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          A 100 pound journey to RAW - Real | Authentic | Worth         
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
A 100 pound journey @198.2
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I have had this wonderful print for a few years and I have become aware that I not need to infuse joy into my life. Joy is me as my true nature......I have just forgotten to be aware of it and to emerge with the vibration if joy each moment. Life is so simple and it seems not so easy! May you recognize the joy that is you today! Namaste'
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
A 100 pound journey @ 198
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Being aware of my vibration, the energy "hum", of the radiates in my body each moment is fascinating! There are many moments that I witness the energy as a direct result of past programming that I unconsciously connect with. I am focused on awareness that gives me the choice to shift from feeling the heaviness, isolation, fear to a vibration of love, openness, flow and connection to all. I trust each moment I choose love/connection this choice does radiate out and confirms and strengthens the vibration of love for all. Namaste'
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
A 100 pound journey @196
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This concept of watching my thoughts, I have taken a different direction. I am watching/sensing my energy or as I like to call it my vibration. The question I ask, "what is the "hum" the energy vibration that is pulsing through my body right now?". Then I pause and take moment to connect and sense the sensation. What has surprised me is that I "hum" with a certain level of anxiousness! Fascinating I say! If you ask me I think I am a happy, focused on possibility person. So this brings me to a realization that my underlying "hum" vibration is translating into thoughts that are one with the undertone of fear and wonder I continue to create a body that "heavy" and in protection mode as a response to fear and anxiousness. To experience a different result in my life, my focus is awareness, Awareness creates a space for choice to correct and contextualize the relationship I want to have with life, one of trust, surrender, joy and love. I am ready to get my thoughts our of reaction to my past and being to co-create a healthy, open and trusting relationship in the present to then live into a heathy future. Oh imagine this, that I truly take on the life principle that consciousness creates. Being aware of my state of consciousness, my "hum" and start programing my "hum" instead of running a past program "hum"! Namaste'
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
my 100 pound journey @199.4
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As I peel back the layers to experience RAW - Real | Authentic | Worth, I see the lens in which I am viewing creates an experience that is clouded and altered by my past, or as I like to call it my program. To the degree to which I am clear and not filtering through my program I will experience feedback that guide me to my RAW. This feedback is opportunities for awareness. How aware am I to being in communion with the truth of who I am? How aware am I of perceptions that are clouded by my program?
An example of me being clouded by my program is taking what the bathroom scales says personally. Seeing a number like 199.4 and thinking it represents me who I am....rather than feedback on how my body is responding to mental, physical and emotional connections. When I think of the number on the scale as a reflection of my body to stimuli, then I can stay open and curious about the choices I am making. If I am interested in a different experience for my body I can choose different experiences to have a different outcome in my body. I am not my body........I have a body to experience life.
May you be aware today of the truth of who you are beyond your program. Namaste'
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
my 100 pound journey @ 199.8
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One of the experiences yesterday was an attachment to outcomes. I asked a friend who had been staying with me since last spring to move on to their next living spot. She moved yesterday. My experience was she is uneasy about living on her own and she is focusing her unease as anger to me for asking her to move. I initially felt feelings of sadness and then the anger took over..........clearly I was attached to an outcome. Here how it sounded in my limited ego conversation: I do X (share my spot for 9 months with no commitment from her financially) and then when I am complete with sharing my spot....I get the anger as kick back with no apparent gratitude. This is living from a ego, limited perspective, taking things personally, being a victim, etc. Interesting that my weight is up on the scale!
Later this same day, I invited a beautiful connection with one of my lovers. I spoke about my limited conversation and he listened and held space for me to work through my limiting thoughts and engage empowering energy. To engage and connect to empowering life force energy we shared an OM.....if you want to know what that is google Orgasmic Meditation/Nicole Daedone TEDTalk.
The focus today is living engaged with life force energy vs living from my limited survival 5 senses, ego, limiting beliefs.
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
my 100 pound journey @ 198.2
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Today begins a new experience of vulnerability and openness in regards to my relationship to my body and weight. I have lost and gained over 100 pounds in my 61 years of being on this planet. I have been from 135 to 235, yoyoing back an forth, so many goals, so many wins, so many heart crushing moments!
I am breaking the attachment to the number on the scale. I am focused on delving deeper into the life principle of consciousness creates and centering in unconditional love. I practice being aware of my subconscious programing that is limiting and heavy. My goal is to experience unconditional love for myself. I intent to live my moments in peace, love and joy and let my body respond to those vibrations. The journey begins and I share with you to hold me accountable to this commitment. Namaste'
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
life force energy
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When determining the authentic self, it is something that is not from the programing, the coding that we integrated and created out personality, but from a connection to a life energy.  When I allow myself to “connect” to my authentic life force energy I sense that it does not waiver. It is not concerned or it is not phased by my choices in thoughts and actions.  It is unconditional and not personal to me. How then do I build a relationship, a continuous connection to something I sense is non personal?   It is in the knowing that there is no relationship to experience because I am it.  I am and We are life force energy, that is our authentic self.  We are life, living and experiencing.  Energy in motion, Energy in creation, Energy expressing itself as me and you, the connection is us, the relationship is us.  Namaste  
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
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When you see, look beyond what the eyes see and sense the essence of the person or thing that is in your presence.  There is an energy beyond what is observed in site.  Ask the question to yourself - what am I sensing here as I am in the presence of this person or thing?   Then listen to the still small voice that will guide you to the essence.  Take in the essence and you and the person or the thing will be as one.  You will be in communion.  Namaste
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
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Source referenced in the dictionary - from which something comes or can be obtained.  Meditating on the concept of connecting to source from which I came or I can be obtained (found) brings up an opportunity to recontextualize the belief that I have to or need to “connect” to source.  I am going to wear on a new belief that source is me, since that is what I came from then source is me and I am it.  With this context I do not have to mind fuck myself to believing that a connection with source must be made or it can be lost or not possible.  This belief could be a lie that I have been telling myself.  Today I be source, I be life, I be the creative process........and so it is.   Namaste
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inthechambers · 4 years ago
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There is something so energizing when connected stillness. The experience of possibility and connection to all, the oneness seems to come alive.  From stillness and silence what ushers forth is inspiration.  Inspiration for an action, inspiration for courage to face the unknown, to just be.  inspiration to connect to someone with no apparent reason.  Stillness is a gateway to experience our core essence.  Take a moment today and let’s you and I experience the essence of who we are without our programs, our coding that we attached to over the years.  Namaste
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
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To have deep enriching sleep is letting go of control. The body heals during deep sleep and when we stay in restless sleep our body does not have the opportunity to heal.  We stay in the fight or flight, always being in control, always on the lookout for clues on how to live our life, we are not engaging a trust in the process of life.  Being open to releasing and going into deep sleep, deep letting go can be very confrontive...…..get your bad ass on and get you some deep sleep and confront that fear that is keeping you from healing and being connected!  
Love and hugs, Sandy
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
risk with ease
Taking risk when you are connected to your RAW | real, authentic, worth | is a powerful and soul opening choice.  Risk from RAW has a flow and ease within the feelings of discomfort and confrontation.  The choice of taking risk from our unconnected self made just to create a shift or to get to a result is a less than powerful way to use our energy.  Connect to your Real Authentic Worth and take inspired actions, inspired risks with ease! 
Love and Hugs, Sandy
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
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Real | Authentic | Worth
We were born R.A.W...……..yes naked and unafraid.  We were REAL, AUTHENTIC and our WORTH was not even in question.  We just were and we did not give a damn about potential and what others thought about us.  We were curious, open and unconditional lovers of life.  Getting back to our roots to the core of our essence...….get your R.A.W. back on-line! 
Love and hugs, Sandy
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
Living with integrity
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One definition of integrity is the state of being whole and undivided.  When you are committed to being authentic with self, others and life, choosing to honor your standards, choosing to live into your mission statement then you are rocking it out in the integrity department.  What is an issue is when you are not willing to know your authentic self.  Not having standards and a mission statement is not drawing a line in the sand for yourself.   No line in the sand, then everything is up for interpretation in the moment.  The ego weighs in, other’s opinions weigh in and lord help you if you google for insight! 
Get to know yourself,  set standards and create your mission statement.  Live with integrity.  
Hugs and Love, Sandy
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
Opening the heart
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My friend Lorikay @lorikaystonephotography took this picture while she was on holiday.  It speaks of how we are seemingly in a wonderful meditative, reflective state and yet we have a barrier,  barbed wire,  keeping parts of life at a distance.  Today is a day for opening our heart space to the wonders beyond the barbed wire.  Take down the barbed wire and open up to fully engaging and connecting with the experience that we have co-created.  And so it is!  Namaste’
Hugs and Love, Sandy
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inthechambers · 6 years ago
Holding Space
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Holding space is one of the most honoring actions that you can be for someone.  It communicates to someone, I see you for who you are and I look past the ways you are choosing to show up that are less than your truth authentic self.  You hold the possibility for someone to trust and surrender to express their own unique self.  Be honoring of others today and hold space for them...….that also means that you are doing the same for yourself!  Namaste’
Hugs and Love,  Sandy
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inthechambers · 7 years ago
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I snapped this picture of a graphic in a hotel room a few years ago.  When I began this post I saw it in my photo album and thought how appropriate for the inquiry into expectation.  Exploring expectation is coming up from a topic of  conversation with a group of women I hang with. We were chatting about perfectionism combined with expectations is such limiting paradigm.  Perfectionism holds that we have to have everything in place before we act, we have to have all our degrees and letters after our name before we act, we have to have a certain status in our personal or business life before we act.......where is trust in the flow of life lead by perfectionism.....I think trust is not part perfectionism.  Perfectionism aligned with expectations is not effective or does it create an environment for possibility.   
Let us release the need for expectation, the need for specific results, and the need for perfectionism.  Let us flow in honor and trust in ourselves that we are part of a powerful life giving journey and we choose joy and love in the face of life’s circumstances.
Hugs and Love, Sandy
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