#and I can happily live in my corner of the fandom without feeling bothered by it
mafaldaknows · 1 year
If you believe that Timothee is actually in love with Kylie, then you're admitting that either charmie was just a collective fantasy or that Timothee is cheating on Armie with a Kardashian. Hope Armie puts a ring on Lisa and yall can fuck off and leave him alone and outside your creepy delusions.
Hello, Anon:
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Reading is fundamental. So is reading comprehension. You might want to learn to do both, for everyone’s sake, but mostly for yours. You might want to understand what other people are saying before judging them.
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I know nothing about this situation for a fact. Few people outside of their close associates and confidantes know the truth about these circumstances either. We who fall outside of that inner circle are all speculators until the truth is told.
It’s naive to think that people in the entertainment industry can live as they please without the necessary promotion of an “acceptable” public image in order to appease studio executives worried about the bottom line, and to please moviegoers influenced by their own ignorance and bigotry. Show business is indeed a business and there are some tough customers demanding that their specific expectations must be met, regardless of the actor’s truth.
As someone who is not committed to a specific outcome in this scenario, yet who has hope nonetheless, I don’t care who they end up with when all is said and done, as it’s frankly none of my business. As long as they’re allowed to live their truth and they’re happy about their choices, that’s fine with me, whatever that turns out to be.
You seem unable or unwilling to understand that people can dream, daydream, and hope for a beautiful life for someone else with both their feet still firmly planted in reality, with their eyes wide open.
You chose to remain anonymous, so your opinion holds no opportunity or power to influence me, though my mere existence appears to bother you greatly, which I find fascinating.
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We Charmies stay in our little corner of the internet, happily, and do not feel the need to meddle in other fandoms. You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about anything. You are also free to ignore that which does not appeal or apply to you. No one is forcing you to agree with our “delusions”, or even to pay us any attention.
And yet here you are, Anon, in my inbox.
If we really are just a group of delusional fans harboring a collective fantasy, why would our existence bother you so much?
You wouldn’t feel the need to silence us if we didn’t strike a chord.
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Perhaps the difference between you and me is that my heart and mind are open to the possibilities of impossibilities, and yours are firmly clamped shut.
Thanks for your comment. 🙂🪧👌👋
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obiwanobi · 4 years
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I’m a bit confused about this submission, and it felt weird to just publish it without comment. Do you mean that you feel like the sw fandom is turning dark, and that at some point there will be no going back? That the fluff/sfw content vs kinky/nsfw content ratio will be screwed forever?
I think there are always moments in a fandom when people want to explore darker aspects of their fantasies with their favourite characters, and it can make people say “hey I never thought about writing/drawing that before... interesting” and it can lead to very kinky trends for a ship/character. But... Is it a bad thing? My stand on fandoms is and will probably always be “do/write/ship what you want, as long as you’re not hurting anyone and remember to tag stuff that could be disturbing for other.” I don’t think having more hardcore/nsfw content will badly impact the tamer side of a fandom if everything is properly tagged, if authors/writers/creators warn people about what they’re going to see/read and give everyone a chance to back down. And if the super hardcore stuff is triggering (like the noncon knotting thing you mentioned) but is tagged appropriately/posted with warnings... then it’s not such a big deal. 
No fandom is completely homogeneous, and even if a lot of people seem to like the very spicy kind of content, you will always find people who don’t want to/can’t deal with the kinky stuff in a fandom and will stick to the light and fluff. Or, of course, have people who are cool with some spicy things, but know what they can handle and enjoy and where to stop before getting uncomfortable. Like I said, I think it’s just a question of knowing what you’re here for, and letting people know that what you wrote/drew/made is probably not for everyone. 
But the wonderful thing about fandoms is that you don’t have to see anything you don’t want to. This is just a hobby, you don’t have to interact with anything you don’t like, and if you, at point, feel like it won’t be good for you to keep reading/seeing some dubious stuff like you were talking about, you can choose to ignore it. You can blacklist things on tumblr, or just check tags on ao3 before getting into a fic and say “meh, not for me” and move on!
So that’s why I’m not too worried about things getting out of hands, as long as people understand that what they create isn’t for everyone and let everyone make their own choice about what kind of content they want to interact with, we will be okay. 
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Scent | Mate Series
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek x Y/N
Summary: Derek is getting suspicious of you, you're hiding something and he wants to know what
Warnings: not really I think but just in case, as always, read at your own risk
A/N: This is Part One | Next Part
This whole thing is a whole family pack au and mate au, OC stuff in later chapters but I really loved writing this and love the idea of a family pack <3
You walked into Scott’s house, happily smiling at everyone gathered around the table, noticing that even Derek had showed this time. The wolves seemed to carry on about their business as you muttered something about dinner and moved to the kitchen. “I don’t like that ya know?” You jumped a little, turning to Derek and smiling in confusion. He sniffed the air, “All I can smell is your strawberry shortcake lotion. You use too much.” You scoffed, turning to the food, “I don’t care, go smell someone else.” He shook his head, “Why? I don’t like not being able to smell you.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised, "Derek, I know what you wolves do, it's a violation of privacy, I like my emotions being mine." Derek huffed under his breath, "Just trying to care." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.
You couldn't help but wonder if you'd been excessively hateful, but you were right. You knew better than anyone, wolves violate your privacy whenever they can by just smelling you, let alone with serious practice what they can do. You could never keep a secret around a pack of wolves, and living in Beacon Hills with the extra wolf sense going around is no different. It's better to just hide your scent all together. You of course knew how to do this very well without the nifty supernatural trick; putting lotion over your scent glands regularly, wearing tight clothes, and lots of deodorant. You sighed to yourself as you thought of how different it could be if you could come clean.
Derek hung back after the meeting, watching as you waved everyone goodbye, claiming he was cleanup help since you cooked. "What's up Derek?" Scott said once the door shut. "Y/n," Derek started, turning to Scott, hand rubbing his scruff nervously, "has she always covered her scent like that?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed, "Now that I think about it, yeah, why?" Derek shrugged, acting like it was no big deal but wanted to put the fuze out before it went to far, "Dunno, she's just the only one that does it, even Lydia with the amount of crap she wears, I can smell her," he sighed, "it's like Y/n is hiding something man, I've just never once smelled her." Derek shook his head, "I mean, it's never bothered you? Not being able to smell her?"
Scott could sense something he hadn't ever before with Derek, a sense of need, like when Stiles called to him when he almost lit himself on fire. "She just wants her privacy, she knows we can smell fear, anxiety, joy, embarrassment," he slapped Dereks shoulder, "relax man, are you really worried Y/n is out to get you?" Dereks hands fell next to him, "Something like that." Derek said his goodbyes to Scott and happily Stiles, as over the years he's grown to love the wild man, and left wondering about you.
At the next pack meeting, this time in his loft, you were the last one in again. As everyone was catching up and cutting up, Derek found his way beside you, "I don't like that one, it smells sour, what is it?" You blushed just slightly, "I don't know some cucumber mix." Derek huffed, "If all I can smell is fake shit, at least something good, citrus, sweet or somethin'," he shrugged as he made his way to the table.
You'd all been discussing new training for the supernatural creatures drawn in by the Nemeton and handling the strays that don't fall in line with the help of the argents. Derek was next to you, something you knew was no coincidence as he'd swapped places with Scott at some point. He reached over to the map in front of you, trying to rub just your shirt, but you slyly moved your arm, muttering an apology, "Oh, sorry," but Derek didn't miss the extra heartbeat, even if just for a second. What is going on with you?
A few days later you find yourself climbing in the passenger of Stiles' jeep, just leaving your house after reapplying lotion, knowing that you were going to Dereks' for pack training. "Scott needed a ride today, that okay?" Stiles quizzed you, studying you as you answered with a hum. "Everything alright?" he reiterated, turning the music up. You shrugged, "I just have a feeling something is going on." Stiles gave you a sympathetic smile as he pulled up to Scott's.
Scott climbed in Stiles' back seat, glancing at you, consciously aware that you only smelled like mixed berry lotion, smiling, "Hey, Y/n, how was your day?" You shrugged, "The usual, excited for some pack time." Scott listened to your steady beat, kicking himself for even listening. The ride to Dereks normal while you intently listened to Stiles ramble. It was impossible not to notice that something was bothering Scott, you just hoped it wasn't you.
Scott was the first to knock on the door, Stiles following impatiently while you stood behind the two men. Derek slid the door open, looking over the two men and directly smiling at you, welcoming you all in. You followed closely in behind Stiles, narrowly missing Derek. You sense him reaching forward, out for the small of your back, you quickly stepped out of the way and to the kitchen, hoping your heartbeat was steady. "So what am I making?"
You worked on finishing up the tacos, careful to clean up any mess you made and wash the used pans. You had Liam lay out the table who was cooling off from a tough session with Isaac. He was really slinging the plates down, you put your hand just inches from his, stopping him from laying another plate down, "Liam," his eyes connected with yours, "listen to my heart, get yours to match it." Liam shook his head, starting to lay another plate down, clearly frustrated, but you spoke again, "Liam," you sighed, "it is okay to lose control and get angry, but get it back. Take a breath, control your heart rate, ground yourself." Liam took a deep breath in as you guided him, smiling at you before gently setting the plates down. You could feel the anger dissipating from him as he did.
"Thank you for helping," you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, making sure your sleeve covers your bare hand, smiling at him, "I'm gonna go get them." You walked into the training room, sweat and power smacking you in the face, "Dinner's ready!" Scott and Derek let go of each other, playfully draping their arms around each other, "You wanna spar, Y/n?" Derek asked and you laughed, a sound that blessed his ears, "Uh, no thank you, I'll leave that to the big bad wolves." Scott smiled, "Come on! Even Stiles trains!" Stiles jumps at this, pointing to Scott, "Hey!" Causing everyone to erupt into laughter, you smiled, "Who else is gonna cook?" At that Stiles interjected again, heading to the meal, "Not it!"
After you all ate you helped Liam collect and wash dishes, Derek watching you dodge every corner of the tablecloth, studied your moments as you put up pates, careful to not touch them with your bare hands. He thought to himself as he watched you that he was reading way too much into it. That you were just a private polite person, but something was rubbing him the wrong way, something he was missing. As you put away the last dish, Stiles stood up, smiling, "Bye, sour wolf." Derek glared at him but turned to you who was side by side with Stiles, your arm around his waist, also heading out, "See you later, sour wolf."
Scott trailed behind, making sure you and Stiles were out of earshot. "Man, what is your problem I can literally see the fury coming off of you." Derek glared at Scott, "Y/n, she just-" Scott rolled his eyes, "You can't be serious, not with this again." Derek rubbed his face, "Man, I'm telling you," he shook his head, clearly troubled, "She won't let me touch her! At all, I'm talking not even an accidental brush," Derek spoke lower, "She wouldn't train because that causes sweat, we could smell her, won't even touch the tablecloth. She washes every dish she uses, won't touch the plates with her bare hands? The plates?" Scott could tell Derek was genuinely upset by this, "Why does this bother you so much man?" Derek sighed, "I don't know," he drug broth his hands over his face, an attempt to rub the stress away, "I don't think she'd hurt us of course, but she's definitely- Scott, there's too many questions I need answered." Scott sighed, "Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll look into it." Scott started walking and that's when you snapped back into Stiles honking the horn of the car, you giggling with him as Scott came rushing out.
How much longer could you hide your secret?
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@sicktember Prompt # 7: Sneaky Temperature Check
Title: In Which Howl Worries About Sophie
Fandom: Howl's Moving Castle (book)
Sophie is tired and careworn and doesn't realize she has fallen ill. Howl comes to her rescue once more, and turns out to be an awfully good caretaker.
(For those who have only seen the movie: Elementary school-age "Markl" in the movie is high school-age Michael in the book. Howl, Sophie, and Calcifer are very much the same.)
Most of the time, living in a moving castle with a wizard and a fire demon made for a very interesting life, and a vastly different one than Sophie had led trimming hats for her family’s hat shop. However, there were times Sophie was grateful for her upbringing, especially when it came to helping to raise her younger sisters. After all, being able to care for someone who needs help is a skill no one should lack.
That was driven home to Sophie not long after the dramatic events involving the Witch of the Waste and her fire demon. Howl and Sophie had broken spells and contacts galore, and were well set up to live happily ever after in the moving castle, with a newly-freed Calcifer along for the ride. However, not a week after the Witch and her fire demon were defeated, Michael came down with a bad cold. Sophie chalked it up to all the stress from the weeks prior, and too much magic flying around. Howl hardly seemed to notice his apprentice sneezing all over everyone, and was much more interested in Sophie, now that she was back to her proper age and properly in love with him. 
It wasn't until Michael's cold took a turn for the worse and he was laid up in bed and not around to help that Howl paid it any mind. However, as everyone knows, there's no cure for a cold, not even with magic. In a matter of days, despite Sophie's efforts, Michael became seriously ill when his cold developed into a nasty case of pneumonia. After this, Sophie hardly left his side. She felt unreasonably guilty that she had somehow caused this, or hadn't cared for him properly in his cold's early stages. Sophie's sister Martha and Michael had plans to get married after Michael's apprenticeship, so of course Martha was beside herself as well. The sisters practically lived in Michael's room during those days, keeping watch to ensure he got no worse, as he lay in bed wheezing laboriously.
Michael finally did start to improve, with some assistance from Howl's magic, and Sophie and Martha breathed a little easier along with Michael. However, since Martha had her own apprenticeship to worry about, Sophie still felt quite obligated to sit often by Michael's bedside and keep him company, especially when Martha was working. 
Howl clearly began to feel neglected. He dealt with it admirably when Michael was most ill, but when Michael started to recover, Howl began to seek some attention as well.
"Sophie, come out and walk in the garden with me. It's a beautiful day. Perhaps we can even pick some flowers and reopen the flower shop today.
"Sophie, I just read about a very interesting spell that you might like. Come here and I'll teach you.
"Sophie, come tell me how you'd like your room laid out so I can start to modify the castle. You can't sleep under the stairs forever.
"Sophie, come here and sit by the fire with me. Calcifer is bored and wants you to talk to him.
"Sophie, the bathroom is a mess. I need your help to clean it.
The petitions quickly went from hopeful to petulant. Sophie sensed his frustration. However, she was too concerned about Michael and Martha to pay him much mind. She had an excuse every time as to why she couldn't rest.
"I don't have time for flowers right now. I need to make another pot of broth.
"My mind is too scattered to learn a new spell. Another day. 
"I couldn't think straight enough to plan a whole room. And I really don't need to move. My cubby hole is perfectly fine.
"I can't sit when I have bedding to clean, and anyway my voice is worn out from reading to Michael.
"Then clean it yourself! I'm not the only one who can scrub.
As Howl became more annoying, Sophie became angrier, until she was brushing him off before he even spoke with a look or a curt gesture, especially when he began to ask if she was coming down with something and she had to tell him she was fine multiple times a day.  At one point  there was only icy silence between them after she snapped at him for standing in front of Calcifer when she needed to cook, and he called her a nagging fishwife. When she shot back saying that must mean he was the fish, Howl stormed out to Market Chipping in high temper. She didn't see him again for the rest of the day.
A few days after their fight, Sophie again found herself in front of Calcifer cooking. Michael finally had an appetite for something other than broth, and with Calcifer gone for part or all of most days when it wasn't raining, she took the opportunity to cook on him whenever she could. However, for once she wasn't chatting with the demon, but was simply attending to her task in a haze of fatigue. After a moment, she sensed Howl standing at her side looking at her, which flared up a familiar spark of irritation.
"If you tell me to "come" do anything with you today, I'm going to scream, Howl. Don't bother me," she said, not looking at him.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Howl conjure up a chair and push it behind her. "I'm not asking you to come anywhere, I'm asking you to sit right where you are. Please rest for a bit, Sophie dear. You look as if you're about to collapse."
The true concern in his voice made her bite back the sharp response on her tongue. She let a small sigh escape instead, which turned into a dry, raspy cough. "I just haven't been getting much rest," she said after a moment. "I'm all right."
"You've also kept that cough for weeks now, and it's getting worse and not better. Sit, please. I insist on it. I'll watch the bacon."
"I'm just a little under the weather," she mumbled weakly. Yet she found herself sinking into the chair almost against her will. The fact that he was being so insistent intrigued her even in her tired state, since he was usually so non-confrontational. "I'll sit for just a moment to please you. But don't even think about sitting with me. I'm still mad at you, and I don't want to talk."
"Not a word to you will cross my lips," he said primly. The fact that he wasn't taking the bait to pick a fight with her was also suspicious. She watched him closely out of the corner of her eye, leaning back into the chair as she did. She really did feel much better sitting down and breathed a small sigh of relief, which became another cough. She tried to lean back and rest as she had been instructed to do. It occurred to her that she had been more lightheaded these past few days than she had been the whole time she was an old woman.
True to his word meanwhile, Howl took over the bacon, wrapping a gilded sleeve around the handle and striking up conversation with Calcifer, which Sophie didn't bother to follow. Instead she sleepily admired Howl's handsome profile, and thought for the hundredth time how much better his eyes looked now that he had his heart back. The pendant in his ear danced as he spoke, and watching it sway lulled her into a doze almost immediately.
She woke with a start when she felt something press against her face, which turned out to be Howl's hand.
"I knew it," he crowed. "You *are*feverish. Otherwise you would never be so irritable. Poor, dear Sophie, you must've caught Michael's cold. I imagine you're feeling awful."
She brushed his hand away wearily. "And so what if I am? There's too much to do. I don't have time to be ill."
Howl frowned, then without a word he effortlessly picked her up, bridal-style, and began to carry her up the stairs. 
She tried to push his arms away, but he was stronger than he appeared for how slight he was-- or else he was using magic. She wore herself out quickly fighting him, instead succumbing to a coughing fit.
He carried her directly up to his bedroom, laying her gently on the bed. She half-heartedly tried to roll off the other side to get down, but Howl stopped her with one hand. As she sunk into the obscenely comfortable mattress, the weight of her fatigue fell over her fully, and she stopped fighting, instead yawning hugely. 
"There now, you see? You're exhausted. And you're not leaving this bed for a few days until you're better, lest I have two cases of pneumonia on my hands.”
"But I can't stay in your bed. I should be in my bed," said Sophie sleepily, even as Howl tucked her in.
"I won't let you sleep on that straw mattress one more day. Before you're recovered, you shall have a proper room and bed. Be honest Sophie, the reason you're so against having a real room here is because that makes your being here and what you and I have together permanent, and that scares you. That's why you've been avoiding me too. Michael being ill was just a convenient excuse."
Sophie guiltily avoided his eyes. "I suppose that might be true. It's just such a big change, moving in permanently. And it's all so surreal still. Sometimes I think you and all of this must be a dream, because it feels too good to be true."
Howl took her hand tenderly, kneeling by the bed. "And I thought I was supposed to be the one afraid of commitment, not you. Dearest, I feel the very same way. I'm terrified to see where this road leads, as well as terribly excited. But we'll go slow and take our time and figure it out together. That's what we seem to be good at, if nothing else.
Sophie kissed his hand, a wave of emotion flooding through her. "Thank you, Howl. I needed to hear that." A nasty bout of coughing prevented her from saying anything further.
"And here I'm keeping you talking when you're ill. Hush now and rest. Here, drink some broth. It's yours so I'm sure it's wonderful. I haven't seen you eat properly in days." He conjured a bowl and spoon out of nowhere.
"I can barely swallow. My throat is too sore," she mumbled, embarrassed at how much he had been noticing, while she had been ignoring him.
"Just a little for now, to give you some strength. I'll mix a potion for your throat in a bit. You're under my care now, never fear."
"What about Michael? He needs looking after too," she croaked wearily, sipping on the broth, which was indeed delicious.
"I'll be fine with Martha's help. You need looking after more," came a weak voice from behind them. Both quickly turned to find Michael leaning in the doorway, barefoot and wrapped in a blanket, and looking as pale and weary as he did determined. 
"I knew you were getting sick too," Michael continued. "You've been so tired and subdued. I told Howl he needed to check on you."
"Not that I needed him telling me so! I already had planned to look after you," Howl said, giving Michael an injured look.
Sophie couldn't help but smile at the two men in her life, tired as she was. She knew whatever else her future would be in the moving castle, she would never want for entertainment or affection ever again. 
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
drunk words, sober thoughts
when his girlfriend has too many cups of spiked cider at tina's annual post-christmas bash, steve's reminded of a different party and a different girl who broke his heart.
fandom: stranger things
ship: steve harrington x ice skater!reader, past stancy
word count: 1.3k+
featuring: spiked cider, swearing, a high school christmas party, underage drinking, and a drunk declaration.
a/n: day 7 of my holiday challenge! this is kind of a follow-up to shadow skating, my fic for day one that features a figure skating reader, and so there might be some references to that but i don't think you'll need to read it to understand this one. unbetaed, all mistakes are my b.
come join my holiday challenge!
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December 1984
"Hey, sorry I'm late!" Y/N said as she slid into the passenger seat of Steve's car, quickly closing the door behind her to block the freezing wind blowing outside. "I thought I lost this skirt but it turns out it 'magically' appeared in my sister's closet last month and she had 'absolutely no idea' how it got there."
"How convenient for Casey," He reached over to brush some snow from the shoulder of her emerald green coat and she smiled, grabbing his warm hand and dropping a quick kiss on the back of it before lacing her cold fingers through his.
"It's okay, she still hasn't figured out these are the tights I borrowed from her last Christmas." 
"Tell her she's never getting them back because you look beautiful.”
The girl ducked her head and tightened her grip on his hand. "Flatterer. Get going or we're gonna be even later than we already are."
"Okay, just let me do this first." And after pulling her in for a kiss that lingered, warm and safe like fire in a hearth, he put the car in drive and headed off into the cold night.
By the time they arrived at Tina's house and found a place to park on the crowded street, the party was in full swing, bass pumping loud through the front door, and Y/N turned to Steve with a frown as they stood on the porch, bathed in the soft glow of the lights strung on the roof.
"Is it, I don't know, tacky to show up this late? Oh my God, we're gonna look like idiots and it's all my fault-"
"Hey, we're fine, okay?" He said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. "It's only an hour and all the cool kids show up late, anyway."
She cracked a small smile at his joke and laced her fingers with his once again. "Sorry, I don't really get to go to many parties so I'm kind of...nervous."
That was fair, the last time he'd seen her at one was the summer before freshman year, at the eighth grade graduation party the school hosted at the Hawkins community pool (not that he'd been keeping track, no). 
"We don't have to go in if you don't want to," Steve said, bringing their entwined hands to his mouth so he could drop another kiss on her knuckles. "We could go see a movie, maybe grab some food at the diner? I think I'm ready to try skating backwards so we could always go to the rink-"
"That's sweet of you but I'm not driving your ass to the hospital tonight," Y/N giggled at the way he rolled his eyes and mumbled 'gee, thanks' under his breath before she continued, her voice quiet and soft and oh so honest. "But seriously, I know how much you wanted to come to this and I really, um, I really wanna be here with you. Together."
Together. That's what they were for almost two weeks now, the best damn twelve days of his life, and while they never bothered hiding their relationship, they hadn't outright said they were dating yet; Tina's party was to be their big debut before going back to school in the new year and he couldn't wait to show the entirety of Hawkins High that this beautiful girl holding his hand, looking up at him with a bright smile on her face and sparkling lights reflecting in her eyes, wanted him.
"Pretty sure I'm the luckiest bastard on the planet, being here with you."
Y/N raised up on her tiptoes to press her lips to his, hand holding tight to his for balance. "Well then I must be the luckiest bitch. Now come on! Let's go party."
Things were great at first, aside from the typical nasty jabs from Carol and Tommy H -having nothing better to do than harass anyone who had the audacity to be happy in their miserable presences- as they danced with their classmates, arms wound tight around each other, spinning gracelessly, smiling and laughing and wrapped up in their own perfect little world.
And then Y/N had one too many cups of spiked cider. 
She was tipsy, swaying as she loudly sung along to Fleetwood Mac and when Steve caught her after she tripped over her heeled boots and sloshed booze on the hardwood floor, he couldn't help but think of a different party, a different time, a different girl. The night Nancy Wheeler broke his heart with one word, repeated over and over like a broken record: bullshit.
She was here, surprisingly, tucked in a corner across the room with Jonathan at her side, but the sight of them huddled close together, happy and in love, didn't hurt like it used to, like it did before he fell so hard for the girl wrapped in his arms, giggling as she twirled a strand of his hair around her finger and peppered little kisses all over his cheeks. 
"Stevie, baby boy, have I ever told you how cute you are?" She laughed delightedly at the blush rapidly spreading across his face and pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth. "So cute, so handsome, so beautiful."
"You're the beautiful one, Y/N," He replaced the half-full cup of cider in her hand with his can of pop -which she finished without noticing the switch- then steered her back toward the living room, away from the punch bowl. "Come on, let's get you home."
"No, Grandpa'll kill me if I come home like...like this!" She pointed to herself before clutching his hand in between both of hers like it was a lifeline. "Can I stay with you?"
At his nod, she squealed happily and wrapped her arms around his waist, the top of her head accidentally banging against his chin as she hugged him tight. "You're the best, Stevie! Stevie, Stevie...oh, like Stevie Nicks! Like, I love her but not as much as I love you." 
For the second time in this damn house, Steve was blindsided by the words of a drunk girl, feet frozen to the ground and brain just about short-circuiting as it tried to process what the hell she'd just said. "What?"
Y/N looked up, chin on his chest and a soft smile dancing on her lips and the blood rushing in his ears drowned out the pounding music, their classmates' chatter, everything and anything except her voice. "I think I love you."
"You're drunk, Y/N." He finally managed to croak after a long, long pause, in which the grin slowly slipped from her face with each passing second of silence; 'drunk words are sober thoughts' the saying always went, he knew it to be true firsthand, and yet something in him tried to warn him not to believe her (how could he, after all those terrible, shitty things he did to Nancy) as he somehow got his feet to move and started guiding her toward the front door. 
"So?" Keeping one arm around his waist, she shuffled alongside him all the way to his car and let him unceremoniously drop her into the passenger seat. "I just...that's just...ugh, words are hard."
He smiled to himself as he buckled her in and then rounded the car to the driver's side, her hand grabbing his and pulling it onto her lap the second he started driving toward his house. "They are, aren't they?"
Head leaned back against the seat, she took a deep breath and turned to look at him in the dim light of the dashboard. "Listen, I don't really know what love is 'cause I've never felt it before but...I think I could. With you."
Stopped at a street light, Steve met her eyes and tightened his grip on her hand and everything clicked into place when he said the words he'd been thinking for a month, ever since that cold December day he managed to pluck up the courage to ask her for skating lessons. "I think I could feel it with you, too."
Y/N might've missed most of his mouth when she leaned over for a kiss but to him, it was everything he needed. 
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New Years
Pairing: George x reader and Draco x reader
Prompt: You’re dating Draco but aren’t happy in the relationship. You’re spending New Years Eve at the burrow, and with your best friend George Weasley. George just so happens to be in love with you.
A/N: This is a change from my normal fandom writings. Hope you enjoy!
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I watch as the Weasley’s fuss over each other’s new year resolutions. Every year they all come up with something they want to accomplish the next year. It is more of a muggle tradition but Mr. Weasley loves the idea, and the rest of them decided to go along with it. The twins become so passionate as they explain the plans for the joke shop that they finally have enough money to buy. Molly’s worried look lingers behind her eyes at the possibility of  their dream not panning out. She is one of the most loving and caring mother’s I have had the pleasure to meet.
My eyes focus on the fire and my thoughts wander to my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. He was staying with some family nearby where I live to see me over the holidays. Though strangely, in the week he decided to stay I only got to see him twice. I planned both of them, and he didn’t bother to see if I wanted to meet on Christmas or Christmas Eve. He wanted to go back home for New Years. But he hates being home, it’s something I just can’t understand.
Most of my life I wanted to finally have a boyfriend. I always watched the couples in the halls of Hogwarts with a longing heart. Any muggle romance book and movie just continued to make me more picky of who I wanted. Least that is what my friends have always said. Somehow wanting a man who is also my best friend is asking too much. Where we want to spend a lot of time together, but can stand being without each other. I can’t stand clingy, but I do want some attention.
We talked a bit over the summer and went on a few dates. I really liked him, and I thought he really liked me. School starts and we can’t see each other as much, which makes sense. Now anytime we communicate or make plans it is because of me reaching out. I hardly feel like I have a boyfriend these days. Even with my little experience I know I need to talk to him about it, but as soon as the topic is brought up he states he likes the arrangement and then changes the subject. Leaving me with the unspoken words left on my lips. Maybe I am just asking too much?
He is walking me back to my front door after hanging out with some of his friends. We aren’t holding hands, which I think I should want. But this whole night I haven’t wanted to be touched. At some point we ended up at a restaurant and every once in a while Draco’s hand would rub against my upper back. The first time we hung out this week he didn’t touch me till our hugs goodbye. I wonder if the very little interactions has put me off from wanting his touch.
“What is just so great is that you don’t need my attention.” I try not to react. Instead I think about what he has said about his exes texting him until he would answer. “My mom agrees. You’re so independent it is really nice. Oh by the way I’m heading back home in the morning.”
“So you won’t be here for New Years?” I sneak a glance at him to see if he’ll realize. Draco’s face remains neutral, perhaps not realizing that boyfriends and girlfriends usually spend that holiday together.
“Nope, though you’ll be fine.” Draco shrugs his shoulders like he is so sure that I wouldn’t care. I open my mouth to ask why he can’t stay but I’m cut off by him talking about something Blaise said earlier tonight.
Standing in front of my front door and wonder if he’ll try to kiss me, I wonder if I want him to kiss me goodbye. What kind of girl doesn’t know if she wants her boyfriend to kiss her? Her first boyfriend. I thought I’d be giddy.
“Have a good new year’s.” Draco wraps one arm around my waist in a sort of hug. He then heads down the stairs and into the night.
My thoughts are interrupted by a certain red head twin sitting on the arm of the chair I am occupying. George peers down at me with a worried expression. He has quickly become a close friend over the last few months. I’m good friends with Lee Jordan and have known George for a few years. Since dating Draco I’ve seen a bit less of them to make Draco feel more comfortable, but I still hang out with them quite a bit. Have helped devise a few pranks.
“Your mum took the news well I see.” I smile hoping he’ll see my mask and not my conflicted eyes.
George came to me a little while ago saying he has a crush on a girl, but she has a boyfriend. He has been talking to me more often, answering my owls faster than Draco who lives closer. The way he describes this girl, sometimes I think it may be me. Every time that thought crosses my mind I shake it away. There is no way I am the girl. He talks like he is in love, that this is the one and he wants to tell her soon. Do I want it to be me?
“Everything okay, love?” George whispers close to my ear and I instantly nod in response.
“Just thinking about some stuff.” I say, trying to be as vague as possible.
Our conversations about this girl, and just things in general, has me wanting to talk to George more than Draco. George tells me stuff he hasn’t told anyone, other than Fred, and I can barely get Draco to tell me anything about himself of substance. I know Draco’s life at home isn’t great and has put up some walls. But I’ve also known Draco my whole life, we haven’t always been close but I’ve tried to show him that I am here. He won’t let me in and I am getting exhausted of trying with no encouragement or attention from him.
“Where’s Draco?” George asks as he fixes a strand of hair behind my shoulder. A warmth spreads across my face and I have to stop myself from smiling. “Isn’t there a New Year kiss tradition?”
“He went back home.” I manage with little emotion.
“Hmmm,” George’s small smile fades. “Well aren’t we lucky then. We get you this year.”
Hermione turns up the radio and music radiates through the Burrow. In the corner of the living room, I catch Mr. Weasley putting out his hand asking for a dance with Mrs. Weasley. The biggest smile lights up her face as she happily accepts his offer. Their arms wrap around each other as they disappear to their own world. A small dull ache flies through my chest. I finally have a boyfriend but I still feel lonely on holidays.
Through the room I watch people pair up. Ron with Hermione, Ginny with a surprised Harry, Fred even invited Angelina. I think George noticed the coupling up because his posture stiffens slightly. He takes a deep breath before pushing off the chair arm. I find him standing in front of me with his own hand out toward me.
“Would you care for a dance, (Y/N)?” George smiles causing you to smile. People say laughs can be contagious, but his smile is more contagious than anything I’ve ever experienced.
I place my cold hand in his and join him a few feet from the chair. The faster song is finishing up and another song quickly takes its place. Awkwardly, I look at George to see if he still wants to do this. There is no hesitation in his movements, and before I know it his free arm is wrapped around my waist. He pulls me in a respectable distance but you can see some nerves peaking behind his eyes.
He sways me back and forth, nothing special. Every once in a while he will twirl me, remembering how much I liked that during the Yule ball a year back.
A memory of Draco seeps in your mind. Back a few months ago Draco tried slow dancing with you spontaneously. It felt strained, like it wasn’t something he would try to do. I gave him points for trying and remembering how I love to dance. It was a one-time occurrence. I’ve tried to randomly start dancing around him in the hopes he would join in and loosen up, but no such luck. I decided that it just isn’t going to be one of our things.
Even with the initial awkwardness, dancing with George feels natural. Like this is how things are supposed to be. He pulls me back in from a twirl and I rest my head on his chest. I feel a twitch of his muscles and pull away realizing that I am out of line. I am with someone else. It must have just been an impulse right? People normally rest their heads on their partner’s chest, dancing partner that is. That’s it.
“No, it’s okay.” George whispers.
Even with his assurance I restrain myself. I keep my eyes focus on everyone else in the room. I see the way that Ron’s eyes sparkle as he watches Hermione smile as he twirls her. Even Harry seems to be enjoying himself. I know he is technically with Cho but I know he will end up with Ginny. Though I may be biased cause I just adore Ginny.
“If only the timing was right.” I say to myself.
“What?” George’s voice has hint of alarm.
“I’m talking about your siblings, Ron and Ginny. Ron is totally into Hermione, and Ginny has had a thing for Harry since she was eleven. But I don’t think Ron and Hermione are there yet, maybe a year or two. Harry is with Cho, for now. I can see Harry getting his head screwed on straight someday and realizing what has been right in front of him.”
George’s thumb rubs circles against my waist, sending a shiver up my spine. I really need to get a handle on my feelings. I don’t want to hurt George if I’m using him as an emotional filler for my absent boyfriend. On the side of things, I need to figure out if I should still have my boyfriend.
I take a mental note to remind myself to write him in the morning about constituting a weekly date night. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. A nice walk with good conversation would suffice. I just want quality time. I need to see if it is possible that I still want to be with him.
What about George? I sneak a glance up at him. He looks perfectly content, slow dancing in silence. His gaze fixed on the snow falling outside the window. My mind wanders to the past letters of conversation we’ve shared. He wants a girl to sit on the porch with during a thunderstorm, one to help carry the kids to bed when they’ve passed out on the couch.
_______ flies through my open window with a letter hanging from her beak. Getting up from my bed I make my way over hoping it is finally from Draco. I told him that since he is going to be in town during his birthday next week that I could spend as much time with him as he wants. I sent that owl, among two short ones about a week ago.
Getting closer though I recognize the address written in George Weasley’s handwriting. I let a sad smile escape my lips as I ignore the annoyance toward Draco building up. Do other girls have to try so hard to get their boyfriend’s attention?
Sitting back on my bed I take a deep breath and open his letter. A giggle stirs in my throat as I take in his messy handwriting. Recalling a time I had to help a professor decipher an assignment of his. They wanted to fail him purely on the untidiness of his letters.
“My Dear Y/N
First off, I have to tell you that in the envelop is a Weasley family Christmas card. My mum wanted to make sure we sent you one.
To answer your last letter. I agree that some girls are expecting a prince charming. Though I think some blokes aren’t willing to treat their girl like a princess either. If I somehow end up with this girl I like I want to try and give her everything she deserves and more.
I want us to carry the kids up to bed after they’ve passed out on the couch. To give her a porch she can read her books on and we can watch storms. I know we could fight like the world is ending but make up just as fast. Randomly dance with her in the kitchen as we make dinner. Make sure we get a date night a few times a month, because you should always date each other.
I am sure (Y/N) that you will find your prince charming. And that you are someone’s princess.
Love, George”
Choking on my breath, I struggle to breathe for a moment. How could any girl say no to that? It sounds like he is about ready to marry this woman one day if given the chance to love her. I feel my heart race at the small possibility that this could be me. Closing my eyes I allow myself to imagine it, everything in his letter.
Little kids running around with shiny red hair, jumping on furniture before calming down to a sleep. Me and George watching from the doorway, trying to be as quiet as possible in hopes of not waking them up. The two of us scooping them up in our arms, carrying them up the stairs into their rooms.
I’m reading on the porch. Book in hand on an outdoor couch with a blanket draped across my legs. A drum of thunder sounds off in the distance as a light rain begins to fall from the sky. Shortly after, George pokes his head out the front door with his signature grin. He asks if he can join me, like every time even though the answer is always yes. George lifts my feet up as he takes a seat and drapes them over his lap. We sit there in silence for a few moments before I slide my body over on his. I tuck my head in the crook of his neck and his arms wrap around me. Occasionally whispering about something funny the boys did, or a legendary prank, about what we love most about each other.
Snapping back to reality I groan as I think of how terrible I am. I am Draco Malfoy’s girlfriend and I am fantasizing a life with George Weasley. There is no one worse than me.
The song ends and I take the opportunity to put some space between me and the ginger. Noise crackles from the radio about the countdown. He announces that we are less than sixty seconds away from midnight. The girls squeal in excitement and Hermione quickly explains to Ron and Hermione about the muggle tradition of kissing at midnight. Of course this was explained earlier but the boys weren’t listening, as usual.
Ron and Harry agree to kiss Hermione on the cheek, but I notice the slight pink hue added to Ron’s complexion. Yeah they are definitely endgame material. Fred and Angelina take a seat on the couch, leaning into each other with the biggest smiles. They will definitely be a pair kissing at midnight.
An overwhelming, but familiar, sadness floods my chest as I take in the fact that I am alone for the New Year countdown. I make my way to the front door to get some fresh air. If I miss the countdown maybe the loneliness won’t feel as strong. It’s not that I miss him. To miss someone means that I had the opportunity to have them in my life in a way that is almost impossible to replace. Closing my eyes I can pretend that I am anywhere else perhaps even in a different time.
“Can I join you?” George’s voice appears from behind. I open my eyes and look up at the stars before nodding my head.
He slowly occupies the space beside me. His warm hand lightly brushes against my own and I have an overwhelming urge to hold it. Before another thought, George does it for me. Fingers intertwine together and I allow my head to rest against his shoulder. Shortly I feel his head rest lightly against my own. He presses a soft kiss to the top of my head causing tears in my eyes to form. Why can’t I figure this out? One problem at a time (Y/N). Figure out how I feel about Draco first.
Their voices filter through the windows causing me to jump from George’s hold. I take a deep breathe remembering where I am.
Their shouts get louder and George calling my name gets lost behind their chaos.
George steps in front of me. His gentle gaze looks onto my paralyzed eyes.
My eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes. I watch him do the same.
George’s hand cups my cheek. He leans down as I push up on my toes and circle my arms around his waist. Our lips meet in the middle in a soft and delicate kiss. Showing how scared we are to push our boundaries. Suddenly the cold air enveloping my body disappears and is replaced with this invigorating heat. Starting up in more core, spreading through my limbs and I know George feels it too.
His free hand strokes my hair as he pulls me in close. I reciprocate by pulling him in as well and I can feel the kiss become feverish. Our lips move together in a dance, perfectly mirroring the other’s. His lips are soft and warm, gentle. I can’t help but feel like we were made to fit with each other. That there is no one else we were made for.
Draco. His blonde hair, pale skin, and rare laugh filters through my senses. An overwhelming pressure fills my chest and I can’t breathe. I pull away from George and all the warmth escapes me. Chills run up and down my spine, one right after another with no recovery time. My breath won’t escape past my throat and I can’t manage to breathe in enough to make a difference. I look down at my hands and find them shaking along with my legs and suddenly I am on the snow covered ground.
“I think this is the one.” Draco tells me what Blaise said about us. I hear his voice to the left, but as I turn to look I see nothing but the darkness.
“My mom asked me if I could see you being the one I marry.” Draco’s voice is now to my right. Turning my head again I see nothing.
“This should end in marriage,” it’s Pansy’s voice now. “I’ve been wanting you two together for so long.” Coming from her that is a big complement.
All these people believe that me and Draco are it. The couple that ends up spending forever together. That makes each other happy, who gets married, makes a family, and eventually dies together. But all I feel is completely and utterly alone, even when with him. As far as I can tell he doesn’t feel the same. He likes our arrangement. All these people are counting on this, counting on me to make it work. Have I tried enough? Am I enough? I can’t disappoint them? But could I in turn disappoint George?
“(Y/N),” George’s gentle voice breaks through the noise in my head. I can feel his warm hand on my shoulder and I cling my hand to his. His touch grounding me to reality. “Stop thinking about what everyone wants. Forget about your friends, Draco, your family, and even me.”
His other hand rests under my chin and guides me to look up at him. To look into his beautiful shinning eyes. The eyes that can always look into my soul and never show judgement when others would. He nods his head, signaling for me to do what he says.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I see my friends before me, lined side-by-side. I watch as they progressively appear smaller and smaller, until they are so far away I can’t see them. I do the same with my family and Draco. Seeing George swallowed up by the darkness almost causes me to ache. But he is soon gone too and I am left alone to my mind.
“Think about what you want.” George’s voice sounds far away even though he is right in front of me. As if one of us is underwater and the world around is muffled. “Imagine what will make you happy. Picture what is worth being upset about. Think of what you are willing to fight for. Take your time, and when you’re ready open your eyes.”
I picture myself sitting by the fire with a book in my hand, snuggled up with a blanket. The radio playing in the distance as a waft of the delicious dinner being made in the kitchen. Sleepiness pulls at my eye lids as a pair of smooth lips grace my forehead. He hands me a cup of tea and I watch the steam roll off and into the surrounding air. I can’t see who the man is. His face is fuzzy, confirming that I am not quite sure who I want.
Now I am in the kitchen making dinner. The radio fills the room as two arms circle around my waist. He turns me around and pulls me close to his chest. We don’t speak, instead we enjoy one another’s presence as our bodies drift through the kitchen.
Next I am on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down my face. My throat is raw from our argument. Of shouting over each other as we cried through it. We’ve been fighting recently about his long hours, only wanting to hang out with the guys, and not helping much with the kids. I watch the tears fall down his face and I have an overwhelming urge to hug him. I want him to know how much I love him, how much I want him, that I need him. That I want him to love, want, and need me back. And I do. I head over to him and hug him. At first he is shocked and then hugs me back. We both say we are sorry for hurting the other and decide to work this out.
The only thing that is missing is his face.
I open my eyes and I finally feel the cool wind blow against my tear-stained cheeks. George is still in front of me. I have no idea how long we’ve been in this position but judging by my cold legs it has been a while. Color lights up George’s face as his body attempts to keep him warm, and I suppose mine appears the same.
“Don’t decide now. Think about it more. I want you to be happy, (Y/N). If you choose him, or to be single then I’ll back off. I’ll be your friend if you still want me to. If you choose me though, I will do everything I can to make you happy.” He wipes away fresh tears from my cheeks and places an innocent kiss on my forehead. “We should probably go inside. I don’t want you getting sick from the cold.”
He offers me one of his hands and I gladly take it. As he opens the door the warmth from the fire hits me in the face and I know things will be okay. I will send an owl to Draco in the morning about needing more. I’ll see if he is willing to establish a date night, and see how I feel about him after a few of them. Because of the others I can’t give up without believing I tried. I know if I decide to break up with him that I’ll want to be single for a little while. Straighten out my mind better, make sure I can be what George deserves. And I’ll let him know that, and that he doesn’t have to wait around for me. Even though I’ll secretly will want him to.
What would you decide to do?
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soft-glitch · 4 years
Through Thick And Thin
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Type: hurt/comfort, platonic fluff
Word count: about 2700 words
Author’s notes: this year was a mess. But I’m grateful for a few things that happened to me in 2020. One of these things is getting into the Sonic fandom, which helped me find joy in being creative again. Another is a budding friendship with someone really cool, that I can only hope will last for a long time.
This fic is kind of a gift to that person for New Year’s Day. To everyone, but especially to you O, I wish a happy new year and many good things to come.
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It was not an easy morning.
Shadow had always been an early bird. He never needed much sleep compared to other mobians, thanks to his bio-engineered origins. This was both a blessing and a curse, depending on the days.
Being able to stay up most of the night during missions proved useful more than once. On the other hand, when ugly thoughts would assail him and sleeping them away was not an option, well… It was suddenly much less interesting.
On this last day of December, the hedgehog could not shake uneasy feelings. Between Eggman’s plotting and his own personal issues Shadow always had rough times, but this year had been… a lot.
Walking silently in the empty corridor, careful not to wake up anyone in the household, the dark mobian reached the kitchen and started preparing hot chocolate. Since most of his friends knew about his sweet tooth he didn’t bother hiding it anymore, and Rouge always made sure they were stocked up on cocoa.
While waiting for the milk to warm, he glanced at the clock on the wall. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The eerie calm of early hours often made Shadow slightly uncomfortable. Despite his introvert side enjoying the peaceful solitude, it was also a moment where his thoughts would simmer in his mind, either awoken by confuse dreams or simply emerging as the day started. He would often put some music or read a book to avoid thinking too hard about it.
Didn’t always work, though.
Taking a deep breath the hedgehog felt some relief at the sweet scent of chocolate. He took a small sip before moving to roll himself in blankets on the large couch. With a long and noisy yawn he reached for the remote and pointed it at the large TV screen in front of him. Maybe there was something nice to watch while waiting for his roommates to get up.
- - - - -
When Shadow opened his eyes again, sunlight was gently glowing through the translucent curtains of the living room. Which meant it was probably kind of late already. It seemed he fell back asleep at some point.
With a frown, he rubbed his dishevelled quills and took a look at his phone. Almost 11am, and no sign of Rouge or Omega... This was odd, especially since they planned on spending the New Year’s Eve together.
That’s when he noticed an envelope lying on the small coffee table, next to his now empty mug. It was plain kraft, with a small card inside that only offered an address and the words “At noon, don’t be late hun”.
Obviously from Rouge. She loved putting mystery and drama in everything she did. Shadow huffed and shook his head.
Did that mean his friends got up without waking him and prepared some kind of surprise? However silly it was, this simple envelope brought some warmth to the hedgehog’s heart. He got up to take a quick shower and prepare for the day, a small smile peeking at the corner of his lips.
- - - - -
The location was one Shadow didn’t particularly recognise, a small intersection in a popular part of the town. Since Team Dark lived in a suburban area and their job at G.U.N was usually all over the world, his knowledge of the city was lacklustre. Right as his phone displayed 12pm a text popped up on the screen.
Rouge Right behind the shoes store, a cafe.
The striped mobian rolled his eyes with a hint of amusement. Even for something as simple as a New Year between friends, the bat couldn’t help making some kind of fun game to play. Shadow would gladly proclaim it futile and childish, but he actually enjoyed these quirky adventures his best friend always peppered in his life.
What he saw next filled him with pure joy. Of course Rouge wouldn’t choose a random cafe to meet. She had to make it extra one way or another, and she just knew how to please him.
The Gentle Garden Chao Café & Flower Shop
Almost giddy at the idea of having some sweets surrounded by chao, the ultimate lifeform stepped into the small establishment. A quick glance around made him happy beyond words: soft muted lights and warm colours complemented vintage furniture, large potted plants adorned all sides of the place, and —most importantly— chao of every kind were all over the place, either walking, being cuddled by clients or sleeping on small pillows.
In the back of the room was a large counter, behind which a massive chalkboard displayed both the cafe menu and prices of various flower arrangements.
Before Shadow could go and talk to the barista, a familiar face caught his attention. Rouge was there, sitting nonchalantly and sipping some drink in the most ostentatious way possible.
The hedgehog smirked and sat in front of her.
“So...?” he started with a raised brow. “So what? Did you think I’d let you stay home for this special day?” Rouge huffed between two exaggerated sips. “It’s just New Year’s Eve, not an anniversary or something...” Shadow said, glancing at the table.
He realised an order of white chocolate cappuccino —his very favourite drink— and forêt noire —one of his favourite sweets— were set in front of him. For a second he felt something rise in his chest. A mix of gratitude and that odd yet pleasing vulnerability he could only feel with his closest friends.
“I know it’s just the new year.” the bat leaned on the table, her eyes both tender and serious. “I also know you haven’t been doing great lately. It’s been a difficult time, and of course it won’t magically be over as midnight comes, but...”
She looked in the distance, her eyes piercing through the windows and their cold winter lighting. Shadow could very clearly feel the bittersweet essence of her expression. This year had also been hard on her.
“We’re in this together, y’know.” she resumed, turning a gentle smile towards him. “And while I can’t resolve every problem we have, I can at least invite my emo bestie to enjoy some chao and indulge in sugary treats!”
The hedgehog chuckled at this, then raised his cappuccino mug. “Let’s have a good time, then. To us bitches.” he said with a knowing grin. “To us bitches!” she exclaimed happily. ”Now drink that ‘ccino, we have chao to cuddle.”
Some laughs and friendly banter later, two chao had found their way on Shadow. One was sleepily nested on his legs while the other was playing on his head, brushing his quills curiously.
“You really have your way with them, just like Omega...” Rouge remarked. She loved the little creatures very much, but she never seemed to attract them as easily as her two partners. No one really knew why and she honestly didn’t mind. It was fun enough to observe them from a distance: no risks of ruined haircut or having one mess with her wings.
“This is the best.” the hedgehog whispered, his voice full of emotion. His friend chuckled. Shadow was endearing in many ways, but his love for plants and creatures was unparalleled in an extremely wholesome way.
“Did you ever consider adopting one?” she asked before biting into her remaining pastry. Shadow’s expression became slightly somber as he looked at her. “I…” he sighed and scratched the sleeping one’s head. “I always wanted to, I guess. Even on the Ark, once we learned about them with Maria, we used to pretend having one. There was a plush, I don’t remember its name. We would play parents, bring it along for walks across the Ark, this kind of things.”
Rouge nodded sympathetically. Maria was less and less a sensitive subject as years went by, but Shadow was still defensive about these memories. Sharing them was one of the most intimate things he would do, and she felt honoured every time it happened.
“Maybe one day.” the hedgehog shrugged with a tired smile. ”Right now our lives are too dangerous. I can’t raise one properly as long as we keep fighting and going on missions Chaos knows where. – Let’s hope we get Eggman and his clique once and for all, then!” Rouge said with a grin. “Can’t wait to have you pester us with photos of your ugly little baby.”
The genuine laugh that followed made the bat beam with happiness.
- - - - -
The very specific atmosphere of New Year’s Eve was not lost to the two mobians as they strolled in the city. Streets were bustling with activity, but in a way that felt distinct from other winter holidays. The ambient anticipation was less frantic, almost… solemn. Instead of rushing for gifts and food, people seemed determined to enjoy the final hours of this year.
Shadow found it interesting, not without its charm. He was more used to strolls in mountains, lonely forests and small paths undulating through fields. The buzzing activity of the city was something else —very nice, though. Plus Rouge knew every neighbourhood surprisingly well, and offered him little fun facts and stories about all sorts of buildings and places.
“It’s a real shame we don’t get more free time between G.U.N and Eggman.” the bat lamented. “There are so many nice spots I’d love to visit with Omega and you. – We do have vacations once in a while.” Shadow replied. “Yeah, but they’re either ruined by some apocalyptic event or by an intense need for rest.” she sighed. “We can’t enjoy the Museum of Arts if we’re falling asleep every two paintings.”
The dark mobian nodded. Technically Omega and him didn’t need a lot of sleep, but being world-saving heroes brought its own kind of mental fatigue. Moments of calm and respite were too few and far between.
“Well. Next time we have some days off we’ll organise a Team Dark afternoon.” Shadow offered. “An exhibit or two, some games at the arcade. Maybe a small concert at a cafe. – Oh my. Hun, I’m impressed to see you take this kind of initiatives.” the bat replied.
The hedgehog gave her a friendly nudge. “Shut up, can’t let you make all the decisions. – I don’t see why not.” Rouge shrugged with a knowing smile.
They suddenly stopped. Without really realising it, the duo had reached the large avenue leading back to their house. As they exchanged a glance, Rouge winked. “Omega must be waiting for us. Let’s move!” she said cheerfully.
- - - - -
An immediate wave of relief filled Shadow as soon as they passed the front door. “Finally some warmth.” he sighed, removing his large coat and thick scarf. “I was expecting your lowered body temperatures.” Omega’s robotic voice answered from the kitchen. “Hot tea and biscuits are ready for immediate consumption. Made with love.”
Rouge snickered and Shadow repressed a chuckle.  Both knew Omega was absolutely unable to cook anything without setting fire to it, so the biscuits were probably store-bought. They still appreciated the gesture greatly.
Everyone gathered around the table, remembering stories about the now-ending year and its numerous developments. Adrenaline-filled fights, obscure investigations and exhausting assignments went alongside hilarious mistakes, glorious teamwork… and even celebratory moments with all the other heroes of Mobius.
“Okay, but the award for the best party of the year still goes to Knuckles’ surprise birthday.” Rouge said confidently while helping Omega put on a colourful crochet beanie. “Ughh please. Let’s not talk about it.” Shadow groaned, knowing exactly where this was going. “It was extremely fun. The fireworks accident made it over 200% better than any other celebration.” the robot insisted. “Oh right, I almost forgot about that!” the bat laughed. “Poor Knuckie, having to deal with a fire hazard on his cherished island…”
Memories of the furious echidna shouting frantically brought a grin to Shadow’s face. “But!” Rouge added, ”I mostly remember someone having a few drinks too much and— – NOPE!” the hedgehog exclaimed as he brandished his hands. “No talk of this specific event shall happen in this house. Ever.”
Omega tapped his fingers on the table as he eyed his smaller friend. “It is a shame I did not record it for ulterior viewing.” Shadow’s glare was so intense the former badnik recoiled slightly.
“Oh well, it’s all in the past now.” Rouge mused teasingly. ”Good times, good times...”
- - - - -
The closet was absurdly full of useless trinkets and Shadow was very, very close to “fix” it with a Chaos blast.
Of course he wouldn’t, knowing how preciously Rouge kept all those odd items from her past. Jewels, foreign souvenirs, postcards, old plushies, photographs… All her memorabilia was kept there, in a mismatched mess mixed up with cleaning supplies, spare beddings and various tools.
“They should be somewhere near the bottom!” the bat shouted from across the flat. The hedgehog growled, his eyes desperately scanning the clutter in front of him. Finally he found what he came for.
Fairy lights. The essential accessory to any LRCS —Living Room Camping Session.
Shadow walked back to the main room, where a drying rack and several chairs formed a structure covered by sheets and blankets. Omega was evaluating whether the improvised tent was big enough for him. “It is perfect, Rouge. We will be able to fit within the designated comfy area.” he said before crawling underneath the colourful construction.
The hedgehog carefully hung the string of lights around and inside the tent before plugging it. Rouge grabbed some snacks and scuttled against the large robot, who fiddled with the remote until a title screen showed on the TV.
“Are we really watching this?” Shadow asked hesitantly. “Shadow. We all know your inclination for romance between organic beings. Please come cuddle so we can start the movie.” Omega said. “Don’t tell me you suddenly decided to hate cheesy fiction, sweetie.” Rouge added. “I would rather perish than lose your snarky remarks and teary-eyed spee— – Alright, I get it, I’m coming.” the hedgehog replied with a frown. “This better be good, though.”
It was everything but good. Outbursts of laughter and incredulous stares followed one another as the movie —a romantic parody of the famous blockbuster Attack On Mobius— kept getting more and more absurd. Omega threatened to turn himself off as he struggled to find any reasoning behind what was happening, and Rouge almost choked on her pop-corn near the end of the second part.
When the credits started rolling, the three buddies snuggled together. The winter night cold was no match for a group hug and thick quilts. Shadow eyed his phone and hummed.
“It’s almost midnight. – Does that mean we have to prepare a wish?” Rouge asked in a sleepy voice. “We don’t have to.” the hedgehog replied, glancing at his two friends.
Has to be an odd sight, he thought. A haphazard team with so many differences, united by pure luck in a challenging world. Chilling together in a makeshift tent in the middle of a flat like nothing else mattered. He closed his eyes and took a moment to appreciate the warm feelings. Being surrounded by such amazing souls for whom he really mattered. Knowing all the affection and dedication hidden behind that seemingly cold name, “Team Dark”.
“I wished for a pony.” Both Omega and Shadow looked at their bat friend with tilted heads. “What? They’re cute, I dunno.” she shrugged with a shit-eating grin. “What would you guys wish for? – Dual plasma swords.” the robot replied. “Maybe I should ask Miles when we cross paths again.”
Rouge rolled her eyes, then shouted curse words as she realised midnight was mere seconds away. Omega startled, making the whole tent fall on the team. The striped hedgehog quickly covered his muzzle with his hands, trying to suppress an irresistible laugh. No matter how hard life was, no matter the obstacles in his way, one thing was certain as the year came to an end.
Friendship was all he could wish for.
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dubububbles · 4 years
SHINee’s reaction when being asked about their gf in an interview
(can i please request a scenario or reaction of shinee being asked about their gf on an interview?)
Requested by anon 
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“You recently revealed that you are in a relationship with y/n. What made you decide to make it known and how did your fans react to the news?” 
Onew would be very flustered to hear your name come up in the midst of an interview, since he had never really openly discussed your relationship before. He would feel very shy and not know how to address it without giving away too many details by accident. 
“Ah, that… uhm…” he stammered and rubbed the back of his neck a bit nervously. 
Whenever he spoke of you he would blush and not be able to hold back a smile, even in front of the other members, and they would often tease him about it. But once they saw how their hopeless leader was struggling, they would put that aside and step in to help. 
“I think what Onew hyung is trying to say is that it was a mutual decision for them to reveal it and that our fans are happy as long as he is happy.” Minho answered in his place. 
Onew then slowly nodded to show he agreed and also added a small sentence of his own with a nervous smile. The other members then collectively helped to change the subject in his favor. 
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When a question about dating came up during a group interview all the members slowly turned in Jonghyun’s direction, because he was the only one in a public relationship at that time. When all the attention was suddenly on him he would feel a bit shy but also happy. 
“Oh, me?” he would ask and act oblivious at first to make the other members laugh before turning back to the interviewer to receive a more specific question, since the others had already pointed him out as the scapegoat. 
“Oh, Jonghyun-shi. You are in a relationship with y/n, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, that’s right. We are both dating happily.” he answered with a fond smile and then received a row of related questions, such as how you met and how long you had been dating. 
You had been open about your relationship for the past few months so it wasn’t odd for him to get questions about you. It also didn’t bother him, as long as it didn’t concern either of your privacy, and he would always respond with a lovestruck smile on his face. 
“We’ve been dating for eight months already, hmm and for how we met… well since it’s not a story we want to share with everyone, I’ll leave that to your imagination.” 
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Key had been open about your relationship for a while. He was proud of it and didn’t hesitate to showcase the two of you together on his Instagram or other social media. 
However, he felt a little more hesitant talking about you in interviews, since he wanted to be in control of what you decided to put out there and what to keep private. Whenever he received a question about it he would therefore answer in a careful and vague manner. 
“The next question is for Key. It’s a known fact that you are dating y/n and recently you became known as a ‘visual power couple’ due to a number of social media posts that went viral. Did you know about this?” 
“Oh? Really?” Key perked up at the question and then couldn’t help but laugh, since it wasn’t what he had expected but found himself proud of it. “I actually haven't heard about it but I definitely think they are right.” 
His confident response didn’t surprise the other members and they didn’t hold back from commenting on it and teasing him for the sake of creating good content for the show. It also worked as a way to swing the interview in another direction that wouldn’t circle around their love lives. 
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During a group interview the members would all draw questions at random from fans and Jonghyun happened to draw one directed at the second youngest member. 
“Oh, this question is actually for Minho. It’s about you and your special someone.” he said and turned to him with a small, teasing grin. “Why did you choose to reveal your relationship to the public and what has been the hardest part in doing so?” 
At first Minho had felt a bit nervous at the mention of your relationship, since you were both private and normally wouldn’t talk about it openly. However, after hearing the full question he felt that he could answer it and he would go on to do so with a warm smile. 
“Well, it was actually a mutual decision between y/n and I, since we felt the need to be open with our fans after dating for a long time. The hardest part about it is the fact that we are put in a vulnerable situation, where people sometimes get involved in our private matters.” he began and then continued to explain that despite the hardships and worries he had, he also had a lot of trust for shawols. Since, as a fandom, they were a mirror image of them as a group and normally held a great amount of respect for their private lives and other sensitive matters.
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Taemin was happy and comfortable in your relationship but would restrain from talking too much about it publically, mostly because he didn’t want you to be on the receiving end of negative comments from people who called themselves fans. So, when a question about your relationship came up in an interview, during a corner consisting of fan’s sending in questions, he felt a bit worried at first. 
“My question is for Taemin. Actually, I was curious about how the other members reacted when they first heard about your relationship with y/n?” 
“Ah, the other members?” Taemin repeated and then smiled, since the question was directed more at the rest of SHINee and not at you and him. “Ah well, I think they all reacted the same way. They were supportive but they also teased me a lot.” 
“Since you are the youngest, did the older members give you any advice? And if so, what was the best advice you received?” The interviewer added to follow up on the fan’s question. 
Taemin thought about it for a couple of seconds, while the other members watched him and waited in anticipation. 
“Actually, I didn’t receive any advice that was helpful.” He said at last, in a blunt but playful manner, which instantly had the rest of SHINee react in a mix of baffled laughter and strong disagreement. 
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rinusagitora · 4 years
The love, lead, and the undead.
Fandom: Monster Prom
Characters: Vicky Schmidt, Damien LaVey, Brian Yu, Oz, Zoe, Vera Oberlin, Polly Geist, Amira Rashid, Kale
Pairings: BriDamiVicky, OzZoe, AmiVera
Words: 2.9k
Summary: Canon divergent. Chapter 10/?. WARNINGS- PTSD symptoms, drug use, fanart drawn by @spookyhugsandkisses​;  Everyone is home, and is processing the events that have so far unfolded.
It was one of those nights Oz just wasn't able to focus. Even snuggled against Zoe and watching a goofy, uplifting anime, he couldn't ease the pit in his gut.
Zoe's thumb rubbed his brow. It was nice stimulation, at least. She was sweet in every way.
It was just a bad couple of days, Oz reasoned. He lived through millions. The birth of predator and prey, the fall of civilizations.
Zoe asked, "Do you remember your very first day?"
"Maybe long ago," he replied. "My first memory is in the dark, just beyond an orange light…. I think. There are so many now, it's hard to sort through them."
"Me too."
"What brings this up?" Oz asked.
"This, that, the other," she said. "I'm trying to remember a time before now that I've worked to keep people alive."
He frowned. "We're not very good at it.'
"No," Zoe agreed.
"We try to save people, but… they just end up dying. Or someone does."
She said, "They're all too eager to. Vera happily forked over her soul."
"And they adore destruction…. I hate demons for that reason. The Aquino, the LaVey, gungho for ruination and bloodshed before diplomacy."
"We wouldn't be here without it," Zoe said.
"Don't you tire of it?"
"I never said it didn't."
Oz hummed. His vision was blurry. Phobias kissed Zoe's hand, hugged her knee. He barely understood what Sergeant Frog was saying.
But that was the least of his worries.
"All of this now… what we're doing… is it helping, or is it retribution?"
"That depends on our intentions," she said. "Neutral good and lawful evil can approach a problem the same way and the only thing that puts them apart is their intentions."
Oz sat up. His Phobias whined for her skin like grumpy children. "Do we avenge Vicky?"
"Is she our friend?"
"... she's not innocent in all this."
"No, but that's irrelevant at this point."
He cocked an eyebrow. "How so?"
"We walk among mortals for so long and they rub off on us." Zoe cupped his cheek. Oz's eyes fluttered shut as she pet his cheekbone. "You more than I."
"Are you saying we mingle in these partisan affairs?"
"We already mingle, love," she said. "We've gone this far for them. I don't mind going further."
Oz's Phobias smiled with him. "I love you, Zoe."
Vicky felt like she hadn't been home in years.
It was stale, but just as she left it.
Vicky lingered in the doorway as her boyfriends made a beeline for the bedroom, Damien stripping to his boxers en route and littering his clothes on the floor.
She wasn't sure how she felt about being back. Vicky felt foreign, different, displaced. She stood in the entrance, shoes and jacket still on, and tried to piece it together with a puzzled furrow in her brow.
How many times had Vicky died? Once… twice… thrice? What counted as death and undeath?
Philosophy made her head fuzzy. She pushed off her shoes, not even caring to toss them into the shoe rack inches away, and made for the kitchenette in search of moldy dishes and rotten food. She'd need laundry done too.
"Babe, chores can wait."
Vicky didn't even bother to check if that was Brian or Damien. She said, "I want my place to be clean. Plus, I need clothes for class tomorrow."
"I thought we should skip," Damien said.
"Been through enough to warrant a break," Brian agreed.
She huffed. "I want to see my friends. Liam and Blobert don't know I'm back yet. It's not fair to keep them in the dark."
"Yes," Brian said, sitting on the floor with Vicky, "so we'll call them. Or meet them after school. But Vicky… you're still in fight or flight mode. We need to get out of that."
She laughed wryly. "What, like Hugh isn't at large?"
"There are three of us, and one of him. If he does invade your home, I think we got him," Damien snorted. Brian glared at him over his shoulder.
"Not helpful," he said.
"What? It's true."
Vicky sighed and continued to gather her outfit for tomorrow. She got together something presentable and went to her closet for the wire so she could hang them up in the bathroom. She shook Brian's hand off her pant leg but was caught by Damien a second later.
"Yeah, we're going to bed and sleeping in."
"No," Vicky argued. "I want to go to school."
"Baby, he's right. I'm so tired I'm gonna pass out when I hit the pillow," Damien said.
"Like you don't already?" Vicky snapped. "Dami, let me go. I have to get ready for school."
"We're going to bed," he said, firmly, golden eyes boring into her own.
Her nostrils flared irritably. Vicky adored her boyfriends but everything, the second the door closed, once she was relieved of the worries of her loved ones’ livelihood, she was imprisoned in a maelstrom of conflicted emotions. Fear, grief, rage. Shame that she was annoyed that Brian and Damien breathed over her shoulder. They just missed her. Vicky knew she would have behaved exactly like them if she watched either Brian or Damien die.
But sometimes, Vicky felt like her loved ones forgot she had a threshold. In less than a quarter of a century, Vicky was routinely sexually abused, experimented on by someone even more horrendous than herself as a bank robber, killed someone, and finally, she had died twice.
Vicky felt like she had every right to a night where she didn’t have birds chirping in her ear.
“Move,” Vicky said. “I’m just doing laundry.”
“No. We’re gonna relax tonight.” Damien's voice was rising, he was getting angry. Brian gawked at the scene unfolding from the corner of Vicky's eye.
“I want to go to school. I want to see my friends, and I don’t want to smell like stale laundry when I do!” she insisted, her voice quickly reaching a shrill crescendo in her frustration.
“What is your fucking problem, Vicky?” Damien barked.
“Nothing! I just don’t want to smell like stale laundry when I go to school.”
“It’s safe to say we’re not winning this fight,” Brian grumbled. He tried to grab Vicky’s laundry, and she pulled them away. He scowled and swiped again. “Babe, please give it to me.”
“Am I seriously the only one here who’s exhausted?” Damien said, storming into the living room and tearing at his hair. “It hasn’t even been a fucking week since you died. We’ve been through a lot. We deserve some fucking sleep!”
Vicky whipped to him and screamed, “Like I fucking don’t? Like I fucking didn’t?” Her hair bristled with static. “You can’t fucking begin to comprehend the pain I’ve been through, asshole. I’ll cope however I fucking please.”
“I just watched you and my dad die! Don’t guilt-trip me.”
“Guys,” Brian said as stepped between them, “let’s not get into this. I’ll do the laundry. You two can go to bed.”
Vicky shoved past Brian. “Guilt trip?” she squawked. “You want a fucking guilt trip, Damien? I’ll show you a fucking guilt trip. You could’ve fucking saved me! You knew who took me, but you waited days to get me. Do you know how badly I was hurting? How isolated and confused I was?” She jabbed her finger into his chest. “You’re selfish and… and dictatorial! You got to grow up in a sweet little princely bubble where everything’s fucking rosy, but I was tortured, and killed, and raped, you son of a bitch, and when you guys had the opportunity to help, it you fucking days!”
Brian replied, “What the fuck is wrong with you, Vicky?”
Tearfully, she screamed, “Shut the fuck up, Brian!” She turned back to Damien. He was tearful. Irate. “What the fuck do you have to say for yourself?”
Damien bent over her and said, “I was in so much pain without you, Vicky. I wanted to get you every day. But if we stormed without a plan, they would have killed you.”
“They already killed me!” Every inch of her mortal skin felt hot from her anger. “All I want to do is something mundane to keep my mind of this bullshit, but you guys are breathing down my fucking neck. You don’t have to fucking help me, but I need some room to breathe.”
“You were just fucking murdered and had to fight for your fucking life just a couple of hours ago. Vicky, you can’t work yourself to the bone! I was worried about you and you jumped down my fucking throat!”
Brian pushed the pair apart. “We need to calm down before the cops get called,” he reasoned.
She slapped away Brian’s hand. “Don’t defend him,” she said, “you’re as insufferable as he is!”
“Vicky,” Brian said as he wrapped her fists around her’s, “we weren’t trying to breathe down your neck. We know you’re in pain, and we just wanted to help you feel okay.”
“I don’t get to be okay! I just get to be miserable and hurting!” Vicky slipped away and wept. She combed her fingers through her hair and blubbered noisily. “I’ve wanted so badly to just die so all my pain would end. I’m even in pain when I sleep. But when I die, there’s just more of it. I’m in Hell if I’m not on my way.” Her lip wobbled. “And I drag everyone down with me.”
“You’re not dragging us down,” Brian reassured her.
“Scott,” she argued. “He may as well be dead. He was just a good friend and now he’s a vegetable because of me.” While she cried, she sunk to the floor. “I have to live with all this pain. The second something good happens to me, it’s ruined. I was better off exploited.”
Vicky cried into the carpet. Brian and Damien laid down with her. She clung to them, she blubbered apologies for everything under the sun and cursed her suffering.
Damien stroked her hair, holding her so tightly her back popped. It was so hot between them. She wanted to writhe in pain, in misery, but they caged her. Made her remember her company and her family.
"I'm sorry," she sobbed, "I'm sorry."
Damien hushed her. "It's fine. It's okay."
"I love you all so much."
Brian pressed a kiss to her. Again, again, again, until she was short of breath.
She sat up. Damien laid his head on her lap.
"I'm thirsty," she said, raspy and tired. "I'm going to make tea."
Damien and Brian followed Vicky into the commons. Damien took a seat, and while Vicky prepared water in the kettle, Brian hugged her from behind. Kissed her scalp.
"I missed you," he said. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Vicky swayed. Her eyes watered again. She hated how much she cried. "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
Brian hummed. His cheek laid in her head. "Water under the bridge, and all. Most of it isn't even you." She felt his frown. "Given the chance, I'd light your uncle on fire."
"Fuuuuck," Damien groaned. "If my dad and Hugo are fucking brothers, that means Dahlia is my fucking cousin."
Vicky frowned. "That may become… problematic," she said.
He scratched his ear. "I don't wanna worry about it now…"
"Mood," Brian agreed.
The kettle whistled. Vicky poured it over a tea bag and then took a seat between her boyfriends. They leaned against her, eyes glued to the television screen.
She sipped her tea. Brian and Damien drifted off. They were exhausted, truly. She didn't blame them. It was a long week.
But could she find a reprise? Never.
Something was exhausting about trading with eldritch creatures. Like her chest was scraped with a curette. Painkillers weren’t helping, and Vera was debating whether or not to undergo local anesthesia.
But she was so tired. With Vicky passing, Scott in a coma, and then Vicky returning, she was exhausted. That was the first day in years she hadn’t even checked her phone to work.
She missed Scott so much.
His machines beeped rhythmically. It should've been a peaceful sound. Like white noise. But the context almost put Vera in a fugue state. Catatonic with… with feelings she didn't quite understand.
Amira shook her shoulder. Morning light cast a shadow over the building. It was still dark in their room due to western exposure.
He said, "Baby, you look so… tired. Have you slept?"
"No. I don't think so, at least." Vera only then managed to pull her attention away from Scott. "I need to call in my absence."
"I took care of it," Amira said.
Vera hummed. Her chest still hurt.
"I want to stay here for the day," she told Amira. He nodded.
"Agreed." Amira pulled up a seat and crossed his legs. "He's got some color in his cheeks, though. The witches here are doing a damn good job."
"Nothing can fix everything." Not science, or magic, or what have you. But Amira squeezed her hand.
He said, "I know. But I'm optimistic."
"Aren't you always?" Vera looked back to Scott. He was intubated. Made to breathe. His heart was pumped by machines. Everything mechanical. Vera didn't have high hopes for his survival.
And it broke her heart. Scott could be obnoxious, but he was ultimately harmless! A victim in all this, the truest of them all.
Vera hated the Aquino family for victimizing someone whose inner light brightened the world like the sun. She'd be certain to rain terror on them from on high. To ruin them in every way she could.
Amira seemed to pick up on Vera's vitriol. He said, squeezing her hand again, "Do you want something to eat? Drink?"
"... just some water," she replied quietly.
Amira walked out. Polly floated in a second later.
Vera wasn't in the mood for conversation, but wasn't about to kick out a grieving friend, either. She wordlessly nodded to Polly. Polly smiled. She looked like she, too, was crying.
"I miss you," Polly croaked. "The hardest part of you being gone is that those of us left behind had so much to tell you, so much we wanted to experience with you, and now… now you're gone." She wiped her face. "I'd do anything to make you better, man."
Vera bowed her head, crying too. God, she missed him so much.
That morning, Vicky sent a text to Blobert and Liam to meet them. Of course, she was spammed with messages, but after proving it was her, and telling them she'd explain everything after school, they relented.
They waited in the parking lot hours later. Vicky smoked, and it reminded Brian that he could go for some weed. Everything was so uncertain. So tense. He needed something to ease his nerves.
The bell rang and students began to file out. Kale walked by, oblivious as he played what Brian was sure to be PokeMans.
He elbowed Damien. Both he and his girlfriend turned to him. "I'm gonna talk to Kale if that's cool."
"Go ahead." Vicky smiled a smile that made Brian swoon without fail.
Damien pecked Brian on the lips. "We'll hold down the fort, babe."
Brian strode to catch up to Kale, before saying, "Hey, man! It's been a minute."
Kale turned around, bark crunching, and smiled. "Hey there. Glad to see you back." He pulled his headphones around his neck. "I heard Vicky's back too."
"Yeah. It's…"
"A long story?"
"You have no idea."
"As fun as the details prolly are, I'm sure you'd rather wind down."
"You read my mind." Brian pulled a baggie out of his coat pocket. "You got a minute?"
Brian and Kale found a secluded bench where the air smelled fresh and the only sounds were birds chirping. Traffic was completely absorbed by tall hedges.
They made their joints and then leaned back to enjoy them. It lingered in his lungs, making him buzz pleasantly. He could feel his stiff, rotten muscles easing.
"The fuck even happened?" Kale asked. Brian hummed dumbly. "With Vicky, I mean."
"Oh." Brian frowned as he ruminated. "She got into some trouble during a job. Some people didn't like it, and so they took her out." That was the simplest explanation, without the messy politics of Hell, and without a long story that was sure to just make Brian miserable.
"She's back now, at least."
"Equally as complicated," Brian told him.
"I bet." Kale took a puff. They sat in silence for a good minute. "It's fucked up, though. Are you sure you're cut out for this shit?"
Brian was a little hurt by that like Kale was suggesting it was somehow Vicky and Damien's vault she was murdered. It was a power grab. That's all.
But Kale was just trying to be a good friend, Brian reminded himself. He said, "Yeah. All this bullshit just reassured me how much I love them, y'know?"
"I'll take your word for it. I dunno much about that love bullshit, but if you're happy, man…" Kale trailed off and shrugged.
Again, silence as they smoked. That was something he liked about Kale. How laid back he was. As fun as the insanity as Spooky High was, it was much nicer when insanity was a fraction of his day. Brian preferred sleeping like the dead or getting as close to it as possible.
Kale then asked, "What're you gonna do after all this?"
Brian pondered for only a second before he pictured Vicky and Damien in wedding garb from his home country.
"I want to get married."
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krreader · 5 years
ensorcell | chapter 7.
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pairing: prince!taehyung x reader ; park jimin x your best friend fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; prince!taehyung ;  arranged marriage ; language genre: fluff ; angst ; smut word count: 2.4k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6
summary: it was funny, how meeting one single person could change your life forever. you were ordinary, he was not. he was rich, you were not. he fell in love with you and so did you. even though he was never supposed to.
a/n: Idk, it never feels like the last update has been so long ago and then I’m like F U C. but anyways, I hope you like this chapter, because I am so excited for it!!!
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“Come on, this isn't even a hard topic,” your best friend said over FaceTime.
“You try balancing university and the life of a royal, we'll see how you do.
You let out a breath when you scratched out almost half the page that you had just written.
Your mind was somewhere else, you couldn't focus on your studies, but you knew you had to if you wanted to graduate.
“I'll send you my material once I'm home, okay? Everything I have. Maybe that'll help you.”
“Thank you,” the corner of your mouth raised into a small smile, “And I'm sorry I haven't called much lately.”
“Don't be sorry, I know life must be difficult, but.. well.. Jimin invited me to stay with him for a few weeks once I'm done with this semester and I accepted. To see him, but most importantly, to see my best friend again.”
“Wh..- Are you serious?!” you grabbed your phone and pulled it closer, “Don't joke around, please, I don't think I can handle it right now.”
“I wouldn't joke when it comes to this,” she giggled, “I thought it'd be good to be by your side again. I'll arrive a few days before the wedding and will stay three weeks in total. So I can help you with anything you need.”
“You are truly the best.”
“I know,” she brushed her hair back behind her shoulders, making both of you laugh, “Okay, gotta go, sweetheart. I'll text you when I'm home, alright?”
“Okay. Be safe. Love you.”
“Love you too,” and with that she ended the call and you pulled the phone to your chest, falling back into the mattress so happily at the thought of finally seeing your best friend again.
Taehyung, his mother and his siblings were all doing their best to make you feel at home here, but having her by your side would truly make you feel at ease for once.
The closer the wedding day came, the more nervous you got and the more stressed, equally.
You were now being tutored in politics, history, economy and geography, but also had to attend classes on how to act, speak, walk and dress like a princess. On top of that, you had your normal courses that you had to finish, had a wedding to plan, had to get to know your future husband and had to make sure to stay out of trouble.
To sum it up, you were close to having mental breakdowns every single night.
“What got you so happy?” Taehyung knocked and then walked in when you sat back up.
“Did you know that (Y/B/F) would visit soon? Jimin invited her and she'll be here before the wedding and will stay for three weeks!” you literally bubbled with excitement.
“Jimin invited her?” Taehyung sat down on the couch in your room, a small smile tugging on his face, “Wow.. if he invites her here he must be really serious about her.”
“Well, maybe we can convince them to marry too. We could have a double wedding,” you joked, making him chuckle.
The relationship between you and him had shifted.
You were comfortable around each other now, called each other friends already.. but because of how busy you both were, nothing more was able to blossom so far.
It had stayed at that last kiss for the cameras. Now you only held hands and hugged each other when out in public, but only so that the story you were trying to convey was being more believable and you still were in the good graces of the public.
The pressure was simply making it hard for you two to step your relationship up a notch, but you figured that being friends with him was a good first step. Everything else would hopefully happen naturally.
“How are your studies going?” he asked as he got back up to look over your shoulder, only to snort when he saw the page being an absolute mess, scribbles everywhere and it didn't seem to make any sense at all, “Not good, I see.”
“Maybe I should just quit. I mean, it's settled now that I'll become a queen eventually, I don't really need my degree, right?”
“Hey, don't say that,” Taehyung shook his head, “You've worked so hard for your education before you met me. Don't let me ruin it. I don't want that.”
“I just can't seem to focus on it right now.. there's too much other stuff going on.”
“Listen,” he sat down next to you, his hand carefully on top of yours as he wasn't sure what you were comfortable with, but when you turned it around so that he could hold it, he got his answer, “I know that this is a lot.. it would be for anyone, but you're not alone in this. I think you should focus more on this right now,” he looked at your notebook, “Let me and my family handle the wedding stuff.”
“Your father won't be happy I'm skipping his very important 'royal history' classes, though.”
“They're boring anyways, I can sum it up for you in twenty five minutes and you'd never have to have one of those classes again,” he loved making you smile. He loved your smile. Did he ever say that to you? Maybe not.. he should tell you how much he loved seeing you like this, “Let me talk to him.”
That made you beam. The thought alone of dropping one class, whether it be for your royal duties or your uni degree made it all seem so much easier all of a sudden.
“I'd appreciate it.”
“Perfect. Then I'll do that.”
There was a moment of silence between you two, you lowering your head to look at your hands until he did the same, his thumb gently brushing over your skin with a smile.
“It's hard to find moments like this,” Taehyung admitted, “I wish we could have more before the wedding..”
“Well.. we'll have plenty afterwards,” you wiggled your eyebrows, making Taehyung chuckle once more
And as if on cue, because you truly did not get a break in this palace, the door to your room got opened and his father entered without bothering to see whether or not that was even okay.
You would have expected Taehyung to jump up and away from you, but he did not. He stayed on your bed and he kept holding your hand.
After all, you were becoming his wife, so holding hands was allowed, right? “What are you doing here?” his father asked.
“I think I have more reason to be here than you do,” he retorted.
Taehyung had admitted that the relationship with his father was becoming worse by the day and you could really feel it. The atmosphere was so chilly all of a sudden.
“Never mind. I need both of you anyways. We have a situation that requires your attention.”
“A situation?” you asked, now both of you getting up from the bed and following him when he left the room wordlessly.
He was on his own, only his assistant following him like an obedient dog.
You thought he might give you a little bit more details as to what it is that was going on all of a sudden, but you got nothing out of his father and neither did Taehyung, despite him continuously asking.
You only realized what was going on when you entered a room in which two people were in.
One, Taehyung was not pleased to see at all.
“What is this?”
“Well, well, well, if it isn't my future husband,” Princess Dae, then. She got up from the couch and wanted to approach Taehyung, seemed to want to kiss his cheek, but he caught her arms in time and gently pushed her away, shaking his head.
“Stop this.”
“Princess Dae and her father are here because of a proposal,” Taehyung's father said, his hands confidently behind his back.
“I thought we were done with proposals,” Taehyung took a step back and wrapped an arm around your middle to pull you close, “We agreed on what's going to happen.” “Well.. you agreed and completely left me out,” Dae sighed heavily and plopped down next to her father, “Very rude, Taehyungie.”
The nickname coming from her made him cringe visibly.
“Taehyung, you've always been a very smart man. You've always put your kingdom first and knew what was best for your people. I know that. That is why I wanted my daughter to marry you, because I knew she and you together would be wonderful rulers,” her father started, taking a sip from his drink, before continuing, “What happened was.. unfortunate. But I can not blame you. I was a young man too, once. I wanted to experiment and see what the real world was like out there. I, however, was smart enough not to get caught while doing so.”
Taehyung snorted and shook his head, “This is ridiculous.”
“Listen to what he has to say, son.”
“Our agreement was to have half of what's ours be yours. But you see, I'm old, Taehyung. My wife is old. We want to settle down, we want to be normal and live a normal life. We want to spend the rest of our days in peace with dogs and grandchildren, not rule until an heir is old enough to take my place. So we thought, why not give you all?”
“Excuse me?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“If you marry my daughter, my kingdom will fully be yours. Everything I own, every piece of land, every men at my disposal.. it will all be yours. Instead of splitting my kingdom with you, I'm transferring all of its power to you and your kingdom. You will have double the resources, double the men and double the power.”
Taehyung stared at him for a moment, then turned his head to his father, “Are you serious?! I'm getting married to (Y/N) in two weeks, we held a press conference and told our people, everything is decided! And you're still trying to sway me?!”
“Taehyung,” you said quietly, trying to have him calm down. Him screaming at his father, king or no king, was probably not a good idea right now.
“We need this. You know that our kingdom isn't doing as well as it once was anymore. With this, with their kingdom at our disposal, we'd be so well off economically that we or our people would never have to worry again!” the king took four large steps, then he was right in front of Taehyung, grabbing his face to make him look at him. Really look at him, “I want what's best for you. For your future. For the future of our kingdom. And this deal is the best we could ever get.”
It was a weird situation, because they were talking about marrying him off to someone else, while you were still in the room.. did anybody pay attention to you? Only Taehyung. To the rest, you were invisible.
Your betrothed pushed away his father's hands and grabbed yours to pull you out of your room.
But before you were gone, his father said: “There will be another press conference tonight, Taehyung. I trust you will do the right thing. For all of us.”
He stopped for a moment, you thinking he might say something else, but he didn't.
He just pulled you along.
You wanted to talk to him about what had just happened, wanted to discuss it, especially because you felt like he needed to vent, but you couldn't.
Because he dropped you off at your room and you could see that he was angry. More than you'd ever seen him before.
“Do you trust me?” he said out of the blue.
“I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have agreed to any of this if I didn't.”
“Then let me handle all of this. Stay in your room until my sister gets you later. Please..”
You let out a breath and gently cupped his face.
You wished he could have stayed, but he only wrapped his hands around your wrists, kissed your forehead and then pushed them away to go and do whatever it was that he felt like he had to.
And you were doing exactly what he said, not knowing at all what was going to happen next.
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It's been three hours and you had really felt those hours.
You had tried to distract yourself, but nothing worked.
At this point you were just walking up and down your room, waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Until finally the door got opened and his sister walked in.
You thought she might take you somewhere, but she immediately shook her head, “Sit..”
“Oh god.. he took the deal, didn't he?”
“Just.. turn on your TV. And please sit down, I don't think you can stand.”
That worried you ten times more.
Why couldn't she just tell you what the hell was going on? Why did she now have to make it such a mystery, too?
She sat down next to you as you did what she asked, the press conference starting any second.
“This day must have been draining for you. I'm very sorry about that.”
“I just wish I would know what the hell is going on..”
“You're about to find out,” she straightened her back when her brother appeared on TV.
He was dressed in his finest suit, looked as dashing as he always did, but.. a lot more stern than usual. Tonight, Taehyung looked less like a prince and more like a king.
You gulped down hard and prepared yourself mentally for him saying that he was going to marry someone else and that this fantasy of him and you was over before it could even really start.
“This is all very last minute, so please excuse me for not having a proper speech tonight, but I think you will forgive me,” he said with a charming smile, making the press in the room chuckle. He was a natural at this, “Some of you have already published articles throughout the course of the day about the rumors of Princess Dae and I possibly getting married after all. Now, I want to make it very clear.. these are rumors.”
You let out a sigh of relief and leaned forward, burying your face in your hands.
But you didn't get a break.
You never got a break here.
His sister softly brushed her hand up and down your back until you were looking at her.
“He'd never hurt you, (Y/N),” she whispered.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice laced with confusion
“I mean.. he loves you too much to lose you.”
And as your eyes widened at the word love, you turned your head back to the TV, just in time to hear Taehyung say: “You have all been so kind in the support of my fiancé, the future princess and queen (Y/N). I could not be more grateful to you all. Especially in times such as this one.”
You got up on your feet, his sister trying to pull you back, but you just kept walking forward with furrowed eyebrows until you were right in front of the screen.
“I am hereby announcing that my fiancé, future princess (Y/N) and I, are expecting a child.”
Well.. when the fuck did that happen?
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Dreamer File 06
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
 Trigger Warning: sudden death of a loved one, drug overdose, suicidal, depression, homophobic mentioned.
 Warning: ooc, angst, bad grammar, plot holes (serious case of plot holes, guys, please don't chew me), etc.
 A/N: This one is very cringe-worthy but I thought I would post it anyway. I might edit it again if ever I would be hit with a better version of it. The villain here is based on Jasmine from Angel.
   You know how we always think we have more time in life with the people you love? Well, you're wrong. You have to make sure that you tell them every day that you love them and make happy memories with them. Because you've no idea when and where they would be ripped away from you.
 My name is (name) and I'm a traveller in time and space with the Doctor. I have been traveling with the Doctor on his twelfth incarnation and I was best friend with Clara. After Clara died, the Doctor never come back for me until after he has regenerated. And now he is a she. And she is so beautiful and amazing. I can't help but start to catch feeling for her.
 She invited me to travel again with her and her other companion, Yaz, Ryan and Graham. I love being with them. The Doctor called us her fam and our dynamic did feel like a close family.
 The only other family I have is my Dad and I love him very much. He raised me alone. My mom died after giving birth of me. It has always been the two of us. We have no one else. Mom and Dad were married without consent from their respective parents. They never went back to reconnect and their parents didn't bother to look for us either so...
 I wanted Dad to know who the Doctor is and I would really like to share my adventure with him. I hated keeping secret from him the first time around and now that I was traveling again with the Doctor again, I would like it for them to meet already. 
 My dad is a fan of Elvis so I begged the Doctor to let me tell my dad about what it is we have been doing and to request a favour from the Doctor to allow my dad one trip to travel the past and meet Elvis. The Doctor eventually agreed. 
 I told my dad about the Doctor and of course, he didn't believe me up until he saw the Tardis. My dad is concerned that the trips I have been taking will be dangerous. I have to lie that we are always safe with the Doctor. Of course, I know the Doctor can't always save everyone. Clara is the proof of that. But that doesn't deter me for wanting to see more of the universe that the Doctor offered. So I distract my dad with the trip to meet Elvis and I was glad to see him so happy.
 My dad has always known that I like girls so he could spot that I have feeling for the Doctor. 
 "Shut it, Dad, it wasn't like that. The Doctor is so out of my league. There is no way she would go for someone like me."
 "Now don't say that. You are a wonderful person. Any women would be lucky to have you."
 "Oh, dad, you're the only one who said that and that is only because you are my dad."
 "But it's true though, you are a wonderful person and you have to believe that yourself, dear."
 We hugged each other.
 "So what do you think?" My dad asked me as he showed his outfit to resemble Elvis.
 "You are very handsome, dad." I answered with a grin. "So, let's go meet Elvis."
 Now that my dad know what I have been doing, I felt less guilty for keep ditching him for the Doctor. Though now I get to brag about my adventures to him. We went to watch movie together the day after the Doctor dropped us all back on earth for a break from our routine adventure.
 And that is when thing turned ugly in a blink of an eye.
We are going home after the movie when someone threaten us with a gun, demanding we gave him our bag and wallet. Dad is trying to calm the agitated man down. I gave him my bag and prayed that he would go away. I didn't know what happen next, it was all a blur. Next thing I know my dad was shot.
 "Dad!! NO!!" I screamed as my dad fell into the ground. "Help!! Please someone help!" I yelled.
 The man who robbed us has left with my bag and my dad's wallet. He got what he wanted so why did he have to shot him?
 Such a senseless violence. One bullet and my dad is just gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye.
 I sat staring blankly at nothing. My hands was covered in blood, my dad's blood. I ignored the officers who are trying to get me to respond.
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham ran through the corridor until they spotted me sitting in a bench, still in a state of shock.
 "(name)!" Yaz called out and bend her knees in front of me. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"
 I glanced at her and tears started falling down my cheeks. "My dad is gone..." I whispered brokenly.
 Yaz hugged me close and rubbed my back soothingly. Ryan and Graham exchanged a sad look with each other.
 The Doctor finally come to see me. I know she was bad at social interaction. She didn't know what to do to console me.
 I suppose it was unfair of me to corner her like that but I wasn't exactly in my right mind.
 "Save him." I begged, no, I demanded. "Save my dad."
 "(name), you know I can't do that."
 "Why not? You did it for Clara. You got Danny Pink back for her."
 The fam is confused because they didn't know Clara or Danny but I do. I remembered what Clara did to ensure that the Doctor will save her boyfriend. I knew it didn't work in the end but the Doctor was willing to help her, even going to 'hell' with her to get Danny back. Why can't she do the same for me? I have been her companion a whole lot longer now. Don't I get special treatment too like Clara?
 "I'm sorry, (name), but I can't do that. Your dad's death is fixed."
 "Doctor, please save him. He is my dad. He's the only family I got. Please?" I begged.
 "I'm so sorry..."
 "Then what's the point of you?!" I yelled angrily. 
 The Doctor didn't say anything, only looking at me with a sad expression.
 I left them. The fam called out my name but I ignored all of them. I was in too much pain. Tears started to fall on my face again.
 I was depressed.
 After the funeral, I locked myself in my room. The fam contacted me by phone, left messages and even come into my house but I ignored all of them. The Doctor didn't come for me. I suppose she knew I needed the space away from her. 
 Honestly, I don't have any energy to do anything. I was a mess. And after the Doctor's refusal to help me get my dad back, I didn't want to see her either. I resented her. 
 It has been two months and I still have not sorting my life in order. I never go back to the Tardis. I think the Doctor and the fam went adventuring without me. But they still attempted to contact me from time to time.
 I just want to be left alone. I wish the world would just go away.
 There is insistent knocking on the door much to my annoyance.
 "Go away!" I yelled.
 More knocking.
 I had enough. I walked and opened the door, intending to give hell to whoever it is on the other side of the door. It was Yaz.
 My anger is gone as I saw her hesitant smile. 
 It was awkward.
 "We miss you. The Doctor, too. Come back to the Tardis, (name)."
 "I can't."
 "You shouldn't be alone."
 "I don't have anyone now."
 "You still have us." Yaz said.
 I shook my head. "Just leave me alone. I'm done with the Doctor and everything." I said and closed the door despite Yaz's protest. I know what I said probably going to make her worry more about me but frankly I didn't care. Sooner or later they will just give up and leave me anyway.
 I overdose on my sleeping medicine. But the Doctor and Yaz rescued me just before I succumb to the darkness forever. Apparently Yaz has been persuading the Doctor to try to talk to me and she finally relents. Of course, they came on the day where I was at my lowest point in life and they saved me. But I didn't want to be saved.
 I distinctly remembered seeing the Doctor's face as she attempted to give me CPR while Yaz is calling ambulance.
 "Come on, (name), breath! Don't do this to me! (name), breath!!"
 I woke up in the hospital to the concerned face of the fam.  I was confused at first and then everything that is painful started to sink it again. I cried, wishing to die just to make the pain stop.
 The fam insisted I got help and I was too weak to argue so I agreed. I went to seek help from a therapist. But I still couldn't come back into the Tardis. I couldn't face the Doctor. The Doctor probably is relieved that I didn't come back. I would just be a burden to her. Part of me is still angry at her and I think giving her cold shoulder is my way to hurt her back. But I wonder if she even care. 
 She is not here so she probably doesn't care, I thought, and that thought made me want to cry again.
 I went to see a therapist and being prescribed medicine to help me with my anxiety and managing my mood. I started on a normal speaking term with the fam via phone call and messages but we have unspoken mutual agreement not to mention the Doctor or Tardis.
 We seemed to agree what I need right now is normal life, away from the idea of time travel and changing the past. I started working again in a coffee & breakfast shop as a waitress. I was just going through the motion every day.
 The fam always asked me to hang out with them from time to time but I have no energy to do anything but work. They will always remind me of what I've lost. I know it was my own fault that I lost my friendship with the Doctor.
 It was hard to pretend to try to live every single day. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why is life so hard? I can't do it. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't breathe. But I have to fake it so I didn't make everyone worry over me anymore. The sooner they deemed me safe to be left alone the better. So, they can happily travel with the Doctor again without worrying over me.
 Eventually, they did convince that I'm getting somewhat better than before. We grew apart slowly with time. It wasn't their fault. I didn't make effort to be a good company anyway.
 Of course, the universe decided to play a joke on me. One day, after finishing my night shift and as I walked home alone, I got mugged. The guy even waved a knife around me to frighten me. 
 I snapped. Everything was a blur. I remembered the guy cursed me, calling me crazy bitch. I think I even got hurt at some point. But all I feel is anger.
 I was enraged at the violence people are capable of. I lost my dad to some jerk face and now another one dare to show up and threaten me again??
 Just NO!
 Why? Why do people just keep hurting each other? Why do people just actively trying to be cruel? Why does everyone have to be mean to one another?
 I can't live in a world like this. I hate that I even still breathing in this world. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore.
 I sobbed and started wailing in tears. I think I really lost my mind that night.
 I wished so hard for someone to make the pain stop. My mind flashed into the beautiful smile of the Doctor and I cried. I pushed her away. She is gone from my life now. I was alone.
 I didn't know it at the time but I wasn't alone. I could feel this warm presence envelop my mind and all the sorrow and pain inside of me seemed to fade away.
 I welcomed the presence gratefully. I let it in.
 The Doctor could feel the shift in reality. As she regained her bearing, the feeling that something is off gone from her mind. She glanced around in confusion.
 “Doctor, what’s wrong?” Yaz asked.
 “Hmm, nothing maybe...” The Doctor shrugged it off. “So, fam, where to next?” she asked them with a grin.
 I woke up in my bed that morning. My mind feels refreshed today. I dare say that I feel better?
 As I got out of my house, a neighbour greeted me happily. I smiled back at her. 
 Everyone seemed to be in a good mood today. The usual grumpy mailman is humming loudly and smiling. People are extra friendly today. When someone dropped something, most people nearby will eagerly help pick it up. 
 I also smiled as I walked inside the coffee & breakfast shop where I worked. Even when today is my turn with cleaning duty, I was very happy to do it. 
 Today is a very special day because it is the day she spoke to me. Ivy.
 I accidentally broke my nails during cleaning and I asked my fellow workers for a nail clipper when suddenly this young cute woman offered her nail clippers. She gave me a friendly smile at my stupidly confused look.
 I have seen her around a few times. She loves to hang out on her own in the shop, ordering coffee while work on her laptop. But I never paid extra attention to anyone before because I was being a robot going through the motion. Now, though...
 I muttered a shy thanks to her. She nodded and grabbed her second drink of the day and went back to her table. After cleaning her nail clippers, I walked toward her and returned it. Also I gave her a plate of cake as my gratitude. That would come from my own pocket money but it will be worth it I think.
 She smiled at me, making my heart skipped a beat. She looked happy as she took a fork and eat the cake.
 I smiled. She is adorable, reminded me of... I stopped myself from thinking about that person. Strangely enough, the pain associates with thinking about her is no longer bother me.
 Ivy is very nice. She rambles when she is nervous and she revealed information about herself. She said she is a romance novel writer. I was very excited to learn that I am in the presence of a writer. I would have like to stay with her some more but duty calls.
 After that days though, whenever she come by, she would spare some time to talk to me. We started to exchange numbers and send silly messages to each other when we can’t talk in person.
 I couldn’t help grinning stupidly whenever I saw her. I walked home after my last shift as I thought about Ivy. She made me really, really happy. Not even, a rude guy who bumped into me just now and called me stupid, will ruin the day for me.
 Suddenly I heard a scream. I turned around to locate the source of scream but couldn’t find anything in sight. I frowned for a second, glancing around and saw nobody else seemed to react to the scream earlier so I thought I imagine the whole thing. I resumed walking.
 The Doctor took her fam to attend a party and they are having fun with the friendly local until one person won’t take no for an answer from Yaz. Yaz, of course, can handle herself and tell the rude guy off. 
 Ryan looked livid when the guy called Yaz a bitch. The Doctor herself is about to intervene when right before their eyes, the guy disintegrated into nothing.
 She ran toward the fam and asked them what happened when they just gave her a blank look. They said they have no idea what the Doctor talking about when she asked them about the rude guy and they went back to partying.
 The Doctor pulled her sonic screwdriver and scanned the spot where the man disintegrated but found nothing out of ordinary. It was like that man just never there. 
 She also scanned her companions but the result is normal too. She is confused. As she want to think further about it, she could feel something pushing in her mind and all her worry is gone again.
 Today is my day off, and Ivy decided to spend the day with me.
 “It’s a date.” She said with a wink.
 I blushed.
  We have a good time walking in the park to smell the roses, reading books and exchanged stories about it, cuddle up in a sofa at home to watch movie together, ordering food for binge eating and share a hot chocolate drink together.
 "You are amazing, Ivy. That book of yours, I love it. I can't believe I never pick up on it before. It should be a best seller." I said, my head is on her laps.
 "Aww, thanks, it meant a lot that you love it." She grinned and kissed my forehead.
 "I'm going to recommend this book to Yaz."
 "My friend. Old friend, I suppose. We sorta lost contact recently." I sighed sadly. "All my fault..."
 "Well if you think this Yaz will be liking my novels, go ahead rec away. Also it would work as an excuse for you two to reconnect."
 I hummed. "If she have time to read it, she probably going to like it but she probably busy saving the world with the Do..." I stopped myself when I realized Ivy didn't know about the Doctor and I probably should keep it a secret. Besides I'm no longer one of them so I have no right broadcasting the Doctor's identity.
 "Saving the world? Sound exciting. Who is this Yaz?"
 "She is a very busy, very smart police officer."
 "I bet she is." Ivy teased. "Is she and you...?"
 "She is just my friend. She doesn't like me like that. Not like you." I moved away from her and gazed at her in adoration. I took one of her hands. "You make me happy."
 Ivy gave me a soft smile. "Mutual." She pulled me closer to her and we kissed.
 As time goes by, the Doctor realized something is wrong with the world but everytime she tried to think further, all her worry just washed away out of reach. It seemed nobody but her realized but she can't even hold on the thought for too long before she forgot again.
 Until she met the Master again. He showed up out of nowhere and grabbed her, more like knock her out.
 The Doctor woke up in an empty bar, save for the Master.
 "Welcome back..." The Master said with a grin. "Sorry for the harsh greeting earlier. I have to make sure we will not be interrupted."
 "So, Doctor, what exactly have you been doing to the world?"
 "What do you mean? And why do you assume it was me? If something has gone wrong, I would suspect you instead of me."
 The Master rolled his eyes. "The world has gone bonker, Doctor. The people are all happy, giggly and way too friendly. Not my kind of world." He said with disgust. "Also I just got out from the Kasavin dimension so this can't be my doing."
 The Doctor frowned. "It wasn't my doing either."
 "Then how do we fix it?"
 "And why should we? Like you said, the people has become peaceful. Why would I ruin that?"
 "You can't fool me, Doctor, you wanted the chaos too if only for you to solve it and be the hero you always make yourself to be. Peaceful world would be too boring even for you." The Master said. "Also, a world with pink cybermen and happy daleks form a singing band together? I'm gonna barf."
 The Doctor scrunched her nose at the mention of two of her enemy race. "Seriously?"
 "Deadly." The Master said flatly. "Also you must feel the timeline is shifting and unstable. Seemed like lot of humans and aliens alike has gone missing."
 The Doctor nodded with a frown.
 The Master stared at her. "It is hard for you to hold on the thought that something is off, isn't it?"
 "Yes, that's exactly how I have been feeling these days but I keep...forgetting... Wait, why aren't you infected with whatever this is?"
 The Master shrugged. "Time lord."
 "I am Time Lord too but I was affected..."
 "You are stupid Time Lord."
 The Doctor gasped, looking offended.
 The Master grinned. "My guess because I was still at Kasavin when this, whatever this is, cause the world to go bonker." Then he frowned. "But I could feel it...something trying to convert me...making me...peaceful..." He look absolutely disgusted by the idea. "So, I made a few of this." He showed the Doctor some kind of earpieces. "It helps me to shake off whatever influence trying to get to me."
 The Doctor observed the earpierce with interest and she is a bit impressed.
 "Take one, Doctor, use it and concentrate." The Master urged.
 She glanced at the Master, contemplating whether to trust him just this once or not. Whatever she saw with him seemed agreeable to her so she pick up the earpiece and wear it on one of ears.
 Immediately she shook her head as the smokescreen within her mind cleared. But gone all the peaceful feeling that made her happy before and were replaced by this profound sadness. The Doctor is good at hiding her emotion and so she did what she usually do and started to focus at the real problem.
 "Oooh. Something is wrong. The people become peaceful but not everyone? Some stilll...a bit rude? And they just vanished as soon as they were rude to others. But whoever did this? How can they know when someone is rude? And how did they do all of this? Mind-controlling everyone, not just humans, but aliens..." The Doctor started to rambles and started walking back and forth.
 The Master just rolled his eyes and poured himself a drink.
 "And...pink cybermen and happy daleks? Really?" The Doctor whirled around to face the Master.
 "Really. It was very wrong."
 "We need to get to the bottom of this. I will need more of that earpieces and I need my fam with me."
 "Ugh, do we have to involved your humans?"
 "Of course we have to. We will need their help. This is going to be a tricky one."
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham are depressed after wearing the earpieces. All their happy emotion were replaced with a sorrow they can't comprehend. They knew the world is not all unicorn and rainbow and that most of the time, the world is a cruel place but the second revelation of it are giving them despair. It was like they were high on drug and now they suddenly come down from it cold turkey.
 The Doctor are worried for the fam but she knew that they can overcome it eventually.
 "That guy who called me a bitch, did he die?" Yaz asked.
 "I don't know, could be... We didn't know enough to make assumption." The Doctor said.
 "If whoever did this to the world intend to wipe evil rude people, why is he still here?" Ryan pointed at the Master.
 The Master rolled his eyes at him. "Because I'm clever, I beat their games."
 In the end, the Doctor put the Master as a bait. He disintegrated right before their eyes and through the tracking device on his person, the Doctor found out he was actually teleported by whoever in charge, taken to a dungeon cave somewhere.
 The Doctor and the fam rushed on the location via Tardis. There, they found a bunch of people, humans and aliens alike, in cages in unknown deserted planet.
 Tension are running high, everyone was scared that 'he/she/it' (everyone seemed to see different captor) would return soon and eat them.
 The Master has got out of his cages and take a look around and found a sealed cave with ancient writing and drawing on the wall about something called the blessed devourer.
 The Doctor observed the wall in excitement. She can never resist a mystery. She helped translate the writings for the fam.
 The blessed devourer can take many forms and be in many places at once. It consumed emotions as a source of energy and consumed flesh to stay corporeal. It won't have full powers unless it was invited. The more it get invitations from the people the strongest its hold is upon the world it descends to. Usually it kept the ones who invite it happy and safe, creating a perfect world for them. 
 Some people form resistance knowing the world has gone wrong but no one able to stand in its ways for its power is strong. The only way to reset the world is to make everyone who invite it in to reject it. Every last one of them would have otherwise it will still have powers to overwhelm you.
 One person refuses to reject it and as a result, the world didn't get a reset but it was beaten down and weakened to the point of hiding. The world returned to normal somewhat but the casualties of the people it consumed remained true.
 The Doctor and the Master exchanged a look at each other, confused. If this had happened before, how come the Time Lords were not aware of it? Back at Gallifrey, all of histories and aborted histories on the tips of their fingers and they never learn about this so called blessed devourer. Why?
 The Doctor is angry at the Master for destroying Gallifrey and now they will never know the truth.
 I was with Ivy, holding hands, kissing and having a laugh while walking together when a man looked us over with disgust. I could hear him muttering 'freaks' as he walked away. I felt saddened that there is still people who are homophobic but I let it go. Ivy didn't look happy and despite my protest, she went to the cafe where the man entered. I didn't follow her as requested by Ivy but I was getting worry that he would hurt her so I was about to get inside when Ivy got out.
 "I chew him up." Ivy said with a sweet smile. "He won't be a bother to anyone again."
 "Ivy, you really don't need to do that."
 "Oh, (name), trust me, it was for my own pleasure..." she said a little viciously.
 The Doctor and company hid themselves when they felt unsettling presence washed over the area. There is this blurring creature who keep flashing its appearance between men/women/children as if it can't make up its mind and settle into one appearance. But those who are in cages are panicking, screaming, cursing, begging for mercy. 
 The Doctor had to look away when the creatures' mouth opened wide, showing white sharp teeth and sink into the flesh of its chosen snack of the day. Her companion felt sickened by the whole thing to the point of puking. The Master regarded the creature curiously.
 The creature finally settled its appearance into those of a child, a ginger-haired little girl. She smiled happily and walked forward to her secret chamber.
 The Doctor and company followed discreetly. They took a peek of the chamber that resembles a console. Seven holograms appeared in circle around the little girl. She saw the little girl murmuring soothingly to one of the holograms
 As the little girl moved to the next hologram, so does her appearance, sometimes a human, sometimes an alien race. And he/she/it will talk to the hologram soothingly. Afterward, the creature vanished from the chamber.
 The Doctor and company got out of hiding and into the chambers to observe the holograms.
 The Doctor felt her hearts sinking when she saw one of the holograms displayed is in fact her former companion, (name).
 "Oh my God..." Yaz, who also finally noticed, put a hand over her mouth. "(name)?"
 "What? How can she be here?" Graham asked.
 "Is that really her?" Ryan asked.
 The Master rolled his eyes. "Of course, your companion will be one of the stupid ape who invites the creature in."
 The Doctor ignored them as she walked toward (name)'s hologram and touched it. She closed her eyes, feeling for something and she found, no, heard it.
 "Why? Why do people just keep hurting each other? Why do people just actively trying to be cruel? Why does everyone have to be mean to one another? I can't live in a world like this. I hate that I even still breathing in this world. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore. Please, someone, please make it stop. It's hurt so much." The Doctor could felt (name)'s inner pain. "Doctor... I push her away. She is gone now. I am all alone. Please, God, please help me, just make it all stop, please, I can't...I can't..."
 The Doctor's eyes turned glassy with unshed tears. "Oh, (name), I'm so sorry..."
 "Doctor?" Yaz called out.
 The Doctor moved to the other holograms and every last one is the same, one way of another, they are all a victim of violence whether by another human or alien. A young mother who lost her little girl to a bad person, a young teenage alien who lost his family during the war with another alien, a female alien who is a victim of sexual slavery and so on.
 One of the alien race in the hologram, whom the Doctor recognized as a pacifist, her inner pain is actually about the Daleks and Cybermen and her wish is for every races to get along and stop making war in the world which might explain the sight the Master saw of those two race being eerily friendly with each other. 
 Had the situation not dire, the Doctor would probably find it funny that her enemies has turned into peaceful being. The Doctor is worried that the creature is so strong to even convert Daleks and Cybermen. To think that herself, a Time Lord, also almost fell under its thrall is frightening. She has to put a stop on the creature and reset the world.
 The Doctor turned toward the fam and the Master and started telling them what to do. 
 "We have to make them reject the creature. It won't be easy since the creature is basically giving them everything they wanted, a revenge and a peaceful world. But, our future is at stake, at all cost, we have to make them reject the creature." she said to the fam before turning to the Master firmly. "No killing them."
 The Master scoffed. "Wouldn't it be easier to just kill them?"
 "This isn't like the Monk. Killing the host still won't sever the connection."
 "What monk?" Graham asked.
 "Story for another time. Let's go." The Doctor gave them each one person to deal with. Since they are only five people, the Doctor decided to take two. 
 Yaz wanted to help (name) but the Doctor said she will do it.
 "You were right, Yaz, I shouldn't have ignore her. I have to fix this." The Doctor said sadly. 
 "Remember, look for the new person in their life and be careful not to upset them more than you need to. Take this earpieces and make them wear it and help them see the truth, appeal to them..." The Doctor declared. She gave each one a communication and teleportation device for when they are in trouble or when they have done the job.
 The Master groaned in annoyance. "Helping an ape..." 
 "Well, you didn't have a choice. You want the world return to normal, don't you?" The Doctor said with a glare. "Behave, Master. You love playing a game? So play this, be the good guy, convince your person to reject the creature and you win."
 "Ugh, fine!"
 I was reading Ivy's draft novel excitedly while drinking my favorite beverage when the bell rang. I thought it would be Ivy. I can't wait to tell her how awesome her new novel is. 
 I was speechless when I saw the Doctor instead. 
 She smiled at me hesitantly. "Hey, (name)..."
 "Doctor...?" I still can't believe my eyes. The Doctor is here? "What is it? Are the fam...?"
 The Doctor hastily said, "Oh, no, they are fine. I actually am here for you, you know, to hang out. It has been a while since we talked after all..."
 I narrowed my eyes at her, not believing that she actually wanted to hang out with me. 
 She smiled at me with a hopeful puppy look that she probably knew I couldn't resist.
 I sighed and let her come inside.
 She grinned and entered the room and made her way to the cushion. "What are you reading?"
 "Just some book." I refused to talk about Ivy's book with her.
 "I love book. What is it about?"
 "Doctor, why are you really here?" I asked. "I get the feeling this is not a social visit." I said. "Or is it? If you are worry of me being suicidal, don't, I'm fine now."
 "It's not about that. Well, It is about that and more. It's also about your new friend."
 I frowned. "Ivy? How do you know about her? Have you been watching?"
 The Doctor glanced at me with a look of sad and guilt. "(name), I'm so sorry but Ivy is not what she said she is. She is not human."
 I was surprised at the mention that Ivy is not human but... "So what? So she may or may not be human, so what? You are not human either, Doctor." I felt the need to defend Ivy, she is my girlfriend after all.
 "This is different."
 "She changed the world, (name)."
 "I noticed."
 "yeah, she... Wait, what? You know?"
 "I mean I didn't know she is the one who did it but I do notice the world is changing and for the better." I said. "And she did make my life better. I was at my lowest point in life after I lost my dad, Doctor, and she make it better, make it more bearable."
 "But it's more than that though, (name), she is eating people."
 "Yeah, she took people who are evil or has bad manner and she ate them...chew them up inside her stomach, I saw it."
 My mind flashed at what Ivy said before regarding the rude man who called us freaks, about how she chew him up and that he won't be a bother anymore. My face turned pale in realization. My girlfriend is actually an alien, I thought in confusion but for some reason I'm not afraid.
 "(name), you need to wear this." The Doctor said as she handed me an earpiece.
 "What is this for?"
 "She put the world under her thrall. This will help you combat it. I worked it with the Master to make more for the rest of you."
 "You worked with the Master?" I asked in disbelief. I took a step back. I didn't want to hear about this. I suddenly feel the urge to run.
 The Doctor suddenly moved in front of me which make me jump in surprise since I didn't notice her. She put the earpiece inside one of my ears despite my protest.
 I closed my eyes as I felt like the world is sinking before me. The happiness is gone. The sorrow is back full course. I opened my eyes as tears started to fell from my cheek. "Why? Why would you do this to me, Doctor?"
 "I'm sorry, (name), but I have to make you see." The Doctor said as she grabbed both of my arms. "Ivy is dangerous. She will eventually turn against you too after she has her fills with the world."
 "So let her..." I whispered.
 "What?" The Doctor stared at me in disbelief.
 "Why would you want to change this world? Why would you want it to return to the chaos? Ivy made everyone happy and safe. There are no crime, no wars."
 "Yeah, but at what price? She has been consuming people and not just the rude. She is snacking on the happy people too. Her true self consumed emotion and flesh and the whole world is her all-she-can-eat buffet."
 The Doctor look confused. She didn't understand why I didn't jump on board the Doctor's train anymore.
 "If it's the price of peace..."
 "What? The price of peace is her stomach?! Are you listening to yourself, (name)?"
 I didn't reply as I stared at Ivy who has suddenly appeared behind the Doctor.
 "Step away from her, Doctor." Ivy said with venom.
 The Doctor turned toward Ivy and smiled grimly. "So you know who I am..."
 "And I also know your friends...the one you sent to disturb my peace. I am with them too right at this moment."
 The Doctor look nervous. "If you hurt them..."
 "You hurt me first! And if you and them don't stop soon, I can't be held responsible for breaking my promise." Ivy said as she glanced at me.
 "Promise? Your deal with (name) when she let you in?" The Doctor asked. She turned to me. "What is the promise?"
 "To keep you and everyone I have left safe. To not be alone and in pain anymore. To live in a world where everyone is happy." I whispered.
 "Except you don't have them, (name), they never come back for you. Even now, they show up here just to tear us apart." Ivy said with a touch of anger and sadness.
 I glanced at the Doctor and Ivy in sorrow, not hearing what they are talking about. I didn't know what to do.
 The Doctor is begging me to reject Ivy and save the world once more. Ivy begged me to stay with her and promised to make me happy until the day I die. 
 Ivy is in pain. It seemed the Master and the companion has managed to convince the others to reject her. She is having a hard time to maintain her appearance. She keep flickering in and out of existence. She glanced at me sadly. 
 "(name), please help me."
 "You are the last, (name), please, I know you are still in pain right now, but you need to reset the world to the original state." The Doctor begged me, appeal to my humanity. "I promise this time around I will be there for you. I won't abandon you. I'm sorry I couldn't get your dad back for you. But I will be there with you."
 I gazed at the Doctor and saw her sincerity. But I also know the Doctor is good at lies. And yet, what is it about her that make me still want her approval? 
 I turned to look at Ivy and I walked forward to her ignoring the Doctor's protest. I put a hand over her cheeks. "Ivy, thank you, for everything, for making me happy and at peace with myself. I love you for it. But I guess...it's time for me to grow up and face the consequence..."
 Ivy gazed at me sadly. "Are you sure about this? You know how this will end..."
 "I know. And I'm okay with it." I said and it will be the truth because I would revert back to that moment where I already give up.
 Ivy nodded and turned to the Doctor. "It seemed like you have won, Doctor. But know this, now that (name) has rejected me, time will reset back to the moment she let me in and she will die."
 The Doctor froze. "What? What are you talking about?" she asked in panic as she glanced between Ivy and me.
 "The night I found her, she was dying, if time is reset, that's meant she never let me in, which mean I never save her. She will die on that road, all alone."
 The Doctor turned toward me. "What is she talking about, (name)? You are dying?"
 I chuckled sadly. "The irony, Doctor, I died more or less the same way as my dad..."
 The Doctor shook her head. "No. That's not going to happen. I will save you."
 Ivy sighed in amusement. "oh, Doctor, haven't you realized yet? No one will remember this moment in time. It is erased, no longer exist, which mean you will never know either."
 "I am a Time Lord! I will remember! Aborted timelines or not!"
 "And yet Gallifrey didn't know of my existence, didn't they?" Ivy asked. She sighed. "You save everyone but her, Doctor."
 "No." The Doctor turned to me pleadingly as the timeline shattered before us.
 I snapped angrily at the man who dared to threaten me with a knife. It reminded me too much of the day my Dad got shot. I didn't remember exactly what happen next, only that I lost my sanity and fought back stupidly.
 And then there was pain.
 I realized I have been stabbed or more like I tripped and fell straight to the path of the knife in my fit of rage.
 "You crazy bitch!!" the man shouted at me. He left in a hurry.
 I was alone and in pain. 
 I stared at the night sky. Strange enough, I felt calm and at peace. 
 Yaz got a phone call. Her face turned pale as she turned to face the Doctor, Ryan and Graham. They were still laughing at something before they stopped upon seeing her state.
 "It's (name)..."
 The Tardis landed on alley nearby and the Doctor and her companion ran outside immediately toward the road.
 They saw the road is full of spectator. There are police cars.
 The Doctor gulped as she walked slowly toward the crime scene.
 There, on the road, a body covered in white sheet. A stabbing victim. They said it was mugging gone wrong.
 Yaz talked to a fellow police officer to get more details.
 Ryan and Graham stood with the Doctor each by her side.
 The Doctor stared at the body with one forlorn glance, unable to comprehend what is happening. Yet another one she lost, another one she let down...
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mythiica · 5 years
Hoping requests are still open >.
Title: Jealousy Looks Good on You
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Character: Lucien
Genre: Romance, smut
Warnings: honhonhon
Kinks: jealous!lucien, nipple play, fingering, eating out, dirty talk, couch sex, internal cumshot
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 2128 words
POV: second person
Other comments: i think your auto changed yandere to yankee you poor child
Lucien did not say much on the drive home. This was unusual for him – usually he likes to talk with you about his day. You rack your brain for an explanation to this strange behavior. Did you do something wrong? Was he just having a bad day?
          You glance at him from the corner of your eye, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. However, he wears a guarded expression – his lips are pursed and his eyes are focused on the road ahead of you. When you open your mouth to say something, his demeanor flickers as he steals a look at you.
         He exhales slowly and relaxes slightly. “You didn’t tell me that Gavin would be accompanying you.”
         “He insisted on it. When I told him that I visited the orphanage with you-”
         “Let me guess,” Lucien interrupts, “He didn’t want you going back there unless necessary?”
         You nod.
         “That selfish idiot.”
         He does not move, but you know that he is listening.
         “Are you… jealous?
         The word seems to throw him off kilter because Lucien grips the steering wheel tighter.
         “There’s nothing to worry about!” you say immediately. “Gavin… is just a friend. I knew him when I was in high school. I’m sure he’s just trying to be friendly. Please don’t overthink it. Alright?”
         Lucien turns on the blinkers before turning onto the street with your apartment complex. The car pulls into the garage, he parks in an empty spot, and you get out. When you reach your floor, you fumble around, looking for your keys. Lucien lingers at the door to his flat, watching you struggle for a moment. You finally manage to find them, and you unlock the door.
         With your hand on the doorknob, you waver, thinking about what to do. You really wish Lucien would not hold in his emotions. He pretends to be alright with things that obviously bother him… it is just painful to watch him act like this, especially when it is unwarranted.
         You spin around, hand clasped to your chest, and call out to him. “Lucie-”
         But he cuts you off again, pushing you against your door. He buries his nose into the crook of your neck and tangles his fingers in your hair. The air is knocked out of your lungs, but you brace yourself against his chest. “Lucien?”
         “Sh,” he hushes, opening the door.
         You start to fall backwards, but he scoops you up and walks you inside. The door slams shut behind him, but you pay little attention to it. His lips are on your neck without a moment’s delay as he ushers you to the couch in your living room.
         “I’ve dedicated most of my life to studying humans, and still, I cannot, for the life of me, explain the effect you have on me.” His voice is laced with sweet desperation, and his facade from earlier has completely fallen apart. “If you must, call it jealousy, for I have no other words to describe it.” His fingers brush your hair away has he nips the soft skin behind your ear. “So won’t you please…” Lucien reels back for a split second, dangerous smirk hanging from the corners of his lips, “Let me relish in your beauty.”
         When Lucien turns his head, his bangs fall over his eyes, obscuring the carnal desire that burns through your heart. He waits for consent, his fingers lingering on the elastic waist of your skirt.
         Confirmation escapes your lips – the sound barely above a whisper, but is more than enough for Lucien. The pads of his finger tips dig into the supple flesh of your thighs as you lean back on the arm of the couch. With his free hand, he unbuttons your shirt and pushes the fabric over your shoulders. A cold breeze from the air conditioning sends goosebumps down your arms.
         You suddenly have the urge to cover yourself, but you know that Lucien would never let you do that. He growls and takes a handful of your breast, working it in every direction as he laps at your other nipple. Fueled by jealousy, Lucien’s dominant side becomes much more overbearing.
         His hot breath arouses you – as if you hadn’t been so before, now, you want him desperately as well. However, you know that the doctor would rather edge you all night than grant you satisfaction. A sharp sensation brings you back into the moment, and your hand flies to his hair.
         Lucien chuckles, and the sound makes his entire chest vibrate. “You are just so delicious,” he coos. “No wonder Gavin hangs around you so much.” As he speaks, Lucien traces the swell of your breast with a single digit at a painfully slow rate. “He longs for you…”
         You choke on your breath, unsure of what to say. “Lucien-”
         “Hm?” He swirls his tongue around your pert bud as his hand crawls down your torso.
         “L-Lucien a-ah!”
         “Did you plan on saying something?”
         “I-I don’t like Gavin. Not like that.”
         Lucien straightens his posture to look at you better. “I would hope not. That would make what I’m about to do rather awkward.”
         Before you have a chance to ask, Lucien swiftly inserts two digits into your core, not bothering to move your underwear away before doing so. You cry out from the sudden sensation of being filled. The fabric digs into your ass, so you squirm around to try and relieve the pressure. Lucien scissors his fingers inside of you, dipping them in and out as to coax louder moans from your throat.
         “Tell me now,” he drawls, “how does it feel to have me inside of you?”
         You only manage to whine in response.
         He tucks an arm around you, pulling you off the couch slightly, and tugs on your shirt. You slip your hands out of the sleeves and toss the garment off into the room. “Oh? Look at you, so eager now. But when he was breathing down your neck, you said nothing. Silly…”
         Lucien removes his fingers from you and licks your essence from his fingers.
         “N-No, Lucien,” you complain, reaching out to cup his face. “You love to torture me.”
         Leaning down, Lucien’s lips graze your collarbone. “Yes… I do…” He leans back and crouches until his face is level with your knees. He pulls apart your legs and pushes the edge of your skirt up simultaneously. You sit up slightly as to remove your undergarments, but Lucien holds you steadily with one hand and tugs on the lace with a finger. It snaps back against your hip, making you shiver. “H-Hey!”
         Lucien peers up at you with an apologetic smirk and removes the damp fabric, only to press his tongue against your core.
         You throw your head back and release a hungry moan. When Lucien hoists you upwards, you fall over the edge of the couch. Your head lands against the plush pillows, and he looks up at you to make sure you are alright.
         After his eyes meet yours, he dives back between your legs, dragging his tongue across your folds and collecting the fluids that drip from your heat. Overwhelmed by the feeling of his warmth against you, you tangle your fingers in his hair and push his face deeper.
         You must have pulled too hard, because Lucien grunts against you and stands up, suspending your lower half in the air. Despite the position change, he continues to lap at your clit, driving you utterly insane. As you muscles tense and your body trembles, Lucien leans his head back. “You don’t understand how difficult it was for me to hold back… I’ve been thinking about doing this for hours.”
         “Lucien, please!” you beg.
         He trails his hand up your torso and pinches your nipple harshly. “Please what?”
         “L-Let me cum!”
         His eyes go wide at your request, but he smirks, happy with the fact that he has brought you to your edge so quickly. “Don’t you want Gavin instead?” Lucien rests his palm against your cunt, his skin brushing gently against your clit.
         You whimper and try to grind your hips against his fingers. “No!”
         “Are you sure? I can stop if you want.”
         “N-No, Lucien. I want you, please.”
         Without a moment’s hesitation, Lucien inserts his fingers into you once more, but this time, his lips latch to your clit simultaneously. As he pushes you closer to your climax, you grip your breasts and play with your nipples. You have lost all shame and are completely at Lucien’s mercy.
         Your vision flashes with white, and you cry out, only managing to moan the first syllable of Lucien’s name. Pleasure washes over you, causing your thighs to twitch as he sets you down. He lingers his hand on your numb pussy for a moment, his fingers collecting your essence before he shoves them into your mouth.
         Without asking, you swirl your tongue around his fingers and swallow the contents. He hums happily and goes to unbuckle his pants. In the spare moments you have, you unzip your skirt and throw it behind you, likely in the same direction your shirt landed.
         When you turn your head back to Lucien, he has completely disrobed himself and is holding his erection in one hand. He grips your ankle and turns you around, so that your legs are hanging off the edge of the couch.
         You throw your arms around his neck, beckoning him closer. With your thigh in his hand, he lifts your leg, exposing your pussy to him once more.
         “Jealousy looks good on you,” you tease as he grinds his cock against you.
         Lucien looks at you, and all you can see is love in his eyes. Not the lascivious glint that clouded them before, but something more gentle. You do not quite understand why he has suddenly had a change of heart, but you bring him down for a deep kiss. His tongue presses against your lips, requesting access. When you do not comply immediately, Lucien bites your bottom lip.
         “Does it?”
         You hum in response, your fingers curling in his dark hair. “But know that I love you-” You cup your hands over his cheeks. “And only you.”
         He turns his head slightly to kiss your palm. “I know,” Lucien whispers. A moment passes, and he bites his bottom lip before saying, “Let me show you my love.”
         With your leg slung over his shoulder, Lucien presses himself into you. His hand rests on the back of your neck, keeping you from lulling it backwards. He stretches your walls further apart than his fingers had, and, after adjusting for a moment, he begins to rock his hips back and forth. The tip of his cock rubs against your most intimate parts, making you see stars floating above his head.
         Babbling incoherently, you rake your fingers up and down Lucien’s muscular back. He groans into your hair and tips his head down to kiss you again. You curl your fingers in the hair at the base of his neck and press your other hand against his peck. Lucien’s heart thunders against your palm, so you lean up ever so slightly, repositioning your hips in the process. As your lips dance across his neck, Lucien pulls your leg higher, allowing him to hit even deeper into you.
         You expect him to say something dirty to egg you on more, but instead, he mumbles, “Unravel for me.” As if triggered by this phrase, your climax washes over you, drowning you in bliss. Sweat makes his body stick to yours, and with a few more powerful thrusts, you feel his warmth spreading into you.
         As he catches his breath, Lucien leans his head against his forearm. Taking a gulp of air, he presses a kiss to the crown of your head and removes himself from you. He stands back, allowing you to delight in his nudity. His damp hair is slicked back ever so slightly, and his lips are bruised to a faint shade of plum.
         You remain with your legs open, too stunned to move yet.
         Lucien tucks his arm under your legs and sits down on the couch. He pulls you against his chest before wrapping the throw blanket around your shoulders. Wrapping your arms around him, you rest your head against his shoulder. After kissing his jaw quickly, you nuzzle against Lucien and lace your fingers with his.
         You want to say something, but you drift to sleep rather quickly. Lucien admires your form as he twirls a lock of your hair around his finger. Leaning his head back, he closes his eyes and lets sleep take him.
         Perhaps you are right.
         Jealousy does look good on him.
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If The World Was Ending
Part 3 - You’d Come Over, Right?
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
Story Summary: Gavin is on the hunt for his missing android when the U.S. Government announces the end of the world. The end of his world. A world without his precious Nines.
Chapter Summary: Gavin’s search comes to a heartbreaking discovery and he must now decide what he is willing to lose in order to keep what he has gained.
Pairing: Reed900 (RK900 x Gavin Reed)
Rating: Explicit (NSFW)
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I know I should be appreciative because I have two jobs that are considered essential during this pandemic which offer great hours and CAT pay, but I feel like a lifeless workaholic rn with school finals in a literal week. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well during these difficult times. If anyone is interested, I do take requests for one-shots (especially Reed900) for many fandoms. Just PM and I’ll see what I can do. Also, if you have never heard of Detroit Evolution and you ship Reed900, check it out! It’s a 75-minute fan film dedicated to the ship and I HIGHLY recommend it (gif is an actual scene from the film). Cuteness overload. Lastly, I am considering making an actual Reed900 one-shot based on another song. You can check out my work on AO3 or Fanfiction.net! Enjoy!
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“Do you have any fucking idea what I’ve been through today?”
The swollen, tear-streaked cheeks on his lover’s face gave Nines a clue.
“I searched for you for hours! You couldn’t have sent me a goddamn text?”
Nines wished communication had been possible. Cyberlife would have tapped his servers within a heartbeat and tracked him down, leaving Gavin’s apartment a mess in the aftermath.
“I even found Connor still blubbering around. He told me about your stupid, little plan.” The pitiful man tugged at his hair mangled in distraught. “What happened to all those times you wouldn’t shut up about androids being superior? What the fuck were you thinking?”
Guilt struck Nines.
He thought it unlikely that Gavin would even bother searching Anderson’s home after the front the lieutenant had elected to put up for their safety. He thought it even more unlikely that Connor, a machine developed for the comfort of his human counterparts, would reveal Nines’ heartbreaking arrangement.
“I…I thought you were dead.”
He almost had been.
Nines’ original intention was to spare his android brother from the inevitable fatality of his species. Two RKs could not exist with the same familiar face. The humans would eventually notice, regardless if they had both relocated halfway across the world and scalped themselves of their LEDs. Even if their charades were believed, Nines was android through and through. Why should he be forced to pretend he was something he was not? No, Connor was more human than himself. He was the one who deserved to make it in this carbon-ruled world.
Gavin’s definitive words came out a dying whisper: “I thought you had left me.”
A churning sensation swirled Nines’ insides as he watched the broken man stumble before him. Sincerity was not an emotion he needed to readily practice, as he did not lie often, but he found even himself feeling rejected by his own words. “I’m here now.”
The response was simple, vague enough to dodge and nullify all of Gavin’s worries.
It wasn’t enough.
He stepped forward towards his human who now leaned heavily into the back of the couch, grimacing in fear of an image invisible to Nines. It cracked the straight face he had framed over his growing trepidation. “I’m here,” he repeated breathlessly.
Gavin seemed to fumble out of his terror, tearing a sharp inhale through his shuddering body and eventually allowing Nines to view his beaten soul through grieving lenses. Words would not suffice this time. It was one of the few moments that it clicked for Nines that words were just not enough.
Humans were such delicate creatures at times – his even moreso. The psychological issues he wielded piled into a mountain of stress-induced rage and caffeine-fueled insecurities. Just a little search through his social media lit up the diagnostic centers of Nines’ CPU in an array of colors far more paramount than the human eye could even begin to elucidate.
But as much as he could prove the dishevelment of his partner and all of humanity, neither could he deny his own deviant chaos rampaging indecision and hesitance in his day-to-day actions. He was slower now, more volatile to his environment, and almost no more could he distinguish subjective constructs now than over his previous machine-like state. He was truly living, as the humans often said, “the worst of both worlds”.
Nines was just as broken as Gavin in his own fashion. Except, despite it all, Gavin mended him in such indescribable complementing ways that none of it mattered.
The android clicked one foot forward, asking silently for permission to embrace him. It still surprised him to this day that there were ways of communicating with just a lift of the finger, but only with others one knew well. And Gavin, he could read like a book.
When Gavin released his clenched eyebrows from their angered posture, Nines presumed the reciprocal. Their “chemistry” had been undisturbed by his absence. He made haste in closing the distance, grappling needily onto the life-form already unfolding beneath him. Hands clenched into balls of fabric against his back and Nines melted under the sticky mess that clung to his neck.
Rarely did Gavin cry, but this time around, a waterfall had already begun to soak the top seam of his t-shirt.
The ability to cry was lost upon Nines. Sadness overwhelmed him, understanding the hurt his human had endured, but unsure if he even equipped tear ducts to perform such an action. Feeling pain was one thing; expressing it was entirely new. The quaking beneath him, nonetheless, wrenched at his thirium pump, and he so desperately wished to quake with his lover.
Eventually, Gavin ceased and unceremoniously dug his fingers through Nines’ hair and pressed their noses side-by-side. His eyes were glued shut as he pressed his wet cheeks against his android. The soggy touch was like velcro against Nines and he chased that feeling of a sobbing solace.
The android copied his partner’s actions and clutched his palms to either side of his head, smearing Gavin’s tear-stained face against his own and absorbing the physical exudations of emotion. The wet heat was so raw on his synthetic skin that Nines didn’t think when it retracted on contact, leaving his pearly plastic to glimmer under the tainted blue water that began to leak from the corners of his eyes. At first, it wasn’t much, trailing faint streaks of cyan behind the aqueous movements. But when Gavin realized the heart-wrenching moan that escaped Nines, he looked to him with such a mixture of pain and clemency that provoked a heavier round of blue artillery.
The android’s face became a painting illustrated by nothing more than his fear and affections to which Gavin happily contributed his own sultry paintbrush.
The resolve came quick for Gavin, and he tentatively watched Nines recollect his own bearings. “I’m sorry, I-”
“Shut the fuck up,” snapped Gavin, though no cruelty met his tone. “You’re okay. You’re okay?”
His android nodded, relishing in the bath that carried away his burgeoning emotions. Gavin held their faces still together, touching his lips stiffly against Nines. He had intended for nothing more than to be replenished by the idea of his lover existing within his grasp once again, but Nines seemed to bite in excess. The android’s tongue slipped between Gavin’s teeth, releasing a burst of iron from his ingested robot tears, and let it run rampant within his mouth.
The kiss wasn’t enough for Nines to convince his partner how much he missed him. He yielded his tongue from Gavin’s taste buds and lapped up the tears along his cheeks, sampling the crystallizing sodium and nibbling down his jawline.
Gavin moaned beneath him, his shockwave of dread dissipating into unhinged eroticism. If he had learned anything from years of failed relationships, it was that emotional turmoil made sex all the better.
The excitement incited within Gavin’s pounding chest turned arrhythmic when his android lifted him into his arms, shoving him against the wall behind him, and pushing into him with the testosterone of a bull. After enduring months of awkwardly finding their way around each other, it was an understatement to say that Gavin was surprised by Nines’ newfound wanton initiative.
Surprised, certainly, but not in the slightest disappointed.
He returned the actions tenfold, forcing their mouths to dance and recklessly tearing at the jacket that restricted his eyes from the beauty of his boyfriend’s bare chest. Nines let go of Gavin, using the wall to balance him against his groin, and tossed his jacket and turtleneck in one swift motion across the couch. The android’s own impatience erupted under a low grumble as he dropped Gavin onto the couch and clambered over top of him, shoving his human’s arms in the air to slip his tee off.
Nines worshipped the skin-to-skin contact. Since activation, he had come to cherish the vivid sensations of heat. Against his endothermic mammalian body, Nines soaked in the warmth that radiated from Gavin; against the words from his boyfriend that endeared him so heavily, he intoxicated his insides in benevolent wildfire. At times, he feared he would melt.
Melting was a fair price to experience the touch of fire.
And fire was what blazed within him as he felt his new component roar to life. It was even more pleasing to watch Gavin’s eyes stretch in wonder as he realized that his hardening member would no longer be grinding alone. Nines, though he tried maintaining his dominant pose, fell victim to the gasps that his lover relinquished underneath the length that overpowered his inferior, human phenotype.
Nines’ nibbling grew into starved bites, sinking lower and lower below his human’s neck. Despite the red blood that pulsed beneath his skin, shades of purple surfaced in splotches beneath the android’s teeth. They eventually created a trail to his waistband, his tongue dipping deep beneath the surface to test the waters. Gavin hummed in permissiveness. Nines palmed between his lover’s legs, unbuttoning his jeans and sheltering the member that popcorned into plaid boxers over his salivating tongue He kept his palate suctioned tightly around the tip of his cock, dampening the fabric and earning a playful tug at his bowed locks.
The soft moans his lover made set fire to Nines’ steadily growing impatience and he pulled the fabric barriers down to Gavin’s knees and inhaled the hardened flesh down to his throat. An unanticipated upward thrust pushed his cock even further and Nines indulged hungrily. Pre-cum was already dribbling onto his taste receptors and he craved to know what damages an entire mouthful would cause to his system.
His curiosities would have to be satiated at a later date, because Gavin – at his most human – demanded his own impatience be tended to. He clung to the android’s synthetic hair and pulled him up to his abandoned orifice. With as much brash force as he could manage, the human kicked off the rest of his clothing, slipping restless fingers under Nines’ own jeans, and winced as the android bucked under the feeling, pinching his dick under the metal zipper. Immediately upon impact, Nines lifted up from Gavin to prevent any more harm, but it only offered Gavin the leverage to shove what little clothing remained between their unappeased debauchery, and eyeing the massive cock that his lover had chosen for himself.
For a moment, he was breathless, apprehensive of the image set before him. Though Nines had not been his first gay sexual encounter, he had certainly never dated a man that could compete against Detroit’s Largest Bratwurst contest.
Nines could feel his stare. “Is it…satisfactory?”
Gavin could only grin his answer. “Ready to take it for a spin?”
Without waiting for a response, Gavin slid down the couch underneath his virgin boyfriend and placed a moist tongue against the skin beneath his tightly-clung balls. He flicked his tongue teasingly against the hairless strip before engulfing a single sac into his mouth and lightly sucking. Nines gave out, falling to all fours and gasping at the strange sensation.
The man wished he could see Nines’ face. He might be a machine built with bells and whistles that only ever sported the most aggressive resting bitch face, but the noises his lover made now were enough to make his own groin boil with pure bliss. Faint robotic mimics of pleasure raced across Gavin’s imagination and he rewarded the plausible responses by licking up the underside of his dick and kissing the soft flesh that fit like a gagball in his mouth. There was something so satisfying about bringing a hard-ass like Nines down to his knees; about having a hard-ass like Nines allowing Gavin to show him the true pleasures of humanity.
Nines hadn’t minded in the slightest. Deviancy had graced him with minimal traces of pride and did as he pleased regardless of what others thought of it. And although Gavin did not share these same traits, Nines was contented, nonetheless, to understand firsthand what tonsils felt like in their natural habitat. The android hadn’t been interrupted by his visual software windows often, but the way his lover hummed along his new member made the pop-ups block everything in sight, turning the world red in a flurry of error messages.
He had lost a good portion of his reserve amounts of thirium from the tears that he had been surprised to relinquish earlier. Now his CPU was requesting permission to tap into his main supply of bodily thirium already coursing through his plastic arteries. He struggled with the proper demand, desiring to feel immense waves of pleasure built contingently upon Gavin’s persistent tonguing, but ultimately he had to decline. He wasn’t sure how much thirium would be released; if there was too much that prevented his function, they were no longer living in times that Gavin could just meander into the nearest convenience store to pick up a bottle of “Blueberry Go-Go”.
Another error message interrupted the magnificent view of his lover choking below him. He was overheating.
Nines ripped away from Gavin, heaving under the frustration of his pulsating, wet cock. A familiar look of hurt flickered in his boyfriend’s eyes, but Nines was quick to place two reassuring hands on his shoulders. “I can’t absolve myself. I would be wasting my thirium…”
Gavin piped in with a pleading tone, “I have plenty.”
“You do?”
He nodded. “I stocked up on some last week after…” Gavin blushed, moving to touch his lover’s face. “…you know.”
The android’s first instinct was to feel relief, wanting to continue their relations and experience the sweet pleasure of a human orgasm. Then, a lighthearted afterthought pushed against his vivacious libido. “You were looking forward to doing this again?”
“Yeah, yeah,” grumbled Gavin, realizing the sweet-bitten look his boyfriend infected him with., “I bought you your blue juice. I guess it worked out pretty well considering the circumstances. Do you want to stop? It might be harder to-”
Nines answered his boyfriend by shoving him back into his subordinate position and breaking the skin of his luscious lips between his teeth. He dug claws into Gavin’s hips and gripped them like reins, grinding his monstrous dick against one that dwarfed in comparison.
Gavin, for once, didn’t mind being as small as he was, internally begging to feel Nines’ throbbing cock against his tight hole. Nines read his mind, dropping Gavin completely and demanding him to “suck me” with a cutting stare that made him indubitably obey.
When the android was dripping in saliva once again, he bent over to suck off the warm member below him, dipping to Gavin’s leveled waist and twirling his cock underneath the loose sack that melted over top of him. The android tested the feeling, appreciating the damp nook that his lover exposed to him, waiting for an objection. When none came, he pushed slowly into the puckered hole, staring blankly into the squirming man below him, though desperately trying not to break the dominant persona that had overtaken him.
It took milliseconds for the error messages to pop up once more, but Nines ignored them for the time being. He wanted to watch the pleasure melt into his lover’s eyes as he sunk deeper into the ever-tightening walls. When he thought the moans couldn’t draw out any longer, he extracted himself up to his tip, desiring to hear Gavin’s pleas. The man did not satisfy this desire, automatically slamming his naked ass over the android’s cock and ripping a glass-shattering moan that involuntarily sprung red alerts across his ocular view. If he did not accept to its terms, it would override his own demands, but he was not ready.
No, he wasn’t ready to –
Gavin curled his legs around his waist and clung fervently, grinding wantonly against his biocomponent. Suddenly, the alerts began to flicker statically, and Nines erupted without caution. He growled against his lover’s gasps, indiscriminately nipping at his cheek and shaking under the pulses that charged heavy projectiles into the dark cave of his pleasure.
This only seemed to provoke Gavin’s excitement further, intriguingly enough to Nine’s observations. He slapped harder against the android, thrusting his cock upwards into the heated skin above him and relishing in the liquid that squirted from his ass under each solid movement. When Nines regained some of his strength, he forced himself onto his elbows and enjoyed the unveiled show of his boyfriend climaxing around him.
A flash of anger appeared on Gavin’s face before he made a corporeal demand by guiding the android’s hand over his loaded member. Nines understood almost immediately, sitting up straight and stroking promptly the small dick in his firm grasp.
The man’s waist followed Nines’ towering movements, suddenly coming to touch his sweet spot and focusing his movements on that single area. The android glared down at him expectantly. Did he know how hot he looked when he acted so serious? Gavin assumed he did when he began to buck against him, digging straight into the spot that made his vocal cords weak. The fire in his ass consumed his entire being, releasing audible spasms throughout his body that coated his chest in a familiar sticky substance.
Nines continued to stroke him even after, unbelieving of the pleasurable writhing of which his lover was capable. Gavin had to clench onto the android’s wrist to stop the movements, needing to relax against the frigid state he had experienced for probably too long. He slid off of his boyfriend’s cock, relieving a sigh, and then a sad moan when a loneliness settled within his emptied hole.
“I don’t think I could ever go back.” The look on the android’s face was incredulous as he sat back on his heels.
“Go back to what?”
“Being a machine,” said Nines. “I love you. I love… being with you. I’m not human, but I can’t be… I can’t be a machine.”
Gavin hushed him, only rising to pull his lover into the cushions beside of himself. He pressed his lips gently against Nines, wrapping his body wet from any and all bodily fluids around his and nestling his face into his chest. “You don’t have to worry about what you are. You’re you. That’s all that matters.”
Though Gavin was unable to see the realization that crossed Nines’ expression, the android smiled and hugged his human tighter. All this time, he had been obsessed with labeling himself into either box. He hadn’t stopped to consider that he was just him. Nines was a sentient being that loved working as a detective, that loved beating people at chess, and that loved this man. Nines was Nines.
Why should he deserve less than others to live this life he was granted? Even if he was granted this life in non-traditional ways.
Yes, Nines smiled. He was not human, but he was himself. As he was Gavin’s.
He looked to the unknowingly wise man beneath him and kissed the sweat-stuck bangs along his forehead.
“I love you,” breathed Gavin. His tone was rigidly quiet, signaling the beginning stages of a drifting sleep.
Nines’ smile grew broader. “I love you,” he whispered back, slipping the blanket that hung over the back of the couch over their sleeping forms. “You won’t ever lose me.”
The End? You Decide.
The next morning, Gavin awoke to daylight seeping through the window shades, a pillow crushed between his arms. The body that had entered the darkness with him did not greet him on the other side.
Stumbling to his feet, the gruff man eyed the open floor plan, pacing down the hallway when Nines had not appeared in his view. Hints of panic began to travel through his veins upon the inspection of an empty bedroom. Then, with one last desperate pounce at the bathroom door, immense terror struck Gavin when the site was void. Immediately, Gavin fisted a washcloth over his dick uncleaned from the night before and threw on a pair of boxers crumpled on the tiled floor.
As his fingers wrapped around the doorknob, a red reflection caught his eye in the mirror, and he stopped. The source was circular, pulsing in a dying light of slow movements amongst the mess of toiletries. At the same moment, his front door clicked open and he engaged the guilty suspect in the living room with his respective organ laid in-hand.
“What the fuck were you doing? And what the fuck is this?”
Nines was dressed in one of Gavin’s maroon sweatshirts but wore the same black jeans (assuming he probably could not squeeze into a pair of his).
“I can’t be android anymore. I needed to rid myself of it if I were to ever have a chance of not being spotted. I’m sorry, I know I must have worried you.” The android shifted uncomfortably beneath Gavin’s scowl. “I needed to see Connor and the Lieutenant one last time.”
“What do you mean ‘one last time’?”
Nines visibly dropped. “I can’t stay in Detroit, Gavin. Neither can Connor. I thought you knew that?”
Gavin hadn’t thought of it. He had been too busy trying to find his boyfriend and later trying to convince himself that his boyfriend was still in existence and not some illusion. After that… he had no clue what the plan was. Perhaps, to just continue enjoying a love he had thought he lost.
“I love you,” continued Nines when Gavin had not. “If moving is too much, then I cannot force you to go. But, if I may add, my life is empty without my purpose as a detective; and it is also selfish to keep when it could imperil Connor’s safety. You are why I could not yet exterminate myself, Gavin. You were my first and last thought before stepping into one of those camps. If you say goodbye today, then I will understand, but please, I beg you to reconsider.”
Speechlessness was a rare condition for Gavin. His hand went slack, and he gaped with consternation, letting the LED clunk to the floor. From the first moment he had opened his eyes to this disgusting world, he had been a sour man. Although there were a few hidden gems, none of them compared to the way Nines had made him feel: so important, so loved. Could he really give that up to return to his life of android discrimination? For years, he despised their very being, hoping for the government to come to the consensus that they had finally arrived to. But now was different, now he was hopelessly in love with an android. An android built incapable of love who was now inconceivably begging for Gavin to stay. Was there even a level of shitty that existed within him to say no?
Despite the severity of the situation, Nines did not express a distinguishable emotion. His intense stare locked onto Gavin, nearly piercing straight through him into the void that was preparing for denial. The irony was not lost upon him, realizing that it was the android just last night promising he would never leave the despondent man; the tables were turned now. Gavin could provide it for him, it was not impossible to uproot his life and start fresh elsewhere.
Did he even have that much to lose? His still vocal cords told him he did.
For as much as Gavin hated many things, he would miss the familiarity of the DPD. He would miss the break room’s horrible coffee and fucking with Anderson on a daily. He would miss going on lunches to random places that Tina suggested and spitting out whatever dish she forced down his throat. He would even miss his damned broken chair that never stayed at the right height long enough for him to type up a single report. Yeah, as much as he hated a lot of it, he would miss this life.
But the pain that ripped through his chest when he realized Nines could have been gone forever… it was an unmistakably violent feeling he wouldn’t elect for anyone else to experience. The sheer rawness of his insides tortured his mind to the extent of self-harm. He would never admit to it, not even to himself, but the state of his existence was a questionable case had Nines not confronted him in his own apartment last night. A future without Nines was…indisputable.
That didn’t make the prospect of the change less difficult.
The befuddled man turned away and traveled to the far window, capturing a glance at the skyscrapers framed by the sill in his living room. Then, he turned, crossing his arms and meeting Nines’ line of sight. “Can we just enjoy one day without it all? No politics, no moving, no dumbass decisions like scalping your LED and putting yourself in danger. Just – one – day?”
The floor became a source of answers for Nines when it was made obvious that he did not care for his boyfriend’s. Without another word, the android joined Gavin by the window and folded him into his arms. Neither were unsure how long they could last there without discussing this emphatic problem, but neither wanted to know. And so they stood quietly in each other’s presence; Nines listening to the light breaths of his lover, and Gavin melting into the thrums of his android’s thirium pump.
Nines pressed his palm into Gavin’s tangled hair, inhaling his oily effervescence, and pressing his lips to the side of his temple. The man relaxed into his chest and smiled.
If the world ended right now, all their fears of their future would be completely irrelevant. There would be no reason Nines would have to decide whether life was worth living if Gavin denied him, nor would there be reason for Gavin to worry about leaving his old life behind.
If the world ended, there would be no reason for them to even say goodbye. They would be as they were, encompassing one another and riding out their affections until their beating organs failed.
Nines watched the outside world while he felt his lover inversely lose himself from it. They held each for what felt like hours. They held each other as the clouds passed from one corner of the window to the next.
They held each other and Nines watched coolly as the blue skies were shielded with roaring oranges that blocked out the sun.
They held each other until Nines could feel the ground tremble and he shushed his slumbering human back into his chest.
They held each other until Gavin inhaled a finalized breath, never to be proceeded by a relinquishing exhale.
Nines held on until his own systems depleted and he could no longer hold.
“I love you.”
16 notes · View notes
Trick or Treat (PT 2)
Fandom: Shazam!
Pairing: Freddy Freeman/Fem!Reader
Summary: You were the Ice Queen of the school and you’re assigned to tutor Pedro Peña. Are you really what people have been saying you are? And what is going on between you and Freddy?
You jumped as a tray was placed on your table in the library. You looked up to see Freddy.
“What are you doing here,” you whispered.
“No one should have to eat lunch alone,” he said seriously, “so I figured I’d come here and eat.”
“What about Billy,” you asked.
“If you want, you can come to the cafeteria and sit with me and my family. If you would rather stay here then I’ll stay with you,” he said smiling at you.
You smiled brightly at him.
“Wow Ice Bitch smiles,” a girl a few tables over said loudly, “it’s freaking creepy.”
“Shhh,” the librarian warned.
You’re smile faded and you stood up grabbing your lunch bag, “Let’s go to the cafeteria.”
Over the next few weeks Freddy and his family took over your life. It wasn’t bad, it was just a 180 from your normal way of doing things.
Monday through Friday you tutored Pedro in their living room after school. Eventually, the whole family came in to help him during this time. All the support helped him catch on faster and he didn’t need to spend as much time studying.
At first that made you sad. However every time you made a move to leave, someone would kidnap you to do something else. You played dress up and dolls with Darla; played video games with the boys; and gossiped with Mary.
More often than not you stayed for dinner too. You quickly became another member of the family.
At school Freddy and Billy started walking with you to classes, and you sat with the family at lunch. The gossip mill was up and running with word that the ice queen was melting. That part didn’t bother you. What did bother you was a creeping fear that you would eventually wear your welcome out with these people you’d grown to love, and you’d be alone again.
Freddy was the only one to notice you start to seem sad and distant again. He wanted to talk to you about it, but when you two were alone he kept getting tongue tied.
It was because of this and his worry for you that had him finding himself knocking on Mary’s door.
“Hey Freddy, come in, what’s wrong,” she asked concerned.
“Can you talk to Y/N,” he asked suddenly, “she’s really sad and I don’t know why. I want to fix it but I can’t if I don’t know and I can’t talk to her because when I do my tongue swells and my palms sweat and I feel as smart as a freaking caveman and -“
“Freddy, breathe,” Mary said smiling.
Freddy took a breath and sat on her bed.
“Looks like that crush has gotten worse,” she teased.
“Crush? I’m in love with her,” he said honestly without even thinking.
Mary gaped at him. She wasn’t expecting that to come out of his mouth. It surprised him even more that he didn’t backtrack. He must really love you.
“I’ll talk to her,” she promised.
Freddy sighed, relieved, “Thank you.”
“Y/N! Y/N,” Darla said jumping up and down excitedly when you came through the door, “can you take us trick or treating, please? Freddy said he’d take me and Eugene this year but I really want you to come to, please?”
You smiled at her enthusiasm and pretended to think about it.
“Can I still wear a costume even though I’m not trick or treating,” you finally asked.
“YAY,” Darla squealed as she jumped up and hugged you.
“Hey, Darla I need Y/N” Mary called from the top of the stairs.
“Be here, October 31st at 5pm sharp,” Darla whispered before she skipped off.
“Will do,” you laughed as you headed up to Mary’s room.
You shut the door and walked over to Mary’s bed and sat down.
“Is everything okay,” you asked a little nervously.
It was Saturday and you had planned to just hang out in your room and read when Mary had called and said she needed to talk in person.
“I’ve noticed,” Mary said carefully, “that you’ve been seeming a little worried or bothered lately. Is everything okay?”
“Umm,” you stalled as you played with the hem of your shirt, “Yea, Yea I’m good.”
“Y/N,” Mary said in a warning tone.
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid,” you said as you looked at her, fear in your eyes.
Mary walked over to sit on her bed with you.
“I know we haven’t been friends for long, but you can talk to me,” she encouraged.
“For how long,” you said sadly, “how long until I get too annoying or too clingy.”
“What are you talking about,” she asked confused.
“I’m over here like 6 days a week. We hang out in school,” you said like the problem was obvious.
“So,” Mary asked.
“So when are you guys going to have enough and I won’t be welcome here anymore and then I’ll have to go back and eat in the library by myself again,” you said tears spilling over onto your cheeks.
Your hands were formed into fists and digging into your legs. A panic attack was coming on fast and strong. You’ve never had one in front of another person and it was making your anxiety even worse.
“I know I’m too much,” you said through gritted teeth as you tried to control your breathing.
“Y/N, breathe,” Mary said calmly as she got on her knees in front of you.
She calmly helped you through your attack.
“You’re not too much. Whoever has you believing that you’re too much is an idiot,” she said sincerely as you calmed down.
“My old friends,” you said softly.
“What,” she said surprised.
“I used to have a group of friends,” you explained, “but they said I was too much. I’ve been through a lot, but I’m lucky compared to most. I don’t know my dad...my mom was in my life but she straight up told me to my face she didn’t like me that I look too much like my dad and I’m not fun and she left. A lot of people feel bad that my grandparents got stuck with me so I’ve tried so hard to not cause trouble and to make good grades so they don’t have to worry about me. I’m always too much.”
“Look at me,” Mary said seriously, “you will never be too much for this family. Ever. You’re stuck with us...and I promise you you won’t ever have to eat in the library alone again unless you want to.”
“Are you sure,” you asked still unsure.
“Trust me,” she said her eyes glittering playfully, “especially if Freddy has anything to say about it”
You immediately felt your whole body turn red.
“Oh my gosh you like him,” Mary said in happy shock.
“Shhh,” you said standing up and walking to her door.
You opened it and looked around cautiously before feeling safe enough to close it.
“I know what you’re wearing for Halloween,” Mary said suddenly, “let’s go!”
“Where are we going,” you asked as she pulled you out the door.
“To get your costume.”
*Halloween Night 4:45pm*
“Mary, why am I wearing this,” Freddy asked feeling slightly uncomfortable, “I mean I love The Dark Knight and all but I was going to be Superman.”
“Just trust me, okay,” she said with a knowing smile, “Now I’ve got a party to get to, Y/N should be here in about 15 minutes.”
“Wait! Y/N is coming,” Freddy called after her in a panic.
“I asked her to take us,” Darla said happily, “with you too of course.”
“Oh great so I’m in costume and she’s going to be normal because we’re just waking you guys and I’m going to look like a total d-“
“THAT’S Y/N,” Darla cried as she ran towards the door you had just knocked on.
Freddy nervously adjusted his Batman mask and tried desperately to think of someway to look cool in front of you. He stopped short when he saw you come in. You were dressed in a short, tight Wonder Woman costume complete with a lasso of truth.
“Looking good Batsy,” you said as you saw Freddy in his costume.
“You look incredible,” he said without thinking.
You wished Wonder Woman had a face mask like Batman, because if she did he wouldn’t be able to see how red she turned at his compliment.
“If you two are done flirting I’d love to get some candy,” Eugene interrupted.
“Okay let’s go,” you laughed.
The first few houses you took them to were decorated on the scary side. Darla got nervous and Eugene started to tease her.
“Darla,” you said crouching to her level, “Halloween is a special night. It’s when we can be anyone we want and we can face our fears and laugh at them.”
“We can,” she asked amazed.
Freddy watched you with a completely lovestruck face as you calmed Darla down with ease.
Later on, you went to turn down a particular street and Freddy stopped you.
“There are some extreme houses that way, Darla won’t go down this street,” he said quietly.
“Let’s go,” Darla said puffing out her chest bravely, “Halloween is a night where we can laugh at our fears!”
She marched down the street and Eugene quickly followed. You were shocked at how brave Darla became because some of the houses freaked you out. One house had things popping out of their yard that caused you to jump. You grabbed Freddy’s arm on instinct and he leaned in close to you.
“Check out Eugene,” he whispered.
You shivered, and it wasn’t from the cold. When you looked at Eugene you noticed that he looked more than nervous.
The yard the four of you approached had strobes, smoke, and creepy music blaring. They also had life sized statues of Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Ghostface, and Freddy Krueger. Darla went up without fear while Eugene inched up the driveway cautiously.
You saw movement out of the corner of your eye. As you watched carefully your eyes widened at the realization that these weren’t statues...these were real people in costume. They stood stock still and every few moments they would move ever so slightly. When Eugene and Darla reached the end of the driveway Freddy and Ghostface jumped at them.
Eugene screamed and ran behind you and Freddy. Darla just laughed and skipped to the next house.
It would’ve been amusing if that were the end of it.
It wasn’t.
Freddy Krueger followed you four for 6 houses. At first you and Freddy used this opportunity to tease Eugene. You both sang, “1,2 Freddy’s coming for you...”
Eventually you noticed that Eugene was on the verge of a panic attack. That stopped you in your tracks. You turned around and faced Freddy Krueger.
“Hey it was funny, but your really freaking my friend out,” you said seriously, “can you please go back to the house you were scaring at?”
“I’m sorry,” came a deep voice behind the mask, “I’m honestly not trying to scare you guys. You’re gorgeous and I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to get your number.”
Freddy turned his back on you and the horror legend. He’d been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out for weeks now, and here he was being shown up - by another Freddy no less.
“I’m really flattered,” you said honestly, “but I’m in love with another Freddy.”
Krueger sighed and put his head down, “Fair enough, at least I tried. Sorry kid for scaring you!”
You turned around to face Freddy, your Freddy, not even registering what you said within earshot of him.
As was his habit around you, words spilled out of his mouth without him even thinking about it.
“What Freddy are you in love with,” he asked hopefully, “Highmore? Mercury? Prince Jr.?”
You took a deep breath, screwing up your courage you walked over to him. When you were inches from his face you said, “Freeman.”
You looked at him with your infamous Ice Queen face. You didn’t want him to see how desperate you were to kiss him. You didn’t want him to do anything out of pity.
It took Freddy all of thirty seconds to crash his lips onto yours. Your breath was taken away. For a first kiss it lasted longer and held more passion than you could’ve imagined. Freddy was an incredible kisser.
Freddy pouted as the need for air made him stop kissing you. He gently put his forehead to yours and asked, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Definitely,” you said enthusiastically, “especially if it means we can do that more!”
Freddy chuckled, “We can do that whenever you want...all the time even.”
You giggled and then your giggle turned into full blown laughter. He found himself smiling at you in spite of himself.
“What’s so funny,” he asked.
“I told you Batman and Wonder Woman were a thing,” you said as you pointed to your outfits.
“Okay this was cool and all, but let’s get candy,” Eugene interrupted.
Darla sighed dreamily, “Don’t interrupt their moment!”
“It’s okay let’s get back to trick or treating,” Freddy said to them before whispering to you, “sooner they’re tired out the sooner we can get home and makeout to a scary movie.”
“I love the way you think, Batsy,” you teased.
“There’s no way I can get you to change my nickname to Supes is there,” he teased back.
“Not if you want to make out with this Wonder Woman,” you said half joking.
“I am Batman,” he said instantly in his grittiest voice.
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Hundreds and Thousands
Summary: Ben hardy x fem!reader. A new customer at the café catches your eye
Word Count: 4k 
Warnings: just fluff!
A/N: This is my gift for @rogerinaismyqueen for @dtfrogertaylor‘s A Night at the Fandom! I’m so excited for you to read this, and I hope you enjoy! I combined the kind of date you selected with the way they met and in this, Ben is not a part of Borhap so who knows how he makes a living lol 
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Working at the coffee shop had its perks. Free coffee and day old pastries were a plus and your coworkers always had entertaining stories to tell you. One of the biggest perks though, was all the people that came through. You genuinely loved your customers, and as most of them were regulars, you got to know them (or at least their coffee habits) pretty well. There were always new faces though, and one of your favorite things to do was point out the cute guys to your work mates. They could always count on you noticing the hottest ones walking in, even if you were seemingly focused on making a drink or ringing up another customer at the register.
So, when a blonde beefcake walked in one boring sunday afternoon, you were the first to notice.
“Mayday, mayday, this one’s too hot to handle,” you muttered under your breath to Grace, the girl you were working with that day. She looked up lazily from the counter she was wiping down, but almost did a double take as she saw who you were talking about.
Now, the coffee shop had its fair share of attractive customers, but this guy was really something. As previously mentioned, he was blonde and muscular, but also had great bone structure, was pretty tall, and had gorgeous green eyes.
As you were the one on register, you kept yourself composed, grabbed your pen, and stood up straighter. The guy didn’t come to the register right away, taking a moment to look at the menu and the pastry display before stepping up. While you were waiting, you looked around the café, clicking your pen a couple of times out of habit.
Looking to him as he walked up, you put on your customer service smile.
He smiled back and said, “Hello,” in a deep, accented voice that made your knees a little weak and you were glad for the counter to hide behind.
“Hello, what can I get started for you today?” you said, cheerfully.
“Um, can I get a 16oz mocha?” he asked politely.
“For here or to go? And would you like it hot or iced?” you asked in clarification.
“For here, and hot, please,” he replied.
“Would you like whipped cream on that?”
“Yes please,” he said back enthusiastically, making you smile and laugh a little genuinely. It always surprised you when muscular men came through and got the sugariest drinks they could.
“Alright, and a name for that?”
“Ben,” he told you.
You nodded and typed his order into the register, saying the total. He handed you his card and you rang him up, handing it back to him when you were done.
“That’ll be right out,” you said with another smile.
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile that had you staring for just a second too long before you remembered you were the one that was supposed to make his drink.
As you started making the drink, Grace came up next to you and smiled giddily.
“Wow, was he a looker,” she said with a giggle. “What was his name?”
“Ben,” you whispered back. “Be quieter, he’s still right there,” you reminded, pointing with your gaze to where he was choosing a table to sit at, only 20 feet away.
“Eh, he can’t hear me over the milk steamer,” Grace shrugged.
You finished the drink, spraying the whipped cream on top in a perfect swirl before adding some chocolate sprinkles for extra effect.
Walking over to the part of the counter that was for giving drinks out to customers, you called out, “16oz mocha for Ben.”
Ben stood up quickly from the table where he was setting up his laptop and walked over. Grabbing the drink from where you had set it down, he looked at you with a smile. “Thank you, and thank you for the hundreds and thousands.”
“I’m sorry, the whats?” you asked in confusion.
“Um, I think here in America you call them ‘sprinkles,’” he offered, unsure.
“Oh, that’s an interesting difference,” you laughed. “I like that, hundreds and thousands. You’re welcome, have a nice day.”
“You too, Y/N,” he said, nodding to your nametag and winking when you had a bit of confusion. You smiled back genuinely; although many customers would recognize your face if they came in often, most of them didn’t bother to learn your name.
Ben walked back to his table and got settled and you got back to work as a new customer had just walked in.
Over the next hour or so, you took orders and made drinks, stealing looks at Ben all the while. He was engrossed in whatever he was working on, brows furrowed slightly as he read and typed alternatively.
When you and Grace switched roles, you left from behind the counter to head to the back and grab a broom while she took over the register. You went to the area where the tables were and started sweeping up the little bits of paper and dust that had accumulated over the course of the day.
You came up on Ben’s table in a moment, and when he saw that his bag was going to get in your way, he picked it up quickly.
“Here, let me get this out of your way,” he said, again in that low voice, but this time you didn’t have the counter to hide behind.
“Thanks. Hard at work?” you asked, nodding to the laptop in front of him.
He laughed and nodded, “Yeah, I always find it easiest to work somewhere with a little noise. I’m glad I found this place.”
“It’s pretty great for that,” you agreed. “Are you new to the area?”
“How could you tell?” he said jokingly.
“I guess I just have a good intuition for such things,” you said sarcastically but with a smile.
“I just moved here last month, still getting used to it,” he explained casually.
“Well, welcome to town! Anyway, I’ll let you get back to it,” you said cheerfully as you started to sweep again.
“Thanks for the reprieve, though,” he replied with a smile that you returned easily. His smile really was contagious.
After your round of sweeping, you joined Grace behind the bar to restock the things she needed. As you were bringing a couple of jugs of milk up from the back, she turned to you while she was making a drink.
“Flirting with customers on company time, Y/N? I’ll have to report you,” she said, but you knew she was joking— she was always flirting with customers— and shook your head with a smile. “Any more info about him?”
“Well, he’s not from around here, but that was pretty obvious from the start,” you answered. “Just moved here a month ago and likes to work at coffee shops, but that’s everyone. Didn’t say what he was working on.”
“Hmmm, very promising. Did you tell him you could show him around?” she said suggestively just before she capped the drink and called the order out to the customer.
“Ha! No, after the two sentences we exchanged I did not ask him out,” you said a little incredulously. “Who do you think I am?”
“You can’t fault me for hoping you would be more forward,” she claimed as she stepped up to the counter and started greeting a customer. She was a master of switching from personal to work conversations without caring if the customers heard.
As she helped the customers, you went back to your tasks, and after about half an hour, finally had a second to relax. Surveying the café, you saw that everything was going well and the customers looked happy and relaxed further before realizing something had changed. Ben wasn’t in his seat anymore and there was no trace of him left. He must have left while you were busy and didn't notice. It was a little thing to be upset about, and not like there would never be another hot customer, but you were still kinda sad that you hadn’t seen him leave.
You sighed to yourself and resigned to continue to work, although a little forlornly.
A week later, you showed up for work just on time and clocked on, tying your apron around your waist before pulling your hair into a ponytail and washing your hands. You stepped out to the front and said hi to Grace. You and she worked weekend afternoons together but you worked weekday mornings most of the time, so you didn’t see much of her during the week.
She sighed in relief when you got there, “It’s been such a boring day today. Still no sign of blondie.”
You chuckled at her words. Yesterday, when she had eagerly asked, you had informed her of how you hadn’t seen Ben all week. She hadn’t either working the closing shift, so you had assumed either he came midday or hadn’t come at all. You switched positions; you taking over the register for the first part of your shift while she cleaned and restocked.
As you signed in to the system on the machine, you hummed to the song that Grace had playing over the system. The rule was that whoever was on register got to choose the music, and you hadn’t got around to changing it. You were just about to walk over to the little CD player that controlled the sound system when you saw a customer out of the corner of your eye.
Turning back, you recognized the face and smiled for real. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at how happy you were at seeing him, but the embarrassment faded a little when you saw the enthusiastic smile already on his face.
“Hi,” you said brightly.
“Thank goodness you’re back! None of the other baristas have been giving me sprinkles!” he said in mock exasperation and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I think they’re actually called hundreds and thousands,” you replied to his delight. “You know, you could just ask for them.”
“I feel silly as an adult asking for sprinkles on my mocha that already has whipped cream,” he explained.
“But it’s completely fine for me to put them on there?” you clarified.
“Exactly, you get it,” he said happily.
You laughed and shook your head in amusement, “So that’ll be a 16oz mocha, hot and for here with whipped cream and sprinkles?”
“Only if you insist,” he said with a wink, and you could swear there were butterflies taking flight in your stomach.
You finished the transaction and went to make the drink. As you were pouring out the ingredients, Grace walked up to you, about to comment on how annoying cleaning was when she spotted Ben. Quickly closing the distance between the two of you, she hit you lightly on the shoulder with a shocked look on her face.
“How could you not tell me that he was back?”
“What was I supposed to do? Shout ‘Grace, get over here, the blonde hottie is back in the store!’ as soon as he walked up?” you questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s really all I ask,” she said simply.
“I’ll do that then next time, sure thing,” you said sarcastically and rolling your eyes. Your focus went back to the drink and you finished it, again adding the sprinkles.
“Why are you adding sprinkles? Isn’t that just a regular mocha?” she asked, confused.
“He likes them,” you said quietly.
“Oh, that’s so cute! He’s like a little-” she gushed before you quieted her. As you waved her away, you called the drink out to Ben and he was there in a second.
“How am I going to survive another seven days without these hundreds and thousands?” he asked wistfully and you chuckled.
“You know, I do work the rest of the week too. Just in the mornings. Although I’m not sure it’s recommended to have a mocha every day of the week. You know, health-wise,” you pointed out.
“I think I’ll be fine, I’m very healthy otherwise,” he said with a smirk, and as you raked your eyes over his body in what you hoped was a subtle fashion, you couldn’t disagree. If he noticed you checking him out, he didn’t say anything. “Guess I’ll see you on Monday then.”
“Okay,” you nodded, answering and watching him walk away. Damn, what was that saying? You hated for him to go, but loved to watch him leave.
You hadn’t expected to actually see him the next day. It was one thing to like sprinkles, but it was another thing to get up early (or so you assumed) to get coffee before work if it wasn’t a regular thing.
But there he was at 7:30am, in line with all the early risers, ready for his mocha and already smiling at you. It was hard to stay focused on the other customers as the two of you kept making eye contact. How was this one guy, with a bit of an obsession with sprinkles, making such an impact on you?
By the time he was the first person in line, the two of you were grinning at each other like idiots.
“I kinda can’t believe you actually came here,” you told him.
“I’m serious about my sprinkles,” he joked and then added, “Plus, I think starting off my day talking to you isn’t such a bad thing.”
That really made you smile, but you had to look away for a moment as you were flustered. Ben just kept smiling at you. Noticing that the people behind him were looking a little grumbly you tried to hurry along the process.
“Do you want that for here or to go?”
“I better get it to go,” he said and you nodded, grabbing one of the paper cups. Since it was the busy morning shift, one of your coworkers was making the drinks, but you made a note to add sprinkles. He paid and walked away as you started helping the next customer.
When your work mate called out the drink for Ben you looked over and saw him grab it. He was looking back at you, and gave you a smile and wave as he left.
Over the next four days, he kept coming into the café in the morning, and the two of you fit as much flirting in as you could before other customers got mad about the line. He didn’t come in on Saturday, but you had kind of expected as much since he hadn’t the week before.
Sunday started as all Sundays had, with you grumbling as you turned off your third alarm of the day. That was the last alarm you set for yourself, and you knew that you had to get up after it went off. Since the weekends were your day to sleep in, you were always reluctant to get up and get ready.
Thankfully, it was a 9:00am wake-up time instead of the 5:30am you were used to on weekdays. You had read that it was better to have a consistent wake-up time everyday, but it seemed plain wrong to get up before 8:00am on a weekend.
You ambled out of bed and to your kitchen, opting for a cup of peppermint tea to start your morning. Since you worked at a coffee shop, you tried to keep the caffeine at work so you wouldn’t become too dependent. Sipping on your tea, you made toast and eggs and ate those while flicking through the notifications on your phone.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth, washed your face and started getting dressed. Since you worked at a local place and not a corporate place like Starbucks, you had a very loose dress code; basically don’t wear profanity and wear closed toed shoes. You were looking through your closet and dresser trying to find something that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, was comfortable, and felt cute. Remembering that Ben was probably coming in today, you started thinking if he would like what you were wearing but quickly shook the thought from your brain. You didn’t dress for men in general, and today wasn’t any different.
You ended up deciding on a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a black and green striped t-shirt with a little pine tree embroidered on the breast pocket. It was a go-to look and one that you felt confident in. Hooking in a simple pair of silver hoops and pulling your hair into a small bun, you looked at the clock and saw that you still had about two hours before you even had to think about leaving.
Deciding to listen to some music, you walked to your living room where you kept one of those record player/CD player combos and flipped through your small (but growing) record collection. You decided on one of your all time favorites, Jazz by Queen. Pulling the record out of its sleeve, you set it on the player and placed the needle down. A second later, you heard the opening notes of “Mustapha,” and smiled happily. While it was maybe one of the lesser known Queen albums, you loved it for how different it was and the fact that it contained some of your favorite songs, “Fun It,” and “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
You sang along to the songs as you did some light cleaning, taking breaks to dance along to the more upbeat songs and maybe going a little too hard when “Don’t Stop Me Now,” came on. As the album wound down with “More of That Jazz,” you put away your things and decided to switch to TV for the time being. Putting something random on Netflix, you scrolled through your phone instead of paying too much attention to what was on. After about an hour, you needed to gather your things for work and head out.
You arrived at work a couple of minutes early and hung out in the back until you could clock on. Grace came back to grab something quickly and saw you.
“No sign of your guy,” she said with a smirk.
“Shut up. He doesn’t come here every day and he’s not my guy,” you reminded her.
“With what you told me yesterday, I’m not so sure that’s true,” she said slyly before going back to the front. You had told her about the flirting and how he came every morning that week until Saturday. Once you clocked on, you joined Grace in the front, and seeing her unoccupied, started talking again.
“The reason he comes everyday is to get a mocha with sprinkles, so I don’t even see your point.”
“What really seems more likely? He’s ‘too embarrassed,’ to ask for sprinkles from any other barista or he comes here early every morning to see you?” she asked with a quirked brow.
You frowned and were trying to stutter out a response when you heard the door to the outside open and both of you looked over, seeing Ben.
“There’s your man,” she said smugly.
You brushed off her comment as you signed into the register, collecting yourself and smiling when Ben came up to the counter.
“Afternoon, Y/N,” he said with an easy smile.
“Good afternoon, Ben. Would you like your usual?” you asked.
“You know, actually, I’m looking to expand my horizons. What would you suggest?” he said with a curious look on his face.
You considered for a moment and then said, “I’m a big fan of our chai lattes. They’re best iced, though.”
“Iced chai latte?” he repeated and you nodded. “That doesn’t come with whipped cream or sprinkles does it?” you shook your head no, a little concerned as to whether he would take your advice or not. You worries were assuaged when he replied with enthusiasm, “Well, guess I’ve got to break that habit someday. Iced chai latte for here, it is.”
You smiled and told him his total, finishing the transaction before he walked over to find a table to set up shop. Watching his movements, you started making the drink. Grace sauntered up to you as you were doing so, catching you off guard and almost making you spill.
She snickered as she said, “Looks like he doesn’t require sprinkles with his café experience. Makes you wonder..”
You rolled your eyes at her, refusing to play her game and called the drink out to Ben as you finished it. He came over quickly and you insisted he try it before walking away.
He did as you said, his eyes lighting up when he got a taste, “Wow, this might be even better than a mocha.”
“I’m glad you like it,” you said with a little bit of relief.
“I’m glad you recommended it,” he said with a smile before turning to go back to his table.
After helping another customer, you realized you hadn’t changed the music from Grace’s, and although you weren’t averse to Ariana Grande, you were in the mood for something else. You bent down a little, opening the cupboard where a lot of the CDs were kept. The player had an aux cord, but you knew there was a CD that fit your interests and opted for that instead. Laying eyes on it, you grabbed it and opened the case, popping the CD into the slot and waiting for the music to start so you could adjust the volume accordingly.
Hearing the starting notes of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you smiled in contentment and turned it down a little bit so it wouldn’t bother anyone. You worked and listened as time went on, serving customers and chatting with Grace about work stuff mainly. There was a little break in customers and you were humming along with “Somebody to Love,” absentmindedly while doodling on a sticky note with your pen.
“On a bit of a Queen kick?” you heard Ben’s deep voice ask you and you looked up smiling a bit sheepishly.
“Ah, the real question is when am I not?” you joked back and he laughed.
“I’m fond of them myself. Pretty much have to be living in England,” he told you.
“That’s like saying I have to be a fan of Journey just ‘cause I’m American,” you pointed out.
“Huh, you’re right. I am a fan of them though,” he admitted.
“Journey?” you said with a smirk.
“Queen,” he said laughing. “Since you’re a self-proclaimed fan, I assume you listen to more than their Greatest Hits album?”
“I do. What about you?” you said, turning the question back on him.
“I have, I think,” he said, looking up and trying to think of any.
“Yeah?” you said, unbelieving, but wanting to tease him further. “What’s your favorite album?”
“Ummm, that’s difficult, how am I supposed to choose that?” he stalled.
“Well then, just choose one that you really like,” you suggested with a smile that rivaled the cheshire cat’s.
“I- uh- the-,” he stuttered, unable to think of any.
“Are you sure you’re a Queen fan, or was that just an excuse to come up here?” you called him out, causing him to blush.
“Maybe I’m a casual fan looking for someone to teach me more about them,” he hinted.
“And who would that be?” you asked, wanting him to spell it out.
“This barista I met the other week by the name of Y/N,” Ben said, looking at you with apprehension, to make sure he wasn’t pushing a boundary or anything.
“I suppose that could be arranged,” you said with a smile that he returned. You wrote on the sticky note that you had doodled on and handed it to him, “This is my number. Text me and we can set up a lesson,” you said with a wink.
“Will do,” he said with a nod and happy smile. He turned to head back to his table and you called out before he got too far away. Turning around and walking back with another smile, he raised his eyebrows as he waited for you to continue.
“I’m happy to go anywhere,” you said, smiling already due to his catchy one. “So long as it’s not a coffee shop.”
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
Bulletproof -- Part Nine
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Fandom: Marvel/College AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader, Platonic!Steve Rogers x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Author: @amandaoftherosemire
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,153
Format: Series (Complete)
Warnings: Smut, 18+ only!, language, angst, fluff.
Summary: The aftermath and your escape. Steve comes home to an odd scene. The next morning you share a very little honesty.
A/N:  Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! I can’t express how much I appreciate it. I seriously squeal in delight every time. I don’t know if you guys will like where this is going, but if you want to yell, I’m always here for it.
Banner by @hellzzzbelle
Part Eight here
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Part Nine
"Okay," you said, a little while later. Your voice was a little shaky, but you'd just gotten your breath back. Encouraged by cuddly Bucky and the happy hum of contentment he'd made when he'd pulled you close, you went on. "Okay. That's a lot to unpack.” You sighed happily at the sound of Bucky’s snort of humor. “First: Fair enough. That was worth some fuss.”
Bucky's snort had broken the tension that started to gather as the heat dissipated. His next statement swept it away entirely. "Babygirl, that was a new PB and you know it."
You laughed out loud. "Did you really come in your jeans during a tickle fight with me when we were fourteen?"
"Hand to god," Bucky answered. "We were in our downstairs den. I had to run upstairs and change when your hand brushed against my dick and I went off like a rocket."
You were silent a moment, and Bucky thought you might be upset. He opened his mouth to apologize when you said, "I remember that," and the warm amusement told him he needn't bother. "I was doing it on purpose, rubbing all up ons and trying to get you going."
"Dirty girl," he rumbled into your neck, making you snicker. He laughed and went on, "My turn, but I don't know what to ask first."
You unconsciously snuggled back, the heat of his body soothing as your skin cooled, and scoffed out a laugh. "Dude, can you start small, give me a minute? I think you almost literally fucked me stupid."
"How can I say no?" Bucky sounded as smug as you'd ever heard him and you were sure that if you turned your head, he'd be wearing that sexy smirk at panty-dropping levels of cockiness. The bastard had the temerity to not even have a punchable smug face. No, he had to be hot as hell even then. Insufferable.
You really wanted to see it.
He made a grumbly noise when you wiggled to get him to loosen his hold, but he let you go without further protest. When you turned in his arms to look at him, he smiled again and cuddled you close. Wanting to see that smirk, you slyly nipped at his bottom lip.
"So," he said with the beginnings of a half-smile, "what data did you gather about those itchy fingertips?"
Your heart ached a little in gratitude for the time you needed to gather yourself together. You'd never had an experience like that, hot and intense and raw. You'd never let anyone else that close. You were starting to worry that your bulletproof vest might have a fatal flaw.
"The data collected so far supports the hypothesis that it is your skin that is making my fingertips itch."
Bucky gasped, and the laughter hiding under the mock shock made inexplicable tears prick at the back of your eyes. "Oh no. How do we fix it?"
"Well," you said, hiding the pain loving him caused you behind humor, going into the lecture mode you'd always favored for him, "it seems that there are some ways to alleviate the itching. Keeping all that yummy skin covered, for example, but which seems a crime."
"I like where your head's at." Bucky chuckled, and there was that smirk you were looking for. You didn't know why, but it made your heart flutter.
"Or I can touch you,” you purred, your eyelids lowering flirtatiously. “That takes the itch away immediately."
Bucky loved it when you did this coquettish flirty thing. He'd never seen it until recently, either with him or anyone else, and it felt like something special, something you only did for him now that your relationship had changed when the two of you reconciled. How could he help but adore you when you had such pretty ways of teasing him?
"I am happy to offer myself up for therapeutic purposes," he stated firmly. "I mean, since I’m the catalyst for the reaction, I should also provide the cure."
"Wow, Bucky!" You didn't know why, but something made you need to tease him, even as your body was still warm and vibrating from the things he'd done to it. Sarcasm lit up your face and tone. "You're ever so brave! How will you bear up under this burden?"
Bucky laughed. You simply lay there, smiling like an idiot at him. Until you'd seen him in the throes of ecstasy, you'd thought this was Bucky at his most beautiful. His was head tilted back a little, his mouth wide, eyes crinkled, guard down, heart on his sleeve. You used to live to make Bucky laugh like this. You were starting to worry that you'd never really stopped.
When he calmed a little, he focused in on the smile on your face. He would swear he saw worlds in that smile. "Mouthy wench," he grumbled, smacking your ass very lightly and making you squeak, to his delight. Then his face grew serious and his hand lifted to trace the line of your jaw and brush his thumb over your lips. Looking into your eyes, he confessed, "I'd do anything for you, babygirl."
"Even let me get all up ons." Your heart was fluttering in a kind of rapture, the moment so close to the romantic fantasies you’d once lived on. You had to joke, to tease, lest the silly wounded thing think you were allowing it free rein to dream again.
Bucky smiled, but melancholy touched the corners of his mouth. Your determination to keep things light seemed a gentle rejection, but a rejection nonetheless. "Because I’m a gentleman, thank you,” he retorted, making you chuckle. “And you're welcome.”
You laughed outright at that, and the way it lit up your face made his breath catch in his throat. He wondered if you knew how unbelievably beautiful you were when you laughed like that. There were times like this when you looked so open and free that he could fool himself that there wasn’t a world of complications standing between the two of you.
Unable to resist that beauty, that joy, and desperate to forget everything he didn't understand and couldn't control, he leaned in to kiss you again. This time, however, he kissed you with warmth instead of heat, tenderness instead of temptation. You kissed him back, caught in a storm of sensation and emotion that you hadn't been prepared to deal with.
Bucky didn't kiss you like a one-night stand, or even an FWB, but as a lover. You'd never been kissed like this, with passion but not persuasion. He was kissing you only to kiss you, not as a prelude to anything else. With soft lips and sweet sighs, Bucky worshipped your mouth with his own. Your heart ached a little and you pulled away, feeling the flaws in your bulletproof shield.
"I should go see if Gamora's back." The murmur was soft and uncertain, and Bucky could tell immediately that it would take almost no effort to convince you to stay, at least awhile longer. If he could convince you to stay forever, he would.
"Why?" he asked, his voice a temptation. Denied your mouth, he traced his lips along your jaw, enjoying the smooth line there and the sweet-salty taste of your skin still slightly dewed with sweat from what you'd brought to each other. He was already getting hard again. "I didn't think we were done." Sliding his thigh between yours and running his hand up your spine to pull you closer, he buried his face in your neck, sucking and kissing the skin there. He growled into your ear, "I'm not done yet."
You arched your neck to give him better access, then shifted so that your pussy came into contact with his thigh, grinding down on it. "No, you're right," you breathed, fisting your hands in his hair and making him groan. "I'm not done, either."
"Babygirl," he murmured, tilting his head back to look into your face, his expression serious, "I fucked up. I wasn't thinking and I forgot to protect you."
You laughed a little, breathlessly, as you hadn't been thinking clearly either. Fortunately--, "It's not all on you; I forgot, too. But it's not the end of the world; I'm on birth control."
"Still, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I'm clean. I haven't been with anyone since the last time I was checked."
A quick flash of confusion flickered across your face and Bucky wondered at it. Did you really think him so promiscuous? "I do go days, even weeks at a time without getting my dick wet," he snarked.
"Could've fooled me," you muttered, a touch of petulance to your tone that had Bucky's eyebrows winging upward in surprised delight.
"Y/N," he said your name in a voice both stern and yet pleased, "were you jealous?" The question was made flirtatious by Bucky nuzzling your mouth and nose with his as he asked.
You narrowed your eyes, but the corners of your mouth were twitching. He was so damned pleased with himself; you couldn't stay mad at him. Bastard. "Fuck you, Bucky-bug."
He hitched his leg up a little, bringing it into firmer contact against your cunt, and still sensitive, it sent a shimmer of sensation through you. "Mmm," the vibration of his lips against yours tickled and prompted you to nip at his lower lip. He chuckled, "You know, babygirl, if you'd offered to replace any woman who has ever walked through that door, I'd have kicked all of them out without a backward glance."
You were speechless, utterly baffled. If he'd wanted you so damn bad, why hadn't he ever said anything? Then his metal hand was cupping your breast and his thumb was brushing over your nipple, the sensation seeming to shoot directly into your core. You were having a hard time thinking straight again, and figured you had a lifetime to figure all of this out. You'd only promised yourself a night for losing yourself in him. You shoved everything else aside but the reality of being tangled up in Bucky.
Both of you needed a break from the intensity of your first time together. Instead of sobs and demands, you laughed and sighed, exploring one another with soft hands and the occasional ticklish giggle. Slowly this time, you came together with warmth and humor, old friends learning how to play together again. The play may have no longer been innocent, but the need for fun had remained the same.
When you lay, sweaty, sticky, and panting, on your back next to Bucky, who was equally winded and satisfied, you lifted your arm in the air and offered your palm to him. "Good game," you stated with approval, a laugh trembling underneath.
Bucky snickered, then laughed outright, lifting his opposite arm to give you five as he cackled. "Thanks. You, too." He couldn't stop chuckling, too delighted with you. No other person of his acquaintance had your talent for making him laugh.
"So." He turned on his side to face you, one eyebrow winging up. "The arm."
"Oh my god." Your hands flew up to cover your face. You had been really really hoping he would let that go. You had known better, but hell, hope is free. Your voice a little offended, a little snotty, you retorted through your hands, "Okay, it's not 'the' arm; it's that it's your arm."
You heard his breath catch and the next thing you knew, Bucky was gently pulling your hands away from your face. His eyes were blazing with something that looked a lot like love when he took your mouth in a kiss that seemed to carry his heart and soul with it. His hand reached up to cup your face, and the tenderness with which he brushed his metal thumb over your cheek made your throat ache.
When he pulled back, you opened your mouth to joke, to stop this from getting any deeper, any closer to the edge of the abyss, but his mouth was on yours again, his tongue surging smoothly between your lips to caress yours. Your heart was pounding in desire, but with an undercurrent of fear; this was entirely too much like lovemaking. Sex you could survive.
Being cherished, however, could prove fatal.
Too bad you couldn’t resist it once you’d had the first taste. Bucky’s hands skimmed over your skin reverently as his mouth drank from yours like a man dying of thirst. At the same time, you felt like he was pouring everything you’d ever wanted into the kiss, into you.
Though he only murmured words of affection and praise, his mouth, his body, his hands moved over you with something so close to love it made your throat ache. Your hands were buried in gentle fists in his hair, your mouth soft and generous under his as you forgot yourself and gave yourself up to what he was giving you.
Bucky wanted to give you everything. He wanted to tell you what this night had meant to him, how happy being with you had made him. He could tell you weren't comfortable hearing it, so instead he worshipped you with his body. Since you wouldn't let him tell you how much he loved you, how blessed he felt as he slid inside you once more, he poured everything he felt into the glide of his hands, the movement of body against yours. As he rocked you both to climax, he tried to show you with everything he had what you wouldn't hear.
When you came, it was a soft, shuddering quake of ecstasy that pulled him over the edge with you, spilling inside you with a low groan of your name.
Bucky rolled to his side, taking you with him to hold you close. He kept whispering sweet words of praise and appreciation, but the ache in his voice gave away the depths of how he felt.
“Sweet babygirl, do you know what you mean to me?” His arms tightened as his eyes burned into yours. “You’re everything, you know. I lo—"
Your hand seemed to move of its own volition, coming up to press gentle fingers against his lips, stopping him before he said something you couldn’t live through. “Shh.” Your eyes were a soft plea. “Please, don't.”
You closed your eyes against the tears that wanted to fall at the hurt in his voice. "Don't what?" he asked, his heart breaking, but needing to hear you tell him you didn't love him back so he could let you go once and for all.
Because you didn't know what he needed, instead, you gave him as much of the truth as you could. "I have never had a night like this one." Your voice was an aching sigh and sent a spear of hope through him. Your next words dimmed that hope but couldn’t entirely kill it. "Please, don’t offer up excuses or rationales or apologies or promises." You leaned forward, nuzzling his mouth with yours until it softened. You sank in with a hum, trying to tell him everything without words.
You wanted him to know how much you loved him, how much this night meant to you. You didn't want him to feel guilt or worry, wanted to ease his mind. When you pulled away, Bucky's eyes were glittering with an emotion you were afraid to name. Your voice hoarse, you implored, "I don't need them. And I don't want them."
You couldn't help it; you needed to adore him for the way he'd tended to your body with such tenderness. You kissed him gently, at each corner of his mouth, his cheeks, his eyes, his temples. “Just let it be. Please." You came back to his mouth and poured your heart into kissing him with all the love you’d been holding back for over half your life.
Bucky, lost in the slide and tangle of lips and teeth and tongue, had an epiphany. You loved him as much as he loved you, wanted him with the same fervor, but you didn’t trust him. His heart hurt a little, but he didn’t blame you.
When you pulled away, breathless, he leaned forward to nuzzle his mouth against yours. “I have never had a night like this one, either.” His eyes were eminently soft as he silently vowed to show you how much he loved you, for all you wouldn’t let him say the words. He would prove that you could count on him. He purred, “For once fantasy couldn't hold a candle to reality.”
Your heart kicked and you mentally swore; you were becoming downright addicted to that purr. His understanding, his kindness, had another chink forming in your bulletproof wall. You couldn’t help but adore him for being so sweet and giving. You chuckled and decided to stroke his ego a little. “Oh my god, right!? That was amazing! Fuck!”
Bucky laughed a little and made self-satisfied grumbling sounds as he tightened his arms and nuzzled into your neck. You smiled as you snuggled in closer. You knew you shouldn’t, knew allowing yourself to bask in the fantasy would only hurt more later, but you couldn't resist the sweetness you'd found here.
You'd expected the heat, even a little of the debauchery, though you hadn't known how filthy his mind and his mouth was, but you had been utterly taken aback by the tenderness he'd shown you, the depths of his affection for you. He'd been about to let his tongue run away with him, to tell you he loved you, and not in that 'we've been friends most of our lives' way. You'd seen he was caught up in the moment and you'd had to stop him. You couldn't bear to hear those words only to have him regret them once his skin cooled.
You tried to ignore the niggling thought that the Big-L 'love' that had almost dropped from his lips was in actuality an armor piercing round.
In nothing but your skin and a shredded bulletproof vest, you snuggled deeper into Bucky's embrace, seduced by the warmth and tenderness there. Bucky held you like you were infinitely precious, like he'd prefer to never let you go. You closed your eyes and took a moment to breathe in the scent of his skin, memorize the feel of his body against yours as you pretended that you could stay here until morning, wake with his face the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes.
You wanted to keep going, to dream a world where you made love in the early morning light, then made breakfast in the kitchen, stealing kisses as you passed each other. You were afraid to continue, certain if you allowed yourself to hope, you'd only end up breaking your heart and destroying everything you had with futile wishes for something that could never be.
You'd vowed to keep him, no matter what. If you had to lock your heart away, and just enjoy this one stolen night, then that's what you'd do.
But you could hold him close a little while longer…
A long time later, you reluctantly extricated yourself from the tangle of Bucky's limbs. He didn't hold you, but you could tell by the way his body moved against yours that he wasn't asleep. His arms had tightened for a fraction of a second before he’d allowed you to slip away.
You sat for a moment on the edge of the bed, not entirely certain your legs would hold you. Your thighs were still quivering, but it was your heart that made it difficult for you to stand. You wanted to crawl back in with Bucky more than you wanted your next breath, but you weren't certain you'd survive if you did.
"Time to man up and dip out?" Bucky's voice was remote, yet not necessarily cold. You frowned, not sure how to deal with this calm distance. You didn't like it but couldn't really put your finger on why. You wanted to poke at him, get him to stop, but you weren't sure of your own shield. You felt fragile, as though the slightest touch and you'd shatter.
"No harm, no foul, Buck." You bent to grab the underwear you'd dropped next to the bed. As you slid your legs in, you shot Bucky a wink and a happy smile over your shoulder at him. His eyes were glittering again, and you could swear you saw hurt and anger in his gaze. You couldn't stand it.
Bucky had made you feel cherished, as though you were the center of his universe. You had never felt more gorgeous than you had in his arms, under his hands. Nothing had prepared you for the way he would tend to every inch of your body and soul, making you feel like golden light should be streaming out of every pore. You couldn't bear the thought that he didn't feel the same.
Feeling oddly shy, considering everything you'd done and let him do to you, you snatched up your dress, only turning to face him when you had it on. He hadn't moved, still watching you with that inscrutable look on his face. Relenting a little, you sat on the edge of the bed, your body turned towards where he lay still wrapped in the tangle of sheets. You smiled softly as your eyes traveled over him. Naked, tousled, and sated Bucky Barnes was an image you wanted to imprint on your memory.
Bucky couldn't help the corner of his mouth lifting in response to the hot look you were giving him. He may have thoroughly satisfied you, but you still didn't look like you were done. He understood why you were leaving, easily grasped the message you were trying to send. You wanted to keep this light and meaningless. If that’s what you wanted, he'd accept it, but he didn't have to like it. Still, he knew he'd take you on whatever terms he could get you.
"Bucky-bug!" The endearment had a new connotation to it, but his heart still trembled, nonetheless. "You look so worried! You don't have to. This was everything I wanted." You slid further on to the bed, leaning forward to brush your mouth against his.
Bucky's hand came up to cup your face, his thumb caressing your cheek as you kissed him again, sweetly. "Is this all you wanted?" he asked against your mouth, his voice full of the promises he'd give you if only you'd allow it.
"This was, like, a fuckton more than what I wanted really, so I should probably quit while I can still walk." You shot him that shy, sultry smile again, and he considered trying one more time to convince you to stay by making love to you again. Then your words rang a dim bell and jealousy curdled in his gut. You'd said something similar about Thor once.
Bucky's hand fell away, hurt that you wanted this to mean nothing more than a hookup, but abundantly aware of the irony of that. "If you're sure, babygirl," he offered, hoping you'd relent and let him speak.
You thought you understood what he was offering, thought he was allowing guilt to prod him into offering more than he had and making promises he couldn't keep. You adored him for it, for being willing to try, but you'd learned your lesson. You wouldn't destroy what you had by yearning for what couldn't be. "I'm sure I can't take any more," you murmured sultrily, surprising yourself by continuing, "at least not tonight."
At the breathy suggestion in your voice, Bucky's grin flashed and you mentally cursed. You knew you were already in over your head if you were already walking back your determination to make this a one-time thing. He was entirely too tempting for your libido, and simply too sweet for your heart. You had to get out before you fucked up any worse than you already had.
Bucky was grinning at you, delighted to see the indecision on your face. Only one night and he was already addicted; the suggestion that you felt the same was enough to banish the worst of the bitterness that had settled over him as soon as you had begun to make your escape. Smirking, he folded his hands behind his head. "Are you sure you're okay, doll?" he taunted when your gaze snagged on the shift and play of muscle.
You shot him a laughing smile, figuring he had a right to his cocky attitude on this one occasion. "I'm not okay," you said as you stood. When the smug started to fade from his face, you went on. "I'm pretty sure I'm glowing; I'm so much better than okay." You paused at the door to wiggle your fingers at him, snickering at the arrogance that cloaked him once more. "Sleep tight, Bucky-bug."
"I'd sleep better if I had you to cuddle." His voice was a temptation, not least of which because he sounded absolutely sincere. Part of you wanted to give in, to climb back in there with him and pretend that this was the beginning of everything. Since you wanted that more than was wise, you knew you had to go.
"Somehow, I think you'll be fine. Night, sweetie." Your voice was warm with affection but rich with the ache of that temptation.
As you turned to walk away, Bucky answered, his voice a rumble. "Good night, babygirl." Something about the tone of his voice shivered up your spine and stopped you in your tracks. The simple words carried all the weight of both an invitation and a promise. Your heart both raced and trembled.
On light feet, you spun around. "Oh, Bucky! I almost forgot." You leaned over the bed to take Bucky's grinning mouth in a long, warm kiss. When you pulled away slightly, you whispered against his mouth, "Thank you." With a final affectionate kiss, you skipped out the door, pulling it closed with a flutter of your fingers, to the sound of Bucky's chuckle.
Bucky lay awake in the dark a long while, reliving every moment of the night he'd been fantasizing about since puberty, as you'd put it. Though you had put limitations on your relationship he didn't want, he understood. After the things you'd said tonight, he understood that you wanted him, but you didn't trust him. He hoped that if he could convince you that you could, you might let yourself love him. He knew if you could, the two of you could be amazing together.
He determinedly put Steve out of his mind. Bucky had given Steve years in which to act and he'd chosen someone else. If he wanted you, he should have said something to you long before now. How could Bucky be expected to refuse your offer of only everything he'd ever wanted?
Except now he wanted so much more. He didn't want you for only a night. He wanted you for forever.
All he had to do now was convince you of that.
With a vicious curse, Bucky pushed out of bed. He snatched a pair of sweats off the floor on his way to the kitchen, dragging them on as he went. He wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon since the only woman he wanted in his bed had insisted on skipping out the door, so he didn't see any reason to stay where the scent of you could torment him.
He glanced in the fridge and sighed a little in relief when he saw Steve hadn't finished off the orange juice. He'd have been willing to drink the vodka in the freezer straight if he had to, but he saw no reason to punish himself when he could get drunk on screwdrivers instead. Snagging a pint glass out of the cupboard, he filled it half-way with ice, then half-way again with vodka, finishing off with the OJ. Shrugging to himself, Bucky took both bottles with him into to living room.
By the time he got there he was already well into the drink. He grabbed a piece of the cold pizza and the remote and sat back to brood.
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By the time you reached your front door you were a trembling wreck. All you wanted was to go to your room without having to face Gamora, but thanks to your little ‘locked out’ bullshit, which hadn't even been necessary, you were going to have to deal with her.
The door swung open, and you sagged in defeat. The little redhead had one eyebrow raised and an amused half-smile curving her lips.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Natasha murmured in a voice rich with sympathy. With a sigh of defeat, you let her enfold you. She led you to the couch where Gamora waited, her face unreadable but her eyes tender. You gave in and told her and Natasha the whole truth about what happened. Both Gamora and Nat noted that you omitted any personal details, especially how you felt about it.
Though you were honest, you weren't open, and as soon as you could you escaped to your room. Once there, you sat in your bed, your arms wrapped around your legs, forehead on your knees.
Now that you were alone, your heart started racing again at the memories flitting across your mind. Your skin heating, your breath speeding, you flopped back onto your bed and grinned at the ceiling like an idiot.
Whatever the consequences, no matter the pain you'd endure as a result of what you'd done tonight, you couldn't regret it. Not only the best sex of your life, Bucky had made you feel beautiful, sexy. Loved.
Against your better judgement, and regardless of how you scolded it, your heart steadfastly jumped in excitement. You felt bright, and feather light, like you were on the verge of something new and full of possibility. You had planned to make this a one-night stand, a one-time dive into something you'd always wanted, but thought would be bad for you, like death by chocolate. Now that you'd had a taste, however, you didn't want to stop.
As you lay there, remembering the look on Bucky's face, the softness in his eyes, the tenderness in his touch, you felt once more that ray of hope shine through. This time, though, you decided not to snuff it out at the source, but to let it settle into you. Based on the things Bucky had said, the way he'd treated you, there seemed to be potential here for more than you'd ever believed.
Maybe you were rationalizing; you didn't care. You weren't going to put limitations on anything between you and Bucky anymore. If you could have a night like tonight, what else could you do together, be to each other?
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Steve was humming under his breath as he unlocked his apartment door. Peggy Carter was, without a doubt, the most incredible woman he'd ever met. She was smart, funny, no-nonsense, and the way she smiled at him made Steve's palms sweat and heart race.
A half an hour before, at her front door, she'd given him the hottest good night kiss he'd ever had the fortune of receiving, then sent him on his way with a slow smile and an invitation to call her tomorrow.
He wondered; how early was too early?
He cursed, viciously, when his foot came into painful contact with the lump he recognized belatedly as his best friend laying on the living room floor in between the coffee table and the television. Said lump cursed in protest, the sound an incomprehensible slur of sound. Steve raised exasperated eyes to the ceiling.
"What the hell, man?" he asked as he bent to roll Bucky over on to his back, noting the empty beer and liquor bottles littering the table next to him. "How drunk are you?"
Bucky looked blearily up at Steve and felt a wave of guilt and remorse overwhelm him. For all his irritation with Steve, all his rationalizations, he still felt like he’d betrayed his best friend. "Shit, Stevie. I fucked up." He'd already been marinating in liquor and his own guilt, going over it all in his head again, seeing how many ways he'd hurt you and how easily it all could have been avoided. He closed his eyes and rocked his head back and forth, hearing your words in his head again, I spent a week in the hospital, and you didn't even send me a fucking card. "I've fucked up so much."
Steve frowned in concern and tried to slide an arm under Bucky in an attempt to assist him to his feet. "Okay, let me help you."
"No, no, no. I shouldn't have." Bucky haphazardly pushed at Steve, guilt choking him once more. "I'm sorry, man." He gripped Steve's upper arm with his metal hand and looked deep into his friend's eyes with the intensity of the repentant drunk.
Steve had to physically restrain himself from rolling his eyes. "Come on, buddy," he said, and started to lift under Bucky's shoulders. "Can you stand up?"
"Don't help me," Bucky said, petulant, but he scrabbled to get his feet under him. "I don't deserve it."
Steve chuckled. "And people say I'm dramatic. Whatever you did, I doubt it was that bad." As he spoke, Steve heaved Bucky to his feet and helped him to the couch.
As he settled back, Bucky threw his arm over his eyes, thinking about the way you'd slid into his lap in this exact spot earlier that night. "I couldn't say no, you know?" He was remembering how lovely you'd looked as you rose over him, your eyes glowing with desire, your lips curved in a siren smile. "How could I say no?" he whispered as his arm went limp and fell to his lap. He spotted Steve's confused face out of the corner of his eye and the righteous fury from earlier came roaring back. "Wait, this is your fucking fault! Where the hell were you?"
Steve laughed a little at the sudden change in Bucky's demeanor. His friend was thoroughly tanked if he was moving through emotions like this. "I don't even know what we're talking about," he shot back.
Bucky pointed an accusatory finger at Steve, scowling deeply. "If you hadn't been off in that fucking shirt, I wouldn't have had my hands full with her, now would I, Steve?" Steve looked down at his shirt, then up again to ask who Bucky was talking about, but Bucky was going on in a slurring singsong. "She's just so beautiful, and funny, and smart, and sweet. How could I help myself?"
Steve snorted, and this time didn't bother to restrain the eye roll. "Who are we talking about again?"
Bucky sighed out your name as he let his head loll back against the back of the couch. Steve's eyebrows furrowed. He'd run into Gamora at Howlie's; she'd told him Bucky was with you tonight. Steve didn't know whether to be happy that you and Bucky seemed to be figuring things out, or terrified that you were going to end up destroying one another.
Bucky was going on, his voice a murmur, but the absolute devotion in his tone was crystal clear. "She's perfect, you know? I didn't mean to…"
"Didn't mean to what?" Steve asked when the rest of the sentence was not forthcoming, but he doubted he was going to get anything else out of Bucky before morning. The next moment, Bucky let loose a snore and had Steve grinning against his will. "Typical."
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Bucky opened his eyes the next morning to a full military drumline practicing in his skull. The sound of Steve rattling around in the kitchen wasn't helping, but Bucky could smell coffee and was hoping for breakfast, so he wouldn't yell for Steve to shut the fuck up.
As he sat up and put his head in his hands, burying them in his hair, he ran over what he'd done and said the night before, trying to remember what exactly he'd said to Steve. The two of you hadn't even killed one six-pack when you were together, so he had been stone-cold sober when he'd been with you. Thankfully, all of those memories were clear as a bell. He'd have never forgiven himself if he'd forgotten even a moment of his night with you.
He couldn't remember exactly what his conversation with Steve had entailed, however, and he couldn't help but be a little worried. He would like to talk to you before he tried to explain anything to his best friend, but he was concerned that he might have already told him more than was warranted. Steve could infer plenty from very little information; he was sweet, not stupid.
Steve walked into the living room in pajama bottoms and a too small t-shirt he'd had for years and raised an eyebrow at the top of his friend’s head. He set the glass in his hand down on the coffee table in front of Bucky and sat next to him, speaking briskly but not unkindly, "Drink."
Bucky looked at the red liquid in the glass and hoped, "Please tell me it's a Bloody Mary."
"Like you need more liquor," Steve scoffed. "It's the Romanoff Special, tomato juice with a splash of bitters."
Bucky lifted wary eyes to Steve's face. "The Romanoff Special has a raw egg in it."
Steve's lips twitched. "I skipped that part." He laughed when Bucky immediately leaned forward and snatched up the drink. The bitters would have enough hair of the dog to take the edge off of his headache. Or so he thought until Steve spoke again, "You want to explain to me what you meant last night?"
Bucky paused a moment, considering how he wanted to respond. He didn't remember what he'd said, but he did remember what he'd done, so it made the question an extremely loaded one. "Fuck if I know," he said, opting for confusion. It wasn't a lie.
Steve narrowed his eyes at the pause but decided to play along. "Apparently you did something you shouldn't have and it's my fault because I should have been here."
Bucky opened his mouth with no idea how to respond when the sound of the front door opening stopped his voice in his throat. Only one person besides the two of them had a key.
"Stevie!" Your voice sang out, cheerful and sweet, making Bucky's heart skip and his stomach tighten. "Gamora drank all our coffee! Can I have some of yours?"
Steve's face shifted into exasperated amusement. He knew what you were up to; you'd threatened to do exactly this if he didn't report on his date with Peggy before you got impatient. "It’s just me and Bucky."
"Aw, man!" You didn't look into the living room, even though you'd heard Steve's voice coming from there. When he hadn't texted you back this morning, you'd hoped you'd be walking in on him making Peggy breakfast. Since you weren't… "Fine, then I’m actually taking some of your coffee so you can explain."
As you poured yourself a cup of coffee and doctored it the way you liked it, Steve watched Bucky drink his hangover cure and try to look casual as he nervously awaited your appearance.
When you did appear, sipping your coffee, his Adam's apple bobbed as he choked a little. He found the tank and shorts pajama set you were wearing bafflingly sexy. Gray jersey knit edged in pink lace on you was more alluring to Bucky than any other woman in silk.
His gaze caught on the curves of your breasts under that soft looking lace, so he didn't see the look of consternation on your face as you took in his bedraggled appearance. "Jesus, Bucky-bug! The hell happened to you?"
Bucky didn't answer, his voice locked in his throat at the sight of you like this, wishing this was the first morning of something more instead of whatever the fuck this was. He didn't know what to say or how to act when you seemed so unaffected by something that had shaken him to the core of his being. Steve chimed in when the silence stretched and you looked to him, confused. "He was tanked and incoherent when I got home last night."
You scowled and your lip curled in bemusement. "That’s weird."
"Especially since Gamora said he was supposed to be hanging out with you."
You sat on the chair next to Steve's side of the couch and crossed your legs casually. "I’m not on trial here," you said calmly and with a raised eyebrow for Steve. It was taking everything you had not to crack and freak out, because you'd expected Bucky to be in his bed, not sitting on the couch looking worse for wear.
Bucky made the most fleeting of eye contact with you, and in it you saw a lot that gave you hope, but a lot that made no sense. You tilted your head in confusion at the guilt and… resentment… you could see there. Bucky broke your gaze to chug down the rest of his drink. When it was gone, he set the glass on the coffee table and got up, walking out of the room without a word.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on around here?" Steve sounded fully done with this shit. It didn't happen often, but occasionally Steve moved into this command mode and he became even more stubborn and difficult to manage than normal.
You shot back, exasperated, "I don't know! We watched Disney movies and ate pizza." Steve's face softened, and so did your tone. "I thought we had fun. He was sober and laughing when I took off." You shrugged a little and dipped your head as you took a sip of your coffee. That last image of him naked in sheets you'd tangled together popped into your head and made your blood heat.
Steve knew your face even better now that he'd spent countless hours focused on it, either during your sessions or as he worked on the final paintings. Though he could see you weren't lying, he could also see you weren't being entirely honest. "I feel like there's a lot you're not telling me."
"Maybe you don't need to worry about me?" you said, sweetly, with a winning smile.
Steve didn't smile back. "Maybe I'm worried about Bucky," he replied sternly.
The smile fell immediately from your face. This was not what you had been expecting but based on the odd circumstances you'd walked into this morning; you couldn't say you blamed him. "We're working it out, Steve," you confessed, softly. "I know you want to help, but I think we've got to figure this out for ourselves." You smiled again, the corners of your lips curling gently as you tried to both reassure and remove any sting from your words. "But if Bucky wants to talk to you about it, that's up to him."
"Okay," Steve smiled back this time, though he still looked worried around the eyes. "Will you talk to him?"
You smirked a little, but with a touch of exasperation. "I was already gonna. I wanna know why the fuck he was drunk when you got home, too. I meant it when I said I thought we had fun."
You took another sip of your coffee, then stood, setting the half-full cup on the coffee table as you went. You saw no reason to let this fester. You’d come to the conclusion that's what had gotten you all into this mess in the first place. Letting things fester and go unsaid. You weren't going to be able to change all of that overnight, but here seemed a good place to start.
You knocked on Bucky's door with your habitual rap and called softly, "Bucky-bug?" There was a longer pause than you expected, but the door swung open. You couldn't help but notice he still hadn't put on a shirt and all that skin was making your fingertips itch again. If he'd looked a little less surly, you'd probably have taken him up on his offer to cure that particular affliction. You smiled and let your gaze wander over those muscles a little but kept your hands to yourself. "Hey sweetie. You okay?"
Bucky noticed your eyes wandering and glanced down at your hands. You were rubbing your fingertips and thumbs together and he wondered if you were being more literal than flirty last night. The reminder that as cool as you may appear this morning, you'd burned like the sun for him last night took the edge off his temper. "Yeah, just hungover."
He turned and walked back to sit on the edge of his bed, but left the door open in invitation. You took him up on it but closed the door behind you. You leaned against it as you looked him over, trying to pin down what exactly was wrong with him this morning.
"Are you feeling guilty about this?" you asked with a touch of incredulity. You couldn't believe that was it, but he looked sad and sorry. "We’re grownups," you went on, teasing him gently, "We can do what we want."
Bucky couldn't stop the chuckle your sly, sultry look caused, nor the hardening of his cock. He'd seen that look too many times the night before. That laugh had you moving toward him. Instead of sitting next to him on the bed as he expected, however, you turned and slid onto thighs, to his delighted confusion. "It's not that, babygirl," he answered as he welcomed you into his lap, amazed when you linked your arms around his neck and focused on his face. "I loved every second of last night with you," he breathed, tempted by your mouth so close to his.
You grinned cheerfully. "I know, right? Fan-fucking-tastic." Bucky laughed again as you tilted your head to rest it against his shoulder but still look up at him. "So, what's the problem?"
Bucky was caught in your eyes, in the sweet expression on your face. Last night you had been closed to anything he could bring you except the physical. This morning, however, he felt like you'd opened, like he could give you more and you'd accept it. He took a deep breath. "Is that it?" he asked, his voice an aching rumble. "Am I supposed to pretend it didn't happen? Am I supposed to pretend I don't want it to happen again?" As he spoke, his head dipped until his mouth was once more a breath from yours.
You neither moved forward nor away, uncertain what he was asking. "I don't know." You shrugged. "I'm trying to figure it out. Wanna help?" The last you said with your sultry smile and the glide of gentle fingertips over the back his neck.
Bucky shivered as goosebumps erupted over his skin at the feel of your hands brushing over him. "What about Steve?" he whispered.
You squinted up at him, confused. "What about Steve?" Thinking about it, you figured Bucky was right to wonder about his reaction considering how protective of you Steve had been in the past. You shrugged again. "If you want, we won’t tell him."
Bucky's hand was sliding up your outer thigh and you couldn't find a thing you didn't like about it. "He didn’t just ask?" he rumbled, and you could tell that being close to you was as exhilarating for him as it was for you.
You smirked, then shifted your hips slightly as though you were trying to get comfortable. Bucky groaned a little in his throat at the feel of your ass rubbing against him. "Of course, he did," you grinned. "But this is between you and me." You paused a moment. Lifting your head, you looked him in the eye and gave him a lightly challenging smile. "I asked him to let us work it out for ourselves."
Bucky smirked back, enjoying you. The challenge on your face made his heart race, both in excitement and hope. Maybe winning you back, despite how he'd fucked up, wasn't the pipe dream he feared. "If that's what you want, babygirl."
You gave him a sudden smacking kiss and hopped to your feet, breaking the sexual tension in the process. "I want you to stop being such a drama queen and come have coffee while I grill Steve about his date last night." You stomped to the door as you spoke in mock exasperated tones and opened it, holding it for him with a flourish.
Bucky laughed and got to his feet. "Yeah, I can get in on that."
"I thought you might."
Bucky stopped in front of you to wrap his deliciously brawny arms around you in an almost chaste hug, if not for the erection pressing against your stomach. "How are you even more beautiful today than you were yesterday?" he murmured in your ear.
You shivered a little and hugged him back. "You're still a little drunk?"
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Part Ten here
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