#and also probably my last cause HOLY SHIT WHY DID IT TAKE SO MUCH OF MY BATTERY WHY-
ze0n-wuz-here · 1 month
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lixie-phoria · 8 months
[10.0 americano fiasco] BETTER THAN REVENGE !
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you would have thought that the campus walk ways would be empty considering the match that was about to start in less than fifteen minutes, everyone eager to get a good seat, but it's surprisingly crowded as you and hyunjin walk down the old, cobbled path.
"-and then changbin fell down smack on his ass. funniest thing that's ever happened during practice," hyunjin finishes his story, throwing his head back to laugh. "i wish we got that on camera."
the wind is cold, kissing your skin as it pushes back your hair, and you're slightly concerned at your friend's insistence to drink his iced americano despite the weather.
"you will never let him live it down, will you?"
"of course not!"
hyunjin's excitement is contagious, because you find yourself laughing along as he skips ahead, forcing you to take bigger steps too.
"sometimes i feel bad for him. but then i remember how he keeps stealing my protein powder!"
right. of course. every few days you are reminded your best friend is only a man whose brain is hard wired into thinking about two things - the gym and girls. specifically in that order.
"and-" here hyunjin stumbles over a crack on the ground, squealing a bit.
"careful or you're going to be the one falling on your ass."
he rolls his eyes playfully at your poke, correcting himself and removing the skip from his step before falling into line with you.
"anyways so-"
you halt, turning back to see jeongin jogging down the path towards the pair of you.
"chan hyung said you should come back for some final strategy discussions!"
you hear your best friend groan beside you.
"we've discussed our plan a million times before!" he all but whines, stomping his leg like a toddler. "why does he want to go over it again?"
"not our choice, is it? the coach said we have to."
you pat hyunjin's arm as he slouches in defeat.
"it's fine hyune. i should probably go get a seat too or all the good ones will be taken."
"sure," he mumbles, spinning on one foot to sharply turn towards you. "bye-"
you see it happen in slow motion - hyunjin's mouth opening to finish his sentence when a large body collides into him from the back, sending the boy stumbling into you.
but you feel it before you see it - ice cold americano splashing all across the front of your white top, soaking the fabric and diffusing through it in a few seconds.
you faintly hear a foreign voice apologize, their figure walking ahead without stopping to clearly notice the damage they had just caused.
"holy shit," jeongin whispers, wide eyes looking between you and hyunjin, who is also frozen in his spot, hand slapped across his mouth.
"that bitch."
the culprit is long gone, melting into the sea of people ahead, and you're still too scared to look down and see exactly how much of the drink had landed on you. but you can see hyunjin's now empty cup that had been filled nearly to the brim only a few seconds ago.
"yn-" hyunjin's voice is only a whisper, and from the horror painting his face you would have thought he had seen a ghost. "shit, i'm so sorry-"
"no time for that," jeongin interrupts, recovering first, and you turn to look at him. "hyunjin did you carry an extra t-shirt or sweatshirt with you?"
the boy shakes his head.
"just your luck," jeongin mutters as he shakes his head. "i have my spare jersey from last year. yn you can borrow that."
it's like a switch goes off in hyunjin's head as he stands straight, his horror slowly morphing into annoyance.
"that won't be necessary-"
"do you want her to freeze to death?"
"well obviously not-"
"then there's no time to waste."
"why can't we ask chan hyung or someone for their jersey? maybe-"
"i have my bag with me right now. do you want to go back to the lockers and explain to hyung what you were doing drinking an ice cold americano ten minutes before a match?"
hyunjin's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, searching for something to say before he slumps in defeat.
"yn are you fine with this?"
you shrug. you really didn't have a choice.
you didn't want to agree seeing the miserable look on your best friend's face, but the drink was really starting to soak through the cloth and the cold it brought was not welcomed by your bones. you could feel the goose bumps lining your skin.
and so you find yourself accepting the jersey from jeongin, trying to reassure hyunjin it wasn't his fault. but the boy wouldn't even meet your eyes.
"thanks jeongin."
he flashes you a reassuring smile before pulling hyunjin and the two are on their way, leaving you to walk to the washrooms alone.
and it isn't until you're in one of the stalls that you really realize it's jeongin's jersey, and it has his name printed on it in big bold letters.
it's jeongin's jersey, and it smells like him - the same pepper and vanilla mix you had caught on to the at the party.
it's jeongin's jersey, and it falls around you perfectly, but it's nowhere near as nice as it would look on him - highlighting all those muscles you had felt that night.
it's jeongin's jersey, and you're wearing it at his game, something you once used to do for yeonjun.
it's jeongin's jersey, and-
shut up!
you have to physically slap yourself, shaking your head as the sting spreads across your skin.
something was wrong with you. this wasn't that big of a deal. he was just helping you out. he probably doesn't even care.
yeah. he doesn't even care. that's right. it's okay, you shouldn't be flustered about it either, you think, shoving your own top into your bag and marching out determinedly. you were not going to let yang jeongin and his nice smelling jersey cloud your thoughts.
you were here for hyunjin today. he would have your full attention. you were going to support him and then go for lunch without thinking about-
"for fucks sake watch where you're going!"
you yelp in surprise as you face plant into a hard body, stumbling back in shock. it really wasn't a good day for you.
"i'm so sorr-"
you freeze.
no way.
"what are you doing here?"
no fucking way.
he's right there. in front of you. hair slightly tousled from when you crashed into him and eyes wide as he stares at you.
"yeonjun what-"
he saves you from your rambling by stepping closer, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"what are you doing?"
"is that yang jeongin's jersey?"
of course he noticed.
you want to turn right back around, dig your grave, and bury yourself alive.
"yn. are you fucking wearing jeongin's jersey right now?"
you wish you were six feet under the ground.
"stop lying-"
"bye! gotta go!"
you push him aside, running down to occupy the first empty seat you see in the crowd of spectators, losing the boy somewhere at the back.
fuck. your. life.
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taglist 1 - @thisisnotjacinta @jiisungllvr @hanjsquokka @abbiestearsricochet @adestayskz @thisrandombitch @adr1an4 @alnex05 @cheesemonky @endlessheadache @tiapatito202278ok @queen-in-the-shadows @heeee24 @chanceonceli @amesification @conwunder @weareapackofstrays @taejun-sunlix @lofasofabread @untilthesunrises @jinnie-ret @darlingz99 @kibs-and-bits @143lix @simp4myself @thisrandomgoofy15 @vixensss @luvkpopp @skz-streamer @luvenus702 @syds-dead
©lixie-phoria, 2024
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thespiritssaidso · 6 months
Summary: Shawn forgor he handcuffed Lassiter to the bed
Notes: holy shit. As I type this, it has been literally not even an hour since I posted my last Shassie oneshot (Let Me Get That For You…) and now I’m writing this? Who am I?? Where was this when I needed to write CMC??
Warning ⚠️ much kissing + implied sex and kinks
Shawn leaned down from his position on top of Carlton, tracing his finger gently down the man’s back. He leaned in to whisper seductively into the man’s ear. “I’ll be right back.”
He looked like wanted to ask, but just shivered slightly under his touch. “Alright.”
Shawn smiled at him. God, Lassie was so sexy like this. Laying on his stomach with his hands cuffed to the bedpost, bare ass presented for the world to see? Hot. Of course, the only downside was his beautiful sternbush was hidden. Oh well, pros and cons.
He gently stood up, and walked out of the room. Shawn grinned to himself. That was such a power move, he should be proud of himself.
It had been a while since his boyfriend had a day off. So of course, Shawn wanted to try everything. Last night they had done blindfolding. This morning had been handcuffs.
Which made him wonder, why did Lassie just so happen to have a pair of police handcuffs lying around his house? It would’ve made sense if it had been the pair he takes everywhere with him, but this had come directly from underneath the nightstand. Of course, at the moment, it only turned him on. But now that he thought about it…
Shawn wandered into the bathroom, still deep in thought.
Maybe it was the same situation as the guns around his house? Lassie did have plenty of those lying around. Although some probably didn’t work, seeing as a choice few were civil war relics on display. Or did they work? He’d have to ask later, maybe after…
After… what?
Shawn blinked, looked down, and saw he was naked. Why was that? He’d done some pretty strange things before, but walking around naked wasn’t something he’d really do.
He looked around for clothes, and saw a set conveniently on the floor beside the sink. Without thinking, he reached down and grabbed them, putting them on leisurely. He also saw a pair that looked like something Carlton would wear, but it was sitting next to the shower. Weird.
Once he was dressed, his stomach started complaining. Might as well get something to eat, since he was all dressed and everything.
He quickly swiped Carlton’s wallet from their dining table — why had it been left there? Had his boyfriend been in a rush or something? — and walked out, on his way to get a smoothie.
Lassiter jolted at the sound. Was someone coming in? He strained his ears. Nothing. Not even…
Not even the sound of Shawn padding around the house.
“I swear Shawn, if this is some sort of new kink you’re wanting to try out…”
Still silence.
Lassiter scooted up towards his hands, and sat upright. Well, as upright as he could, facing the headboard with his arm held to his chest, allowing the cuffs to hang loose from his wrists.
He strained his neck, looking over to the other side of the bed, and saw the key on the nightstand. He wanted to grab it, but some part in the back of his head told him Shawn would be back any minute, and would be disappointed to see Lassiter free of the cuffs.
So he sat there waiting for a bit longer, patiently waiting for Shawn to return. What was taking him so long?
It was when his arms started hurting a bit that he gave up. “Oh, screw it.”
Lassiter shuffled around, grabbing the headboard to keep himself steady. His legs got briefly tangled in the sheets. But one small tussle and they were free once more.
Hanging on tight, he reached one leg out to try and grab the keys with his foot. He fumbled a bit, grunting in frustration every time the key was knocked aside. And then one of the muscles in his toe spasmed, causing the key to fly off and onto the floor.
He lay there for what felt like hours, though in reality it was only 30 minutes. Lassiter could feel his hands growing numb from being held up for so long.
Finally finally finally, the front door opened once more. “Lassie?”
Lassiter was filled with relief. “Shawn!” And then almost immediately anger. “Spencer! Spencer I swear on my mothers if you don’t uncuff me from the damn bed right now-!”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence, because Shawn had rushed in, realization apparent in his eyes. But he had something in his hands. Lassiter completely forgot what he was going to say next, and just stared at what Shawn was holding in disbelief.
“Did you go out for a smoothie while we were in the middle of sex?!”
Shawn froze, looking down at his drink. “…nnnno?” He lied, taking a sip.
They sat there in silence. Shawn, in an awkward way. Lassiter, in a seething anger way.
“…do you want a taste?”
“No, I want to get out of these damn cuffs!”
Shawn raised his hands up in defense. “Okay! Okay.” He looked at the nightstand where the key was sitting before. “Where’s the key?”
Lassiter blushed, and muttered, “I kicked it off.”
Shawn did a double take. “You what?”
He flushed and even deeper red. “I kicked it off the nightstand.”
A bubble of laughter came from Shawn. “You- why?”
“Well, I was trying to grab it with my feet so I could get myself out of this mess-”
Shawn stopped him. “Say no more, Carlytown. I’ll rescue you from this torment.” He leaned down and started looking for the key. It must have bounced under the bed when it fell.
“I knew we shouldn’t have used my cuffs.”
Again, Shawn couldn’t help the laugh that came out. “Oh really? That’s not what you were like earlier. You practically begged me to use these.”
“Oh, so you can remember that, but you can’t remember your boyfriend who you left buck-naked and handcuffed on the bed?”
Shawn just shook his head playfully, and stood up with the key in hand. “If I say I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”
Lassiter had to think real hard on that one. On one hand, he was still a little pissed. But on the other… well, how could he not forgive him, with a face like that?
“Yes. I forgive you Shawn.”
Leaning over, he quickly unlocked the cuffs. Lassiter pulled his hands back, massaging the wrists.
“Do you want an apology kiss?”
He rolled his eyes, but grinned. Shawn took that as a sign to pucker up and lean in. He eagerly met him in the middle, leaning further and further in until Shawn had been pushed onto his back with Lassiter on top.
“You better take those clothes off, Spencer. I don’t want to have to fuck you through your shitty denim jeans.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice, Lassiekins.”
Notes: damn. I don’t know if you guys could tell, but this short story has been brought to you by a hella aroace person.
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@aba-daba-dooo @birdyboylassie
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zabala0z · 29 days
This season is making me hyperventilate a lot in a fangirl sort of way (but also in a panicked way BECAUSE WHAT??)
Hi! I got 5 episodes that I freaked out over. Come and hear my thoughts. You have to.
MAG 87: The Uncanny Valley
Circus. That girl is named like Nikola Orsinov which is the same last name as the ringmaster of The Circus back in like the mid 1900’s? So I’m assuming she’s a descendant and taking up the mantle of traumatizing people. Gertrude mentioned “The Unknowing” which Not Sasha mentioned before and like Leitner. In this context, it sounds less like a title and more like an apocalypse: not a good sign. ALSO THE MUSIC.
Not much to say for MAG 88: Dig besides I don’t wanna dig. Also the calliope organ is gone. Oh god. Feels like this circus is gonna be the main antagonist this season. Unfortunately I despise clowns
MAG 89: Twice as Bright
I went insane over this episode guys. I love Jude and hate her. The description with her coworker and his new house and baby and wife, I was just screaming, “no dont kill him!! 😭😭”. And she did. Not surprised. Like every word she spoke made me viscerally uncomfortable but she’s such an interesting character.
Also she like…likes Agnes, yeah? I clocked that after reading over the transcript. I’m assuming the entity shes under is like The Desolation cause I think The Lightless Flame is just the name of the cult. Poor Jon. Bros hand is not gonna be the same. Im hoping she appears again. Interesting that Michael Crew hangs around the Fairchilds. Makes sense since like every situation they’re involved in is the whole empty/alone/open area thing. I’m still thinking the entity they’re under is The Vast because that’s what Michael said before jumping out that window and I think I’m right
MAG 90: Body Builder
JARED HOPWORTH. Why did you open a gym, bro?? Like the moment I heard, “large guy-“ my brain, “oh yeah that’s Jared”
The whole flesh torso things, I guess used to be humans but Jared decided “I think they’d look cool without their arms” so that’s why he said “too soon” towards Davenport. Marie probably stole those femurs so I’m wondering if she got the whole bone altering power???
MAG 91: The Coming Storm
Holy shit. Jesus. Oh my god. First off, Mike was so polite??? Like he offered tea and stuff. And then that kinda changed when he like full of astral projected Jon or something. Or I guess he raised the air pressure. Props to the sound effects, I love them. I liked hearing Mikes story but holy shit DAISY. I love Daisy. But girl calm down 😭 actually I can’t even blame her
I was at the temple by the way, making garlands, and listening to this was a nightmare because I couldn’t make any outward reaction. So that’s why I went to a bathroom stall and freaked as Daisy kicked the shit out of Mike. Couple things though; the fact the tape recorder keeps turning on is def a concern. Pretty sure it’s The Eye. I don’t know if it can physically do much since it…watches but that’s what I’m thinking. But why? Is it breaking the 4th wall?
Basira coming in clutch ‼️‼️ Also, Jon getting info out of people is apparently not a natural thing. Makes sense why Jude and Mike told their whole story and even remarked on how strange it was they did at the end of it. It makes sense actually. Jon is truly the main character but utilized in such a great way. Oh he doesn’t die? It’s not plot armor, it’s just the all seeing entity protecting him. Everyone tells him everything? Yeah that’s kinda his power. Love it.
So yeah! That’s everything. Pretty terrified because there’s powerful entities and I’m scared someone is going to die. If Basira or Daisy die, I will cry. Actually if anyone dies, im a very emotionally attached person
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Sharing more ocs again it’s my enrichment hours 🤭
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Lore for them under the cut! Tw for mentions of self harm and incest (which is kinda there in asoiaf but still). If you can’t handle these topics that’s more than alright! I just recommend you don’t read for the sake of your mental health. Love y’all <3
Allyria Ladybright: I don’t have much on her tbh, but she’s one of my favs already <3 basically her story is that she witnessed Baelor’s whole hostage return/Aemon rescue at around seven years old, and that rocked her shit so hard she became a religious fanatic and was convinced from that whole event that King’s Landing was some incredible holy land. She’s a lesbian and acknowledges it but still thinks it’s a sin so hurts herself as a form a repentance whenever she has a gay thought. She’s part of Myriah’s royal retinue and was super excited to finally see King’s Landing only to get really sad when she realizes it’s kind of a shithole and the royal family are incestuous freaks. These are mostly scattered thoughts but she’s been banned from the Great Sept for confessing her absolutely graphic gay sex thoughts so kinda just prays in private, she idolizes all the seven worshipping Targs but immediatelyyyy starts crying if she ever gets put in Aegon’s presence, so she moved to Daeron and Myriah’s social circle until they thought it best she just… go back home. So anyway she goes back home and builds a little sept in her family seat and becomes a pseudo-septa before walking out into the desert and never coming back, yippee <3
Rowan Tully: Probably the one I have the least amount of info on, honestly her whole thing is that she’s the middle child of four daughters and was my other oc Naera’s former friend/kinda lover? She’s really jealous and hated it when Naera would flirt with any other girl even though she spent years simping for the sexy st. Sebastian-esque painting of Criston Cole she saw exactly once. She gets married to a Mallister guy but they don’t like each other so she just stays locked away in Riverrun making really nice clothes for her extended family. Has probably pushed for her older sister to support the Blackfyres out of spite, didn’t succeed in that though since the Tullys did end up pledging to the Targs. Honestly idk how she dies, maybe I’ll be nice and say she got to he geriatric and died of natural causes but I’ll take any suggestions lmao
Laenys Blackfyre: Ok I’ll be honest she’s my real favourite lol. She’s the oldest child of Aegor Rivers and Calla Blackfyre, and took her mom’s last name in order to push the Blackfyre agenda. Girlie’s charismatic as all hell and has absolutely won support from important figures in the free cities, but definitely has a more cruel side that she likes to hide behind closed doors. A little weird about relationships because she fully believes in the whole incest practice but is also a lesbian so she’s only psychosexually obsessed with her younger sister and is incredibly controlling over everything she does. Kinda believes herself to be the family’s real heir because she’s super committed to the cause and is the reason why they still have some support and when one of her brothers tried to argue that she had him “taken care of”. Anywayyy tho all her connections kinda fall apart once she gets assassinated in front of all her political allies, people think Bloodraven might’ve done it but nobody can prove it so the Blackfyres kinda just…. Brush Laenys’ whole legacy off to the side and keep trying to fight their wars. Rip queen.
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I received an anon ask which I found to be... well, really interesting. I agree with a lot of the points they make. But I also disagree with the way that they've presented their argument in many aspects.
I considered not responding to it, but it's my policy to answer all asks which are sent in good faith (at the moment, at least). And I could just answer it as-is, but I didn't really want to do that either.
So, instead I'm answering it with this disclaimer. Opinions of anonymous users do not represent the beliefs of Kipperlillyforpresident.tumblr.com, etc etc. With that out of the way, here is the ask:
I want Gorgug to go to Artificer class and try to explain to Henry why his nephew wasn't worth saving, but Aelwyn was. Ragh was. I want Fabian to sit alone at his house because Mazey won't talk to him, and think about how his last words to Ivy just reflected his own thoughts about himself, because he'd never learnt anything about her. Fabian is a vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid with no person in his life who wants to really listen to him. I want Fig to see Henry in the corridors on her way to Paladin class, not meeting his gaze because doing so she would have to explain to him that his nephew wasn't worth the justice her Goddess promises. I want Riz to go to a psychiatrist – not Jawbone – and I want him to talk about the fact that he hates a version of himself so much he couldn't possibly allow her to live, and he in fact relished in the idea that she'd never come back. I want Lucy to come back and hear what The Bad Kids did in her name, and I want her to absolutely tear them a new one. I want her eyes – that they all thought of as sorrowful and deep while never having paid attention to them before her death – to be cold and unwelcome as she looks them up and down and asks them to explain their actions. I want her voice to raise well above the level of what any of them had envisioned of her when they studied her desecrated and fragile body in the woods. I want her to ask them if they knew where Mary Ann lived, or if Reuben had any siblings that would miss him. I want her to hear the podcast episode written about her by a person having a wild guess based on her lifeless form and a handful of anecdotes from her now deceased friends. I probably won't get it, but it's nice to imagine.
So to start off with: I really do like the premise of this. Dealing with the consequences of rage is the part of the story - both in TRG and TBK - that I'm most interested in. And a part of my frustration with the narrative is that I don't think we'll be getting any consequences along this line, and that everything is going to be tied up in a neat bow for a happily ever after.
I do agree/find myself interested in almost all of the scenarios you present. Gorgug and Henry in particular - I think that really needs to come back and haunt the narrative. My personal headcanon is that Henry strongly recommends he take dual credit classes for Artificer at the local community college, because he knows he'll be unable to be fair to him.
And god, Fig and Ankarna! How is she going to justify redeeming the one who caused all of this conquest and rage, yet brutally and cruelly torturing people who were infected by it? It's really compelling. Although for the Riz thing - I don't think he'd willingly go to a psychiatrist at any point, lmao.
And Lucy, holy shit, Lucy, I hate so badly how TBK talk about Lucy. I always talk about her being "dead wife montage", because that really does feel like how she's been treated. Going into battle and murdering all of her friends and claiming its "for Lucy"??? It's really dark. I do NOT want Lucy to like TBK after everything is over.
All that said... I really don't enjoy the way anon has characterized Fabian here. I've been on the record as being deeply uncomfortable with how he treated Ivy. And I want him to face consequences for it. I want him to realize he never learned anything about her, and that the fact she rejected him is almost certainly a part of why he hates her so much. I want him to remember that we "don't talk about women like that"!
But to call him a "vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid"...? It doesn't fully sit right with me. I suppose that it's not entirely wrong, but it's leaving out a lot of aspects of his character. It's painting him exclusively in the most negative light possible.
This ask is treating Fabian - and TBK in general, I suppose - in the exact same way that most of the fandom treats TRG. Exclusively focusing on their worst aspects and ignoring any extenuating circumstances.
And if I'm going to crusade for TRG to be treated with more respect in the narrative, then I suppose my natural inclination is to do the same for TBK. Not that anybody is mandated to do so. You're allowed to engage with media however you'd like, and if fully despising TBK is what brings you the most enjoyment, then go ahead. But it's not my own philosophy.
I appreciate anon for sending this ask, because it did make me think about a lot of stuff! I hope that everybody interacts with this post in a respectful manner, but if discourse happens, it happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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niseag-reads · 2 months
Ouch my brain /pos - a ramble
Right. I want to say something sensible about this book, but I have been reading it since January, and I would be damned if I remembered what happened in the first half of it in any detail. This is a ramble/review for "Forges of Mars." the full trilogy. by Graham McNeill
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Taking so long to read it was not the books fault. Indeed, that was me running into burnout and being preoccupied with university stuff. But being somewhat less than fully emerged in this book probably didn't help the book at all.
There are so many characters, holy shit. And some of their names are so similar! Hawke and Hawkins come to mind. Additionally, characters will be named by their first name, last name, or nicknames and keeping apart who is who is no joke. The dramatis personae provided is somewhat useful, but annoying when you have to refer to it too often. this does come with the caviat that I do, as a rule, not really remember names (I think it's the autism) making this all the more difficult to me. Where characters are diverse enough in their thinking and acting i will be able to tell them apart by that, but for side and background characters that really doesnt work.
With this, there are also multiple storylines, and my issue with that in many books is that there is always some I prefer over the others and then I get annoyed when they switch to the ones I do not care for as much. Also because I often didn't immediately know where we were jumping to. it really grated my gears that when a POV switch happened it wasn't always immediately clear whose POV the book had switched to, causing moments of confusion. Perhaps if i remembered which names belonged to what people it would be easier, but sadly it was not. for fairness, I was reading the ebook. Maybe this is clearer in the paper version.
In this trilogy, I found myself intrigued by the characterisation of the mechanicus characters whom I wanted to stick with, only to be forced to read about these other groups as well... if I wanted to read space marines, I'd have picked up one of their books, you know? Regardless, the arcs of kotov, linya, and tychon were all very interesting to me, and eventually, around the second book, I started to appreciate locke as well. The way the warhounds were written actively annoyed me, but I am someone who has read a lot of books involving (were)wolves, and my expectations from that may have influenced how I looked upon these chapters. the many POVs in this book felt somewhat unnessecary, too, like, I am unsure what the marines or the warhound POVs truly added to the storytelling. I get why there was both mechanicus and bondsman perspective though, that was a very interesting and clever choice in worldbuilding that allowed the reader to see the two ends of the coin when it comes to the runnings of a mechanicus expedition. the eldar perspective was not one I cared for much, but I do not fault the book for including it because it did definitely add a completely different angle to everything going on in this book.
The last book in the series is significantly more intense and action-packed than the other two, which I had not expected. It solidifies the feeling of a finale, I suppose, especially since the other two books lacked proper ending points. I thus believe that this was written as one very long book that was chopped into threes for marketability. That's not a negative, just an observation. the final confrontation is a-tier. very good, very satisfying. Galatea deserved worse. All in all, this was a decent enough experience and I can see why some people go wild for the characters in this book, they're very good. I left this review sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot where I was going with it. anyways. 3.5 stars. do recommend, but is very long and requires brain.
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Okay no joke if I was Yves I’d be mad as hell too, like you chose this sloppy, forgetful man over HIM??? the same man that literally has your genetic sequence down to the allele by heart?? Knows all of your genetic information so well that it would put 23 and me to shame!! Not only that but like I think there was an ask about how an anon believes that Monty would’ve honestly attached himself to anyone who was just there at the right time meanwhile Yves’ love for his darling is entirely unique and under any circumstances he never feel this way for anyone else. Like UGH with Yves it’s literally all or nothing, if it’s no you, he doesn’t want it. But with Montgomery, if another person showed up he would’ve been acting the same with that person and not you!! Like his love isn’t “unique” I guess in a way.
Ooo I’d be so upset too. I wonder like has he ever at least THOUGHT about trying to do some technological fuckery to end the relationship between his darling and Montgomery? Like perhaps, doctor some text messages, do voice impersonations or create a voice impersonator so that he could make it seem like Monty was cheating on his darling, causing her to run into his arms. It would b EUREKA 💡 as f because he wouldn’t have to kill Monty bc he actually didn’t do it, and she’s no long with him. But RATS he probably wouldn’t want to bring that sort of pain onto his darling especially with the harsh feeling of betrayal, that can mentally scar someone for years, a feeling that Yves probably is quite familiar with :(.
Buttt at the same time we do have instances (such as if the reader was really old or suffering from terminal health issues) where he would lean more towards being selfish as long as you stay with him, so in certain circumstances he is selfish enough to let you go through pain as long as you’re with him. But dang now that I’m typing this, I’m like that’s probably not that good of a comparison, one’s a relationship and the other is your life.
Also he probably wouldn’t want to take away any of his darlings happiness either, but dang like what if it was something more subliminal maybe like you unconsciously hearing subliminal messages telling you to leave Monty and that all you need is Yves because he’s the only one that can make you truly happy Mann I don’t know 😔.
But at the same time I’m ngl!! I can kinda see why some of y’all like Monty. I think it was Chapter 39?? When he busted through the door of the house and essentially mollywhopped everyone. I was like wait,,, why is he kinda,,, I guess like some of the guilt of not being there for the reader coupled with what he heard was just enough to make him snap and go into a rage. And some people are probably more comfortable around someone who’s like Monty as compared to Yves.
But also like really quick! Does Monty have the same level of unconditional love as Yves? Like I think I remember reading somewhere that you could essentially try anything you want and Yves will NOT leave you, like he has permanently cemented himself to your side literally FOREVER like it’s almost cosmic in a way. I wonder if Monty has that same level of patience but in his own way.
Zhats enough of my unintelligible ramblings and questions, your last post really did it 4 me ooo I wanted to bite my phone!! Love your work!!!!!
the other ask in question
Holy fuckin shit anon thank u so much for ur thoughts i would love to hear moar feel free to ramble more in my asks!!1 these are the types of stuff that also keeps me going with my writing
also i got like newest installation where yves interacts with yan older bro
naw YVes wouldnt like paint monty as a cheater because the pain fuckin HURTS man, he would rather be cucked like indefinitely than let you go through the horrors of recovering from such betrayal, plus there is a chance that you get so hurt that you didn't want to be in a relationship anymore or even ASSOCIATED with men anymore, so Yves just shot himself in the foot
He's only selfish when it comes to keeping you with him, so too bad if you are facing horrors of the mind, you are getting revived
Yves is defnitely using the subliminal messages to his advantage. you would probably be all like "ewww" to Monty after the first few days, weeks if you're particularly into sad, dirty men. but true love can really work past that and there really isn't much he could do without devastating you
Oh yeah Monty's love is fr unconditional, if you are abusive to him, he will take it. Altho he would cry in secret, praying to god that you will one day change your ways and stop abusing him, he will never leave even if everyone around him tells him to. He would stay until he's dead or police actually caught you beating him into a pulp, but even then, he would say it was his fault for provoking you -- he would try everything in his power to get you out of trouble.
He isn't like YVes in a sense that he tries to change you, he will just beg pathetically and get fucked over and over without learning his lesson.
If you're dead, he's dead. Simple as. Nothing will get in the way of Monty's quest to be by your side as soon as possible.
thanx 4 reading my stuff anon ur analysis really made my day i love reading yalls thoughts
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saturns-cryptid · 2 months
crashes down through the ceiling tiles
- "hibiki" comes from the name of chai's favorite action-rhythm game where you play as a rebel taking down a corrupt corporation :^) his belt chain thing was a preorder bonus
- both peppermint and macaron are vegetarian
- peppermint and chai became roommates after the events of the game
- chai's right arm injury is monoparesis caused by a stroke he had sometime in high school, treatment was ineffective at helping him regain his motor skills so he sought out project armstrong
- it's implied the game took place over a day or two at most, but i like to stretch it to four because it just seems way too short to me. i could see chai doing some of the fights while sleep deprived, but not all of them
day 1: most of the early day is just chai getting through all the armstrong onboarding stuff, QA-1MIL and rekka are fought in the afternoon. him and peppermint have to lay low for the rest of the day because she knows kale will be looking for her with security drones now
day 2: chai sneaks into R&D in the early morning, is captured by the afternoon, and it's night by the time him and korsica are taken to the hideout
day 3: him and korsica are recovering for pretty much the whole day so it isn't until the evening that they go after mimosa
day 4: chai sneaks through production late night/early morning (this is outlined ingame so this part isn't really a headcanon) and it takes the whole day to get to roquefort and then kale
HAII i enjoy this assortment of headcanons nods nods but i especially enjoy the last one!! i never really did register how long the story is in the game now that i think about it... but i'll get to that!
(1) DUDE i have seen plenty of people argue for a different headcanon that hibiki is either the name of a band or the name of a fashion brand but i have not heard of this angle!! do you think this also explains his shoes or 808's collar though... bc if it does, i totally think at one point post game, chai and peppermint find out they like the same game and it actually ends up being something that brings them closer
(2) but also do you think it counts as cannibalism if peppermint has peppermint candy/tea and macaron has a macaron though LOL
(3) WHY NOT EVERYONE COWARD... /j lh ... but actually though i totally think it would hit home for chai to solidify that sense of belonging somewhere because i think he's been a drifter / loner for most of his life. FOUND FAMILY FOR THE WIN
(4) you are so big of brain, asker!! i LOVE seeing people's takes on how chai's disability came to be. i will be shelving this one away in my brain nods nods
(5) OKAY i ended up scrubbing through the game cutscenes while i was on break at work and like. DUDE i had no idea the story progressed so quickly LMAO. it really does seem like... it all took place somewhere between 24-36 hours?? Peppermint really worked Chai to the bone as the field man dude holy shit LMFAOOO bro probably crashed and slept like 15 hours after all that. i will be adopting this, BUT... how long do you think it would take if you also include the second arc / the secret SPECTRA doors + the underground lab? i personally think it would take an extra week since they're. really difficult sobs
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outivv · 1 month
to other anon star rail revenue suffering compared to previous months is because they for some reason decided to put some of thee most skippable units(from fanbase perspective)back to back after firefly like jade only really shines in one game mode and that’s straight up not good enough for most people(unless you’re a desperate blade main because he’s suffering rn)especially when 1.x units can still clear in all modes fairly decently(well like..except blade LOL😭😭)
and she came right after firefly who probably made hsr closer to 120+~mil if we go by sensory towers method ie “we dont have access to android,pc and console revenue so we let you do calculations to see what the revenue earned this month MIGHT have looked like if we did have access to these”(another side note eek but gawd as someone who used to play hi3 i mourn the fact ff got a miles better kit than hofi kiana yknow the character hoyo openly calls their daughter😭)
Yunli while good is literally just clara but a slight bit better which while we dont know how much she made yet acheron and firefly very much so have affected how people will look at new dps because of just how broken they are so(the genshin equivalent of this would be neuvillette and mualani where shes maybe looking to be around top dps wise but shes not at his level so a decent amount of people automatically disregard her)
Jiaoqiu while not as bad as people made him out to be is still not a must grab either and is more than likely going to be skippable to meta slaves and the casual very limited amount jades players so already at a disadvantage esp with leakers constantly going “oh oh MAYBE sunday will be in 2.6 oh oh maybe he’ll be in 2.7🤭”so unless hardcore fans,people who roll for any man in the game because they are in a drought compared to 1.x days ,or just anyone who’s that desperate for a support clutch it star rail is going to drip back into its usual revenue unless they decide last minute to make feixiao broken or decide to roll out the red carpet for sunday sooner rather than later
(anways lol sorry tgis is so long i nerd out when it comes to these things)
Totally cool I love when people nerd out cause then it gives me an excuse to be a fucking nerd too BAHHAHAHA
Jade is genuinely garbage I am not even gonna lie. Her design isn’t that good, her character? Racist BAHAGAH, her kit? Bro she’s not even like sparkle where she’s like a terrible character but her kit is suuuuper good, she’s just like not very good all around, so that does make sense as to why she’s just… no one spent on her unless they were gooners tbh
Blade is suffering so bad… like omfg- I used to main blade and holy shit he just can’t. Like he cannot do the dmg he needs to unless you run him with jingliu imo because of how she takes hp away, and blade’s main dmg source is from his fua cause it’s an all hitting attack. Hope blade gets some kinda buff or something with a character like jingliu who takes hp away slowly but is actually a buffer- ooooo.
I think yunli is relatively good, I’ve seen my friend who’s got a very f2p build on her do like 1.5 mil with her, but that’s also cause of their own insane supports BAHAHAH. Idk what most meta players think of her, because personally I don’t care about the meta. Bitch I main Argenti and Boothill, I do NOT care about meta. But, yunli like you said- is still just slight better Clara, and I believe most people have Clara cause she was soooo big in early stage meta, so it’s like… why get yunli is Clara already does the job, unless you just like yunli which is fair cause she’s a cute character.
Jiaoqiu feels like… like like like- topaz kinda. Like I feel like he’ll be great later on, and while he has uses now- especially for buffing the FUCK out of Acheron, I feel like they’ll be like “look at this specific meta we’re making so now Jiaoqiu is more useful :3” cause he just feels so strange now, even if he’s quickly become one of my personal favs 😔
But most people are skipping him, I know I am- and I’m skipping him for feixiao cause from what I’ve seen of her she’s stupidly broken ☺️🫶
Like STUPIDLY broken; fuck- fucking imagine her with Robin? Stupid dmg, but we don’t know her scaling yet, she just looks actually abysmal AHAHAH especially when paired with Moze (who I’m hella excited for :3)
Sunday has been confirmed by leakers to likely not be in 2.6 or 2.7 and if he were to be in either patches (this is my opinion) it would be 2.7 I think, since either 2.7 or 2.8 will be likely the last patch of 2.x and then it’ll be 3.0 so even more reason for people to save, since 3.0 is pretty much right around the corner :P
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
So some of my friends have never seen Buffy and we're watching through it. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, so there's a lot I don't remember.
We're on season 6 right now and I'm just-- what the fuck yo???
I know the show was technically supposed to end after season 5, but still, holy hell season 6 is a nightmare. I'm mad about everything honestly but I specifically wanna call out how Spike gets treated???
Cause like. What. The. Fuck???
They call this dude for everything. Like the moment something goes down they call him to help and he comes running every time. Makes sure Dawn is safe, takes care of anyone injured and makes sure they get to safety, is the other strongest fighter, knows a shitload about the supernatural world and if not where to find it. He's generally super fucking useful, and he's usually pretty damn cool and friendly with them unless someone's a dick first.
So WHY do most of the characters treat him like hes still horrible?? He literally spent the entire last season helping them. He took a freakin torture session from a GOD and nearly got dusted to keep Dawn safe. He also helped take care of Dawn after Buffy died.
Yet most of the group act like he's only out for himself and like he's just fucking evil all the time!
I remember being pissed when he got frozen out of Joyce's funeral too. They clearly had a friendly relationship, they watched soap operas together ffs. Spike routinely got called in to protect her and Dawn and did so without hesitation. There were plenty of times he and Joyce just shot the shit because he actually genuinely liked her. And yet he's not allowed to mourn her???
I don't get how you can depend on someone so obviously but then act like they're not part of the group??
Especially since its pretty fuckin obvious when they hurt his feelings. Its not like he tries to come off as cool and unaffected, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He's actually probably one of the only characters to routinely demonstrate actual emotional intelligence and empathy.
It just... irks me to see him get treated like dirt routinely when he's been doing his best to show them he's friendly for years now.
And like "he tried to kill them" isn't really a good enough reason in this story?? Anya tried to kill them, and is an ex-demon. She's still welcomed into the group. Angel too, tbh and he did FAR more emotional damage. But like even though he's not around for long after, they still talk about him fondly and Buffy keeps in contact with him over the years. Amy tried to kill them too and she got brought back with all the over looked just fine too.
It just feels massively unfair and it pisses me off because there's not a good basis for it based on how his character changed. Even Spuffy, as much as I adore the ship, went all kinds of sideways largely due to Buffy being deadset on the idea that Spike could only be bad for her and treating him like it.
Yes, he rose to the bait and he shouldn’t have. But like. Imagine how painful its gotta be to have someone you love telling you how awful you are and how they could never truly love you because you're wrong somewhere deep in your core, and then sleeping with you anyway because you're hot therefore good enough to fuck, just not to love. That's FUCKED my dude.
It don't know what the hell their beef was with Spike but I hate it.
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gatiox3 · 7 months
kung Fu panda. 4
u guys thought I forgor about my ramble? UR WRONG
so um WTFOK SO KUNG FU PANDA i freaking love kung fu panda HE IS MY FREAKING LIFE if he never existed my sister wouldnt be a furry (will not elaborate she is blocked here FOR A REASON sorry nox) I HAD HIGH HOPES !!! (FIRST MISTAKE.) the music, was breathtaking, felt like i was watching kung fu panda for the first time again (not really but u get wat im saying) the animation was FLUID! there were some stiff parts, but I hardly noticed them, theres only one part where some movement didnt make sense?? like for example po was flung to the left but was then was stopped mid air, and awkwardly moved right to the ground?? i was the only one that noticed it i think thats a me thing FUCK HALF OF MY RAMBLE GOT DELETED ANYWAYS. OK SCREW WHAT EVER I WAS GONNA SAY UMMM THE ART. THE COLORING. THE CONTRASTING COLORS. THE TRADITIONAL CHINESE ART (duh) I WAS JUST AMAZED BY IT ALL IM A FREAKING ART NERD loved it so much AND THE CHARACTER DESIGN for the villain BEAUTIFUL. other character okayish.... picked most obvious animal and made her wear clothes...! im a picky person. OK WHATEVER BUT WHEN THE MOVIE FINISHED, it felt so short?? maybe cause IT WAS SO FAST PACD??? WHY DID THEY DO THAT. the beginnning started out good ! there was that initial action, somewhat revealing the villain their motives, and then showing where po is and what his dilemma is !!! BUT JUMP CUTS EVERYWHERE. IM BEING SO SERIOUS WHEN I SAY THERES PROBABLY ONLY ONE FADE IN SCENE (done perfectly if i may say) BUT WHAT. AND SOME OF THE SCENES FELT A LOT MORE SHORTER than others. almost like they added the scene last minute because they needed it?? or sm like it cuts from one scene, characters bond for 2.2 seconds, JUMP CUT! WHAT! OK SO NOW IMA GET INTO THE STORY, I WONT GIVE MANY LIKE MANY SPECIFICS< BUT ITS UNDER THIS CUT
ok so i noticed this in kfp3, but they donot take the movie that seriously anymore! in the og kfp obv there were some funny scenes, and they fit PERFECTLY. there were serious scenes, heartwrenching ones, and they worked so good. BUT IN THIS ONE. THEY HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING A GAG. IT PISSED ME OFF???? I COULDNT LIKE FEEL FOR THE CHARACTERS??? EVEN THE VILLAIN CANT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. gags EVERYWHERE. not even to the build up when then villain finally acts on their master plan! not even when PO GETS A VISION. NOT EVEN THE FREAKING. THE HOLY SHIT THE ENDING PISSED ME OFF SO FUCKING ABD YOU HAVE NO FUKCING IDEA. WHEN THE VILLAIN GETS SENT TO THE SPIRIT REALm, GAG. OH MY FUCK. NOT EVEN LIKE WHEN MASTER SHIFU IS MEDITATING AT THE END. GGAG IM GOING TO GAG ON YOU. EVEN WHEN THERE WAS A SERIOUS SCENE BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS, OR LIKE A STORY ON THEM, i coulnt take it seriously because the story wont take itself seriously! ok ummm where am i OH DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THAT FOX GIRL WITH PO I HATE HER SO MUCH THAT I DONT EVEN KKNOW HER NAME. this might be more spoilery so BUT SHES BASICALLY JUST SOME SELF INSTERT Y/N WHOS A BRAT?? AND IS EVENLY MATCHED FOR PO AND IT FELT LIKE I JUST WATCHED A WATTPAD GET TURNED INTO A MOBVIE. I SERIOUSLY THINK ITS JUST A ME THING BUT IDK. YOU PROBABLY DONTK KNOW JWAT IM TALKING ABT BUT YEAH. i wish the whoel thing was just a lot more like! kfp u know! i might just be blinded by nostalgia ! im not even gonna lie my fave part was seeing TAI LUNG I FUKCING LOIBVE TAI LUNG HI TAI LUJNG IMM YOUR BIGGEEST FAN DID THEY GET THE OG VOICE ACTORY??? IDK BUT I LOVE U HE WAS THE MOST SERIOUS CHARACTTER IN THE WHOLE MOVIE AND IT JUST SOLIDIFIED MY LOVE HAI TAI LUNG !!! HAI !!!!!!!!!!! they also had the other villains there but werent really like used within the story but i understand, they also kinda did the same with tai lung but I LOVE TAI LUNG UGHSHWBDW. ok yep ALSO GAY DADS!!!!! but there were like 3 story lines going on, gay dads, villain, po and the other thing, it coulda worked out! but it felt rushed! idk but the betrayal was just sooooooooo obvious wdym u trusted a FOX who is a CRIMINAL who says DONT TRUST ANYONE, and I KNOW HOW TO GET YOU TO THE VILLAIN. po is kind hearted so i cant blame him for trusting her anyways i love u po big kiss. BACK TO VILLAIN, ugh she had so much potential, like the true introduction to her was merely perfect! there were gags to the side, but it didnt effect it as much! but PLEASE JUST LET HER BE A BAD PERSON SHE ISNT FUNNY !!!! WE NEED TO START TELLING PEOPLE THEY ARENT FUNNY OR IT RUINS THE WORLD!!!/j but the fight scene at the end was beautiful, it showed her true potential, but how it ended was anti climatic. a single move they couldve done at the beginnning, and a skadosh (i love skadosh btw) and when all the villains were finally leaving, there was no SERIOUS ENDING FOR HER. she just screams on the way in, gettiing one last laugh. idk i just love kfp im very passionate abt movies animation art music wat not sooo yeh i think thats it HAI TAI LUNG I LOVE UUUUU I LOVE UUUUUU AHHHHSHHAHAHAHHSSHSHAA conclusion the movie was beautiful, kinda funny, but beautiful das it the end
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psycho-lizard9 · 2 months
Look, I yell that I hate the BT and DZ fandom (and honestly the Jrock fandom in general) a lot. Not everyone tho, my friends are BT and DZ fans, they are the evidence to me that not everyone is trash. And I have spoken to some people online that... well the chats die or we don't really get along too well but they weren't bad people at all, not getting along isn't enough for me to scream they suck cause sometimes stuff just doesn't work and that's fine.
I wanna explain what I mean when I yell about the trash of the fandom. I won't be giving names (except one), but I will be giving reasons.
We have:
Clowns who go "minors DNI" but will send and request nudes when in contact with 17 year olds AND UNDER or write insanely sexual stuff around them. (17 is still a minor, pedos, and everything under that age is even fucking worse)
People who claim Atsushi was abusive towards his cats cause the cat pics are "clearly" just for attention... like bruh, there are quite some cat pics, sure, especially of Tsubaki... but do you even realize for how many years this man had cats? Compared to those years, there aren't many pics at all... that is like just a few pics per year, probably not even once a month. If he wanted to "exploit his cats for attention" he would have made a social media where he would show content of his cats daily doing the weirdest shit with them. Did he? No. He wasn't abusive.
Fuckers that claim Atsushi was a predator, especially towards young girls... uhhuh, look idk if you've seen this man before but if he would go after anyone it'd be your grandparents.
We have some hypocrite clowns who will indirectly call your work or art trash or will otherwise offend you and then yeet a "lol" behind it.
Clowns without a personality who just copy whoever the fuck they last spoke to, different person every week the fucking mysteryboxes of the fandom and sadly they often copy someone from the rest of this list.
People who want to share content but if the content is already online, will bully the other uploader to take it down (have heard too many stories about this, too many people had it happen to them but haven't seen it myself. Yet, Ive heard it more than once so I believe it)
Ableists... yeah people, autism and ADHD really do exist, other mental illnesses can also make people be a bit weird sometimes, some of us are really struggling with it... it's not fake news -_-
Art thiefs.
Hypocrites (will complain about what someone else did and then do the exact same like it isn't an issue anymore suddenly)
And as much as I want to avoid names... if I have to explain this one we'll be here for a month so uh... if I say "Gekka Reijin" most people will understand what I mean cause holy FUCK get professional help...
Like I am also not a fan of gatekeepers, people who are insanely quickly offended even if you didnt mean to offend them and they won't forgive it no matter what (like bruh I say sorry and didn't even mean it the way you all see it but whatever I guess. Why did this happen several times I am literally trying to be careful about what I say and how I say it. Idk what to do anymore about this), people who will fight you over having a different opinion and people that just suddenly ignore you while you don't even know wtf happened (like wtf just tell me what your problem is cause idk what I did)... but they aren't necessarily bad people, I just don't work with them but they are NOT what I mean when I'm bitching about the fandom... even tho I don't like em. It's the disgusting fuckers that I yell about.
Anyway my DMs are open ONLY to people who do NOT identify with this goddamn list. If you are like any part of the list, please do not speak to me.
Minors can talk to me but not about NSFW topics.
P.S. I'm also not a fan of the VK war fighters. BT is VK or BT isn't VK. Toll said they aren't VK but if someone wants to believe BT is VK then whatever... no need to start a whole war about it. Also other Jrock related social wars like just let people be... like you can yell about it, sure, but omg don't scream at people specifically and call them names just cause you don't agree with em.
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
Ok friend, I am assigning you Dispose and also Swan Song from The Plot in You. I need to know which are your favorites. (Or if you end up hating everything else lmao)
Ok I might have to just not mention all the perfect lyrics because holy fuck DISPOSE is so fucking perfect in every way. (Will mostclkkely be repeated for swan song too) edit: absolutely repeating/ adding this for Swan Song as well!!!
The heartbeat drums. The fucking VOICE HE HAS 😭
“How many times do I have to fight”
…is that a fucking theremin?
“What’s left in me?”
“What’s left in me / guess we’ll see” FUCK RIGHT OFF THIS IS MY WHOLE FUCKING ESSENCE. (“What happens when your best is not enough? Guess I’ll find out” fun fact I’ve written snippets of lyrics based on that recurring thought fixation. And I’ll continue to do so.)
Fuck,, the emotions. This is the perfect opener fucking shit.
Not just breathing
(Do I even mention the perfect lyrics when it seems they just always hit??)
“I’m just trying I’m just fighting to say I’m alive I’m alive and not just breathing”
One last time
“But I lay here awake too afraid to dream / cause if I might have to face myself / I’ll buckle at my knees / tell me one last time how I never tried”
“Pushed my pain aside / cause I could never give it to those” and that entire whole ending verse are so perfect aaaah
Also I adore hearing all the different instruments??? I probably wouldn’t have noticed as much all the different parts but I listened with headphones one night.
Also like??? The way he sings “as I lay here Awake /too afraid to dream/“ just feels so familiar and I want to crawl inside the AWAKE growl. And the way the music is behind it and licks up for the chorus?? Ugh 😍
I always wanted to leave
“I always wanted to leave / i guess it’s a shame / I’m so damn destructive /(and you’re so reluctant to mean what you say)”
This one hurts a lot 💖 (I have always wanted to leave. I was so close to moving across the country for school. but money. And now I feel trapped because this place is the only place where I can usually stand the weather. So I can’t leave. But I do love now beautiful it is here too.)
Like I listen to a lot of cathartic music. But I actually sometimes have to skip this one bc I’m not fucking ready. (Keeps singing the single line”I always wanted to leave” over and over regardless 😅)
Feel nothing
This is fucking everything to me.
Beautiful. Haunting. Perfect.
“I hate it but I long to feel what I felt before”
“What’s here for me? Why hide the truth?”
The sounds do something to me.
“I think I’m happy / knowing you arent” fuck me Up!!
The one you loved
First TPIY song in my likes and omg. I just. I love it so much.
“I try to hold on ‘cause I know I hate to lose” “Was the change in me not strong enough?” “Time with you is what I dread”
“Was there something else? ‘Cause I tried my best” but truly every lyric.
Paid in Full
I can’t tell what the sound is reminiscent of to me but it’s tickling some sort of nostalgia.
“I blame myself for this” is probably the hardest hitting to me (I’m working on that)
The sound
Absolutely beautiful. I remember seeing you post this to tumblr and I was. A little hesitant to listen to it tbh. But I am glad I did I really love it. It went into my likes (but I shan’t elaborate on which ones exactly are in my likes bc sometimes I’m bad about that they just end up in my on repeats instead)
First verse my beloved. (Says the exact same about the rest of the song) (sometimes I have to skip this song too but it truly is so beautiful and I love it)
Plus sax??
Disposable fix
I have a LOT of fucking feelings about the title alone. And how the album title is DISPOSE ending with a longer version dispose-> disposable fix and. It’s.
“It’s just a show and I’m the one that takes the blame”
And ending on “ I'm done contemplating with it //
You're not a victim of shit
I put myself on the back burner
Held myself back for you I'm a disposable fix
I'm only stating the facts And now I've got nothing to lose, no” is absolute insanity (or the best thing ever)
This is a song I absolutely love. (Even though I can’t relate to the fucking) this is another song I sometimes have to skip.
Other times. I absolutely looped this on my lunch break until I swapped to one of the songs I hadn’t written for yet so I could hopefully post this for you before I go!!!
Swan song
Is so fucking perfect and a tad uncomfortable at times in the way the feelings writhe inside of me (similar to the DISPOSE songs I sometimes to often have to skip but it also feels a little different with this album too)
Letters to a Dead Friend
The shifting tone through the song…
“We probably fucked each other's lives but now we're makin' do
It's so sad, it's so sad, the way they look at me Like I've got, like I've got, answers to anything You know me, you know me, l've got a lot to say But it's in vain, it's insane and you won't feel the same”
“I don't wanna face the things that I've done wrong
Done wrong, or did right It should be me in the ground a thousand fucking times
And my voice, how I'm heard
When you were triple the man and now you fill the dirt”
This one hurts, but I also have to admit that I haven’t literally buried a friend that I was super super close to. (Just. Huh. I guess more kids have died than I thought actually…) …anyway.
Fall again
I love it. I’m not sure what else to say.
“Was a way to escape the life that you chose
If you fall again, you're on your own
Untied my wrists, I won't sink with them
No tears fell down my face
I was loved in a crooked way
And my fears weren't aimed at you”
Face me
The layering of the vocals here is just!!!!!!!!!! Adding it into the music behind it is. sending me into orbit.
I am refusing to analyze the lyrics and pick a favourite here ✌️✨
Mmm. Maybe. “I don't feel like catching prey
But I don't feel like anything
I sit in my head, stray from the truth
Pick at the scabs, don't look at the past, got something to lose
But I feel the tension from every direction”
Too far gone
Every single part. It feels familiar in such a Way. It’s such a part of me.
I really like the sounds in this.
There’s a lot I could say about the lyrics. But. I don’t think I will. It’s jsut really perfect too. ✌️✨ sometimes I hum a little bit to myself but I don’t always recognize it as Paradigm.
Both to blame
Going from looping disposable fix to the opening of both to blame has a similar sound and I am just PARALLELS and OBSESSED.
“Who do you wanna be?
It never made much sense
I never gave you what you need
Grew a separate way most every day
But I'm happy that you left And oh it hurt so good I found solace in regret And like half the time I'd weigh the crime like you left me your debt” is so good 🥺
“We’re both to blame / I left you alone with no one / I’m ashamed / it’s killing me the things I said” anyway this is a very good very Close song.
Too heavy
Not only is this really pretty. It’s. Fuck. FUCK. I often feel like I’m begging for love. For a chance to prove I’m worth something or anything.
“And you got me begging for your love
And you got me begging for a chance to prove
So maybe someday we'll be something
Maybe it'll be alone
So for as long as I'm alive I'm giving everything to you
It's all too heavy for my heart to lose”
Prettier than it has any right to be.
I sure fucking am the enemy, as much as I try to rewrite this.
“could pause life there
I don't need a thing, don't need a voice on me I just need this to stay Will you (tell me if you feel)
I can feel your skin
Nothing beneath it (how do you think I feel?)
Empty, full of spite
Let impulse decide (tell me if you feel)”
Whole without Me
“It’s all much easier alone / and I’ll lose everything for you”
“As I was self-destructing
And I just need you to know I tried letting go but nothing would let me”
“my arms, slowly starts to slip away
I'd gone too far, I'd fed into an aching soul
Believed the lies I told myself, and they took control
This image burned into my sight”
“my arms, slowly starts to slip away
I'd gone too far, I'd fed into an aching soul
Believed the lies I told myself, and they took control
This image burned into my sight” these are the ones that stood out the most to me in the first few listens without looking at the lyrics yet. (But should I repeat perfect lyrics again orrrrrrrrr)
Also I really really love the music behind it too.
The last lines. FUCK.
Oh fuck. Well. Freed. Freed my beloved.
“You’re tearing out the pages of me”
I love the sounds in this so much!!
Anyway 100/10 song
Thank you so much for recommending The Plot In You!!
these two albums and Crows are VERY GOOD and I love them!!! (Who knows when I ll be able to listen to more. Maybe if I download some more but idk if I’ll get to it before I go tbh 😔)
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destinygoldenstar · 17 days
☀️HOW DID WE GET HERE?!?!☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 9 “Don’t Open, Campers Inside”
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Okay, this italicized part is an EDIT after the reaction. I need to put up a trigger warning for this episode as a reason why I might not show as many images as usual.
I don't think it's as bad as it could've been, otherwise I think OddNation would get demonetized. But to be on the safe side, THIS EPISODE/THIS POST IS NOT FOR THE HEMOPHOBIC.
I WILL put a TW in the tags as well so they don't see the post. But in case your account doesn't have the filter for this sort of thing, HERE'S YOUR WARNING.
I have a gut feeling that we're gonna start losing besties in these next few episodes. If anything last episode was to go off by.
I said this last episode, but in terms of who I think are gonna win at this point... Finalists, Ellie, Fiore, and... I guess Jake. With Ellie winning.
Ellie just has the most understanding motive to win out of all of them and it would be satisfying to see her achieve her dreams.
No I guess Alec does too, but I can't see the scenario in my head. I BARELY react to the Alec scenes, I realize. But I looked back last episode and realized Alec said he "Wished his son was like Fiore" which... OOF, I wish I had a reaction to that. Because holy shit, you're a bad dad if you think that.
He just doesn't have as much emotional range as some of the others. So I don't gravitate towards him as much. I do think he's okay though.
I think that's my takes: Alec's... okay. Fiore's the villain so naturally I don't route for her. Grett's a bad bitch and we stan but also she's not winning. Miriam's great. Tom's great. I love Jake. MAKE UP GOSH DARN IT. And Ellie... I do like her, I admit. She's growing on me.
Yeah...idk what to expect this time. Other than I THINK another idol should come into play. Cause the heroes are outnumbering the villains and the show can't eliminate all the villains before the finale. That's plot armor for you. (I made a post about this topic. Plot Armor is not a criticism.) So with Fiore exposed, ain't no way anyone's flipping. So the only other way is to find an idol. One of the villains gets it, they nullify the votes, and one of the heroes gets the boot.
If I had to predict, probably Tom. Tom's a threat. Plain and simple.
Plus with his kind of character, I know Tom is NEVER winning anyway.
I know I said vote off Jake last episode, but that was because you could gain Ellie's loyalty from that. Well you lost the chance. Even if you do boot Jake it ain't gonna put Ellie on your side. Ya should've booted him when it was convenient and you had the chance.
"Tom & Miriam would ditch Ellie after the villains were out"
By then it'd be the FINAL THREE. So what does that matter?
God I said I didn't have a lot to say and here we are. Let's just get into it.
"What the hell was that bullshit in the elimination?!"
"You mean the way we were exposed?"
No I was talking about your choice on voting.
Nope. I'm not validated.
"Golden, that's the thing with us villains. We don't need your permission to slay. We do it anyway."
"You don't understand kid! I can't lose!"
Trauma dump?
👏Trauma dump👏 Trauma dump 👏Trauma dump👏
"I can't go home without the money!"
"Are you in debt?"
"No, it's not the money itself. It's what it stands for... If I win, my parents will finally be proud of me."
"Why does everyone think money can solve their personal problems?"
Then... why are you here Fiore?
Also Ellie would like a word.
"Alec thinks winning will fix problems with his wife and you think winning this will make your parents love you. I'm gonna be honest Alec, that marriage is a divorce waiting to happen."
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"What experience can a six year old have?!"
"Well let's see, my parents abandoned me in the woods. Clearly they hate me."
"My mother never loved me and I know her life would be much better if I never existed. She's told me she thinks I'm a monster..."
God, am I starting to feel bad for her now?!
"...I know she's right, but it still hurts to hear."
So she's just kinda accepted that she's awful.
"The adults in my life think I'm a demon with no redeeming qualities, so that must be true. Might as well live off that."
Does that imply that Fiore was an accidental pregnancy...?
I mean I'm not a mother, but I know that's something that can happen if you don't, you know, control yourself.
"But you know what? After awhile, the hurt starts to hurt less, and you start taking ownership of who you are."
I mean she's a pretty static character. BUT I think that works in this favor.
"If you want to win, do it for yourself. Prove to those that didn't have faith in you. Prove it to yourself that you're worth it."
See Grett? You found your place as a monster too.
"I couldn't care less about Grett's pathetic insecurities-"
Yeah, she cares about literally nobody.
She WILL ditch these guys on the bus the moment she has the chance.
And she's gonna show no remorse doing it.
And when that happens I'm gonna be HOWLING.
Oh not these two again.
"Hey Tom, I know I said this a dozen times, but I really am sowwy. Can you forgive me?"
"Jake I just learned I have cancer. And for some reason I'm gonna say that's your fault. Get out of my life."
"I've been thinking about what you've told me..."
Oh wait.
Are they actually gonna make up now?
"Maybe you weren't the only selfish one. I attacked you without thinking about how you were feeling..."
Oh yeah they are!
So he just needed to cool off after the news. I get it.
"You don't have to apologize."
"It's all me. It's always my fault. I'm the one who always has to take the blame for things like this."
"I want us to be friends again."
"But lets both try to be better. For our sakes."
I'm okay with them just being friends. I think that is healthier that way given they're... messy.
So I'm actually really happy about this.
"Where are Jake and Tom?"
They're 'hanging out' if you know what I mean...
I'm sorry.
"Maybe they're making up."
Up or out?
"For some reason, Golden is whispering in my hear and urging me to kiss the boy."
"Sorry for attacking you so much in the previous challenge."
Is she trying to be allies with these guys now? I called it.
"It's okay. It was also my fault. I judged you too soon without knowing if you were with them or not."
Well she was, but she's not anymore.
She's a redeemed girlie
"I do that a lot."
"Do what?"
"Judging people without knowing their true intentions."
Yeah I can see that.
"It's fine. We can't change the past. We have to look towards a better future."
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"Maybe I was wrong to think badly of these young-ins."
"Except Fiore. She's just as bad as I thought."
"Any update about your job?"
He got FIRED. I don't think you get an update after that.
"Anyway, I haven't been sure for awhile if this is what I really want..."
You didn't want to be a spy?
"...or if I'm even good at it..."
Yeah, you weren't, I'm gonna be brutally honest.
You can find a new job. One that you love. One where you can work AND maintain relationships.
"You think you weren't meant to be a spy?"
"I don't know. But it's not like I have a choice anymore."
Yeah... that's a hard situation. I can relate to that.
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"I don't work there anymore... I don't need this..."
So he WAS wearing that for his job! So he's ditching his career?!
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Oh THAT'S why...
I was thinking awhile it would be that he had a scarred face, but I wasn't sure. AND I was joking about it this whole time. God I feel awful now...
I'm trying to look at this properly. What happened? Was he in a fire or something? I can't tell cause it's a cartoon, but that MIGHT be burn scars?????
I don't know, maybe he's gonna explain it.
"My first job was a couple months ago. I was sloppy and I got found out. Things went wrong, and my captors... gave me this..."
Holy god, I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine Tom getting tortured like that.
"The boss wasn't happy. I was tasked to come onto this show as a contestant to investigate it. This job was my last chance, and I blew it."
"Were you using that mask to hide your identity or... were you...?"
"That's just an excuse. The truth is I... I felt ashamed..."
"But you look good, Tom."
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*I got out of my chair and paced around for a minute*
*I'm giddy and out of breath*
I didn't expect them to kiss today... oh my god...
Oh my god, Tom Face Reveal. AND... ship name kiss, IN THE SAME SCENE. That's too much for the feels.
Jam. It's Jam isn't it? I don't have jam on me right now.
I actually don't like eating jam. I'm not a jelly person.
Okay okay okay, I'm sorry. I'll keep going.
"...I'm not."
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Aw 💗
"Attention campers! Challenge time!"
Oh screw you!
They're good for each other. They're actually good for each other.
I HAD MY DOUBTS. But they do work.
*I had to get water* (Y'all keep your dirty jokes about that)
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Gosh darn it, I KNEW Chris McLean was here!
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How are you all sleeping sitting up?
Is this a "Escape the chamber" challenge?
"The hosts are clearly screwing with us."
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Cause that situation was HELL
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Where'd you get the hats from?
"What happened to the sky?"
"It's covered in grapes and strawberries, and idk why that is-also why is part of the forest blocked off? Why can't we get out?"
"Fiore I don't think you're supposed to be playing those games."
I still headcanon Fiore is a Mortal Combat fangirl.
"Where'd you get that hat?"
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"Alright gang, grab every weapon in this place you can find and start SMASHING!!!"
Why does the cabin have so much weaponry?!
"Fiore, I think I know what's happening."
"Don't freak out... but a bear is gonna pop out in a minute and force us to kill each other."
"It's the only explanation. Don't tell anyone."
"Uh, we are right here and in hearing range."
"What happened with your mask?"
Oh yeah they don't know...
God it's SO WEIRD seeing Tom without the mask now.
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UM, HELLO?!?!?!
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“What the hell is that?!”
My thoughts exactly Ellie!
"It looks like a-a-a person..."
"Like a dead person?!"
Tom, you killed a guy!
If you asked me what my predictions were for this show: "Let's make a PLOT TWIST in the middle of the show and turn it into a zombie apocalypse 'The Walking Dead' show" Would NEVER be on my list.
I mean if you know me, you know I like death game stories...
But surprisingly, I don't actually like zombie apocalypse stories. It's not just my cup of tea.
Because zombie apocalypse stories are just so bloody hopeless and there's absolutely no way out of inevitable fate. It's just "This is hell, wait till it's your turn to die."
And I just naturally find that less compelling than stuff like Hunger Games, Squid Game, and Danganronpa, where there IS a possibility to escape your fate, even if it's really small.
With these kinds of stories, I'm just waiting for everyone to die. So I get less attached.
That's just my opinion.
"Did you hear that?!"
"Sounded like gunshots!"
"Don't worry guys! It's just Tom killing a man! It's fine!"
I mean, I WOULD say this is all a stage show. Like these are just people wearing makeup.
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"I don't care if he's a serial killer! HE'S MY LOVE! WE'RE LETTING HIM IN. WHAT'S THE WORSE THAT COULD HAPPEN?!"
"What's going on?!"
"Ellie why do you have ketchup splashed all over your face?"
"They looked like people, but they're not!"
"I would never kill a man! I swear!!"
"What if it was a woman?"
"Is that... a bite?"
They're not gonna KILL Ellie, right?!
Cut off her arm, and she might be saved!
"...well, one step closer to winning."
I mean I'm not surprised. BUT WTF?!
"I think we... have to... cut off your arm."
"Isn't this just a silly challenge?!"
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"So... this ISN'T a challenge?"
"I think I'm gonna faint."
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I mean it's good reason, but who gave the child a gun?!
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"The show is over... we're just lucky to be alive..."
You know what's crazy? I made a DUMBASS THEORY about the Total Drama Reboot that never happened cause it was too insane.
I said that Chris McLean was planning to take over the world and was using the show to turn people into robot slaves and start an apocalypse. And the Season 2 ending of the reboot would be just like this.
"Wow Miriam, how'd you learn to do that?"
"Back in my day, I was secretly a serial killer!"
"Are there really knife throwing contests?"
I would be CONCERNED if there were.
"Grett and Alec got bit... we got attacked... I was the only one who made it out..."
This is a trap.
Tom is probably the most equipped for surviving this.
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"I'll put one right between your eyes."
Tom, you're done.
Tom is NOT fucking around!
"Tom! Are you okay?"
"No worries. I got a body count in the double digits now. Cool, huh?"
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"Miriam, stay with me!!"
"Don't leave me!!"
He's losing another grandma! 😭
"Coming to this camp was worth it... I didn't think my last days would end like this... but I'm happy they were with you... you are the grandchildren I never had."
"Not again!!" *cries*
Don't Make Jake Suffer Challenge. Level: Impossible.
Yeah lets just cut to a six year old driving a bus. Why not?
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Yeah. Sure. One Month Later.
I don't even care anymore.
"Remember last month? Before all this? What you said about my parents?"
"You want to ask if I think they're alive? Well I got bad news."
"They're in Mexico right now."
"Being alone out here this last month has taught me that I don't need them. I never did. They were never there for me."
Well good for you for getting development queen.
"I know where to get a map to the nearest city."
*I get a body spray ad*
...I don't even know how that translates to what they just said.
Oh yeah I forgot Alec died too!
Fiore did not give a SHIT, did she?
*rewinds to look back*
Yeah she doesn't give a rats ass about you Alec.
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Awww, these two...
Hey wait.
*look at Jake's neck*
Why does Jake have a hickey?
Guys, I'm not supposed to be reading too much into that, am I????
What have you boys been doing this past month?!?
"Every day it's the same. Go out and find supplies, run away from these creatures and DO IT all over again..."
I'm sorry, my mind is in a dirty place now. He said "DO IT all over again".
"I don't know... I don't think this will ever end..."
Can we give Jake a hug? PLEASE?
"Hey... at least we have each other."
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“Hey guys! I got another trick I wanna show you. It’s called: ‘BURY YOUR GAYS’”
*Jake gets killed too*
"I'm sorry Grett, but I need this immunity."
Wait what-
*Murders Grett*
This is how we got here.
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A six year old is celebrating among her victims.
"See that's my secret Golden. My mask protects me from getting killed, so I'm just faking my death."
"...oh wait I'm not wearing my mask anymore. SHIT-"
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HOW DID WE GET HERE?!??!?!?!?!
"Oh my gosh, my arm! I have my arm!"
"Oh my gosh, I've been in a coma for a MONTH! Cause I died on the first day!"
"Victory is mine! MIIIIINNNNEEE!!!"
All Fiore cares about is winning.
When a six year old is an even worse psychopath than Grett.
"Am-am-am I dead?!"
Jake. Honey.
EVERYONE is going to need SERIOUS THERAPY after this.
I can't even blame Jake one bit. He watched his friend get turned into a zombie and die. He watched his surrogate grandma die. He watched his boyfriend die. He watched HIMSELF die. AND IT WAS IN THE SPAN OF A MONTH
...nah, therapy ain't fixing him.
"A few hours ago, you fell asleep, and we put you through our hyper realistic VR simulator."
You guys are fucked up.
Even Chris McLean is saying that's fucked up.
"I'm just glad I have both my arms again."
Ellie's just done.
"Yeah TOM! Don't cut a woman's arm off! I'M VOTING YOU TONIGHT."
Watch it actually be Tom that's going and that's Ellie's reason.
I feel like Tom's story is done anyway.
"The challenge was to survive the zombie apocalypse."
You can't survive a zombie apocalypse. Either you DIE, or you DIE.
"Wait, so you KILLED ME to get immunity?!"
If THAT doesn't prove to you that Fiore is FUCKED UP BEYOND REPAIR, idk what does.
"Weren't we in an alliance?"
"We were. But we got exposed last round."
Idk why I'm asking at this point. These villains plans have been stupid these past two episodes.
I mean, it's not THAT bad here because there was no other option after they killed Tom & Jake. So...
I won't rant this time.
"You'll be distorted for a few more hours, adjusting back to our time, getting back to your body, all that kind of stuff."
"And you'll probably need YEARS of therapy."
"What do we do? We have to decide between Alec or Grett."
Yeah, obviously.
At least Ellie doesn't hold beef about the arm thing.
*Grett Voted Alec*
Aaaaannnndd the villains are turning on each other.
*Fiore Voted Grett*
Wait what are you doing?
"That game is the closest I'll ever get to legally shooting someone in the face."
Fiore you are a psycho.
*Alec Voted Grett*
"Now that we're exposed, we don't need you anymore."
Welp. Grett's gone.
Unless the heroes voted Alec...
We know.
...wait what?
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Wow. Didn't even need to read all the votes.
Who threw their vote on Alec then?
*thinks about it*
Jake, why'd you do that? There's no reason.
"I might be thinking about turning on the heroes, you know?"
*sigh* Queen's time to go.
"Fiore, Alec, even though you betrayed me, I won't lie. I had a good time with you."
At least she's taking this well.
"It will be difficult, but I'll try and take what you said to heart. I'll stop trying to prove anything to anyone. In fact... that includes you."
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Queen Queen Queen Queen QUEEEEENNNNN
Oh my god... what an episode...
Um... so how did we get here? That was... crazy.
Idk how I feel about it. Honestly. Maybe it's just cause of my taste for zombie apocalypse stories. But also, this is DEFINATELY gonna be something these people are gonna have nightmares about.
I mean, okay, two things,
...there's no jam emoji
At least they worked things out and they're happy together.
I feel like one of them is going next episode. From an idol, like I said. But hey, at least they worked things out and they're happy now and they can work through each other's baggage together.
"Screw you VR Simulator! We're not going to Mexico! We're going to CHINA! And we're eating dumplings!"
I'm happy for them.
And Grett.
Queen. What can I say?
Okay it's not a secret I like her. But I also think she's interesting as an antagonist with her more human story about her family life and wanting to prove herself, but not knowing *how* exactly.
And she found her place with the other villains. Before, you know, they betrayed her. But what do you expect? And at least she took it well.
I admit, I feel like these last three episodes of her were a BIT rushed, but I can't say I would swap her elimination to later until I finish the season and see what the other eliminations are.
I knew she was never winning anyway. Like I said last time, I don't hate it when these shows eliminate my favs, cause I know that's something they HAVE to do. So I fully expected her to get eliminated, and I'm fine with it.
Prediction next episode: Fiore or Alec find an idol and they pull one on the heroes, and with it they get Tom out. That's what I think is gonna happen.
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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minnwaa · 2 years
milgram fuuta's thought
honestly tho deco*27 outdid themselves w/ the second round songs so far, because it's so good??? i still cant stop looping fuuta's song until now and it's been HOURS since then. i haven't been listening to anything else please save me
but if there's one thing that i know after listening it THEN re-listening it AND THEN re-listening it, then after analyzing both salamander and the voice drama, i definitely gonna be voting forgiven for fuuta. okay here's why. (even though i know that half of the fandom gonna be voting forgiven for him anyway lmao)
salamander is essentially a song about loving something that hurts you, got addicted to the taste of it even though it might harm you or cause you pain. it's also mentioned in the song that you can find ways to make it less painful, but you'll be definitely "eating" or consuming it anyway. it's literally in the song,
Ouch! That was hot getting burned from living too fast It’s a bit annoying because I can’t handle too much hot food I want it on repeat, I want a spicy treat Can I get seconds? One more time!! I want to burn bright red
do you know why the song used salamander? it's because salamander cannot actually stand the heat, it's basically a myth because they liked to sleep in damp logs used in camping. they will actually die when burned because they need the mucus on their skin to survive, but salamanders can survive the heat when forced, not because they like the heat or because they are fireproof. so the singer, the speaker, is basically asking a salamander to die for the thing they love, which is the heat. salamanders can regenerate their body part, though, so that's probably the reason why the singer was confused why a salamander wouldn't like the heat even though it's probably going to survive when it can regenerate its cells. but it will still be painful. but they're going to survive anyway.
then like, we have backdraft. the last part of the song, the rap part, got me really interested, right? because holy shit that is a lot of words at once.
"Oh no, surrounded, lynched by the masses Moribund, that's all from me, reporting from the ground Bust out, explode that counter uppercut Tolerate, impress those spectators Alight, enmeshed, their eyes closing in Dodging seems impossible Bust out, explode that counter uppercut Swallowing me whole, can't douse this FIRE"
also @ milgram it's not, moribound, it's moribund,
moribund definition:
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so taking what we know from salamander, we know that fuuta was probably building a habit to enjoy the thing that harmed him. from bring it on, we know that he's chronically online so that's probably what he can't stop enjoying. he knew that it was wrong and harmed him too, but at this point, he's addicted and can't stop. he's at the front line and center, even when he's half dead (not sure if it's like him being real almost dying or metaphorical social death) he can't stop because he had to "impress" the spectators. he was "lynched by the masses" probably means that he was peer-pressured to be the leader, to be the hero (callback to bring it on) but then thrown away and judged when all gone to shit.
which led me to my third point, onigiriico made a translation of the voice drama which you totally should read by yourself because i am in pain and i am biased for him fucking sue me
he had a good point, which is why was he the one being punished when it's not just him who bullied this person. he only said what's wrong is wrong and what's a sin is a sin, then probably triggered a wave of bullying. fuuta might be a person who has a big following, so he might feel like he's a hero because people do listen to him, people followed him, so it's the eyes that followed him. but one thing is for sure, he felt guilty for what he did, and he didn't know what he did would impact the other person this badly. what he needed wasn't getting beaten up, he's just so fucking chronically online dude. he needs THERAPY.
(at this point who in milgram doesn't need it. probably yuno)
so yes, i will vote forgiven. because it's not about the matter of him being innocent or not. let me be clear, i don't think he's innocent in anyway. bullying is a serious matter and what he did was wrong. but he's sorry and he felt guilty for what he did. (even when he said that he's not in the wrong but he obviously is, lmao kid) he probably wanted to stop but wasn't allowed to by his peer and his addiction, but now he knows how fatal his action is.
so in my eyes, he's forgiven.
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