#Idia slayed that
outivv · 1 month
I have been laughing for 2 hrs after seeing this post
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If she the Archo of Pyro, why the heck is her hair glowing yellow? It would've orange yellow like Idia
Idia slayed that, pyro archon…? Absolutely not Nuh uh.
Idia real pyro archon TRUST
God she looks so bad though. SO bad. They could’ve done ANYTHING, even made her hair blue at the base or something, or just like ANYTHING, like making her hair orange but glowing, or just like something else like idk giving her a dark skin tone that doesn’t blend into her glowing bright ass piss yellow hair.
Like look at Idia’s hair. The majority of it is an orange, and while he’s relatively pale the ORAGE COLORED GLOW OF HIS HAIR makes a warm light fill his room, making his skin have a shading to it cause of the lighting, and only the tips of his hair are a very light yellow not that NEON PISS yellow 😭. Like that’s how it should be done, not with… whatever that is omg
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squishosaur · 8 months
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we are. coloring 👍
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magicalcraftgirl · 4 months
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Quick arashi angel for pride! ✨🏳️‍⚧️
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Topsy Turvy Days in Diasomnia
Yes, I intentionally added the thorns in the background for… reasons :)) If you know, then you know—
SORRY FOR GETTING THIS OUT LATE I’VE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE SEBEK’S BROOMQUET FIC ON TOP OF SCREAMING ABOUT THE YEAR III ANNI STREAM 🤡 But with this, my blog event for TWST’s third anniversary comes to a close! Thank you for following me on this week-long writing prompt~
The Thorn Witch, and her Spirit of Nobility.
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Riddle Rosehearts…
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… stakes his claim in Diasomnia right from the get-go. Word quickly spreads, making Riddle out as the “fuck with me and find out” guy. For the students of Diasomnia, who take great pride in their magical prowess, to set Riddle off and be beheaded revokes the source of that pride. “Have you reflected on your actions? Only then will I remove that collar.”
Though he’s removed from his usual dorm, he takes care to still observe the rules of the Queen of Hearts! This earns Riddle no shortage of strange looks from Diasomnia, some of whom (mostly the strictest of Draconians) criticize his loyalty to Heartslabyul. He doesn’t relent though–Riddle tunes out the naysayers and stays true to his own ideals. His fellow queen, Vil, approves.
He’s a(n unwilling) bat magnet. Apparently, a cauldron (group) of them hangs out in Diasomnia—Riddle made the discovery when he was first strolling down a particularly dark hallway. Screeching had filled the air, and he was immediately swarmed by bats!! “I don’t understand why they’re so attached to me…!” Riddle protested, shooing one off of his shoulder. (E-Eh, isn’t it because he’s the closest in height to Lilia-shi? Idia wonders.)
The students of Diasomnia (and even Jack, a first year), he notices, are much more disciplined than those of Riddle’s own dorm. They stay in line and do their work, though with perhaps more arrogance than one would like. If only his own students were just as diligent!! Riddle gets a headache thinking about what Ace and Deuce must be getting up to unsupervised (and no, Azul is no role model for them!!)… but even so, he doesn’t wish for them to be carbon copies of the Diasomnia kids. Heartslabyul may be full of fools, but they’re Riddle’s fools and no one else’s!
He beelines to Diasomnia’s bookshelves every evening to stack texts up high before stumbling off with them to read until he knocks out. Riddle is on a quest to take in as much knowledge as he can, from new spells to tips and tricks to simplify the current spells in his repertoire–his ambition is apparent! Then, perhaps, he will be wise enough and strong enough to overcome the Malleus Draconia in combat.
Though Riddle’s specialty is practical magic, the level at which the Diasomnia students perform it is astonishing to him. He burns out so quickly, while they can change the color of a dress multiple times without batting an eye, and orchestrate many cleaning implements at once! It’s frustrating, but it’s from this feeling that Riddle is able to drive himself to work even harder to achieve his goals.
It’s so odd for him to see bramble bereft of any flowers. The sight is so depressing to Riddle, but he can’t put words as to why exactly. He’ll politely avert his eyes when he sees those ashen, creeping thorns, or make a passing comment about how the atmosphere feels dreadfully gloomy. It’s like being trapped in a cage, he thinks. Memories of his past prick him, but he is quick to dismiss them before they overwhelm him. Like a rose, he shall grow and rise above the thorns.
He develops a fondness for floral teas during his time at Diasomnia. Maybe it’s the absence of flowers that makes him feel nostalgic for the gardens in Heartslabyul. When he sips a cup of rosehip, he dreams of the red and white of the maze, of strawberries and porcelain, and the card suits that decorate his vision. Ah, he realizes, the warmth enveloping his chest. That was it—that was where his home, his hearth, is.
“I do feel as though I’ve gained knowledge in Diasomnia that I could not have anywhere else. However, the same can be said of Heartslabyul. There were many things I could only learn because I was in Heartslabyul. That is not to say that my dorm members did not get under my skin every now and again, but I will always be grateful for the lessons they have imparted in me. This, too, is an experience for which I am grateful for–but, if you would allow me to say… there is no place like home. Fufu. Perhaps I’m simply becoming too sentimental.”
Jack Howl…
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… keeps to himself and doesn’t trouble anyone—not unless they start trouble with him first. Most face-offs with Diasomnia students involve them staring each other down until they get scared off by Jack’s menacing face. In a weird way, that makes him the conflict resolver of the group—because people tend to run away rather than face him!!
Jack feels as though he’s witnessing a lot of things that he shouldn’t. For example, Riddle and Vil have made it their personal mission to whip underperforming students into shape… starting with their temporary dorm mate, Idia!! They confront him together, taking turns knocking at his door and then physically dragging him out when Idia inevitably pretends that no one is home. (Jack stares after them, wondering if Ruggie ever had to do the same to Leona to get him to attend class.)
When in doubt, Jack tends to defer to seniority. Like the good boy that he is, he’ll follow his upperclassman’s orders with barely a second thought!! … But trouble arises when Idia is the upperclassman that’s giving the order 😅 Jack takes his hyperbole seriously, so when Idia says something outrageous like, “C-Could you please not get within aggro range of me? Lmao, I could be at a single hit point and I’d still not want to deal with face-to-face interaction. Kk, thnx,” Jack just shrugs and lets Idia flounder when the Diasomnia mobs are assaulting the dorm leader with Malleus facts.
His poor nose just can’t stop sneezing!! It’s not that Diasomnia is filthy, but his sensitive nose can pick up on all the dust and the secrets littering the castle. From the ancient tomes to the artifacts and relics of the past that line the walls, there’s no place where he isn’t met with an enigmatic history that tickles his nose.
Jack’s used to doing everything himself, by hand. It catches him off-guard when he sees the Diasomnia students so casually use magic for everything. He shouldn’t expect anything less from a dorm that is full of all-rounders, but the last thing he expected to see was silverware flying across a table and serving up breakfast by itself! And… is that a clock and a candelabra fighting?! Who’s ever heard of living furniture…
He tries to incorporate some older techniques (recommended by Sebek) into his exercise routine. (”Our dormitory is well-equipped with everything you’ll need!!” Sebek had reassured him. “See to it that you use them well!”) Jack didn’t realize that it would involve hauling around weighted weapons!! He thought they were just fancy-looking wall decorations, not actual morning stars, axes, swords, and javelins! “Is… Is this really how they train in Diasomnia?!”
By happenstance, Jack discovers a single red rose blooming amid prickly thorns in Diasomnia’s west wing. He becomes strangely protective of it–maybe because it reminds him of the flowers that sometimes grow on the (just as prickly) cacti he raises in his dorm room. One might say he’s the beast that defends a beauty.
The night is especially beautiful over Diasomnia. When the moon is full, Jack watches it through his window, drinking in the stillness of the night, the shapes of the shadows and the thorns that run contradictory to the bright, silvery orb above them. In these moments, he sits back and contemplates where he is, and where he’d like to be.
“I’ve never noticed it before, but the sky looks different depending on where you look at it from. What does it look like where Leona-senpai and Ruggie-senpai are, I wonder… Maybe they’re so busy that they haven’t even had a chance to notice the moon. If that’s the case, then I’ll have to catch up to where they are! When I get back, I’ll show them just how strong I’ve become!”
Vil Schoenheit…
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… looks perfect laid out against the backdrop that is Diasomnia. His austere looks and overwhelming aura make him the perfect evil queen of the castle. Every picture he takes of himself inevitably involves his face being illuminated by sinister green flames or an imposing dragon glaring down at him. Fitted in his own Diasomnia uniform, he gives off stronger villain vibes than ever “… This is hardly the sort of thing I need for my image,” Vil sighs.
Indeed, Diasomnia can be quite archaic in its ways–but in coming from Pomefiore, Vil brings with him a certain sense of respect for the old. He recognizes the past as not superior nor inferior, but as a basis for which the future is forged from. To him, it’s crucial to understand and to be aware of what came before so he can build himself up from that. This philosophy is what guides him as he learns to adapt to the lack of modern amenities in Diasomnia.
Like Riddle, he is keen on doing his own thing, regardless of the comments that others make. (Since when has a queen like him let the thoughts of his subjects dictate his behavior?) That means rising bright and early to train with Jack, engaging in a thorough self-care routine, and maintaining a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Unlike Riddle though, Vil’s anger is more icy than fiery. If someone offends him, they’re met with a cold shoulder and perhaps a cool tongue lashing.
For the most part, Vil acts courteous to his other dorm members–for it is easier to attract bees with honey than with poison. His natural charisma and charm get him in the good graces of some students, who pass on their knowledge of certain potions and curses. One sleeping curse he hears of is so powerful that it could only be broken by true love’s kiss! Vil shivers, praying that such a thing would never come to be weaponized.
He continues to work on crafting his own homemade cosmetics. Vil has to change up the ingredients in them, since he no longer has access to the same things he’d have back in Pomefiore. Thanks to his new connections, he’s able to obtain rare plants from the Briar Valley to use in his lotions and liquids. Vil also experiments with repurposing the creeping bramble around Diasomnia in various forms—dehydrated to brew a tea, powdered as a setting product, pounded into a paste for a wash-off mask…
He changes up his style to feel more “at home” in his new territory, adopting more vintage clothing and accessories to suit the era which the castle comes from. At any given point, Vil will look like he has just walked out of filming for a historical drama or a period piece.
Vil had always thought that Epel would be his biggest problem child… but hey, Idia is a close second. While Riddle harps on his in-person attendance, Vil focuses on how Idia chooses to present himself in both appearance and behavior. “For Sevens’ sake, you’re the son of the distinguished Shroud family. It’s high time you started acting like it,” he chides his peer. “You’re wasting your good looks with that gloomy expression and hopeless slouch!!”
After witnessing how well-trained the students of Diasomnia are, Vil has a newfound respect for his fellow dorm leader, Malleus. It’s not like he’d ever share the compliment out loud, but for him to have a positive opinion of the man who constantly misses dorm meetings is still a step up. It seems that they do have some things in common.
“It is said that the Thorn Witch boasted great grace and decorum. If Diasomnia is a reflection of her character, then I can say with confidence that my expectations have been met. Beyond the superficial aspects–although I do find them to be in good taste–there is a noble spirit that runs throughout the dormitory. As much as it pains me to say this, not even Pomefiore would be able to replicate such elegance. Hmph, we’ll just have to polish our own unique traits such that our sparkle rivals Diasomnia’s.”
Idia Shroud…
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… couldn’t be more unenthused. Not only has he been forced out of his room and deprived of his vast collection of tech, anime, manga, and games–but now he’s trapped in the same living space with all kinds of super strong personalities! It sounds like a plot straight out of a meta harem manga where the main character wants no part in any of it, he grumbles. S-Save me from this living hell, Ortho!!
He tries to minimize his presence as much as possible, but it’s difficult to do when his flaming hair makes him easy to spot in every dark corner or amid the sconces lit with green flames. (Everyone’s so quick to hone in on him, it gives him near heart-stopping fright!!) Because of this, Idia has chosen to wear his hood up most of the time (in hopes of diminishing any light he’d be giving off). 
He’s so disappointed that he didn’t at least get lumped into a dorm with a cute cat (Idia had been praying for Grim, but even Leona would have been acceptable). But nooo, instead he gets stuck with a muscly dog man. Why’s my gacha luck so bad IRL?! Cats are obviously far superior to dogs, NO QUESTION!! (Jack wonders why Idia stares so intensely at him, but maybe it’s best he doesn’t ask…)
Diasomnia has wifi, but it’s not nearly as fast as Idia would like for it to be. He constantly complains about missing the high speed internet of Ignihyde, though he supposes it’s sufficient for gaming. Idia laments to his online gaming buddy, Crimson Muscle, who reassures him that all will be well; Gloomy Samurai will surely get over this rough patch!!
This man can’t be left alone to just be a nerd in peace!! Idia could be playing a fantasy game, watching an anime, or reading a manga, and out of nowhere a Diasomnia kid will pop up and lecture him about how actually the depiction of dragons in that game/anime/manga is inaccurate, or how it spits upon Malleus’s image to indulge in such materials. Idia often doesn’t have the energy or the confidence to fire back, so he’ll pack up his stuff and rush away. In his mind though, he’s cursing out the killjoys! (Idia gatekeeps on a regular basis, but he can’t take it when others do the same to him.)
He doesn’t get the hype around all the Draconians who stan Malleus or claim him as their oshi. Idia’s just smart enough to know when to zip his lip so as to not incite an angry mob. (What’s so great about that guy anyway? It takes more than being an OP character to get Idia’s attention!) Unfortunately for him, a Diasomnia mob mistakes Idia waving green glow sticks for an online concert as a sign that he, too, is a massive Malleus fan. This leads to Idia being introduced to other Draconians (he was too timid to correct them) and thus getting locked into a miserable cycle of being force fed boundless praise for their dorm leader and expecting Idia to echo their sentiments.
He takes solace in knowing that the biggest Draconian of them (Sebek) all isn’t around to shout in his ear about WAKASAMA this, and HUMAN that… but it’s honestly just as bad to have Riddle nagging him in one ear and Vil nagging him in the other! Idia feels like he’s playing a stealth level every time he has to exit his room—cuz once either of them catch wind of him, it’s Game Over!! It’s safest for him to just hole up forever…
Because Ortho begged him to try and make new friends, Idia attempts to try and start a D&D (or whatever the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of it is) campaign up. Something simple that allows for socializing! … The problem is, the Diasomnia students are WAY too competitive and take the game super seriously. They even have the gall to defy HIM, the DM! (“Womp, womp, womp. Your character died! Sure sucks to be you, hihihi!” “I roll to stab the DM and claim his position as god of this world!!” “LOL, you can’t do that, dude…” “… I roll to stab the DM.” “I LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT’S A NO-GO!!”) They get nowhere, so Idia has to shut it down.
“D-Did all the elements of the world come together one day and decide to dunk on me or what?! E-Every time I leave the safety and comfort of my bedroom, th-there’s some kind of world-ending event thrust in my face... I-I’ve been kidnapped by a ghost, pulled out of school to run tests on my classmates, possessed... B-But even worse than all of that is... being forced into social situations I didn’t ask for!! Seriously, not a single soul wanted that birthday interview ‘oh, if you had to pick a different dorm to join’ hypothetical to come true!! If this is some kind of cruel and unusual joke, you can pop out and point and laugh at the geek already! J-Just get it over with so I can go back to my uneventful otaku life already!!”
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gloomyronin · 6 months
Heard we were bringing the hear me out thing back.
With that said—
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Please tell Idia the Annoying Orange YouTube channel is not pornhub
"Idia, relax, it's NOT pornhub!" You sigh, rubbing his shoulders.
"B-But it totally looks like it! It feels like a page for fetishes!" Idia argues, a red hue creeping up on his hair. "Just look at it!"
"Idia, it is a talking orange like not to kink shame, but what sort of person imagines having... you know... with a talking fruit?"
"Rule 34... rule 34..." He murmurs, and suddenly, war flashbacks of a certain Samsung character comes to your mind.
"....oh yeah..." You say in a breathless, defeated sigh. "Rule 34."
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cloudcountry · 9 months
sometimes i remember the whole idia shroud thing that gave me a breakdown and think about how i literally hate him even more now because of it. every time i see his face an explosion of memories happens in my brain and my resentment only grows stronger. this IS my superpower.
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lowcallyfruity · 1 year
And ofc Lilia, Malleus and grim in the back 💕💕💕
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siphoklansan · 1 year
Yumena on her way to sneak into NRC:
am on
to see
my husband
I'm happy
I'm happy
To see
My husband
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linawritesocs · 2 years
my ocs' third year/graduated versions!
okay, so i made a post like that with avery, vance, merrill and allen some time ago, but as you know, I HAVE A LOT OF KIDS NOW and i wanted to make a new version of that post! also the way i see my first four characters have changed a little, so.. yeah.
i made them in picrew because even though i'd love to draw them myself, it would take quite a lot of time djdkkdd
avery glass.
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avery gets along better with "beautiful people" now and he's also more confident and doesn't think he's that ugly himself. his hair is longer now too. he also doesn't think vil is that bad and he even kinda misses him now, considering that vil is a fourth year now and avery doesn't see him that often. he's still friends with epel though and it's not so lonely with him around. he also created his own gardening club here back when he just transferred to nrc and it's more popular now and some people don't even care if avery was a rsa student in the past. he feels more comfortable in this school now and he actually doesn't regret transferring at all. maybe he really does have those "prince charming" vibes, like other rsa students, but he would rather be friends with villains because they (or at least most of them) accept him for who he is. but allen also suggested that avery can work as his gardener after he graduates.. avery is not so sure about it for now and told allen that it sounds stupid, but he secretly doesn't think that it's a bad idea.
vance mintberry.
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YES I AM GOING WITH THAT CONCEPT OF DORM LEADER!VANCE BECAUSE I LIKE IT. vance is not that chaotic and hyperactive as a third year and he's a lot more chill now and he even has his serious moments sometimes. he's definitely not as strict as riddle though and heartslabyul students are happy to have a dorm leader like him, who knows how to have fun, but also doesn't cause too much chaos. he says he doesn't like when other students refer to him as the dorm leader though and asks them to simply call him by his name instead. vance is also taller now (170 cm), however, when riley stands next to him, his growth spurt is not that noticeable and vance is a bit insecure about it dhdjdkdkfk. HE THOUGHT THEY WILL NEVER HAVE SUCH A HUGE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! and even if they do vance wanted to be taller than riley he's still into gaming and skateboarding too and he even participated in magishift and some other sports competitions because he doesn't care what his family thinks anymore. some heartslabyul students say that vance secretly enjoys being the one in charge A LOT though..
merrill gardner.
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yes i forgot his moles. it's fine he can survive without them i say that as someone who has a lot of moles on their face YES. VIL MANAGED TO CONVINCE HIM TO BECOME A MODEL. LET'S GO. it took a lot of time, but merrill agreed because vil told him that he can't let his talent go to waste just because he's still mad at his parents. yes, they were absolutely horrible people and merrill didn't deserve to be treated like this, but there's nothing wrong with him enjoying being the center of attention and being popular for his appearance (as long as he's okay with it). and merrill certainly appreciates being complimented for his other qualities, but he actually enjoys modeling a lot! he also does it out of spite because oh, his parents wanted to use his looks for money and fame? well guess what, they're not gonna get any money from him <3 he still checks on other nrc students though because he cares about them and because they're always so excited to see him again/for the first time.
and no, even though he's a professional model now, he's still into cosplay because it really does make him happy!! also imagine his fans and megu-chan's fans finding out that their idol is the same person. how funny would that be.
allen snowhill.
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i think he would finally be free of lumi's magic's influence, so that's why he doesn't have white strands anymore! yes i have ideas how others would save him, but that's a story for a different post and he has long hair now!! he's thriving!! you can still often see him wearing rather warm clothes simply because he's too used to them and he would need a lot of time before he starts finding lighter clothes comfortable. his personality is also more similar to anna's now and even though he still shows his yandere self sometimes, he's more chill about it now. as long as someone loves him, he's gonna be fine <3 he's doing much better now, he's more supportive of lumi and miles' relationship and he also regrets the things he said to riley in the past, but he still doubts they'll be able to reconcile because riley himself doesn't want to do anything with him. he's okay as long as riley is happy though. he's also thinking of becoming a writer after he graduates.
roland thorn.
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roland would go back to briar valley after he graduates from rsa, he's sure his parents have missed him a lot. they are quite surprised to see how much he changed, but it's a pleasant kind of surprise. roland would start living alone and he would have a nice little house with a nice little garden next to it :) he's still not so good at gardening, but. um. he's trying his best. taking care of those plants also reminds him to be kinder to himself and he definitely needs that reminder though he still hates having to deal with dirt and that kind of stuff he's not sure what he's gonna do in the future, since he has such a low self-esteem, he doubts there's anything he's good at. so yeah, he would like to focus on taking care of himself and learning to love himself right now. but he's also thinking.. maybe he should get a job that's related to fashion in some way? you know, since he's good at stuff like sewing and knitting and he also can do makeup for others he never wears makeup himself though too. maybe he should talk about it with that ramshackle prefect, he knows a lot about those things. also lilia visits him as often as he can and they have nice conversations together as they drink tea :)
also, a design note: roland would go back to wearing darker clothes after he graduates from rsa and he also would have bangs on the other side to cover his injured eye, even though he still wears an eyepatch. it's not like he doesn't like his eyepatch anymore! he just feels more comfortable with a hairstyle like this, haha. (it's actually him trying to move on from his trauma and telling himself that he's not just "a guy who had a toxic relationship with his gf and got his eye injured because of her")
fake!jay polley.
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OH BOY. HE WOULD GET QUITE AN INTERESTING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN THESE TWO YEARS. you see, being friends with allen didn't teach him anything good and jay ended up becoming a very self-centered individual who decided that if he's not real and he doesn't actually have a heart, oh well, he has to act heartless too. jay knows that he's smarter than his real counterpart, he knows he's much more talented than him and he knows that he owns real!jay's notebook, so.. he's the one who has his unique magic now. real!jay can't use it if he doesn't have his silly little notebook with him. so who's more real now, huh? and no, he's not his "evil clone", he's more interesting than jay, he's more popular than jay, he's actually his "better clone"! he's the literature club's president now too and he even has his own clique because rsa freshmen admire him that much! haha, his school life really is so fun, it's just like his creator wanted! and he wouldn't even be able to overblot no matter how often he uses his unique magic, because again, he's not real so he can't accumulate blot! he just becomes very tired after he uses his magic and he falls asleep right after he's done, so he will never overblot and that makes him the strongest magician in twisted wonderland! he will never overblot, right? right?.. he also may or may not become a yandere because of allen's influence. this guy is so used to getting what he wants because of his popularity and his unique magic, what do you mean his crush doesn't like him back?
real!jay polley.
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real!jay, on the other hand, finally gets a character development that he deserves! he's still a bit shy, but he's more confident now, he looks so much better, seth really helped him get a whole glow up! he also starts wearing the uniform seth made for him back when jay just started living in ramshackle but refused to wear because "it wasn't comfortable" he actually thought he doesn't deserve to wear it and people are surprised to see how good he looks in it. his hair is also longer but he takes better care of it and it's not as messy as it was before. he sounds more polite than before and he has a more elegant vibe now, some people can't believe he was this anxious and insecure boy who refused to go outside and didn't know what grass is. he takes care of the ramshackle dorm building when seth and minnie are too busy and he doesn't find it tiring at all, he's glad to be useful to them. he also had a chance to transfer to a "real" dorm at some point, however, he decided to stay in ramshackle because he's too used to it and he doesn't think he's good enough for other dorms. the dark mirror thought of sending him to diasomnia though he's not sure about his future, but he kinda wants to stay at nrc, so.. maybe he could work here as a staff member? he still needs some time to think about it. and no, jay doesn't know anything about what his clone is doing and he believes fake!jay is living his best life.
austin valiente.
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yes, he's wearing glasses now, because that's what happens when you spend so much time working with tiny details and staying up to come up with a new invention or fix someone's broken phone. if anyone makes fun of his new look, he will punch them. he also makes jokes about having to wear glasses instead of merrill since he's a fourth year now and people almost never see him it's him trying to cope he misses him okay. austin has thought about going back home, but.. he's not ready. he wants to stay in twisted wonderland for just a little bit longer. he misses his family a lot and he's sure they're very worried about him, but he's scared. he still doesn't know if he wants to get a technology-related job just like they wanted or he wants to do what he likes and try to do something more artistic. and he's also scared that they're gonna be mad at him and they're not gonna believe him when he tells them where he's been all this time. he really wishes he could talk to someone about his problems, but he rarely sees those people now and it doesn't feel right to talk about it on the phone. and about his personality, he's a bit calmer now. he still likes to bully others and laugh at them, but he knows when to stop and he's not that serious about it. some people even think he's more like merrill now, because sometimes him teasing them can make them go 😳😳. he doesn't understand why they react like that though.
minnie lynley.
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she's doing so much better now! she's much more friendly with male students now, though she can still be strict with them sometimes, but she's doing it because she cares about them :) she's very popular and she has so many simps, but sadly, they don't have a chance with her because she and sebek are officially dating! MALLEUS IS NO LONGER A NRC STUDENT SHE SAW THAT CHANCE AND SHE TOOK IT. HE CAN'T TAKE SEBEK AWAY FROM HER. her personality is a bit different too now, she's more of an onee-san type now. and yes, she can be that soft and caring onee-san AND the one that goes "ara ara~" and makes you go get a wedding ring because you're this down bad for her. she also became seth's vice prefect when she was a second year and she still is one, though she likes to joke about her being the real prefect. she doesn't mind being seth's sidekick though, she actually admires him a lot and she's grateful to him for helping her get used to this place and overcome her trust issues and daddy issues. she really wanted to go back home when she just got isekai-ed here, but now.. she's actually okay with staying in twisted wonderland? she doesn't miss anyone from her world except her mom and she really does worry about her a lot, but she's not sure if she wants to go back home just for her sake, because.. if she does, she's sure that she will end up doing all the work again and her brother won't try to help in any way. minnie loves her mom, she really does, but she's not ready to see her again.
hayden dahl.
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another character who changed his appearance in some way! hayden dyed his hair so that he won't look too similar to his family members and he actually feels much more comfortable with this hair color. riley's parents pretty much adopt him because they're so happy to see that riley has such a good friend, they don't care about hayden's past at all. so now he's living with them and riley even calls hayden his big brother and that makes hayden tear up a little bit every single time. he just.. he always wanted to have a little brother, he was so tired of being the youngest child.. and don't let that cool villain-like outfit fool you, he really doesn't try to act nice to make others trust him anymore and his words are more painful now, but he also shows his poor little meow meow side much more often. yes, he likes horses. yes, he has a huge sweet tooth and the moment someone mentions desserts, he forgets about everything else. yes, he has a soft spot for riley and he will fight anyone who hurts him you heard that vance. treat this boy right he really is much happier now because his family's crimes are known and they finally got what they deserved. he doesn't have to worry about them finding him anymore. ah, what he plans to do in the future? when seth asked him that, hayden was too busy eating cake, but seth noticed a book about insects in his bag, pointed at it and went "ah, maybe something with these little guys?". hayden almost choked on his food. so.. yeah, he kinda wants to get into entomology but don't tell anyone. ALSO HE HAS HIS OWN HORSE NOW BECAUSE RILEY'S PARENTS ARE RICH AND THEY ALLOWED HIM TO HAVE ONE. HE'S LIVING HIS BEST LIFE.
riley glacier.
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so. here's a reminder that allen and riley are related. and as you know, allen is very tall. SO RILEY IS THE SAME HEIGHT AS HIM NOW. YEAH. maybe even kinda buff who knows riley doesn't seem like that character who changed a lot in these few years, but those who are close to him know that he's a whole different person now. he still does act like his kuudere self, but only with those people he doesn't know that well. his friends know that riley can be much more talkative with them and he really does have a lot to say, even if it's just him ranking scented soaps he ranks them by flavor btw. not by scent. he's still popular, in fact, he's even more popular now, but he doesn't mind it that much anymore. he's not trying to avoid his fans, but he's also not too friendly with them, he just says something like "hey, i appreciate your support, but i'm a bit busy right now, so can we hang out later?". he doesn't want to be mean, but he also wants them to respect his personal space. his simps are not as desperate as before anyway, because the fact that he's dating the heartslabyul's dorm leader makes them go "OH. OH OKAY MAYBE I SHOULDN'T FLIRT WITH HIM". about his relationship with allen.. yes, he still doesn't want to talk to him after that overblot incident. but honestly, riley thinks it's better this way, he doesn't want to become obsessed with making allen like him again. he's just glad that allen is doing much better now and he hopes his cousin will find his true happiness one day. so yeah, he's doing good :) he's not sure about his future job and when he was asked about it, he just said "as long as it's interesting, i'm good with anything".
ashley "angel" leroll.
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YES THIS IS ANGEL. YEAH. they decided that they want to look more masculine now and they also wanted to have a more "responsible dorm leader" look. it's their redemption arc and they really are trying to take better care of their dorm members and they know when to stop and when those students can do something without their help. they also try to treat bunny better and they don't let her overwork herself, even though bunny doesn't call angel her friend anymore. OH and speaking of their name, they actually prefer to go by their real name now. they just don't feel like they deserve to have a nickname like that after everything they've done. they try to stay optimistic though and they believe that they can become a better person and maybe, maybe one day they will become worthy of that nickname. they also hope that their brother will forgive them for what they've done to him, but they will understand if he doesn't. hm? what they want to do in the future? uh.. being a scientist sounds fun! haha, didn't expect that one, did you? and don't worry sol they still use kaomojis when they talk even though they don't do it as often
blythe "bunny" whitney.
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pretend that she has bunny ears here okay she can finally be herself now! she doesn't try to be polite, she speaks her mind and she's strict, just like minnie, but not because she loves other dorm members, she just wants them to behave for once. she can't transfer to a different dorm, so she decided that if she has to stay in speculum, they will have to listen to her and follow the rules <3 sometimes she can be.. um, a bit cruel, but at least other rsa students don't have to run away whenever they see speculum dorm members. they're still chaotic, but the moment bunny looks at them, they go "YES VICE DORM LEADER". she's not friends with angel anymore and their relationship is more professional now, but she doesn't feel sad about it at all. she feels more free now, like she's finally done something that she should've done a long time ago. and yes, people call her by her real name now. no one is allowed to use that nickname anymore.. well, except hayden. but only when she's in a good mood. and maybe fake!jay can call her that too, hehe.. what, why are you looking at her like that? but she's jealous of angel already knowing what they want to do in the future, because she's still not sure about her plans. how weird, bunny always was the one to have a plan for everything and she was more organized compared to angel..
seth delaney.
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okay so, i have never mentioned this before, but seth's vision is actually not that good and he has to wear glasses when he's painting, sewing, drawing, etc. and even though seth has a pretty high self-esteem, he's very insecure about that part and he thinks he looks like a nerd when he wears them. so yes, he's actually kinda blind most of the time hjdjdkdkd. but hey, that's still impressive, considering that he can easily guess anyone's measurements and he can tell what colors would suit someone even when he's not wearing his glasses. and third year!seth would start wearing glasses all the time mostly bc rollo was worried about him and made him do it and he also would stop dyeing his hair blond, but he would still keep the purple tips. his hair is longer now too, he's just trying to accept his past and stop running away from it! don't worry, he has even more piercings and tattoos now though. seth definitely would want to spend the rest of his life in twisted wonderland, he has no reason to come back to his world. didn't the dark mirror say that "he has no home to go back to" or something like that? that's why he wants to make twisted wonderland his real home. and it feels like one, even though it has its flaws and it's not as perfect as he thought it would be. he is still the ramshackle prefect, though nrc students don't see him as often as they did when he was a first year because of him still liking rsa and nbc more. and no, even though he really wanted to change schools, he loves ramshackle dorm too much and he can't leave his dorm members! um.. his future? well, he just wants to live a peaceful life with those he loves. that's it for now.
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himeprincessa · 2 years
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♡ I look for the sight and not what I bite ♡
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somehowmags · 2 years
i am feeling so incredibly normal and sane about the masquerade event FUCK
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etheries1015 · 1 year
How TWST characters react to finding out your real name
They hadn't realized you were using a fake name or a nickname, and when they find out you hadn't told them your real name, they each reacted in their own way.
Featuring : Idia, Lilia, Crowley, Ace/deuce/grim (together) , Azul/jade/Floyd (together), Malleus, Epel, Rook, Vil, Kalim, Jamil
Idia - Fair. Its like using a fake in game name only in real life, who needs to know your real name? It's not that important, it doesn't change that you're still you. But he is glad that you trusted him with your real name, but now he's a little possessive, and doesn't like it when other people use your real name. Its HIS privilege to know the you behind the character! (He wants his y/n moment and he gets some sort of fulfillment knowing he was the first to learn your true name. Like he's in some sort of otome game)
Lilia- he raises an eyebrow and has an amused smile on his face. He wasn't expecting you to feel the need to hide your identity, were you some sort of refugee? Hiding from something? You then explain to him you simply didnt feel comfortable sharing your real name with a bunch of strangers since coming to twisted wonderland, and he was easily able to accept that answer. He calls you by whatever name you prefer, it makes no difference to him, and he quickly gets over it. (If he wants to get your attention and tease you, he will use your real name)
Malleus- A little bit...hurt, in a way? You couldn't trust him with your real name? He knew others thought he was scary and didnt trust him for his lineage, however he had to remind himself that you were different than them. You were kind and understanding, and he had to push back his childish thinking. He did the same thing in fact, hiding his name from you until learning far after your meeting. Perhaps you had your reasons as well, and he respects that, and warms his heart slightly coming to terms that you had entrusted him with that information. He uses whatever name you feel the most at ease of hearing, but there will be times in which you two are alone and he gets in his feelings. Hearing your name sound so sincere and loving coming from his lips makes it sound sweeter than you remember.
Azul + the Leech brothers- Shocked. Flabbergasted. You did it in such a cool way too, you signed his contract using a name he wasn't familiar with. "You are aware that using a fake name won't do you any good, Right?" He had pointed out. You gave him a smirk and crossed your arms, "Who says its fake? In fact, the name I signed is indeed my REAL name. I thought I might as well use my real name, to show how confident I am that your little tricks will not fool me." Jade simply smiled and nodded in approval, whilst Floyd began laughing hysterically at Azuls reaction (his mouth hung open. He just convinced himself you had an inflated ego.) Needless to say, they will not forget that moment in a while.
Crowley- Blames you and says "Well of course I couldn't find your records anywhere or continue with my investigation on your case, you didnt even give me an accurate name to go by!" (In reality he wasn't doing anything to help you, he just thought this gave him an out and more time to think of something. You knew this.) The gaslighting king, and good at making you feel bad for not enrolling into the school by providing your full real name. You rolled your eyes and kept doing what you were doing (slay)
Kalim- he gets super excited, and fully respects you by any name you go by. He showers you in compliments and says its such a nice and fitting name for a person such as yourself. He smiles brightly and locks arms with you; "(fake name) or (real name), they both suit you well! You're still the prefect I love, regardless of what name you use!" .... But then he starts to ask you why, and it turns into an hour long conversation about names. (Probably tries to suggest names that would suit you)
Jamil- A little surprised at first, however he never made a big deal out of it and didnt care much. He shrugged and continued using the name you had given him, its what you chose to go by, is it not? So he will continue to do so. (Inwardly he understands why you hid your true identity, but also thinks its silly in a way. Why would you go so long without sharing something as small as a name? But it was a one time thought, and never dwelled on those questions.)
Vil- Also doesn't make a big deal out of it. Your name suits you well, he will ask what you prefer to go by, however. If you aren't comfortable using your real name, who is he to judge? He asks you once about why you chose to use a fake name, and he respected it. "Or I can just call you prefect, if you prefer? Your title precedes your name, and it's a form of respect. How does that sound?" You chuckle and say that you trust him enough to be on a first name base, and he responds with a slight blush. You really know how to see past his professionalism.
Rook- Add it to his list of things he knows about people and probably knows too much about people. He stores it in his mind along side with your weight, your height, your frequented places in the school, your gym scores, the height you can jump, how fast you finish your lunch, how big your hand is, your shoe size, how many hairs are on your head... "magnifique! I just love learning new things about you, it never ceases to amaze the mysteries you hold! Please, tell me more!"
Epel- A little bit disappointed you hadn't told him sooner. He gets over it quickly, but he was still a little upset to hear that he was one of the last people to find out what your real name is! Not that it truly matters, but a persons name is a persons treasure, and he wanted a part of the great reveal! (It wasn't THAT great. It came up casually, he's just a little sentimental and dramatic sometimes.) He ends up carving your name out of an apple, he says he made it cause' he was bored and no other reason, but in reality he really likes your name more than he leads on.
Ace/deuce/Grim- What do you MEAN that the past year they have been calling you by a FAKE/NICKNAME This entire time?? Do you have that little faith in them???? When you explained to them you had simply rolled with it when you first arrived to twisted wonderland and became accustomed to it, the name flowed off your tongue as natural as breathing. It had nothing to do with trust as time went on. They were all so dramatic about it though. "Our Prefect LIED to us!" They cried out, prostrating themselves on the floor and demanding you buy them food in to compensate 'the emotional damages' they claimed you inflicted upon them. You rolled your eyes and laughed playfully as the three of them whined about your "distrust" in them.
You loved them nonetheless, those morons 💜
A link to my master list!
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pomefioredove · 2 months
okay after reading all the goth hc, I gotta ask. how do you think the guys would react (any of them but preferred Floyd and Idia ) to playing them goth music/show them a trad goth outfit/makeup look (suprise them maybe? For example: I hc Leona to just have the least slay music taste to mankind (beastmankind?) so you play him- idk let’s say Lebanon Hanover, and he’s like “wtf is this herbivore?” But then he kinda gets into it. no pressure to write for it btw!
ANON I was literally thinking about making a post like this a few days before this ask... you have my heart. I'm doing a full post
summary: nrc boys and goth type of post: headcanons characters: nrc students additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, half-headcanons half-x reader author's note: I'm assuming that goth as a subculture and a music scene already exists in this world. this post is also mostly about the music scene
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Riddle is essentially a baby bat
he's like, two bad life choices away from going full victorian goth at any given moment
he flat out refuses to listen to anything "vulgar" but secretly adores the dark, poetic side to goth
he's also morbidly obsessed with death, being a sad victorian boy and the child of two doctors. it works
as much as I hate to say it, Ace starts out as the kind of guy to say he wants a "goth gf" on multiple occasions
he proudly announces it to everyone at an unbirthday party once and Riddle almost kills him for being annoying for interrupting
thinks the music is too sad
...but he mellows out eventually (your influence)
both Deuce and Trey are not particularly interested
(Deuce leaned into punk music as a preteen but has since "given it up" because it's too unruly for an aspiring honors student, in his opinion)
Cater inexplicably already knows a lot about goth
won't talk about it unless you bring it up first but if you play him something semi-popular
he'll be like "oh yeah I know that one"
he has a few songs on his playlist he listens to when he's alone
is a goth magnet himself. pulls many hot goths. no one knows how
Jack is also not really into it. not his thing
however I can see him secretly being into emo
make of that what you will
and Ruggie will never pass you the aux again. he calls it "halloween music"
Leona acts thoroughly uninterested for a long time
like, he'll listen to the music you give him, but doesn't really say whether he likes it or not
says he doesn't care about the scene (thinks it's too pretentious)
and pretends to be annoyed when you give him more song recs
but he gets into it. he starts listening on his own
he has a definite preference for gothic rock
Jade is already goth (to me at least)
and very eager to talk about his favorite bands
loves giving recommendations
apparently the coral sea has its own goth subgenres and bands, which sound... much different from land ones
Floyd will listen (has listened, thanks to his brother) but he doesn't particularly care
he much prefers the aesthetic, it reminds him of home
...being that he's from the deep sea, where it's dark and cold
the flowy, dark, elegant looks are just enchanting to him. he can't keep his eyes off it
Azul couldn't be bothered
he's willing to learn, but isn't a huge fan of the general... strangeness
(he doesn't really understand why anyone would want to be perceived as strange in the first place)
and the music is so unmelodic to him
"that was just a man moaning and a gate creaking for seven minutes" and then he bans you from his office
Kalim literally listens to goth already
I don't know how to explain it but I know he does
it's so funny because he never ever dresses goth or acts stereotypically goth but every once in a while he'll be like "who wants to hear my new favorite song? :D" and it's like, alien sex fiend. and no one can say anything about it
Jamil is an appreciator
depending on what you show him, he could really get into the lyricism and general mood
...if only because he finds goth dancing absolutely mesmerizing
Rook is goth
he only dresses the part sometimes, but he's always been very passionate about the poetic elements of the music
...really into french coldwave
in terms of fashion he leans romantic goth
it just makes sense to me. he could find beauty in absolutely anything, and the dark and macabre are no exception
will talk your ear off about his favorite bands if you give him the chance
Vil is really more into the style than the music
he's dabbled in a little bit of everything; trad goth, romantic goth, medieval goth. he pulls all of it off
honestly, if anything, the gothic style compliments his features and tastes more than anything
he has such a respect for the subculture and the dedication that goes into the visual elements
Epel doesn't get it. sorry 😔
he will listen to the music you recommend because he cares about you, but he just doesn't like it
he's in the same boat as Azul. "was that a slide whistle?"
absolutely baffled, but he likes you and it's a small price to pay for your happiness
(and he thinks the fashion is too androgynous for his tastes)
I feel like Idia also used to think he wanted a goth until he saw the e-girl vs goth discourse, freaked out, then spent two weeks reading about different subcultures
...still wants a goth partner
but now he actually knows what that means
will listen to any music you give him out of respect (fear) and won't say anything about whatever weird taxidermy-related hobby you have
he's surrounded by death all the time anyway who cares
you could get Silver to listen to the cure's entire discography and he'd come out of it really enjoying just like heaven and nothing else
it's just... not for him
(plus the slower songs put him to sleep)
Malleus somehow hasn't even heard of goth as a genre when you approach him
he is. a little disappointed it's not music about the architecture style
but he still warms up to it, especially as someone who enjoys finding the beauty in the dark and misunderstood
you can fix him. you can goth him.
Sebek joins only after everyone in Diasomnia gets in on it with you (he doesn't like being left out)
he loves it because silver doesn't and malleus does
peepaw Lilia is an old goth
he was around when the music scene started, and he also remembers the literature movement it was named after, and the popular architecture style that was named after, and...
...you get it
still, he's always pleased to learn about new bands and subgenres and styles and the like
could and will talk about it for hours and hours with you
he dresses the part, too
we love him
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twstowo · 8 months
Ranking The Overblot shoes [Twst]
♡︎This is purelly based on aesthetics and if I would use them.
♡︎Sadly they didn’t give Jordans to octopus Azul (sad face)
♡︎Warning: Leona's feet AGAIN.
[Housewarden shoes Ranked]
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Jamil: I’m not gonna lie. I made this whole list just so that I could tell how much I love these shoes. They are everything, I have never seen prettier shoes in my entire life, I need to have them, I would use this every single day no questions asked. Jamil slayed so hard with these when I saw them for the first time I had to hold on for dear life before I died.
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2. Riddle: Riddle once again brings us the newest fashion trends, he never goes wrong. In Riddle, I trust to buy my shoes. ALSO, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SHOES, but only now have I noticed that he has cards around him in the clothes, I love those so much. Top tier.
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3. Vil: For once Vil made a good fashion choice when it came to shoes and I’m really proud of him. These look pretty, not as pretty as Jamil and Riddle’s in my opinion but they still deserve to be told that they look nice.
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4. Idia: They look boring, the red version looks even worse in my opinion. I kinda like blue mixed with black so it gets extra points but still ugly.
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5. Malleus: I literally don't know what to say...They look so boring.
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6. Leona: Not even god will forgive these. I know this man doesn’t have shoes on in here, but if you haven’t seen these yet I believe it is time you see them.
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gloomyronin · 5 months
-le sneaks in and out with the help of Kibby to steal some of your mtn dews-
-totally "not" @blind0raven
Skewers you
skewers you
skewers you
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