rogerinaismyqueen · 6 years
I want someone to write me a song with the same amount of love as Roger has in “I’m in love with my car”
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🌈 gay joe in the mountains ⛰️
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dtfrogertaylor · 5 years
Happy HalloQUEEN
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After reviewing the responses from the ANATF feedback questionnaire I have taken in account your suggestions and organised a Halloween Queen/Borhap Fandom event. Although this event is Halloween themed your gift does not have to be related to Halloween in anyway.
What is this?
It is an event for the Queen/Borhap fandom where you will be gifting an imagine or visual (moodboard, gif set or drawing) to each other, basically a secret santa! Just fill in the questionnaire and follow the rules and you will be entered!
Before filling in the questionnaire please make sure you have read the event masterpost thoroughly and understand all the rules.
Dates: the questionnaire ‘officially’ closes the 27th September so all names and respective questionnaires can be given out by the 1st October giving you the whole month of October until the deadline the 31st October, Halloween.
The tag for this event is #halloqueenevent please make sure you are following this tag to ensure you don't miss any announcements about the event!
If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments please feel free to shoot me an ask or message, but please make sure to go through the event masterpost and #halloqueenevent tag to see if it’s already been answered.
just tagging a few of my favourite blogs and people who participated in my last event to get the word out, I hope you don’t mind!
@the-claire-bitch-project // @bowiequeen // @strangeandwonderfulconcepts // @supersonicfreddie // @deacytits // @rogers-wristbands // @redspecialty // @90sbrianmay // @heavymetallibrarian // @m0etenchandon // @mrbenhardys // @ogrogerbattle // @rogerina-is-hotter-than-me // @meddrowse // @illfoandillfie // @deacydarling // @rogerfckintaylor // @allthe-queens-men // @mrbadguymercury // @sweet-ladyy // @lapofthemusicgods // @painkiller80 // @im-happy-at-home // @generic-fandom-trash // @nonthirsty-queenie // @celestialmay // @pigapigaaa // @sitonmyhot-seatoflove //  @johndeaconsgf // @taronisbaby // @a-hysterical-queen-bih // @hardlydeaky // @picking-up-the-glass // @thebiglolblog // @theredspecials // @benders-diamond-earring // @hannafuckingsucks // @taylors-roger // @jesus-in-a-life-boat // @drummerqueenrmt // @deakyswhitequeen // @freddie-loves-cats // @jessahmewren // @la-vie-en-rosuh // @mazzelloh // @ding-ding-ding-digi-ding-ding  // @lap-of-the-gods // @dynamite-n-lazerbeams // @tenementfunzter // @spacedust1124719 // @deaky-dandelion // @freddiesaysalright // @never-kept-the-same-address // @moustachefreddie // @innueendo // @brian-maybe-not // @meddows-taylor // @fatbottomedboi // @the-bronte-angel // @climbmelikeatreemrlee // @freddie-mercurys // @queen-noth1ng // @brianandthemays // @someone-get-a-medic // @sevenseasofskye // @catch-a-deak // @nosferatyou // @lovehelpmewrite // @bicaz // @queenismykween // @runningfortocome // @imasupersonicwoman // @theyrealllegends // @melinabulsara // @chronically-writing // @meepsumi // @rogerina-deacon // @freddiedearfriend // @deakyspuff // @sydsquibbles // @takethiswithapinchofsalt // @rushingheadlong // @veriloquently // @get-on-your-bikes-and-ride // @41kweencam14 // @somebooty-tolove // @daddydeakydeacon // @bucket-of-kittens // @anotherhystericalqueen // @pomjompish // @littlespoiltthing // @livingforrt // @queenmylovely // @rogerinaismyqueen // @killerqueenmachine // @laedymoon // @bismillahnah // @ohmyrog 
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allthe-queens-men · 5 years
heya boo! my dash is dead on the queen front lately: rec some blogs for me to check out??
(sorry this took so long i just got back on my laptop ;;)
(also you probably follow most of these people already lol)
@darlingfreddie @deacydeac @backchatdiscourse @prettyboyroger @radiofreddie @brian-maybe @soft--queen @dont-u-misfire @hysterical-queens @johndeaky @let-roger-get-a-lunch @rogertaylcr @deacydisco @anotheronebitesthedeaks @jimhuttonlesbian @imjusthereforqueenso @drowseroger @lavenderlu @x5vale @instantezra @flamboyantqueens @rogerinaismyqueen @benhardyasrogertaylor @radio-ha-ha @deacytits @haha-bri @trelaws @twink-roger-taylor @soph-ie812 @queenspur @softfreddie @deaky-at-the-disco @queen-trash-can @a-hysterical-queen-bih @lickthemagaindeacy @rhapsody-under-pressure @the-disco-deaky @imaginaryhornchoir @rogers-sweatbands @queenie1223 @brianmay-be @brian-may-likes-dust @drummerqueenrmt @backchaaat @stesichoreanpalinode @roger-spank-me @happy-at-home @chaotic-roger @deacys-cheese-on-toast @rogerscupboard @yousaycoke-isaycaine @rogerssgalileo @misterf4hrenheit @90sbrianmay @johndeaconlesbian @xgoingdownx @bishierog @crysqueen @onegoldenglance @mercuryandmeme @discodeakyownsmyass @diskodeaky @freadyreddie @rogers-wristbands @yogurtbattle @deacydarling @iminlovewith-rogers-car @lapofthemusicgods @deaksandgeeks @im-inlovewithmycar @john-deacon-fucks @eileen-crys @littledarlingwellaway @rhythmsectionbros @queen-writing-sideblog @funkytalia @imjustadrummer @dtfrogertaylor @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie @lap-of-the-gods
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Hundreds and Thousands
Summary: Ben hardy x fem!reader. A new customer at the café catches your eye
Word Count: 4k 
Warnings: just fluff!
A/N: This is my gift for @rogerinaismyqueen for @dtfrogertaylor‘s A Night at the Fandom! I’m so excited for you to read this, and I hope you enjoy! I combined the kind of date you selected with the way they met and in this, Ben is not a part of Borhap so who knows how he makes a living lol 
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Working at the coffee shop had its perks. Free coffee and day old pastries were a plus and your coworkers always had entertaining stories to tell you. One of the biggest perks though, was all the people that came through. You genuinely loved your customers, and as most of them were regulars, you got to know them (or at least their coffee habits) pretty well. There were always new faces though, and one of your favorite things to do was point out the cute guys to your work mates. They could always count on you noticing the hottest ones walking in, even if you were seemingly focused on making a drink or ringing up another customer at the register.
So, when a blonde beefcake walked in one boring sunday afternoon, you were the first to notice.
“Mayday, mayday, this one’s too hot to handle,” you muttered under your breath to Grace, the girl you were working with that day. She looked up lazily from the counter she was wiping down, but almost did a double take as she saw who you were talking about.
Now, the coffee shop had its fair share of attractive customers, but this guy was really something. As previously mentioned, he was blonde and muscular, but also had great bone structure, was pretty tall, and had gorgeous green eyes.
As you were the one on register, you kept yourself composed, grabbed your pen, and stood up straighter. The guy didn’t come to the register right away, taking a moment to look at the menu and the pastry display before stepping up. While you were waiting, you looked around the café, clicking your pen a couple of times out of habit.
Looking to him as he walked up, you put on your customer service smile.
He smiled back and said, “Hello,” in a deep, accented voice that made your knees a little weak and you were glad for the counter to hide behind.
“Hello, what can I get started for you today?” you said, cheerfully.
“Um, can I get a 16oz mocha?” he asked politely.
“For here or to go? And would you like it hot or iced?” you asked in clarification.
“For here, and hot, please,” he replied.
“Would you like whipped cream on that?”
“Yes please,” he said back enthusiastically, making you smile and laugh a little genuinely. It always surprised you when muscular men came through and got the sugariest drinks they could.
“Alright, and a name for that?”
“Ben,” he told you.
You nodded and typed his order into the register, saying the total. He handed you his card and you rang him up, handing it back to him when you were done.
“That’ll be right out,” you said with another smile.
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile that had you staring for just a second too long before you remembered you were the one that was supposed to make his drink.
As you started making the drink, Grace came up next to you and smiled giddily.
“Wow, was he a looker,” she said with a giggle. “What was his name?”
“Ben,” you whispered back. “Be quieter, he’s still right there,” you reminded, pointing with your gaze to where he was choosing a table to sit at, only 20 feet away.
“Eh, he can’t hear me over the milk steamer,” Grace shrugged.
You finished the drink, spraying the whipped cream on top in a perfect swirl before adding some chocolate sprinkles for extra effect.
Walking over to the part of the counter that was for giving drinks out to customers, you called out, “16oz mocha for Ben.”
Ben stood up quickly from the table where he was setting up his laptop and walked over. Grabbing the drink from where you had set it down, he looked at you with a smile. “Thank you, and thank you for the hundreds and thousands.”
“I’m sorry, the whats?” you asked in confusion.
“Um, I think here in America you call them ‘sprinkles,’” he offered, unsure.
“Oh, that’s an interesting difference,” you laughed. “I like that, hundreds and thousands. You’re welcome, have a nice day.”
“You too, Y/N,” he said, nodding to your nametag and winking when you had a bit of confusion. You smiled back genuinely; although many customers would recognize your face if they came in often, most of them didn’t bother to learn your name.
Ben walked back to his table and got settled and you got back to work as a new customer had just walked in.
Over the next hour or so, you took orders and made drinks, stealing looks at Ben all the while. He was engrossed in whatever he was working on, brows furrowed slightly as he read and typed alternatively.
When you and Grace switched roles, you left from behind the counter to head to the back and grab a broom while she took over the register. You went to the area where the tables were and started sweeping up the little bits of paper and dust that had accumulated over the course of the day.
You came up on Ben’s table in a moment, and when he saw that his bag was going to get in your way, he picked it up quickly.
“Here, let me get this out of your way,” he said, again in that low voice, but this time you didn’t have the counter to hide behind.
“Thanks. Hard at work?” you asked, nodding to the laptop in front of him.
He laughed and nodded, “Yeah, I always find it easiest to work somewhere with a little noise. I’m glad I found this place.”
“It’s pretty great for that,” you agreed. “Are you new to the area?”
“How could you tell?” he said jokingly.
“I guess I just have a good intuition for such things,” you said sarcastically but with a smile.
“I just moved here last month, still getting used to it,” he explained casually.
“Well, welcome to town! Anyway, I’ll let you get back to it,” you said cheerfully as you started to sweep again.
“Thanks for the reprieve, though,” he replied with a smile that you returned easily. His smile really was contagious.
After your round of sweeping, you joined Grace behind the bar to restock the things she needed. As you were bringing a couple of jugs of milk up from the back, she turned to you while she was making a drink.
“Flirting with customers on company time, Y/N? I’ll have to report you,” she said, but you knew she was joking— she was always flirting with customers— and shook your head with a smile. “Any more info about him?”
“Well, he’s not from around here, but that was pretty obvious from the start,” you answered. “Just moved here a month ago and likes to work at coffee shops, but that’s everyone. Didn’t say what he was working on.”
“Hmmm, very promising. Did you tell him you could show him around?” she said suggestively just before she capped the drink and called the order out to the customer.
“Ha! No, after the two sentences we exchanged I did not ask him out,” you said a little incredulously. “Who do you think I am?”
“You can’t fault me for hoping you would be more forward,” she claimed as she stepped up to the counter and started greeting a customer. She was a master of switching from personal to work conversations without caring if the customers heard.
As she helped the customers, you went back to your tasks, and after about half an hour, finally had a second to relax. Surveying the café, you saw that everything was going well and the customers looked happy and relaxed further before realizing something had changed. Ben wasn’t in his seat anymore and there was no trace of him left. He must have left while you were busy and didn't notice. It was a little thing to be upset about, and not like there would never be another hot customer, but you were still kinda sad that you hadn’t seen him leave.
You sighed to yourself and resigned to continue to work, although a little forlornly.
A week later, you showed up for work just on time and clocked on, tying your apron around your waist before pulling your hair into a ponytail and washing your hands. You stepped out to the front and said hi to Grace. You and she worked weekend afternoons together but you worked weekday mornings most of the time, so you didn’t see much of her during the week.
She sighed in relief when you got there, “It’s been such a boring day today. Still no sign of blondie.”
You chuckled at her words. Yesterday, when she had eagerly asked, you had informed her of how you hadn’t seen Ben all week. She hadn’t either working the closing shift, so you had assumed either he came midday or hadn’t come at all. You switched positions; you taking over the register for the first part of your shift while she cleaned and restocked.
As you signed in to the system on the machine, you hummed to the song that Grace had playing over the system. The rule was that whoever was on register got to choose the music, and you hadn’t got around to changing it. You were just about to walk over to the little CD player that controlled the sound system when you saw a customer out of the corner of your eye.
Turning back, you recognized the face and smiled for real. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at how happy you were at seeing him, but the embarrassment faded a little when you saw the enthusiastic smile already on his face.
“Hi,” you said brightly.
“Thank goodness you’re back! None of the other baristas have been giving me sprinkles!” he said in mock exasperation and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I think they’re actually called hundreds and thousands,” you replied to his delight. “You know, you could just ask for them.”
“I feel silly as an adult asking for sprinkles on my mocha that already has whipped cream,” he explained.
“But it’s completely fine for me to put them on there?” you clarified.
“Exactly, you get it,” he said happily.
You laughed and shook your head in amusement, “So that’ll be a 16oz mocha, hot and for here with whipped cream and sprinkles?”
“Only if you insist,” he said with a wink, and you could swear there were butterflies taking flight in your stomach.
You finished the transaction and went to make the drink. As you were pouring out the ingredients, Grace walked up to you, about to comment on how annoying cleaning was when she spotted Ben. Quickly closing the distance between the two of you, she hit you lightly on the shoulder with a shocked look on her face.
“How could you not tell me that he was back?”
“What was I supposed to do? Shout ‘Grace, get over here, the blonde hottie is back in the store!’ as soon as he walked up?” you questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s really all I ask,” she said simply.
“I’ll do that then next time, sure thing,” you said sarcastically and rolling your eyes. Your focus went back to the drink and you finished it, again adding the sprinkles.
“Why are you adding sprinkles? Isn’t that just a regular mocha?” she asked, confused.
“He likes them,” you said quietly.
“Oh, that’s so cute! He’s like a little-” she gushed before you quieted her. As you waved her away, you called the drink out to Ben and he was there in a second.
“How am I going to survive another seven days without these hundreds and thousands?” he asked wistfully and you chuckled.
“You know, I do work the rest of the week too. Just in the mornings. Although I’m not sure it’s recommended to have a mocha every day of the week. You know, health-wise,” you pointed out.
“I think I’ll be fine, I’m very healthy otherwise,” he said with a smirk, and as you raked your eyes over his body in what you hoped was a subtle fashion, you couldn’t disagree. If he noticed you checking him out, he didn’t say anything. “Guess I’ll see you on Monday then.”
“Okay,” you nodded, answering and watching him walk away. Damn, what was that saying? You hated for him to go, but loved to watch him leave.
You hadn’t expected to actually see him the next day. It was one thing to like sprinkles, but it was another thing to get up early (or so you assumed) to get coffee before work if it wasn’t a regular thing.
But there he was at 7:30am, in line with all the early risers, ready for his mocha and already smiling at you. It was hard to stay focused on the other customers as the two of you kept making eye contact. How was this one guy, with a bit of an obsession with sprinkles, making such an impact on you?
By the time he was the first person in line, the two of you were grinning at each other like idiots.
“I kinda can’t believe you actually came here,” you told him.
“I’m serious about my sprinkles,” he joked and then added, “Plus, I think starting off my day talking to you isn’t such a bad thing.”
That really made you smile, but you had to look away for a moment as you were flustered. Ben just kept smiling at you. Noticing that the people behind him were looking a little grumbly you tried to hurry along the process.
“Do you want that for here or to go?”
“I better get it to go,” he said and you nodded, grabbing one of the paper cups. Since it was the busy morning shift, one of your coworkers was making the drinks, but you made a note to add sprinkles. He paid and walked away as you started helping the next customer.
When your work mate called out the drink for Ben you looked over and saw him grab it. He was looking back at you, and gave you a smile and wave as he left.
Over the next four days, he kept coming into the café in the morning, and the two of you fit as much flirting in as you could before other customers got mad about the line. He didn’t come in on Saturday, but you had kind of expected as much since he hadn’t the week before.
Sunday started as all Sundays had, with you grumbling as you turned off your third alarm of the day. That was the last alarm you set for yourself, and you knew that you had to get up after it went off. Since the weekends were your day to sleep in, you were always reluctant to get up and get ready.
Thankfully, it was a 9:00am wake-up time instead of the 5:30am you were used to on weekdays. You had read that it was better to have a consistent wake-up time everyday, but it seemed plain wrong to get up before 8:00am on a weekend.
You ambled out of bed and to your kitchen, opting for a cup of peppermint tea to start your morning. Since you worked at a coffee shop, you tried to keep the caffeine at work so you wouldn’t become too dependent. Sipping on your tea, you made toast and eggs and ate those while flicking through the notifications on your phone.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth, washed your face and started getting dressed. Since you worked at a local place and not a corporate place like Starbucks, you had a very loose dress code; basically don’t wear profanity and wear closed toed shoes. You were looking through your closet and dresser trying to find something that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, was comfortable, and felt cute. Remembering that Ben was probably coming in today, you started thinking if he would like what you were wearing but quickly shook the thought from your brain. You didn’t dress for men in general, and today wasn’t any different.
You ended up deciding on a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a black and green striped t-shirt with a little pine tree embroidered on the breast pocket. It was a go-to look and one that you felt confident in. Hooking in a simple pair of silver hoops and pulling your hair into a small bun, you looked at the clock and saw that you still had about two hours before you even had to think about leaving.
Deciding to listen to some music, you walked to your living room where you kept one of those record player/CD player combos and flipped through your small (but growing) record collection. You decided on one of your all time favorites, Jazz by Queen. Pulling the record out of its sleeve, you set it on the player and placed the needle down. A second later, you heard the opening notes of “Mustapha,” and smiled happily. While it was maybe one of the lesser known Queen albums, you loved it for how different it was and the fact that it contained some of your favorite songs, “Fun It,” and “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
You sang along to the songs as you did some light cleaning, taking breaks to dance along to the more upbeat songs and maybe going a little too hard when “Don’t Stop Me Now,” came on. As the album wound down with “More of That Jazz,” you put away your things and decided to switch to TV for the time being. Putting something random on Netflix, you scrolled through your phone instead of paying too much attention to what was on. After about an hour, you needed to gather your things for work and head out.
You arrived at work a couple of minutes early and hung out in the back until you could clock on. Grace came back to grab something quickly and saw you.
“No sign of your guy,” she said with a smirk.
“Shut up. He doesn’t come here every day and he’s not my guy,” you reminded her.
“With what you told me yesterday, I’m not so sure that’s true,” she said slyly before going back to the front. You had told her about the flirting and how he came every morning that week until Saturday. Once you clocked on, you joined Grace in the front, and seeing her unoccupied, started talking again.
“The reason he comes everyday is to get a mocha with sprinkles, so I don’t even see your point.”
“What really seems more likely? He’s ‘too embarrassed,’ to ask for sprinkles from any other barista or he comes here early every morning to see you?” she asked with a quirked brow.
You frowned and were trying to stutter out a response when you heard the door to the outside open and both of you looked over, seeing Ben.
“There’s your man,” she said smugly.
You brushed off her comment as you signed into the register, collecting yourself and smiling when Ben came up to the counter.
“Afternoon, Y/N,” he said with an easy smile.
“Good afternoon, Ben. Would you like your usual?” you asked.
“You know, actually, I’m looking to expand my horizons. What would you suggest?” he said with a curious look on his face.
You considered for a moment and then said, “I’m a big fan of our chai lattes. They’re best iced, though.”
“Iced chai latte?” he repeated and you nodded. “That doesn’t come with whipped cream or sprinkles does it?” you shook your head no, a little concerned as to whether he would take your advice or not. You worries were assuaged when he replied with enthusiasm, “Well, guess I’ve got to break that habit someday. Iced chai latte for here, it is.”
You smiled and told him his total, finishing the transaction before he walked over to find a table to set up shop. Watching his movements, you started making the drink. Grace sauntered up to you as you were doing so, catching you off guard and almost making you spill.
She snickered as she said, “Looks like he doesn’t require sprinkles with his café experience. Makes you wonder..”
You rolled your eyes at her, refusing to play her game and called the drink out to Ben as you finished it. He came over quickly and you insisted he try it before walking away.
He did as you said, his eyes lighting up when he got a taste, “Wow, this might be even better than a mocha.”
“I’m glad you like it,” you said with a little bit of relief.
“I’m glad you recommended it,” he said with a smile before turning to go back to his table.
After helping another customer, you realized you hadn’t changed the music from Grace’s, and although you weren’t averse to Ariana Grande, you were in the mood for something else. You bent down a little, opening the cupboard where a lot of the CDs were kept. The player had an aux cord, but you knew there was a CD that fit your interests and opted for that instead. Laying eyes on it, you grabbed it and opened the case, popping the CD into the slot and waiting for the music to start so you could adjust the volume accordingly.
Hearing the starting notes of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you smiled in contentment and turned it down a little bit so it wouldn’t bother anyone. You worked and listened as time went on, serving customers and chatting with Grace about work stuff mainly. There was a little break in customers and you were humming along with “Somebody to Love,” absentmindedly while doodling on a sticky note with your pen.
“On a bit of a Queen kick?” you heard Ben’s deep voice ask you and you looked up smiling a bit sheepishly.
“Ah, the real question is when am I not?” you joked back and he laughed.
“I’m fond of them myself. Pretty much have to be living in England,” he told you.
“That’s like saying I have to be a fan of Journey just ‘cause I’m American,” you pointed out.
“Huh, you’re right. I am a fan of them though,” he admitted.
“Journey?” you said with a smirk.
“Queen,” he said laughing. “Since you’re a self-proclaimed fan, I assume you listen to more than their Greatest Hits album?”
“I do. What about you?” you said, turning the question back on him.
“I have, I think,” he said, looking up and trying to think of any.
“Yeah?” you said, unbelieving, but wanting to tease him further. “What’s your favorite album?”
“Ummm, that’s difficult, how am I supposed to choose that?” he stalled.
“Well then, just choose one that you really like,” you suggested with a smile that rivaled the cheshire cat’s.
“I- uh- the-,” he stuttered, unable to think of any.
“Are you sure you’re a Queen fan, or was that just an excuse to come up here?” you called him out, causing him to blush.
“Maybe I’m a casual fan looking for someone to teach me more about them,” he hinted.
“And who would that be?” you asked, wanting him to spell it out.
“This barista I met the other week by the name of Y/N,” Ben said, looking at you with apprehension, to make sure he wasn’t pushing a boundary or anything.
“I suppose that could be arranged,” you said with a smile that he returned. You wrote on the sticky note that you had doodled on and handed it to him, “This is my number. Text me and we can set up a lesson,” you said with a wink.
“Will do,” he said with a nod and happy smile. He turned to head back to his table and you called out before he got too far away. Turning around and walking back with another smile, he raised his eyebrows as he waited for you to continue.
“I’m happy to go anywhere,” you said, smiling already due to his catchy one. “So long as it’s not a coffee shop.”
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The Morning After - War × Fortitude
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A/N: I was supposed to post a Consequence Blurb today, but it needs more work. Have a cute WarFor instead.
Warnings: knives, mentions of violence, fluff, kisses
Word Count: 789
You woke up in a room that was too warm. The sun on your skin was pleasant, but the mass of heat across your waist and on your shoulder were entirely too much.
You tried to shift away from the overwhelming heat, but a sharp pain in your lower abdomen stopped you. Right, you got shot a couple days ago.
It was your first night home and War had decided he needed to stay close to you. That would explain all the extra heat. Thank the heavens he slept on the opposite side of your wound.
Finally, you opened your eyes and looked down.
War was positively peaceful in his sleep. Traces of your fierce boy were still evident, but all the pouts and hard lines that usually graced his face were gone.
It would be criminal to move and wake him up. You knew he never slept well at your house, and he'd been in the hospital wing with you for the last 3 nights.
So you just watched and admired all the details you couldn't pick out while he was awake, like all the microscopic freckles that spanned across his face like a galaxy. If you had to pick a favorite, it'd be the one just under his eyebrow. It sat there as if on a throne, watching all the others dance before it.
You could also see the bags under his eyes, they'd grown so dark recently. He had truly worried over you. Maybe you were a bit aggressive last night. He probably didn't deserve all the tiny knicks you'd left along his skin while lecturing him. You could clearly see the one you'd left on the side of his neck, and a couple on his arm.
It wouldn't do for him to get injured avenging you. It really wouldn't. Risking his life over a nonfatal injury was one of the stupidest things he'd done to date, and you'd seen him challenge Pru and Tempe in training. Regardless, nothing would have been improved if he'd done anything to hurt himself over this.
You were overwhelmed with a great fondness for him. Four months wasn't very long to have been together, but you'd known him for 2 years now. He'd never chased another girl the way he went after you. He'd come clean with all his secrets when you even thought about giving him a chance. He was a genuine person underneath his wild facade, and you loved him for it.
Slowly, you pressed a kiss to his forehead, taking a moment to breath in the scent of his hair. He still smelled of antiseptic, but just underneath was the musk and gunpowder you'd come to associate with him.
He borrowed further into the crook of your neck, tightening his grip on your waist. As careful as you'd been to stay still and let him rest, pulling you in closer tweaked the side with the wound. The resounding wince that shifted your whole tip half finally woke him up.
"Are you alright, love?" He was still half asleep, judging by the grogginess in his voice.
"Fine. Just in pain is all." You were still gritting your teeth. The wince hadn't actually helped, it just made things worse.
"Stay put. I'll get your pills." Right. He'd been the one carrying in your bags last night. You were on forced bed rest for the next week. Being on injured reserve was just the worst.
It only took him a few minutes to find the pills and a bottle of water. The man seemed prepared for anything.
"Thank you, babe." You quickly took the medicine. If War was going to be babysitting, you wanted to be in a good mood.
"Any time, love." He gave you a sweet smile. It looked so right on his face, you couldn't help but return it. "Let's go back to bed, yeah?"
"Actually, I gotta go to the bathroom. But you feel free to warm the bed up for me." You started to move to the edge of the bed, but he could see that your side had slowed you down.
Without speaking he picked you up, bridal style, and sat you on your feet. He then supported half your weight all the way to the bathroom, giving you privacy to relieve yourself. He then repeated the process to get you back into bed.
War had cuddled right back up to your side, like you hadn't moved at all. Thankfully, your bed had cooled down considerably and you could relax into his embrace.
"Five more minutes," he quickly kissed your shoulder, "Then we'll start the day."
You just hummed in agreement, already half way back to sleep. Not too bad for the morning after.
Tag List: @rogers-wristbands @lv7867 @slxyangel @rogerinaismyqueen @briarrose26
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rogerinaismyqueen · 6 years
Guys I’m having a stay at home day today so...
Send me writing requests, headcannons, mood board ideas literally anything and I’ll work on it throughout the day! Please I need something to dooooo
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it looks better on you anyway - Roger Taylor x Reader
the end
the previous part
                                                               I see a white ceiling on top of me. I look around and realize I'm in a hospital. I'm still in a hospital. 
I look to my left and prepare to see the curtain that was in between the beds. Roger's and mine. 
There's no curtain, no bed, just a plain white door. 
"She's awake", I hear someone say through the music that's playing. It sounds like someone is playing it in the room next to mine. I can't recognize the song, though. 
A nurse walks to me and I notice a friend of mine next to her.  
"Thank God, you're awake", my friend says but I can't get a word out of my mouth. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I can feel incredible pain all around my body, though. Everything's aching. 
I hear the song next door change and this time, I do recognize it.
Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me, because you don't know
What it means to me
My friend sees me concentrating on the song but I hope she doesn't see the tear falling down my face.  
"Oh, they've been listening to Queen nonstop for the longest time! I don't know what's up with that. I'm pretty sure there’s someone in a coma too. They must think Queen songs will help them for some reason... who knows", my friend rambles. I'm glad she's here. Her rambling always makes me forget about my problems for a brief moment. She's good like that.
"Do you-", I cough and try to get a word out, "Do you know who's the one in the coma?"
"Taylor... something... I don't know, who cares. You're finally awake!"
Oh, Roger.
@5sos-wdw​ @rogerinaismyqueen​ @ken-yee-not​ @39queens​ @queen-darlin​ @killerqueenbucky​ @pietrorunsforme @ever-since-london @crazyweirdocalledfriday @thebrightestwitchofherage @tv-saved-the-teenage-girl
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dtfrogertaylor · 5 years
A Night at the Fandom Announcement/Reminder
Hey guys so I have all the matches done and will start sending them out tonight!
Here are a couple of reminders before I do that:
Please remember and check that you have asks and anons on
You must remember to stay anonymous until you post your gift [a.k.a do not tell your ‘secret Santa’ (I feel weird calling it that when it’s the middle of July) who you are!!!]
You can use a tag or emoji at the end of your asks so your ‘secret Santa’ knows who you are (’-secret Santa’ or ‘-emoji of your choice’)
Please check your asks regularly so you can reply and send them regularly and read the answers
I have tagged (or at least tried to) everyone who has entered and that I could find under the cut so hopefully nearly all of you will see this.
And finally one last request; since Tumblr only allows me to message a certain amount of blogs a day, if you could please message me first that would mean I could message more people that day since I’m not the one messaging first, so if you can please message me a simple ‘hi’ or something and I will send you your match another questionnaire so you have a rough idea of what they’d like as soon as I can.
If your ‘secret Santa’ does not answer your asks within the next 5 days or you do not get any asks sent within the next 5 days please message me and I’ll try to find you someone else.
Once again thank you to you all for participating and I hope to be able to do similar events in the future so if you’d like to follow my blog for that please do!
If your username is in bold I cannot tag you but I can find your blog:
@mrbenhardys // @lapofthemusicgods // @painkiller80 // @illfoandillfie // @im-happy-at-home // @generic-fandom-trash // @nonthirsty-queenie // @celestialmay // @pigapigaaa // @sitonmyhot-seatoflove //  @johndeaconsgf //  @mrbadguymercury // @taronisbaby // @a-hysterical-queen-bih // @hardlydeaky // @picking-up-the-glass // @meddrowse // @thebiglolblog // @theredspecials // @benders-diamond-earring // @hannafuckingsucks // @taylors-roger // @jesus-in-a-life-boat // @drummerqueenrmt // @deakyswhitequeen // @freddie-loves-cats // @jessahmewren // @la-vie-en-rosuh // @mazzelloh // @ding-ding-ding-digi-ding-ding // @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine // @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever // @lap-of-the-gods // @dynamite-n-lazerbeams // @tenementfunzter // @spacedust1124719 // @deaky-dandelion // @freddiesaysalright // @never-kept-the-same-address // @rogershamsandwich // @moustachefreddie // @innueendo // @brian-maybe-not // @meddows-taylor // @fatbottomedboi // @allthe-queens-men // @the-bronte-angel // @mrsmazzellotaylor // @climbmelikeatreemrlee // @freddie-mercurys // @queen-noth1ng // @brianandthemays // @sunshine112 // @someone-get-a-medic // @sevenseasofskye // @m0etenchandon // @catch-a-deak // @nosferatyou // @lovehelpmewrite // @bicaz // @queenismykween // @runningfortocome // @imasupersonicwoman // @theyrealllegends // @melinabulsara // @supersonicfreddie // @brianmays-badgers // @the-claire-bitch-project // @chronically-writing // @meepsumi // @rogerina-deacon // @freddiedearfriend // @deakyspuff // @sydsquibbles // @takethiswithapinchofsalt // @rushingheadlong // @veriloquently // @get-on-your-bikes-and-ride // @41kweencam14 // @somebooty-tolove // @daddydeakydeacon // @bucket-of-kittens // @anotherhystericalqueen // @pomjompish // @littlespoiltthing // @livingforrt // @queenmylovely // @rogerinaismyqueen
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shels-kpop-main · 5 years
About Me Tag Game!
I was tagged by the lovely my dear @zodiacal-dust-and-curls, @benders-diamond-earring, and @rogerinaismyqueen!
Rules: Bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I have met up with someone I met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead (naturally) // I own at least three dogs
I don’t even know if I know 15 people on here, but here’s my tag list (optional, as always, and sorry if you’ve already done this!): @discodykey, @spandexpride, @anotheronebitesthedeaks, @deacytits, @rogerinatrash, @butlegendsneverdie, @rogerscupboard, @rogers-sweatbands, @princessleiaqueen, @depressedpolishgirl, @queenbbarnes, @radio-ha-ha, and @kenzie-belle!!
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Hello friends.
Welcome to our new home. T is busy making sure that all of the content you love makes it’s way over here where it is readily accessible to you. 
The current plan is: the moodboards, then stories, and then all the answers we’ve given you will be posted in long documents filtered by who was asked (The Virtues, WarFor, etc.). 
We hope to see you soon with many new endeavors planned. 
Their Holinesses
Prudence and Temperance
Tags: @rogers-wristbands @lv7867 @rogerinaismyqueen @briarrose26 @brianandthemays
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brianprobablywill · 5 years
Please add me to the tag list for liar! It is soooo good 😊 (also pls use my sideblog @rogerinaismyqueen) thanks xxx
sure, thanks!! part two should be up within the next half hour!!
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So I’ve been thinking . . .
If I made a separate blog for the mob au, would y’all follow it?
The Church all the time.
Their answers, their aesthetics, their stories. 
tag list: @rogers-wristbands @lv7867 @brianandthemays @briarrose26 @rogerinaismyqueen
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littledolly39 · 6 years
*when u get this, answer with 5 things that make u happy, then send it to the last 10 people in ur recent activity :)*
Thank you for the tag babe @thekillercoolcat
1. Queen, of course, I just can't help but smile when listening or seeing stuff about them
2. Bohrap cast, they're my babies, I love them so much
3. My family and friends. As much as they annoy me, I love them.
4. My doggie, she a brat but, I love her.
5. Driving around listening to music
@kindof-magic @your-basket-case @queeen-freddie @starchild0985 @roger-taylors-car @rogeahtaylah @nouvveau @rogerinaismyqueen
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allthe-queens-men · 6 years
*when u get this, answer with 5 things that make u happy, then send it to the last 10 people in ur recent activity :)*
Thank you @rogerinaismyqueen for the tag! :)
My family and our inside jokes.
My AU convos with @deacydeac ( ♡ )
Time to myself
I’m tagging @gingercootieveggie @graysonismybabe @blaedri @whambam-bowiesglam @simahseoulmate @hurricane-rogerina @aristos-philtatos @brian-mays-mane @thedoctorsblogger @rami-sunflower-malek
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taylorroger-s · 6 years
bold tag
i was tagged by @perriwiinkle and @rogerinaismyqueen
bold the statement that’s true about you:
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies and talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe //  I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs // I am lgbtq+
i tag @silvver-rose @sevenseasofky @letmeletmetrashyourlove and anyone else that wants to do it!
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