wonder now, do you identify as asexual? i only hope you treat people who are asexual with more recognition and respect then you did then, including yourself
laughing and jeering over the prospect of autism in your family
flinching when anybody suggests it may be you who has some traits typical for the diagnosis, eagerly flinging what you made sound like a disease prognosis on whatever sibling you preferred be the one. fear, ignorance
"there's nothing wrong with having autism" i say, bothered
"you would know" another jeer for all to witness
i knew you were autistic from the day we met, and i loved you
are you debating if you're autistic now? i only hope you treat and see people with autism in a healthier light than you did then, including yourself
for all the times you dismissed my mental health, or all symptoms of mental health you simply didn't feel fit or sounded real enough that day, are you feeling very mentally healthy these days? i only hope you don't dismiss and invalidate others as you did then, including yourself
"return my things and do not destroy them, or we will bring in a lawyer"
impossible accusations driven by pain, all of it pouring out in a desperate attempt to hurt me. years of memories and interaction forgotten, humanity dismissed. did you ever see my humanity to begin with? or was i always an idea, an object of love?
things sent back at my expense. you felt entitled to it. in your own bubble, blinded by the pain, curating your own reality rather than the one we shared, as you attempted to dismantle everything left in my own. i wonder - did you burn all left of my own belongings, trash them?
it was in a mind not mine that fantasies of destruction swam. it had never occurred to me until then, all you left unsaid, unseen
i hope you found kindness, empathy, acceptance, and courage to face all that fear inside of you, that you choose to work inward instead of project outward
that you realize more often people are trying to help, not hurt you
that you realize it isn't the world against you, it's you against you
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nyortor · 2 years
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