outivv · 1 month
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Now change the rest of the natlan and sumeru cast 😚🫶
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k1ttygam3r · 2 days
Before anyone asks (considering Genshin is highlighted in my fandom list, meaning it’s a current hyperfixation), yes. I am aware of the Natlan controversy and its egregious colorism. And no, I do not support it in the slightest.
I joined relatively late in the game’s lifespan, joining the fandom around Sumeru’s release. Due to everything concerning that region, I made an oath to never buy anything from the game. To this day, I’ve never went back on my word, and this recent update made me glad I didn’t.
While I can still find enjoyment in the game itself, it’s incredibly disappointing to see the colorism in Natlan. It’s especially disheartening to realize that if they cared enough, this could’ve been actually decent if they abandoned their racist tendencies.
In my opinion, seeing something bad that could’ve been good is heaps worse than seeing something bad that’s always been bad. Thinking about a “what could’ve been” that’s better than the “what is” just hurts me on a whole different level, you know?
Because of this, I’m choosing to stay away from discussions about this particular subject for the sake of my mental well-being.
However, that doesn’t mean that you should simply ignore this situation. This is a problem that has gone on for far too long, and has only gotten worse over time.
But enough of my yapping. I’m white, I’m not of the people that have been hurt by this racism. I don’t think it’s my place to speak of this in any more detail.
If you want more info of how to boycott HoYoVerse, I suggest you take a look at @hyvboycott and especially their pinned post.
Do what you can. Let HYV know that they won’t get away with this.
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dilvuc · 23 days
Hoyoverse boycotting are confusing. They boycott by playing the game and even change their name and signature to #HYVBOYCOTT, like that's literally not the way to boycott...so confusing and stupid.
The worse part is that a boycotter actually steal their mom's credit card to spend money on Genshin. That's why it failed so badly.
I still play the game, but I never have the money to buy anything on Genshin Impact. I am so confused that I couldn't even... think straight because of the boycotters
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outivv · 2 months
People on Twitter is so fucking stupid because when we say boycott we mean DONT SPEND MONEY not DONT PLAY
I can tell these guys never participate in a boycott ib their goddammit life. All they do is basically sit on their computers or phones and make comments for engagement. Then have the nerve to tell us we are making a big deal when these are the guys who are lurking in OUR COMMENTS AND POSTS
No because agreed, like they are actually dumb, and just hearing what they wanna hear so they have an excuse to be mad.
For anyone unaware- you NEED to keep playing genshin and other hyv games to effectively boycott the company. Not spending money, while burning up server usage will absolutely burn a hole in hyv’s pocket because server costs are EXPENSIVE AS SHIT.
Do not spend money on any hyv game, keep playing though!!
People on Twitter are genuinely so annoying, that’s why I don’t post on it, but just use it for a lot of info on the boycott and whatnot because like… I do not wanna deal with stupid people and racists :P
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outivv · 2 months
Another fresh reminder is that boycotting Hoyoverse/ mihoyo ≠ quitting any of the games!!
Play the games, unless you are literally so uncomfortable with it that you can’t even bear to play which I can completely understand, but to further cost Hoyoverse money- it’s smart to play the game while not spending any money. Server costs will go up for Hoyoverse by more people playing the game for longer, while the income they roll in will go down due to not as much money being spent, which will land them in shit as a business and slowly cost them more and more and more money!! So, if you’re boycotting that doesn’t mean you have to quit, just stop spending any money or supporting hoyoverse!!
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outivv · 2 months
Hey, the signatures and discussion about natlan, and hyv’s problems as a whole have seriously been slowing down!!
The petition is nearly at 100,000!! That’s huge, please keep talking about natlan and hyv’s problems, don’t make it into just a trend!!
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outivv · 23 days
Quick little one-off thing- but I’m honestly so like… confused with honkai Star rail and making penacony the planet of “how many cultures can we steal”
Lowkey rant below
Like penacony itself is based around the jazz age which was made by African Americans, and their culture- but there’s not a SINGLE black playable character. Like girl. Really?
Like you got Boothill who’s supposed to be native and Hispanic and looks like a white guy from Nevada named John. While being a cowboy, which has a whole history and stuff- but basically dude should not be white, especially because on top of that his planet, and his story is based around the Native American genocide, and paints the pic to be very similar to Britain/ America.
Aventurine is supposed to be Roma/Romani but he looks like every twink I see at the mall in my town, like he has NOTHING to represent his culture.
And now Rappa- who while I think she might be a gag character meant to poke fun at weebs, she makes me nervous too- because like. Dude. Hyv is gonna pull some shit like “she’s a gangster!!” And give her like weird stereotypes while making her a Japanese girl. Like those white people who are like “I live in the ghetto” but are literally rich and own 4 boats, a lake house, and have a fat fucking family, and a mansion. Like. I’m really nervous that they’re gonna make her use aave and just… misuse it so bad… like they had an instance of that in zzz- I believe, but maybe they used it right. I can’t remember, but it was in one of Zhu yuan’s like hang out things- and some girl said something but I can’t remember what exactly it was and if they used it right or not. Either way, I’m really worried that Rappa will just be a big fuck up because her design is cool, even though she’s another instance of a design I think would look better if she was black, or just dark skinned.
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outivv · 23 days
With natlan out I wanna remind everyone to not spend, don’t top up, don’t get the battle pass, don’t refresh welkin, don’t even play if that’s what you’re deciding.
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outivv · 2 months
What does victory look like in the whole #BoycottHoyoverse movement? I support the movement for more diversity in their games, yet I can't see an endgame that satisfies most people. Truthfully, I still have my doubts that a whole lot will change in the VERY short time window before 5.0 drops in Late August/Early September.
Let me put it this way, what is the most that you want from them and what is the least that you would accept?
I am white, BAHAH- so I am not going to speak over poc’s voices in terms of what THEY want, because it is their culture, not mine- I am simply here to appreciate it, (and hopefully amplify their voices) which is what I personally want to do in all games I play. I want genshin, and Hoyoverse as a whole to literally listen to people’s voices, fix their character designs, give them the skin color, hair texture, cultural references, and proper representation that they deserve. The people who have been getting their culture and stories just outright stolen by hoyoverse are the ones who set the bar for what is and isn’t acceptable in my opinion.
The majority of people (from what I’ve seen) just want the proper representation, and all of the proper representation as well, not just half assed shit. I don’t think they’ll accept any less than what is genuinely just owed to them in my opinion, which is good- fuck that billion dollar company.
Honestly even if genshin delays Natlan by like a month if need be, just to fix the characters and npcs? I’d be happy. Other people would be happy. Even if it’s a small amount of time- they still have time to fix natlan, and sumeru too. Don’t forget about sumeru.
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outivv · 1 month
hi sorry, can I ask what the latest anon message was about? i'm still new to this whole boycott, I only really know that basic gist of it :<
Don’t be sorry- it’s totally okay!! I’m gonna be assuming you’re talking about this one:
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So basically a lot of people have been like “omg wow thank you hyv!!” Because hyv is going to be giving better rewards, fixing the 50/50 system by adding in essentially what is a safety net (that’s also there to encourage you to pull), fixing the weapon banner to a regular 50/50 system, and then all of that. With the boycott it’s encouraging people to NOT SPEND ANYYYYY MONEY, a lot of people are divided on whether or not to still play or not, but the main thing I guess I’ll say is don’t talk positively about hyv, don’t talk about playing any of their games, just repost fanart/ fan creations that showcase the characters with better rep. So like a fan al haitham with an ethnic nose, or Candace with dreadlocks and darker skin, and aventurine actually being tan- stuff like that essentially. Keep supporting fan creations!! Don’t talk about playing hyv games/ positively about them.
Some people are being performative with the boycott still, kinda like they were in sumeru- just talking “oh my god no bad hyv!” But then spending money, or praising hyv for other things, when they’re still pretty fucked up in a lot of ways.
Mihoyo making a lolicon game in China, bad rep, racist remarks in game, not listening to fans, hiring genuinely bad people as VA’s and then not replacing them, and many more that I likely can’t remember now- and ALL OF THOSE REASONS are why we’re boycotting all hyv games. Zzz, honkai Star rail, honkai impact 3rd, tears of Themis, and genshin impact.
I didn’t totally understand what to elaborate on, so I apologize if this wasn’t helpful :’3
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outivv · 2 months
The white racist players of Genshin fandom because how are they going to sit there and think a name like Al Haitham is a white name?
What about Kaveh? Ororon isn't a white name he AN AFRICAN DIETY for crying out loud.
Then they have the nerve to bitch at us for wanting better representation when our culture is being used only to be heavily whitewashed
Right, right- like no… Nilou isn’t white, kaveh isn’t white, Layla isn’t white, Al haitham isn’t white, and lemme remind some people- that DOTTORE ISNT WHITE EITHER. I thought for a long time that he was from Fontaine, cause I was deep into a bit of theories saying “no he’s from Fontaine!!” But now I’ve been educated, and those theories were just… either high key racist, or just… misinformed. He says he’s from sumeru, he’s the only fatui so far that we know of FOR SURE is from sumeru, where the fuck is his melanin?
I feel like I had a while talk about Ororon, but that whole situation is just… so disrespectful. Like you’re gonna take inspo from an African deity, make nothing about his inspirations known, make him pale as fuck, and then misspell his name?? Girl, his name should be Olorun, but idk which spelling to use, cause it’s like a Candace situation. Her name is Candace, but should be kandake- I believe? But people actively are like “hey don’t call her that, we don’t want kandake to get confused with a fucking video game character” so it’s like… ughhhhhh, disrespectful on hyv’s behalf.
It sucks cause the majority of the community isn’t racist, or even bad- but the racist people are soooo fucking loud. Like shut up, you’re making all of us look bad, and you’re being a bitch on top of it.
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outivv · 7 days
Hey!! I know I’ve been pretty absent and quiet for a few days, I’ve been super busy- so I do apologize, but I quickly wanna talk about the genshin and McDonald’s collab.
Boycotting genshin isn’t just about the colorism, the racism, the inaccuracies between cultures, the sexism, the fetishization, the pedophilia, the unrewarding gameplay, or any of that shit anymore- it’s now also about the fact that genshin is working with a company that’s funding an actual genocide. Like. Killing mass amounts of people kinda genocide if you weren’t already fucking aware. It’s disgusting, because they know what they’re doing- and it’s appalling to me that they would do that KNOWING full well. “Well they’re a Chinese company!! They couldn’t have known!!” YOU’RE STUPID. Like actually, because no they know. People in China know, people in Japan know, people in Korea know- all of these countries that you like to literally infantilize?? Why????? Like these are whole ass countries, these people fucking know- and most people are outraged and stand with Palestine from what I’ve heard, so don’t be dumb, because they know, they’re educated.
I swear to god hyv is just giving themselves a one way ticket to their company going into the dumps, fuck hyv, fuck mihoyo.
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outivv · 2 months
I don't know who told this racist lurkers but how the hell is playing the game as a F2P is the same thing as giving money to Hoyoverse?
Spend money on item = profit
Don't spend money on item = no profit
Players who downloaded any Hoyoverse game is FREE but because their games revolve around Gacha. You can either F2P and save all of you in game currency for a character you want or spend REAL MONEY for that in game currency.
Me being a F2P doesn't give them a profit unless I CHOOSE to spend money in order to get a character
That’s what I’ve been saying but I haven’t been able to explain cause I’m so bad with my wording…
Playing doesn’t give money to hyv, it takes money away from them in fact with how you’re frying up their servers that ARE EXPENSIVE, which will likely be fucking decimated when natlan comes out because of the sheer amount of people who will be playing all at once.
The thing I see people talking about however is player numbers, and people talking positively about hyv games online, which will encourage people to play the game and spend money and whatnot, and to that I say… if people don’t have enough self control to not spend way too much money imo on a game that doesn’t feel very rewarding anyways, then that is… highkey sad. Like I’ve spent my fair share of money on genshin, okay? I know I have, but I’m not spending a dime on any hyv game until they fix their issues. Saving fully for Dottore in genshin, let’s goooo 😩🫶
So, while I understand why people would be fully dropping the game- I think it’s a little ignorant to say “well you’re giving them money just by playing” when that’s not how… that works.
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outivv · 1 month
I have been laughing for 2 hrs after seeing this post
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If she the Archo of Pyro, why the heck is her hair glowing yellow? It would've orange yellow like Idia
Idia slayed that, pyro archon…? Absolutely not Nuh uh.
Idia real pyro archon TRUST
God she looks so bad though. SO bad. They could’ve done ANYTHING, even made her hair blue at the base or something, or just like ANYTHING, like making her hair orange but glowing, or just like something else like idk giving her a dark skin tone that doesn’t blend into her glowing bright ass piss yellow hair.
Like look at Idia’s hair. The majority of it is an orange, and while he’s relatively pale the ORAGE COLORED GLOW OF HIS HAIR makes a warm light fill his room, making his skin have a shading to it cause of the lighting, and only the tips of his hair are a very light yellow not that NEON PISS yellow 😭. Like that’s how it should be done, not with… whatever that is omg
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outivv · 2 months
You know what I realized when it comes to "people who want to say CN don't care about Black and brown people"
They always like to downplay the support of CN players and would pick out the racist comments from CN players as their "gotch" moment or how would say there's "misinformation" about CN players supporting Black and brown characters.
If that's isn't a red flag on what defenders have to say about the Natlan situation they I don't know what is.
No I agree, I had a whole discussion with someone about this- because the CN players absolutely want more diversity, I mean fucking cyno and dehya are stupidly popular in CN serves I believe?? Not even to mention all the other games who are made by devs based in China, so it’s like… cmonnnn cmonnnnn, don’t infantilize Chinese players and be like “guys!! They don’t understand!!” Like… yes they do, sure there’s racists, but there’s racists everywhere- that doesn’t mean the majority of players are racist, and don’t want actual good designs, and cultural representation.
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outivv · 2 months
Recently found this post on a reddit post about how CN players actually feel about the whole Natlan situation and I'm really disappointed.
To be fair… that’s also Reddit, and personally I feel iffy about Reddit unless it is for needing answers to a few niche and specific questions BAHAHAH
Now, from what I’ve seen over the seen the CN and JP community be doing nearly better than we are, but I know the China has its own apps that are like American apps but very specific for China because of the Chinese government and whatnot, so maybe it’s different depending on like apps? Idk, but it is disappointing nonetheless to still see people be so blatantly racist and colorist. I do hope that that’s like a small minority that just speaks over the majority though, eughghghghh
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