Raccoon Falls Harder
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30s | she/her | art | fanfic | general mayhem Fanfiction Masterlist | Art Masterlist on tumblr for the first time since 2016 ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ i came back for the anthropomorphic raccoon
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raccoonfallsharder · 20 hours ago
the eidos collection.
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for those of you who are fans of eidos-rocket, here's a little collection of everything i've written for him! ...so far, anyway.
here are some things to expect!
all fics are COMPLETE unless otherwise noted!
more detail about what you can expect from my fiction
typically, platonic & spicy stories will feature a gn reader (no use of y/n). smutty stories are more likely to feature a "female" reader or oc.
i hope you enjoy these fics featuring our favorite bearded "you slept with a cop?" guy!
fluff ✮ | spice ✩ | some smut ❤︎‬ | much smut ❤︎‬❤︎‬
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full fiction~
bookshop at the end of the universe. ❤︎‬ 18+ only MDNI | f!reader | word count: 9,157. rocket wants out — of the rain, and everything else. eidos-game vibes. mild smut. for nonnie. see post for warnings & context | autumn comfort collection.
the holiday gun show. ❤︎‬ 18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | oneshot | word count: 17,781. rocket has his own holiday traditions: doin' community service and generally bein' an upstanding pillar of his favorite local community, of course. what the flark were you thinking? friends-to-lovers, loosely eidos-inspired. see post for warnings. | borealis: year two
negotiations. ✩ mid-to-high-grade spice | gn reader | no use of y/n | oneshot | 1,834 words. you and rocket make a deal (not for the first time). eidos-inspired, a little more suggestive. | ♡ kiss kiss ♡ BANG BANG
practice ✩ low-grade spice | gn reader | word count: 1,684. you're not quite as good as rocket when it comes to braiding. luckily, he's a kind and benevolent soul who just wants to give you the chance to improve. see post for warnings | anthology ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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casual writings~
initial thoughts on eidos-rocket a response to an ask. unedited ramblings/musings.
thoughts on the beard a response to an ask. unedited little imagine (the foundation for practice, below).
rocket smells like drabbles on what every rendition of rocket smells like (imo), including our eidos guy.
eidos-rocket-headcanons full list of my eidos-rocket headcanons, specifically in relation to the ask about eidos-rocket with an so
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support banner by @/adornedwithlight | outer-space divider by @enchanthings |
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 day ago
im such a big fan of your writing! i admire you so much!!
rocket has been living rent free in my head so hard that i’ve started writing fanfiction about him and i’ve been wondering what resources you use to find the names if things like different planets/names of alcoholic beverages/alien materials/etc—just the little world-building things.
i’m sitting here googling “what are the names of alcoholic beverages in the gotg” like a doofus and was wondering if there was a better way to go about it lol
anyway i LOVED your fic ‘in the dark’ for the kiss kiss bang bang challenge, your stories give me life
you are SO sweet — thank you so much, you delightful little crystal-suncatcher. i LOVE that you’ve started writing fanfiction. i hope you are having an AMAZING time and enjoying every word of it!!
so honestly i don’t know if there’s a “better” way to go about it, but i’m happy to share what is working for me!
learning by osmosis:
personally, i’ve read a fair amount of rocket/gotg comics (though my knowledge is certainly not encyclopedic) and i’ve just taken notes of certain things while i go. for instance, canonically, rocket’s favorite drink is angargal’s (though he also enjoys a good blubber ale, which is illegal in multiple systems — presumably either because of the insane alcohol content or the fact that it’s made by harvesting the blubber from acanti). i learned about angargal’s in blue river score and the blubber ale bit was mentioned in a comic arc with some of the other animalian-heroes (cosmo was in it, and maybe chewie, and some others?). i try to take note of planets that are mentioned and stuff like that, and i adapt things to fit my needs when i shift them from comics to mcu.
doing deliberate research:
there are two sites i use most often for research purposes: the marvel fandom database (especially when exploring alien races and planets, or histories for particular characters like the high evolutionary), and the mcu wiki, often to cross-reference those same things, or figure out if anything is already “in use” in the mcu, or to get a closer look at certain things (like the species locked up in the collector’s museum). i occasionally also use other things like cartoon wiki, the scripts themselves (which can be found on the fandom database), or scripts from the 2022 game (partially transcribed, i think also on the database).
making shit up (a technical term):
i wanna be clear that you can also just MAKE SHIT UP.
i feel fairly confident than both the comic and the mcu writers do that 8+ times out of 10, ya know? if you wanna make a new water planet then by all means, make a new water planet. make a new drink and name it after your dog.
i personally like to ground most of my made-up shit (and there’s a lot of it) in existing canon, because i think it feels more layered and tangible and “real” that way. so for example, in reconnaissance, when reader orders a drink, the bartender gives her an asgardian cocktail called a golden apple of idunn. it’s based on an “actual” apple in norse mythology. i wrote a post about worldbuilding grounded in canon a while ago, if you’re curious (it’s the first half of that lengthy-ass post).
on the other hand, i completely made cyxlore up. it’s one of my favorite creations. the moon and its people are too layered and nuanced to go into detail here but the point is, there’s nothing about it rooted in canon. i just made a place i wanted to make.
i hope this helps, my friend. i am wishing you all the luck and joy in your writing (and feel free to tag me or let me know if and when you decide to share, my friend — i’d love to read it!).
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 day ago
What if in the movie everyone except lylla dies in the flashback scene?
don't make me write another fanfic lol.
cw for angst, medical trauma, animal cruelty, child abuse, and a severe lack of editing.
when i first read this, i thought you meant that lylla survives instead of rocket. now i think you might mean that rocket thinks lylla is dead, but perhaps — unbeknownst to him — she does survive, or is somehow revived. so everything we see in the mcu has unfolded just as the movies have shown, except this crucial piece of information.
there are terrible versions of this story. versions where, in his bitterness and hatred for 89P13, the high evolutionary orders a barely-breathing lylla revived — in retaliation. nearly all of her becomes mechanical at this point — a hodge-podge of surgeries meant to ensure her survival without a thought to her pain. versions where, inspired by rocket's violence against his maker, wyndham uses her as the first of his experiments in a new project, and she becomes known in the labs as the mother of the hellspawn.
i don't think lylla loses or hides her soft nature, though. her way of surviving is different from rocket's. i suspect she truly cares for the wounded animal-cyborgs in her new unit, and that it breaks her heart every time one of them dies.
and they all die at some point, whether due to experimentation or battle.
maybe in that world, rocket finds her aboard the arete before it's destroyed, but i don't think she has much time left on this plane. maybe just long enough to tell him how much she loves him, and encourage him to live — to be happy. and to tell him she doesn't regret a thing, and to ask him to care for whatever hellspawn are left. they're able to be rehabilitated, after all. they've had lylla for their mother.
but to be honest, i don't really like that story. as hopeful as it is, it's still too sad for me, and neither of these babies deserves any new sadness in their life.
so perhaps, instead — in the chaos of rocket's escape — perhaps lylla is able to drag herself into hiding somewhere. perhaps the laser-shot missed her major organs, or wasn't able to damage them as much as expected because so many of parts of her had already been replaced with stronger and fancier manufactured pieces. perhaps one of wyndham's other recorders — lifeforms the high evolutionary regards as interchangeable, never sparing them a second glance — had not yet had the pity fully-bred out of them, and saw that lylla's soft chest was still moving. perhaps they reported her as being incinerated with her brother and sister, when that hadn't been the case at all.
i think that recorder — rebelling for the first time, maybe, and uncertain what to do next — might have bandaged her up as well as they could, and given her some rations, and stowed her away on an outgoing supply freighter. who knows? maybe they’d even be able to give her a medpack. stay quiet, they would have told her, even if she was barely conscious at the time. stay hidden.
she would have been too tired to do otherwise at first, and then too frightened by the recorder's warning. the crew actually probably would have liked her — who could have helped themselves? — but she never finds that out because she's too busy resting and hiding in the ventilation shafts, mourning her lost siblings and praying for rocket's safety. then, one day, there's some sort of altercation amongst the crew. some new transmission has come through — some new piece of information. she doesn't know what. but she can smell their fear, their anxiety. some of them are arguing that they should flee, seek help from other allied planets. but more of them are saying they should go directly home instead: to try and save their parents, their siblings, their children and lovers.
how can we save them? one demands, their voice shrill and agonized. we aren't fighters! none of our people are!
but the decision is made: no stops until they get back to their own planet. no stops until they land on zen-whoberi.
unfortunately, they never get to land at all. countless fleets of warships ring the planet and the supply freighter is docked and boarded by black order before it ever breaks atmosphere. lylla is fast, though, and while you might think her metal forepaws would clink too loudly against the metal gratings, the sounds of her travel are hidden under blaster-fire and screaming.
she hides in the ventilation shafts again — of a new ship, this time. the sanctuary ii. and when the little zen-whoberian is brought on board, lylla’s heart aches for her. she watches the child from the vent shafts for a full quarter, listening to her occasionally cry and sniffle for her mother in muted, muffled tones. the purple monster — thanos, they call him — speaks to the zen-whoberian only in gentle, quiet tones, patient and kind.
but lylla has been spoken to kindly before — by other men who ended up being monsters.
and she doesn’t trust this titan — not when his people had so callously executed the crew on the supply-freighter, as remorselessly as her own sire had shot her — as easily as the guards and recorders had attacked her siblings.
something shifts after the quarter-mark. thanos still talks to the child — gamora, lylla has learned — in tender tones. but the girl is brutalized — daily — in “training sessions” that make lylla’s blood run cold. the first night that gamora is sent back to her bunk with a bleeding wound across her brow, lylla decides she can’t stay quiet anymore.
it’s okay, friend, she says softly, and her voice echoes in the tiny room. don’t be scared.
cautiously, she shows herself, and the child watches her with big dark eyes as she eases her way out from behind the grate, dropping gently to the thin cot. she winces at the blood on gamora’s brow, and lifts a corner of the stiff, uncomfortable bedsheet — wetting it with her tongue before using it to dab at the congealing blood.
that night, lylla whispers stories to the zen-whoberian: stories about her brothers and sister, and stories they’d used to tell each other about freedom and stars and skies, and shining cities just beyond their reach. the next rotation, gamora brings her little scraps of her own rations, though lylla is loathe to take them. and when thanos forces gamora to kill someone for the first time, the zen-whoberian doesn’t cry at all — not till she’s safe in her bunk, holding onto her strange fur-covered friend.
lylla strokes her metal hand over the child’s head, and her heart aches and aches. she knows what gamora is feeling, deeper than any wound on her body — deeper than anything the zen-whoberian can give voice to.
another quarter later, when the luphomoid child shows up in the bunk, lylla stays hidden until gamora can swear the younger girl to secrecy. nebula’s big dark eyes remind lylla of floor’s, and the otter can’t look away.
a few rotations later, both girls come to bed with bruises, and nebula sobs.
i don’t want to fight you, she cries into lylla’s fur, squinting at the older girl with tear-drenched eyes. i just want a sister.
gamora stares at the luphomoid helplessly. she’s still only a tiny thing herself. i don’t know how to be a sister, she admits in a forlorn, childish voice.
lylla strokes nebula’s dark hair, and opens her other thin metal arm in an offering to gamora.
i do, she offers tentatively. to be honest, i think being a sister is the thing i’m best at.
gamora’s lower lip trembles, and she throws herself into lylla’s embrace, wrapping an arm around each of her bunkmates.
it’s strange, how the presence of one quiet soul can still change so much. as thanos grows crueler in his methods, the girls attempt to trade off their wins for each other. unfortunately, he catches on quickly. if nebula loses, he replaces part of her body. if he suspects gamora has let nebula win, he still replaces part of the younger girl’s body. the luphomoid is riddled with painful, unnecessary prosthetics by the time she’s thirteen.
gamora has her own mods, of course, though they’re nowhere near as rampant as her sister’s. and after every surgery, their secret third bunkmate cares for them. and though she never says it, they’ve learned to tell from the look in lylla’s soft eyes — not to mention her quietly-held nightmares — that she knows the terror and hurt of unwanted surgeries too.
they take care of lylla, and keep her hidden. and in turn, she takes care of them, and keeps the best parts of them safe.
when gamora runs off to find the orb, she does it with nebula’s and lylla’s blessing. she’ll send word once she’s somewhere safe with the units, and they’ll escape and meet up on an unnoticeable little planet called tarka. then they’ll head to shi’ar territory, as far away from thanos as they can get.
of course, it doesn’t quite work out that way. gamora can’t sell the orb after all — not once she realizes how dangerous it is — and nebula is trapped playing double-agent between thanos and ronan until after the latter is killed on xandar.
that’s when she takes her fur-sleek sister from sanctuary ii and runs.
of course nebula fills lylla in as much as she can — as much as she knows — about their sister and the guardians. but unfortunately, all she knows is that there is an idiot-terran and a worse-idiot-kylosian, and a tree, and a fox. and some dancing.
meet us on sovereign turns into meet us on berhert turns into wait, we’re leaving to visit peter’s father; i’ll tell you where it’s safe to meet us next. nebula makes lylla promise to stay on their little ship while she lands them on berhert anyway. the youngest of the sisters — bald, now, and more than half-robotic — helps the fox stop a ravager mutiny, and finds out where her older sister was headed.
there’s some arguing between them — some trust-issues, you could say. because, well, the fox and the ravager captain only know nebula as ronan’s lackey. it doesn’t help that nebula insists on stopping at her own ship before they leave berhert, but won’t let them on.
she’s too used to keeping her third sister a secret, you see.
nevertheless, eventually, nebula decides to leave with the eclector, and they let her come with them. it isn’t until after the war with ego — after the funeral for yondu, with all the colors of ogord dazzling up the void of space — that nebula and gamora are able to sit down and explain everything to the rest of the guardians of the galaxy.
which is also when the sisters explain that they need to make a stop on berhert. soon — before they go anywhere else.
they need to pick up their secret third sister, and bring her with them on all their future adventures in the wide-open sky.
the fox, at first, is resistant. the cyborg, and the bug-girl? and now somebody else? he demands rudely. how many new crew-members does the guardians frickin’ need?
but then he hears her name.
there’s no hope on his face — how could there be? — but his ears flutter. he seems to take it as some sort of sign: to shut his mouth and lean back, and let the future unfold as it will. if nebula or gamora are paying enough attention to him, perhaps they’ll notice it: the way his mouth moves when he thinks no-one is looking, rolling the two syllables between his teeth — like something sweet he’d long forgotten the flavor of. perhaps they’ll furrow their brow when they see the way his whiskers twitch, and how his ears flatten with something heavy and unnameable and wistful amongst the stars. again, he mouths the words against the shadow and sky, like a line from a favorite song.
lylla. lylla.
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 days ago
in the dark.
BOOK FOUR ~ ♡ kiss kiss ♡ BANG BANG [NEW 2/25] navigation | fanfiction masterlist
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18+ only MDNI | f!reader | no use of y/n | oneshot | 7,173 words. read in the dark now ♡༄.° ✈︎ ₊⭒˚。⋆ see warnings below.
you've been trying to catch rocket's attention for ages. he needs a little convincing.
Primary Prompt: One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s. (#48)
Supplemental Prompt: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. (#12)
Supplemental Prompt: Tentative kisses given in the dark. (#44)
“Do you know what I want to do when we’re hanging out late in the cockpit alone?” you ask. Your nerves settle: resigned. You’d wanted to protect those moments — to make sure you could still come back to them as friends, even if he ended up turning down your advances. Now, sacrificing them seems like your only recourse. “Do you know what I think about in those moments?” In the dark, his ears flicker and flatten. He’s right: that you don’t have clear vision up here In the dark. You can still only guess what expressions are flickering across his face. “Kissing you,” you breathe against his whiskers. Do his ruby-cabochon eyes widen? It’s impossible to tell. Still, you sway toward him: closer. Your hands rise up — unbidden — to curl around his long, narrow jaw, and guide it up to yours. “Sometimes more.”
read more on ao3 ♡༄.° ✈︎₊⭒˚。⋆
♡ kiss kiss ♡ BANG BANG | navigation | fanfiction masterlist
CONTEXT/WARNINGS: mcu-inspired. pining. rocket is clueless. dirty daydreams. reader's being hella brave by taking the initiative with this clueless jackass, but she also second-guesses herself a lot. kissing. fellatio, cockwarming, accidental near-exhibitionism of the "almost-got-caught' variety. praise, use of petnames (especially "doll" and "dollface”), love-confessions. reader has hair long enough for rocket to grip.
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kiss divider & support banner by @/saradika-graphics | glitterfall divider by @/bernardsbendystraws | star fairylights by @/thecutestgrotto
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 days ago
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now this is REAL Firepower [4:15:32]
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 days ago
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Rocket in any romantic relationship he gets into. (He’s the one being carried.)
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 days ago
march aspirations
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fluff ✮ | spice ✩ | some smut ❤︎‬ | much smut ❤︎‬❤︎‬
monday, march 3. kiss kiss BANG BANG ~ one to keep. ✮✩
thursday, march 6. the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip | part four. south dakota. | ao3 crosspost ✮
tuesday, march 11. ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | chill the fuck out. | for nonnie ✮
thursday, march 13. kiss kiss BANG BANG ~ close call. ✩
wednesday, march 19. cicatrix .⋆☁︎ :・꧂ | chapter twenty-eight. | momophobia. ✩
thursday, march 27. ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | i'm damn proud a' you, kid. | for ao3 guests ✮
wondering about the backlog or future chapters for take what you need? check out the take what you need queue/WIPlist.
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other things i'm working on for april and beyond....
april estimates
thursday, april 3. the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip | part five. montana. | ao3 crosspost ✮
tuesday, april 8. ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | stop frickin' apologizin'. | for @/raccoon-coded ✮
wednesday, april 16. cicatrix.| chapter twenty-nine. | amoransia. ❤︎❤︎
tuesday, april 22. ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | brush your fuckin hair. | for nonnie ✮
wednesday, april 30. florescence❀. chapter six year five: dispersal. ❤︎❤︎ FINALE.
may estimates
monday, may 5. untitled oneshot for 🦉 ✮
thursday, may 8. the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip | part six. idaho. washington. | ao3 crosspost ✮
thursday, may 15. cicatrix. | chapter thirty. | dolorblindness. ✩
thursday, may 22. ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | stop being a jerk to yourself | for nonnie ✮
thursday, may 29. Domestic Scenes in Space Travel. Untitled. FINALE. ❤︎‬❤︎
june estimates
monday, june 2. | the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip | part seven.you'vearrived at your destination. | ao3 crosspost ✮ FINALE.
thursday, june 5. | ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | ?? | ??
thursday, june 12. | cicatrix. | chapter thirty-one. | anderance. ??
thursday, june 19. | defiance. | oneshot. ✮✩
monday, june 23. | ✩࿐࿔ take what you need | ?? | ??
thursday, june 26. | schematics for happiness. | chapter one. ✩
resume crossposting to ao3
ᯓ⋆。°✩practice: an eidos-rocket minific ✩
fistful of sunlight✩
new/ongoing projects
schematics for happiness. | chapter two. ✩
cicatrix. | chapter thirty-two.
love is blind: andromeda. | episode one. ✩
possible spring one-shot [sex-pollen!]. could get moved to kinktober. ❤︎‬❤︎
untitled expansive maneuvers expansion. chapter one. ✩ ❤︎‬ ❤︎‬❤︎
universe killer [1/4]. ✩
other future projects
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 days ago
chapter twenty-seven. la gaudière. [NEW 2/27] ✩
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18+ only | rocket x f!oc | 27/40+ | wip | wordcount: pending. cicatrix masterlist & notes | navigation chapter twenty-seven. la gaudière. ✩ see warnings and art-links below.
someone steals from the collector.
“Rocket!” He whips around so fast that gravel and dust scrape up beneath his toes and his claws scratch for purchase in the rubble. Drax.
The Kylosian is bent at the waist, hands on knees, heaving. His skin is painted in pale clay, with hollow dark rings around his eyes where they’d been squeezed shut. There’s an enormous slash across his chest, but it must be shallow because the blood has already mixed with the dust to form a chalky sort of red bone-paste in slow-oozing dribbles and drips. “Rocket,” he heaves, “I—“ “Where the fuck is she?” His claws are sunk into the meat of both the Kylosian’s forearms before he means to, gripping Drax so hard his fingers cramp. Still, he can’t loosen them. “I had her hand right here,” Drax says, sounding lost as he lifts one hand and touches the crook of his opposite elbow. “And then—“ He lifts his head and looks around the leveled city. The bone buildings creak and groan, walls still slowly crumpling as if they’ve just realized that parts of their foundations are missing. There are cries and bellows but it’s still eerily quiet. “It’s Kylos all over again,” Drax says softly, and his voice is haunted.
read more on ao3 | cicatrix masterlist & notes see warnings and art-links below. thanks for being patient with me ♡ i really hope the wait is worth it!
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a story about scars. two survivors learn about themselves, each other, hope, and the universe. a freakish little monster visits the high evolutionary’s bride on her wedding night. an adventure of intergalactic proportions ensues. aka raccoons make plans; the universe laughs.
ART: pearl’s character design | pearl & rocket’s bunk | heartspur scene | chapter one. nemotia. art by @/frostedwitch| rocket & pearl snuggle | adorable pearl x rocket selfie by @/starriidreams | sexy, evocative waterlily pearl x rocket painting by @/hibatasblog ♡
WARNINGS for this chapter: headwounds and near-death experiences. regret and angst. woundcare. some comfort. this chapter uses descriptive imagery that may be reminiscent of residential and urban environments impacted by bombings, warfare, or natural disasters like earthquakes.
fluff ✮ | spice ✩ | some smut ❤︎‬ | much smut ❤︎‬❤︎‬ masterlist, notes, & moodboard | navigation
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banners & rose dividers by @/saradika-graphics | pearl dividers by @/thecutestgrotto
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 days ago
In cicatrix, I fear the next chapter might break my heart. 💔
lil cricket, we have a happy-endings-only policy here. i may layer the angst in heavily once in a while but you will never be sad for too long.
real life often doesn’t give good people the beautiful things they deserve (or evil people the bad things they deserve) but that should never be a concern when you’re reading my stories. promise. ♡
(uh watch out for chapter twenty-eight though)
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 days ago
owlet my love i don’t know if you’re still hanging around my weird-ass blog these days but i am hoping to write this and publish it on may 5th or thereabouts, specifically celebrating the anniversary of gotg3 and you because you are important and you are not forgotten.
i think of you often, and with so much hope for your future happiness. ♡
I loved your Knowhere Christmas party fic!! It was very festive and fun!!!
If you ever have a chance, would you like to write a fic about Rocket comforting a chronically lonely reader (forgotten, no familial support)? I’ve been doing fine, but for some reason grief just kicked my ass today. Your last message meant /so/ much to me and really helped me get through the holidays. I appreciate you so much and the kindness you give 🫂🫂🫂🥹-🦉
my owlet! i've been thinking of you. i'm so so so glad you enjoyed welcome to the knowhere christmas party. (i saw your second message too, and i am so thankful for the good wishes for my health. i'm sorry i've been away for a hot minute, but this virus kicked my ass hard and i'm still sitting on my couch, trying to recover - three tissue-boxes-deep and drowning in more cups of tea and bottles of cold medicine than i care to count).
it breaks my heart that you're currently in this situation. i can tell from what you've said here that you've been doing so much to take care of yourself - living your life, which always sounds so much easier than it actually is. everyone has bad days, but digging yourself out of them when you don't have that close social support is so much harder, in a way that can become a sort of feedback loop of loneliness. i'm so glad that you're in a place where you are doing well (seemingly most of the time?), and so glad that you can also find things that give you comfort on those rough days. i hope you never hesitate to ask for the things that help give you strength.
i know this isn't what you asked, but i want to remind you (from personal experience) that found-families are very real. They can be so hard to find in a world where people are increasingly, systemically atomized and isolated, but they exist. i believe you can find yours. i believe you will find yours. if there are days when you doubt that, know that i'm holding onto hope for you, okay? and in the meantime, i hope you continue to care for yourself, and to know that you deserve that kind of warmth and connection, too.
now, as for your actual question.
i would be fucken honored to write this. i thought about writing it in direct response to your ask, as a tumblr imagine. i thought about writing it as a ✩࿐࿔ take what you need piece, but even if it's in a similar style, i think it deserves to stand on its own. it will probably be short, but i want it to be good, and i want to do it justice. so. i am going to think about it for a while (plus, as i said, i'm still fucken sick), and when i do write it, i will post it as its own little oneshot, and reblog this ask with a link, too. can you be patient for me? and just know i'm thinking of you the whole time, okay?
keep taking care of yourself, little owl. i'll keep being here with you.
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 days ago
jupiter nrutas
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it's always such a good day when i get to draw a pretty alien ♡♡♡ i am OBSESSED with jupiter nrutas (aka "jupe"), created by @frostedwitch ♡♡ first of all, frosty's such a good artist and their version of jupe always looks BADASS. but jupe doesn't just look fuckin awesome; she is fuckin awesome.
jupiter's home-planet was razed by thanos, that fuck, and she was orphaned when he destroyed the city she was living in. the nova corps picked her up and had her raised on xandar, where she was training to become a corps member. but jupe's too cool for that shit, especially after uncovering a bunch of corruption (i headcanon that she sometimes joins nebula & rocket at the next nova corps gala, and all three of them wear their acab t-shirts). anyway she accidentally ended up killing someone (he probably deserved it), and fled xandar, working as a mechanic and junker till she got to knowhere.
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now she lives in a little shack-like home on the edge of the knowhere scrapyard she fuckin owns. she's a junker and a thief by trade (i also headcanon some ravager ties) and she sells the parts of the ships and the tech that she scavenges and trades for. also she apparently has a lil pet-droid. i'm not clear on if it's named birdie or if it's actually a mechanically bird, but i love it.
so like, you can already see what she has in common and figure out how rocket met her, and his excuses for continuing to come back and visit.
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the opportunity to play with cool skin-colors, freckles, lots of piercings, and bioluminescent scales?? jupe is like. my dream come true.
anyway what you should take from all this is that @frostedwitch is a brilliant storyteller and creator. they also have at least one other fascinating oc (sky the ai) and i frankly want to draw all of them at some point. THANK YOU, frosty, for giving me the opportunity to draw jupe. i love her so much. she is intimidatingly rad and i feel like rocket would be constantly tongue-tied and flustered around her. ugh. i love her. thank you for creating such an awesome character, and for letting me play with her!
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for those of you who have been patiently waiting in the doodle queue lineup, please know i might be reaching out soon to see if you'd still like me to draw them and to double-check that i have good references! i am hoping to post at least one a month until the queue is complete.
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 days ago
In your cicatrix fanfic what is the Brass Camellia?
hey sugar cookie! excellent question! (thanks for reading so far, too! ♡♡)
remember in gotg2, when we saw the ravagers visiting the iron lotus - the brothel on contraxia that appeared to be largely staffed by sex-bots? i sort of took that idea and ran with it. in both cicatrix and window across the galaxy, the iron lotus is part of a larger network of unionized brothels.
from chapter seven of cicatrix (it's so okay if you don't remember; the fic is too long lol):
That had been his introduction to the Ore Gardens and specifically, the Aluminum Rose on Orex II. Like its better-known sisters on Contraxia — the Iron Lotus, Copper Lily, and Golden Peony — the Aluminum Rose had been part of a particular collective of unionized brothels spread out over a number of systems in a number of galaxies. The courtesans with the Ore Gardens were known to be committed to discretion, and they’d never seemed to flinch at the sight of him. Of course, the Monster has his preferences: he’d rather pay for a real escort’s time than purchase extra hours with the bots, and there are a couple people he visits whenever he can afford ‘em because he trusts them — and they almost seem to enjoy his company, like maybe they’re able to ignore metal and burns and stitches riddling his hideous little body. ‘Course, he does pride himself on tipping really frickin’ well, so maybe that’s what they’re really enjoying. But he’s not gonna complain either way.
i mention the ore gardens pretty often in cicatrix because frankly, it's rocket's most reliable form of sexual gratification and nonthreatening physical touch prior to pearl. he has friends (or really, probably "friendly acquaintances" since he doesn't really have a lot of friends, and he’s still primarily a client) that he met through the ore gardens. he mentions that a bunch of his ore garden friends retire to or take trips to cyxlore when they're on holiday (even considering connecting pearl to them if he decides to leave her there), and he brings them up as a point of reference a few times when he's trying to navigate sex and affection with pearl.
the brass camellia, specifically, is introduced in chapter twenty-six. i had sort of figured not everyone would remember what the ore gardens were and/or know what a camellia is, so i had carina explain it briefly.
“In this direction, you’ll find our local brothels and dancing salons, including the largest Ore Garden house in this sector, the Brass Camellia. To your right, you’ll discover an assortment of bars and casinos, and straight ahead, you can explore various entertainments, from cartomancers and diviners to theatrical performances. And on the other side of the emporium, behind us, are any lodgings you could desire, along with medical facilities, laundry facilities, restaurants and eateries, and general supply shops. Of course there are food vendors in every quarter.” She dips her head in that well-trained deferential bow, and now pearl knows why it squeezes her lungs. “The Collector appreciates your patience and time, and will send me to return you to him shortly.”
so, yeah. when rocket asks pearl if she's coming with him to the brass camellia, he's deliberately implying that he's gonna get laid (and not by her). kinda a dick-move, rocky-baby, but we all know how you lash out and say things you don't mean.
thanks for the question, bby, and i hope you enjoy the fic! ♡♡♡
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 days ago
I want to read a story where one character says, "ok, weird way to propose, but yes," while the other one most definitely did not intend to propose.
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 days ago
a reminder to all writers out there, you’re a human, not a machine
it’s okay to be frustrated with your works
it’s okay to be exhausted
it’s okay to have a writer’s block
it’s okay to just want to take a break for a while
it’s okay if some days you can only write one paragraph
it’s okay if some days you can only write a sentence or two
it’s okay if some days you can’t write at all
every single writer has gone through all of these challenges, but the thing is that it passes. none of these struggles last forever. so be kind to yourself. you’re doing fine, I promise.
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 days ago
in the dark.
BOOK FOUR ~ ♡ kiss kiss ♡ BANG BANG [NEW 2/25] navigation | fanfiction masterlist
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18+ only MDNI | f!reader | no use of y/n | oneshot | 7,173 words. read in the dark now ♡༄.° ✈︎ ₊⭒˚。⋆ see warnings below.
you've been trying to catch rocket's attention for ages. he needs a little convincing.
Primary Prompt: One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s. (#48)
Supplemental Prompt: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. (#12)
Supplemental Prompt: Tentative kisses given in the dark. (#44)
“Do you know what I want to do when we’re hanging out late in the cockpit alone?” you ask. Your nerves settle: resigned. You’d wanted to protect those moments — to make sure you could still come back to them as friends, even if he ended up turning down your advances. Now, sacrificing them seems like your only recourse. “Do you know what I think about in those moments?” In the dark, his ears flicker and flatten. He’s right: that you don’t have clear vision up here In the dark. You can still only guess what expressions are flickering across his face. “Kissing you,” you breathe against his whiskers. Do his ruby-cabochon eyes widen? It’s impossible to tell. Still, you sway toward him: closer. Your hands rise up — unbidden — to curl around his long, narrow jaw, and guide it up to yours. “Sometimes more.”
read more on ao3 ♡༄.° ✈︎₊⭒˚。⋆
♡ kiss kiss ♡ BANG BANG | navigation | fanfiction masterlist
CONTEXT/WARNINGS: mcu-inspired. pining. rocket is clueless. dirty daydreams. reader's being hella brave by taking the initiative with this clueless jackass, but she also second-guesses herself a lot. kissing. fellatio, cockwarming, accidental near-exhibitionism of the "almost-got-caught' variety. praise, use of petnames (especially "doll" and "dollface”), love-confessions. reader has hair long enough for rocket to grip.
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kiss divider & support banner by @/saradika-graphics | glitterfall divider by @/bernardsbendystraws | star fairylights by @/thecutestgrotto
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 days ago
Fanfiction and fanart are bonus content, brought directly to you without monetary motives. That is so rare nowadays. You can and should if you're able to support these creators with donations, kudos, comments and reblogs. But you're not obliged to. You can consume it for free, because people enjoy sharing their talents with you. Make them feel loved for their gifts for us.
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 days ago
i am honored. and by honored i mean sobbing and snuffling into my shirtsleeves
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Lucy Dacus - Ankles // Virginia Woolf - The Waves // Hermann Hesse - Farmhouse // Gigi Perez - Sailor Song // @raccoonfallsharder - Window Across the Galaxy (AO3) // Waitress the Musical - You Matter to Me // Noah Kahan - Everywhere, Everything // @notlongtolove - to be an accountant of the heart // Mary Oliver - Upstream // Lizzy McAlpine - The Elevator // Secretary (2002) dir. Steven Shainberg // Sarah Kinsley - Realms // The X-Files - S07E02, The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
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