#and if you look at the beast mangas then it makes sense
gingerph0bix · 5 months
Everyone keeps saying that Dazai is going to be the one to be taken by the pm but I personally think it’s going to be Atsushi. Just think about it, they already wanted the weretiger to sell him on the black market but now they’ve seen how useful and powerful he is. That, and Mori loves taking advantage of the young and weak minded. He wouldn’t take Dazai because I think he respects Dazai’s choice, he wouldn’t really want Kunikida, he already accepted the loss of Kyoka, and Ranpo would be useless to them, therefore it has to be Atsushi.
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y2ashlee · 4 months
Leona Kingscholar x Female! Reader SMUT
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WARNINGS: Sex, bad writing, of character Leona but what fan written Leona isn’t.
That weird hormone perfume I saw advertised on TikTok.
Author notes:
As we know from the manga, Leona sleeps without a shirt on.
Are they dating? Yes. Is this the couples first time having sex with each other. Also yes.
I looked up mating rituals of lions so that was interesting. Like I knew the female lion was the boss in that case but it’s still pretty interesting. Anyway male lions with stroke or lick the female on their necks, shoulders or backs to initiate the males also bite the female to basically remain in control and it helps with ovulation apparently which sounds bullshit but I guess it works?. Anyway I’ll probs look up stuff for the other non human members of the cast. Though with the fae ones I’ll probably only use part of the animal that they’re associated with since dragons aren’t real and pretty sure Azul’s dick isn’t removable nor is it one of his tentacles.
Anyway also use protection.
The Prefect of ramshackle dorm had recently gotten herself a bottle of perfume from the school store that smelt lovely, and was on sale. But what she didn’t know was that it was enchanted to make whomever harvest strong romantic feelings towards the Wearer to act upon those feelings in someway Handholding, kisses, hugs etc whenever they smelled it. And unfortunately for a certain lion beast man, these feelings were tripled as his sense of smell was so much better than any humans. She had been wearing the perfume for about a month, still unknowing about the enchantment, but every time the two would cross paths he would get a huge whiff of her intoxicating scent, and when she was in the same room as him for a long period of time, or standing close to him, every time, it got stronger, this particular time she was taking a joint class with his class and surprisingly he showed up to class, but as soon as the bell rang, he quickly got up to leave to get away from her scent. He was stopped by deuce as he wanted to ask him something and she was standing next to him he sighed. “..what..” he said, gritting his teeth. “Sorry I just wanted to ask-..” Deuce said. “Ask, Ruggie.” Is all he said before moving past them to leave. “Are you alright? You look flushed and you’re sweating.” The Prefect asked reaching towards him pressing the back of her hand to his forehead. “My god. You feel hot!” She said surprised. “Do you need to go to the nu-“ He ducked away from her hand a sneer on his face. “I’m fine.” He said turning and walking out of the classroom. “A-alright then..” she said watching him walk away. He practically speed walked to the bathroom walking over to the sink and turning the water on splashing water on his face to calm himself as he let out a loud exaggerated sigh.
Leona retreating or running away continued for the next few days as the Prefect would try to talk to him and ask to hang out with him and whatnot yet he’d avoid any form of physical contact even after she had stopped wearing the perfume. But it was too late the enchantment was already in effect. While she was contemplating and over thinking that he didn’t want to be with her anymore he was trying to overcome all the sexual thoughts and not wanting to hurt her in his aroused and angered state. The smallest whiff of her scent put him in a foul mood because he couldn’t be near her until the enchantment wore off as he didn’t trust himself. But as he watched her from afar all those days he could see how much him avoiding her physically was weighing on her. He let out a yawn as he laid in bed staring at the ceiling trying to sleep fall asleep but finding it hard to do so he sighed grabbed his phone from the desk next to his bed and quickly send her a message.
Leona: Hey, Sorry I’ve been avoiding you.
He sent the first message unsure what to write next. He sighed a growl flowing from his lips as he rolled over onto his side burying his face into his pillow before feeling his phone vibrate before it rang. He looked at the screen seeing that it was her who was calling. He took a deep breath before answering. “..yeah.” He said already filled with guilt. “So, why have you been avoiding me?” She asked her voice soft and low like she was about to cry. He gulped before replying. “You know that perfume you’ve been wearing?” He stated. “Oh, was it too overpowering?” She asked. “Not exactly, it was enchanted..” Is all he said unsure how to phrase what he needed to say. “Basically, it makes me want to…” his voice drifted off. Thoughts of her roaming his mind. “…do stuff….to you..” he said softly his tail swishing slightly. His face flushed. “O-oh, OH!” She said her face also flushing. “Do you not want to do stuff with me..” she said biting her lip. He let out a groan like sigh. “Of course I do, I just-ugggh, I don’t wanna..hurt you..” he said biting his lip burying his face in his pillow once more. “..ok I see..” she said her face more flushed then before. “..are you in your room right now..” she asked. “Yeah..” he replied. “Stay where you are.” She said hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket. His eyes widened realising what she was intending to do. He sighed and put his phone on the desk before pulling the blankets over his head hiding from the cool moonlit night breeze.
The door opened with a small thud. “Sorry.” She winched at the sound before shutting the door slowly. She took a deep breath trying to compose herself before walking over to the bed. “Are you gonna hide from me now.” She said to the lump under the blanket. His tail flicked and swayed as it was free from the blanket which told her that he was happy she was there or annoyed she was unsure. She sighed and sat down on the bed. “It’s okay if you want to do stuff with me especially that kind of stuff but..at least tell me and..let me set the pace..” she said her face flushed as one hand gripped the blanket the other covering her mouth her eyes downcast as she bit her lip. He rolled over and sat up the blanket falling from his face showing his flushed face. “..are you sure?..” his voice low as his piercing green eyes stared at her. Her scent filling his nostrils engulfing him. “Y-yes.” She said removing her hand from her mouth and turning to look up at him with a nod. His eyes widened slightly his thoughts shattering as he lent forward his lips crashing against hers in a sloppy but passionate kiss his tongue pressing into her mouth roaming around like it hasn’t been there in years. He wrapped his arm around her gently pushing her to the bed his other hand caressing her head. He pulls away from her pressing his forehead to her’s as they both pant for breath he sighs breathing in her scent. “Sorry..” he mumbled in his gruff voice as he rubbed his cheek against hers before leaning down and rubbing his head against her neck and collarbone trying to get his scent on her and hers on him. His teeth grazed against her neck before licking it gently.
She let out a gasp at the roughness of his tongue on her neck. He sighed sniffing her once more. “Leona?” She said softly. His eyes widened his face flushing once more in embarrassment as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “You smell good..” he said trying to shove his embarrassment away. “Is this a beastman thing? To sniff, lick and rub against each other?” She asked. “We also bite.” He said his mood turning sour his teeth grazing her collarbone as his piercing gaze stared at her neck. She smiled softly a small chuckle leaving her throat before she placed her hands on his head her thumbs gently rubbing his ears while her fingers massaged his head. He closed his eyes loving the feeling of her touch he’ll never admit it though. “So what kind of things did you think about doing.” She asked continuing her movements. “As long as I’m comfortable doing it then it’s ok.” She said. He stared at her for a moment before exhaling and sitting up pulling away from her. He stared down at her hands rested on her chest as she looked up at him her face flushed. His thoughts were scattered as he looked down at her pinned beneath him.
She placed her hands on he’s cheeks. “Leona?” She said softly. He blinked slowly bringing his face down to her neck giving it a long lick before biting down on it. Not hard enough to break skin but still leaving a mark. She let out a moan like gasp. “Ah! Leona, that hurt!!” She said pushing him away quickly before covering the bite mark with her hand. He scoffed with a chuckle as he rubbed the mark with his thumb. “..I wanted to pin you down mark you as mine and fill you with me..” he said his voice low as his hands gripped the bed beneath them. “O-oh my…” she said her face so flushed that it reached her ears as she covered her face with her hands taking a few deep breaths before replying. “T-then fill me with you. J-just slowly please.” She said her gaze meeting his as she placed her hands on his cheeks. He smirked before leaning down and capturing her lips once more biting her lip before slipping his tongue in his hands moving to her hips lifting her shirt his ruff palms moving against her skin as they traveled upward his thumbs slipping under her bra before pushing it up before cupping her breasts his thumbs flicking her nipples slightly earning a muffled gasp from her as she pulls away from him as they both breathe heavily. “Leona..” she says softly kicking off her shoes before pulling him into an embrace her arms wrapping around him as she kissed him. He smirked against her lips and pulled away from her as he slides his hands down to her leggings slipping them off along with her underwear. She presses her thighs together feeling the coolness of the night hit her exposed parts. He kneels on the floor and parts her legs kissing her thighs gently his canines grazing her skin slightly until he reached her slit leaving a long slow lick up to her exposed bud. She gasped and sat up at the unexpected feeling. All he did was smirk and pushed her down bring her exposed slit closer and licking it once more his fingers gently rubbing her opening before prodding it his finger sliding inside while his tongue licks her exposed bud. She quivers slightly squeezing her thighs together as they rest against his head. He continues to lick while he caresses her insides his motions becoming fast. She covered her mouth with a hand letting out a moan. He pulled away with a smirk as he slid in another finger thrusting them faster as he kissed her thigh before leaving another bite. His tongue licking it as she let out a moan her walls clenching around his fingers. He pulls out his fingers purposely dragging his fingers slowly as he wipes them on his pants before putting her thighs down on the bed. She
With her breathing slightly ragged she watches as he moves away from her and leaning over the bed and rummaged through one of the draws before coming back to her and leaning down and whispering in her ear. “Roll over.” He said in a gruff voice just above a whisper before he kissed her once more. She blinked a few times before nodding and rolling over onto her stomach moving so she was on her knees. Let leant down and spoke softly into her ear. “This is your last chance to back out.” He said a hand resting on her hip. She looked back at him with a soft smile. “Just…be gentle..” she says softly her hands gripping the bed covers. He lets out a scoff as he pulls back ripping a condom packet with his teeth mumbling a reply. “I’ll try.” He said letting out a groan as slid the cool condom over his length shuddering slightly at the feeling. He let out a shakily breath as he pressed his length against her wet outer walls. She looked away from him as she felt his tip prod her entrance obviously a lot more girth then his to fingers. He slid inside her wet walls letting out a grunt at the feeling of her heat around him. She bit her lip her walls clenching around him as she let out a sound she was unsure she could make. He grunted as he started to move keeping his pace slow his hands resting on her hips. She gripped the covers more every time he moved letting out soft almost unheard sounds. His ears twitched at those soft sounds as he continued his movements his tail swishing slightly as he leant over her his chest pressed against her back his thrusts speeding up as he wrapped his arms around her one hand groping one of her breasts the other caressing her stomach. She lets out a louder moan his ears twitching at her muffled moans as she hides her face in the bed covers her eyes clenching shut. He scoffs once more as he rubs his cheek against her head and leaving a lick on her neck before biting it once more. Her back arched as she let out a strangled sound before burying her face in the covers again. His thrusts only became more aggressive after that. Her walls clenching around his as he hit all different parts of her insides. His teeth stayed against her skin as his hips slapped into hers his movements rough as his breathing was rugged. She let out a loud low muffled moan her walls clenching around him as she shivered hitting her climax her eyes watering at the feeling of him inside of her. He continued his thrusts his movements staggering slightly as he shuddered as muffled growl like moan reverberating against her skin as he came. His movements stopped as leant against her his body weight enveloping her slightly his ragged breathing against her neck his teeth still pressed into her skin his length still inside of her warm wet walls his tail flicking.
“L-Leona?” She asked trying to turn to look at him the best she could but she could only see his hair. His piercing green gaze unmoving as he stared at nothing in particular. She reached up to try to shake his shoulder but all she could reach was his ear as her fingertips brushing against. “Leona!” She said slightly louder once more trying to get his attention. His eyes shifted around before he realised what he was doing and pulled away from her his eyes landing on the bite mark noticing that it wasn’t bleeding. He gave it a lick before pulling away removing himself from her completely. “Sorry.” He said in his gruff voice as he fixed himself discarding the used condom in the bin. “Get up.” He said she nodded and slowly got up staggering slightly. He pulled her to him before pulling the bed covers down and helping her into the bed before following her pulling them over the two of them. He lets out a huff and wrapped his arms around her and sniffing her content that she smells like him. He relaxes before falling asleep. She sighs but cuddles up next to him knowing that there’s not way she would be able to leave.
Jesus Christ what the hell did I just write… anyway hope you enjoyed this garbage and requests are always open. Next up is Ruggie hopefully it won’t take me as long to write it but who knows.
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gaoau · 2 months
would rather kms than make my only winbre post be about Suo's stupid ass, so it's time to talk about Nirei cause i love him. i read a post and my blood started boiling i dont fuck around so now i gotta defend him with my life. also cause im sick and tired of him not being deemed marketable enough to be included in merch and collab illusts when he's a whole—if not the most important—third of the main trio. (theres something to be said about Tsugeura too, considering they don't use him but love using Kiryuu, but that's a different conversation.)
anyway, on Nirei and the exceptionality of being ordinary.
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manga spoilers btw also disclaimer im not eloquent at all i just say things.
there's something about Nirei that just simply isn't special and i think that's wonderful. not in a mean-spirited sense; Nirei is the most regular out of anyone in Furin, so much so that he had to buy an ugly shirt he didn't even like to stand out. he's just a kid with a notebook and a simple backstory trying to follow a hero's example. he's nothing extraordinary, especially seeing the people he's surrounded by. physically, he's very limited, which he knows and doesn't ignore at all, so he can't do much in fights. no one is more acutely aware of his own limits than Nirei. i was reading the first couple chapters again and it breaks my heart to hear his efforts be dismissed as "playing hero," because Nirei is the biggest hero in this whole manga.
it's true, yeah, he can't fight. he's more like another average citizen of Makochi than he is a Bofurin member sometimes. he lacks fighting abilities, his diplomacy isn't particularly the best, and he's two seconds away from going into cardiac arrest at almost all times. but it's not like he gives a shit. every single time he gets beaten into the ground, he picks himself back up immediately. he takes hit after hit, time and time again, because no matter how battered or defenseless he is, his drive to stay and protect the town is ridiculously strong. he does go down when he can't take any more (keel), but it's with improvement and training that he manages to throw his first—albeit useless—punch (noroshi or whatever this arc is called idk). improvement that, mind you, comes from recognizing his own limitations.
some have called him reckless (Suo), but i disagree, because Nirei is right. i know the kids would rather look out for him and have him uninjured by the end of a scuffle, but he doesn't need to be coddled. everybody else jumps into a brawl and gets a broken nose regardless of their fighting skills. Nirei isn't any different. he knows he's limited, he knows he can't fight, he knows he's nothing special. he risks it all anyway, because even though he wasn't built for fighting, he's more than prepared to try over and over again until his efforts are enough to make a difference. he's looked at Sakura's back and thought he couldn't match him, that Sakura gets back up even when he's almost fully tapped out, that he's not needed because Sakura's stronger and will be okay without him.
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maybe he's right about this, too. i'm inclined to disagree, but i understand where he's coming from. Nirei chases, Nirei can't stop running because he'll fall behind all these phenomenal beasts that can hold their own. i'm so glad the conclusion he reached was "okay, i gotta step up my game," but i'm not really surprised. this is Nirei Akihiko we're talking about and, i think Suo put it best, he wants to become stronger more than anybody.
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he's been at a disadvantage this whole time, "playing hero" rather than being an "actual" hero, but he has a goal. if he has to tear himself apart to stand next to Sakura, he will. he doesn't have to, of course, he's already more than useful the way he is, but when you're so ordinary that you get lost in the crowd, standing beside someone so exemplary makes you want more.
honestly, Nirei's fucking wild. lil bro's actually crazy. we've seen characters go apeshit, but no one in this entire manga is nearly as insane as he is. i appreciate Suo telling him to slow down and chill out, cause he was fully intending to kill himself learning how to fight with zero foundation. my guy was more than ready to actually fight Endo. he meant that. it's a good thing he's properly learning how to defend himself, considering he probably lacks the muscle to go on the offense. those are his limits and he knows that. it frustrates him, but it definitely does little to stop him, because look how big his back is. i hope somebody tells him, after all of this is over, that he's doing more than enough, more than great.
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to be fair, fighting isn't even where he shines, and that's okay. he's not strong enough to beat anyone's ass and he doesn't need to be, either. he doesn't need to be a leader like Sakura or a devotee like Sugishita or mimic whatever the fuck Suo's got going on. in the words of my favorite pink curse, the real heroes are the ones who support from the back, and that's exactly what Nirei does. he's said it himself, he wants to guide Sakura all the way to the top and he can, because he thrives in being another citizen of Makochi. he's a regular person and i think that's what makes him so compelling and important.
there's something so fascinating about his simplicity. he really is nothing more than just an ordinary kid. put him in a normal high-school classroom and he'll pass his midterms with a 75. he recognizes what he's good at, of course, he knows the town inside out and it's very useful, especially to Sakura. he's amazing support. it really doesn't seem like it and people love to completely dismiss him, but i wanna be outrageous and call him the backbone of these kids. he was Sakura's first friend and he continues to be the one pushing and prodding to make sure he stands back up every single time. he's more necessary than anyone gives him credit for. i have no doubt in my mind that, if it weren't for him, Sakura wouldn't be able to do half the things he's managing. even Suo, who's out here acting like he knows the secrets of the universe, has to stop and reorganize his ideas when Nirei talks.
if Suo is the heart (debatable, but okay, whatever bro says) and brain, i'd like to think Nirei is the spirit and the soul. there's no chance the kids would work so smoothly without Nirei around—which, yes, arguably the same could be said of all of them, but i've seen Nirei be dismissed as a Zenitsu looking ass gag character and i've never had to hold back a kys so hard. idk for sure what the general consensus on him is cause i've only ever seen him used in the context of ships and never on his own, which honestly makes me a little sad. especially after seeing the popularity poll cause he didn't even make it into the top 5 with not even 1k points personal offense tbh i need a word with the voters. what i've gathered is that aint nobody gaf about his ass im devastated Suo has to fuck off (13k votes is crazy gang come on). which i don't understand. take him out of the equation and everything falls apart. Sakura's the sword, Suo's the strategy, and Nirei is the ambition, the desire, the force, the feelings.
there's much to be said about how he's treated, not only in-universe, but also by the people consuming the media and the pr team. i don't fuck with shipping, but when i'm scrolling through my timeline, Nirei only exists in the context of somebody's favorite ship. and don't fucking get me started on the mischaracterization. look me in the eye and tell me Nirei doesn't have more conviction than any of these dumbass kids. yes, he gets scared and he's fucking horrified most of the time, but motherfucker he's fighting. he's out there in the frontlines, making himself useful, biting more than he can chew and then some. i dare you to treat him like wittle baby that needs protection.
if not for his uniqueness, look at him for his regularity, because i find it endearingly wonderful. i think there's something so special about the ordinary. he deserves a lot more than what he's getting so these mfs better put him in all collab illusts cause if i have to see Kaji in his place one more time i will personally book a flight. okay thank you thats all i promise ill never come back here have day.
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semisolidmind · 1 month
What was the first monster husband/ media that started you on your journey?
Mine was wishing the Beast stayed the Monster in Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
Btw, love your blog. It's made me smile and kick with dumb joy for months now.
y'know, im genuinely not sure if there was a single instance. ive always liked inhuman characters, whatever that meant for whatever media they were in. anything that wasn't simply human would catch my attention. feelings somehow made more sense and had more depth when coming from something obviously physically other, rather than just an average human being.
ive spent a good amount of time seeking out specific monster media, especially manga and comics. anything where the monster was allowed to be more, whether that meant they were articulate or that they could fall in love (though i prefer the latter). the idea of something that was perhaps not originally designed or trained to love, learning how to show love in whatever way they could, has always appealed to me. even more so as ive gotten older and grown into my asexuality and demiromanticism.
the love of monsters gave me an avenue to explore what love could mean, and it allows me take it to whatever imaginary extremes i want to.
i always imagined that anything as powerful and potentially dangerous as a monster would feel love in way very different to a human; whether that meant they were unreasonably protective to the point of homicide, or that they'd want to sequester their love away and try not to feel it at all (only for it to come out in some dangerously volatile way later).
monsters are the way people examine ugly or violent, and occasionally softer or weaker, internal aspects of ourselves. they're the way we explain things we don't understand. humans would be much less interesting if not for our monsters.
(i could probably make a point about my heroines that love, or are subject to the love of, monsters. i usually make my heroines into women i look up to or would likely love as well. girls who are understanding, kind to fault (usually to their own detriment), determined and steadfast, earnest and brave. each one garners the attention of their monster by simply being their poor, long-suffering selves.)
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asofspades · 5 months
I've seen a lot of people trying to get into the BSD light Novels and quite frankly you can read them in order but I do have a recommendation about the order I think makes more sense chronologically regarding the story.
1. LN 3. The Untold Origins of the Armed Detective Agency.
2. LN 1. Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam.
These two take place prior to the beginning of the main timeline and are actually a great way of understanding Ranpo and the partnership between Dazai and Kunikida (also recommend LN 1 to anime only watchers because they mixed the first chapters of the manga with Dazai's entrance exam which takes place 2 years prior to the manga and they royally screwed up on Kunikida's characterisation by doing that)
3. LN 7. Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen
(the manga was good but I feel like you might understand Dazai and Chūya's dynamic and the difference of their relationship to both Mori and the Mafia once you read this)
4. LN 8. Stormbringer
(you might actually understand Chūya as a character after you read this one, dives a bit deeper into his relationship with Dazai, explains who Verlaine actually is and talks about stuff that's mentioned afterwards in the manga, like singularities)
5. LN 9. The Day I Picked up Dazai side A
(this happens at some point between LN 7 and LN 2, and helps you understand Dazai and Oda's relationship prior to reading LN 2, how Oda ended up in the Mafia and also a bit more dive into Dazai's character)
6. LN 2. Osamu Dazai and The Dark Era
(better than shown in the anime, allows you to see how Oda sees Dazai since it's written from his pov, a good dive into Dazai's character while in the mafia and why he actually left )
Once you finish The Guild arc
7. LN 4. 55 Minutes
8. LN 5. Dead Apple
(so, the first one is a bit crazy but actually dives a lot into Atsushi's character, explains weird phenomena in BSD regarding singularities and how Dazai isn't affected by certain abilities even without touch, how Yosano can actually use her ability on Dazai and I find it quite interesting, HG Wells is an interesting character as well)
(Dead Apple is entertaining and dives once again into characters and their abilities but also explains weird singularities again, also the bond between Dazai and Chūya, it also gets a bit weird towards the end in regards to things happening that might be hard to understand but the rest is easier to understand than in the movie adaptation)
9. LN 9. The Day I Picked up Dazai side B
(it's set in the alternate universe of LN 6. Beast and a great point to understand Dazai's actions and motivations in said light novel)
10. LN 6. Beast
(it should come with a warning that it's going to ruin your mental health for a while, an alternate universe of BSD, brings in the Book so you might one to read this during/after the cannibalism arc because it kind of explains a bit what the book does or how it kind of works, definitely needs a bit more explaining but it is good info before starting with the vampirism arc and all that stuff, the book is important and there's talk about singularities again. It's also cool to see how the same characters adapt to a different lifestyle, Akutagawa in the ADA, Atsushi in the PM, kyouka in the PM but with Atsushi, Dazai if he stayed in the PM, the ending will fully rip your heart out if the rest of the novel hasn't done it before that and I really recommend the manga adaptation of it because the art style is *chef's kiss* and heart wrenching)
Done with my rant now, you can still read them in their publishing order this is just my recommendation. Also, LN 9 is not out on paper yet and I think we only have fan translations online but it is definitely worth it, @popopretty has a really good translation of it.
And LN 7 is getting a manga adaptation which is also looking really good so you can check it out.
LN 5 has a manga adaptation as well as being a film and this one is not written by Asagiri but is still canon so you have that.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
So, do you remember that you once wrote about reader!Goddess who was humiliated and therefore manipulated both sides to bring about Ragnarok? It occurred to me that in this continuation type scenario (taking into account the plot of the "main God" that they want to revive in the manga) they need the reader's help to search for information or something.
And though she first mocks them for needing her after they metaphorically kicked her out (more like isolating her) she eventually agrees to help. At one point in the trip she feels nostalgic because she hasn't lived with someone for so long in eons and she feels warmth from being with them, even though she knows that they only tolerate her. And talking to someone (Maybe Sasaki my Sun I love him) tell him;
- "They think I like to fight but... it's not true, sometimes I lose my patience and vent but... I've never enjoyed it. I'm not bad, I don't know why I bite..."
(God those dialogues make me cry, I took that phrase from the movie Isle of Dogs) And they can hear. What would be your reactions/thoughts? I want some angst and comfort!
PS: I read that you liked Hogwarts Mystery, do you write for that fandom too?
-With the looming threat of an old deity trying to be resurrected, the warriors of Valhalla needed to do something before they were all wiped out.
-Any information they could find, they gathered, trying to get any scrap they could, to not only prevent the resurrection, but what to do if it were to happen.
-Hermes hummed quietly into his hand that was covering his mouth, “You’re not going to like this.” Eyes, gods and humans, turned to him as Hermes was looking between two different papers, “There is one who knows more about this threat, as she was one who helped defeat it last time… Y/N.”
-Eyes went wide, hearing that you, the Great Manipulator, that many were calling you, despite others being sympathetic towards you, were the key to preventing Valhalla from being destroyed.
-Many voiced their opinion on not relying on you, not willing to trust you, but both Brunnhilde and Zeus agreed that you were their only hope, and if you didn’t want to risk your home being destroyed by this threat, you would help.
-You were stunned to see all of them at your door when you went to answer the knock, your eyes quickly narrowing, preparing for a fight, thinking they were there for revenge, even after they all but isolated you from everyone else, leaving and abandoning you, “And what do you all want? Come to laugh at me before being alone again?” your bite was deserved, but when they didn’t respond, you calmed, curious as to their reasoning to being at your home.
-Brunnhilde’s eyes were focused, serious, “Y/N, we need your help.” You were cautious, but you agreed to hear them out and you heard the name of a deity you had even forgotten about, your eyes going wide, “Someone is trying to bring that bastard back?”
-The venom in your voice was surprising, hearing your anger, as Hades nodded, “Yes, and we’ve learned you were one of the gods who helped defeat him last time. We need your help.”
-You inhaled deeply, your hands coming to your hips before you nodded softly, “Follow me.”
-You led the group of warriors down deep into Helheim, where this beast was sealed as you spoke with Odin and Hades, “If the seal is weak then this is a serious threat, but if it is weak, we can strengthen it now and make is impossible for it to break out or for anyone to break it free.”
-This did make sense, and you heard a few behind you, Poseidon being the most vocal, “And how can we trust you on this?”
-You turned your head, your eye piercing into him as you saw other gazes, many filled with the same anger and distrust, not believing you, “Because I’m the only one here who fought it, I helped seal it, and I’m the only chance you have to protect your precious Valhalla.”
-You didn’t even try to hide the venom in your voice, as you were still bitter yourself for what they did to you all those years ago and here recently, turning you into the bad guy. Many flinched at your tone, something you didn’t see as you turned back around, hearing your anger.
-Many felt guilty, now, for what they did to you, seeing you being so bitter and guarded, as they were the ones who made you like that, and those who sympathized with you, believed you weren’t in the wrong, as you were just a heartbroken woman.
-The staircase winded down and down, going deep into the underworld, and soon you found yourself walking next to one of the humans, Kojiro, the first who managed to defeat a god, “Lady Y/N… I-” you turned your heard to smile softly up at him, showing him that you were a soft and gentle person, “Don’t- you don’t need to apologize for something you didn’t do.”
-He sighed softly, looking defeated before he tried again, not willing to give up just yet and he went to speak, but you beat him to the punch, surprising him with your words, like you had read his mind, which you hadn’t, he was just a little easy to read with things like this, “I don’t like being like this- I don’t like being mean. I’m not a bad person, but this is the only way I feel safe.”
-Eyes went wide as heads turned to you, the gods around you, hearing this, hearing how broken and soft you sounded.
-They remembered when you used to be so happy, overflowing with natural beauty as you smiled, spreading joy wherever you went.
-Then they remembered how you wept at the altar, being left alone, collapsing to your knees, sobbing into your hands after the love of your life had run off, abandoning you.
-The anger you showed, once they told you what they had done, trying to play it off as a harmless joke, was a dark day in Valhalla, as while you were always happy and sweet, you were just as vengeful and cruel, and that day many of them knew your fury.
-There were many regretful glances sent around amongst the gods, they were the ones who made you like this. If they hadn’t been jealous of the human who took your heart, if you would have been happy, would you still be like you were before, happy?
-As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you saw the thrashing beast of a deity, trying to get free of its shackles, the magical seals were faded and barely glowing.
-Many were stunned to see the beast right there and some of the humans went to attack, thinking it was about to break free. You held an arm up, keeping them back, “Don’t waste your energy. It’s unkillable.”
-You lifted a hand and snapped your fingers, and a rush of energy left your body, flowing over all of them as the seals started glowing brightly, being renewed, and strengthened.
-The beast roared loudly, “LET ME FREE!! I will have my revenge on you damn gods!!” you weren’t impressed, your hands coming to your hips as you started over, your heels clicking beneath you.
-It looked up at you, snarling darkly before you kicked him hard, stepping on his head with your heel, grinding down only slightly as you looked down at him, a dark, intimidating aura surrounding you, “I made you my bitch once. I’ll do it again. Do not try me.”
-Now whining like a kicked puppy, comical tears in his eyes, he backed off and you turned to the gods, “Nobody will be able to free him- why are you all staring at me?”
-Loki immediately was on his knees before you, holding one of your hands, “Step on me like that too!” you rolled your eyes, a sound of disgust leaving you, as you walked past him and the other, muttering under your breath, “Why do men keep asking me that?”
-Loki was quick to chase after you, begging you and you called over your shoulder, “If someone doesn’t come get him, I’m going to hurt him!” which caused a scramble to get to Loki, many of them not wanting to incur your wrath.
-They needed to fix things with you, because they wanted you on their side, know how powerful you were- they made an enemy with you once, there wouldn’t be a second time.
And to answer your question, not so much Hogwarts Mystery, but I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy, and while I haven't written anything for that fandom, I don't mind doing so.
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blueikeproductions · 4 months
Well it’s official: EarthSpark is dead. The next cartoon is being worked on as we speak.
Via Protoman of the Slag Podcast on TFW2005:
“All I will say is my source is someone working on the next Transformers series and *spoiler* it's not Earthspark.  Ratings were bad, toys have had a very soft distribution restocking (It's not about how much that Wave 1 is ordered, it's how much gets reordered after by retail wave after wave) and well....... better luck next time.”
If he says it’s dead, it’s dead.
What’s next?
As of typing, we dunno.
The only successful non toy media currently are the Skybound comics, and while TFONE is coming out this September, we have no idea how well that will do. The general confusion and backlash from the more comedically cut first trailer doesn’t … bode well from normies and hard cores.
One is said to have tested well, but so did RotB and it didn’t do so hot in theaters despite people liking it better. It’s still doing VERY well on Paramount+, but I don’t know if that means anything because P+ is the red headed step child of streaming… Also Paramount’s current… EVERYTHING.
So big coin flip really.
A cartoon based more directly on what One sets up makes sense, a lot of people have said it looks like a pilot for a future cartoon anyway.
An anime adaption of the Energon Universe is also possible, but it’s a little … too soon and if they adapted it now it would basically be the first Dragonball Z and first FMA anime, taking liberties and going its own direction because it couldn’t realistically keep up with the manga.
Best case scenario: a new co produced Transformers anime that uses TFONE & Skybound as a spring board for its own ideas.
What becomes of the Terrans in the future? I hope you weren’t attached to them being their own species because I guarantee it’s gonna be like post Beast Wars stuff.
The Terrans will largely just be Autobots and Decepticons like how the Maximals and Predacons tend to be like Cyberverse Cheetor and EarthSpark’s own Tarantulas.
RotB at the very least reinvigorated the Maximals as a faction, but the Predacons are largely missing from modern televised and comic media. They’re kinda there post WFC, but Transmetal II Megatron is curiously labeled a Prime Predacon…
The Prime Predacons are great but still…
Hasbro remains very weird about non Autobots and Decepticons. Mini-Cons kinda luck out by having the Cassettes be retroactively be Mini-Cons, but screw you if you want proper Maximals, Terrans, Predacons. Terrorcons are another current anomaly that I don’t know will make the cut either.
As it stands, expect Twitch and Spitfire to be Mini-Cons, Aftermath a Decepticon, and everyone else an Autobot, with Jawbreaker specifically as a Dinobot. Whether he gets used just as much as Slash remains to be seen. -sarcastic-
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osunism · 8 days
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Daughter of Disgrace
"Is there any place where Heaven's bastard daughters are welcome?"
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Rating: Mature to Explicit [for future sexual content and graphic depictions of violence]. Pairing[s]: Satoru + Sundari || Nadja + Sukuna Warning[s]: Smut, graphic depictions of violence, major character death[s], as well as some toxic relationship elements. Spoilers for the manga, so if you only watched the anime, turn back. Sukuna is his own warning but there is cannibalism, abuse, body horror, and mild torture in this fic. Summary: In the aftermath of Satoru Gojo's sealing, Sundari must choose rebellion in order to free him. Lucky for them both, rebellion has always been her preferred modus operandi.
🪧 Be Advised: This is the sequel to Beast of No Nation. It's recommended that you read that fic first to get the context of this one.
𓃰 AO3 || OC Masterpost || Fic Masterpost 𓃰
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𓃰 Chapter Seven: Anathema
     For much of his life Satoru knows that destiny’s hand is heavy on his shoulder. It has been so since the moment he opened his eyes, the sea of of his amniotic changes giving way to the miracle of his lineage’s most prized inheritance. He has known that these gifts, bestowed upon him after so long absent from his bloodline, were meant for a greater purpose. It goes beyond merely exorcizing curses. There is a calling in his abilities that as he came into his own as a young man, took shape.
     The Star Plasma Incident, Suguru’s defection and subsequent terrorism.
     Suguru’s death.
     Satoru’s unwillingness to burn his body, not only for the spiritual repercussions, but because it meant setting fire to the only one who had ever loved him and seen him. It had been his only act of cowardice, and the first stage of his rebellion against the higher ups. They had asked him to kill the man he loved. And then they sought to tighten his leash so that he could not become him. The only one who had ever loved him is dead and they expected him to—well, not the only one. Not any longer.
     But fate is not without a sense of irony.
     If anyone had told him six months ago that he would meet and fall in love with Ryōmen Sukuna’s only direct descendant—his daughter—Satoru would have laughed. Loudly. Rudely. Because it was an impossibility so beyond the scope of attainability that even his near-clairvoyant Six Eyes could not see it.
     And yet, here he is, staring at this woman whom history says should not exist. The higher ups want her blood too. They cannot suffer her to live despite her best efforts to prove she is nothing like her father. Satoru’s only thought when he broke free had been to find her. He had known she’d try something bold, but this…
     Sundari stares up at him, her breath still coming in pants, sweat glistening on her skin.
     “Yield.” Satoru’s voice is rough with desire, but solid with authority. Sundari has lost two rounds to him already. But not once has she yielded in their spars. She refuses, staring at him with open defiance in all four of her eyes.
     “Never,” she whispers. “I’ll die first.”
     Satoru can’t deny how hot he finds it when Sundari makes these fierce declarations because he knows her convictions are real. She would rather die than ever yield in battle. His goddess will fight him and anyone else until her body can go no longer. A fearsome creature, a warrior of unyielding and unwavering resolve.
     “You always look so pretty under me,” he whispers instead, and like always, his flirtations take Sundari off-guard. Her brows go up, eyes widening slightly. Suddenly the rise and fall of her chest is slower, more measured, and he feels the slight shiver pass through her body. Before she can respond to him in kind, they hear the chattering of the students. Satoru is off of her in an instant, helping her to her feet as they dust themselves off.
     “I think Hikmat-san’s almost as fast as Gojo-sensei,” Yuji is saying. Maki rolls her eyes. Of course Sundari is nearly as fast as Satoru. She inherited Sukuna’s immense power. Sundari rubs the back of her head, stretching her aching muscles before Satoru gives her a knowing look.
     “Training ground is all yours, kids,” Sundari says as she passes them. “I’m hitting the showers.”
     She and Satoru walk side by side in silence. With the adrenaline and heat dissipated, Sundari becomes aware of the brisk autumn air, shivering. Satoru throws his haori over her shoulders. She smiles up at him, and suddenly they are close, his hand finding hers, lacing their fingers.
     “You’re such a great sparring partner,” he says. “You should spar with Yuta sometime. He could use some of your fast and loose techniques. Help him think outside the box a little.”
     Sundari laughs. “If my mother already trained him then he’s all set. I learned all my dirty tricks from her.”
     Satoru chuckles. “Is that why you kicked up all that dust?”
     Sundari slaps her forehead. “In my defense, I forgot about your freak-vision! That usually works on opponents who just use their eyes to see and not…whatever the fuck your eyes do.”
     Satoru gives her one of his smug grins, and then winks at her with said eyes. Sundari’s cheeks flush with heat and she looks away. Satoru is too pretty for her to look at for too long. Like staring at the sun. Everything about him seems sculpted with terrible beauty and purpose. One would think he’s the asura and not her mother, though Sundari sees the same frightening symmetry in her features, slightly less perfect for want of her father.
     They enter the dorms soon after, and as they make their way to the shower, Sundari wonders about something just as Satoru leans in to nip at her earlobe.
     “Wanna save some water?” He asks. Sundari shoots him an incredulous look.
     “Maybe we should have an emergency meeting in your office,” she says by way of response. “To discuss our upcoming plans.”
     Satoru blinks. “Oooh. You are so right. So, a nice long, hot shower, and then an intense meeting in my office.”
     Sundari stops walking, crossing her arms to stare at him.
     “What?” Satoru asks, grinning. Leering, more like. “I’m just stating the order of the rest of our workday.”
     “Uh huh,” Sundari says. “I’m going to actually shower, and you can—”
     “I’ll be sure to think of you all hot and wet when I’m fucking my fist.”
     He doesn’t give her the opportunity to retaliate, and they retreat to the respective showers, men’s on one side, women’s on the other.
     In the shower, Sundari takes her first true sigh of relaxation. She learned early on from her mother that there is no problem that a long, hot bath or shower won’t lend perspective to, and she’s not been wrong. Sundari lets the steaming water run over her from head to toe and feels all the soreness in her muscles melt into a languid exhaustion that tells her she and Satoru may very well just cuddle on the couch in his office and nap.
     If she is with him, she doesn’t care what they do together.
     After her shower, Sundari checks her phone, finding it annoying that the destruction in Tokyo has led to lack of service or spotty service at best. She doesn’t have anyone she wants to contact, save her mother, and since Sukuna took her, it’s been silent. She wonders if her mother will ever have it in her to do her duty. The longer she shirks it, the more people at risk of falling prey to her father.
     Sundari tries not to hate her mother for her weakness, but in that moment, she understands. If Satoru were in Sukuna’s place, Sundari would at least try to save him before killing him. But somehow, she doesn’t think her father wants to be saved. One might even say it’s impossible.
     Sundari gets dressed, pulling on a pair of loose sweats, a long-sleeved shirt, and piling her braids atop her head. She makes her way to Satoru’s office, finding it empty. He must still be showering. As she waits, it occurs to her she’s never actually been in his office before. She looks around, brow furrowing. It looks like any other comfortable office, but it feels distinctly lacking in personality. There are no knickknacks on his desk, no corkboard of polaroid photos. There is a distinct lack of a person in this office and Sundari finds herself feeling despondent. She knows he works virtually around the clock, but she has never considered what it costs him.
     She feels a pair of strong arms slip around her waist. She smiles as Satoru rests his chin on her shoulder.
     “Snooping?” He asks in a teasing tone. Sundari huffs out a small laugh.
     “Hardly,” she admits. “There’s very little snooping to be done that you’ve not told me yourself.”
     Satoru plants a gentle kiss on her shoulder, traces his lips along the curve up to her neck, relishing in her shiver and then her body pressing back against him. He holds her tighter.
     “Well, what do you want to know?” He asks. “I’m an open book.”
     Sundari’s hands come up, tracing her fingertips over his knuckles. She finds herself loving his hands. She’s never met anyone as strong as her before, and no one strong enough to consider she deserves protection. She smirks.
     “Did you think about me in the shower?” She asks. Satoru, to his credit, replies without missing a beat.
     “I sure did, that’s why it took me a little longer…” He nuzzles her neck, planting a soft kiss behind her ear. “Plus, you know I like to let you finish first.”
     He delights in the flood of heat in Sundari’s cheeks, and she resists the urge to leap out of the nearest window.
     They decide to lay on the plush couch together. Sundari rests on her back, and he lays on top of her as if she is the coziest person he’s ever felt, wrapping his arms around her to rest his head on her chest. Without thinking, her hands come up, threading her fingers through his soft hair, stroking his scalp. Satoru lets out a soft groan of pleasure. Since being touched again, he’s always on her. He can’t get enough of the contact. He hasn’t felt this safe with someone since—
     “Satoru?” Sundari’s voice is soft.
     “Mmn?” Satoru mumbles from between her breasts. Two galactic eyes peer up at her, bleary with oncoming sleep.
     “Never mind,” she whispers with a soft smile, stroking his brow with an unhurried thumb. “Go to sleep.”
     He blinks, slowly. Sundari massages his temples, and his eyes slip closed as the sun sinks behind the hills and trees. Eventually, Sundari’s eyes close too, and at some point, sleep slips around her and takes her into the dreamless dark. Satoru’s weight is a comfort to her, one she is loath to give up, but she has her Divine Vow to consider. Melancholy wears her brain to exhaustion, and she slips deeper into sleep, willing her mind to be silent.
     Satoru wakes up, first.
     The sleep he’s gotten is perhaps the best he’s gotten in over a decade. It is a rare moment of true respite, where he does not feel the prickling need to be constantly aware. For a handful of hours, he is allowed to simply rest. After all, he is in the arms of his goddess. His goddess, whom he stands to lose if he doesn’t figure out how to break a Divine Vow.
     First, he must deal with Sukuna, then he can deal with the gods. One world-altering crisis at a time.
     Slowly, Satoru gets up, and watches as Sundari’s lower eyes open to slits. He gets off her, and then she closes her eyes and continues to sleep. She doesn’t question his motives, and they’ve coexisted enough to learn how to speak without words. Instead, he kneels next to her, pressing a firm kiss to her forehead. For a moment, his expression is pensive, but there is a soft bend to his smile, a dimness to the usual lambency to his gaze, and even a slight slump in his shoulders. He knows he shouldn’t allow himself a moment like this, not when there’s so much to be done. But he has no choice, and even if Sundari won’t let him save her the way she’s saved him, he can at least try.
     Fighting her father seems like a great first step. But there’s other loose ends he must now see to, and he gently brushes a stray curl from her face. A tiny eye narrows at him.
     “Spit it out, Satoru,” she grumbles. Satoru will never get over how cute she is when she’s grouchy. He smiles.
     “There’s something I have to take care of,” he says. “It shouldn’t take long but I don’t want to worry you.”
     Four eyes sharpen and focus on him as Sundari shifts to sit up. She is frighteningly intuitive, can tell there’s something worming around the gray matter of his regenerating brain that he is struggling with. She holds his gaze, fearless and demanding, a goddess demanding answers from her equal. Satoru feels a momentary stab of guilt in his belly. He told her he considered her his equal, and that he wanted her to share in this future he envisioned. It had been a rare moment of vulnerability for him, giving a solid foundation to something that for a few years, had been a source of fear.
     He’s only ever shared his vision for the future with Suguru, and that love is lost to him.
     He doesn’t want to lose another; he didn’t think he’d ever find connection like that again.
     “Satoru!” Sundari reaches up, cups his face, brings him back to himself and the present with his name alone, and those four garnet eyes turning to liquid crimson, soft and concerned. He reaches up to grasp her wrists, rubbing circles with his thumbs in a tender gesture to soothe her. She takes a slow exhale, relaxing. Since rediscovering his love of being touched, Satoru never wants to go a day without touching her, hugging his loved ones, or feeling another living thing against him again.
     “I’m going to Jujutsu Headquarters,” he says quietly; so quiet the soft, velvet shadows around them could steal the words away. Sundari is quiet, and he can see her connecting the constellations in her mind, cross-referencing conversations with her knowledge of Japan’s stringent and conservative jujutsu society. Her main eyes flutter, sooty lashes making them stand out as her pupils shrink and expand. Her lower set of eyes narrow and he knows he’s seeing Sundari when she has decided on a very permanent course of action.
     “I’m coming with you,” she says at last. Something in Satoru’s heart breaks and heals at the same time. In this moment, Sundari reminds her of Yuta. That devotion, that unwavering loyalty, that iron will and determination. Where Yuta gives the appearance of a fragile bloom reinforced by a shocking amount of steel in his soul, Sundari is an unassailable fortress, guarding a generous and loving heart, and a soul that burns as brightly as his own.
     Somewhere between them, where infinity always exists, there’s a balance of their natures. The ruined edges of his soul where Suguru had torn himself away feel like they are struggling to reach toward something.
     “Are you sure?” He asks. “Once we go there’s no going back.”
     Sundari does not waver. “I’m sure.”
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     In the end, Satoru realizes there’s no need for subterfuge. The higher ups summon him as soon as they receive word of his unsealing. How fortuitous for them that the culprit of what they declared a grievous crime, has decided to accompany him to this summons. They likely think that they have the two betwixt hammer and anvil. Sundari shares a smile with the darkness of the long corridor when she thinks on how wrong they are.
     They come to stand before a large, ornate door. Satoru’s breath has never been steadier, his heartbeat never more consistent.
     “I didn’t want my students to see this,” he says softly, and Sundari looks up at him, her lower eyes trained on the door. She doesn’t reach for his hand, but there is a feeling of warmth that passes between them. The business they are about is ugly, bloody work. There will be time for anything else much later.
     “Are you ready?” He asks, and Sundari knows he’s asking himself as much as her. She turns all four of her eyes toward the door. Without another word, Satoru pushes them open, and they step into the darkness, the doors shutting behind them.
     Sundari doesn’t know what she expected from the inner sanctum of jujutsu society’s most powerful patriarchs, because patriarchs they are. She can immediately see that all the assembled higher-ups are men, hiding behind their rice paper screens in a paltry attempt to be intimidatingly mysterious. She has half a mind to open her domain here and kill them all, but Satoru has a way of doing things.
     “You understand the position you’re in, Gojo Satoru?” A gruff and iron voice says from the velvety darkness as Satoru stands at the center. Sundari doesn’t budge.
     “I understand the position you’ve put me in,” he says. “Regardless, that’s not going to stop what’s coming.”
     “And you brought the abomination here with you!” Another voice, Sundari’s lower eyes cut to her right. She can make out the silhouette of the stooped old bastard behind the illuminated screen.
     “You were tasked with the explicit instructions to gather Sukuna’s Fingers and carry out Itadori Yuji’s execution. You have done neither, and as a result Sukuna caused incalculable destruction and all but collapsed the Japanese government in a state of panic! You no longer have the protections of jujutsu society. You are anathema.”
     Sundari lets out a quiet and derisive snort, rolling her eyes. She wishes they’d get to the good part, already.
     “She’s not an abomination,” Satoru says. “She’s a powerful ally. And for the record: that’s not why I’m here.”
     There is a beat of confused silence. Sundari allows herself a slow, excited grin. Ah, finally.
     It happens so fast she almost forgets to savor it. These old, conservative men. These men who have dared to collar Satoru and want her to bow her head to their yoke as well. She is not one to take pride in her father’s blood, but he is the King of Curses, and she is his daughter, there is no shackle she will accept from anyone, not even the man she’s fallen in love with.
     These men, who have driven so many sorcerers to ruin, come apart like wet tissue paper beneath her hands and his. He wears his infinity like a raincoat, the blood spray never touching him. She wears the blood like war paint, reveling in the slaughter of the people who thought they would ever be able to kill her or Satoru.
     Satoru moves like a deadly crack of a whip, so fast she almost can’t see it. He’s strong enough that his punches crater sternums, much like hers. Bedlam carols into the flickering lantern-light of the room; and Sundari almost wants to sing as she kills, dragging a gasping and gurgling old sorcerer through his screen, fingers digging into his throat until the skin bursts and she forces her way past tough muscle, her fingertips scraping the blood and lymph-slick bones, which she crushes to fragments in her preternatural grip, leaving the body limp and lifeless as she moves away. She is a deadly brushstroke across their lives, and when she’s done, her arms weltering in the blood and gore up to her elbows, blood splattered across her face, she lets herself laugh. In this moment, she is exactly like her father.
     They leave in silence, Satoru and his blood-splattered goddess, and though her hand is covered in blood, he takes it in his, lacing their fingers with a tight squeeze. He pulls her into his arms wordlessly, and they vanish as dawn begins to color the sky.
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▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. “Good & Plenty” by Alex Isley, Masego, Jack Dine
     It’s been some time since either of them have been in his apartment, but it’s easy to break into when your seals keep everyone else out. Sundari smirks as she looks out over Tokyo which, for the most part, is still intact enough that normal life has not been entirely disrupted in some parts. Still, the dawn spilling into the living room reminds her of the first time she and Satoru met earlier in the year.
     “Just like the first time,” Satoru says, remembering as well. “Uh…only with more blood.”
     Sundari lets out a laugh and they retreat to his bedroom, stripping as they go. Satoru opts to run the shower, and they scrub themselves clean, sharing smiles and laughter without words. And then, they run a bath to soak in to finish off. At some point their utilitarian shower becomes a rare moment of self-care. The tub is large and deep enough for both and she settles between his legs easily, leaning back against him with a satisfied groan.
     They don’t talk about it. There’s not much that can be said. The self-proclaimed leaders of jujutsu society declared them an enemy for crimes neither of them committed. They merely responded in kind.
     “Tell me about him,” Satoru murmurs. “You fought your dad in Shibuya, what can I expect?”
     Sundari blinks. That’s what he wants to know about right now? She supposes she can’t blame him, but if he’s asking her, she knows it can only mean that he’s uncertain he can clinch a decisive victory. And the time of their duel is fast-approaching. She doesn’t understand why she feels conflicted about it.
     “My dad’s as powerful as you are,” she says. “And he fights like an actual demon. You’re the more refined martial artist, but my dad knows how to do hairpin turns with his tactics. I don’t think he was trained in jujutsu conventionally.”
     “Seems to run in your family,” Satoru teases and she elbows him as he laughs.
     “It’s not just that…it’s his domain. When he expanded it in Shibuya, it was open…like mine. What’s worse, is it attacks any and everything until he dismisses it. Oh! Aaaand he can shoot a powerful exorcism arrow made of divine flame.”
     Satoru’s brows go up. “Wait? Fire? How?”
     Sundari shrugs. “I don’t know. I think…I think I used to be able to do it too, but I haven’t been able to remember how to summon it. I think he has a binding vow around his.” It’s not like she could have asked him since he was busy fighting Megumi’s shikigami.
     “If you plan to beat him you have to finish him as quickly as possible,” Sundari warns. Satoru makes a small groan. “Satoru, I’m serious. This is…he only ends jujutsu duels one way. I don’t want to see you sustain any more hurt than is necessary to win.”
     Satoru grins. “Aww, Sundari, are you worried about me?”
     Sundari sighs. “Of course I’m worried about you! My father scares the shit out of me. I’ve never seen anyone with such callous disregard not just for human life, but life in general.”
     Satoru frowns, leaning into to nuzzle her neck, pressing comforting kisses on her skin. It’s rare she admits to fear, he’s learned, and so when she does, he listens. Her father frightens her, he knows, because she fears whatever evil is in him, has been passed to her and will manifest beyond her control. It’s something he was working on with her before Shibuya, and he takes her hands in his, reminding her to remain present. She is not Sukuna, just his daughter. What lurks in him does not lurk in her. Sundari’s breaths even out, and she shuts all four of her eyes, calming her mind. She brings his hands to her lips, kissing his fingers and knuckles.
     “He has nothing to lose because he has nothing,” she whispers, and Satoru wonders if it’s possible to pity Sukuna, evil as he is. Sundari doesn’t seem to, though he can’t tell from how soft her voice gets. “But you have everything to lose, Satoru. And that’s what he will seek to kill before he deigns to kill you.”
     Satoru is quiet in the wake of her grave words. Sukuna’s cruelty sounds not unlike a curse, but Sundari sounds like he has wounded her before. Or maybe her mother finally told her about what her father was really like. Either way, he files it away to parse later.
     They leave the bath, toweling dry and retreating to the bedroom where they both slide into bed without so much as a scrap of clothing between them. He kisses her—really kisses her—and her arms comes around him as he slots himself between her legs. For long minutes it is just them kissing, the heat between them building and building. Satoru’s lips travel along her jawline, tugging her earlobe between his teeth, making her whimper.
     It’s nothing like the first time. It’s everything like the first time.
     Sundari’s hands slide up Satoru’s back, relishing the sleek feel of muscles gliding beneath her touch, and Satoru’s lips trail along her throat, sucking marks into her skin. Sundari lets herself sink into the sensation, lets her sense be overtaken by Satoru. Satoru, Satoru, Satoru.
     “Satoru…” She moans, when his mouth finds one of her nipples, having traced the path of of one of her tattoos. He sucks the dusky bud into his mouth, holding it gently between his teeth while running his tongue over it. Sundari bites her lip to stifle a cry. Satoru pulls away from her breast with a wet pop.
     “Don’t…” he says, his voice slightly hoarse. Sundari shivers as she feels his breath on her damp skin. “Be as loud as you want, baby. I wanna hear you…”
     So, she lets him.
     Satoru takes his time, and beneath the skylight, kisses every inch of Sundari’s body, reveling in the scent of her, the hot satin of her skin, how wet she is for him already. He slides a hand between her thighs, keeping his gaze fixed on hers as his fingertips circling her clit, gathering her slick.
     “Don’t tease…” she whispers, and he grins at her.
     “Why not? I like hearing you whine for me…”
     A warning growl, low in her throat. Satoru feels his cock throb in response. He loves when she gets dangerous in bed, the way her fingers curl into the sheets before her mouth drops open in a strangled moan when he dips two long fingers into her. Her eyes roll back—all four of them—and she rolls her hips into his hand, her head tipping backward onto the pillows as the heel of his palm grinds against her clit, his fingers curling upward inside of her.
     “Gnh…fuck, Satoru…” She moans and Satoru strokes her, fingers gliding in and out until the wet squelching of her pussy nearly overpowers everything else. It’s music to his ears, really. His hand is soaked, and she’s about to come, the rhythm of her hips becoming more frantic and desperate.
     His thumb caresses her clit in gentle circles, scissoring his fingers inside of her. Sundari’s orgasm is close, a glittering edge she is desperate to splinter herself upon, but Satoru keeps it just out of reach. He wants her begging, and Sundari knows it. It chafes at her pride to do so, but she’s missed him—missed their intimacy in a way she didn’t realize until he was in her arms again.
     She begs.
     He rewards her, and she comes all over his hand, whining and moaning his name.
     When the waves of her climax begin to recede, Sundari’s gaze is soft and blurred with pleasure. Satoru licks his fingers clean, savoring her taste, before leaning in and pressing a warm, loving kiss to her glistening cunt. Sundari shivers again, biting her lip on a half-moan half-laugh that only seems to encourage Satoru to continue. Kisses become the gentle exploration of his tongue, and suddenly her swollen clit is sucked into his mouth, and she can’t control the pitch and volume of her cries.
     Suddenly she’s spiraling, her vision sparkling as the sensations seem to rise again and again without stopping. She feels as if she will fly apart, or shatter the skylight if he doesn’t—
     “Oh fuck…” she sobs. “Oh god…”
     Satoru opens his mouth, spreading her lips wide to torment her clit through another orgasm. This one feels more abrupt than the last, and her thighs quiver around his head, her slick spilling onto his chin. He pulls away reluctantly, and when he looks at her, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen her so soft. The violent black lines of her cursed markings do nothing to hide it, and when she comes back to her own skin and bone, she meets his gaze with a grateful sigh.
     Satoru licks his lips.
     “You are so fucking pretty,” he says, caressing her thighs and squeezing them. She smiles almost shyly, and he can see the heat flooding the apples of her cheeks as her gaze slides away from his. It’s always adorable to him how shameless she is during sex, yet he will call her pretty or beautiful and she blushes like a virgin. He wagers she’s never been able to be this vulnerable with anyone. He’s glad it’s him.
     Satoru leans down, and Sundari welcomes him, letting him kiss her until her thoughts are nothing but fluff in her head, working her hips desperately when she feels the blunt tip of his cock nudging her slick entrance. Satoru props himself up on his elbows to look at her, brushing sweat-slick curls from her face as he thrusts into her. Sundari moans louder than intended as she savors the delicious stretch of his cock inside her. He’s so fucking big, and he fills her perfectly. Satoru hisses when she squeezes his cock with her lust-slick walls.
     “Do that again and this’ll be a short ride,” he murmurs, and she rewards him with a sultry, simmering laugh that ends in him kissing her as his hips begin to move.
     Sundari thinks perhaps she can do this for the rest of her life. And as she thinks that she remembers her divine vow, a promise she cannot break. For a moment, the pleasure is at war with the sadness that she won’t be able to spend the rest of her life with him, but then Satoru brings her back.
     “Hey,” his voice is gentle, a little winded as he moves inside her. “Hey, baby, look at me. Stay here with me.”
     Sundari nods, biting her lip, her heart too full for words. She keeps her eyes on him, and for the first time since they began seeing one another, they make love.
     It’s different. Sundari knows it’s different because when Satoru buries himself inside of her, she doesn’t feel mindless, and when he withdraws, she surges with him, wrapping her arms and legs around him. This closeness is what he loves and craves, and it only serves to goad him, thrusts smooth and languid, but hard enough that the mattress and bedframe groan in protest.
     When Sundari comes, it’s unexpected. She’s so present, pinned by Satoru’s warm gaze, that she cries out, tightening her hold around him as her walls spasm. Satoru lets out a soft swear, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
     And now they’re fucking.
     At some point the want for each other overpowers the need or closeness and Satoru sits up, grasping Sundari’s ankles to press her legs back. She folds in half easily, and he looks down, biting his lip at the sight of his cock buried in her pretty little cunt. His.
     He fucks her like he wants to impress this upon her, and Sundari finds herself baffled by the fierce possession in his eyes, the grip on her ankles that may as well pass for true shackles as he holds her legs open and back, plundering her for his own pleasure.
     She can’t speak, she can barely breathe, and Satoru thrusts as if his aim is through and not inside. Every impact of skin and against skin is accompanied by the wet, erotic sound of her cunt being split on his cock again and again. The tingle at the base of Satoru’s spine is his first warning, and he fights it because he wants to have as much of her as either of them can garner the strength. Sundari can see him fighting his own climax, and she maneuvers them with gentle coaxing. Satoru allows himself to be put on his back, and his goddess mounts him with ease.
     And gods above she rides him. Satoru throws his head back and lets out what can only be described as a whine and a howl as Sundari bounces on his cock, marking him as hers as much as she is his.
     It’s everything like the first time; it’s nothing like the first time.
     Satoru lets himself come once, and then shifts them again, putting Sundari on her hands and knees before forcing her into an obscene arch. He grips her hips, pulling her back against his cock in a punishing and brutal pace that sees her supine, fingers curling into the tangled sheets in a white-knuckled grip, her voice begging and pleading, chanting his name like a mantra.
     “Want me to come inside you, baby?” He demands as he turns her over, forcing her into a mating press, which she welcomes with a truly whorish moan that Satoru is going to think about until the day he dies. She’s babbling, now, even as he attempts to fuck an impression of their bodies into the mattress. Satoru makes her come again, stroking her clit and that tender little plane inside her pussy all at once.
     “Yesyesyes…!” Sundari whines, her breath coming in staccato gasps, eyelids fluttering.
     “You’d look so fucking good full of my come, tell me.”
     Sundari tells him, moaning and whining about how much she wants him to fill her up, wants him to put a goddamn baby in her, and something in Satoru’s mind snaps. All at once the tension in the base of his spine, the tightness in his balls, releases as his thrusts become ragged and desperate, emptying his come inside of her, burying himself deep with a harsh groan.
     Sundari leans up, licks a stripe along Satoru’s throat, tasting his sweat as he releases her legs which fall uselessly around his hips. He lays down on top of her, meeting her lips in tired, sloppy kisses before he buries his face in the crook of her neck, kissing the soft, sweaty skin there.
     “I love you, Sundari,” he mumbles into her skin. “Fuck. Don’t leave me, baby. I just found you.”
     Sundari feels her heart constrict. She can’t even tell him she won’t leave. They both know how this ends. She holds him tighter, stroking his damp hair, blinking away tears.
     “I love you, Satoru,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to his temple. It’s all she can do, for now.
     They sleep for most of the day, reveling in the last few stolen moments they can get away with before they rise to dress. Satoru watches Sundari grab her cursed tools from the ancient trunk her mother gave her. One of the weapons is a long trishula, a faded cloth tied around the base of the trident-like blade. Satoru’s eyes go wide at the sight of the weapon, the cursed energy distinctly powerful. He notes that the inside of the trunk is covered in sealing sutras, ancient and weathered, and written in Sanskrit. It’s why he couldn’t see how powerful Sundari’s arsenal was before. But that trishula…
     “Sundari,” he says as she dresses, and she looks back at him, holding the weapon in her hands, looking at once like a woman out of her own time and something otherworldly. What’s it like, he wonders, being half-celestial in origin? “Is that…?”
     “Hiten?” Sundari finishes with a smile. “Nah, mom said she could never figure out how to steal dad’s cursed tools. This is Lalita, named for the goddess who ironically, I was named after.”
     Satoru’s confusion makes her giggle. “It’s a lot. Come on, we’re burning daylight, we heading back to the school?”
     Satoru allows himself his characteristic grin and Sundari tries not to be worried about it.
     “Nah, we are making a stop in Kyoto,” he says and it’s Sundari’s turn to look puzzled. Satoru closes the distance between them and holds her close.
     “Ready to meet my parents?”
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morpinaround · 2 months
saw your au dungeon in dsmp and had to share an idea about it because oh my gods I might MASSIVELY start brainrotting otherwise-
I think it would be funny for kabru + Latios and co to see techno and assume monsters got out or he's a new monster(assuming he looks like a piglin on a massive furry scale of techno designs) only for philza (who looks very beastman-y but definitely is sane and sound in mind- if you ignore how good he might be at fashioning weapons and armor out of things from monsters and from the dungeon for his loved ones including benchtrio and how insanely old he is while still being young-ish) to go "naw he's just a silly shapeshifter"(relatively joking + affectionate)
later on due to some needs, maybe he finally relaxes? or he tires himself out drastically in a battle? he suddenly shifts into a more human and not pig-man form and everyone is "O_O" at him.
OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ok so for this AU I've been thinking over how the dunmeshi world would try to understand what types of beasts/demihumans each dsmp member is. They're still completely what they were originally, but the dunmeshi characters keep trying to categorize them to fit them into their world (with the exception of Laios because I see him going like "Oh no you guys obviously aren't like anything we've seen. I'm gonna ask you a million questions though because I want to give you a NEW category") But anyway, here's how the dunmeshi characters view each member!! [entire explanation under]
Techno - At first they are just like. 100% sure he's an Orc. Techno doesn't really care at all what they think, but Philza gives off the vibes of "actually doesn't wanna get attacked on the surface" so he DEFINITELY tries to assure people "No he's just like- been cursed!!! To look all monstrous like this lol" (cus he's not sure how well they'll respond to shapeshifters, they might mistake Techno for a doppelgänger!) and Techno is like "What the fuck" for the most part but again. doesn't care enough. Philza - Genuinely they just thought he was an elf or half-elf for the longest period of time because he keeps his wings under his cape. Until he showed his wings and Laios freaked out thinking he was the first male harpy they'd ever recorded. Nope!! After that debacle they think of him like a Beastman like Izutsumi Tommy - Oni, probably an Ogre like Tade, though they are all quite curious on why his horns are "dyed" like that. Also why he's so small. Also why he's not from the east. Actually they don't fully think he's an Ogre at all it's just the first group they could put him with and they rolled with it Tubbo - I think they'd struggle the most with Tubbo. POSSIBLY?? They try to put him down as an Orc as well, but I think they'd just come to understand him like they do Philza, he's just a cursed Beastman. Ranboo - OKAY. So in the manga there's this character whos an elf called Flamela, and on the wiki at least (I can't be bothered to go through the manga for a proper refresher), it specifies that "her obsidian-like skin and silver hair are traits that are considered 'proof of true royalty.'." For this reason, I think it'd be fun if for the most part everybody, and ESPECIALLY the canaries, just think he's a really fucked-up royal Elf. Don't ask me how this makes sense it's just funny. Elves losing their mind over this "obviously lost member of our royalty" and he's just there
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
The upper moons (+Muzan if you can) finding a very human reader munching on another human and they’re like :0
Love it. Genuinely love the idea. The hipocrisy of some. Also, Muzan just HAS to be in this prompt. Bet the only human who managed go shock him this hard is Enmu (not sure if it's canon, but it seems Enmu was into vore when he was Muzan's dinner.... and that is the reason he got turned)...
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Uppermoons + Muzan finding Cannibal Human GN Reader
Warnings: Cannibalism, Non-consented body modifications (get turned into demon), Slight manga spoilers (not really, just some allusions on Kokushibou, Akaza and Muzan), Mentioned lethal injury, and Slight body-horror.
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What in hell? Just... what in hell? Demons don't come to the Red Light District to hunt, they already know who has claimed said territory, so when Daki found out part of corpses that were not hers (but she still had to get rid of) and couldn't sense any demon around she feared it might be another Uppermoon, and not adimiting she got intimidated, sent Gyutato to find them and shoo them out of her damn district. In exchange, following the scent of fresh blood, he found you... eating a raw human hand, munching it clamly in a dark alley. "You... ne, you are human..." You tilt your head looking at the creature in front of you, he is clearly not. "What are you?" You knew there were some disappearings in the area and decided to take advantage of it, you thought it was a group of kidnappers and prostitutes eloping being both around by coincidence and decided to try you luck. You guess you got careless when you found out someone was hiding the corpses for you. You didn't expect to find a tall but curved figure, thin to the bones yet with muscles, sickly looking, with fangs and glowing eyes. You both just look at each other, not knowing what to say, surprised. There is a part of you saying you should run, that you were caught and this being is dangerous. "... Ne.... you are a messy eater. Ne. Can you stop leaving the parts you don't eat around? It's almost as if you wanted to get caught, ne." He scratches the back of his neck, just wanting to say something to kill the uncomfortable silence, at this point he doesn't care if there is a cannibal running around, he might even use you as a distraction for the Hashira.
You take a like in him. "What is your name?" You want to know more about him. "... The name is Gyutaro, ne. And you are in my territoy, ne, so you better give me a reason to not eat you myself or get rid of you in whatever means is better for me, ne." You can only look at him and relate him to the missing people. You have been several times in this district, but you never knew this guy existed. It's like figuring out an underworld, and just as you were curious to the taste of human meat just to get addicted to it, you have a feeling Gyutaro will be similar experience. "I'm Y/N, and I feel I could make you enjoy my presence." He looks hesitant at your smile, but doesn't move. This will be interesting.
"WHERE IS MY PIECE OF ART?! I LEFT IT JUST HERE!" Gyokko cries out, looking around for the corpse he just fixed to look like a tree growing on the top of a pot. The time it took him to correct every bone into holding itself and make the detailes stretching and cutting the flesh only to dissapear the second he went for real flowers to make an effect of it being armonic with the nature! WHERE! IS! IT?! Then he hears some chewing near by, goes to where the sounds come from and, well, he stays still for a while when he sees you, gasping dramatically as his eyes and mouthes open to much it hurts... You are eating... his art... "YOU!!" He starts angry, ready to give you a piece of his mind as he advances, making the put he is in jump towards you, veins pooping in his head. "You little beast! You savage! Do you have any idea of what you just ate?!"
At this point he doesn't give two shits if you are a a human, or the fact that you paralyze and don't seem to understand anything she shrieks the second you saw him. What is this thing? It barely looks human at all! "What are you?" Is all you can ask after a long rant, if he looked angry before, now he looks as if he was about to explode with all the visible vains in his body, head red andmorphed into and disbelieving yet offended expression. "THAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU GOTTA SAY AFTER WHAT YOU JUST DID?! YOU SELFISH, UNEDUCATED, RUDE PIECE OF SHIT?! I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW BUT YOUR UGLY SKIN AND ROUGH FLESH IS NOT RIVAL FOR MY BEAUTIFUL CANVAS! THE ONE YOU JUST ATE!" And he is right, with cuts and the quality of the body... you just had to dig in, the fact that it was not a random body and this... thing checked out spoke of how much he cared... that and his screams.
You smile at that, you were not expecting any of this, but surprices are what makes. life interesting. "So you are a, what? Culinary artist?" The question actually shuts Gyokko upooking fused and irritated. "I would like to learn how to do art, then."
"AAAAHHHHHH!" He screams on top of his lungs at seeing you "HE ATE SOMEONE! HEEEEEELP! HEEEEELP MEEEEE!" One would think he would not be reacting this way since he also eats people, but Hantengu suddenly remembers he is a demon and stops screaming, just looking at you shocked, mouth open as he remains quiet and frozen, still somehow scared and a bit embarrassed. You are no better, you paralized when you were caught on the act of eating a piece of a corpse, only to realize this "old man with a tumor in his head" had horns and blood red eyes. He is looking you with fear, but somethings tells you that the one that should be afraid is not him. And he justs stays there, looking at you in the house you broke in to kill the resident, the house he also broke in, keeping his hands to himself in his chest.
Just what is this crature? A ghost? A spirit? A demon? You were never a big believer yourself, but the more you see him you can see fangs and claws, a predator, even if it's trembling and shying away. "What are you doing here? You are not planning to snitch on me, are you? What if they believe it was you?" That seemed to trigger something, as the older beings starts to whimper as tears forms in his red, nothing but red, eyes. "NO! NO! IT WASN'T ME! IT WASN'T! IT WAS YOU! YOU KILLED THEM! YOU ATE THEM, NOT ME!" Even though the last part was hard to believe, and Hantengu knows how to lie to himself, and yet... it's very odd. What are you? A freak? Eating your own? Demons are humans natural predator, them eating the only thing they can eat is normal. But you...
You are a human eating other humans, and that scares him to the core. "Do-do-don't bully me anymore...." You want to know more, though. The sense of power of being a monster in the eyes of another monster... you want to see more. "Then I guess this will be our secret."
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" All his face screams "disgust", seriously, what the fuck? [They were just fighting a group of slayers, not Hashira but almost there, a group that thought separating would give them chances of scaping, at least until the sun rose up. How wrong they were, it was clear they would not make it to the hour against Upper Four. A normal evento for Hantengu, but... when he came back to the are of the ambush, he found you, eating the corpses he and the others left behind.] You got scared at the raw outragious scream, then you turn around to see a man (not human, humans don't have horns, fangs and glowing red eyes), you just found the corpses laying around and most of them looked clean, so you decided to eat. Hte creatire keeps looking at you, slightly disturbed in his anger. "Why are you eating that?"
Humans usually don't eat things they just found on the floor, humans usually don't eat raw meat directly from the source without cutting and cleaning it properly first, humans usually don't eat other humans. "What are you? Some kind of freak?" Also the fact that you are very messy, it reminds him to Urogi. Meanwhile you can't tell what exactly is this non-human is trying to get, he doesn't look scared, just disgusted and irritated. He has not tried to approach or to make distance between you two, only asked questions you have no idea how to answer in a way that makes sense. "Are you too dumb to speak?!" He becomes stressed because of it. "What are you?" Is all you can say after some minutes of silence, to witch, if glares could kill, you would be dead already. The cannibal human not only have the guts to not answer him, but to question him.
"I am Sekido," which is the same of saying "I am anger", "and you better give me a reason to not kill you like other humans that I encounter." You don't think you have one, but... "I am Y/N, nice to meet you." You can try.
Karaku blinks a few times, unsure of what he is seeing. [They were just fighting a group of slayers, not Hashira but almost there, a group that thought separating would give them chances of scaping, at least until the sun rose up. How wrong they were, it was clear they would not make it to the hour against Upper Four. A normal evento for Hantengu, but... when he came back to the are of the ambush, he found you, eating the corpses he and the others left behind.] Now, he likes eating, not as much as Urogi or Upper Two, but he knows how to appreciate or take pleasure from a good meal. He enjoys the flavor of fresh flesh, the rawness in his fangs, the energy he could feel sustaining his body, making him feel anew and alive. Eating is a pleasure the should not be denied or questioned, but... He just looks surprised at you, a human eating another human, as you haven't noticed him yet. After a while, he decides to step in, getting closer, startling you with a hand on your shoulder. "Enjoying dinner? Bet you would feel better with company~."
You are both confused as he sits besides you. You humans can take pleasure from sweets, spices, of mixing flavors together, and yet you chose the food only demons and beasts alike can enjoy, the only thing they can enjoy. Meanwhile you are trying to tell this basically half-naked men is into, exposing himself so easily so you, including non-human features. "Why?" That is everything both of you can think. "Who are you?" You ask when you see him tear with his hand a limb and take it to his mouth, bites so clean they almost look like weird cuts. The question should have been "what" instead of "who", but... You did like the idea of having someone to share the meal, specially someone so inviting and relaxed. "Does it matter? It seems we are all seeking plasure tonight, let's just have a nice time with our meal." He wants to understand it, this twisted craving you have for your own kind.
"My name is Y/N." You say without prompt, you just felt the need to present yourself. You are liking him so far, and want to spend more time in... whatever this is. The smile in Karaku's lips show he wants that too. "Nice to meet ya, Y/N."
Urogi just opens his mouth and eyes in surprise, he was not expecting this. [They were just fighting a group of slayers, not Hashira but almost there, a group that thought separating would give them chances of scaping, at least until the sun rose up. How wrong they were, it was clear they would not make it to the hour against Upper Four. A normal evento for Hantengu, but... when he came back to the are of the ambush, he found you, eating the corpses he and the others left behind.] This is the first time he has seen a human eating another human, he has always thought that this didn't happen in between them, somehow knowing it is a bigger taboo than demons eating other demons. But i happens, he is surpriced, didn't expect to be able to see this. Then he realizes that the prey that you are eating... is his! (and also belongs to the the other clones, but still. They killed them and Urogi arrived first, so it should be his meal!) "THAT IS MINE!" Is what you hear as talons take away the corpse to get it on top of a tree.
Urogi looks down on you, basically making a face as if he was about to throw a tantrum, but only begins to eat, rather offended, the human parts. You only look at the... giant humanoid bird? It's.. majestic, wings and talons sprading like a bird of prey, so you stay on the ground, where you fell as Urogi took the meal from you, feeling like if you were to stand up, he would eat you next. Urogi only aets, chewing a lot more than he swallows, stuffing his mouth full, completely messy as blood and the paste that becomes the flesh in his mouth tries to fall a bit, but having the demon licking and sucking it from his hands. Sometimes he turns to see you, but prioritizes eating over some human that just decided to steal his food. "Hey. Hey... Hi there." You decide to try an get his attention, speaking to him softly, as if ti was towards a wild animal, making him turn around to see you and tilt his head. You involuntary copy the motion.
"What are you doing?" He chuckles at seeing you, having no idea he just did that gesture. You smile at him, wanting to get close, to touch those wings, so tempting. "Can we talk?" You really want to get close, and even if Urogi makes no effort to get down the tree, he sets in a way he can face you more comfortable "Sure. Let's talk."
Aizetsu doesn't even know how to react, just opens his mouth slightly, mostly looking unimpressed, or at least tired to show anything else. [They were just fighting a group of slayers, not Hashira but almost there, a group that thought separating would give them chances of scaping, at least until the sun rose up. How wrong they were, it was clear they would not make it to the hour against Upper Four. A normal evento for Hantengu, but... when he came back to the are of the ambush, he found you, eating the corpses he and the others left behind.] Aizetsu knew these things could happen, that humans, as depressive as it sounds (he is sorrow, after all), were morbed creatures that were fed into the world with a sense of self-importance and morbidity. Similar to demons, yet so different, because with the demons, it's a need. The need to prove there is a reason for their existence and to claim said existence within their own nature, with humans, it's a preference. "You are eating in such a gross matter.... your behavior is so savagery that it's sad."
Truth be told, he couldn't care less about you, even as you turn around, surpriced to see an armed man, one with horns and blue glowing eyes. He just stares, not really knowing what else to do until everyone else arrives. It's odd for both, he can only see you with pity, sorrow and shame of what you are doing, not because he actually cares, but because you are simply a freak by human standards. If it was a human who found you, in your careless act of just eating the second you had a body to consume, then you would have been chased, hunted, probably killed. Would slayer go after you too? Or would they spare you because you are not a demon? The question leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. "What are you?" Even if that was the case, you are ignorant, clumsy, reckless, weak and pathetic, meant to fail because you decided to give in on a meal that was never supposed to be yours. It's tragic, that makes him sad. "I am the sad predator you wish you were."
Aizetsu says before turning around to walk away, he really should look for the others, but the noise of you standing up when he was about to leave stops him. "What us that supposed to mean?" The fact that he has to explain it... "A human would not understand."
Nakime just looks at you, contrary to the belief she can see just fine under her hair, she didn't expect for anything in the first place, so besides a little surprise, she feels nothing. She wishes she could say she expected better from humans, for them to not become beast the second a piece of hedonism can become part of their life and personality, but she was also human once. Then again, if since you got lost in her castle, and there was just so much to eat around, i'ts not surprise you did it. Everyone is trying to survive at their own ways, even if said ways mean consuming other people's use, she would know about it. It's not like she cared at all, you she can't be dissapointed, but it's a similar feeling. "You have dirtied with blood my floors, you better clean that up." She doesn't really need you to, but she wants to torture you a bit more.
"How do you do all this?" You have to ask, your mouth still stained with blood, just like your clothing, and she doesn't respond before playing her biwa again, a door suddenly closing in front of her, another few notes sound, only for the complete surface she was in to be completely gone. You didn't think much of it when you entered into a mysterious door, hiding from debt collectors, hoping it was just sating there a few hours and leaving, but the second you got in... there was no way out. You spent days running through corridors, rooms and stairs, no bedrooms, bathrooms or kitchens between the elegant place (you managed to find a garden somewhere, that was it). You were starving by the time you found another human in the same situation as you, except they managed to get crushed by a door closing on them with a biwa note. You didn't kill anyone, just doing your best to survive... you lick the end of your mouth to savour more of the addicting taste.
Whatever it happens, even if you are here, you will survive. You will find out what is this place and leave, you think before taking another bite.
"What the fuuuuuuck?!" He asks to nothing, to nobody, not even to himself, Buddha or any god, including him. Akaza didn't raise his voice, it was barely a whisper, as... what is he supposed to do but open his mouth and eyes at their fullest. He has no idea if you noticed him, much less if he wanta you to notice him. What are you doing? Why are you eating another human? A raw corpse? Demons eating humans (raw) is normal, like foxes eating rabbits is normal, falcons eating snakes is normal, it's because they are stronger, so they are predators. Weaklings? Those are prey, meant to be killed for what they did, not to... Humana are not meant to eat raw meat just like that! They can get sick if eating certain parts and he has no idea if the body is infected with something! "Stop eating that!" The sudden shout makes you look at... him, he looks human enough, even with the tattoos, but.. the eyes and fangs say otherwise.
"You can get sick! At least cook it first, will you?!" He doesn't know why, but a part of him got desesperate at the thought of sickness, his mind picturing caughs and fevers, yet not managing to feel anything himself but restlessness. As if it was his job to do something about it, so he took the corpse out of your reach, holding it away from you as he watches with disgust. Why are you such a messy eater, it reminds him of Douma. After a while of staring at each other, you can only chuckle, this is the last thing you expected someone to do if they found out your morbid curiosity for human flesh, the fact that this creature was worried about your health... then again, why didn't you just cut a piece and cook it? It would have been less risky in almost any sense than eating this ways. Maybe you just wanted the sensation of... eating prey, or just eating it some way that felts special, different, instead of the usual meals that could have served yourself if you wanted one.
Still, now that this... young man looks at you, offended by your laugh, you can't help but think he is cute. "May I know your name?" Since he cares so much for you, you might also show some interest. "... I'm Akaza."
You have been in Douma's cult fow a while now, nothing really interesting at first, but he recognizes when people are new from their behaviour and the way they look at him. He did not expect to find you outside, eating the woman that was supposed to "dissapear" tonight, the smell of blood leading him there. "What are you doing?" He asks out of curiosity more than anything else, this is the first time he sees a human eating another human, He has heard stories, but never seen it for himself. It's odd, your teeth are not made to tear raw muscles and nerves, so it's very messy compared to his eating habits, and Douma is a messy eater himself. You turn around to see him startled, not knowing what to do or say, after you realize he was staring, still is. "Great Founder-" He only laughs and interrupts "I think Douma is just fine, it has been a while since I ate with a friend." A.... friend?
Douma just walks to grab a piece, digging his hand into the torso to take the heart out, being careful to drop the least blood out of it, the liquid basically blowing everywhere when he takes a bite, sucking in everything he can as red slides down his arms, trying to miss the least possible. See, a messy eater, but the bite was clean, as if it was a cut instead. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, you didn't know what to believe when you were told about the "Great Founder", about his eternal youth, rainbow eyes, messanger of gods, and what interested you the most, someone who gave shelter for free in the middle of nowhere, and onlyw ou realize... he is not human, it was not a scam. "Most demons don't want to spend time with me, maybe I should have though of finding a cannibal human sooner. I think we can make it work."
His face is close yours, you can basically can taste the blood in his lips, staining his face. "What is your name?" You have to swallow your own salive before answering. "I'm Y/N...." His smiles widden, liking not having resistance for you as he takes another bite. You will eat with him from now on.
Kokushibou just stares, eyes completely open, horror on them. It would be one thing if you were a demon, demons need to eat humans to get stronger and to keep their sanity, but as a human? How can you eat that? Eating raw flesh directly from the source, as if you were some sort of animal, as if you were a demon yourself. Just... why? Why you, a human, would feel the need to abandon your humanity in such a morbid way? What is impulsing you to do this? What would be worth doing this? He remembers vaguely why he did it, it's enough to know that he has to convince himself that it's worth it, that he could have been stronger. You can tell there is something looking at you, paralizing the second you sense it as a threat, something, a stare that is... off. After taking a few breaths, you start to slowly move your head, as if you would be attacked at the first sudden move, only to spot at the distance three pairs of gold and red eyes glowing in the darkness.
You both stay frozen, looking at each other, none of you say anything. You can't believe you got caught like this and the instinct of fight or flee is not fully kicking in besides the anxiety it causes on you. Kokushibou can only see your surprised eyes as you still are covered in blood. The taste of the flesh is still in your tongue and your jaw is still tired from the effort of having to tear it up with the teeth... Why did you do it? Being fully aware of the consecnuences that could come if another human saw you, if the blood attracted a predator. You thought the worst that could come would be a carnivore bird, Japan doesn't really have much of big predators in the animal world, but... this is not human, nor an animal. And you can just stare at each other, not daring to say a word at all, not managing to see the figura properly, but it looks very human, if it was not for the eyes you might have confused them for a man.
In the end Kokushibou just concludes that you had your own reasons, leaving within a blink, leaving you panting to try and calm yourself through breathing. "What the fuck was that?"
Muzan is... intrigued, mouth open by the surprise and the lack of words he has to describe the scene in front of him, to say at least. It's not his first time with odd experiences with humans, humans that, when his lays his eyes on, thinks "this one should be a demon, it's perfect for one" or "this one might be able to conquer the sun". In the second group he found Kokushibou and Douma, but in the first one? Several strong demons are from there. Akaza, Nakime, and Enmu are his best examples, and he can't help but think the same thing that filled his mind with them. "I will give you some of my blood, and you will become something great." He tells you, now being your turn to be shocked, you were eating someone, not anybody you knew, and suddenly this... man appeared into the same alley you were hiding. You don't know what to do or say when you fell a sting of pain in your forehead and your vision gets clouded.
What is this? It feels off, the digits stabbed into your skull, with a liquid flooding it in a headache. You can only tremble as the pain burns but, somehow, it also soothes. Panic strikes as you wonder how are you even alive right now? Muz- him can only smile, you can't see him but you know he is smiling at you, smiling at your hunger. You feel your skin stretch, nerves havings spasms, vains bumping fast as your body starts feeling wrong, and it hurts as it beginsg to fix itself. You can basically states your own organs in your mouth, hear your bones breaking and molding themselves, feel as if your skin was being peeled but your muscles that tangle and untangle are covered by something else. Something stronger. "This one seems to be a fast transformation, I wonder if you will make it to be part of the Kizuki." Yes, the Kizuki. His favorite demons, you must win his favor.
The last thing you feel, before losing concience, is hunger, and the taste of human flesh appears in your mouth as a memory, making you drool as you feel as if you were starved. Everytime you remember it tasting better than the last time, you need it. Every other food disappears from your brain, only needing real food, something that will make you stronger yet! You need blood. You need to eat. You need to eat humans from now on, and nothing else. Only like that you will satiate.
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ma3-author2 · 1 year
Campfire Cooking In Another World x Reader
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Finally, I got the chance to post this! Take note that this chapter is between chapters 3 and 4 in the manga. (For reference.)
What I really like about this chapter, not only that it took me days (4 days) to complete it as I always got sidetracked, is that it mainly focuses on the development.
I've never really tried tonkatsu, but I would like to try some. (I'm planning on making it with bread cramps as I don't have any Japanese ponka.)
Chapter 3: "The Kingdom of Feeneen” A new place, a new discovery, or perhaps a new blush?"
____________________ Previous Chapter ---> Part 1 /// Part 2
"There it is. The border of the kingdom of Feeneen."
You heard Werner say it, and seeing it from afar, you couldn't help but gape your mouth in excitement and curiosity for what you would discover upon entering it. The only problem was that the group couldn't easily enter without the guards who were guarding the border and were now asking some questions.
You didn’t find it a problem, as it’s their job to know who will enter first before letting them in. What you find a problem with is how Mukoda doesn’t really have any common sense, but hey. He's just a human; he's not perfect. But he's been doing it since you two arrived in that world.
‘Or maybe not. He also acts like this at work.’
"How about I go first and explain?" Werner volunteered to go first to try and sweet talk the guards.
-L/N-san. Do you think everything will go well? -
-Let’s hope it will. I don’t want to pay any fines. This gluttonous beast almost took it all.-
Mukoda sheepishly chuckled at your remark. I mean, he could give you some of his money, but knowing you, You will refuse it. After the group arrived at the front of the gate, it wasn’t long before you received a very warm welcome, and that was by them pointing their many spears. (A: Oh? Lol)
Maybe it was instinct, as you and Mukoda had raised your hands to show that you were not a threat or going to commit any sort of crime.
"Is that the legendary Fenrir, who is really your familiar?" Edgar, who calls himself the captain of the fourth knight squad, asks you two to explain it to him.
-Legendary? Huh! Don’t make me laugh! He’s more of a gluttony legend.
-...Really L/N-san…?-
Mukoda sighs, introducing Fenrir and confirming that it is what they think. "Yes, we have formed a contract with this Fenrir." As soon as he let out those sentences, every guard stood with caution and shock visible in their faces.
This is their first time facing one, and they fear that with one wrong move, they will wake up in the afterlife.
Seeing their faces, it was your turn to talk. "Don’t worry. He will not harm even a single hair. If he ever did so. Take him." You explained that you were pointing your palm at Mukoda, who has a face of betrayal.
"L/N-san! Are you serious?!" in which you simply smiled at him.
-Don’t worry, I will visit you-
"...Hmm, even so. He’s still a legendary beast that can destroy a country; is he really not going to do any harm to this kingdom and its people?" Edgar is figuring out if it’s really safe to let Fenrir in.
"He won't, and he would already have done so if he wanted to, yet he didn’t, which means we came in peace. I know you're worried, but this glutto- *Cough* Fel will not touch anything or destroy the country. Right?" You glared at Fel, who was now snarling at you.
He definitely heard that you were going to call him gluttonous. Oh, how he wanted to refuse any request you made, but seeing how you gave him a look, The look of ‘If you don’t cooperate, you won’t eat anything for a whole week.’ With a wide eye looking at him.
Even if he's the legendary beast that people or any beast should fear, he's fearless. For the first time, he felt it.
"J-just like she said, I won’t cause any problems, and D-don’t compare me to dumb monsters. If they don’t mean any harm to me, then I won’t do anything to them."
Edgar, who hummed, is still debating if he would risk letting this legendary beast inside, but upon hearing the others telling them how Fenrir even hunts for their food and hasn’t done anything bad,
In the end, you and Mukoda can celebrate as he lets the group in. The only thing that stops you from celebrating is:
"Those with no guild card have to pay 5 silver coins for each person and also 2 silver coins for the beast," the guard said, pointing at Fel.
You could only clinch your palm, as this gluttony beast is not only a food addict but a money eater as well. Mukoda, who saw your expression, had volunteered to pay Fel, but you stopped him by telling him that you were also responsible for it.
This is the thing he really likes about you: you may look like a selfish person who doesn’t want to pay for someone's dinner, which in fact you should if you’re the one who invited them. (Like a first date rule.) For Mukoda, it was the opposite.
"We’re in!"
"It was really scary when we were surrounded." Rita and Vincent exclaimed, followed by Mukoda and you thanking them. If it weren’t for them, you two might be dead.
"...But it seems Mukoda-san and Y/N-san are going to get busy from now on."  Once you two heard Werner, leaving only Mukoda confused and you sighing at his airheadedness,
"Eh? What do you mean?" Mukoda asked only to choke on his saliva when his eyes landed on yours. It's really not a big deal to react that way; it's just you deadpanly looking at him.
Werner then continued telling Mukoda that the captain looks like he’s thinking about writing a report, and this, of course, will get to the ears of the Marquess of the area; furthermore, the king will also know about it.
"You two don’t plan on staying?"
"Yeah, we talk about it and are still thinking about going around lots of places," you replied to Werner, who nodded at what you said.
"So you’re two going on a trip again?"
"Yup, if you have any places that you want us to go to, that would be great."
"Hey, how long are we going to stand here?" Fel jumped in, only for his irritation to be replaced by a sudden cough when you eyed him. You sigh at Fel not only does he need to diet but to have patience as well.
And beside, who wouldn’t want to go sight-seeing and sell the stuff from the online supermarket you and Mukoda have? In this world, that stuff might be dangerous, but it’s a good way to get instant money after all, since you're in a different world where the ‘stuff’ you two have doesn’t exist in that world.
Or you two can open a restaurant.
"Then, Mukoda-san, Y/N-san, I think you should register at the adventure guild."
"The adventure guild?" Mukoda ask. He first glanced at you, but seeing your clueless look, he clinched his palm. Finally, you're also clueless and won’t judge him.
"You two paid for the fee to enter the kingdom, right?" Werner continued as he saw you two nod. "If you can prove that you’re from either the adventure guild or the merchant guild, you won’t have to pay that fee; this is really necessary for traveling."
"Ah, so like a train card!"
"W-what she meant to say is like a ticket to enter a kingdom," Mukoda immediately said as Werner and the others looked at you confused. He then sheepishly chuckled as he shared that you two are more suitable to be merchants than adventurers, which you agreed with.
Werner, hum seeing what you two are pointing out, but even so, "But still… Mukoda-san, Y/N-san. Let me ask you something. Fel-sama hunts for his own food, right?"
"He better be." Werner dryly chuckles at your remark and then continues, "Then what about dismantling the beast for its meat? For us, it’s not a problem, but after we have finished our quest,"
You nodded, seeing his point. With them, it wasn’t a problem, but with them gone, you don’t want to dismantle a dead beast; you don’t even know how to dismantle a fish. What more to an unknown species?
Your ears immediately perked; did you hear him right? You can sell the part that can’t be eaten. And being an adventurer would bring more? You would gladly take that opportunity, even if you could only earn bronze coins. Hey, money is money.
You're not stealing from Fel; he's just paying you two for the food he keeps asking for. So it’s fair and square.
Mukoda doesn’t know if it’s right to be an adventurer, as he hardly sees himself as one, and he can’t picture how he would be on a real battle field, but for you? He could only sweat-drop as you were busy smiling at the thought of the benefit.
This was hard for him, but when he heard Vincent tell him that if he's still unsure of which one to become, he can register for both.
"Huh…? Is that allowed?"
"Well, there aren't that many, but it’s not like it’s never been done before, for example, by a wandering merchant or ingredient store owner."
Soon the group arrives in front of the town near the border, which is called Fariell. Instead of getting hyped like Rita, you and Mukoda could hug the money bag that was now getting thinner by the second you entered, as even the town has an entrance fee.
‘We should really register for a guild soon.’
Vincent, who nagged you two mutteringly to look upfront and at the view of it, just seeing this person's joyful look leaves a trace of bitter taste. The look he gave you two is like, ‘Oh, this person has a legendary beast! I can get some advantage of it!’ or maybe this person reminds you of those fake friends and co-workers.
"You two must be Mukoda-sama and Y/N-sama, right? I am the marquess Rindel’s servant, Edmon. I am pleased to be your acquaintance! Actually, the Marquess Rindel-sama has been waiting to meet with you two!"
As he kept going and going, trying to sweet talk you two out of getting what he wanted, it helped by leaving a more irked image above your forehead. Mukoda on the other side dryly chuckles at your expression; if he wouldn’t stop this guy from talking, you would.
Oh, how he reminds him that you only have a few sweet talks.
"No, no, a common traveler like us shouldn’t be meeting with the marquess," Mukoda explained, but even when he tried to politely decline this fuck- this guy still continued. You were about to join in when Fel went first, and he is now glaring at this person.
He already knew what this marquee aimed for, and he doesn't like it even a bit. "Hey you, you still don’t get it, do you?! My master and mistress don't want to meet you."
"This-this is Fe…Fenrir-sama!" The marquess was surprised at Fenrir's appearance, and just like he heard, this magnificent beast is really special. He then stumbled forward only a little inch for Fel to hear him say, "Fenrir-sama, please go with us to..."
"He won’t go with you, and neither will we. Didn’t you just hear that my companion here has already declined? Why are you still pursuing us? That’s harrasment. If you keep going, I will let this gluttony eat you instead. Are we clear?" Cutting his words and threatening him, looking at him and saying that you will do it if he won’t leave soon.
And seeing him run off to who knows where, almost stumbling down, the group who was watching and listening felt a sudden cold running down their spines. In their mind, ‘She is really Fel-sama master all right.’ Pointing out that if Fel was just a pup and growing by your side, Yup.
"L-L/N-san, isn’t that a bit too much?" Mukoda asked, but instead of answering him, Fel did it for you.
"No, she did the right thing. Idiots like that can’t understand if you don’t do that much... " Fel then quickly looked at you, eyes expressing an irritation look, and said, "You dare continue to call me GLUTTONY!? you!"
Mukoda and the group could only watch as the two of you started to bark at one another. While you two are busy, Werner asks Mukoda if it’s alright to decline that marquess, as those nobles are really uptight when it comes to keeping their appearance.
"I haven’t thought about that yet…" Mukoda is more worried about the two who still continued. At this point, you two are gaining a lot of attention.
"I don’t think the noble’s private soldiers can go up against Fel-sama to begin with." Franka mentions, followed by Vincent, that if it’s against Fenrir, a worthy foe would be an ancient dragon.
"An ancient dragon, huh? yeah that is the only enemy that can match my power." Fel said he stopped his barking to tell this to the group, even if it ruined his ego and pride that someone could match him, but was replaced by an irk when he heard you cough.
-Are you laughing at me?!-
-No, but really? Any beast or human can’t match your hunger. At least I saved your pride. Right?-
-Shut up!- Fel's face was covered in red; was it anger? Or embarrassment... at least he's still number one, and as he told this to the group who asked him if he fought one, oh, how he wanted to lie and tell them that he won. He's not really a beast who likes to lie, but because of you, he's thinking about it.
But hey, even if he's a prideful and now gluttony beast based on his mistress description, He would never lie. (Lol)
You really did see him as a gluttonous beast rather than a scary beast, but maybe that is much better than fearing him. It’s still early to say it, but for you, Fel is not that bad. Maybe because you only have 2 gold coins and 5 silver coins, you saw Fel and decided, that ‘Hey, I’m running out of money. Is it my fault? Or him? Hmm, why not both? So it’s fair?’
Okay, maybe that’s too much and not a good reason to act like a bitch. After all, sooner or later, you'll get the feeling that Fel will be the companion who will help you and Mukoda survive this new place.
It saddens you to see the group leaving as they complete their mission, even if you only met them for a short time. You felt that closeness.
"We’re going to go turn in the report about this," Werner said as he retracted the paper that you and Mukoda signed.
"Guess that means we’re parting ways here." Mukoda also felt sad; after all, this group is the first to join you two on your first journey.
"Please keep the meat left from the red boar, and if you feel your split on the parts from the rock bird is not enough, then..." Werner wanted to say that the group could give the rest back, but you and Mukoda stopped him.
"No, we have already troubled you guys too much, thank you for escorting us here."
"And here to replenish your energy on your way back, think of it as a thank you basket." You added Mukoda sentence by giving them a basket full of freshly baked bread that you bought, or rather, free stuff from your skills.
You've got to thank Fel; if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t get this free stuff. Just seeing the group exclaim in happiness as you took it out of your item box and they can’t wait to eat it at the same time as thanking you continuously.
"Wouldn’t they get suspicious as to where you got it?" Mukoda whispered next to you, and in return, you smiled at him, and that smile almost made him flustered. Is it because the sun is shining at you, making the atmosphere warm?
"No, they won’t. They will be too busy eating it to think of it."
No, it’s not the sun or the warmth, because that warmth has already been on him from the beginning. (A: If it’s cold, I could warm it for him. Hehe. *Oven sound when the food is finish* what are you thinking? (--)
As the group waves farewell, they thank you two again, sharing how it was a fun and memorable trip, mostly because of the food, on which you also agreed.
"What should we do next, L/N-san? We managed to get out of the Rayseer kingdom, and we don’t plan on staying in the town for long. Should we register at the guild first?"
"To be honest, I need to find a job first."
"Eh? Why?"
"I… don’t have enough money to get a guild card, and I don’t know how much the fee is…" You sheepishly chuckled. It wasn’t the first time that you did this, and Mukoda already knows that look.
"Don’t worry, it’s on me."
"But you don’t have to; I can just find a quick job to earn money."
"No, I can't let you, and beside, even if I’m an airhead sometimes, you're also one; you’re in a new place, and we don’t know what they will give you... so just to make sure and keep things safe, I will handle the fee."
You don’t know if you will be grateful or offended by him. Now you feel what he felt when you gave him a side eye.
"Please bring the air-headed Mukoda-san back."
He could only snort at your remark, and seeing him like this... Is it just the heat? As you felt your cheeks burning?
"Are you okay?"
"A-ah! Yes! Should we go?"
Maybe it’s not, or maybe it is. You don’t know; you're still thinking about it. Fel, who was watching, scoffed at it. Already knowing where this would lead in the end, all of a sudden he felt this unease.
Hmm, maybe because if you two got a child together, all your attention would be on that little bean, and the food he got might be reduced! Or, in the worst case, he won’t get anymore of that delicious food. No, that can’t happen!
"I can’t let that happen! You two better be safe, understand?!" In translation, he meant
-You two better use protection!
But for you and Mukoda, it meant that he was worried that you two would get killed in an accident and that his food would stop coming. Kind of sweet and selfish of him.
"Understood?!" Fel repeated that, as you two didn’t give him the answer, he could finally huff out when he heard it.
‘Are we really the masters or him? Should I just sell him rather than the item?’
‘Patient L/N-san. I’m starting to think like you if you keep going’
But really, what kind of legendary beast drools whenever he thinks of food? Wait, that's kind of funny, but any living being would too if they were really gluttons or simply very hungry people.
You don’t blame him because you also drool at Mukoda food (A; himself *when he's cooking the delicious food* but yeah, him). That is when you are too lazy to stand up and cook real food.
After you arrived in front of the guild without waiting and immediately got in, the first thing you noticed was how busy the people are, and for the first time, you felt like you were about to get your first interview in this world.
It may not be a modern job, but inside this guild, it is not different when it comes to an interview room; this guild also has a job, and the advantage of it is that you can pick any sort of job you want, not only taking a mission every day with a different kind, taking a quest out of the board, and going back to get the reward.
In short, you're just inside a game, playing it in reality rather than on Windows.
"Sorry for making you wait... My name is Michaela. I will take care of you two today. Thank you for choosing our guild."
You swore that this world is unique not only for its uniqueness and the many beasts, but also because the people here are hella fine. You wonder what soap they use to have that shiny skin. You should check later only to brush off that thought, as you don’t have any money to buy one.
"About earlier, we’re sorry for the ruckus." You said that 10 minutes ago, when you three walked in, the people got scared and screamed because of the sudden appearance of Fenrir.
"Oh no. It’s my fault for being inconsiderate. Well then, let me introduce these to you two first."
Michaela has begun telling you about the guild, and you must remember that every guild has its own symbols and name. The guild you three are in is a cross-continental organization.
A picture of a scale You don’t know what that means, but whoever decided to name this guild just crossed the board and thought, "Hey. Let’s go with this.
After Michaela shared the brief introduction, she continued by saying that the merchants are divided into five levels.
"Annual taxes and fees are based on their ranks. The taxes collected by the guild will be paid to each kingdom as a tariff" Of course, you should have seen this coming. Just like any job out there, taxes are a thing.
She then shared that depending on the fees, the entrance fees will be reduced or voided, which makes traveling between kingdoms or cities more swift. That's why you're there because of the entrance fee.
"However, if you conduct illegal businesses, you will be punished and your membership will be revoked. What level do Mukoda-sama and L/N-sama want to register for?"
"Hmm, let's see... For the moment, I don’t have any plans to open a stall or a store, so I think I will go with the iron rank. What about you, L/N-san? Didn’t you plan to open a store?" Mukoda asks, eyes averting at you.
"Yeah, but you know me. That store won’t last a month, so... I will go with the iron rank as well."
"Okay then, I will be back to give you your membership card. Please wait." And before Michaela could walk away, you called her, asking if there were any fees that you two needed to pay to get the membership card.
And to your relief, "It’s free for a first timer, but if you lose it, you will have to pay to have it remade. So please be careful with it."
Soon she came back with a two-silver card, and seeing your name on it, somehow you two have the ability to write and read their language, and it's a good thing that you don’t need to study for it.
"Oh, by the way, do you have a buying service here?" You ask, "We collected some stuff on the way here, so..."
Mukoda was about to ask what you meant by that, as the stuff was all at the Iron Will group. Only to shut his lips when you mention that he should be quiet.
"Oh, if it’s something that can be legally traded, then we can take them all"
"Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Michaela-san. We will bring the stuff here."
Thanks to Michaela's sharing where you can find an inn that also accepts monster companions, you are now at the barn near the inn, as the owner didn’t expect that the monster companion would be that big.
You also didn’t expect that Fel would cost that much for one night.
"L/N-san, what do you mean that we have some stuff to sell?"
"Oh, that, I’m planning to sell the item we can buy at the online store. Now I know what you're thinking; it’s not illegal to do, as it’s like selling the item you no longer use. And I will only sell an ingredient that already exists here."
Mukoda, hum seeing your point. He too plans to do it as the money he has is getting shorter, hoping that 1 or 5 golds will be enough.
"Hey, I’ve been starving since noon. My stomach is rumbling hard. Can you cook now?" Fel interfered, and he was right as you heard the rumbling, or maybe yours as well.
Thanks to the Iron Will group, there’s still some pork left. Now, what you really like about this world, aside from the skills you get, is the item box. A summoned warrior’s skill can contain a limitless amount, and the items that are stored in it are not affected by time.
You wonder if the tree student knows about it.
"What will you cook, L/N-san?"
"Hmm.. I’m craving for white rice."
"Oh, me too. Should we cook it?"
"Sure, but, if we wanted to cook some rice, we needed a gas stove and some other stuff for the rice to cook. "The problem is I’m short right now, so I will simply cook a tonkatsu or kakuni."
"Well, it's a good thing that there are no fees on the card, so I can buy those things." L/N-san, can you cut the meat and season it while I handle the rice?"
You really wanted to decline, but who are you to refuse it? Plus, tomorrow you can earn money and give Mukoda his money back. You just hope you can at least get six gold coins from it.
While Mukoda is busy handling the rice, here you are at your very own cooking show. If he gets the chance, you will also have yours.
The first thing you did to make the tonkatsu was moisten the panko, which is basically panko that has a little more moisture. (Picture it as a fluffy part of bread.) You then sprayed a little water on the panko to moisten it. (The spray that you got at the store only cost 1 bronze, while the panko cost 5 bronze.)
You then slice the meat and fat. For you, having more fat on the meat gives it more flavor as it produces its own oil when it is placed in a warm pot, but in this case, more meat is much more enjoyable.
Using the knife, you pounded the pork to expand the texture. Satisfied with the result, you then continued it by adding the black pepper and salt. While waiting to let the pork observe the season.
You went to put the eggs in the bowl, mixing the egg yolks until they settled to a plain yellow. Afterward, you went to buy flour and bread cramps. (The bread cramps are for you, as you like yours crispy, and it added more flavor to it.) It cost you around 4 bronze.
Fel was quietly watching you as you placed the meat on the egg yolks, coated it with flour, went back to dip it in the egg yolks, and finally coated it with a rough flour. (Panko.)
He continued to watch you as you repeated the process, and he couldn't help but ask as to why you have a different coating and only a small portion of the other coating (bread cramps).
"This one is mine; I’m making a tonkatsu, and the common thing to use for coating is panko. I just like mine with bread cramps."
"Uh, what?"
You dryly chuckle if you let him eat one; you fear he will ask for more, and you already coated all the meat (with panko) except yours that you were just coating, and it was enough for just two people as you plan to give Mukoda some.
"I’ll let you taste it tomorrow."
"I don’t know why you don’t want to tell me, but make sure you will cook it tomorrow."
"That is, if you hunt for the meat, and is it hard for you to ask nicely?"
If it weren’t for Fel titling his head and acting cute, oh, how you wanted to pet him. Fel on the other side wasn’t sure what you meant by that; this is always how he speaks. Is it just you, or are your cooking skills getting better?
As you gently place the meat in the hot oil and see it shimmer, followed by a tasty smell, and feel yourself drooling at it,
"That smells good, L/N-san; oh, is that Tonkatsu?" Mukoda commented, sniffing the air as it left a good aroma. His eyes then landed on the separate bowl. He almost forgot that you like yours crispy.
"Yup, and you know how I like mine crispier; I also made one for you."
"Oh, thank you. The rice is almost ready. but you should have asked me to buy the ponka and bread cramps. I wouldn’t mind." He said this, sweating at the ingredients laying on the table and the wrapper on the empty box.
"It’s fine, and you already handled the rice, so let me handle this one."
"Oi! Is it ready yet? I’m starving!"
Mukoda snorted at Fel's eagerness to taste the food you made. Well, for starters, he too can’t wait to taste your food. (You)  Just seeing it cook and neatly placed it on the plate.
If you ever continue to open a restaurant, he won’t get tired of going and eating there every day. He will be your number-one regular customer. It really satisfied you to see their reaction as they took a bite. Cooking can be a very hard and tiring thing to do, but hearing and seeing them this happy is enough to replace your hard work.
"This is so good!! One more, please! Though I really want to taste that other one, I will wait tomorrow." You chuckled at Fel's bluntness, yet it left you with a big smile that he wasn’t lying about your food being good.
"L/N-san, this is really good!" Mukoda compliment taking another bite, pausing for a bit as he looked like he was thinking of something. "L/N-san, this will be better with ‘That!’"
He doesn’t need to say more, as you already knew what he meant. As for Fel, who looks confused, "What was what?"
"This!" As you showed the soy sauce, you were not waiting for anything and immediately poured the garlic soy sauce and radish-flavored soy sauce. You've got to thank Mukoda for mentioning it, as it just adds more spark to the food.
"It’s the same red pork, but the taste keeps changing. This is really miraculous!" Fel said, licking the sauce at the corner of his mouth.
"Right! Whoever invented this is a genius!" You replied, taking a big bite at the tonkatsu, followed by a mouthful of rice. Imagine it as you're riding a bus home with music in the background or on your headphones.
Thinking of a scenario as you view the outside world Either looking for the best comeback for the person who fought with you or just the story that you want to be in and changing some plot
What you didn’t know while you were busy enjoying the food was that Mukoda, who was eyeing you, couldn’t help but also think of a scenario. It was very different from what you were thinking.
The thought of going home with you and how you welcome him with a big warm hug served with a big warm meal, or a k-kiss?
‘N-no, no. That’s impossible—why am I thinking of this? I- *Sigh*’ Still, he smiled at the thought of it and hoped that one day he would have enough courage to tell you. The only thing stopping him from continuing it is that he fears that once he says it, your friendship will be ruined.
He heard many stories about how friendship can be ruined if one party confesses, and the person who confesses with them often sees them only as a friend.
Fel, who was watching at the back, shook his head, even though Mukoda didn’t say it in words. Fel already knew by the way Mukoda was eyeing you. Fel then huffed. He must do what he needs to do, and with his help, even if he gets his food reduced, that will be a long time before it happens.
-Kid, I will help you, so don’t worry!-
-W-what? Er… Fel, what do you mean--
-Foolish human, even if I will get less food. I will help you tell her how you feel. So don’t worry, as I will handle it for you--- mmph!!!-
It's sad to say Fel didn’t get the chance to stand up as Mukoda had shoved him away, causing both of them to fall down. As for you, you only look at them in such confusion that you soon laugh as the sauce gets all over their faces.
"What are you two doing anyway?" You ask, holding out your hand for him.
"N-nothing! I thought I saw a spider, so-- hehe" Mukoda lied, eyeing Fel to be quiet, and as he took your hand, oh, how he loved his instinct, which cost him, or rather you, to explode.
He sweetly took the left rice at the corner of your lips, rather than taking it like a lost coin. He brushes his thumbs across those lips of yours.
Fel, who huffs proudly -My work here is done!" but - He could only cry silently at the thought of the food reducing.
*Sob Sob*
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geiba · 2 months
i think i finally realized what the difference is between a beginner's artstyle and an andvanced artist's artstyle (especially manga) is - and the reason why so many people give up on being arstists in the early stages of learning it.
it's 3D. that's it. just 3D.
look at any object around you. it's 2D. but it's not, not really. it may look 2D, but it's 3D, even if it looks 2D. but the thing is, you can tell it's 3D. it's almost like it has an impression of 3D on it. and that's the difference. that impression of 3D space on a seemingly 2D object.
the thing is, a beginner artist hears that we percieve the 3D world in 2D, and it makes sense to them. art is 2D by nature of it's medium (unless we're talking about sculpture. but that's a different beast entirely) so while we know those objects are 3D, it's not difficult to put them on paper in 2D, because we already see them in 2D. but the thing is, we don't. we don't see them in 2D, we see them in 2D AND we see the impression of 3D on them.
and here's where a lot of beginners make a mistake: they assume that only realism has that impression of 3D. manga or cartoon for example is 2D so it looks easier to them, but it's not because it's a translation of something with the impression of 3D into 2D. translating something "3D" into 2D is stylizing it, and you can't stylize something you don't understand.
learning art is like learning a language, and learning stylization is like learning a translation of that language. you cannot understand the translation without understanding the language it translates, you can just memorize common words - common forms, that have already been translated. change the perspective, change the form, and the beginner is lost, because something looks off but no one can tell exactly what the problem is.
and the thing is, i don't think even people who internalized this realization, people who broke through this barrier, understand this on a conscouios level - it just sorta happened one day, so the best advice they can give is to just keep beating your head against this wall and one day you'll just understand. and some people just get frustrated on the fact they don't get it, and they quit. and that's understandable. but it's also understandable that no one talks about it, because it's just almost fucking impossible to put into words. i don't even think i managed to do that. but i think we should try to understand and explain it more. it's important, and it's an incredibly daunting obstacle to beat when you're just starting out with art. it's the reason people give up on it, say they're just not talented enough, and often move to ai "art".
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reality-liver-n0 · 1 year
This is going to be my worst post to date (in my opinion)
But after the anguish and turmoil that has hit Balalaika fans after her appearence in the latest chapter like her lack of muscle/strength that we know she unleashed on Rock, the fading of her scars, and other things I decided to investigate myself to see how much she changed.
The majority of these pictures are from the anime. Sad, I know, and hopefully once I find the direct panel from the manga that mirrors it I will edit or add more to this post.
I will start this by saying that Anime Balalaika is an absolute fucking unit. Like reviewing the pictures I realized that she's built like a very beautiful Russian tank and that is really the best description here.
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Do you see what I mean? It's most likely the coat but still, it has to touch her shoulders to even drape.
Although, it depends on the scene as she can be like this too
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Her shoulders are less defined and aren't quite as cut as the top ones but her muscle is there at least.
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Above is the Virgin Rock as physical comparision
She's obviously fucking built way beyond his physique and she knows it. She corners him in or crosses her arms while his remain at his side as he tries to be unaffected. And honestly, kudos to him. He stood pretty strong in this scene and I think he knew he had to do that to even try and talk on her level.
I mean we've seen what happens when he doesn't. Disclaimers ahead, Rock is in for a rough ride. I on the other hand, laughed my ass off when I took these screenshots.
Also, here is what I personally think went through Balalaika's head in each scene and the progression of it.
% Anger Level - Annoyance
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Jesus Christ, he's on this bullshit again. Sounds like one of those family dogs I keep having to put down.
% Anger Level - Frustrated
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Maybe if I make it clear I'm pissed right now he'll have some sense left in him. If he says one more word I am going to make him the hood ornament for the car.
% Anger Level - Hostility
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Just looking at this cigarerette is giving me an idea. I could just throw him like I could with this. Sooner or later he'll be stepped on; fire dying out.
% Anger Level - Rage
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I'm certain his face will never change in his casket
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With one strike I could gouge his eyes out. Maybe then he'll see justice.
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You've sealed your fate Rock. Now you'll suffer the death of a true hero.
(Woohoo! 🎉You passed the slideshow and now I'll do my commetary. Here's a Boris photo as a reward.)
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This is the face he wanted to make right when Rock started talking.
Anyway, I must have forgotten just how Balalaika threw Rock since I took those screenshots. I knew that she did it but somehow forgot that she did it with one arm. Or at least how much power she put into flinging him like a ragdoll. LIke she fucking lifted him in the air with one hand and with a single move had him on the hood in split seconds.
Here's a funny picture I caught mid-shot as well
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His feet aren't touching the ground. He's fully straight as if he didn't have have a second to take it in, meanwhile his hands are just open and it's like he forgot he was even alive. No doubt, he had a vision that when Balalaika even reached for him that she just punted him to the afterlife.
Meanwhile, I cannot imagine the raw terror Revy must have felt seeing this happen.
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She is scared as hell here. Keep in mind that this entire exchange she can't see Balalaika's face or Rock's. Both their backs are to her until Balalaika throws Rock. Still, I doubt that she really could've seen him past Balalaika's frame. Meanwhile, she's probabaly just processing that Balalaika's strong enough to do what she just did. Most likely she already knew she has a lot of physical power, I mean look at her, but this is the first time she's seen it and it happened to the worst person possible.
I can fully say that Balalaika is a fucking beast in hand-to-hand combat with the body to match it. And this is only focusing on her throwing Rock! She already snapped a neck by this point. Rock saw that and again, he does have some courage or maybe stupidity to even do this since he saw that with his own eyes.
Revy hasn't. And I don't think Rock told her, at least not until he knew they were back in Roanapur and safe. He was still traumatized by it too so chances are he is suffering some recurring nightmare of it. To top it off, this event alone was so visceral in his mind that he draws a direct comparaision to Chang, symbolizing how truly helpess he was.
With all that out of the way here isthe recent manga depiction of Balalaika
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(no comment needed)
Here are the earlier depictions of her in the previous chapters. All the thanks to @crystallinee-waters and @progmanx for the posts concerning the chapters and the usual girlboss stuff 💅
Love you two for that
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In conclusion the only explanation for this is that Chang used his CIA connnections (Eda) to tamper with the latest chapter to make himself look cooler. And I guess he had enough mercy to include Rock in that upgrade too, for whatever reason.
Hero of the chapter was definitely Le Majeur
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Homegirl got sacraficed by Balalaika to the gays
Which will probabaly be another cursed post sometime in the future with the Holy Trinity (Balalaika, Revy and Le Majeur)
✊ They're staying strong and holding down the series' reperesentation of the ABC Mafia
(😔 not canonically tho only Le Majeur has officially come out, or got outed by her comrade. But then Revy saved her ass and definitely did not hear anything and now does not knows what Le Majeur really is.)
A homosexual 🌈
Okay. I think I'm finally done with this, and I went off the rails by the end but this post now exists so I will return to my secluded hole 🕳️
(Forgot to add buff Revy too, so here she is)
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She can be both happy and mad but she's still jacked af (and silently judging you at all times because of your gayness)
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I liked the questioning about repli beauty you brought up. So, as we go into this rabbit hole, can we attribute the appearance and preferences for own image of a repli to previous programming and the way the X program developed itself?
Like, it started with humans building the first repli series and setting human society as a parameter of likeness for non-battle/labor replis, and from there, the replis just continued the trend when building the next ones?
Also, is the operating system on the next one based on a blank template or does it come from the repli that programmed/designed them, in a kinda genetical passing manner?
a fantastic question! there's a lot of big question marks about how things work in the X world that aren't really delved into. the question of operating systems is a surprisingly straightforward one, as we know that there are at least three eras of reploids: the original line made from X's template, the improved line made by Dr. Doppler from the X3+ era, and the "New Generation" Reploids in X8+ made by an unspecified designer/developer for spaaaaaace work.
but image preferences? hooooooooooooooooooo. i can't offer a solid answer. but here's some ramblings about my thoughts.
what we DO know is that Reploids were derived from X's template and that they started off as copies of his design/aesthetic, and if we're to take the Archie series as any level of canon (probably level 2 extra-canon) we have a very clear visual as to what the early reploids looked like. and that, despite this, the X series features mostly furry robots as characters.
now, on an out-of-universe level, i want to say that i remember this decision was made because it creates more imposing silhouettes--megaman is a franchise designed for baby children first and foremost, and it's easy for child brain to correlate humanoid shapes as friends and feral beasts as enemies. however, A: i cannot find a source for this, and B: Sonic the Hedgehog
in either case, whatever the reason is, in-universe we have a very clear disparity between the originator of reploids being humanoid (the original term repliroid is even a portmanteau of "replica" [in the likeness of] and "android" [a humanoid machine]) and the majority of on-screen reploids not being humanoid. which tells me that body image is a BIG THING among reploid culture, and either chassis remodeling is a relatively easy process or a lot of reploids are willing to invest a lot into being a different person than who they started out as.
this is something briefly touched in the Classic series, with Tundra Man (a late line Robot Master) intentionally remodeling himself into a body type that he prefers, but it's fleshed out further with the (chronologically farther) X world in the design changes to the non-animal characters--Zero, Alia, and Sigma all similarly sport different bodies as the series goes on. the only person who doesn't change much in the main series is X, ironically enough, outside of Command Mission. Alia X8 and Layer are silly designs that were designed for fanservice first and foremost, but we can reasonably surmise that (in-universe) they chose to look that way. i'm not about to tell a woman she can't wear a car hood as a bra if she wants to, but i will think that it'd look better if it was put back on the jeep because i need that to fucking drive.
meanwhile, there's a lot of obvious correlations to be made with early X Mavericks and their designs being optimized for the environment. icy area gets the penguin. aerial area gets the eagle. underwater area gets the octopus. but as the series goes on, the correlations become significantly less appropriate and it's clear that animals were chosen for their design aesthetic. the munitions factory gets.....the hornet.....? i guess, like...the hornet stinger missiles.......?
it makes more sense if you take iwamoto's X mangas as level 2 extra-canon like the archie comics, because Blast Hornet was a reploid biker-gangster punk who became a hornet for the shock factor. which ends up leaning back to the original theory that reploids ultimately end up choosing how they look--if not from the onset, then further down the line.
you could probably make a solid argument that the X series is a very trans-friendly future, and that nearly every major character is trans and nobody bats an eye about it. instead the robot police are mad about the crimes and murder. but the creed is "be gay do crimes" so this is actually oppression 🙄
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ahugenerdynerd · 1 year
BSD S5 E11 theory with spoilers (obviously)
Kind of a 2 in 1.
So l've been thinking about the last episode a lot over the past couple of days. Mostly about how unsatisfying it felt. It's been about 6 years since everything with the DOA started in the manga. That's 6 years of wondering what's going to happen. How are the ADA going to get out of this one. Are my favourite characters going to be ok.
Only for it to end up being that they where never in any danger to begin with.
It was all staged. Tanizaki and Kunikida would have been fine no matter what, all you had to do was unplug the machine. Chuuya was never a vampire to begin with. Dazai escaped the prison and got the antidote. Fyodor is finally killed. Everyone's fine. It was all just a convoluted set up.
But then that got me thinking. It all ended a little too perfectly.
Enter the book/page.
What if someone wrote in the book to help the agency so that everything would end happily ever after. The machines where dangerous. Until someone wrote in the book that they weren't. Chuuya was actually a vampire. Until someone wrote in the book that he wasn't.
And so on.
So then who would have access to the book/page. Well we don't know where the book is, that's what everyone is looking for. People most likely to actually know where it is would be Taneda and of course Natsume. Of those two Natsume is the most likely. We haven't seen him since the Canabalism arc and we know that he's always working behind the scenes to help out. So what was he doing while the agency was being framed?
But let's leave that as a possibility for now and move onto my second theory.
The page. Last we saw Fukuchi had it. So that leave's Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Teruko with easy access.
But here's what l'm thinking.
The otherside of the page was supposed to be written on that night. But if Fukuchi was already planning on dying then how would he do that?
The answer is he wouldn't. But you know who could? Teruko.
We already know she talked with Fukuchi before everything went down and that she was on his side. So what if Fukuchi gave the page to Teruko and told her what to write. Or maybe just gave it to her for safe keeping.
Either way Teruko would have the page. And what would you do if you where just forced to kill someone you love and you have the ability to manipulate reality. You'd try bring them back.
Enter weird Fukuchi from the end of the episode.
We already know that the book/page can bring people from inside the book outside the book because of Sigma. So what if in Terukos grief she wrote on the page for Fukuchi to be a live.
But because our Fukuchi was already dead it wouldn't make narrative sense for him to suddenly come back to life. So what if instead the book brought a different Fukuchi from inside the book into the main world.
Or if we're going of how the book works in Beast then main world swapped with a world where Fukuchi was alive. Which would also explain Akutagawas weird outfit.
Anyway that's my weird theory about the last episode. Guess we'll find out in like 2 years if l'm right or not.
TLDR: The ending of the last episode was weird and I think that either Natsume wrote in the book to help the agency or Teruko wrote on the other side of the page to bring Fukuchi back and that's why everything went to shit.
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sorry i have to brainfart this somewhere but mersault chuuya wearing almost damn near similar clothing to his youth got me thinking about dazai and chuuya's fashion choices.
dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit. it fitting, given his character and such.....so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's. i think it's cool, to show the stark contrast between his pm days and how he's faring now, aswell to show how much effect oda had on him.
chuuya.....is the complete opposite. boy changes his clothes all the time. but it's so interesting.
his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here. almost similar to ada dazai's outfit. and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outift- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in".
then theres sb outfit- hes wearing the standard mafia outfit like higuchi, but with his own touches- rolled up sleeves, glasses tucked in his breastpocket, choker, gloves. its not much, but even higuchi doesnt do anything to hers. we kinda see him "getting into" the mafia work, and theres no pop of color here. the dragon head conflict outift is different though- hes wearing clothes that are "his style" again. simple shirt, jacket, choker, gloves. he also has his red petticoat (i think thats what it is? whatever that long cloth underneath his jacket) that, once again, gives him some color. i dunno what spured the outfit change, but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color"
and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat. he wears his coat on his shoulders, similar to pm dazai. (also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)
where was i going with this?? oh yeah. why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes? like was it his off day or something. bc if you look at chuuyas various outfit as his progression towards the mafia then him wearing his old non mafia clothes either means two things : 1. this is to signify chuuya, under vampire influnce, is well. obviously not loyal to the mafia atm. or 2. something might happen in the future that makes him swear allegiance to someone else which i dont find possible but??? who knows. im overthinking this
Oh my god I opened my asks to find this monster in here and scrolled through it like ?????????
Please feel free to do this anytime this was an absolute joy to read hahaha
"dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit." His outfit stays pretty similar, you're right, though he does actually change it once during his mafia days. The left image is the outfit he wears in Fifteen and Stormbringer, while the right is what he wears in DHC and Dark Era.
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The difference is the blazer jacket he adds under his coat. It's a minimal change but I think it's significant. I mentioned in this post how I believe the change might be related to his change in pronoun from boku to watashi, but really it's more the added layer of distance that makes this significant. Dazai just looks a little... odd, in the first outfit. The coat hangs off him loosely, his shirt is a little baggy. He looks very boyish, and that makes his deceptive tendencies and deeply concerning outlook all the more disturbing to others.
The second outfit makes one change but his clothes now look like they fit him (still with the exception of the coat, which never fit and never will... in this universe anyways. You mentioned Beast so... you know already hehe). In the case of the second outfit, he looks more mature and formal, which lends itself to a person who withdrew further and further away from people (with the exception of the other two at Bar Lupin); who became a terrifying executive in other's eyes, moving away from the "creepy intelligent child" image he had earlier - even though he is still very much a kid. No one knows Dazai - I think the added image of formality and authority here is just one of the many barriers he constructed to keep people from getting too close.
"so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's."
hjdfvbdjf rainbow - entering his no longer closeted gay era (sorry lol i couldn't resist)
No but you're right about the coat looking a bit like Oda's. He cared for and respected that man like no other and I think when Dazai thinks of "a good person" Oda is the first person who comes to mind. His shirt in the manga is also stripy like Oda's, a little detail that got lost in the anime. :')
"his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here."
Yeah. He looks every bit the street kid and blends with the Sheep near perfectly - more than fitting in though, I think it's more than implied that he wants to fit in and changes his look to do so. Chuuya goes to great lengths to give the appearance of fitting in - because he never felt like he truly did (and certainly the Sheep did not treat him like an equal or a friend).
"and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outfit- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in"."
YES you get it!! And adding onto that, Chuuya doesn't really have a lot of reason to want to fit in yet. He hasn't found his personal groove yet, because he has little personal attachment to the mafia at this point in time.
Yeah in Stormbringer he's got a few personal touches but is still pretty non-descript (though you're right, it's much more than Higuchi... something to think about for her character too, and how it seems the mafia may be more of a job than an investment to her). By Dead Apple though, Chuuya's outfit is... well, back to his punk vibes, just a little more mafia-classy, I guess. (I don't know fashion I'm sorry, please don't kill me)
"but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color""
Red makes a lot of sense as a colour for Chuuya. It's energetic, emotional, fierce and aggressive. It's also considered protective, so yeah it suits him for sure. Red clothes, red ability... red camellias...
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"and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat." Ooo ok. So in the anime, this is true but in the manga, I believe his vest is actually a pale red.
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Well. Brown with red undertones. Your point still stands though because the colour is very muted. It's not like Fifteen or DHC Chuuya for sure.
"(also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)"
Oh. Thinking on this. Um. Embarrassed to say - I don't think I noticed that actually. Like obviously he loses the coat a lot and that was already something to think on but... only around Dazai, is that right? Hold on, I'm gonna check.
Ok so my check wasn't super thorough (read: I am too tired and drained to go through each and every panel he appears in) but...
By god, I think you're right.
That's. Hm. I'm going to join you on thinking about that for awhile.
I see the coat as a representation of his role and responsibility he takes on, really, so it's interesting that the formality and symbolism of his service to the mafia gets quite literally discarded in the scenes with his foil and equal. Fascinating.
He's also not wearing it in any of these now infamous panels from Chapter 101:
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Huh. Well. Thank you anon. You've just given me a whole new thing to whir about.
"why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes?"
Honestly, I'm still waiting to figure this out too.
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Because of the purplish hue over this piece of new art, I find it hard to tell what the actual colours of his outfit are but it does look awfully similar to his Fifteen outfit. It could just be his "day-off" outfit but I think there's got to be more to it than that. It could have to do with allegiance, like you suggested. May I also suggest the return to a sense of inhumanity?
These are also the clothes he wore when his journey to find answers on himself began. Might he be entering a new arc where he has to "find" himself again?
I still feel we don't have enough information to make a solid judgement. As the meursault pov continues, I think we'll have a better reason as to why he's dressed like this.
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