#an hour late but still!
allfortzu · 1 year
hold my hand, i'll never let go of it
-- dahyun / tzuyu. 703, fluff. MEN DNI.
like tzuyu to dahyun, and dahyun to tzuyu.
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“where are we going?” dahyun asks.
tzuyu grins. she interlocks their fingers, and dahyun falls into step beside her. 
dahyun’s hands are soft and gentle, and they fit with tzuyu’s perfectly in a way that makes her never want to let go. 
“you’ll see.” 
their hands don’t sway, because dahyun naturally presses herself close to tzuyu, until her head is on her shoulder, and there is infinitesimal space between them. they lean against one another – tzuyu’s cheek on dahyun, dahyun’s cheek on her. 
“close your eyes, hyunnie.” 
she can’t see, but she trusts that dahyun’s listening.  
dahyun definitely peeks, because she feels soft chuckles reverberating when they reach the spot, and it spreads all throughout tzuyu’s being.
“a picnic?” dahyun giggles. 
tzuyu doesn’t even care that dahyun’s peeked, she’s too excited herself. “birthday picnic.”
dahyun giggles again, all giddy and silly and uncontrollable. her eyes crinkle into crescents, smile wide and pretty, teeth showing. tzuyu loves nothing more. 
dahyun unwinds herself from tzuyu’s arm, skipping over as tzuyu trails behind. the white and blue mat, the picnic basket bought exclusively for the occasion, the daisies and forget-me-nots scattered around, hand picked from tzuyu’s garden. 
“you didn’t have to do this,” dahyun pouts, recognising the wildflowers. 
“but i wanted to.” tzuyu smiles, and she moves to join dahyun in the middle of the blanket. 
dahyun holds her hand out to help her over the flowers. 
she looks ethereal in the evening light, tzuyu realises, a soft glow around the edges that makes everything else fade away in tzuyu’s mind. when their palms meet, dahyun’s fingers envelop hers, safe and certain, and tzuyu thinks she understands why the earth orbits the sun now; why the waves are enthralled by the moon even if they know they'll never touch. 
they lay out the spread of food, but tzuyu spends most of her time watching. 
dahyun gasps and gapes at anything that looks homemade, and squeals at her favourites. her brows furrow when she’s particularly touched and she takes pictures of everything, all her emotions written on her face because that’s just how she is. tzuyu is completely captivated. 
they don’t end up finishing all the food, but the point was never to eat anyways, so tzuyu isn’t fazed. she laces her fingers through dahyun’s carefully, like they’re two shy schoolgirls all over again, smitten by each other but afraid to admit it. they’re far from that now, but being in public makes her cautious. 
dahyun doesn’t seem to mind, though. 
she moves the picnic basket away from between them and throws her legs over tzuyu’s, finding a place in tzuyu’s lap.
tzuyu encircles an arm around her waist and brings her close, the caution from before waning as she nuzzles into the nape of dahyun’s neck and comfort engulfs her in smells of everything that reminds tzuyu of home. dahyun peppers butterfly kisses on the crown of her head, and tzuyu dissolves into a puddle of pure affection that has her sinking endlessly into dahyun’s embrace. she hums when dahyun strokes her hair, the familiar touch sending a numbing warmth down through to her veins, and relieving itself in a sigh. 
“i love you so much,” tzuyu mutters, letting her eyes fall close. “i don’t think i say it enough –
i love… i love your smile, and the way you make me laugh. and how you hold me like this, and try new things with me, and go new places with me,” she takes another deep breath. “and you’re so patient with me, and soft and gentle. and i don’t know if i tell you all of these enough, but i think about you all the time.”
dahyun tightens her hug, and everything quietens in tzuyu’s ears – the sound of the sea smothers, and her thoughts dampen – but she’s always attuned to dahyun’s voice. 
“you don’t have to say it out loud. i feel it everyday,” dahyun whispers, lips pressed close to tzuyu’s temple. “and i love you, too. you know that, right?"
this is the centre of her universe, and she follows unceasingly. 
i know.
like the earth to the sun, and the waves to the moon. 
like tzuyu to dahyun, and dahyun to tzuyu. 
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happy birthday to dahyun, the only woman ever 🫶
thank you for reading! interactions appreciated <3
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anothersuperstition · 3 months
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will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4.5: Morning Period.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
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umbrvx · 4 months
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[ @orvwomenweek ] lsk + family, regrets || day 5
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intertexts · 3 months
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what did u expect from me!
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egg-baby-official · 5 months
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Happy valentines day from rinku! >:)
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cozylittleartblog · 2 days
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chat imma be honest that project diva PC release has had lasting consequences ,
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feelo-fick · 8 days
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more misc au art... (the last two are unrelated but shh)
GAAAHHHH i promise ive got actual stuff cooking im just scared to post it/motivation to finish art Hard :"D clutching my head... always forever 24/7 thinking about them...
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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hongluboobs · 14 days
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Twitter really liked this one so u guys get it too (with additional context from Twitter in the frame
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courfee · 1 year
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oh, your love is sunlight
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martyryo · 4 months
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his biggest sin was having blue hair and pronouns.
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
You text your f/o “can we fuck tonight?” What are they doing/replying?
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
It all started a week ago. Steve had come along to The Hideout, decked in his darkest polo shirt. It was the first gig he'd come to since him and Eddie had officially- as Robin put it- 'got their shit together'.
Steve had met the band plenty of times already, and while they'd been pretty standoffish at first, he liked to think he got along with them pretty well. Jeff actually shared a similar taste in music (even admitting to liking ABBA because it reminded him of his mother) and he'd known enough about Star Wars and a mix of Dustin's interests to win over Seth. It was harder to read Gareth, but Steve had assumed they were at least acquaintances.
That was until Steve had walked up to the bar where Gareth was talking to some girl, and then Gareth had said the meanest thing imaginable.
"He's my buddy's boyfriend."
Eddie hadn't seen what the big deal was. But Steve understood the importance of befriending your partner's best friend.
Well, back in high school, Steve had never really bothered with his girlfriend's friends. He'd focused on putting in effort with the girls he found attractive, wooing them with flowers and gifts. The girls who he wanted to like him did, he didn't really care how much the other girls didn't. The only job the best friend really had in his mind was picking up the pieces after he left those girls in the dust.
That was all before Nancy, of course. She'd been so adamant about him making an impression on Barb, so he'd tried. He invited her to parties, kept Carol and Tommy off her back, even tried to back her up once or twice when Barb and Nancy were bickering.
And it worked out... kind of. Barb had still rolled her eyes whenever Steve opened his mouth, but she was also the one who pulled him aside and saved him a whole lot of embarrassment and heartache.
"I'm telling you this because I would want to know, and because I guess you're not the worst person in the world. Nancy has been hanging out with Jonathan a lot lately... I just think maybe you should pay a bit more attention to it."
But besides him and Nancy as a couple not working out, he'd realised how important being on good terms with the person you're dating's friends is to being a good boyfriend. Which is why it was integral that he became proper friends with Eddie's best friend.
"What are you wearing?"
Steve had just walked into the Munson trailer. He'd spent nearly an hour trying to perfect his hair, so he's mildly offended that his outfit is the first thing his boyfriend noticed. Steve glanced down at his shirt with the huge Green Day logo printed onto it. He wasn't sure why Eddie looked so appalled, it wasn't dirty or anything.
"Oh, Gareth let me borrow it. Cute right?" Eddie's nose scrunched up even further, full on glaring at the offensive item.
"I can't let you into my room with that shirt on."
"Well hopefully once we get to your room neither of us will have our shirts on" Steve chuckled, leaning in for a kiss but Eddie turned his head.
"I'm serious, big boy. The polos and tight jeans, you're whole hot preppy look actually, that all really does it for me and you know it. But this?" He pulled at the fabric of the shirt. "This is the one piece of clothing I never want to see you in."
Steve scoffed. Eddie pushed him gently away with a shake of his head.
"I'm turning off the benefits."
"What benefits?"
"The sex benefits, no more sex until you admit you're not a Green Day fan and we burn that shirt."
"Eddie this is my in with Gareth! He's finally starting to warm up to me." Steve whined. "Besides, you can't just, like, turn off us having sex!"
"Oh yes I can. All I have to do is think about you in this abominable outfit and my boner just-" He whistles, imitating his finger deflating. Steve pouted. He knew rationally he could just give Gareth back the shirt, but that would mean embarrassingly admitting he didn't like Green Day to Gareth and then trying to find another in with him.
So no, Eddie was just being unreasonable.
Anyway, he was totally bluffing about the sex. Steve hoped.
"It's been five days Robin! I mean, we haven't gone that long without having sex since.. since we started having sex!" Steve cried, following the woman around as she restocked the shelves. Even though he couldn't see her face he could tell she was rolling her eyes.
It was a serious situation though, at least in Steve's opinion. He and Eddie hung out all the time, and while he obviously enjoyed doing other things with his boyfriend, he wished the other man would at least have the decency to not be so sexy while performing daily tasks. Steve had been this close to jumping him in the frozen food section of the grocery store yesterday.
And he knew he wasn't the only desperate one, Eddie was suffering too. Obviously he'd assumed Steve would cave after a day, because he'd been all jumpy and grouchy for nearly a week. And he kept making that face that Steve recognised all too well whenever Steve did anything even slightly suggestive. Like when he'd bent down to put his laundry in the dryer, and when he turned back around Eddie was beet red and avoiding eye contact.
"Have you tried breaking out the old Harrington seduction techniques yet?" Robin shrugged, obviously not bothered by the fact her best friend was on the verge of death due to lack-of-sex-with-his-really-hot-boyfriend disease.
The thing was, he had tried his old methods. He tried wearing tighter shirts, that strained around his arms and showed off his midriff (but always making sure he was wearing some kind of Green Day memorabilia, because damn him if he wasn't going to be right about this). He'd invited Eddie along to his and Lucas' basketball game. He even tried straight up begging, knowing how much that usually gets Eddie worked up.
And nothing!
Although, there was still one move he hadn't tried yet...
"You want to what?" Eddie shot him an incredulous look.
"Help you study, of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you with your problems? Besides I have this really neat method to help you revise." Steve let himself into the trailer and Eddie's room. He wasn't wearing a Green Day shirt today, but he did have a wristband, something he knew Eddie had spotted already as he walked into the room with his arms crossed.
"Right. And what method would this be?"
"Every time you get an answer right, I take off a item of clothing, and vice versa." Steve plopped himself down on the unmade bed, which he'd missed dearly. Eddie hadn't even let them take naps together in his room, insisting 'spooning almost always leads to sex with you'.
Eddie considered his offer carefully, before nodding with a shit eating grin. Steve cheered internally.
"Great!" Steve smiled before adding "Your rings all count as one item by the way." He tried not to look too smug at the way Eddie's confident grin faltered.
The game reached its boiling point very quick. Eddie had known more about Geography then Steve had expected, which reflected in the fact he only had his boxers and one sock left on. Eddie, however, wasn't doing too much better, sat in only his jeans (and Steve suspected no underwear underneath).
He's not sure who kissed who first, but suddenly Steve was pressed against the mattress, Eddie's thigh between his legs. Excitement coursed through him, his body so receptive to Eddie's touch after so long he wasn't even embarrassed at the noises he was letting out. His hips bucked up, causing Eddie to groan into his mouth.
"So the Green Day thing?" Eddie mumbled between kisses down Steve's neck. The noise Steve made was loud and high pitched, almost drowning out the man's next words. "It's over then?"
Steve paused, the hand that had been trailing down his boyfriend's chest pushed firmly against him as he pulled away.
"Over because you've let it go, right?" He mumbled. Eddie pulled back, his lips red and glossy.
"No, over because you let it go?" Steve huffed, sitting up and pulling his clothes back on. He tugged his jeans on in annoyance, storming out of the bedroom.
"You know what, I'm turning off the benefits now! No sex until you admit Green Day are better than... than Dio!" Steve yelled. He was irritated and extremely worked up but he was also incredibly stubborn. He heard a squawk of protest from behind him as he made his way outside.
"That wasn't even the rule!" Eddie called out, but Steve ignored him. He was not loosing this fight.
Listen, Metal music was fine, Steve endured listening to it with Eddie like he endured watching sports games with Steve. He was content in the knowledge that not loving every single one of each other's interest didn't mean they didn't love each other.
Punk was fine too, it still wasn't Steve's thing really, but it was okay and while Steve couldn't tell the difference, according to Gareth there was one. A huge one, if the way he'd been ranting about it for the past hour was anything to go by.
But between fighting with his boyfriend (because it was a genuine fight at this point), not having any sex for nearly two weeks, and being stuck listening to someone talk about something you have no interest in for hours, Steve couldn't take it anymore.
"I don't like punk music! I listen to Queen and Cyndi Lauper and sometimes Madonna and happy music that I can dance to without thinking about America's political landscape!" He blurted out. Gareth stopped his rambling about how Rob Harper was a better drummer than Pete Something, flashing Steve a confused expression.
"Then why were you pretending to?" He asked.
"I... I just didn't want you to just see me as 'Eddie's boyfriend'. I wanted to be your friend and Jeff told me you like punk music so I brought it up and..."
"Look, you are Eddie's boyfriend. Yeah, you're an okay dude, but I can acknowledge that without us having to do the whole friendship thing too, you know?" Gareth shrugged. Steve deflated.
"Right." He said, quickly making an excuse and leaving. Gareth shrugged off the weird feeling the guy's sad puppy dog eyed had given him, grabbing Steve's fries.
He felt kind of embarrassed that he'd been talking for ages with someone who didn't even care. He supposed it was nice of Steve to make the effort, Gareth wasn't aware he'd been trying so hard honestly. Jeff and Seth had warmed up to him pretty quickly but he thought that was just because they were just softies that were no immune to the 'Harrington Charm'.
"Steve?!" A loud yell startled him out of his thoughts.
Eddie stormed into the bar, wearing- holy shit, Gareth felt like he must have hit his head and started hallucinating. This day had taken such a weird turn, because there Eddie Munson stood before him decked out in a 'I heart Green Day' shirt. He also looked like it was taking every ounce of self control not to rip it off his body like it burned.
"Finally come around on the punk scene, Munson?" Gareth chortled. Eddie threw a fry at his face.
"Shut your trap, I need to find Steve before one of the gremlins sees me in this, they're too impressionable." He muttered, taking a seat as he looked around the bar.
"If this is a Steve thing you can stop anyway man, he admitted he doesn't really like them that much. It's kind of weird I mean, who lies about being into something to get someone to like them?"
"Dude, I spent the whole summer eating ice cream as a lactose intolerant person because Steve worked at Scoops Ahoy. He was just trying to find something for you to be friends about." Eddie shot him an unimpressed look, which Gareth thought was a bit high-and-mighty considering he just admitted to basically poisoning himself on a weekly basis for a guy he'd thought was straight at the time.
"Why exactly?"
"I don't know, Steve likes being close to people? He's basically besties with his ex girlfriend, man. Why are you so adamant he can't be yours?" Gareth considered this.
He remembered when Eddie had first told the band he was dating Steve Harrington. They'd all thought he was kidding, but there he was at their next rehearsal, cheering them on and spending his breaks holding Eddie's hand.
Gareth thought maybe it was a joke to Steve. Messing with the guy who likes men by making him think he has a shot with the former prom king. He thought it would end with Eddie in tears, and that had probably made him a bit more defensive than he needed to be. Maybe there was a small part of him, no matter how great Steve seemed, that still believed the guy was setting his best friend up for heartbreak.
"Look, I get that you might have reservations about him. But all I'm saying is- and I've got about a dozen preschoolers and multiple full grown adults that would back me up- Steve Harrington is a pretty great friend to have. So if he offers you friendship, you should take it." Eddie snatched a handful of fries as he got up, leaving Gareth alone at the bar.
Steve was half way out the door, wearing nothing but Eddie's Dio vest and grey sweatpants when he saw Eddie. He was standing in front of him, eyeing Steve like a starved man presented with a stake. Steve guessed he probably had a similar look, smiling at the Green Day shirt the man was wearing.
"Oh my god take your pants off." Eddie basically growled, slamming the front door to Steve's house shut as he stalked towards him. He pulled Steve into a ferocious kiss, hands quickly travelling down to his ass.
"Leave the shirt on." Steve gasped out. Eddie let out a muffled groan into his neck. They ran to the bedroom, loosing the vest and both of their pants on the way.
"Steve? You home, man?" Gareth heard a loud noise inside, followed by hopping, then Steve opened the door slightly. He was sweaty and shirtless, and his hair was a mess. He'd probably just been working out or whatever jocks did in their spare time.
"Listen, I'm sorry about what I said at the bar. You're a cool guy, I'd like for us to be friends, really. I even thought of something we could bond over; haircare. I've actually been meaning to ask you for some tips anyway." He admitted. Steve beamed, Gareth was almost scared the incredibly sweaty man was about to pull him into a hug. He didn't, he just kept smiling.
"That's real nice for you two, maybe next he'll ask you to prom!" Eddie's voice rang out from somewhere behind the door. Steve flushed a little and hushed him. Gareth was kind of confused as to why Eddie voice sounded so coarse and breathless, he didn't think Eddie had ever voluntarily exercised in his life.
"I would really like that, Gareth. I'll tell you everything you need to know, come by anytime. Except right now." He smiled again before slamming the door. Gareth heard more noises inside, wondering what the fuck they were up to until he heard a loud moan. Oh God, Gareth started running.
Still, he couldn't help but smile. It was always nice to make more friends.
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egophiliac · 1 year
My friends and I have started calling you the irl version of Lilia and we wished to know if you can cook because we are worried for the home if you cannot
(This is a light hearted joke)
I can (more or less) follow a recipe, which gives me the advantage! >:D ...although it is true then when left to my own devices I default to "dump in a bunch of random spices and see what happens". I...I just really like cayenne and turmeric okay --
other than that (and all the other many things that are different about us) Lilia and I are, y'know, basically identical.
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faarkas · 2 years
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