#which is I think a big trend right now in the obikin fandom
obiwanobi · 4 years
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I’m a bit confused about this submission, and it felt weird to just publish it without comment. Do you mean that you feel like the sw fandom is turning dark, and that at some point there will be no going back? That the fluff/sfw content vs kinky/nsfw content ratio will be screwed forever?
I think there are always moments in a fandom when people want to explore darker aspects of their fantasies with their favourite characters, and it can make people say “hey I never thought about writing/drawing that before... interesting” and it can lead to very kinky trends for a ship/character. But... Is it a bad thing? My stand on fandoms is and will probably always be “do/write/ship what you want, as long as you’re not hurting anyone and remember to tag stuff that could be disturbing for other.” I don’t think having more hardcore/nsfw content will badly impact the tamer side of a fandom if everything is properly tagged, if authors/writers/creators warn people about what they’re going to see/read and give everyone a chance to back down. And if the super hardcore stuff is triggering (like the noncon knotting thing you mentioned) but is tagged appropriately/posted with warnings... then it’s not such a big deal. 
No fandom is completely homogeneous, and even if a lot of people seem to like the very spicy kind of content, you will always find people who don’t want to/can’t deal with the kinky stuff in a fandom and will stick to the light and fluff. Or, of course, have people who are cool with some spicy things, but know what they can handle and enjoy and where to stop before getting uncomfortable. Like I said, I think it’s just a question of knowing what you’re here for, and letting people know that what you wrote/drew/made is probably not for everyone. 
But the wonderful thing about fandoms is that you don’t have to see anything you don’t want to. This is just a hobby, you don’t have to interact with anything you don’t like, and if you, at point, feel like it won’t be good for you to keep reading/seeing some dubious stuff like you were talking about, you can choose to ignore it. You can blacklist things on tumblr, or just check tags on ao3 before getting into a fic and say “meh, not for me” and move on!
So that’s why I’m not too worried about things getting out of hands, as long as people understand that what they create isn’t for everyone and let everyone make their own choice about what kind of content they want to interact with, we will be okay. 
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