#and I like the canon explination
sammyjay816 · 1 month
I have awfully troubling patterns when it comes to my favourite fictional characters.
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scatterbrainedbot · 11 months
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the trouble with being the one who survives is you must keep on doing it
inspired directly by @onionninjasstuff 's heart wrenching comic of Future Donnie's death (read it!!)
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This has-been consuming me for over a day so I'm foisting it upon you. Suffer as I do.
Anyway the au idea!
Tim is stuck in a life loop.
What is a life loop? What it says on the tin! Ok better explination: it's basically a time loop but the end point of the loop is finicky which means everytime the looper dies they returns to the age they start(think baby or little little kid age).
Back to the au idea-
Tim is stuck in a life loop due to one reason or another Gotham taking pitty or some cursed relic his parents brought home whatever. Bottom line Tim is stuck in a life loop, and he resets to 6-8 (basically, sometime before he started stalking the batfa, which fannon puts at like 9, I think?)
Anyway some changes that happen in this au!
1) while Tim is still smart he's not as genius as fannon and maybe canon puts him as. Instead his smarts all come from having lived the same timeline like 80 different times.
2) he mostly doesn't abuse this power (sometimes he will memorize the stock prices of lexcorp and then steal it from lex and gifts it to kon in a "Please date me" gesture. It only works some of the time.... look after so long he forgets if he's made a bond with kon this "run" so sometimes kon just gets lexcorp gift packaged to him from a stranger. Now if he still gives the stranger a chance and end up actually dating him....that's not your buisness.)
Anyway sometimes he joins the batfam, sometimes he doesn't, sometimes he forgets to and hacks into the system then forgets he's not a part of them yet so the fam just has to deal with this random vigilante that they can't get off their comms, or out of their system...
When Tim sounds like a sarcastic cynical old man it's because he basically is. By "run" like 40 he's also pretty sure he's older than Ra's. Still calls him a geriatric fuck but hey who really blames him.
He's still a disaster bby no matter how many runs he goes through. Constantly forgets the "life changing" events... aka jason's petty Titans Tower attack, Bruce's timeline adventures, his parents' deaths, Damian's existence like 90% of the time, etc. So he does still get blindsighted sometimes
It's also super important to me in this that no one else is in a life loop. Yes Constantine, or raven, or Dr fate could all get him out of it but mehhhhh it's fine, he wants to die if old age at least once before he even starts contemplating that. Also whenever the batfam discovers his a "timetraveler" or stuck in a time loop, to avoid the Conversation™️ He just offs himself and starts a new run full on fuck that shit I'm out style
@brucewaynehater101 , here's that au!
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PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏 YOUR DSB PLAYLIST!!! I keep seeing u talk about it and you have BANGERS on that pl
I think I have shared it before but back when I was only on like chapter 2 so its been buried and has changed ALOT- But here you go!!
Full list (and notes)
Oh No! (Tims "Grand plan")
Flight of the Crows (Running away from what he loves, of course)
Nobody (Self imposed curse of isolation)
Colors (Yes. (also just a fav tim song regardless of AU)
United in grief ( Acting as Timothy Drake)
Teen Idle (Mourning his youth, for a second time)
Gasoline (Tim breakdown in luxury vibes)
I cant fix you (I still religiously listen to fnaf fan songs, this one just fits)
Brother (MY COUNTRY ASS SNUCK IN- It doesnt even relate to the AU, I just love the vibe- if anything it fitd Dick towards Jason but thats besides the point)
Passing through (cant the future just wait) (Times running out)
Are you Satisfied? (Literally perfect song about his situation)
Look who's inside again (Again, Isolation)
Coffee (Internal struggle- but the caffine isnt the problem)
Digital Silence (Again, just in here for the vibes)
Over & Over (AMAZING imagining song, like a little movie)
Problems (Tim to Jason)
Oh Ana (Not even kidding, THE MOVIE song- (from breathing as tim bleeds out to the The Angel I couldnt kill just AHH)
Rat (Just a vibe)
Lotta True Crime (Not for Tim actually, but related)
Misery Meat (Mans is the rainbow fish)
Feel Better (Y E A H- No explination needed)
Arms Tonight (This but literally, though he wont admit it)
The Burning pile (Tim ignoring his problems for the "greater good")
Family Jewels (The Drakes.)
Devil Town (Life in Gotham, reminishing his Time as Robin w/ his old fam)
Hermit the Frog (Another "just a vibe")
Michelle (Not for Tim, but relevent :)
Girls (The horror in being Timothy)
Saint Bernard (THIS- THIS THIS THIS (literally so mmmm lore))(might make a PMV when the fic is finished just for THIS!!)
Washing Machine Heart (A vibe.)
The Bidding (Timothy but less ironically)
Seventeen (Tim and Timothy- also just "seventeen" when he died s o)
Cupid (He still loves them...)
Hidden in the sand (Memories.)
dumb dumb (Tim pulling off his shit, mostly Cardinal)
American Healthcare (glitzy) (Tim in his career)
Treehouse (STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!)
Worlds greatest actor (Rec by @ihavenotsleptindays my dear, and its perfect. Tim as Timothy, or are they one in the same??)
Rule #34 (Not for Tim, but TOO him :)
Harpy Hare (Im obsessed okay?)
Prom Queen (Beautiful tragedy all the people envy)
No place like home (Not what it seems)
Again & Again (Another "movie in my mind") song
Labryinth (Movie mind!! Lots of lore and distortion lol)
Youth (Tim being self aware, for once)
Just one Yesterday (YES YES YES YES)
Angry too (Just a vibe.)
Pompeii (He misses what things can never again be)
spy? (Two face.)
Lullaby of the False Hydra ( Once again, im obsessed but for diff reasons)
Sweet Hibuscus tea (GAHHH)
Lights out (Hype song- and Cardinal BAMF)
Nothings New (Tim repeating his whole life and yet failing all over again)
Little Lion man (He wasnt really doomed wasnt he?)
Guilded Lily (The awnser is no, its never enough)
Underground (Once again, Gotham.)
Cast the Bronze (More a canon Jason song actually, but I still adore)
Could Have been me (Not Tim :)
Savior (Duet- but with who??)
Take me home, country roads (The country got me again. And yeah Tim longing for home he lost)
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pookapufferfish · 6 months
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decided to do the silly chart, further explination of each under the cut
Fav Character: Pebbles is my fav guy and I find him very relatable in certain ways
Liked by everyone but me: I do like arti, but not as much as the rest of the fandom. Arti is just less of a focus to me but I don't hate arti
Didn't like at first: Yeah I used to think Spearmaster was a bit strange but they grew on me a lot and became my sona scug lol
Would like to know more: Please more sig lore in both canon andmy au (I am actually fine if they keep it a mystery but if I had to have a character to learn more about it is Sig)
Least Fav: As I said earlier, I don't hate arti, they are just less of a fav compared to everyone else
Like design, dislike character: Saint is made to be unlikeable in my au and only gourm tolerates saint
dislike design, like character: I have been thinking of changing some things on my hunter, just minor things. so I guess they go here
Simillar personality: Guys I couldn't draw all of them, I project my personallity onto every single one of them
Fav ship: guys guess what ship PookaPufferfish likes
Least Fav ship: yeah losing a friend who ships this hurt a lot, guys please don't go and attack bathbomb shippers, just know that I get extremely triggered even seeing the 2 together even in a non shipping way. it just still hurts right now
Would befriend irl: I just think they would be really nice and supportive
Would never befriend irl: Pebbles would not let me, and I do not fight. I would probably go "oh, he does not want to be approached? okay!"
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kattartsblog · 2 months
Makina wearing umbreon ears and tail, and an unimpressed look as if she's saying "Bruh... really?"
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Lycan RIOT: Trick Makina into a cosplay contest
They didn’t win first place but they got a judge’s choice award for best group cosplay! This is the canon explination why Syd’s hair is purple, I will stand by it! >:3
Hope you like the art! uwu <3
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skreebs · 2 days
Thinking about the ableism toward Jouno in the BSD fandom and it genuinely pisses me off so badly I want to hit people. I’ll be perusing the tag and looking at stuff and then I’ll see some random pop ups for AO3 and get shit like this
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Now I don’t 100% know the context of this screenshot, for all I know this fic could be about him before he lost his sight, but either way it got me thinking and thinking got me angry and being angry means i need to complain. Jouno is already pretty shit blind rep, I’ll be honest. He’s the basic stereotype of “blind character has super senses because they’re blind” but can we give blind people literally ANYTHING else??? jesus christ. I’m pissed how BSD writes his blindness so as per usual I had to attempt to fix all of that myself, but attempting to fix it and removing it entirely are NOT the same and one is VERY MUCH SO WORSE. Again, not talking about this fic specifically but other ones I’ve seen that do this, or those “Jouno if he could see” edits. Spoiler alert, blind people can open their eyes.
I dont know why BSD and every other piece of media is so adamant on not giving visually impaired and blind characters white canes and just giving them "super senses" to get around it. It’s incredibly stupid and abelist to portray stuff like this. Disabilities are not super powers and thank GOD they didnt make that his ability but they still gave him that aspect and I guess it can be excused with SOME lore stuff like maybe he got really good senses from his surgeries but it just sucks that it happened that way at all? And then they don't even touch on how horrible having incredibly hightened senses to the point you can HEAR blood would be?? can you imagine hearing everyone internal organs around you 24/7 EVERYDAY? No one talks about that at all. That would be so fucking overwhelming its genuinely insane. Jouno is such a dear character to me, but genuinely when I remember him in canon without any of my headcanon explinations it’s just really sad that all I can say about him as representation is "well.. it could be worse".
I know there’s going to be at least one person saying “theres good blind rep in other shows though!!” Yes! I know! I’m super glad about that! But ignoring the bad ones doesn’t help much. You need to point out the issues to get good results. Recently, and by recently I mean about 17 hours ago, I watched/listened to the first episode of Daredevil, once with audio descriptions, and then after I watched without AD and had captions. I’m super glad that things are more commonly getting AD—it’d be a bit pathetic if the show with a blind main character was not accessible to blind people—but even with Daredevil, Matt still falls a bit into this stereotype.
Don’t get me wrong, seeing a character with a white cane has me absolutely elated, but from the single episode I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, he apparently also has some sort of super senses, and I know in the first episode he can hear heartbeats. I think super senses as a power is fine, but it’s just the fact they always give it to the blind characters. I, myself, am not blind, nor am I really visually impaired, I just wear glasses. However, as someone with a special interest in disabilities and also as someone that is disabled in other ways, seeing disabled rep fall into stereotypes over and over just really bums me out sometimes.
I think Daredevil is great so far from this one episode, I’ll probably be looking at more of it, but that is definitely just one gripe I have with it. I think Charlie Cox putting a bunch of effort into the role with the method acting and talking to people in the blind community and just all of that is amazing, I love to see that in anything, it’s just urrghh that it’s so hard to find a blind character that doesn’t have some kind of insane superpower senses with things. It reminds me of when characters with autism are so frequently portrayed as geniuses or their autism is only acceptable if it helps the neurotypical cast with “gadgets” or something. I dunno. Hard to explain, it’s 11 at night and I’m tired. Just don’t be ableist in any fandom or in real life. I shouldn’t have to even point out why this shit is disgraceful.
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onegianthotmess · 9 months
Ikemen Vampire Rants:
💃If the Suitors Turned Into Women💃
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If you haven’t seen part One of this rant, I suggest you read it for more of an explination on how this multi-part rant is formatted.
This is part two, which makes the next three suitors Arthur, Vincent, and Theo/Theodorus. (There’s a trend of them talking and then being like “oh shit” and slapping a hand over their mouths when they wake up as women this round-)
Also, I will be using myself (Amelia; looks like Uraraka from MHA but with peach colored eyes, fluffy and curvy figure, and is between 5’9-5’10 in height) as an insert for the MC and as the one who helps the suitors through their strange experience.
Mini Warning!: there is one use of a Dutch swear word in Theo’s part, but his nickname for the MC is literally mutt/dog/puppy, so-
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Faust needed a few test subjects for his new experimental elixir, and naturally he first moved to put it into Charles’s and Vlad’s dinner. But, by some inexplicable reason, a few vials of the elixir somehow made their way to le Comte’s mansion and ended up in the residents’s dinner. Let’s see how this plays out, shall we???
Arthur Canon Doyle
Our British lad woke up unusually early, craving fudge
He didn’t feel too unusual, his back ached the tiniest bit and his chest felt a bit heavy, but those could’ve been cause by him sleeping wrong and he could be coming down with a little something or in need of a drink
Either way, the author didn’t think too hard about it until he actually got out of bed and glanced down to see that he now had breasts
“Bloody hell-!”
He clapped a hand over his mouth when he’d heard the sound of his voice
It sounded higher, more feminine, and much sweeter than it ever sounded before
Even as a boy his voice wasn’t this high and light!
Arthur moved his hand from his mouth and felt down his sides and to his hips, confused by his new curvature and build
And, now that he was awake, he realized his hair went down a little past his chest now
As much as he wanted to solve the mystery of his new predicament, he also needed help on how to be situated as a woman
And with extremely limited options, the author immediately went to the only woman in the mansion; Amelia
He of course poked his head out from behind his door to check if anyone was around before he rushed down the hall as quickly and quietly as possible to Amelia’s room and knocked on her door
It took a couple of knocks before Arthur could hear the brunette sleepily grumbling as she pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the door
Only to instantly be wide awake at the sight of a dimly lit Arthur that was now a woman
The brunette quickly pulled the author into her room and turned on her light to get a better look at him
Slightly shorter with a very slender hourglass type figure, not too many curves, and a rounder, more feminine face with slightly fuller lips
Amelia was just as confused as Arthur, if not a little more with how sleepy she was, but was very willing to help
After she sent him to go back to bed so she could help him at an appropriate time to actually be awake instead of an ungodly hour of the morning when it was still dark out
And so, Arthur went back to sleep, woke up at a more reasonable time, and Amelia came to his room with a few things to help him a little bit after he woke up
A little bit of improvising had to be done since Arthur was less curvaceous than Amelia, but eventually a solution was found that kept Arthur’s new chest in place
A few belts had to be used to make Arthur’s pants fit around his slightly slimmer waist, but other than that his clothes still fit him decently, if a little loose
And after Amelia brushed Arthur’s hair, he was fine to head down to breakfast if he wanted
And he did
And he gave zero explanation to anyone and began behaving like normal
Theo was even more annoyed with Arthur because he wouldn’t explain how he suddenly became a woman overnight
And Isaac was even more embarrassed to have Arthur teasing him because now he added some flirting in there
(You can’t fucking tell me that Arthur isn’t bisexual!)
The day went on as normal with Arthur going back up to his room and writing, drinking coffee, and eventually taking his beloved Vic outside to play a bit
And the afternoon was ended in Arthur running away from Theo, who was chasing him because Arthur started flirting with him just to see what would happen if he did
All in all, Arthur was happy with his day and went about normally the next day when he was back to normal
And Isaac hid himself away from Arthur for a good two weeks out of embarrassment and in a desperate attempt to avoid anymore potential flirting on the latter’s part
Side note: Arthur didn’t flirt with Isaac after that because, while he is a teasing asshole, Arthur isn’t a monster who completely tortures people
Vincent van Gogh
Sunshine boy woke up on his couch as per usual
(Christ on a stick, we need to get babie boy his own bed-)
And he was so tired and used to sleeping on a couch that he didn’t really notice anything different with him until he began to get dressed for the day and then-
“OH MY-!”
Both of Vincent’s hands quickly flew to his mouth when he heard his own voice
First of all, he now had breasts and very wide hips
Second, his voice was higher and somehow even softer and lighter than it was before
Third, his hair now seemed to be long enough to reach just a little above his chin
And things didn’t get better when he heard Theo knocking on his door
And they got worse when Vincent turned around to see the door opening
“Broer, you slept in past breakfast so I wanted to—WHO ARE YOU?!”
Theo, of course, was shocked to see some random woman alone in his brother’s room
But, after a second, when he really looked at the woman, Theo could tell that the woman was Vincent
He looked more or less the same, except with a rounder face and fuller lips and somehow even softer features
Both brothers stood frozen and staring at each other until Theo told Vincent to wait a second and to not move while he went and got help before rushing out of the room, closing the door behind him
Figuring that he had little options at the moment, Vincent just sat down on his couch and patiently waited for his brother to return, hands folded in his lap
And a few minutes later, Theo came back with Amelia in tow, a bag slung on her shoulder
When the brunette saw Vincent, she immediately dropped her bag, ran over to the artist, and immediately hugged him and saying that he was the most fucking adorable thing she’d ever seen in that moment
When Theo got mad, a quick glare and threat to not help shut him up
And then he was forced out of the room as to not overwhelm Vincent
Once Amelia kicked Theo out, she turned to the former man and began to help him in getting ready for the day as a woman with the things she brought with her in her bag
The upper body undergarment was a bit of a struggle since Vincent’s new breast were just a wee bit too small to pass in wearing one of Amelia’s undergarments, so a bit of improvising was required
After that, Amelia just had to help Vincent to get his clothes to fit his new body correctly, his shirt was a bit loose around the waist and his pants were a bit tight due to his new curves, but they managed to fit
And once Vincent’s hair was brushed, he and Amelia walked out into the hallway where Theo was waiting because he was still worried about his brother
Theo did thank Amelia and asked Vincent what he was going to do, if he was going to tell Comte about his situation or any of the other residents
And Vincent just said he was going to go into town with Amelia because he promised to hang out with her the day prior and said Theo was welcome to join so long as Amelia was okay with it
And she was because she knew Theo wouldn’t take no for an answer and she wanted extra help in keeping an eye on Vincent because there was no doubt would weird things would happen if Vincent turning into a woman was the first thing on the agenda for the day
So, without being seen by anyone else, the three left the mansion and got in a carriage to go to town and have a little down time
Amelia was almost tempted to go and buy Vincent a dress, but she resisted knowing that it probably wouldn’t fit him for long if he did turn back into a man
Speaking of men, many men approached Amelia and Vincent and began flirting with them, specifically with Vincent because he literally looked like a fucking angel
But a glare from Theo made them apologize and run away, leaving Vincent and Amelia very confused
The three of them spent their day looking around town, finding places for Vincent to sketch, and Amelia sketching Vincent at one point because he was so beautiful and she wanted to remember this odd day
In the evening, the three of them made it back to the mansion and Vincent snuck back to his room and Amelia delivered a small bottle of Rouge for his dinner since he didn’t eat all day
The next day, Vincent was back to normal and no one but Theo and Amelia knew why all three of them disappeared from the mansion the day before
And it was gonna fucking stay that way
Theodorus van Gogh
(Christ on a stick, I had too much fun with Theo!)
Theo woke up as normal, if quite early, but he felt strange
His chest felt incredibly heavy and his back was in quite a bit of pain
When Theo managed to sit up and throw his legs over the edge of his bed to sit properly, he looked down and-
Theo clamped a hand over his mouth when he heard his now feminine and honey laced voice
Somehow, he found that he now had an ample bust under his nightshirt and long hair that reached his hips
Theo’s mind went a mile a minute as he thought of what to do
As much as his instincts told him to, he couldn’t really go to his older brother as he wouldn’t have any ideas on how to really help Theo’s current situation
Arthur would make fun of or flirt with or do both with him instead of help most likely
Le Comte would probably just as stumped as he was
And Theo didn’t really think that any one of the other residents would be of much help for this particular situation
Well, except for Amelia, who was the only woman in the entire mansion
Seeing as he had no other options, Theo decided to go to Amelia’s room with his clothes for the day in hand
Of course, he had to take a couple of detours and even hide once from an already working Sebastian and a sleepy Arthur already on his third cup of coffee for the day as to not be seen before he’d gotten any help
And, for once, he was happy to have a couple days off of work
Once Theo reached Amelia’s room, he knocked a couple of times before a faint “Come in” could be heard
Not wanting to be out in the open in the hall, Theo quickly and quietly ducked into Amelia’s room
And he stood awkwardly in front of the door when he was inside of the room until the brunette woman emerged from a corner already dressed and froze when she saw him
After a split second Amelia burst out laughing at Theo, to which the art dealer responded by dropping his clothes, rushing over to the maid, and clapping a hand over her mouth
“Please put a muzzle on that snout of yours, Hondje. I’d rather not have anyone see me like this right now.”
After Theo heard a muffled, but annoyed, “Fine” from the brunette, he moved his hand away from her mouth
Amelia quickly stepped back and looked Theo up and down before shrugging
“I mean, your tits are too big to fit any of the undergarments I have, but we can improvise.”
Theo was confused. “My what?”
“Your tits. It’s another word for boobs, I mean breasts.”
Theo was going to get angry and shout when Amelia held up a hand to silence him
“Just look at them before you get mad, dummy. Your chest is two or three sizes bigger than mine so it won’t fit anything I’ve got. Your back must be killing you, too.”
As Amelia kept rambling, Theo just kept quiet and let her help him
Once a makeshift upper body undergarment was fashioned for Theo, Amelia helped him in getting his pants to fit around his slimmer waist with a few belts
And after that, Amelia told Theo to sit and she did his hair, clearly having fun because she put it into a loose braid
And like that, Theo was dressed in a way that would help him be more comfortable and he thanked Amelia for her assistance
Amelia then said that Theo could go down to breakfast if he wanted to, but she had to leave so that Sebastian would get help preparing everyone’s meal
And like hell Theo was going to pass up his beloved pancakes!
Are you crazy?!
Mf would probably marry some pancakes if he didn’t eat them first-
When Theo went down to breakfast, no one really said anything
Until Arthur came in the room
“Well, Theo, you look rather-”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll feed you to King.”
Needless to say, Arthur shut up after that
When Vincent came in the room, his brain went completely “am confusion cinnamon roll noises”
“So my little brother is now a woman… Does that mean I have a little sister now?”
Either way, Vincent said Theo was incredibly beautiful as a woman and pat him on the head, to which the latter got embarrassed by and asked the former to stop
Not much happened after breakfast, except for Arthur needing to be told off occasionally
Theo mostly spend his day with King, playing with him and taking a nap with him at one point
King ended up on top of Theo and used his chest as a pillow as he usually did
Theo had to glare at Arthur so he wouldn’t make a sexual joke or comment about it
The next day, Theo woke up back to normal and was so relieved
“Oh, thank god!”
His back was killing him yesterday and he gave Amelia props for being able to still be able to stand up straight at the end of the day
No one really said anything about the day before, except for Vincent saying he was happy his brother was back to normal and King whining because his new chest pillow wasn’t as big and soft anymore
And there’s the next three suitors! Sorry it took a minute, babes! I had fun with this one and yes, I do imagine Vincent and Theo having sort of reversed female body types. Stay tuned for part three and go read part one of you haven’t, please and thank you!
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capcavan · 2 months
Hi sorry to bother you but could you elaborate more on how to properly write Riko in general. Like what it would take for him to actually cross that line and get his hands dirty, how he interacts with Tetsuji, and anything else you can think of. All your takes are so interesting!!
pls dont feel sorry if there is one thing that makes me happy is talking about preccious babygirl riko moriyama. Please don't take it as guide or rules in the end every writer and creator will characterize character in their own way and my take on it will higlight my ideas and my preferences trust your ideas and remember that your story might need something else, but feel free to take inspiration from this post if you se it fitting! general ruminations and headcannons about it all from me, if any of them will stand up to you feel free to ask further i will do my best to elaborate:
what would take for riko to cross the line, this is soemthign that would be intimatelly dependant on story you write and reltionships the character form, there is popular post in fandom that goes along the lines ,, there is not such thing as ooc behaviour of character if you find an organic way to explin why they end up actign this way '' the occ part would be expecting canon riko to rape or kill for exmaple this would mean you need to probe and push at his relationship with sexuality or need for power i don't want to focus on giving direct examples since that's something that organically would be plot point in a fanfiction but if raven neil would be rivaling with riko for power in nest in a way no other raven player would ever been able to - neil is direct competition to riko's cruelity and ability to manipulate people - riko might end up going over the line with him , important thing is for me, it would never be somethgin happening early in the rivality, it would be end all means . Riko would not resort to such move unless he saw no other way to proceed or get his way, Riko comiting those acts means he is happy to end up punished for them end in prizon let go of his dreams and future just to bring harm to the person that inconveniences him. I firmly belive that if Riko knew ichirou will shoot him for all the mess he caused durign aftg he would have never done that. So yeah In my view Riko choosing to kill somone is making peace with his own life being ruined. Personally I have anger issues and when they get triggered all i can think of is how much i want to harm others because when I am triggered it feels like the pain and dread i feel are not something anyone else can experience and the only way i could ever be understood and offered help in those moments is if i will bring everyone else down to my level - i think this is how riko's life is, the bottom line is he will not make others hurt more than he is hurting so the worse his situation gets the more he will drag others down Riko's relationship with tetsuji is dreadful thing, Tetsuji in a way is the only reason Riko got to live past his teenge years, tetsuji is his groomer abuser and idol, Tetsuji si riko's god. I think riko is incapable to act out towards him because of crippling fear and need of his approval, because this is how tetsuji raised him. Riko is dog who was beaten by his owner whole life but unlike dog he has enough human conscience to not bite back. Riko will listen and obey to him not because he respects him but because he was raised this way , he was beaten into it , even if riko wanted to disobey tetsuji his body would not listen, submittign to master is in Riko's nature and is hard coded in all cells of his body. but more headcanon route I think it's interestign to consider all the ways why riko might be disgusted by sex, in general his character reads very asexual to me but not in the commonly accepted tumblr way, he just does not seem to have sex drive one would expect of him, and simply uses sex as wepon and punishement .
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goat-guy-tm · 11 months
Trying to explain my "Modzilla and Kul'Zak are the same person" hc/theory:
A day or so ago a made a silly lil post with this stupid meme I drew
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and now here I am, taking a swing at trying to explain this weird ass hc/theory I have been stewing for over like a year now.
Now, I don't have any like, hard proof that any canon MCD and MMW/VP content points towards this ever being true or possible, for example you can bring up the fact that Modzilla has canon parents he introduces Aphmau to in MMW, and pointing out that the scar on Kul'Zak's face doesn't match up with the void burns on Mod's face, and even Kul'Zak's tomb, but for a moment put those aside, I have some explinations for those but they are flimsy at best, but simply hear me out.
To start this out, an important thing to note that if you were a fan of MCD, but never watched MMW (ModMod World) or VP (Void Paradox) or watched VP but not MMW, is that Professor Modzilla is what is known as a void scientist and a dimesnion hopper. Within all of the Aphverse, other than Mod's parents which are met in a one off episode, no other character has this ability or knowlage of these things, save for Aphmau in MMW, Laurence in VP and Jayden in VP of course. Laurence and Jayden being those dimension hopping against their own will and unknowingly.
It should be noted that in MMW's plot, Modzilla is trying to find his way back home, stating he was dimension hopping when he made a mistake and no longer knew how to get home to his dimension. At the end of MMW this does happen. In VP, it can be seen that Mod's home dimension is basically eaten by the larger antagonist of VP, which he runs from into a portal Polly, Aphmau and Tommy open to try and contact him.
Why do I bring this up? Note Modzilla's ability to get himself stuck in a different dimension for large amounts of time.
At some point last year I was very hyperfixated on The Divine Warriors, and spent a lot of time thinking and re-reading about them. Out of all pf them, Kul'Zak is the one we know the littlest about, even compared to Menphina. No info about any place he comes from or nothing. Let it be known that his title, amongst all the divine, is Kul'Zak The Wanderer. All of the divine's titles have something important to do with their character. Esmund of course being the knightly personality and need to protecto others, Enki's vast well of knolwage as the Keeper, Irene's want to protect others in a more healing motherly way as the Matron, Shad's rough nature and dark desores as the Destroyer, and Menphina's rambunctious nature as the Fury. So, what could The Wanderer possibly mean?
Well, here comes my little idea; Kul'Zak was not of MCD's dimention. Some how, a 'Wanderer' found their way into the Divine's company, and as a group of powerful warriors, who would they be to not have a companion with powers relating to dimesnion travling freely. Or well, mostly freely.
The scar upon Kul'Zak's face could easily be a void hopping burn, a minor one, maybe Kul'Zak's first ever one. Maybe hopping into MCD took more power than he was ready for, giving him a nasty, eye closing scar.
Maybe Kul'Zak decided to stay for a while, getting to know this new world he stumbled upon, enjoying the company of these new friends he's made, maybe helping save the world while he's at it.
And so what if while he was here, he was given a special relic by Irene, a woman he's come to see as a close friend, and accept it with full heart. And so what if he's been basically given immortality by this. So what if he watches his new group of friends slowly tear each other apart, reincarnate time and time again only to tear each other apart again and again, over Irene herself.
Kul'Zak never reincarnates. He stays himself throughout the years, alongside Irene. They stay close friends, Kul'Zak being a rock for her throught the years. Never does their relationship become more than that.
When Irene decides she can no longer take it, that she wants to finally gibe in, lose her soul to the natures of rheir world and be reborn a new, Kul'Zak is there, telling her he'll support that choice no matter what. His wanderer powers help bringing them to and from Irene's dimension, and when she finally decides to go, she gifts part of her relic to Kul'Zak, a part of her. She tells him she wants to scatter herself across the worlds, just like how Kul'Zak has, she wants to see the worlds alongside him, even if it isn't her.
Kul'Zak, heartbroken as he is, agrees. When Irene and Hyria finally decide to put Irene into her reincarnation sleep, Kul'Zak leaves MCD's world, not before faking his own death, bringing and end to the 'last standing'of the Divine Gods.
He goes home to his own world, no longer feeling like himself after spending nearly a melenia in a world not his own that became his home. Fufilling Irene's wish, Kul'Zak spends years hopping around worlds, showing the part of Irene's soul around. All this dimension hopping slowly, over time affects Kul'Zak physically and mentally as well. The void begins to burn him, leaving half his body a warped, purple and black mess. Not only that, but he starts to lose himself a little. He remembers his home dimension, he remembers Irene, he's lost his name though, he doesn't know where he's going, if he's going home or if he has somehwere else he's supposed to go.
He finds himself in MMW's dimension. He decides to place Irene's soul here. Let her finally become a whole person again, where MMW Aphmau comes from. Kul'Zak wanders the world, eventually finding himself in the village MMW takes place in. He sets up a labratory, trying to excuse a way to find his way back home, but noting down new information about the dimensions he stumbles upon. Years later, a woman named Aphmau moves into the village, and takes up conversation with Modzilla, the town's weird hermit scientist.
Why would, out of everyone in town, Modzilla only eber trust Aphmau with dimension hopping? Why would he have such a out of no where connection to her from the get-go. He lets Aphmau explore these worlds, she does so safely and she seems to love it, it makes Modzilla think of Irene, how she would have loved this, how he's glad he could give it to her, even if it isn't really her anymore. And of course when it comes to Tommy, Aphmau takes to caring for him like it's natural, which Modzilla can only guess truly shows her past of being The Matron.
When Aphmau helps him find his way back to his home dimension, Modzilla deep down is glad, is not surprised in the slightest that the woman who picked him up when he was lost in a new world was the one to help him find his way home.
The only way I can explain Mod's parents is the possibility that either the type of humanoids coming from Mod's dimension have much longer lifespans, or that dimension hopping in general messes with the being of a person so much that their life becomes strange and longer if not immortal. Or it could be a fake out, not his real parents and just some people he payed off to pretend to be his parents, who knows.
Well, that's about it. If this slowly became less readable over time, it took me about an hour to type up, from around 11pm-12:30, I'm tired but I really wanted to get this typed out. This is one of my faborite hcs, and something I think could really tightly tie in MMW and VP to the rest of the stories. I get a lot of joy and amusment from this concept, I also like to play around with this concept minus the idea of Mod losing his memory, just him playong god in disguise trying to just chill with his life out of the MCD world, except whwn Lawrence suddenly shows up and Mod is the only one who speaks old Ru'auni, who they end up bonding a bit over it, and Lawrence connects the dots that Mod is Kul'Zak.
Anyways, see ya laters bozos
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lackablazeical · 1 year
heeeey I'm sorry if theres like an explination post or smth, but i've been trying to scroll to the bottom of your tumblr for a while now, and im just gonna ask, your au looks really cool, but i have no clue whats going on (also is the usagi x leo ship overall bad or just in your au, im confused on that lol), so like once again im way sorry if im asking a super obvious question, or being a pian at all, and your art is like super cool, and from what ive seen this au looks way awesome ya know, i just don't have a clue to whats going on lol
No worries anon! Here to save the day.
Basically, the AU is mostly a fun thing I like to do with friends. Random shit-posty content in between major random lore drops, yay!
A quick summary would be:
The Addams! AU (also known as the Addams Family! ROTTMNT AU) is a ROTTMNT AU based on the Addams Family franchise and its themes of horror and weirdness. Certain important details are changed from ROTTMNT, such as Splinter and BM canonically being a couple. Usagi Miyamoto and OCs feature heavily.
Currently, we are mostly in just backstory moments in between less lore relevant modern day content, like snippets. What's going on is mostly just filler, day-by-day things, doodles I do, silly content my co-creators or friends create, etc. There's not too much lore to catch up on, don't fret. Currently I have a janky asf filler masterpost pinned if that will help explain better for you. It contains basic info, trigger warnings, important ages, and some references.
As for Leo × Usagi, it is not abusive in any other form canonically! That is just this AU.
The ship started either in the comics or more towards the 2003 TMNT show. As far as I am aware, that ship was okay from an age range perspective, and it is a popular form of ship between the two, Rise also being common.
2012 'Leosagi' would be predatory/pedophilic. It is not okay.
Rise! Leosagi is fine, as Usagi does not exist within Rise canon. He is typically changed around to be adjusted for Rise lore and to be shipped with Leo, so they are close in age. This is commonly where people ship Leo with Usagi Yojimbo, a version of Usagi that is on Netflix as well.
We decided to use Usagi because Usagi is a character commonly related to Leo. Not because we wanted to imply shipping or romance between them.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
(im the last anon) i don't hate pharmercy either, i just wish they had done things better, not gonna lie i wish to see a f/f couple from the game but i want it to be the way we deserve, like the fandom has being asking for years, and they could do that but i dont feel like it's there yet ? and agree with what you said about pharah, and think she deserves better… i personally like her with symmetra, and also they could do like they did with tracer and give her a gf outside the game ? again no hate to the ship/shippers, i just want what fits better to lore and makes sense too!
Yeah again I do think the writers fumbled a bit with Pharmercy, they have had years to start pushing it, even if it was in a more subtle way, but they haven't. Either because executives said no or because the original writers never planned on making Pharmercy a thing outside of fandom.
With doing what they did with Tracer, I would like to see that but I think that would end the same way that all the other realationships with civilians ended. Cause Emily and Lena's realationship is very much the exception for Hero x Civilian in the Overwatch universe, not the rule. I went into detail on Angela's issues but Pharah has her own issues too, specifically she tends to put work above her personal life (like mother, like daughter-), which would lead to a relationship with a regular person a difficult task for her. Not only that but I think a lot of people would see them doing this with Pharah as a cop out? Especially if they do what they do with other civilian love interests and not give them much of a character (I am still upset about Martina), I don't think they could do that though because they have been updating the lore more and it's not just stuff that's happened in the past.
It's the reason I like sympharah and kiripharah, both ships are with someone who is similar enough to Pharah to know and deal with her issues and flaws, while also being different enough to not enable Pharah's more toxic behaviors. Like Pharah being a workaholic or not being able to see nuances of certain situations.
Also especially with kikipharah I think both ships would have more natural build up?
Sympharah, though they have never met in canon or have that many meaningful interactions in game, have a similar theme of identity. They also contrast each other in the way of Pharah being sure of her self while Symmetra has started to question herself and Vishkar, questioning her postition and identity. While Pharah would help with that I think Summetra would help Pharah with maintaining a heathy routine and structure.
Kiripharah, despite being the least popular of the two, has grounding due to their interactions in game. As I stated in my little explination of Kiripharah, I read this interaction;
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As competitive flirting. Not only that but their other interactions already has them questioning each others morals and outlook (something we also saw with Sympharah in OW1 btw), despite them not meeting in canon yet we still have some kind of build up with them.
And the biggest thing for me with these ships, Pharah wouldn't have to wait. I'm fine with the trope of waiting until the time is right before starting a relationship, as long as it's mutual. What they've established with Pharmercy is just Pharah waiting for Mercy, something that I don't like specifically because of Pharah's lore.
With these two ships she wouldn't really have to wait, Kiriko gives me the vibe of someone who would be fairly open if she liked someone, and Symmetra, though she is struggling with her own identity, is a very upfront and straight forward person.
Again Pharah deserves better than to have to wait for both her family and her love life to sort out their issues before they have time for her. Waiting for her family is enough.
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same <333
AAHH SPIN HELLO ANGEL!! OK- i will be talking about my beloved blorbo Viridian !! I want to talk about how she has grown over the past year- seeing as she is one of my creations!! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ heads up this might be a long read because i have a lot to say (and lots of screenshots aaah)
So- I've had Viridian as an OC since July last year. She has gone through a new small chnages- but every version of her I love with all my heart- she is so special to me (an explination to one of the reasons why can be found here)
OK LETS START WITH VANILLA VIRIDIAN (from my blind run of cp2077 which lasted from July to septmber 2022) - vanilla viridian looks very similar to my 2071 viridian (minus the arasaka cyberarm)- this version of her had No mods (because I didnt know how to mod). At this time I Couldn’t really make out her vibe- all i knew was she loved jackie and had hair kinda like mine &lt;3 - the vanilla run was more- more for me to just sit and play cyberpunk- and cry because i went in blind not knowing what would happen (ugh uhm komepki plaza I AM LOOKING AT YOU) - this version of viridian was played / used before transmog was a thing in cp2077- so i was always like "GOS HOW DO I DRESS HER?!?!?" and she looked... interesting at times XD
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After my vanilla run- I though "oh hey... what If i gave modding a go? 2022 is all about trying now and scary things after all!!".. so I shopped around for a basic mod and ended up trying out this pride eyeshadow mod - took me... god a few hours and lots of screaming at my pc to get it working (because i had no idea the main file had to be unzipped- hey @genocidalfetus - i am forver greatful for your help with that!!) after getting that one (1) mod installed- i felt like i could fight god and went ham installing mods (then the gamer gods humbled me when i deleted a main game file by mistake and it took 8 hours for my game to re install) BUT WE MOVE- I started to play around with more mods- realised I wanted Viridian to have her arasaka cyberarm so I managed to get that- then started to play around with hairstyles- viridian had a really shirt haircut for like-- ages!! --- and and i found a mod for jackie's leather bomber which made me SO HAPPY AAAHH
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This was around october/november 2022- kinda around the time i was shyly approaching tumblr and posting blorbo stuff. But then the 1.61 patch dropped and i yelled because all my mods had to be re installed - but again we move - we learn and grow!
In the december of 2022 I came up with my first ever AU- the devil canon (which is an AU where Viridian gose back to arasaka near the end of her life- a very angsty AU)
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At the start of 2023 I played around with more outfits and hairstyles (finally figured out what shair i'd like viridian to have canonically) - learnt about model swapping too! also started to actually flesh out her alter ego "arasaka's red rabbit" a brutal netrunner !! As my confidence with modding has grown- I've tried many fun outfits for her !! some of my fave looks can be found here, here , here and here (others are below!)
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And now we are at the present- May 2023!! Viridian now has a solid design- I'm still having fun making new outfits for her- trying out new things- new poses- new ways to light my work!! Viridian also now exists in a few other universes / games such as The sims 4 or dragon age inquisition! (was inspired by my dear friend @halsin !!)
Recently- like as in- yesterday I made a very fun shoot where I dressed Viridian in summery clothes/swimwear and photoed her at a pool with Jackie!! One of my fave sets i've made so far this year- very fun to work on!!
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well ok- if you've gotten to this point you're a champ!! I know i do rammble a lot about my ocs- but Viridian means a lot to me- It was very fun traulling through my tumblr and old chat feeds with friends to find stuff!! I am forver growing and learning when it comes to creating- I have fun and- yknow dont mind if stuff looks a bit janky or off at times!!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk <3 thank you for being such lovely humans - for all the hype and support- i love you all a lot and can't wait to see where I go next on my little modding and photography adventure !!
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strongfuck · 1 year
Whats your headcanon about rhys tattoos bytheway? Or is there a canon explination I had not heard about yet? :0
we know that rhys had the neck tattoo by the time of tales of the borderlands, and the character designers have stated that it was meant to represent that despite rhys wanting to conform to hyperion standards, he was "also more than a typical hyperion cog"
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(from the gearbox rhys cosplay guide)
so in my mind it's a nice little metaphor for his futile struggle in trying to be the perfect hyperion company man-- no matter what he does, he can't get rid of who he is. it's also a tattoo that he designed himself, in my mind, because i have this personal headcanon that art is one of the few hobbies he has that he doesn't monetise or try to monetise. how else do you express yourself in an environment meant to stifle everything about you so you belong to the normal majority?
as for his torso tattoos, this is the concept art of rhys shirtless:
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and while he has his hyperion data slicer and his hyperion trousers in this concept, in my mind he only has the twin suns done after the fall of helios as a reminder to himself of where he came from and all the death that he personally caused. i mean, the sun on his chest looks very much like a sun that is falling down -- because he sent helios crashing onto pandora. which makes it extra fucked up that there's a whole bandit cult worshiping him for that exact thing he has to live with for the rest of his life, lmao
really, the first personal thing rhys did for himself after making a new arm is design a tattoo at the height of his guilt and then find someone to get it done on him. unfortunately the ink covers parts that he can't reach with his own hand, so i can't say that he made it all by himself, hahaha. but if he could, then he would
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sayuricorner · 2 years
Ever After High x Twisted Wonderland AU Headcanons special (mini) special 7: Endless Halloween
Headcanons part 23              Headcanons part 24
AU concept
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
For this Halloween here’s a little surprise for you all, a few headcanons about the Endless Halloween event! ^^
However, since this event is an extension of the first Halloween event this part will be shorter than the others so see this as an mini extension of the first Halloween special! ^^
-So like In the canon after the NRC’s Halloween event, most of the students outside of a few got kidnapped in the night.
-The EAH transfer students who didn’t get kidnapped: Hunter, Duchess, Dexter and Poppy.
-When the rescue group got separated each non-kidnapped EAH transfer students end up in a group:
-Dexter end up with Silver and Jamil.
-Hunter end up with Riddle, Ruggie and Ortho.
-Duchess end up with Sebek, Trey and Rook.
-Poppy end up with Leona, Ace and Floyd.
-Things go as well as in the canon.(meaning: not so great)
-The kidnapped EAH transfers students who got possessed by ghosts:
-Raven: Got possessed by an haughty and snobbish ghost.
-Daring: Got possessed by an very rude ghost.
-Ashlynn: Got possessed by an germanophobe ghost.
-Ramona: Got possessed by an scary-cat and cry-baby ghost.
-Both Faybelle and Briar were the “final bosses” with Malleus, Faybelle acting as if she was a villainess duchess and Briar acting as if she was vilainess countess.
-After the fight the rescue team realized that Malleus, Briar and Faybelle weren’t possessed by ghosts.
-They even get the surprise to find all the missing students safe and sound and apparently getting ready for a party.
-The explinations are like in canon: The ghosts were sad to had missed NRC halloween event and Malleus decided to help them to had an awesome Halloween.
-In the AU Briar and Faybelle were with Malleus when the latter met the ghosts and agreed to help right away.
-The ghosts had asked Malleus to act as if he was possessed by a general, Faybelle as if she was possessed by duchess and Briar as if she was possessed by a countess.
-The three had a lot of fun in this “little plan” Briar didn’t expected to had so much fun while “playing for once a villain”.
-Despite all the scare and tension of tonight events, the rescue team forgive the ghosts.
-All the students partying at the ghosts’s Halloween party.
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
okay wait im gonna infodump about my old terraria worlds lore. I made up for it I may have forgotten some
normal text is stuff thats always been. bold text is new stuff I decided to add or change. italics js stuff that I planned to happen in the future but never exactly got sround to
The name of the world is the Route of Fallen Stars. It was randomly generated and I liked it so I kept it. It's a pre-hardmode corruption world. (because i did t even beatone boss in it) Half the town ws initally gonna be undergound because Kris thought it'd be cool aesthetically but then a gnome showed up in the are that lead to the mines and nearly killed Kris so he changed his mind
There is a growing settlement called Sunstar Town, named for it's sunflowers and the world it's located in. Or at least it was growing, progress seemingly halted recently with Kris's disappearance.
The townies! I only really made lroe for wyatt and kris tbh
Kris - Player character (he/him preferred but any pronouns but she/her are fine)
Founded the town alongside Wyatt the guide who he tends to bully. He'd be really upset if anything happened to Wyatt, though, because he actually likes Wyatt a lot.
Kris was kind of an asshole tbh. He's very eccentric and was always running amock too and fro doing who knows what. Mostly takes charge in expanding and actually progressing, and does all the building and stuff. He thought he was tough and strong but he's actually kind of a wimp
Kris had this weird ability? Thing? He only recently discovered it after he and Wyatt first set up shop. When he dies, a gravestone appears where he died, and he falls out of the sky back into town good as new, losing a lot of his money though. He claimed doesn't know why this happens, but he became reckless and started to not care about death or getting super hurt because of it. It made him overconfident. Also for some reason he liked to collect the graves he leaves behind, he had a chest dedicated to keeping them in.
When he dies he leaves behind a gravestone, and from this gravestone he can come back to life. Only he and maybe Wyatt knew thjs.
He doesn't like Dolbere, for some reason.
He poked fun of all the townies, Wyatt the most, but he did go out of his way to build homes and furnish and ecorate them, and if he hated them he cpuld just leave He was even building a new storefront for Edwin!
Ways Kris has died:
Vulture. If i remember right
Rolling cactus whule exploring the antillion tunnels
Understimated how big a dynamites explosion would be and exploded himself while exploring underground in the ice biome. He lost the gravestone for this one so he's upset about that.
Tried to fend off the slimes during a slime rain, but they all gathered around and clung to him, and soon dozens of slimes stuck to him and fused into a King Slime. It's not 100% certain if he's dead, because no gravestone spawned, but where would it spawn, with all that slime around it? If he was alive, how would he escape? It's nigh impossible to get a good look at him in there, but he never blinks, he doen't seem to control his movements, he seems to sag. His body just moves with the slime. Dead or alive, he's not coming back from this one.
Wyatt - Guide (he/they)
Cofounded the town with his old friend Kris. Always ends up with burns and the like even though he doesnt even have a furnace in his house or whatever, but Kris always bamdageD him up before anyone couldn ask where they're from. Dating Philosir, who lives with him. And maybe Robyn idk I haven't decided. Throuple.
Lives with Philosir in their own house they share together
King of the owls. And by that I mean he likes to bring owls inside his house (i didnt give him a floor at first and owls kept spawning in it) and they will listen to him. Theyre the friends of the owls <3
This is actually canon to the games but the guide IS the wall of flesh so so is wyatt. He's cursed to become it ot something idk i pribavly had an explination but I forgot, but when Kris was gonna defeat I t it would kill Wyatt which would have made Kris fucking upset but then Wyatt was gonna get revived but that got cutbout because I decided to jill off Kris before that so now Wyatt is the one upset I guess
Edwin - Merchant (he/him)
Oldest townie in terms of actual age and how long hes been in hte town. Has a store under Kris's hut but Kris was building him a new, better one bove the ground! But then Kris got slimed. Sad! Edwin thinks this is greatly inconvenient
Philosir - Dye Trader (he/him)
The dye trader I forgot everything but hes dating Wyatt.
Dolbere - Demolitionist (he/him)
Demolitionist dwarf Kris didn't like him so he made his house in the room Kris made of nothing but ice.
Robyn - Zoologist (she/they)
Wyatts really good friend! They bomd over their love of and ability to talk to animals.
Mauro - Painter (he/him)
Newest town member! Hes the raising obe eyebrow emoji. Thinks everyones kinda weird.
Salem - Town Cat (she/her)
Kitty <3
the town as a whole reminds ne of that meme of agroup of people all at once thinking "good thing im the only normal one here"
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