#and I know I’m not gonna accomplish anything with this post
evanpeterswhoresblog · 8 months
Remus Lupin x f!reader
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warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), oral (male receiving), fingering, slight hand job, virgin reader, purity ring 😮‍💨, making out, underage smoking, mention of underage drinking, slight innocence/ corruption kink, lmk if i missed any!
summary: remus learns the ring you wear everyday is called a purity ring, and he develops a strange obsession with it… and wanting to take it off you…
word count: 4.6k
a/n: guys.. dw there’s gonna b a part two but like omgggggg this made me feel so many things i’m in love with this. lmk what you think :) also i’m not religious so if any of this is not accurate i’m sorry lol it’s for the plot
part two is posted!!! here
Ever since he knew you, Remus noticed that one thing you always wore. It was plain, a simple gold band on your left ring finger, the marriage finger. Typically, such nonsense wouldn’t cross his mind twice, but you wore that ring damn ring every day. Since the first time he ever saw you, that ring was on your finger. He never saw you without it. So, his curiosity got the better of him.
Why would such a simple ring be so important that you never took it off? It couldn’t have been because you were married. No. You wore it even at the young age of eleven. Could it have been a family heirloom? That idea was plausible, however to him, it didn’t feel like the correct answer. And Remus Lupin always needed the correct answer.
So, he eventually decided to ask you.
During dinner one night, when you just so happened to be sitting next to him, his eyes caught sight of the ring and he eyed it suspiciously. You noticed this.
“Something wrong Rem?” You asked.
He looked up from the ring on your delicate finger to meet your confused eyes. “Why do you always wear that specific ring? And always on that finger? Is it special?”
“Oh.” You laughed for a few seconds. “Yeah, it’s stupid really, an old muggle tradition.” You composed yourself and looked up at him, a slight red tint to your cheeks. “It’s called a purity ring. Basically, I wear it as a reminder that I pledged to wait till marriage.”
Remus was confused, and he hated being confused. “Why would anyone wait till marriage?”
You shrugged. “Muggle religion is quite weird. They value keeping teenagers pure until they’re married. I think it’s stupid, but I still wear it.”
“So, you’ve done it but continue wearing it as a... symbol?” He questioned.
“Oh no, I haven’t done it. I might find it stupid, but I still plan to keep my promise. It’s sort of a nice accomplishment don’t you think? I’ve gone through two years of everyone shagging around me and I haven’t given in,” you answered.
He stared at you for a few seconds. You were still a virgin, and that ring was the reason. He thought for a moment. How could you be a virgin? He swore he had seen you go off with a bloke from Ravenclaw a few months ago during a party. But then as his eyes trailed over your small figure, he realized the idea wasn’t completely impossible. He’d never seen you with hickeys, he’d never seen you dress improperly, and he surely had never seen you enter the common room after a long night with someone. For some reason, it made a strange feeling bloom deep inside him.
“Surely you’ve at least done other stuff, right?”
You simply shook your head and took a bite from your sandwich. “Furthest I’ve ever gone is having some Ravenclaws tongue down my throat.”
Ah, so he was right about that.
“Besides, I don’t really even know much about any of that stuff. I mean I know biology, but that’s about it. And of course, what Marls and Mary tell me from their extravagant experiences,” you added after swallowing.
So that meant...
“You haven’t done anything?” He was surprised, it was clear in his tone.
“No need to sound so flabbergasted. Besides, why do you even care about what I’ve done? I always thought you were the modest type too,” you replied with an eye roll.
Remus looked away from you, and the urge to smirk took him over. He thought back to those countless nights over the summer breaks he’d spent with muggle girls. The feelings, the sounds, the tastes, all experiences he’d never forget. But by no means was Remus Lupin a player, oh no. He was nothing like his mate. However, he also wasn’t a saint like everyone painted him out to be.
“I may be modest but that doesn’t mean I’m a virgin,” he said after a moment, his eyes finally turned back to you. He liked the way you looked at him. “That went away a few summers ago.”
You smiled, though something about it was off, almost as if it were forced. “Well, cheers to that.”
“Cheers.” He nodded in agreement.
You turned back to the group conversation before he could say anything else.
Remus had thought after finding out what the ring's importance was, he would let it go and move on. Unfortunately, he had thought wrong. Ever since that conversation with you, he couldn’t get any of it off his mind. When he’d see you, he’d always look at your left hand, almost making sure that ring was still there. It always was. And for some reason it made him feel almost relieved. He needed more answers.
Thankfully, another opportunity came not too long after the first.
The two of you had been paired together in potions. Typically, he would be a bit upset with the fact given you were never the best in the subject. But for the first time, he was pleased with the pairing.
He watched as you cut up some of the ingredients, that stupid ring shining from the lights. Questions filled his head. Where had you gotten it? When did you get it? Who gave it to you? Did your parents know what it meant? What were you supposed to do with it when the time finally came? He needed to get the answers.
“So, when did you get it?” He casually asked his eyes on the cauldron.
“Get what?”
“The ring.”
You chuckled. “You’re still on about that? I suppose you aren’t too accustomed to muggle things. I got it right before I came here actually. My parents wanted to give me a reminder about life at home, and they wanted to make sure I knew where my ‘loyalties’ lay. Though, I was only a little girl. Did they expect anything to happen at that young?”
Three questions were answered. Good.
Remus dropped his chopped ingredients into the cauldron. “Does that mean you give it back to them when you finally do it?”
“Oh no. I give it to my husband of course,” you replied. “Do these look alright?”
He finally turned his head in your direction and looked over your cutting board then he met your eyes. “Perfect. You can put them in.”
“You don’t know how good that makes me feel to hear. Master of potions Remus Lupin says I’m perfect, I could faint,” you said as you scrapped your work into the cauldron, a hint of laughter in your voice.
He rolled his eyes. “I said your cutting was perfect, but if it makes you feel good, I suppose you are too.”
You looked up at him with a glint in your eyes that made an odd feeling form in his chest. You looked so damn innocent. How had he not noticed it before? You had always been one of the shyer members of Gryffindor, but he always brushed it off as nothing important. He never would’ve guessed just how innocent you were.
“How sweet of you.” You giggled.
“ ’Course, anytime love.”
He noticed the shift in your body at his words. How odd. You looked away from him for a few seconds, that familiar rose tint returning to your cheeks. Did you always do that? Did such simple words always make you blush and turn away? Or was it just him? He watched you bite down on your lip and fiddle with your ring.
You were teasing him.
It was then he decided he was going to get that ring from you.
And you were going to love it.
Getting you to that point was going to take some time, Remus knew that. But it didn’t stop him. He started simply. When the two of you were hanging out in the group, he made sure to at least say a few words to you alone. When eating meals, he made sure to get a spot next to you. Most importantly though, he started making sure to leave subtle hints. Lingering eye contact, small touches that weren’t necessary, comments that made your face turn red. He could tell all of it made you flustered, and he loved it.
During all of it, his obsession with your innocence only grew. He wanted to take it away. He wanted to taint you, to make you not so pure anymore. He didn’t understand the feeling, he never cared much for such stereotypical nonsense. But each time you looked at him with those curious, innocent eyes, it only made his patience strained.
The first breakthrough came during one of Sirius and James’s parties. The common room blared with music, and people laughed and danced. You were among them. Remus leaned against the wall next to the staircase to the boy's dorm, a cigarette between his lips as he watched you dance with Mary and Lily. Your smile was bright, your body moved to the rhythm almost perfectly. You wore a pretty little dress. But he couldn’t focus on any of that because that damn ring caught his attention.
It had become quite a distraction. He found himself staring at it far more than normal. During class and dinner, it consumed most of his thoughts. He needed to get it off your finger before it caused his grades to slip.
From across the room, your eyes suddenly found his. You gave him a questioning look; he only smirked back and released a cloud of smoke into the air. He watched you say something to the girls before you began to walk in his direction. Perfect.
“Why do you always stand on the sidelines?” You asked once you were close enough. “And if you’re going to stare at me all night you might as well just dance with me.”
He chuckled and took another drag from the cigarette. “I’m not the biggest fan of these parties and I definitely don’t dance.” He offered you the cigarette, and you shook your head and pointed to your ring. “Come on, that applies to cigs too?”
“And alcohol, pretty much whatever is considered sinful. Though, I have indulged in a drink or two. Mommy and Daddy don’t need to know about that,” you answered.
Merlin, he needed to do something with you. It was almost unbearable.
“You’re saying alcohol and cigs are sinful but intense snogging isn’t? Seems a bit hypocritical to me,” he eventually said.
You smiled and shrugged. “That’s muggle religion for you. It’s pretty much up to each person's interpretation and what they value. I value being sober more than refraining from a snog occasionally.”
“But a shag...”
“That’s universally seen as a big sin. Most of us would agree not to do it until marriage.”
He released another breath of smoke. “Most of you?”
“Well, not everyone agrees of course. Like I said, it’s technically up to everyone’s values. Murder is also considered a sin, you know. But even some people commit that,” you explained. He watched you blush. “I don’t think I should compare virginity to murder though.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison,” he replied, his lips turned up into a smile.
You turned even more red. “Sorry. But you get what I’m saying, right?”
“Everything is optional is what you’re saying.” He let his eyes trail over your body, making sure you noticed. “So really, you could fuck someone before marriage.”
“I mean yeah, I could, but I don’t think I will,” you said. You began to fiddle with the ring again. “It’s sort of always been with me it would feel weird giving it to someone else.”
“Do you have to give it away for anything? Or just actual sex?” It was another question he’d been dying to know. He watched you think for a moment.
“I think just the full thing. I don’t know. I don’t even really know that much about it like I said when you first asked me. I mean, I know people use their hands and mouths but... sorry. I shouldn't be talking about such things.” You put your face in your hands, Remus couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry.”
He needed to do something. Now.
“Don’t be sorry love, it’s alright. You know you can trust me; I wouldn’t dare tell anyone about your sinful thoughts,” he spoke. He turned and dropped his cigarette into one of the many ashtrays in the common room. When he looked back at you, you were already looking at him. “But you know if you ever wanted to indulge in something like that, you can come to me.”
You were beyond flustered, and it showed. “Oh! That’s very um... generous of you, but I don’t think I’ll do any of that I mean... I don’t plan on it.”
He casually shrugged. “We all get a bit curious at some point in our lives.”
For a moment the two of you only stared at each other. He could tell exactly what you were thinking. You were curious. You wanted to try things. He observed you carefully. He could sense the conflict within you. Value versus desire. It was a tough battle, but you didn’t cave. At least, not yet.
“Perhaps, but I made a promise and I need to stick to it,” you said. You looked over your shoulder at your clearly intoxicated friends. “I should get back to Lily and Mary.”
“Right, it was nice talking,” he replied with a smile.
You nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
“Till then love.”
Even as you walked away and joined your friends once again, he could see the way his words affected you. You could deny the feelings all you wanted, but your body craved the unknown. It was only a matter of time till you caved, and Remus would wait.
He was never one to give up easily.
You came to him faster than he expected. He understood why though, you were on edge about all of it. In the few days it took for you to go to him, he noticed how different you acted. You were more tense, you fiddled with your ring far more than normal. He imagined the inner conflict you faced was stressful, but he was glad about the turnout of it.
After dinner, as he was walking to the library for a study group, you found him. He was a bit surprised at your approach, but nevertheless, he welcomed it with joy.
“Hey Remus, could I talk to you for a second?” You asked.
You were a bit behind him, but he stopped instantly and turned to face you.
“Yeah, what’s going on?”
Your little bit of confidence quickly vanished. You avoided his gaze, focusing suddenly on your shoes. “Um, are you busy? It’s not really that important so if you have something else to do it can wait.”
He fought the urge to smirk. “I was just going to Lily’s little study group, but it can wait. Is something wrong?”
You shook your head and looked up at him, those big innocent eyes staring into his. “No uh... nothing's wrong. It’s just about... well... you know.”
“About what?”
“You know...”
“I don’t think I do love, you’re gonna have to use your words and tell me.”
He felt bad for teasing you, but it was too fun not to. The way your cute little eyes looked around the hallway to make sure no one else was around, the way you fidgeted, it was far too entertaining to stop. A moment passed before you finally spoke in a much softer tone than before.
“It’s about what we talked about at the party last weekend.”
“Oh?” He questioned. “What about it?”
He watched as you slid the ring up and down your finger. “You said um if I ever wanted to you know, indulge, that I could come to you.”
“Yes, I did say that.”
“So... um yeah,” you said. You looked almost uncomfortable. He knew he needed to be nicer.
“Are you asking if that offer is still there?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yes! I mean, um, is it?”
He glanced around to make sure nobody else was around before stepping closer to you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, your mouth parted ever so slightly. He touched his fingers to your chin, lifting your head gently.
“How about you come find out?”
You didn’t fight it. He was glad.
Not too long after that, Remus found himself in a position he’d desperately wanted for almost a month. You were laid out on his bed, open like a flower, and he was on top of you. Your robe, shirt, and tie were thrown to the floor. He kissed you hard, the reward of your gasps kept him going. He let one of his hands travel up your soft thigh, you were so warm, so inviting. It took all his self-control to keep him from moving too fast.
Before it began, you told him you had only ever snogged. That meant no boy had ever touched you. Not with a hand, not with his tongue, nothing. No one had ever even felt up your breasts. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t pleased with the information. He wanted you to be his, he wanted to be as many of your firsts as he could be.
“Can I touch you?” He eventually whispered on your skin; his lips were by your ear.
“Yes, please,” you replied, your breath ragged.
He continued to press soft kisses to your neck as his hand moved between your thighs. You were wet, very wet. He could feel it through your panties. It made him even harder than he already was. He slid his hand under your panties and began to rub soft circles on your clit, you gasped and lifted your hips in response.
You were perfect.
With every flick of his fingers, you let out little whimpers and moans, and one of your hands gripped his shoulder hard. He caught a few glances of your face between kisses. Your cheeks were red, your eyes squeezed shut. You were beyond beautiful.
After a few minutes, he moved his fingers down to your entrance. He made sure to collect your wetness and ask if it was alright before he began to slowly push one of his fingers inside you.
“Remus,” you mumbled as he started thrusting his finger in and out of you at a slow pace. “Fuck.”
“Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?” He asked.
You lightly shook your head. “It feels so good, do not stop.”
“Do you want another one?”
He complied instantly and added a second finger. You responded just the way he wanted. In only a few more minutes he was fucking you with his fingers, touching that spot inside that made your thighs clench around him. He kissed you hard, he loved how you struggled to kiss him back. When he also began to press his thumb to your clit, you became a mess.
“Fuck Rem, I-” You paused, your nails dug into his shoulder.
“You’re close.” It was a statement; he could feel your walls clenching around his fingers. He knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“I am,” you practically whimpered.
“Let go, love, it’s alright.”
Only seconds later you did. You came hard. Your back arched off the mattress, your mouth hung open wide, and your thighs tightened around his hips. Remus had never felt anything as good as the feeling of your walls pulsating around his fingers as you came undone beneath him. He made sure to keep going till you were fully done. At that point, he pulled his hand out of your panties and up to his lips. He knew you were going to taste good.
You sat up, breathless. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I just- you just- we just... I’m going to hell.”
“Relax, it’ll be fine. People do this all the time and nothing bad happens, I promise it’s just a normal thing,” he said. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, he thought you looked so beautiful. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried about being judged or anything, I’m worried because I don’t feel guilty. I should feel guilty for it but I just... don’t. In fact, I think I...” You looked down at your hand, specifically the ring. “I think I want more.”
Remus couldn’t help the smirk that formed on his lips. “More?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s only right that I return the favor.” He watched your eyes move to his pants; your cheeks turned red. “You’ll have to show me how though.”
“Alright, only if, you’re sure. Don’t feel like you have to because I did something for you,” he replied though he really did want you to touch him. But he could wait if he had to.
“I want to.”
He didn’t question you further. Instead, he guided you through the process of getting him off with your hand. You were a fast learner, though the act itself wasn’t that hard to get the hang of. He found it funny the way you gasped at the size of him. Merlin, you were so innocent. Either way, you made him feel extraordinary. Your hand was much softer than his, and warmer too. You touched him gently, almost teasingly. But that changed fast.
“Can I try something else?” You asked, your hand stopped.
He almost groaned from the lack of motion. “What?”
“Um, can I try using my um...” You pointed to your lips.
“Your mouth?”
How could he ever refuse?
It was sloppy, it was rushed, but it was everything he could’ve wanted. As he laid back on the pillows, one of his hands moved through your soft hair. He didn’t dare push you. No. He only stroked your hair gently and whispered praises. He knew you liked it from the way you hummed on his cock each time he told you how good you were doing or how good you made him feel. And when you looked up at him with those eyes, those damn innocent eyes, he could barely contain himself.
He was shocked you even did it to begin with, but he was even more shocked when you let him finish in your mouth. You had him halfway down your throat when he came, and you didn’t pull away for a second. You swallowed it all. Somehow, he became even more attracted to you than he had been before.
“Was it good?” You questioned after you pulled back. You were kneeling beside his legs, a nervous expression on your face.
He smiled. “You were amazing. Are you sure you haven’t done that before?”
“Never even saw one in real life before this,” you replied with a laugh.
“That���s hard to believe,” he said. He sat up and pressed a kiss to your lips before pulling back slightly to look into your eyes. “Do you want to try one more thing?”
“Depends on what thing.”
“I’ll do what you just did to me but on you,” he answered, loving the way your eyes widened at his words. Despite everything that happened already, you were still so innocent. He adored it.
“Oh yeah okay,” you spoke after a moment.
He kissed you again. “Lay down.”
You did as he said and soon it began.
He started by kissing your lips while his hands pulled your skirt and panties off, leaving you only in a bra. Once those were off, he kissed down your neck, and your chest, only pausing for a second to unclip your bra and take one of your nipples in his mouth. You moaned, he stayed there for a few extra seconds. He then moved his mouth further down your body, relishing the sounds you made each time his lips made contact with your skin.
When he started to kiss up one of your thighs, you twitched. You were so sensitive, so untouched. He was obsessed with it. Every few kisses he sucked your skin to leave dark purple hickeys. He had made sure not to leave any on your skin that would be visible to the world so that no one would see the evidence of your sinful acts. But the skin that would be covered by clothing, that was his to mark.
A few minutes of this went by, and it was all on purpose. Remus could tell how eager you were for him to get on with it, but you were far too shy to tell him to do so. So, he didn’t dare touch you where you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted to hear you ask. But you said nothing, so he decided you needed a little push. He gave you one single lick then returned to your black and blue thighs.
“Remus,” you whispered. “Please.”
He looked up at you and almost felt bad. Your desperate eyes were already looking at him, he could tell how much you needed it. He didn’t wait any longer and gave you what you needed; you certainly earned it.
In all his experience with sex and everything surrounding it, Remus enjoyed pleasing his partner as anyone did. He didn’t mind going down on women, in fact, he sort of enjoyed it. At least until you. With you, he quickly realized having his head between your thighs and his tongue on your clit was not just alright, it was heavenly. He never enjoyed the taste of a girl like he enjoyed yours. You were sweet and the sounds you made as he played with you were their own type of reward.
So, it was no surprise how quickly you came undone on his tongue. He devoured you like he had been starving his whole life. Truthfully, he felt as if he had. You were spectacular. You were perfection. You were his. He was crazy about you.
After you finished, he wiped his mouth on one of your thighs before moving to lie on the bed next to you. He laid on his side facing you, his eyes examining your face. Your eyes were closed, and your cheeks were pink. Your hair was messy, and your lips were ever so slightly lifted into a smile. He swore he never saw anyone as beautiful in his life.
“I feel stupid,” you mumbled.
You opened your eyes and looked at him, your smile then undeniable. “I should’ve taken you up on your offer sooner. Now I understand why everyone’s so mad about this stuff, it’s unbelievable.”
“You don’t regret it then?” He asked.
“How could I? You’re just... Remus I...” You turned to your side to face him fully, one of your hands pressed against his chest. “I think we should do this again if you’d want to of course.”
He grinned and let a hand fall to your waist, he pulled you closer, so your bodies touched. He rested his chin on the top of your head, and you buried your face in his neck. For a moment he felt almost victorious, he had gotten you right where he wanted you to be. It would only be a matter of time before you let him take you fully. But then he realized, it wasn’t about taking your virginity so much anymore. He just wanted you.
“I wouldn’t want anything more,” he eventually said, then he pressed a kiss to your forehead, while the cold feeling of your ring on his chest lingered in the back of his mind.
Soon, it would be his. And so would you.
1K notes · View notes
racecardilfs · 4 months
aegean - fa14 smau
fernando alonso x fem!singer!reader
summary: fernando alonso and his girlfriend break up, but is it really over?
warnings: angst no fluff! some slut shaming moments, fernando does NOT look good in this one, but theres more going on behind the scenes i promise xx
a/n: this has no specific face claim, and the songs mentioned are from a variety of artists! there will be a list at the end of the post ♡ there is a part two to this all planned out, it will be posted shortly, hopefully!
my masterlist ❀ part two
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Liked by yourbsf2, carlossainz55, maxverstappen1, and 212,964 others
yourusername shout out to my girls 🫶 i love you forever!
tagged: yourbsf1, yourbsf2, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes
yourusername: NO YOU!!
alexandrasainmleux: pretty pretty girl!!
yourusername: can’t wait for another date with you gorgeous 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 charles_leclerc: excuse me? yourusername: you’re excused, vroom vroom boy 😒
user1: gorgeous gorgeous girls have breakup parties together
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Liked by f1, astonmartinf1, and 375,599 others
fernandoalo_official Greece, you were beautiful🤩A few days off before it’s back to the track again! 🏎️
User3: Sir, I don’t know what you did, but you better fix it right the fuck now.
User4: how do you know it was his fault? we don't know anything yet User3: bc that woman is literally a saint, there’s no way it was her fault User5: don’t get me wrong, i love y/n so much, but there’s no way for us to know what happened. it might not have been anyones fault, and neither of them need this energy if they’re trying to get over their breakup :’( i’m rooting for both of them
Hater1: Always knew she was bad for you, congrats man!
astonmartinf1: see you soon, sir!
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Liked by yourbsf1, charles_leclerc, maisiehpeters, and 264,978 others
yourusername been a little busy lately, but i’ve got something cooking for you all!
yourbsf2: love you so big <3
yourusername: i love you the biggest! 💓
alexandrasaintmleux: can’t wait for everyone else to hear it!!
user6: PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!!!! 🙏 alexandrasaintmleux: 🤫
user 7: oh… this is gonna wreck me, isnt it.
lilymhe: yeah… you’ll thank her though
user8: the last photo 💔 i promise it gets easier, y/n
Liked by yourusername
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Liked by finneas, coltonherta, yukitsunoda0511, and 516,785 others
yourusername remember when i said i had something cooking? my album ‘aegean’ is out now. a lot of love and hurt went into this album, and now it’s yours. i hope it means as much to you as it does to me <333
finneas: it was such a blast to work with you on this album, lets do it again soon!!
yourusername: yes please!
francisca.cgomes: so proud of you babe, just lmk when you want to run away and elope!
yourusername: my bags are packed and waiting! pierregasly: guess i’ll just leave you both to it 🧍
yourbsf2: wow look at how cool and pretty and talented my best friend is, everyone!!!
yourusername: ugh i love you so much
alexandrasaintmleux: still so excited!!! can we please go get late night ice cream to celebrate
yourbsf1: seconded francisca.cgomes: thirded! yourusername: ok to the groupchat before this is a long chain xx alexandrasaintmleux: as you wish, babe 👩‍❤️‍👩
user8: oh my god???? surprise drop???? queen behavior
user9: i’m not crying, YOU’RE crying!
user10: ur crying too, dont lie! user9: ok yeah. have you HEARD aegean? how could i not be screaming crying throwing up.
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, yourbsf1, and 228,531 others
lilymhe this amazing, beautiful girl did something amazing and beautiful again! y/n, i am so so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. please never let the hurt keep you down, because you are absolutely incredible. We will always be there to pick you back up if you need it! midnight ice creams with you are something i will cherish forever 🫶
tagged: yourusername, yourbsf1, your bsf2, alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, maisiehpeters
yourusername: i love you sooo much lily <33333 thank you for being such an incredible friend
lilymhe: i love you forever 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
francisca.cgomes: pretty best friends stick together forever and ever
yourusername: men are temporary, girlfriends are forever
maisiehpeters: might need to move to monaco so i can come to every midnight ice cream from now on
lilymhe: you’re welcome every time!
user11: how do i get this kind of female friendship in my life? 🥺
yourusername: be kind, be yourself, and be open! your people will find you, user11 💕 user11: OMG HI QUEEN ILYSM KEEP BEING YOU!!! thank you so much!
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Fernando Alonso's Instagram messages
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a/n: and that's my first fic! first smau too, so i hope the formatting isn't too bad? i love when reader is friends w the wags, but i also always love to have y/n have friends outside of the paddock, so i hope no one minded! sorry if any of the wags are ooc i just rlly needed a big group of girl friends for this and idk how normal people talk. also was this just propaganda for some of my fav songs/artists? maybe 🤭i'm actually super nervous about this, so i hope you all enjoyed!!! please send me any questions or comments you have!
the songs mentioned are:
While You Were Sleeping - Laufey
Black Hole - boygenius
Lovesick - Laufey
Goddess - Laufey
Wendy - Maisie Peters
anything - Adrianne Lenker
opposite - Sabrina Carpenter
Aegean - Push Baby
Mud - Delaney Bailey
things i wish you said - Sabrina Carpenter
(I Would Have Followed You) - Delaney Bailey
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chigirizzz · 8 months
↳ ❝ teddy bear ❞
megumi, fluff, post argument, wrote this when i was sick lol
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the plushie that was once in your arms was suddenly kicked by you, resulting in hitting the wall and falling on the floor, its face staring at you as if mocking you. the scene perhaps would be comical if it weren’t by your annoyed mood. no matter which plushie or pillow you hugged, no matter how many times you turned around in your bed, it seems that sleep wasn’t a thing you’d accomplish tonight. no matter which plush or pillow you hugged, nothing could replace the warmth of your boyfriend’s embrace…
it was your fault. it was your fault that you and megumi had an argument and now he’s on the couch just so he could give you some space.
your mind replayed the moments before and during the argument, hoping to find comfort in the pillow that you just grabbed. none of you raised your voices to the other—that is something neither of you could ever do—, but you still disrespected him.
you needed to apologize. he didn’t deserve to sleep in any other place that wasn't your shared bed.
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megumi couldn’t decide which was more annoying: his arm going numb because his head was on it, or the stupid background laughter coming from the series on tv.
he couldn’t sleep. he didn’t want to anyway. the male pretended to not be affected by the argument earlier, however, knowing you were in your shared bedroom without him made him feel cold and lonely. the words that came out of both your mouth and his made him feel like his heart was being squeezed.
the facial expression you did when he offered to sleep on the couch described regret. it meant that, despite the stupid and unnecessary fight, you wanted your boyfriend to be by your side the whole night. however, he felt like this was the best option; to give you space and time to clear your head (and his too).
arguments between you two had happened before. it's a normal thing in any type of relationship, after all. but they still hurt.
a shadow appeared by the corner of his eye, making his fight or flight mode activate.
“oh.” it was all it escaped from his lips. it was you, not far from the couch, with your hands behind your back. it was hard to read your emotions, mainly because of the fact that the only source of light was from the tv. why were you still awake?
“did i scare you?”
“yes, you did.” the dark haired male scratched the back of his neck and fixed his posture. “need anything? did you have a nightmare?”
“no, no. i’m fine,” you answered, shaking your head. your voice and body language were way more calmer than earlier. “uh… actually, i came here to give you something.”
he frowned, confused. “what is it?”
you sat close to him. really close. your arms and knees touching, making his cheeks get painted by a light shade of pink. it was a nice and warm sensation.
megumi was never the type of physical touch until he met you. in fact, he's still getting used to it. he always appreciated his friends in silence, but never hugged them or anything (even a simple ‘i miss you’ or ‘i love you’ couldn't be heard from him). that was until your presence was written in the book of his life, adding a new chapter that completely changed his story.
it was a teddy bear. a teddy bear holding a red heart and…a piece of paper taped to its arm?
megumi recognized the teddy bear. he offered you on valentine's day the previous year. he was all shy, scared that you were gonna think the plush was too corny. but all you did was grab his cheeks to pull him closer to you so you could kiss his forehead. i love you no matter what present you give me, is what you told him.
he caressed the bear’s ears. good memories flew over his mind, his heart now untangled and warm.
your arms were now around his arm, head resting on his shoulder. “read the note.”
sweet words could be read from the note. the handwriting was pretty and the choice of words was well done. you did you best to describe how sorry you were and how you wanted to fix things.
“i’m sorry megumi. i really am.”
“no… i should apologize too.”
“come to bed.” you tugged his arm so he could get up. “i'm tired but i can't sleep. today was tiring.”
“i don't know, the couch is actually really comfortable.” an attempt to hide his smile was made after telling you his joke.
“is this how you wanna play?”
he chuckled at your reaction. his laugh was music to your ears especially because it wasn't a very common thing from your boyfriend.
“not funny.”
all he did was ignore you and walk towards the bedroom. pretending to be offended, you jumped on his back to scold him. however, only laughter could be heard from you, making him smile even more. you will never let an argument ruin another day. you prefer moments like this one.
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cupcakeslushie · 7 months
Hey guys! Just wanted to give a life update. I’m trying to plan with a friend to do a local market on March 9th, so things might be a little slow for a while. And I also discovered I have to move in a couple months, so now I’ve gotta go apartment hunting. I am not too happy about this fact :/ lol
I was hoping to get a lot of drawing done during the previously mentioned 3 day, at home EEG, which I had to do this week, but it ended up being a lot more….distracting and cumbersome, than I’d thought, and sadly I didn’t get much accomplished. (Basically for four days it felt like fire ants were living on my head and it was insanely hard to concentrate. And I could only get up, and be disconnected from the bundle of wires for like 20 min at a time)
Febuwhump has taken a big backseat. I might put out a few more pieces before the end, but I’ve got a lot on my plate with this market so I’m not stressing about it anymore. So if you don’t see me posting at my usual level during the next two weeks please don’t panic! I haven’t “left” or “abandoned” the fandom or anything. Im still plotting out the next updates for EW, Feral Leo, and Brainworm Donnie.
Also if you’ve sent me anything for the TMNT AU competition, please know I’ve seen it, and would love to reply but it may be awhile. We might have to eventually do a bunch in big batches, but I love everything I’ve been sent! And please don’t feel like this is me saying I don’t want you to send me stuff, just be aware I might not get to it immediately!
I’m not gonna be disappearing completely during this time, but I think I’ll only be able to post little sketches and smaller scale stuff for a few weeks. Bigger updates will have to wait, and be worked on when I’m done with the market.
So that’s the skinny, for now!
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
ʚ lando norris x female reader
ʚ nothing hurts more than hearing the person you love most in the world have nothing but hate for himself…
ʚ a bit angsty but also fluff
ʚ seeing lando today broke my heart, hearing his post sprint interview and it just made me want to do a little blurb…i think mental health in F1 is overlooked and something needs to change because anyone can see any of these drivers struggle…
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“It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah it is.”
“Lando…it’s not your fault.
You stood at the foot of the hotel bed, worry in your eyes as Lando continued to go over notes from the past two days at the small desk in the corner of the room.
“Yes it is my fucking fault! I’m shit! Have you not seen anything this weekend?!”
“You’re not listening to me Lando, it isn’t your fault.”
He remained silent, the pen gripped tightly in his hand
“Yesterday was unfortunate but you know how messy these track limits are, not to mention the wind wasn’t helping the performance of the cars baby…I know you wanted to do better today, and P3 is still amazing Lan, not to mention we have tomorrow to prepare for.”
“Yeah well i’m gonna be shit again.”
“Look at me”
You sighed
“Lando look at me”
Slowly but surely his eyes met yours and the held a deep rooted sadness you wish you could just take away from him. In a few short strides you were in front of him, his face held gently in your hands
“You listen to me, you are so fucking talented and I see it everyday. The dedication and work you put into this sport shows, and I know…I know it’s been hard my love I know, but I can’t stand to see you hurt yourself with words that aren’t true, you might not believe it right now but I do, and I’ll believe it for you if I have too.”
It was hard not to get emotional over this, Lando was your everything, and to see him hurting this much, felt like a punch in the gut.
“It’s-It’s just frustrating…”
You nod, listening intently, knowing he’s got more to say
“I just feel like I keep failing the team and falling behind…and i-i’m not..i’m not..” he paused taking a breath
“Take your time baby…”
Lando looks away momentarily, collecting himself before looking back at you
“I don’t want to disappoint the team…my parents, my friends…you”
“Lan…you are the furthest thing from a disappointment and I hate that your head is telling you otherwise. You’ve accomplished so much in your career, and at home with your family and me…everyday you go out and make us all proud.”
Watching him carefully you pulled him up and brought him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly as his head rested against your collarbone.
“Things will get better, I know they will, but I need you to know that it’s not your fault, because it isn’t Lando..”
“Not my fault.”
He mumbled softly against your neck, which was enough for you, even if he didn’t believe it now, you’d make sure to help him see it, no matter how long it took.
“I love you and i’m so fucking proud of you, everyday my love.”
As Lando stayed in your embrace he pressed a kiss to your throat before pulling back, his eyes slightly bloodshot
“I love you too.”
He might not have said much the rest of the night, but as long as he knew he’d have you right beside him to help him through the long days and tough night, he knew he’d be okay.
No matter how long it took, with you, everything would be okay.
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daydreamwritting · 7 months
Hey, how are you? Did you drink water today? Go drink water! Alright not taking up too much time I hope! Can you do either Jasper Hale or Spencer Reid coming home to the reader having a nightmare and comforting them? Thank you for writing and posting!
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This made me drink water so mission accomplished! This one took me a second but I’m really proud with how it turned out. Hope you enjoy!
Those were the last words I heard before I felt like electricity was shooting through my entire body over and over again. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have whatever Bella has to make her immune to some vampires gifts.
I looked over at Jasper, he was shouting something but I couldn’t hear anything as I tried to focus on anything but the pain. It felt so strong like something had ahold of me, as if it could pick me up off the ground like Darth Vader or something. Honestly, I’d take over this any day. Just as it felt like a string was wrapping around my heart and trying to squeeze till it bursts, I hit the hard tiled ground.
I wake with a gasp, my heart was racing so fast I’m not totally sure that I wasn’t having a heart attack. The room was dark, I couldn’t see anything. Was I dead? Is death just a dark empty space?
Before I could think about it any longer, light peeked into the room as the bedroom door opened. I felt a wave of calm overtake me as Jasper was at my side in an instant, pulling me close to him.
“Shhh. You’re alright, Darling.” He holds me as I slowly start to even out my breathing. “I’ll be right back okay?” Jasper said, looking at me concerned.
I don’t blame him, when the nightmares first started I refused to let him out of my sight for hours afterwards. I nodded my head and he was out of the room in a second. I turn on the bedside lamp and kicked the covers off of me. Jasper seemed to flash back into the room, only being gone for about 20 seconds or so. He had a glass of water and a wet wash cloth. I took the glass with a shaky hand and slowly sipped on it while Jasper wiped the sweat off my forehead and neck. The cold cloth felt good on my skin, like a fire being put out. He set the rag aside and walked across the room to open one of the windows, letting in the cool fresh air. I shivered slightly but welcomed the cold. Even during the summer, nights in Forks were overly chilly.
Jasper grabbed the now empty glass from my hand, putting it to the side as he joined me on the queen sized bed. “You know, I wouldn’t have gone through all the effort of putting a bed in here if I knew it was gonna cause you this much trouble.” He teased. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He always asks even though he knows the answer. “It’s the same as always, with the Volturi.” That day was nothing short of a disaster. It’s a miracle that we all walked out of that room.
“They should have never touched you.”
“Technically they didn’t.” I deadpanned. Jasper lightly pushed my face away from his.
“Don’t play smart with me missy. I should have taken out every single one of them the second they hurt you.” Jasper stared at me, with this look he gets every time he’s being serious.
“You would have lost.” I noted quietly, knowing he could hear me. There’s no way Edward, Alice, and Jasper could single handedly take down the most powerful vampires in the world and their guards.
Jasper chuckled and brought his cold hand up to caress my check, his thumb stroking my cheekbone. “Not when it comes to you.”
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michellemisfit · 1 month
✨Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thanks for creating the game and for the tag @jrooc thanks for the tag @vintagelacerosette
Today we’re talking fandom. Come play!
Name and A03 handle: Michelle, michellemisfit
Current Location: Living room, surrounded by feathers, as I’m currently fletching some arrows
Favourite picrew: This one is pretty fucking spot on. Or at least it was at the time. Hair is very different now. But then, hair is always different… lol
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Also this one is spiritually VERY me
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? Ability to add coloured streaks! And a wide selection of scars, or alternatively the ability to move them around the screen. Either is fine. But mostly the hair thing. My hair is generally 4 different colours. Don’t try and limit me to one!!
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? Erm… 3 way tie between Mexico Gallacrafts, Fimo Gallavich, and Cookie Gallavich? Maybe? Argh. Turns out, looking back at my art tag… I’ve created some pretty cool stuff. Huh. Yay me.
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Why is it your favourite? I don’t really do photography, and I’m really proud of the idea behind and the execution of that photo. And while I LOVE drawing more than anything, I don’t think I’m exceptional or anything. But I’m damn creative when it comes to silly 3D craft projects, so both Fimo Gallavich and Cookie Gallavich make me happy and feel like something not just anyone could do… I dunno.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? It was LONG to create. Both cookie and Fimo Gallavich took several days in total. And I think that’s the other thing I like about myself. I am willing to put in the work, and it usually pays off.
Last ao3 fic you commented on? Hah! You’ll be able to corroborate this, I’m not just sucking up!! LOL I’m currently reading Camp is a Battlefield by @blue-disco-lights, @jrooc, and @mybrainismelted, with artwork by @creepkinginc, so that’s the last one I commented on :)
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I mean… every single WIP I have ever started reading, only to realise that maybe there won’t be any more of it… 😱 Every. Single. One. They’re all special, and they all hurt in their own special ways. And I will remain subscribed to all of them FOREVER, because you never know!!
Also? Comment on WIPs. Tell authors how much joy the story brought you, how much space it’s occupying in your brain, how much you would love to see it continue but how happy you are to have read as much of the story as there is because it’s changed your brain chemistry… do NOT comment saying ‘next chapter when?’, cause that makes you a dick bag.
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? I’m a sucker for fake dating, only one bed, and a soulmate AU 🤷🏽‍♂️
Least favourite? …not a huge fan of kid fic, but hey, all it takes is a great author to make it work.
Secret or surprising kink or trope? Again, do not kink shame, because you’re only ever one good fanfic away from discovering something about yourself you did NOT see coming…
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? Exhausted and antsy. Is it good enough? Are people gonna like it? Should I even bother anyone with this? Why don’t I just go and hide under a rock forever?? I felt okay about this when I finished it, why is it suddenly the worst thing to have ever been created??? …I wish there was a sense of calm and accomplishment. There is not. Brains suck!
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: @deedala - I so appreciate how we’re on a similar wave length when it comes to art as well as ‘everybody wants to hunt me for sport’ vibes. I know I can always count on you for kind but honest words, and that’s so important!!
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Read comfort fic. Probably Like Real People Do or None the Wiser.
Edit: Also? Go and read comments and tags on old art posts. That’s a sure fire way to cheer me up!
This was fun, and made the 15 minute wait between fletching each feather pass much faster. Thanks!!
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If you are currently making your own arrows and need something to occupy your wait time with… how about completing a tag game? lol
@heymrspatel @loftec @creepkinginc @deedala @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @iandarling @iansw0rld @ian-galagher @mybrainismelted @palepinkgoat @crossmydna @mikhailoisbaby @sickness-health-all-that-shit @rereadanon @rutherinahobbit @energievie @junemermaid @francesrose3 @deathclassic @faejilly @rutherinahobbit @gallawitchxx @look-i-love-u @jessij1997 @callivich @celestialmickey @wehangout @doshiart @lynne-monstr @the-rat-wins @blue-disco-lights @suzy-queued @sleepyfacetoughguy @spookygingerr @burninface @gallapiech
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Mr. WrestleMania
Roman Reigns x Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut, smut and more smut. A little honorable mention fluff; but very brief
“After a flawless victory at his 3rd Main Event at WrestleMania, your Tribal Chief deserved three special treats.”
A/N: Had to write this in honor of our Tribal Chief retaining last night, I was real nervous, and was even setting myself up for failure. But, I’LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN 😭!!
GIF: @doinggreat
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“Acknowledge me.” His wispy voice brought chills to your body.
“Cut! Great job baby.”
“Thank you babe, don’t forget to post that.”
Here he was, your husband, Roman Reigns. Still reigning supreme and he’s just getting started.
Whether or not people are upset Roman won, you’ll always and forever be proud of him.
Kudos to the white knight, but it wasn’t his time. “You already know how I do mama.” His hands grip your waist and a chaste kiss was placed upon your lips. Your smile as bright as ever and his eyes lighting up at your beauty.
“My Tribal Chief?” The voice of the wiseman interrupted your serene moment with your man. “Yes wiseman?”
“The Escalade is ready for you and Y/N to take you back to the hotel.” “Thanks wiseman! Now… vanish.” Your arms wrapped tightly around Roman’s right bicep. “Of course.” And with that, the wiseman was left scurrying.
“Why do you have to be so nasty to him?” Roman laughed as he witnessed you verbally abuse his special counsel. “I’m not nasty with him, but I wanna be nasty to you.” Your hands grip the neck of his shirt and your face centimeters away from his.
“Ohhh, that’s how you feel?!” Your Tribal Chief couldn’t contain his desire for your dominance.
“That’s exactly how I feel.” You said almost immediately.
His brow arched into a questioning look. “And exactly how are you gonna do that?!” A gasp slid passed your lips as he roughly pulled you in by your hips, so there was no space between you. His large hands quickly travelled down to your plump ass, which was waiting to be grasped.
His hands squeezed and released your supple cheeks as you looked him up in his eyes and bit your lip. “You haven’t answered me mama?!” Your eyes began searching his as his hands still worked their magic…
“You are an icon, you are a Hall of Famer, you are the one, and you ARE the Greatest. Of. All. Time, and that’s why you deserve to fuck my throat tonight.” Roman’s couldn’t contain his smile. By god, did he love a woman who can hype him on his accomplishments and speak so dirty to him at the same damn time.
“Reallyyyyy?! Anything else?” Your smile couldn’t contain itself either. “Why, of course there is. What kind of woman would I be if I didn’t give you a proper way to celebrate tonight’s victory?”
“So… Mrs. Reigns, in what other ways are you gonna treat me?!” Both of your smirks seemed to never falter from each others face. “Well Mr. WrestleMania… I know you love how much I taste, so I was planning for you eat my cunt with a little strawberries and whipped cream.”
Roman grunted at the thought of having you spread open with whipped cream sprawled all over your sweet cunt.
His voice became deeper and huskier, “What else?”
“What else?! Baby, you already know how I get down when I’m treating you.” You smiled.
You took care of Roman very well, at home, all over the world, and especially in the bedroom, or floor, or kitchen counter, or the living room couch. It doesn’t matter where, you knew how to please your man and make him feel like the king he already is.
You went on your tippy toes to reach his ear. “And I’m gonna ride that dick. All. The. Way. Back. Home.” You fell back on your feet to look him in his eyes and gauge his reaction. “Thanks.” His random vow of appreciation to you stumped your mind, you were confused as to what he was thanking you for.
“Ummm, for what baby?!”
“For being here for me throughout this entire journey, being by my side, and uplifting me all the way.” He walked away from you and towards the chair where his belts laid.
“This is for you, and all the work you do. And before I beat the brakes off that pussy up in that hotel room tonight, I just needed to let you know how much you mean to me and you’ve made me into the man I am today. Without no Y/N, there would be no Roman Reigns or Joe Anoa’i, and I wouldn’t be operating at this level without you, so thanks mama.”
Your eyes became misty thinking about how far he’s come and the absolute success and power he has earned. “You’re welcome baby, I really appreciate that!”
You both smiled at one another, but his faded quickly. He stepped up to as you back away, you backed away so far you hit the wall.
“I meant what I said when I’m gonna beat the brakes off of my pussy.” You gulped what felt like your last breath. As he left you breathless, he grabbed bag for you and headed toward the door.
“Shall we, my queen?”
You looked as his inviting bent arm, and nodded.
Later on, you both arrived at the hotel after a long, hot, and steamy make out session in the back of the Escalade.
Thank god there was a curtain separating you guys from the driver.
On the 50th floor, you and your man took a shower together. Washing each others bodies, and groping one another.
But now, Roman’s ass was pressed against the bathroom counter, and you were on your knees.
You looked up at your Tribal Chief as you stroked his member and cupped his balls. “Couldn’t wait to get me up here, huh?!” Your smile couldn’t leave your face as you reminisce on the utter urgency you felt on pleasuring your man and rushing him up to the room. The elevator felt like it wasn’t going anywhere.
But soon, your smile faltered, your eyes darken, and your ministrations on his cock begin to quicken. His puffy, pink lips trapped between his pearly, white teeth as he watched you abused his cock.
Roman hissed as you roughly rubbed your thumb against his tip. “You like that daddy?!” Who am I kidding, I know you do.” Your voice set into a sultry tone wanting to seduce him as much as possible.
Your lips soon engulf the head of his dick and began suckling his sweet, fat tip. Roman’s eyes rolled to back of his head as he indulged in the savory feeling of you pleasuring him.
“Oh my god… do that shit baby girl, do that shiiitt.” His tongue passed over his top lip, and he placed his right hand on your head to fasten your movements.
You bobbed you head back and forth, as you knew the throat fucking was starting to begin.
You relaxed your throat, sat on your shins, and placed your hands on Roman’s thick thighs. Roman ceased his lean against bathroom counter and stood up straight.
“You ready baby?!” You sent for a go with a thumbs up. You felt dizzy as Roman’s huge hands were clasped against both sides of your head. Your tongue laid flat against the underside of his cock and your mouth agape.
Roman began pumping his cock in and out of your wet mouth tenderly. Your eyes hung low as you watched the sly expression on his face. “Watch my cock fuck your throat mama.” Already naked from taking a shower together, your pussy wet, and leaking onto the ground.
Your eyes transversed from his eyes to the tanned dick pumping in and out of your mouth. Roman’s left hand clamped the back of your head making a makeshift ponytail, and his right cupped underneath your chin. The inside of his thighs hit your cheeks as he brutally slammed his cock into your mouth.
You gagged, your saliva coating the entirety of his member. Your red painted nails pressed into his thighs as he held a stalemate in your throat. His eyes now set on your hands, waiting for the signal. But, your eyes deep and filled with lust, you let his cock stay still in your throat.
“F-uuuckkkk, you’re gonna let me stay in that throat baby?” Shit, he could live in there for all you care. Roman pulled his cock out of your mouth, and your hand rubbed your pussy. Collecting all of your essence, you then smear your juices all over his dick. His chest rising up and down as you sucked the head of his cock hard. He was quick to make you stand up, and pushed you towards the door.
You crawled on the bed sensually with your back arched, and your ass propped up. You quickly maneuvered to your back and spread your legs open. Your honey essence covering the expansion of your spread thighs.
“Fuckkkk, that pussy real wet for me huh?!” Your eyes shifted immediately to the strawberries and whipped room service left on the nightstand. Roman’s eyes followed and flew to the berries and cream. (I’m a little lad who loves berries and cream; I couldn’t help it 😭).
A plump, red strawberry was vastly put up against your lips. And as you opened your lips, you darted your tongue out to sensually grasp the sweet fruit. The juices burst into a flavorful explosion inside of your mouth. The whipped cream canister was shook by the Tribal Chief as he lowered his head to your cunt.
“I ain’t even have dinner yet baby, but I’m skipping straight to dessert.”
The noisy canister explodes whipped cream around your cunt, and a dollop on your clit. The can was throw across the room, and the menace immediately licked up the cream around your pussy. His tongue pointed out, scoped the cream on your clit; just narrowly hitting your sensitive spot.
His lips wrapped around his cunt ever so delightfully, and his abuse began. He lapped up your juices from your flowing center and sucked it up. “Mmmmmm.” Your lips pressed together as you revel in the pleasure. Roman continued his ministrations; continually lapping up your sweet nectar.
“Oh my god, don’t stop dadd-…” Just as you were mid sentence, Roman licked a bold stripe from your hole up to your heated clit. Your body shivered living in the sensation. “Who said I was gonna stop baby?!” His mouth enclosed your pussy as he spoke those words.
He kept licking and licking and licking your sensitive, pulsing clit. “Hol-yyyy shittt, right there, *grunt*, right FUCKING there!” Your legs quaked as your climax took over you. As you were catching your breath, the Tribal Chief stole it with a heavy kiss. The dizzy feeling in your head didn’t prolong when Roman soon dragged your legs to the edge of the bed.
He spread them all the way open, almost ready to dive in again. But, you stopped him.
“Baby… I told you I was gonna ride yo ass all the way back home, and I meant what I said.” His hands lifted up in surrender and marched his way to the middle of the large hotel bed.
Your thighs encased each side of his and you lowered yourself onto his cock. You both moaned as you ease his length into your throbbing cunt. “I’m gonna take you there baby.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Taking his words as a threat you began pounding onto your man’s lap, taking his dick real good. As you rode him, you made sure to squeeze his dick with your pussy to increase the pleasure and pressure. You pushed him to lay flat on the bed and kept your hands on his burly chest. You rode him faster and faster; his teeth clenched together enjoying the moment of ecstasy.
“Mmmmm, ride that fuckin’ dick mama.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and slammed yourself continuously on his member. Roman grabbed two handfuls of your ass and guided your rough fucking session. Your moans booming through the room and the wet slapping sounds clouded the air. Roman’s eyes hit the back of his head as he reached his high.
His cum filled up your entire pussy as you released as well. You got off of Roman and cuddled up to his side. “That was exactly what I needed after today.” You caressed his beard and stared at him lovingly. “It’s what you deserve.”
Your smiles heavy as you both drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
Then. Now. Forever. Together
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @alyanarossi @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce
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tiredhermitgirl · 11 months
LawLu and why it works (for me)
I recently engaged in @sungd ‘s post that was asking what was the appeal of lawlu and it really got me thinking/ hyper fixating on this ship more so I wanted to voice more of my thoughts on it!
Yeah the age gap is weird because it’s like a 7 year age difference so I see why folks are put off by this ship. HOWEVER, the reason why it doesn’t bother me as much is because of their personalities.
I’m gonna focus more on Law since he is the older of the two and that seems to be where people get hung up!
This will probably be long but bear with me there is a point! 😂 And if you don’t want to read all this either that is completely fine!
Ok here we go!
Law despite how he wants to be perceived, is actually a pretty respectful and honest guy. We get glimpses of this even from Sabaody where he gives the credit of freeing Jean Bart to Luffy rather than himself, despite it being him who cuts off Jean Bart’s chains and asking him to join his crew.
This happens again when he literally jumps into an active war zone to save a rival captain who he doesn’t really know at all. And rather than boast about it to Luffy’s allies, he just quietly stays in the corner and doesn’t even accept their gratitude for saving Luffy’s life. He even says that Luffy and co don’t owe him anything because he did this on a whim. Coming from someone who is framed as one of Luffy’s rival and also depicted as being sadistic and cruel, it is weird how Law doesn’t rub it in anyone’s face that HE was the one who saved Luffy and that Luffy and the rest of them owe him.
Even meeting up with Luffy again after the time skip, rather than Law force Luffy and his crew to help him take down Doflamingo because of some perceived debt, Law asks Luffy to form an alliance to take down Kaido. If Luffy had said no I get the feeling that Law would just accept it and continue his plan on his own. He never brings up how he saved Luffy as leverage or in general and again when Luffy thanks him for it, Law brushes him off and says that Luffy doesn’t owe him anything.
Like you literally save someone’s life and they don’t owe you???
And then we have Dressrosa where we get a lot of info on Law and why he is the way he is and why he hates Doflamingo. After suffering the way he has suffered, it wouldn’t be surprising at all if he was a cruel person because the world has not been kind to him. But he was saved by someone who was goofy, and kind, and saw him for what he was, which was a hurt child.
And he willingly shares all this information with Luffy, who resembles Corazon A LOT.
For me there are two crucial points in Dressrosa that really show just how much Law respects Luffy and even the crew itself.
The first one is his speech to Doflamingo, where he tells Doflamingo that he will lose because Luffy and his crew have performed nothing but miracles since they have been at sea. Despite Law being completely brutalized by Doflamingo and despite him wanting to be the one to take down Doflamingo, his faith is completely in Luffy, going as far as to call him and his friend’s miracle workers.
To me, this implies that Law has been following Luffy’s journey for a while which isn’t so far fetched but it also implies that Law has a great respect for Luffy and his crew that has been growing with each feat they accomplish. Notice how I use the word respect because we are not at the love stage.
The second crucial moment, for me personally, is when Law refuses to leave the vicinity of the battlefield despite him losing an arm and bleeding out. I remember when I first read what he said I was so shocked because it was so honorable in a way that we have only seen by Luffy’s crew and by people like Bon Clay and Jinbei.
The fact that Law wanted to stay and watch Luffy beat Doflamingo and if he didn’t beat him then he wanted to die with him because he would see it as his fault. The fact that he states that Luffy and his crew wouldn’t be in this situation had he not asked them to is something that has always stuck with me because it’s so… like idk I can’t find the word I am looking for but it just speaks “honorable” to me and it shows just how deeply Law respects Luffy and his crew. Like it just made me like Law even more because it showed that he CARES about people and that he avoids inconveniencing people as much as he can.
And what Robin says afterwards is, to me, what makes this ship work. This is verbatim from the manga but Robin tells him “Traffy, The captains in an alliance stand on equal ground! Luffy is here of his own will. He doesn’t participate in a fight unless he wants to.” And I think. This statement applies to Luffy’s approach to life in general. Luffy is all about freedom. Nobody can chain him down or make him do anything that he doesn’t want to do. Luffy is his own person and he has such a strong personality/ will that nobody can force him into anything he doesn’t like.
So when people try to make it seem as if this ship is predatory strictly because of the age difference, I understand why they feel that way but I would politely disagree because Luffy is NOT the kind of person who will allow himself to be in that situation and Law is NOT the type of person who would put another in that situation. Especially when you take into account Law’s backstory and hatred of Doflamingo. Law would never want to be compared to nor would he want to emulate someone like that. Also while they met pre-timeskip there was literally nothing there. Like to me this ship didn’t start until Punk Hazard.
And if we really want to talk about predatory then Boa Hancock simping for a 17 year old Luffy when she was 29? Yikes!
For me personally, I think if we were really to pinpoint when feelings would develop between them, I would say AFTER Dressrosa. Probably not towards Zou nor while they are on Zou. Law had too much going on in his head during Punk Hazard and Dressrosato even consider Luffy in any other light other than ally. After the defeat of Doflamingo, I think it would take some time for him to sit with his feelings on EVERYTHING and once he sorted through that then he might start thinking about how he views Luffy. If I were to say when that view would start, it would probable be when Luffy was on Whole Cake Island.
Either way, after thinking more about this ship, I am starting to like it more! Sorry for this long info dump! I hope it made some sense!
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nihilistem · 1 year
Hey! I read your study tips both posts regarding adhd . (Feel free to ignore )
I am still undiagnosed and I think it's adhd but i do not have the resources nor the environment or support system to do anything about it .I am a high schooler preparing for entrance exams and i really need to like get my shit together and i feel like i have wasted sm time already but i really do want to get better. When i sit to study i just can't focus if I keep my phone in some other room then also i would just sit and stare at my books without accomplishing something. I am trying really but it's feels like my brain is frozen and my body is moving .my brain keep screaming guilty and ashamed but i can't seem to do anything about it.your study post actually i related to a lot because pomodro kind of seems to be working for everyone but me and the you described the exact same things I do
I know this is a lot to ask for please feel free to ignore but how do I stop Letting my emotions take over and study consistently because I only have one chance at the exams
Oh my, first of all I’d like to say that, as cliché as it is, I know exactly how you feel. I was undiagnosed for so long (I was only diagnosed a few months ago) and I didn’t even know that the adhd things I experience on a regular basis wasn’t normal or neurotypical for so long.
first up : I know this is difficult, but please do not say such things about yourself. I’m not gonna get into the whole thing, (cuz I have done a post on that already) but it’s true that the more you drill that bad stuff into your brain, the more it’s gonna stick. We need our brains to be in the best condition possible to study efficiently and saying bad stuff about yourself that isn’t even true is just going to hinder your performance. You got this. I promise you’re not lazy. Your brain just isn’t motivated by the same things others are, but we can work with that simple difference.
I’ll make a separate post on how not to let your emotions take over, but for now …
adhd study tips for those trying to get into the habit.
— by a stem student with adhd.
here’s my first post on adhd study tips.
— don’t put your phone in a different room. Instead, download an app that prevents you from using other apps on your phone.
there’s plenty of apps that do this but the one I prefer is ypt because all its features are completely free and it stops your timer when you exit the app unless you enter ‘allowed app mode.’ I don’t know about you, but if I find that I’m just zoning out on my textbook then I end up stopping my timer and deleting the record because I know I didn’t actually study, and this motivates me to actually get some work done. The timer also gets me motivated to keep going for longer so I have physical proof of my focus time and studies. It will feel good to even have just 1 hour of study time on it, I promise.
— even if you’re not interested in your studies, try your best to find even one thing that interests you.
novelty, challenge and interest are some of the best motivators of the adhd brain, so use it. I know that sparking your curiosity for a subject you hate seems impossible, but hear me out.
ever since I was young, I was exposed to books and I drew everyday. This caused me to become very passionate about the arts, but since I had adhd and didn’t know, I failed all my classes and specifically hated chemistry because it was specifically designed to be everything that I can’t be good at due to my poor memory and the need to memorize a TON of concepts. Then during class one day, I was doing chemistry work with my friends and felt frustrated that they could easily balance equations and work out which compounds were acids or bases purely by its chemical formula. And that’s what sparked me to start reading my textbook to see what the big deal was. How was it possible for one to just know when something is a acid solely from looking at a bunch of letters? This started a chain reaction; I found my answer, and found that the process of finding my answer and learning this new information was fulfilling. So I looked at all the other chemistry topics, and it turns out chemistry was fun. I was supposed to be an art student but now I’m majoring in chemistry and biology, all because of that sense of challenge and curiosity I was given that day.
tdlr; I was bad at chemistry but I’m now majoring in it because I felt challenged by a friend and was curious to know how they could solve chem equations easily.
All it took was a bit of curiosity. It’s a very powerful thing to the adhd brain. And if you use this as a motivator for your studies it might even cause you to hyper-fixate on your work, which means you’ll naturally spend more time studying just to find all the answers you’re now dying to know.
— use the pomodoro timer, but think about the things that you have to do that seems a little impossible to do under 25 minutes.
This fulfills the ‘challenge’ category I mentioned in the previous tip.
Let me explain; I subconsciously started doing this to myself without anyone telling me this and it’s helped me a LOT. Here’s an example;
“This chapter’s too long, it’s impossible to read through everything and understand the key concepts in just twenty five minutes.”
is it, though?
So I was off to the races, genuinely reading through every page and taking note of every single heading or bold or italicized word so I will be able to summarize the entire topic by the time the twenty five minutes is up.
And it doesn’t even matter if you don’t make that twenty five minute mark, because you’ll feel a sense of defeat and try it again with another chapter/topic.
this accomplishes two things; one, the work you’ve been putting off or zoning out on is now probably 20% - 50% completed and now you feel motivated to continue. Two, this method will train you to be faster in learning or studying new material or even just completing work in general, depending on what you’re challenging yourself to do.
— dress up, do your hair, study at a library or cafe you love (and possibly make pretty notes.)
I’ve talked about interest, I’ve talked about challenge, and now I’m gonna talk about novelty.
Do this with purpose! But what do I mean by that?
I’m sure you’ve come across studious girls in media or even people on social media making videos and taking pretty photos of their day out to study. Usually they’re dressed the part and even if they’re not, there’s a certain vibe, aesthetic or aura about them that is just so desirable that it makes you wish you were doing what they were doing. And if you don’t feel this way, find content creators or media that do make you feel this way.
How will this help me? Well, there are actually a few reasons but the first one that comes to mind is that this is also an adhd tip used outside of studying. Combining a task you don’t want to do with a task you’d like to do is a faster and more efficient way of convincing yourself to do long, difficult or even tiring tasks. Another is that doing this would also mean you’ve technically gotten yourself to desire studying, something more commonly known as romanticizing studying. If you make studying look fun, glamorous or even desirable for yourself then you’re sure to get to the hideous parts of it. Think about being a straight A student, someone who’s always wearing nice clothes with great hair and such a focused work ethic. Once you desire to be that person and you dress like that person, you’ll start to do the things that person will do.
— use the pomodoro timer but set it to even shorter bursts instead. (e.g. 15 minutes work, 5 minutes break.)
Or hell, on my worst days I set it to 5 minutes work, 5 minutes break.
The whole point of this exercise is to just start, because that’s arguably the hardest part about studying, you can’t get yourself to actually start or to actually focus. So promise yourself a five minute break after a very short amount of time of reading.
— skip straight to the questions of a topic, try to do them and identify the information you need to get the answer right.
For example, I came across a bio question that was rather simple but I didn’t know the answer to because I haven’t revised the topic for a while, and the question was, what is needed in the body for anaerobic respiration to take place? And the answer was simple, but I didn’t know because again, I didn’t study the material before answering the paper.
one’s brain can have the habit of being complacent especially when you don’t wanna do work, so diving head first into the questions and realizing that you don’t know jack shit would be a good wake up call for you and your brain—and this can connect to the second point that I made because you might find that you’d be eager to get the answer right all on your own, and become curious as to what the answer is.
important to remember …
erase everything bad that you were told or led to believe about studying. I promise that if you look for ways to make it engaging for you and form a habit, studying can be something you don’t dread or worry about everyday. You are capable. This is the start of your journey. Yes, the question of ‘what if I get distracted again’ will always be there but think about what could happen if today is the first day you’re not distracted. If you don’t at least try to start now, you will have zero chance of being able to actually focus and study. But if you try, the worst that will happen is that you tried. If you keep trying, it will happen. I promise.
If you need any more tips regarding adhd, (or being undiagnosed,) please do let me know. I’ll do my best to help.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
Your circumstances don't matter
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I don’t give a fuck what your past was, or what your present looks like now, or what you “hope” your future will be. You can have exactly what you want every single time!
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“I want this person but they don’t know I exist…”
“I want a new car but I don’t have enough money…”
“I want to experience this but…”
“I want this, BUT…”
We all at some point talked like this not realizing we are limiting ourselves.
If you are focused on your current circumstances, there will always be a “but.” (And I don’t ever wanna hear anybody say “BUT” after this post like fuck you mean?)
The good news is your current circumstances won’t ever matter because every single possibility exists in the eternal NOW, and everything is ALWAYS changing and anything can happen at any time. This is why you don’t have to worry about creating a new circumstance for you to get something you want, you simply align yourself with a reality that has what you want.
Because there are infinite realities, there are going to be outcomes we prefer, and the ones we don’t prefer.
Now, you may ask…
“How come I experience unwanted outcomes? How do we align to the preferred outcomes?”
First, if you’re anxiously worrying or fearing a certain outcome, you’re putting more energy into it. You might even expect it to happen, thinking about what you would do when the worst happens. Basically, you’re sooo focused on what could go wrong, you end up manifesting what you didn’t want. Then, have the audacity to say, “SEE, I knew things would go wrong!” Well no shit, bitch.
“The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.” - Neville Goddard
This is why I’m always saying where your focus goes, energy flows. When you focus on your desired outcome, that is the outcome you will receive.
That’s it. This shit ain’t rocket science.
Doubts may arise, a scary situation might pop into your head, the 3D might show the exact opposite of what you want, so what?!
Are you telling me you’re gonna let a silly little thought determine what’s going to happen? You’re going to give up because something didn’t go your way? Ok girl, stay lame.
Let that shit pass and counter it with a thought or vision that you want.
When you continue to do this, it’ll carve a pathway to our desired outcome, people start moving, events start happening, things will begin to shift behind the scenes to get you to your end goal. It’s also important to trust the process even if you see no visible movement, and just remain calm in the feeling you already have what you want.
STOP preparing for the worst,
STOP dwelling in what you don’t want,
STOP giving up after every inconvenience.
Things will always work out for you, why?! BECAUSE YOU SAID SO AND PERSISTED IN IT!
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koralinewrites · 1 month
I saw a post on your main account that you listened to DAYLIGHT! If you don't mind, could you let me know what you think of it?
Okay so, just to preface this, I’ve ONLY ever listened to Laito’s audios, so his is all I’m gonna be talking about. Obviously there’s gonna be a few spoilers- I personally REALLY loved his tracks. I know there are people who don’t like it because of the storyline and such, but I don’t really care about all that. I loved it for two things. 1) It shows off Laito’s thought processes and what goes through his head and 2) Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance was amazing.
I LOVE angst. I love reading it, writing it, everything. And this has a lot of angst. I mean, the one person who he’s fallen in love with is dying, and there’s quite literally nothing he can do. I think Track 4 was the one that actually got me to cry at the end, when he’s having a mental breakdown. We get to learn more about how he views himself. He doesn’t think of himself as someone who should HAVE these feelings. He’s Laito Sakamaki: a vampire who lies and manipulates his way through life (basically a direct quote, btw). He doesn’t know what to do about these feelings. Lust and pleasure was all predictable, it was second nature. But when someone he genuinely cared for showed up? He had no idea. And then to pile onto these confusing feelings, that same person was going to die. And he couldn’t do a thing. His default was to get rid of the root of the problem, aka you.
This is where I got kinda confused , because a similar thing was happening in More Blood but he didn’t want to kill Yui because he loved her. The way I understood it was he’d rather be the one to kill you than to see you die slowly and painfully without him being able to do anything. Plus, if he was the one to try to kill you, you’d probably resent him and it’d make his life easier. You wouldn’t be nice to him anymore. It’d be something normal, predictable. Something he’s used to, because, let’s face it, he doesn’t know how to handle genuine compassion. But then you don’t. You don’t hate him for trying to murder you- in fact, you welcome it. And this confuses him. You’re not supposed to act like this, it just makes his job harder. Why aren’t you doing anything the way it’s supposed to be done? The way he’s used to. And so, he thinks it’s a problem with him. So he turns that knife on himself, and it takes you getting hurt for him to realize that getting rid of himself wouldn’t accomplish anything either.
Also, as I said before, Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance is AMAZING in this. I’m obsessed with, I can’t remember if it’s Track 3 or 4, but the scene where you’re in the school infirmary and have a coughing fit. He obviously freaks out and his voice deepens in worry. But then. When he leaves, he puts on that happy mask. His voice lightens, and it’s back to that higher-pitched sound it was originally. And that made me want to SMACK him. Like, sir- STOP. Stop hiding behind that mask, it’s obvious you’re worried. Come on.
When Laito’s thinking to himself, when he has that mental breakdown in Track 4, the way his voice shakes and deepens and how he yells and curses and punches a wall and just- AUGHHH. This man. He so obviously cares, but he doesn’t know what to do with all of these feelings he’s never had to deal with before. I just…. God.
Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted. If you can’t tell, I’ve had this rant in my head for a WHILE. He just makes me so ILL. Please, people, send in more Laito related asks, I have so many thoughts-
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pumpkinpie59 · 8 months
“the 2012 family isn’t abusive” and “the 2012 family all have toxic traits that can affect each other badly” are both takes that can coexist
i think out of all the tmnt shows (except maybe rise, but i could go back on that if i think about it for more than two seconds; this post isn’t about them tho), 2012 has the most dysfunctional family.
this is not a criticism tho. it’s an observation and it can lead to interesting storytelling.
splinter in 2012 suffers from ptsd and it affects how he teaches his children and how he views the world.
he’s been through a lot and was lead to believe he lost his first child.
so yes it’s not shocking that he’d make bad decisions as a parent.
he’s not a bad person by any means, but his attitude about strangers, enemies, and relationships are off. he shows favoritism towards leo, though that’s not his intention. he fails to give his other children the attention they need. etc etc
so it’s not that surprising that his children also gained flaws that affect each other negatively.
leo is dedicated to his training, which isn’t bad but it gave him an ego. he believes he’s the good example, that he’s better skilled than his brothers. he has good skills that make him the best choice as leader, but sometimes his ego and his authority make him downplay his brothers’ opinions and chastise their choices.
it’s mostly seen in his arguments with raphael and donatello. raphael is stubborn, but he values his family like leo does. their opinions on how to protect their family and do the right thing aren’t always on the right page, which frustrates them. raphael goes through growth that makes him a lot more patient with leonardo, but he still calls leo out when leo makes bad decisions, and leo often refuses to listen to him bc he’s the leader. he’s in charge. why should he listen? which is not what a leader should be and he needs to learn that over the course of the series (he,, rlly doesn’t but i digress).
as for donatello and leonardo. donatello is smart and leonardo knows that and ends up using that to his advantage. he puts a lot of pressure on donnie and overworks him. donatello is smart so he has to be the one to track things down, fix mutations, learn what is going wrong. and when donatello’s attempts go wrong, leonardo gets frustrated and orders donatello to just. do better. keep working on it. since donatello struggles with insecurities, this is just added to it and he is super hard on himself when he fails.
having so much pressure put on him by splinter certainly doesn’t help his attitude either.
is he hard on michelangelo? eh not rlly but mikey’s a nothing character so moving on
raphael very obviously has his temper. he’s probably the most criticized of the team so his faults are kinda obvious. he has the most growth in the show tho so i’m not gonna go into too much depth.
obviously his temper and habit to get violent when he’s angry affects his brothers negatively. tho he’s mostly physically violent with leonardo or michelangelo. with donatello they usually are more verbal ig? when raphael is rough with donatello, it’s usually playful. idk
also his temper affects his focus and skills so he’s often chastised by splinter, which comes across to him like leo is so much better and splinter likes him more.
donatello’s turn. this guy has his heart on his sleeve and ik i mention his insecurities constantly but it does affect him more than anything else. he’s insecure about being a mutant, he’s insecure about his weapon and fighting skills, he’s insecure about his feelings for april, he’s insecure about whether he’s smart enough, he’s insecure PERIOD. he has so much going on in that brain so ofc it’s gonna affect his brothers
he snaps at people all the time. he lets his insecurities affect the way he interacts with other people (see: casey jones).
even the pride he does have about his scientific accomplishments can be easily crushed when they’re ruined or criticized in some way.
he isolates very often and sometimes when he is confident it comes across as rude.
and when he acts out of concern for april, he goes about it wrong and ends up being creepy.
it doesn’t help that splinter hardly corrects any of his behavior. plus he doesn’t get the affirmation he needs.
as for michelangelo he’s a bad interpretation of someone with adhd— oh wait no that’s not what i’m trying to talk about hold on—
so michelangelo is playful and naïve and fails to take many things seriously, which frustrates his brothers a lot so it’s hard for them to take him seriously when he is being genuine.
and for karai, we already see how flawed and rebellious she is, and it rubs off on her brothers often, particularly leo.
this family is just a wreck but that’s why they’re so interesting to explore and see them grow. it’s why i wanted more from the series. their dynamics have positive parts as well and it’s nice seeing them talk through things. but the series sacrifices a lot of that for plots that don’t rlly matter tbh (most of season 5 <3)
they are not abusive at all but they are extremely flawed and that’s okay
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saturnalmoss · 1 year
A curious case of littering
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Master Post
An arm was what had caught York’s attention.
He was taking his daily jog around Fancy Town. There weren’t much in the way of alleys here, but the older parts of town had some number of dark nooks and crannies. It was here that York noticed an odd shape on the ground.
It was still there on the second lap. He stopped and looked around. It was getting to be evening, but the brownstones remained quiet, curtains drawn or maybe empty. The irregular lots between them like rotten teeth grew wild with weeds and garbage.
York walked up to the thing on the ground: an arm - as he had thought. He had felt the call to wrestle in his hindbrain before his eyes had even registered it, but if they were lying on the ground, they probably hadn’t got the energy for a good armwrestle. That’s what he had decided on his first lap.
Now, he realized, this arm would never wrestle again. He stood a little longer, then pulled his brand new, refurbished, little flip bone out of his jacket pocket. He was reticent to get an iBone when he couldn't be bothered to memorize a bone number but Rosé way struck with inspiration after their last adventure.
York carefully pressed the buttons marked with stars in the order of the constellation. He had even written orcish on them to help practice the foreign numbers. He figured, in for a phalange in for a femur.
“York!” Rosé said happily.
“Rosé.” York said. “I found an arm.”
“It’s on the ground, and ain’t attached to no one.” He wanted to hold it up, but Jancy had drilled into him that the crime scene was not to be touched until photos could be taken, and his iBone did not have picture capability.
“Oh no. Uh. Okay, Jancy isn’t in the office - she went to talk to a potential client. UH.”
“Can you call her?”
“Potential client! Her bone is on silent.”
“Can you call Grandma?”
York listened patiently as Rosé muttered something about holding and groups and beep boops.
“Grenda Highforge speaking.”
“Grandma, I found an arm.” York said. There was silence on the other end while Rosé thought of how to rephrase.
“...It’s by itself, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Also Rosé is here. On the bone, not with me. Rosé, I don't know where you are,” York crouched down on the ground to examine the lone arm again.
“Hi, Rosé!”
“Hi. I'm in the office and Jancy isn’t in the office so we don’t know what to do. Can you do your best Jancy for a minute and tell us what to do?”
“Uh! Yeah. Uh. Don’t touch anything!” York nodded; accomplished. “Secure the area?”
York looked around. Still not a soul, as far as he could tell. “Next?”
“Maybe draw a chalk outline?” Grenda suggested.
“I don’t got chalk.”
“Oh, I do! Well, with me.”
Rosé chimed in, “Grandma, I’m heading over there. Let’s all meet up.” York nodded again, unseen.
“Good idea! Where should I go?” There was a sudden silence on the other end. Rosé stopped in her tracks.
“Uh. Yeah. Uh, what do you see nearby, York?”
York listed them the landmarks nearby. The city folks insistence on naming all the places they go instead of just going was still weird to him. Then again, Northern Tribe orcs didn’t tend to plan to go places together so much as just run into each other sometimes.
The other two tell him to stay on the iBone, maybe look for a blood trail.
“Ain’t no blood.”
“What.” Grenda said.
“Don’t like that.” Rosé said. York peered closer.
“Actually, I don’t think this thing ever had blood to begin with.” He held it up triumphantly. “Yeah! It’s metal! It’s a metal arm!”
“What like a prosthetic? Or a mannequin?”
“Or a crash test dummy?” Rosé added.
“A prosthetic?” York said derisively.
“A prosthetic is a replacement limb!” Grandma told him helpfully. A dog yipped in the background.
“I know what a prosthetic is! But this ain’t no prosthetic. It doesn’t even have spikes.”
“Northern Tribes do prosthetics differently, eh, buddy?” Rosé said.
York turned the arm over in his hand. “Yeah! You just stick a weapon in there! Whose gonna make a whole fake arm to put on your arm when you can stick an ax in there?” He looked at the arm again. “Oh, shit.”
“What?” Rosé asked
“Even for a leg?” Grenda said at the same time.
“Uh, no, hammer’s best if you lose a leg.” York said distractedly, putting the arm on the ground gingerly. “Swords and axes’ll just stick in the ground.” He pushed the palm a little, then pulled it back again.
“What if you just lost the front of your foot, could you get a dagger and do sick kick flip stabby stabs?”
“Yeah. Classic.” York muttered.
“I’m here!” Rosé said and York stood up sharply. She looked at him, then the arm. She raised an eyebrow. York stared.
“Ooh, in stereo! I’ll be there soon. Plus, I have a client! Maybe she can do a little sniffing?”
Rosé, Grenda, and York stared down at the hand together. A dog panted happily nearby, tied tightly to a stake. A little bowl of water glittered. “So, no blood. No body.” Rosé said. “Does that mean this is a lost item, not a murder?”
“It could still be a missing person!” Grenda said helpfully. “You never know.”
“It’s definitely a prosthetic, though? Even though it’s not a weapon?” York asked.
“I mean, I could knock someone out with that.” Rosé said. “Not that I would, because I am a good girl.”
Grenda nodded. “See the bits here? I think it’s so the arm can move. And the fingers have grippies for... gripping. And up at the end it’s kind of softer? To stick to the person. Not a mannequin, Probably a prosthetic. Definitely missing! I bet someone wants this back.” Grenada beamed up at their friends.
Rosé hummed softly, and stroked her chin. “The rules are different for a missing belonging...” York nodded, Grenda smiled. “So... what if we hunted down the owner and returned the arm?”
“And fined ‘em for littering.”
“Wouldn’t Jancy be proud of us?”
“So proud.” Grenda said.
“So proud.” York agreed.
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morningberriesao3 · 7 months
I just hit HALF A MILLION WORDS published on my AO3. It feels surreal?!?!?!? that I wrote that many words, and also a huge accomplishment as someone who picks up hobbies and abandons them before seeing them through LOL
Anyway, huge shoutout to everyone who reads my work, especially those who leave kudos and comments, and those who like and reblog here on tumblr, too. I’ve made a lot of friendships bc of this fandom and fic writing, and it’s been such a fulfilling hobby to fill my free time. (End Oscars speech)
Anyway, below the cut is an excerpt from my most recent fic, Love the Way It Hurts So Deep which is a part 2 to Hate the Way It Feels So Good. I mean, I posted it as a second chapter instead of it’s own fic, but it’s 17K words and was supposed to stand alone initially.
CW: enemies to lovers but they’re ACTUALLY enemies, a lot of dub con content even though i promise they both want what’s happening more than anything, violence, spit kinks, maybe even blood kinks?!?!? idk just think of all the sadist and masochist shit and stuff it into this fic and that’s what it is.
18+ only
For the hundredth time tonight, Eddie trails his eyes over Steve in appreciation. But his soul is shining through his irises again, and there’s something else hiding inside of him that Steve can’t put his finger on. “You gonna tell me who put their hands on you now?”
“No.” Steve shakes out his fuzzy head, tries to push through the fog inside of it. “I mean, you don’t know them. Seriously.”
Steve stares into Eddie’s face as his features crumple within it. A million different emotions flutter on it, but it ultimately lands on something that looks like outrage.
“They won’t bother me again,” Steve says, because he has the urge to calm Eddie down. Make him feel better—even though he wasn’t the one who was tortured in a secret Russian base. His words seem to work, just a little, as Eddie bites back whatever it was he was going to say, and starts to pull his boxers back off. “Why? Are you jealous?”
Steve snaps his lips shut a little too late, the question falling out of him before he has the chance to realize he doesn’t really want to ask it.
Eddie pauses for a few long seconds, his boxers shoved halfway down his thighs. His eyes tick up to Steve’s, rimmed in wide white, making them seem too large for his face. “Yes, Steve, I’m jealous.”
It sounds like sarcasm.
He kicks off his shorts, his hands rubbing the tight skin under his navel, then the patch of hair that Steve wants to bury himself in, then down to his balls. His fingers wrap around them, give them a tug.
Steve stares unabashed—he figures Eddie’s doing it for his sake, anyway. Touching himself—putting himself on display—so he can watch the way Steve turns dumb and the way his cock leaks against his abdomen. Proof that he’s too wildly affected by just Eddie’s presence, just the visuals, just the thought of their bodies rolling together.
His lips get loose again, like the Truth Serum is back in his system. “Because you care about me?”
The muscles feather on Eddie’s jawline. He slowly crawls onto the bed, between Steve’s legs. He hovers there, not quite low enough for their bodies to touch the way Steve wants, but his hair fans around the sides of Steve’s face as he cranes his neck down.
“Because I fucking hate you.” Eddie’s hand is suddenly around Steve’s neck, squeezing against his airways tight enough that Steve’s grip flounders against the blankets, enough that he gasps in shock, but also for the air that is evading him. “You made my life a living hell, Harrington. I’m jealous because I should have been the one to make you bleed.”
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foxglovefaun · 2 months
Curious about why I’ve been barely available or present since like May?
Addressing my absence and chronic fatigue beneath the cut:
Soooooooooo super duper honesty time, I haven’t been able to get meaningful rest/sleep for about two months.
tbh this has made accomplishing anything or being present for anything impossible. with the heat wave coming up in my region i am guaranteed even less rest, so my concerns about this intense chronic fatigue have amplified.
Very often i get messages and comments from folks telling me to rest and recover, and I appreciate these messages very much esp since y’all are right! but I gotta be honest with you, I have taken these messages to heart and I have been actively trying to incorporate more down time and rest days into my routine.
It just hasn’t made a difference.
Earlier bedtimes haven’t helped, my sleep hygiene cant get much cleaner, taking several days off in a row hasnt made an impact, naps just aren’t happening, I can’t force myself to sleep in, and I can’t quite introduce new medication until September.
All this to say: I’m hyper aware of my absence but haven’t been able to change it despite weeks of effort.
The fatigue is something I will be discussing with my family doctor in a week when I go in about the new nerve damage, and my neuropsychologist has already begun to help me address the psych end of it, but it’s taken a lot longer than I ever could have anticipated to regain even an afternoon’s worth of energy. Even with all the rest/recovery plans in effect I just simply haven’t had the energy to do anything or speak to anyone.
I don’t know what the purpose is of this post beyond just letting folks know I don’t hate them and that I am exhausted beyond what is normal, but
I am just so… so incredibly exhausted and can’t seem to fix it.
I hope I can come back soon because the isolation alone is getting more and more extreme, but the timeframe for when that is is completely out of my hands, and I guess I wish it wasn’t. :(
So thank you for being patient with me. I promise I am trying to let myself recover, but the problem appears to be bigger than something that can be solved by taking a couple weekends off, so I’m gonna be AWOL a bit longer before my condition improves.
Love and miss y’all, hoping to rejoin the land of the living soon. Take care, drink water, make good choices
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