#and I don’t know what to do 😞
bugcatcherkit · 1 month
having a beautiful time on my lunch break imagining ritsu and teru playing a puzzle game together. there would be blood <3
you’re right. They’d both be insufferable in their own right but I think Teru would act like This the whole time and it really drives Ritsu to the brink. Same goes for Any board game at all. They both think they’re doing things the Most Correct and Efficient Way and because they take things so seriously it becomes a war zone even if they’re supposed to be working Together.
Oh my god though. for like games in general I think that If they’re a team playing against other people they become an unbeatable powerhouse. In that situation their energies suddenly sync and they leave everyone in the dust
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whump-queen · 9 months
Do you have any OC’s or Whump scenarios that came along via spite? I know for me I get a lot of inspiration by eating traditional media where they imply something bad did/or is gonna happen, but then they cut right before it!! And I’m like “well I guess I’ll do it myself!!”
Is this pretty much the basis of fanfic yes yes it is but are there any specific instances you remember or want to mention?
Okok you want like specific instances??
How about when there’s a pretty servant boy but he never gets hit/hurt onscreen??
I’ve written a lot of servant whump and I really wish more media would explore the ~full potential~
Like, you’re telling me they never punish this guy??
They never just throw him down and beat the bloody shit out of him for fun?? For things that weren’t even his fault??
like.. He’s meant to take it. It’s literally what he’s there for.
You can beat him to the ground cuz it’s fun. Play mind games with your affection. Set him up to fail and then punish him anyway. Anything goes!
Don’t tell me you don’t wanna slap a pretty servant boy across the face with a couple rings on and hear him apologizing to you~
Leave a few nice bloody marks on his pretty face~ It’ll help him remember what he did.
You’re doing him a favor, really. helping him remember his place~
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sems-diarie · 22 days
ima have to stop defending her soon but fuck it gets me tight when ppl say cowboy carter was a bad album
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murdrdocs · 1 month
pulling my hair out bc i can’t swallow pills
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ariseur · 4 months
pleaseeee can we have one where we find lenny singing?? he never sings in the game but i think he’d have such a nice voice
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“o mollie, o mollie— it’s for your sake alone ..” in the distance, you could hear sean’s drunken voice’s accompanied by the soft plucks of javier’s guitar, the melodic rhythm of the instrument blending in with the irishman’s voice. your footsteps concealed themselves as they hit the soft surface of grass beneath your feet as your head stayed turned towards the sight at the campfire.
squinting at the illuminated center of the area, you slipped behind the trees and took in the fresh air of camp. you looked out over the near edge, sinking in the sight of the trees that lay littered within the forests in the horizon.
trailing across the outskirts of camp, you frowned seeing the poor bastard tied up to a tree near the entrance, being terrorized by karen. you had to admit, as sweet as she could be, karen smith was a terrifying woman. although dutch referred to the man as an o’driscoll, you wondered how he felt right now whilst he was bounded to bark.
your ears had perked up, though, once you had heard the familiar twang of a voice you knew all too well.
your eyes fell on lenny, leaning on a barrel as he glanced around camp. the hearty yellow light of a lamp inside one of the tents reflected off of his skin, the warmth tinting his face as his lips fluidly moved with each syllable that was mumbled from his mouth in time with sean’s obnoxious voice— his irish brogue interrupted with a few drunken hic’s.
lenny hummed occasionally when he didn’t know the words, instead scatting to rhythm and slipping in and out of lyrics. once you had gotten close enough, you slowly approached him for behind, listening to how he muttered along with the song. “.. sweet mollie, the fairest in the land,” you heard once you had finally gotten close to him.
footsteps becoming more light and gentle as they graced the dirt, you listened out for more of lenny’s humming as you snuck up behind him.
his incoherent mumbling hit your ears as you heard the last part of the following verse, “..to enter her door,” accompanied with a quiet chuckle and an amused shake of his head.
“where’d you learn that from?” he jolted as you slipped around him and put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sly grin in triumph as you had managed to scare him at least a little bit.
lenny’s shoulders slumped once he realized who’s voice it was, giving a meager laugh at your attempts. “ain’t it hard not to know a song that drunken fool sings every night?”
“which one?” you giggled, pointing at uncle and arthur singing along with sean, even getting javier to bop his head a little to the tune. lenny rolled his eyes amusedly, still giving a few hums to the music. you cocked your head at him, “why don’t you sing more often?” you asked.
he shrugged at your inquiry, “i’m not much of a singer.”
tsking at his response, you slipped in front of him and looked down at your feet— hands clasped behind your back. your head swayed with the distant song coming to its end, looking back at lenny with a small smile.
“well, you should stop by my tent sometime. maybe you can teach me some of them folk songs uncle and ‘em always sing.” you put a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed, bidding him goodnight as you made your way to your space, leaving lenny with furrowed eyebrows as he watched you wave one last time before disappearing between the thin flaps of the canopy.
he chuckled once more. his head shook as he thumbed the spot where your hand had been on his arm— almost savoring the moment of what once was almost a real conversation. maybe lenny would actually get to talking with you one of these days. for now, the boy could only dream.
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gingerph0bix · 5 months
Everyone keeps saying that Dazai is going to be the one to be taken by the pm but I personally think it’s going to be Atsushi. Just think about it, they already wanted the weretiger to sell him on the black market but now they’ve seen how useful and powerful he is. That, and Mori loves taking advantage of the young and weak minded. He wouldn’t take Dazai because I think he respects Dazai’s choice, he wouldn’t really want Kunikida, he already accepted the loss of Kyoka, and Ranpo would be useless to them, therefore it has to be Atsushi.
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fellhellion · 1 year
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odoraful · 2 months
really wanna write fics but i’m struggling so hard with thesis work right now !! 🥲
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rainyrindou · 5 months
ughhhh being the bad cop sucks
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shadowglens · 10 months
i am slowly starting to hate my job
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alphashley14 · 1 year
Praise to the brave volunteers working diligently to resolve the DDos attack on ao3. 🫡
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beardedsadboigardens · 5 months
My decent into the bottomless pit of despair and utter madness begins…..mental breakdown, here we go fml 😖😫😭
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theeleventhhour · 2 years
Someone just posted this on Reddit and I remembered some of you talking about it earlier
Holding on to hope? 😕
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ccuriousmischieff · 1 year
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tmholland · 9 months
happy new year y’all 🥹🫶🏼
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shoutsindwarvish · 2 years
i’ve never been to a purim service before tonight and i’m trying to figure out if it would cause more social anxiety to dress up or NOT to dress up, ahhhh
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