#and accidentally say devastating things to each other once again
lilalbatross · 1 year
i miss the early days of revolution when it was just miles and charlie stomping through the forest, accidentally ripping each other’s hearts out
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littlestarconch · 2 months
Sense of Longing
Pairing : Xavier , Zayne , Rafayel x Reader
→ Hurt/Comfort ; Headcanon form ; Separate ; Established Relationship
🪄 :: Cruel 😭 , Now I feel guilty for even thinking about leaving.
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Literally turning the world upside down trying to find you.
Sleeping away his desires.
Sometimes he would even hallucinate that you're in front of him.
There are days where he dreamt about you, but then he woke up— making him felt even more lonelier than before.
Fighting wanderers even more aggressively due to his mind is only filled with you, who did not respond to his texts, nor read them!
It left him devastated, though he may not show them physically.
But his actions are getting more and more reckless each day that passes without you.
There are also times where he got injured because of this recklessness.
And you know what he did? He left it as it is, just letting it heal by 'itself'.
Your return— feels unreal for him
It feels like it's a dream, he was sleeping like usual, but hearing your voice woke him up.
It took him a good minute to realize he's not dreaming.
He would talk to you like how he usually is in his dreams, that is until he felt your warmth on his skin.
He stared at you, his hand unconsciously reached out to your arms.
When he' sure enough that it's actually you— be prepared because he will pull you into his arms.
Heavens! He will refuse to let go even! You have to push him away if you want to breathe.
But I believe y'all won't push him away.
Ever since your return, your first week is filled with Xavier just clinging onto you everywhere you go.
Not quite literally, but you get me.
Sleeping, with you in his arms, is a must.
If not, he will not be able to go to sleep.
Also please comfort him, he had been sleep deprived ever since the day you left without saying anything </3
He longed to be comforted in your arms, feeling your fingers running through his hairlocks.
He longed for listening to your heartbeat, listening to your voice.
He missed them, too much that it hurts.
He didn't realize how much he missed you until you appeared again in front of him.
Doing his thing like usual, though, he will unconsciously look over his phone to see the long waited notification from a certain someone.
When he did not see anything, he, felt quite, weird at first.
Is it worry? Is it sadness? What is it??
At first he will simply shook the feeling away.
But he will no longer able to ignore them after a week have passed.
A week without any news from you left him confused and worried.
He will also not show this feeling, he is literally so stoic no one would be able to figure out he's actually missing you.
Even he, himself, didn't realize he missed you.
He buried himself in his work, staying up late. Even went as far as pulling an all nighter.
There are days where he accidentally fell asleep in his office due to the lack of sleep he gets.
He will still, unconsciously look over his phone to see if there's anything news coming from you despite him burying himself in work.
Other doctors and nurses is definitely worried about him, he had not left the hospital for a long time.
They literally had to send him home to make him go take a proper rest.
Since your disappearance, he would try do things that you usually do.
But everytime he did so, his mind wander off to the memory of being together with you.
Your smile, your voice, your touch.
He missed them.
A lot.
And he is well aware of how much he needed to see your smile, to hear your voice, to feel your touch once more.
Your return— made him want to immediately pull you into his arms and never let you go.
Upon seeing you in front of him, he wanted to just engulf you into his hold, and just stay like that till he let go and probably will be more than 30 minutes.
But he kept the feeling down by checking if you have any injuries while you were gone.
If you confirm there are no injuries, he will let out his desperation.
Of how much he missed you, slowly approaching you.
His hand on your waist, pulling you closer. His other hand brushed against the lines of your cheek.
Do the same to him, holding his face with both of your hands.
You will see how he just melt into your hold, kissing your palm as he pulled you even closer to him.
Soon he finally engulfed you into his arms, burying his face to the crook of your neck.
Whispering how much he missed you.
Make sure you spare some time for him now, because he will not let you go.
Good God.
He is very worried. Like literally. But on the first week, he would be quite grumpy of how you're not even reading his messages.
But after 2 weeks of no news from his favorite bodyguard turned his angry thoughts to worry.
He had stopped painting after a week have passed without any texts coming from your side.
His mind could not think of any inspiration, all he could think about is just,
Where are you? Are you hurt?
So many thoughts coming through his mind, but he tried to push them off by telling himself that you can handle yourself without any help from him.
But even so, that did not calm his mind at all.
There are days where he went to the beach at late night.
Watching the seas as his mind wanders off thinking about you.
The studio felt so cramped despite the large size, is it because of the messiness in it?
He refuses to clean up the mess, since he thought that no one will come to visit anyway.
You are literally just, disappeared without a trace, and not even saying a single word to him.
It left him devastated.
He is not aware how much he missed you, he thought that he can handle by being himself like how he used to be.
But you proofed him wrong.
Your return— made him realize how much he missed you.
He couldn't even get angry at you because of how much he longed to see you.
Hearing your voice alone washes the worry away and replaced them with relief.
If you ever ask about him being angry, he will immediately say he's not.
He couldn't.
Not when this feeling of longing overtakes him.
He wants to hold you, and will ask if he can hold you.
Once he gets a yes, he will pull you into his arms.
And let out a shaky breath, feeling you in his arms felt surreal for him.
Hearing your voice, feeling your warmth engulfed his figure.
He realized how much he needed this.
The world no longer colored in grey, the colors have returned, along with his inspiration.
Everything has gone back to it's place, because his muse have returned into his arms.
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🪄 :: This is messed up bro 😔
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hey Vod’ika, hope you’re having a happy new year! I was wondering if you could do a f!reader x Fordo piece(or with and alpha arc really). Reader is a special ops officer and works closely with them, and has the most devastating crush on him. The thing is reader is really depressed and has a very low opinion of herself for a lot of reasons so she doesn’t think she even has a shot. The trooper himself thinks otherwise, and all it takes for everyone’s feelings to come to light is reader accidentally finding the trooper’s sketchbook which is filled to the brim with hand drawn sketches pinups of her(I like to headcanon the clones sometimes had a natch for art because Jango had a natural hand for it) and she’s shocked and honored but has a lot of questions. Que the embarrassing confession between reader and trooper ;) sorry if this is all weirdly specific pls don’t feel pressed to get every detail if you don’t want don’t mind me I’m just feeling crazy today
The Sketchbook
Summary: You've had a crush on Fordo for ages, and you're convinced nothing will ever come of it. And then you find the sketchbook.
Pairing: ARC Captain Fordo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1373
Warnings: Reader is not in the best place mentally speaking
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted. And I'm sorry it took so long!
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You mumble under your breath as you walk through the halls of Topica City, your gaze locked on your datapad as you quickly parse through the information from one of the special ops teams. 
Once upon a time, at the beginning of the war, you would have been with them, going over the information in real time, but after a serious injury left you with a prosthetic leg, you were relegated to having to analyze information from Kamino, rather than on the front lines.
No one blames you. Which is fine, you blame yourself enough for an entire squad.
You turn a corner, and let out a startled noise as you crash into something very solid. Red and white armor, and jaig eyes on the helmet hanging from his hands…whoops.
“Captain Fordo, my apologies, I didn’t see you.” You internally swear at yourself, of course you didn’t see him, you weren’t looking. Gods, you’re so dumb sometimes-
“It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been lurking around corners,” Fordo interrupts your mental train of thought, his voice quiet. 
“Even so, I should have been paying more attention.” You say quickly, “I should know better than to try and read and walk at the same time-”
“Don’t worry about it, really.” Fordo interrupts you again, “It’s not like you would have been able to hurt me.” His harsh words are accompanied with a kind smile, and your heart lurches.
Now is not the time for your embarrassing crush to rear its ugly head, you think firmly to yourself. “Well, thank goodness for small mercies, right?” You say with a tiny smile, “But I’ll get out of your way, Captain.”
“Fordo,” He murmurs, “We see each other daily.” He clarifies, “You can just call me by my name.”
“I…of course.” You say, slightly awkwardly, “Fordo, then.”
He smiles again, seemingly pleased with something so simple, “I appreciate it. But I do have to go-”
“Right! Of course. I’ll get out of your way!” You step to the side, and Fordo steps past you continuing down the hall, and you sigh, as you continue your trek to your office. You’re not going to get anything else done today, that’s for sure.
After all, you never do when you get the chance to talk to Fordo. 
You push your way into your office and set your datapad on your desk, before you sink into your seat and press your face into your hands. 
Frankly, your crush on Fordo is humiliating. He’s literally perfect, and you’re…well you. 
You push your hands through your hair, and then sit up. Fordo will never look at you the way you look at him, because you’re not good enough, and that’s fine. It’s fine.
Totally fine.
…maybe if you repeat it to yourself often enough you’ll believe it.
You focus your attention back on your datapad, and on the information that you’ve been parsing. And you slowly reach for it. At least this work will get your mind off of Fordo.
Several hours later, with your eyes burning with exhaustion, you finally finish for the day, and slowly make your way from your office to your suite. You walk the path blindly, exhaustion making you pay even less attention than you normally would.
Which is why you don’t see the notebook until you step on it.
You stare at it, puzzled, and then you sigh and pick it up, opening it to the first page. Surely someone wrote their name inside the book.
The notebook falls open towards a middle page and you stare, dumbly, at the image etched on the page.
Page after page of you.
Images of you sitting at a table. Of you walking through the halls. Of you standing in the rain.
And every so often, there are images of you that could have only come out of the artist's imagination. Images of you clad in lingerie, images of you sprawled on the bed, you in every state of undress that you can imagine.
Your face burns with slight embarrassment as you slam the book shut, you shouldn’t have looked at those. They weren’t for your eyes. Carefully, you open to the very first page and scan for a name.
And then you nearly drop the book in surprise.
This is Fordo’s notebook?
Maybe…you should just put it back on the floor and let him find it himself. Maybe that would be better than letting him know that you saw his drawings of you. 
Nervously you rub the back of your neck as you try and decide what to do.
You jump when you hear heavy footsteps behind you, and you whirl around, an excuse already on your tongue for why you’re just standing in the hallway, though the words die on your tongue when you see Fordo standing there.
His gaze drops to the book in your hands, and he shifts, slightly uncomfortably, “That’s mine.” He says quietly.
You hold it out to him, “Um, I found it. I stepped on it, I’m so sorry-”
He lightly takes the book from you, “Did you, uh…look inside?”
Your face burns, “I…yes. I was looking for a name-” You pause and your face heats a little more, “You’re a very good artist.” You offer.
“Kriff, you weren’t supposed to see those.” Fordo mutters, “Why’d it have to be this one that I dropped?”
“I can explain.” He says quickly, “About…about the pictures of you. And the…less than fully clothed pictures of you-”
“You don’t have to,” You take a deep breath, “I know there aren’t a lot of women here, and I’m flattered-”
“It wouldn’t matter even if there were more women here, because I’d still draw you.” Fordo interrupts. “You’re the only woman I want to draw. Ever.”
Your thought process derails completely. “...oh.”
“Look, you’re…” He pauses to gather his thoughts, “Gorgeous. Funny. Clever. And so very competent, which is unfairly attractive, so you know.” Fordo looks at you, and then he continues, “You also lost a leg and it barely slowed you down at all-”
“Fordo, you-”
“Let me finish? Please?”
You stop talking immediately, “I go out of my way to talk to you when I can, but you’re so busy all of the time, that all I can do is just put myself in your way and hope that you run into me.” Fordo continues, “And I know I’m just a clone, and I know I have millions of identical brothers, but I just want-...” He trails off with a sigh, “You. I just want you.” He pauses, “You can talk now.”
Millions of half finished thoughts spin through your mind, “You and your brothers aren’t interchangeable, Fordo.” Is the first coherent thought that slips from you, “And I’m hardly…I’m barely holding myself together most days. I’m not…any of those things that you say I am.”
“I disagree. If you could see yourself the way that I see you…” He trails off with a sigh, “Stars, you’re perfect.”
“I’m really not-”
“I want you to be mine.” Fordo says quickly, “I want to…to kiss you and hug you and make you believe me when I say nice things about you. I want to wake up every morning and see your face first thing, and I want your face to be the last thing I see before I go to bed, but I know that I don’t have anything to offer you except my affection.”
You stare at him, your lips parted in surprise, “I…don’t need anything more than that.” You finally say and his gaze snaps to yours. 
Fordo scans your face for a moment, and you shift uncomfortably, “You mean it.” He finally says.
“Yeah. I mean,” You nervously twist your hair between your fingers, “I’ve had an embarrassing crush on you forever it feels like, so…yeah. I don’t want or need anything more than just your affection.”
Fordo takes a step towards you and reaches out to brush his hand against your cheek, “I can do that.”
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” You ask, your voice a whisper, “I’m not the best cook but-”
“Yes. Yes, I would.” Fordo says with a small grin, “Right now.”
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sophietv · 1 year
Hi, I'm relatively new to the whole Gaylor/Kaylor/LSK universe so I'm sorry if this is a silly ask! But I'm curious to hear your thoughts on theory of Kaylor "breaking up" in 2019/20 which potentially caused folklore/evermore (both albums contain some very heartbreaking songs and feel influenced by the reality of Taylor's life at the time) and then the rumour of William Bowery being Karlie? I don't buy the whole Joe being WB so then it leaves me wondering if Karlie is indeed WB where does the break up fit in, if at all?
Also just wanted to say thank you so much for all the analysis posts and threads you do both on here and Twitter! Appreciate it very much!
This is not a silly question at all!
In fact it is exactly THE Kaylor question of all.
And to answer this questions is really complex, because there's just soooo much.
I'm so sorry, because this is gonna be a VERY long answer...
About the "Breakup"
I personnally go back and forth as to know if they really broke up or not in 2019.
Either way, it was not for long. I think max a couple of weeks/months.
It's really difficult too, to point out exactly where this would have happened.
But if I have to guess, I would say that they might have broken up/taken a break, toward the month of August 2019 and most probably got back together toward Octobre/Novembre 2019.
What makes me think that?
Taylor when she explains the song Betty during the concert. When she points out where the event happened, she always say during the month of August.
The song August, from the teenage love triangle. The fact that she chose to name the song this. Betty is Karlie and James is Taylor. August is what happened that is "the worst thing that I ever did, is what I did to you".
In Septembre 2019, Taylor did the BBC1 performance and the Lover In Paris Concert. Both were really a shift in the Lover Era aesthetic and presentation. She wore all black, sung mostly accoustic versions, surprise songs and covers were break up songs and she looked devastated while doing this.
What makes me think they got back together then:
Back in Novembre, Taylor sarted flagging Karlie heavily again, and Karlie did the same. And honnestly, once you notice everything they did since then, it's really the only proof you need. (I will do, or try to do an extensive post on all the flagging that went on after the Lover Era, because there's just so much. (Hopefully I'll have time to do it tonight).
In the teenage love triangle, the most important part is that in the end, in Cardigan, James goes back to Betty and they end up together.
Betty is not the only song that Taylor did about that precise moment. Talking about "betraying" Karlie in some way. Long Story Short also talks about this. And ends up with Taylor going back to the person that she "betrayed".
In a Fearless (Taylor's Version) interview, Taylor talks about how her Vault Track songs haven't changed much since the moment she wrote them. Except for That's When, where she said that she changed it to be a duo. Because before she never experienced having doubt about a relationship and saying to the other person that she needed space and time and that the other person granted her this. She said that the other person saying that it's ok and being willing to give her time and space to figure herself out is what made her realise that she really wanted to be with that person. I think that this interview is SO important to all the LSK interpretation afterward. Here's the link to that interview:
5. Then you also have The Great War that is like the ultimate confirmation that whatever happened back in 2019 is behind them and that they are together now.
Here's a post I did about this: (X)
But yeah, I think the most important part of all this, is the flagging that they did and keep doing. It's just insane how much they both flags each other and at this point there's just too much Koincidences to pretend tha it's accidental.
About Folklore and Evermore:
You are totally right when you say that both those albums are incredibly sad with a lot of hearbreaking songs.
And it's true that at first, it's really hard to listen to them and not think that they broke up for sure.
But when you sit with them for a bit and listen to what Taylor had to say about the songs in those albums. Especially during the Long Pond Studio Session, you realise that yes those albums are incredibly sad and talk about betrayal, grief, depression etc. But the story that Folklore and Evermore tell is not a story about a breakup. And to understand that, it's important to take into consideration that during that time, Taylor was going though soooo much. More than anyone should go through in their entire life. And it was more than enough, without a breakup on top, for her to be heartbroken like she seemed to be during those eras:
Wanting to come out and not being able to.
Being accused of queerbaiting by the medias because you wanted to come out and was not able to. (It really looked at some point like going back to 2016...)
Being betrayed by someone that you thought was a parental figure.
Losing 13 years of hard work, and not being able anymore to do what you want with things that YOU made.
Having your tour cancelled.
Covid and not knowing if you'll ever be able to do what you love again.
Her mother's heath.
So yeah... this was sooo much and she showed so much resillience and strenght. But I think it was more than enough to warrant looking heartbroken like she did and writting heartbreak albums. Without on top of it all, breaking up with the love of her life (wich might have happened too during a small period of time...).
I will try really hard to not do a whole album analysis here, but just point out some things, because if I do, my post is never gonna end... (edit: I failed...kind of)
Betty, August and Cardigan:
Like I said before, this trio tells a story of making a mistake and breaking someone's heart while doing so. But ultimately coming back to the person.
Taylor said that this was meant to represent a fight between two lovers that were not able to just listen to the other person. They are both trying to explain themselves but both are talking over each other and in the end are not able to find common ground.
(something like that, it's been a while since I've watched the LPSS)
And this narrative fits really well with The Great War, Long Story Short and even Betty, misscommunication that led her to believe that she was somewhat betrayed and to react accordingly.
But all those songs have also in common that the two persons end up together in the end.
Illicit Affairs:
The general concensus on this song is that it is about cheating.
But the meaning of the word Illicit Affair is actually: Not allowed by law OR CUSTOMS in a country.
So I think this song is her expressing how keeping her relationship a secret is hard and taxing on her.
But she still ends up the song saying that she would still do it a million times over for this person.
I think this one is the most important to listen closely to Taylor's and Aaron's explanations:
"There’s sadness, but it’s a kind of hopeful sadness. It’s a recognition that you take on the burden of your partners, your loved ones, and their ups and downs. That’s both “peace” and “hoax” to me That’s part of how I feel about those songs because I think that’s life. There’s a reality, the gravity or an understanding of the human condition.
"Love that isn't just easy"
"What if I'm writing about very fractured situations? Love, a business thing that really hurt and a relationship I considered like family" " I think the part that sounds like love to me is : "Don't want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do" To me that sounds like what love really IS. WHO would you be sad WITH? And WHO would you deal WITH when they were sad? Grey skies everyday for months. Would you still stay?
So Taylor is saying that Hoax is not about a breakup but about facing hard times in a relationship and being there for the other, when the person is not in a good place mentally. This ties back to This Is Me Trying too.
Taylor explained it well in the LPSS but also in her Rolling Stone interview with Paul McCartney.
How it's about being in relationship and being scared that what you have to offer is not enough because you can't give your partner a normal life like you would like.
But she also say that she's able to achieve feeling like her life is a real life by keeping her relationship private.
She also said in that interview that while writting Folklore: "I was making Folklore, I went lyrically in a total direction of escapism and romanticism. And I wrote songs imagining I was, like, a pioneer woman in a forbidden love affair [laughs]. I was completely …"
Wich is the exact definition of their relationship since 2016.
See my Love Blackout post: (X)
I highly recommend to go read that interview, especially that part about Peace, because it's really telling. As well as the conversation they have about having children... (X)
Invisible String:
This is purely a love song.
And talks about how Taylor and Karlie had so many things tying them together even when they didn't even knew each other.
It ties back to "Your past and mine are parallel lines" from All Of The Girls.
And there's A LOT of parallel lines.
Here's a post if you are interested: (X)
The Lakes:
This one is probably the most telling song of the Album.
It talks about running away with your lover.
And in the song she says: "a red rose grew up, out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it".
Red Rose signify love.
So she is singing about her struggle with how her celebrity makes everything complicated and all that she wants to do is run away... but not without her muse.
And it's really loudly about Karlie. Here's a post (X)
My Tears Ricochet:
This one to me screams about a betrayal by a parental figure.
And I feel like it's really loudly about Scott.
"'Cause when I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave"
"And when you can't sleep at night, you hear my stolen lullabies"
"Wishing I'd stay"
"And your tossing out blame, drunk on this pain, crossing out the good years"
So yeah, it really feels like her talking to Scott about him selling her masters to Scooter.
Although her explanation of the song is that it's like going through a divorce and knowing exactly what to say to the other person to hurt them badly.
But it still really feels to me, like she is talking about Scot.
About being betrayed by your boss that you thought was family.
Ok that was a looong analysis. Again sorry, my post is gonna be a whole novel...
Champagne Problems and Coney Island:
She is still talking about feeling like she let down Karlie by being unable to put her first. Wich can lead back to whatever happened toward August in 2019.
Long Story Short:
It's the equivalent of The Great War of Midnights or the teenage love triangle of Folklore.
Going through a though time and thinking that you have somewhat been betrayed.
Being blinded by your emotions.
And realising that you got it wrong all along.
And ending up with your lover in the end.
Willow, Ivy and Dorothea are all love songs.
Is reminescing on what happened in 2019 and how over time she healed from it.
And the important part is that by the end you learn that her lover was by her and helped her through it.
Closure, Hapiness and Gold Rush:
Those ones are breakup songs, and could refer to the breakup in 2019. (although the 7 years in heaven in Hapiness doesn't quite fit).
But the interesting part about Evermore is that I think it was meant to give you the impression that they were not together anymore.
It was released when Karlie was pregnant with Levi.
Furthermore, It's Time To Go and Right Where You Left Me where released in January 2021 not long before Karlie gave birth.
And those song sserved as a big distraction because it got most Swifties to really think that Karlie betrayed Taylor and that they were not friends anymore.
And most gaylors to think that Karlie really broke Taylor's heart. Wich is kind of interesting when you look at all the other breakup songs beside Right Where You Left Me, Taylor seems to always feel responsible for the breakup and hurting Karlie. Except this one. But it's also the most clear breakup song of all of them.
So yeah, I do suspect that the album and mostly the deluxe version was meant to serve as a distraction to protect them and their child, and give Taylor the opportunity to really try to give Karlie a "normal" relationship out of the public eyes like she described in Peace.
Karlie as William Bowery:
Yes I do think that Karlie is William Bowery and I did a thread on Twitter about this (X)
So yeah.... here's my very very long post about why I think Karlie and Taylor are still together and what I think of Folkmore.
Sorry for the novel 😅
Thanks for sending me your questions! I hope I was able to help you understand a little bit better.
If you haven't had enough yet of me talking about my interpretations... Here's some more posts I did about them flagging after 2019 (X) (X) (X) (X)(X)
And those two are more about the babies: (X) (X)
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lovekenney · 5 months
Since femslash February is almost upon us, care to share some of your Kandy thoughts or headcanons? I'd love to hear them! 😊💕
In a perfect world where they are dating
(S1) Karen helped with the few streaks of color in Mandy’s hair because when she was younger she a phase where she really wanted pink hair so Sheila allowed her to get a few streaks.
Karen gave Mandy a bunch of her old clothes that she no longer wears because she knows Mandy would have a harder time finding clothes she likes (like the skirt we see Mandy in when they first introduce us to Mandy? Yeah that used to be Karens, her style just changed.)
Mandy showed Karen a bunch of old horror movies and Karen fell in love with them.
When Mandy told Karen that Veronica called her “Mandy skankovich” Karen thought it was the funniest thing and proceeded to call her it for weeks. (Mandy was at first annoyed but then grew to not care)
And on the topic of names, Karen also called Mandy “Amanda” because nobody else does and it makes her feel important to be the only one.
When Karen dyed her hair black Mandy thought it fitted her so well but Ian said they looked like siblings and Mandy was devastated and appalled
When Karen chopped her hair off with scissors Mandy tried to help even it out in the back but Karen wouldn’t let her touch it
Mandy accidentally told ian that her and Karen where dating when they got high once. “Yeah, Karen came over and we drank some” she caught herself to late and Ian looked at her confused. After a few seconds of them staring at each other Mandy came clean because she knew she could trust Ian.
Mandy taught Karen how to use a gun. (That’s it, no more context.)
Mandy pierced Karens nose with some ice and needle. They kissed after.
When Karen was younger she made a bunch of beaded bracelets and when she found them again she gave them to Mandy for shits and giggles assuming Mandy would lose them in a week like she did but Mandy put them in her makeup bag and never took them out.
When Karen went “emo” because of her father Mandy handed her some old black tank tops and shirts.
Karen knows how to play the guitar and Mandy is her biggest supporter (I’m only saying this one because Laura Wiggins plays guitar)
When Karen and Mandy went to school together in middle school they never really talked a lot and just had a mutual hate for each other because of their backgrounds. But they became friends from a mutual friend who forced them to actually meet (Ian, let’s pretend ian and karen are friends)
Karen was at first not a huge fan of the milkovich household for multiple reasons, but eventually she warmed up to it but still spent most of her time their in Mandy’s room.
Karen loves to do Mandy’s makeup even though Mandy isn’t a huge fan of how Karen does it but she still lets her.
Mandy helped destroy all of Eddie’s things because she knows how horrible it feels when your family puts you down like that.
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sobersonder · 1 month
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Animal Crossing AU
I was thinking to call this AU "Less of a Nook, Double the Crooks" where the main thing is Tom Nook and Redd's beef never happened and Tom eventually became just like Redd. The two owns a shop in the black market together. Nothing matters to them except for bells and their loyalty to eachother. And yes, the tanuki and the fox still fight like an old married couple.
Due to this, Tom never adopted Timmy and Tommy. The twins were adopted by the Able Sisters instead. (Will be explaining further down below.)
Lyle was still once an insurance scammer who worked with the kitsune and tanuki duo but now owns the Happy Home Academy by himself. Without Tom, there is now a deadline/due day of rent, everyday of each playthrough [the player] needs to pay 15k bells.
Additional Fun Facts:
⚜️ Sable didn't liked the idea of adopting the two tanukis since they remind her of Tom so much and she knows they'll struggle to feed more mouths in one roof, but Mable kept insisting.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy would still have the shop called "Nukkling Junction". The spelling is changed because of not being adopted by Tom.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy, fell asleep on a fruit truck when they were desperate to find food in the city that went into Tom's home town.
⚜️ Redd tried to scam Brewster, failed because of Blathers... And then Tom successfully scammed Blathers (The quote "If a kitsune has 7 tricks, a tanuki has 8" is very much prevalent.)
⚜️ Tom does sell furniture.
➥ The trick here is that occasionally you would receive fake furniture that would be just a pile of leaves. You'd only know if the item is fake by placing it in your house, leave the room where you put it, then go back to see the said pile of leaves.
➥ I still have a few ideas but those are still uncertain.
⚜️ I do headcanon that Joan is Tom's parental figure (I'm a Wild World user lmao). And when Joan saw what Tom had become she was devastated and disappointed! She very much blames Redd on this one
⚜️ Pugsly is the one who will replace Tom Nook in the Resident Services. He will be there along side his sister because I want to give him the love that he deserves.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy are older than their classic counter parts, they're around their teen years so to say. Even though their ages were not specified, their appearance would have some differences like they would be more taller, a little more chubbier since modern depiction of the tanuki yokai are usually fat (but hey, this is my hc for them!), etc.
⚜️ Tom does not know for the life of him to remember which is which with Timmy and Tommy. He kept confusing one over the other.
⚜️ Though, the twins still crave to have a parent figure that's the same species as them, they're still overall grateful for the Able Sisters taking them in
⚜️ Redd and Tom have the biggest beef with Lyle and to me it would just be so funny. Iykyk
{Note: I don't really know if this AU has already been done with all of these concepts. This is just made for fun but if the name has been taken already, then I'm willing to change it :]]. If there's an AU similar to this, please send it to me because I wanna see it because I'm starving for more AC content. Again, this is just for fun I'd kill myself from cringe if I accidentally mischaracterized them 😭}
{I'll add more info if I remember or thought of!}
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ffauthor · 1 year
Oooooh you write for Michael Afton? Omg, that's so awesome! Here's my request:
Michael with a female reader who he used to be academic rivals with back in highschool. The two haven't seen each other in years and Michael was wondering where she is now and what she's doing.
He wanders into a small bakery where he looks around for a snack. He looks into the kitchen and sees the reader, now all grown up into a beautiful woman, making cookies and is awestruck by her beauty. He asks if he can talk to her and she complies. The two then sit together and catch up.
Oh my God, I love this idea!! Thank you!
Sorry if I'm late, I just now saw it! :,)
Here u go! (Sorry if this wasn’t due to your expectations)
Oh god i just realised i changed 'making cookies' into waitressing, so sorry about that!
Michael was having a bad day, like, bad bad. First, he got scolded by his dad for staying inside the whole day, and then he got a message saying his girlfriend wanted to break up, over text. right there, right at that shitty fucking moment.
He asked to talk to her, talk it through in person but it didn’t deliver, she had already blocked him and was unreachable. It wasn’t like he was devastated that they broke up, nor was he relieved, he was rather.. annoyed. 
People making him in a bad mood when he already wasn’t feeling himself makes him even more annoyed, let alone his rumbling stomach. With all the drama and exhaustion he had gone through the whole day he forgot to eat, and he knew he needed to eat did he want to restrain energy.
He knew there was a bakery in town, a tiny one but a beautiful scheme-themed interior. He always found himself there when he was stressed or had a bad day like he was having right now. It always brought back memories from when he was in academic school. He always finds himself smirking when he thinks back about the way he ‘accidentally’ threw hot coffee on his rival y/n’s clothes. 
He swore it was an accident, but neither he himself nor y/n believed it. She gripped some of the paper towels that were stacked next to the register as people all around them gasped. She told him, ‘’Oh- you really wanna do this huh? well then, I guess you really didn’t expect me to -’’  It made her throw her muffin back on him, dumping her iced coffee on top of his head.
Thinking back at it made him chuckle out loud by accident, realizing that he was standing right in the middle of the cafe. It was busy, the waiters and waitresses were taking orders here and there and were trying their best to bring their orders on time, even those complaining it ‘took them long enough’. 
He slowly and unbothered walked towards the register, looking straight into the shelves and what was on top of them. All different kinds of bread and small decorated cakes. The smell of freshly baked toast and the strong smell of coffee was increasing a delightful tension in the place, the chatter of people making it seem really full. 
His stomach rambled once again, motioning for him to eat something, and quick. He just couldn’t quite figure out what.
The bakery had a lot of things, and he wanted a lot of things. It all looked so extremely good and tasteful, he really didn’t know where to look. The confusion and stress he was slowly creating made him look towards the kitchen, his eyes darting into one specific position. 
The position of a gorgeous female waiting to grab food for one of the tables. She had her arms crossed over each other and had a red apron tightened around her figure. She was smiling and had her hair back into a ponytail. 
It reminded him of her, the person he hadn’t talked to for years and surprisingly even started to.. miss?
Y/n, aka his past ‘rival’, a rival he secretly started to adore. Adore even more than he should’ve. He just couldn’t help it. you were beautiful. you were even more beautiful than he remembered, seeing you years later in his favorite bakery. 
‘‘Hello? Sir?’‘ one of the waitresses who was waving her hand in front of Michael’s face particularly half screamed, impatiently waiting for his bare attention, which she didn’t get. Michael's eyes snapped back at the waitress when he saw y/n move forward, out of his sight. ‘‘Finally.’ the female in front of him muttered under her breath, making him tilt his eyebrow slowly.
‘‘I’m sorry about that.’‘ He had his hands in his pockets, looking at the woman in front of him as she asked for his order. ‘‘It’s alright mate.’‘ the woman smiled, their impatientness seeming to loosen up a little. ‘‘What would you like?’‘ the woman asked again, making him blurt ‘‘Her.’‘ out.
The woman's eyes widened as he realized what he had just said out loud. He couldn’t take it back now, he has fully exposed himself in front of one of her co-workers. 
He felt his cheeks heat up as he tried to find the words to say to make things right.  ‘’I-I meant, I was wondering if I could talk to her.’’ The woman shook her head and met Michael’s gaze, now seeing y/n walk out the door with three plates in her hand, one supported on her wrist, one in her right hand, and one on her left. 
she went past them, unbothered and with a smile on her face as she arrived at a table, placing their plates down. The woman who was now smiling like crazy waited until she was in hearing sight, and when she was, she took her change.
She got closer to y/n’s ear and whispered something he couldn’t quite catch, but when her gaze went up and met his she froze. her eyes widened and her mouth met agape.
‘‘Hey... I-.. was wondering if we could maybe talk?’‘ 
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pauls1967moustache · 9 months
Hellooo!!! Could we have your dvd commentary on this snippet from my beloved ‘tomorrow I’ll miss you’ please?! (even though you already did such a good job at showing their feelings)
"You know, he didn't want me to come today," Paul tells him. He says it as a joke—to demonstrate the state of George's protective paranoia—but John doesn't laugh. A perplexed, little frown creases between his brows, instead.
"What do you mean?"
Paul feels embarrassed for a moment, his cheeks warming starkly against the cool autumn air around them. He's realises it might have sounded like a bigger deal than it really is, what with John going all serious on him.
"George thinks it's this whole thing like—" he stutters out, trying not to go too obviously red. He takes a breath, focusing on the burning end of his cigarette instead of John. "Well, he has this daft idea in his head like it's going to be Hamburg all over again or summat, you know. Like we're going to become best mates in an afternoon, and then you'll disappear, and he'll have to deal with me."
It's not exactly what George said, but Paul can tell it was what he meant.
Do you want me to come with you? George asked him, in that same conversation about the book event.
I dunno if I'm going, yet. I'll probably have to work, anyway, but if you want to see him you should go, Paul had told him.
And then George said: I'll go if you wanna go—his voice all gentle, like he was trying to reassure Paul of something.
George always fucking did that—talked about John like he was only ever Paul's friend. It frustrates Paul. Makes him feel embarrassed for bringing John up in conversation, when it isn't that he's desperate to talk about John, or whatever George seems to think. John's a thing they share. Paul brings him up because he figures George might like to talk about him, too, from time to time. But then George always turns sarcastic, or wary, and it ruins the mood of whatever story Paul wanted to reminisce about in the first place.
And really, Paul doesn't always want to deal with it; so he didn't say anything else about the book event, and he didn't say anything this morning, when he decided he was going to go.
"Why would he have to deal with you?" John asks, his voice even enough that Paul figures he—thankfully—hasn't noticed Paul's unplanned embarrassment about his flub.
"I don't know," Paul shrugs, taking another drag of his smoke. "He's not my bloody keeper."
He notices John watching him carefully, out of the corner of his eye. He holds out the cigarette in offering, not sure what it is John expects.
For the DVD commentary game
Ooh, I actually have lots to say about this one! For starters, when I was outlining this fic I was very precise about the reveal of information. I knew this scene was going to be the reveal of their relationships: first Paul's wife, then John's lover, then what happened in Hamburg with each other.
But I didn't originally have an introduction to that yet, they just went straight into talking about Paul's wife. I wanted it to be a bit more fo a shock than that though, and I didn't feel like the fic had addressed George enough up to that point (something I felt like John would've asked about, but didn't fit in anywhere else). So I wrote that they start by talking about George, and once Paul accidentally hints that maybe what happened in Hamburg had more of a significant effect on him than John believes, John gets curious/desperate enough to bring up the wife Paul hasn't mentioned at all.
The other thing is that later on in the fic, we learn just how devastated Paul actually was by what happened after Hamburg when we get that flashback to Paul crying when he realises that John's genuinely never coming back, and George finds him. This is like one of the first scenes I had for the fic, and again - I planned this very precisely - so I couldn't really get into just how upset he was yet, because it's going to come up later. I could only hint at it.
The good thing about this fic is that Paul is the denial king, so his POV is tailor-made for that kind of unreliable narrator nonsense. Paul never really acknowledges his feelings, but I could give an idea that they were there by using George's protectiveness. Paul says George had to deal with him, but we don't yet know what that really means.
And then, bringing George into it created this whole backstory of George as the one who had to put Paul back together after the heartbreak John caused him. Like, my brain went into detail about this. There's a whole mini-fic of George's post-Hamburg POV in my head. So George knows what seeing John again will mean to Paul, and he is rightfully concerned about how that will turn out given that from his POV John ditched them both and then Paul was so devastated he almost quit music entirely.
George kind of doesn't like John anymore because of this, which is why he doesn't join in on Paul's John stories the way Paul likes. But Paul doesn't like to feel judged, so naturally, he doesn't want to actually be honest about his desire to see John - even if George sees right through it. George is trying to leave space for Paul to be vulnerable about all the John-related feelings this is surely bringing up to the surface and Paul is going, no thanks! because he knows George won't approve, (and he just doesn't like talking about his feelings).
John is obviously not aware of any of this and is just trying to figure out what the fuck he'll have to deal with me is supposed to mean.
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kats-fic-recs · 1 year
Best Bnha fics I read in 2022
per my last email
In America, Izuku is assigned a pen pal from Japan. Bakugou-san threatens him daily and curses all too often, but he answers Izuku’s questions and shows interest in his dreams. Oceans away in Musutafu, Katsuki enrolls in the mandatory English language course. His pen pal is a pain in his ass and asks way too many fucking questions.
They're supposed to be learning a new language. Instead, they discover why crushing on someone across the globe is not the best idea.
“I see,” Ashido claps her hands together, “aww, you ran into a danger zone with no hesitation to save your childhood friend from the clutches of a villain! That’s so sweet!”
If only it was that simple . “I guess,” Izuku shrugs, “it’s complicated.”
“Tell me,” Ashido says, “sometimes talking to a neutral party about your problems is helpful! I can give you advice for whatever your situation is with this Kacchan .”
or, izuku meets mina ashido when they're in middle school. and with a little push from a new friend, he gets kacchan back, too.
my heart's already been sold
“'At aw you ding?”
“That’s not Japanese,” Kacchan says, pushing his hands in further. “You sound like a fish.”
Bakugou keeps squishing Izuku's cheeks and walking away with zero explanation. Izuku is so, so gone for him.
The Distance Between Suns
What happens when a war tears you apart and then brings you back together?
Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku spent years wondering if they would ever see each other again. Izuku, a prisoner in the walls of Court learning to navigate the trials of political warfare, and Katsuki, a forgotten child soldier whose enemies are not what they seem.
Years on opposite sides of the world changed them into what they needed to be to survive, but if there was one thing they never let themselves forget, it was the other. When the collapse of the ruling monarchy brings them colliding back together, will they be able to survive in the rapidly changing world around them and do what they need to save it?
Will they be able to survive each other?
"Do you remember what he we do every morning?” Hizashi placed his hand on top of his husband’s.
“I’m Aizawa Shouta. I’m a pro hero and teacher. I’m married and have two children. Hitoshi is in my class, training to become a hero, and we rescued Eri from Overhaul. She is still learning to control her quirk. I am working on a case about the League of Villains.”
Today wasn’t a good day, then.
“That’s really good, Shouta. But that was almost 30 years ago.”
Or, taking care of a husband with a slowly worsening memory loss, you’d have good days and bad days. For Hizashi, anniversaries were one of the hardest.
(may the bridges i have burned) light my way back home
Since Bakugou Katsuki discovered the secret of One for All, he and Midoriya Izuku have been slowly repairing the friendship they once had. They still haven’t talked about it—but Izuku’s certain that it’s only a matter of time before they manage to lay the past to rest.
But when the League of Villains attack the Sports Festival and Bakugou takes a devastating blow meant for Izuku, the whole nation is suddenly paying attention to a relationship the two people involved barely understand. Izuku needs more than ever to figure out who he and Kacchan are to each other—preferably before the internet does.
“Fuck you,” Bakugou said. “I don’t need a whole face to kick your ass.”
the chaser and the chase
“This is a love story, Midoriya,”
“No, it's not. It’s crime/mystery,”
Or the one wherein Izuku writes the best selling book of the year and confesses to Katsuki at the same time.
you left a sour aftertaste
Izuku and Katsuki aren't together anymore. To take up his time, Izuku joins his school's band club, becomes the lead singer, makes some impulsive decisions, and accidentally gets a little famous. All because he's downright heartbroken, and Katsuki isn't (or at least, he doesn't look it).
Maybe some people were just meant to find their way back to each other. It might take a few stumbles, though.
don't be a stranger
“Not even a thank you for your friendly neighborhood Spiderman?” Izuku called out teasingly. “Where are you going?”
“Why the fuck do you wanna know, creep?”
“You sure you can make it back home safe?”
Katsuki glanced back angrily and flipped him the bird. “Eat shit, bugboy.”
Bugboy. That was new.
In which Izuku is Spiderman, Katsuki is nosy, and juggling high school and vigilante work has never been so difficult when your best friend is convinced that something’s up.
Or, five times Katsuki almost finds out that Izuku is Spiderman. One time he actually does.
Editor Denki & the No Good Mary Sue
Bakugou has a VERY original character that he's been writing about for a while. Just a hot-tempered prohero who's absolutely unstoppable, extremely cool, and a badass quirk that bears a striking resemblance to his own.
Unfortunately, according to poor Kaminari Denki, the guy's romance seems pretty half-baked. Which is crazy, because Bakugou didn't write a romance! He just included his stupid childhood friend in a few- okay, a lot- of the scenes, and Denki somehow got the wrong idea. Of course, Bakugou refuses to take an insult lying down, and sets about figuring out how to make Deku a compelling character for a beautiful romance- and accidentally learns some things about himself in the process.
with excerpts from Bakugou Katsuki's self-insert fan novel in all their glory.
Bare Your Soul In Ink
Writing isn't something you need a quirk for either. For all of human history, people have been telling stories. Weaving words together to form new things is built into our DNA on a level so much deeper than quirks are.
Writing could even help me escape from my life. I could hide behind a pen name, and then no one would have to know that the book in their hands was written by someone quirkless.
Yet here I am, writing about… the fact that I am quirkless.
When Izuku suddenly finds himself famous for writing a book about his life as a quirkless person, it leads to a reunion he never would have expected.
Me Myself and My Wingman
Katsuki’s wings were as magnificent as his quirk, and when they worked in tandem, it was nothing short of breath-taking. Katsuki cut through the air like a lash of fire, his blasts propelling him as his wings fanned out with the same ferocity of an avenging angel.
Izuku is in love with him, and doesn’t plan on doing anything about it.
(Unfortunately, his wings are quite determined to woo Katsuki by themselves.)
A Love Song from the Deep
His pod has always feared the Dragons, the alien clan that dwelled among volcanic vents of the deep, and with good reason. No one has seen one in generations, but Izuku heard stories of blind, listless things that drifted along the sea floor like ghosts.
Wherein Izuku is a curious merman, and his new friend is very fascinating.
How to Train Your Useless Dragon
Bakugou Katsuki needs to kill a dragon to take its teeth and become a warrior of his tribe.
But, what? Why the fuck doesn't this dragon have teeth?
Written from the promp "What if Izuku was the dragon?"
Shamelessly How to Train Your Dragon inspired.
if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind
There's very few people that a daemon will seek touch from outside of their holder or other daemons. Best friends, even if Izuku wanted to believe that he'd ever sincerely been that for Kacchan, are rarely one of the exceptions.
By when Izuku's life has come crashing down —by when he's left with the option of staying still until he turns to dust or walk walk walk on the shards until he bleeds—, he already knows his relationship with Kacchan has always been an anomaly.
It's only later that he discovers that what's really extraordinary is Adara.
Bright Stars
There had been rumors of a Human who wasn’t performing well in fighting rings, constantly ignoring their lesser opponents and trying to go after the very loud, very violent crowd instead.
Not only did Hizashi allow himself to be caught by the alien trafficking ring he and Shouta were trying to bring down, he's also stuck in a cell with a Deathworlder.
It goes better than expected.
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cheemken · 11 months
Already crying over Geeta and Arven, you already know I love the whole idea of the villain taking in the hero’s child. God he will just be devastated and untrusting of the AI professors. Probably demanding the truth from Geeta once they get back
Another thing I wanted to ask, you said you know a little bit about ATLA from the few scenes you’ve watched, so you should know about the four elements
Which elements do you think the Champions would bend if they were benders? Or do you think some would be born as non-benders?
Pfft dope right uvo
No fr, Arven would probs go home to Geeta crying his heart out, almost yelling at her but at the same time he just wants to run to her and let her comfort him and tell him it's going to be okay. That she's the one telling the truth. Right? Yeah, of course, Geeta has been nothing but kind to him, and Geeta took care of him, and she's like a mom to him now yknow. Geeta taught him everything he knows, even supported him in his passion for cooking, and even got him to meet his friends. And he looks up to her, tears still in his eyes, his words were caught in his throat, but Geeta knew exactly what to say.
She pulls him close, gives him the comfort that he needs, and quietly says "your parents had always been so paranoid.. they didn't trust me nor any of our friends.. perhaps before they died, they created those versions of themselves, so if anyone were to find them, they could tell them what happened." Then she pulls away, looks at him straight in the eyes, "but what they told you were lies. Their pride wouldn't let them admit they're the ones in the wrong." And ofc Arven believed her, and ofc it broke him even more that even beyond the grave his parents never really cared for him. And he let Geeta hug him, and it reminded him of his first night staying w her
As for the other ask, ah, air earth fire and water?? Did I get that right? Hahah
I've heard there's like,, lightning and metal and such, but idk much abt it so I'm just sticking w the first four hahah
Lance - Fire. Like, idk, I was going for air bc yeah he's like a Flying type trainer more than a dragon, but he has that vibes that he would bend fire hahah
Steven - Earth. Idk it'd fit him maybe hahah like his interest in stones and such and bending the earth around him would make it easier for him to navigate in caves and such
Wallace - Water. I yeah this one's a given hahahah
Cynthia - Earth. Tho Air also works hahah. Earth for the same reason as Steven, since that would be handy for her exploring caves and ruins too, plus her ace Mon is half ground type. But air also kinda works mainly bc she gives off the vibes hahaha
Iris - Air. The,, vibes. Hahaha. Idk, like, the main charac, Aang, she has that vibes, so ofc me being me just goes "oh, yeah, he's like Iris" plus it'd be dope if she's the only air bender amongst them and no one could really teach her much abt her own nation's bending art or smth so whenever she air bends the way she moves are similar to the other nations bending style and such (pfft imagine if she's the avatar in this too hahah)
Diantha - Fire. Solely for the fact that in my hcs she's terrified of fire since ofc her skin got burnt, and in this she can control fire (tho I also wanna add she doesn't ever use?? It?? Like she doesn't ever fire bend much bc the last time she did she panicked and accidentally burnt someone else, since then she stopped and people believed she's a non bender)
Hau - Water. Again, the vibes, it'd be cool to see him water bend tho, like him and Iris just training w each other and teaching each other what they know while the others are busy, and if we do go w avatar Iris concept imagine if that's how Iris learned how to water bend, all thanks to Hau. Idk it'd be cute if these two bonded and such and water being the first other element Iris learns bc of him hahah
Leon - ouughhh Earth or Fire. But I'm leaning more towards Fire bc of Zard hahah. But I also wanna say he doesn't ever use it much like Dia too, bc he knows people are kinda afraid of fire benders
Geeta - Earth. Again it's the vibes cbdndn tho I also wanna say the doesn't ever use it much, no angsty reason, for her it's just tiring and it takes a lot outta her, she'd only ever earth bend if the situation calls for it, any other day she'd probs just fight enemies head on hahaha
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good omens s2 episode reactions: 6
i just finished good omens season 2.
you know how people say "screaming crying throwing up" jokingly? i'm literally at least one of those (screamed into a pillow) and kinda close to another (partly unrelated life reasons making me feel like crying but it counts)
it's not supposed to end like that!!!! crowley and aziraphale going their separate ways!! they kissed but not at all in the way most people imagined it would be!!!!
okay i will attempt to give a summary of my thoughts for the whole episode the way i have for the rest of the season. (see other posts: e1, e2, e3, e4, e5.)
shax is surprisingly good at hitting people with their deepest insecurities. it's a little inconsistent with other parts of her character, like not understanding sarcasm, but it works well for her being the main antagonist of this season. good on maggie for standing up to her!! bad on maggie for accidentally letting her into the bookshop.
it's a nice touch that aziraphale has battery-powered candles and lots of fire extinguishers to make sure the bookshop fire never happens again. also quite a reasonable justification for having multiple fire extinguishers for nina and maggie to use as weapons. lesbians fighting demons!
interesting revelations as crowley in heaven reads/experiences gabriel's file. i was confused at the time about why gabriel would say no to armageddon 2, but it makes sense after the beezlebub montage.
the gabriel/beezlebub shippers were right!?!!?! massive win for them. they really speedran aziraphale and crowley's whole arc, with making an agreement out of convenience, spending more time together enjoying human things, falling in love, realizing their own sides weren't as good as they seemed, ultimately running away together. the use of the song "every day" was sweet. it seemed kind of out-of-character for s1 gabriel and beezlebub but i suppose people change.
the "war" aziraphale started was over fairly quickly. bit anticlimactic.
the metatron was a plot twist. he seems very similar to aziraphale in a lot of ways. if aziraphale had had him as a mentor-figure from the beginning, things would have turned out very differently.
nina and maggie are so real for calling out crowley and aziraphale on meddling in their love life. they recognize how similar the two pairs are! probably a good choice that nina and maggie aren't going to immediately date since nina just got broken up with, but it's made clear that they care for each other and will probably date once nina is ready.
oh gosh we have to talk about the conversation between crowley and aziraphale. crowley has finally gotten up the courage to confess his feelings after six millennia!! only aziraphale is intending a completely different conversation about the metatron's offer. oh aziraphale can't you see why being an angel again and being your second in command isn't crowley's dream scenario??! it would mean crowley giving up his whole identity. when aziraphale was talking about how heaven is good and right, i could practically hear crowley thinking "you still believe that?!" it feels like aziraphale is taking a step backward. from his perspective though, it must sound like the perfect offer, and you can see how excited he is to tell crowley, and how devastated when crowley doesn't like it. and they revert back to their millennia-old dynamic of crowley wheedling aziraphale to go off and choose their own side, and aziraphale retreating to the safety of his moral high ground. bravo to david tennant and micheal sheen for their acting, but also they broke my heart.
the kiss. i'm screaming and internally sobbing. i had it spoiled for me that there was a kiss in this season (unfortunately, it's one of the first suggestions when you type good omens into youtube), but i wasn't expecting it like this.
bentley, now is not the time to play "a nightingale sang in berkley square."
to be clear, i'm not exactly mad at neil gaiman and the writers. they're obviously setting up a season 3 (which amazon better give them) and hopefully have a happy ending in mind for aziraphale and crowley. but that will take years and in the meantime i'm shaking with frustration!
i'm off to write a post-s2 fic maybe? or just unblock all the good omens spoiler tags and reblog a flood of posts. or cry.
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pxmun · 2 years
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Star of the ocean ends on a bitter note.
Olympic is over the moon when she finds out that Gordon sees her as a mother. For the first time in a while Olympic feels genuinely happy.
Gordon gets confronted by a fellow express engine and is challenged to a shunt-off. If Gordon wins the big engines will leave Gordon and his small engine friends alone. During the challenge, Gordon sees that he is beating his competition by a long shot. This causes the young engine to become cocky and accidentally ends up ramming his train into his narrow gauge engine friend Delma.
Delma is severely damaged and the crew at the Belfast steam works don't when or if she can be repaired. Sheldon becomes enraged and has a fight with Gordon. He blames the big engine for letting his pride get the better of him. Gordon argues that it was an accident and tells Sheldon that he was only trying to help his friends. Gordon tells Sheldon that his (Gordon's) mentor professor Winslow was right; little engines don't appreciate what others do for them, with that the two young engines friendship ends.
Olympic's passenger ship and best friend Nomadic heard the whole fight and tells Olympic what had happened once the ocean liner returns to port. Olympic is devastated by the news, she comes to sad conclusion that the docks are bad for Gordon and she must send him away for the young big engine's sake.
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Nomadic tells Olympic she overheard the passengers talking about a railroad controller from an island called Sodor. She tells Olympic that this Sir Topham Hatt is looking for an A1 Pacific for his railway. Nomadic goes on to say that the passengers all had positive things to say about this Fat Controller, but Olympic wants to meet him personally, just to be sure.
So, the next day, White Star invite Sir Topham Hatt to the docks to chat with Olympic. The Fat Controller is a gentleman and gives a very polite greeting to Olympic, why he even feels honored to be meeting such a famous ocean liner.
Olympic tells Sir Topham Hatt that she knows he is looking for a Pacific. Olympic says she has a young Pacific, but Olympic wants to be sure that the young engine will be going to a good home. Sir Topham Hatt fully agrees and Olympic begins her interview.
In the end she agrees to hand Gordon over to the North Western Railway, but only on the condition that Sir Topham Hatt takes proper care of the young engine and helps Gordon to become a good engine. Sir Topham Hatt agrees.
Olympic tells Gordon the news, but the young engine is devastated. He thinks Olympic doesn't love him anymore because what he has done. Gordon apologizes profusely, begging Olympic not to send him away and that he promises to be good. Olympic comforts her son, assuring him that she loves him very much, it's just that sometimes love has to hurt in order to help and better those one loves.
Gordon asks if he'll ever see Olympic again. Olympic tells Gordon the truth and that she isn't sure if they will, but she tells him that even if they never meet again, she'll always keep him in her heart and will never forget Gordon. Gordon promises not to forget her either.
The two spend Gordon's last night at the docks by each other’s sides, promising not to leave the other until it was time for Gordon to go to Sodor.
Baby mine, don't you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part, baby of mine Little one when you play Don't you mind what they say Let those eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear, baby of mine If they knew sweet little you They'd end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head to your toes You're not much, goodness knows But you're so precious to me Cute as can be, baby of mine - by: Frank Churchill (music), Ned Washington (lyrics),
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c!crimeboys makes me feel things :(
here is my understanding/characterization of c!crimeboys relationship in lore. im going to preface here that i am in no way saying that c!crimeboys have a healthy relationship, or that c!wilbur is entirely a good person. i’m not saying he’s completely evil either.
c!crimeboys will always love each other, no matter what, and that is the tragedy. they aren’t good for each other, and it would have been best if they split when things went sour, but they can’t. they won’t. their love (platonic you freaks) for each other will always be a constant, forever tying them together.
however, their care for each other will vary. in early l’manburg times, they cared and loved each other quite a bit (i recognize the whole child solider thing. i believe that the concept of child soldiers being bad is not a concept in dsmp society. no one else questioned it, so why should c!wilbur? he did not realize the harm). then, in pogtopia, things went bad. as c!wilbur began to spiral, his care for c!tommy’s well being decreased, up until the end (where he wanted him to die with him). but he loved him. he still loved c!tommy, they were brothers. he just didn’t really care about him.
c!tommy, on the other hand in pogtopia, cared for c!wilbur up until the end. he became increasingly wary of c!wilbur, but he still cared. he had his moments, of course, where he didn’t care for c!wilbur as much, but he cared. quite a bit. he loved him, and at this point, c!tommy cared just as much. (it’s why he was so devastated when c!wilbur died.)
in limbo, c!wilbur cared for c!tommy a bit. in the beginning, mostly, the first couple of years in that train station, he cared for c!tommy. he hoped he was okay. he wanted him to be okay. he hoped he had a good life. but that started to dwindle, as the months piled up. he started becoming incredibly apathetic. by the time c!tommy died and visited c!wilbur in limbo, c!wilbur did not care for him at all. he did not give a shit that his little brother just got brutally beaten to death. 
during exile/ghostbur times, c!tommy cared for c!wilbur very little. he cared for ghostbur, sure, but c!wilbur? he was resentful and tired and didn’t really think much about how he would be fairing in afterlife. he thought he would be happy, but he didn’t really care, because he had bigger things to deal with. and then, during the worst of exile, he would feel horribly guilty for not caring about c!wilbur. 
and then in the early resurrection period, neither of them cared for each other that much. c!wilbur cared more than he did at the end of pogtopia, but not that much. not enough to ensure that he wasn’t accidentally hurting c!tommy. c!tommy cared a bit, enough to make sure that c!wilbur wasn’t going to spiral again, but he didn’t care about the minor things, the lesser things.
and then, as they healed, their care for each other began to grow again. c!wilbur did keep hurting c!tommy, but he didn’t necessarily realize it, and if he did, i believe he felt guilty and/or bad about it later on. c!tommy, now knowing not to trust c!wilbur, he was very wary on how much he let himself care for c!wilbur. by the time c!tommy opened up about exile, c!wilbur cared about him the most that he had in a while- almost late l’manburgian levels. and during boundless sands, he realized that if he truly cared for c!tommy’s well being and safety, he needed to let go. he was the problem, or at least a big part of it. it would hurt, yes, and c!tommy wouldn’t do so well in the beginning, but once he moved on, it would get better. c!tommy would be better than he ever could be with c!wilbur there. what c!wilbur didn’t realize, though, was that the period of not moving on could have worse consequences than just a bout of depression.
anyway that’s my rambling analysis. i haven’t actually watched too many lore streams so forgive me if i get things horribly wrong lol.
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theluxuriansecret · 3 months
Diary Entry 03242024
11:39 pm
The night before I start the job I've been banking on, dreaming of, manifesting and I am so nervous but also very excited. I honestly have so many feelings stored away inside of me and I am having trouble finding ways to release them / manage them.
To begin, I know that we have entered eclipse season and tomorrow will be a full moon. There are a lot of emotions brewing in me like self doubt, will I be good enough for this job? Will my new coworkers like me? Am I okay with accepting rejection / failure? i honestly don't believe I'll ever be put in a situation I couldn't handle.
Which I guess brings me to my relationship. I have been devastated with the distance between us and how we don't get to spend actual quality time together as I was like. When I was manifesting the guy of my dreams, I always said I wanted him farrrrrrr away so that he would leave me alone. I guess I should've specified how far. 4 hours isn't that far, but it's far enough where we cannot see each other on a frequent basis. Today marks a month since I've seen him and honestly, I don't like it getting to be that long. I was starting to think if had accidentally repeated a cycle. But this man is NOTHING like my last LDR ex, honestly, the only thing similar is that he is fucking far. I miss him. I miss breathing the same air as him and I miss touching him, kissing him, holding him, looking into his beautiful brow eyes, the way he smells. I hate that I am in this again, but I'm truly hoping that we build our future together and come together soon.
I have been having very weird emotions about my parents lately. For starts, for MONTHS I have been wanting to have a conversation with him and really pick his brain about why he is who he is and does the things he does, or lack thereof. But today he came into my room in the span of 10 min to hug me and tell me he was proud of me and that he is there for me for anything. I was truly at a loss because where is that coming from? Why now? I'm basically finished growing up, all the hard times I really needed you, all those very moldable and vulnerable times are gone. Not to say I'm finished growing that will truly never end, but I am an adult now.. So, one of these days I'll plan something for us, but right now I am just focusing on myself.
My mother on the other hand, we got into not long ago and although we were able to "work through it" and move forward, I feel like because she won't be able to rely on me like she used to, she is really about to take a hit. But also, I was really getting tired of her relying on me for everything, alllll the time. Especially when there are two other capable adults in the house. I've had this conversation with her only once, but I really need her to get a grip and stop babying my brother. I understand that she is done with my dad and tired of begging him to do things he's proven he just won't do, which is whatever, but also not my problem and not my fault. Call me selfish but I did not build this family, and I truly don't intend to. Unfortunately, that is just not my purpose. I wish all of them luck to.
Anyway, only to lucky girl things. Only to love, luck, happiness, good health and prosperity. CHEERS xoxo
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Am I Y/N now? 😭 Idk if I should feel honoured or worried
We definitely should know less about each other it's aimed at Harry and lots of others who overshare lmao. Uhmmm, but would Meghan be with someone bigoted and racist in the first place? Let's hope not. Calm down, mate. We get it, she changed you alright
Heeeey I was about 6 or 7 years old when that accident happend and my grandma was next to us chatting with a friend 😭 there's another story with me and that friend, always me who had to fight for her life tho. So we had impromptu football goals at our playground, basically just 4 tall stakes. But they were placed in an inconvenient place, so my friend and I decided to move them... we were 7-8. I was holding the bottom, but my friend accidentally let go of the stake so it crushed my finger and it started bleeding 😭 gross but the nail came off 💀
SM I'M AT YOUR DOOR WTF LEE SOOMAN OPEN UP BITCH. They're gonna ruin SuperM now?! Seriously the backlash will be strong so wtf. And why didn't he come back with WayV then?
I saw bits and pieces of LSF at GDA and some of it was live, like No Celestial! They did well overall, they're fun to watch
Me getting mesmerised by Hwa's vocals unknowingly, sounds about right 🥰 his vocals is really flexible, I love it
Yeah unfortunately idols/trainees parents are also to blame, they're greedy or don't care enough. My friend's sister wanted to become a trainee at 12 and their parents were on board, cause they knew nothing about kpop, but my friend and the rest of the family was like??? That's not happening
Yeosang is joining NCT didn't you know?
Yes his name is Baek Dohwa when I saw it I wheezed and then someone called him Hwa once and I??? Yes it's the eyes, the black haired guy Eunhyuk has Tae's eyes and fluffy hair.
Wet shirt 👀 I think that's the other guy, or maybe I'm forgetting something, but things are escalating there too
But listen this and this. And
I once heard a remix of The Boys and I am the best and ascended 😵 can't find it now, but goddddd I think that person also mixed 4Minute's Crazy and f(x)'s Electric Shock
Why are these men exposed?! They need this
They're probably having fan calls in their car like 💀 I just saw a video from yesterday from a person who's already had over 15 fan calls already tell Hwa "see you tomorrow" seriously and I thought me winning 4 calls last year was too much 🤡
Sometimes I have a thing for Rob, sometimes I don't, Damiano is cool and hot, young Keanu, so beautiful 🥰 I suddenly don't know any white men, pls 😬 I'll have to think harder. Probably some British white actors........ I had a Tom Hardy phase when I was 17-18
The collabs for that show are so random, but if they somehow come true I'll be levitating. Suga and Taeyeon?! I'm sorry, but HOW
I'm stealing that choker wtf Park Seonghwa hand it over! What a neck it's definitely necking ☺
Uhm anyways. I'm looking disrespectfully
Ahhhh finally the first episode is out! (Seonghwa coded) - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Am I Y/N now? 😭 Idk if I should feel honoured or worried /// We definitely should know less about each other it's aimed at Harry and lots of others who overshare lmao. Uhmmm, but would Meghan be with someone bigoted and racist in the first place? Let's hope not. Calm down, mate. We get it, she changed you alright!
bestie first off what did we wake up too, bale and lloris retirement, zidane disrespected, barca back, mourinho brazil, busquets with alnassr, martinez porto’s coach ????
ur the yn! the one who’s always HURT 🔫 u best believe that the pairing with this yn would carry all sorts of bandages in case <33 yEAAAHH i keep seeing his # on twt and theres somethings he’s said that are on point but and time i click it i just never wanna see anyTHING again, the contradictions, getting diana’s spirit to come????? the hair loss reactions 😭😭😭 let’s hope tf not but he is royalty, 2 sides to every story i guess! the palace clearly isn’t in the position to say anything so we only know harry’s side! i doubt they’d say anything too, tho i think that’s good bc once ur in front of the camera its hard to get away from it fbfb i wish the obsession with them is gone atp but this is so funny 😭😭
Heeeey I was about 6 or 7 years old when that accident happend and my grandma was next to us chatting with a friend 😭 there's another story with me and that friend, always me who had to fight for her life tho. So we had impromptu football goals at our playground, basically just 4 tall stakes. But they were placed in an inconvenient place, so my friend and I decided to move them... we were 7-8. I was holding the bottom, but my friend accidentally let go of the stake so it crushed my finger and it started bleeding 😭 gross but the nail came off 💀
i am sorry but what the fuck
anon, u need a supervisor 24/7 i AM DBWKDHWK tell us more
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SM I'M AT YOUR DOOR WTF LEE SOOMAN OPEN UP BITCH. They're gonna ruin SuperM now?! Seriously the backlash will be strong so wtf. And why didn't he come back with WayV then?
NO SRS IM SORRY BUT what did he contribute, bro has 3 lines in a song 😭😭😭 the backlash will be crazy but a lot of ppl are begging for his return,,, makes me wonder if anything about his scandal was even true with the way twt’s acting! him not being in it would only save his face tbh 😭😭
I saw bits and pieces of LSF at GDA and some of it was live, like No Celestial! They did well overall, they're fun to watch //// Me getting mesmerised by Hwa's vocals unknowingly, sounds about right 🥰 his vocals is really flexible, I love it
tbh lsf’s performance make me forget about the fact theres even lipsync or not going on BC THEIR PERFORMANCES EAT EVERY TIME!!!!! theres this hunger to perform on stage and it SHOWS,, need them to have a concert bc im ready to anti ti ti fragile, wait have u seen this lsf performance?? this is better than any group out there tbh <3 his vocals are so flexible, he fits in every vocal range!
Yeah unfortunately idols/trainees parents are also to blame, they're greedy or don't care enough. My friend's sister wanted to become a trainee at 12 and their parents were on board, cause they knew nothing about kpop, but my friend and the rest of the family was like??? That's not happening //// Yeosang is joining NCT didn't you know?
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ayo???? AS THE FAMILY SHOULD!! no bc i see like those singing shows whenever it’s on and it’s like catered to younger contestants (7-17 type) and during auditions they be sending 3yo’s???? they haven’t even started talking and they sent them out for singing 😭😭😭😭 YEOSANG IS THE NEW NCT HOLLYWOOD MEMBER??? iM SO SURPRISED! MORE PROMOS FOR HIM! AND TEASERS LIKE THIS
Yes his name is Baek Dohwa when I saw it I wheezed and then someone called him Hwa once and I??? Yes it's the eyes, the black haired guy Eunhyuk has Tae's eyes and fluffy hair. ///// Wet shirt 👀 I think that's the other guy, or maybe I'm forgetting something, but things are escalating there too
But listen this and this. And
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i was about to answer the above paragraph and my finger slipped to the atrocity u linked there. the way i froze, anon. what IS GOING ON WHAT ARE U DOING ! ON A MONDAY !!!! UR SENDING THIS AND EXPECT ME TO NOT SCREAM BC THAT IS LITERALLY PARK SEONGGWA DVWNDHWKDHWK IM DBQKHDWKHDWKHDKW
wet shirt. seongjun. and u never told me tHIS WAS HAPPENING IN THE WEBTOON FOR FREE
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I once heard a remix of The Boys and I am the best and ascended 😵 can't find it now, but goddddd I think that person also mixed 4Minute's Crazy and f(x)'s Electric Shock
omg did u hear all the the boys remix’s 😮‍💨🤲🏻 the t r x sends a nostalgia 🤌🏻🤌🏻 CRAZY AND ELECTRIC SHOCK??? do u rmr this remix and the twiceblackvelvet remix that broke everyone WAIT HOLDON HAVE U WATCHED THOSE MULTIFANDOM EDITS this one 🤚🏻 what an era tbh
Why are these men exposed?! They need this
They're probably having fan calls in their car like 💀 I just saw a video from yesterday from a person who's already had over 15 fan calls already tell Hwa "see you tomorrow" seriously and I thought me winning 4 calls last year was too much 🤡
YEAH COVER THEM UP !!!!! COVER THEM UP RN 🔫🔫🔫 at least we get moments like this 😭😭 bro is tIRED,, 😭😭😭 i wish they’d do this once in a while, i want hwa to do this so bad
Sometimes I have a thing for Rob, sometimes I don't, Damiano is cool and hot, young Keanu, so beautiful 🥰 I suddenly don't know any white men, pls 😬 I'll have to think harder. Probably some British white actors........ I had a Tom Hardy phase when I was 17-18
i watched harry potter again and mr pattinson had me BY THE NECK !!!! damiano is so very attractive, he sometimes looks like princess diana 😭😭😭 i would’ve thought that tom hiddleston would have been in ur list for sure BUT TOM HARDY?? THATS A NEW 👀👀 i would add the chat noir from miraculous ladybug too tbh <3
The collabs for that show are so random, but if they somehow come true I'll be levitating. Suga and Taeyeon?! I'm sorry, but HOW
no ur right, it’s so random,, but pairing taeyeon and suga would probably be a another iu and suga type of music tbh fbwnfh
I'm stealing that choker wtf Park Seonghwa hand it over! What a neck it's definitely necking ☺ /// Devastation... /// Uhm anyways. I'm looking disrespectfully /// Ahhhh finally the first episode is out! (Seonghwa coded) - DV 💖
HE IS SO PRETTY IN THAT NECKLACE bro is so fine, the blond, the blue outfit and the sparkly necklace 😩😩😩 my new religion
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this man is crazy and i would like every inch of him and this is the same guy
anon, what the hell
0 notes
kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
can I request the dorm leader’s reactions to Yn breaking up with them without explaining why? the reason Yn broke up with them is because Crowley found a one way trip to go home, and Yn didnt want their departure to be hard for them.
Ah, I love a good angst! Thank you for the ask!
Housewardens' reactions to s/o breaking up because they are leaving for home
At first, when you approach him about breaking up, he’s so confused. You were so happy with him, and suddenly you seemed to want to break up
He asks what happened, and what he did wrong. He’s probably panicking in the inside though he won’t show it. Then you tell him that you can’t explain it before running off
He won’t take this very kindly, he might grab your shoulder before you can go, asking again.
You’ll have to explain to Riddle about this, and it will be devastating for him. You won’t be coming back?
He will wish you good luck on your trip back home, understanding why you broke up with him. He may want you to take something like a trinket of his with you. When he does say goodbye in front of the mirror with you, he will hug you tightly, kiss you on the head, before bidding you farewell.
“Perhaps we will see each other once again in the future.”
Once you go, he’ll cry back when he gets to his room. Trey and Cater will notice the dorm leader is more upset than usual, but he isn’t stricter, just sad.
He looks at you from tired eyes. You woke him up and to tell him you didn’t want to be with him anymore?
He isn’t too surprised, thinking that it was because you didn’t like his second-prince title or his lazier personality. But when you refused to explain yourself, his ears perked up.
“What’s it now? Something other than my attitude?”
You explain that it has nothing to do with him, rather your own situation. You smile and get up from his bed that you were sitting on. He doesn’t follow you, thinking it’s a personal thing. He will regret this heavily afterwards.
He finds out from Ruggie that you were leaving on a one way trip back to your world. At first he doesn’t believe Ruggie, but when he hears other Savanaclaw students complain about this, he gets up and runs to the door.
He will go to the chamber of mirrors, only to realize he was too late. You were gone. He wasn’t even able to give you a kiss before you went. He looked down at the necklace you gave him, this would be the only thing he had left of you.
He won’t seem to act much different after you left, but some notice that he has been sleeping more and trying to skip more classes. He wants to forget that you aren’t here in reality, and wants to go back to his dreams where you’re still next to him.
When you told him, you haven’t seen him so panicked since he overblotted. He asks you what he did wrong, that he can change, etc. He takes your hands and asks to be truthful with him
You shake your head, telling him it’s not Azul, rather it was something to do with you. Azul looks at you in a confused way, but then it clicks.
“...So, you’ll be leaving, correct?”
He smiles at you weakly, congratulating the fact that you could go home. But his eyes look so hurt with the fact that he will be alone again.
You hug him, telling him that you loved being with him every second, and that you will miss him dearly. He probably breaks down here, a sobbing mess.
He won’t follow you to the chamber of mirrors, too afraid that he’ll break down again in front of others. He wants you to also take one of his coins as a memory.
The tweels will visit him after you go, but realize Azul’s in a mess. It’s hard for them to tease him in this state too, Azul’s just in a horrible state with how sad he is. When he thought that maybe someone could love him, something out of his power took you away. Good things can’t last forever, right?
“What?! What happened?”
He’s just concerned, he doesn’t know if it’s him or something else. He just wants to hear from you. You don’t want to give an explanation, and Kalim will respect that. That is until he accidentally runs into you at the chamber of mirrors.
He realizes that all your bags are packed, Grim and the two Heartslabyul freshmen are saying goodbye.
Kalim just drops everything he was holding and runs to you. Your breath is knocked out by Kalim basically tackling you.
He asks why you didn’t tell him you were leaving forever. He was so worried he had hurt you, and you tell him that you wouldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend.
He just cries there, burying his face in your clothes. You eventually have to tell him you need to get going. He does manage to give you a smile, telling you to be safe and maybe you will see each other again.
He goes back to his dorm and for the first time isn’t as enthusiastic when he greets the other students. Jamil even notes this, asking Kalim what happened. He just tells his vice dorm leader that you’re on your way back home with a smile, but his eyes still look hurt.
You aren’t leaving him until you give him a specific answer. Tell him what he did wrong, so he knows what he needs to work on/fix.
When you seem adamant on not telling him but you explain it has nothing to do with him, he’s more confused. But, understanding you may not want to tell him at all, he lets you go.
That is until he sees you grabbing your bags from Ramshackle. He realizes you’re going home, and he can’t let you go without him saying goodbye!
He offers to follow you to the chamber of mirrors, and you accept. The two of you walk in near silence, as if holding your breaths for what is about to happen.
Once there, he will turn and face you. He gives a kiss on your lips and smiles at you. “Be safe y/n, and thank you for spending your time with me. Perhaps we will meet in the future.”
You won’t see him cry similar to the other dorm leaders, but he will go back to his room and quietly let the tears run down his face, ruining his makeup.
He too panics. What did he do? Was he a creep? You have to assure him it’s nothing about him and rather just about you.
He won’t care if you don’t explain it to him, since he notices you’re holding all of your belongings.
“You’re going right?”
He can’t bring himself to go with you to the chamber of mirrors, so he just says his goodbyes in the room you two are in.
You don’t see him cry, but his words are tangled and he’s gripping the edge of his hoodie tightly. He hugs you, telling you it’s been great to know you and have you as a player two.
He gives you a small Tamagotchi-like toy as a memory too
Ortho followed you to the chamber of mirrors to say goodbye, and while this is happening Idia rests his head on his pillow and turns his face to the soft silk, only to realize it’s damp from his tears.
Good things have an end, he’s used to this idea.
He asks you what the matter is, but seeing you do not want to respond, he realizes immediately why.
You’ll be leaving home, and that was when he remembered that you weren’t supposed to be from Twisted Wonderland in the first place.
He offers to walk with you to the chamber of mirrors as well, keeping that calm aura throughout the entire walk.
He hugs you right at the doorway to the chamber, tightly. You feel him kiss the top of your head, then he faces you and kisses your lips.
“Be careful, child of man, and thank you for letting me feel this kind of love. I wish things didn’t have to end like this, but alas, here we are.”
He doesn’t cry, but he does find himself walking to Ramshackle like he always does. He will have to get used to the silence of the dorm again, right after you had made him used to the chatter and noise Grim and you caused all the time. With that, the fae prince sighs, knowing that time will move on like this for him, and he is alone once again.
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